“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “office

Artists Helping Artists- Updates and Insights

Good morning!

Happy Chinese New Year of the Dragon! Happy Super Bowl Sunday or whatever you want to attribute the day too. I just will say Happy Sunday! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee which is really tasting nice this morning. I’ve had a good week and I hope to give you a few updates to our projects and endeavors. I want to thank everyone once again for joining me here. This format here helps me to summarize my progress on projects and to plan ahead. It also serves to update the interested parties and for other artists it can help, artists helping artists. Where to begin- I had a great talk this past week with an author John Farkis doing a book on Old Tuscan/Mescal studios in Benson AZ. If you do your research it is where countless great films were shot. TOMBSTONE being one of the most famous. I was privileged to have worked there myself. A producer Thadd Turner, well known for his passion of westerns was doing a new film there. His son who was young at the time loved Civil War films and WICKED SPRING (You can watch free w/ ads on Encourage TV) was his favorite film. And his favorite character was mine. So what a cool father to reach out to hire me as an actor. He knew I had experience in producing and I wanted to really study how others produce. I had not yet produced Dean Teaster’s Ghost Town or Wild Faith yet but they would require more wrangling of horses. So I jumped at the opportunity to produce the behind the scenes for the film. We ended up with an epic hour and a half or more of content that was shown at the Lone Pine Film Festival. (Another famous place for filming western TV series) I was thankful to be able to be on set and meet some many talented and wonderful people on both sides of the camera. It is the set where I met Rance Howard, who would become my mentor and co-star in another four of our films. One of my childhood heroes David Carradine (Kung Fu) whom I got to know quite well. Wes Studi, Irene Bedard, Mark Rolston, Buck Taylor, Michael Parks, Francine York, Brian Libby – and the list goes on. The film’s lead Tim Abell and I would forge a friendship that would lead to several collaborations like playing my dad in MAN’S BEST FRIEND. It was fun to bring back all these good memories. That is what each film is like. The experiences of making the film. Tommy Dippel was always a hoot and took time to really explain the wrangling aspect. Jon Proudstar coordinating in the office but was happy to see him acting in Reservation Dogs recently. Wes Studi on Finding Your Roots. Watching TV and film becomes a different experience when they are your friends and co-workers up there. John the author and I had a great talk and now he’s another to add to the circle. He enjoyed watching WILD FAITH and will be doing a review for which I’m honored to have.

(Lone Pine me, Tony Hornus, John Saxon, Thadd Turner, David Borowicz)

Speaking on literary – recently I talked about the new campaign for my first starring film IN THE WOODS. A cult film that was the resulting passion of a couple young filmmakers trying to earn their way into the industry. So soon they’ll be announcing info on the remastered film and the new director’s cut. End of this week I’ll get my first watch on the new director’s cut and we’ll be capturing commentary. To prep for this new campaign a making of book (Now also in hardcover) filled with the story of the struggle and original script released late last year - PURCHASE HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36RJZKN42LZ5G&keywords=In+the+Woods+movie+lynn+Drzick&qid=1707660674&s=books&sprefix=in+the+woods+movie+lynn+drzick%2Cstripbooks%2C85&sr=1-1

Coming soon is the new special edition In the Woods novelization by Nancy Gideon. I had penned a prequel script the told the full story of the creatures in the movie. An epic sword and sorcery tale that sheds light and answers all the questions viewers of the film had. We cut some of the flashbacks from the film due to budgetary issues as we discussed previously. But if you read this you will get the full story. I was proud to add to the world created by Lynn Drzick and if you enjoy a good story of warring kingdoms this might be just for you! PURCHASE HERE: https://www.amazon.com/panDEMONium-Woods-Origin-DJ-Perry/dp/B0CV8F73D6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WENU3ERCKDAR&keywords=In+the+Woods+DJ+Perry&qid=1707661064&s=books&sprefix=in+the+woods+dj+perry%2Cstripbooks%2C92&sr=1-1

All this is preparing for the new release of the classic and new version of IN THE WOODS on Blu Ray! The question that lingers in the aftermath is SEQUEL? PREQUEL? Only time will tell but I will say that there is an interest by all parties. Wayne Higley? Al Fargo? Alex Kerwood? Or Prince Freeacus? Lentar? Captain Hur? We will have to wait and see what is to unfold in the forthcoming-


Staying on the subject of literary with books being a close second in my favorite medium next to motion picture/TV. We are looking to release several books/screenplay combos where the materials exist. Plus cool interviews with key folks about the making of that particular film. One such book I’m exciting about is THE QUEST TRILOGY, our 3 films (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) * Also on Encourage TV – all in the biblical realm. A coffee table book with the three scripts and essays by the three directors and key members of the production. I have to get after the essays as that can be like wrangling cats.

Re-Issues: All the CDI films are now being loaded onto the backup CDI RAID which I’ll name HAL. Once there we’ll be digitally remastering some and creating new DCP files (For theatrical) as some films like GHOST TOWN and AN ORDINARY KILLER will be getting a special new release into theaters as a first step. Blu-Ray deals are being looked at for all the films as a superior way to preserve and view physical media and lastly streaming. From the CDI Classic Collection FROM VENUS is going to be pushed behind CDI’s first film KNIGHT CHILLS, which released in Oct. 2023 on Blu Ray BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10081684957020523845&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1019404&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6&gad_source=1

Knight Chills streaming in Oct 2024 is a goal and we’ll be talking to various horror streaming sites. FROM VENUS Blu Ray in Oct. 2024 would be great also. But things sometimes move at their own speed. But we keep pushing forward.

All of these CDI library films getting new life in the HD age is exciting but we have many films living in that world now.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – PR will be forthcoming but as always you get the news here first. While the film continues to be available on DVD or play on a growing number of transactional platforms available to rent or buy like on Google Play, Apple TV, Vudu, Youtube and Amazon PrimeWATCH HERE: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B0CN1KYNNT/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r - The film will be going to subscription video of demand on the UP Family & Faith tv this Summer! Our distributor will continue to work hard to bring it to the various countries around the globe! Thank you to all you have enjoyed this movie and if you have some positive feedback feel free to leave it on our http://www.imdb.com page!

Harsens Island Revenge – Our director Carl Weyant is back this week from Brazil. The following week we’ll be looking to have a sit down and watch the film minus the opening scene yet to be shot. We’ll be discussing music with composer Dennis Therrian who has been “sketching” musical beds to play for Carl. We’ll also be discussing the first teaser trailer which scenes are being pulled for. And the theatrical poster plus by the end of the month we plan to release a behind the scenes video by our own Adam Towner. To say I’m excited to sit back and see the flow is an understatement.


HOT ROD LOVE– Our next Shane Hagedorn directed comedy drama set in the 70’s made some more steps this week in funding and sponsorship. If we can lock up funding in the next 6-8 weeks we’ll be looking at July/August timeframe to prep and film. Schedule could slide if funding takes any longer but we’re in talks with several parties and have faith we can keep our timeline.

We have another feature in development that I cannot speak on until development paperwork is signed but that should happen this week. It is another historical drama based upon a real person. We’re very excited about this project which the goal is to fund in 2024 and shoot in 2025.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE is another true event film in development. It is the state story of Iowa’s early days and will be a great story to preserve the history.

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS– We keep putting piece after piece into place on this TV series that would be the spin off from the pilot feature seen by tens of millions around the world. Step by step!

SCRIPTWRITING: I’m also 1/3 of the way through a script that could film next winter. Smaller in scope but a great piece of acting full of intrigue and interesting characters. The script is the blueprint as I like to say so it is important to have a tight script.

WRAP UP: You can see that various projects are underway. This past week we the help of a few amigos we got the remaining logs cut up into kindling for the wood stove so we’ll be ready for the next snow and…the first podcast “Fireside Chat with DJ Perry” which we hope to do the 1st one this week. I’m happy to report that our chickens are starting to produce eggs and even some of the plants and herbs are getting a head start with the warm front we’ve had. My cousin handy Bart gave my newly acquired wood chipper a once over and so stick clean up will be more productive. The end result will be much needed wood chips. I’ve been still immersed in my study of herbs and I’m looking forward to a good growing season. More clover will be going down in the yard that is loved by both the chickens and leprechauns. We’ll see if things align for the new patio deck this year. I also want to look at better privacy fencing in places but one thing at a time. It is all a work in progress. Just like we are. I hope you all have a great week. Keep those 2024 goals firmly in mind and work towards them. I’m exciting that soccer is right around the corner and I’m ready to lace up my cleats! Until next week-

Be good to one another!


PS: I lost a few pics and all my tags trying to upload and I luckily had my recent draft so I’m just going to upload “as is” as I’m out of time.

The ‘Artistic Perception’ and Several Updates!

(On set ‘Lost Heart’ Premiere – getting ready for ‘Best Years Gone’ as Gil Gilles) * LOVE my coat!

Good morning my friends! I’m sipping on the coffee and looking forward to again sharing a few thoughts, updates and insights. This blog has been getting even more followers as friends share the blog with others. The artistic spirit can feel like a curse when you are unable to live it fully. But know it is a spirit that can manifest in all that you do. How you write a memo. How you lay our a display. Art can manifest at any job you do and often inspire outside of work art, if you do not get to do art full time (yet). I had a great meeting with our friend Mark at Pepsi and let me tell you the man possesses an artist’s spirit. It has taken him a bit to see that but every gardener is an artist and more. Every leader who uses creative endeavors and programs to nurture the best from his employees and co-workers is an artist. Leadership is an art to be sure. Art is to feel and ultimately to care, because you have something to say. That art can cause or stimulate the artistic receptors in others like when looking at a painting or a sculpture. Thinking of you Greg Zivic. Back to Mark who we met because of good people networking starting with Graham Turner, a health and fitness trainer friend. He started sitting in on meetings and was my martial arts partner when working out the action sequences for Man’s Best Friend with John Lennox. He brought his expertise in one area to CDI’s health and hospitality. This is our expanded version of craft service. Now he’s worked up into the office as a production coordinator. He’s an artist. True artists attract other artists who can sense sincerity and intent.

(Creative meetings at the office/fort are powered by Pepsi)

Full circle to Mark Balko at Pepsi who is more than just a contact he is a tribe member. He found a group who understood his artistic urges and did not feel odd or outcast but accepted. ART is the secret to doing great things. Anyone can follow instructions and bake but those who take it to another level is art. Grilling – we can all but flame to meat but for a true grill master it becomes an art. You should look for the art in all you do and some are already fully aware of it. ART is EVERYWHERE because it is a PERCEPTION! It can make your smaller market distributor a top in the country, GO Alpena Bears! It can make melt-in-your mouth pork and cakes that are almost a shame to cut into. Sometimes you don’t have to seek out a different circle of artists sometimes it is just being the one who stimulates that in others. Thus the art of leadership. All interconnected. I hope this helps a few of you to look at things differently. But I want to thank Mark at Pepsi for their sponsorship of CDI and our films. They were a sponsor on Harsens Island Revenge and we have some fun ideas for the Alpena, MI premiere end of the year. Even more exciting is their involvement in HOT ROD LOVE that we are working hard to shoot this year. Let’s move to that film to discuss for a few.

(Thank you to Pepsi, save the Coor’s Light which is thanks to Adam Towner)

HOT ROD LOVE 2024 – We’re pushing into new talks with potential investors and sponsors on our 1970’s dramedy with drag racing at the heart of it. We had more commitments this week and have additional meetings next week. We are taking steady steps forward to get the business foundation in place. It is a 90% business and 10% creative until we get all our financial ducks in a row. That is what the producers at CDI do is work to get those things in place. This film will be a blast to produce and I cannot wait to go location scout. With nicer weather we might do that sooner vs later but again I don’t like to get to deep on all that until we are a full go. We call that a GREEN LIGHT. Ironic isn’t it with a racing movie. The official start of pre-production. I’ll keep you informed as we move forward. Right now we are focused on those two things funders and sponsors. Thank you to those who have already committed and we look forward to telling another great story.

Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) UPDATES! I had an almost two hour talk with our director Carl Weyant while he is still in Brazil. He returns Feb 14th and we’ll get together soon after. He was working on the final 20 minutes of the film edit. With end credits and the opening scene we still have to shoot we are guessing 1:45 min runtime. Once Carl has landed back here we’ll plan our final scene shoot and also do a watch on the cut before tweaks and a picture lock. The Behind-the-scenes is being worked on and I’ll get a better ETA on that but my goal is end of the month. Once our director is back we’ll be working the theatrical poster and trailer. The trailer will help us now if a 3rd party theatrical will be getting involved in booking or if our theatrical division at CDI will handle. We had a good run with our previous release and I think we can do even better second time around. So either way, it will be a successful run. More on HIR next week but exciting things ahead.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The film just went back into Cherokee, Iowa’s American 3 theaters for a run last week in January. I know we’ve had some additional requests and I met with Shane Hagedorn end of week to pass along some returned DCP files for theatrical play. The home video release is still going strong and I’m just so happy that this story is growing each week. I’ll know second quarter how strong the film is doing since it released 4th quarter of 2023. It is all a process and the wheel turns. We still have broadcast TV and ad-based video on demand later in the year. Plus foreign sales should start appearing as the film travels to the film markets and gets picked up. The two museums in the town of Algona are already benefitting from the film just off our theatrical thanks to The Donald Tietz Foundation. Preserving history and helping the community! We should all strive to do such things.

(A beautiful scene from part 3 of THE QUEST TRILOGY – The Christ Slayer)

THE QUEST TRILOGY – As the sun and light starts its return and will slowly bring us out of winter we’ll soon be approaching the spring season of Easter. These three films have become a gems of the season and we’re so appreciative of all the fans who’ve made them a tradition. If you want to take some time for deep contemplation and to feel inner happiness take a watch. I watch them at least once a year and they always make my day better. Part 1 is FORTY NIGHTS, Part 2 CHASING THE STAR and Part 3 THE CHRIST SLAYER. Don’t let the title of part 3 throw you as it is a lesson unto itself that will make since once you watch the film. For you fans of Harsens Island Revenge, it stars our director Carl Weyant and he does a great job. If any of you on here watch them please do leave your comments here but also on http://www.imdb.com on the individual pages or Amazon‘s page if you rent/watch from there. They can be watched FREE with ADs on ENCOURAGE TV on YOUTUBE.

MISC: I could write a nice bit about each and every film but I will not take your time with that. But I want to thank all the fans of LOST HEART, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, BEST YEARS GONE and WILD FAITH who’ve reached out. I also want to thank all the people who reached out about my new agency for acting. I put my everything into the #tribeCDI and often neglect myself because I’m very fulfilled. I’ve been on the posters, the physical media art and so on. I really do enjoy seeing my fellow artists spotlighted.

I’m feeling good about by decision with Treasure Coast Agency because I like how they treat people. I got to experience that as the producer approaching them and dealing with them so I know first hand. So again thank you and soon I’ll be listed on their site. I’m looking into some new pics of ME not any of my numerous characters. That is hard because I’m always creating. Even now ‘Woody Jr.’ from HOT ROD LOVE is starting to form:)

In addition to my actor materials I’m trying to polish up my social media. I love the instagram mainly because of them allowing little musical snippets with your postings. So if you want to follow me there my new handle is officialdjperry so join me there. I do have two Facebook pages because the home page Richard Perry (DJ Perry) is limited two 5k and I’ve got about 2k in folks waiting so I started a DJ Perry run over page. It is also helpful when I have lots of PR that I don’t want to collide. So I’m trying to get my social media stuff up to par but I know it is lacking somewhat. I’m excited to meet this week over my FIRESIDE CHAT WITH DJ PERRY podcast that Adam Towner will be producing. We will be filming the first one this month and we’ll see how that goes. Many of you enjoyed the little video snippets I’ve done when my WordPress here was giving me trouble.

Speaking of podcasts my good buddy Dean Teaster is now working with “Two Average Joe’s” a cold case team, investigating the death of Dawn Louise Basom from Ypsilanti, MI in 1969 The link can be found here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srOWdtME-y8&feature=youtu.be

Aside from all this film and marketing work I’ve been preparing for spring. I love the nature around me and I’ve been in deeper study of my herbs and fungi and the beneficial properties. I’m looking forward to the herb gardens and we’re going to plant more clover around the yard. The chickens are slowly starting their egg laying again which for that we’re happy. This year we’ll be making several upgrades to the yard. I’m going to rebuild our compost bin and maybe add a few rain barrels. This week will probably have me do some more log splitting with the new set of axes. Last go around with Adam Towner and Graham Turner we killed two of the axes. But this warm spell will let me do a final round of splitting to be ready for the last blast of winter. Also soccer season is right around the corner and I could not be more excited.

I’m going to call it good here because I have to go eat and do some reorganizing to the office/fort after getting the new fridge in there. I’m looking forward to spending time with my brother and a few friends later in the day. Might do a run to a farm supply store to get a new snow shovel. My U shaped handle wide shovel is the best one I’ve ever had. Eliminates back pain and gives a strong arm and chest workout. It got a bit of a crunch with my cousin Bart Ketner stopped over. I should have had it in a better place. But on the positive he helped me string new lights up in the office/fort including a customized one he built. Plus he’s gonna get my yard chipper working. He’s a ‘Handy Andy’ as I like to say. I appreciate having him when my skills reach an end. But each year I get a bit better at my tinkering thanks to my handy friends. I am a work-in-progress:)

PS: RIP to Carl Weathers a great on-screen talent. I never met him but his loss felt personal having grown up loving his work.

Until next week. Be good to one another. Keep that artistic perception.

Coffee Cheers!


Thankful For the Journey Thus Far – Embrace the Past That Created YOU. Oh, and Film Updates!

(Done with the clean shaven for a while, snow is about to fly in the Michigan)

I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and sitting down with you all on this fine Sunday morning. I want to welcome all our new readers from Norway, Germany, Saudi Arabia and more. We are expecting snow here in Michigan today and the bitter chill is a precursor. Only a few more things in the yard to stow away until the springtime. This past week was a busy one with Thanksgiving falling on a Thursday. We went up North and spent time with family. Friday and Saturday were getting things ready for Christmas. I was happy to spend a little time with Dean Teaster who came to pick up a few of his props. He had several period phones that we used in Harsens Island Revenge. Saturday we got supplies for the chickens and also went and cut our Christmas tree. It is up and awaiting decoration which will happen over the next few days. I’m feeling thankful at this time of the season. I’m trying to slow my roll from the active year and recharge. I’ve had several great meetings last week both by phone and in-person. The fire at the office is a great place to sit around and throw ideas. Let’s look at some of the meetings and developments from the week.

  1. The top news is the special screening of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for one day FREE w/ ads at Encourage TV. It is free to subscribe and plays on Youtube, Roku and various platforms. Read all about it here: https://www.prlog.org/12995184-silent-night-in-algona-one-day-free-screening-on-encourage-tv-before-release-to-home-video.html and watch the interview here – https://www.facebook.com/share/v/MgHsnnVRqwsR6SVF/?mibextid=hubsqH
  2. On December 1st the film SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will start its DVD and Video on Demand run. A great family watch or a holiday gift for lovers of history. It can be found on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WMZK4FVE00Y7&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1701008715&sprefix=silent+night+in+%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-1
  3. Got word that SAVAGE, a Bigfoot story that I wrote and developed with director Lynn Drzick (In the Woods) was sold and script was produced. It is now making its way to digital home video on Jan. 1st. Read about it here! https://www.horrorsociety.com/2023/11/20/savage-the-bigfoot-legendlives-on-digital-platforms-jan-1st/
  4. This is AWESOMEEncourage TV has given CDI its own Playlist so you can watch all the family films playing on Encourage TV. You can now do a marathon of CDI films at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E
  5. Harsens Island Revenge is full speed ahead on editing. We are looking this week at a possible model boat explosion. I need to speak today or tomorrow with our director Carl on that front. Our Production Designer Greg Burns (GW) has created a group of Christmas cards using our locations and vehicles. If you are interested in these you can reach out to GW at gwburnsphotography@gmail.com (See the Harsens Island Revenge FB page to see pics)
  6. Knight Chills is performing well with its new Blu Ray release. I will be looking to get our materials back and set up the film in 2024 for streaming. Here is where you can buy the Blu Ray- https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=VH32AUSX4DRN&keywords=Knight+Chills&qid=1701010903&sprefix=knight+chill%2Caps%2C267&sr=8-2
  7. WILD FAITH is about to cross another mark on Encourage TV, EIGHT MILLION VIEWS! This will happen in just days and that number is increasing at all the platforms. We will be working hard to position the TV series HASTINGS for production. The demand is there we just need to get the right partners lined up. Creative control has been the biggest thing to deal with but we are making progress.
  8. DEVELOPMENT – This is a great time of year where we are planning the next several years of projects at CDI. I’ve got some good script writing on deck and we’ve been making moves on positioning other films to launch. We mentioned Hastings above and we’re actively looking at a primarily location for HOT ROD LOVE. We’ll be updating some of the materials soon which will also include the addition of Pepsi to our package as a sponsor. We will be approaching other sponsors and funders in the new year with the hope of rolling cameras in the summer 2024.

In wrapping up this blog, I reflect the sentiment of the recent holiday, appreciation. I’ve been enjoying meeting with so many of you as we prepare to celebrate a NEW release as our holiday WW2 film hits the market Nov 30th. We will be enjoying behind the scenes, posters and trailers for Harsens Island Revenge as we enter 2024. Our back up system for the CDI films is being build now and we’ll soon have easier access to footage. I am planning to release a 2024 CDI highlight reel on New Years Eve we will see. I was reminded by a friend that I need to enjoy the victories and not just jump to whatever is lagging or under performing. In time, but again I’ll take the moments to celebrate those wins. And I will say that this blog and all of you are part of that win. I appreciate those artists who’ve reached out and expressed how the blog has helped them. Sometimes it the stimulating of an idea that can be implemented into your own endeavors. Sometimes it is just the comfort of knowing that struggling is just part of living. If you picked the arts you’ve chosen the harder path. But I have been rewarded by the places I’ve been, the people I’ve collaborated with and the creation of stories into the world that would not have been there otherwise.

(Always the dreamer – I’ve done some biographical writing over the years and one day it might make a good book)

Off some recent conversations – For those just starting out. There is no shame in doing other work as you build a foundation. Writers pull on those early jobs. Remember write about what you know. I use to go home from my first job at PONDEROSA steakhouse with a pocket full of napkins full of my scrawling for script and movie ideas. When I managed a fitness club it also became my office. This was at a time of using calling cards for long distance so having phones set up for free long distance was a plus. I had a mail system which made send outs easy. But I also lived in Kinkos for several years – I remember having to go up there to get my Scream 2 sides faxed. That audition is what took me to Hollywood for the first time. Everything leads to something else. Embrace your journey. Patience is a hard thing to master and you might spend a lifetime trying to tame it. Faith that everything led you to where you are is also nurturing. Any variance or change could have affected many outcomes. Be mindful of the past and note the future but really do focus on the present. I’m spending this winter reflecting, recharging and refocusing – when the new year comes I hope to bring some hard fought and earned wisdom to the next leg of the adventure.

Coffee Cheers! Maybe 2024 will be the year of the full time coffee sponsor!

Be good to one another, DJ.

Practicing Patience and Riding the Waves…

Hazelnut coffee cheers! I’m sipping here after an active morning of getting the dogs around and fed. We’ve had some passing storms that last two days including a tornado up North in Gaylord. The clover seed we put around the yard should take off like crazy this week. I’ve already mowed twice but I see that we are close to another. Trimming, cutting, raking and fence work to shape the yard. The hops are already to the top of the patio. Various shrooms including Dyrad’s Saddle that I let be. On occasion I will try wild eats but the animals enjoy them also. The new chiminea is assembled and this week we got the new garden hose and hanger assembled and put into action. The fountain is set up and working nicely. All these little things help break up my office work which has been quite a bit as of late.

This past week was the dispersement of $ back to the many investors on our films. We are looking to get some of them to join us on this next film endeavor HOT ROD LOVE. We had a great visit with owners of a track that would look just great on camera. It creates a “field of dreams” like destination for racers and spectators. Also had a few great meetings on work flow for SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA and we’re staying on course. We’ve got almost all the deliverables in on FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH and also submitted to the Toronto Film Festival which would be a great premiere showcase for it. We are in hopes of hearing some feedback on a few festivals we entered SMOKE & MIRRORS into so that we could have a premiere visit which fans of the genre. BESTSELLER is prepping for a May 31st release and Amazon will be the main platform although we are waiting to see on Hoopla, Kanopy, Vudu, InDEmand and more. Come Sept 1st the Subscription video on demand and Ad based video on demand will kick in. BEST YEARS GONE will be coming July 5th and we’ll announce more of those platforms as we get closer.

On HOT ROD LOVE we are having things pull together a tad slower in this economy but we steadily getting there. My goal was to film two movies this year but with all the delays the obstructions, I’ll be happy to settle for one. We’ll likely roll cameras 6-8 weeks after full funding is committed. The Facebook site is a good way to stay connected and we’re also posting some great pics from the time period. We’re all excited about creating the 1970’s and several of us are already putting things in place. I’ve been forced to take my own advice and have patience. Things are unfolding and as they do we’ll keep rolling with that momentum.

ACTING– I’ve been growing the beard and hair out in anticipation of our 70’s film. Better to have something to work with in shaping the character look versus not enough. I don’t like to do fake hair and beards but will color when called for. I’ve had a film cameo presented that I’m considering and I’ll discuss this week. A close friend is associated with the film and asked me to look at it. I had another producer reach out asking if I would look at something in June so I told them to email it on over. I have to make sure the the cameo look jives with what I’m doing in the 70’s film. I can’t go way off course for a one day cameo but it might work out just fine. The other project I don’t have any details yet.

WRITING – This week I’ve had a lot of great progress on the new book I’ve been hired to turn into a screenplay/movie. I’ve been playing with several working titles that are perhaps more catchy for a film but have not landed on that one title. But I’m over a third of the way through the first draft and I’m loving the flow. I truly do love writing and creating these words full of interesting characters.

I was also approached by another author with a book, also interested in a screenplay/film, if I like the story. I said it might be a bit before I can circle around to it but I am appreciative that people are seeking me out. I always use to keep the writing in the background to my acting but I like the attention it has been getting. I look forward to doing some writing for others and letting them produce it from the page. There is a certain flattery to that process also. I will get back to some of my other passive writing endeavors soon.


This week will be more promotional pushing on BESTSELLER. We might reach out and have a few reviewers in the horror/thriller genre take a look. Some graphic postcards promoting the release will be sure to follow. I’m looking to bring some cool PR/BTS materials on the VFX and model work being done on SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. The pick up footage has just arrived and tightening continues on the edit.

We are working closer towards a Knight Chills, video game teaser. I hope to hear some word on the converting of Knight Chills to HD. We had some discussions on the sequel which we are letting slowly develop. This HD release will be the start of the new franchise push to market.

NOTE: This week my goal is also to keep the windmill set up in chicken-land. Our ‘girls’ have been giving us 4 eggs a day and fresh eggs are awesome. Our clover we planted should come on strong this week. Clover is a good food for the chickens and wildlife but also because of the root system might stand up better to the dog traffic. Always something.

As our reps return from France I hope they had a productive and pleasing trip. It is always fun to hear of new audiences for the films. We again won our soccer match last week and we’ll see if we can repeat on Thursday. I had to use glue and the vice to repair a blown out cleat. Breaking in new shoes can be a bitch so I don’t want to do that if I don’t have to. So now I’m a cobbler, no, I don’t make pies…shoes.

I go to a lot of flea markets and estate sales seeking fun props and wardrobe. You can also find lots of useful items that you use around the house for pennies on the dollar. I went to a great outdoorsmen sale ran by the ladies who sold me the furs for WILD FAITH. They were sewn into Hester Thickett’s coat and a piece or two might have ended up on Ben Lily. But I have people like this on call to assist with props when needed. I’m into primitive archery and so was this individual and I left with four bows. Two recurves, one a Fred Bear, and two flat bows. Add a hand forged knife, viking bookends and a few dinkies and I helped support another small business.

The new bows will be fun to shoot. I enjoy archery and find it very ‘zen’ but gun ranges don’t do the same for me. Nothing against those who do find the range relaxing but archery to me is more like fishing, chill. I enjoy stalking tree stumps as much as anything else. I almost played Robin Hood in a film fighting Vampires, true story. Robin Hood. Santa Claus. I have a few classic roles I would still like to play in my life time. On that note, I’m off to refill the coffee cup. Have a great week and be good to one another!


10 Awesome #TRIBECDI Updates to Kick Off Autumn!

Good morning to all of you and I hope your foray into Fall has been great thus far. I want to welcome the new readers from Russia, Ireland, UK, China and the Philippines. Coffee (or tea) cheers to you all and thank you for stopping by. I LOVE this time of year and I’ve been beyond thrilled to work on the films as the leaves turn and fall. I’m feeling like just shotgunning out some of the updates.

  1. The NCG Owosso premiere showing of ‘BEST YEARS GONE‘ is over and word has it that it is coming next for a Lansing NCG premiere on Oct 16th with two shows – a 6pm and 8:15pm I believe. You heard it here first. This week an event page and some PR will begin so some of the home town folks can enjoy the film. It has been remixed from the first premiere for delivery to our distributor and for our future premieres. I got a peek at some of the DVD/release artwork our distributor is working on. I think they are planning on a Feb 2022 home video release. Until that release we’ll keep at the theatrical premieres. If you’ve seen the film feel free to visit our IMDB.com page (also has a premiere video there) and leave a few words about your favorite scenes.
  2. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – pre-production is on the final run up. With a home office I get that great privilege of a short daily commute – about 30 or so stone steps. We’ve been doing more in-depth meetings with departments making sure they have questions answered. I was happy that one of my estate sale finds – a $5 military trench coat was the correct period and matched the photo I had. The office has been reaching out and getting crew agreements in line and this week cast will follow our set “day-of-days” coming from the AD department. We’ve had a few changes in cast and crew that happens when life happens. But I’m excited to see many of the Tribe and tell one last great story before we call it a year.
  3. WICKED SPRINGS HD release should start rolling out this month. That was an epic shoot back when we were rather young. I’m excited to see this rolling out to streaming platforms so folks can enjoy the story in HD.
  4. LOST HEART/BIGFOOT, UFO’s & JESUS – is starting to really pick up steam as the alternate title works into the marketplace. I had the chance to talk with many who have really enjoyed this film. The laughter and heartfelt messages play well with audiences and that is why we do it. This is true for MAN’S BEST FRIEND which again brought questions of a sequel which I’m not ruling out but it’s not on deck at this time. I was made aware of it playing on various TV stations like Charge TV. WILD FAITH just broke the 5-million views mark on Encourage TV and I’ll be taking more meetings on season 1 of the TV spin off. THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) is about ready to start its run once the ghosts and ghouls have their Halloween.
  5. As we follow the tradition of setting up new campaign runs for older films in the CDI library like BESTSELLER and THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ will be getting 2022 release dates soon. We just got everything submitted for one and the other is in the works. We are working to get several more prepped to release. Our distributor now has a general market label which is opening many doors of opportunity.
  6. SMOKE & MIRRORS our concept short is done. I was exploring how to help the location house with our film. We will look at some festivals also just for fun. The feature script is being retooled and will be great as an extended story.
  7. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – the first in a series of CDI in association with The Red, White & Blue Project Inc. documentary films. The locked cut is about done and so we’re going to master record the narration and do a once over mix/check at the studio with Dennis Therrian to prep the film for delivery. This brand we’ve created has a lot of growth possibilities. We also might look at a December premiere release likely at the NCG Owosso. Why? Curran Jacobs our director/host is from Owosso, MI. A lot of creative individuals from that area.
  8. I’ve had my second business opportunity in the past two months approach me over screenwriting. When I write to assign to one of our productions I work discounted knowing that the film employs many of our artists. I also produce and often act so there is much more involvement. On these “work-for-hire” projects I’m raising rates and even doing something like a writer/option whereas the script is written for X amount w/ a 50% copyright hold until the script is financed and the balance paid in return for the remaining 50% copyright. So they end up with complete ownership and have to go less deep financially to be able to shop. I still try to work under the minimums suggested by the WGA which I’m not part of by choice, and my cost of living can handle this. That again is what I love about Michigan. You could have a small crap box in LA or a country kingdom in Michigan for the same price. Part of the secret of productivity is being somewhere you like and that gives you peace between your often hectic dealings. I will pick up where we left off on negotiations this week and what is meant to be will be. But I do enjoy all the new writing opportunities. I am still looking at possible representation for the writing and still might try something out for the foreign market.
  9. As we discuss writing, one of my loves, I must mention a new book coming out. A few years back when WILD FAITH was moving and grooving in the theaters across several states, an author/book running that writes under Callie Smith Grant saw our film. She enjoyed the story/script and that led to an offer to submit stories. That has led to my participation in several of these books. This is the most recent one. Pre-order/order here – https://www.amazon.com/Dog-Who-Came-Christmas-Stories/dp/0800741250 a great Christmas gift!
  10. Producing, writing and preparing daily to play a new character on screen. I’m playing Lt. Col Lodell a fictional character based loosely on the actual camp commander in one major way. The ‘Golden Rule’ is the basis/foundation used during the operation of the PW camp. This character fit so perfect when I cracked the script back open to look at it. It feels close to where I’m at in my life with setting an example is the easiest way to inspire. Words can be wasted be the speaker or the listener if no action follows it. I just like to keep plugging away each and every day. I don’t feel in competition with anyone or anything. I feel like I’m just flowing like water (Thanks Bruce) doing my best each day. I’m doing the projects I’m suppose to do. So many stories to tell – I’m just very grateful to be able to. I don’t take that for granted. I try not to take any of it for granted. I’m just happy that I evolved to where I am. A place of good balance of mind, body and spirit. Learn to laugh at yourself. Forgive yourself. And wisdom that comes with ‘know thyself’…

(Above ‘Tricky T’ has been working with CDI since film #1 ‘Knight Chills’)

I’m going to wrap this up and maybe go make another cup of coffee. I’m looking forward to the week ahead. Also the old suitcase is going to have to come out. I like to slow pack over a couple weeks. I also have CDI stuff to gather also. This week we touch base with our Algona team. I’m going to go enjoy another soccer game with my niece and nephew playing. An art department meeting that I’m looking forward to. So many good developments on that front. As you study the time period some things seem very old although I’m convinced the black and white photos and footage makes it seem older. Other pictures could have been shot today. How we captured history has a lot to do with how we see it now. Just like old Civil War pictures. Once colorized – man! They really come to life. I love history and the stories that have carried down collectively to all of us. I will continue to try and put some of these wonderful stories to the medium of motion picture. Have a great week and be good to one another!


National Nominations, New Updates and ‘trying to be a Calm in the Storm’

(Chilling at the new post studio – in the pines)

I’m sipping the coffee on this beautiful Sunday. The last couple days have been partially used to start the yard clean up. Some more wood logs got chopped up ready for the next cold day. The garden is going to become the new ‘chicken land’ along with some raised bed veggies and new blueberry plants to join the others we have. Every year different new yard endeavors are put into play. The zip line has not yet been installed.

In the office I started moving pictures and paintings around after I acquired a new painting of an ancient soldier. Once I started moving things around it became an afternoon of trying to get it just right. The nice part is all this can happen while taking business calls. I had one day where I was on the phone 10:30 to 2:30 straight – but lots of good business was done. This is also festival and awards season for us. We’re very selective about our festival selections. You can spend a lot of time and money pushing out to all these tests. Let’s start with the fest updates-

International Christian Film & Music Festival – Lost Heart is up for overall BEST PICTURE, BEST DIRECTOR (Jesse Low), BEST SCREENPLAY (DJ Perry), BEST LEAD ACTRESS (Melissa Anschutz), BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR (Don Most), BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS (Victoria Jackson) and the PEOPLE’s CHOICE nomination for ACTRESS OF THE YEAR (Melissa Anschutz) and ACTOR OF THE YEAR (DJ Perry)

I’m so happy for the film and the growing response to the film’s story as it makes it way out into the world. A big kudos to Melissa Anschutz who took lead on this film with a career defining performance.

ICVM Crown Awards this year happening at NRB in Dallas Texas in June both “MBF: Man’s Best Friend” and “Lost Heart” have been nominated as one of the 5 finalist in BEST FILM UNDER 250k plus they might result in some personal nominations in the 18 categories.

Again we’re appreciative of the recognition. Many of these festival submissions are done by our distributor but we sometimes do a few select submissions. All the monthly and small online festivals are just revenue gathering models. I’m not against these just not something we chase. If more people become aware and watch the film I guess that is the goal.


BEST YEARS GONE the last set of notes is being sent over this week and those will be implemented and the film will travel to our post studio. The last inserts of footage and such will happen there before music and sound begins. I’m going to try and make the studio hang once a week to review and enjoy this process. The BATTLE OF THE BANDS has been getting some great submissions on the FB page contest. We are announcing another celebrity judge in Mr. Joe Pullin who has worked on all levels of the music industry. His full bio will be posted this week! Merchandise is starting to creep out with a cool auto sticker set and soon iron on Tee shirt logos! Go to http://www.cdiproductions.com and go to the merchandise section. We plan to also start an artist showcase and sell other artists goods for a commission. That is in thew works also!

(Mr. Joe Pullin – our next celebrity JUDGE)

THE QUEST TRILOGY – Tis the Easter season and so we’ll ask that you put your sandals on and travel with us to the desert. Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer can all be watched on various platforms Amazon Prime, Encourage TV, Tubi, Pureflix just to name a few.

WILD FAITH/HASTINGS is doing great and now that funding on another project is complete we can pour more effort in the direction of the TV series. We have planned to put the series in the Spring 2022 slot as we’re still getting past Covid and I’m needing more time to put this TV deal together. With eight 44 min shows this is a larger endeavor but one that I think will be coming soon. I have several follow up communications.


A CDI co-production “Locked in a Room” has gotten a new re-issue as AMERICAN LIAR now available on Amazon Prime. It is an R rated thriller with greed being at the heart of it. Shot in Detroit by writer/direction Larry Simmons – congrats to all the artists involved! Take a watch but watch out for “Mr. Creepy” 🙂

Discussions are underway for BESTSELLER to finally get out to a wider market. Knight Chills has multiple opportunities for a new release. WICKED SPRING is being worked on to release in HD.

WRAP UP: Many people are trying to navigate the storms of isolation, financial insecurity, stress, parenting and more. My goal is to work hard to create something stable. People feel “behind” as if a year has been stolen from them and in many ways it was. Now I’ve focused and worked very hard to keep my balance and in turn provide balance to the other artists struggling. I stated this week that I push forward with my “best efforts” daily, always. I try and not put any expectations beyond as it just adds stress because it is out of my control. Everyone is feeling the urge to RUN after the world Covid lockdown and that is creating a ME and NOW vibe rippling through society. Again I feel we make the greatest gains working together but everyone needs to pay attention to their own fire from time to time. You are no good to a circle of people if your own personal fire isn’t burning bright. I’ve tried to change as little as possible save what we had to for safety to give people an experience. In 2020 BEST YEARS GONE was that. This year is getting better Covid-wise but it still shadows over endeavors and people’s moods. But we will again do what we do and that is all we can do. Please be kind to yourself. Don’t hold your progress up to the same non-Covid standards. Don’t lean into what you do not do but what you were able to do. And be good to one another. This has been hard on everyone with some having it better and some worse. Help someone out this week in some way, shape or form and you will feel the joy of it. I’m going to carry on and we have lots of exciting announcements coming in the weeks ahead. Starting with more cast and crew will be announced for SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. Also business sponsorships will start this April and that is no joke!

Have a great week ahead.

Coffee Cheers!


Welcome 2021! Hazelnut Coffee Cheers

Happy 2021! Hazelnut coffee cheers.

Outside this morning is a winter wonderland. We had a cold front move through Michigan that first put ice on everything -followed with a heavy dash of snow. Now it looks like a beautiful Norman Rockwell picture outside. This has been perfect weather for all the indoor activities I’ve had to undertake. I’ve always worked to enter the new year more prepared than the previous. Just by the addition of the previous year’s experience I’m better prepared. But I also find Santa Claus most always want me to stay in step with the changes in technology. I’m still a PAPER person. The trees! I LOVE trees and would be fine with paper made from hemp. I hear a leather is being made from cactus. Even with my love of paper I still need to evolve. I just start to get the hang of something and they change it. But it really is quite amazing – we are living closer and closer to a Star Trek world.

I should be doing product reviews-

I was due since last year for a cell phone update and finally I did. My phone went from a model iPhone 7 to 12 PRO and so I had to migrate all my data over. I also had to learn the new this and that – the camera got more complicated but takes great pictures. Also I got two new audio devices. One is a JBL Echo 3 I believe which is a wireless speaker but this one has a microphone and can be used in group conference calls. You can set it in a room and talk from around the room and it sounds great. It also jams out in a most excellent way in between those biz calls, Lastly was pair of Apple ear buds and I pray I don’t lose them. Like sunglasses – if you buy expensive ones even if a fix it plan – you will lose them. But a cheap gas station pair and 30 years they will still be around. So my business tools are being updated and I’m thankful.

Our industry use to shut down for several weeks during the holidays and still does. But with social media mixing with our business does it ever really shut down. During these times are when I enjoy doing my writing. I have writing goals lined up for the year. I’m doing my official page by page this week on SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA with our director Anthony Hornus. Our last writer/director collaboration resulted in MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND which is a powerful story. If you have not watched it hop over to Amazon, Tubi or any numerous platforms and take a watch. This next story is just wonderful. I wrote it a handful of years ago about actual events at a WW2 German PW camp in Iowa. Rance Howard was my consultant on matters of the WW2 era and farming doing that time. The scout trip had me speaking with all manner of people in the area who all had stories to tell. We are very close to a full GREEN LIGHT. That means funded and moving forward to those unaware. We are starting to look at locations, casting and more but again that moves to high gear once fully funded. But the timing between getting the script locked and getting green lit should be perfect. I’m very much looking forward to telling this story. I will be getting a traditional WW2 haircut on the run up to filming this one.

The other project playing front and center is the spin off TV series from WILD FAITH. As our audience grows by the millions, we’re looking to do something we have not yet done. We have interest from several sources and its just looking at all the possible combinations and options. I’ll have a few conversations about the TV show later today and into next week. Like above, if you haven’t seen WILD FAITH due yourself and favor and return to a simple time. It is quality watching for the whole family. John Hughes asked to read the script several years ago and left a message that the film has all the charming qualities of the old Disney films and TV. I think he was right on the money and that Wild Faith will turn into a memorable series. And yes that will have ole Ben Lily returning.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH will resume filming this year. That is the doc film we started end of last year. It is about the history of catch-Can wrestling and the passion of a handful of martial artists bringing it back.

SMOKE & MIRRORS will be completed this year. VFX and credits are all that need to be completed. The feature film script is something I’ve been working on. I had a nearly finished script before we did the short. Now I am doing a page 1 rewrite having gotten to know the characters even better. This is a great ‘Steam Punk’ early 1900’s world and the characters are amazing especially those played by David Gries and Melissa Anschutz but no surprise there.

(Finn visualizing – more walks, more treats, more…)

I hope that everyone is ready to visualize their goals and get after them. I’m going to enjoy doing some writing on this beautiful day. I plan to go stoke the wood stove in the office and make a few calls. After I want to sink into some script writing. I hope you all have a safe start to your new year – work hard and be kind to one another.


A Morning Reflection on ‘Mr. Brown’ and Updates From the Films – Casting/Crewing

Hazelnut coffee is toasty warm goodness on a chilly Michigan morning. Welcome my new readers from Vietnam, Indonesia, China and more. I suspect some of the new films are releasing to our friends in Asia. I know Poland, S. Korea and more have been licensing. Let’s start by talking about 10-4 two years ago. On a very different day which was warm and windy we said goodbye to Luke Brown (Mister Brown). He was our furry boy that we spent several years fighting his illness until we finally had to let him go. We did it at home and it was sad but beautiful and peaceful and not under any duress and for that I am thankful. Shortly their after we brought the “dog-faced gremlin” Finn McCool into our family and with him came happiness again. Today I awoke thinking about my boy and a glance at the date let me know why. I know many of you have lost those special family members and they always bring out the best in you. If you have been thinking of enhancing your life with a furry family member do so. And I encourage you to adopt and let the joy enter your life. Our old Daphne is still kicking it no longer quite the spitfire starting the play fights. She is enjoying her winter years for sure as is our remaining cat Lulu. You can read about Lulu as my contribution to the book-

My next contributing story is in a dog book and is about Luke Brown and his encounter with a reindeer. I will surely let you know when that is available in the next year. Yes. Lonnie (Book editor) we were at the Jackson hidden raceway.

Raceway? What am I talking about – well, BEST YEARS GONE! Our next CDI film is full speed ahead. We will gather to start filming at the end of the month. We will be looking at resumes and talking with recommendations for a few crew roles but also looking ahead to 2021 where we have a TV series HASTINGS coming together and a WW2 film. If you have strong office experience we will be looking at coordinators. On this film we also have a few crew spots in G&E and camera support. Feel free to reach out direct if you have the experience and/or interest in joining the tribeCDI. We have some incredible cast, crew, sponsors and a funny yet inspiring story to tell.

I mentioned WILD FAITH‘s growing audience giving spark to the TV series. I really want to bring this to Michigan and it looks promising. This winter I will make the push to get this fully greenlit (financed). This will require adding more artists to the CDI team. We might start working with a casting director just to help bring options to the table. We producers are mostly actors and enjoy taking the time and care to make sure the chemistry is proper.

Speaking of chemistry – I think audiences are about to be in for a treat with LOST HEART. This is week #2 of our national campaign and it’s exciting to see the build up. I know that the reaction has been great. Mike Huckabee saw our EPK (Electronic press kit) and watched our trailer and has invited Melissa Anschutz, Don Most and Victoria Jackson onto the show. We are getting ready to have our cast and crew premiere screening at the Double JJ Resort on the 17th of October. We are filming the pre-party and afterglow as part of the event premiere screenings via Encourage TV on Nov 7th and 21st. I will be having family and friends for the Nov 21st showing since I will be back from filming BEST YEARS GONE. We’ve been posting other interviews and PR that our artists have been participating in. Many of these are being posted on our Lost Heart FB page @lostheartmovie

THE QUEST TRILOGY – Anytime is good to take the adventure and watch FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER but the holidays make it even more special. Our distributor is doing a new campaign which includes a trilogy trailer. I’m excited but if you wanna get the jump on watching them – go right on ahead.

Okay I’ve spent the last 10 minutes trying to figure out these insert blocks vs writing – technology. I’ve had several fans reach out over MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND and I want to thank you. This pandemic had interrupted and killed some of the PR/festival/event roll out for this powerful film. That said, people in their own time are finding, watching and being moved by the film. As I noted in the opening Luke Brown was my inspiration and was beside me while I wrote the script. It is a great tribute to my furry buddy and I think it is connecting with many audiences out there. Take a watch free with ads on Tubi or Encourage TV and of course on Amazon and many of the other platforms.

SMOKE & MIRRORS – the music is done and our director Nathaniel Nose LOVED it. We’ll start to put the credits together as the color corrected footage comes to us from DP Jesse Aragon. I’m excited to finish this feature script over the winter for forthcoming production.

We’re currently attaching sponsors onto our Lost Heart premiere, our ‘For the Love of Catch‘ documentary film and onto Best Years Gone so if you have a company, product or service needing millions of eyes please do reach out. This week was also prepping for winter. This week wood was cut but some needs to be split on our Viking Days:) I racked the wine to the secondary this weekend. We brought out all the fall decorations. Our chickens are doing great getting to know their new home. We’ll do some more work around the homestead today and next week (tomorrow) -it’s back to the business! Coffee cheers. (LOOKING FOR A COFFEE SPONSOR!)

I apologize for losing my flow of words trying to figure out all this new block stuff on WordPress. I might have wanted to throw my laptop once this morning. Be kind. Be safe. And keep at your creative endeavors!

Talk with you next week.


The Weekly Round Up – Who is Ready to See ‘Lost Heart’ ?????


Flea Market Finds!!!

I’m fresh back from one of the local flea markets. I love to find past treasures that often end up as props either for a film set or a character. Not just for me but for others also. I’ve been just on cloud nine with the soon-to-release LOST HEART. I was really happy with the writing blend and even more on how Jesse Low and the cast and crew all performed and captured the story. I was heavily influenced by Spielberg when I was growing up. I think LOST HEART has a good mixture of humor and adventure and leaves you with a ‘feel good’ vibe. A film like MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND could not do that and keep the message strong. WILD FAITH had that uplifting ending as did FORTY NIGHTS and even THE CHRIST SLAYER. But CHASING THE STAR was written as the ‘Empire Strikes Back‘ of the biblical adventure trilogy. I’m excited that for this holiday window (Thanksgiving to Easter) they will be pushing the trilogy as a whole. They are best when seen all together. A new TRILOGY trailer will be edited by our distributor.


Back to LOST HEART you say! As I told our team – the film is done. The film is delivered to the distributor. It will be seen by millions around the world. So good job to our team. But we are now fighting for the icing on the cake. The theatrical events and premiere be in drive-in, theatrical or yes, even online. We are exploring a one night online premiere that would allow EVERYONE to participate in the event. The idea we have is a good one and would be DIFFERENT, but could be powerful. Its would include filming the pre and post party and broadcasting that with the premiere showing. The film will also be going to various networks to evaluate for ‘exclusive release’ or a period of time where the film can only be seen at this channel for a month or two. I would enjoy seeing it play on TV a while before the whole home-video release. We will see as talks continue this week. I don’t care how you all see the film we’re just looking forward to it being seen.


This month will be some investor dispersement as several of the films are earning steadily along. There is a fair amount of bookkeeping work that happens so that end-of-the year accounting goes smoothly. Watching the films and leaving reviews is a couple ways you can help small business. Many of you have been supporting us as shown by the numbers and the fan mail and we cannot thank you enough. You are why we tell these stories and we will continue to entertain you for many years to come.

Master copy

SUBSCRIBE TO THE TRIBE at http://www.cdiproductions.com 


  • More talks on the WILD FAITH TV series ‘Hastings’ including with possible partners in a western studio. I’m excited to see the on-going adventures.
  • Putting presentation materials together on the new WW2 film slated for 2021.
  • NEW poster art and setting up first interviews with our Catch-Can documentary.
  • NEW poster art underway and audio evaluation with SMOKE & MIRRORS dir and post-audio.
  • Announced make-up department for upcoming BEST YEARS GONE the ladies from Gals and Ghouls.
  • Soon to announce some of the first sponsors working with us on the BEST YEARS GONE movie.
  • Worked final edits on my new book contribution with editor on ‘Second-Chance Cats’ book and signing deal on the next book contribution which is a book featuring dogs. My story is about my Luke Brown who was my inspiration in the MBF film.
  • This and a few other opportunities has me thinking about literary representation again.
  • LOST HEART BTS is forthcoming – just wrapping up some paperwork.


Is it MSU football time yet?

I’m going to sign off and do a few things around the homestead and the office. This past week I got to peel off a day and go to a couple of lakes with family. I’ve been getting things around for the beer and wine making and I’m going to get one or both of those going. We have new fall crop in the garden and we’ve started taking tomatoes. We had a few days that reminded us of fall coming. I know that wood stove and chill will soon be in the air. I hope everyone keeps the course and try to have patience with one another. Coffee toast – we’ll talk again next week.




Don’t Become a Stereotype Fighting the Stereotypes -Exciting CDI Updates!

Wild Faith cabin

Good morning my friends! On this thankfully cooler morning I’m sipping my hazelnut coffee and chatting with all of you. I noticed that many new friends stopped in last week to read my blog on the Virus of Hate. The world still reels from the actual virus and works to more forward with business and any sort of normalcy.

This week I split my focus on doing some outdoor work along with my indoor desk work. Outside I redid the perimeter of the office with cedar mulch and increased the room on the porch. Also the gate path was updated so that a small cedar bridge awaits new visitors to the office.


This week I worked hard to organize all my project notes and to push to finish several last details on the LOST HEART movie. I’m happy to report that color correction is completed. The VFX should all be complete as well and audio has a final mix on Monday before everything starts to be rendered together into one final movie. We are all so excited and we’re also exploring premiere and event options. It is sad that several movie venues like Goodrich Theaters have closed. I will be speaking with our distributor Tuesday but likely we’ll have two months to do any theatrical (drive ins?) that we can before an Oct. home video release. This movie is just what people need some humor and heartfelt adventure:)

This coming week I’m in hopes of releasing PR on the music of LOST HEART. We have another amazing score by Dennis Therrian and added music from the band Roanoke and…paperwork will be coming back this week and art is being done but I just can’t let the cat out of the bag just yet. That is an awful saying. But this other pair of artists come from a legendary music family and we’re proud to have them involved. One more week of waiting – you all can do it. I’ll give this hint- they are from the Nashville area. I know that doesn’t help much:)


Twin trouble in the upcoming ‘Best Years Gone’

BEST YEARS GONE – The new version of the script is ready for cast and crew. We’re in talks with sponsors and this week we’ll be looking at what B-Roll and VFX shots can be done in advance of the main shoot in the fall. We’re doing some location scouting, vehicle  hunting and looking for all those special things to showcase in the trailer. Travis Hayward will help us to capture some beautiful images that represent the wonder of Michigan. If you have a business or organization that you want to align with our inspirational film please do reach out. Our upcoming PR for BYG will focus on a pair of talented make-up artists that will be joining us again on this next adventure. I so appreciate all our cast and crew and we work hard to help people be a bit better stepping off our set versus when they first stepped on. I’ve watched many artists grow up right before my eyes on our sets.  TRIBECDI!

Encourage TV

MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – I received more fan mail over this movie over the weekend and I’m so happy that the film keeps expanding via word of mouth. We had several festivals lined up to showcase this film and we were/are nominated on several fronts for this film. I hope we can bring this film out to Hollywood later this year and to a few other events. If you have not seen this movie you should. It will stand as one of my most challenging roles but one I will cherish for a lifetime.


WILD FAITH  – We made some more steps in the development of the TV series ‘Hastings’ as the pilot feature keeps growing its audience as well. Of our distributors films – WILD FAITH was again the #1 watched film on several platforms. Many platforms are focusing on the ‘Social Justice’ films and we certainly qualify. We were recognized for promoting such themes in our story as noted by the award above. Much like the ‘inspirational’ awards I like this one because it represents everyone’s work and the end result.

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FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER – In honor of Chuck Heston our biblical adventure series is licensing around the world so that millions can experience our stories. I’m excited that a new trilogy trailer will be releasing in the fall for the start of the holiday window. (Nov. – April) I love Yuma, AZ where we filmed these movies and I’m beyond proud with each new territory that shows our films. Do you have a favorite in the trilogy? They are meant to be watched all together and in order. Have you experienced The Quest Trilogy? Watch them!


as “John Choler” in HEAVEN’S NEIGHBORS

Do you want to go old school and see some early CDI films? We’re started releasing “The CDI Classic Collection” starting with a pair from CDI’s own Jeff Kennedy – HEAVEN’S NEIGHBORS and FIGURE IN THE FOREST – add them to your collection today!



We do have plans to release a double feature of KNIGHT CHILLS and FROM VENUS at some point. Also we have other ‘COLLECTIVE COLLECTABLES’ coming your way. DEAN TEASTER’S GHOST TOWN tee-shirts are also on the CDI Ebay site. Stay tuned for more as we develop the website for the merchandise. If you want to advertise your company or service along with a CDI brand or product please do reach out. We want to use these millions of eyes to help you get the exposure you deserve.


as “Will Burnett” in GHOST TOWN

Last week we discussed some of the development projects and we’ve been strengthening the presentation materials for those properties. I also had a wonderful conversation with a filmmaker in New Mexico that might lead to some sort of collaboration. A lengthy conversation showed me another like-minded artists who might be able to assist a few of the projects in development.

My 3rd BDay

DJ Perry Bday party before my candles became a fire hazard

Thank you to all those that sent birthday wishes last week. I’m going to wrap this up for now and this morning they have a flea market we like to walk. We came home with a lawn chair on our last adventure. I love seeking out props and such at this places. Treasures to be found for sure. I might put a mowing on the yard today or wait a day or so. I was going to discuss all this talk of boycott and hiring but there is no definitive right and wrong in my eyes. I do think it’s a mistake when people use a ‘one size fits all mentality’ with issues. It’s lazy and it hurts the respective cause much like that one actor who said he was ‘racially attacked’ but he wasn’t. Police shoot a suspect who pulls a gun aiming at them is much different versus someone being shot running away with a taser. Blaming entire groups of people for the actions of a few is again just a stereotyping. Breaking News should wait before reporting in some cases because retraction hurts the cause, the source and only benefits the media. I appreciate and respect the media I just urge responsibility. Slow down…no problem with saying, “We don’t know” and report as the story develops. Enough of all the soap boxing as if we don’t get enough of that. I would have a drink and chill with any of you no matter what box you check in November. I hope wherever you are that you have a safe and productive work week ahead. And again – be good to one another.



Turning 50 and Exciting Film Updates

2019 roles

So I want to give a welcome to our artistic minded readers from around the globe. This past week was a good one with a few milestones. I think the most recognizable one is that I had a bday. I turned 50 years old. I find that kind of hard to believe as I feel as young as ever. The occasional knee or lower back issue will remind me once in a while I’ve got mileage. I had a great quiet day visiting with my dad in the morning and dinner on the patio with the moms. My surprise gift was a beautiful fountain that flows down in three falls. It is part of a new lawn area for relaxing and soaking up some nature. The patio is also a very serene place to do some work. The hops have grown up around it giving some wonderful shelter.

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Speaking of hops I’m close to putting a run of beer and wine in motion. I’m also about to start picking some mulberries and I’ve been harvesting rhubarb. The garden strawberries are getting stolen perhaps by a lucky rabbit. We have some much wildlife about it is just a joy to watch them all each day. I know one of the other belated bday gifts and I don’t want to drop it here but it is for the entrance into the back yard. The stone path that that leads to the fort office. Speaking of office today I will be installing a high end air purifier. I’ve started taking some small in-person meetings at the office and so safe is a good thing. Let’s look at some film updates.


WILD FAITH continues to grow an audience and we’ll be having additional discussions on ‘Hastings‘ the TV shows. I will return to work on some of this now that my Movie Magic software is updated to my operating system.

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THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) keeps widening the audience. In a few short months we’ll be hitting our prime window again. We are working to have a cool trilogy trailer.

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MBF: Man’s Best Friend – Thank you to all our fans of this heartfelt movie. We are working to see if we can get a few more festival showings out of it also.


LOST HEART is almost complete. We are mixing the audio and doing the final paperwork on a few drop songs. Early feedback has been just wonderful. Soon audiences will get to make up their own mind on all that.


BEST YEARS GONE – A new version of the script is being reviewed. We spent a few weeks punching up some dialog and highlighting the ‘Racing’ theme in the film. I’m excited by some of the developing deals. Music. Rock & Roll. Drop the beat! It is going to be a fun film. We have pushed the film to our last window of 2020 to try and put some distance between us and the virus. Plus it is giving us time to put a few great things into play. It has been giving me ample time to put together my next personality I’m bringing to the screen.


DEVELOPMENT continues and the ink is nearly dry on two other CDI projects. Also we’ve reassigned three CDI associated films to a new distributor and we’ll be doing some PR on that as we head into the fall season. Overall just so many possible new avenues to explore and develop.

I’m going to end this here so I can likely give the lawn a mow and do some mulching. I also need to pick up and install the office purifiers. In our town of Lansing we are seeing how one viral hotspot can from from zero to eighty plus in just days. I see many gatherings and even shoots taking place with little or no precaution. I just hope that these outbreaks don’t send us backwards into a more restrictive situation. Masks are not political they are just a common denominator of health. Help knock this virus back by doing your part.

Stay safe out there and be kind to one another.


Coffee Cheers – Wine Making, Lost Heart, Best Years Gone…and more


Welcome new readers from France, China and South India – welcome to our circle of artists. I’ve got my hazelnut coffee here beside me and I’m ready to discuss some activities from the week. For starts I’ve been exploring an upgrade to my account so that I can have some control over the ads. If they are going to be here they might as well be things that pertain to what we all do. I’m also looking at reviewing a few items here and there and such. But let’s look at some of the highlights of the week.


NATURE – This is something that most artists already know but a healthy connect to nature is a secret. The property is a natural garden of sorts. We are prepping to start the garden up with strawberries and rhubarb already showing. Apple blossoms and mulberry buds starting. I planted a hill of beans and some onions. I see the first of the ink tip mushrooms but no morels as of yet. Last night I did my first cooking of dandelions. If you read up they are all edible and full of nutrition. I cold washed and in a pan cooked them down in red cooking wine and garlic. I stirred in a few almond slices also and…bitter. I ate a few good bites and you could get use to it and I think longer cooking could reduce bitterness. Also different spices may help.


I harvested the roots that I like for tea but I will need to work on my cooking of the greens. I’m reading on the wine process. I’ve drank dandelion wine but never made it. I might try dandelion, rhubarb and black raspberry wine. Add a little home grown hops which is already going gangbusters. The last wine the GRAPE APE was well received so I’m planning the next wine. Same with beer as I’ve got a new Irish Porter I think to try and make. The beer always goes fast (vikings:) but the wine does also pending the company. So my days find balance with some yard work. Try it and you will find that your days will be much more balanced.



OFFICE ZEN – I’ve been using this time to deep clean and organize the office fort. It’s been great fun to walk down the lane remembering all the trials and tribulations of the artistic journey. I’ve noted that our endeavors have paid out millions to artists on both sides of the camera and the support industries. I’ve found great pictures and promotion from films past.

I think in light of everything in the world virus-like – I will be adding an outdoor pergola and seating/meeting area to the office. I’ve been looking for a while. A few more tree trims and maybe an improved property fence.  For my fellow producers I will likely be installing a boost, extender…to enhance office internet. I like it low tech as that is where minds meet before going off into our tech-ridden world. I’ve been having lots of phone meetings and much has been getting done. We have some exciting projects in development and others about to be completed. Let’s talk movies.

90014352_10157767726050306_8951653001047572480_n The fan mail keeps coming and the films continue to sell deeper and deeper into the world market. Mexico, Brazil and much of Latin America has gone on a ‘quest’ watching THE QUEST TRILOGY.

Audiences young and old are traveling to 1870’s Michigan with Emmett, Haddie, Grace, Henry and Uncle McKinney in WILD FAITH.

Viewers have cried and cheered with Paul Landings in MAN’S BEST FRIEND. And the cautionary tale of ASHES OF EDEN pushes out an important message.

During these times our artists are proud to give you inspiration, hope, distraction and direction. Thank you so very much!


LOST HEART  – VFX, Color Correction, Credits and sound design are underway. The music is nearly done and marketing with the distributor is being conducted. Long time collaborator Dennis Therrian is again composing a wonderful soundtrack. We might have a few guests joining the band Roanoke.  DVD artwork is almost complete and we’re all very excited to share this story with you.


I will discuss one thing I’ve seen a ‘trend’ with and that is minimizing front credits. I’ve had multiple directors push to get to the story unhindered by credits. I don’t agree. While directors have gotten more powerful in Hollywood and can push for such things we play in the indie world where I stand by the fact that I’ve never paid an artist what they are truly worth. I can’t because some of them, most of them are beyond a price tag. What we can do is honor some of the main artists contributing and complete that journey with end credits. I don’t like on TV when they speed those end credits up but networks are dealing with time slots only. I see the opening of the film as a slow slip into our created world. The kudos of credits that slide across the screen give added appreciation. So my taste in music, my style of dress and my general interests may never be ‘trending’ or trendy but I am okay with that. I’m a touch old school and I admit it. I love the slower pacing of classic films. I enjoy black and white classic Hollywood films that played at my grandma’s pretty much 24/7 save when Law and Order was on:)  Maybe one day those like me holding onto a non-trendy, through-back storytelling will be GONE WITH THE WIND (My other grandma’s favorite) but until that point – stay classy.


BEST YEARS GONE – I’ve had some interesting talks with our next project. This week we chatted with actress Cindy Williams who did a small bit for LOST HEART. We were looking to bring her in a bit more to the CDI family and will if scheduling permits. Once the storm lifts and productions can move ahead it might be like the wagons in the gold rush. Or some endeavors may have suffered from the economic hardships. Luckily, our ship sits in the harbor stocked up and ready to sail. STORM: 45 is what we’ve been calling this operation. Someone suggested it was a good name for a WW2 film. Simply it means that 45 days from the storm of regulation passing we’ll move forward with a safe game plan. Like many we’ve already been focusing on all this as well as doing prep work. Scheduling, shot lists and soon zoom actor reads will be enacted.



This week we’ll be announcing a few more of our actors. We’ve got a pair of twins co-starring in the story. For those roles we’ve looked at reads from across the country. I’m happy to say that we found our twins and they are going to be wonderful collaborators in our film. You can see them up above. To find out who they are join our BEST YEARS GONE Facebook page tomorrow.


and remember to ‘Subscribe to the Tribe’

at http://www.cdiproductions.com

It is funny that someone mentioned WW2 film in reference to STORM 45. The big 2021 film is going to be a WW2 film directed by Anthony Hornus. It will be his follow up to MAN’S BEST FRIEND. We’re about to launch a national casting for the young lead in the film. We’ve been putting the business together behind the project and it looks like the first half of the financing is about to fall into place. I’m looking forward to storytelling in this time period. Maybe our secret code word will be Storm 45. Ok. That’s already taken so for now ‘Untitled Anthony Hornus WW2 film‘ will just have to work. We are also looking for German actors and actors capable of speaking German. Be honest with those resumes and special skills;)

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This TV series is gaining momentum. We had talks with our distributor and a few 3rd parties either about finance or licensing. Every month our fans of the Murphy family and the zany characters of ‘Hastings’ grows. Some of the larger licensors of WILD FAITH will be approached on pre-licensing commits but I think it will only be a matter of time. In a perfect world this would land after BEST YEARS GONE and before the WW2 film. This is not a perfect world but we have a lot of creative folks and will adapt as needed. The first season will be 8 shows. I think audiences will really love to learn more about these deeply evolving characters in a changing world.

In thought

We have development on animated features, documentary films and several features in development. I personally am also excited that I’ve gotten to do some writing on my SciFi script. We’ve got a few great ‘space/technology’ consultants and some concept art is being working upon. Merchandise of various sorts and expanding services will be developing as more artist join the CDI Tribe. I’ve been using this time to plan the next 10 years for CDI. We have a clear path and I’m excited to see what is produced under the flag. I’m going to wrap this up and get to some outdoor tasks.

Be good to one another! Coffee Cheers.


Loss of a Friend and Using Time Wisely

The sun has come through the clouds and I’ve got my coffee here with me. Welcome new readers from New Zealand, China, Philippines and more. As we ride out this event as one  many things have changed. For the first time in the world we’re dealing with something as WE versus ME. I think it’s the first time in my lifetime and maybe everyone’s lifetime where this unified perspective prevails. These next couple weeks are suppose to be hard on the population. It is interesting how as this ramped up everyone was asking each other if anyone knew an infected person. In a matter of days the answer became, “I know someone who knows something and a day later we all knew people. This event will effect everyone either by loss of family or friend.

With the virus attacking my concern goes to the more venerable. I have been making a few calls a day to catch up and check on friends. I’ve been meaning to circle back with a friend and associate Ray Nikolaison whom I produced ‘Book of Ruth’ with a handful of years ago. He has been having health challenges but steadily getting better and we last talked of a few film projects in development. I was planning to check with him this weekend when I was sadly informed he passed away. I’ve not confirmed that the virus did this but was told it was a possibility.

Ray and I talked for years before ‘Book of Ruth’ came together exploring all kinds of funding options. Ray was a deep voiced, dry humor man who worked slow and steady towards a goal. He would call and always ask if he was talking to THE DJ Perry. We shared many mutual friends like Dan “Grizzly Adams” Haggerty who passed a few years ago. We had some lengthy conversations over scripts, distribution and acting. He joins a growing group of artists who have left the game. No more struggles to tell a story. RIP Ray and thank you for creating with me over all these years.

I’ve been blessed to receive such great fan mail from all the people out there watching our films with their families and solo while in isolation. WILD FAITH is getting known as a story that plays equally well for kids and adults. MAN’S BEST FRIEND is bringing the plight of wounded veterans and dogs to the masses. THE QUEST TRILOGY (FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER) is a perfect watch/re-watch for the Easter season. The films are all on Amazon, Tubi and many TV networks and platforms. I know UPTV just included THE CHRIST SLAYER amongst the Easter classics, must see’s for Easter. That was our goal to create some new watch traditions for families for many years to come. WICKED SPRING, 7 STONES…feel free to explore the entire collection.

I’ve been doing some watching myself and on SHAMELESS I’m seeing many old friends like Charlene Amoia from TANGY GUACAMOLE. Sammy Peebles whom I worked with on MAN’S BEST FRIEND. I hear rumor that Josh and Scott Perry from THE CHRIST SLAYER are on that show. A commercial comes on and there is Denny Doyle, Bob Shepherd…fun. I’ve been sorting through all my paperwork from 20+ years. My emails and folders are slowly being sorted also. This is the time to catch up on everything that has piled up over the last few years. I’ve also found all kinds of interesting PR news stories, pics and tidbits from this crazy journey.

We’ve been working post-production on LOST HEART and prep work on upcoming BEST YEARS GONE. We’ll be announcing more of our cast and crew this week. Our schedule is being tweaked and we’ll be ready when the storm passes. I’ve been having lots of fun developing this new character of Gil.

We’ve also been looking at several other possible projects to follow. HASTINGS the Wild Faith TV series has lots of good things starting to line up. I had another network exec watch WILD FAITH and comment on what a great series it will make. It will. We will. It is all about visualize and taking steps every day.

Aside from all that I’m getting the office and yard in order. I might be adding a nice outside gazebo for outside meetings as well as inside. The garden is being prepped for a new season. I saw the first growth of rhubarb and the popping of violets. Soon the mushrooms will be popping followed by mulberries, raspberries and strawberries. I have to trim the apple and mulberry trees. Maybe strawberry wine? Maybe. I might also do a run of beer also. I just need one final thing to brew that up.

I’m not going to wax on and on but the point is this storm will pass. Will you be right where you left off or way ahead due to organization, planning and implementing? I plan to be the latter. One of the secrets to success is self starting and time management. Reels. Bios updated. Use this time wisely, don’t give in to worry and waste. Be kind to one another and stay safe. I hope we all appreciate one another after this. I also hope that other world issues that affect all of us – ocean/water clean up, air clean up and wiser use of natural resources. Cures for other diseases such as cancer if the entire world focuses and shares. I see lots of good acts being born of this crisis. Be the change you want to see.






Secret of the 3 A’s, Virus Effects and More…

It is a sunny beautiful day in Michigan. I’m sipping at the coffee and reflecting on the week. Welcome to the many new readers and followers from France, Finland, Netherlands and more. We welcome you to our little weekly space to enjoy a few moments. Let’s talk first about the worldwide issue that is uniting the world in many ways. I’ve joked in the past that it would take an alien invasion to make us realize we are all one tribe. Or maybe a new virus? It did not bring out the unity as much as the panic in the USA. The toilet paper thing is crazy as if you used every square of paper you could still work your way through tissues and many paper products. The Sears catalog back in the outhouse days was tissue and reading. And lastly the cloth or jerseys of your least favorite sports team.


We are a “want it” generation and people are afraid of being without their “favorite” this or that. How many of us eat right down to the last handful of rice or beans? Some do and would be fortunate to have a few handfuls. So eating what we had versus what we want and we could survive a year or so without shopping. Also if Americans lost a little extra body fat that could only be a good thing. I think the impulse or fear shop is just an interesting observation. I think part of it is the hustle mentality of many who survive in a capitalistic society. I saw where someone had made a fast 70k off disinfectant supplies. People flip houses, cars and just about anything with a mark up so that doesn’t surprise me. I don’t think it is polite and could have consequences but it is what we’ve been taught. Survival instinct runs off fear. Fear is a powerful instinct to help keep us alive.  When fear is controlled and channeled it can be a great motivator. Use fear but don’t let fear use you. There is a difference.

DJ Perry

The science behind it seems simple enough. If mass groups interact and infection happens all at once it can overload a medical system. In another light – if only one month a year people came together to procreate in nine months you could have a maternity overload. But spread out across the zodiac with babies born all year – order can be maintained. This is worse because a pregnant woman knows why she is there. With illness they have to identify and take precautions not to join the infected. It is all about spreading the flow out so that sick folks can get the best treatment by rested medical people with the right equipment. If you want a fictional peak at crisis medical watch MASH on TV. Always understaffed, under-rested, under supplied trying to save lives best they can. It is often imperfect and sloppy and the best they can do with the situation. So we the people can help by limiting our social interactions for a bit and help our medical teams. I see people really going out of their way to help others but also we see the fist-fights over groceries. So much to be ashamed and to be proud of – choose your path.

Dean Teaster

Outside of the health aspects is the financial aspects. Many cannot avoid some social interaction and sharp declines in attendance will devastate some small businesses. One of the ways you can help our small business is when inside your self imposed sanctuary take a few days to watch the CDI films. I’ve got family and friends who haven’t seen the entire collection. This is a good time to catch up. In the film and TV production world many are getting hurt as projects take a pause. I have seen some producers make bold claims and I’m brave and honestly not afraid of the virus and myself. Do I want to be day 8 on a 15 day shoot whereas we have crew spiking fevers left and right? No. So what is the plan?

Greg Mason

CDI officially moved into pre-production last week on BEST YEARS GONE. This comedy/drama has been coming together and our casting and crewing talks are underway. We have WINDOW 1 shoot dates in May and two weeks out from our on-set pre-production week we will evaluate. We already have a second WINDOW worked out and we’ll move to that pending our first evaluation. Beyond that we’ll likely go up (start) 30 days after we declare that we’re moving ahead. Evaluation and caution is not about “lack of balls” as I read from one producer but a responsibility to the money people. If this person is financing his own project, risk away. So the fine line is knowing our cast and crew could use the paycheck but don’t start something you can’t finish properly.


That said, we’re moving ahead in strength. More cast announcements this week and more to come. Yes. We are a tribe/troupe and you will find many familiar faces on a CDI film but the circle is always getting wider.

Anthony Hornus

We also just concluded a major weighing of options for another key crew member. At CDI we evaluate many attributes in our keys.

ATTITUDE is #1 – I’ve heard that so and so is the cranky piss and moaner but they are so good…don’t care. Next. To have a fighting chance at a good product you have to have a good attitude overall on set. That starts with the top and goes down. Do you just point out problems or do you contemplate and contribute solutions?

ARTISTS – Being an artists comes pride in the work, passion and not being there just for the paycheck.

ACCOUNTABILITY – We also work off accountability. If we allow a key 1st to bring a 2nd there is accountability. We want people who work smart but if they make an error they see the power of accepting that. I have to take the accountability for what everyone does on set. Even people I won’t re-hire for quite some time I see as a failure on my part…in part. I can try to create an environment to succeed within but some will still sabotage themselves.


The 3 A’s is a good start. With a TV series looming we’re starting to increase the depth of team. All these cruiser weight films are preparing our crews for the bigger steps. I reinforce development of people versus pointing out someones flaws or bad learnt behavior. If you are a KEY development is part of what you’re teaching by example or by direct influence. I’ve allowed a few to be promoted to keys who proved by their actions they were not ready. PLEASE GO HOME, like in the Shaolin Temple:) This development is so important and also relies on good communication. Patience and a willingness to learn is another great trait to work on. I see a LOT of false confidence which screams the opposite. I try to empty the cup and learn everyday. Try it.

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We spent a good amount of time on the world situation. I will bullet point a few other notes from the week.

  • MBF was accepted into the Capital City Film Festival and that has been pushed to Summer. Our festival run might get janky with all these cancelled events.
  • MBF was up for several nominations at the ICFF in FL ‘Most Inspirational’ and People awards for the script, lead actor and filmmaking – status of fest unknown
  • Wild Faith viewing has been spiking at various AVOD sites which you watch for free and the advertisers pay. It is like streaming old school TV with commercials. Tubi I think works on this method also so if you want to watch some CDI films free by watching commercials – we still get paid:)
  • The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) – I’m looking to have a ‘Trilogy Trailer’ done next.
  • CDI continues to look at film 2 for 2020 and some of that depends on launch date of film 1 – BEST YEARS GONE.
  • LOST HEART – Need to jump into end credits – we have lots going on here but most important is music and sound design. We are focusing on landing a few “exclusive windows” vs pushing theatrical. First with Goodrich Theaters filing bankruptcy last I heard and major studios holding films back, theatrical schedule is gonna be tight for the independents after all this blows over. But we have a wonderful film coming at you this late summer/early fall.
  • Want to see the film where I first met Melissa Anschutz watch “7 Stones,” my first starring role watch “In the Woods,” A found footage film shot in the Philippines watch “Darkest Night,” Shane’s first directorial feature with CDI watch “Ashes of Eden”…explore and enjoy.
  • We are about to start talks with partners and product sponsors for our next film. We’ve always appreciated the shared marketing so if you have a company and want to be involved in a CDI film reach out.


I think I hit all the main points. I’m enjoying cleaning up the yard and office and getting ready for this year’s garden and get togethers. We’ll be restocking the wood bins to season up for next winter. The old wood stove kept the office toasty. I hope when we sit down to chat next week that things have moved in a positive place. But use this time away from the hustle and bustle to look inward. You might be wonderfully surprised by what you find. Or you can lie in your baby pool full of Purell surrounded by an igloo of toilet paper rolls in your root cellar listened to the ‘Breaking News’ – sun is shining:)

I hope everyone has a great week ahead. Be good to one another.


LOST HEART the Final Stretch and More…

I’m sipping my hazelnut coffee from my room at the Double JJ Resort. I’m close to being wrapped with my character of Niles Cass in the film LOST HEART. It’s been a great ride thus far with only a few small bumps in the road.  Luckily, when you have a great team gathered you address and flow past those issues. We truly do have a great team of artists who are also problem solvers not creators.  I was again so proud the other day when we had our new friends Susan and Norm out to set. They are the owners and until recently ran the Double JJ Resort for several years. That duty has largely been passed down but they are the ones who still care deeply for the resort and it’s on-going future. They know that keeping your word, taking pride in your work and maintaining excellent customer service is what keeps people returning. So again it was a pleasure to have them visit and see the ‘zen’ flow of how smooth our set runs. That night it was all chill save the occasional radio communication at basecamp calling the roll out. Like Susan and Norm, we’re making some great contacts and friends in this area and are seriously considering filming in this area again.


Our newest mid-western WILD FAITH, is really heating up now that the DVD’s are for sale including at the Wal-Mart. Here is fellow producer ‘Tony’ Hornus at the Whitehall store. If you have not seen the film please do treat yourself. After if you feel inclined to leave a few kind words please do so.


MBF: Man’s Best Friend is delivered to our distributor and is now being prepped for the theatrical and home video run. It will be great to get this story out there to audiences. Paul whom I played in the film is one of my most challenging characters to date. I wanted to properly represent the soldiers who have been wounded, sacrificing themselves to keep us all safe. A premiere is in the planning so stay tune for updates on that and also the other releases.

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The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) continues to expand and I’m exciting for the upcoming holiday season with all three films complete. I hope that several TV networks pick them up to watch together. All three are available to purchase or rent.

I’m going to go get ready to drop stuff at the office and have lunch with the crew. I’m back on camera tomorrow so I’ll be refreshing myself with those lines. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.


CDI Prepares For the Next Story-Voyage

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Hello everyone,

I hope the weekend has been good to all of you. I’ve had a busy and productive week both in business and just in getting things done. Where to start? I started the week a touch low because like many families out there I have a sick uncle. He has been more of an inspiration and influence than he knows. His fun wear what he finds comfortable is practically a mantra. His storytelling is simple and engaging and I’ve been thinking of my uncle and cousins at this time. That said, it also reminds us that age not withstanding, that tomorrow is not promised. So boldly we move forward, creating and living.

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Soccer has been fun and getting me into strong running shape. Running 70-80 minutes of stop and go in all directions will do it. I’ve been doing lots of yard work and prepping for the garden that is now planted. Beans, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, pumpkins and more are in the ground. I’ve also installed a retaining wall around the office porch. I need to put some grass seed down. All the stuff I enjoy doing while making business calls.


I’ve been organizing acting ands literary materials for future work with this new agency. I had a possible opportunity to write for a TV series but we’re in preproduction on LOST HEART and I don’t want to do any less than my best at either endeavor. Lesson here for people not to try and do too much and do poorly at both things. So first on deck is LOST HEART which I was the screenwriter on. It is a funny and emotional character study with the bizarre and wonderful Northern Michigan as the backdrop.

Low Res Wrap

We announced Lauren LaStrada joining our cast last week and we will announce Cassie Dean this week. She will play a younger version of our lead in some key scenes. Also we’ll be announcing the addition of Don Most from Happy Days fame. He played a strong supporting role in MBF: Man’s Best Friend and will step to a co-starring role in LOST HEART. I’m exciting to have him joining us again.

A Father's Prayer

MBF – The music pass is complete and now mixing is underway. I went into the studio last week and did my final narration. We will be working end credits this week and prepare for a final watch through. I’m excited for audiences to watch this film. If you have a soft spot for our military and/or animals, dogs in particular, MBF might be for you.

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The Quest Trilogy – I’m going to be exploring merchandise in the coming year. I would like to see a few products available as we move into the next holiday season. If you take a watch on FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER please leave us your thoughts on IMDB.com or amazon.com


WILD FAITH – This month digital rental becomes available on June 24th the day after my Bday! So do me a birthday solid and watch WILD FAITH with your family. I think all ages will really enjoy the film. Oct 17-19 WILD FAITH will play the Happy Trails VA Style festival. I think the film is playing on a Saturday. I will provide more info soon but I know Darby Hinton will be there to talk about the film and the genre. In July the DVD will release at various retailers. My goal is to see it at Cracker Barrel🙂

We have lots of development work on a handful of projects. I was also approached about a few possible acting roles. I will need to read the scripts and see if the characters speak to me. Exciting days ahead but right now I’m most excited about bringing the story of LOST HEART to life. Again we have more companies aligning with our film. Feel free to reach out on how your product or service can participate.

With that I’m going to go do some mulching around the office.

Have a great week.




Welcome JUNE 2019 – Updates

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June has just started and it has been unnaturally chilly and very wet with several storms passing through the last month. The yard is bursting to life with growth and soon berry season will be upon us. I’ve been harvesting rhubarb for wine-making and I think it is time to bottle the HOPPY GRAPE APE wine I made last season. I look forward to sharing some wine in the months ahead. I’ve been enjoying our soccer season and although most of the games have been wet and rainy I’m having great fun. I’ll keep working on the yard that is again the target for a returning woodchuck I named ‘Dig Dug’ 🙂 He caused me to redo the entire front porch of the office/fort with a ground wall, cement, rocks and logs. It looks nice but wasn’t planning on that being the priority. Today if it dries out it will be grass mowing and grilling.


On the personal development front it looks like the new representation for my screenwriting and acting is underway. Paperwork will be exchanging soon and I might’ve had a first writing assignment on a TV show had LOST HEART been on deck. As a first assignment I did not want to try and do too much with all the pre-production at hand. Let’s talk on that…

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LOST HEART – We’ll have a locked schedule tomorrow and I’ve already been in first contact with several actors and agents. I hinted last week at the return of Don Most to CDI’s LOST HEART and after my Friday conversation with his agent, another trip to Michigan is happening. He will be starring opposite Melissa Anschutz (Seen above as Mother Mary) who is playing our lead. If my final conversation start of the week goes as good, we’ll be announcing Don with another great co-star.

We’ll be having another production meeting this week with our director Jesse Low and our team. Some crew talks have started and so we’ll be reaching out. All I can say right now is that the location on this project will be beautiful. The lodging and such may be one of our coziest yet. I’ve said it before but aside from getting great footage at the end of the days I want our cast and crew to have a memorable shoot that they can laugh, smile and recall for the rest of their life.

We are interviewing some office staff UPM’s and Prod Coordinator’s so if you think you qualify please do reach out. You will not regret it:) More on this fine project will be announced throughout the month. I look forward to seeing some old faces and meeting a few new ones on this shoot.


I’ve made a lot of updates on WILD FAITH and The Quest Trilogy so today I’m going to pass along a list of some of the foreign territories releasing the films.

FORTY NIGHTS – Brazil, Benelux, S. Korea, Mexico, Romania

CHASING THE STAR – Mexico, Africa, UK, Greece, Netherlands

THE CHRIST SLAYER – Mexico, Brazil, S. Africa

WILD FAITH – Latin America, Benelux

  • Digital rental is June 24th for WILD FAITH

These lists will keep growing with each film market. I believe they just returned from the Canne Film Market so we’ll have more territories we will release into. I want to thank our hard working distribution folks.  If you are a buyer and your reading this – do reach out to Bridgestone Multimedia Group.

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MBF: Man’s Best Friend – So I was in studio doing some final narration last week and I also got to hear one of the final pieces of music for MBF’s powerful ending. We’re in discussions with our distributor as we prepare to cut the final theatrical trailer. It is a beautiful thought-provoking story and I think audiences will take to it. We deliver the film June 30th so soon after theatrical audiences will get to watch the film.

We have some other exciting development underway on several fronts. I look forward to the continued release of the trilogy and Wild Faith that might include a few special screenings. I know it will be playing HAPPY TRAILS VA STYLE this Oct. I believe. I will give better date and time once the screening time is set. We will know soon if we will play at the WILD BUNCH film fest. They have wanted the film since we started it. Also some great developments that could push the TV series even further. My new agency-to-be also really likes the film and there might be a few possibilities there to assist as well. I really enjoyed watching the DEADWOOD Movie. What a great world they created. Congrats to all the artists involved with that film.


Don Most looking to return on CDI’s next film “Lost Heart”

I’m going to wrap this up. It was nice yesterday at a family graduation party to see Doug Emerson who follows this blog. Also met another nice lady who had seen THE CHRIST SLAYER in Texas. I had attended a memorial for another old friend prior to that and it was nice to meet some great people. Several of them expressed how much they enjoyed the films. Aside from here in this blog or doing an interview I don’t carry on too much about the films. It is nice to meet some of the people “in person” – and to hear what they enjoyed about our films. Our films have been seen by millions of people over the years but I seldom get to speak directly to them. Know that we do truly appreciate you all taking the time to listen to our stories.

OK. I’m going to go mow the lawn (Movie Star activities:) and fire up the grill.

Have a great Sunday and week ahead.



Wrapping up the 2018 Year – Looking Ahead to 2019


New readers from Samoa and China joined us last week. I know that the filmmaking experience (resources, distribution, audiences) changes slightly from culture to culture. But at the heart of it we are passionate beings who love engaging in the storytelling experience either as listener/watcher or teller. I love being a creator and being an audience member. So yesterday basically two years to the day we finished the final elements to THE CHRIST SLAYER. Our director Nathaniel Nose came in and we polished the final mix/design with our incredible Dennis Therrian. His musical score is absolutely one of his best. The complexities and grandiose arrangements take you back to the classic days of Hollywood. We worked with Mr. Sundberg on our color correction, conforming and final composition. Last night at the office we shared a few beers and looked at the wide-screen, color corrected final master. A few of the final VFX shots have to be rendered into the timeline but I was blown away. Jesse Aragon, our DP did a wonderful job. This was the final film in The Quest Trilogy and is likely the largest scale production to date. CHASING THE STAR had more animals but the VFX in THE CHRIST SLAYER makes it the largest scope to date. Both the director and I liked the epic inspiration of Lawrence of Arabia and that soundtrack was with me in Yuma, AZ when we filmed.


The previous day we tweaked a few Mother Mary lines. This film has some powerful female characters in it. Especially the roles played by Melissa Anschutz and Christine Marie, who appear as they’ll be co-starring in a CDI film this spring. Brittney Risner and Carl Weyant give a classic Hollywood love relationship. And Josh Perry, will simply steal hearts. Amazing supporting performances across the board by Dean Teaster, David Gries, Bob Shepherd and more.  Taymour Ghazi, Shane Hagedorn and my departed mentor Rance Howard brought the power one last time. Rance’s performance might be his last feature film role he ever performed. The final scene we share together in the film was our swan song to working together. I’m very proud of it. We talked for hours about that final scene. He made notes and adjustments – just two costars working out our motivations. I recall being so proud of Rance and feeling how special it was, never guessing it would be our last story together. Now all the elements will start to be pulled together for an upcoming delivery to our distributor. We’ll soon get to see how audiences enjoy this film as it travels to theaters and to home video. Stay tuned for CDI’s most epic adventure yet this Easter season.


I’m excited for everyone to get back to the office in 2019. I will be ready for a slight rest from the intensity of final post. You work end credits so hard knowing that by Murphy’s Law some misspelling or missed ‘thank you’ or name will take place. If your ever on the receiving end of that – know the filmmakers likely did not intend that. I had one situation that was suspect only because the misspelling came after working on a project whereas one producer on that project was NOT brought back on a film CDI was hired to reshoot. Either way, it showed a disregard for my brand ability to draw my audience to that film. No business reason why, so perhaps it was a true mistake or maybe it was personal. I don’t hold a grudge, but it makes me less likely to work with that company again. I passed the second time I was invited but it was partially timing, pay rate and the role also.

NYC Time Square

Integrity matters.

When in post this week, I was sent a news story that a Detroit-based – I struggle for the right word. I will use filmmaker, because he has made films. But in a promotional news story for FOX he claimed to be a producer on our CDI Ghost Town movie, our 2006 Lionsgate film. SMALL ISSUE  – he wasn’t. He did not exist in pre, prod, or post production and was caught trying to do some head shaking actions in conjunction with this film. I didn’t really like, nor trust this person from day 1 and tolerated him out of respect for one of my producers until that head-shaking point. After that, I was done with him. Easy enough. These people burn themselves out as their true nature is revealed. But I would never go on a TV interview and openly lie and use it to promote myself. I was questioned if I should have legal bring it down. I might. But the justice in all this is I get calls on people about their character, integrity and true place in the film community as I see it. Yes. My opinions and sometimes my direct knowledge of someone’s actions. I’m always honest. I warn or endorse people simply by saying if I would work with this person or not. I’ve been contacted often. It’s a small film community and I do know many people who trust me to shoot them the straight skinny. And I have.


I recently had a great discussion about what another peer filmmaker is developing. All of it was heavily tainted in my mind all because one of his close partners. I’ve had first hand experience with that person and actually let them go. Not a bad person at all. I just would not risk any further capital on his efforts. Would you re-enter a situation with negative elements/variables? This fellow filmmaker lamented the often true statement of how every set he’s worked on has had the cancer of negativity. I’ve had a few “negative” situations like this over the years but those elements were isolated and corrected or dismissed.

Bottom line. This is not some vanity game for me but a noble tradition of storytelling. I’ve been blessed to have several great crews working with us but that all starts at the top. That means conducting good business, constantly streamlining your communication and having a solid battle plan. I believe in our artists and I’ve grown as an artist with many of them. We don’t participate in these popular film challenges, although they teach new crews excellent finishing skills. One friend, had his possible award-winning short disqualified because run time ran over by seconds. He could have either A) Organized a social media gripe that his team was treated unfairly for petty seconds of overrun or B) Accept responsibility that as team leader it was a costly mistake made by their team or him. In football they say it’s a game of inches. So start taking accountability as a new year’s resolution and watch the new growth happen.

I’m in hopes to discover a few good projects, properly funded to come act on this year. I also have to connect with the script/role as you always should. Aside from that, I plan to produce 2-3 features with CDI this year. I’ve had many new folks reach out about financial involvement and we’ll entertain those interested parties once I’ve addressed my current backers with opportunities. Beware of any investors that also bring too many strings attached. Sometimes those strings can be the downfall of a project. I’ve seen it happen.

Other Films-

We’re around the 1.3 hour mark on MBF and should have first cut in a few weeks. I would love to lock a cut by the end of Jan. we will see where we sit very soon. I think many of you enjoyed the behind the scenes MBF short we released on Christmas Eve.

WILD FAITH new art, theatrical dates and more should be announced soon. It’s heading back to big screens in March across the country. Home Video dates follow close behind. Those dates can be found on the FB, official Wild Faith or IMDB sites.

I’ve been in the trenches hard-working on these new films to bring them out of post. Once I get a few days rest here while our tech guru’s assemble and deliver – development will continue full ahead. I also plan to set my goals in writing for the new year and see how close I came to last year’s goals. Have a great wrap up to your year. Be safe and plan your 2019 approach. If you would be so kind you can take a watch on our past and forthcoming films. Handcrafted from our family to yours.

Have a great Sunday!


Merry Christmas – Holiday Updates

Today is the 23rd of December – the final days of 2018 are coming to a close. I’ve been bouncing between the sound studio where the final touches are being done to THE CHRIST SLAYER. Our director will be coming in to work the final mix after Christmas. Speaking of – we’ve had one of three family Christmas gatherings. Yesterday we enjoyed a good meal and opened presents with my brother’s young ones. We had a good time and from there I went to a yearly holiday dinner at The English Inn, a cool turn of the century manor house turned into a restaurant. Prime rib was my choice as I only eat red meat a handful of times a year. I felt a little sluggish this morning likely due to the Guinness beer added on top, but it was a nice holiday treat with old friends.


Today will be spent getting things around for the other two Christmas gatherings. I will be stoking on the fire in the office stove, trying out my new boiling vessel to make mulled spice wine. I do love that we got a powder of snow which makes it all so much more pretty.


Some journeys will be finishing up, such as The Christ Slayer and new journeys lie ahead. I’ll start talking to our investors about our new film projects. LOST HEART which has distribution lined up will be setting up for a spring shoot. We’ve been looking at cast and directors.

Also some moves are being made on the much-anticipated sequel to CDI’s 1st film KNIGHT CHILLS. We’ve been reading new possible leads and discussing the script. Lots to set up before we would shoot this one but good development taking place. More on this soon.


Also this year I want to package the original 4 CDI films into a DVD collection (Knight Chills, From Venus, Heaven’s Neighbors, Figure in the Forest) – the early years. Put BTS and interview material on there. Maybe do a few educational retrospectives. Because they were filmed in standard def many of these are having a hard time finding new distribution. We’ll see.

Merchandise is another 2019 goal – I want to see more of this. We might be pulling together the backers for this endeavor.

Representation – I have had several regional agents in the beginning. I’ve had CA/LA agents both large and small. In the recent years I’ve just rolled with legal and handled my own business. I cannot help but think that more could be done with the right representation. I will explore this more in the new year. I’m excited to get back in front of the cameras. This year wide audiences will get to enjoy Jesus (again) in THE CHRIST SLAYER, Ben Lily in WILD FAITH and Paul Landings in MBF.


Speaking on MBF – we’re looking to release a BTS piece created by David Gries, directed by Mel Anschutz and shot my Graham Turner during our shoot. We’ll release either Christmas Eve or Day, maybe sooner:) The film’s first edit should be close to being complete. We’ll do a fine edit in the new year.

I’ve said it before but in advance on part 3 of The Quest Trilogy (The Christ Slayer) releasing, I would ask you all to watch Forty Nights and Chasing the Star. They are an excellent watch for the holiday season.

I’m going to fire up the creative engines and get to making new art. I do hope to be approached for participation in new creative acting endeavors. This might be the year RACHEL, RIFLE, FAMINE and a few other films launch. I also plan to produce 2-3 films this year with CDI.  What I’m meant to do, I will. Work hard and have faith in your path.

I’m going to get back to finishing up things here. My new furry boy Finn helped me rack the new GRAPE APE wine this past week. We had a little early sampling on our Viking Day this week. It’s our day of friendship and wood chopping. SKOL. I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful Christmas. Let the spirit fill you and be good to one another. Keep some of this holiday cheer and carry it through the year with you. Allow others to have their opinions. Listen as much as you speak. Look for unity with your fellow citizens.

Peace to you all.


A Season Begins – Holidays Ahead

Good morning everyone. Coffee skol!


With business, it’s been a crazy week but also exciting at the same time. Personally it was a mixed week with a memorial yesterday for my aunt. It was great to see all my cousins and uncle but the bubbly laughter of my aunt was missed. We are hosting a second puppy playdate today to see how our remaining dog Daphne interacts. We’re looking to bring another member into our little pack this month. The holidays are hectic but our personal schedules slow which allows for some bonding and training time.


The snow will soon come to lower Michigan and I’ve been working in the yard to try to winterize. Our Viking Thursdays have been cutting some wood for the fort/office wood stove. We had some good visits around burning logs this past week. Let’s discuss some of the battles from the past week.


I like to stay ahead – prep for upcoming things. Our distributor had a good response to MBF at mipcom and wanted a teaser first look at footage for AFM. I don’t like rush jobs but in two days the team pulled together a trailer for AFM. We need to sit back and fine comb the footage. A tailored music score needs to be added along with a re-recorded Voice Over. We are looking to have that done but at the same time we’re trying not to disrupt the work flow on – THE CHRIST SLAYER.


I’ve seen the rough DVD poster art that BMG is using at AFM. I like it. It’s a slightly different style from the first two and features some of the characters from the film. I know that is pretty common and some like that and others do not. Either way it’s very polished. I like our teaser poster and I look forward to sharing the DVD art soon. I have not seen the entire wrap. I hope to have theatrical info on the film so we can PR the entire release schedule.


WILD FAITH is also part of those theatrical talks. We’re also working the home video deal. That includes the celebrity narrator we’re adding to the film. We almost had that recorded in LA last week. We had a studio on stand by and I was coordinating between agent and our director. Shooting on a project running over nixed that session and now we’re looking at Nashville next Tuesday. I’m in hopes we can close that down soon. Another great 2019 release!


LOST HEART development is ongoing. What I like about this film is a zany group of characters whose antics and actions offset the heavier aspects of the script. It has several solid messages woven into the fabric of the script. It is more grounded versus some of the other more high concept stories.

I’m also enjoying my writing on the Sci-Fi project that I recently spoke to a distribution company about. The literary agent review will continue into 2019. The stories I wrote for the book collection of horse stories is prepping for release. I’ve got to return some paperwork on payment this Monday. I’m looking forward to more book contributions in 2019 also.

Our other holiday films FORTY NIGHTS and CHASING THE STAR are starting their holiday season. DOVE streaming, UpLift Network and more are featuring some of the stories. I’ve stated before in was a dream to have the trilogy play together every holiday season. Last year the first two films were playing often in rotation and I’m exciting to be adding the third THE CHRIST SLAYER. From Nov 1 – Easter is going to be a fun ride.

Fun also not just because of the business but because of friends and family. I’m going to end this so I can get cleaned up. We have the puppy play date followed by a family bday get together. We’re also putting away the ghosts and goblins and the Thanksgiving stuff is coming out. The squirrels are loving the remains of Halloween. Those pumpkins will not go to waste. Have a great week everyone.



Ancestry, New Awards and Announcements

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Good morning. I want to welcome new readers from Belize and Qatar to our little weekly circle. Lots of interesting things to discuss but while I’m welcoming people here it makes me think on ANCESTRY. For Christmas we decided to do our DNA test and see what our family history actually is. Here is my breakdown – EUROPE WEST – likely German 46%, Great Britain 33%, Ireland/Scotland/Wales 16%, Europe East 2%, Finland/NW Russia 1% and for trace amounts under 1% – Iberian Peninsula (Spain/Portugal), Asia South (India and surrounding region), Europe South (Greek) and Scandinavian (Viking). So I’ve enjoyed discovering the trace amounts and think it is completely amazing that we’re so connected. This kind of enlightened knowledge can make the mindset of people more unified. I knew the first three but  I’m happy to know what else lies in the past family tree.

This week also was great for writing. I’ve been working on the script for what will likely be our next CDI feature film. I’ve been sitting out on the patio surrounded by hop vines and sipping coffee. The story is starting to really flow and I’m excited about where it’s all going. This week will include more time spent with the imagination.

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It was a week that saw a few good meetings at the fort. A few new meetings including a local director. Always fun to get to know someone and see where their journey is taking them. Also had Curran Jacobs out this week. He’s one of my co-stars in MBF: Man’s Best Friend. He also resenting became the World Champion for Catch Wrestling, the premium style pre-WW2. It’s making a come back and I’ve enjoyed watching the matches on SNAKE PIT’s Event site. Curran was battled MUCH bigger opponents. I watched these monsters go from no respect to major respect. That is because respect is earned. He earned respect. That is what we must do in all our engagements. I’ve seen in our industry circles people with a bit of success who withhold or fail to give others respect. They view them as unimportant and with little to nothing to contribute. I respect everyone until they give me a reason not to. From top to bottom on our cast/crews EVERYONE is important. I’ve observed people acting this way to others and that alone is reason to keep them at an arm’s length. Life is too short to have toxic people in your circle even if they have access to something helpful. No when to say no, because that is what will define you and your work.


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As the holiday season is around the corner we’re looking to market our trilogy, getting people to enjoy Forty Nights and Chasing the Star before we release part 3 The Christ Slayer. Part 2 just won a silver Crown Award at the ICVM this month. The theatrical trailer for part 3 released a few weeks ago. If this looks interesting please do go back and watch part 1 and part 2. This films could be enjoyed if you never stepped one foot in a church or never cracked a bible. It is the age of style of the parable of telling stories that gives something back to the audience.








The film is having music and sound design work done and I’m looking forward to that. Our composer Dennis Therrian will bring forth a powerful and inspirational score.



We’re going to be playing on the big screen at the AMC in Burbank, CA on Sept 8th – please do join us and take a trip back to the 1800’s.


We’ve got some exciting things happening for the home video release and things are developing for the TV series. It is still too early to discuss it but it is all very exciting. I would like to see the TV series go into production back half of 2019.

My name is Paul Landings

‘MBF‘ is all on the computers and editing is ready to start in full. We’ve got great ideas for the teaser trailer and will have one to release in the fall. It was an amazing experience and I look forward to inviting this team back together. We’ve just released our first official still and we’ll be releasing 1-2 a week on our FB social media site.  Follow us here! Thank you to all the military and dog supporters who have joined us.


Additionally I have heard that ‘ASHES OF EDEN’ will be releasing in another country but I will let Mr. Shane Hagedorn announce that once the ink is dry. This film can also be found on Amazon Prime if you’ve not watched it. I really do love the role I played in that film.

Today we have another soccer match. Last week we played a tough squad in the blazing heat and won soundly. This is a good kick off to the second half of the season. I do enjoy the battle each weekend and the second half of the season leading into fall is my favorite. This week I’m looking to bottle the FRANKENBERRY WINE because I need my carboy for the upcoming wine. We have lots of wild grapes growing around the garden. I’ve been researching recipes and I’m excited about trying something new. Thanks to the squirrels we have a few vines of either pumpkin or squash growing around the yard. We had to also shut down the access by a woodchuck under the office porch. I think he has moved on. I look forward to the week ahead – more writing, more development, more post work and more enjoying time with people. Have a great week and be good to one another.



Getting to Know the CDI System and Project Updates


Good morning! I’m writing you from the deck of my patio that has hop vines wrapping around all it. (The pic above from the spring) The squirrels are busy picking the last of the ripe mulberries and birds are singing while playing in the bird baths. Without question the coffee sits beside me flooding me with the wonderful taste of hazelnut. If I cannot find a coffee sponsor in the next few years I just going to open a coffee business. I have to try harder with some of the local Michigan roasters.

The office fridge might have seen its last days. It’s almost fully defrosted and we’ll see once we plug it back in if it lives. If it’s dead I’ll be getting a more fuel-efficient replacement. The one now was from my buddies basement where we would skip class at MSU, drink beer, play pool and listen to jams. It’s been a worthy chiller of beverages so we will see.

This week was a hot, humid wave that’s not really to my liking. It was followed by just a few extremely beautiful days consisting of warm air and cool winds. During the heat wave I got a lot of writing and paperwork done while watching the various nations go at it on the World Cup soccer field. Let’s look at a few of the movie updates.

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I’m happy to say that the domestic home-video deal on the 3rd film in The Quest TrilogyTHE CHRIST SLAYER is signed. It will join parts 1 & 2 at Bridgestone Multimedia Group. The Christmas theatrical will be followed by an Easter home video release. I’m excited to have all three out there together which will reveal more about the overall storyline. Interweaving of the story arc goes through all three stories/movies. IF you have seen part 1 (Forty Nights) or part 2 (Chasing the Star) please do leave a review on amazon or IMDB and leave what you took away from it. I think people unaware that it was a trilogy felt part 2 kind of left them hanging – well it was meant to. The next few months will see things heating up PR-wise on part 3 with more BTS and still photos releasing. It really is an epic way to end the trilogy. I know Dennis Therrian will do another incredible score. The VFX work coming in is just incredible, not surprising as their previous work included BLACK SAILS (One of my favorite series) and ROGUE ONE just to name a few. They built models and created digital matte paintings just for this film. This film was a really cool step for us as a company allowing us to use as many VFX shots as we did. I have director Nathaniel Nose to thank for all that.


I will use that example in discussing development work at CDI. I’m trying to make more time to sit down with people in our field. Directors, actors and those trying to produce content. From the earliest days of CDI it was about bringing cards to the table. CDI is an actor/producers company looking to tell powerful stories. Currently we have momentum behind my scripts – distributors like the content and final product. Talent loves the style and depth of the characters and situations. We also have some talented writers within our ranks. ADVICE – IF you’re bringing a script to the table the best thing is to also bring the money.


BUT THIS IS THE HARDEST PART! Yes. I know this. After many years in this industry – a truth is – every NEW variable could lead to new advancements OR disaster. The wrong crew or cast can be devastating to the overall quality of the final product. I’ve been scrutinized because I would rather pay a broader crew base a modest wage versus overpay a name talent, at the expense of the crew. It’s a difference of opinion in business models and a happy medium does exist. I feel a larger name can move more initial units but a bad movie with a larger name will also die off quickly. I had to turn off a multimillion dollar film lately. It was long, plodding (nice camerawork) but after an hour plus we still had 45 min plus minutes to go. We didn’t care about any of the characters. That’s the result of either a poor script or just bad chemistry as you know they had a huge crew base. I’m saying that I would rather have a modest, long-term success with a good movie vs a flash hit with a bad film. How long before it gets lost in the shuffle of bad films? What do you have to show for all that hard work years later?


OK. I went slightly off topic. But anyone new is a wild variable, and therefore a risk. Skill is only part of the equation whereas personality/character is the other big factor. Do they play well with others? Positive? Respectful? I’ve had others say “so and so” is a great artists but grumpy or aloof and that’s just how they are. Well, they can go be that somewhere else. I have reduced all this down to a simple saying – Always be a sail and never an anchor.

So with these sit downs – I’ll be getting to know people and informally evaluating to see if they would ever work well into our system. The CDI system. What does that mean? Well…these films were not the result of some money thrown together to rush together a film – perhaps with no accountability. I shudder when I hear of all the films being done with no script or the script is just an afterthought. I recall one time an actor friend telling me they were on set and the director was having them write the script on the spot. He called it interesting and I called it incompetence. I guess it was both. But here we’re taking on investment capital and we must give best efforts. This company was founded on best efforts and striving to always be better. CDI today is built upon its earliest endeavors. Future CDI endeavors will be built on current endeavors. This is a tradition not a hobby. Not a film challenge but an evolution. This is a business that works in deep creative waters. My expectations of myself and the producers/directors are high. My expectations of the cast and crews are high. If you are not serious about the process and the end result – off the deck. No point in trying to sign up here.


On set of the thriller “Bestseller”

Now some people just don’t know any different but once shown a better way they are willing to adapt and thrive in a more structured endeavor. Others can try to drag negativity or bad habits from previous experiences but I’ve been doing this a long time. If you start to feel like that anchor, stating obvious problems versus presenting viable solutions, being a sail – I’m going to drop you at the next island. Lose your professionalism and respect and the immediate gangplank walk could be your fate. I don’t fire often but I’m more than willing to do what needs to be done. That said, every firing has been a failing on my part. A failure to properly evaluate someone before a hiring or just failure to lead that person to a better way of co-existing on a film set. Management is something I enjoy because I’ve had the opportunity to create the environment that I want to work in. The environment that allows the best creative juices to flow.

I guess in summary – you could be involved in a CDI association or collaboration IF you have your own funds and seek a machine (production unit) that runs like a CDI film. Now $ still rules so if you bring a majority of the production funds, unless decided differently in contract, we consult or bring options to arising issues. That controlling entity makes the final decisions. Those decisions need to be made with wisdom and balance or trouble can quickly develop. I think I make fair decisions and I’ll say, I’ve made unpopular decisions. But I think it’s about working to be able to see the big picture. Not being drawn in by the ego into trying to force something to fit that does not. Don’t say yes to things that should be told no.

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I had productive talks this past week with an experienced director talking about possible CDI collaboration. Our management at Collective Development Inc. was recommended to him. We shared mutual Hollywood horror stories usually stemming from fast-talking, car salesmen-like distributors and wanna be producers, mucking things up. Much of this proposed collaboration will just depend on pros, cons and schedules. I have another past producer collaborator getting close to having his next financing. He wants my involvement again. Evaluate: Content, Script, Schedule… All these variables when kept in-house tend to run very smooth. Adding these outside variables are where most issues lie. Most of the rough waters are in the associated projects but that is also where collaboration exists. But make sure they are a good fit. So I have more phone calls and meetings this week to network and get to know a few folks working hard telling their stories.


WILD FAITH – Lots of exciting happenings here. The home video deal is being worked on while we discuss the option of also launching a TV series. I am really pushing hards on this as I love the character I play. I love the world we built. I love the talent (both sides of camera) and know we would incorporate lots of Michigan talent into the various shows. We’ve been working to set up some additional theatrical showings and we wanted to look at showings in LA and/or NYC. The costs involved were steep and for me I’m watching the bottom line versus the red carpet strut.  But I’m happy to say we’ll be screening at the AMC in Burbank as part of the invited line up at the Burbank International Film Festival. I think I’m going to make the trip and my LA-area amigos can finally see one of our films on the big screen. It plays great theatrically and I will enjoy the conversation with film friends after. You too can join us on Sept 8th in Burbank. Read about it here-



Our last film Man’s Best Friend is having the post materials organized as editing is about to begin in full. The opening credit sequence was heavily discussed and that is being worked on. We will also start having more solid talks about the 1st teaser trailer. Also trying to get the right color correction on the first stills before we start releasing those. The story is in puzzle form and soon we’ll start to assemble the film.

I’ve really been enjoying the writing as of late. I’ve taken a few good script concepts and I’m infusing/weaving that into what will likely be our fall film. It’s been refreshing to be back into the imagination and putting it to page. Some location scouting and ground work is also being done. I will say that the initial script concept was to be shot in another state. I was so happy with our last crew that I am revamping the script to Michigan. I’m sincerely thinking we can convince a few of the MBF crew to return:)

Well, it’s a beautiful day and I might spend a little time engaging in some writing. We will also likely go walk a flea market. I love what you can find at those things. I often find props or things that a story might hinge around. No soccer today as we have a BYE week before starting the second half of the season. Next weekend I have a class reunion which will be interesting. I did actually see a Michigan-based, non-CDI project casting that caught my eye. I asked a few questions and we’ll see if any chemistry exists. If not, I’m happy to wait until fall. I do have a script to finish.

Be good to one another!


Father’s, Fun and Future Endeavors


First I want to start out by raising a cup of coffee and toasting to all the father’s out there. I know my father was and continues to be a strong influence in my life. I laugh at my younger self who boldly told my father “I just want to be an artist, not a businessman like you!” – Well, that turned out different. This morning I was trying to organize my business TO DO for the week ahead. It’s always one foot in front of the other – steady as she goes.

My furry children get a lot of parental type love from me and I can only guess how complex it can get when you add in daycare, school, relationships, work…the worry of it all. I think my father can at least relax in the knowing that I’m doing something I truly love. When he can go to the cinema or turn on the TV and watch one of our films I think it gives him comfort. I still have strong memories of him at the kitchen table with his checkbook and all the bills laid out on the table. I do enjoy staying on top of my business. That gives me a good peace of mind. I look forward to a visit with dad later today. I get almost a weekly visit with him and that’s enjoyable. I can still get little nuggets of wisdom.

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As many of you know we just wrapped MBF and I’m almost all caught up on that paperwork. We’re about to assemble a small skeleton crew for a one day pick up of flashback war footage. It is a different ‘Paul’ I’ll be playing. My wounded Paul was a great challenge as I’ve discussed prior. This is before all that – I recall actual wounded vet Bobby Henline telling me of the day he was injured only remembering having coffee that morning. Imagine waking up months later to gruesome injuries, unbearable pain and a lifetime of living vastly different. We all have those sudden changes in life we’re never quite ready for. One of our crew members lost her brother unexpectedly after our shoot. You cannot imagine such drastic changes in life. It is why you need to appreciate each and every day.


My furry child Luke has his last two radiation treatments this week. I do have to say it has made a big difference. We’ve also been using CBD dog treats from CA and alkaline water thanks to my buddy Nate. He has been enjoying life and aside from a few extra hours sleeping and some spotty times dealing with his med “high” he’s doing good. You hate to see anyone dealing with these kind of life issues but we all have them. Keep that in mind as you interact with people throughout your day. That caller on the frustrating phone tree could be also dealing with a dying parent or loss of a child. A touch more compassion never hurt anyone.

Back to films-  I’ve had many of our new friends and associates ask about our other films. Please watch and leave a review if you feel entitled to.

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  1. THE ACTOR – https://www.amazon.com/Actor-James-Russo/dp/B07D6Z6BCB/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1529241258&sr=8-4&keywords=The+actor  – A struggle of LOVE by director Jon Osman – shot in NYC and starts our upcoming lead in THE CHRIST SLAYER. You will see me in there supporting as a funny FBI agent.
  2. ASHES OF EDEN – https://www.amazon.com/Ashes-Eden-Steven-Sutherland/dp/B07BLLJ6FN/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1529241414&sr=1-1&keywords=ashes+of+eden – Directed by our own Shane Hagedorn it stars Melissa Anschutz and Steven Sutherland and yours truly plays an ex-military drug dealer.
  3. WICKED SPRING – https://www.amazon.com/Wicked-Spring-Brian-Merrick/dp/B079HN718V/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1529241553&sr=1-1&keywords=Wicked+Spring – This classic film helped define my early career. I star with Brian Merrick in this Civil War tale that has been growing an audience since early 2000’s on TV and home video.
  4. FORTY NIGHTS – https://www.amazon.com/Forty-Nights-DJ-Perry/dp/B07555FR6R/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1529241671&sr=1-1&keywords=Forty+Nights  – I would say one of my biggest challenges playing a figure so shrouded in mystery. I give my everything in playing Jesus during this little understood time of his life. I co-star with my mentor and friend Rance Howard. It was also one of his favorites where he got to play THE bad guy.
  5. CHASING THE STAR – https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Star-Yancy-Butler/dp/B074PWBBYP/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1529241791&sr=1-1&keywords=Chasing+the+Star  – I’m not acting in this second installment of THE QUEST TRILOGY but it sprang from my imagination and research. We’ve seen the statues of the wisemen every Christmas for many years but what is their story?

I thought these five films would give a nice start to people wanting to get to know Collective Development Inc.’s work.

Ben finds claw

WILD FAITH has a few more theatrical runs in it before it preps for home video. There are a few exciting things being worked on with this film but I will save that for another day.

Teaser Capture

THE CHRIST SLAYER – Part 3 in THE QUEST TRILOGY is in music and sound design. I got to watch the final cut with temp sound/music and I was blown away. Now that Dennis Therrian is adding yet another powerful score the film will truly soar. I am waiting on the final color corrected trailer to come over this weekend from our DP Jesse Aragon. Once that is ready we’ll prepare the PR and release the theatrical trailer. We plan to have it play select theaters in Oct-Jan and home video on the Easter 2019 lead up. This film will bring all three together and audiences can truly enjoy the weaving of the tale throughout three films. I’m excited for people to see the beautiful dynamic between Carl Weyant and Josh Ponceman Perry. Soon:)

I have started to look at development for the next CDI film in association with BMG.  But for now… I’m going to get some breakfast and we’re going to go walk the flea market down the road. This afternoon will be some time spent with my dad followed by a soccer game in this heat. Daphne (our girl) got a new pool and so more swimming lies ahead for her. We also had a day of working on the office/fort and added some additional beams to help stabilize the second floor. I have quite a bit of stuff up there so it was a good call. I have ‘Dan the Druid’ to thank for that fine wood work along with his “Druid Jr.” helper. My brother Adam also came over and restructured the wood arch in the yard. The yard is back to its zen self with beans growing and berries ripening. I think more wine making lies ahead. With the amount of apples even a batch of hard cider could happen.

Toast life.


Welcome to December full of updates!


Always building…

It has been a week of just beautiful days in Michigan. I was able to enclose my wood shed in with logs from the recently fallen tree. I also took the axe to the older logs and so the stockpile for the office wood stove is growing. I want to welcome our new readers from Ireland and Japan. That is what I love about this blog. Artists, perhaps filmmakers but united here by passion. Invite someone you know to share with us.


Now last week was an unexpected loss of a mentor (Rance Howard) and to all those who reached out – thank you. I’m at a loss of exact words but we met over storytelling on Miracle at Sage Creek and that relationship took us through many stories. I will miss sitting on the patio in Yuma, AZ having a nice Mexican food lunch and just talking.


On set “Forty Nights” with Judy & Rance Howard and T (Tony Hornus)

With my experience I find myself being a mentor more often and losing my own mentors. What a man Rance was working right up until his passing. Bill McKinney (Deliverance) was the same way having filmed 2 weeks before he passed away. I don’t think you retire from being an artist. I am sad that I won’t be able to get Rance’s feedback on The Christ Slayer film. He was so excited about the final chapter of our trilogy. It was a major accomplishment and he loved playing the Devil. He also loved that we took an honest look at the ‘being’ and relationship he shared with others, Jesus in particular. But he will be looking down and I hope he is proud.


The Howard boys several years ago –

I do look forward to working with Clint one day and perhaps Ron and sharing some of the great conversations I had over the years with Rance about his family. I will be sending a nice note to both of them with the trilogy once Part 3 is done and released.


The Christ Slayer is locking up the VFX and edit and preparing to move into post music and sound design with the amazing Dennis Therrian who will once again compose the heart and soul into the story. The first official director’s poster is about to be completed. Also once we hit the new year the PR on TCS will pick up. Right now it’s all Forty Nights and Chasing the Star. They have been doing great over at Amazon and our other fine rental/retailers. Family 7 TV network in the Netherlands will be showing Chasing the Star and soon after I expect Forty Nights. Also I saw some promotional give aways for Chasing the Star to celebrate the release into the United Kingdom. Forty Nights should also be joining our friends in the UK. This time next year all three will be released! Also Chasing the Star will be playing on the big screen in Bedias, Texas at Miller’s Theatre I believe on Dec 7th. I’m very happy about all the developments on these films.


These two knuckleheads from ‘Wild Faith’

Wild Faith – the end credits are almost done. The VFX work is all in and the audio is being tweaked around it while color correction takes place. We did paperwork on all this at week’s end and so if a short time we’ll have all that complete. We will have a finished film VERY SOON. Before the end of the year – Merry Christmas to all of us.

This month we also did some work on other properties to boost them back into the marketplace. ASHES OF EDEN has a few options/offers to rejoin the market. We’ll be making a decision on that this week. A child’s animated feature THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ will be releasing back into the marketplace and FIGURE IN THE FOREST is making a few moves. Our bridge into India is also underway and soon I should have news to report there. In 2018 we will have that bridge open. Many more deals will be put into play.


Where ideas are born…

This week will be several meetings as we bring 2017 to an end. I’m going to cut this short as we’re taking the mom’s to a beautiful turn of the century house for a Christmas event this afternoon. I hope you all get to spend some quality time with your loved ones. Our development work on MBF continues and we plan to move into full preproduction at the end of January 2018.

Be good to one another!