“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “back

Now Streaming! DVD’s HOT GIFTS! – Updates

Good morning my friends, I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee on this wonderful Sunday. I want to welcome all our new readers from Mexico, Netherlands, India, Canada and more. I’m up good and early as I have a day that keeps moving right until bedtime. I had a very good week of organizing and getting things done. A few meetings and some additional winterizing. That is what we have to do here to prepare for the ice and snow. I fixed the fence gate and split wood by axe attacking a stack of logs this past week. I paid the price the next day of overworking. Stiff neck and lower back but I got those worked out. I had one day where I was moving half speed at best. But I will need to get those muscles working to get through the winter. The wood stove will need to keep the logs burning.

(Fellowship of filmmaking – Tony Hornus center with Travis (Left) and Cody (Rt) on set. )

The Christmas tree is up and this past week a few outside decorations went up. I do love the colored bulbs. I don’t enjoy traffic and crowded stores and try to go at off times. We have three family Christmas gatherings in a row and so I’ve been also being a little elf wrapping away. I have a few good meetings this week that will also be part celebration and planning for 2024.

(Coming together to tell stories – myself, Don Most (center) and Carl Weyant (Rt) director)

Yesterday, I want to recognize that a friend, family and mentor passed away a year ago yesterday. I’ll always remember because I was in Algona, Iowa for the premiere of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We had done a radio show on a very snowy morning. This friend was going to have a medical test done and his heart stopped. I got up from resting my eyes knowing we had a pre-party followed by the premiere and lastly an afterglow at the VFW. I awoke from my short nap to find out this horrible news. It was this town’s beautiful day and story. It almost felt like WHOville at Christmastime, so I kept this news mostly quiet. He was really interested in seeing this WW2 era story. Now, Dec 1st this year was our home video release and I once again recalled again how badly he wanted to see this new film. Dec 9th marked one year without him. He is greatly missed – Dan the Druid.

(Just some of the CDI Tribe – multigenerational – back right John McGraw has been with the tribe the longest of the folks in this pic save me)

* NOTE: I had just put my phone in my vest pocket – I’m not packing heat:)

Let’s look at some of the exciting updates this week.


  1. With the December 1st home video release of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA), years of work before shooting and a few since of premiere release came to an end. From the point financial backers entrust you there is a somber seriousness that goes along with that responsibility. I’ve noted before that due to several variables this film was one of the hardest ones to finish in many years. But, with the national release I can exhale.
  2. The SNIA pre-sales ranking for DVD’s on Amazon has stayed strong and we just got our November totals and it is our distributors top performing film. We had just shy of 3,000 people purchase the DVD as a keepsake or as a gift. Businesses purchasing for employees. Gifting DVD’s to nursing homes so that residents can enjoy the sights and sounds of an early day with a smile. Hospitals? Prisons? This true event film can truly lift the spirits. I am so appreciative of all the good folks who have watched and shared how special the film is. Especially those who have reviewed it on Amazon or http://www.imdb.com – we love to read about your experience watching this story and it encourages others to take a watch. Many of the film’s cast and crew have reached out to express their joy at being part of this film. Our kudos to all of you. Filmmaking is very hard work and many people don’t seem to grasp that. A huge effort of coordinating so many artists and variables. It just means so much to all of us to have everyone accept the film as they have. We make these stories for all of you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  3. A fan favorite is WILD FAITH, a family western, ah- mid-western. It just celebrated flying over the 8 million views mark at Encourage TV. (Free w/ ads search it out) They are just one of many platforms showcasing this and many of the CDI films. CDI even has their own playlist on Encourage TV. But with each passing year our fans for Wild Faith increase. We are still very interested in the TV series. We just have to align with the right partners. In 2024 we just must get all those pieces to line up. Persistence is one of my strengths.
  4. KNIGHT CHILLS, is the very first film by CDI. We started shooting in 1998 I believe bringing us to 25 years since camera rolled. I think our first major distribution was in 2001. The film is proudly back on the market as a Blu-Ray. If you or someone you know is into the ole fantasy role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons they would likely enjoy this film. BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17209379555681048587&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6
  5. 2024 should bring some new life to the KNIGHT CHILLS franchise. A sequel has been talked about for years with various interested filmmakers. A sequel? The video game? Book reissue? Merchandise? I have a good meeting on Monday where part of the discussions will be on Knight Chills.
  6. Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) updates- I had a great update with our director Carl Weyant, as he was heading to the airport to be with family. The film at the time of our discussion was just shy of 50 minutes edited and he said it was pretty damn tight. He was just so excited by the performances and the way the story all pulls together. Good script eh? 🙂 A teaser trailer and the film edit will be worked on and when Carl returns in January of 2024, we should have a rough edit to watch. Good talks with our composer have started but will become even more involved in 2024.
  7. Additional HIR– I’ll be working with Tony Hornus on looking to cast our (5) WW1 German reenacts to film our opening. We’ll also bringing back in David Reardon and Bejo Dohmen for our final shooting of our opening scene in Feb. if everything goes according to plan.

WRAP UP: I’m enjoying the Christmas season and thankful for the time with family and friends. I’ve been organizing and reflecting. I’ve been calling up old friends and associates to check in with them and share a laugh. I’ve been trying to recharge. Having something like ‘Silent Night in Algona’ get to market thus fulfilling my main responsibility. “Create the best art possible within the business perimeters and getting it to market.” From there, how it is received depends on the audience and the distributors.

Let’s talk on that a beat-

Many distributors are puppy mills for films. Horrible deals that will rob filmmakers versus develop and grow with them. Work smarter vs harder, I say. Distribute less content but ones worth more revenue via quality. Every major company that embraced its brand worked hard in customer service to build customer loyalty. They care about what people think of their company. CDI is like that. Many we do business with share that idea. I know our new Pepsi contact and team takes great pride in their brand(s).

Some exploitation distributors just wreck and rape, harsh word I know but a very good illustration when you look at how artists love their “child” films. Once the exploitive distributor ship has taken on too many legal hits they scuttle the company. So reputation of the distributor matters and I can attest that it can make a lot of difference between living in the past or future. A good partnership like what we just shared on the launch of ‘Silent Night in Algona’ is golden. To have a chance at creating something great it takes more effort versus just going through the motions. Having everyone aligned towards a common goal with content that is truly uplifting woven within a true story of goodness. In a world where we are reminded daily of senseless shootings and never ending wars, a film that gives HOPE is like gold.

To bring it full circle, the saying “you are wealthy by what you can give away, not what you have” is a powerful saying to ponder. When you’re giving to others you’re also living in a season of being blessed. Apply this to distribution – Once a distribution company has good content flowing in from fair development practices you will see great growth in the distribution branch. To grow yourself you must have healthy story providers. A company quickly gets known for the quality of their content. They can become greater than the sum of the parts/films if they choice wisely. CDI (www.cdiproductions.com) is also greater than the sum of the parts/films. A creative incubator – knights of the creative round table – tribeCDI THUNDERDOME! Okay. I need to back that down. But each film is a handcrafted piece of art made by many artists who care sincerely about storytelling. About legacy. I’m going to wrap it up now. I’m going to a memorial later and after spending time with my brother and a few friends. All our journeys will one day end here. Spend time with family and friends and keep expanding that circle of sincere. People don’t easily trust kindness. But people also feel/know sincere. That is a word I think I relate too. SINCERE. Now you can sincerely be a pain in the ass too. But I think I’m quite sincere in most all I do. Is a sincere effort same as best effort? I think if you give your best you are sincere in the effort. I will have to ponder and we’ll talk more about that on a different day.

Be sincere and good to one another. Until next week.

Coffee Cheers- DJ

ICFF Win, HD and General Market Releases, Post Updates and ALGONA Pre-Production!

The birds were chirping a full chorus this morning and now I’ve got my hazelnut coffee with me and I’m looking forward to our weekly chat. My “soccer legs” are getting stronger now that we are three games in. Day one after our Thursday game my legs felt seized up but day two which is usually worse, brought recovery. The movement in all directions and running for so long really shocks the legs until they strengthen the tendons again in back, hips, knees and ankles. I also got a new free-standing heavy bag for in the yard. Our training days will be better now that we can unloose some kicks. My hanging heavy bag inside wasn’t positioned proper to practice kicks. I’m just upping my kicking game to get it back to where I once was. We joked that every decade the kicks got lower. But working on kicking and soccer go hand in hand. Either way I’m really enjoying it so far. I hope our Memorial weekend off from soccer helps the healing but doesn’t set back my progress I’ve made so far. I’m coming out of this Covid crisis in tuned up shape. Let me think – any big events sitting on my mind this week?

I was approached by a former co-star (Tommy Lynch) who is now coaching and counseling. He had a student (Matthew) that is an aspiring screenwriter. He was doing a video presentation final exam like many students. He was using MAN’S BEST FRIEND as the tone of his TV series. My friend told him that he knew DJ Perry and that he could get me to do an interview clip for his project. I did so. I hope that it turned out great. My thoughts are with all the students who had to face such a crazy time with Covid.

(Some of the CDI team at ICFF with ‘Lost Heart’)


Let’s start with LOST HEART. The film was being recognized at the ICFF (International Christian Film Festival) this past week. We had multiple nominations and were given the bronze for Best Film category and Don Most won as Best Supporting Actor. I know that a handful of our talent led by Melissa Anschutz attended. While award shows are fine I’m sure the laughter around the dinner and pool are the most memorable.

LOST HEART is up next month (June) at the Crown Awards in Texas as one of five films nominated for ‘Best Picture’ along with MAN’S BEST FRIEND. CDI is also going to announce that this week the General Market (GM) release of the film is about to start rolling onto streaming platforms. Under the title BIGFOOT, UFO’S AND JESUS the mainstream will be treated with this wonderful story. We will also be releasing the new trailer with the GM poster art.

BEST YEARS GONE – Lots going on here with this film. The film even had a ‘biker bar’ pick up this past week to complete all the added footage. The color correction is progressing. Our first official trailer is getting close to an edit lock with director notes going over. The music and sound design is also moving right along. Our ‘Battle of the Bands’ is closed and the songs are being judged by our team. We’ve started to release some videos of judge John Two Hawks talking about his favorite three songs. Watch it here: https://www.facebook.com/Bestyearsgone

Who will WIN?

Next week we’ll have notes from judge Joe Pullin and after that from our team. We’ve also added a drop song coordinator in Taylor Dupuis (Pic Below) who just might be gifting us with another great ‘Roanoke’ song. We’ll be announcing the winner end of the month and prepping to shoot a music video. We also have a meeting this week about an event premiere at a race track and we are also looking to do an Owosso NCG premiere which is the home town of the book writer Karl Manke. More to come on this fine upcoming movie.

WILD FAITH/HASTINGS – The building of the TV series is underway. I had more send outs this past week and I think we’ll find even more sponsors as we move forward. I still have the goal of getting this TV series fully funded by Dec 31st. We will see:)

THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star & The Christ Slayer) – On Encourage TV part 1, Forty Nights is about a thousand views short of its first million watches. I’m sure this week we’ll break that barrier so be part of that. I love this series and think that it has still not found its full General Market audience yet. I’m happy that the circle of fans keeps getting wider. Here is a good review on FORTY NIGHTS that was brought to my attention.


Please do enjoy all three films in this miniseries.

BESTSELLER is being delivered this month for its new campaign. The uprez of WICKED SPRING is done from what I’m told and I’m excited to see it. It will be nice to stream the story as an HD film. We’ll be discussing which other films to render into HD format. The trailer teaser for FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH is getting there. We examined a version 2.0 and discussed revisions. I cannot wait to see trailer 3.0 this week.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is moving full speed ahead. Last week myself and Michael Walton were announced as part of the cast. We’re almost done with our German casting and starting June we’ll be returning to our weekly pre-prod meeting. Art department has been prepping its breakdowns and we’ll be addressing that starting in June. We’ll be announcing more cast this week. We had a few great adds to our cast/crew this past week. We had an article come out in Iowa and the community has been reaching out in force. We are also starting our talks with sponsors and brand alignment. I’m beyond excitement for this WW2 drama to get to the big screen. Join us and follow along at


(Gil says, what what?)


I want to thank everyone again at ICFF. I’m so happy that some of our cast/crew were able to get together and represent the LOST HEART film. I think today will be a tinker in the yard and grill. Use today to chilllax before another busy week ahead. I hope you all have a great week and keep making those steps towards making your vision and dreams a reality. Be good to one another and we’ll chat next week.


‘Lost Heart’ – Are you Ready? Also the Forgotten Art of Respect, Communication and Listening

Wild Faith cabin

Hello my friends and good morning to you all. I’m sitting here sipping coffee on a Sunday and reflecting with all of you on the past week. In Michigan we unfortunately saw some violence over mask wearing. Lives changed and ended over a simple mask. My buddy who works in China on occasion was in Singapore when the outbreak first hit. He was the first to predict that Americans are not going to do well because of too many defiant folks. I know that practically everything is being weaponized during this election time but again the virus should be a ‘net health’ concern for all not political. I witness people not taking it serious until it effects their circle. I think the issue not being addressed is the term “recovered” which implies has left the hospital but doesn’t truly mean recovered. Life can be cruel and as with many illnesses, death is a release but illness can include long-term suffering. As you get older you realize how important it is to keep a balanced system. Small issues can result in life hindering conditions as we age. Bad back, knees, digestion…and so having something that can linger on for a lifetime is not truly recovered. I don’t want any virus and I don’t want to put that upon anyone else. So I do my part and pretend I’m a member of GI-Joe (Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow) anytime I go out to a public business gathering/business. The hospital can be a miserable stay for anything and incubated coma sounds anything but fun. I like mom’s saying of better safe than sorry.


Life as a storyteller is fulfilling because I think it allows for the best communication possible. I recently had someone while angry try to tell me that I  was an ass-kiss because I won’t jump on the crazy, angry way of communicating with passive aggressive or equally nasty mudslinging comments that can lead to stabbings and shootings but little change. I believe that the way we communicate via movies and storytelling to have a stronger reach. What do I have to say on Veteran and dog rights – watch MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND. Race Relationships watch WILD FAITH. The Quest Trilogy (FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER) is full of good life lessons. Those lessons can be applied and it doesn’t matter what, if any,  religion you follow – you can still take something good away from it. I like to speak with my stories and that allows me to not live in a stressful and angry place like so many do. I live in a place of love and listening. My simple response was that if ass-kissing is caring and listening, I guess I am. I’ll sit down and have a drink to share words with anyone no matter what box they decide to check in November. (Or no box)


I do know that to get respect you have to give respect and that often means listening despite you agreeing with them or not. But many cannot keep their mouth shut long enough to listen. They are waiting for someone to stop talking so they can spew their regurgitated response. When you respect enough to listen they often return the favor.

After some sit-downs, I still believe we went to the moon and I don’t believe the Earth is flat and 5G doesn’t have anything to do with the virus…but I’ll listen to someone speak their opinions. If I don’t agree, I often state that but not by being louder, interrupting and surely not by belittling and name calling on someone who’s opinions differ. People met with that poor communication get angry and return to their protective echo chamber where everyone sounds off the same. Nothing is solved. But watch a movie with a deeply written messages and sometimes views can be altered or changed sometimes profound and sometimes only slightly. I don’t claim to know all the answers and I go into every conversation knowing I could be wrong because I’m a student of life everyday. But I see frustrated and stressed people with a need to be 100% right and know that their way of communicating is not my way.

Master copy

Onto movies-

I want to thank everyone out there for the beautiful film reviews and fan mail that I continue to receive. I often share those notes with my fellow producers to illustrate that the hard work we endure to finish these projects will help many people upon their completion.  Thank you.


LOST HEART is complete. The visual master came in last week after some amazing color correction from Jesse Aragon our DP. Our director Jesse Low and composer/sound designer Dennis Therrian have finished the final audio. The mixing for stereo and 5.1 is completed and will be married together with the visual for delivery this coming week! We are starting to explore premiere and theatrical possibilities before our home video release. (I hope to have dates soon) We will be doing a PR release next week that highlights not only the amazing musical work of Dennis Therrian that can write music in all genres but a few featured artists on the soundtrack. The band Roanoke and The Cash Collective will be highlighted in our film having made a few great contributions. More on that soon. I’m looking forward to a producers watch and toast before audiences get to travel to our LOST HEART. Congrats to our entire team! TribeCDI on the move!


Good development work on several fronts which will have their own PR releases in good time. I’m excited about the new history of Catch-Can documentary we’re putting together. Also BEST YEARS GONE has some exciting developments as we’re talking with upcoming sponsors. CDI is ready to keep moving forward. I do hope we can get some distance from this virus but only time will tell. But know we are continuing to work on putting together 2021 feature films and maybe a TV series:) I hope everyone has a good week and we’ll chat again soon.

Stay safe.