“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “Brian Libby

Artists Helping Artists- Updates and Insights

Good morning!

Happy Chinese New Year of the Dragon! Happy Super Bowl Sunday or whatever you want to attribute the day too. I just will say Happy Sunday! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee which is really tasting nice this morning. I’ve had a good week and I hope to give you a few updates to our projects and endeavors. I want to thank everyone once again for joining me here. This format here helps me to summarize my progress on projects and to plan ahead. It also serves to update the interested parties and for other artists it can help, artists helping artists. Where to begin- I had a great talk this past week with an author John Farkis doing a book on Old Tuscan/Mescal studios in Benson AZ. If you do your research it is where countless great films were shot. TOMBSTONE being one of the most famous. I was privileged to have worked there myself. A producer Thadd Turner, well known for his passion of westerns was doing a new film there. His son who was young at the time loved Civil War films and WICKED SPRING (You can watch free w/ ads on Encourage TV) was his favorite film. And his favorite character was mine. So what a cool father to reach out to hire me as an actor. He knew I had experience in producing and I wanted to really study how others produce. I had not yet produced Dean Teaster’s Ghost Town or Wild Faith yet but they would require more wrangling of horses. So I jumped at the opportunity to produce the behind the scenes for the film. We ended up with an epic hour and a half or more of content that was shown at the Lone Pine Film Festival. (Another famous place for filming western TV series) I was thankful to be able to be on set and meet some many talented and wonderful people on both sides of the camera. It is the set where I met Rance Howard, who would become my mentor and co-star in another four of our films. One of my childhood heroes David Carradine (Kung Fu) whom I got to know quite well. Wes Studi, Irene Bedard, Mark Rolston, Buck Taylor, Michael Parks, Francine York, Brian Libby – and the list goes on. The film’s lead Tim Abell and I would forge a friendship that would lead to several collaborations like playing my dad in MAN’S BEST FRIEND. It was fun to bring back all these good memories. That is what each film is like. The experiences of making the film. Tommy Dippel was always a hoot and took time to really explain the wrangling aspect. Jon Proudstar coordinating in the office but was happy to see him acting in Reservation Dogs recently. Wes Studi on Finding Your Roots. Watching TV and film becomes a different experience when they are your friends and co-workers up there. John the author and I had a great talk and now he’s another to add to the circle. He enjoyed watching WILD FAITH and will be doing a review for which I’m honored to have.

(Lone Pine me, Tony Hornus, John Saxon, Thadd Turner, David Borowicz)

Speaking on literary – recently I talked about the new campaign for my first starring film IN THE WOODS. A cult film that was the resulting passion of a couple young filmmakers trying to earn their way into the industry. So soon they’ll be announcing info on the remastered film and the new director’s cut. End of this week I’ll get my first watch on the new director’s cut and we’ll be capturing commentary. To prep for this new campaign a making of book (Now also in hardcover) filled with the story of the struggle and original script released late last year - PURCHASE HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36RJZKN42LZ5G&keywords=In+the+Woods+movie+lynn+Drzick&qid=1707660674&s=books&sprefix=in+the+woods+movie+lynn+drzick%2Cstripbooks%2C85&sr=1-1

Coming soon is the new special edition In the Woods novelization by Nancy Gideon. I had penned a prequel script the told the full story of the creatures in the movie. An epic sword and sorcery tale that sheds light and answers all the questions viewers of the film had. We cut some of the flashbacks from the film due to budgetary issues as we discussed previously. But if you read this you will get the full story. I was proud to add to the world created by Lynn Drzick and if you enjoy a good story of warring kingdoms this might be just for you! PURCHASE HERE: https://www.amazon.com/panDEMONium-Woods-Origin-DJ-Perry/dp/B0CV8F73D6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WENU3ERCKDAR&keywords=In+the+Woods+DJ+Perry&qid=1707661064&s=books&sprefix=in+the+woods+dj+perry%2Cstripbooks%2C92&sr=1-1

All this is preparing for the new release of the classic and new version of IN THE WOODS on Blu Ray! The question that lingers in the aftermath is SEQUEL? PREQUEL? Only time will tell but I will say that there is an interest by all parties. Wayne Higley? Al Fargo? Alex Kerwood? Or Prince Freeacus? Lentar? Captain Hur? We will have to wait and see what is to unfold in the forthcoming-


Staying on the subject of literary with books being a close second in my favorite medium next to motion picture/TV. We are looking to release several books/screenplay combos where the materials exist. Plus cool interviews with key folks about the making of that particular film. One such book I’m exciting about is THE QUEST TRILOGY, our 3 films (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) * Also on Encourage TV – all in the biblical realm. A coffee table book with the three scripts and essays by the three directors and key members of the production. I have to get after the essays as that can be like wrangling cats.

Re-Issues: All the CDI films are now being loaded onto the backup CDI RAID which I’ll name HAL. Once there we’ll be digitally remastering some and creating new DCP files (For theatrical) as some films like GHOST TOWN and AN ORDINARY KILLER will be getting a special new release into theaters as a first step. Blu-Ray deals are being looked at for all the films as a superior way to preserve and view physical media and lastly streaming. From the CDI Classic Collection FROM VENUS is going to be pushed behind CDI’s first film KNIGHT CHILLS, which released in Oct. 2023 on Blu Ray BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10081684957020523845&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1019404&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6&gad_source=1

Knight Chills streaming in Oct 2024 is a goal and we’ll be talking to various horror streaming sites. FROM VENUS Blu Ray in Oct. 2024 would be great also. But things sometimes move at their own speed. But we keep pushing forward.

All of these CDI library films getting new life in the HD age is exciting but we have many films living in that world now.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – PR will be forthcoming but as always you get the news here first. While the film continues to be available on DVD or play on a growing number of transactional platforms available to rent or buy like on Google Play, Apple TV, Vudu, Youtube and Amazon PrimeWATCH HERE: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B0CN1KYNNT/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r - The film will be going to subscription video of demand on the UP Family & Faith tv this Summer! Our distributor will continue to work hard to bring it to the various countries around the globe! Thank you to all you have enjoyed this movie and if you have some positive feedback feel free to leave it on our http://www.imdb.com page!

Harsens Island Revenge – Our director Carl Weyant is back this week from Brazil. The following week we’ll be looking to have a sit down and watch the film minus the opening scene yet to be shot. We’ll be discussing music with composer Dennis Therrian who has been “sketching” musical beds to play for Carl. We’ll also be discussing the first teaser trailer which scenes are being pulled for. And the theatrical poster plus by the end of the month we plan to release a behind the scenes video by our own Adam Towner. To say I’m excited to sit back and see the flow is an understatement.


HOT ROD LOVE– Our next Shane Hagedorn directed comedy drama set in the 70’s made some more steps this week in funding and sponsorship. If we can lock up funding in the next 6-8 weeks we’ll be looking at July/August timeframe to prep and film. Schedule could slide if funding takes any longer but we’re in talks with several parties and have faith we can keep our timeline.

We have another feature in development that I cannot speak on until development paperwork is signed but that should happen this week. It is another historical drama based upon a real person. We’re very excited about this project which the goal is to fund in 2024 and shoot in 2025.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE is another true event film in development. It is the state story of Iowa’s early days and will be a great story to preserve the history.

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS– We keep putting piece after piece into place on this TV series that would be the spin off from the pilot feature seen by tens of millions around the world. Step by step!

SCRIPTWRITING: I’m also 1/3 of the way through a script that could film next winter. Smaller in scope but a great piece of acting full of intrigue and interesting characters. The script is the blueprint as I like to say so it is important to have a tight script.

WRAP UP: You can see that various projects are underway. This past week we the help of a few amigos we got the remaining logs cut up into kindling for the wood stove so we’ll be ready for the next snow and…the first podcast “Fireside Chat with DJ Perry” which we hope to do the 1st one this week. I’m happy to report that our chickens are starting to produce eggs and even some of the plants and herbs are getting a head start with the warm front we’ve had. My cousin handy Bart gave my newly acquired wood chipper a once over and so stick clean up will be more productive. The end result will be much needed wood chips. I’ve been still immersed in my study of herbs and I’m looking forward to a good growing season. More clover will be going down in the yard that is loved by both the chickens and leprechauns. We’ll see if things align for the new patio deck this year. I also want to look at better privacy fencing in places but one thing at a time. It is all a work in progress. Just like we are. I hope you all have a great week. Keep those 2024 goals firmly in mind and work towards them. I’m exciting that soccer is right around the corner and I’m ready to lace up my cleats! Until next week-

Be good to one another!


PS: I lost a few pics and all my tags trying to upload and I luckily had my recent draft so I’m just going to upload “as is” as I’m out of time.