“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Soccer, Spring and Scary New Releases

What a beautiful Michigan spring day – Yes, I said spring. It is funny because we had some snow just a few days ago. Today was spent pulling stuff out that was packed away for winter. We got the patio back in order, new garden lights, raking, burning and just getting things started. The yard is a tad rough after all the building of the office that started in the fall. There was a lot of dirt moved and so the “yard” needs to have new grass seed put down. It was a long hard winter on “Red” our redwood tree but I think he is gonna make it. The dogs have just loved these days outside and are now fast asleep. I know I usually write this blog in the morning but today I had to adjust. Tomorrow is our first soccer match with the men’s league I play in. I know some people like soccer and others do not but if staying in shape is your goal soccer will do just that. I will be a tad sore next week for sure. We play until Oct and what I love is that my team just wants me there to play defense. And if I’m not off shooting I am. So cheers to my mates tomorrow we battle. Okay to the topic of films.

“Realizism” premiere was great and I think that footage and the comedic character I play will help widen the roles I get. I’m told that I’m humorous but most of my film roles are extremely serious. I enjoy all kinds of roles so I’m excited to use this footage.

I signed LOI’s (Letters of interest/intent) on two films to shoot this year. I mentioned one recently in a press release and that is working with “Locked in a Room” director Larry Simmons again. The other should announce this week and once they do I will promote more. It is a biopic type film about a famous person that I really admire. I’m excited to be part of this film. A tease I know – but patience:)

“Darkest Night” the Philippine horror film is pre-selling on Amazon now and I’m very excited to have audiences see this film. I do play a clean-cut fellow in it which is nice. I think this will be a unique film and horror fans will truly enjoy it. I worked/sweated my ass of to make this film. I had great co-stars and a crew that kept me smiling.



The follow-up film “The Beast”, that I’m doing with Russ Williams has attached a director. I think they are going to announce that this week so I will let them announce first. I’m looking forward to working with my co-stars which so far include Jessica Cameron and Gabrielle Stone. Gabrielle is in Novi tonight at Motorcity Nightmares a horror con. I also heard my “Benjamin” co-star James Russo is there. I thought of heading to a VIP party tonight but here I sit. After a hot shower and some food I got into my pajamas and…

I will have my day of visiting more of these conventions and meet more with the fans – which I so appreciate. I guess I’m a touch low-key these days but my fans know that on-screen I give everything I have for them to help tell the story. I wasn’t scheduled to appear so I’m going to finish chatting with you fine folks and relax before our first soccer game. I hope my friends enjoy their stay in the Michigan.

Next week it is back to work on post work for “Donors,” “Ashes of Eden” (Some great footage coming from edit) and the “Supermodel Showdown” TV series. I also spent some time last week putting together my master resume as Actor, Producer and Writer for a management company. I was contacted and this opportunity was presented so I’m going to take a look at it. I like what I’ve seen so far and I would be joining a great group of talented folks. I will see where this journey takes me.

I wish you all the best as you conclude your weekend.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other.


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