“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “family

NEW Screenshots, Nominations and Film Updates!

(Screenshot From ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ each week our dir. will release 5 new captures)

A not quite yet ‘TOP OF THE MORNING’ on a cold St. Patrick’s Day. So many good memories of this day from my crazy youth. Early starts with the green pints, bagpipes and festive atmospheres at such haunts as the old Irish Pub! Patio toasts and corn beef and many adventures best left untold. My days of sloppy mugs of beer spilling everywhere might be behind me now but I still love the memories. Speaking of- I want to welcome new readers last week from around the globe. Croatia, India, UK, Netherlands, Chile, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Canada and good ole Ireland. That is one of my favorite parts of doing this blog is that it brings together artists from all over the world.

This past week was much better, still filled with challenges, but better. I was having a rough one the previous week when trying to put the pick up shoot in order. The main issues were the 4 hour + drive from mid Michigan to Alpena and getting all people that were going to be on the active base identified. Pulling the shoot back was like undoing some of the work already done only to rebuild it. But that turned out to be the right call. It can be hard when you have to look at all the pieces on the board and make the call. Leadership seems cool when it is a few letters on a business card or a smancy title but when you have to make the hard decisions- different story. I’m happy to say we know have all our skeleton crew in place and our talent for front of the camera. Pulling off even a scene of WW1 is challenging and we could have easily dropped it and the movie would still play great.

But our team is never one to shy from making it just a bit better. Think of the film WILD FAITH without the Civil War flashback footage. It could have just been audio over a distant stare but we went for the more epic scope. If you haven’t seen WILD FAITH please do and you’ll see what I mean. We have a busy week ahead but when I write you all next we’ll have our airplane close ups and our WW1 opening in the can. (Old film saying) I want to thank our friends from PEPSI for again joining us on set and to our friends at TRU-HILTON coming on board to assist our out-of-town guests. Monday I’ll be picking up our lead David Reardon’s uniform and thanks to Tony Hornus and his hard work we’ll have our Germans. Tanks, Planes, and Soldiers coming at you. We’ll also be working with Dennis Therrian our composer/sound designer to get our narration voice over.

While mentioning Dennis Therrian, I want to gives a kudos to him for his ICFF Nomination for Best Music Score in a feature film (SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA). Also nominated was Cassie Dean for Best Leading Actress and Shane Hagedorn for Best Supporting Actor.

Additionally, Curran Jacobs our SNIA lead will be in Algona, Iowa to attend a meet-and-greet open house Sunday March 24th from 2-4 at the Ranger Station on the Tietz property. Curran has been developing the GOTCH script with myself, Mike Chapman (Historian) and CDI. The film will be a biopic on Frank Gotch, the Iowa Catch-Can world champion at the turn of the century. What is Catch-Can? Watch our FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH documentary and it will get you up to speed. Also we’ve been developing a film about the last conflict of the Iowa pioneers and the Lakota Sioux entitled SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE. So in the coming years we could very well be returning to Iowa to tell a few great stories.


I’ve been also organizing the business behind a few of the older CDI films. Example- like when a distributor’s term on a film has expired but they are still selling it. That means reaching out with copyright, chain of titles and the distribution agreement to either A) Cease sales or B) Redirect the profits. Other projects need to be updated to a HD version or conversion to theatrical files for those we want to return to theaters for a special run. I want the new HD streaming version of KNIGHT CHILLS to start releasing around Halloween. Working on the FROM VENUS Blu Ray deal. Essentially the entire CDI Classic Collection which includes the first six CDI Films. One day maybe an entire box set. To go along with some of the new releases we will have new promotional trailers. We have them in the works for Ghost Town, An Ordinary Killer and soon Knight Chills. Maybe some new artwork and prepare to introduce these films to a new audience. AN ORDINARY KILLER is based on a real killer and he happens to be the subject of a very interesting podcast called TWO AVERAGE JOES. This 2nd episode features an interview with a survivor of the killer featured in our film. Chilling and truly fascinating to listen to and watch. WATCH HERE: https://twoaveragejoes.com/podcast/two-average-joes-a-true-survivor-story/

IN THE WOODS, my 1st starring role was in this creature feature and the distributor should be announcing some release dates soon for the supreme Blu Ray. I hear the artwork is just awesome and I know a special poster for the theatrical is also being worked on. I will look forward to celebrating the release of this film 25 years ago.

MORE RETRO: My endeavors to bring some of the literary swag to you is progressing nicely. Scripts, ‘making of’s’ and novelizations are being slowly pulled together. I WILL have a few of the soundtracks put to LP record and now with the films on back up it will become easier to do.

FLASH FORWARD- We’re excited that our distributor TWIN ENGINES GLOBAL has launched a new streaming service for non-family/faith films FREE4ALL and movies like BEST YEARS GONE are now being seen by the tens of thousands and building. BESTSELLER a great thriller from Chris Wright has been gaining traction and we’re happy this platform is starting to provide just as ENCOURAGE TV has for our family/faith titles. Speaking of- get your family together this week or organize that watch party and once again journey into the desert with THE QUEST TRILOGY. Part 1 FORTY NIGHTS, Part 2 CHASING THE STAR and Part 3 THE CHRIST SLAYER.

(Melissa Anschutz as Mother Mary in The Quest Trilogy)


I’m also putting the final touches on a uniquely wild script that is all set in the Victorian era with a good dash of spooky steampunk. I have a few other scripts I would love to finish but this one appears to have it’s financing in place. HOT ROD LOVE is bringing on investors and sponsors weekly and once we are done with our HIR pick up shots we’ll go location scout the race track with have in our sights. We’ll be reaching out towards many more folks while making a big push in April to finish our funding and stay on track for a Summer shoot.


Corn beef and cabbage is cooking and this past week I also got the chainsaw and axes out and refilled all the wood bins. I still need to move all the oak logs out back to dry for another season before it gets processed into more burnable pieces. I’ll be doing more yard clean up and getting ready for a wonderful season of growing. We are all in hopes that things don’t bud too soon like the apple trees. Opening on our unusually warm days and after trying to survive a cold snap. Soon I’ll be planting new clover. The chickens are kicking the eggs out again. Some of the herbs are growing again already. Little flowers popping here and there. I also saw a robin bathing in the birdbath and I’m very ready for soccer and flea markets to start up. I got a new Spring hair shape getting my long 1920’s bangs out of my face and ready for a few new headshot pics. I hope you all have a productive week and know that life is all about challenges. I’m going to try and approach each one with positive optimism, a chance to learn and grow. I think it is time for a coffee refill and maybe some oatmeal or eggs, maybe both. Have a great Sunday and productive week ahead!

Be good to one another.


Producing is NEVER Easy, Acting UPDATES and COMMUNICATION as a KEY

(Just some of the CDI Tribe working on Harsens Island Revenge)

Good morning my friends. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and getting a later start due to ‘springing forward’ here in the USA. I’m not sure if they do that everywhere but some like it and others do not. I’m pretty indifferent to it all. I was pretty exhausted at the end of my week from grinding the mental gears. I think the added cold front coming in gave my sinuses a bit of a run but hot tea kept all that at a minimum. Many times you get only the highlights in my blog that show the final outcome. Meaning we did this or that but you don’t always get the in-between or the struggle to get that particular thing done. I’ve been grinding my gears trying to align many things for what we be an added 10-20 seconds in one scene that includes close ups in a period bi-plane with a beautiful wood cockpit that may or may not play on camera. As our Harsens Island Revenge script is written there is a WW1 opening to show Frankie’s (Our lead character) role in WW1 and how it shaped him. A 2-3 min sequence that also makes a statement about war and that war in particular.

(Again just some of CDI Tribe working towards the ‘Silent Night in Algona’ release)

To have the luxury to kill from afar keeps ones morality at a distance but having to kill up close is a different matter. Much like the dark ages where men killed each other up close with arrow, sword, axes and spears the dreaded WW1 was one that still used horses being fazed out by tanks slowly. Also many battles ended in sewage-filled trenches fighting with bayonets and trench knives. That is the horror that sticks with many of those soldiers. To be that close and see the immediate results of ones actions whereas you see the enemies lights go out. I think as they die a piece of the killer dies. A connection of sorts. I’ve been working for weeks to try and first get the location set up and the particulars around it. Add the players which have been hard to get. Not the leads but the ever-important extras who need to be equipped properly. WW1 has been the hardest to find on a budget, all the time periods to date. The best thing which we’ve done in the past is to hire passionate folks who reenact and put together their own kit. Our luck on that and the communication with those connected has been difficult. Add that we are up against a ticking clock to use the military base we had chosen. Why? Ten days prior all members have to be cleared and we are down to days to submit info on folks we have yet to find. Finding the folks alone isn’t hard but having them period dressed and equipped is and so this week we’ll decide if 1) We keep our shoot at the Alpena base 2) We reset the shoot elsewhere likely closer to mid MI giving us an extra week to find the gear and extras. 3) Kill the opening or strip it down to our just lead in WW1 having a slew of fast memories that brings us to the present 1920’s.

(On Set- Harsens Island Revenge)

It can truly be insanity at times and even with the best planning things fall apart or change. And this is all being done on a very tight remaining budget that is precious money that could be used to help launch the theatrical run after the film is complete. Now the film as it starts now is great and kicks off with some action so maybe we are good. Our composer at the first watch loves how it opens. AND we are trying to trim runtime but our proposed efforts is adding runtime. I think you are all getting the gist from my little peek into everything that goes into producing up this films. This is 3+minutes and we produced up 2hrs+ already. So when you see a bullet point of mine on here every week please do not assume any of it was easy. It is not. It gets done because of the talented people involved. People who care about the story. I don’t like to lose and I had to realize that we are in a WIN/WIN situation because the film is already great. We are trying to add sprinkles onto the top. The cake is going to taste great sprinkles or no sprinkles. And the audience will never know that sprinkles were an option.

(Boats that are 100 years old now)

After 2 hours+ of grinding my gears yesterday on something that wasn’t going to reveal itself, I had to just let go awhile. Maybe it is what makes me good at what I do? But yesterday I had to go and just organize in the office for a couple hours. I’ve got many things in motion for the CDI company and the more organized I am the more gets accomplished. Some music. Some organizing. Some chill tea and I regained my balance. Today I have a few conversations and by Weds of this week we’ll know if we are Alpena bound or if we are taking another direction.

(100 year old+ Planes)

Every direction has pros and cons usually ties to money. But in life just like filmmaking people can get frustrated when things you thought were taken care of, tied up, crossed off – start to unravel or come back at you. When you have to readdress something again in the present it takes from your future. Planning and development stop when you have to fix a crack in the foundation. So this 2-3 minutes has been very trying. It can be made harder but lack of communication. I swear we live in an age with more communication and we have become worse at communicating. People put boundaries on their times they work but that is not what we as successful filmmakers do. Now granted not everything is always as time sensitive as I sometimes feel it is but just knowing that it is on someones radar is satisfying. Message received. 10-4. On my list. I don’t like when people don’t acknowledge receipt of a communication. Even if busy. Let someone know because we live in a world of messages going into SPAM etc… COMMUNICATION. I just finished a great series THE BEAR about running a restaurant and it is all communication. “Yes chef” “Behind you Chef” “Corner” – and in soccer the team that communicates is the team that wins. A team with less talented players who communicate better can beat a team with more talented players if they win the communication game. “You have support” “Square” “Give and go” “Keeper’s ball“….My rant is just because I felt the endeavor unraveling despite hard work. In a project even asking “What can I do?” “What still needs to be done?” these things lead to success. And you have to always keep striving to improve.

(On set Harsens Island Revenge)


So above really is about producing up a film or in the case above just a few pick-up pieces. Actors who only act don’t often concern themselves with all that goes on behind the scenes. I can recall working years ago on one of our westerns in NC and while battling with catering and SAG I’m getting calls about an actor friend not liking their boots. Actors tend to just be concerned with their little focus but producing introduces you to the wide world of what it takes to put on a show. Even crew members only see the presentation and as I’ve said before, it is near impossible to pitch a perfect day. You hope the 95% right buys you grace for the 5% that goes wrong. Thousands of things that go right in a day due to the hard work of a few but cries of anguish if catering does a subpar job on vegan side meal or someones magnetic key deactivates on their hotel room. We take accountability but third party and a tech malfuntion should be covered by earned grace. Those incapable of grace are removed on future projects for their own good. Film shoots are more closely related to war versus vacation even when the places we shoot are beautiful.

(Old Men soccer champions)

So on the actor front my new agent sent me an audition for a pilot TV series. I’m use to reading a full script to absorb the character and roll but this is a few sides. I had this talk out in LA with friends who work often out there. I asked it they request or direct their agent towards shows they like? They said they pretty much read everything so their agent doesn’t drop them. I questioned what if you don’t like the show? The story? The Script? Doesn’t matter apparently to many. I wanted to do this read since it was the first thing my new agent sent over. Also I was going to be forced to do an upload and use the actor’s access portal. A good test. I did my read and damn, pretty good. I guess it should be after all these years. I was successful in my upload. I did get a few good notes on how I could subjectively improve the eye line and questioned would a tripod be better. See how the hee-haw that actors go through is the stressful time consuming parts. Second guessing and stressing and I don’t participate in that. I politely declined and said that what I presented I was comfortable with and if the production quality was not up to par I was find with it not being sent forward. The read was actual well liked and sent forward but after I felt a strange feeling likely opposite other actors. SHIT what if I actually get the role. Will I like the script? What if it does get picked up? I have a film lining up this summer that I know the script is good and the role is great. I have soccer season ahead and I’m looking forward to that. I would have to move a dental cleaning off the pilot shoot. WHOA partner:)

(Acting is still my top passion)

I wanted to start looking at some outside projects but I’ve avoided series in the past. WILD FAITH TV series would be different but maybe even after a season I might not enjoy that. I like finishing something. WRAP always makes me feel accomplished. Well, I just figure I will play the hand. Realistically I might not get the role as they’re many great actors and what folks like is subjective. If I do the pilot it still has to be picked up. This is just a few funny thoughts in my head. I enjoyed the practice of the read and technical upload but not knowing the full script/scope/creative team behind it is another place for me. I do believe just like all my outside projects that I will do what projects I’m meant to do. KARMA in India is where I met Carl Weyant, who just directed Harsens Island Revenge. Eric Colley and Hallie Shepherd and Paul Proios on G.P.S. (Watch on TUBI). So I’m going to just stay open to what is meant to be. I’m just staying good and busy but when away as an actor it is much easier and I’m still able to do producer/writer work.


Speaking of writing I saw that Benedict Fitzgerald writer of The Passion of the Christ passed away. I almost had an opportunity to work with him thanks to a friend Isabella Hirt but I was busy with BEST YEARS GONE. Which I’m happy to report can now be seen free with ads on Youtube’s FREE4ALL which is Twin Engine Global‘s new streaming service for non-family and faith films which is Encourage TV. Staying with the topic of writing I’ve been enjoying doing the polish on a script looking to film next winter. I think the funding is there and it is very unique but will be a lotta fun. It is a period piece and will be a lot of fun for all the actors. My second pass is working the descriptions and dialogs for pacing, flow and proper language. I had some talks this past week again about literary representation having had many produced screenplays now doing quite well in the marketplace. We will see said the wise man.

(A published un-produced script of mine on Amazon)

The literary side is developing nicely with several of the CDI projects publishing script and making of books and novels where it applies. I’ve been discussing the deal and discovering extra pieces and pictures to make these releases special. With the backup RAID now functioning we will be able to move into more theatrical and perhaps soundtracks. I will be looking for the right person to run the CDI merchandise site on commission.

(The actual 1920’s not an easy thing to recreate)

To tie into the above and circle back to Harsens Island Revenge – the making of by Adam Towner is looking great. We got a peek when watching the first cut of Harsens Island Revenge which was just amazing. Boats, planes, cars and buildings all helped to create the 1920’s. The world was brought to life by our artists on both sides of the camera. The performances all around are so strong with our young leads David Reardon and Cassie Dean doing such a wonderful job. It reminded me of some of the epic films of days past but with a modern capture bringing the world out of black and white and into full color.

(Silent Night in Algona – watch it if you have not)

This has all been good for me to just let some of this flow out and put order to my pick up shoot options. I have a few phone calls to make to discuss these options. It will all work out as we have some of the best artists within our creative tribe. I will go boldly into the new week and just deal with the cards we are dealt. I want to end by sending the CDI thoughts out to Anthony Hornus and family who lost his mom this past week after a long illness. For many of us our parents are a strong support system. Last time I spoke with her was at the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA Owosso, MI premiere and she was very proud of her son. We are all proud of Tony too and I’m deeply sorry for his loss. He will always have his TribeCDI with him. I hope everyone has a productive week. Until next time- coffee cheers!


Christmas 2023 – Good Tidings and Joy

I’m sitting here after another near non-stop day of prep for a holiday trifecta of family get togethers with another on the 30th. I know this is a time for many to reflect upon past holidays and days gone by. I know this time of the year can be hard for those who’ve had loss. We all have empty spots around the table missing grandparents, parents, siblings and dear friends. I had a close friend lose his father today and those losses hurt us all. We are the ones giving the comforting hug or receiving it when it is our time. I had another friend’s memorial a week earlier and that makes these times painted with bittersweet. One of my cousins today was sending me pics of past days and that sparked emotion. I felt like Clark Griswold watching old films in the attic. But it is good to remember even when it hurts a little. Usually a smile will come as we recall funny stories from those past days. Even past pets bring those happy and sad feelings. But we have a new pack of love here with our two dogs and our new kitty Sybil. All are adopted and bring joy into our lives. That is the turning wheel of life. So love on your loved ones and if you are alone consider an adopted pet. They can truly bring joy back into your life.

(Luna Mae)

We also had a furnace issue resulting in a lack of heat. We just had a new one installed a year ago but the problem is that the old one we knew. Yes. It looked like something from Freddy Krueger’s boiler room but we knew it. This new one is very efficient but looks like something that could be found on a spaceship. We looked about and tried a reset but dealing with electricity and gas is unnerving. No dice. So we went to sleep praying we did not have a gas leak. The slowly declining heat was not too bad thanks to the warm weather we are having. The next morning we got ahold of our installer also a friend. The reset button I was trying to find on my own was so small five of them might fit on a penny and between two wires. Ultimately it was a dirty sensor that had to be removed, wiped down and presto. HEAT! But man, you need to know where everything is. Being Christmas and a friend we got off very reasonable but I can see where some would be paying up for a simple service. BUT, they have meters and equipment that are costly and I know that even moving a diesel service truck is costly. I’m thankful and I now know how to clean a sensor. Okay that sensor.

While doing some work this week I did my yearly Christmas watch on The Quest Trilogy. This unique exploration of three interwoven biblical stories always invokes deep thought and positive feelings. Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer. Watch them in that order and I think you will take something positive away. They can be watched many places but on Encourage TV you can watch free with ads. Truly a challenging role for me and a massive undertaking filming all three of those in the desert. Filmmakers earn their desert stripes by filming in a desert. If you know, you know.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has been sweeping across the country. I was sent a link this morning where it was talked about on a National talk show (Clay Travis & Buck Sexton) to an audience of 10 million + folks. Our national PR doesn’t really kick in until the first of the year but people are renting and buying it. They’re traveling back to 1944 and experiencing a true story that is a bright spot in human history even though it happened during the very dark time of WW2. It is important that we don’t lose those stories and I want to thank our investors and sponsors for making this project happen. I want to thank our cast and crew and my producer team led by director Anthony Hornus. He was the director of Man’s Best Friend which is one of the most talked about films with fans I meet. This film is an amazing follow up and really shows the heart ‘Tony’ puts in his storytelling. But that heart and passion can be found in most all our CDI tribe. I love what I do and much of that is because I love the people I work with and I love the fans who reach out to tell us how they’ve been touched. It was a VERY hard film to make but it was all worth it. I’m glad it is complete and now being seen by the world.

I had some great conversations about upcoming and developing projects. I believe that projects will find a way if they are meant to be manifested. That doesn’t mean sitting and just waiting- it takes packaging and aligning. Countless calls, meetings and the hard work of a strong core of producers. Audiences can already rest assured that another CDI story is coming at you in 2024. Harsens Island Revenge is coming together currently being edited in Brazil. We were closing on the first hour of our story in my last director update. I always like to take the path of modesty but everyone associated with that project knows we have something very special coming. Early in 2024 audiences should be getting their first look with a teaser trailer with the first music by the one and only Dennis Therrian. With the amazing photos by GW Burns a new advanced theatrical poster will be coming.

KNIGHT CHILLS has been fun to revisit. It was CDI’s 1st film and is now on BluRay and selling well. The extras are a great source of learning and inspiration for new or upcoming filmmakers. Thank you to all the fans of this little film. Big things might still be coming from this franchise. You can buy the Blu Ray on Amazon and many retail stores like Walmart, Barnes and Noble and Best Buy.

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS is getting some momentum. HOT ROD LOVE will soon be officially announced on the development slate. We have Pepsi officially onboard and our first investor. We’ll be giving our past investors first opportunity in the new year before opening it to those who’ve given interest in getting involved. Like I said in a meeting this week- we’re building pyramids. These stories will last for generations and they should. I really do like making films that matter. I enjoy films that are just escapism for fun but the older I get I really like the depth. I believe that both can be achieved and much of that starts with the script. I’ve been doing a little bit of screenwriting also but we’ll save that for a different day. We have a few projects developing with young filmmakers and opportunities to grow that next ring of branches at CDI. I have a few potentially big meetings first of the year including one requiring me to jump on a plane across the country. I’m just happy I’m not flying during this time of the year. But in 2024 I’ll jump on a jet and try to kickstart a few new films.

Speaking of 2024- I’m really spending some time recharging and refocusing. I usually make a set of proposed goals and I already have a few in mind. I’m pretty disciplined but that is going to become even more-so in the new year. At 53 I feel like I’m still moving towards my peak. What’s really helping me is the wisdom I’ve accumulated over the years. I know myself very well. I know what I like and what I don’t. What I will tolerate and what I won’t. Mistakes of my past have become vital experience used to achieve success. I’m very excited about 2024 and I hope you are as well. ‘Be the change you want to see’ is a good statement I’ve heard recently used. What I want for Christmas is comfort for those dealing with loss. Peace on earth and goodwill amongst men (and women). Love, unity and understanding- even for a day. If it can start with a day it can grow into more but it takes a step. 2024 doesn’t have to be division filled if we learn to respect one another including learning to respectfully disagree. Anyone preaching or proclaiming hate should not be a leader. And they are only empowered by followers so trust your heart and follow only that. Skip the slights and insults and instead just communicate. Thank you for almost a year of us meeting once a week to think and ponder together. My last blog of the year will be New Year’s Eve. I look forward to joining with all of you again next week and the year beyond.

Be good to one another and Merry Christmas.


LOVE – The Secret of the Season

Good morning to all of you out there. I’m sipping the morning java and I’m looking forward to sharing some thoughts on the past week, the season and the future. First, I have to say my focus is a bit more relaxed due to some big things coming off my TO DO list. The #1 thing off my list was the release of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA to home video. The DVD and streaming has been extremely strong and I think as the word gets out even more folks will enjoy a watch. With this newly freed up focus I found some of the ugly aspects of the world come more into view. My heart hurts watching all the war footage. All of this because wise people cannot make good words with one another and learn to live together. Killing over land and territory that we are all only borrowing. Mother Nature can take it back at anytime by earth, air, fire or water. Also killing others because of different beliefs is baffling to me. Even here in the USA we have strife between political parties. Immigrant issues, political corruption and again hate divided along ethnic, religious or political lines. And we are a great country doing the best we can but we can do better.

(Thoughts of a childhood friend Alan Drake gone to soon)

My opinion is that social media has hurt as much as it has helped. Every sad story is like a constant light snow of negativity slowly building – growing heavy on our hearts. At this time of year we also remember the loss of loved ones no longer in the rat race of life. I drove by a beautiful cemetery last week traveling to the dental cleaning. To so many this phase of existing is over yet we still remember the good times we shared. Yesterday was the funeral anniversary of someone dear to our family. And I think of past relatives aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends whose passing dates I cannot even remember. Maybe I choose to not remember those dates as those memories cause too much pain of loss. But I think each and every one of those people who loved us so would plead with us to not burden ourselves with so much sorrow. To not live in regret of past missteps or with anxiety of the future. To work hard to be good to one another. Friends, family, laughter and fellowship with our fellow life travelers is the most fulfilling. So much negativity poison out there that we drink willingly. But we can be healers for ourselves and one another. LOVE. It is the key. UNDERSTANDING is the path. UNITY can be the result. Start by loving yourself with all your flaws and missteps. Understanding others who do or say things out of pain or to hide pain. When we stop being hurt by every misstep of others and can see their pain we can achieve unity.

My meditations on 2024 have brought me many insights. I’m already making adjustments to my self that I feel will make me a better person. I think I’ve always done that which has brought me to where I am now. I don’t regret any of my past as again it led me to where I am. It is my journey. But clinging onto old fears, insecurities or patterns can hinder or slow growth. I know we all fight these battles in the mind from time to time. But I think we can put peace in our heart and mind by our actions, thoughts and deeds. Like I’ve stated before I’ve studied martial arts for a good part of my life learning to be a warrior. But as I travel this back half of life I want to focus on being a healer. I don’t want to hurt people as they hurt themselves enough. I do believe that as a storyteller I do allow myself to be a healer. In my screenwriting I feel like I can write a story parable that can promote healing and a positive change in perspective for people. It is why I don’t find as much fulfillment in stories of just pure escape. A powerful story can help improve, enrich and encourage people with hope. I have the fan mail to prove it the power of a story and it is humbling and fills one with appreciation. Appreciation that you can help others heal via a story.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – IF you have seen this powerful film working its way into the world marketplace and it has moved you please do share it. As noted if you rent/buy from a streaming site or buy a DVD say from Amazon– leave a little note like the one above. http://www.imdb.com is another great centralized database you can vote and leave a review on. Just search our film and you can add your words and thoughts. I can tell you for the artists it means the world. It makes their sacrifice of being away from home for weeks all worth it. The months of post work overcoming technical issues – worth it. This film has such beautiful themes in it that addresses many past issues in the hope we can avoid repeating mistakes. But once again Jewish hate is on the rise. Muslim hate. The stigma of a group of people being defined by the actions of a few once again unfolds. I do encourage people to take a watch on this true event story. Love. Understanding. Unity.

Harsens Island Revenge – Based on the book of the same title- this cautionary tale once again taken from past history will illustrate many important life lessons applicable to the now. The film is being edited together and in the new year we’ll capture our last few pieces and start music and sound design. Above is a gift from our friends at Pepsi who joined us on this adventure and will continue to travel with our storytelling tribe. So many good people brought together for a positive reason. Lifelong friendships formed with each telling of a story.

KNIGHT CHILLS – Above is Jackson Kennedy who when we filmed all those years ago was maybe 3-4 and is now 29 years old, married and a professor. I had such a wonderful visit with him the day before Thanksgiving. This was also the start of Collective Development Inc. that was started by his father Jeff Kennedy and I. Jeff is now enjoying retirement but I will always be eternally grateful to he and Nita Kennedy who believed in my dream. Thanks to them I am living my dream every day. The film was released on Blu-ray on Oct 31st and is now widely available for purchase. It has lots of great extras that would be extremely entertaining to fans and educational to young filmmakers. We’ve had some exciting meetings over continuing this story with a sequel and we’ll see how that develops.

Speaking on development

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS – I had a good meeting over this at the end of the week. I would love to see the ongoing story of the Murphy family told. HOT ROD LOVE is being prepped for presentation soon. We have our first committed investor and sponsor. That sponsor will be our friends from Pepsi joining us again for this comedic female empowerment story of drag racing in the 1970’s. Several meetings in 2023 over a new Iowa film SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, we’ll keep moving that film development along. There is also another new opportunity for CDI production work. I’ll be heading to AZ for a few days at the start of the new year to take a meeting over this opportunity. I’ve also been doing a little bit of screenwriting here and there as time allows.


(My book editor Callie Smith Grant passed this year and I will miss our wonderful collaborations)

I’m going to wrap this up and maybe go do a touch of final shopping and a little wrapping like a Christmas elf. I know this time of year can be stressful and even lonely for some. Try not to give into the stress of trying to make things perfect. Just enjoy the end of the year – reflect and toast on those no longer with us save in our hearts. Let those still with us know they are loved. Nobody to spend time with maybe volunteer or adopt some elderly. There are homes full of folks who would enjoy your company. I know this from years ago as a Cub Scout. We use to go sing Christmas carols and spend time with those in assisted living. My father took us to deliver Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to the elderly. The Special Olympics, Animal shelters…I’m going to try and commit to more charitable help in 2024. I even had a meeting a few weeks ago with a dear friend about helping us at CDI get more involved in causes. The sad lies in that you cannot help/fix everyone and everything but you can make a difference with a little kindness and a little time. I recall when we shot AN ORDINARY KILLER in Owosso, Michigan, we participated in a food give away. That was very fulfilling to all involved. I know this is the season that most people reflect more upon helping others but it should be something we practice year round. My next blog will be on Christmas Eve. And after that New Years Eve. Ponder and write down some of the changes you want to see in yourself. And be part of positive change for others. What can defeat all the negative in the world with no exception? LOVE.

Be good to one another!


Now Streaming! DVD’s HOT GIFTS! – Updates

Good morning my friends, I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee on this wonderful Sunday. I want to welcome all our new readers from Mexico, Netherlands, India, Canada and more. I’m up good and early as I have a day that keeps moving right until bedtime. I had a very good week of organizing and getting things done. A few meetings and some additional winterizing. That is what we have to do here to prepare for the ice and snow. I fixed the fence gate and split wood by axe attacking a stack of logs this past week. I paid the price the next day of overworking. Stiff neck and lower back but I got those worked out. I had one day where I was moving half speed at best. But I will need to get those muscles working to get through the winter. The wood stove will need to keep the logs burning.

(Fellowship of filmmaking – Tony Hornus center with Travis (Left) and Cody (Rt) on set. )

The Christmas tree is up and this past week a few outside decorations went up. I do love the colored bulbs. I don’t enjoy traffic and crowded stores and try to go at off times. We have three family Christmas gatherings in a row and so I’ve been also being a little elf wrapping away. I have a few good meetings this week that will also be part celebration and planning for 2024.

(Coming together to tell stories – myself, Don Most (center) and Carl Weyant (Rt) director)

Yesterday, I want to recognize that a friend, family and mentor passed away a year ago yesterday. I’ll always remember because I was in Algona, Iowa for the premiere of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We had done a radio show on a very snowy morning. This friend was going to have a medical test done and his heart stopped. I got up from resting my eyes knowing we had a pre-party followed by the premiere and lastly an afterglow at the VFW. I awoke from my short nap to find out this horrible news. It was this town’s beautiful day and story. It almost felt like WHOville at Christmastime, so I kept this news mostly quiet. He was really interested in seeing this WW2 era story. Now, Dec 1st this year was our home video release and I once again recalled again how badly he wanted to see this new film. Dec 9th marked one year without him. He is greatly missed – Dan the Druid.

(Just some of the CDI Tribe – multigenerational – back right John McGraw has been with the tribe the longest of the folks in this pic save me)

* NOTE: I had just put my phone in my vest pocket – I’m not packing heat:)

Let’s look at some of the exciting updates this week.


  1. With the December 1st home video release of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA), years of work before shooting and a few since of premiere release came to an end. From the point financial backers entrust you there is a somber seriousness that goes along with that responsibility. I’ve noted before that due to several variables this film was one of the hardest ones to finish in many years. But, with the national release I can exhale.
  2. The SNIA pre-sales ranking for DVD’s on Amazon has stayed strong and we just got our November totals and it is our distributors top performing film. We had just shy of 3,000 people purchase the DVD as a keepsake or as a gift. Businesses purchasing for employees. Gifting DVD’s to nursing homes so that residents can enjoy the sights and sounds of an early day with a smile. Hospitals? Prisons? This true event film can truly lift the spirits. I am so appreciative of all the good folks who have watched and shared how special the film is. Especially those who have reviewed it on Amazon or http://www.imdb.com – we love to read about your experience watching this story and it encourages others to take a watch. Many of the film’s cast and crew have reached out to express their joy at being part of this film. Our kudos to all of you. Filmmaking is very hard work and many people don’t seem to grasp that. A huge effort of coordinating so many artists and variables. It just means so much to all of us to have everyone accept the film as they have. We make these stories for all of you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  3. A fan favorite is WILD FAITH, a family western, ah- mid-western. It just celebrated flying over the 8 million views mark at Encourage TV. (Free w/ ads search it out) They are just one of many platforms showcasing this and many of the CDI films. CDI even has their own playlist on Encourage TV. But with each passing year our fans for Wild Faith increase. We are still very interested in the TV series. We just have to align with the right partners. In 2024 we just must get all those pieces to line up. Persistence is one of my strengths.
  4. KNIGHT CHILLS, is the very first film by CDI. We started shooting in 1998 I believe bringing us to 25 years since camera rolled. I think our first major distribution was in 2001. The film is proudly back on the market as a Blu-Ray. If you or someone you know is into the ole fantasy role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons they would likely enjoy this film. BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17209379555681048587&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6
  5. 2024 should bring some new life to the KNIGHT CHILLS franchise. A sequel has been talked about for years with various interested filmmakers. A sequel? The video game? Book reissue? Merchandise? I have a good meeting on Monday where part of the discussions will be on Knight Chills.
  6. Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) updates- I had a great update with our director Carl Weyant, as he was heading to the airport to be with family. The film at the time of our discussion was just shy of 50 minutes edited and he said it was pretty damn tight. He was just so excited by the performances and the way the story all pulls together. Good script eh? 🙂 A teaser trailer and the film edit will be worked on and when Carl returns in January of 2024, we should have a rough edit to watch. Good talks with our composer have started but will become even more involved in 2024.
  7. Additional HIR– I’ll be working with Tony Hornus on looking to cast our (5) WW1 German reenacts to film our opening. We’ll also bringing back in David Reardon and Bejo Dohmen for our final shooting of our opening scene in Feb. if everything goes according to plan.

WRAP UP: I’m enjoying the Christmas season and thankful for the time with family and friends. I’ve been organizing and reflecting. I’ve been calling up old friends and associates to check in with them and share a laugh. I’ve been trying to recharge. Having something like ‘Silent Night in Algona’ get to market thus fulfilling my main responsibility. “Create the best art possible within the business perimeters and getting it to market.” From there, how it is received depends on the audience and the distributors.

Let’s talk on that a beat-

Many distributors are puppy mills for films. Horrible deals that will rob filmmakers versus develop and grow with them. Work smarter vs harder, I say. Distribute less content but ones worth more revenue via quality. Every major company that embraced its brand worked hard in customer service to build customer loyalty. They care about what people think of their company. CDI is like that. Many we do business with share that idea. I know our new Pepsi contact and team takes great pride in their brand(s).

Some exploitation distributors just wreck and rape, harsh word I know but a very good illustration when you look at how artists love their “child” films. Once the exploitive distributor ship has taken on too many legal hits they scuttle the company. So reputation of the distributor matters and I can attest that it can make a lot of difference between living in the past or future. A good partnership like what we just shared on the launch of ‘Silent Night in Algona’ is golden. To have a chance at creating something great it takes more effort versus just going through the motions. Having everyone aligned towards a common goal with content that is truly uplifting woven within a true story of goodness. In a world where we are reminded daily of senseless shootings and never ending wars, a film that gives HOPE is like gold.

To bring it full circle, the saying “you are wealthy by what you can give away, not what you have” is a powerful saying to ponder. When you’re giving to others you’re also living in a season of being blessed. Apply this to distribution – Once a distribution company has good content flowing in from fair development practices you will see great growth in the distribution branch. To grow yourself you must have healthy story providers. A company quickly gets known for the quality of their content. They can become greater than the sum of the parts/films if they choice wisely. CDI (www.cdiproductions.com) is also greater than the sum of the parts/films. A creative incubator – knights of the creative round table – tribeCDI THUNDERDOME! Okay. I need to back that down. But each film is a handcrafted piece of art made by many artists who care sincerely about storytelling. About legacy. I’m going to wrap it up now. I’m going to a memorial later and after spending time with my brother and a few friends. All our journeys will one day end here. Spend time with family and friends and keep expanding that circle of sincere. People don’t easily trust kindness. But people also feel/know sincere. That is a word I think I relate too. SINCERE. Now you can sincerely be a pain in the ass too. But I think I’m quite sincere in most all I do. Is a sincere effort same as best effort? I think if you give your best you are sincere in the effort. I will have to ponder and we’ll talk more about that on a different day.

Be sincere and good to one another. Until next week.

Coffee Cheers- DJ


(Christmas time is here!)

Hello December! I want to welcome all our new readers from Singapore, Denmark, Canada, Australia and more. It is always a joy for me to see the interest and participation from all you artists. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee on a day that looks as if you might see Frodo and Samwise looking to throw a ring into Mt. Doom. I actually enjoy snow versus just cold rain. We know have a Christmas tree blessing our living room. The dogs have really enjoyed having it inside. It has been just an amazing week and the main reason is my mind just got back a large amount of red estate. In regards to SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, our new CDI release – I’ve FINALLY got some peace of mind. This film was a beast because of the amount of VFX, color correction and the two languages in the film. Several scenes have the German PW’s speaking German amongst themselves.

(DVD’s now available as a keepsake or stocking stuffer/gift – a good company gift for employees)

The post process was plagued by small tech issues throughout the final mastering for home video. Stuff the human eye could not see but computers scanning can. This resulted in many fixes that were a cost in time and money but we got it done. Nov. 30th was our special ENCOURAGE TV one day free with ads event showing. Some 4600 people tuned in to watch the film for the one day event. I received and continue to receive beautiful emails from folks I know and don’t know. December 1st was our national release to DVD and various platforms. Amazon Prime, Google Play, Vudu, iTunes and more…just google our film title. So in the early hours of Nov 30th I watched the full story unfold. I was able to step outside the process and just enjoy the story.

(One of the hundreds of well wishes for the film. Thank you and please do leave reviews!)

This story was almost never told because of various bad folks introduced to the process which only put it on a shelf for 14 years. There is a heaviness of responsibility that I assume from the first moment we are funded. Nov 30th and Dec 1st brought me the first peace of mind in a few years with the release. No emails saying they found another glitch that needs fixing. No film is perfect but it does have the raw emotional impact. Millions can now watch the film and I’m so thankful for everything sharing the film and purchasing DVD collectors gifts for family and friends. So my last few days have been joyous and now I’m just reaping the kind words of those who experienced our story.

(I played the stoic officer LtCol. Lodell, in charge of the camp- it was a great role and challenge)

This project like them all was exhausting. Extended focus and dedication to bring the story to the world. Now is a great time to reflect, recharge and realign our energies. I’ve been trying to let people be over the holidays. It is a great time to spend with family and friends who often have to deal with our work. It is more than work it is a calling to be a storyteller. I had a conversation the other day with one of our tribe and they want to enjoy the bliss of no big responsibilities. I too, love that feeling but I don’t have the luxury of a total break. The biggest question all upcoming filmmakers ask me is how we keep momentum and get funding. I’ve said that while we make it look easy it is not. We are persistent and have a reputation for on-time, on-schedule and unique handcrafted stories with lots of heart. I’ve worked hard with the CDI tribe to build that reputation. And I don’t need to fluff anything, the proof is in the pudding as they say. I get a dozen inquires a week about if we are looking for scripts. We are not unless you have it funded and are looking for experience in managing your project. We will consider but even funding will not assure a collaboration. Looking to get involved in this endeavors from a business perspective feel free to inquire.

(Students in Iowa decorated this classroom door to celebrate the film’s release)

If you haven’t watched SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA please do. If you enjoyed it and it invoked some good thoughts and feedback you can go to our http://www.imdb.com page and VOTE (10 is best) and leave your words. Also exciting is that Encourage TV now has a playlist of all the CDI films. Some great trailers, BTS and extra interviews can be found. To have your own CDI marathon watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0LCdlq-BK0&list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E

A big kudos to our entire cast and crew, especially our director Anthony (Tony) Hornus. If you enjoyed his last film MAN’S BEST FRIEND you’ll really enjoy this one. Thank you to all the fans of this story!

(Audiences will meet ‘Axel’ next year!)

Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) – This film is in full swing with the edit. We are still rolling production photos out on our Facebook site. Harsens Island Revenge Christmas Cards are being offered by GW Burns. We are working to bring more graphic merchandise to everyone. Not just from HIR but from all the films. Favorite posters? So many exciting things at play with this film but right now I’m just letting the focus be on our new release. We will be seeing Behind the Scenes doc and new posters, trailers and more in the new year. Our composer Dennis Therrian, has been studying the time and the music. We will be moving into music and sound design shortly into the new year. Speaking about the new year, we’ll be casting five Michigan-based German re-enactors who have all their gear for the film’s opening pick up scene. A piece of powerful WW1 action that will be shot in the Alpena area. This film is such an explosive and exciting piece of storytelling. Something to look forward to in 2024!

KNIGHT CHILLS– Ironically our newest film and our first film are out there in the marketplace. The PG-horror/thriller that deals with bullying has been re-released to BluRay. Hey, we were ahead of our time with the bullying theme. But the film is truly also a Christmas theme. The film climax is to come at the Solstice of Yule. Give the gift! BUY IT HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=D4OO7ITMHNCY&keywords=knight+chills&qid=1701615739&sprefix=knight+chills%2Caps%2C200&sr=8-2

If you like horror films with a Christmas theme check out DARKEST NIGHT I filmed in the Philippines. Just google it up but don’t watch it alone.

WRAP UP – This week I’ll be working on some end of the year film disbursements. This will be followed by end of year tax prep and new state filing fees. The business of show business. I’m looking forward to several weeks of meetings and toasting the 2023 year. Also to plan and prepare for the year ahead. Again I’m not going to go on and on about the development process but three projects are at the front of that. A) HOT ROD LOVE, a comedy is having the foundation pieces but into place. A female empowerment story set in the 1970’s that takes place around a drag race track. B) HASTINGS, the Wild Faith TV series. Which is celebrating the passing of 8 million views on Encourage TV bringing the worldwide viewing to 20+ million. C) SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE which will be CDI’s second Iowa-based film has a solid script and is starting to talk with funders.

I just has a few apples and a breakfast sandwich with our 4H bacon. Hmmmm…bacon. Just refilled the coffee cup and I plan to finish up here and get a few more things done today. I might have to go split a few logs for tonights fire. I’ve been enjoying all the Christmas magic about and hope we did our part to add to that holiday goodness with our WW2 film. I know the snow will be returning soon which I prefer to just damp, cold rain. Spend some time with good family and friends. Cheers to a wonderful, challenging and productive 2023 and here’s to an even better 2024.

Be good to one another!


Thankful For the Journey Thus Far – Embrace the Past That Created YOU. Oh, and Film Updates!

(Done with the clean shaven for a while, snow is about to fly in the Michigan)

I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and sitting down with you all on this fine Sunday morning. I want to welcome all our new readers from Norway, Germany, Saudi Arabia and more. We are expecting snow here in Michigan today and the bitter chill is a precursor. Only a few more things in the yard to stow away until the springtime. This past week was a busy one with Thanksgiving falling on a Thursday. We went up North and spent time with family. Friday and Saturday were getting things ready for Christmas. I was happy to spend a little time with Dean Teaster who came to pick up a few of his props. He had several period phones that we used in Harsens Island Revenge. Saturday we got supplies for the chickens and also went and cut our Christmas tree. It is up and awaiting decoration which will happen over the next few days. I’m feeling thankful at this time of the season. I’m trying to slow my roll from the active year and recharge. I’ve had several great meetings last week both by phone and in-person. The fire at the office is a great place to sit around and throw ideas. Let’s look at some of the meetings and developments from the week.

  1. The top news is the special screening of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for one day FREE w/ ads at Encourage TV. It is free to subscribe and plays on Youtube, Roku and various platforms. Read all about it here: https://www.prlog.org/12995184-silent-night-in-algona-one-day-free-screening-on-encourage-tv-before-release-to-home-video.html and watch the interview here – https://www.facebook.com/share/v/MgHsnnVRqwsR6SVF/?mibextid=hubsqH
  2. On December 1st the film SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will start its DVD and Video on Demand run. A great family watch or a holiday gift for lovers of history. It can be found on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WMZK4FVE00Y7&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1701008715&sprefix=silent+night+in+%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-1
  3. Got word that SAVAGE, a Bigfoot story that I wrote and developed with director Lynn Drzick (In the Woods) was sold and script was produced. It is now making its way to digital home video on Jan. 1st. Read about it here! https://www.horrorsociety.com/2023/11/20/savage-the-bigfoot-legendlives-on-digital-platforms-jan-1st/
  4. This is AWESOMEEncourage TV has given CDI its own Playlist so you can watch all the family films playing on Encourage TV. You can now do a marathon of CDI films at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E
  5. Harsens Island Revenge is full speed ahead on editing. We are looking this week at a possible model boat explosion. I need to speak today or tomorrow with our director Carl on that front. Our Production Designer Greg Burns (GW) has created a group of Christmas cards using our locations and vehicles. If you are interested in these you can reach out to GW at gwburnsphotography@gmail.com (See the Harsens Island Revenge FB page to see pics)
  6. Knight Chills is performing well with its new Blu Ray release. I will be looking to get our materials back and set up the film in 2024 for streaming. Here is where you can buy the Blu Ray- https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=VH32AUSX4DRN&keywords=Knight+Chills&qid=1701010903&sprefix=knight+chill%2Caps%2C267&sr=8-2
  7. WILD FAITH is about to cross another mark on Encourage TV, EIGHT MILLION VIEWS! This will happen in just days and that number is increasing at all the platforms. We will be working hard to position the TV series HASTINGS for production. The demand is there we just need to get the right partners lined up. Creative control has been the biggest thing to deal with but we are making progress.
  8. DEVELOPMENT – This is a great time of year where we are planning the next several years of projects at CDI. I’ve got some good script writing on deck and we’ve been making moves on positioning other films to launch. We mentioned Hastings above and we’re actively looking at a primarily location for HOT ROD LOVE. We’ll be updating some of the materials soon which will also include the addition of Pepsi to our package as a sponsor. We will be approaching other sponsors and funders in the new year with the hope of rolling cameras in the summer 2024.

In wrapping up this blog, I reflect the sentiment of the recent holiday, appreciation. I’ve been enjoying meeting with so many of you as we prepare to celebrate a NEW release as our holiday WW2 film hits the market Nov 30th. We will be enjoying behind the scenes, posters and trailers for Harsens Island Revenge as we enter 2024. Our back up system for the CDI films is being build now and we’ll soon have easier access to footage. I am planning to release a 2024 CDI highlight reel on New Years Eve we will see. I was reminded by a friend that I need to enjoy the victories and not just jump to whatever is lagging or under performing. In time, but again I’ll take the moments to celebrate those wins. And I will say that this blog and all of you are part of that win. I appreciate those artists who’ve reached out and expressed how the blog has helped them. Sometimes it the stimulating of an idea that can be implemented into your own endeavors. Sometimes it is just the comfort of knowing that struggling is just part of living. If you picked the arts you’ve chosen the harder path. But I have been rewarded by the places I’ve been, the people I’ve collaborated with and the creation of stories into the world that would not have been there otherwise.

(Always the dreamer – I’ve done some biographical writing over the years and one day it might make a good book)

Off some recent conversations – For those just starting out. There is no shame in doing other work as you build a foundation. Writers pull on those early jobs. Remember write about what you know. I use to go home from my first job at PONDEROSA steakhouse with a pocket full of napkins full of my scrawling for script and movie ideas. When I managed a fitness club it also became my office. This was at a time of using calling cards for long distance so having phones set up for free long distance was a plus. I had a mail system which made send outs easy. But I also lived in Kinkos for several years – I remember having to go up there to get my Scream 2 sides faxed. That audition is what took me to Hollywood for the first time. Everything leads to something else. Embrace your journey. Patience is a hard thing to master and you might spend a lifetime trying to tame it. Faith that everything led you to where you are is also nurturing. Any variance or change could have affected many outcomes. Be mindful of the past and note the future but really do focus on the present. I’m spending this winter reflecting, recharging and refocusing – when the new year comes I hope to bring some hard fought and earned wisdom to the next leg of the adventure.

Coffee Cheers! Maybe 2024 will be the year of the full time coffee sponsor!

Be good to one another, DJ.

NEW ‘CDI’ FILM UPDATES! – November 19th, 2023

This is a truly chilly Michigan morning. Thankfully I was able to get a hot pot of hazelnut coffee flowing. I want to welcome my new readers from India, Philippines, Bangladesh and Canada. I’ve been busy getting things rolling in promotion with SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA and we’re also chugging along on HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE post-production. I’ve had several meetings over the course of the week. MSU, my alumni actually won a close football game yesterday and we’ll see in the Detroit Lions can keep their momentum.

This week I kept up with the winterizing of the yard. We’re going up North on Thanksgiving so we’re having a holiday gathering at my dad’s today. We enjoyed watching the SILVER BELLS holiday tree lighting fest here in Lansing. From our house we could watch the drone show and the fireworks show put on by one of our “Harsens Island Revenge” sponsors, ACE Pyro Inc. It was a great display.

  1. Met with our BMG Global team on the roll out of PR leading up to the December 1st DVD and streaming release of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. I know Amazon Prime and Vudu are a couple of the streaming sites that will carry the film. Many more streaming platforms will be releasing it I just need to track those links down. It will make a great gift and shared watch with family. PRE-ORDER the DVD here- https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2OKCPJN0M4XQ&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1700399845&sprefix=silent+night+in+algona+%2Caps%2C94&sr=8-1
  2. I met this week with an old friend discussion charity work with CDI. It is something we’ll move into more of as we continue to develop and grow the company.
  3. I also had a meeting with Adam Towner this week over our CDI back up RAID that is being assembled. Once that is active we’ll have easier access to our footage for promotional work. One of the the things I want done is a Behind the Scenes video for Harsens Island Revenge to release in December and a CDI highlight reel to drop on Jan 1st, 2024.
  4. I also took a meeting over a possible CDI associated TV show. It was more consulting at this point but it could turn into something more solid leading into 2024.
  5. Met with our production designer GW Burns over CDI merchandise. One of the cool first run items is a collection of Christmas cards featuring locations and vehicles used in Harsens Island Revenge. You can view the cards and order from GW directly at https://www.facebook.com/GregWBurns
  6. I also met with our John “Tiger” Mashni, our fellow producer to prep for end of the year tax work and also film dispersement to our backers either in Dec or Jan. This also includes state filing fees and other business to-do’s.
  7. A beautiful thing is that BMG Global/Encourage TV has created a PLAY LIST for those wanting to watch one CDI film after another. We will be adding The Patchwork Girl from Oz to the list also. Here it is! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E&si=KgpKfZOfJOAc91Ne
  8. And while a tad different, the animated CDI associated film THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ is a wonderful watch for the entire family. It features many of your favorite characters. WATCH NOW!https://youtu.be/qLaw6zOAsw0?si=ThELZd33DsDJqXJv
  9. Climbing in the ranks of films is CDI’s maiden voyage film KNIGHT CHILLS. It actually has a YULE time plot line which I will not give away. The film has been brought into high def and the audio has been remastered. Also many great extra features old and new. Give the gift and maybe a red rose;) BUY NOW! https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=BFQA5294BLA6&keywords=Knight+Chills&qid=1700401692&sprefix=knight+chills%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-2
  10. HERE is the final SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA home video release trailer from BMG Global – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_D35qZCUlc

WRAP UP: So as you can see from above it was a busy week. While all this is underway we’re taking a hard look at development. It is nice to just have a clear head without any character building currently happening. I do love that process. But right now after months of keeping myself more or less clean shaved, I’m enjoying the wild beard. Plus it is helping with the cold for sure. I’ve been getting after log splitting and tonight I’ll have the wood stove kicking.

The fort’s fireside provides a great place to brainstorm and to move business along. I’m looking forward to many more over the winter as we find the spark for new upcoming projects. We have several properties in development. We’ll seek to capture that momentum from our upcoming releases and exciting post production updates. Who is excited to see a Harsens Island Revenge behind the scenes video or teaser trailer? They will be coming. In the meantime you watch follow us on Facebook and watch all the great photos rolling out.

As it gets cold it is a great time to revisit your CDI favorite films like The Quest Trilogy, Lost Heart, Wild Faith…If you want to watch director Anthony Hornus’ last film before SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA releases watch MAN’S BEST FRIEND. I’m going to finish off the coffee and look at getting into some bacon and eggs. I hope you all are having a great harvest season. We are reaping the rewards of past efforts and it feels great. I want to once again thank all our backers, cast, crew and sponsors and most of all, our fans. Have a great week and we’ll chat next week. We might actually get some snow mid week so get out those warm clothes.

Coffee Cheers!


‘Silent Night in Algona’ About to go Global – ‘Harsens’ Updates and Glimpses of 2024!

It is a wet and chilly morning in the Michigan. It makes me glad that we got our filming on Harsens Island Revenge complete. We do have some pick up shooting between now and Feb 2024. We will be working with my old friends at McGraw Multimedia to do some specialized filming on the actual island. We’ll be getting that just before we lose all our leaves and color. After that we’ll be doing a little PYRO action with one of our sponsors. We have a boat that meets an untimely end and we’ll be dealing with that here soon after. Lastly, we have two proposed pieces to get in Feb. one is a close up cock pit of a period bi-plane and the other is our opening of the film in WW1. A powerful and emotional opening to the film and thanks to our friends at thew Alpena Air Base it looks like we’ll be filming there.

(Don Most’s intense performance will shake audiences)

We’ve kept the momentum flowing with the releasing of official photos to our FB page. Some are stills and others BTS. We even have a special gallery black and white gallery and a “Meet the Purples” and a “Meet the Harsens Island Militia” section. Most of the pics taken by our production designer and still photographer GW Burns. He’ll be working with CDI moving forward and we’re happy to have him. I had meetings this week with several of the team toasting and getting good feedback for future endeavors. We are still wrapping up a few aspects of production but we are almost there.

(100+ years and still on the road, FORD tough)

The season of scares is upon us and last week I gave folks a list of CDI associated spooky projects or projects I’ve acted in. I did have some conversations with a past director about forthcoming films in the horror genre. We had some direct talk on timelines. If you don’t have a script prepared that can take a good part of a year to develop. Even with a strong, polished script you could spend a year between location scouting and casting. In our business there is a lot of talk and that can hurt filmmakers. Assuming something is moving forward when a third party might not be that interested but find it easier to just say maybe, soon…I could give a list of excuses often given. I use to live with my hope attached to those excuses. Now I work with only the most serious of folks minding my time. So if someone is giving lip service push for that letter of INTENT or move on.

Let’s talk about the juggernaut on the board. We had a first big teams meeting with our distributor at Twin Engines Global. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will be getting the highlight treatment at AFM (American Film Market) having been evaluated and targeted for success. The film was a surprise hit in the theaters with word of mouth bringing the film into 70+ theatre and played for 10 months after the Dec. 2022 release in Algona. The film will enjoy a release on DVD and streaming on Dec. 1st and we’ve been highly encouraged by our pre-sales. The film went live on Amazon last week to start pre-ordering the DVD. We’ve had hundreds of people asking for DVD’s since the theatrical release from around the country. Now the film has debuted in Amazon’s Top 100 and we broke the under 50 by week’s end. Can we get to #1 on Amazon? It’s a great goal and I would be happy to get in the top 10. Looking at all the negativity in the world showcasing humanity at less than it’s best it is a breath of fresh air to have a film like SNIA releasing. The based on a true story highlights some light in a dark period. Actions that reflect the better side of humanity and can give us HOPE that we can do good. It is the best chance to date of CDI creating a holiday classic aside from our biblical trilogy. (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer) * watch all three in order you will not be disappointed. SNIA will make a wonderful gift and belongs to be part of everyone’s forever collection. You can even send the film as a gift with a message.

PRE-ORDER HERE (SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA)https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Taylor-Nichols/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=7VT1J3D4V465&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1698585918&sprefix=silent+night+in+algona%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-1

CDI’s first film KNIGHT CHILLS a PG -13 thriller is also a pre-order for a special Blu-Ray full of extras- it releases on Halloween! PRE-ORDER HERE (KNIGHT CHILLS)https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=L4UBHK9HY82J&keywords=Knight+Chills&qid=1698586174&sprefix=knight+chills%2Caps%2C93&sr=8-2

(One of the CDI props hanging at the office awaiting a future film shoot )

Looking Ahead to 2024!

I’ve been spending a good amount of time in thought and evaluation of which project to push next. Really you push several properties and get behind the one with the most momentum. I think we might return back to the film HOT ROD LOVE that we were pushing but lost our filming window and our main location was still a bit up in the air. It is a fun 70’s comedy based around small track drag racing. We had some commits to fund and we’ll see who else would be interested in participating. It could film early Spring/Summer and give us an opportunity to film again in the Fall or a Spring 2025 shoot in a warmer place like Yuma, AZ:)

(Bart Ketner and Travis Hayward brainstorming at the ‘Fort’ over Bday gifted HIGH WEST – thank you David Zugger)

As for writing I’ve got a few scripts that I’ve been working on as time presents itself. I’m also looking over a collection of books to once again try to pick a story that would translate well to the screen. I think I might have landed on one. I love to write in the wintertime and from the chill outside we can tell it is not too far off. I had some initial talks on the SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE film that would be our follow up in Iowa. I had a few semi-productive talks last week but the pending success of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will help these efforts. If I had the full funding today on Spirit Lake Massacre we would still not be rolling cameras to 2025 between casting and location scouting which is another state. I’ve got a few more financial talks over the next few weeks and I think we’ll make some good progress. The best is yet to come!

December 1st on DVD and Streaming!

The truth of our storytelling profession is that everyplace, every town has a few stories just deserving of being told. By population there are only a few storytelling groups out there who want to tell the story as is versus giving it the old Hollywood treatment where you get notes from clueless people thinking of profits not story. The two can go hand in hand but too often desperate filmmakers meets clueless executives and the result is a mess. Many do it right and that starts at the top with passion for a story. EVERY CDI film is like a handcrafted whiskey. A blend of ingredients chosen and handpicked. Speaking of- kudos to one of our sponsors RED CEDAR SPIRITS for sponsoring with us on Harsens Island Revenge. Our meetings as of late have included a warm taste of bourbon or a choice Pepsi product. The Bubly sparkling water is a popular chaser.

(The ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ edit once complete will travel to Dennis Therrian for another amazing score and sound design)

I’m going to wish everyone a fun and safe Halloween. I do enough characters and wardrobe to not feel a need to participate in dressing up. But the beautiful full moon yesterday and the awesome Fall days with leaves changing and falling, just has me super content. The last of the production items save one tote has been dropped off and repacked for storage. I’m looking forward to the holiday season that for me runs from Nov 1st to Easter! It is a good season to stay in with friends and family and watch or rewatch your favorite content from CDI. What is your favorite and why? Put your answers in the comments.

We have 4H bacon cooking and fresh eggs are on deck. I know some in Michigan are out there trying to fill their freezer with venison. This week I think I’ll finally bottle my ‘Rocking Rhubarb’ wine. Great for gifts and/or the meeting around the wood stove. It is at these brainstorming sessions that new seeds are planted. I will give some more thought to ‘AROUND THE FIRE’ podcast proposed a few times. maybe once a month with various storytellers and creators. We have finished the music video we shot just before our last feature film shoot. I’m really happy with it and I’m sure we’ll be able to share that soon. Until we speak again next week, be good to one another.

Coffee Cheers!


The Return Home- Thank you Alpena! That’s A Wrap! CDI Fall Updates!

I’m happy to report we wrapped principal photography on Harsens Island Revenge on Friday night. We felt the first bone chill of the cold front just as we were wrapping up. We had near perfect weather for every day of filming. I’m happy that everyone was safe and we did not have anything but minor issues that our team dealt with swiftly. This #tribecdi team featured several new department members and they worked in perfectly. Occasionally you have crew just not built for the long haul. It takes endurance which means good sleep and keeping yourself healthy. We add and subtract from project to project to try and tune into a perfectly balanced cast and crew. Positive attitude is our number one sought after quality. We can develop the experience and skill set for an individual but attitude is usually hardwired. You have to embrace challenges and seek to overcome them. You have to prepare yourself to be away from your comforts for several weeks. Bring what you need to keep yourself healthy. Favorite pillow, sinus meds or whatever you might require. It’s a game of anticipation on set and off set. Experienced actors get good at bringing whatever they might need in their actor bag or kit. Experienced crew you seldom hear from as they know how to adapt and takes care of their business. If someone is a squeaky wheel of daily complaints that person might not be cut out for feature work. I’ve often explained that some cast and crew are great for a few days but to stay great for weeks is not by accident. And some crew come to that same conclusion that feature film work is not their bag because it’s hard. Location shooting, 10-12 hours on the norm and facing new challenges daily. I’m excited because I think several of the new crew will be invited to join us again and will accept. The excitement was a daily bounce. Actors and crew would be excited by the amazing locations, props and vehicles. The actors would throw down powerful performances and that inspired the crew. The crew would light and create a ‘moment’ that was artistically breathtaking. We had a rather smooth journey which is a major kudos to my entire producing team and director Carl Weyant.

I’ve landed but I’ve got a few hours of unpacking which I’ll do in the morning. Very stunning artwork will continue to flow and we’ve only scratched the surface. Art work will become available to the public once we decide on the official pieces of art from what GW Burns, our production designer and an old friend of mine that we brought in from Florida. Bart Ketner, worked in tandem with GW as our art director and the quality shines on the screen. All this captured by our gifted camera team led by Travis Hayward. A teaser trailer and behind-the-scenes video will be assembled in the coming weeks. We’ll be taking a few weeks to catch up on our paperwork and data entry before starting to look at our couple VFX pick up shots. We just got the okay from the military base in Alpena to return and shoot our opening scene likely in Feb to get the look we want. We have some shooting on Harsens Island coming up soon and as noted prior, a cool VFX shot that will be a BLAST to film.

I’m appreciative to our book author Karl Manke, and we’ll look to arrange a book signing in the Alpena area in the near future. As the screenwriter, it was amazing to see the scenes come to life from the page. David Reardon and Cassie Dean did a wonderful job as our young leads. Blu Owens, our child actress was incredible. I enjoyed bringing Axel to the screen and enjoyed every scene I got to share with so many amazing artists. My scenes with the Harsens Island Militia were always fun. What a great group of guys who on-screen play completely badass. All the performances were on point and you know with CDI being led by actor/producers, this is not an accident. We take the casting process very serious including our extras. We had well over 100 extras in the film and the support of so many from the Alpena area that made everything possible.

A great wrap party hosted by Fresh Palate, which had a great assortment of eats from lamb chops to apple crisp and several great side dishes. We had so many great sponsors led by Pepsi, our new CDI partner. Our crew was treated to so much variety of craft product from within the Pepsi family. It will take a good week or two to process everything. This is my attempt at capturing some of the great happenings in this writing sit down.

The CDI Library

CDI has enjoyed so many new fans exploring all the films streaming on many platforms but most all are on Amazon Prime. To see some of the films check http://www.cdiproductions.com but I appreciate the daily feedback on our earlier films. The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer), MBF, Wild Faith, Lost Heart, Best Years Gone, Wicked Spring, Bestseller, Ashes of Eden and the list goes on. Even CDI’s 1st film Knight Chills will expand to a wide Blu Ray release on Oct. 30th, 2023. Our most recent release in theaters SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will hit home video Dec 1st and will be showcased at AFM for broadcast and foreign licensing. It will be fun to watch where that film will travel to and the audience reaction. It already has won the hearts of the theatrical crowd and was the winner at a recent Red Letter Awards.

I will have much more to report as we move forward but I wanted to sit down and share my initial feelings from just getting home. The yard is not too crazy but will get a good mow. The final veggies and such are ready for harvest. The chickens are still putting out the eggs. I was met with a heroes return especially from the fur babies who missed their daddy. I’m enjoying sitting in my own chair. I’ll be looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. I’ve come home to a fall fest and I love it. I’m going to look forward to overseeing the assembly of this new film while we promote the current releases. I look forward to catching up with family and friends. I’m going to end this so I can relax and tomorrow I’ll attack the unpack. This mission phase has been accomplished and I think this one will be well received. Thank you to everyone who follows myself and the journey of the CDI artists. Until next week!

Hazelnut coffee cheers!


CDI Updates, Looking Ahead – Last Week!

I’m sitting here in Alpena listening to the MSU game on Tony Hornus‘s streaming lap top. The waves outside are primitive and create a sense of relaxation. I was almost going to step out to eat but I had recently returned from doing a ‘pick up’ scene at the nearby military base. We almost settled for a small modest set but we ended up with an epic one. It just takes digging a little deeper. Our CDI producers and keys are damn talented problem solvers. We don’t have any perfect days as the odds of variables is against us. But when challenges do arise we have the tribal power to deal with it. Pivot and move forward. Repeat. Refine. Repeat.

It’s our day off for cast and crew but not producers. I did all the payroll today and still have to do the accounting behind it. Our ‘end of week’ filming consisted of our biggest days filled with action and extras. I’m proud to say we safely and timely, got what we wanted. During one of the scenes a bystander mentioned how the set up looked like a studio film lot. It made me smile. It was pretty trick with us using several classic cars, fog machines and a chorus of action as we filmed one of our most chaotic scenes.

The very next night we filmed in one of the oldest buildings in Alpena. It’s just an incredible building dripping with character. As the screenwriter it exceeded by minds eye picture of the location. Perfect looking both inside and out. We filmed the climatic end of the film there last night and it was majorly charged. The Purple versus the Harsens Island Militia (WW1 vets) – it is a cool piece of historic fiction and the footage looks absolutely epic. EPIC. Thank you Alpena for providing such a wonderful backdrop. Thank you for all the assistance everyone has given in the community. Harsens Island Revenge coming soon! Okay not real soon, but soon enough.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA theatrical fans have been clamoring for a home video release and Dec 1st, 2023 is that date when DVD and streaming will launch. And if we did not release the poster on here yet – enjoy!

This film has been worked on and polished for the home video version. We hope you will enjoy it with your family this holiday season.

WHAT IS NEXT? This is always a very interesting question. Many things have to all line up to take a project from development and move it to pre-production once funding is achieved. Sometimes locations play into the project. But mostly it’s getting all the right elements behind a truly strong blueprint or script. We’ve have several projects in a constant rotation of development. Some have been there for some time as this process can be lengthy and require multiple things to line up. I will enjoy taking a few beats to readjust back into home but I will be back to my development talks shortly after. I love working with our team to get these projects synergized and ultimately funded.

I really want WILD FAITH‘s tv series to launch. We might be onto a few new opportunities there. I might get back to some writing over the winter. HOT ROD LOVE this next summer would be nice. – I’m going to focus on what is here. I have a handful of scenes tomorrow so I’m going to close on this so I can go work my lines before bed. I look forward to speaking to you again next week at our wrap. Maybe a video:)

Until next week! Coffee Cheers!


Hello Alpena! On-Location Prep Has Begun-

As I stated last week in my blog we will be going to a Sat blog release while I’m away shooting because that is our day off. We found that to be better for crew because more is open versus Sunday and it allows them to get more done. Banking, laundry, mail outs and anything else that needs to be done when artists are away from home. Making a movie especially a period piece with a large supporting casts and such is not easy. Finding lodging for the army of artists is not easy. Finding someone to feed an army at odd hours is not easy. It takes a supportive community that also has the correct locations. We had some questions about filming on Harsens Island. We will capture all the beautiful landmarks of the island that do not betray the 1920’s time period. Why you cannot shoot an entire film like that on the island that is accessed by a ferry starts with lodging an army.

Wild Faith at The Ledges in Grand Ledge, MI

I think some imagine 3-4 folks shooting but it is more like a crew of 30. safety and having access to a hospital plays into decisions on where to film. Something breaks or you need something ASAP having a good selection of Home Depot, Meijers or Gormans is a good thing. A ferry ride to get to wherever and back adds LOTS of time. So I appreciate the questions, people just don’t understand the process of making a film. I would LOVE to film in Fayette, Michigan, at this old copper town, but it’s just too hard to stage an army. Time, time, time…a film crew has to move at a good pace to make their day. So we have to make decisions that are safe and keep us in our time/budget schedule. Those wanting more expensive or ambitious set choices I will give an escrow account for you to deposit money into. On Jaws they spent a whole day waiting to get a clean shot of the bay. We cannot spend all day to get one scene.

“Chasing the Star” – Yuma, AZ

We producer are settling in but we’re already working. Catering schedules, software activations, transportation needs and the list goes on. But I get to spend a month solid with some of the best humans I know. Artists that work together to tell a story that will be remembered and hopefully cherished by many for years to come. I get to see some friends only when we film. The sacrifice is leaving family and loved ones for a short period of time. As I’ve gotten older that sacrifice is felt but part of what makes me is the adventure. So we’re about to tell another story. Now that we are all gathered together problems and issues get knocked down. CDI is a tribe of problem solvers. Solve the riddles each day and earn your piece of the puzzle.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – Many are excited about this amazing film rolling out on DVD and digital very soon. We’re down to one last technical fix for the streaming networks. The poster looks cool and I want to share it but the distributor hasn’t approved a release yet. We are also up for many awards at the Red Letter Awards and our lovely Algona coordinator Donna Kitzinger will be representing CDI, The Donald Tietz Charitable Foundation and the film. No pressure:) Have a good speech prepared in case we should take any awards.

KNIGHT CHILLS, was CDI’s 1st movie turning 25 years old. It is about bullying, which now has become a topic more to the forefront. It is also about the role playing scare of the 80’s and 90’s like Dungeons and Dragons. Which also has returned in popularity. Saturn Core put together the remastered film as a blu-ray with lots of extras with Vinegar Syndrome. It has a special edition 1000 piece run with new slip art including a great back art piece from artist Tom Miller. It moved almost 600 units in the first 6 hours. As of right now 903 have sold. On Oct. 30th the classic blu-ray will be available nationwide at Walmart, Best Buy and other major retailers online. It is fun to have this film be recognized as a classic. I’m excited that a film historian did a piece on the film’s place in history making it a classic. That word. 25 years. Hmmm…

THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ– Released on Sept 5th on Encourage TV it has been enjoyed already by 1500 or so people. I’m sure this fun family film will be seen by millions who love the the OZ world. Please do check it out with your loved ones. Steve Young the film’s creator loves the OZ world and his passion shows. We all had fun working on the film and I truly love the musical score by Dennis Therrian.

WRAP UP: My focus is pretty contained to what we are about to launch. I’ve got a good amount of time in front of the camera on this one. I’ve got to tweak the nuances in the role but I like where it is at. Another cool role to add to the wonderful pantheon of characters I’ve been. This town has all the old wilderness charm that is Michigan. It is funny how they have their own stories of the Purple Gang and the rebellious times of prohibition.

Thank you for our new readers from India and Ireland and of course the USA. Wish us good luck as we start our week of intense on location prep. We are laying in the production foundations and filling holes before we set sail. This is going to be a fun one. It will be an exciting one. From our CDI family to yours- what we are shooting now you’ll get to enjoy in a year or so. We gotta keep telling them. So many great stories to tell and only a lifetime to do it in. Keep chasing your dreams and we’ll talk next week just before cameras roll!


Pondering the State of Our Entertainment Industry and the Power of a Story!

I want to welcome our new readers/artists from Ireland, UK, South Africa and the USA. Lots going on in the world of artists as new technology finds its way into society. When the internet first arrived it took “internet law” years to catch up. I think some of the forethought with AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a good thing but not when it becomes paranoia. No name, computer generated background artists have been created and used since about the LORD OF THE RINGS, to create those battles. I’m still trying to educate myself on some of the negotiation points that the actors union and the studio organization are pushing. So few union actors actually make enough to get union insurance and such. Many enter the union world through background work and the AI will definitely hurt that. But as doors close others open. We use to hire a helicopter to fly our cameraman to get those epic mountain shots and such. Now they have drones in force. I think it is a natural evolution that some things will be changed by technology. Film stock sales, film processing and all such film related services all died behind the digital camera revolution. So while change is inevitable and in many cases can be for the better, it can be scary. So I think it can be helpful to work out some of this in advance. We all knew that the TV and computer were going to slowly merge and now you can add phone into that. The lines are blurred making governing laws hard to apply and enforce but it is catching up.

Ponders on the Strike(s)-

I like to try and look at all issues from both perspectives. I do think that a revamping of the studio distribution payout process can be re-examined and brought to a more fair balance. But I’ve also seen where independent films are often hurt by the heavy hand of the union. My opinion is that you have to make people WANT to shoot a union film. Many think that getting that card will all of a sudden change their income. It adds costs to the artists if you are working or not. I’m not sure how the main city hub reps are but our union rep that handled Michigan was most always very understanding. They slowly started to create more and more hoops that hurt the independent filmmaker. Things that might apply better in the big city versus smaller markets. Like the insistence of using a payroll company. Our end credit roll is much shorter versus that of a studio film. I still handwrite all my cast and crew checks. In many cases the artists get their pay quicker when I can just hand them a check. I’ve never had an experience where the union reps actually cared about the story. The only concern was about their health & pension check. The union has also failed us in the past when confronting crooked distributors in past arbitration. Now, I’m not anti-union I’m just pro-story. If the world went to hell in a handbag, CDI would still be pulling a wagon town to town performing stories for can goods. Storytelling is a calling, a purpose…but it is SHOW + BUSINESS.

I do believe that entertainment unions played an important place in history by bringing fairness and safety to sets. But when the union starts trying to make unreasonable demands for unneeded things like a must hire of X amount of writers to a series or escrowing funds based on distribution projections….it can quickly become an anchor versus a sail. As a company ran by actor/producers we want the best for our cast and crew. To us they are family. Paperwork and threats don’t make us work to provide the best for our cast and crew. Knowing that a good set environment gives the best chance of capturing a great story translated from the page to the screen, does. We have and will continue to produce both union and non-union projects. I just did a few hundred union residual checks. It is always nice to get mailbox money. But to add an outside cost for a certified payroll company from Hollywood to charge a small production California “cost of living” rates/prices to do what I willingly do, doesn’t add up. We don’t receive studio financing and are not affiliated with any advanced studio distribution deals. So I support letting the union use their power to try and get a bigger piece of the pie from the studio distribution platforms. But shooting union on smaller films makes less and less sense because of the roadblocks and hardships that the union presents having little to nothing to do with actor’s treatment or the story. It often made us (actors in the union) trying to create work for our fellow artists, feel like the bad guys. And when we needed their help with the true bad guys (crooked distributors), they disappeared with a “we can’t get in the middle of that” – response. Much like paying for car insurance and when it is finally needed they reject your claim.

I’ve never played in the big writers pool, the WGA, despite being paid often and sometimes well to write, at least by my living standards. I hope they are more concise in their process and likely are as they have a smaller pool of artists per film to deal with. I agree that the script/blueprint is one of the most important aspects of the process and should be treated as such. Is it in danger from AI? My opinion is that we as writers, actors, musicians are all influenced by people. AI seems to be able to access a larger sampling and via that influence, create something new. I understand copyright law and derivative copyright law, which is built upon an existing copyright. Is every actor who plays a cranky, gruff voiced character due to pay Clint Eastwood some royalty? Of course not. AI does much the same thing but can pull influences from many more sources. I don’t fear an AI original taking my scriptwriting work any more than another creative writer could.

These are all just pondering from the current news and I’m not fanatically up on every deal point being debated and negotiated. I’ve survived in this industry 30 plus years and I’ve seen the industry seek balance after new technology puts it off balance. The worldwide web was like the new industrial revolution. But I do know what it feels like to be a union member who often feels undervalued by our own union. I’ve never been a fan of fear mongering and I see some of that going about. Those in the knowing, know that is just smoke. Threatening young actors about their ability to join the union in the future is their right but seems to be the wrong approach. Why? Many are and still work under FiCore status. This is best described as a personally invoked “right to work” whereas you pay yearly operational dues but not political dues. If you get hired on a union project you pay as if a member and they’ll take it happily and you’re treated under union guidelines. But if you want to go to some other country or do a non-union gig that is within your rights. And some of those FiCore folks have paid more into the union than many of the union members actually do. What most unions care about is the money. The studios? Money. Money. Money. Money. Did I say money?

I do like that the unions often bring better safety. Many indie productions run without insurance or any thought of safe practices. The unions have done a good job of bringing better safety standards but many indie companies have strong operating procedures. . So again, I’m not speaking against the union other than in their peddling of membership fear and effectiveness in certain situations. A FiCore actor hired on a union film will never have their H&P (Health & Pension) contributions to the union turned away. They will always deposit your dues check and while as a Non-Member, they will never hold office, get to vote, or receive the Oscar nominated free movies. (We use to get DVD’s) – They can and will have their union contributions accepted happily just as if you were a full member. I’m not pro-FiCore but wanted to point out that any actor pressed too hard can just with one submitted letter, work union and non-union. This has long existed outside the main city hubs of Hollywood, NYC, Miami maybe Atlanta now. In Hollywood the cost of living is so high that even artists working inside unions are having issues making ends meet. I get that. I’m going to keep telling stories even if it’s in a traveling wagon doing live performances of BEST YEARS GONE for can goods:)


  1. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA just finished a special encore 4 day run in Algona, Iowa. The film is being pitched at various distribution platforms and I hope to have our exact release dates soon. I’m excited to see what the new DVD artwork looks like. I think we have two versions being created – one that is for FAMILY/FAITH and focuses on the Christmas aspects and one MAIN STREAM version that focus on the HISTORICAL/WAR aspects.
  2. Pre-Production on the next CDI film Harsens Island Revenge is full speed ahead as we’re not affiliated with any of the union/studio dispute. We had a great VFX meeting last week and we’re putting everything in order. Our schedule and day-of-days for talent will be released any day now. We are just correcting a few things and we’ll be sending that around and we’ll start agreements and booking flights.
  3. DEVELOPMENT continues and we’ve got a handful of projects moving down the line. We will see what falls into place to shoot next year. I do have another music video I’m helping to produce. I’ve said before how much I like that medium.

WRAP UP: I hope that everyone is having an enjoyable Summer. I’m about to go walk around the flea market and look for a few props. I have some great pieces for my upcoming role as AXEL, a WW1 veteran. I’ve got some good meetings lining up for this week. My soccer match this past week was a good, physical one. We were behind 3-1 at halftime and fought into a 5-4 situation with just two minutes to go and kudos to the other team who tied it up. Our record this year is not as strong but it has really got me in good shape especially for running.

We opened this blog with discussions on the unions and strikes. They are just opinions and everyone’s opinions are based upon their experiences and perspective. We don’t need more things to divide us in the world. We’ve got racial, economics, political and more trying to drive that wedge. I hope that good things come from the process. In the meantime there is lots of stories to catch up on. Films like SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will be considered more rare, as original content flowing out to market will dwindle. So while your studio favorites are paused this is a great time to catch up on your indie watching. This fan review was one of my favorite from the week. It is for MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND directed by Anthony Hornus. In this case, it moved the watcher to go and bring a shelter dog into their life. This makes my heart soar for the family and the dog. Many of our films are helping people and that makes the stories priceless. I’m attaching the review but THIS is the true reward of storytelling.

I hope you all have a great day and a productive week ahead!

Coffee Cheers!


Thoughts on MSU Tragedy- Plus ‘Silent Night in Algona’ and ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ Updates

A hazelnut coffee toast to you all on this chilly Michigan morning. As a MSU alumni, I’ve had a lot of thoughts with the shooter that was on the campus. Once the alert went out I switched to the scanner and I was impressed at how the chaos organized quickly with law enforcement. Base camp at the presidents house- where my memories are chatting up former movie studio president Bill Mechanic and screenwriter Jim Cash. The Union, was a haunt of mine that once had a bowling alley in the basement and it still might be there. Berkley Hall lectures, learning with my fellow students while trying to plan for an eve of fun activities. I hated parking at MSU, but otherwise, I truly did enjoy my time there. Back in the day, they did not have a film program so I cobbled together an interdisciplinary humanities degree, that touched on what I thought I might need in the future.

The shooter, was approached just down the road from our house. He only lived a street away, but ended his own life down the road when confronted by police. Sad on all fronts. Three dead and five injured and many students infected with fear. Plus a troubled young man who pulled the trigger. I still don’t have any answers because it isn’t any one issue but many, that likely led to this horrible situation. So I’m starting my blog with just a little acknowledgement of the pain this community suffered but especially our MSU family.


SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– We have theatrical bookings continuing up to March so far. Last week, I had more meetings over the home video and foreign licensing. The box office numbers have been good and there is consideration by the distributor to expand the film with a 3rd party into hundreds more theaters in several states. This is where all those reviews on http://www.imdb.com has helped (So please vote & review if you haven’t) but the attendance at the theaters has been the main push. This week will tell more as we finalize the home video battle plans. The distributor is excited about the project as a whole which they feel will have wide appeal. We’ll deliver the final film on May 1st – with our current plan to see it on DVD/streaming in November. More as we move forward. We will be examining a few select festivals to showcase the film at. We’re in discussions for possible UK and German screenings. Again, our heartfelt thanks to all that have supported this beautiful story.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE– The next CDI film is now in active pre-production, which means this film is happening. The account is open and we’ve got the goods to make it happen. We’ve had several production meetings and now can talk with cast and crew in confidence. This is the first in a new slate of CDI films coming down the development line. We’ll be shooting in Sept and into Oct. this year after Labor Day in Michigan. We’ve been reaching out gathering targeted reads by proposed cast. I’m really excited by the powerful cast we’re already assembling and we’ve got much more to come. We’re also slowly starting to put departments in play. Some are already working on breakdowns and prepping for the filming ahead. We were treated to a great read by Don Most (Best known from ‘Happy Days’) for a powerfully dramatic role in the film. He loved the script! That’s been the response from the talent we’ve approached. I hope to start rolling out some of the cast to IMDB soon. We also have a FB page for the film just starting to post updates. Yesterday, I had a good talk with Robert Bradley, our armorer and works transportation department. There are some friends I really only get to spend quality time with when filming. We will have another incredible shoot. This week we’ll be meeting to try and get Camera and G&E departments all set. Travis Hayward (Best Years Gone) is our director of photography for this exciting new story. A new teaser poster is in the works to rally around.

SHJ PROJECT – The in-association supernatural thriller is getting closer to being solid enough for an announcement. The exciting part of this deal coming together is that it could be multiple films. But like I always say, put your everything into one film and it should bring you the next one. This might get split into an EXT and INT blocks of shooting. More discussions on locations and scheduling once the foundation stones (Funding) is in place. But this will likely shoot EXT at the end of the year and the INT first of the new year (Jan/Feb 2024) – There are so many other exciting talks that go with all this but again, let’s get more solid before I spend time discussing.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The first production draft is complete and has been submitted for approval to move to the next phase of development. I’m getting that approval so the next layers of development work can get underway. This story is pulled from real history which can be more powerful than fiction alone. We blend everything into historic fiction because writers, historians and more are forced to fictionally connect the dots. I’ve been getting some good initial feedback from the story from members of the Native American community. It’s being called an even balanced look at the history of this event. Once moving forward, we’ll do a PR announcement. This year will be some builds and casting for this forthcoming movie. Much like SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA and the German actors, we’ll likely start with the Native American casting, first. I have a few in mind already and several have the script to review. This film will shoot in Iowa! We have so many friends there and it will be nice to return and tell another story.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH and FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH II: Battlefields – The first documentary film is out in the marketplace to watch (TUBI if you wanna watch free with ads) and the groundwork is being put in place for part 2. The Red, White and Blue Project and CDI, are once again putting this all together with Curran Jacobs hosting and again directing. Adam Towner will be editing and providing some of the camera work. If you want to explore a write off for your self or business, please reach out. I will be circling around to our previous donors and giving them first chance to get involved. This will be a series of films exploring in-depth, the many topics we touched upon in the first film. This next one explores more of the military history behind Catch Can.


We have many projects and associated endeavors in development, but at this point we don’t need to go in-depth on any of them. We are working a few of the films from the CDI library, bringing their materials up to date for future re-release. We have all the films newly backed up and will be putting in play yet another back up storage device. I’m excited with each new week. I love connecting with many of our artists and getting to know new artists, and examining how they might thrive in the CDI tribe. I’m looking at keys that can travel for multiple pictures ideally. By 2025, I think CDI will be overseeing multiple projects, whereas we can keep most of our folks working pretty consistently. That is a goal.

I know the tribal chiefs at CDI, are almost all actor/producers and would love to have more comedy sprinkled in with the dramas. HOT ROD LOVE was on that comedic track (pun intended) but it had a few temp set backs. You can go back and read on that in my earlier blogs- but we have a great comedic script that will one day – race into production.

I’m going to finish this coffee and work on some writing for a book. I’ve been asked now for several years to contribute stories to several books on animals. I’ve written true stories on cats, dogs, horses and now birds. Yes. I have a few good stories to share that have birds at the center of them. So, I’m going to rough out a few of those stories.

NOTE FOR ACTORS: If you’re an actor and a fan of the CDI films wondering how you can be seen- Go ahead and paste your actor reel link to https://www.facebook.com/cdiproductions/ and I will promise that each and everyone will be watched. I do try and keep up with emerging talent but time wise it can be difficult.

I will end with this thought- while we discuss plans and dreams becoming reality- tragically for some, their journey here has ended. If you are reading this, your journey continues. Appreciate the struggles we all face. Appreciate the people in your circles. Appreciate still being able to dream and move towards a goal. Just appreciate.

Coffee Cheers.


2023! Goals, Gifts and Growth!

Good morning 2023! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and happy to report no hangovers or such this morning. I had a few drinks yesterday afternoon in a meeting with a few of our artists, picking materials up. We toasted the victories and those lost, no longer traveling. The beverage sipped was some of the Frankenberry Wine, made from all the berries on the property. But in the eve it was just ginger ale and a peaceful welcome into 2023. I can recall many days of my youth of celebrating too much and paying for it the next morning/day. I get up early and have my productive routines that I follow. I don’t regret most of those party days but I don’t miss the aftermath.

I carved out a day this past week and did film disbursements to our backers. I’m so thankful for all the supportive people who love the Tribe CDI stories. I had a sit down with one of them this week and really enjoyed all the positive feedback. We also talked about future endeavors, of which we have many. I’ve been working to get organized and prepped for a highly productive new year. Being organized is one of the secrets to success. I’ve got a series of end of year tax prep stuff for the films but I have a great team and this year should be quite smooth.

It was a year of hard fought victories and some sad losses. My furbaby Daphne, my second mother- baby sitter Marie DeFord, my friend/family and building mentor Dan Chapin, all powerful losses. Also a slew of artists passed on, which leaves us artists to pick up the torch. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, was the most complex film we’ve produced to date. Two languages, 1940’s clothes, props and vehicles. Windy, cold days and nights. Extensive VFX and just a few bumps bringing all the elements together on an advanced release schedule. But, we did it. The Algona, Iowa premiere was so full of good energy and the ongoing energy has had the film hold over four times now and expanded into multiple cities with more emailing about booking every week.

We will be having a producers pow wow this week over the ongoing roll out. A special screening in Owosso, MI is in planning. We will be exploring a few choice film festivals and we really want a few German screenings. We have a few VIP’s awaiting to view the film which could really assist the home video release. We’ve had many people talk about merchandise and swag and we will be addressing that and hope to have that available with the home video release later this year. We’ve already received so many nice emails about the emotions stirred by watching this story based on true events. Some reflected the deep pain and hate that some carried from their own war (Vietnam) experiences and that this film gave them a new perspective that allowed them to let go of that hate. That is powerful. A story made them let go of poison and replace it with understanding. We’ve had many of these notes sent to us. The community is alive with history. They are all talking the stories once told and almost forgotten. The museums in town being part of family trips into Algona, to watch the film. We had a beautiful letter from the museum boards about the quality job CDI did. And the interest has brought a new awareness that will help these places not just survive but thrive. I’m beyond proud.

We will have an amazing 2023 journey with this film and I cannot wait for each and every one of you to experience this story.


Once I get past the state filings, K-1 send outs and any 1099’s for the films- we’ll be forming the new company to produce Harsens Island Revenge. If you liked CDI tackling WW2 and the 1940’s, wait until CDI gets after the roaring 20’s! I plan to get with our director and finish our writer/director draft. We’ll be putting the casting breakdowns together soon and that will be an enjoyable process. We were lucky to do some location scouting and found many great places to use in the telling of our story. Stay tuned to many new updates on this film.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – In 2023 we’ll be doing some passive development which might include the building of a few period cabins. This is a spring 2024, Iowa shoot if everything stays in the right direction.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH (Battlefield) – Working title- Following the success of the documentary film FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, directed by Curran Jacobs, edited by Adam Towner, produced by CDI and The Red, White, and Blue Project Inc.. The film will now have the first sequel documentary going into production this Spring/Summer. While the original was a much needed summary timeline of the history of professional grappling, these follow up films will go more in depth with various aspects of the history. It’s very exciting to continue this journey.

Furthermore, CDI is considering the first “in association” in a while, with an exciting supernatural thriller. An animated feature is heating up and more…

I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself but I too, feel that rush of the fresh energy. Every year I write out my goals. Personal goals, business goals, home improvement- It is good to get those out in front of you. You won’t always make all your goals but you’ll be surprised at what you did achieve.

I JUST took a pause for my first 2023 eats. Eggs from our girls, 4H bacon and protein waffles with MI made syrup. If I had the right trees I would be boiling sap. Okay. Goals….bacon…back to goals.

A few of my goals as an example-

  1. Design and have new deck built – it is getting close to that point of need vs want
  2. Produce two feature length film endeavors
  3. Act in one outside CDI project- that said, I MUST connect with the material and role
  4. Better plant and garden bed growth and harvest
  5. Looking to increase strength and flexibility training for a good soccer season ahead
  6. Finish two feature scripts
  7. …you get the picture.

Even this blog is very helpful in me deeply thinking through my TO DO’s for the week. Communication continues to be a key to success and I find it can always be improved upon. I see or read about several people being overwhelmed by the waves of life’s hardships. Here is to the hope that 2023 becomes an island to get your footage, regain your balance and readjust your sights. I will keep trying to communicate better to serve as an example of respectful collaboration. Preserving history and stories, lessons to be remembered and to grow from.

Cheers to growth in 2023!


‘Silent Night In Algona’ Theatrical Listings to Date and Forthcoming Venues – End of Year Thoughts

Good morning! It is an absolutely bitter morning here in Michigan. I’ve got my hazelnut coffee by my side to warm and wake me up. It has been a crazy couple of weeks working hard to finish up the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, film. We’ve been working to remove any glitches from the mastering and encoding. The idea is using the theatrical showings to make a list of any final adjustments before we go to home video next year. Yes, we were fighting for 10 secs or under corrections that most don’t notice but we artists do. We were kind of caught off guard by the amount of people attending. It started with adding extra theaters and extending the playtimes. In Algona State 5, people are attending the Fridley Theater screening and the museums in town that pertain to our film. It is playing until Dec 29th unless they hold over again. In Iowa, it will start playing in Fridley’s Carrol, Waukee, Marshal Town and Pleasant Hill. It is also playing The Forest Theatre in Forest City, Iowa and the Fremont Stuart. In January, The Riviera and the Windsor Theatre along with showings to be announced in Fort Dodge and Mason City. We’ll also be showing in Owosso, MI in the new year but people can see the film now in Granville and Lansing, at the Celebration Cinemas until next Thursday. More are contacting us everyday as far away as Hawaii, so don’t stop reaching out to your local theaters and speaking with the managers. If you’ve seen the film and want to share your thoughts, you can go to http://www.imdb.com search our film and leave a review. The joy and appreciation shown by the Iowa people, has been amazing. I am happy that we’ve brought the film to our home state and on Friday people in Michigan got their first watch. I was not in attendance at the screening as a close family member/mentor passed away two hours before the Algona, Iowa premiere. We had a beautiful service up North with family and did a good send off. I will try to go see the film this week at some point. Please do take advantage of this opportunity to see this film on the big screen. We’re working at setting up a better system for getting theatrical materials out to all the various venues. We have started to be invited to a few film festivals and so we’ll meet over that soon. We’re also going to try and have a special showing in Germany. We have some exciting plans in the works for the home video release next year.


I’m also going to need to get back after the final script polish on Harsens Island Revenge. It will be slowly ramping up development this winter with casting.

There is another project, Project SHJ, on the board that I will be meeting over first of the year. It’s a supernatural thriller, that was written some time ago. I need to take another read on it.

Spirit Lake Massacre – I had some great meetings over this project which we’re looking to film in 2024. But to do so we’re exploring the building of a few period cabins that could be used to film and after will have education and practical uses. I will likely do one final polish before calling it a final first draft. It truly is a powerful story that the CDI Tribe will bring to life on the screen.

There’s always more development underway but these are the front runners.

Location Scout for ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ – shooting in 2023


This is also the time of year to establish new goals for the coming year. To update materials and organize. I’ve got a new back up hard drive to organize my materials. I’m also working to get disbursements out on several of the films. I’ll be entering into another conversation with our home video distributor. This year came with hard fought victories and some unexpected losses. It is why you should keep living your best life. Laugh with family and friends and focus on the positives not the negatives. Christmas is a little off for us this year but we’ll still make it merry. My next blog will likely be in the evening since it will be Christmas Day. I’m going to get some things done while watching first the World Cup finals and after the Detroit Lions. The Lions, seem to have turned things around and are really looking good.

Happy Holidays!


Refuel, Relax, Rest – Much to Be Thankful For – FILM UPDATES!

The hazelnut coffee, is tasting great on this snowy Sunday. I see where many folks elsewhere got 5+ feet of snow! Parts of Michigan, saw a large snowfall and even here in Lansing (Center of the State) we got a good amount. It is pretty to watch fall and it makes everything bright, which has been nice. But, it has been bitter cold for sure. The several days of arctic freeze gave me the time I needed to start catching up on all my biz paperwork.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – We have been working on getting the end credits around and from the list we’ll be double checking against our Algona, premiere list. This week, we’ll get a chance to review the film, with most all the elements inserted. The film will release first in Algona, Iowa on Dec 9th and the Fridley Theaters. Our hope is that they will open the film in all the cities they’re in. We are looking to see when the show times will go live, so folks can start getting public tickets. The trailer will soon be playing in front of other films. We plan to show the film into 1st quarter of 2023 in the theatre chains. We hope to have it expend across Iowa, and the midwest. An LA/Hollywood and German showing via theaters or festival is also being planned.

We also have some exciting things coming together for the 2023 home video release. I really do think that this film could create a “Field of Dreams” effect – whereas once a year the film returns to Algona, theaters and people travel to the town of Algona, to see the museums. We will also be working on the Michigan premiere, that might happen first of the year, due to all the crazy Christmas hustle and bustle. Many will have to have patience, if you miss the select theatrical showings. But come, the run up to Christmas 2023, the film will be getting a major push. Between the theatrical and the home video, we hope to show it in Germany/Austria. Thank you to everyone for your support.

We’re also going to be working with our sponsors and product partners, moving forward. Note, the period wraps on the Spam, Hershey’s bars and more. We are honored to have such wonderful partners in storytelling. We have had many great companies join us over the years. I look forward to many more, as we move ahead in our storytelling adventures.


Silent Night in Algona, will be the 5th release this year. Who has seen all five films? Who can name all five films? OK. It’s early and the coffee is still kicking in for folks. 1) BESTSELLER 2) BEST YEARS GONE 3) SMOKE & MIRRORS 4) FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 5) SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – if you end up watching all 5, you are truly a CDI fan. I’ve had someone talking to me about a CDI fan club. You can SUBSCRIBE TO THE TRIBE at http://www.cdiproductions.com and we’ll be doing some updates there soon. I use to have a wonderful fan club ran by a fine lady named, Pepper. I think she is still with us, loving her dogs and spreading joy. She and several friends, use to travel to different CDI premieres. She did interviews and highlighted co-stars and leading ladies. She reviewed films and really did many great and wonderful things. Her health, hasn’t allowed her to keep up with the webpage and it went down several years ago. I will check in on Pepper, over the holidays. I hope she has been doing well.

Once SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, is finished, we will be all caught up on production. We have been slowly prepping 4 films in the CDI library, for re-release with BMG. In 2023, we hope to bring KNIGHT CHILLS, FIGURE IN THE FOREST, AN ORDINARY KILLER and GHOST TOWN to the marketplace. Two are in the wrong aspect ratio and were shot in standard def so they’re all being digitally enhanced to HD. I will readdress all this once I get this current film locked.

But, I will say- I’ve seen the first draft of the new uprezed trailer for Ghost Town, and it looks beautiful. I need to watch and provide some notes. We are also working to get distributor back ups of all the films. KNIGHT CHILLS, we are trying to get the best source version. But this will get done. We are also working on a few cool extras, maybe even an interview from our director Katie Hicks. I might do a sit down, with Jeff Kennedy, to talk about those days. The sequel and video game became even more exciting, when I got to check out some of the new software and LED walls. Not only, will CDI keep working to enhance of VFX sequences in our films, we will be doing some films that are completely animated films. I have a few people in Michigan, I’ve been watching, about some possible collaborations. Ideas-forming.

Harsens Island Revenge – Get those acting reels together. Yes. CDI is an acting troupe of actor/producers, but we have several friends of the tribe, that we often collaborate with. Like, many projects, we have many more friends of the tribe, vs roles open in a film. But, we have some time, so we’re going to really use the time to cast, and look at talent for future endeavors. I use to travel to more film gatherings, events, networking. Oh, I feel a ramble coming on…

The truth is, with how busy my film work is, my daily hours are pretty full. I unwind, mediate, visualize, the week ahead. Refuel, relax and get good rest (Three R’s) to attack it all again the next day. Staying out late partying, isn’t really on my planner. Now, let me say for the record, I’ve certainly been there, done that and got that tee-shirt, but I’m at a different place on the path. I have a domestic life, that brings me peace and balance. It allows me to better focus my energies, achieving dreams. But, just like at one time, I knew every bar in my town, now, I do not. I was a work-a-holic, binge drinker, in my youth. The binge drinking (Viking drinking) was taught to me, from those glorious nights out, after games in Hornbaek, Denmark, playing soccer as a teen. What a great time that was for three summers. I love those good folks to this day.

Okay, back at it. So, I had unrealistic dreams (Acting) but, once I set my sights, there was no plan B. I worked, and lived in studios, we made our hours, working for days on end. Sometimes forced to using TV stations in the middle of the night to finish films. Often jumping on a jet planes, with my amigos, to go pitch ideas and finished films, around Hollywood for a couple weeks. Days full of 405 driving to meetings, parties in the hills. Hard partying, after, hard work, to try and turn our obsession off. But, the tequila would often just spur even more exciting dreams and ideas. I LOVE those days. The CDI crew was like pirates, we rolled hard, building. But, the journey will burn some out. I’ve seen so very many break, and fall. If I could have made myself fall into regular steady employment, I would have long ago. But, my simple mantra of putting everything into the film I’m working on, so it results in one more opportunity to tell a story, remains. So far, that has worked. I think because, there are so many stories, in every town, in danger of fading away, gone. But, a group of artists like CDI, can bring a story to life, for generations. That is what we do. That is what we are doing.

And back to development- this week saw a few really great steps. The script for Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) is going through that writer/director phase. Each character, action and line, discussed. I can say, every scene improved through long conversations. Motivations. Moments. I love this process with directors. All directors who have directed a script I wrote, have been through this process. It is fun, playful and enjoyable. We got through another 25 pages in a session and have likely 1-2 more sessions to get all the way through. Once the script is locked, the writer part of me steps back. All work from there will be between actors and director. But once you leave the director at the end of the process, they should have a deep understanding. It is an exploring, something even more important with period pieces.

HIR, will start looking at cast and crew, with our director, over the winter. We have a good idea of the look, tone, work flow and our scout trip has us all very excited. So, wrap up your year by getting your highlight reels together. CDI is mostly all actors, so pick and lead with your strongest material. If something is subpar consider leaving it off. Less can be more. At the same time, if someone is interested, they will watch a lot of your work. Especially if they are thinking of working with you.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – After nearly two full days of polishing, I ended my week, with my first draft of the new Spirit Lake Massacre. I’m very proud of the final piece. I’m going to do even more research to add a sprinkling more of the historical gems, to this already powerful piece. In December, I’ll be able to have some more discussions on the locations for this 2024 project. Next year, might consist of some construction, and some prep work.

CDI HOLIDAY WATCHING – With snow and cold, forcing many inside- it’s a good time to watch some of the CDI classics with your family and loved ones. WILD FAITH, MANS BEST FRIEND, LOST HEART, THE QUEST TRILOGY! Encourage TV, Tubi, Amazon Prime, Google Play– check your platforms. I’m going to go do some holiday shopping both online and at the store. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving week. I’m always happy when I get to see family and friends. We are all thankful at CDI, to all of you fans.

Coffee Cheers!


‘Happy Easter’ Updates and ‘Movie Easter Eggs’

Good – eve – morning! I have a very busy Sunday with flea-markets, family and friends and so I’m doing my update now. I love this picture above from our upcoming SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA because it shows courage in the face of uncertainty. That is the world that we’ve been living in with its challenges and the tolls it has taken. We’ve managed to stand and face these obstacles and still manage to create our stories and hope and enlightenment. To add some humor and escapism to the lives of millions. Tens of millions and when adding all of the audiences of all of them together the totals are humbling. At CDI we are committed to telling our stories highlighting the best aspects of ourselves. I’ve had fans of THE QUEST TRILOGY, MAN’S BEST FRIEND and WILD FAITH reach out over the last week. I’m reminded of what we do for people and I cannot even begin to tell you the appreciation we as artists have for those who support the arts. Our backers, our sponsors and our audiences – the STORY that needs to be told and YOU are why we take time away from our families to film. I just wanted to take this fine Easter Eve to express our appreciation.

HOT ROD LOVE is a CDI film in active development that has a few great themes woven into a great 1975 small town drag racing world. We’ve been preparing to present this project to several of our past supporters. This is coinciding with the BEST YEARS GONE kick off to the home video campaign on July 5th. We’ve been having a great time looking at different tracks around the country.

We are all seriously excited to see how the world responds to BEST YEARS GONE. The theatrical response was very strong and I was happy to see how the German actors also received the humor well. I hope it translates around the world. We’re nominated for ‘Best Comedy’ in an upcoming –

This week is going to be exciting on many fronts. COLLECTIVE DEVELOPMENT INC. expanding into music videos. We are excited to announce that the OFFICIAL VIDEO for DEEPFALLS first single “Revolution” will premiere on April 19th! 🤘🤘

This week will be the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA teaser trailer post production work on color correction, music and sound design. We’ll also start some theatrical poster designs along with a special VFX featurette. The 1st cut of the movie itself is done and now director Anthony Hornus is working with our editor on the second cut of the film. From there it will be honed down to a final picture in a third cut.

BESTSELLER the dark and moody thriller from the twisted mind of Christopher Knight arrives on home video on May 31st. We’ve been dripping PR out at the films Facebook. We worked very hard making this intense film that showcases absolutely beautiful Northern Michigan.

This past week I had four different meetings over possible CDI associations. An association is where a group has their funding and not the experience. When you are entrusted with funds you need to succeed or the well will go dry. Many films never get finished and when that happens it hurts the artistic market. But I also have to look at all the variables and decide if a collaboration will be beneficial. Sometimes it’s easier to just fund it ourselves controlling those variables but we are open to discussion. I’m proud to say that I’ve secured one of the next screenwriting/producing endeavors. I’m not ready to announce it yet but I will say that I’m extremely excited by the opportunity. We have our TV series based off WILD FAITH being evaluated by a few solid companies. With two new platforms requesting WILD FAITH just this week I’m inclined to feel that this TV spin off project will soon go into production. If it is meant to happen it will!

This week will also start the delivery of the elements on FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH documentary to DeskPop Entertainment. We will be meeting this week to further discuss the premiere. We might talk festivals as some of the large ones want to host the premiere. We shall see. We entered SMOKE & MIRRORS into a few fun festivals to go enjoy the spooky season. I got my start as a monster hunter. I will have some exciting announcements on several of the CDI library titles including KNIGHT CHILLS.

I’m going to wrap this up. I’ve been enjoying soccer which has been indoor but outdoor starts next month. But the great news is my running is getting back on point. I’ve done some great clean up in the yard but still have some to go. The chickens have been kicking out the eggs. I’ve had to work with outdoor loving Luna (new doggie) who has a passion for squirrels. I’ve finally got her to stop jumping on the fence. I’m looking forward to warmer breezes so we can do more outdoor meetings. I hope you all have a wonderful day with your loved ones. I am going to recharge and tackle the week ahead with enthusiasm.

Happy Easter! Coffee Cheers!


Patience, Persistence and Good Planning – Secrets to Success

Happy Bday to Austin Two Feathers on Right

A nice sip of hazelnut coffee starts my morning. We had a time change so I’m adjusting to that. Also I was so inspired to start spring clean up of the yard but woke to more snow. I hear this last blast might be the final winter roar. I want to thank all the artists from around the world for stopping through to join us here. I want to wish my good ‘buddy’ (his name in the film Man’s Best Friend) Austin Two Feathers on his birthday. This past week was draining on my batteries. I know two of our producers recently got a nice break from the harsh winter and it helps. I’ve always got multiple things to do and most recently it was getting end of year taxes done on the films. But development, pre-production and post production work is happening all the time. I’m looking forward to a couple big meetings ahead as we prepare for BEST YEARS GONE, FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, SMOKE & MIRRORS, BESTSELLER and SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA to release this year. Also prep is being done on a few of CDI’s library titles to get new releases out in the market. For some it will be the first major streaming release. Titles in discussion are KNIGHT CHILLS, FIGURE IN THE FOREST, AN ORDINARY KILLER and GHOST TOWN.

We’ve also been doing some additional marketing on our films currently in the marketplace to keep their audience growing. Some great clips of scenes from your favorite CDI films will trickle out onto social media. We hope to encourage first time audiences to watch the stories. THE QUEST TRILOGY (Part 1: Forty Nights, Part 2: Chasing the Star, Part 3: The Christ Slayer) is a great watch for the Easter season. I try to watch them once a year during the Easter season but they are a good inspirational watch at any time of the year.

I’m also excited to say that our good friend Greg Mason who has been in CDI endeavors since movie one is coming home after several weeks in the hospital fighting for his life from Covid. I’m glad he made it through as he has many more films to participate in. I feel for all those struggling with their own hardships. First it was Covid and now War in Ukraine and the resulting inflation is creating a negative static in the background of life. When you are in your home safe you feel for those forced from their homes with what they can carry. Other life updates include continuing to working on getting Luna, our new doggie daughter, feeling part of the family with our fur boy Finn. Also I had my first indoor soccer match to prepare for Spring outdoor soccer. My body felt good but I can use some improvement in my running. I’ve enjoyed training over the winter to keep the body tuned up. I’m happy to be blessed with reasonable good health but it is something you want to keep at.

I’m excited to share the music video we did for the rock band DEEPFALL once the final edit is released. Music. I’ve been playing the guitar quite a bit as of late and getting to play with a few friends. It’s great if you’re feeling “out of tune,” -play a bit and watch how it changes your energy. I said previously that I’ve had few breaks from all the responsibilities I carry. Music, fire, family and friends are my small release. I will keep working hard to maintain my balance daily because only from that place am I able to help others.

HOT ROD LOVE – this next CDI project in development is moving forward both on the business and creative front. We have some great talent lining up to play roles in this film. Parts of development are maybe considered more fun but everything needs to progress forward together. The film taking place in 1975 is really bringing a lot to the table by way of fashion, music and more. We’ve been having weekly development meetings and talking with possible backers and sponsors. Patience, persistence and good planning are required.

WRAP UP: I almost lost most of my blog here trying to add a title. I sometimes think a vlog or video blog would be easier but doing these weekly recaps helps me to reframe everything that needs to be done in the coming week. Also you should always keep working on things that are not your strength. I was talking last week to Curran Jacobs, a world champion wrestler and MMA fighter who coaches also. It is about getting your students to leave their ego at the door. You want to feel free to work on your weak techniques to better them. It is not about just using your best technique to prove to your classmates/teammates how badass you are. Work on your weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to fail in practice. This can also translate to – don’t be afraid to speak up in brainstorm sessions for fear of sounding dumb. If there is an issue it will be discussed and learning takes place. But sometimes you have that gem of an idea so don’t keep it to yourself. I hear warmth is ahead and I’m ready. Be good to one another and keep chipping away at your dreams and goals.

Until next week, coffee cheers!


Day After Christmas Reflections

I’m back in my chair with my laptop sipping hazelnut coffee and watching the LIONS football. For the non-Michigan, USA folks, the Detroit LIONS are the pro-Michigan football team. As a young child I had a Lions helmet and I recall many holidays and family get-togethers with people yelling and swearing at the TV. Our Lions have not had the best record. They are tough and often put up a good fight usually only to defeat themselves via errors. I’ve had several relatives go to their grave awaiting that magic season. The Lions have a new coach and have been playing tough but also losing. They won their first game two weeks back and it was like a Christmas miracle. They liked the taste of that and won their next game in an upset and now they are playing again. I guess I’m just saying they are looking better. I will always be a Lions fan just like I’m a Michigander through and through.

This morning I could not get the ye ole’ blog done since we had an early Christmas gathering at my dad’s house. We ended up having four smaller Christmas get togethers and I think they all went very well. It was easier and more enjoyable versus trying to shove it all in together. I’m not a clothes shopper since high school save maybe the jacket or hat I don’t need but end up getting. So the reason my socks and underwear don’t look like Swiss cheese is because of loving family. The occasional flannel, henley or sweatpants also via loved ones. I will wear something until it is see through and 1/10th the original thread count.

I don’t ask for much and actually enjoy finding gifts that suit people. This year found me slightly behind with SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA) dropping me right into the holidays. I still have a few wrap up things with that film but for the most part now we are all into post-production. The FX work is starting in Canada and our editor in Boston is ordering things. First talks have happened with our composer and sound designer Tricky T. The Tricky T has been finishing another project for us which is FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH. This amazing doc is being hailed as one of the best on the subject matter. Dennis (Tricky T) has been mixing all the audio elements and putting it all in surround sound. Both these projects will see the first showings in 2022. But let’s make it three – our SMOKE & MIRRORS underwent a final fix just a week ago and this comedic horror short will be making its festival run and release in 2022. We had intended to release in 2021 but with the needed correction and the other projects we decided to wait. I’m looking forward to all these moving down the line. SNIA will likely only be seen by the folks in Algona theatrically as a premiere in Dec 2022 if all goes smooth on post. The VFX is the most challenging aspect and we’ll see how the timeline shakes out but we have great people working it.

SNIA has started to release still photos and as I said last week I’ll be looking to put a behind-the-scenes video and a teaser into production first of the year 2022. Also in 2022 will be the home video release of BEST YEARS GONE. We are being asked about more theatrical showings which might happen and we’ll do a few festivals for fun. The thriller BESTSELLER has it’s home video campaign ahead. It’s looking like 5/31/22 for digital transactional and 9/1/22 for TV/Cable and subscription and ad based video-on-demand. I’m thinking BEST YEARS GONE will be something close to that maybe staggered a month. I will know more soon.

Speaking of 2022 – This week I have a few sit more downs and send outs on our other CDI films. Our distributor is running some good promos on The Quest Trilogy and we’ll be doing one soon for WILD FAITH and possible WICKED SPRING for a western/1800’s film push in the new year. I’m also wanting to have some real conclusive meetings on WILD FAITH: HASTINGS. I think we were ahead of the curve on the western revival and we are positioned well to continue the roll that WILD FAITH has started.

Also I’ve got a good start on a new script (TAGLINE: American Graffiti 1975) that is being custom built for our troupe and to build on some of the good business we’ve started. This film will shoot in Michigan and likely go up in the Spring (March/April) and at that time we’ll have a better look at the playing field for the WILD FAITH: Hastings. If that is lagging another feature will go up 2nd half of 2022. I’m really prepping to have a good year and with a good wind we’ll launch these projects.

I’m going to go hunt up some holiday left overs and take care of a few gifts. Thank you to everyone who reached out with a holiday greeting. Cheers! I have a buddy or two stopping by later to catch up. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. It really was holiday season and right now with the sun shining outside, everything right now just feels good.

Have a great week and I’ll see you next year (next week):)


Hometown ‘Best Years Gone’ Premiere and CDI Updates

Hazelnut cheers on a nippy Michigan morning. I’ve got the fire going by my chair as I sit and reflect on a very busy week of life and work. Last night we gathered at the NCG theaters in Lansing to debut our new CDI film BEST YEARS GONE, directed by Shane Hagedorn. We had a strong crowd for the 1st show which they moved into the bigger screen to handle our sales. Also they extended the theatrical run until Oct 21st, so have day out going to see a movie. It really did play great there and I was happy to see so many family, friends and fans of the films. I love that every day more folks will get to see the story we told. The feedback has been strong ands I know the ‘haters’ always find their way but so do those who appreciate the stories. And at a kick off event I get to shake hands, take pictures and meet some of these fine people.

(Shane Hagedorn and DJ Perry greeted and chatted with many folks at the Lansing premiere)

My dad still wonders how I’m able to weave the story and all the dialogue into a script. I told him all those times of being assured of not paying attention or having my head in the clouds – THAT – whatever it is – IMAGINATION – it allows me to get lost in the story and manifest it. I’m awaiting word on another deal that would have me writing a script this winter and produce it next year with CDI. Add in the TV series of HASTINGS that is gaining momentum and 2022 could be a fun year of storytelling. Here are the Lansing showtimes- https://www.showtimes.com/movie-times/best-years-gone-156830/lansing-mi/

But before we get to 2022 we have a very exciting and important story to be told – SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA! I cannot believe that the pre-production caravan will depart next Saturday. Producers, director, art, AD, office and transportation will be doing final prep for the shoot that kicks off on Halloween. I had a wardrobe fitting last week and between the scene study which is feeling on point and the dapper WW2 uniform – game on.

We have some additional sponsor support from the Iowa State Bank so we want to thank them. This past week we filled several of the few cast and crew spots remaining. Just one or two cast/crew to go and that will work itself out. We had a few changes from illness or unexpected commits but our team will go and end the year with one great story. This week I need to pull together final props and production stuff traveling with me. I have to finish packing my clothes which needs to include cold weather gear. The nice part is this film I have like one uniform and a few hats unlike the multiple wardrobe pieces worn as Gil in BEST YEARS GONE. I am going to enjoy this final week of prepping things. There are several friends I only get to see while filming so again I’m excited to tell this story with our artists.

I know that this is the perfect season to release BESTSELLER, our thriller getting a campaign reboot but I do not have dates yet. My favorite film of the season is the animated ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ and Hitchcock’s PSYCHO, which I’ll be watching to this week. WICKED SPRING HD is heading out to streaming and might be playing on certain platforms. I need to circle up with our distributor on a few projects but I’ve been quite busy with one film releasing and one going into production in under two weeks. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH feature-length doc is in the post-mixing phase and I was thinking of premiering SMOKE & MIRRORS with it at the same time. Like the cartoons you use to get before a show.

I’m putting the coffee away this morning because of the chill. I just poured the last cup and I’m going to finish this up. My next update will be from Algona, Iowa! Today we might hit the flea market seeking prop items and a stop at Tractor Supply to get some food for the chickens. They are putting on winter weight and still giving the eggs out. It is nice to always have that abundance of eggs and you do taste a difference. My alumni MSU had another good game yesterday but our Lions still struggle. I want to again thank each and everyone of you who attended our showings. If you want to leave a review you can go to our BEST YEARS GONE page on http://www.imdb.com and vote and leave your thoughts. I hope you all have a productive week ahead. Be good to one another.

Coffee Cheers!


10 Awesome #TRIBECDI Updates to Kick Off Autumn!

Good morning to all of you and I hope your foray into Fall has been great thus far. I want to welcome the new readers from Russia, Ireland, UK, China and the Philippines. Coffee (or tea) cheers to you all and thank you for stopping by. I LOVE this time of year and I’ve been beyond thrilled to work on the films as the leaves turn and fall. I’m feeling like just shotgunning out some of the updates.

  1. The NCG Owosso premiere showing of ‘BEST YEARS GONE‘ is over and word has it that it is coming next for a Lansing NCG premiere on Oct 16th with two shows – a 6pm and 8:15pm I believe. You heard it here first. This week an event page and some PR will begin so some of the home town folks can enjoy the film. It has been remixed from the first premiere for delivery to our distributor and for our future premieres. I got a peek at some of the DVD/release artwork our distributor is working on. I think they are planning on a Feb 2022 home video release. Until that release we’ll keep at the theatrical premieres. If you’ve seen the film feel free to visit our IMDB.com page (also has a premiere video there) and leave a few words about your favorite scenes.
  2. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – pre-production is on the final run up. With a home office I get that great privilege of a short daily commute – about 30 or so stone steps. We’ve been doing more in-depth meetings with departments making sure they have questions answered. I was happy that one of my estate sale finds – a $5 military trench coat was the correct period and matched the photo I had. The office has been reaching out and getting crew agreements in line and this week cast will follow our set “day-of-days” coming from the AD department. We’ve had a few changes in cast and crew that happens when life happens. But I’m excited to see many of the Tribe and tell one last great story before we call it a year.
  3. WICKED SPRINGS HD release should start rolling out this month. That was an epic shoot back when we were rather young. I’m excited to see this rolling out to streaming platforms so folks can enjoy the story in HD.
  4. LOST HEART/BIGFOOT, UFO’s & JESUS – is starting to really pick up steam as the alternate title works into the marketplace. I had the chance to talk with many who have really enjoyed this film. The laughter and heartfelt messages play well with audiences and that is why we do it. This is true for MAN’S BEST FRIEND which again brought questions of a sequel which I’m not ruling out but it’s not on deck at this time. I was made aware of it playing on various TV stations like Charge TV. WILD FAITH just broke the 5-million views mark on Encourage TV and I’ll be taking more meetings on season 1 of the TV spin off. THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) is about ready to start its run once the ghosts and ghouls have their Halloween.
  5. As we follow the tradition of setting up new campaign runs for older films in the CDI library like BESTSELLER and THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ will be getting 2022 release dates soon. We just got everything submitted for one and the other is in the works. We are working to get several more prepped to release. Our distributor now has a general market label which is opening many doors of opportunity.
  6. SMOKE & MIRRORS our concept short is done. I was exploring how to help the location house with our film. We will look at some festivals also just for fun. The feature script is being retooled and will be great as an extended story.
  7. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – the first in a series of CDI in association with The Red, White & Blue Project Inc. documentary films. The locked cut is about done and so we’re going to master record the narration and do a once over mix/check at the studio with Dennis Therrian to prep the film for delivery. This brand we’ve created has a lot of growth possibilities. We also might look at a December premiere release likely at the NCG Owosso. Why? Curran Jacobs our director/host is from Owosso, MI. A lot of creative individuals from that area.
  8. I’ve had my second business opportunity in the past two months approach me over screenwriting. When I write to assign to one of our productions I work discounted knowing that the film employs many of our artists. I also produce and often act so there is much more involvement. On these “work-for-hire” projects I’m raising rates and even doing something like a writer/option whereas the script is written for X amount w/ a 50% copyright hold until the script is financed and the balance paid in return for the remaining 50% copyright. So they end up with complete ownership and have to go less deep financially to be able to shop. I still try to work under the minimums suggested by the WGA which I’m not part of by choice, and my cost of living can handle this. That again is what I love about Michigan. You could have a small crap box in LA or a country kingdom in Michigan for the same price. Part of the secret of productivity is being somewhere you like and that gives you peace between your often hectic dealings. I will pick up where we left off on negotiations this week and what is meant to be will be. But I do enjoy all the new writing opportunities. I am still looking at possible representation for the writing and still might try something out for the foreign market.
  9. As we discuss writing, one of my loves, I must mention a new book coming out. A few years back when WILD FAITH was moving and grooving in the theaters across several states, an author/book running that writes under Callie Smith Grant saw our film. She enjoyed the story/script and that led to an offer to submit stories. That has led to my participation in several of these books. This is the most recent one. Pre-order/order here – https://www.amazon.com/Dog-Who-Came-Christmas-Stories/dp/0800741250 a great Christmas gift!
  10. Producing, writing and preparing daily to play a new character on screen. I’m playing Lt. Col Lodell a fictional character based loosely on the actual camp commander in one major way. The ‘Golden Rule’ is the basis/foundation used during the operation of the PW camp. This character fit so perfect when I cracked the script back open to look at it. It feels close to where I’m at in my life with setting an example is the easiest way to inspire. Words can be wasted be the speaker or the listener if no action follows it. I just like to keep plugging away each and every day. I don’t feel in competition with anyone or anything. I feel like I’m just flowing like water (Thanks Bruce) doing my best each day. I’m doing the projects I’m suppose to do. So many stories to tell – I’m just very grateful to be able to. I don’t take that for granted. I try not to take any of it for granted. I’m just happy that I evolved to where I am. A place of good balance of mind, body and spirit. Learn to laugh at yourself. Forgive yourself. And wisdom that comes with ‘know thyself’…

(Above ‘Tricky T’ has been working with CDI since film #1 ‘Knight Chills’)

I’m going to wrap this up and maybe go make another cup of coffee. I’m looking forward to the week ahead. Also the old suitcase is going to have to come out. I like to slow pack over a couple weeks. I also have CDI stuff to gather also. This week we touch base with our Algona team. I’m going to go enjoy another soccer game with my niece and nephew playing. An art department meeting that I’m looking forward to. So many good developments on that front. As you study the time period some things seem very old although I’m convinced the black and white photos and footage makes it seem older. Other pictures could have been shot today. How we captured history has a lot to do with how we see it now. Just like old Civil War pictures. Once colorized – man! They really come to life. I love history and the stories that have carried down collectively to all of us. I will continue to try and put some of these wonderful stories to the medium of motion picture. Have a great week and be good to one another!


‘Best Years Gone’ Thanks you Owosso! Where Next? Other Updates on TribeCDI Projects!

The first sips of the hazelnut coffee taste so good on this chilly Michigan morning. Yesterday the sinus were a bit stuffed due to the weather changes but this morning I’m feeling good. We watched my alumni school Michigan State University put another win up for the season. If only our Lions could start doing the same. Either way, football, hot cider and the harvest has been a great welcome to Fall that is now officially here.

This past week was great for tying up loose ends on BEST YEARS GONE that played Owosso, MI NCG all week. I was able to sneak into a day show on the last day with my dad. It was nice to have no pressure or expectations to meet and greet. It was nice to just relax into the story and just enjoy. The story is well put together with such great comments on the camerawork (DP Travis Hayward) the creative editing (Nathaniel Nose) – the music (Dennis Therrian and all our great guest artists). We know all of this includes the entire crew and cast. I heard lots of compliments on how the film walks the line with strong drama and outrageous comedy. And big kudos to Shane Hagedorn our director who kept the vision and created the fine blend story. NOTE: A BTS of the premiere event is on our IMDB.com page and we’ll go up on our FB page soon. Great job Dan Chipman.

We started with a two show screening premiere and that went great! We’ve been dripping out pics from that night on the BYG Facebook site. What a wonderful night and it was great to see the story on the big screen. The film was granted an extension playing all last week in Owosso, Michigan. Now we are looking at other cities both with NCG and other theatrical chains. We hope to bring it to our home town of Lansing, Michigan. Possibly Grand Rapids and the Detroit area and even Nashville, TN is being considered. This week after the theatrical we made a few adjustments to our mix and we’ll do a final review Weds before uploading the master to our distributor. I’m excited for people around the world to enjoy this story.

Today we are having a meeting for SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA to review our schedule and lock that so that cast agreements and flights can be booked. We’re working hard to get all our ducks in a row so that many things are done before our pre-production week on set. Algona is not a big city so we’re working with all the resources we have. The best resource is the people of Algona who are excited to have this story of theirs told, keeping it from being forgotten. This week I’ll do some PR about our product partners and we’ll announce a few more cast. I had a few great conversations with folks this week and that is what is nice about these adventures. I get to see some dear friends that I usually only see when filming. But today is a big day as we lock up the schedule and collectively look for problem/issues in advance. We have some of the best problem solvers working to tell this story so I feel very confident.

WILD FAITH is about to hit 5 million views on Encourage TV taking us even deeper into the tens of millions who have watched the film. I had a few more conversations with parties that could assist in getting the TV series launched. Creative Control has been the main goal for me as I’ve had a few projects derailed by “experts” on what a story needs or doesn’t need. We have several paths we could take to production and as I’ve always said it is not IF it is WHEN. Have you seen WILD FAITH? If not, please do.

MANS BEST FRIEND is playing new TV channels such as Charge TV which seems to be targeted at action and macho films by Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal and DJ Perry, what? I have continued to encounter many more folks who love that film. I’m very proud of the film and the action sequences which are modest. I’ve had several people ask about ‘Paul Landings’ outcome and could there ever be a sequel. You never know and yes, I’ve thought about it. I have a good story in my head but we’ll see about that some other time. I’ve got a full plate.

LOST HEART/BIGFOOT, UFOs and JESUS – I had the pleasure of hearing from many who saw CDI’s last release under two different titles. I love this film and it always leaves me feeling good. Feeling down or just needing a boost of ‘feel good’ take a watch. Melissa Anschutz commands the screen and folks like Josh Perry turn in performances that will have people talking for years. This is the perfect time of year to watch this film.

THE QUEST TRILOGY – Once we get past the beloved Halloween-fare it will be the holidays. I’m excited to continue the tradition of our trilogy. I again at the recent premiere got to hear from the fans of these films. Many are still learning about them and learning that there are three films in the series. FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. See them in order. See them all.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – the final polished cut is getting close. This weekend the audio narration was being done. A pre-mix and a final mix and we’ll be ready for a premiere. Maybe just before Christmas but after Thanksgiving for sure.

SMOKE AND MIRRORS – Our short concept film that sprung from a commercial endeavor is completed. We’re in discussions about the various possible premieres for this film using it to also help the historic Dodge Turner House. We are exploring a virtual premiere also but getting together and seeing this on a big screen would be fun. It is roughly 14 minutes so not a long film. A few festivals could be in the future for this short film story. I have been working on the feature script which I’m calling ‘OF SMOKE & MIRRORS’ to add a slight difference between the two.


This week I got to throw some of my dialog off Curran Jacobs who is playing the lead in our next WW2 film. I’ve been having such a great time emerging myself in the 1940’s and preparing to tell this great story. We also had a great meeting with our director and the VFX supervisor and we identified all the VFX shots or shots that would utilize CGI additions or subtractions.

I had an offer for a lead in a short which I don’t typically consider but offered to look at the script and the details which I asked for. I got a script with no details and had to pry any info out. But to be honest when I saw the email with just the script (poorly formatted) and no information – it was a polite pass. I had another call about engaging as a work-for-hire writer. On the other end of the spectrum from the no detail communication mentioned previously- this email came with a great pitch/breakdown. Success will follow the hard work. One person did the bare minimum and the other had spent some real time in organizing and preparing for their endeavor. I will likely enter negotiations this week for a wonderful writing endeavor that I’ll do over the holidays. I’ve had a handful of these opportunities approach me which is what led me to consider representation. In time I may explore the representation aspect but for now I’m happy to handle the details.

I’m going to bring this to a close. I have a few yard tasks to accomplish and I need to get ready for two groups of folks today. The ‘schedule’ meeting this afternoon and later my brother and few amigos will visit. I think the first fire might have to be lit today. I hope each of you have a wonderful day and good week ahead. I’m excited for all the developments happening and also happy to be enjoying the Fall with the family. This shoot will be the only extended leave I took this year. But it will put us into post-production on another beautiful story. This story is built on the real history of Algona and we’re proud to be telling it.

Be good to one another and coffee cheers!


Happy 4th! Crazy 8 Updates (NEW Trailer)

(Gil Gilles and Sylvia say have a Happy 4th and don’t drink light beer!)

Good morning and Happy 4th to you all! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee as the morning started chilly but is suppose to get warm today. This day is about the Independence of the ole USA. A pretty incredible nation has been created but it was messy and not an easy task. The trials and tribulations continue but I will say having traveled many places in the world that we have it good. I didn’t say ‘perfect’ but good is something many of us have been able to build upon. This past week we had some storms bad enough with tornado sightings that many took to their basements. I’ve been studying WW2 for our upcoming Nov film and can’t imagine dealing with air raid warnings and yet many countries still do. The great thing is that anyone can grow up to make a change. That opportunity, not promised but it can be earned, found, imagined. I have to admit to liking the competitive space race amongst the private sectors. Add a dash of national space race and I really think I might get to enjoy space travel in my life time. Instead of just sitting on their earnings they are pioneering and that is exciting. The UFO report was released minus the national security aspects given to congress. That is also promoting much talk and speculation but I think the good thing is that the mystery objects could now provide recognition vs ridicule for scientist.

It has been good to be engaging in family and friend get togethers again. Catching up on missed birthdays and such gatherings. I hope all of you have enjoyed some of these gatherings and better appreciated the company of one another. Our own property has hosted a few gatherings and I enjoy keeping it rustically groomed and harvest the bounty of berries and such found on the property. But the other day after mowing 1/3 the yard the mower and I got caught in one of those downpours of rain. It just did not want to start after that and I tried all kinds of “online” tricks and such. I literally pulled the start cord 300 times trying to get it started. I got a little obsessed followed by #@!#^%$ which had my arm feeling like I had down super sets in the gym with one arm. That morning after a few sips of coffee the challenge set in again. I marched out and with my left arm (fresh and strong) but 50 increasing pulls yanking the rope out of the machine with a roar. Mechanics and technology are not my strong suit. Apparently wrecking shit is. The long short was a decommissioned mower whereas maybe the motor kept for a go-cart but a new mower was ordered. It is sitting here and I’ll be putting that together. It is an electric vs gas after going that direction with my weed whipper. The gas one always had be tinkering vs whipping weeds.

Let’s look at some of the top ten updates from the films here at CDI

  1. Plans might be soon underway to have ASHES OF EDEN joining BESTSELLER with a new BMG Global campaign. This was the first CDI collaboration with Shane Hagedorn who recently directed the upcoming BEST YEARS GONE. Did you see the trailer? Did it grab you? Make you laugh? Join us and follow us here at the FB site and watch the trailer. https://www.facebook.com/Bestyearsgone/videos/942523879863374
  2. More WW2 casting sand crewing choices and we will look to start putting agreements under folks end of July/start of Aug because we have an Aug scout trip to Algona coming together. We met over the agreements because film projects are really a web of interconnecting agreements. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA follow along on Facebook for all the new updates.
  3. BEST YEARS GONE premiere events are forming up and I have theatrical talks in the next couple weeks. We are going to do a badass spectator drag race and outdoor screening of the film SEPT 11th you are getting advanced notice. A theatrical premiere will also happen in Owosso, MI at the NCG and I will let you know on dates soon but it will also be in Sept maybe the 18th, 25th? Not sure yet. Stay tuned! We plan to film and broadcast this all out at a later date like we did with the LOST HEART premiere at the Double JJ Resort.
  4. BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS – A fun title for a fun film that also includes some serious drama. That said, it will leave you feeling uplifted by the time the credits roll. Take a look for yourself because seeing is believing:)
  5. MANS BEST FRIEND the surprise awards at the ICVM were talked about last week but yesterday at a family gathering I was sitting with a just retired motorcycle mechanic. Nearly 7 feet tall (really) and use to be with a biker club and is polite as you get. Often quiet and soft spoken he told me he saw my movie MBF. Now his best friend is his dog who hangs in his garage as he creates and fixes. He said it really got to him and that he thought I did a really excellent job as Paul. I told him while the law might often regard dogs as property, dog owners know better. They are family that make each and everyone of us better. To be frank, that one kind comment letting me know our story had touched his heart was better than any award. The awards do tell me that many have enjoyed our story and been touched enough to recognize it. We are thankful and for those unaware, the next WW2 film in Nov will be directed my MBF director Anthony Hornus. I know once again we will create something special with a small army of artists and supporters.
  6. SMOKE & MIRRORS VFX should be almost complete. I hope to see something final soon. I’ve also been finding some time to work on this feature. After doing the short I broke apart the feature script and I’m reworking it based on some things I saw while filming the short derivative.
  7. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – Some of you know my life long love and practice of the martial arts. Inspired by my education of Catch-Can by Curran Jacobs we set out to trace the origins of the art. And to showcase the branches of the art as it extended into college wrestling and professional wrestling. Also the doc showcases the colorful factions that are reviving the art because of their love of it. Today at 1:00 pm the 1st trailer will be released to the public. It will release on the ‘For the Love of Catch’ Facebook site and Curran Jacobs (our director) social media sites. It will go PUBLIC at 1:00pm is my understanding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkISvIrv4hU&list=FLDu-wRzCwru4EOPLvW0HClg&index=2 I’m very proud of the work that our team has done on this documentary. So enjoy the sneak peek.
  8. WILD FAITH / HASTINGS – So I watched this film for the first time in a while as I polished up the coverages of the TV series. I was reminded of the beautiful camera work and music and the wonderful world we created with the Murphy family and friends at the heart of it. The TV series brings many of those beloved characters out more while introducing new ones. I’ve set up and had a few great conversations that has brought things closer. I have continued talks this week but I think my goal of having the series green light by the end of the year just might happen.

There you go – your Crazy Eight Updates! I have a new mower to assemble and I’m going to do a few yard things. Okay maybe nap in a hammock. I hope you all continue to have a good time with family and friends. Be thankful for being able to spend time with them again. Relax. Laugh. And after a good rest get back to your tasks with a renewed focus. Just keep walking your path and you just might surprise yourself with how far you travel.

Until next time.