“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “script


(Springtime is arriving!)

My coffee cheers on a sunny yet still a tad chilly Sunday! I want to again welcome all of you here to sit a spell and discuss life, art and everything in between. It has been a very full week but one that I found to be very productive. I welcome some of our new readers from Germany, Canada and Iraq. The last being a great land of art and traditions. Every land has its storytellers. If you are one of them preserving stories and helping humanity to think of the greater good and our interlinking web of life, kudos. Mother Nature was at it this past week with storms and even an earthquake on the US East Coast. I feel for the Asian quake that caused immense damage and recovery efforts are still ongoing. We have to try and live in harmony with nature because that is the only way. I recall an old saying “He who goes against the way meets an early end.” That is why in all business we should factor in the safety of our air, water and food supply as it extends and effects us all. Transitioning into new energy will take time and not be perfect but the striving must continue. I live in a place cold for a good part of the year and I don’t want an electric car that will have issues charging and keeping a charge but that doesn’t mean to stop pushing. I think once energy is easily made and utilized at low/no cost to customers it will free up money to be spent and gathered in other ways by companies. Imagine if cars just ran and gas was not required because the cars were powered by the magnetic field around the earth. Houses had multiple year generators that ran everything. Roads that gather kinetic energy are in the works. I am curious to see where technology takes us in the coming decades. We’ve talked about AI on here and I think for another 10 years it will be a great tool for the arts. After that will it replace many spheres are art? I don’t know. People already enjoy animation since Walt Disney and others starting animating pictures. Billions have falling in love with characters created around human performance voices. The day may come where it is all created and we’ll just have to bravely see what that world is. In the meantime, we’ll continue to tell our stories. Let’s look and discuss some of those updates.

(Producing up some updates at CDI)


  1. The audience for SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is going strong and soon it will be releasing to UP FAMILY & FAITH TV in a month or two. We’re setting up a few interviews and stories to help widen the awareness of this powerful film. I was happy to hear that Randy Couture (Former UFC Champ) whom was involved with our doc film FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH really enjoyed it. He too was unaware that we had German PW’s here in the midwest during WW2. If you haven’t seen SNIA or the doc for that matter please do so. Just google either of them up and take a watch.
  2. Harsens Island Revenge is now in post-production and we’re about to watch the 2nd edit of the film. It will have the new pick up footage inserted and have the film tightened down around the voice over. We are close to a picture lock which is what we do before starting music, VFX and sound design. The VFX meeting happened last week and there is 61 VFX shots to be included in the film. We are all excited to see this project move to the next step.
  3. The Making of Harsens Island Revenge– This first peek into what went into the making of the project and some first seen footage is done. The CDI logo is being put on the front and the plan is to release that tomorrow. This was done by Adam Towner who worked as cast and crew on the film and he captures the joy of filmmaking. Stay TUNED! Next up will be work on a theatrical poster and a trailer.
  4. KNIGHT CHILLS was CDI’s first film and was released last Oct on Blu Ray and soon we’ll be licensing it out to several select platforms for streaming. A new trailer is going to be cut and a new poster is in the works. It is fun to return to where it all began. We might take the newly remastered film and see how it does when uprezed to a full 4k.
  5. AN ORDINARY KILLER was a superb movie when we shot it in like 2001 and released in I believe in 2003. We just passed the 20 year anniversary of the release and the film. At its peek it played on ABC and was the longest cold case file solved after 28 years, solved by DNA. The case has new interest with new facts coming to light. It was recently featured on a UK TV show with writer and co-director Anthony Hornus interviewed. And even more recently the film’s subject matter is the topic of several podcasts by Two Average Joes. A special presentation of the making of will be released with the podcast this week and we’ll be sure to alert you. The film’s lead detective played by yours truly is an ex Vietnam veteran. That also plays into the story and this led to a great idea for the film. A great military non-profit The Red, White and Blue Project has helped many military families with projects like OUTSIDE THE WIRE, The Forgotten Children of Afghanistan and STANDING POST. Now AN ORDINARY KILLER is going to be part of a series of donation driven screenings. This will give a second life to the film to be seen once again and also help many good military folks in need. The investor who has since passed away, will have his son be the spokesperson to gift the non-profit donations to the causes and individuals chosen. It is a beautiful way to give a second life to an old CDI film that has just been sitting on the shelf so to speak. I will say that the film has undergone an uprez to HD 4k and looks just incredible. It looks like it could have been shot last week and the performances and product values show that CDI has been doing quality work for sometime.
  6. HOT ROD LOVE – This fun and meaningful story showcases a time in the 70’s when women were thought to be unable to handle/drive drag racing cars. This was proven to be inaccurate and our story showcases that period of time. We had new steps this past week on securing our funding and might be able to finish it up in a couple of weeks with a little hardworking. Pepsi is again onboard as a sponsor and we’ve got some great retro and tie in marketing planned. I’m looking forward to a location scout late this month or early next month.
  7. WILD FAITH Hastings, GOTCH, SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE are all in development with moving pieces. Also a new untitled project is being packaged for submission to an interested funding source and if we get the green light on that I’ll be very happy. It is a great acting piece for all involved! We have some amazing stories ahead for our fans worldwide. For those developing projects you MUST do something everyday to advance your development. Many sit by the phone waiting for someone to ring with their interest. While that does happen on occasion it is usually off the success of something prior. Artwork. Proof of Concept. Great script. Network. It all is required and some quit when success is right around the corner.
  8. LITERARY CDI projects are also about to launch. Several bound scripts and making of’s and also novelizations. I had a good meeting over that on Friday and we’ll be launch into some of those soon. Once I’ve inked that deal we will give you a better idea of what projects. What scripts would you like packaged with other production info? The Quest Trilogy book will be one of them I can assure you.
  9. CDI MUSIC VIDEOS/Commercial – we’ve done a few and have another due out this month. I will await for the band management to announce and release. But once it’s done we’ll be sure you all get to see it. We have two more music videos planned ahead of us and a couple of pilot shows for a different endeavor.
  10. I’ve got the next book in Ronnie Lee’s book/audio book series FOR GENERATIONS TO COME (Google it up) to narrate this month. If it wasn’t for all the heavy construction in the nearby park I might have already finished it.
  11. I’ve got my new acting agent looking over some photos that GW Burns snapped off on our recent pick up shoot. Once they pick their choice ones that put my face up there for you to consider me so I can consider you and if we all consider it a good fit- we might collaborate on something.
  12. This week I’ve got some meetings, banking, birthday parties, studio previews, dentist and a short trip out-of-state. The trip is to support my amigo Shane Hagedorn as his plus one at a charity screening of his new western WAS ONCE A HERO. I will get to see some old friends Darby Hinton, Rebecca Holden and some past acquaintances like Dan Searles, John Carter Cash and Robert Carradine. This week is also the kick off party for the CCFF in my town. It is at the RE Olds Museum and I want to attend but it is the night before we depart out of state. I might take the time instead to pack and spend time at home before an early start the next day. I might try to do a short visit to give my support. They do a great job so if you like movies look to attend!

(I look forward to soon being able to work from the patio)

I’ve had my eggs and ham from our chickens and 4H pig. Yes we’re part time farmers over here. Okay not really but we do try to stay away from processed foods and stay natural. I was building a trellis for the raspberry plants yesterday but it was still a tad chilly. I might go do a few things outside today but I’ll still need to build a fire in the wood stove. I’m sure I missed a few updates as my weeks stay crazy busy but that is enough for you to chew on. I am enjoying seeing the trees start to bud and colorful flowers bursting forth. Almost mushroom season too. I went with a buddy to a farm market and bought some mushroom jerky which I still have yet to try. I hope you all have a safe week. Don’t look right at the eclipse. Organize your dream TO DO’s and give your best efforts this week. I might be doing a video update next week from the premiere event or on the nine hour trip home. I will arrive home just in time to attend a family gathering next Sunday. So I have again a very full week but I’m sure it will open many new doors. Thank you all for stopping by (Coffee Cheers) I’ll stop in next week to say hello and give you any new updates.

Be good to one another!


Producing is NEVER Easy, Acting UPDATES and COMMUNICATION as a KEY

(Just some of the CDI Tribe working on Harsens Island Revenge)

Good morning my friends. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and getting a later start due to ‘springing forward’ here in the USA. I’m not sure if they do that everywhere but some like it and others do not. I’m pretty indifferent to it all. I was pretty exhausted at the end of my week from grinding the mental gears. I think the added cold front coming in gave my sinuses a bit of a run but hot tea kept all that at a minimum. Many times you get only the highlights in my blog that show the final outcome. Meaning we did this or that but you don’t always get the in-between or the struggle to get that particular thing done. I’ve been grinding my gears trying to align many things for what we be an added 10-20 seconds in one scene that includes close ups in a period bi-plane with a beautiful wood cockpit that may or may not play on camera. As our Harsens Island Revenge script is written there is a WW1 opening to show Frankie’s (Our lead character) role in WW1 and how it shaped him. A 2-3 min sequence that also makes a statement about war and that war in particular.

(Again just some of CDI Tribe working towards the ‘Silent Night in Algona’ release)

To have the luxury to kill from afar keeps ones morality at a distance but having to kill up close is a different matter. Much like the dark ages where men killed each other up close with arrow, sword, axes and spears the dreaded WW1 was one that still used horses being fazed out by tanks slowly. Also many battles ended in sewage-filled trenches fighting with bayonets and trench knives. That is the horror that sticks with many of those soldiers. To be that close and see the immediate results of ones actions whereas you see the enemies lights go out. I think as they die a piece of the killer dies. A connection of sorts. I’ve been working for weeks to try and first get the location set up and the particulars around it. Add the players which have been hard to get. Not the leads but the ever-important extras who need to be equipped properly. WW1 has been the hardest to find on a budget, all the time periods to date. The best thing which we’ve done in the past is to hire passionate folks who reenact and put together their own kit. Our luck on that and the communication with those connected has been difficult. Add that we are up against a ticking clock to use the military base we had chosen. Why? Ten days prior all members have to be cleared and we are down to days to submit info on folks we have yet to find. Finding the folks alone isn’t hard but having them period dressed and equipped is and so this week we’ll decide if 1) We keep our shoot at the Alpena base 2) We reset the shoot elsewhere likely closer to mid MI giving us an extra week to find the gear and extras. 3) Kill the opening or strip it down to our just lead in WW1 having a slew of fast memories that brings us to the present 1920’s.

(On Set- Harsens Island Revenge)

It can truly be insanity at times and even with the best planning things fall apart or change. And this is all being done on a very tight remaining budget that is precious money that could be used to help launch the theatrical run after the film is complete. Now the film as it starts now is great and kicks off with some action so maybe we are good. Our composer at the first watch loves how it opens. AND we are trying to trim runtime but our proposed efforts is adding runtime. I think you are all getting the gist from my little peek into everything that goes into producing up this films. This is 3+minutes and we produced up 2hrs+ already. So when you see a bullet point of mine on here every week please do not assume any of it was easy. It is not. It gets done because of the talented people involved. People who care about the story. I don’t like to lose and I had to realize that we are in a WIN/WIN situation because the film is already great. We are trying to add sprinkles onto the top. The cake is going to taste great sprinkles or no sprinkles. And the audience will never know that sprinkles were an option.

(Boats that are 100 years old now)

After 2 hours+ of grinding my gears yesterday on something that wasn’t going to reveal itself, I had to just let go awhile. Maybe it is what makes me good at what I do? But yesterday I had to go and just organize in the office for a couple hours. I’ve got many things in motion for the CDI company and the more organized I am the more gets accomplished. Some music. Some organizing. Some chill tea and I regained my balance. Today I have a few conversations and by Weds of this week we’ll know if we are Alpena bound or if we are taking another direction.

(100 year old+ Planes)

Every direction has pros and cons usually ties to money. But in life just like filmmaking people can get frustrated when things you thought were taken care of, tied up, crossed off – start to unravel or come back at you. When you have to readdress something again in the present it takes from your future. Planning and development stop when you have to fix a crack in the foundation. So this 2-3 minutes has been very trying. It can be made harder but lack of communication. I swear we live in an age with more communication and we have become worse at communicating. People put boundaries on their times they work but that is not what we as successful filmmakers do. Now granted not everything is always as time sensitive as I sometimes feel it is but just knowing that it is on someones radar is satisfying. Message received. 10-4. On my list. I don’t like when people don’t acknowledge receipt of a communication. Even if busy. Let someone know because we live in a world of messages going into SPAM etc… COMMUNICATION. I just finished a great series THE BEAR about running a restaurant and it is all communication. “Yes chef” “Behind you Chef” “Corner” – and in soccer the team that communicates is the team that wins. A team with less talented players who communicate better can beat a team with more talented players if they win the communication game. “You have support” “Square” “Give and go” “Keeper’s ball“….My rant is just because I felt the endeavor unraveling despite hard work. In a project even asking “What can I do?” “What still needs to be done?” these things lead to success. And you have to always keep striving to improve.

(On set Harsens Island Revenge)


So above really is about producing up a film or in the case above just a few pick-up pieces. Actors who only act don’t often concern themselves with all that goes on behind the scenes. I can recall working years ago on one of our westerns in NC and while battling with catering and SAG I’m getting calls about an actor friend not liking their boots. Actors tend to just be concerned with their little focus but producing introduces you to the wide world of what it takes to put on a show. Even crew members only see the presentation and as I’ve said before, it is near impossible to pitch a perfect day. You hope the 95% right buys you grace for the 5% that goes wrong. Thousands of things that go right in a day due to the hard work of a few but cries of anguish if catering does a subpar job on vegan side meal or someones magnetic key deactivates on their hotel room. We take accountability but third party and a tech malfuntion should be covered by earned grace. Those incapable of grace are removed on future projects for their own good. Film shoots are more closely related to war versus vacation even when the places we shoot are beautiful.

(Old Men soccer champions)

So on the actor front my new agent sent me an audition for a pilot TV series. I’m use to reading a full script to absorb the character and roll but this is a few sides. I had this talk out in LA with friends who work often out there. I asked it they request or direct their agent towards shows they like? They said they pretty much read everything so their agent doesn’t drop them. I questioned what if you don’t like the show? The story? The Script? Doesn’t matter apparently to many. I wanted to do this read since it was the first thing my new agent sent over. Also I was going to be forced to do an upload and use the actor’s access portal. A good test. I did my read and damn, pretty good. I guess it should be after all these years. I was successful in my upload. I did get a few good notes on how I could subjectively improve the eye line and questioned would a tripod be better. See how the hee-haw that actors go through is the stressful time consuming parts. Second guessing and stressing and I don’t participate in that. I politely declined and said that what I presented I was comfortable with and if the production quality was not up to par I was find with it not being sent forward. The read was actual well liked and sent forward but after I felt a strange feeling likely opposite other actors. SHIT what if I actually get the role. Will I like the script? What if it does get picked up? I have a film lining up this summer that I know the script is good and the role is great. I have soccer season ahead and I’m looking forward to that. I would have to move a dental cleaning off the pilot shoot. WHOA partner:)

(Acting is still my top passion)

I wanted to start looking at some outside projects but I’ve avoided series in the past. WILD FAITH TV series would be different but maybe even after a season I might not enjoy that. I like finishing something. WRAP always makes me feel accomplished. Well, I just figure I will play the hand. Realistically I might not get the role as they’re many great actors and what folks like is subjective. If I do the pilot it still has to be picked up. This is just a few funny thoughts in my head. I enjoyed the practice of the read and technical upload but not knowing the full script/scope/creative team behind it is another place for me. I do believe just like all my outside projects that I will do what projects I’m meant to do. KARMA in India is where I met Carl Weyant, who just directed Harsens Island Revenge. Eric Colley and Hallie Shepherd and Paul Proios on G.P.S. (Watch on TUBI). So I’m going to just stay open to what is meant to be. I’m just staying good and busy but when away as an actor it is much easier and I’m still able to do producer/writer work.


Speaking of writing I saw that Benedict Fitzgerald writer of The Passion of the Christ passed away. I almost had an opportunity to work with him thanks to a friend Isabella Hirt but I was busy with BEST YEARS GONE. Which I’m happy to report can now be seen free with ads on Youtube’s FREE4ALL which is Twin Engine Global‘s new streaming service for non-family and faith films which is Encourage TV. Staying with the topic of writing I’ve been enjoying doing the polish on a script looking to film next winter. I think the funding is there and it is very unique but will be a lotta fun. It is a period piece and will be a lot of fun for all the actors. My second pass is working the descriptions and dialogs for pacing, flow and proper language. I had some talks this past week again about literary representation having had many produced screenplays now doing quite well in the marketplace. We will see said the wise man.

(A published un-produced script of mine on Amazon)

The literary side is developing nicely with several of the CDI projects publishing script and making of books and novels where it applies. I’ve been discussing the deal and discovering extra pieces and pictures to make these releases special. With the backup RAID now functioning we will be able to move into more theatrical and perhaps soundtracks. I will be looking for the right person to run the CDI merchandise site on commission.

(The actual 1920’s not an easy thing to recreate)

To tie into the above and circle back to Harsens Island Revenge – the making of by Adam Towner is looking great. We got a peek when watching the first cut of Harsens Island Revenge which was just amazing. Boats, planes, cars and buildings all helped to create the 1920’s. The world was brought to life by our artists on both sides of the camera. The performances all around are so strong with our young leads David Reardon and Cassie Dean doing such a wonderful job. It reminded me of some of the epic films of days past but with a modern capture bringing the world out of black and white and into full color.

(Silent Night in Algona – watch it if you have not)

This has all been good for me to just let some of this flow out and put order to my pick up shoot options. I have a few phone calls to make to discuss these options. It will all work out as we have some of the best artists within our creative tribe. I will go boldly into the new week and just deal with the cards we are dealt. I want to end by sending the CDI thoughts out to Anthony Hornus and family who lost his mom this past week after a long illness. For many of us our parents are a strong support system. Last time I spoke with her was at the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA Owosso, MI premiere and she was very proud of her son. We are all proud of Tony too and I’m deeply sorry for his loss. He will always have his TribeCDI with him. I hope everyone has a productive week. Until next time- coffee cheers!


A Sunny ‘Spring-Like Day’ Recap

(Easter is coming as is Springtime)

Good morning! So here in Michigan the weather has been quite the rollercoaster with a porch-sitting warm day followed by a bitter stormy couple days and now we are moving back to the 60’s in February. Yesterday was a multiple mile nature hike at a park called Sleepy Hallow but luckily no headless horseman was enter counter. That was a Washington Irving reference for those not knowing. I want to welcome all the readers from various countries including one I’ve never seen Brunei. I need to research that to find out more about it. Signs of Spring are everywhere from robins to budding plants and trees. I’ll take the shorter winter but I do worry about too much change. But we’ll adapt to it and more on.

The cold days were put to use with a lot of desk work. One of my proud accomplishments was the finishing of a first draft on a new/old script. I had started a script years ago and after doing a short based upon it (Smoke & Mirrors) I deconstructed it and did a page one rewrite. The result is a unique film script that is set in that Victorian time period in the tradition of KNIVES OUT or CLUE. It has a touch of that STEAMPUNK flavor to it as well. This is looking to film next winter season if everything plays out right. I will know more in the coming months. But I was very happy with the draft and now I’m polishing. Adding to the description and working dialog. I’ve been reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories also as an inspiration. It helps me get into the time period, the world and the language. This is all based on some feedback from our distributor and it will make a great little film.

Tax work for the movie’s is almost to a conclusion. Once I get all that paid out it will be moving to prepping for more investor payouts once second quarter is received and processed. We are going to be working to streamline some of that business this year as we are growing and growing. We’ve been steadily working on putting funds in line on our Summer film HOT ROD LOVE. We took another couple steps towards our goal this past week. Still many irons in the fire and folks interested to speak with. We will also be going to look at the track in the coming weeks. I just want to get a little further down the road on funding.

And a bit more development-

Developing film SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE will be announcing its intent this week in PR. We’ve attached Iowa local Jim Brockhohn to work with our team. He’ll be assisting with our funding meetings and locations once we are moving forward. We have a few forthcoming meetings and with the support of some good folks we’ll be telling this story. Staying on the subject of development and Iowa, a script is being polished on the life of Frank Gotch, a turn of the century Catch-Can wrestling champion. Curran Jacobs is working the script based off the book and 1st draft script by Mike Chapman.

Post Production work-

This past week also ended with Shane Hagedorn and I doing a little video for the “behind the scenes” of Harsens Island Revenge. I talked script and he talked location since the actual island is quite modern and Alpena possesses many period buildings in their original state right down to the tables in the lodge. Adam Towner has been working on this and we’ll get to see a work in progress on Weds of this coming week. We’ll also be watching the first cut of the film by Carl Weyant fresh back from Brazil and excited to show his hard work. It will be everything save the opening WW1 scene which we’ve been prepping to shoot later this month. We will also be meeting Weds with Dennis Therrian to discuss the score and sound design. I love that part of the process.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is continuing to march deeper into home video release territory. We are working to expand our foreign sales for this powerful story. I can’t say enough how much all the positive feedback has meant to us all as artists. The film will be at the International Christian Film Festival coming up and we’ll see if it gets any further recognition from our peers but the audience reaction is what means the most to us.

I’ve been thrilled to see WATCH PARTIES going up for THE QUEST TRILOGY our biblical three films as we head towards Easter. Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer keep growing in audiences views. Audiences are finally realizing that the films interconnect as a trilogy. People who watched the 2nd film first became highly curious of “who was that old man at the end?” “what happens to the boy”….WATCH THEM IN ORDER and all will be revealed and more. Encourage TV and several platforms have the films for you to watch.

The CDI Library – without going into detail which I’ve done in previous blogs, I’ve been working hard to prepare some of the older films for a new life going forward. A new theatrical trailer for Ghost Town will be forthcoming and we’ll be looking at theaters to run the film in likely this fall. A new Knight Chills trailer will be cut from the new remastered HD footage after mister Towner gets down with the “making of” he’s working on. NEW “From Venus” artwork is underway for a new Blu Ray release package being put together. Any day now IN THE WOODS will get a Blu Ray release date and I’ll be heading to Kalamazoo for a special theatrical release. An Ordinary Killer is also working on some artwork for new physical media and streaming releases likely following a theatrical run. I’ve been going through boxes trying to dig up more materials but it takes time. I need to find a merchandise manager who is fluent in one of these online sales sites and can fulfill. We have some great merchandise and such we just need to work on our delivery system. Literary and Music is also on that long list of mine.

(Some of the many faces of DJ Perry)

WRAP UP: The sun is shining and I’ve got a list of things I want to get done today. I’ll be back at it hard tomorrow morning. I hope that the coming of Spring is awakening some new motivation in all of you. Write. Paint. Sculpt. Perform. Or do that business needed to elevate your craft from hobby to your bread and butter. I’m very pleased with how 2024 has shared up thus far. I’m focusing on my health and happiness which balances with my goals at hand. Soccer season is right around the corner and I’m really looking forward to that. The idea of shooting a 70’s drag racing film this Summer with my friends excites me and motivates me to have another productive week. Once I finish this script I’m polishing I think I’ll keep my writing habit going although maybe from the patio in the sunshine. I’ve got a few other partially done passion project scripts I want to finish. The flea markets will soon be starting which I love seeking props at for the films. I’m beyond happy with the projects and endeavors. I love balancing the work with my nature endeavors and we’ll be getting the garden beds going. My new stick eater works well creating some nice mulch. The fruit harvest will be strong this year I’m sure. I’ll be moving some of the older logs towards the processing area where axes do swing. I’ve got some aging oak which will move into the back yard to be used to decorate until it dries enough to split. The chickens are giving eggs again and even now I smell our 4H bacon. Bacon and eggs are a good way to start the day…and coffee:) hazelnut cheers my friends, hazelnut cheers. It makes me think we went to an estate sale where they had a brand new coffee bean roaster for sale only $12,000 – DOH! I’ll keep buying for now. Until next week be good to one another!


Film Finance Tips, Funding Endeavors and Film Updates

(Soon it will be out to Tricky T’s post facility for Harsens Island Revenge music & sound)

A sunny yet chilly morning here in the Michigan. I’m sipping by hazelnut coffee and smiling upon my great week. I just updated our summary sheet for our next film HOT ROD LOVE, which we took a few more steps this week towards full funding. We will be funding and bringing on sponsors for March/April and once all commits are in place we will move to official pre-production for a Summer shoot. Only because it came up twice this past week, we’ll share a little finance secret that might be helpful. We only gather verbal commits until we have our full budget. We take ZERO actual dollars until we are ready to move. It avoids putting money into escrow or a holding account until full funds are raised. We also do not start any spending until we have the funds to complete the entire film. I was asked that twice this week and the other parties loved my response. Many filmmakers could be tempted to touch money before it is all gathered. I was even hired many years ago on a project that was funded off moving funds. By that I mean monthly a flow of income was flowing in and spent but it hit a snag with the flow when the tax incentives got repealed and FULL STOP. A legal/financial mess for the company and a true artistic disappointment. GATHER all your funds needed to finish the film in one place. Have a strict budget and stick to it as if your life depended on it. These are little gems believe it or not. Again on ‘Hot Rod Love’ if you are curious about involvement in motion picture feel free to email me. Our sponsors are starting to line up also and I’m exciting to plan a location scout soon once we get funding a little further down the road. Steps. Every week is little steps.

(Curran Jacobs and Samuel Peterson in Silent Night in Algona)

Development is front and center and we also are forced to plan years ahead. Nothing moves fast in the development of film in my experience. The SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE project is soon to start presenting to parties in Iowa. I had a great conversation with an actor/filmmaker from Iowa that we worked with on SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. He’ll be joining the development team in Iowa giving us some boots on the ground with film experience. Once funding in place he will be helpful in assisting with location lock down. In the same area but completely different circles is another film that has just moved into development. Curran Jacobs who directed FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, WATCH HERE: (https://tubitv.com/movies/702767/for-the-love-of-catch?start=true&tracking=google-feed&utm_source=google-feed ) It’s an amazing documentary film on the history of grappling and Catch-Can. This will be Curran directing his first narrative feature. It is still having its presentation materials put together but will be an amazing directorial debut. Waiting on one more official signature on the engagement docs but we’ll take this year to work on funding with the year after targeted to film.

(Shane Hagedorn in Silent Night in Algona)

Touching back on the above mentioned SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, I got to hear some wonderful feedback from multiple people about our story. This also included a former Governor of Iowa who really loved it. This film is still going strong and we’re turning our focus towards foreign territories. I think I mentioned that this summer the film will be going to subscription based video on demand on UP Family & Faith channel. The film will also be at the International Christian Film Festival and could bring home some recognition. It is already a winner in my book by the history it preserves and the audiences moved by this true events story.

(The Scouting team on Hardens Island Revenge – lotta work before cameras ever roll)

Harsens Island Revenge

Our director Carl Weyant is back from his holiday trip to Brazil. Not this coming week but the week after we’ll be watching the first cut of the film. And I’m going to be putting plans in motion to see about filming our opening WW1 scene the second to last weekend in March. David Reardon if your reading this- 🙂 If not AI on my face. Just kidding. We’re making plans to get back on the military base where the pick up scene will be shot. It will be only a Skeleton crew to film the one scene. We will also look to get some voice over recorded when our lead David Reardon is in town. It is always exciting once the film is picture locked and music and sound bring it to life. The Behind the Scenes video should be polishing up soon. I know Adam Towner editing wanted a few pieces from our director but that will be exciting. Trailer. Posters. Many very cool things will be coming!


  1. Awaiting the release date for the IN THE WOODS Blu Ray which will be exciting. Many cool pieces available to prepare for this release. Read last weeks blog with links to making of/script book, novelization and my prequel script released as a book.
  2. KNIGHT CHILLS – I’m starting to look at select horror platforms to release the HD remastered version of the film on. If you have some favorites let me know.
  3. FROM VENUS – CDI’s 2nd film from the classic collection is a SciFi spoof with some HP Lovecraft influences. I got a peek at some amazingly cool artwork by the talented Tom Miller. I’m loving it! I’m looking to make that Blu Ray deal soon! Once remastered it too will follow Knight Chills into streaming.
  4. A NEW Ghost Town the movie theatrical trailer is almost done. Taking some first steps to prep this film for some new release opportunities but I want to start with a theatrical putting it back into theaters. I also want to stream on some western theme platforms.
  5. AN ORDINARY KILLER might follow a similar release pattern to Ghost Town but working to get the foundation of this film solid again. It played ABC network back in the day and is a great based on true events solving of a 28 year old cold case.
  6. I’ve been seeing some great test footage from some of the video game development going on for some of the CDI properties. More on this as it develops.
  7. End of Year business taxes are almost all done. I’m so appreciative of our CDI team and accountant friends who make this an easier process. Running multiple companies can be trying and it truly takes a team of people.

I think that is enough film updates for the week. On more mundane updates the dry but cold weather allowed dog poop pick up and I got to try out my new wood chipper. I chopped up a bunch of stick and ended up with some pretty nice mulch. I’m excited about the coming year with the planting of more clover. The chickens are ramping up their egg production which is good. Our herb garden beds will be providing again but some are already. Sage and Orange Thyme are pretty hardy. I also like the Holy Basil which again makes a great tea. The power of herbal teas is real. I’m going to take the rest of the day to relax, recharge and get organized. Tomorrow I’ll be back at it and I hope all of you also have a productive week. Until we chat here again!

Be good to one another!


Thankful For the Journey Thus Far – Embrace the Past That Created YOU. Oh, and Film Updates!

(Done with the clean shaven for a while, snow is about to fly in the Michigan)

I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and sitting down with you all on this fine Sunday morning. I want to welcome all our new readers from Norway, Germany, Saudi Arabia and more. We are expecting snow here in Michigan today and the bitter chill is a precursor. Only a few more things in the yard to stow away until the springtime. This past week was a busy one with Thanksgiving falling on a Thursday. We went up North and spent time with family. Friday and Saturday were getting things ready for Christmas. I was happy to spend a little time with Dean Teaster who came to pick up a few of his props. He had several period phones that we used in Harsens Island Revenge. Saturday we got supplies for the chickens and also went and cut our Christmas tree. It is up and awaiting decoration which will happen over the next few days. I’m feeling thankful at this time of the season. I’m trying to slow my roll from the active year and recharge. I’ve had several great meetings last week both by phone and in-person. The fire at the office is a great place to sit around and throw ideas. Let’s look at some of the meetings and developments from the week.

  1. The top news is the special screening of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for one day FREE w/ ads at Encourage TV. It is free to subscribe and plays on Youtube, Roku and various platforms. Read all about it here: https://www.prlog.org/12995184-silent-night-in-algona-one-day-free-screening-on-encourage-tv-before-release-to-home-video.html and watch the interview here – https://www.facebook.com/share/v/MgHsnnVRqwsR6SVF/?mibextid=hubsqH
  2. On December 1st the film SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will start its DVD and Video on Demand run. A great family watch or a holiday gift for lovers of history. It can be found on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WMZK4FVE00Y7&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1701008715&sprefix=silent+night+in+%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-1
  3. Got word that SAVAGE, a Bigfoot story that I wrote and developed with director Lynn Drzick (In the Woods) was sold and script was produced. It is now making its way to digital home video on Jan. 1st. Read about it here! https://www.horrorsociety.com/2023/11/20/savage-the-bigfoot-legendlives-on-digital-platforms-jan-1st/
  4. This is AWESOMEEncourage TV has given CDI its own Playlist so you can watch all the family films playing on Encourage TV. You can now do a marathon of CDI films at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E
  5. Harsens Island Revenge is full speed ahead on editing. We are looking this week at a possible model boat explosion. I need to speak today or tomorrow with our director Carl on that front. Our Production Designer Greg Burns (GW) has created a group of Christmas cards using our locations and vehicles. If you are interested in these you can reach out to GW at gwburnsphotography@gmail.com (See the Harsens Island Revenge FB page to see pics)
  6. Knight Chills is performing well with its new Blu Ray release. I will be looking to get our materials back and set up the film in 2024 for streaming. Here is where you can buy the Blu Ray- https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=VH32AUSX4DRN&keywords=Knight+Chills&qid=1701010903&sprefix=knight+chill%2Caps%2C267&sr=8-2
  7. WILD FAITH is about to cross another mark on Encourage TV, EIGHT MILLION VIEWS! This will happen in just days and that number is increasing at all the platforms. We will be working hard to position the TV series HASTINGS for production. The demand is there we just need to get the right partners lined up. Creative control has been the biggest thing to deal with but we are making progress.
  8. DEVELOPMENT – This is a great time of year where we are planning the next several years of projects at CDI. I’ve got some good script writing on deck and we’ve been making moves on positioning other films to launch. We mentioned Hastings above and we’re actively looking at a primarily location for HOT ROD LOVE. We’ll be updating some of the materials soon which will also include the addition of Pepsi to our package as a sponsor. We will be approaching other sponsors and funders in the new year with the hope of rolling cameras in the summer 2024.

In wrapping up this blog, I reflect the sentiment of the recent holiday, appreciation. I’ve been enjoying meeting with so many of you as we prepare to celebrate a NEW release as our holiday WW2 film hits the market Nov 30th. We will be enjoying behind the scenes, posters and trailers for Harsens Island Revenge as we enter 2024. Our back up system for the CDI films is being build now and we’ll soon have easier access to footage. I am planning to release a 2024 CDI highlight reel on New Years Eve we will see. I was reminded by a friend that I need to enjoy the victories and not just jump to whatever is lagging or under performing. In time, but again I’ll take the moments to celebrate those wins. And I will say that this blog and all of you are part of that win. I appreciate those artists who’ve reached out and expressed how the blog has helped them. Sometimes it the stimulating of an idea that can be implemented into your own endeavors. Sometimes it is just the comfort of knowing that struggling is just part of living. If you picked the arts you’ve chosen the harder path. But I have been rewarded by the places I’ve been, the people I’ve collaborated with and the creation of stories into the world that would not have been there otherwise.

(Always the dreamer – I’ve done some biographical writing over the years and one day it might make a good book)

Off some recent conversations – For those just starting out. There is no shame in doing other work as you build a foundation. Writers pull on those early jobs. Remember write about what you know. I use to go home from my first job at PONDEROSA steakhouse with a pocket full of napkins full of my scrawling for script and movie ideas. When I managed a fitness club it also became my office. This was at a time of using calling cards for long distance so having phones set up for free long distance was a plus. I had a mail system which made send outs easy. But I also lived in Kinkos for several years – I remember having to go up there to get my Scream 2 sides faxed. That audition is what took me to Hollywood for the first time. Everything leads to something else. Embrace your journey. Patience is a hard thing to master and you might spend a lifetime trying to tame it. Faith that everything led you to where you are is also nurturing. Any variance or change could have affected many outcomes. Be mindful of the past and note the future but really do focus on the present. I’m spending this winter reflecting, recharging and refocusing – when the new year comes I hope to bring some hard fought and earned wisdom to the next leg of the adventure.

Coffee Cheers! Maybe 2024 will be the year of the full time coffee sponsor!

Be good to one another, DJ.

Quiet Sunday Reflections – Enjoying the Journey

Hazelnut coffee is flowing on this chilly November morning. I want to welcome our new readers from Italy and Canada among others. It has been a very busy time for myself and CDI. CDI http://www.cdiproductions.com is our production company. I’ve gotten lots of winterizing down this week including closing the fountain down and storing some of the yard decorations. CDI totes are also packed away awaiting the next big adventure.

For those that know that I make beer and wine – the newly bottled ROCKING RHUBARB was tried by myself and Transportation Capt. Dane DeFord and it got the thumbs up. Crisp and cider like with a tart bite followed by sweetness. Nature provided and it will be enjoyed over the winter months. I’ve had a steady stream of meetings by the fireside wood stove. Many project plans start around that wood table and around that dancing fire. Many have manifested into full flown completed projects.

Let’s look at the two projects front and center right now.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for some reason continues to be work getting it to market. It was a very technical films with two languages being used and many VFX including a child’s multiple dream sequences. We’ve made hundred of adjustments and our hope is that everything locks into place and stays. We just had a new round of QC questions. But we started to drift from technical to subjective. We did not use some cold computer translations we used translators. We tried to translate as they would have in the 20’s versus modern. We condensed and summarized some translations so they fit properly on the screen without distractions and yet give time to read them. A few singing places we did not translate because artistically it worked better.

Like all things creative it’s trying to mind your boundaries. If an occasional “Easter egg” intentional or unintentional (EXAMPLES – In Raiders of the Lost Ark – R2D2 and C3PO can be seen drawn on the walls in the Well of Souls. In Star Wars – You can freeze frame a scene and see actor Kenny bake inside the R2D2. Not QC’s place to call these things out. Mind your boundaries. I enforce that with our team working with marketing. They know their marketing job better just as content creators know more about the production. So this week we’ll do a last look at the file that has been assembled and it will be heading out to streaming platforms to prep for Dec 1st. DVD’s will also start to be created and ship to warehouses. It has been a long journey and it is almost over. Once in the marketplace it will be there for many years to come. I want to thank everyone involved. So CLOSE!

We also are going to talk with all our Algona business friends. A DVD would be a great holiday gift for employees, members of organizations, gifts for volunteers and such. Also we want to help get the DVD’s for sale into the museums, Fridley concession sales of the DVD? Grocery stores and more in the state of Iowa could carry the DVD. I think this film could be a new Christmas classic. You can help make it one!

PRE-ORDER here: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=JXJ0SGCXBS0W&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1699798050&sprefix=Silent+Night+in+%2Caps%2C229&sr=8-1

I’m loving the bi-weekly marketing meetings and so appreciate the BMG Global team for all they’re doing to make this film live up to its potential.

Actual Old Club as it appeared in the 1920’s

Harsens Island Revenge – The updates for the week include an awesome report on editing. Several scenes are cut and our director is thrilled. We’ll do a watch once the 1st half hour or so is edited. The Harsens Island footage is being reviewed and we got some good pieces for one of our action sequences and some good establishing shots. Many modern things had to be shot around or disqualified a place for use in the film. I discussed in my past blog why we did not use more of the island. But those who didn’t understand just don’t understand filmmaking and that is okay. I don’t fully understand many other vocations. We are looking to shoot our 2nd VFX piece and I’ll be talking more on that. It includes a few of our model boats. I’m also lining things up for our one WW1 pick up scene.

We have been having fun releasing official pics of several of our actors. We will also be picking our some TOP photos to offer for sale. It can be printed to canvas or on mugs or whatever one wishes. That will look to go live this month. We might start work on the BTS with our own Adam Towner. Advance discussions on a teaser trailer that will be cut by our director. The theatrical poster using our new elements might also be put into motion. 2024 will be an exciting year for this film.

(Should CDI make another biblical trilogy?)

DEVELOPMENT – I’ve spent a good amount of time in study, thought and in talks about developing properties. This can take years and even once a green light (GO) prep, shooting and post can take two years. Six months to prep for release and release – it is a journey. So we’re looking at projects that are already underway and some are just beginning at the script stage. I’ve discussed some of these projects in past blogs. While CDI makes it seem easier to fund and launch, they are all difficult. Funding is always the hardiest part for most projects. But that said, we have several avenues we’re working on.

(Brainstorming at the CDI Fort/Think tank)

WRAP UP: The season of holiday watching has started. I’ve already fielding several new fan emails about BIGFOOT, UFO’s and JESUS, WILD FAITH, FORTY NIGHTS. BEST YEARS GONE – Can you believe a Gil Gilles fan club has been started. Look for it on FB it is there. This is a great time to watch or re-watch your CDI favorites!

(Have you met Gil in BEST YEARS GONE?)

I’ve got some busy work this week as our distributor is moving from checks to direct deposit. I am not a tech fan and sometimes begrudge change but I’m trying to roll with it. A small effort and this will save me deposit work later. Tax season is around the corner and so we’ll be prepping for that.

I’m going to wrap it up here and do a little advanced work for next week. I just had some of our eggs and a nice breakfast scramble. Might have to refill ye ole coffee cup. I want everyone out there to know that every week of your life will bring TO DO’s. There will be TO DO’s in your box when your time is up. Enjoy that journey again. I truly do enjoy all the good artistic folks we have on these amazing endeavors. I also sincerely appreciate all of you out there. Thank you for supporting what we do here. Until next week – be good to one another and keep chasing that dream.

Coffee Cheers!


Welcome November – Fall Round Up At CDI

(What film is that from above?)

The hazelnut coffee is flowing so nicely this morning. It has been a fall fest around here as we moved past Halloween and into the holiday months. I enjoyed the lead up to the spooky holiday. Pumpkin carving and hanging with my brother’s family and seeing my niece and nephews costumes on Halloween were the best. He was an elf and she was a dragon. That love of fantasy sword and sorcery continues. On Nov 1st the ‘Rocking Rhubarb’ was bottled. We tried it in one of our meetings on Friday and it was met with good marks. It will get even smoother in the bottles. The apples are all picked by us or the local squirrels in the area. The chickens are molting and egg production is slowing. On Friday I was swinging an axe cutting logs into smaller pieces of kindling for the wood stove.

I also had the pleasure of meeting with two upcoming filmmakers this past week. One makes films with his brother and a best friend while also running a commercial video production company. It was nice to just spend some time and allow him to ask any questions he might have. I’m looking at seeing where perhaps we can assist them. The other meeting was with a fine local gent who has produced his first feature. It has played the theaters and is now working to get into the home video market. The hoops can be great as I can attest to. Many filmmakers likely could not pass quality control. Also many have worked on their craft/art but the business end is what they lack. It has taken me almost three decades to obtain the experience I have. For many filmmakers the funding is still the hardest part. And the real challenge lies when someone says yes, and you have to execute. CDI (Our prod co) is again about creating the best art inside business parameters.

What does that mean? It means managing cast and crew and enforcing creative lines. Many production companies struggle because if the problem is at the top it is hard to correct. If you have an owner always ‘line stepping” on his creative that will breed a host of issues. It is only stepping in to manage a situation on a business front and allowing your appointments to creative do their craft. I’ve spoke before about how as a screenwriter, once the director/writer meetings are over the writer steps out. If you are careful to pick the right creatives there is no need to micromanage. So take the time to pick the right variables/ingredients/cast/crew and your job will be much easier. Also have a very strong script before you move to execute it. Let’s look at a few projects that followed these principals.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – This project was a hard one due to several factors. Shooting out of state is always a challenge. The COLD WINDS of Iowa really showed us what bone-chilling cold was. After a strong theatrical run we finally prepped for our home video release. We started our marketing meetings with the distributor. SNIA was one of the flagship projects that our distributor pushed at AFM. I will get a full rundown of how things went this week. We know that it broke into the pre-sale Amazon DVD rankings at top 100 and quickly moved into the top 50. Our main PR won’t even start until December 1st which is our official release date for streaming and DVD. I was informed that pre-sales were stronger than a few properties heavily PR’d. The campaign push is GIVE THE GIFT OF HISTORY. I’m looking forward to seeing what foreign territories and broadcast partners are coming on board.

I think in this time of strife in our history, a film like SNIA will be well received. It is about another really dark time in world history WW2. And it showcases a camp that was empowered to watch over German PW’s. A beautiful and inspirational act/event happened that is really encouraging. It shows that we too can find unity, love, compassion and understanding even in our own dark times. SNIA is the best run for a Christmas classic save maybe The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer). We are all excited to be part of millions of people’s holiday season. The film can/could stand up just as a military drama but has a wonderful holiday theme. Thanksgiving and Christmas are seen from various perspectives. The Townsfolk, guards, and German PW’s perspectives are all examined. I’m so proud for the town of Algona. A small community with a big story. Many people and even companies are giving the gift of the DVD. Many companies do holiday gifts for their employees and what better gift? I hope that batches of DVD’s are bought and given out to folks at retirement centers and teachers use it to stimulate discussions. We are excited for the German people to see a film that isn’t just about a scolding of their past politics but celebrating something else. HOPE. Hope for a better world. The film has a voice and lessons that can apply to now. The comparisons of Camp Algona during WW2 and say Guantanamo Bay are very different. We can only hope as storytellers to remind and challenge people to do better. Once you do get a chance to watch the film please do go to our IMDB.com page and leave your feedback. It’s not a perfect film as I’m not sure one exists- maybe Raiders of the Lost Ark:) If you haven’t been hit by a slew of our PR here is the pre-order link. Buy one for yourself and anyone who might enjoy this story. ORDER HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=TN24S4D0WPUY&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1699193228&sprefix=%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-1

Harsens Island Revenge – Aside from a pick up scene in Feb. 2024 and (2) VFX shots the film is done capturing footage. We had our director and McGraw Multimedia out with a first person drone capturing beauty and landmark establishing shots of the actual Harsens Island. We’ve had a few people inquire as to why more wasn’t filmed at the island and that is fine as most don’t understand the process of filmmaking. A full cast and crew plus extras came to about 200 people. Getting enough extras for scenes to participate on an island would be difficult. Lodging. Hospitals, Walmart, Gordons Food, Home Depot, and access to Camera/Grip and electric needs. All these are logistic reasons because of a ferry running at certain times being the main issue. Now add in how modern has crept into the island with each sign and renovation. The point is we did some PR to explain this but some were still not satisfied. But again, they’re not accountable for a budget or have the experience in filming a juggernaut like this film. But I respect the questioning- READ ABOUT IT HERE: https://www.prlog.org/12991986-harsens-island-revenge-moves-into-post-production.html

KNIGHT CHILLS – While Harsens Island Revenge represents our most recent CDI (www.cdiproductions.com) film, KNIGHT CHILLS was CDI’s first film. It shows the immense growth of our company. I still find it hard to believe it is such a classic to some but it is a living lesson to doing it yourself. Nobody can stop you from being a storyteller on film, a filmmaker – just do it. Learning how to produce the show is part of the equation and doing to proper BIZ is the other. Many get lost on the latter because it is far less sexy than the SHOW part. But the show will not flourish without the biz.

Watch our 1st release – https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2O7QHUZYG7QNY&keywords=knight+chills&qid=1699194757&sprefix=knight+chills%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-2


Much like Knight Chills above from the CDI library is being brought back to market, we’re going to keep at it. We will look to update and move one to two films into the market. We get Ghost Town back in Feb 2024 and we might look at setting up a big 2024 Fall release. That film had issues with our middle man/company (You can look it up) and Lionsgate. We are going to be setting up a special edition to release with Desktop Entertainment. These talks have happened but the deal is not official. I cannot assign it until the other agreement expires in Feb. But we’ve been working on a new trailer and prepping elements. The other might be FROM VENUS, if director Jeff Kennedy is up to helping provide some extra content. This would be with our partners at Saturn Core who did Knight Chills. Did you know Sir. Kallio from Knight Chills makes an appearance in FROM VENUS? FIGURE IN THE FOREST and AN ORDINARY KILLER are in talks to be brought back to market.

But looking ahead at new content-

HOT ROD LOVE is entering talks with track owners again. We had issues with our main location and had to shift gears. Pun intended. This 70’s comedy has some great lessons embedded into an ensemble of fun. We’ll have some talks in the next few weeks with creative keys and potential backers. I know that many of the sponsors and product partners love the idea of advertisement in the 70’s, groovy. We had some traction before but without the right place to film started to lose time. Certain stories need to be filmed at certain times. But things are looking really good for this film which if I have my way, summer 24 cabers roll.

(From earlier in the year now almost 8 million on Encourage TV)

HASTINGS TV Series – This beautiful season one, 8 show endeavor has many pieces lined up. We even have places being offered to build sets on. The town of Hastings would still remain our main location but the series would allow some travel. This spin off from WILD FAITH would be our love letter to those early Disney-like movies and tv shows that had lessons woven within. If you haven’t watched Wild Faith and met Emmett, Thelma, Ben, Hester and more – take a Watch-HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0LCdlq-BK0

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – Another powerful story from the state of Iowa. The amazing story was brought to me by the Donald Tietz Charitable Foundation to develop. The script is some of my best work and is again about perspectives. We’re going to spend several months talking to various organization and individuals about getting partners behind this story of actual events. These happenings are told in a brutal honest way with inspirational and thought provoking history captured keeping it from being lost to time. PRESERVING HISTORY is a worthy endeavor.

Associated CDI projects– possible. These occur when someone has their own funding and they control that aspect but lack and want experience that comes with CDI. But, we as a company have to consider their experience. In many cases it’s easier to just raise our own funds and execute production successfully as we do. Too many variables that we can’t control and the quality can fall drastically.

(WATCH NOW! Free w/ Ads – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLaw6zOAsw0 )

Script Writing is an on-going process. I bounce between pet projects and those slated for production sooner versus later. SMOKE & MIRRORS was a feature film and after our short concept film, I’ve been doing a page one re-write. The Halloween season gave me a nice backdrop for writing. I’ve also being reviewing books to once again choose one to adapt to a script. I think I’ve landed on the one that ‘feels’ right. If talks go proper and a deal is made I might start working on that project in Jan. 2024. I will work on writing daily on Smoke & Mirrors and my pet project scripts until the end of the year.

WATCH SMOKE & MIRRORS HERE FREE: https://youtu.be/4qcobe1eng0?si=sot3uuJYO2T_UofF

‘Axel’ in Harsens Island Revenge

Outside projects– Yes. I’m open to acting offers and have thought of bringing an agent once again to field those occasional offers. I had an offer just before filming Harsens Island Revenge but ‘Axel’ was already firm in play. But for the most part I’m good at representing myself on these outside projects. I’ve had some wonderful adventures in storytelling with some amazing artists so I do love the occasional outside project. But to leave means not just my personal but my business doings also have to be attended to. So it just depends on the team and the story, and compensation to a certain degree.


I’m smelling bacon and eggs and the coffee is getting low. We had to fall back with our clocks so that has the routine slightly wonky. The Detroit Lions are taking a rest this week. MSU actually won a game yesterday. WINS all over. Estate Sale stop by and I got a dozen or so Conan the Barbarian books for $4. WIN! I’m going to do some yard clean up and winterizing before seeing my brother and a few amigos later. Next week/tomorrow – I’m right back at the movie work refreshed and recharged. Make sure you get a dose of nature and laughter to recharge your batteries. I love the holidays and we have much to feel grateful and appreciative for. As the air becomes cold I look forward to calls and meetings around the fire to discuss new grand adventures!

Coffee Cheers!


‘Silent Night in Algona’ About to go Global – ‘Harsens’ Updates and Glimpses of 2024!

It is a wet and chilly morning in the Michigan. It makes me glad that we got our filming on Harsens Island Revenge complete. We do have some pick up shooting between now and Feb 2024. We will be working with my old friends at McGraw Multimedia to do some specialized filming on the actual island. We’ll be getting that just before we lose all our leaves and color. After that we’ll be doing a little PYRO action with one of our sponsors. We have a boat that meets an untimely end and we’ll be dealing with that here soon after. Lastly, we have two proposed pieces to get in Feb. one is a close up cock pit of a period bi-plane and the other is our opening of the film in WW1. A powerful and emotional opening to the film and thanks to our friends at thew Alpena Air Base it looks like we’ll be filming there.

(Don Most’s intense performance will shake audiences)

We’ve kept the momentum flowing with the releasing of official photos to our FB page. Some are stills and others BTS. We even have a special gallery black and white gallery and a “Meet the Purples” and a “Meet the Harsens Island Militia” section. Most of the pics taken by our production designer and still photographer GW Burns. He’ll be working with CDI moving forward and we’re happy to have him. I had meetings this week with several of the team toasting and getting good feedback for future endeavors. We are still wrapping up a few aspects of production but we are almost there.

(100+ years and still on the road, FORD tough)

The season of scares is upon us and last week I gave folks a list of CDI associated spooky projects or projects I’ve acted in. I did have some conversations with a past director about forthcoming films in the horror genre. We had some direct talk on timelines. If you don’t have a script prepared that can take a good part of a year to develop. Even with a strong, polished script you could spend a year between location scouting and casting. In our business there is a lot of talk and that can hurt filmmakers. Assuming something is moving forward when a third party might not be that interested but find it easier to just say maybe, soon…I could give a list of excuses often given. I use to live with my hope attached to those excuses. Now I work with only the most serious of folks minding my time. So if someone is giving lip service push for that letter of INTENT or move on.

Let’s talk about the juggernaut on the board. We had a first big teams meeting with our distributor at Twin Engines Global. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will be getting the highlight treatment at AFM (American Film Market) having been evaluated and targeted for success. The film was a surprise hit in the theaters with word of mouth bringing the film into 70+ theatre and played for 10 months after the Dec. 2022 release in Algona. The film will enjoy a release on DVD and streaming on Dec. 1st and we’ve been highly encouraged by our pre-sales. The film went live on Amazon last week to start pre-ordering the DVD. We’ve had hundreds of people asking for DVD’s since the theatrical release from around the country. Now the film has debuted in Amazon’s Top 100 and we broke the under 50 by week’s end. Can we get to #1 on Amazon? It’s a great goal and I would be happy to get in the top 10. Looking at all the negativity in the world showcasing humanity at less than it’s best it is a breath of fresh air to have a film like SNIA releasing. The based on a true story highlights some light in a dark period. Actions that reflect the better side of humanity and can give us HOPE that we can do good. It is the best chance to date of CDI creating a holiday classic aside from our biblical trilogy. (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer) * watch all three in order you will not be disappointed. SNIA will make a wonderful gift and belongs to be part of everyone’s forever collection. You can even send the film as a gift with a message.

PRE-ORDER HERE (SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA)https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Taylor-Nichols/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=7VT1J3D4V465&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1698585918&sprefix=silent+night+in+algona%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-1

CDI’s first film KNIGHT CHILLS a PG -13 thriller is also a pre-order for a special Blu-Ray full of extras- it releases on Halloween! PRE-ORDER HERE (KNIGHT CHILLS)https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=L4UBHK9HY82J&keywords=Knight+Chills&qid=1698586174&sprefix=knight+chills%2Caps%2C93&sr=8-2

(One of the CDI props hanging at the office awaiting a future film shoot )

Looking Ahead to 2024!

I’ve been spending a good amount of time in thought and evaluation of which project to push next. Really you push several properties and get behind the one with the most momentum. I think we might return back to the film HOT ROD LOVE that we were pushing but lost our filming window and our main location was still a bit up in the air. It is a fun 70’s comedy based around small track drag racing. We had some commits to fund and we’ll see who else would be interested in participating. It could film early Spring/Summer and give us an opportunity to film again in the Fall or a Spring 2025 shoot in a warmer place like Yuma, AZ:)

(Bart Ketner and Travis Hayward brainstorming at the ‘Fort’ over Bday gifted HIGH WEST – thank you David Zugger)

As for writing I’ve got a few scripts that I’ve been working on as time presents itself. I’m also looking over a collection of books to once again try to pick a story that would translate well to the screen. I think I might have landed on one. I love to write in the wintertime and from the chill outside we can tell it is not too far off. I had some initial talks on the SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE film that would be our follow up in Iowa. I had a few semi-productive talks last week but the pending success of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will help these efforts. If I had the full funding today on Spirit Lake Massacre we would still not be rolling cameras to 2025 between casting and location scouting which is another state. I’ve got a few more financial talks over the next few weeks and I think we’ll make some good progress. The best is yet to come!

December 1st on DVD and Streaming!

The truth of our storytelling profession is that everyplace, every town has a few stories just deserving of being told. By population there are only a few storytelling groups out there who want to tell the story as is versus giving it the old Hollywood treatment where you get notes from clueless people thinking of profits not story. The two can go hand in hand but too often desperate filmmakers meets clueless executives and the result is a mess. Many do it right and that starts at the top with passion for a story. EVERY CDI film is like a handcrafted whiskey. A blend of ingredients chosen and handpicked. Speaking of- kudos to one of our sponsors RED CEDAR SPIRITS for sponsoring with us on Harsens Island Revenge. Our meetings as of late have included a warm taste of bourbon or a choice Pepsi product. The Bubly sparkling water is a popular chaser.

(The ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ edit once complete will travel to Dennis Therrian for another amazing score and sound design)

I’m going to wish everyone a fun and safe Halloween. I do enough characters and wardrobe to not feel a need to participate in dressing up. But the beautiful full moon yesterday and the awesome Fall days with leaves changing and falling, just has me super content. The last of the production items save one tote has been dropped off and repacked for storage. I’m looking forward to the holiday season that for me runs from Nov 1st to Easter! It is a good season to stay in with friends and family and watch or rewatch your favorite content from CDI. What is your favorite and why? Put your answers in the comments.

We have 4H bacon cooking and fresh eggs are on deck. I know some in Michigan are out there trying to fill their freezer with venison. This week I think I’ll finally bottle my ‘Rocking Rhubarb’ wine. Great for gifts and/or the meeting around the wood stove. It is at these brainstorming sessions that new seeds are planted. I will give some more thought to ‘AROUND THE FIRE’ podcast proposed a few times. maybe once a month with various storytellers and creators. We have finished the music video we shot just before our last feature film shoot. I’m really happy with it and I’m sure we’ll be able to share that soon. Until we speak again next week, be good to one another.

Coffee Cheers!


‘Silent Night In Algona’ Release Talks and More…

Good morning. I’m sipping my hazelnut coffee and enjoying this brisk morning. A welcome change from the 90 degree days we’ve had lately. My soccer game on Thursday resulted in a loss but the battle was good in the scorching heat. I’m worried that I might not have drank enough water. It was 92 degrees and I have to say I play much better in the cool Fall from my school days. My whole system felt off for two days after the game. Add day two soreness to the equation and poor sleep one night and I had a rough go Friday night. Usually I sleep very soundly and I’m a person who must get at least 5 hours to perform properly but usually get about 8 solid hours. Saturday was as close to a sick day I’ve had in a long time. But most of it was the sleep deprived from the night before. So I’m going to ramp up my water intake for sure. I slept good last night and things seem almost back to normal. But rest and hydration is a much needed element to being productive on the highest level. I use to be a night owl but now I’m a 11-7 sleeper and I enjoy the early rise. We have roosters in our neighborhood that helps with this early wake.

The property has gone full blown with everything growing and blossoming. I’ve started a batch of Mexican-style beer which I’ll be bottling this week. I’ve been harvesting rhubarb and almost have enough to do a batch of wine. I’ve been doing a run of beer and wine each year and it makes for a fun sip at meetings. The hops are growing like crazy and we’ve got several plants gifting us herbs and soon veggies will follow. I love tending to all this while still carrying on my creative duties. I’ve been cutting freshly cut logs to dry and splitting older logs to fill the bins for the coming Fall/Winter. The wood stove is getting a rest from its duties of heating the office. All of this is a good connection to nature and trust me that throwing the axe and hammer around is a hell of a work out.

June is now upon us and that is my birthday month (June 23rd) and I’m not sure if I will do anything special. I am often fine with just a nice meal and the company of family. I can’t believe how the years have gone by. But I feel very blessed to be able to do what I so love- storytelling. Shall we look at a few film updates? Okay we shall.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA- The film and elements have been delivered and are being checked by our distributor. We are still in that process so we don’t have solid home video release dates yet but the talks are going on now. It was proposed to release the DVD and transaction digital around Labor Day (Sept) with subscription video on demand and ad based video on demand around Thanksgiving. We are approved to return to the Fridley theatre in Algona for a FOUNDERS DAY run. So if you did not see it in the theatre, here will be your opportunity or if you want to see it again. The home video version has added sound design and visual effects and so that will also be a great new way to enjoy the film. We’ve had many people want to purchase a keepsake DVD and share this film with family across the country for the Christmas season. People will surely have that opportunity. I’m thinking that the museums in Algona might start carrying the DVD’s also. The current theatrical is just ending but with another showing run in July I guess it is not done. In theaters from Dec 9th to July is a pretty good run.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is heating up with the official production script now formatted and we’re awaiting the schedule for producer approval. This will also give us the day-of-days which tells us what actors, boats, cars and such are needed on what day. This will allow us to move to the agreement phase with talent. I’m going to be putting our VFX deal together this week with McGraw Multimedia. I’m looking forward to working with old friends Eldon and John McGraw on bringing a handful of VFX scenes to life on screen. This will include a cool WW1 scene, two boat scenes and a plane sequence. I’m excited to bring this story to life. We’ve been working on the hard parts of the production which is lodging and catering. I’ve also been in talks with several companies about sponsorship aligning their brand with this film. In Sept/Oct we’ll capture this story and have the Fall/Winter to put it all together.


As noted in previous blog entries I’m working to bring some of the older films into the new age. This will include HD enhancement on some. Others will have extras such as ‘Making of’ books and merchandise. And in a few situations it could include a sequel or reboot. We’ve also got some serious development underway on a new Iowa-based film and the WILD FAITH tv series HASTINGS. It is a balance of past, present and future endeavors. I don’t feel like going too far in depth right now on development but we do have many fun projects underway.

ACTING – In part because of the new acting role in ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ and part because of soccer season and the heat, I gave myself a haircut. About 8 cuts of the shears and I’m now sitting much cooler with shorter hair. It was about to the middle of my back. It grows like a weed. This next role in a hardened and experienced ex-officer from WW1. I was watching a doc show of actual life at the front lines in the trenches during WW1 and it was an eye opener.

I found myself thinking about an opportunity to work with an agent again and I’m conflicted. When I was actively seeking roles I had a high booking rate. But taking outside roles does take away from my development of CDI projects. But it is nice to sometimes just go an act versus running a circus. I’m not against considering roles but it has to be something special. At this point in my career I’ve played a lot of roles. I demand a lot from a story/script. Many regional castings are poorly presented and if unpaid have to be a pass. I’m not against those doing unpaid films as it will allow some new talent a chance to showcase on passion alone. I’m just at a place where I cannot sacrifice my routine of doing for free. Also I need to read an entire script. I turned down one project this year because free and fun are just not enough as I mentioned above. Another turned down my inquiry because they were eyeing another name talent. But I do have a great role ahead of me and I’m excited to become this man. I believe in the overall rule that I will do the projects I was meant to do. I know that I still love it though. I could not just produce without the acting. I could write without either of them for someone else but I would still miss acting and producing. Again, I will do what I’m meant to do. The thing about working for others just acting is when the character becomes lost because a story is never finished. I have 5 films I’ve acted in that never finished and four of them were features. I was paid for my time and it took me to places like Miami and Las Vegas but the hard work has never been seen. This always makes me think hard when taking on an outside project. All actors have these stories.


My growling stomach is telling me it is time to feed. I see eggs and bacon in my future. Today might include getting some veggie plants and flowers. I’m going to stay better hydrated and get ready for a great week ahead. I hope you all have a great week also. Brick by brick – build towards your goals.

Coffee Cheers!


NEW (HIR) Teaser Poster and Several Film Updates

(The NEW teaser poster for CDI’s next film ‘Harsens Island Revenge’)

Coffee Cheers on this fine Sunday morning. It is still chilly on these Michigan mornings and the hazelnut coffee is really tasting fine. We will be approaching a few places about sponsorship with coffee during the next CDI shoot. Often when a small army is exposed to a new product they become of fan and a regular user. Some sponsorships help the production directly and some indirectly like when we did jar candles for many years. When you have to stay away from home for several weeks it really does bring comfort. Last week was an extremely productive week on so many fronts. Let’s take a look at some of those developments.

  1. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has been delivered to our distributor (BMG) and this week we’ll deliver the last few pieces. The overall film copyright and a few final marketing pieces will be sent over tomorrow and I hope to have release dates by the end of the week. I’m excited for the distributor art to start being worked on we are all so very excited about the 4th quarter of the year release to home video. We still are waiting to see if we are invited out to the Burbank Film Festival. But this movie has been an amazing journey like they all are. If you have not seen the film yet know we are excited to bring it to you. If you did get to see it in the theaters we’re excited to bring you this enhanced version.
  2. This past week was also the deadline to get all the extra materials in for an upcoming Knight Chills re-release. For those that don’t know this film was the first feature for CDI. It is a tale about bullying but told using role playing games as the setting. With all the renewed excitement over Dungeons and Dragons and such, this film should be well received. It is not a great film by any means but it is true to itself and the subject matter. It is also a good example of doing it yourself – filmmaking. We learned so much and the film is turning 25 years old soon. It got strong distribution during its initial release but also had us as young filmmakers navigating the hardships of low level distribution. Integrity. But the fans have come full circle appreciating the film. My fear with the older films was always – what if this is the first film of mine they see? Everyone starts somewhere and I/we started at ground zero so that really makes the journey more impressive. I’m secure where I am in my life with everything acting/filmmaking and so I’m enjoying the process of getting this films prepped for a new release to new audiences. They want me to be zero PR releases until they present to licensors in a few months so this will be likely the last update on this for a short while. But thank you to those who were willing and/or able to participate in the Behind the Scenes extras. I can say that we have plans with this company to focus on FROM VENUS (CDI’s 2nd film) and IN THE WOODS (My 1st starring role). We learn and build from our past endeavors.
  3. I mentioned IN THE WOODS above and I am due for an update meeting next week on this re-mastering. I also have some great new information to share. This film is getting a new edit with added scenes and lots of extras. I’ve seen some of the prototypes of the toy line and it is looking good. I need to get my face scan for the Alex Kerwood action figure. This week at one of our meetings I discovered how I might be able to get this scan done faster and sent to the mold makers. In this CDI association, we have a slate of films moving down the line. I emanated prior SHJ, a supernatural thriller and the buzz on IN THE WOODS 2. I also will be excited to talk about new technology that could really help an older project called PALEFIRE. At least I think that is the title. I need another blast of coffee:)
  4. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – This powerful and amazing story is being prepped for presentation and funding to interested parties. This film would shoot in Iowa as a follow up to our SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. It is undergoing a final polish with another set of eyes and the presentation package is being finalized.
  5. WILD FAITH: Hastings is the 8 show spin off from the WILD FAITH motion picture. It continues to gain momentum on many platforms and just surpassed 7 million views on our distributor’s streaming platform. This is a new endeavor and so we’re trying to set it up just right. The most important thing to me is creative control to keep the integrity of the show that was inspired directly from shows like THE WALTONS and LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE. By that I mean that every show has a life lesson attached to it.
  6. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is CDI’s next film and we’ve been steady at work each and every day. Last week we met with McGraw Multimedia that will likely be supervisions our visual VFX for the film. This was a great reunion of sorts as John McGraw was an editor for CDI in the early days and his brother Eldon, I’ve known even longer. He has been a producer for many years. We’ve got a handful of ambitious scenes in the film that we’ll be tackling. We also got a great preview of all the capabilities of motion capture which might come into play on another film project. We only have a few cast and crew to still place and most of our efforts are on lodging and catering right now. We’ll start locking down locations once we know exactly how many and what days we’ll need a location for. As noted above- we’re starting to lock in some sponsors to assist the film directly or indirectly. Personally, I’ve been having fun slowly building the character for this new role. I like to learn about all the influences in the time period that affects how they see and exist within the world at that time. I cannot lie, I’m itching to get back in front of the cameras and bring AXEL to life. We’re in a holding pattern on some fronts awaiting the schedule from the AD department. We’ll do a close examination and lock the schedule allowing us to go to agreements on cast, locations and vehicles. So many cool things happening and you can follow along on our Facebook page of the same name.
  7. We have a handful of other projects in development and several possible associated films. I’ve recently read a script by some peer filmmakers and that might lead to a collaboration. And I have talks this week on development of – let’s say it could have us returning to the deserts of Yuma, AZ. We have many film family and friends in that area.

(Some of the CDI Tribe meeting with McGraw Multimedia over ‘Harsen’s Island Revenge’)


This week I enjoyed battling on the soccer grid once again. We lost our match but it was a good battle and the season is just getting started. I’m getting my conditioning back and feel pretty good. My flat feet are getting use to the running again. I’ve had many good people reach out this week and had a few really special notes sent on MBF: Man’s Best Friend which is a film that if you haven’t seen of ours you really should. I want to give a shout out to my high school classmates who got together for a 35th class reunion, damn. It just seems like yesterday that I was driving the ole Maverick and playing HAIL TO THE CHIEF with the musical car horn. I just had timing issues with this weekends events but I hope all my Sexton Big Red 88′ alumni had a good time catching up. I’m working to tame this yard which is already a seas of green and various colors. I’ve harvested my first rhubarb for wine making and I’m about to make a batch of summer beer done in the Mexican-style. I might add a pepper to each bottle. If you’ve never tried that you should. I’m ready to start making good ole Sun Tea also. I’m going to finish up here and have a few eggs from our girls before heading to the flea market in search of film props.

Keep following your dreams and I’ll chat with you next week.


Past, Present and Future – The Cycle of Creating and Living

(Getting a 2024 re-release – Ghost Town)

I’m sitting here now after having taken a trip down the road to the first Mega Mall flea market. I love going to look for future props either for a character or the film as a whole. I came home empty handed but that is sometimes how it goes. Yesterday we celebrated my niece’s bday with some morning bowling which was fun. I did pretty good for not bowling in several years. I now have soccer on the TV and I’m excited to start playing with our first game the first week of May. I’ve also enjoyed the spurt of warm weather whereas I re-planted some clover seeds and started doing clean up on the yard. The old hop vines cut down which the birds LOVE for nest building. It is nice to see the bees getting busy to work and the birds active with their activities. We are prepping to grow some veggies and such and even the apple trees are looking really good this year. It won’t be long before the yard is full of berries and rhubarb. I do have the materials to make a Mexican-style light beer and some berries from last season to maybe do another multi-berry wine. We drank up most of the other during the long winter. We had a record temp day in Lansing, MI of 85 degrees but now we have a cold front passing that could put snowflakes in part of the state. Only in Michigan.

Last week I had a great meeting with fellow CDI founder Jeff Kennedy. He has been sidelined for several years dealing with some health issues but also has been enjoying retirement. Retirement doesn’t mean not creating art. They have wonderful artwork everywhere inside and outside their home. We shared a beer in his backyard garden and discussed the classic CDI films and their forthcoming re-releases in HD. We were making plans for CDI to march on for another 25 years. Yes. It’s a long ways off but still you have to plan for such things. The new films are doing quite well and we’re very happy about how many people we’ve reached with our stories. We are always looking ahead and we’ve got a lot of great projects developing. CDI is a multigenerational company and we’re proud of all the growth.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA continues to be played in theaters across the Midwest. It will also be playing as part of the Iowa Motion Picture Awards next month where it has been nominated for BEST FEATURE FILM. We are awaiting to see if we’ll be invited to play at a few other events. The new improved home video version of the film is also being pulled together as we start delivering our master and materials to Bridgestone Multimedia Group. The film will be delivered in May and we should have our hard release dates for home video announcement in June. My guess is an Oct/Nov release.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is full speed ahead and we’re still reading talent and interviewing a few remaining crew spots. We’ll be traveling up North to do some location scouting with our team. With directors approval we can start locking in locations and seeking the final few that we need. Lodging and catering are being explored and we should have all the info we need after the trip to get our schedule completed. That allows us to move forward with cast agreements, vehicle and extra breakdowns and more. Excited by all the cool locations, vehicles and props we’ve found so far. It will be a great shoot and so looking forward to seeing some of my artist friends that I only see when filming.


WILD FAITH: HASTINGS, SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE and FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2 are among some of the projects in development. We will be having more discussions on these new projects and start to put more pieces in play. After we wrap Harsens Island Revenge in October we’ll be looking to see what project is next up in the Spring 2024. We have a few possible “in association” projects also developing and so we’ll have to see what happens in the coming months.

We also have several projects being prepped for re-release in 2024 with KNIGHT CHILLS being the one we’re focused on right now. The Blu Ray is in the works and we’re all excited about that.

WRITING – I have several scripts that I’ve been working on and I’m going to try and settle into some daily writing. Even working a little each day all adds up. Once we get SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA delivered that will help free up some time.

ACTING – I have been aware of a few projects casting in the area and even saw a breakdown that had a character or two I found interesting. But for me to be invested I like to read the entire script. I considered a few projects but for now have chosen to focus on the next role of AXEL, Ex WW1 officer and now an outdoorsmen just trying to live the peaceful life. I LOVE to create a role layer by layer. I love to watch and read about the time period and to try and adjust my perspective of that time. I do have to say that following BEST YEARS GONE, I am looking forward to more comedy.

THE SELF – Partially for the next role and partially for the upcoming soccer season, I’ve been working to get myself in even better shape. Tai Chi, heavy bag work, meditation and even some weapons (stick, staff and sword) practice. I’m just taking it all up a notch and I’m really enjoying it. Laughter and music also play into my plan of keeping the self healthy. I additionally had some great conversations with some old friends this past week. It is always a pure joy to catch up with people and share stories.

WRAP UP – This coming week we’ll be finalizing plans for the forthcoming scout trip. I’ll be focusing on sponsorship talks this week since we have some great opportunities for cross marketing. I’ll probably put some more clover seeds down this week. I want to explore a few tree trims and still want to explore the building of a new deck. The tree trimming helps refill the wood box for next winter. Cycles. It was just a great week of embracing and celebrating the past while also motivating oneself for the future-thus charging our present endeavors.

I’m going to sign off here and get after a few tasks. We have a cold front coming in and so I’ll likely prep the wood stove for a few final wood stove fires. I’m excited for the seasons and tasks ahead. I’m so appreciative for the path I’m on and work each day to achieve balance and momentum moving into the next endeavor. Until we speak again next week please make an effort to be good to one another. Many good folks out there are dealing with their own issues seeking balance.

Coffee Cheers!


Thoughts on MSU Tragedy- Plus ‘Silent Night in Algona’ and ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ Updates

A hazelnut coffee toast to you all on this chilly Michigan morning. As a MSU alumni, I’ve had a lot of thoughts with the shooter that was on the campus. Once the alert went out I switched to the scanner and I was impressed at how the chaos organized quickly with law enforcement. Base camp at the presidents house- where my memories are chatting up former movie studio president Bill Mechanic and screenwriter Jim Cash. The Union, was a haunt of mine that once had a bowling alley in the basement and it still might be there. Berkley Hall lectures, learning with my fellow students while trying to plan for an eve of fun activities. I hated parking at MSU, but otherwise, I truly did enjoy my time there. Back in the day, they did not have a film program so I cobbled together an interdisciplinary humanities degree, that touched on what I thought I might need in the future.

The shooter, was approached just down the road from our house. He only lived a street away, but ended his own life down the road when confronted by police. Sad on all fronts. Three dead and five injured and many students infected with fear. Plus a troubled young man who pulled the trigger. I still don’t have any answers because it isn’t any one issue but many, that likely led to this horrible situation. So I’m starting my blog with just a little acknowledgement of the pain this community suffered but especially our MSU family.


SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– We have theatrical bookings continuing up to March so far. Last week, I had more meetings over the home video and foreign licensing. The box office numbers have been good and there is consideration by the distributor to expand the film with a 3rd party into hundreds more theaters in several states. This is where all those reviews on http://www.imdb.com has helped (So please vote & review if you haven’t) but the attendance at the theaters has been the main push. This week will tell more as we finalize the home video battle plans. The distributor is excited about the project as a whole which they feel will have wide appeal. We’ll deliver the final film on May 1st – with our current plan to see it on DVD/streaming in November. More as we move forward. We will be examining a few select festivals to showcase the film at. We’re in discussions for possible UK and German screenings. Again, our heartfelt thanks to all that have supported this beautiful story.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE– The next CDI film is now in active pre-production, which means this film is happening. The account is open and we’ve got the goods to make it happen. We’ve had several production meetings and now can talk with cast and crew in confidence. This is the first in a new slate of CDI films coming down the development line. We’ll be shooting in Sept and into Oct. this year after Labor Day in Michigan. We’ve been reaching out gathering targeted reads by proposed cast. I’m really excited by the powerful cast we’re already assembling and we’ve got much more to come. We’re also slowly starting to put departments in play. Some are already working on breakdowns and prepping for the filming ahead. We were treated to a great read by Don Most (Best known from ‘Happy Days’) for a powerfully dramatic role in the film. He loved the script! That’s been the response from the talent we’ve approached. I hope to start rolling out some of the cast to IMDB soon. We also have a FB page for the film just starting to post updates. Yesterday, I had a good talk with Robert Bradley, our armorer and works transportation department. There are some friends I really only get to spend quality time with when filming. We will have another incredible shoot. This week we’ll be meeting to try and get Camera and G&E departments all set. Travis Hayward (Best Years Gone) is our director of photography for this exciting new story. A new teaser poster is in the works to rally around.

SHJ PROJECT – The in-association supernatural thriller is getting closer to being solid enough for an announcement. The exciting part of this deal coming together is that it could be multiple films. But like I always say, put your everything into one film and it should bring you the next one. This might get split into an EXT and INT blocks of shooting. More discussions on locations and scheduling once the foundation stones (Funding) is in place. But this will likely shoot EXT at the end of the year and the INT first of the new year (Jan/Feb 2024) – There are so many other exciting talks that go with all this but again, let’s get more solid before I spend time discussing.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The first production draft is complete and has been submitted for approval to move to the next phase of development. I’m getting that approval so the next layers of development work can get underway. This story is pulled from real history which can be more powerful than fiction alone. We blend everything into historic fiction because writers, historians and more are forced to fictionally connect the dots. I’ve been getting some good initial feedback from the story from members of the Native American community. It’s being called an even balanced look at the history of this event. Once moving forward, we’ll do a PR announcement. This year will be some builds and casting for this forthcoming movie. Much like SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA and the German actors, we’ll likely start with the Native American casting, first. I have a few in mind already and several have the script to review. This film will shoot in Iowa! We have so many friends there and it will be nice to return and tell another story.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH and FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH II: Battlefields – The first documentary film is out in the marketplace to watch (TUBI if you wanna watch free with ads) and the groundwork is being put in place for part 2. The Red, White and Blue Project and CDI, are once again putting this all together with Curran Jacobs hosting and again directing. Adam Towner will be editing and providing some of the camera work. If you want to explore a write off for your self or business, please reach out. I will be circling around to our previous donors and giving them first chance to get involved. This will be a series of films exploring in-depth, the many topics we touched upon in the first film. This next one explores more of the military history behind Catch Can.


We have many projects and associated endeavors in development, but at this point we don’t need to go in-depth on any of them. We are working a few of the films from the CDI library, bringing their materials up to date for future re-release. We have all the films newly backed up and will be putting in play yet another back up storage device. I’m excited with each new week. I love connecting with many of our artists and getting to know new artists, and examining how they might thrive in the CDI tribe. I’m looking at keys that can travel for multiple pictures ideally. By 2025, I think CDI will be overseeing multiple projects, whereas we can keep most of our folks working pretty consistently. That is a goal.

I know the tribal chiefs at CDI, are almost all actor/producers and would love to have more comedy sprinkled in with the dramas. HOT ROD LOVE was on that comedic track (pun intended) but it had a few temp set backs. You can go back and read on that in my earlier blogs- but we have a great comedic script that will one day – race into production.

I’m going to finish this coffee and work on some writing for a book. I’ve been asked now for several years to contribute stories to several books on animals. I’ve written true stories on cats, dogs, horses and now birds. Yes. I have a few good stories to share that have birds at the center of them. So, I’m going to rough out a few of those stories.

NOTE FOR ACTORS: If you’re an actor and a fan of the CDI films wondering how you can be seen- Go ahead and paste your actor reel link to https://www.facebook.com/cdiproductions/ and I will promise that each and everyone will be watched. I do try and keep up with emerging talent but time wise it can be difficult.

I will end with this thought- while we discuss plans and dreams becoming reality- tragically for some, their journey here has ended. If you are reading this, your journey continues. Appreciate the struggles we all face. Appreciate the people in your circles. Appreciate still being able to dream and move towards a goal. Just appreciate.

Coffee Cheers.


Eggs, Advice and Updates from a Snowy Michigan

I’m sitting by the fire and sipping the hazelnut coffee. We had to get a new grinder as the last one started failing in its duty. We had a few days of snow falling and the temps have been bitter. I’ve been so happy reading about all the smiles we’ve put on faces with the showing of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, that is reaching towards a hundred cities. Now most of our fans of this film are slightly older with an appreciation of history. As the rave reviews, festival invites, booking agents and more reaching out to align with this film, I knew the attention seeking haters were looming. Often it is someone who was passed up on a role, position or what-not. A company, filmmaker, screenwriter who has not earned their opportunity and so they are angry. Sometimes it is one person having a grievance with a person on the cast or crew, but they lash out at an entire groups work. This film when at the prime of its run will be seen by tens of millions. So far we’ve presented to thousands of people in theaters. We’re opening into many new cities/screens this week and more in the weeks to come. I’m excited that next Sat Feb 4th we’ll be premiering at the NCG theatre in Owosso, Michigan the hometown of our director, DP (Camera) and young lead Curran Jacobs. It will be the first showing for many of my own family. They will have a 4:00 show and a 7:00 with an afterglow after the late show.

To get back at the negative feedback, from negative folks. They are trapped in a cloud, a filter, that effects everything they do, watch, see. I normally care very little about the stones thrown but do wish all the beautiful comments we’ve received through various social media, communication platforms, could be seen by all. The stories forgotten and recalled of grandparents struggling at an earlier time. So if you want your review known – please go to http://www.imdb.com and search ‘Silent Night in Algona’ – on that page you can VOTE with 10 being the best and lastly + ADD A REVIEW- where you’ll be able to express all the wonderful feelings this film invoked. This will help in some avenues of distribution – we are also seeking any of you professional reviewers also. Please do reach out if you’ve done or wish to do an official review for your site, blog or vlog.

Enough with all that- I’m extremely proud of all the amazing feedback and that is causing the film to grow, grow, grow- in the marketplace. IF YOU WANT THE FILM IN YOUR AREA– a handful of calls to the local theatre manager asking them to have their booker reach out. They can reach out to our FB page and that is how it has expanded so well, because of you all! We are starting to look at a few select festivals in America, UK, Germany. The home video deal will likely finalize next month and we have some great plans in motion for that. So if you get a chance to see it on the big screen – do it. It will roll out to DVD and streaming on the run up to the holidays this year.

Harsens Island Revenge – On Friday, I was working on casting breakdowns. We’ve landed on our production dates which are after Labor Day. We are about to do some PR on our director announcing the project and possible with a teaser poster. The paperwork for the project is being drafted and in about two weeks we’ll move into official pre-production. This film will be shot in Michigan and we’ve got some great things lining up. WW1 vets versus the Purple Gang mafia – it’s gonna be exciting. Already a few departments are prepping. We will start sitting down with others from our past crews to see if they want to go on this adventure. I’m excited to do another scout trip soon.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The script for this powerful story is under review for historical adjustments. There are always conflicting recollection of events. We are making historic fiction not doing a biopic, but guidance is always helpful. I have a meeting this coming week to take this to the next phase of development. If this all goes well, I’ll have a lot more to discuss. We are targeting a 2024 shoot if we stay on our timeline.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2: Battlefields – This next step in our martial arts series that focuses on grappling and the art of Catch-Can. The project will again be produced by the Red, White & Blue Project Inc. non-profit and Collective Development Inc. Once again Curran Jacobs will direct and host the second installment. Adam Towner is onboard to again do post edit work. They will soon start talking to previous donors to see if they want to travel deeper into the study and history of this art used in life and death combat situations. Many new and exciting guests are planned for this new installment looking to roll camera in the Summer.

PROJECT-SHJ – My meeting over the supernatural thriller went extremely well. The biggest issue to discuss was schedule. Now that we have the Harsens Island Revenge dates solid we can look to lock something here. We talked budgets and production duties in our associated collaboration. I was happy with these discussions and we even discussed a slate of films. One is a script we collaborated on many years ago. Another would be a sequel to our maiden endeavor, which would be written by me. I’ve had a good idea for a sequel for many years and so I pitched it. Another story to eventually be put to paper. Yes, I use Movie Magic but once done. I like paper to read and memorize.

HOW DO YOU DO THIS STUFF? A common question

A lot of dreamers have the idea and passion but it must be tempered and focused. Many are great dreamers and talkers and poor at execution. Outside the sight of others they get lazy or disorganized doing what they want to do versus what needs to be done. Truth nuggets here. If you can KNOW THYSELF enough, if you have WILLPOWER – you can dictate. Before you go (Random fun place) you are going to get that proposal written. For many who struggle with willpower I always say, do what you need to do but don’t want to do first, when you have the most energy. Do not wait until you are nearly depleted to tackle the task you dread most. Often it is not as bad as your mind has built up. Once completed and feeling productive the lesser items seem even easier to tackle.

Everything is steps. Order of business. But brainstorming and dreaming is the start. I have many of those sessions weekly with the CDI Tribe. Ideas are tossed about until one shines brighter. No egos. The mutual conversations birthed options and ideas. Ideas are put to order. Execution of each step of order, like a battle mission. Knights around the table reporting, recapping, refining their plans. Have fun. I cannot stress this enough. Have FUN when you work on and through these things. As a camp counselor we use to have team challenges. In martial arts – fighting with a partner at your back. The beer that flows after a soccer match in victory or loss, because you’re living and playing the game. Life is a game of time. Many spend huge amounts of time chasing symbols of currancy and recognition of doings by way of fame. I want my work done to be appreciated but be known for what I’m doing in the present.

I’m an artist in the present. I work with wonderfully, talented people. I laugh and enjoy the mutual victories, obtained by artists who care. We humbly present our work, to which many have and will continue to praise the story. But there will be those who are enraged by others doing what they dreamt of but did not apply themselves in the right way. In the right direction. With the right people. It is hard people. Most famous bands make their best music in 10 years and break up. We are moving towards three decades as a company of storytellers and now we have multiple generations of CDI artists. To me that is success. EVERY FILM is handcrafted like my beers, wine or- you get the point. No formula Hollywood here. I go to the Detroit art museum and I don’t LOVE everything I see. I actually see a few things taking up space but that is subjective. I don’t get it but someone else is weeping because of the brilliance of it all. I don’t get all music these days. Beastie Boys were and still are often my jam. To someone else- Lame. I get it. I think if people spent as much time acting off their positive good filters versus time spent acting off their negative filters, they would find an improvement in their own lives. Negativity is a poison. When said, written or even thought- you ingest it. Start replacement that with KINDNESS, LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING – and please do not draw lines. No exceptions. You want a sweeter life, feed, give, share the honey of life and not the bitter arsenic of negativity.

I’m out to refill the coffee cup and eat some bacon and eggs. People laughed at chicken land at first but whose laughing now? Just kidding. Actually, it has been a good experience. Until next week my friends.

Coffee Cheers,


NEW Theaters, Director’s Screening, NEW Development 2023

A beautiful light snow is falling in Michigan. I’m sipping on my hazelnut coffee and reflecting upon the past week. Again, a kind lady, a friends mother that I’ve known since I was 5, passed away. She was 94 and did many great things in her time with her family being her pride. Her son who was one of my oldest friends, passed away unexpectedly when I was out filming THE CHRIST SLAYER. It was nice to see so many people I’ve not seen in many years. It is sad that is often takes a tragedy or loss to bring some folks together. I was happy to hear all these beautiful comments about the films we’ve done. The lady who passed really loved Man’s Best Friend. Several talked about The Quest Trilogy (Our three part biblical adventure). Many wanted to know what the latest and greatest was- that is SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. Some saw it in our home town but the film was extended for two weeks and we were not told. We could have promoted the added two weeks more had we known. But the film did quite well, hence the extended screening.

My own family has not seen the WW2 drama which is marching all across the midwest as people request the film and bookers are reaching out. We’re heading into Nebraska and soon Minnesota – also in the director’s hometown of Owosso, Michigan we’ve secured a run with the NCG theatre. We are pushing to get it into N. Lansing at the NCG in February. Dates TBD. We’ll be starting the Owosso, NCG run on Feb 4th (Sat) with screenings at 4:00 and 7:00 and the film will play until Feb 9th playing at 4:00 and we’re trying to get a second show during the week for those who work. The photo banner will be up on the 4th and our director Anthony Hornus will be welcoming folks to both shows. After the 7pm show we’re going to go to Romas next door to meet and greet with guests. I’m giving the advanced notice here and on Monday we’ll start releasing PR about the showing.

It doesn’t matter what state you are in – contact the managers and request their bookers bring it in. We’re having classrooms of kids, retirement home trips and church groups, all going to the film. Many are seeing the film more than once and we’re getting lots of requests for DVD and streaming which will be 4th quarter of the year after we’ve marched around the country doing screenings. We are trying to get it to a major military base theatre in Germany and are looking at select festivals to play.

BEST YEARS GONE – This is our previous comedy drama and we’re looking at some comedy fest and also a few cool marketing ideas. I still want to look at sponsoring a race – The Gilles Cup:) If you haven’t had a chance to watch this film, please do. I think you will laugh and find some sweet moments in the film.


Harsens Island Revenge – is in full on development and will go into pre-production next month for a post Labor Day shoot. Cast and Crew discussions will begin soon. Location scouting has already begun and another scout trip will be in order soon.

For the Love of Catch: Battlefields is the second collaboration in a series of doc films focused on the grappling arts. We’re in the budgeting stage and talking to potential donations as the project is produced through the Red, White & Blue Non-Profit with CDI supervising the production. If you or your company have interest in supporting this project via donations please reach out.

SHJ – The meeting for the in association film went really well. The biggest issue is schedule which needs to land after Harsens Island Revenge. This film is an action mystery thriller with a supernatural twist to it. I’ll have follow up meeting this week to iron out more details but things are looking very promising.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The first draft of the script is done and I had a select group looking it over for historical tweaks. It is not a biopic but historical fiction. If the script gets approved, I’ll fine tune the budget and we’ll look at the builds we need done this year before 2024 proposed shoot. The key is not too many cooks in the kitchen. CDI is excited to tell another Iowa-based story. I will be looking to see how many 1800’s cabins exist still in the Algona, Iowa area. Stay tune for more updates.


This week I will continue to feed our accountants the information they need to do end of year taxes. I have started working on personal taxes and will have that material pulled together very soon. I know that the CDI website is about to get a few updates to it. If you haven’t visited our website – http://www.cdiproductions.com

We are going to be discussing merchandise for the lead up to Christmas 2023 but SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, posters could become available for sale in Feb if things go right. They might be for sale at the Owosso, MI afterglow. What CDI merchandise would you like to see?

Lastly, we’re moving towards a SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, final film to deliver to the home video distributor. It’s now like a 4 piece puzzle that needs to be put together. On the big screen we were able to see a few polishes needed either to the color, VFX and subtitles, in a few places.

In addition to all this – I do have a few writing projects I’ll be returning to. One is a comedy and one a Sci-Fi piece, I do love writing. I’ve got many sponsors to touch base with to discuss the home video release of SNIA and also discuss them coming on board Harsens Island Revenge. I’m going to have some company later so I’ll be getting the wood stove roaring. I hope you all have a recharging weekend and prepare for a productive week ahead.

Coffee Cheers,


An 1800’s Lesson, Film Updates, Development

France, Ireland, India and more- coffee cheers. I will note as much as I LOVE my hazelnut coffee I so enjoyed my daily pot of South Indian Coffee in Otty, India. Also, I thought I had some basic tea skills but in India they take that task very serious. I recall on the set of KARMA, they had a TEA DEPARTMENT. Best coffee and tea service on a film set – hands down.

Speaking of places that still live very rural in places, last night during high winds we lost power. All around our state they had trouble but in Lansing, Michigan- it was in pockets. We could see lights on in other places but our street was dark. Worse was that it was not a total lack of power just a trickle that can cause issue when the power surges back. So all things that use consistent power like the fridge and freezer were pulled. Thankfully, we did not lose any of the frozen food. I might be a bit more motivated to look at generators. In winter you can move food in coolers outside to chill. Heat can be replaced with fire. Last night we had almost every candle in the house lit and it was still light a horror film. We even played the game ‘scrabble’ by candlelight which was a first. It really makes you think how good we have it. I’ve been writing a true event story SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, from the 1850’s and it gave me even more insight. Insight to the hardships that came with keeping light and heat in the house. I’m 2/3 through the first draft and I will finish the first draft this month. It has been a powerful experience researching and writing into these story. Did I say, I love scriptwriting. This story will be very powerful.


SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, has a target date of Nov 14th to start pulling all the elements of the film together. We’re still working the German subtitles, music and final VFX. It will be exciting to see them all come together. The new trailer released and folks are really enjoying the peek. NOTE: The IMDB page is not fully complete. I do the data entry along with my hundreds of other tasks. But you can see many of the great artists behind this project and the two trailer previews.

IMDB Link: (Trailers included)


It is beyond hard work to pull all this together. We’re not perfect, we’re still looking for a few items misplaced post shoot, including a uniform dropped off at Wild Haven and a camp banner. If anyone reading this from our team knows anything please do let me know. Otherwise, we’ll have to spend some time searching about once we arrive for the premiere. Our director/producers team will be represented along with a few of the cast and crew making the journey in December. Many from Michigan will wait until we do a premiere here after Algona.

THE QUEST TRILOGY – Welcome to the holidays! We just announced last week how WILD FAITH, surpassed six million views on our distributors ENCOURAGE TV. We’re proud to say the first film in the trilogy just passed 2 million views on ENCOURAGE TV, so we thank you. We hope that you take the time to continue a growing tradition and watch or rewatch the trilogy with your family.

With Veterans Day approaching, we’re putting some promotion together. Several #TribeCDI films have our fine military at the heart of the story.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, MANS BEST FRIEND, WILD FAITH as well as WICKED SPRING, recently released on HD streaming at Encourage TV. AN ORDINARY KILLER, like Wicked Spring needs to be re-conformed and also put to HD for a 2023 release. This process is much needed to allow films to stay out there in the marketplace. Take a watch on these films when time allows. Technology moves on-

This process on prepping for re-release is time consuming and difficult when you have some many present properties to deal with. But you just keep chipping away and get the work done. I’ve been chipping away, getting GHOST TOWN, ready for a new release.


We’re also trying to organize all the past masters. Again technology moves on and you can easily fall behind. This new gathering of easy access masters will allow new trailers and promos to be cut. I’ll be prepping for an end of year dispersement on films and getting ready for end-of-year taxes. We have some new promo for CDI also underway. We’ll also be updating the CDI website http://www.cdiproductions.com


I’m looking forward to doing a script meeting this week to comb through and make some final corrections and adjustments. Once this is complete, we will more into more active casting. We will also start sitting down with proposed keys in the first of the new year. I’m excited to start more pre-production work in the coming year. We’ll have a new PR release coming soon on this project.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH brand might have a new documentary coming together for 2023. We’ve also got several spin off ideas beyond the new documentary. I hope to have a sit down this week over some of that. DVD’s are now available and so coaches get your copy. The response to the doc was awesome but not unexpected. It was missing – history, the ties that bind. And it was presented in a very moving and entertaining way. I had several people tell me that teared up and/or cries while watching. Why? Watch and you will see. Passion. Everyone speaking on the doc offers passion and knowledge. This rises above the differences and relishes in the uniting love of Catch or history, as it is. I’m proud of it. Proud of our small team. Proud of the sponsors who stepped up and made it happen.

WRAP UP – I did bottle up the Frankenberry R and Frankenberry B for raspberry or blueberry wine, used in the final conditioning in the bottles. The harvest has been good to many this year and our chickens are keeping pace with eggs even with diminished daylight. I’m going to go gather up a few branches, right the windmill which blew over, and clean up the yard. I’m looking forward to seeing some family and friends later. I’ll get the wood stove roaring. I might chop some more wood. Everything, even writing here with you, helps me to summarize and visualize what I have to do this forthcoming week. I’ll be curious to see how AFM treated a few of our properties. We will have more massive strides in our SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, post work. Developmental script work! It is a time of celebration and hard work. This week illustrated that when busy and challenged, the present is the best focus of your energy. Past and Future have their time in reflection but can slow down ‘in the moment’ reaction time. Often resulting in a missed opportunity.

My last note- this is from DJ the actor. He has been at rest while DJ the businessman, producer and writer, drive the ship. I, like many of my ‘acting inflicted’ friends have that call to- ‘become’ and embody a character, weaving a lesson and story from the performance. I do miss this on camera sharing, but I can say that the energy continues to manifest, filmed or not. I’ve been back and forth over a proposed talk show, BY THE FIRE. IF, and that is a big IF because I like to keep my private aspects and not have them add nor take away from characters. But, I was inspired by podcasts? like Mike Tyson Hotboxing. Between Two Ferns, is pretty damn funny too. But good conversations. At the fort, many great talks happen, but that is sacred space, freedom, creative ideas. I would never put that under a microscope. Technology can be friend or foe. It is while they have artists retreats because people get away from nature. Connecting. I’ve helped many break an addiction of sorts with technology. You do not obey the phone the phone obeys you. It is a tool. Gather what you need to do and do it in a condensed time. After that put it down. Disconnect. It is powerful and freeing and it has helped many to be more productive and interactive people. That effects all your relationships business and personal. We will see, said the wise man. I’m going to check out of this technology. Refill the hazelnut coffee and go outside. Have a great day and week ahead.

Coffee Cheers!


Premieres, Post-Production Updates and More…

Good afternoon my friends. I’m back from a few errands this morning and sitting down to some reheated coffee from earlier. It has been an extremely busy time here at CDI and even my Friday had me on several hours of online meetings. But all extremely productive. Let’s start with this poster art above for our ‘FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH‘ release. It will start will a two show (6pm and 8pm) at the Owosso, NCG theater on Oct. 1st, 2022. The home video release with be on 10/4/2022 – here is more info from IMDB. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12741924/releaseinfo?ref_=tttr_ql_dt_2

So if you practiced any martial art or enjoyed the MMA/Pro-Wrasslin’ this will be an informative and enjoyable watch. I know Amazon Prime will be releasing and we’ll let you all know as we know the other available platforms. I will be attending our premiere as many of the CDI tribe to support our own Curran Jacobs who directed. If you’re in Michigan you might want to attend – an afterglow will take place most likely at ROMAS next door but that’s not locked in yet.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – My last meeting of the week was with our Algona friends helping to pull together the Algona, Iowa premiere. We’ll also do one in Michigan before the theatrical run starts 1-2 weeks after the (Dec 10th targeted date) Iowa premiere. Our goals is to have it play chains across the midwest where all these camps were located.

A few days earlier we met at the studio in the pines and reviewed the first half of the film’s dialog clean up and talked design and music. It really sounds great and my favorite part of the process ‘music’ is on deck. We’ll return this week to review the second half and start looking at the sound design aspects. Meanwhile in Canada the VFX and model work is being finished. I cannot wait to see those scenes once the work is done.

This film also represents a new level in product partnerships with brands like Hersheys, Hormel, Smithfield and Lerma Transportation involved. Our goal is to have them also assist in the theatrical marketing. For home video release I would love to see some ‘limited time’ vintage packaging released to the public. How about 5 cents Hersheys like in 1944? The new trailer is being worked on and it will be done in a few weeks.

BEST YEARS GONE – So yesterday kind of last moment I was offered some MSU football tickets and an invite to stop in as a guest at a get together for one of our investors. It is close by and so after the MSU game seemed well in hand, I stopped out. My history with these folks goes back to 1998 when we became famous at CDI for blowing up a car on their road in KNIGHT CHILLS. It was a barn party, but this was no ordinary barn, but a way tricked out venue for performance and drinks.

The entertainment was first class with guest musician Laith Al-Saadi from American Idol being featured. Also met a Red Wings legend Darren McCarty, very polite gent. I had some good talks that could manifest as sponsors or investors in the future, but overall just had a great time.

I had a few Moscow Mules followed by some coffee before I had to make the drive home which reminded me of ‘Icabod Crane’ in the Sleepy Hollow tale. In the dark woods on a full moon, trees bent tight across the road – twists and turns – hauntingly beautiful. Thank you John and Rhonda for a great time and yes, we’ll be discussing some special event screenings.

So the best part of the night was when I found myself sharing a stand up table with a fella Richard who was there from Detroit networking. I got explaining to Richard how I knew the party hosts and about our film endeavors. He asked about a few titles and I rattled off the two films that just went to TUBI, BESTSELLER and BEST YEARS GONE. He replied that he had seen BEST YEARS GONE and really liked it. I said, “no way” – but he insisted. Yup. Twins. Racecars. He said, google up the poster and I’ll tell you. So I pulled up our poster from IMDB. He said, “Yup, and that guys the lead,” pointing at Gil. YOU DON’T SAY:) I proceeded to say something to him as Gil, about light beer. He was surprised to find he was drinking with Gil Gilles. I don’t always get to meet my fans so this was a treat. So if you haven’t seen BESTSELLER or BEST YEARS GONE take a watch on TUBI and drop us a review on http://www.imdb.com

I’m enjoying taking the extra time this season to prep and attend a few more film events. We have several premieres ahead and are in ACTIVE development on HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE. We’ll be planning a few scouting trips in the weeks ahead. We are going to start sitting down with possible keys later in the year. I want to get a teaser poster underway as a pre-production battle flag. This is a great story from history and I had a chance to pitch it around to a very attentive audience last night. More meetings this week to lie the foundation down and discuss future creative directions with this story. We’re starting to look at vehicles that fit the pre-1927 timeframe. I’m extremely excited about this film that will shoot next year.

But it keeps getting better…


I’ll be doing PR soon on the new script writing project. Yes. The ink is dry. Green light – Phase 1 of the next collaboration out of Iowa, is set. The story will be an 1800’s tale that showcases a major event in Iowa history. I’ve been researching for months now and I’m ready to start weaving another powerful story.


I had another paragraph WRAP UP and I accidentally deleted it. Lets see if I can recall in no particular order. The hops harvested and squash is right behind it. I trimmed the apple trees and next up is the mulberry trees. I have a possible movie interview on Monday out of Nashville, TN. Tuesday is set to be the FADE IN…day where I start writing on the new script. Weds is our development and premiere meeting. Thursday out to review and tweak more audio on the second half of the film. Friday might be the start of the new bath install with a little help from a much more handy friend. Thank you for all the support and communications out there. It really means a lot to our artists.

Coffee Cheers, be productive this week.


Home Video Release Dates, Festival Premieres and More…

Hello my friends. I’m writing a bulk of this the night prior due to an out of town family breakfast. The picture up top is from SMOKE & MIRRORS. It is a fun steampunk, Houdini-inspired short film taken from a feature script. It reunited director Nathaniel Nose and Director of Photography Jesse Aragon from ‘The Christ Slayer, ‘ shot in Yuma, AZ. This upcoming weekend Sat 30th, it will play as part of a block of shorts (Will start 5pm or shortly after) at the MotorCity Nightmares convention in Novi. It is a cool film and gives a wonderful preview of what the feature film will be like.

SPEEDING into lap 3 (week 3) and BEST YEARS GONE seems to be picking up speed. Today was yet another great character interview featuring the one and only Melissa Anschutz. She is talking ‘Mandy,’ and her experience in filming. If you liked her sass in “Lost Heart” you will definitely enjoy Mandy’s um… toughness.

Join us on Facebook and watch all the interviews – here’s Melissa


Alright – more updates…it has been a busy week.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – we are still hoping for the Toronto Film Festival premiere. But while we wait I can tell you that a hometown showing in Owosso, MI is in discussion after the Toronto dates. But for those who won’t be able to attend our handful of event showings we have good news. Deskpop Entertainment has confirmed that the Transactional VOD (buy/rent digital) date is Oct 4th, 2022 on Amazon Prime and many major platforms that we’ll announce in the coming weeks. Ad-based VOD starts Jan, 02, 2023 which is like Tubi and other watch free with ads. I need to circle back about DVD’s and see what the plan is there. But, very soon the world will see an entertaining and highly informative documentary featuring true pioneers, diverse, but united in their love of the art of PUT UP or SHUT up. The fragmented history of grappling is pieced back together and will be used to preserve the tradition and history for generations to come. I am very proud of this project. Poster art for the release is also starting to be discussed.

BESTSELLER – Join us at the Facebook site – this film holds a special place for anyone who has written and worked the steep slope of mainstream submissions and literary agents. That is the only hint I will give but it blurs the lines between protagonist and antagonist. This is a watch a night film, enjoy. Amazon Prime easiest place to watch but several are out there.


If you watched the film leave a review at http://www.imdb.com page or the platform (Example: Amazon)

MAN’S BEST FRIEND and WILD FAITH have been adding new platforms such as PeacockTV. I’ve had questions on sequels to both films. Speaking of MBF I think I will be seeing the one and only Austin Two Feathers. He played my cell mate Buddy. He’s a brilliant actor and a great friend. WILD FAITH will likely experience a sequel as a TV series, WILD FAITH: Hastings. We’ve had some initial interest and are in talks on how all the pieces would work.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The film is looking so incredible. I’ve been working to digest everything after watching the director/editor cut of the film. After very few notes, we’re soon to head into a final polish before we have a picture lock. What this means is that the timeline of edited scenes is locked so that music and sound design can begin. Color correction can begin but we might wait until the VFX scenes are complete. My exact words were, “I’m impressed, but not surprised” -upon watching the film cut. The dedication that went into every performance and crew best effort could be seen on screen. I felt on the edge of emotion in several places (Bohdi) and laughed often, but beyond that, I saw real history being passed down, recorded within a story.

As the screenwriter it was one experience – the pride of capturing this town’s wonderful event. Also enlightening Americans and Germans alike to the history of the PW’s in the heartlands. As a producer, you work with your team tirelessly. Most times, cast and crew busy capturing the onset magic don’t know of the problems solved, nor should they. Distractions equal time wasted and when fighting for daylight- giddy up. Listen, our CDI crews from what I see, are proud of our stories. They’re proud to have participated in that particular adventure in storytelling. Our artists work hard, mentally too because we’re often creating other time periods. You have to be part historian not just an artist. As an actor, I saw my dad, in my role. My hair is now longer and my face shaggy, so the clean-cut, example-setter for the PW camp, Col Lodell, was quite shocking to me onscreen. But EVERYONE really brought their characters to life on-screen. I love watching actors soar. They need a strong script, good set environment and they need equally dedicated and passionate artists to live the scenes with.

The crafting of the scenes is where Nathaniel Nose and Tony Hornus get all kinds of credit. The story is moving, powerful in its exploring of emotions from the perspective of the town, the guards, the PW’s and the Tietz family. I WISH Rance Howard could have been here to see this film done. Heck. He never saw the final THE CHRIST SLAYER. But what I always felt was a powerful story, a strong script – well executed under harsh conditions by an incredible crew. Daniel Chipman, gave us some amazing images, capturing those powerful performances. I will say that when I watched it, I was again proud that we’re going to release another CDI film with a lot of heart, truth and beautiful style befitting the times presented. We are looking at a December 10th theatrical premiere in Algona, Iowa. We’re working to extend the run at that chain and others across Iowa for the weeks that follow. We’ll likely do a theatrical run in Michigan also and beyond that we’ll have to see. It will play theatrical and festival for a few months into 2023 and we’ll start to prep it for a Christmas 2023 home video run up. Which usually means Nov 1st as soon as those ghosts and goblins kick off. I’m so tempted to share the official theatrical poster now but that will come this week with a press release. I’m going to call it good perhaps having missed an update or two. Today following last nights storm and no morning power put me behind. But have have a great week and we’ll have more to talk about next week.

Coffee Cheers!


Whirlwind of Activity- Ride the Synergy

Hello friends,

It’s the beautiful eve of July 9th and it has been a busy yet enjoyable week. We launched right off July 4th, into the July 5th home video launch of BEST YEARS GONE. It is making its way into living rooms across the country. I’ve had people send pics of their DVD either purchased online or I’m told certain Walmarts. Like the cool ones:) I really enjoyed hearing the laughter in the showings of the theatrical run. It is why we charted a course with another comedy HOT ROD LOVE, gunning to film this fall. If you take a watch and have yourself a few good laughs, leave us an amazon or imdb.com review. I enjoyed some many aspects of this film and I truly did a few firsts in this film. You will have to watch to find out.

Via some little promo videos we’ve gotten to know some of the cast and their characters. So far we’ve gotten to watch Dean Teaster and Erika Hoveland.

(Dean Teaster)


(Erika Hoveland)


This week I think we’ll be seeing the twins and others talking about their experience. So to all those taking their watch this first weekend, thank you.

I’m trying to make arrangements to break away Saturday for a few hours to come tour the convention and watch the festival premiere of SMOKE & MIRRORS. (Sat. July 30th) I’ve never been to the festival, this will be my first. I’ve heard good things about it over the years. I’m actually going to return to my revamp of the feature script after we shot the short concept film. I love how it came out and really painted a stronger visual in my head for the new version of the script.

I’m happy to say that my previous writing project is complete. I’m so excited about CDI telling that story next year. It’s called HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE, and it will have CDI storytelling in the roaring 20’s. We have some advance location scouting underway but this will just be some early development work. I have had the pleasure of living in my imagination in the post WW1 world for several weeks. Again, a great time period for the CDI artists to story tell within.

Currently, our WW2 Christmas story SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, is marching towards a locked picture. We’re close to a director/editor cut review. Any suggestions will be made and a final edit pass will be made before we lock it up. From there it will be to Dennis Therrian and post production work. He’s already playing with arrangements and building his sound FX library. A new poster version is almost complete and discussions on the theatrical trailer have begun. We released a cool video last week of the model building. We’ll be showing more of the VFX work in the weeks to come.

BESTSELLER, our mystery thriller, released May 31st – I’ve had some fans of the film comment on the “masterful mood” that it invokes and the “unexpected intensity” on display. I don’t want to give anything away on this one but if you like the hair-tingling, heart-thumping, edge-of-your-seat movie rides, this might be for you.

I’ve had a noticeable amount of fan mail increase on MAN’S BEST FRIEND and WILD FAITH, telling me the NBC Peacock Streaming crowd have joined the viewing audience. It’s an honor and we do hope their audiences will get to watch more TribeCDI films. To answer a few questions I received-

“Yes. I was a martial artist before I was a professional actor. That scene in MBF was a thrill, to finally showcase some fighting arts. The actors I worked opposite off did a great job. I’m proud of that scene. ” (Man’s Best Friend)

No I’m not a method actor to the point that ‘Ben Lily’ actually manitou’d in his buckskins. Note: In the film, Ben, is an idiot, and isn’t using the word ‘manitou’ properly. (Wild Faith)

THE QUEST TRILOGY – I’m excited to be working on a new way to present the trilogy during the holidays. Having someone intro each of the films and talk a little about each one. I also had a good development talk with one of our past backers and they want to reengage on some additional biblical stories. I have a few great one’s on deck- another trilogy perhaps?:)

LOST HEART – One of our co-stars in this movie got complimented strongly by their peers while at a signing convention. By peers I mean, other legends. It was nice to hear that they really enjoyed it. That’s how our circle usually gets larger because friends of friends, become fans the stories and want to explore participation if a certain story calls for it. We are working on some new marketing angles for this film and its alter ego, BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS.


I made some progress in pulling deliverables for a slate of films from the CDI vaults that will be making its way out via Deskpop Entertainment and BMG. I also have been exploring some additional business in audio books having enjoyed the process on the series of audio books by author/musician Ronnie Lee.

For the Love of Catch – we’re still waiting to hear from the targeted festival, Toronto. We are also awaiting home video release dates from Deskpop Entertainment. I’m waiting word on several endeavors and we’re all excited but trying to have patience. It can be hard, but just like the long anticipated releases, the day will come.

We had the week off from soccer for the holiday week. We’ve been having berry explosion here in the yard. That means fresh berries on everything and I eat 60-100 mulberries a day off the trees. We have wild squash and pumpkins from the garden days growing strong. My hops are growing mighty – just a great year for all the plants! The chickens have been roaming again now that the bird flu subsided. They LOVE the mulberries. But so does the wild birds, squirrels and everything else. Blueberries are new this year as it takes a few years for them to start kicking fruit.

I’ve been putting this together tonight because tomorrow is a full day with a morning flea market and my dad’s bday dinner later in the day. (It was on the 8th) But, I’ve enjoyed the vibe of this cool summer night catching up with all of you. I hope you have a productive week. I have several meetings as per normal, but will also be attending the 4H auction where we get our pork for the year. I hope you’re all having a good balance in your day to day of fun and productive. Life is about the journey, not just the destination. Thank you to everyone who has been reaching out. I appreciate you all. Have a great night. A peaceful Sunday and a week of achieving goals.

Coffee Cheers, (In the morning)


TOP TEN Updates on this Beautiful June Sunday!

I’m back from a flea market whereas a VHS of BLACK BELT JONES starring Jim Kelly so that’s a $2 WIN:) I LOVE looking for props both for our worlds and my own characters within them. We are working hard to get the 70’s drag race film fully fueled up. We had a good meeting with Nate Robertson this week to debrief from the previous shoot and talk about the upcoming. We try to get feedback from people especially concerning people in their departments or just the department as a whole. We always work from the inside out starting with story to script to producers to director to cast and crew and the ripples move across the creative pond until we have a finished film. But I can honestly say that materialistically I get more excited by the VHS find or the Bear recurve bow estate sale take versus all these items whereas YOU are paying for that marketing campaign. Luckily I love a cabin as much as a castle, and a driving a vehicle with character versus high value. I recall as smaller flip phones were the vogue, the jokes in Hollywood about my ‘yellow brick’ Nextel construction phone. The whole CDI group was on walkie talkie. I made some good deals on that phone. I’m not against nice things at all I’m just saying simplify your materialistic wants. Many purchases don’t bring the happiness or added skill. A golf pro could still take most golfers with basic sticks whereas the opposition could be playing with clubs worth several thousands. A car that goes faster than you’ll ever drive. More square feet or acres that you won’t put to use. Many use it (coins, property, stamps, paintings, gold) as an investment to hold or increase value versus some conventional savings. Often it can be a good process. But you just don’t want to get caught overreaching to impress or project an image. Only negative things usually follow that kind of advertising. I like to keep things real and you’ll often find all walks of life at our table. This nice weather had some of the meetings taking place outside. The yard is green and in full swing. I’ve been working to get some trees trimmed and prepping new firewood for the coming winter. The clover in the yard we planted as been really starting to take over and it is beautiful. Irish beauty was one deception of it this week. Do take the time to create your ZEN place. If you live in tight quarters maybe try some plants. Nature is great for balancing one so you can better focus on your TO DO’s.


  1. I have some PR that will start going out on BESTSELLER this week. It will essentially be talking about my start in the thriller/horror genre and follow my diversifying into more genres. BESTSELLER is one of my most intense roles and I’ve had several. Plus I love the author and this work really captures the haunting and moody atmosphere that is Michigan. Have you seen it? If so please do go to https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16421224/reference/ VOTE and leave us a review.
  2. BEST YEARS GONE will start rolling out on July 5th both DVD and digital. Providing you still have enough fingers from your drunken 4th bottle rocket / Roman candle war to press play on the DVD or navigate the remote – you need to settle and watch our tale.
  3. Aug 3rd is the date when we should know the Toronto Film Festival’s decision on acceptance of FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH or not. We would love to hold our premiere there and so we’re remaining optimistic. We should also have our home video dates from Deskpop Entertainment very soon.
  4. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The rough semi-polished first draft is almost done. It will be reviewed and that point by our team and any suggestions will be put forth. We are looking to picture lock in July which will move us to music and sound. Both of those are already in motion as sound FX libraries are being gathered and music beds are being played with. We hope to provide a great behind the scenes of our model and VFX team on board.
  5. SMOKE & MIRRORS has been submitted to a few festivals and we’ll await response. Once we have word it will be a nice eve with the CDI tribe celebrating this fun endeavor that will develop itself into a feature film.
  6. WILD FAITH and HASTINGS – the momentum continues and on a few fronts we are so close but sometimes you have to relax and let things work themselves out. If it does well at Peacock perhaps they will work with us to order up the first season.
  7. LOST HEART aka BIGFOOT, UFOS & JESUS is a great summer film. We are looking at some different marketing campaigns including new poster art for Lost Heart. I still want to do tee-shirts of the BF, UFOS and Jesus artwork. We’re looking into selling iron on sheets so you can put some great artwork on your favorite shirt. That is 70’s and 80’s style right there. I think I had a DARTH VADER LIVES tee shirt that was an iron on.
  8. I’m waiting on word to see how the HD file of KNIGHT CHILLS is coming along for the upcoming Blu-Ray. We have interest in a digital release from Deskpop Entertainment and we’ll still probably do a DVD of the CDI Classic Collection Double Feature of KNIGHT CHILLS and FROM VENUS. And we have the video game which I think I want to call KNIGHT CHILLS: DICE DON’T LIE – what do you think?
  9. This week I’m set up to record another book chapter for the audio book series FOR GENERATIONS TO COME that I’ve been doing. Look it up on Amazon under author Ronnie Lee.
  10. This past Friday, I met in person with several CDI folks mainly over FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH. I could have taken the day and likely ended with my first draft of the new script HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE. Instead I enjoyed the beautiful day and spent some time outlining. One of the rainy days this week I’ll finish the first draft. I’ve had a wonderful time working on this amazing story and looking forward to bringing the script to an exciting end.

I will no doubt start working on another script soon after I finish the one I’m working now. If I don’t have a script for hire on deck which I just might, I have a few scripts that were underway. We made more steps on HOT ROD LOVE and we are about to start scheduling work soon. Chipping away at what needs to be done in order to get this film green lit. It was a great week for soccer again and our team brought another win. Either way it is still about the battle that keeps you mentally and physically strong. I do have another bday in a few weeks (23rd) and I’m not sure what I might do to celebrate another journey around the sun.

I’m going to wish you all well. I hope that you have or have had some clarity this weekend, that will allow each of you to have a very productive week ahead. Be good to one another.

Coffee Cheers!


CDI Updates Going Into JUNE 2022!

Hazelnut coffee cheers to all of you upon this fine Sunday. In America we are in the midst of a Memorial Day weekend. I hope all of you are having a safe and memorable holiday. Last week was full of moving chess pieces on the board. The work flow is always the same with development, filming, posting, delivering and development again. We’ve grown to a wonderful place whereas things are always in motion. Motion and momentum in the direction of the work flow.

HOT ROD LOVE – Summer fun all wrapped in a nostalgic-style that brings many of us back to a less tense time. Chill and be groovy to one another mi amigo. The script is being sent to a few artists to get their creativity flowing. It is always a balance of not wanting to get too much ahead and focus on what needs to be done now. My goal in June (My bday month) is to get all the ducks in line so we can make some schedule decisions. I’m already in talks with sponsors and hope to bring some new ones aboard.

BESTSELLER – On May 31st this intense mystery thriller is getting its home video release. A CDI collaboration it showcases some of the most intense action on screen. I think once this is widely available it will grow a nice audience. Melissa Anschutz does a great job leading this cast. Ralph Lister, Lana Wood, Terence Knox, Anthony Hornus and many fine Michigan artists bring this story to life. It truly showcases some of Michigan’s incredible natural beauty. Take a watch starting with Amazon Prime and we’ll let you know where it will stream.

BEST YEARS GONE – Start your engines. This unique and quirky romp stems from the book HOPE FROM HEAVEN by Michigan author Karl Manke. The film has Coen Brothers and several influences in a unique mix up directed by Shane Hagedorn (Ashes of Eden). It will release on DVD and digital purchase on July 5th. All the artists who worked on this film during the Covid lock down are elected to see this film speed out to audiences.

GOOD Memorial Day FILMS

WICKED SPRING – a Civil War era film that has something to say about war from the common mans point of view not famous generals. The film is free with ads on Encourage TV and can be found on Amazon and several platforms.

MANS BEST FRIEND – Illustrates the plight of many wounded vets physically and mentally. The power and hope of dogs personal and in service is also part of this thought provoking story.

BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS – Good family fun with a little something for everyone in this fictional tale that takes place in small town Michigan.

WILD FAITH – Another wholesome 1875 film for the whole family. It also is about a former Civil War soldier trying to readjust to life and find his inner peace.

THE QUEST TRILOGY – For some the events of the day have spirits low so maybe a watch on the trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer) might bring some comfort. While these films are strongly viewed from Nov-April they are a good watch anytime of the year. I appreciate the folks who left messages of the comfort these film’s stories have given.


I took a watch on a few popular shows and they are faced with huge scrutiny so I don’t try to be harsh when judging. I see things I would do differently as a fan of this or that but the bottom line isn’t I haven’t earned that right nor been given the opportunity. I see protests to try and change art. That is silly to me. I can dislike an artist personally and like their work. I can like an artist and dislike their work. If you took a personally disdained artists in the moment and cast him as a bad guy versus cancelling them is that better? Do you want to see a hero overcome someone …see this is professional wrestling logic. The Paul brothers in boxing have turned their aura of the bad guy into leverage. Maybe I’m pondering the bad guy as I have played the antagonist and that can be something special. Acting-wise this year audiences will see quite the range from Bestseller to Best Years Gone to Smoke & Mirrors and lastly to Silent Night in Algona.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – We are in hopes that we’ll premiere at the Toronto Film Festival. We’ll see in the coming weeks. We should also be getting our home video dates very soon.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – A beautiful thing was watching a few of the rough scenes assembled. The Thanksgiving scene was in the first group of scenes shot in Forest City at a great historic park. I got to witness all these fine actor artists telling this story and bringing to life a period of time. Berdy, Elrick, Shelley and all our artists that created what we saw in front of the camera. Dan Chipman for bringing his camera eye and Anthony Hornus for again seeing the hearts of the human story.

There is new work on a possible theatrical poster and the official theatrical trailer will start to be organized. We will be releasing some more photos and we hope a peek behind the scenes at the VFX work coming out of Canada, eh. We’re still working hard to make a Dec. premiere in Algona, Iowa and we’ve had first talks about doing a full state premiere throughout the five theatrical chains in Iowa. We will continue to explore these options as we get closer.

WRITING – I have been engaged to turn another book into a screenplay and finally a film. The script is almost half done and I love my time in that world. The characters are so rich and the time period is so alike yet different. Transportation. Communication. So many things are different. I was approached about another possible writing adaptation but I don’t want to enter another world in my imagination, until I finish this current script.

ACTING – I’m so close to a breakthrough on a few endeavors that will result in great roles. I recently had two offers to act in films in June and July and politely passed. I’ve been moving my look towards my HOT ROD LOVE 70’s character and don’t want to deviate too much. I’m so grateful for the invitations and expressed that to these directors. It did allow me to explore the work by these artists. Actors don’t be afraid to interview the filmmakers. Time is valuable and you want to make sure the effort has a reward for your audiences and yourself. I’ve got some goals that are close at hand and staying focused was best for me at this time. But every project is judged individually but I am feeling the need to participate in some storytelling.


I think I spoke on patience last week. Everything has its season and if you are always tending your garden of creativity things will bloom. I’ve had a wonderful balance of working to get the property in zen form while moving things forward. The hops are high and the apples and mulberry trees are looking to be loaded. The chickens have been keeping a steady flow of eggs and the wood piles are being restocked for winter. We’re about top put veggie and herb plants in the stand up planters but nature has some left over veggies already going. Everything is just so green! For those that have followed for a few years know that our animals are family. Finn our furry boy loves to race the fence every morning with his buddy Jake Leroy. These have worn a track into the ground. Last year brought Finn several busted nails and a few stitches from rocks, roots and such. Well, yesterday we dug and leveled the track out and put weed cloth down with cedar mulch and rubber paving stones. A real race track and today was his first run. He enjoyed it but a few modifications needed on the launch and land pads. My boy has torque in his running. I’m off to eat some breakfast and mow. Tomorrow we are having the moms over for a lunch and to relax. I hope you all have a good weekend and a productive week ahead. Remember those who gave all on this Memorial Day.


The Loss of a Lansing, MI Artist plus Updates on “Silent Night in Algona” and all the CDI Projects.

This morning as I awoke and looked out the window I half expected to see a witch flying on her bike or a flying cow. Okay those are old references to the Wizard of Oz and Twister. I heard Iowa got a few bad tornadoes. The world watches on the Ukraine invasion by Russia. Battle on the soccer grid, at the Olympics or even the boardrooms of business, but why an invasion? This feels like more of Putin’s war versus a Russian war. But I do think that Putin did unite most of the world against him. It is nice to see our government born from a similar desire to have and maintain freedom, be reminded. You want to think our leader(s) would be in the trenches fighting any US invaders but would they? Or would they jet to one of the isolated US territories? I sincerely wish this conflict to be resolved quickly but I don’t know. But if a friendly country asked for help in protecting their airspace after a country has already declared themselves at war due to the sanctions, sounds reasonable. As for the rattling of sabres over nuclear weapons, not reasonable. Radioactivity goes into air, water, food and few creatures can survive in that toxic environment. I’m going to hope that the internal government in Russia finally has enough of Putin trying to capture some last glory and ends it. Let’s all hope peace comes soon.



Our WW2 Christmas drama is in post-production with a first cut of the film due this month. From there our director and editor will work to chisel out the best performances and scenes. In Canada model building is underway and soon we’ll have our story. But instead of just giving you an update I’m going to give it to you right from the – editor’s mouth. Nathaniel Nose had this to say about the footage being cut together.

The raw footage always tells the story of not just the script, but also what happened on set. This set had a group of passionate people. Both the performers and the crew clearly cared a great deal about the film they were making. The most enjoyable projects to edit are the ones where passion, decency and goodness went into the production. It is evident in the footage that the people who made this film embraced those virtues.” – N. Nose

Many of you watched the BTS video and now we’re starting work on the first official teaser trailer. Still photos continue to roll out and showcasing the beautiful work but our camera, grip and electric team.

BEST YEARS GONE – Our next to market film is being presented this month to licensing platforms around the world. We’re awaiting word on a few festivals selected to possible showcase our fun film. I’m excited to see the film start appearing in advance marketing. June is when the DVD and digital purchase happens. Sept 1 will be digital streaming and broadcast TV. I hope that folks really enjoy this film we labored to make during the Covid crisis between the two Michigan lockdowns.

Melissa Anschutz and DJ Perry on set BESTSELLER

BESTSELLER – Some may recall that CDI stepped in to reboot/reshoot the thriller based on the book of the same name by Michigan author Christopher Knight. I’m happy that now the film is getting a full worldwide release with Deskpop Entertainment. This film will also do a digital release Sept 1st along with Best Years Gone.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, our feature length doc on the history of grappling is completing distribution paperwork and we’ll start delivery of it this week to Deskpop Entertainment, releasing it worldwide. We’re also exploring a Las Vegas World Premiere likely in July/August timeframe.

Staying with the topic of Deskpop Entertainment we’re looking at deals to release AN ORDINARY KILLER, a former Vietnam vet turned detective works to solver a small town murder. This film is based on the true story which was one of the longest cold case files solved by DNA. This film’s management is being transferred to the Red, White & Blue Project Inc. so that more veteran needs can be met. This amazing non-profit previously documented the plight of the Afghanistan children in OUTSIDE THE WIRE: The Forgotten Children of Afghanistan. We plan to remaster the doc and re-release it. Also it looks like KNIGHT CHILLS, FIGURE IN THE FOREST and GHOST TOWN will get converted to HD for re-release. We’ll take the steps one at a time. All of this takes work and it is very satisfying to see these titles get a second or in some cases third life.

For the Easter season I would ask all the fans to watch our three biblical adventures, Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer. Help make these three films part of your traditional family watch. I received word one of our fine actors passed away.

Also new promotion on WILD FAITH as we make a push to launch the 8 show season one of WILD FAITH: Hastings. LOST HEART and MAN’S BEST FRIEND are building their worldwide audiences and I am thankful for all the nice notes from fans.


I want to thank everyone for all the kind words on the passing of Daphne, our 14 year old doggie. Finn our little boy has always had his sister. He also has dealt with anxiety and fear issues (big trucks, fireworks) but has gotten steadily better. He was not doing great alone and was taking a few steps back. Well, we have a new loving member to our family pack Luna Mae. This beautiful girl had a few bad hands dealt in her life but now is settling in nicely. She had to learn some of Finn’s quirks but is helping to balance him out. She is very easy going and loves her new house and yard. She also loves hanging at the office with her new daddy.

We spent all yesterday putting outdoor Christmas stuff away and cleaning up the yard. We have a good ways to go with all that but we got a nice start on it. Last week we had some great meetings with several of the CDI Tribe. Much discussion in on our newly announced film HOT ROD LOVE. We’ve started investor and sponsor talks and are excited to pull this all together. This film will be 70’s summertime fun and already we’re getting some great attachments to the project. Reach out if you want to be involved on the business front. We’ve started to reach out to a few agencies on our Native American casting needs. A great piece of Michigan history plays into our story.

I also want to take a moment to recognize a very special father and son filmmaker team (Michael & William “Pops” McCallum, from my home town of Lansing, Michigan. Sadly, Michael lost his father. I’m not close with Michael, but I do admire his drive, tenacity and his past relationship with his dad. In our one sit-down years ago I stated that the films he made with his father will always be special. I think many of us artists who have locked horns with our parents admire/envy this relationship they had. So to my fellow Lansing artist Michael – my thoughts are with you. RIP to your Pops. And Michael, keep on being you with all your fire and passion. Your dad is surely very proud of you. From reading your story, your Pops had a heavenly reunion or two in the making with some very special people. He left you with all the tools you need to be the best you. With that I’m going to go make some eggs, bacon and refill the ye ole’ coffee cup. Have a great week ahead and be good to one another.


Filters of Attitude = Finding Your Balance

The hazelnut coffee taste so good on this chilly Sunday morning. We got a record setting 13 inches when the snow storm came through. We might get a bit more later in the day. I for one love the beauty of the snow but I’m ready to move on to Spring. We had a “Viking” day chopping wood to keep the wood stove roaring. I’m excited to implement many new improvements to the property this year. Our moving of veggies and herbs to raised beds and turning the garden into chicken land has been fun. They are fun to watch like little Dinosaurs.

I want to say that everyday that I read about someones untimely passing it reminds me to love what I’m doing and the people I’m doing it with. That is professionally and personally. I know friends and family that have lost pets, parents, grandchildren and even one past film peer was announced to have passed away. I was not extremely close with him but exchanged communications over the years when either of us has a new success. The sad thing about the last mentioned loss was that it may have happened by their own infliction. I’ve had a few friends over the years that fight real mental battles with themselves. I think on some levels we all do but some cope poorly where others eventually find their way out of the forest.

I’ve had dark days in my past whereas my parents divorced after 30 years putting me in the middle and my acting career was struggling. Michigan’s film scene in the late 80’s and into the 90’s was lacking. I see folks complaining about a lack of opportunities today and chuckle. Today is like a sea of opportunity versus the 90’s. Also post tax incentives the term filmmaker became legit to the common everyday person. Much of my darkness was knowing what I wanted but not having any guides or mentors in that field. My dearest mentor, my father, was rightfully concerned. I had essentially came home and told my father I was going to be an astronaut. Again something made more realistic thanks to the billionaire space race. But he knew how easy life could be if I took the easier road, the practical road. His concerns came after several years yielded very little, in his mind. Failure can affect people different.

A certain amount of punishment and failure can break some and force them into a secondary or pie-life. Pie-Life is when you work X amount of the pie to earn shells and beads ($) so you can freely enjoy the remaining part of the pie, your life. A few years in the real world and most have sufficiently built a standard of living prison around them that forces them to stay the course with the survival job, pie-life. For others of us that have “it” (passion) bad and refuse to let go no matter how much rough ground they’re dragged over. I felt like Indiana Jones being dragged behind that Nazi truck hauling the ark. (Raiders of the Lost Ark) I climbed hand over hand up the whip, climbed on the truck’s bumper, over the side, kick in the doors, punch and throw the driver out and took over the truck. BAM!

If someone can do something else occupational and be happy living the ‘pie life’ or even something close to contentment, do it. But if you are stricken with that passion that will not leave you, embrace it. By that I mean stop being half-ass and whining and do those things you were afraid to try. Pull your confidence, self-worth and inner fire from your own personal well and don’t just try to pull energy from people. When people feel your personal geothermal-like creative energy, they will be drawn. People who draw energy from the masses is a slave to the masses. Now artists create for the masses but often to show a perspective. Life is all about perspective and perception. What we perceive can be seen via positive or negative filters. A failure might be seen as negative but in deductive reasoning it can be a positive. An elusive goal might have just been made easier to obtain as certain roads are found to be dead-ends. No more time wasted or spent. Although some will get caught in that loop, beware.

So the negative of loss that I see each day ever since we’ve all become so much more inter connected as a society, can be a positive fuel to live and pursue dreams and goals. I’m so proud of one of my associates who set out to write and take a few children’s books to market and he has. Tomorrow isn’t promised. A beautiful and haunting statement. Life is a mysterious and short phase of existence and so I would ask that those out there questioning, stay the course. Ride life and learn whatever lessons you can but best of all is learn to be the best you. I’ve said this before, the path to your dreams sometimes lies in helping others with theirs. I know some people will say I’ve helped their journey immensely and others will say, I have not. The truth is you can’t help everyone. You can inspire by your actions to pass it on. I’ve had mentors and I try to mentor. But I come from that martial arts background and sports. To take valuable time from some teachers you have to be prepared and focused, ready to learn. You can apply that lesson to teachers in school. Respect that they are there to try and teach you.

Let’s bring this around to movies, my favorite medium. It also includes some of my favorite artists, filmmakers. Last week we were treated to the announcement that BEST YEARS GONE was multi-nominated and won a few awards. The biggest award being BEST PICTURE which is great because it embodies the collective effort.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is soundly in post. A BTS (behind the scenes) video is being worked on and the first look teaser is being outlined. Meanwhile the feature is being cut with the first rough being done by mid March. We’ll keep rolling out some new photos while we wait for these first videos.

HOT ROD LOVE is the next CDI picture and we’re looking to prep in May and shoot in June. It’s a heartfelt comedy that has many classic 70’s and 80’s influences. We’re putting our investor/sponsor presentation materials together, but the truly exciting news coming this week is the announcement of a director and Dir of Photography- Mr. Shane Hagedorn and Travis Hayward. This re-teaming is building on the previous chemistry of BEST YEARS GONE, coming to home video starting in June. Our #1 goal with BEST YEARS GONE was to have fun filming. The Covid lockdowns had beaten everyone down and the humor and fun making the film translated to the final product. That laughter is the big take away from the theatrical playdates thus far. The world needs more laughter right now.

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS – More great discussions on this TV series spin off. I have follow ups first thing this coming week. It is going to happen, I’m just trying to follow the best road to production that keeps the integrity intact. Have you seen the feature WILD FAITH? Take a watch. Leave a review on imdb.com or the film’s amazon page and let us know if a sequel interests you. I love the idea of how many folks will be involved should the tv series happen.

The WEEK ahead-

This week is wrapping up end-of-year tax materials for the films. I actually got almost all my personal tax stuff around. This year has been quite smooth so far thanks to our amazing team. I’ve also been keeping my daily screenwriting happening. I’m deep into another comedy script from a treatment I’ve been bouncing around for years. I’ve got my next work-for-hire script/production coming up. It is an adaptation from a book, which I’ve almost finished. I’m really excited about the time period and the storyline. One other work-for-hire script/production is in discussion. Everything in their own time. But I find these cold days are the best for screenwriting.

Last week we talking about video game development and more which haven’t advanced too much in the past week. I got buried in numbers for a few days. But several projects including animation and a music video are in development. It is a busy time but as we discussed prior, get doing- if that is your calling. I have lots to work out in the coming weeks as we’re also in some serious production talks that could be a multi-year commitment. I laugh, because it’s all really a multi-year, lifetime commitment. It’s all a process to try and streamline funding and production. Balance. It’s all about balance. I’m going to bring this to a close. I have some writing to attend to and a few things to do around the homestead.

Be good to one another and coffee cheers.


Kung Fu, Respect and Loyalty. The Tribe Looks Ahead to 2022!

I’m sitting and sipping hazelnut coffee while admiring the Christmas tree from last week’s harvest. I just realized when cleaning out my email messages that I missed a Christmas event/party I had planned to attend. DOH! I’m finally well-rested and attacking my TO DO’s with strength. It took a good part of a week to get caught up on my rest. I got most of the production totes stored and everyday we work hard to tie up the production loose ends from our previous SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA) film shoot. This week will also be full but I hope to get some more winterizing done. Several things in the yard need to get put away for winter. One of the nice refreshing things from last week was spending an afternoon with my dad and meeting my cousin for lunch. We meet so that I can pick up venison which is one of the main meats I eat. I actually made some venison steak chili yesterday that turned out great. My cousin and his boys are avid hunters. I enjoy nature and have hunted but I don’t find enjoyment in it. It is a very lean meat and healthy, something that the midwest hunters have enjoyed forever. 

As we finish all the wrap up business on SNIA we’re prepping for post. One of the production drives have landed with the editor. We have established a production flow between editor and director. Our DP is doing a first batch of stills to help establish the color palette. He’ll be working with our director and editor in finding certain shots. Meanwhile a few VFX pick ups need to be looked at for a really cool sequence in the film. Dennis Therrian is being prepped on the film as he’ll be doing our sound design and composing our film’s score. Some VFX model work will begin soon in Canada with one of our amazing artists. Anyway the course for the film is being set and I’m excited for everyone to start looking at it. 

At CDI we’ve been looking ahead to the future. I’ve been working on the next script for ‘OF SMOKE & MIRRORS‘ my working title on the reworking of the feature script. A short film SMOKE & MIRRORS was finished just as we started filming SNIA. A wonderful commercial piece that we used to do a proof of concept short. I think it does just that- gives a great look at what the full feature will be like. Nathaniel Nose directed the short and he is who we’re eyeing for the feature. The script is the key to everything. This will be a late 2022 or early 2023 shoot from my best estimates. 

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS – For those who have seen the feature film “Wild Faith” you’ve been treated to a story for the whole family. Inspirational without preachy just good lessons from a more simple time. Now we have the first season (8 shows) ready to film. It will be part of several talks I will have in the coming weeks. The key with this is CREATIVE CONTROL. We are being selective at how we finance this property so we don’t have strings that will hamper the integrity of it. It will happen and our perfect timeline would be the second half of 2022. 

The Spring is always an exciting time coming out of winter. We’ll be doing a feature or two this first half of 2022. We’ve been doing a heavy evaluation of properties and some of these will be included in my distribution talks ahead. But I really think I’ve landed on the right property. It will showcase all your favorite CDI troupe in a great story. 

As a side note – this previous news made me think of a recent discussion. The story/script is the most important part of the process. For many filmmakers this is just an afterthought. We need a script and some actors and we’ll get to shoot all this cool stuff. CDI evolved in part because of how poor the scripts/stories were out there. I say this 100% from an actors perspective. That is why I’m always floored by the actors who will emotionally commit before reading a script/story. Anyone can be excited from a good pitch but having that translated to a tightly woven script is another thing. I know many actors who only read their parts and that too is having ‘blinders’ on. I also have told actor friends that you can glean information about their characters sometimes from what other characters say about them. EXAMPLE: You might find out your character has a wife, children or a pet from other character’s dialog. Perhaps gossip reveals that a character previously worked construction before their white collar job, all in the script. The whole story needs to be absorbed from the outside and the inside- internally and externally.

So perhaps a good rule of thumb is A) Evaluate content fully, quietly B) Don’t sign on to anything without reading the entire story and vet the production’s reputation C) Once attached learn the entire story before focusing on just your role’s world/words – important information might exist within the script.

Just my two cents from my experiences. There is a great word EXPERIENCE. 
The great GOOD, BAD and UGLY as I like to call it. The goal is to take this accumulated knowledge (Remember Bruce Lee’s – the best way to learn a technique is to get hit by it) EXPERIENCE and translate it and apply it to your situations allowing it to become WISDOM. Now I’ve had my fill over the recent years from some individuals severely lacking experience in certain areas. Yet that want to present from a point of assured confidence that dances in arrogance. Arrogance usually follows someone who has experienced and learned a little yet thinks it gives them license to talk down to someone. A teacher who forgets that he is also a student will be humbled.

From my associates in business I get many complaints about the youth in several areas. (never their use of technology) But I always point out that most of us who have found some success have done so with the assistance of good mentors. For some that starts with a father but not for everyone. It is those special people who come in your life and help shape you. I have had a handful of these people and I’m happy that I recognized by lack and their gain. I emptied my cup and showed patience, listening and learning. I am fond of the old KUNG FU (David Carradine classic) TV show where all the boys have gathered at the Shaolin Temple. They wait and are being watched. Each day they are asked to go home and as time advances and patience is lost – most leave. In the rain those few who remained seem to have the potential for sincere growth. They are invited into the hospitality chamber and served tea. The unmindful who gives into their urges and drinks immediately are asked to “please go home” – shocked the few get up to leave. One is stopped – “Not you, please sit.” When asked why he did not drink he responds that he was respecting the opportunity. He was waiting to drink- being mindful and appreciative of being there. My soccer player/coach, martial arts lifelong student and teacher and a camp counselor all influence how I live. To the frustrated elders know you can influence and guide the youth. To the youth, empty your cup of your perceived absolutes and learn. The journey is a two way street and the glue that binds it all together is RESPECT and LOYALTY. The latter cannot be taught save by example. Those few who observed loyalty and the benefits of the practice and decide to give in to this practice. It is hard for many to give up selfish ambitions mixed with a lack of patience – it often leads to isolation, frustration and hardship that lasts until mindsets change.

Getting deep, Shaolin Monks, kung fu and drinking cups…What? What?” – Gil Gilles

BEST YEARS GONE has recently finished a second run in Lansing, MI over the Thanksgiving week. We might explore a Detroit area and Grand Rapids showing. Also we’re exploring a few key festivals mainly based on places we would like to visit. I’m in hopes that after my next conversation with our distributor that I’ll have some updated info on our home video release. I’m glad that the films are being met with enjoyment and laughs. I loved one review that likened it to STEP BROTHERS and JOE DIRT which I love Step Brothers but Joe…okay I see it:)

THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer)- is now in season with the passing of Thanksgiving. Our distributor BMG wanted myself and Melissa Anschutz to do a promo inviting folks to subscribe to Encourage TV and watch. We were going to use a few places in Algona, Iowa as the back drop when filming but got too busy. We were going to shoot something at the office by the wood stove but decided we might save that for WILD FAITH promo. We shot in front of the Christmas tree, 3 takes- all funny and DONE. While doing some work last week I did play Forty Nights in the background. It was fun to watch and recall all the shooting we did in the deserts outside Yuma, AZ. Take a watch on all three and make it part of your holiday tradition.

I could rattle on about watching all the CDI films…but I’m sure you will get there in your own time as the nights grow longer and the outside colder. A good night to light a candle or fire and watch a good story unfold. I’ve got some yard clean up and some holiday shopping to do so I’m gonna wrap this up here. It was a pleasure to spend this time with you. Until next week. Be good to one another.


CDI Turns 25 and ‘The Tribe’ is Evolving.

I’m sipping a nice hazelnut coffee out of a Sea World cup I found in my travels. I have fond memories of the Easter break trips we often made to Florida to see my grandparents. Always such a good time in the community park riding three wheel bikes and catching lizards. We would often go to Disney, Bush Gardens (A favorite) and Sea World. Although I am glad to see the whales set free as they are a big animal to keep so contained. I’ve been in busy mode with the next shoot in under three weeks now. When we go into the last few weeks all projects have a certain amount of shuffle and settle. Cast and Crew are people with lives and sometimes that can get in the way. We’ve had a few cast and crew adjustments due to these circumstances. But once the film plays out with all the pieces in place you almost could never imagine anything different.

One thing we really do here at CDI is develop people. Some want to get by producing with whom they can until they can hire other people with a better resume. We are truly trying to develop people for the long haul. It is a two way loyalty. There are people who have lost their place in line by not making our few weeks a year, a priority. Others have followed their heart and dreams elsewhere and that is understandable. I’m excited because what I see is a 3rd generation of CDI stepping up into the ranks. It really makes me proud as we started as an organized but rag tag bunch of filmmakers. It is 25 years that CDI has been around and creating content. Coffee Cheers to 25 more!


We are all so excited as we do our remaining off location prep. Tomorrow the cast and crew will get our schedule, official white script and we’ll dive into our actor agreements and arrange transportation. Most of the crew/producer team is driving into the town. A handful of flights that funnel into two small airports. We’ll start locking in the vendor gear this week and likely fire up the production insurance. I’ve got a uniform fitting tomorrow and that will be fun. I’m only in military dress in this film. A bit more formal than Gil Gilles in our last film. I want to welcome in advance another company aligning their brand with our film The Iowa State Bank, thank you!

BEST YEARS GONE – Speaking of ‘Gil Gilles’ our Owosso, MI premiere was an outstanding success and it gave us a great audience reaction. The premiere led to a week-long run and now the film is coming to Lansing, Michigan – my home town. This coming Saturday the 16th at 6pm and 8:15pm the film will playing at the NCG theater. It plays great on the big screen and the film was remastered after our first run. Sometimes you can hear improvements in the theater and we found a handful of places to sweeten and remix. We will watch a test Tuesday! The film will travel some I’m sure. We have many wanting it to play in Grand Rapids and the Detroit area. We’ll talk about screenings in other states as we go.

The CDI Library – Our distributor has us across many streaming, on demand and TV channels but I like to watch the distributors ENCOURAGE TV YouTube channel stream as a meter of how a film is moving. Both FORTY NIGHTS (part 1 of 3) and MAN’S BEST FRIEND have views that shot over a million and approaching 1.5 million. Thank you for all your support. You can leave a VOTE and review for any of the films at our http://www.imdb.com pages. This past year the distributor started advertising The Quest Trilogy together which should help. We are thinking of doing a few Sunday showings of all three in the theaters. Again part 1 is Forty Nights, Part 2 is Chasing the Star and Part 3 in The Christ Slayer. WILD FAITH with over 5 million views on the one site is driving the TV series train. The first season is written and we have some very strong avenues to work this series down. An HD version of WICKED SPRING is suppose to be moving out into streaming. If you like WILD FAITH take a watch on WICKED SPRING and you’ll see where we honed our craft of 1800’s storytelling. BESTSELLER has been delivered and will get a new campaign. I really like this film as a thriller and I’m happy it is finally getting a bigger push. We are looking at several films getting the new campaign treatment.


I’m about to eat some eggs from our chickens and we might stop out at a flea market so I can look for more props. I will likely do some pre-production work while watching the Lions. My alumni MSU had another great game yesterday. My momma is suppose to stop by to say hello. And I’ll get organized and ready for a very busy week ahead that will end with my home town getting a chance to see BEST YEARS GONE. I know the sayings of “You can’t be a prophet in your hometown” and I’m not putting any expectations out there but it is a chance for family, friends and fans to see it on the big screen and to me that is awesome. You can get tickets online at the NCG Lansing site.

Have a great week!