“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “checks

Quiet Sunday Reflections – Enjoying the Journey

Hazelnut coffee is flowing on this chilly November morning. I want to welcome our new readers from Italy and Canada among others. It has been a very busy time for myself and CDI. CDI http://www.cdiproductions.com is our production company. I’ve gotten lots of winterizing down this week including closing the fountain down and storing some of the yard decorations. CDI totes are also packed away awaiting the next big adventure.

For those that know that I make beer and wine – the newly bottled ROCKING RHUBARB was tried by myself and Transportation Capt. Dane DeFord and it got the thumbs up. Crisp and cider like with a tart bite followed by sweetness. Nature provided and it will be enjoyed over the winter months. I’ve had a steady stream of meetings by the fireside wood stove. Many project plans start around that wood table and around that dancing fire. Many have manifested into full flown completed projects.

Let’s look at the two projects front and center right now.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for some reason continues to be work getting it to market. It was a very technical films with two languages being used and many VFX including a child’s multiple dream sequences. We’ve made hundred of adjustments and our hope is that everything locks into place and stays. We just had a new round of QC questions. But we started to drift from technical to subjective. We did not use some cold computer translations we used translators. We tried to translate as they would have in the 20’s versus modern. We condensed and summarized some translations so they fit properly on the screen without distractions and yet give time to read them. A few singing places we did not translate because artistically it worked better.

Like all things creative it’s trying to mind your boundaries. If an occasional “Easter egg” intentional or unintentional (EXAMPLES – In Raiders of the Lost Ark – R2D2 and C3PO can be seen drawn on the walls in the Well of Souls. In Star Wars – You can freeze frame a scene and see actor Kenny bake inside the R2D2. Not QC’s place to call these things out. Mind your boundaries. I enforce that with our team working with marketing. They know their marketing job better just as content creators know more about the production. So this week we’ll do a last look at the file that has been assembled and it will be heading out to streaming platforms to prep for Dec 1st. DVD’s will also start to be created and ship to warehouses. It has been a long journey and it is almost over. Once in the marketplace it will be there for many years to come. I want to thank everyone involved. So CLOSE!

We also are going to talk with all our Algona business friends. A DVD would be a great holiday gift for employees, members of organizations, gifts for volunteers and such. Also we want to help get the DVD’s for sale into the museums, Fridley concession sales of the DVD? Grocery stores and more in the state of Iowa could carry the DVD. I think this film could be a new Christmas classic. You can help make it one!

PRE-ORDER here: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=JXJ0SGCXBS0W&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1699798050&sprefix=Silent+Night+in+%2Caps%2C229&sr=8-1

I’m loving the bi-weekly marketing meetings and so appreciate the BMG Global team for all they’re doing to make this film live up to its potential.

Actual Old Club as it appeared in the 1920’s

Harsens Island Revenge – The updates for the week include an awesome report on editing. Several scenes are cut and our director is thrilled. We’ll do a watch once the 1st half hour or so is edited. The Harsens Island footage is being reviewed and we got some good pieces for one of our action sequences and some good establishing shots. Many modern things had to be shot around or disqualified a place for use in the film. I discussed in my past blog why we did not use more of the island. But those who didn’t understand just don’t understand filmmaking and that is okay. I don’t fully understand many other vocations. We are looking to shoot our 2nd VFX piece and I’ll be talking more on that. It includes a few of our model boats. I’m also lining things up for our one WW1 pick up scene.

We have been having fun releasing official pics of several of our actors. We will also be picking our some TOP photos to offer for sale. It can be printed to canvas or on mugs or whatever one wishes. That will look to go live this month. We might start work on the BTS with our own Adam Towner. Advance discussions on a teaser trailer that will be cut by our director. The theatrical poster using our new elements might also be put into motion. 2024 will be an exciting year for this film.

(Should CDI make another biblical trilogy?)

DEVELOPMENT – I’ve spent a good amount of time in study, thought and in talks about developing properties. This can take years and even once a green light (GO) prep, shooting and post can take two years. Six months to prep for release and release – it is a journey. So we’re looking at projects that are already underway and some are just beginning at the script stage. I’ve discussed some of these projects in past blogs. While CDI makes it seem easier to fund and launch, they are all difficult. Funding is always the hardiest part for most projects. But that said, we have several avenues we’re working on.

(Brainstorming at the CDI Fort/Think tank)

WRAP UP: The season of holiday watching has started. I’ve already fielding several new fan emails about BIGFOOT, UFO’s and JESUS, WILD FAITH, FORTY NIGHTS. BEST YEARS GONE – Can you believe a Gil Gilles fan club has been started. Look for it on FB it is there. This is a great time to watch or re-watch your CDI favorites!

(Have you met Gil in BEST YEARS GONE?)

I’ve got some busy work this week as our distributor is moving from checks to direct deposit. I am not a tech fan and sometimes begrudge change but I’m trying to roll with it. A small effort and this will save me deposit work later. Tax season is around the corner and so we’ll be prepping for that.

I’m going to wrap it up here and do a little advanced work for next week. I just had some of our eggs and a nice breakfast scramble. Might have to refill ye ole coffee cup. I want everyone out there to know that every week of your life will bring TO DO’s. There will be TO DO’s in your box when your time is up. Enjoy that journey again. I truly do enjoy all the good artistic folks we have on these amazing endeavors. I also sincerely appreciate all of you out there. Thank you for supporting what we do here. Until next week – be good to one another and keep chasing that dream.

Coffee Cheers!


Seven Updates and Some Past Week Pondering

(Last day on ‘Lost Heart,’ I was wrapped and spent the night working with craft service)

Ahhhhhhhh….chilly Michigan morning coffee sip. I’m enjoying the hazelnut coffee as I prepare to make some sort of attempt to describe this past week. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Last week I wrote on UNITY and that was a big hit. I’m a storyteller who loves to enrich audience’s life by entertainment and sometimes enlightenment. I have found that the story is one of the most effective ways to communicate. When people have conversation following a good piece of art it invokes meaningful dialog. People from all walks of life can come together and discuss the final show of The Mandalorian and debate themes, topics and differences. But they’re all united in their common love of Star Wars. In politics they should all be united in their love of our American system.

My belief is that both parties for decades now have drifted further from highlighting, promoting and pushing their party platforms and closer to no-holds barred character assassination. This includes trying to control how things are framed, presented and digested by the public. The reporters of days gone became known because they did not try nor want to be the stars, the story. But some due to their humble-approach, did become stars. Now we live in a time when people want to be “influencers” – what? We influence daily with our actions, words and deeds. I’ve seen the thirst for fame in these people and so the stories drift towards their opinions hammering the narrative to meet their goals. And where is the faith in the respected platforms? Faith that the masses will see the good in the endeavors and chose to back this person, party, platform. But some don’t have confidence in their platform and so they try to pitch, readjust, reframe a platform attempting to catch as much support as possible.

Example: Why is John Deere tractor better than Brand B

Just highlight the positives of what you are selling. No need to hammer brand B’s product customers will see this difference if it truly exists in terms of quality and performance.

Why should politics operate any differently? If you create the better product, better price point, better performance – you will never need to engage in cutting someone else’s rope short.

When I set out to make a movie, I don’t waste energy trashing anyone’s film – I just work towards making a successful story of quality. If I was running for an office I would not waste time tearing down an political opponent, I would just draw people to my platform.

Brand B tractor is a fine tractor but we at John Deere feel that we offer the better product and here is our list of why… but the cheap shots I’ve seen from both parties firing back and forth over the years, shows weakness in their stance. This weakening is what allowed a businessman with no real political experience to land in office. Running a corporation is very different because the power aligns with accountability. Our government is a system of checks and balances. It requires respectful communication and cooperation between the parties. This lack of – created a vacuum for someone from the outside to step in. Things happen much different in the two worlds and we saw many attempts at actions over four years that were deemed not legal in their process. Courts knocked it down and PR blame games took over. I joked we needed a good UFO attack to unify the world. We got a virus instead. This put the old HEALTH VS PROFIT question front and center. They need to flow together as one and not be positioned in confrontation. Healthy, long-living people can spend longer creating more on-going profit. But the medical system in the west has been reactionary vs preventative for a good long time. It is slowly changing and the unified collaboration of data and research is what allowed a quick ramp up on a vaccine. It was done quickly because PROFIT was set aside although the companies will profit. But best was the shared data to help deal with a health crisis facing us all. Can the world please tackle cancer next and be done with that horrible disease? If the cancer numbers had been highlighted and the spirit of collaboration embraced maybe it too would be a thing of the past.

Let’s focus on collaboration. What I see with social media and wall-debates is everyone feels a need to win vs lose and to gloat on that win. Lobbying to try and gather unanimous support vs same side of the table negotiations, talks, understandings.. Harsh ridicule used to drown out or squash any outside opinions but with no discussions. Unwilling to listen is the greatest form of disrespect. This also sounds like many organizations in their unwillingness. In science they have a process to drive towards truth but many outsiders have also been silenced by academic arrogance. Religion? Too many times to count. When I speak on religion I don’t cast any stones at divinity but at man-made institutions. Man-Made – If women want to jump on that bandwagon of also corrupting their institutions, please have at it. BALANCE should be the goal. We all have shared needs and concerns and we have different needs and concerns. I always think that the concerns of a person living on the Southern boarder of Mexico in Yuma, AZ will be very different from someone in Michigan. To find those common things that provide a mutual foundation and to take turns addressing concerns. I have seen HATE, not just dislike but HATE from people. Every time I see hate even pointing out something meaningful, I feel sorrow because that person is sick. Hate is a sickness. It starts with self-hate and preys on all the fears within us. If you hatefully denounce hate, you are still poisoning yourself. I see sickness all around which is why the positive fan mail from our stories have been rays of light. Our stories combat hate with love and leave some temporarily healthy, free of poison. This is only until the next projection of hate from that person and it builds. Unless habits are changed…HOPE.

For the record, I think protests often breed poison if the leadership is weak. They start with words crying of unjust but often turn to poison in one’s own mouth. Watching a group of extremists who wanted to win their position at all costs, clearly demonstrated their uncaring position about balance. I’m still greatly saddened to see the way sacred halls were turned into a scene like ‘Cedar Fest’ after MSU lost a big game. These turned into mobs of people burning things and being unruly. Again, someone lost the big game. And by their actions we all lost, because our character was tarnished. But our character on the world stage was being tarnished by those we elected with their on-going actions. We all have much in common and if the elected people cannot find those bridges and take turns making each other’s priorities something to discuss and enhance, maybe the wrong people were elected. But people can change…

I saw the political bodies House and Congress united in fear and renewed purpose finish their work. Even the most ambitious-party minded politicians had to ask themself what was/is their real “purpose” in service. Now I was looking for that UFO invasion but what we got was an invasion on our process of democracy. I watched some of the most sincere words come from the mouths of people where I had only heard negativity and blame previously. I saw a unity that did not exist 24 hours earlier. Now this unity was not the intent I’m sure but it will likely be the result. It has caused all Americans to sit back and re-examine much like the Covid virus. I think that many never slow down enough to truly ponder and Covid did that. Now we can ponder the past week’s actions. I hope that I never witness such poisoned individuals rabid with hate but I know that is unlikely. It will only get better when we all get tired of the taste of poison hate and seek the sweetest of love and listening.

All this writing and I have not yet got into any film updates. I know that many don’t want any views from their entertainers and I’m often one of those people. As a screenwriter and artists I like to observe, seeking to experience the event from all sides. To question why things happen. I cannot say what tomorrow will bring. But I can control my thoughts, action and deeds and keep the poison from my mouth. I feel bad for the sick wrought with hate. Start a change with what you can control – YOU.

  1. BEST YEARS GONE – The 1st edit is done and it’s being polished so we can take a watch end of this coming week. The reports from editing has been very encouraging with the story, acting and execution of the story being hailed. This all done in a small break during the Covid lock downs.
  2. We are going to launch a ‘Best Years Gone’ Battle of the Bands to give one artist(s) a chance to have their song in the soundtrack plus be involved in a music video.
  3. Merchandise for CDI films has been in development and will be making a big jump in 2021. Stay tune to http://www.cdiproductions.com for updates – SUBSCRIBE TO THE TRIBE!
  4. As LOST HEART continues to expand in viewership here is an other PR article that I’m proud of because it really highlights the script. That is the issue with so many projects is they lack a powerful script that says something. http://m.digitaljournal.com/entertainment/entertainment/happy-days-star-don-most-opens-up-about-lost-heart-film/article/583626
  5. I love the time and process put into doing the final WRITER and DIRECTOR polish on the ‘SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA‘ script. Tony Hornus (MBF) and I spent 4-5 hours each day last week to go through every line of the script. To discuss each and every scene and motivation. We get to have advance discussions about what will be needed in production. We likely have one more day of work on it – maybe two.
  6. HASTINGS Tv show which is a spin off from WILD FAITH is being read show by show by some of the actors and proposed directors. Those reading the shows are expressing their joy in them. Shane Hagedorn star and one of the series directors said, “The shows are about being good to one another.” Sounds like something we could use. I’m in talks with several parties and I think this series is a matter of when not if.
  7. As we start the drive towards Easter season I hope people will take the time to watch THE QUEST TRILOGY. These are not preachy and propose an interesting perspective for seekers who might not align with the mainstream organized religious bodies. That is not to say that the various organizations haven’t enjoyed them as they all were nominated as ‘Most Inspirational’ winning twice but they were not created in a bubble. They relate very well to the world and I think the films have as many fans coming from a non-religious place. I’ve said it many times that you could be from a totally different faith from Christianity and still enjoy the films. Take a watch and see for yourself (Part 1 Forty Nights, Part 2 Chasing the Star, Part 3 The Christ Slayer)

Okay I could go on about a few more updates but it is noon and I have things to do. Several of the films can be seen free on Amazon Prime, Encourage TV: Youtube and more so enjoy a few of the stories and please do let me know what you think.

Be good to one another.


Happy Mother’s Day – May CDI Updates


Happy Mother’s Day to all the nurturing ladies out there. It is a slightly chilly Sunday coming off several wet days here in Michigan. The lawn needs a second mowing and I still have to till the garden ground.


This past week has included lots of development work on LOST HEART our next film. We have the last three units to assign before we move into full pre-production. We’ve had several talks and I think the last three will get claimed soon. It also helps that we will be dispersing money back to previous investors. For me, once we lock up the business we can focus on the creative. I had some schedule discussions this week with our 1st AD. It looks like we will shoot July 16-Aug 1st in N. Michigan. In about 2 weeks (or sooner) we’ll start bringing on cast and crew. The bank account is open and I’m awaiting the check book. Once we green light to pre-production the ball will really start rolling. We’ll also be announcing some of the great companies and businesses supporting us with sponsorship. It will be an exciting week ahead for LOST HEART.

Master copy

We have also had some development discussions on KNIGHT CHILLS 2 which has been in talks for a while. This would be a collaboration and I’ve been working to set up the distribution aspects of the film.

Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 10.15.16 PM

Original KNIGHT CHILLS poster – “Scream” style.

THE QUEST TRILOGY – The entire 3 film series in out on Amazon Prime. You all can now watch all three back to back. FORTY NIGHTS. CHASING THE STAR. THE CHRIST SLAYER. Please do enjoy this extended biblical adventure. I’ve said before that the style was influenced by the Star Wars original trilogy. I look forward to hearing from more of you that have seen all three. They do stand alone but create a greater picture when all three are viewed. Congrats to part 3 THE CHRIST SLAYER for taking 2nd place BEST FILM at the International Christian Film Festival in Orlando, FL.

  • I have several sources talking to me about a new series of biblical adventures. We will see what the future holds.


WILD FAITH is now out on Amazon and other platforms for digital purchase. In June we’ll see digital rental and July will be the DVD release. Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Family Video and several outlets will be carrying this fine film.

  • Again talks are happening about the possible TV series

DJ Perry & Bobby Henline

MBF: Man’s Best Friend is finishing up color correction and sound design. A work-in-progress link was sent to the theatrical company for evaluation. I was watching the film now with all the dialog balanced and it is really engaging to watch. Music will be starting soon and we’ll also begin working the new full trailer.


This week I’ll continue my conversations with the possible agent for literary and talent. I’ve also had a few independent script writing opportunities arise. I will be exploring that. I’ve been pulling together my materials both as a writer and as talent. I’ve enjoyed the response from all of you to mountain man Ben Lily and of course ole J.C. from THE CHRIST SLAYER. I’m looking forward to making a deal so that some of my future negotiations concerning acting and script can be handled by a 3rd party.

I’m asking my readers here to take a watch and leave a review. You can comment here as well. I’m going to wrap things up here. Eat a little something and we’re taking the mother’s to the zoo today. I look forward to a fun day of family stuff before back at it tomorrow. I have to work on writing out checks and dispersing to our backers. I really do love writing checks. To our artists, our backers – it always feels good. Again I don’t think I’ve ever been able to pay an artist their true worth but we do compensate and create.

Keep plugging along and we’ll chat again next week.




Top Ten Updates from Last Week

Still01Good morning out there everyone. I’ve got the hazelnut coffee fueling me this morning. What a week on all fronts. I went to a memorial yesterday for a high school buddy’s dad. I call it losing training wheels (losing a parent) and it’s happening a little more often now.  It was a great reflection on life and again a reminder to us all to enjoy your relationships and to work hard to achieve what’s important to you. The family were surprised and so happy to see myself and another old-school friend.

Just like the many times we all shared laughing and partying around the campfire this gathering also included many toasts. That’s why the hazelnut coffee is my friend this morning. I’ve not had a hangover since New Year’s Day (Thank you Garrett) and this was a mild one, but thankfully it has now passed. I think since the old processor brain is moving slow I’ll just do a random list of updates.


  1. We had another digital trading card release last week and a new one will be releasing again this week. I think five from each film. I also know that “Character Cards” and a poster will be coming for the 3rd film in the trilogy “The Christ Slayer” – stay tuned.
  2. WILD FAITH music score will likely be finishing up this week. Our composer had 8 minutes to go when we spoke last week. We’ll be sitting down with our director Jesse Low this week to discuss the finishing of the film. I can’t wait to do a new watch with the music beds set in.
  3. Forty Nights” will be playing Texas in Nov. followed by “Chasing the Star” in Dec.  – Iowa will also be showing “Chasing the Star” as part of a Christmas program in December. We’ve just been approached by another church wanting to license. I’m happy that these church’s are going through the proper channels for licensing and not just going pirate on showing the films publicly.
  4. Upcoming film MBF (Man’s Best Friend) brought on more financial commits and we’ve got sponsorships developing nicely. This week we’ll be announcing more cast members. We met last week and we’ve got our target dates set with cameras to roll in March.
  5. The book deal on WILD MICHIGAN is close to being done. It was based on the original screenplay before it was restructured for budget as Wild Faith. It will allow readers to experience the original story. It was adapted to book format by author Dee Freeman. It will be available for Christmas!
  6. The KNIGHT CHILLS book is for sale now on Amazon and will be releasing to retailers nationally. David Hayes was the author who adapted the screenplay/film to a book.
  7. The “Chasing the Star” investors will be getting another ROI check this week. I truly do LOVE writing checks. It keeps the machine moving.
  8. Development work continues on several other collaborations. A western, a biopic, a few horror films and a biblical drama. I do love working with other artists and bringing projects from the page to the screen.
  9. The announcement that one of the library films would be getting new distribution with BMG was made last week. The ink is dry and I’m happy to report “Wicked Spring” our Civil War drama will be releasing early in 2018. The film has never had a digital release due to the initial release was on VHS. This beautifully shot 35mm film will find a new audience. A great “making of” will be included on the DVD. We are also looking at a special Blu Ray release also. PR on this will be forthcoming.
  10. I enjoyed several meetings this week at the office with a fire burning in the wood stove. I’m going to be doing many more sit downs in the coming weeks. I have sat down with many filmmakers in a meet-n-greet style and will be looking to do many more. Even if we don’t have immediate business I do like to get to know the minds behind some of these other projects.

In addition to the on-going film work I’ve been harvesting and storing everything from tomatoes to kale (A Melissa Anschutz fav at meetings) to mushrooms. My small patch of ink tip shrooms are nothing compared to the giant puff balls I got Friday at my friend’s place. We will be cooking some of those up tonight. I’m sure that I’ve missed a few updates but please do seek out and find your favorite film page on Facebook and follow the updates there.

Have a great week ahead and enjoy your Sunday.