“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “shells

Happy 4th of JULY! Casting, Censorship & Current Events


OK! I have my hazelnut coffee beside me as I work on a few business items. I think it’s good to first say thank you to all our military folks who allow us all the freedoms we enjoy. While we are far from perfect as a society here in the USA we do strive to better ourselves. I personally did not elect to be a politician and so my personal feelings on certain subjects are just opinions. I did choose to be a storyteller. Be you – Right wing, left-wing, wing nut, black, white, yellow, brown or purple – I want to entertain and enlighten you via motion pictures. I recall late last year getting fan mail from Egypt following one of our films playing the Cairo Film Fest. I got fan mail a few weeks ago from India over another film. I really love people’s cultures, traditions, foods and art. I think we are in a time whereas people are boldly putting mortal agendas onto divine heresy.   Words are symbols combined to convey meaning. I see communication breakdowns passing a few instructions down the film production line. Imagine various levels of educations, multiple languages, lacking the right word to describe something, unable to describe something  and the humanistic urge to put their own agenda and spin on something. Now multiple this by hundreds or thousands of years and things get very blurry.


I would say preach whatever religion or outlook you wish. Shall and Shall Nots. But nowhere does anyone mortal have the anointed position to make judgement spiritually. People flock together to feel more confident in their own choices and decisions. Numbers don’t make one right. And each person may be judged (if you want to subscribe there) individually. But not by anything or anyone here – not in matters of soul, spirit or divine essence. If people would let people live and stand accountable in the end for their own actions – all would be better. Concern yourself with yourself, I say. The Golden Rule is beautiful because you don’t know if you are right. You can tell yourself that. You can quote from text that may or may not be accurate. But in the end IF you believe in judgement – what if you are wrong? What if a half-dozen people different from you in their beliefs are brought forth and asked if they would vouch for you as worthy. Did you give kindness, compassion and love to these and other people? Or did you pass hate, intolerance and judgement upon people. That feels like a power best left to scales held on a much greater divine level. When I see those who stand in high judgement I see the coming of their fall. When I hear talk so crazy or hate-filled – I imagine what great displeasure of someone who puts words into others mouth. People may await the return of a savior but from what I see – people should not be so excited by this unless God is grading on a curve. And those who think they have the cheat sheet created by authors – edited a thousand times – and hand selected for digestion again by Wise? Men? Be careful!


The color of our skin is but the traveling cloak. Perhaps our body itself just the bio-organic clothes we wear over our individual sparks. I see how a spark within us could be created in the image of a greater – more vast powerful divine spark. Stripped of EVERYTHING mortal how are our sparks different from one another? Ponder that. I’ve often thought that while so many sit and await some return of a savior perhaps the people themselves have the power over when that someone will return, reveal or make oneself known. Should mankind evolve to a higher state where they are truly ready – maybe someone will step forth. It could happen:)


I have also done a Civil War movie in Virginia (Wicked Spring) and spent much time in the beautiful South. I was also born in the North, in equally beautiful Michigan. While I will be the first to say I’ve seen shunning and disparaging talks about people wearing different traveling cloaks everywhere. I’ve always been quick to step up on these conversations if in earshot. Some Brits talking about Indians. (From India) Indians (From India) talking about darker skin Indians. Japanese talking about the Chinese. Whites about blacks. Canadians about the Detroit Red Wings. Seriously – all shaped by our experiences with one another.  Be that good experience. I can say with all truth that in my travels IF people labeled me as an AMERICAN – I left them with a good impression of how we can be. FREEDOM TO BE. Just because we have the freedom to exercise something it is up to us to question should we. Where does the motivation lie? Pride, Shock, To Hurt, To Isolate, To Associate? Take a sensitive issue like FLAGS. What are flags? Symbols. These mean different things to different people. The cross. A dove. Crossbones with a skull. Symbols meant to rally, inspire, unify and identify. I keep hearing the comparison to the Nazi flag. The symbol on their flag was used first in Neolithic times. It has different meaning to the Chinese or the Indians. WW2 left dark meanings on a symbol that for thousands of years meant lucky. The beholder will see what they see. Today is a day that we celebrate the stars and stripes. I say it represents the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY. We as represented by that flag – have done remarkable, shameful and unthinkable things. But UNITED WE STAND. Our goal is to add more GOOD to our list of accomplishments. Can we ever erase the BAD or UGLY? No. But the ratio can be off set by adding additional GOOD deeds. We are also a country of freedom that purposely limits censorship. The need for “Censorship” to me often shows a lack of faith in select individuals to make good choices. AND while those groups may be partial correct – (We make bad choices as humans all the time) – to error allows one to grow. You will fall learning to walk. We allow much free will in America and constantly try to adjust our compass. Politics and special interest of those who hoard of shells and beads (currency which = symbols on paper or metals) this will make change slow but it will change. For better? For worse? Flags can mean PRIDE or HATE. Flags can get a reaction of PRIDE or HATE. The stars and stripes do not bring tears of pride to inhabitants of a far-away village accidentally bombed in some drone attack. The stars and stripes proudly flew on the moon. A flag can be the good, the bad and the ugly. It often is all three.


Finally! I know some of you are saying that. I usually take a step back on all those current issues but had many people ask my views. I had to ponder them for a while. Meanwhile in the film world GREAT things are happening.


We announced our new Parables TV licensing for “7 Stones,” “Outside the Wire,” and “Standing Post” – congrats to those cast and crews.

ASHES OF EDEN Oct. 13th worldwide release and how about that poster art! I love it.

CDI Associated production releases Oct 13, 2015

CDI Associated production releases Oct 13, 2015

BESTSELLER – We will know Monday about the July 21st show date at Studio C Celebration Cinema BUT we have our week run at the south Lansing location from the 24th-30th of July and I’m excited that some home town folks can come see the film. Audiences have really enjoyed it. I’m in talks with a handful of distributors for VOD, foreign and such. We are close to setting up some dates in the Detroit, MI area. We also have been working several others in hopes of getting it to all of you. We’ve gotten your communications and we’re working on it!

DONORS does look like it is signing a domestic deal with one of the distributors CDI Distribution has been in talks with. More on this is the coming weeks.

CDI Distribution is in talks with the Philippines and India on some licensing of films. China may be next via one of our associations.

40 NIGHTS – I’m very excited by this film. I got my final notes over to our director/editor and I think we will be closing up the edit in the next couple weeks. I would love to have the film move to music and sound around July 15th. The first official trailer is also almost done and I love it. The great part is that the trailer is powerful yet the film itself holds so, so much more! Not one of those trailers where all the best parts are thrown into the teaser. We do have a place on the http://www.40nightsthemovie.com website where churches and organizations can sign up if they want a screening. We will push this harder once we release the trailer.

Jesus is the upcoming

Jesus is the upcoming “40 Nights”


I’ve finally gotten to a point where development (always ongoing) is ready to take front and center. I’ve been writing on a handful of projects which will have their own PR forthcoming BUT those of you who come here to this blog get the 1st drop on some of these developments. Let me bullet point a few as my fingers are growing tired and eggs are calling me.


– We will be looking for (2) African-American Michigan-based talent. One is young girl 8-10 years of age and also a fine young lady of mid-late 20’s. We want to see dramatic resume reels and they can be sent directly to perrydj@aol.com and will be looked at by our development team.                                      NO OTHERS AT THIS TIME PLEASE.


– I’ve been working on the “Knight Chills 2” script and that is moving along nicely. It will possibly go into production this year.

– I have started in on the next biblical feature to be shot as part of our Lightworx Entertainment deal. It is entitled “Chasing the Star” and we are looking to once again shoot in AZ come Jan/Feb 2016.

A couple other scripts are also being worked on as time and inspiration hit.


What is next acting-wise? I’ve gotten this question quite a bit as of late. We do have a few CDI projects as noted above that I will be participating in. Outside of that I’ve got a few projects my management has presented. It looks like I’m going to shoot a western trailer in August with an actor I truly admire. I’ve also been submitted directly to producers on a film to perhaps play a very famous person of history. Next week I’m also announcing my involvement in a studio project that has been coming together for a while. I had to get studio approval on everything but now that is all in place – SHAZAM!  My HINT: The original source material is a Stephen King book.

I might have missed a few things but it is the 4th of July. I need to go relax and eat some good food with family and friends. Be safe everyone!


Bestseller 2.0, ASHES Trailer, Tomatoes & TV Series

Good morning to all of you EST readers and for all others hello! I’m excited that this blog has really got to be international reflecting the great brotherhood and sisterhood of artists world-wide. Many years ago I stared this blog on a DJ Perry fan page created by well, a fan Pepper and it has grown into this blog over the years. It is a place where you can tune in and read about my journey and maybe gather some unique insight into your own situations. I’ve been a bit tough over the last few weeks because if you really want my comments on issues unfolding around me I’m going to state the facts. I’ve never been a real sugar-coated type person. I’ve had issues with people in power who think they demand respect vs earn it. I’m many things outside this business of ours and so a title means little if I don’t respect you. I look to actions vs words and truly look at the person and their potential. I would rather have someone with less experience and the right skill set to nurture and develop. Know that your actions are always being evaluated and in our business evaluation and accountability are king.

We’ve made some great structure changes to the upcoming BESTSELLER film. It has been a time of evaluation and accessing and I have to say that I’ve not seen such potential squandered in some time. That has almost all been corrected. As legal and accounting clean up the past um… camera tests? Acting rehearsals? We’re preparing an entirely new ship to launch –  BESTSELLER 2.0. New management, new director, script clean up, new locations, new battle plan and accessing cast and crew.  For those who saw  the PR last week, I did accept the offer to play a lead in the film. I’ve been enjoying “finding” that character within and I look forward to working with my “7 Stones” co-star again.  Stay tuned for a new website that will also be launching with our new campaign. This movie is going to be an exciting ride.

If you want to see what film our team previous managed I invite you to watch the official theatrical premiere of ASHES OF EDEN. It premieres tomorrow Sunday at 8:00 pm EST at


ASHES OF EDEN dialogue edit is now about complete and sound design and music work is about to start. Color correction work underway. They had an event last night and played the trailer sneak peek for a few hundred people to a great reaction. More promotions are going to be heating up as we make our way towards a late fall premiere. We also did a Lansing area radio show that broadcasts to 30 countries and that can be found on the http://www.ashesofedenmovie.com site.

This week has also been filled with other notable news

A drama that may or may not launch in Detroit next week – I’ve been consulting on since about December and we have a production contract sitting out there. The company needed some LOI from us and wanted us to work out the legalese later. STOP RIGHT THERE! You want to know why so many projects become a cluster ##$% is that you need to define and work out legalese ahead of time. Too many people have carts pulling horses. It seems to be a reoccurring issue with some people and it always spells trouble. Good business starts with a good foundation and that means have a solid groundwork of agreements. This venture has had some major issues in communication whereas advise given is just flatly refused. I’m trying to give advice to protect an investment and give the chance for the best film possible to be made. But at the day’s end they want to push forward despite warnings and so what do you do? Script changes, creative suggestions that help budgetary issues – all given and ignored. Now I’m not use to going at something as just a JOB. I run on passion and art with business being woven throughout. Some of what I warned about is coming into play because at the end of the day – hard work in the wrong places and good intentions will not solve pre-production issues. I’ve had to look at the idea of checking my own ego and pride and just making the best possible film with the resources available. So the contracts are out there and the requirements known so if it happens – I will go at this like I do everything – with BEST EFFORTS. If they don’t agree to our most basic requirements – pass. I’ve passed on several projects this year including another acting offer yesterday. It just has to make sense. My issue here is saying NO can mean a financial loss to many people BUT there will always be another. Until the ashes are spread I will always have the need to create and engage in storytelling but I refuse to be ruled by SHELLS & BEADS. Now time will decide – I had to kill all effort and communication – time for talk is done and now only action remains. TO DO or to DO NOT!

There is interest that came from left field on helping to produce and co-star in a TV series for a major network that I watch often. A pitch last week, which by the way was thought to be a bust – resulted in a call that evening sharing their interest. Never overlook the poker face. I hear it from many actors who think they tanked an audition and that is the one they landed. Now this project here is of course under non-disclosure but it is one of the few projects that I have said yes to as a regular. (Should it go) So as soon as I get off this I have a story meeting as now they need their written pitch to move up the line to get green lit. It may or may not work out but it is another growing experience. Also in sharp contrast to the previously discussed project – good communication is what has this project moving.

Word is that a couple of films recently licensed may be dubbed into Spanish for distribution. I’m still working the final pieces of the Germany license deals.

Great Skype meeting over “Darkest Night” and the 2014 follow-up shoot of “The Beast”. They have hired a director and the UPM and so movement is beginning on that front.

“Supermodel Showdown” TV series is moving right along. Some teasers for this will soon be heading to distributors and audiences.

Outside of all this movie stuff – a great soccer tie last week against former league champions. Tomatoes are now ripe in the garden. I did some good work on the office this week. We did some good grilling and chilling a few evenings and today will also have us grilling some pork steaks. I’m off for a story meeting before enjoying the day. I hope each and every one of you have a great weekend and productive week ahead.