“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “2nd place

Happy Mother’s Day – May CDI Updates


Happy Mother’s Day to all the nurturing ladies out there. It is a slightly chilly Sunday coming off several wet days here in Michigan. The lawn needs a second mowing and I still have to till the garden ground.


This past week has included lots of development work on LOST HEART our next film. We have the last three units to assign before we move into full pre-production. We’ve had several talks and I think the last three will get claimed soon. It also helps that we will be dispersing money back to previous investors. For me, once we lock up the business we can focus on the creative. I had some schedule discussions this week with our 1st AD. It looks like we will shoot July 16-Aug 1st in N. Michigan. In about 2 weeks (or sooner) we’ll start bringing on cast and crew. The bank account is open and I’m awaiting the check book. Once we green light to pre-production the ball will really start rolling. We’ll also be announcing some of the great companies and businesses supporting us with sponsorship. It will be an exciting week ahead for LOST HEART.

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We have also had some development discussions on KNIGHT CHILLS 2 which has been in talks for a while. This would be a collaboration and I’ve been working to set up the distribution aspects of the film.

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Original KNIGHT CHILLS poster – “Scream” style.

THE QUEST TRILOGY – The entire 3 film series in out on Amazon Prime. You all can now watch all three back to back. FORTY NIGHTS. CHASING THE STAR. THE CHRIST SLAYER. Please do enjoy this extended biblical adventure. I’ve said before that the style was influenced by the Star Wars original trilogy. I look forward to hearing from more of you that have seen all three. They do stand alone but create a greater picture when all three are viewed. Congrats to part 3 THE CHRIST SLAYER for taking 2nd place BEST FILM at the International Christian Film Festival in Orlando, FL.

  • I have several sources talking to me about a new series of biblical adventures. We will see what the future holds.


WILD FAITH is now out on Amazon and other platforms for digital purchase. In June we’ll see digital rental and July will be the DVD release. Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Family Video and several outlets will be carrying this fine film.

  • Again talks are happening about the possible TV series

DJ Perry & Bobby Henline

MBF: Man’s Best Friend is finishing up color correction and sound design. A work-in-progress link was sent to the theatrical company for evaluation. I was watching the film now with all the dialog balanced and it is really engaging to watch. Music will be starting soon and we’ll also begin working the new full trailer.


This week I’ll continue my conversations with the possible agent for literary and talent. I’ve also had a few independent script writing opportunities arise. I will be exploring that. I’ve been pulling together my materials both as a writer and as talent. I’ve enjoyed the response from all of you to mountain man Ben Lily and of course ole J.C. from THE CHRIST SLAYER. I’m looking forward to making a deal so that some of my future negotiations concerning acting and script can be handled by a 3rd party.

I’m asking my readers here to take a watch and leave a review. You can comment here as well. I’m going to wrap things up here. Eat a little something and we’re taking the mother’s to the zoo today. I look forward to a fun day of family stuff before back at it tomorrow. I have to work on writing out checks and dispersing to our backers. I really do love writing checks. To our artists, our backers – it always feels good. Again I don’t think I’ve ever been able to pay an artist their true worth but we do compensate and create.

Keep plugging along and we’ll chat again next week.




Awards, Screenings and Preparing to Sail (film) Again Soon…

Good morning my friends. I’m sipping the sweet hazelnut coffee on a sunny morning here in Michigan. Once again I want to welcome our new readers from Spain, Ireland and France along with our international friends already following along. What an amazing week of developments on so many fronts. Let’s start with the ongoing success of THE QUEST TRILOGY. Part 1 “Forty Nights” continues to grow an audience on Amazon Prime and other fine platforms. If you still love DVD’s like I do you can also but on Amazon. The second film in the trilogy “Chasing the Star” just played the ICFF (Essentially the Christian Oscars) and from 5 nominations we WON ‘Most Inspirational’ film. This is my favorite award because it speaks to the hard work of everyone involved and we did what any storyteller can hope for – inspire people. Both of these films are so worth a watch and the part 3 “The Christ Slayer” will release in theaters during the holidays this year and will release wide on home video Easter 2019. Look for us to release the theatrical trailer in June of this year. Congrats to our entire cast and crew of CHASING THE STAR!


WON ‘Most Inspirational’ Film at ICFF following last year’s win with “Forty Nights”

With four nominations “Wild Faith” was in competition and WON for Best Leading Actress – Ms Lauren LaStrada and also WON 2nd place “Runner up” for Best Film. Now I know what Ricky Bobby would say but we’re very happy to accept the second place spot. But this horse (Kentucky Derby references) is still running hard. We have play dates right around the corner.


And we will not stop there. We’ve got many venues we’re still in discussions with. But I wanted to thank ICFF for their acknowledgement of our hard work on both films. We’re also in serious home video discussions on “Wild Faith” and I should have home video release dates in a week or two. But if you have friends in Holland or Grand Haven, MI or in Gibsonton, FL make it a point to see this fine story on the big screen.


Let’s talk “MBF” or Man’s Best Friend, our next film. We’ve almost finalized the cast (waiting on the last few offers to close) and we’ve started work on hotels, flights and such. Have some patience as we start getting the cast and crew agreements in place. I’m beyond excited at the talent we’ve got attached. The script has drawn great praise and personally I’m almost where I want to be with the character I’ll play. I’ve been immersed in the role and I’m excited by the various exchanges I’ll have with some other very talented actors and actresses. I’m even more excited by the positive light we can shine with our collective storytelling.

In my casting discussions on the west coast I’ve identified a few other notable talents to work into the tribal fold. CDI will be entering into a production deal to help us create more often with less down time. The idea of a TV series or sequel to “Wild Faith” is a real possibility on the table. I’m sincerely thrilled to be where we’re at as a production group. Those in our crew circle should soon be able to enjoy some consistent work on projects that steadily get larger in scope. It’s all team building and we’re starting to get there.


I’m about to go throw the first mowing of the year on the yard. I love the zen of the back yard and watching birds, squirrels and other beautiful wildlife gives me daily peace.  The garden will get tilled this week since right now only weeds are growing. I have another soccer match today. Last week we fought to a 4-4 tie in a great battle. We’ll see how today plays out but I’ll be ready to attack the week. In a few short weeks we’ll be on set storytelling again.

Be good to one another.