“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “David Carradine

Artists Helping Artists- Updates and Insights

Good morning!

Happy Chinese New Year of the Dragon! Happy Super Bowl Sunday or whatever you want to attribute the day too. I just will say Happy Sunday! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee which is really tasting nice this morning. I’ve had a good week and I hope to give you a few updates to our projects and endeavors. I want to thank everyone once again for joining me here. This format here helps me to summarize my progress on projects and to plan ahead. It also serves to update the interested parties and for other artists it can help, artists helping artists. Where to begin- I had a great talk this past week with an author John Farkis doing a book on Old Tuscan/Mescal studios in Benson AZ. If you do your research it is where countless great films were shot. TOMBSTONE being one of the most famous. I was privileged to have worked there myself. A producer Thadd Turner, well known for his passion of westerns was doing a new film there. His son who was young at the time loved Civil War films and WICKED SPRING (You can watch free w/ ads on Encourage TV) was his favorite film. And his favorite character was mine. So what a cool father to reach out to hire me as an actor. He knew I had experience in producing and I wanted to really study how others produce. I had not yet produced Dean Teaster’s Ghost Town or Wild Faith yet but they would require more wrangling of horses. So I jumped at the opportunity to produce the behind the scenes for the film. We ended up with an epic hour and a half or more of content that was shown at the Lone Pine Film Festival. (Another famous place for filming western TV series) I was thankful to be able to be on set and meet some many talented and wonderful people on both sides of the camera. It is the set where I met Rance Howard, who would become my mentor and co-star in another four of our films. One of my childhood heroes David Carradine (Kung Fu) whom I got to know quite well. Wes Studi, Irene Bedard, Mark Rolston, Buck Taylor, Michael Parks, Francine York, Brian Libby – and the list goes on. The film’s lead Tim Abell and I would forge a friendship that would lead to several collaborations like playing my dad in MAN’S BEST FRIEND. It was fun to bring back all these good memories. That is what each film is like. The experiences of making the film. Tommy Dippel was always a hoot and took time to really explain the wrangling aspect. Jon Proudstar coordinating in the office but was happy to see him acting in Reservation Dogs recently. Wes Studi on Finding Your Roots. Watching TV and film becomes a different experience when they are your friends and co-workers up there. John the author and I had a great talk and now he’s another to add to the circle. He enjoyed watching WILD FAITH and will be doing a review for which I’m honored to have.

(Lone Pine me, Tony Hornus, John Saxon, Thadd Turner, David Borowicz)

Speaking on literary – recently I talked about the new campaign for my first starring film IN THE WOODS. A cult film that was the resulting passion of a couple young filmmakers trying to earn their way into the industry. So soon they’ll be announcing info on the remastered film and the new director’s cut. End of this week I’ll get my first watch on the new director’s cut and we’ll be capturing commentary. To prep for this new campaign a making of book (Now also in hardcover) filled with the story of the struggle and original script released late last year - PURCHASE HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36RJZKN42LZ5G&keywords=In+the+Woods+movie+lynn+Drzick&qid=1707660674&s=books&sprefix=in+the+woods+movie+lynn+drzick%2Cstripbooks%2C85&sr=1-1

Coming soon is the new special edition In the Woods novelization by Nancy Gideon. I had penned a prequel script the told the full story of the creatures in the movie. An epic sword and sorcery tale that sheds light and answers all the questions viewers of the film had. We cut some of the flashbacks from the film due to budgetary issues as we discussed previously. But if you read this you will get the full story. I was proud to add to the world created by Lynn Drzick and if you enjoy a good story of warring kingdoms this might be just for you! PURCHASE HERE: https://www.amazon.com/panDEMONium-Woods-Origin-DJ-Perry/dp/B0CV8F73D6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WENU3ERCKDAR&keywords=In+the+Woods+DJ+Perry&qid=1707661064&s=books&sprefix=in+the+woods+dj+perry%2Cstripbooks%2C92&sr=1-1

All this is preparing for the new release of the classic and new version of IN THE WOODS on Blu Ray! The question that lingers in the aftermath is SEQUEL? PREQUEL? Only time will tell but I will say that there is an interest by all parties. Wayne Higley? Al Fargo? Alex Kerwood? Or Prince Freeacus? Lentar? Captain Hur? We will have to wait and see what is to unfold in the forthcoming-


Staying on the subject of literary with books being a close second in my favorite medium next to motion picture/TV. We are looking to release several books/screenplay combos where the materials exist. Plus cool interviews with key folks about the making of that particular film. One such book I’m exciting about is THE QUEST TRILOGY, our 3 films (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) * Also on Encourage TV – all in the biblical realm. A coffee table book with the three scripts and essays by the three directors and key members of the production. I have to get after the essays as that can be like wrangling cats.

Re-Issues: All the CDI films are now being loaded onto the backup CDI RAID which I’ll name HAL. Once there we’ll be digitally remastering some and creating new DCP files (For theatrical) as some films like GHOST TOWN and AN ORDINARY KILLER will be getting a special new release into theaters as a first step. Blu-Ray deals are being looked at for all the films as a superior way to preserve and view physical media and lastly streaming. From the CDI Classic Collection FROM VENUS is going to be pushed behind CDI’s first film KNIGHT CHILLS, which released in Oct. 2023 on Blu Ray BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10081684957020523845&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1019404&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6&gad_source=1

Knight Chills streaming in Oct 2024 is a goal and we’ll be talking to various horror streaming sites. FROM VENUS Blu Ray in Oct. 2024 would be great also. But things sometimes move at their own speed. But we keep pushing forward.

All of these CDI library films getting new life in the HD age is exciting but we have many films living in that world now.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – PR will be forthcoming but as always you get the news here first. While the film continues to be available on DVD or play on a growing number of transactional platforms available to rent or buy like on Google Play, Apple TV, Vudu, Youtube and Amazon PrimeWATCH HERE: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B0CN1KYNNT/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r - The film will be going to subscription video of demand on the UP Family & Faith tv this Summer! Our distributor will continue to work hard to bring it to the various countries around the globe! Thank you to all you have enjoyed this movie and if you have some positive feedback feel free to leave it on our http://www.imdb.com page!

Harsens Island Revenge – Our director Carl Weyant is back this week from Brazil. The following week we’ll be looking to have a sit down and watch the film minus the opening scene yet to be shot. We’ll be discussing music with composer Dennis Therrian who has been “sketching” musical beds to play for Carl. We’ll also be discussing the first teaser trailer which scenes are being pulled for. And the theatrical poster plus by the end of the month we plan to release a behind the scenes video by our own Adam Towner. To say I’m excited to sit back and see the flow is an understatement.


HOT ROD LOVE– Our next Shane Hagedorn directed comedy drama set in the 70’s made some more steps this week in funding and sponsorship. If we can lock up funding in the next 6-8 weeks we’ll be looking at July/August timeframe to prep and film. Schedule could slide if funding takes any longer but we’re in talks with several parties and have faith we can keep our timeline.

We have another feature in development that I cannot speak on until development paperwork is signed but that should happen this week. It is another historical drama based upon a real person. We’re very excited about this project which the goal is to fund in 2024 and shoot in 2025.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE is another true event film in development. It is the state story of Iowa’s early days and will be a great story to preserve the history.

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS– We keep putting piece after piece into place on this TV series that would be the spin off from the pilot feature seen by tens of millions around the world. Step by step!

SCRIPTWRITING: I’m also 1/3 of the way through a script that could film next winter. Smaller in scope but a great piece of acting full of intrigue and interesting characters. The script is the blueprint as I like to say so it is important to have a tight script.

WRAP UP: You can see that various projects are underway. This past week we the help of a few amigos we got the remaining logs cut up into kindling for the wood stove so we’ll be ready for the next snow and…the first podcast “Fireside Chat with DJ Perry” which we hope to do the 1st one this week. I’m happy to report that our chickens are starting to produce eggs and even some of the plants and herbs are getting a head start with the warm front we’ve had. My cousin handy Bart gave my newly acquired wood chipper a once over and so stick clean up will be more productive. The end result will be much needed wood chips. I’ve been still immersed in my study of herbs and I’m looking forward to a good growing season. More clover will be going down in the yard that is loved by both the chickens and leprechauns. We’ll see if things align for the new patio deck this year. I also want to look at better privacy fencing in places but one thing at a time. It is all a work in progress. Just like we are. I hope you all have a great week. Keep those 2024 goals firmly in mind and work towards them. I’m exciting that soccer is right around the corner and I’m ready to lace up my cleats! Until next week-

Be good to one another!


PS: I lost a few pics and all my tags trying to upload and I luckily had my recent draft so I’m just going to upload “as is” as I’m out of time.

Kung Fu, Respect and Loyalty. The Tribe Looks Ahead to 2022!

I’m sitting and sipping hazelnut coffee while admiring the Christmas tree from last week’s harvest. I just realized when cleaning out my email messages that I missed a Christmas event/party I had planned to attend. DOH! I’m finally well-rested and attacking my TO DO’s with strength. It took a good part of a week to get caught up on my rest. I got most of the production totes stored and everyday we work hard to tie up the production loose ends from our previous SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA) film shoot. This week will also be full but I hope to get some more winterizing done. Several things in the yard need to get put away for winter. One of the nice refreshing things from last week was spending an afternoon with my dad and meeting my cousin for lunch. We meet so that I can pick up venison which is one of the main meats I eat. I actually made some venison steak chili yesterday that turned out great. My cousin and his boys are avid hunters. I enjoy nature and have hunted but I don’t find enjoyment in it. It is a very lean meat and healthy, something that the midwest hunters have enjoyed forever. 

As we finish all the wrap up business on SNIA we’re prepping for post. One of the production drives have landed with the editor. We have established a production flow between editor and director. Our DP is doing a first batch of stills to help establish the color palette. He’ll be working with our director and editor in finding certain shots. Meanwhile a few VFX pick ups need to be looked at for a really cool sequence in the film. Dennis Therrian is being prepped on the film as he’ll be doing our sound design and composing our film’s score. Some VFX model work will begin soon in Canada with one of our amazing artists. Anyway the course for the film is being set and I’m excited for everyone to start looking at it. 

At CDI we’ve been looking ahead to the future. I’ve been working on the next script for ‘OF SMOKE & MIRRORS‘ my working title on the reworking of the feature script. A short film SMOKE & MIRRORS was finished just as we started filming SNIA. A wonderful commercial piece that we used to do a proof of concept short. I think it does just that- gives a great look at what the full feature will be like. Nathaniel Nose directed the short and he is who we’re eyeing for the feature. The script is the key to everything. This will be a late 2022 or early 2023 shoot from my best estimates. 

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS – For those who have seen the feature film “Wild Faith” you’ve been treated to a story for the whole family. Inspirational without preachy just good lessons from a more simple time. Now we have the first season (8 shows) ready to film. It will be part of several talks I will have in the coming weeks. The key with this is CREATIVE CONTROL. We are being selective at how we finance this property so we don’t have strings that will hamper the integrity of it. It will happen and our perfect timeline would be the second half of 2022. 

The Spring is always an exciting time coming out of winter. We’ll be doing a feature or two this first half of 2022. We’ve been doing a heavy evaluation of properties and some of these will be included in my distribution talks ahead. But I really think I’ve landed on the right property. It will showcase all your favorite CDI troupe in a great story. 

As a side note – this previous news made me think of a recent discussion. The story/script is the most important part of the process. For many filmmakers this is just an afterthought. We need a script and some actors and we’ll get to shoot all this cool stuff. CDI evolved in part because of how poor the scripts/stories were out there. I say this 100% from an actors perspective. That is why I’m always floored by the actors who will emotionally commit before reading a script/story. Anyone can be excited from a good pitch but having that translated to a tightly woven script is another thing. I know many actors who only read their parts and that too is having ‘blinders’ on. I also have told actor friends that you can glean information about their characters sometimes from what other characters say about them. EXAMPLE: You might find out your character has a wife, children or a pet from other character’s dialog. Perhaps gossip reveals that a character previously worked construction before their white collar job, all in the script. The whole story needs to be absorbed from the outside and the inside- internally and externally.

So perhaps a good rule of thumb is A) Evaluate content fully, quietly B) Don’t sign on to anything without reading the entire story and vet the production’s reputation C) Once attached learn the entire story before focusing on just your role’s world/words – important information might exist within the script.

Just my two cents from my experiences. There is a great word EXPERIENCE. 
The great GOOD, BAD and UGLY as I like to call it. The goal is to take this accumulated knowledge (Remember Bruce Lee’s – the best way to learn a technique is to get hit by it) EXPERIENCE and translate it and apply it to your situations allowing it to become WISDOM. Now I’ve had my fill over the recent years from some individuals severely lacking experience in certain areas. Yet that want to present from a point of assured confidence that dances in arrogance. Arrogance usually follows someone who has experienced and learned a little yet thinks it gives them license to talk down to someone. A teacher who forgets that he is also a student will be humbled.

From my associates in business I get many complaints about the youth in several areas. (never their use of technology) But I always point out that most of us who have found some success have done so with the assistance of good mentors. For some that starts with a father but not for everyone. It is those special people who come in your life and help shape you. I have had a handful of these people and I’m happy that I recognized by lack and their gain. I emptied my cup and showed patience, listening and learning. I am fond of the old KUNG FU (David Carradine classic) TV show where all the boys have gathered at the Shaolin Temple. They wait and are being watched. Each day they are asked to go home and as time advances and patience is lost – most leave. In the rain those few who remained seem to have the potential for sincere growth. They are invited into the hospitality chamber and served tea. The unmindful who gives into their urges and drinks immediately are asked to “please go home” – shocked the few get up to leave. One is stopped – “Not you, please sit.” When asked why he did not drink he responds that he was respecting the opportunity. He was waiting to drink- being mindful and appreciative of being there. My soccer player/coach, martial arts lifelong student and teacher and a camp counselor all influence how I live. To the frustrated elders know you can influence and guide the youth. To the youth, empty your cup of your perceived absolutes and learn. The journey is a two way street and the glue that binds it all together is RESPECT and LOYALTY. The latter cannot be taught save by example. Those few who observed loyalty and the benefits of the practice and decide to give in to this practice. It is hard for many to give up selfish ambitions mixed with a lack of patience – it often leads to isolation, frustration and hardship that lasts until mindsets change.

Getting deep, Shaolin Monks, kung fu and drinking cups…What? What?” – Gil Gilles

BEST YEARS GONE has recently finished a second run in Lansing, MI over the Thanksgiving week. We might explore a Detroit area and Grand Rapids showing. Also we’re exploring a few key festivals mainly based on places we would like to visit. I’m in hopes that after my next conversation with our distributor that I’ll have some updated info on our home video release. I’m glad that the films are being met with enjoyment and laughs. I loved one review that likened it to STEP BROTHERS and JOE DIRT which I love Step Brothers but Joe…okay I see it:)

THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer)- is now in season with the passing of Thanksgiving. Our distributor BMG wanted myself and Melissa Anschutz to do a promo inviting folks to subscribe to Encourage TV and watch. We were going to use a few places in Algona, Iowa as the back drop when filming but got too busy. We were going to shoot something at the office by the wood stove but decided we might save that for WILD FAITH promo. We shot in front of the Christmas tree, 3 takes- all funny and DONE. While doing some work last week I did play Forty Nights in the background. It was fun to watch and recall all the shooting we did in the deserts outside Yuma, AZ. Take a watch on all three and make it part of your holiday tradition.

I could rattle on about watching all the CDI films…but I’m sure you will get there in your own time as the nights grow longer and the outside colder. A good night to light a candle or fire and watch a good story unfold. I’ve got some yard clean up and some holiday shopping to do so I’m gonna wrap this up here. It was a pleasure to spend this time with you. Until next week. Be good to one another.


Upcoming First Looks at ‘Best Years Gone’ and ‘For the Love of Catch’ – BATTLE OF THE BANDS – Music Video New!

( Zen like Kwai Chang Caine-I loved Bruce Lee but David Carradine brought something special to the role)

As I sit here sipping the hazelnut coffee I’m listening to the chicken’s egg song. I can say that the egg dishes around here have improved greatly with the use of the home eggs. This is the start of my birthday month and the heat is finally arriving in Michigan. Yesterday the veggies and herbs got planted in the raised planters so we’ll see how that goes. This week was full of calls and business dealings lets look at some of that after I reflect a bit. Last week we talked a bit about a situation whereas someones actions were counter productive to the whole. While this could have been an isolation and remove, at least temporailiy instead I saw it as a learning situation. I talk about development versus cancel and so a productive, insightful conversation took place that clarified some of the expectations and also became a teaching moment for myself. I could have reacted negatively but with a little perspective, patience and listening – I’m happy to say that things are back to flowing along swimmingly with both parties having grown. Last week contained some gems. My point is that you can apply this to any situation in your own lives. Instead of growing drama the situation was used for growth and insight. I’m not a fan of drama unless on the screen. Many use it to gain attention, sympathy and/or to work LOUDLY to try and secure their worth. As I’ve said before and worth saying again, work quietly and effectively – trust me it is noticed by those who run things.

Who wants to talk movies? We have several really good things to report on. Where to start?


LOST HEART fresh off its showing at ICFF (Christian Oscars) and will compete this June 23rd (My Bday) in the Crown Awards for ‘Best Picture’ against 4 other films one that is MBF! The General Market release BIGFOOT, UFOS AND JESUS has started and it can be watched on Amazon Prime (See link below)

All our stories are meant to promote unity but even as this new release rolled out and you people negative judging off a film title. One person was outraged at the inclusion of Jesus WITH Bigfoot and UFOs and apparently we all will burn in hell for the title yet they have not seen the film. In the same thread someone did not WANT to watch it because Jesus name was listed in the title. PEOPLE ARE JUDGMENTAL! Period. Christians talk persecution and judgement yet they too judge and persecute just as good as anyone. I’m sure from the clothes that people once wore to church to whatever the gossip floating around the congregation was, people judge. I just ask people to watch and not judge a book by the cover. That is an old piece of wisdom. But I did have a lot of people reach out in kindness having watched the film. I’m excited to see how the roll out continues but these little observations are fascinating. So many negative, depressed people with filters that put a unhappy spin on everything. Press play. maybe you can change/clean up those filters and receive laughter, joy and ultimately health.

I noted that MBF or MAN’S BEST FRIEND is up for ‘Best Film’ at the ICVM Crown Awards in Texas this month. Covid kept this film from people submitted and now it is being recognized. Actually tribe CDI has two of the five films – good odds. I also had a few fans of the film pass their love along. One such person made note that Paul was an Oscar worthy performance. Oscars are very political and I’m not saying it would not be great to accept one but the response of the fans is better than peer acceptance. If Paul is respected as a good voice – mission accomplished.

BESTSELLER will be prepped for a new campaign with BMG under their General Market label. I’ve enjoyed dealing with Chris Wright on this new release. We will be looking at other projects that might get a new push.

WILD FAITH/HASTINGS – discussions are gaining strength and my hope is that some of the sponsors we are bringing on board SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will follow us to the TV series.

Post-Production work on BEST YEARS GONE is racing around the track! A small pit stop has been made to polish up the audio on the first official teaser. Maybe we will look to release it on or just before my birthday on the 23rd of June. Music and sound design is being worked on daily and part of that is the soundtrack. We had a ‘Battle of the Bands‘ and our celebrity judges, producer team, director and composer had their work cut out. With songs from around the country we found the perfect song for our film. The winner’s song will appear on the soundtrack and we’re going to produce a music video with them. Our film’s Director of Photography Travis Hayward will be directing the video. As a child of the MTV generation I’m excited. I have a video of our director announcing the winning video and I think we’ll post that on the FB site tomorrow morning. A great way to kick off the week. Go to the FB site and watch what the judges had to say and you can listen to many of the songs yourself.

(The Christ Slayer – reuniting with this ‘brother from another Perry mother’ in SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA)

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is gaining momentum. We’ve been announcing new cast members and I’ve had some great talks with some amazing talent. We’ve also started to fill the crew spots starting with the recent announcement of Nathaniel Nose (Dir/Editor/FX on ‘The Christ Slayer’ and editor on the upcoming ‘Best Years Gone’) will be joining us as the FX supervisor and editor. We’ll be focusing on camera, G&E department in the coming weeks. We’re also making great inroads with the local people proud to have their local story brought to the world. Here is a great story that just ran –


We are starting to approach sponsors and businesses that want to align with our WW2 Christmas story. We will be announcing some of our loyal past sponsors excited to join us once again. Stay tune and if you wanna help with your company please do reach out.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH our documentary film on the almost forgotten grappling art being resurrected by a handful of martial art greats. Director Curran Jacobs is a two time world champion in the Catch-Can style and he manages to capture the collective passion for Catch in a arena often riddled with competitiveness and division. The process for this has been educational and will give us a template for future docs at CDI. The first official teaser will release on July 4th.

RIP to Ray Nikolaison

I’m not sure if I tackled every project update but we hit on a few main topic ones. There is a flea market down the road I want to visit. Now that I’m looking for WW2 relics/props it has taken on a new level of enjoyment. Today they cancelled the streaming memorial for Ray Nikolaison but we’ll get a link later. Ray was the man behind The Book of Ruth, Journey of Faith and was a sales rep early on for FIGURE IN THE FOREST. RIP With that check on mortality go do something with loved ones and be kind to all.


Dan Haggerty, Doing Right & 40 Nights (DONE)


So I’m up bright and early on a Saturday and enjoying the quiet. It has been quite the week and 2016 has made a name for itself already. Several artists in the world have been passing and many from cancer. Now I know that we are getting close to breakthroughs on various treatments. I like the idea of this new war on cancer. I believe (anyone with eyes can see) that cures don’t appear to be in the interest of the big med companies. Western medicine has always been reactionary. Get sick and they try to fix. But it is also often a game of take this pill to take care of this but it causes this and that in side effects.

I recall one of my grandmothers on a mass of pills. She became zombie like and they thought the end could be near. A doctor stripped her of all meds and rebuilt what she took and she returned. I do think that the drugs had taken a toll on her body and ultimately that began a slide that lasted another ten years. I attended visitation for a buddy’s mom this week. He and I have been friends since third grade. She beat cancer twice and this was the third round and this time…I have another friend from first grade whose father is fighting it. We have all lost family and friends.

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 1.25.25 PM copy.png

This year several artists from Alan Rickman to David Bowie have all lost battles to this disease. These were people of vast $ resources and still they lost. My friend and fellow actor Dan Haggerty, better known to millions as Grizzly Adams, passed the day before yesterday. I had gotten some inside information that it had turned bad from his manager. Dan had been cast in two films I had produced previously and he voiced “GOD” in our soon-to-release biblical film “40 Nights” (March 8th). They had estimated a period of time and hospice (bless those people) was being prepared. The next day while at that visitation I find out that Dan had passed and to please keep quiet until the family released the news. I had a good 24 hours of walking around being one of the few knowing what had happened. It gnawed at me – why? Even the greedy should agree – Cure people and they will live longer to spend longer.

Some cultures have little to no cancer or heart disease and such. WATCH what you eat. I’m glad they are making changes to school kids and lunch lines. We all know by the time they get to middle school even if they offer healthy lunch’s kids will still be making a diet of one hostess fruit pie and a handful of cookies. I had a few friends like that in school. Now the lunch ladies all knew me because I was the veggie kid I’m sure. They always heaped it on me because so few kids took any. I credit part parents and part athletics. I was studying martial arts and playing soccer, so I watched my fuel. I was building muscle and interested in health. So despite what is sold and offered it all comes down to supply and demand. Demand good food and the junk supply will dwindle.

Environment is another factor and I can’t tell you how sad I am about the Flint water ordeal. I think a good punishment for all who knew would be a healthy prison sentence but one where you only have that water supply to bath and drink. I don’t usually go off on these topics but it is not political. It is common sense and compassion for one another. Bad school food for kids, bad water and putting others at risk with piss poor extraction and transportation of oil and such. This natural gas in California and the list goes on. How is that whole deal in Japan? Godzilla is going to become a reality, okay maybe not but the ocean is poisoned from it. I’ve been in Manila, Philippines and felt the effects of a bad smog day. My buddy said most Chinese cities are the same. India? There exists a web of life and what we do to one part of the web affects the whole. Evolve or die. We’ve evolved ourselves into a do or die situation. We can control some aspects. Our elected leaders can control others. Companies can choose the RIGHT way perhaps reducing a % of their profit margin but gain longer term consumers. The common cold isn’t going away anytime soon = money to be made still.



Fix these things and watch what happens. So I will try to head back towards the topic of FILM. I am happy that two of my childhood icons from TV shows I loved (David Carradine in “Kung Fu” and Dan Haggerty “Life & Times of Grizzly Adam”) were both people I got to work with and in the latter become good friends with. If you want to see these films seek out “Miracle at Sage Creek” (Thank you Thadd) to see the project I was involved in with David Carradine.  Dan Haggerty can be seen in “An Ordinary Killer” (NEW release this year) or “Book of Ruth, Journey of Faith” (I love his chemistry with Lana Wood in this film) and of course “40 Nights” (March 8th) .



The film is DONE:) I was actually trying to get a link so that Dan Haggerty could watch the film in his final days. It is likely the most beautiful film I’ve produced to date. The film opens with God speaking. That is a huge casting task and when we recently had our final screening everyone commented on how perfect Dan was for the part. The film has been a whirlwind. Our release date was moved up on us and we had to really press at the end. As we speak the DVD’s are being made for the 1st release March 8th. The film is also just arriving for digital encoding for online and TV streaming. We’re in the process of looking at a few premiere showings. Also looking at church and theatrical set ups. My biggest regret after watching this film is not having the P&A (prints and advertise $) to put this film in theaters around the world. But it will be what it is to be. I was very inspired to dive into the second film in this QUEST TRILOGY. That film is “Chasing the Star” and we’re gearing up to shoot in the near future.

Ashes of Eden - Poster

I’ve written about release dates on all the films in the past weeks so I won’t rehash that. The Christian Film Database that focuses on family and faith films announced that our “Ashes of Eden” and “40 Nights” are amongst the most anticipated films in 2016 by poll. That makes me proud. The “Ashes of Eden” film comes first to TV (Parables/Uplift) April 1st, NO JOKE:) and nationally April 7th.

Top 35 Upcoming Christian Movies for 2016

Knight Chills

Sir Kallio stalks in “Knight Chills”

I’ve also recently finished the “KNIGHT CHILLS 2” script and also the 3rd script in the QUEST TRILOGY. I just need to do a polish on these projects before starting some early development talks.

I’m about to embark on a work weekend with budgeting and script polishing to get ready for the week ahead. Thank you for once again listening to my ramble.

Keep clawing!