“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “BEST YEARS GONE

NEW Screen Captures, Updates and Inspirations

Good afternoon! This morning I’m fueled up on hazelnut coffee and we went to the first flea market of the season. I love the energy and the nostalgic aspects of it all. I only found a wood sign that I liked for the office but breakfast afterwards made the trip worthwhile. I often find many film props or wardrobe pieces while on these hunts. I saw the vendor who sold me the 1940’s phone we used in SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA in my office scenes as the Colonel. I told him he would have to watch the film on Amazon and see his antique phone.

I spent a good part of the week buried in numbers balancing accounts and writing out checks to the accounting firm who keeps us moving forward. I’ll have a few days rest before the next quarter of profit checks start coming in and I’ll have to process those. Again the unsexy side of filmmaking but the part that makes it all go round and round. We’ve been engaged in several conversations to bring investors and sponsors onto our next film project HOT ROD LOVE. We’ve also been putting financial pieces in place on several other films for 2025. I’m ready like many filmmakers to dive into locations, cast and the artistic side needed to bring a time period to life. This next film will be in the very cool 70’s. The music, the fashion and the vibe is just groovy. We’re making good progress on the investor/sponsor fronts and I think many folks just wanted to get past end of the year taxes. I’m getting excited to refocus on the pre-production on a new film because our current film is about to move to the next phase.

Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) recently gave folks a look at behind-the-scenes with CDI. Adam Towner did a wonderful job. This week we’ll be watching the 3rd and likely final pass of the film. We call that a picture lock which allows us to start really working dialogue, music and sound design. I’m told that several if not all the 61 VFX effects will be inside the film this week when we watch it. I love the phase of hanging at the studio and reviewing, suggesting and enjoying the progress. Our director Carl Weyant released another batch of screen captures which you can watch on the HIR Facebook page. Once the film goes into picture lock we’ll release a BTS of the VFX work. Followed by a theatrical trailer and poster. In July we’ll take an assessment on our post process which will help us solidify the premiere process. Much more to come on this amazing film.

We continue to push the many films in the CDI library and appreciate all the new fans. We are also in the process of remastering the earlier CDI Classic Collection. AN ORDINARY KILLER is being prepared for a new launch in the wake of a lot of new interest in the case the film is based upon. Watch the podcast TWO AVERAGE JOES: https://youtu.be/JAEjJFQ77N0?si=ZvlmCwwaCIvr5J8B

This podcast on true crime did a new updated special on our Making of this film. Even more exciting is the upcoming release of a special presentation – a remastered version of the movie exclusively with Two Average Joes as part of a fundraiser for The Red, White and Blue Project. A non-profit that benefits veterans and their families. Subscribe to the pod cast and get all the updates as they happen.

We are also getting close to relaunching a newly remastered version of GHOST TOWN also. A new trailer from our talented friend Brett Frame will likely launch this coming week. New poster art might also be in the works although we do like one of the posters from the original park release. We are still aligning all the business behind this film but it is returning! RETURN to Ghost Town!

Several other films such as KNIGHT CHILLS, FROM VENUS, HEAVENS NEIGHBORS and FIGURE IN THE FOREST are all being worked on for re-release after being digitally remastered. Some of the films have novelizations with them that will be getting a release. Also some of the scripts with fun extras about the making of them. I’ve seen some fun peeks at new artwork from Tom Miller who did the great Blu Ray art for KNIGHT CHILLS. My goal is to get them all remastered and streaming! It will be done. The theatrical division of CDI made a big jump with SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA and we’ll be prepping the entire library of theatrical event showings. A midnight movie screening of FROM VENUS? KNIGHT CHILLS? Even some of the associated CDI films are in talks for fresh distribution. But we’re going to get the CDI collection finished first. But after that…

WRAP UP: I’m going to wrap this up here. As I noted before I spent a lot of time last week behind this computer and working the phones. I hope you all enjoyed the screen shots from our upcoming Harsens Island Revenge. If you’re new at discovering the films from our collective, creative tribe – treat yourselves. BEST YEARS GONE, LOST HEART, THE QUEST TRILOGY (FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER) WILD FAITH, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ, FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, BESTSELLER, ASHES OF EDEN…a good list to get you started! How many have you seen? Which ones have you watched the most? Favorites? If so tell folks about it. Word of mouth really works and we have millions of views to prove that. Enjoy the emerging springtime by working in nature and after unwind with a story, a CDI story.

Until next week! Be good to one another!


NEW Screenshots, Nominations and Film Updates!

(Screenshot From ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ each week our dir. will release 5 new captures)

A not quite yet ‘TOP OF THE MORNING’ on a cold St. Patrick’s Day. So many good memories of this day from my crazy youth. Early starts with the green pints, bagpipes and festive atmospheres at such haunts as the old Irish Pub! Patio toasts and corn beef and many adventures best left untold. My days of sloppy mugs of beer spilling everywhere might be behind me now but I still love the memories. Speaking of- I want to welcome new readers last week from around the globe. Croatia, India, UK, Netherlands, Chile, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Canada and good ole Ireland. That is one of my favorite parts of doing this blog is that it brings together artists from all over the world.

This past week was much better, still filled with challenges, but better. I was having a rough one the previous week when trying to put the pick up shoot in order. The main issues were the 4 hour + drive from mid Michigan to Alpena and getting all people that were going to be on the active base identified. Pulling the shoot back was like undoing some of the work already done only to rebuild it. But that turned out to be the right call. It can be hard when you have to look at all the pieces on the board and make the call. Leadership seems cool when it is a few letters on a business card or a smancy title but when you have to make the hard decisions- different story. I’m happy to say we know have all our skeleton crew in place and our talent for front of the camera. Pulling off even a scene of WW1 is challenging and we could have easily dropped it and the movie would still play great.

But our team is never one to shy from making it just a bit better. Think of the film WILD FAITH without the Civil War flashback footage. It could have just been audio over a distant stare but we went for the more epic scope. If you haven’t seen WILD FAITH please do and you’ll see what I mean. We have a busy week ahead but when I write you all next we’ll have our airplane close ups and our WW1 opening in the can. (Old film saying) I want to thank our friends from PEPSI for again joining us on set and to our friends at TRU-HILTON coming on board to assist our out-of-town guests. Monday I’ll be picking up our lead David Reardon’s uniform and thanks to Tony Hornus and his hard work we’ll have our Germans. Tanks, Planes, and Soldiers coming at you. We’ll also be working with Dennis Therrian our composer/sound designer to get our narration voice over.

While mentioning Dennis Therrian, I want to gives a kudos to him for his ICFF Nomination for Best Music Score in a feature film (SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA). Also nominated was Cassie Dean for Best Leading Actress and Shane Hagedorn for Best Supporting Actor.

Additionally, Curran Jacobs our SNIA lead will be in Algona, Iowa to attend a meet-and-greet open house Sunday March 24th from 2-4 at the Ranger Station on the Tietz property. Curran has been developing the GOTCH script with myself, Mike Chapman (Historian) and CDI. The film will be a biopic on Frank Gotch, the Iowa Catch-Can world champion at the turn of the century. What is Catch-Can? Watch our FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH documentary and it will get you up to speed. Also we’ve been developing a film about the last conflict of the Iowa pioneers and the Lakota Sioux entitled SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE. So in the coming years we could very well be returning to Iowa to tell a few great stories.


I’ve been also organizing the business behind a few of the older CDI films. Example- like when a distributor’s term on a film has expired but they are still selling it. That means reaching out with copyright, chain of titles and the distribution agreement to either A) Cease sales or B) Redirect the profits. Other projects need to be updated to a HD version or conversion to theatrical files for those we want to return to theaters for a special run. I want the new HD streaming version of KNIGHT CHILLS to start releasing around Halloween. Working on the FROM VENUS Blu Ray deal. Essentially the entire CDI Classic Collection which includes the first six CDI Films. One day maybe an entire box set. To go along with some of the new releases we will have new promotional trailers. We have them in the works for Ghost Town, An Ordinary Killer and soon Knight Chills. Maybe some new artwork and prepare to introduce these films to a new audience. AN ORDINARY KILLER is based on a real killer and he happens to be the subject of a very interesting podcast called TWO AVERAGE JOES. This 2nd episode features an interview with a survivor of the killer featured in our film. Chilling and truly fascinating to listen to and watch. WATCH HERE: https://twoaveragejoes.com/podcast/two-average-joes-a-true-survivor-story/

IN THE WOODS, my 1st starring role was in this creature feature and the distributor should be announcing some release dates soon for the supreme Blu Ray. I hear the artwork is just awesome and I know a special poster for the theatrical is also being worked on. I will look forward to celebrating the release of this film 25 years ago.

MORE RETRO: My endeavors to bring some of the literary swag to you is progressing nicely. Scripts, ‘making of’s’ and novelizations are being slowly pulled together. I WILL have a few of the soundtracks put to LP record and now with the films on back up it will become easier to do.

FLASH FORWARD- We’re excited that our distributor TWIN ENGINES GLOBAL has launched a new streaming service for non-family/faith films FREE4ALL and movies like BEST YEARS GONE are now being seen by the tens of thousands and building. BESTSELLER a great thriller from Chris Wright has been gaining traction and we’re happy this platform is starting to provide just as ENCOURAGE TV has for our family/faith titles. Speaking of- get your family together this week or organize that watch party and once again journey into the desert with THE QUEST TRILOGY. Part 1 FORTY NIGHTS, Part 2 CHASING THE STAR and Part 3 THE CHRIST SLAYER.

(Melissa Anschutz as Mother Mary in The Quest Trilogy)


I’m also putting the final touches on a uniquely wild script that is all set in the Victorian era with a good dash of spooky steampunk. I have a few other scripts I would love to finish but this one appears to have it’s financing in place. HOT ROD LOVE is bringing on investors and sponsors weekly and once we are done with our HIR pick up shots we’ll go location scout the race track with have in our sights. We’ll be reaching out towards many more folks while making a big push in April to finish our funding and stay on track for a Summer shoot.


Corn beef and cabbage is cooking and this past week I also got the chainsaw and axes out and refilled all the wood bins. I still need to move all the oak logs out back to dry for another season before it gets processed into more burnable pieces. I’ll be doing more yard clean up and getting ready for a wonderful season of growing. We are all in hopes that things don’t bud too soon like the apple trees. Opening on our unusually warm days and after trying to survive a cold snap. Soon I’ll be planting new clover. The chickens are kicking the eggs out again. Some of the herbs are growing again already. Little flowers popping here and there. I also saw a robin bathing in the birdbath and I’m very ready for soccer and flea markets to start up. I got a new Spring hair shape getting my long 1920’s bangs out of my face and ready for a few new headshot pics. I hope you all have a productive week and know that life is all about challenges. I’m going to try and approach each one with positive optimism, a chance to learn and grow. I think it is time for a coffee refill and maybe some oatmeal or eggs, maybe both. Have a great Sunday and productive week ahead!

Be good to one another.


Producing is NEVER Easy, Acting UPDATES and COMMUNICATION as a KEY

(Just some of the CDI Tribe working on Harsens Island Revenge)

Good morning my friends. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and getting a later start due to ‘springing forward’ here in the USA. I’m not sure if they do that everywhere but some like it and others do not. I’m pretty indifferent to it all. I was pretty exhausted at the end of my week from grinding the mental gears. I think the added cold front coming in gave my sinuses a bit of a run but hot tea kept all that at a minimum. Many times you get only the highlights in my blog that show the final outcome. Meaning we did this or that but you don’t always get the in-between or the struggle to get that particular thing done. I’ve been grinding my gears trying to align many things for what we be an added 10-20 seconds in one scene that includes close ups in a period bi-plane with a beautiful wood cockpit that may or may not play on camera. As our Harsens Island Revenge script is written there is a WW1 opening to show Frankie’s (Our lead character) role in WW1 and how it shaped him. A 2-3 min sequence that also makes a statement about war and that war in particular.

(Again just some of CDI Tribe working towards the ‘Silent Night in Algona’ release)

To have the luxury to kill from afar keeps ones morality at a distance but having to kill up close is a different matter. Much like the dark ages where men killed each other up close with arrow, sword, axes and spears the dreaded WW1 was one that still used horses being fazed out by tanks slowly. Also many battles ended in sewage-filled trenches fighting with bayonets and trench knives. That is the horror that sticks with many of those soldiers. To be that close and see the immediate results of ones actions whereas you see the enemies lights go out. I think as they die a piece of the killer dies. A connection of sorts. I’ve been working for weeks to try and first get the location set up and the particulars around it. Add the players which have been hard to get. Not the leads but the ever-important extras who need to be equipped properly. WW1 has been the hardest to find on a budget, all the time periods to date. The best thing which we’ve done in the past is to hire passionate folks who reenact and put together their own kit. Our luck on that and the communication with those connected has been difficult. Add that we are up against a ticking clock to use the military base we had chosen. Why? Ten days prior all members have to be cleared and we are down to days to submit info on folks we have yet to find. Finding the folks alone isn’t hard but having them period dressed and equipped is and so this week we’ll decide if 1) We keep our shoot at the Alpena base 2) We reset the shoot elsewhere likely closer to mid MI giving us an extra week to find the gear and extras. 3) Kill the opening or strip it down to our just lead in WW1 having a slew of fast memories that brings us to the present 1920’s.

(On Set- Harsens Island Revenge)

It can truly be insanity at times and even with the best planning things fall apart or change. And this is all being done on a very tight remaining budget that is precious money that could be used to help launch the theatrical run after the film is complete. Now the film as it starts now is great and kicks off with some action so maybe we are good. Our composer at the first watch loves how it opens. AND we are trying to trim runtime but our proposed efforts is adding runtime. I think you are all getting the gist from my little peek into everything that goes into producing up this films. This is 3+minutes and we produced up 2hrs+ already. So when you see a bullet point of mine on here every week please do not assume any of it was easy. It is not. It gets done because of the talented people involved. People who care about the story. I don’t like to lose and I had to realize that we are in a WIN/WIN situation because the film is already great. We are trying to add sprinkles onto the top. The cake is going to taste great sprinkles or no sprinkles. And the audience will never know that sprinkles were an option.

(Boats that are 100 years old now)

After 2 hours+ of grinding my gears yesterday on something that wasn’t going to reveal itself, I had to just let go awhile. Maybe it is what makes me good at what I do? But yesterday I had to go and just organize in the office for a couple hours. I’ve got many things in motion for the CDI company and the more organized I am the more gets accomplished. Some music. Some organizing. Some chill tea and I regained my balance. Today I have a few conversations and by Weds of this week we’ll know if we are Alpena bound or if we are taking another direction.

(100 year old+ Planes)

Every direction has pros and cons usually ties to money. But in life just like filmmaking people can get frustrated when things you thought were taken care of, tied up, crossed off – start to unravel or come back at you. When you have to readdress something again in the present it takes from your future. Planning and development stop when you have to fix a crack in the foundation. So this 2-3 minutes has been very trying. It can be made harder but lack of communication. I swear we live in an age with more communication and we have become worse at communicating. People put boundaries on their times they work but that is not what we as successful filmmakers do. Now granted not everything is always as time sensitive as I sometimes feel it is but just knowing that it is on someones radar is satisfying. Message received. 10-4. On my list. I don’t like when people don’t acknowledge receipt of a communication. Even if busy. Let someone know because we live in a world of messages going into SPAM etc… COMMUNICATION. I just finished a great series THE BEAR about running a restaurant and it is all communication. “Yes chef” “Behind you Chef” “Corner” – and in soccer the team that communicates is the team that wins. A team with less talented players who communicate better can beat a team with more talented players if they win the communication game. “You have support” “Square” “Give and go” “Keeper’s ball“….My rant is just because I felt the endeavor unraveling despite hard work. In a project even asking “What can I do?” “What still needs to be done?” these things lead to success. And you have to always keep striving to improve.

(On set Harsens Island Revenge)


So above really is about producing up a film or in the case above just a few pick-up pieces. Actors who only act don’t often concern themselves with all that goes on behind the scenes. I can recall working years ago on one of our westerns in NC and while battling with catering and SAG I’m getting calls about an actor friend not liking their boots. Actors tend to just be concerned with their little focus but producing introduces you to the wide world of what it takes to put on a show. Even crew members only see the presentation and as I’ve said before, it is near impossible to pitch a perfect day. You hope the 95% right buys you grace for the 5% that goes wrong. Thousands of things that go right in a day due to the hard work of a few but cries of anguish if catering does a subpar job on vegan side meal or someones magnetic key deactivates on their hotel room. We take accountability but third party and a tech malfuntion should be covered by earned grace. Those incapable of grace are removed on future projects for their own good. Film shoots are more closely related to war versus vacation even when the places we shoot are beautiful.

(Old Men soccer champions)

So on the actor front my new agent sent me an audition for a pilot TV series. I’m use to reading a full script to absorb the character and roll but this is a few sides. I had this talk out in LA with friends who work often out there. I asked it they request or direct their agent towards shows they like? They said they pretty much read everything so their agent doesn’t drop them. I questioned what if you don’t like the show? The story? The Script? Doesn’t matter apparently to many. I wanted to do this read since it was the first thing my new agent sent over. Also I was going to be forced to do an upload and use the actor’s access portal. A good test. I did my read and damn, pretty good. I guess it should be after all these years. I was successful in my upload. I did get a few good notes on how I could subjectively improve the eye line and questioned would a tripod be better. See how the hee-haw that actors go through is the stressful time consuming parts. Second guessing and stressing and I don’t participate in that. I politely declined and said that what I presented I was comfortable with and if the production quality was not up to par I was find with it not being sent forward. The read was actual well liked and sent forward but after I felt a strange feeling likely opposite other actors. SHIT what if I actually get the role. Will I like the script? What if it does get picked up? I have a film lining up this summer that I know the script is good and the role is great. I have soccer season ahead and I’m looking forward to that. I would have to move a dental cleaning off the pilot shoot. WHOA partner:)

(Acting is still my top passion)

I wanted to start looking at some outside projects but I’ve avoided series in the past. WILD FAITH TV series would be different but maybe even after a season I might not enjoy that. I like finishing something. WRAP always makes me feel accomplished. Well, I just figure I will play the hand. Realistically I might not get the role as they’re many great actors and what folks like is subjective. If I do the pilot it still has to be picked up. This is just a few funny thoughts in my head. I enjoyed the practice of the read and technical upload but not knowing the full script/scope/creative team behind it is another place for me. I do believe just like all my outside projects that I will do what projects I’m meant to do. KARMA in India is where I met Carl Weyant, who just directed Harsens Island Revenge. Eric Colley and Hallie Shepherd and Paul Proios on G.P.S. (Watch on TUBI). So I’m going to just stay open to what is meant to be. I’m just staying good and busy but when away as an actor it is much easier and I’m still able to do producer/writer work.


Speaking of writing I saw that Benedict Fitzgerald writer of The Passion of the Christ passed away. I almost had an opportunity to work with him thanks to a friend Isabella Hirt but I was busy with BEST YEARS GONE. Which I’m happy to report can now be seen free with ads on Youtube’s FREE4ALL which is Twin Engine Global‘s new streaming service for non-family and faith films which is Encourage TV. Staying with the topic of writing I’ve been enjoying doing the polish on a script looking to film next winter. I think the funding is there and it is very unique but will be a lotta fun. It is a period piece and will be a lot of fun for all the actors. My second pass is working the descriptions and dialogs for pacing, flow and proper language. I had some talks this past week again about literary representation having had many produced screenplays now doing quite well in the marketplace. We will see said the wise man.

(A published un-produced script of mine on Amazon)

The literary side is developing nicely with several of the CDI projects publishing script and making of books and novels where it applies. I’ve been discussing the deal and discovering extra pieces and pictures to make these releases special. With the backup RAID now functioning we will be able to move into more theatrical and perhaps soundtracks. I will be looking for the right person to run the CDI merchandise site on commission.

(The actual 1920’s not an easy thing to recreate)

To tie into the above and circle back to Harsens Island Revenge – the making of by Adam Towner is looking great. We got a peek when watching the first cut of Harsens Island Revenge which was just amazing. Boats, planes, cars and buildings all helped to create the 1920’s. The world was brought to life by our artists on both sides of the camera. The performances all around are so strong with our young leads David Reardon and Cassie Dean doing such a wonderful job. It reminded me of some of the epic films of days past but with a modern capture bringing the world out of black and white and into full color.

(Silent Night in Algona – watch it if you have not)

This has all been good for me to just let some of this flow out and put order to my pick up shoot options. I have a few phone calls to make to discuss these options. It will all work out as we have some of the best artists within our creative tribe. I will go boldly into the new week and just deal with the cards we are dealt. I want to end by sending the CDI thoughts out to Anthony Hornus and family who lost his mom this past week after a long illness. For many of us our parents are a strong support system. Last time I spoke with her was at the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA Owosso, MI premiere and she was very proud of her son. We are all proud of Tony too and I’m deeply sorry for his loss. He will always have his TribeCDI with him. I hope everyone has a productive week. Until next time- coffee cheers!


Birthdays, Reunions, Releases and More…

(Happy Birthday Tony!)

Hazelnut cheers my friends! Welcome to our readers worldwide including new readers from Argentina, Kenya, Ireland and India. I love that our circle is wide. We may be from different places where the lines on a map are drawn differently and various languages may be spoke BUT we all have those same artistic calls. I’ve had a very artistic filled week with a good dash of business. Michigan got another cold snap but unseasonably warm weather is coming next week. I want to also give a BIG shout out to two of my generals in getting things done. Our own Tony Hornus and Shane Hagedorn, both masterful talent on both sides of the camera both were born on this day. So a HUGE happy birthday to them both. Shane is getting a well earned few days of rest in the sunshine state of Florida including a visit with GW Burns, our new CDI production designer. Some good talks over our next film endeavor will no doubt be happening. Dennis Therrian is excited to watch the cut of Harsens Island Revenge and start bouncing music bed ideas off our director Carl Weyant. Carl should have gotten back from Brazil on Friday and I’m looking forward to connecting with him this week. Where to start on my update or maybe this just random format fits the energy.

(BIG 50 Happy Bday to Shane Hagedorn)

Lots happening-

(Me, Stuart MacDonald, Lynn Drzick and Jim Greulich)

OLD SCHOOL – I’ve spoke several times about my humble beginnings in the film world. I struggled for many years to the point of many saying I should let go of my pipe dream. Persistence is a key in this business and without you will likely fail. Patience is another key and is hard for many to grasp. It is a lesson in discipline. My first feature film was a creature feature called IN THE WOODS. I starred as rookie firefighter Alex Kerwood. It is the manifestation of some young hungry artists forcing their way into the industry. We wanted to just get into the game and that we did. The film was not without flaws as inexperience and budgetary restraints were met with passion and enthusiasm. The film was released heavily into the US market and into many countries around the world. It put us on the map so to speak. The film had critics but also fans. I recall the Adrian MI the film playing in conjunction with The Haunting a once major Halloween attraction. The town was plastered with IN THE WOODS on fliers at McDonalds, billboards, news, radio and more. I remember when the line to get signed autographs was 400 strong. That showed the power of the medium. Hard-core horror fans had some issues because the film flew against the formula of the time. Annoying victims, cool villain and when and how would they die. This was a bit more of a soap opera with firefighter drama and ADD in monsters. The two factors that played heavily maybe not seen at that time was- women like scary films too but they like character development. Women also like firefighters. So the positive fans of the film tilted heavily with the lady-folk. While men wanted their “boobs and blood” women seemed to like the blood too but could use a dose of men in uniform. The fans were there then and now 25 years later we’re giving them a new polished up version plus a new director’s cut with added footage and more streamline editing. I traveled to Kalamazoo where we filmed on Friday and we saw the new cut and did commentary for the blu-ray that will feature both films. A new release campaign is rolling out this year with BluRay, DVD, VHS (Yes), streaming, new book releases (which I will list) and even soundtrack and toys. A great reunion with director/writer Lynn Drzick, Stuart MacDonald (Al Fargo), Jim Greulich (Wayne Higley) and me (Alex Kerwood). After the fresh watch and commentary we had several hours by the fire discussing plot points for the planned sequel. Yes. IN THE WOODS 2 is in active development. We all agreed to go back into the woods again to have round 2 against the creatures who will also be getting upgrades. The plot points and story threads are pretty exciting. It will be fun to bring these characters back to the screen. It was fun even doing a bit of Alex Kerwood audio work for the new release. We did try to launch a sequel a few years after the first film but it was too soon. We even did a teaser trailer years ago that I’ll share but this new film will be one for the books. The chemistry was there when we sat around the fire playing out some scenes in character – the magic was back.

So lets see how you can get ready for the new release and new sequel.

The Making of IN THE WOODS– a great guide and inspiration for young filmmakers- https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=EIFE0&content-id=amzn1.sym.d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c%3Aamzn1.symc.50e00d6c-ec8b-42ef-bb15-298531ab4497&pf_rd_p=d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c&pf_rd_r=F4JNGGVESM0FJA761F4V&pd_rd_wg=tBSKE&pd_rd_r=ed96e755-a343-4af2-9fe4-85ea6b0837e7&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m

The reissue of the IN THE WOODS Novelization by Nancy Gideon giving lots of back ground info- https://www.amazon.com/Woods-Nancy-Gideon-ebook/dp/B00SEKIHYE/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3HFATMYW8WKF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QiukYlBgrJ9AF41sf-Su3_63yJLoZiXgXSz_dB5yDKc.Z0HnzSRNumwrvQu5MidJPiDYLfTiRyaJ-UcoU9VNQeE&dib_tag=se&keywords=In+the+Woods+novelization+by+Nancy+Gideon&qid=1708267999&sprefix=in+the+woods+novelization+by+nancy+gideon%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-1

My big-budget sword and sorcery movie script prequel that tells the Origins of the Beasts titled PanDEMONium! – https://www.amazon.com/panDEMONium-Woods-Origin-DJ-Perry/dp/B0CV8F73D6/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=EIFE0&content-id=amzn1.sym.d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c%3Aamzn1.symc.50e00d6c-ec8b-42ef-bb15-298531ab4497&pf_rd_p=d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c&pf_rd_r=F4JNGGVESM0FJA761F4V&pd_rd_wg=tBSKE&pd_rd_r=ed96e755-a343-4af2-9fe4-85ea6b0837e7&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m

This will get you up to speed before the major release on the 25th Anniversary Blu Ray!

HERE is the old sequel trailer for many years ago- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVDnyNGY6mE&feature=youtu.be

CDI’s KNIGHT CHILLS is getting the Remastered treatment with the Blu-Ray for sale now HEREhttps://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14483042912564000939&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=08fc0b8d3ebc3af99b43436fce7530fa&gad_source=1

The BluRay is full of great extras and we’re working to set up the HD streaming on some select horror film streaming sites. Also the book and script will get the literary release treatment very soon. It’s in the works! A sequel has been talked about for years and we have various scripts and have interviewed many filmmaker teams. We’re still working to get that just right but in the meantime we’ll introduce a new generation to Sir Kallio, Dark Knight of the Red Rose.

(Terence Knox, Terry Jernigan and Dan Haggerty in ‘An Ordinary Killer’)


CDI’s Second film FROM VENUS has some Tom Miller (Knight Chills) artwork underway and we’re discussing the Blu Ray deal. FIGURE IN THE FOREST & HEAVEN’S NEIGHBORS will eventually get the HD treatment and we’ll look to make those available. We have a DVD double feature which we’ll work to make more available. The genre films are a touch easier to set up right now.

AN ORDINARY KILLER and GHOST TOWN – Our true story crime drama and Smoky Mt western are also getting a planned new release campaign. These two films will start with a planned theatrical release. Both will be getting a new remastered theatrical DCP film and a Blu Ray release. The collector’s edition DVD from the Ghost Town in the Sky theme park will also become available perhaps at the theaters concession that plays the film. Lotta ground work to do but technical-wise it’s all underway including a new theatrical trailer for Ghost Town. These two films will likely do a theatrical release around where they were filmed to start with. But CDI’s theatrical division is getting stronger in the wake of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA just played another theater in Cherokee, Iowa and we’ll keep processing requests of folks wanting to watch on the big screen. Meanwhile I’m happy to announce that people who subscribe to Up Family & Faith will be able to watch our WW2 drama starting July 1st and it will run there for a year. It’s still available to rent on many platforms at will. Thank you to those who are watching and referring it to friends and family. The DVD’s are selling well also and so again thank you. Some of the proceeds from sales are directly helping the two participating museums in Algona.

As Easter approaches THE QUEST TRILOGY is seeing a good draw. This trilogy of stories interconnects and leaves one to ponder and be inspired. No heavy handed stuff here just the distilled down beauty of the parables. So watch FORTY NIGHTS followed by CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. Make them part of your yearly watch or anytime you need a good dose of positivity. All free with ads on Encourage TV (Youtube, Roku)

LOST HEART, WILD FAITH, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, BEST YEARS GONE – all of the CDI films have some great lessons or awareness woven into the storytelling. Treat yourself and tell others about your favorite story.


Harsens Island Revenge was talked about earlier and those anxiously awaiting will be treated at the end of the month to the ‘behind the scenes’ video showing the hard work and fun of making a CDI film. Next month my plan is to release the first teaser trailer and soon after the theatrical poster.

HOT ROD LOVE – We have more funders interested in getting behind this movie. We are awaiting to see to what degree and we’re in talks with many other parties old and new. This 1970’s story will be a blast to film. Our director Shane Hagedorn will be meeting with our production designer in FL to discuss some elements of the film. We’ll be doing a location scout soon at the race track location. Too early to sound the battle horns but we’re getting there. Also we’re getting some sponsors on board joining Pepsi and so if you have interest of getting your company involved please do reach out to me. It is a unique marketing opportunity for sure.


Monday I have another development meeting and we’re close to signing and announcing on it. Also I’m bringing on a local Iowa artists to assist us in the funding of SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE. Additionally, I’m 1/3 of the way through a new/old script that might be filmed next winter. It is a cool stylized piece and will make a great feature film. I’m looking to have some talks next week that might put some fire under the WILD FAITH: HASTINGS TV series. Steps. Steps. Steps. I’m ready for some eggs so I’m going to bring this to a close. Keep your roots planted and remember where you come from and where you started. CDI is multi-generational and I’m proud of that. I’m off and we’ll chat next week same place and time. Be good to one another and have a productive week!


The ‘Artistic Perception’ and Several Updates!

(On set ‘Lost Heart’ Premiere – getting ready for ‘Best Years Gone’ as Gil Gilles) * LOVE my coat!

Good morning my friends! I’m sipping on the coffee and looking forward to again sharing a few thoughts, updates and insights. This blog has been getting even more followers as friends share the blog with others. The artistic spirit can feel like a curse when you are unable to live it fully. But know it is a spirit that can manifest in all that you do. How you write a memo. How you lay our a display. Art can manifest at any job you do and often inspire outside of work art, if you do not get to do art full time (yet). I had a great meeting with our friend Mark at Pepsi and let me tell you the man possesses an artist’s spirit. It has taken him a bit to see that but every gardener is an artist and more. Every leader who uses creative endeavors and programs to nurture the best from his employees and co-workers is an artist. Leadership is an art to be sure. Art is to feel and ultimately to care, because you have something to say. That art can cause or stimulate the artistic receptors in others like when looking at a painting or a sculpture. Thinking of you Greg Zivic. Back to Mark who we met because of good people networking starting with Graham Turner, a health and fitness trainer friend. He started sitting in on meetings and was my martial arts partner when working out the action sequences for Man’s Best Friend with John Lennox. He brought his expertise in one area to CDI’s health and hospitality. This is our expanded version of craft service. Now he’s worked up into the office as a production coordinator. He’s an artist. True artists attract other artists who can sense sincerity and intent.

(Creative meetings at the office/fort are powered by Pepsi)

Full circle to Mark Balko at Pepsi who is more than just a contact he is a tribe member. He found a group who understood his artistic urges and did not feel odd or outcast but accepted. ART is the secret to doing great things. Anyone can follow instructions and bake but those who take it to another level is art. Grilling – we can all but flame to meat but for a true grill master it becomes an art. You should look for the art in all you do and some are already fully aware of it. ART is EVERYWHERE because it is a PERCEPTION! It can make your smaller market distributor a top in the country, GO Alpena Bears! It can make melt-in-your mouth pork and cakes that are almost a shame to cut into. Sometimes you don’t have to seek out a different circle of artists sometimes it is just being the one who stimulates that in others. Thus the art of leadership. All interconnected. I hope this helps a few of you to look at things differently. But I want to thank Mark at Pepsi for their sponsorship of CDI and our films. They were a sponsor on Harsens Island Revenge and we have some fun ideas for the Alpena, MI premiere end of the year. Even more exciting is their involvement in HOT ROD LOVE that we are working hard to shoot this year. Let’s move to that film to discuss for a few.

(Thank you to Pepsi, save the Coor’s Light which is thanks to Adam Towner)

HOT ROD LOVE 2024 – We’re pushing into new talks with potential investors and sponsors on our 1970’s dramedy with drag racing at the heart of it. We had more commitments this week and have additional meetings next week. We are taking steady steps forward to get the business foundation in place. It is a 90% business and 10% creative until we get all our financial ducks in a row. That is what the producers at CDI do is work to get those things in place. This film will be a blast to produce and I cannot wait to go location scout. With nicer weather we might do that sooner vs later but again I don’t like to get to deep on all that until we are a full go. We call that a GREEN LIGHT. Ironic isn’t it with a racing movie. The official start of pre-production. I’ll keep you informed as we move forward. Right now we are focused on those two things funders and sponsors. Thank you to those who have already committed and we look forward to telling another great story.

Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) UPDATES! I had an almost two hour talk with our director Carl Weyant while he is still in Brazil. He returns Feb 14th and we’ll get together soon after. He was working on the final 20 minutes of the film edit. With end credits and the opening scene we still have to shoot we are guessing 1:45 min runtime. Once Carl has landed back here we’ll plan our final scene shoot and also do a watch on the cut before tweaks and a picture lock. The Behind-the-scenes is being worked on and I’ll get a better ETA on that but my goal is end of the month. Once our director is back we’ll be working the theatrical poster and trailer. The trailer will help us now if a 3rd party theatrical will be getting involved in booking or if our theatrical division at CDI will handle. We had a good run with our previous release and I think we can do even better second time around. So either way, it will be a successful run. More on HIR next week but exciting things ahead.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The film just went back into Cherokee, Iowa’s American 3 theaters for a run last week in January. I know we’ve had some additional requests and I met with Shane Hagedorn end of week to pass along some returned DCP files for theatrical play. The home video release is still going strong and I’m just so happy that this story is growing each week. I’ll know second quarter how strong the film is doing since it released 4th quarter of 2023. It is all a process and the wheel turns. We still have broadcast TV and ad-based video on demand later in the year. Plus foreign sales should start appearing as the film travels to the film markets and gets picked up. The two museums in the town of Algona are already benefitting from the film just off our theatrical thanks to The Donald Tietz Foundation. Preserving history and helping the community! We should all strive to do such things.

(A beautiful scene from part 3 of THE QUEST TRILOGY – The Christ Slayer)

THE QUEST TRILOGY – As the sun and light starts its return and will slowly bring us out of winter we’ll soon be approaching the spring season of Easter. These three films have become a gems of the season and we’re so appreciative of all the fans who’ve made them a tradition. If you want to take some time for deep contemplation and to feel inner happiness take a watch. I watch them at least once a year and they always make my day better. Part 1 is FORTY NIGHTS, Part 2 CHASING THE STAR and Part 3 THE CHRIST SLAYER. Don’t let the title of part 3 throw you as it is a lesson unto itself that will make since once you watch the film. For you fans of Harsens Island Revenge, it stars our director Carl Weyant and he does a great job. If any of you on here watch them please do leave your comments here but also on http://www.imdb.com on the individual pages or Amazon‘s page if you rent/watch from there. They can be watched FREE with ADs on ENCOURAGE TV on YOUTUBE.

MISC: I could write a nice bit about each and every film but I will not take your time with that. But I want to thank all the fans of LOST HEART, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, BEST YEARS GONE and WILD FAITH who’ve reached out. I also want to thank all the people who reached out about my new agency for acting. I put my everything into the #tribeCDI and often neglect myself because I’m very fulfilled. I’ve been on the posters, the physical media art and so on. I really do enjoy seeing my fellow artists spotlighted.

I’m feeling good about by decision with Treasure Coast Agency because I like how they treat people. I got to experience that as the producer approaching them and dealing with them so I know first hand. So again thank you and soon I’ll be listed on their site. I’m looking into some new pics of ME not any of my numerous characters. That is hard because I’m always creating. Even now ‘Woody Jr.’ from HOT ROD LOVE is starting to form:)

In addition to my actor materials I’m trying to polish up my social media. I love the instagram mainly because of them allowing little musical snippets with your postings. So if you want to follow me there my new handle is officialdjperry so join me there. I do have two Facebook pages because the home page Richard Perry (DJ Perry) is limited two 5k and I’ve got about 2k in folks waiting so I started a DJ Perry run over page. It is also helpful when I have lots of PR that I don’t want to collide. So I’m trying to get my social media stuff up to par but I know it is lacking somewhat. I’m excited to meet this week over my FIRESIDE CHAT WITH DJ PERRY podcast that Adam Towner will be producing. We will be filming the first one this month and we’ll see how that goes. Many of you enjoyed the little video snippets I’ve done when my WordPress here was giving me trouble.

Speaking of podcasts my good buddy Dean Teaster is now working with “Two Average Joe’s” a cold case team, investigating the death of Dawn Louise Basom from Ypsilanti, MI in 1969 The link can be found here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srOWdtME-y8&feature=youtu.be

Aside from all this film and marketing work I’ve been preparing for spring. I love the nature around me and I’ve been in deeper study of my herbs and fungi and the beneficial properties. I’m looking forward to the herb gardens and we’re going to plant more clover around the yard. The chickens are slowly starting their egg laying again which for that we’re happy. This year we’ll be making several upgrades to the yard. I’m going to rebuild our compost bin and maybe add a few rain barrels. This week will probably have me do some more log splitting with the new set of axes. Last go around with Adam Towner and Graham Turner we killed two of the axes. But this warm spell will let me do a final round of splitting to be ready for the last blast of winter. Also soccer season is right around the corner and I could not be more excited.

I’m going to call it good here because I have to go eat and do some reorganizing to the office/fort after getting the new fridge in there. I’m looking forward to spending time with my brother and a few friends later in the day. Might do a run to a farm supply store to get a new snow shovel. My U shaped handle wide shovel is the best one I’ve ever had. Eliminates back pain and gives a strong arm and chest workout. It got a bit of a crunch with my cousin Bart Ketner stopped over. I should have had it in a better place. But on the positive he helped me string new lights up in the office/fort including a customized one he built. Plus he’s gonna get my yard chipper working. He’s a ‘Handy Andy’ as I like to say. I appreciate having him when my skills reach an end. But each year I get a bit better at my tinkering thanks to my handy friends. I am a work-in-progress:)

PS: RIP to Carl Weathers a great on-screen talent. I never met him but his loss felt personal having grown up loving his work.

Until next week. Be good to one another. Keep that artistic perception.

Coffee Cheers!


2024 is Underway and Here We Go!

Coffee cheers on a snowy day in Michigan that is actually looking like winter. I want to welcome our new readers from Sri-Lanka, Philippines, Brazil and more. Note all those places are warm. Speaking of that last one Brazil, I had a chance to speak with our director of Harsens Island Revenge in Brazil via FaceTime on my phone. What an amazing jump in technology from just a few years ago where I would have given anything to say hello to loved ones at home when in the Philippines or India. It was occasionally jerky but clear as day we had a good meeting over the film progress. We might as well jump right into that but I hope you all are having a great start to your new year.

First our director Carl Weyant will be staying an extra week and coming home the first week of February. The edit so far is at 1 hour and ten minutes and moving quickly towards the end. He’s over the moon with the performances and the film even before color correction looks great. The film really sucks you in and keeps you engaged as the story progresses. The relationships are strong and we just really talked also about our journey getting to this point. He credited the script strength and the performances and I acknowledged his positive attitude, preparedness and his creative eye. Carl and I first met above the cloud line in India in a place called Ooty. A place unlike the hot and humid lowlands. A place high above set in the mountains where great pine forests lie. Here the British built palaces and the tea fields grow vast fields of the precious stuff. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Gem set at the top of the mountain. The film was called Karma: Crime, Passion, Reincarnation and is a great spooky thriller that is just beautiful. There is talk of trying to bring the film to the USA. We tried several years ago but what they wanted $ wise did not match want distributors wanted to pay. But maybe this could be the year. It really is a gem of a film. I loved the experience save the getting in and out of the country itself. The airports are a bit chaotic and communication was not what is is now. From there, Carl who was the leading man and I was the supporting detective became fast friends. Over the years we’ve guested in each others films. I went to NYC to play an FBI agent in THE ACTOR (On Amazon) and he acted in ASHES OF EDEN (Also available to watch). After that he was our lead as the blind centurion in part 3 of our biblical adventures in THE QUEST TRILOGY entitled The Christ Slayer. (All three can be seen and should be seen in order Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer) CDI had some exciting short form projects like music videos opening up to us and I paired he and Travis Hayward and it was magic. Those two work so well together and we’re soon to start another music video. Carl was invited to Iowa and played Lt. Grant in SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA and from there he was awarded the drivers seat on Harsens Island Revenge.

Relationships are everything in this business. I use to ponder that statement in our business of “it’s all who you know.” While really it is “who do you trust.” Trust to give 100%. Trust to appreciate all the effort before they came onboard. Trust that they will be that sail not an anchor to a project. To trust requires one to know. That is a big part of my job to look at a story and the pool of trusted creatives and pull together the best trusted team. When I’m successful I build that trust with my team. I’ve surprised people on several occasions with my outside the box ideas or the choosing of a certain person for a certain role or position. Bret Miller as the director of Chasing the Star was a surprise to some but he was the right person. Josh “Ponceman” Perry as Albus in The Christ Slayer. Carl Weyant was one of those surprise choices as the Harsens Island Revenge director but I dare say in all three of these examples the right choice was made. I’m so damn proud of our always growing tribe of creatives. I encourage you to watch all these films and follow the history of CDI. One day I do want a doc made on the company and now that we’re about top have easier access to the films footage it will happen eventually.

One of my goals I think I failed to mention was to become more present in a few of these industry mixers and open myself to discovering new talent. I’m a bit of an introvert by nature loving to listen to music, ponder and write. To take and make phone calls and in-person meetings. My days of “partying” are truly behind me having been there, done that and got that tee shirt. I like being productive and creating. But I can socialize and I do love getting to know people’s stories. I’m easier to get to know when I’m not on set with lots of responsibilities in producing and performing. So I’m going to make more of an effort this year.

Active development is underway for 2024 and 2025. Some projects like SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE and WILD FAITH: HASTINGS are large and require more time and larger budgets. These two will be working towards rolling camera sin 2025. Active development in 2024 looking to shoot this year includes HOT ROD LOVE and a KNIGHT CHILLS follow up. This coming week we’re going to be approaching our pool of past investors with HOT ROD LOVE. A great film with much to say as most CDI films do but wrapped in humor and set in the glorious 1970’s drag racing world. Shane Hagedorn (Best Years Gone) will be directing and we hope to film late summer/early fall. We already have Pepsi signed on as a sponsor and will be talking with many others with this exciting film. A few of the film’s investor units are spoken for and as noted we’ll give first opportunity to those with seniority. After we’ll open it up any remaining opportunities to those new folks wishing to journey with us.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA had a great Christmas season and will continue the roll out march into our new year. This war time film can be enjoyed at anytime of year. We’re starting our marketing expansion and I hope many other countries get to experience the film. We had a very strong November and I’m sure December was even stronger. And this time next year I would imagine it available in many countries and playing on broadcast TV. Fans of free watching with ads will likely be able to see it in several months and with certain subscriptions. I would love to see it on HBO, which was always my go to for historical fiction.

BEST YEARS GONE, MANS BEST FRIEND, LOST HEART, WILD FAITH…so many good watches. It might be a first watch or just a chance to watch again and meet up with old friends like Hannah Sweet, Paul Landings, Chip or Emmett Murphy. We have so many films on Encourage TV that they gave us our own playlist so make it a watch marathon – WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E

WRAP UP: I’m going to work to wrap this up. I have eggs and corn beef hash awaiting me. I’ve been getting lots organized for end of year taxes both personally and the films. We broke an axe and sledge hammer while splitting logs last week and so I need to get replacements. We winterized the chicken coop just in time before this heavier snow flew. We still have our Christmas stuff up which I love but the tree will come down soon and Christmas lights will go into storage.

Our back up RAID for film storage is built and so we’ll be loading films onto that in the coming weeks. We’re looking at what older films from the CDI classic collection to remaster and get out to market. The re-release of KNIGHT CHILLS has been very fulfilling. To see where you started makes you truly realize how far you’ve come. One moment you’ve taking a rest at the Peacock Tree Farm in Bath, MI waiting for the fire department so you can blow up a car on Knight Chills and next moment you’re at the Old Lighthouse in Alpena, MI capturing magic hour for Harsens Island Revenge. 25 years plus in a blink of an eye. Don’t put off any dreams you might have. This past week a friend lost his dad after a full life and tragically I read about a 50 year old friend of friends who passed way too early. Don’t wait. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failing is learning. Learning is growing. Growing is what makes us truly feel alive. If you’re 80 years young and always dreamed of writing a book, do it. You’ve always dreamt of leaving the hustle bustle and have your own food truck, do it. You always wanted to share your music, do it. Okay, I’m off to eat and enjoy this wintery day. I so appreciate all of you for taking your time to stop by and read these words. I hope they offer you some insight and inspiration to your own endeavors.

Be good to one another!


Quiet Sunday Reflections – Enjoying the Journey

Hazelnut coffee is flowing on this chilly November morning. I want to welcome our new readers from Italy and Canada among others. It has been a very busy time for myself and CDI. CDI http://www.cdiproductions.com is our production company. I’ve gotten lots of winterizing down this week including closing the fountain down and storing some of the yard decorations. CDI totes are also packed away awaiting the next big adventure.

For those that know that I make beer and wine – the newly bottled ROCKING RHUBARB was tried by myself and Transportation Capt. Dane DeFord and it got the thumbs up. Crisp and cider like with a tart bite followed by sweetness. Nature provided and it will be enjoyed over the winter months. I’ve had a steady stream of meetings by the fireside wood stove. Many project plans start around that wood table and around that dancing fire. Many have manifested into full flown completed projects.

Let’s look at the two projects front and center right now.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for some reason continues to be work getting it to market. It was a very technical films with two languages being used and many VFX including a child’s multiple dream sequences. We’ve made hundred of adjustments and our hope is that everything locks into place and stays. We just had a new round of QC questions. But we started to drift from technical to subjective. We did not use some cold computer translations we used translators. We tried to translate as they would have in the 20’s versus modern. We condensed and summarized some translations so they fit properly on the screen without distractions and yet give time to read them. A few singing places we did not translate because artistically it worked better.

Like all things creative it’s trying to mind your boundaries. If an occasional “Easter egg” intentional or unintentional (EXAMPLES – In Raiders of the Lost Ark – R2D2 and C3PO can be seen drawn on the walls in the Well of Souls. In Star Wars – You can freeze frame a scene and see actor Kenny bake inside the R2D2. Not QC’s place to call these things out. Mind your boundaries. I enforce that with our team working with marketing. They know their marketing job better just as content creators know more about the production. So this week we’ll do a last look at the file that has been assembled and it will be heading out to streaming platforms to prep for Dec 1st. DVD’s will also start to be created and ship to warehouses. It has been a long journey and it is almost over. Once in the marketplace it will be there for many years to come. I want to thank everyone involved. So CLOSE!

We also are going to talk with all our Algona business friends. A DVD would be a great holiday gift for employees, members of organizations, gifts for volunteers and such. Also we want to help get the DVD’s for sale into the museums, Fridley concession sales of the DVD? Grocery stores and more in the state of Iowa could carry the DVD. I think this film could be a new Christmas classic. You can help make it one!

PRE-ORDER here: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=JXJ0SGCXBS0W&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1699798050&sprefix=Silent+Night+in+%2Caps%2C229&sr=8-1

I’m loving the bi-weekly marketing meetings and so appreciate the BMG Global team for all they’re doing to make this film live up to its potential.

Actual Old Club as it appeared in the 1920’s

Harsens Island Revenge – The updates for the week include an awesome report on editing. Several scenes are cut and our director is thrilled. We’ll do a watch once the 1st half hour or so is edited. The Harsens Island footage is being reviewed and we got some good pieces for one of our action sequences and some good establishing shots. Many modern things had to be shot around or disqualified a place for use in the film. I discussed in my past blog why we did not use more of the island. But those who didn’t understand just don’t understand filmmaking and that is okay. I don’t fully understand many other vocations. We are looking to shoot our 2nd VFX piece and I’ll be talking more on that. It includes a few of our model boats. I’m also lining things up for our one WW1 pick up scene.

We have been having fun releasing official pics of several of our actors. We will also be picking our some TOP photos to offer for sale. It can be printed to canvas or on mugs or whatever one wishes. That will look to go live this month. We might start work on the BTS with our own Adam Towner. Advance discussions on a teaser trailer that will be cut by our director. The theatrical poster using our new elements might also be put into motion. 2024 will be an exciting year for this film.

(Should CDI make another biblical trilogy?)

DEVELOPMENT – I’ve spent a good amount of time in study, thought and in talks about developing properties. This can take years and even once a green light (GO) prep, shooting and post can take two years. Six months to prep for release and release – it is a journey. So we’re looking at projects that are already underway and some are just beginning at the script stage. I’ve discussed some of these projects in past blogs. While CDI makes it seem easier to fund and launch, they are all difficult. Funding is always the hardiest part for most projects. But that said, we have several avenues we’re working on.

(Brainstorming at the CDI Fort/Think tank)

WRAP UP: The season of holiday watching has started. I’ve already fielding several new fan emails about BIGFOOT, UFO’s and JESUS, WILD FAITH, FORTY NIGHTS. BEST YEARS GONE – Can you believe a Gil Gilles fan club has been started. Look for it on FB it is there. This is a great time to watch or re-watch your CDI favorites!

(Have you met Gil in BEST YEARS GONE?)

I’ve got some busy work this week as our distributor is moving from checks to direct deposit. I am not a tech fan and sometimes begrudge change but I’m trying to roll with it. A small effort and this will save me deposit work later. Tax season is around the corner and so we’ll be prepping for that.

I’m going to wrap it up here and do a little advanced work for next week. I just had some of our eggs and a nice breakfast scramble. Might have to refill ye ole coffee cup. I want everyone out there to know that every week of your life will bring TO DO’s. There will be TO DO’s in your box when your time is up. Enjoy that journey again. I truly do enjoy all the good artistic folks we have on these amazing endeavors. I also sincerely appreciate all of you out there. Thank you for supporting what we do here. Until next week – be good to one another and keep chasing that dream.

Coffee Cheers!


The Return Home- Thank you Alpena! That’s A Wrap! CDI Fall Updates!

I’m happy to report we wrapped principal photography on Harsens Island Revenge on Friday night. We felt the first bone chill of the cold front just as we were wrapping up. We had near perfect weather for every day of filming. I’m happy that everyone was safe and we did not have anything but minor issues that our team dealt with swiftly. This #tribecdi team featured several new department members and they worked in perfectly. Occasionally you have crew just not built for the long haul. It takes endurance which means good sleep and keeping yourself healthy. We add and subtract from project to project to try and tune into a perfectly balanced cast and crew. Positive attitude is our number one sought after quality. We can develop the experience and skill set for an individual but attitude is usually hardwired. You have to embrace challenges and seek to overcome them. You have to prepare yourself to be away from your comforts for several weeks. Bring what you need to keep yourself healthy. Favorite pillow, sinus meds or whatever you might require. It’s a game of anticipation on set and off set. Experienced actors get good at bringing whatever they might need in their actor bag or kit. Experienced crew you seldom hear from as they know how to adapt and takes care of their business. If someone is a squeaky wheel of daily complaints that person might not be cut out for feature work. I’ve often explained that some cast and crew are great for a few days but to stay great for weeks is not by accident. And some crew come to that same conclusion that feature film work is not their bag because it’s hard. Location shooting, 10-12 hours on the norm and facing new challenges daily. I’m excited because I think several of the new crew will be invited to join us again and will accept. The excitement was a daily bounce. Actors and crew would be excited by the amazing locations, props and vehicles. The actors would throw down powerful performances and that inspired the crew. The crew would light and create a ‘moment’ that was artistically breathtaking. We had a rather smooth journey which is a major kudos to my entire producing team and director Carl Weyant.

I’ve landed but I’ve got a few hours of unpacking which I’ll do in the morning. Very stunning artwork will continue to flow and we’ve only scratched the surface. Art work will become available to the public once we decide on the official pieces of art from what GW Burns, our production designer and an old friend of mine that we brought in from Florida. Bart Ketner, worked in tandem with GW as our art director and the quality shines on the screen. All this captured by our gifted camera team led by Travis Hayward. A teaser trailer and behind-the-scenes video will be assembled in the coming weeks. We’ll be taking a few weeks to catch up on our paperwork and data entry before starting to look at our couple VFX pick up shots. We just got the okay from the military base in Alpena to return and shoot our opening scene likely in Feb to get the look we want. We have some shooting on Harsens Island coming up soon and as noted prior, a cool VFX shot that will be a BLAST to film.

I’m appreciative to our book author Karl Manke, and we’ll look to arrange a book signing in the Alpena area in the near future. As the screenwriter, it was amazing to see the scenes come to life from the page. David Reardon and Cassie Dean did a wonderful job as our young leads. Blu Owens, our child actress was incredible. I enjoyed bringing Axel to the screen and enjoyed every scene I got to share with so many amazing artists. My scenes with the Harsens Island Militia were always fun. What a great group of guys who on-screen play completely badass. All the performances were on point and you know with CDI being led by actor/producers, this is not an accident. We take the casting process very serious including our extras. We had well over 100 extras in the film and the support of so many from the Alpena area that made everything possible.

A great wrap party hosted by Fresh Palate, which had a great assortment of eats from lamb chops to apple crisp and several great side dishes. We had so many great sponsors led by Pepsi, our new CDI partner. Our crew was treated to so much variety of craft product from within the Pepsi family. It will take a good week or two to process everything. This is my attempt at capturing some of the great happenings in this writing sit down.

The CDI Library

CDI has enjoyed so many new fans exploring all the films streaming on many platforms but most all are on Amazon Prime. To see some of the films check http://www.cdiproductions.com but I appreciate the daily feedback on our earlier films. The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer), MBF, Wild Faith, Lost Heart, Best Years Gone, Wicked Spring, Bestseller, Ashes of Eden and the list goes on. Even CDI’s 1st film Knight Chills will expand to a wide Blu Ray release on Oct. 30th, 2023. Our most recent release in theaters SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will hit home video Dec 1st and will be showcased at AFM for broadcast and foreign licensing. It will be fun to watch where that film will travel to and the audience reaction. It already has won the hearts of the theatrical crowd and was the winner at a recent Red Letter Awards.

I will have much more to report as we move forward but I wanted to sit down and share my initial feelings from just getting home. The yard is not too crazy but will get a good mow. The final veggies and such are ready for harvest. The chickens are still putting out the eggs. I was met with a heroes return especially from the fur babies who missed their daddy. I’m enjoying sitting in my own chair. I’ll be looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. I’ve come home to a fall fest and I love it. I’m going to look forward to overseeing the assembly of this new film while we promote the current releases. I look forward to catching up with family and friends. I’m going to end this so I can relax and tomorrow I’ll attack the unpack. This mission phase has been accomplished and I think this one will be well received. Thank you to everyone who follows myself and the journey of the CDI artists. Until next week!

Hazelnut coffee cheers!


‘Harsens Island Revenge’ One Week In the Can! And Other CDI Updates!

Good afternoon from beautiful Alpena, MI where we are shooting our newest motion picture HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE. We had a strong start to our week finishing early every day but it is not a sprint but a marathon. We have some new department members that are getting their first taste of set life. You need to keep your mind clear and your body healthy. We’ve had a swing of temps from chilly to warm and back to nighttime chilly. My sinus have felt it on some days but that is part of the game. We’ve had wonderful views every day and each new and exciting locations. It is always exciting to see new actors arrive or new vehicles make their appearance. It gives a look into the revolutionizing of the world as we moved from horse and buggies to horseless carriages. From speakeasy’s to lighthouses we have been capturing just amazing footage. And we are making some new friends which is always a joy.

Co-Producer Tony with our sound team Travis and Cody

Tomorrow we are back at it filming at some rustic cottages from the 20’s. That is the amazing thing about the town is that many of the buildings are from that time period and new owners are just to restore them to their former glory or just preserve them as they were. We hear stories here from everyone about the Purple Gangs involvement. This is the same coast as Harsens and has the same rugged look and channels. We’ve heard of hitman living the low life here amongst the townspeople. This area was mainly lumber trade. And the performances have been just on point. That is something that our crew has been really happy with. The organization and the performances adding in all the locations and props.

DP Travis Hayward with Shane Hagedorn on screen

This doesn’t happen by accident. It is the hard work of our producing team and keys. Today is our day off but we were working up until 4:00 and Tony Hornus is still in the office lining up extras. He takes such care in the faces he brings to the screen and works hard to bring them into the story. It’s not policy but when I can I like to write paychecks out on the off day. I was really quite exhausted last night after filming but got up early to write cast and crew payroll. Today we also gave away a pottery piece from Reinert Pottery, one of our sponsors with the checks.

Me with Don Most and director Carl Weyant

We have two more weeks to go but we are getting into a groove. Folks have to get some sleep and take their vitamins today and let’s get after it.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– I cannot recall if we talked about winning Best Screenplay and Best Film at the Red Letter Awards. We know have our home video release date of Dec 1st and I was told we’ll be one of four films highlighted at AFM in a few weeks. We are so excited to share this film with folks from around the world.

KNIGHT CHILLS which was CDI’s 1st feature film has been released on Blu-Ray and the special 1000 piece slip cover version sold out in a week. The classic edition can be still purchased at Vinegar Syndromes website. On Oct 30th several online retailers will start carrying it. We are in talks about some merchandise. Also discussions are underway to give FROM VENUS the same treatment.


My alumni MSU is not having a good game today I hear. I hope the Lions can kick it into high gear. I’m looking forward to capturing all the pieces of this film. And we’ll release SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for the holidays. I’m going to lie low for a while and go to bed early for a 7am call time. I saw Randy Spence (My daddy in BEST YEARS GONE) a while ago and we have Garry Nation and Terence Knox in Alpena for the week ahead. It is nice to see these amazing artists. Melissa Anschutz is also on camera tomorrow bringing scenes to life. I will be excited to watch them work. Until next Sat! Coffee Cheers- yes coffee can be had at all hours on a movie set.


Past, Present and Future – The Cycle of Creating and Living

(Getting a 2024 re-release – Ghost Town)

I’m sitting here now after having taken a trip down the road to the first Mega Mall flea market. I love going to look for future props either for a character or the film as a whole. I came home empty handed but that is sometimes how it goes. Yesterday we celebrated my niece’s bday with some morning bowling which was fun. I did pretty good for not bowling in several years. I now have soccer on the TV and I’m excited to start playing with our first game the first week of May. I’ve also enjoyed the spurt of warm weather whereas I re-planted some clover seeds and started doing clean up on the yard. The old hop vines cut down which the birds LOVE for nest building. It is nice to see the bees getting busy to work and the birds active with their activities. We are prepping to grow some veggies and such and even the apple trees are looking really good this year. It won’t be long before the yard is full of berries and rhubarb. I do have the materials to make a Mexican-style light beer and some berries from last season to maybe do another multi-berry wine. We drank up most of the other during the long winter. We had a record temp day in Lansing, MI of 85 degrees but now we have a cold front passing that could put snowflakes in part of the state. Only in Michigan.

Last week I had a great meeting with fellow CDI founder Jeff Kennedy. He has been sidelined for several years dealing with some health issues but also has been enjoying retirement. Retirement doesn’t mean not creating art. They have wonderful artwork everywhere inside and outside their home. We shared a beer in his backyard garden and discussed the classic CDI films and their forthcoming re-releases in HD. We were making plans for CDI to march on for another 25 years. Yes. It’s a long ways off but still you have to plan for such things. The new films are doing quite well and we’re very happy about how many people we’ve reached with our stories. We are always looking ahead and we’ve got a lot of great projects developing. CDI is a multigenerational company and we’re proud of all the growth.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA continues to be played in theaters across the Midwest. It will also be playing as part of the Iowa Motion Picture Awards next month where it has been nominated for BEST FEATURE FILM. We are awaiting to see if we’ll be invited to play at a few other events. The new improved home video version of the film is also being pulled together as we start delivering our master and materials to Bridgestone Multimedia Group. The film will be delivered in May and we should have our hard release dates for home video announcement in June. My guess is an Oct/Nov release.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is full speed ahead and we’re still reading talent and interviewing a few remaining crew spots. We’ll be traveling up North to do some location scouting with our team. With directors approval we can start locking in locations and seeking the final few that we need. Lodging and catering are being explored and we should have all the info we need after the trip to get our schedule completed. That allows us to move forward with cast agreements, vehicle and extra breakdowns and more. Excited by all the cool locations, vehicles and props we’ve found so far. It will be a great shoot and so looking forward to seeing some of my artist friends that I only see when filming.


WILD FAITH: HASTINGS, SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE and FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2 are among some of the projects in development. We will be having more discussions on these new projects and start to put more pieces in play. After we wrap Harsens Island Revenge in October we’ll be looking to see what project is next up in the Spring 2024. We have a few possible “in association” projects also developing and so we’ll have to see what happens in the coming months.

We also have several projects being prepped for re-release in 2024 with KNIGHT CHILLS being the one we’re focused on right now. The Blu Ray is in the works and we’re all excited about that.

WRITING – I have several scripts that I’ve been working on and I’m going to try and settle into some daily writing. Even working a little each day all adds up. Once we get SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA delivered that will help free up some time.

ACTING – I have been aware of a few projects casting in the area and even saw a breakdown that had a character or two I found interesting. But for me to be invested I like to read the entire script. I considered a few projects but for now have chosen to focus on the next role of AXEL, Ex WW1 officer and now an outdoorsmen just trying to live the peaceful life. I LOVE to create a role layer by layer. I love to watch and read about the time period and to try and adjust my perspective of that time. I do have to say that following BEST YEARS GONE, I am looking forward to more comedy.

THE SELF – Partially for the next role and partially for the upcoming soccer season, I’ve been working to get myself in even better shape. Tai Chi, heavy bag work, meditation and even some weapons (stick, staff and sword) practice. I’m just taking it all up a notch and I’m really enjoying it. Laughter and music also play into my plan of keeping the self healthy. I additionally had some great conversations with some old friends this past week. It is always a pure joy to catch up with people and share stories.

WRAP UP – This coming week we’ll be finalizing plans for the forthcoming scout trip. I’ll be focusing on sponsorship talks this week since we have some great opportunities for cross marketing. I’ll probably put some more clover seeds down this week. I want to explore a few tree trims and still want to explore the building of a new deck. The tree trimming helps refill the wood box for next winter. Cycles. It was just a great week of embracing and celebrating the past while also motivating oneself for the future-thus charging our present endeavors.

I’m going to sign off here and get after a few tasks. We have a cold front coming in and so I’ll likely prep the wood stove for a few final wood stove fires. I’m excited for the seasons and tasks ahead. I’m so appreciative for the path I’m on and work each day to achieve balance and momentum moving into the next endeavor. Until we speak again next week please make an effort to be good to one another. Many good folks out there are dealing with their own issues seeking balance.

Coffee Cheers!


Casting and Crewing Updates- Improving Communication, Time Filters, and Iron Sharpening Iron

I’m sipping on the hazelnut on a sunny but still chilly morning. We had a snow storm hit and start to melt the next day. Spring and Winter are in a wrestling match with one another. It won’t be long before CDI meetings will also include some outdoor hanging. I want to welcome all our new readers from Spain, UK and more. It has been a nose-to-the-grindstone week and I’m happy to report it was very productive. On the broad view – I got all the CDI film taxes done and thank you to our amazing team. My own taxes are submitted just need to review and send when completed.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– The film is still opening new screens based on fans calling in and requesting the film is booked. We even have some new April bookings forthcoming so stay tuned and keep calling your theatre. We’re also starting to put our home video deal together for later in the year. We’ll be delivering the final film for home video on May 1st. I’m excited because it will open the film up to millions.

Harsens Island Revenge – This is the next #tribeCDI film and it is in full pre-production mode. We had some great meetings last week that included our director and DP. We discussed crew on the next film focusing on camera and G&E. (Grip & Electric) We already have a few of those people falling in place. #1 GOAL is to have fun and really appreciate the rare opportunity that we get to engage in with our storytelling. We have a new department leader for Production Design and we’ll likely be announcing an Art Director next week after a few final talks. CAST – We’re awaiting a dozen reads from folks CDI has worked with on different projects. We review these each week and will be making some hard choices on casting soon.

After many reads we think we’ve identified our film leads. This is such an important part of the process. You want people that are truly dedicated to the story, the process and appreciate the opportunity. These two have been developed inside the CDI Tribe. This film requires actors to not only appear natural in their moments (scenes) but in 1926. This is a world where Civil War vets were still alive. Cars were replacing horses for transportation. So many “time filters” to put into ones performance. We know that you can’t get it perfect out the gate but it is something you work into. My role in this next one is not camera ready yet. I will work on his look, attitude and his time filters. I’ve done a lot of digging into the period as the screenwriter. But, you put these filters into play to create a complex and rich performance. In the past we’ve done PR on individual or pairs of actors with promo cards but I think we might do something different. Like what? Like a group mug shot or…

I want our proposed lead talent to hear first from our director. If I hear back while doing this blog I will make a BREAKING NEWS update:) But we are looking forward to seeing many new reads this week. I see a few have direct messaged on the CDI FB page and we’ll be reviewing those. Every week we’ll be pulling for cast and crew onto the film. I’m looking forward to watching more reads this week and solidifying more of the cast.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The script is now a first draft lock allowing me to start to rough budget and make a production plan. 2024 was the shoot plan but it will all depend on how fast it all comes together. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA only took 14 years so I think we can beat that in less development time. I’ve had the film out to several Native American friends and associates to get their perspective. I also want to thank Lynn Kueck for his historic input. More as this develops.


  1. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2 is being outlined and groundwork is being laid. We’re talking to interested parties to once again help us tell this more in-depth follow up doc.

2) THE MAKING OF ‘IN THE WOODS‘ – I’m awaiting this book that is suppose to arrive today. It was delayed by the storm but it details the journey of my first starring role. This ambitious film by two young and rather in-experienced filmmakers will entertain you. The film got strong penetration into the domestic and foreign markets being a favorite at Blockbusters, Hollywood Video and more. Released on VHS and it made its way into many foreign territories. It is a fun romp and this book is the start of a new campaign that will be coming together. This film made me a B-Movie star in the late 90’s and while some critics tried to kill it – the film has a loyal audience. Drinking games have been formed around the movie and soon we might have a new 4k enhanced movie with lots of merchandise extras. I could even see a Con appearance or two to celebrate the 25th anniversary. Click and buy it below.

3) KNIGHT CHILLS – The first CDI film is also getting a new enhanced version. I am going to be collecting some interviews from people to include on the new release. I need to get extras around by June so I’m guessing an end of year Blu Ray release. In 2024 we’ll go to DVD and streaming plus start licensing foreign. If you are a fan of fantasy role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, this might be for you. We were back to the original source without any film-look filters that were all the rage. I’m excited to be re-releasing some of these classics in new format that will allow them to survive moving forward.

4) GHOST TOWN, FIGURE IN THE FOREST and AN ORDINARY KILLER will be getting the updated treatment but it takes time. It has been really interesting to walk back and work on these projects.

5) I’ve been working on a few new stories for those national books on animals, that I have contributed too for the last several years.So far, so good. We will see if the editor likes them once she takes a read. One of the books I contributed to his above. I believe that one has a story about my boy Luke Brown. I really do love doing these side stories and I might get more involved at some point but for now film script, producing and acting keeps me busy enough. Look up “Callie Smith Grant” and any of the books from the last few years will likely have stories contributed by me.

6) This week I’ll be starting work on another chapter of an audio book series I narrate. The book author Ronnie Lee has several works for sale in this book series. The audio version is coming right along and will be available soon – https://www.amazon.com/Generations-come-Book-Classroom-Copy/dp/B09RM7LBWV/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2H09KBLP4QV3V&keywords=Ronnie+Lee&qid=1678029492&s=books&sprefix=ronnie+lee%2Cstripbooks%2C161&sr=1-4

7) While waiting for Spring, it is a great time to re-watch your favorites. BEST YEARS GONE, WILD FAITH, LOST HEART, MBF, ASHES OF EDEN, and as Easter is upon us – take a watch on The Quest Trilogy. Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer all deserve a good watch even if the faith isn’t your path. The films can speak direct to your faith or as a parable tale with messages to ponder. I’ve said before, that the trilogy, was shot with a Star Wars heroes-myth style at the heart of it. The translation between the two works quite well. It really is noticeable in the photography and the music. PLEASE DO take a watch. I promise you it is a fresh take on what can often be confusing stories.


My personal goals going into these new projects is to try and make the communication even more efficient. We have some really large opportunities looming on the horizon in the not to distant future. I’m trying to develop our team so they will be ready. Positive Problem Solving attitudes. Clear Communication. Respectful Communication. Gratitude. I want to develop our team for that next level. I want to work with good folks that I truly enjoy. That is the journey.

I’m looking forward to soccer season. I’m looking forward that that weekly competition you get doing battle on the pitch. I have really learned to appreciate our opponents because iron sharpens iron.

Once this snow goes away for good it will be time to get the yard cleaned up. Tree trimming and planting clover again this year. Soon the yard will be full of hops, berries, veggies and herbs.

The chickens are back laying eggs steady so we are now rich. Rich with eggs:) The birds are returning. The squirrels and rabbits are about. I love all the wildlife about.

CDI will probably look to support the Capital City Film Fest by attending the mixer kick off. Several years ago ASHES OF EDEN was the closing film to 600 people. That was a great night. We would have played SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA there but they wanted only MI premieres and the film has its theatrical run underway. I love that our home town has two festivals. The ELFF is still running after many years also.

That is all I have for this morning. I’m going to drink my last cup of coffee and get on with my day. Until we gather again next Sunday – have a productive week. I think I will watch Manchester United play while getting a few things done.

Coffee Cheers!


Thoughts on MSU Tragedy- Plus ‘Silent Night in Algona’ and ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ Updates

A hazelnut coffee toast to you all on this chilly Michigan morning. As a MSU alumni, I’ve had a lot of thoughts with the shooter that was on the campus. Once the alert went out I switched to the scanner and I was impressed at how the chaos organized quickly with law enforcement. Base camp at the presidents house- where my memories are chatting up former movie studio president Bill Mechanic and screenwriter Jim Cash. The Union, was a haunt of mine that once had a bowling alley in the basement and it still might be there. Berkley Hall lectures, learning with my fellow students while trying to plan for an eve of fun activities. I hated parking at MSU, but otherwise, I truly did enjoy my time there. Back in the day, they did not have a film program so I cobbled together an interdisciplinary humanities degree, that touched on what I thought I might need in the future.

The shooter, was approached just down the road from our house. He only lived a street away, but ended his own life down the road when confronted by police. Sad on all fronts. Three dead and five injured and many students infected with fear. Plus a troubled young man who pulled the trigger. I still don’t have any answers because it isn’t any one issue but many, that likely led to this horrible situation. So I’m starting my blog with just a little acknowledgement of the pain this community suffered but especially our MSU family.


SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– We have theatrical bookings continuing up to March so far. Last week, I had more meetings over the home video and foreign licensing. The box office numbers have been good and there is consideration by the distributor to expand the film with a 3rd party into hundreds more theaters in several states. This is where all those reviews on http://www.imdb.com has helped (So please vote & review if you haven’t) but the attendance at the theaters has been the main push. This week will tell more as we finalize the home video battle plans. The distributor is excited about the project as a whole which they feel will have wide appeal. We’ll deliver the final film on May 1st – with our current plan to see it on DVD/streaming in November. More as we move forward. We will be examining a few select festivals to showcase the film at. We’re in discussions for possible UK and German screenings. Again, our heartfelt thanks to all that have supported this beautiful story.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE– The next CDI film is now in active pre-production, which means this film is happening. The account is open and we’ve got the goods to make it happen. We’ve had several production meetings and now can talk with cast and crew in confidence. This is the first in a new slate of CDI films coming down the development line. We’ll be shooting in Sept and into Oct. this year after Labor Day in Michigan. We’ve been reaching out gathering targeted reads by proposed cast. I’m really excited by the powerful cast we’re already assembling and we’ve got much more to come. We’re also slowly starting to put departments in play. Some are already working on breakdowns and prepping for the filming ahead. We were treated to a great read by Don Most (Best known from ‘Happy Days’) for a powerfully dramatic role in the film. He loved the script! That’s been the response from the talent we’ve approached. I hope to start rolling out some of the cast to IMDB soon. We also have a FB page for the film just starting to post updates. Yesterday, I had a good talk with Robert Bradley, our armorer and works transportation department. There are some friends I really only get to spend quality time with when filming. We will have another incredible shoot. This week we’ll be meeting to try and get Camera and G&E departments all set. Travis Hayward (Best Years Gone) is our director of photography for this exciting new story. A new teaser poster is in the works to rally around.

SHJ PROJECT – The in-association supernatural thriller is getting closer to being solid enough for an announcement. The exciting part of this deal coming together is that it could be multiple films. But like I always say, put your everything into one film and it should bring you the next one. This might get split into an EXT and INT blocks of shooting. More discussions on locations and scheduling once the foundation stones (Funding) is in place. But this will likely shoot EXT at the end of the year and the INT first of the new year (Jan/Feb 2024) – There are so many other exciting talks that go with all this but again, let’s get more solid before I spend time discussing.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The first production draft is complete and has been submitted for approval to move to the next phase of development. I’m getting that approval so the next layers of development work can get underway. This story is pulled from real history which can be more powerful than fiction alone. We blend everything into historic fiction because writers, historians and more are forced to fictionally connect the dots. I’ve been getting some good initial feedback from the story from members of the Native American community. It’s being called an even balanced look at the history of this event. Once moving forward, we’ll do a PR announcement. This year will be some builds and casting for this forthcoming movie. Much like SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA and the German actors, we’ll likely start with the Native American casting, first. I have a few in mind already and several have the script to review. This film will shoot in Iowa! We have so many friends there and it will be nice to return and tell another story.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH and FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH II: Battlefields – The first documentary film is out in the marketplace to watch (TUBI if you wanna watch free with ads) and the groundwork is being put in place for part 2. The Red, White and Blue Project and CDI, are once again putting this all together with Curran Jacobs hosting and again directing. Adam Towner will be editing and providing some of the camera work. If you want to explore a write off for your self or business, please reach out. I will be circling around to our previous donors and giving them first chance to get involved. This will be a series of films exploring in-depth, the many topics we touched upon in the first film. This next one explores more of the military history behind Catch Can.


We have many projects and associated endeavors in development, but at this point we don’t need to go in-depth on any of them. We are working a few of the films from the CDI library, bringing their materials up to date for future re-release. We have all the films newly backed up and will be putting in play yet another back up storage device. I’m excited with each new week. I love connecting with many of our artists and getting to know new artists, and examining how they might thrive in the CDI tribe. I’m looking at keys that can travel for multiple pictures ideally. By 2025, I think CDI will be overseeing multiple projects, whereas we can keep most of our folks working pretty consistently. That is a goal.

I know the tribal chiefs at CDI, are almost all actor/producers and would love to have more comedy sprinkled in with the dramas. HOT ROD LOVE was on that comedic track (pun intended) but it had a few temp set backs. You can go back and read on that in my earlier blogs- but we have a great comedic script that will one day – race into production.

I’m going to finish this coffee and work on some writing for a book. I’ve been asked now for several years to contribute stories to several books on animals. I’ve written true stories on cats, dogs, horses and now birds. Yes. I have a few good stories to share that have birds at the center of them. So, I’m going to rough out a few of those stories.

NOTE FOR ACTORS: If you’re an actor and a fan of the CDI films wondering how you can be seen- Go ahead and paste your actor reel link to https://www.facebook.com/cdiproductions/ and I will promise that each and everyone will be watched. I do try and keep up with emerging talent but time wise it can be difficult.

I will end with this thought- while we discuss plans and dreams becoming reality- tragically for some, their journey here has ended. If you are reading this, your journey continues. Appreciate the struggles we all face. Appreciate the people in your circles. Appreciate still being able to dream and move towards a goal. Just appreciate.

Coffee Cheers.


Earthquakes, UFO’s and Updates-

Hazelnut coffee is flowing this morning. It is brisk outside but much warmer and the snow has all but disappeared. Sad to see the aftermath of the earthquakes and so much excitement over these “objects” shot down. The described shape and the seemingly lack of any conventional propulsion, is what has my curiosity peaked.

Let’s look at a few updates- The TOP TEN from last week.

  1. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA) – As the film continues its march across the USA we’re also prepping for the Fall home video deal. We’ll continue talks this coming week. We’re also working on a few cool marketing angles for the home video release. It is testing well to older and younger audiences and from many circles, military, farmers, Germans, Jewish and history buffs. Several perspectives are explored and all brought together by a true event that unfolded. We’ll be picking a few festivals to showcase ourselves at. I would have loved to do our hometown festival but they want to be the 1st MI premiere and we’ve been in and will be returning to more Michigan theaters. But CDI will go support by attending the opening night mixer. Look above at all the places you can watch the film. Call your local theaters and request the film. If you’ve seen it and enjoyed it, leave us a review on www. IMDB.com on our page.
  2. Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) – This project has moved into official pre-production. The paperwork all filed and signed and next week we’ll open the account. Last week we had our first official production meeting with our newly announced director Carl Weyant. READ ALL ABOUT IT HEREhttps://www.prlog.org/12950648-cdi-announces-director-and-director-of-photography-on-harsens-island-revenge.html
  3. HIR – CREW – We’ve been starting to just look at schedule and interest in some of the crew returning so we can discuss in our weekly production meeting. We’ve got several projects lining up and so we really are trying to build a solid crew especially with keys. Some keys change with directors, usually the directors of photography. Travis Hayward (Best Years Gone) will be the DP on the film. We’ll be discussing camera and G&E team more in the coming weeks. A few changes in a couple departments mostly due to schedule. But when someone cannot journey with us that provides a great opportunity for someone else. I’ve had people in the wings without a job to assign them, so when some cannot return, opportunity for others. We have several weeks to get this team in line. We have our production dates and soon another location scout with happen. I will be reaching out to some of you from past crews to discuss involvement. If you are a production crew and want to be considered feel free to send me any info.
  4. HIR – CAST – As I get our director and teams feeling on certain roles within the cast, we’re reaching out. We’ve got some exciting interest already in the story from some amazing talents. We’ll start announcing some of the known cast soon and we’ll be doing more casting moving forward. Again feel free to shoot me a reel or so to the Harsens Island Revenge Facebook site and leave your reel. Last week we watched several acting reels and the work of a few crew members under consideration.
  5. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH I and II – This amazing doc film is now available on several platforms including TUBI (free with ads) and we’re going to be doing our second doc this spring/summer. The foundation paperwork will be constructed this week. We are in talks with potential donors to support this endeavor. We had a great end-of-week meeting over this project franchise and the future. If you have not watched the first one, please do.
  6. SHJ SUPERNATURAL THRILLER – CDI started in this genre with KNIGHT CHILLS, which is its own update. But we’re getting closer to putting pen to paper on a slate of genre films. This is a full circle sort of arrangement since I started my own career within the genre. I do sincerely have more to announce in the coming weeks. If things fall into place we’ll be doing some crewing and casting on this film also.
  7. KNIGHT CHILLS – I got a report that the new high def version of the film is looking great. They are working to enhance audio with all the new tools they have. We’re looking to do several EXTRAS for the Blu Ray release. We have until June to get all these elements completed. It will be fun to capture and gather a few interviews. Video game. Sequel. All still moving down the tracks.
  8. GHOST TOWN 2024 – This film’s domestic rights become free first of 2024 so we’re getting everything in line. We’ll be releasing it into the foreign market for the first time also. We’ve been working on new promo materials and getting everything around. This is one of 4 films from the CDI library being prepped for a new release with BMG.
  9. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – I’m still getting this script out to a few folks for notes. But the first version of the script is done. Once we get the nod we’ll start the next phase of development work. The script becomes a blueprint to start our development work from. I’m exciting to keep this moving down the development tracks. It is one of the most powerful and gut wrenching stories I’ve written. History can be brutal and beautiful all at the same time.
  10. I’m feeling the ‘writing urge’ and I have several scripts in partial form. I plan to finish anywhere from 1-3 this year including my SciFi script, a new comedy and maybe a sequel script. Any guesses? I’m also looking forward to working in the yard this season and making some updates. Life is always a work in progress so don’t stress. Just keep building brick by brick. While others fret, regret, complain or waste time with things they can’t control, be the one who gets things done. I was invited to once again contribute to a national book on animals. I have a few great stories I’m going to contribute to the collection.


CDI is on the path to greater heights and to do that we’ll need a strong team. With every growth there is pruning of dead, dying or diseased – allowing new healthy growth. I want to say that when we make adjustments, it is not always a negative thing. Not all cast and crew are built or prepared for long voyages. Some folks are great for 2-3 days or even a week. But as the weeks go by on set, more focus and endurance are required. Day 11 or 14, 16 can show strain. We’ve worked hard to try and give good opportunity for our cast and crew to achieve success. I recently heard about a successful project that had many of the crew sleeping all in one room on air mattresses and cots. My first starring role I slept on the director’s couch. We’ve worked very hard to develop partnerships with hotels to try and give the best accommodations we can afford. But, there always seems to be someone not happy, despite the hard work. That is a core filter that colors everything that person does, few great things spring from those suffering under such filters.

A small example-

We’ve played with a second meal on sets that many do not provide. We’ve had extra and left over food in Yuma, AZ that we ended up sharing with hotel staff and strangers so not to waste it. Crews sometimes want to go out versus another 30 min on set with a second meal. A per diem has been provided before but the time that establishments closed made it an issue to some. We bought groceries and made food together (Producers) while trouble shooting the days ahead. I got some feedback from different folks which is always welcome. Much of it is subjective or the perspective is because the individuals don’t know the whole story. I’m going to get into this again as we are entering into new talks on this new story adventure-

A solution-

I encourage my producers/key admin to WORK QUIETLY always. On the inner set, they’re trying to create a bubble of collective imagination and capture it. A distraught looking staff member can distract and/or delay- passing a bad energy along. And 98% of the time it all works out easy-peasy because we have lots of warrior trouble shooters.

I’ve noted over the years how some people enter a set with nervous, frantic- must do ENERGY. Tense faces, biting their lip, cursing to themselves. People in the area notice- are distracted- become concerned. Everything okay? Reassurances- Nothing is wrong, and the performance of stress plays out – the issue suddenly resolved in a call and the issue was really a two NOT a ten on the production issue scale. Often issues are like locating lost keys to a location for tomorrow- misplaced. This is just an example of something logistic alarming for a moment but did it need to filter through a group of people trying to focus on a story?


The chemistry between a director and a director of photography is a beautiful and sacred bond. I’ve enjoyed watching and even participating as a full size stand in to the brainstorming session full of wild and exiting ideas. This obsessing over our story- talking and living a story for a month, THAT is what it’s all about. The storyboarding and building shot list from ideas thrown about- combined is a wonderful thing to watch. It is my job at the end of the day to either create a team with the right chemistry or put a stamp on a presented creative union. From this union, much of the film is nurtured. Love each other as creative brothers and sisters, appreciate when you get a real chance to say something. These creative bonds exist all over a few crew. Respect one another and their place and passion, also to tell the story at hand. The cast of films- like a rock band, on tour, but you have it easier not having frequent moves. But you are on a creative tour of duty. (T-Knox!) I think of it like creative camp and at the end we all told a story. One month a year I see artistic friends for an extended period of time. We all collectively sacrifice our comforts to be ‘at camp’ telling this story.

Communication- Every mistake or error made in our production flow stems from communication. Sometimes I am the one who gave incomplete marching orders. Other times missed communication, understandable in this time of many ways of communicating. But, one thing in our control always, we can all communicate respectfully to one another. I had to recently ponder and realize that people can only speak from their perspective, and speak to their experiences allowing them to speak with truth and sincerity. When people start to speak outside their experience, they will start to talk loudly or more emotionally. It’s important to them that you believe them because they’re eager to believe their own words. They’re filled with doubt because they lack crucial experience – basic life principals. Like Respect.

Blood of Heroes- Jumping from communication- I had some wonderful conversations with some folks full of energy and ready to journey. I’m looking a few movies ahead, and trying to get a team ready for bigger responsibilities and greater rewards. Leadership is a MUST, as departments could expend some in the near future. Organization is a MUST, as we have many operations underway and you have to be up to speed. What people should understand is that I’m not looking forward to achieving new levels so I can replace people with more credited artists. I’m looking to increase resources to our artists in the future so they can make their mark and take their place amongst those artist recognized in a given field. Know what your fighting for-

Until next week my friends!


‘SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA’ Director’s Screening plus ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ pre-PR Updates and more…

Good morning to you all. I was up past my bedtime a touch yesterday, so the hazelnut coffee is much appreciated. We did a special directors screening kick off showing of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, our true event WW2 film. We had two screenings yesterday and we all went to an afterglow at Romas, next to the NCG in Owosso. This is back in our home state and while the film had a Michigan premiere at the Celebration Cinema, I was at a funeral. My family finally got to see all our hard work. We had a strong first showing at 4pm and I’ve heard from and seen posts from many friends who went to see the film. I like all filmmakers want a good showing, technically and being outside my area, that raises my temp. We had a super chilly last few days in Michigan, record breaking. I dressed well for outside travel but was too hot for crowds, pictures and such. I even wore a lighter jacket. I should have traded by beanie hat for something less hot. But, enough of the heat talk. It was HOT with enthusiasm, even walking up to the theatre ran into a fellow actor/filmmaker from the Detroit area who had just watched the 4:00 showing. He was sincere in his compliments and that set the tone. Iowa LOVES this story because it is their story. But the greater story makes it ALL OUR STORY. Our history. On the edge of Owosso, MI there is a race track once a PW camp like Algona. Many towns have this kind of history but many are unaware.

This month we’re pulling together the film for home video in the fall. We’re entering the deal phase and we’ll get the enhanced version to the distributor. When we saw it on the big screen, you always can notice things that if you can, you would change. A tweak of color correct here and there. Some enhancements in a few CGI plates. Subtitle tweaks. But these are artistic nuisances that many never see nor notice. Some errors may exist in period – we work hard to achieve this but it is all smoke and mirrors. Many enjoy trying to find these spots. In Star Wars you can see Kenny Baker inside R2D2 in a scene. In GLORY you can see the squib (fake bullet hits) lines running up the legs of some actors. MOVIE MAGIC. We try to transport you to another place and the audience is asked to relax and bring your imagination.

Last night I think people were taken to that time period. People will get to enjoy the film until Thursday and I hope we our powerful attendance last night they will move us into other cites with NCG. I am going to try and bring it back to N. Lansing at the Eastwood NCG. I will let you know. Again people are calling their theatre managers and asking them to book the film. They want your business so call and their bookers will reach out. They are reaching out every week. Also http://www.imdb.com is a place that is used in part to help the expansion of the film. We’ve had hundreds of beautiful comments and the attendance and growth speaks for itself, but many of a certain age do not use the computer much. Or as little as possible and so sometimes the best comments and reviews don’t make it to the official data bases. If you saw it go ahead and go to http://www.imdb.com you can vote (10 best) and leave a review or message about the film, and what it meant to you. I love reading all the stories of grandparents and their interaction and connections to the German PW’s.

We are going to keep the film traveling and hope to play a few festivals. Many of the big ones want a first ever premiere and this film is traveling so that isn’t a fit. But we are looking to play in Hollywood so we can highlight our amazing German cast. I’m damn proud and having a good dose of German in my heritage it’s another thing I’m proud of. This movie is spreading some love, understanding and compassion. I heard many times last night that people loved the story and we need more films like this. I agree. That takes me into-

Above – DJ Perry, Karl Manke, Carl Weyant


Harsens Island Revenge – Last night was both a celebration of the present expanding release of our WW2 German PW film but also a toast to the future. We are in official pre-production which means our business paperwork is all in order and we’ll be opening the bank account this month. We will start official pre-production meetings with our director Mr. Carl Weyant. Carl has worked independently and with the CDI Tribe on both sides of the camera. Many will know him from starring as Longinus in part 3 of The Quest Trilogy, entitled The Christ Slayer. I met him in Otty, India in 2008 where we co-starred together in a film there. He has been working several years as a director and director of photography on various projects from music videos to feature film. After months of discussions with the CDI producer team, his stylistic vision and kinetic style will lead the direction and vision of this action-packed film. I, as the writer worked several weeks with Carl, to get a final polished shooting script. This process happens with all our directors. We’ll be discussing many wonderful aspects of this film and casting will take place likely end of the month. We plan to run duel cameras on this project and that will allow us to capture more of the action, more efficiently. Carl and previous director of photography Travis Hayward (Best Years Gone) have been working in tandem on several projects both feature and music video. They were first brought together on the CDI produced music video for ‘Revolution‘ by DEEP FALL. You can watch that here-

Travis Hayward will serve as the Gaffer (cool lighting) and run second camera. I knew they would be a good pairing and I was correct. Our goal, as always, is to have a lot of fun telling yet another great story. Lessons. Always lessons to be illustrated via story, but it a very exciting way. WW1 veterans. Purple Gang. Bootlegging. The CDI Tribe is going into the Roaring 20’s, again taking on a wonderful book written by, Karl Manke. I adapted the book into a screenplay and I’ve very happy with the end product. We have had a positive reaction from a few guest stars who want to participate in this story. It will be a wonderful blueprint for all our artists. We’ll do some official PR in the next two weeks on the project. But, you all get the first drop of developing info just for tuning in and stopping by for a read. We’ve also had several more subscribe join here – so welcome! You can subscribe to our CDI Youtube and http://www.cdiproductions.com is going to be updated so follow us there also.


The first doc FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH is now set up in the market place and just starting what will be a nice long run of being introduced to new audiences. Even those not wishing to rent or buy it can watch it via TUBI and other ad based video on demand. Meaning-you watch for free but you watch with ads and we get paid by advertisers. It is a major rev stream these days. Ground work and talks with potential donors has begun. The Red, White & Blue Project Inc. is the non-profit we are working with. This next project will expand upon part of the original doc. It leans even heavier into the military history and Catch Can’s influence in all of that. Curran Jacobs is directing once again.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – We’re close to moving into the next development phase of this project. I’ve had some good talks about the history of the story and I think we’re on target. Some of the folks involved are not always prepared to read scripts which require imagination and practice. Very unique medium that I liken to poetry and trying to say as much as possible with as few of words as possible. To invoke imagery and to carry the readers (soon to be viewer) through the story. A journey to be sure. I am working to try and keep this on schedule for a 2024 filming. One brick at a time.

BEST YEARS GONE – Now that Covid lock down and virtual festivals have returned to in person – we’re going to enter BEST YEARS GONE into some comedy festivals. We did not want to attend virtual (I spend enough time on a computer) but now it could be a better experience. MAN’S BEST FRIEND, LOST HEART, WILD FAITH, THE QUEST TRILOGY exciting marketing as the films keep growing in audiences. New posters. New trailers. Interviews. Promotional videos. Merchandise. Oh, yeah. It’s all coming.


Man! I’m still coming down from last night. Again, it was a treat to hug and shake so many hands. We don’t get to meet our vast audiences like live performance. We have 3-5k in social associates and from that maybe 300 that we are in direct contact with. But a film is being viewed by millions to tens of millions that we never meet. We were just talking about the joy we get when someone is surprised and they get to meet someone from a movie that moved them.

We are occasionally accused of being ambitious with our storytelling and we truly are. I’m proud of this last SNIA journey because it was our hardest yet. Harder than most even know. On SNIA, we had our directors mother hit with Covid days before shooting and just days after his best friend died of Covid. Pappy, who passed, was a long-time member of this tribe working several times with CDI on both sides of the camera. A shameful loss. One of our main producers came to set with her own oxygen tanks after her own bout in the hospital with Covid. Simply put, CDI HAS WARRIORS.

I hear of businesses that can’t get employees to show up or stay employed and CDI has folks, so dedicated that it would take – well, a damn lot to keep them away. We are accused of working hard and we do. To make something that might be seen as great by some, you have to work hard. VERY HARD. If hard work and trying to create greatness isn’t for you, CDI isn’t for you. I’ve told folks that something ‘short form’ and not as hard, might better suit some for their talents. Being away for weeks is hard and it’s a sacrifice all our artists have made to help tell that story. We know how special these stories are too many out there, because you’ve reached out to let us know. You are why we sacrifice and do this.

Hey DJ, it ain’t all love:) Listen, the sprinkling of hate and bashing doesn’t provoke hurt in me but actually more sadness. Every negative comment that is tinged with dark emotion cries of dreams unrealized and often never even attempted. They’re afraid to try because they know someone like themselves is waiting, who might throw a stone at their passion or dream. A good example- I don’t love stage musicals as a whole, but I don’t go out of my way to trash them. That is someone’s jam, singing Annie Get Your Gun or something, just not my jam. And that’s fine. I’m just always amazed how little people value their own TIME. IF I enjoyed something I might go out of my way, spend my time, to make my opinion known, because I’m sharing some positive energy. IF I don’t like something – that LAST thing you will get from me is my TIME. I can just scroll on. I can choose something else. I have turn content off but I never ran to a keyboard to trash something. Why? Not worth my watch time not worth my type time. But how others spend their time is their business. But many negative barbs are sadly from fellow artists struggling to the point of collapse and wondering, why not me? My script? Where is my funding? When you put your mind in the wrong place you widen the gap. For when they are manufacturing hate, we create. Which fuels the negative feelings and the cycle continues. One path makes you sicker with the poison you spread and digest. And the other path, it inspires – you think you can do better? Get some of your most loyal, trusted, creative friends and DO IT! Like film itself, SHOW don’t TELL. You will have fun and learn about yourself. Give 100% of your TIME, on your path and see what happens.


I’m amused only slightly in those situations where people lacking the true experience try to speak loudly into something they know nothing about. They become ‘know it alls’ quickly and are unable to take on any new knowledge and experience- their growth stunted. Some opportunities given can inspire maturity, accountability and responsibility and spur personal growth. In others they can be become drunk and delusional with newly gifted power. We’ve had examples of both. I’m always cheering for SPUR versus STUNT but ultimately they control that outcome.

Every project moving forward is living evolution through experience. I work hard to develop people and give opportunities for self growth but sometimes people reach their limit on learning. You always have risk empowering people and when they grow in the right direction – wonderful. Wrong direction- just like the apple tree, it needs to be pruned. Giveth and Taketh Away

POSITIVE. RESPECT. APPRECIATION. SINCERITY. LOYALTY. – these attributes have to already exist within someone and can be nurtured. I often say, I will always work with a slightly less experienced person with the right long term attitude, versus the opposite. We can provide experience and adventure with some of the best artists I’ve encountered on my path. We say at CDI meetings, that a door closing brings us to a new door opening. CDI has grown into a multi generation of artists and we’ve got grand plans to keep moving up the mountain. As I’ve said before, it is not how high you climbed on the mountain it is who you traveled with, that will matter in the end.

I’m a tad tired from being up somewhat late and might need a short cold winter nap. The sunshine is out and that feels good, so maybe time to play cat. Thank you to each and every person who came out last night and to all the shows. It had been a few since I had seen our film play. A touch of distance is nice and gives you a fresh perspective upon viewing again. Having our family and friends there made it special, especially my parents. Both, had funny comments of having created me. They were not so quick to take that same credit after the numerous knuckle headed things I did growing up. I’m already excited for the coming holiday season when SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will be out on DVD and streaming. We will have just finished filming Harsens Island Revenge and into editing. And so the storytelling cycle continues. Thank you to Karl Manke for trusting us with his story. His book HOPE FROM HEAVEN became BEST YEARS GONE. Read the book. Watch the film. Giddy up as Gil Gilles would say!

I’ll talk to you all next week. I hope you all take giant steps towards your endeavors.

Coffee Cheers!


NEW Theaters, Director’s Screening, NEW Development 2023

A beautiful light snow is falling in Michigan. I’m sipping on my hazelnut coffee and reflecting upon the past week. Again, a kind lady, a friends mother that I’ve known since I was 5, passed away. She was 94 and did many great things in her time with her family being her pride. Her son who was one of my oldest friends, passed away unexpectedly when I was out filming THE CHRIST SLAYER. It was nice to see so many people I’ve not seen in many years. It is sad that is often takes a tragedy or loss to bring some folks together. I was happy to hear all these beautiful comments about the films we’ve done. The lady who passed really loved Man’s Best Friend. Several talked about The Quest Trilogy (Our three part biblical adventure). Many wanted to know what the latest and greatest was- that is SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. Some saw it in our home town but the film was extended for two weeks and we were not told. We could have promoted the added two weeks more had we known. But the film did quite well, hence the extended screening.

My own family has not seen the WW2 drama which is marching all across the midwest as people request the film and bookers are reaching out. We’re heading into Nebraska and soon Minnesota – also in the director’s hometown of Owosso, Michigan we’ve secured a run with the NCG theatre. We are pushing to get it into N. Lansing at the NCG in February. Dates TBD. We’ll be starting the Owosso, NCG run on Feb 4th (Sat) with screenings at 4:00 and 7:00 and the film will play until Feb 9th playing at 4:00 and we’re trying to get a second show during the week for those who work. The photo banner will be up on the 4th and our director Anthony Hornus will be welcoming folks to both shows. After the 7pm show we’re going to go to Romas next door to meet and greet with guests. I’m giving the advanced notice here and on Monday we’ll start releasing PR about the showing.

It doesn’t matter what state you are in – contact the managers and request their bookers bring it in. We’re having classrooms of kids, retirement home trips and church groups, all going to the film. Many are seeing the film more than once and we’re getting lots of requests for DVD and streaming which will be 4th quarter of the year after we’ve marched around the country doing screenings. We are trying to get it to a major military base theatre in Germany and are looking at select festivals to play.

BEST YEARS GONE – This is our previous comedy drama and we’re looking at some comedy fest and also a few cool marketing ideas. I still want to look at sponsoring a race – The Gilles Cup:) If you haven’t had a chance to watch this film, please do. I think you will laugh and find some sweet moments in the film.


Harsens Island Revenge – is in full on development and will go into pre-production next month for a post Labor Day shoot. Cast and Crew discussions will begin soon. Location scouting has already begun and another scout trip will be in order soon.

For the Love of Catch: Battlefields is the second collaboration in a series of doc films focused on the grappling arts. We’re in the budgeting stage and talking to potential donations as the project is produced through the Red, White & Blue Non-Profit with CDI supervising the production. If you or your company have interest in supporting this project via donations please reach out.

SHJ – The meeting for the in association film went really well. The biggest issue is schedule which needs to land after Harsens Island Revenge. This film is an action mystery thriller with a supernatural twist to it. I’ll have follow up meeting this week to iron out more details but things are looking very promising.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The first draft of the script is done and I had a select group looking it over for historical tweaks. It is not a biopic but historical fiction. If the script gets approved, I’ll fine tune the budget and we’ll look at the builds we need done this year before 2024 proposed shoot. The key is not too many cooks in the kitchen. CDI is excited to tell another Iowa-based story. I will be looking to see how many 1800’s cabins exist still in the Algona, Iowa area. Stay tune for more updates.


This week I will continue to feed our accountants the information they need to do end of year taxes. I have started working on personal taxes and will have that material pulled together very soon. I know that the CDI website is about to get a few updates to it. If you haven’t visited our website – http://www.cdiproductions.com

We are going to be discussing merchandise for the lead up to Christmas 2023 but SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, posters could become available for sale in Feb if things go right. They might be for sale at the Owosso, MI afterglow. What CDI merchandise would you like to see?

Lastly, we’re moving towards a SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, final film to deliver to the home video distributor. It’s now like a 4 piece puzzle that needs to be put together. On the big screen we were able to see a few polishes needed either to the color, VFX and subtitles, in a few places.

In addition to all this – I do have a few writing projects I’ll be returning to. One is a comedy and one a Sci-Fi piece, I do love writing. I’ve got many sponsors to touch base with to discuss the home video release of SNIA and also discuss them coming on board Harsens Island Revenge. I’m going to have some company later so I’ll be getting the wood stove roaring. I hope you all have a recharging weekend and prepare for a productive week ahead.

Coffee Cheers,


The Secret of ‘Fire’ ‘Music’ and ‘Know Thyself’ – plus a few film updates…

Good morning my friends. I’m sitting by our new electric fireplace near my chair. Our old one died during the holidays so a new one has replaced it. I’ve got my steaming cup of hazelnut coffee with me as I ponder the past week. I want to thank all the new readers from around the world for stopping by to take a read. I hope there is a few nuggets of wisdom you can pull upon. I had so many good calls this week and 2023 business is underway. I have new goals and already I’m knocking some of them down. I’m sure this year will come with wins and losses as that is the way of life. I’ve reminded a few people, to stop. Turn around. Look at how far you’ve come. Be happy with what you have done, not just fixate on what you have not done.

This week I’ll be gathering up end of year tax stuff to generate any 1099’s for the films. We also do K1’s for all the investors. I was able to get all the check dispersement written and sent out. I only had to resend two as addresses had changed. I’ll also get things around for our company and myself. These are the needed but unsexy parts of the film business. It is so much more than playing with the camera. There is a massive amount of work that goes into each and every film. This is the biz side of show biz.

I’ve been told recently, and not the first time – that I work people hard. I ask artists to dig deep and to put their very best forward. I’ve dedicated my entire life to telling stories, and while we have much fun, we also work very hard. But when the artists finally see the final product, 9 of 10 times, that creative endeavor is one of the best, if not the best, endeavor that artist was involved with that year. They take family and friends to watch the stories and they’re proud to have been part of the stories telling. I’ve got family who have not yet seen our recent film. Our holidays were disrupted by a loss in the family. In my hometown they played the film for several weeks but I still did not get out to see it. But many did! We’re working to set up a special SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, screening in Owosso, MI with NCG. For our Detroit area friends, we’re working to set up screenings there also. Our new theatrical division at CDI Distribution has been launched!

Let’s looks at some of the updates from last week-

  1. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– We had several new theaters open. We had a projection bump at a new theatre screening in Iowa, after they moved the film from the test theatre. Much like home systems, many theatrical houses have different set ups, some older and some newer. They rarely update everything at once likely due to cost. But, I know at the one location it was worked out and the film is playing. People are requesting to managers who contact bookers-who contact us. The film is in 20 theaters and we have another 13 going up. And many more still approaching us from different states. Keep it up, you people are making the film travel. I expect the film to travel theatrically into March or April. We are also exploring a few select film festivals and we want to screen in Germany. Many good plans in action. We are working on a few special marketing deals while moving towards the home video window.
  2. MERCHANDISE– We’ve done some test marketing of some merchandise but we’re starting to really look at a stronger launch of this division at CDI. I can also say that a MUSIC DIVISION, is developing. That will allow audiences access to the amazing soundtrack scores created by Dennis Therrian. These two areas are on CDI’s 2023 developmental goal list. Do you all have a favorite music score? I would love to actually do some runs of LP records. Any participating record pressing companies? Please reach out. RECORD LABEL? Not there yet:)
  3. MOVING FORWARD- Harsens Island Revenge – This film exits development and will enter pre-production next month. What does that mean- that means that the film foundation (legal paperwork) will all be executed and the project funded. At that time we’ll be announcing our director and some of the attached cast. The script having undergone several sessions of writer/director polishing, it’s ready to be broken down. I love this stage because you go over every line of action, description, dialog and discuss. In this case I got to perform several scenes with our director, to get the flow ands feel. Most of the tweaks were minor but took strong scenes and made them even more powerful. It is a very cool story and what a time period to play in. Primary casting and crewing discussions will start in the coming weeks. Our producers already did a location scout trip and another one will be planned. We just created 1944 and now we’ll enter the 1920’s, artists are you ready? Next week, we’ll look to set hard shoot dates after Labor Day 2023. Get ready for some new teaser art as well!
  4. Pen has not yet found ink, but I’m deep into talks on a CDI associated film to be shot late 2023 and early 2024. To recap what a CDI associated film is- it’s a film whereas someone else is bringing the capital $ to the table but want the experience of CDI behind it. As a producer, I remove the ‘supervising’ role and become more or less, a consultant. CDI will bring other assets to help but the main responsibility is on other shoulders. I’ve been asked to co-star in the supernatural action-thriller, and I’m feeling it. I hope to be able to call the film by name and run some PR about the new arrangement, in the near future. It is always best to work out all these details in advance so there is no issues later. This is a KEY to success. Have the hard conversations now and get everything in writing some it’s there. I still have 4-5 films out there in the film post abyss, they might finish one day. I sincerely hope they do. NUGGET: If possible, you actors, pick production teams with a track record of finishing.
  5. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – This week the script will go out to some historians and some friends in the Native American community. I think, I have written a powerful and balanced script, with lessons about loss, revenge, understanding, love and unity. It is not sugarcoated in any way and contains a few scenes that left me shaken after writing them. I had to go immerse myself in some nature and beauty, away from the truth of our shared history. I will be putting the script forth after this round of notes, and we’ll be putting together the Phase 2 plan. Phase 2 will be the development work in Iowa to prep for a 2024 shoot. I’ll also be having some teaser art put together. This will be a great return to the 1800’s storytelling for CDI.
  6. I want to thank and encourage all of you to keep exploring and watching the CDI library. I’ve had fans reach out and thank us for The Quest Trilogy, MBF, Best Years Gone, Lost Heart, Wild Faith – you can even watch many free on TUBI or Encourage TV. I actually enjoyed The Quest Trilogy, playing while I was doing work. Again, even when not watching I love the music. But the amazing scenery (Yuma, AZ) and the story often gets me distracted for a few moments. More so, when I see friends on screen who are no longer with us. TRIVIA: Who was the voice of ‘God’ in FORTY NIGHTS? You can leave your answer in the comments.
  7. Speaking of the CDI library, we will be looking to set up several of the old films, in HD at BMG. I had to look up dates for GHOST TOWN, which will be one of the new set up preps. Also AN ORDINARY KILLER, FIGURE IN THE FOREST and KNIGHT CHILLS are all being worked on.
  8. Animated Division of CDI is in the works. CDI did an “in association” feature THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ, which is being re-rendered and conformed for a release through BMG. But, we’ve got a few shorts and features in development. I’ve always loved cartoons and such, so getting involved in that direction feels natural.
  9. We’ve got some good interest in creating video games off some of our films. You might know KNIGHT CHILLS, Dice Don’t Lie, video game has been in development. Once the final render is done of Sir Kallio, we might start some 3D printing.
  10. This week I also plan to meet over the next FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, doc. I’ve already started to talk with a few folks and if all goes well the team will shoot it this Spring/Summer. I think we’ve got a great overall summary of the history in the first film but now we can go into segments and define parts of it even further. Wrestling, grappling fan or not, this film will entertain you and educate you in the rich history.

The holidays were unconventional with the death in the family but the spirit of the season kept on. Aside from the loss, the beautiful snowstorm and the slowing of our day to day for a few days of family and reflection, really helped to recharge my batteries. The finishing of projects and the beginning of new. Again the seasons of our lives as creative artists. And while, sometimes the stories pull me away from my comforts for a time, the stories we tell are timeless.

It is also a time where we artists re-unite. CDI has been a home for some and a stepping stone for others. I like to think we instilled some good qualities into the folks who’ve moved away and into their own respective fields, sometimes in the arts and sometimes not. I tell people, CDI is like any other endeavor, you will get out of it what you put into it. For many, it means being a part of something great that nobody can take away from you. To do that takes hard work. Very hard work. And I only like to work with people who care about what they put their name on. Craftsmanship. Whiskey. Cars. Films. Life is too short to not care about what you work on. The Quakers (Look them up) made amazing furniture and wood crafts because they believe they’re honoring God by their own hands with their craft. I think that is a good mind set and the results are something infused with- love.

FIRE– I’m going to get after a few things today including getting some firewood around for the office stove. I do want to try some lump coal like my buddy uses in his stove. Longer burning and more heat. I’m also on a mission to organize even better this year. I will be putting everything to digital for back ups. I keep being asked about a podcast ‘Around the Fire’ at the fort. I am thinking about it. But I like the fort being a place of low tech and around personal synergy. Knights of the Round Table. Vikings in the Lodge. Monks in the temple. Development at CDI is not just projects, it is people. But people have to want positive change. Self defeating, self associated talk will draw all the negative to you and lower your own personal power. Birds of a feather, flock together. Misery enjoys company. Also believe to achieve. Positive perspective. Creative visualization. The mind is a powerful thing that can assist or hinder. That is why the KNOW THYSELF, rings so powerful. In the new year if you are struggling, fight to take control of the self. Start with your words. What are they? Sounds. Vowels. Symbols. But powerfully attached to our innermost self. MUSIC is a wonderful tool that can lead the mind in the places you want to go. I said, GO – not where you are. If depressed, there are many songs that will not help. But, certain songs help lead our mind. To use a modern term, learn your own triggers and trigger yourself in a positive direction. And DON’T trigger yourself by playing music or putting yourself in a situation, you know, you won’t react well too. Depressed. Don’t play depressing music. Steel drums and island music often puts a big ole smile on my face. Just something that I like to use as a tool. Music puts the mind in a different state and allows you to tune oneself. I use guitar playing the same way. If I’m feeling ‘out of tune’ a few strums can put me not just back in tune but vibrant. I’ve had many great business calls right on the heels of a guitar/energy tune up. FIRE. KNOW THYSELF. MUSIC. Three very primitive and useful tools one can use. I’m not sure if any of this will help anyone, but if it helps one person.

Until next week, coffee cheers!


SURPRISE Early Post- End of Year Wrap Up (Thank you!)

I’m sipping my hazelnut coffee on a VERY snowy Michigan day. Negative degrees outside and blowing winds. But we will most definitely have a white Christmas. When we all left off, I had the premiere of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, in Iowa. It has performed beyond expectations with several extensions (Algona until the 29th) and expansions into other theaters. (Follow our FB page) I did not attend the Michigan kick off at Celebration Cinema, as I was attending a funeral and memorial up North. My week stayed very busy with trying to deal with family things. Working with our team on prepping materials for the upcoming releases. It looks like we were able to get the film to a downloadable link for theatre owners. I was reporting and prepping for end-of-year check dispersement on the movies, which will happen next week. Lastly, was trying to get the Christmas stuff around. So, this Christmas is a bit chaotic with the death in our family, the blizzard and our film’s window of release.

Once we have this delivery of the film process set up, we’ll turn to looking at film festivals and a German screening. There is even talk of showing at one of the US military bases in Germany. This film will have an exciting journey ahead of it. The film has definitely gotten the positive response from the people I care about most with this story. I had an opportunity to speak with several elderly people and they gave high marks on the re-creation of the time. The regional people were so proud of this story and it is resonating with people everywhere. The film has already generated some heartfelt fan mail that is just humbling to read. That is the power of storytelling. Thousands have seen the film and many have seen it multiple times, taking friends and family. In Michigan, we’ll be looking at doing a special Owosso, MI screening and also a run around Detroit, MI in the new year.

Our battle plan with SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA), will continue through 2023. I’ve been re-reading a supernatural thriller for a possible CDI associated film. Also in 2023, we’ll get the foundation put in on our next CDI feature film, Harsens Island Revenge. We have already started scouting and we’ll be announcing our director early in 2023, as we enter the casting phase. So again, update those reels. I was able to take a few good meetings while attending the SNIA premiere. I’ve finished the first draft on the SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, and some development actions will be underway in 2023. If all goes as planned we could be rolling cameras in 2024.


Every year, I do deep reflection on the past year. Success, failures, trials and tribulations, all equaling growth. This year has had great harvest being the biggest release year I’ve had since 2005. We saw BESTSELLER, BEST YEARS GONE, SMOKE & MIRRORS, FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH and SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA release. Has anyone reading here, seen all five releases?

I set business and personal goals. I set goals on home fixes or improvements. I set goals as an actor, writer and producer. I set goals for/with Collective Development Inc. (www.cdiproductions.com) – new projects. New divisions. New endeavors. New collaborations.

This year saw a few music videos release under CDI’s production. As someone who was there when MTV started, I loved working in that medium.

OFF TO THE RACES from the movie ‘Best Years Gone‘ by Vertical Bridge


LOVE these guys. From our state of Michigan! And these gents are also from MI and really, really kick ASS.

REVOLUTION by the band DeepFall

This year full of releases and we did produce and prep several projects. HOT ROD LOVE, the CDI racing comedy set in the 1970’s went back on the shelf this fall. We had some funding. We had some sponsors. We had some participation from track owners. SOME, doesn’t cut it in filmmaking. It is truly one of the funniest ensemble comedy scripts sitting at CDI, with Caddyshack being the tone inspiration. Everything in its own time. I had to finally let go of a look I was developing for my character in that film. I am setting my “acting/producing” sights firmly on 1926 with WW1 veterans going head to head with the Purple Gang mafia.

This past year, I did turn down two different acting roles. I usually do so for one of three reasons. One. Not connecting with the role. Two. Not connecting with the story/script as a whole. Three. I cannot give the project the due attention I put into all my roles. I don’t phone anything in. I take each and every role very serious. That is why once business is out of the way, you get 100% effort, no less. $200 or $200,000 will get you the same performance. With acting performances, audiences got to meet Mark Franklin, Gil Gilles, Mr. Hosworth and Col Lodell. Vastly, different gents. have you met any of them?

The last gent was an honor and a very complex character to play. Let’s talk, Col Lodell. First the name of several characters based on actual camp assigned people, were altered. The events are true cut the characterizations are just that, not meant to be a biopic. That said, the camp commander that I portrayed, took his internal motivation from his faith in ‘The Golden Rule’. To treat others (Captured Germans) as you would want your PW boys treated. The filming was cold and rugged and that plays on everyones face in the film. A grit that cannot be manufactured on a stage or with a LED wall. We’ve been experimenting and will use LED walls in future VFX but there is something about a wild wind in your face, eyes near watering, and experience something closer to what these actual men did. We get to hear CUT and go back home. Every perspective has a story and they all dance closer and closer to a true event that helps to restore a touch of the humanity we all seem to have lost. Unity. Love. Even with a world at war. The fallout. The anguish, shame and soul crushing heartache.

My backstory was after serving in combat in WW1, Lodell, is pulled from academia, back into action as a camp commander. Seeking out Nazi-rot that grows inside the camps threatening lives and a PR nightmare should an escape happen. A majority of the PWs are farmers taken in desperation and forced to fight. Surrender came fast, not willing to fight to the death for Hitler’s war. Real threats. But like a needle in a haystack. The heaviness of supervisions production in many ways mirrored Lodell’s challenges. I channeled much of my real heaviness of responsibly to my performance and it works.

EVERY soldier just like the prisoners of war, missed their own bed, toilet, lazyboy, pet, family. I love a scene in SNIA where Col Lodell is just watching a Christmas scene of Santa and his nurse ‘elves’ giving children presents. He is the man with the most medals and he is as sad and homesick as the lowest prisoner. WAR hurts us all. I think that is why many SPORTS came about so that things could be handled more easily for both parties.

I’m happy that people are enjoying the film. Lodell, had to be the Col Potter of MASH. Leadership on screen or in real life takes many qualities to do it even semi successful. Lodell, has the secret to leadership but you’ll have to watch the film. I got to get more clean cut and play in the world of my dearly departed grandfathers. Burt Swope, in the Navy and Robert Emerson flying cargo in the Pacific, I believe in the Army. Air force was started in 1947. Anyway. This film captures everything that is nostalgic but also makes you feel as if you are living in it. Not some black and white flicker, cold and distant but in living color. If you can see SNIA on the big screen do. Otherwise, after running our theatricals into March or so, we plan to screen in Germany and a few film festivals. It will start DVD and home video around Nov 1st is my best guess. Meeting next year will tell. TRIVIA: On that scene above, my face got so cold I blew a take unable to fully pronounce my words. I asked for a moment, gave the face a rub down and a few good smacks before ACTION nailing it.

I think the performance will open a few new doors. I always tell actors, don’t get frustrated by people because they don’t see what you don’t show them. This is usually followed by, I don’t get a chance. The 14 year old filmmaker in my rolls his eyes. Almost everyones phone is a studio, where you can work a monologue a thousand times. Comedians and magicians work their craft over and over. If you get the slightest bit off when a camera comes close, you need to work on that. That camera should be that old friend, never glanced at- yet always embraced. Being natural leads to comfortable which leads to the environment to make interesting. In 2023, don’t get in your own way with doubts and ‘cannots’ and all that negativity. See dead ends, as paths of the maze mapped and now known. The true path becomes closer.


I truly do LOVE winter. I always have. It teaches you a healthy respect for nature. You admire the beauty of pines that thrives under the blankets of snow. Crackling fire, destroys the old leaving nurturing ashes to sprinkle for the spring plantings. Writings and new ideas like to seep into the pondering mind. A season of hardship and helping where you can. When everyone does a little the world is a better place. We here at TribeCDI are resting and rejuvenating with our loved ones. But rest assured the call of the storyteller rides these cold Michigan winds. Tomahawks and Tommy guns. Hot Rods and Painted Horses. I want to thank all our cast, crew, sponsors, supporters, families, friends and FANS. Tom T. Hall use to have a song, I wish I had a million friends – and I’ve complained about Facebook ‘Friends’ vs acquaintances – but with so many of the films being seem by tens of millions and I’ve been blessed to read your notes of encouragement and connection. I do feel like I have millions of friends, because you accepted our stories, our characters, into your homes. You’ve hunted Bigfoot with Niles Cass in Lost Heart. You felt for Paul Landings and his terrible loss in Man’s Best Friend. You’ve laughed with Ben Lily in Wild Faith. You’ve taken comfort during the holidays watching a relatable Jesus, in The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) And I could go on- my point is thank you. Sincerely, from a childhood dreamer who started with my friends and a VHS camcorder, thank you.

Next up New Years Day! So Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy and Healthy New Year.


Keep following your dreams. Die creating, reaching, growing and giving! SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA Premieres!

This entry into the old blog outlining the journey is unusual in that I’m typing it first a day late. To be fair if you also follow me on social media’s Facebook, you knew I was traveling back from Iowa on Sunday. But I’m here at 9:30 pm drinking some hot tea and eating trail mix, recollecting on my last few days. A whirlwind to be sure. Members of our production team traveled to Algona, Iowa almost 80 years after a group of German PW’s gifted something special to the small town. German PW’s, you say? Yes. For many in the USA and elsewhere abroad, they were unaware of the large amount of German PW’s kept in camps across the midwest. Most ran by WW1 officers pulled from civilian life and the injured American soldiers taken off the front lines and sent to homeland MP duties. At this one camp in Algona, Iowa something special happened. A unifying endeavor of captives gifting captors, while the world is at war.

This story, SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– was meant to be told now. Based on true events, this film was created by our hardworking CDI tribe. A group of artists that I hope will be recalled for their contributions to preserving history and storytelling – entertaining and occasionally educating. Education by offering perspectives, often unseen, causing rifts in people. By looking at multiple perspectives, a more full picture can be established. A better understanding could be achieved.

This first set of premiere screenings were the most important because it was accomplished with the help of these folks and it was their history. The laughter and the crying followed by more laughter, I loved that. Someone described it as a rollercoaster of emotions as you bounce between perspectives. I’m just very proud of it. We had a killer opening with added theaters and expanded screens. There are good folks watching the film as we type this. I love that feeling. Out storytelling is happening with communities of people. This is the added joy of a theatrical watch. We have many new updates on screening opportunities. We have theaters reaching out and that is because of all of you. Thank you.

The Bitter of life– Someone very close to me, a mentor for sure in several areas, has been eagerly awaiting this film’s release. A lover of history and WW2, he always wanted updates on the film. Somewhat unexpected, he started having complications when we were in studio mixing SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, and had a stay in the hospital for tests. A BEAUTIFUL Iowa snowstorm the night before our premiere, made Algona into a winter wonderland. Radio, TV and newspaper interviews in the morning followed by a great hearty brunch. An afternoon to prepare and rest a few beats before the activities start. Two hours before we unveil this inspirational and joyful film to the town where it all happened, a call. Unbelievable news. He’s gone.

Perspective. I greeted many beaming faces that night and sincerely enjoyed the glow of pride emanating from these wonderful people. The loss I was reeling from was also an artist in percussion and woodworking. He would often share stories of ZZ Top, Chicago and more, often ending in- the show must go on. It did go on. I was bathed in the good energy of all these people, inspired by the actions of their own past citizens and relatives. The SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA project and I had suffered an emotional hit a few years earlier with Rance Howard’s passing. He was passionate about 1940’s farming. Hours talking about farming- and many other life things, from that era. He loved the story, but sadly passed before we went into production.

The film will travel to Michigan next week- a premiere showing in Lansing and GR, with a TBD afterglow for folks to mingle and talk. I will not be at the premiere next week. I am going to be with family putting someone special to rest. But I’m very proud that we’ll be showing our cast and crew and our home state in this wonderful story. It will start playing next Friday –

One of my favorite questions to some of our oldest in attendance, was asking if we captured the time period. Their overwhelming squeal of delight, the confirmation I care about. Not perfect, motion picture is an illusion, best when the audience lends its imaginations and opens their minds. After watching it a few times on the big screen, we found even more to polish before home video (DVD, streaming and broadcast TV) later in 2023. That is how the artists at CDI roll. I’m just proud of the artists and the stories being preserving and assuring it is not lost. This movie is the next Iowa ‘Field of Dreams’ as special things do seem to happen in Iowa. But many states have their own stories that deserve to be remembered.

It has been a long few days and still much to do this week. IF you have recently watched our SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA in the theatre please go to http://www.imdb.com search our film and leave your feedback. We’ve had so many people reaching out who had heard fragments of stories from a grand parent or great grandparent, about German PW’s. I’m excited for Germans to see this film and we will be targeting to show somewhere special in Germany in 2023. We will do a Hollywood showing next year as most of German actors are out there. It will be fun sharing this film around the world and in time for Christmas 2023 you can own it.

If you watched Silent Night in Algona and enjoyed it, you can watch others by our troupe/tribe like BEST YEARS GONE, WILD FAITH, LOST HEART, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, WICKED SPRING, ASHES OF EDEN, FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH (Iowa) and The Quest Trilogy (FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER) – You can explore http://www.cdiproductions.com and we’ll be updating even more for the first of the year. MERCHANDISE?

And while you enjoy, we also will be preparing more stories to tell – casting and crewing up in 2023

Also strong development meetings in Iowa on the new script SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, looking to shoot in 2024. Just blessed to be able to do what I love to do, affecting millions, with the power of a story. I have another talk this week on another film that would have me reuniting with a filmmaker from my past. Truly, a special weekend in Iowa and I’m just sad, one special person did not get to see it, or-

Keep following your dreams. Die creating, reaching, growing and giving. I’ve been inspired by both the comedy and tragedy of life. Don’t take people, time and kindness for granted. Until next Sunday-


Refuel, Relax, Rest – Much to Be Thankful For – FILM UPDATES!

The hazelnut coffee, is tasting great on this snowy Sunday. I see where many folks elsewhere got 5+ feet of snow! Parts of Michigan, saw a large snowfall and even here in Lansing (Center of the State) we got a good amount. It is pretty to watch fall and it makes everything bright, which has been nice. But, it has been bitter cold for sure. The several days of arctic freeze gave me the time I needed to start catching up on all my biz paperwork.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – We have been working on getting the end credits around and from the list we’ll be double checking against our Algona, premiere list. This week, we’ll get a chance to review the film, with most all the elements inserted. The film will release first in Algona, Iowa on Dec 9th and the Fridley Theaters. Our hope is that they will open the film in all the cities they’re in. We are looking to see when the show times will go live, so folks can start getting public tickets. The trailer will soon be playing in front of other films. We plan to show the film into 1st quarter of 2023 in the theatre chains. We hope to have it expend across Iowa, and the midwest. An LA/Hollywood and German showing via theaters or festival is also being planned.

We also have some exciting things coming together for the 2023 home video release. I really do think that this film could create a “Field of Dreams” effect – whereas once a year the film returns to Algona, theaters and people travel to the town of Algona, to see the museums. We will also be working on the Michigan premiere, that might happen first of the year, due to all the crazy Christmas hustle and bustle. Many will have to have patience, if you miss the select theatrical showings. But come, the run up to Christmas 2023, the film will be getting a major push. Between the theatrical and the home video, we hope to show it in Germany/Austria. Thank you to everyone for your support.

We’re also going to be working with our sponsors and product partners, moving forward. Note, the period wraps on the Spam, Hershey’s bars and more. We are honored to have such wonderful partners in storytelling. We have had many great companies join us over the years. I look forward to many more, as we move ahead in our storytelling adventures.


Silent Night in Algona, will be the 5th release this year. Who has seen all five films? Who can name all five films? OK. It’s early and the coffee is still kicking in for folks. 1) BESTSELLER 2) BEST YEARS GONE 3) SMOKE & MIRRORS 4) FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 5) SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – if you end up watching all 5, you are truly a CDI fan. I’ve had someone talking to me about a CDI fan club. You can SUBSCRIBE TO THE TRIBE at http://www.cdiproductions.com and we’ll be doing some updates there soon. I use to have a wonderful fan club ran by a fine lady named, Pepper. I think she is still with us, loving her dogs and spreading joy. She and several friends, use to travel to different CDI premieres. She did interviews and highlighted co-stars and leading ladies. She reviewed films and really did many great and wonderful things. Her health, hasn’t allowed her to keep up with the webpage and it went down several years ago. I will check in on Pepper, over the holidays. I hope she has been doing well.

Once SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, is finished, we will be all caught up on production. We have been slowly prepping 4 films in the CDI library, for re-release with BMG. In 2023, we hope to bring KNIGHT CHILLS, FIGURE IN THE FOREST, AN ORDINARY KILLER and GHOST TOWN to the marketplace. Two are in the wrong aspect ratio and were shot in standard def so they’re all being digitally enhanced to HD. I will readdress all this once I get this current film locked.

But, I will say- I’ve seen the first draft of the new uprezed trailer for Ghost Town, and it looks beautiful. I need to watch and provide some notes. We are also working to get distributor back ups of all the films. KNIGHT CHILLS, we are trying to get the best source version. But this will get done. We are also working on a few cool extras, maybe even an interview from our director Katie Hicks. I might do a sit down, with Jeff Kennedy, to talk about those days. The sequel and video game became even more exciting, when I got to check out some of the new software and LED walls. Not only, will CDI keep working to enhance of VFX sequences in our films, we will be doing some films that are completely animated films. I have a few people in Michigan, I’ve been watching, about some possible collaborations. Ideas-forming.

Harsens Island Revenge – Get those acting reels together. Yes. CDI is an acting troupe of actor/producers, but we have several friends of the tribe, that we often collaborate with. Like, many projects, we have many more friends of the tribe, vs roles open in a film. But, we have some time, so we’re going to really use the time to cast, and look at talent for future endeavors. I use to travel to more film gatherings, events, networking. Oh, I feel a ramble coming on…

The truth is, with how busy my film work is, my daily hours are pretty full. I unwind, mediate, visualize, the week ahead. Refuel, relax and get good rest (Three R’s) to attack it all again the next day. Staying out late partying, isn’t really on my planner. Now, let me say for the record, I’ve certainly been there, done that and got that tee-shirt, but I’m at a different place on the path. I have a domestic life, that brings me peace and balance. It allows me to better focus my energies, achieving dreams. But, just like at one time, I knew every bar in my town, now, I do not. I was a work-a-holic, binge drinker, in my youth. The binge drinking (Viking drinking) was taught to me, from those glorious nights out, after games in Hornbaek, Denmark, playing soccer as a teen. What a great time that was for three summers. I love those good folks to this day.

Okay, back at it. So, I had unrealistic dreams (Acting) but, once I set my sights, there was no plan B. I worked, and lived in studios, we made our hours, working for days on end. Sometimes forced to using TV stations in the middle of the night to finish films. Often jumping on a jet planes, with my amigos, to go pitch ideas and finished films, around Hollywood for a couple weeks. Days full of 405 driving to meetings, parties in the hills. Hard partying, after, hard work, to try and turn our obsession off. But, the tequila would often just spur even more exciting dreams and ideas. I LOVE those days. The CDI crew was like pirates, we rolled hard, building. But, the journey will burn some out. I’ve seen so very many break, and fall. If I could have made myself fall into regular steady employment, I would have long ago. But, my simple mantra of putting everything into the film I’m working on, so it results in one more opportunity to tell a story, remains. So far, that has worked. I think because, there are so many stories, in every town, in danger of fading away, gone. But, a group of artists like CDI, can bring a story to life, for generations. That is what we do. That is what we are doing.

And back to development- this week saw a few really great steps. The script for Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) is going through that writer/director phase. Each character, action and line, discussed. I can say, every scene improved through long conversations. Motivations. Moments. I love this process with directors. All directors who have directed a script I wrote, have been through this process. It is fun, playful and enjoyable. We got through another 25 pages in a session and have likely 1-2 more sessions to get all the way through. Once the script is locked, the writer part of me steps back. All work from there will be between actors and director. But once you leave the director at the end of the process, they should have a deep understanding. It is an exploring, something even more important with period pieces.

HIR, will start looking at cast and crew, with our director, over the winter. We have a good idea of the look, tone, work flow and our scout trip has us all very excited. So, wrap up your year by getting your highlight reels together. CDI is mostly all actors, so pick and lead with your strongest material. If something is subpar consider leaving it off. Less can be more. At the same time, if someone is interested, they will watch a lot of your work. Especially if they are thinking of working with you.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – After nearly two full days of polishing, I ended my week, with my first draft of the new Spirit Lake Massacre. I’m very proud of the final piece. I’m going to do even more research to add a sprinkling more of the historical gems, to this already powerful piece. In December, I’ll be able to have some more discussions on the locations for this 2024 project. Next year, might consist of some construction, and some prep work.

CDI HOLIDAY WATCHING – With snow and cold, forcing many inside- it’s a good time to watch some of the CDI classics with your family and loved ones. WILD FAITH, MANS BEST FRIEND, LOST HEART, THE QUEST TRILOGY! Encourage TV, Tubi, Amazon Prime, Google Play– check your platforms. I’m going to go do some holiday shopping both online and at the store. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving week. I’m always happy when I get to see family and friends. We are all thankful at CDI, to all of you fans.

Coffee Cheers!



Hazelnut coffee cheers. Welcome new readers from Spain, Portugal, Philippines and more. We are into November and we had a run of warm above average days. But now, the cold winds have started to blow. We are due to see snow today so I’ll be getting the wood stove in the fort going. I spent some time chopping some wood this past week getting ready for these cold days ahead. We’re also entering the Christmas season, so I’ve been looking at a few love gifts here and there. Thanksgiving is not far away, but with our family stretched, it can be a task aligning schedules. Also with the Algona, Silent Night in Algona, premiere, lots of time being taken the planning. I want to again say, thank you, to all our veterans. CDI has a good reputation for tackling stories with soldiers at the heart of it. Take a watch on them, and let us know your thoughts.


  1. This week started off with a ZOOM meeting with our partners in Iowa, helping to set up the premiere and theatrical showing in Algona and beyond for SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We are working hard on credits but some of those will be spelled wrong if your handwriting is poor. There is no changes once it is all locked up. But between us all, we should get our premiere night list pretty close. If we do miss anyone or you don’t qualify, they will have public showings starting that night Dec 9th at Fridley. I thought we were running two weeks and I also heard someone was told one week. The truth is that as long as a demand is there the supply will keep flowing. So don’t wait, really hit that first week playing at the theatre. I heard companies planning to buy blocks of tickets for employees. We had schools do that for WILD FAITH, taking middle school history classes. That would be a good idea here also. The film is not yet rated but would be PG. 2 hour and 20 min runtime. While not one of these Marvel four hour marathons, it is a full story that moves right along with the pacing. The new trailer was released and my home video meetings for next year went very well. The release plan is to play in several cities on the big screen after Algona, Iowa. If you want it to play in your neck of the woods, contact your theatre and request it. After that we’re working to set up the Michigan and midwest showings that will run into 2023. Discussions for a German showing is also underway. The final run will be the home video build towards Christmas 2023 for DVD and streaming. This week we’ll be watching a mostly complete film with several VFX scenes dropped in. EXCITING!
  2. Harsens Island Revenge, is in pre-production with our first step being the polishing of the script by the writer (me) and the director. Our director has asked to not PR anything yet as he is working to finish up a previous pair of features and we’re trying to stay focused on locking the script. We are 1/4 of the way through and should be close to finishing this week after another fun day of working the script. A few super sleuths have been digging, but we will not do things out of order, so early inquiry’s become just a distraction. Every move, is discussed in our development meetings. Once we have a locked script, and announce our director, many more people will get to see the script. Casting will be over the winter and crew talks will begin first of the year. We will film in Oct/Nov 2023, but this is another period piece that requires much advance planning. Our scouting trip was extremely helpful and this will be another great story featuring a piece of Michigan history.
  3. Speaking on development, I was engaged to research and write another epic historical that takes place in the 1800’s, SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE. At the end of the week, I finished my first draft. I now need to get in there and smooth and expand certain scenes. I plan to have a few meetings at the end of the year on this powerful story again taken from true events.
  4. The previous releases this year BESTSELLER, BEST YEARS GONE, SMOKE & MIRRORS and FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, have been finding their audiences. We have a few more reviews coming on these films. I love all the good folks who have reached out about enjoying the films. If you’ve watched any of them, please go to their IMDB or Amazon pages and leave your thoughts.
  5. I’ve been slowly, pulling elements together for some of the films in the CDI library, being prepped to release back into the marketplace. GHOST TOWN, KNIGHT CHILLS, AN ORDINARY KILLER and FIGURE IN THE FOREST, we’ll see how many we can get out next year. Also, THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ, CDI’s first feature length animated effort, is being rendered to HD for an upcoming release. I would love to do more animated projects and we have several things in development.
  6. We’re prepping to do an end-of-the-year dispersement on the films before I start 2022 business taxes with our team. Associate Producer, John Mashni, who helps oversee this process, also will play a large part in areas of CDI moving forward. One area is soundtracks. I would love to have a few LP’s manufactured and of course streaming. What soundtracks would you want? I’m thinking an LP with the best of The Quest Trilogy. Have you seen the trilogy of biblical adventures? FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER, are all available to watch on various platforms but Encourage TV is free with ads. The 1st film just passed 2 million views on Encourage TV, so thank you!
  7. LOST HEART, also released as BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS, is gaining strength. The film is approaching its first million views on Encourage TV. I think after the holiday season, we’ll exceed that milestone. On a personal level, I will look to cut an actors reel from my ‘Niles Cass’ footage. I loved working with everyone on that film, but especially loved Ponceman, Josh Perry. He is pure magic in the film.

The end of the year will be full as you can see. I sill look forward to some celebratory family time. The next couple years is being planned. Discussions on a few projects to add to the slate are underway. We will only consider funded projects at this time, but the tribe gets it done. If my polish on the scripts goes well, I’ll focus on a few other screenplays I’ve been working in my down time.

Acting has been part of conversations as of late. I had such a busy year, business-wise, I turned down two roles this year. I do enjoy the no stress of going and acting on someone else’s story. I don’t take a role just to take it, it must ring true. I will say the one role I have lined up for 2023, in Harsens Island Revenge is a good role. It is not the starring role but it is solid, a good role for me to play while producing. I’ve thought of looking at representation again, but getting someone up to speed is always a task. We’ll see, things are moving forward and I’m just gonna roll with it.

I guess I’ll wrap it up here. The LIONS play again soon and let’s hope they have a good game. My alumni MSU has been playing better so maybe a bowl game awaits. I’m looking forward to the World Cup starting this month. I’ve been healing up well from my soccer season and soon might start some indoor training. I hope all of you have a great Sunday! I’ll talk at you next week and we’ll share some new updates.

Coffee Cheers!


TEN Updates – Silent Night in Algona (trailer), Development Updates, Tips, Advance Notices-

Sipping the hazelnut coffee on this fine October morning. We have had a last spurt of warm and midweek it is suppose to go chilly again. Yesterday, I got my final mow on the yard. We harvested the last of the plants including a few more decorative gourds. I’ve been cutting and splitting wood for the winter ahead. Yesterday afternoon we got to have a nice outside fall gathering with my brother and his family. Pumpkin carving, apple crisp, cider and soccer plus add in a bit of leaf fun. I love this season!

Our development of the film projects continues on. Let’s look at a few of the updates from last week.

  1. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – is a wonderful feature length doc that fills in the missing history of this grappling art. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. It was presented by the leading authorities in such an entertaining way. The DVD is open to pre-order now for a Nov 1st release and/or you can rent/buy it now. https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/amzn1.dv.gti.3bc38d35-d79e-49e9-82a6-e87ff63b4040?autoplay=0&ref_=atv_cf_strg_wb
  2. BEST YEARS GONE is another release from this year. An award winning dramedy that will make you laugh, cry and ponder. You can buy/rent from here – https://www.amazon.com/Best-Years-Gone-Lana-Wood/dp/B09R4KDXGJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2JUJIK4KVPU9K&keywords=best+years+gone&qid=1666530725&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjIzIiwicXNhIjoiMC45OSIsInFzcCI6IjEuMjUifQ%3D%3D&s=instant-video&sprefix=best+years+gone%2Cinstant-video%2C118&sr=1-1 – And…if you want to read an in-depth review, you can do so here – https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fronnielee.rocks%2Fbest-years-gone-movie-review-by-ronnie-lee%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1AL4lf8DCIxzPwRgU-0p4je7kNIFHj1KfKNw0avyDR25NjxRbbRkvawvM&h=AT0-ucPZlOsNalVICvt7_1cyBe5Gh38thIaNrYSscZu5PfJ70KPxjGT2vokU2piIUPgdERcaa3G2t1PFyH1CpyLmJpbn6c-l00Dv0qMxMNVs3vxrnDIUbiH4CmtNVUP-wVieTKcYrnFuQcaf1SQufAg&tn=H-R&c[0]=AT3LjCNz1EGR425orlMSHaN9h6RT070C39M9yk8LNKiwmb8xkHJ-aw1wuBh55Vu6UebSWPuIOzGWKGvAs1kKXmjL3gsizF9MOoNfAChhLVI9r8o5LkYvVlMzXhTf-aEQ_wsBEqsiKqbs1ySEMZXHpocAEHuNgyPWmrpbF0Xlme0Q-rNUmz6gfir3gikxLQqgJW3Llr1VjV90qkC9YRZs6moJ – We look forward to your reviews too!
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – This is the last project for us to finish and release this year. We’ve sent an email to our cast and crew asking any of the team planning to attend the Dec 9th Fridley Theatre premiere in Algona, Iowa to RSVP by Nov 1st. We’ve got a list going and every ticket will be gone. Once we get RSVP’s on cast and crew we will start looking at extras. For those not part of the Iowa premiere – it will play to the public that night and for two plus weeks pending demand. We will also be setting up a Michigan premiere in the hometown of our director Anthony Hornus. This will be at the NCG theatre in Owosso. We might play the week after the Iowa or jump to after Christmas if we get too close. I know Celebration Cinema will be bringing it to Lansing and Grand Rapids. We will be looking to play the Detroit area and would love to have a Hollywood run. The film is looking and sounding amazing thanks to the hard work of Dennis Therrian. The VFX and color grading is getting close to done. Mid November we’ll be pulling all the elements together into a final film. Some exciting news, I saw the rough cut of the new trailer on Friday. I am so proud of all are artists and cannot wait for people to see.
  4. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE – I’m so very excited that the #TribeCDI will be moving from one epic period piece to another. We have been preparing documents to assist in bringing onboard our product partners and sponsors. Our scouting trip was very successful last week. While a few days may be shot on the actual island we need interiors and such that we can control. We also need to not be dependent on a ferry or the few stores on a small island. So movie magic will be happening but it will all be shot in Michigan. We had some great meetings this last week and we’ll be making some exciting announcements soon. One of those exciting announcements just might be our director. I will be starting the writer/director script polish this week. Once I sign off it is up to the director and talent. We will be shooting in October of 2023! We are already hard at work.
  5. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE is in script development. I am happy to say that I’m about 1/3 of the way through the first draft. There is a lot of research with this project and that is something I’ve immensely enjoyed. It has been an intense journey and the drama of it all is brutal and enlightening. I’ve had several times that after writing for a few hours I had to go work my hands in the dirt for a while. I will have my first draft by Jan 1st and from there we will start to look at production development.
  6. WILD FAITH just passed the 6 million mark on Encourage TV. This will can be found on countless platforms to enjoy. We have many fall themed films from SMOKE & MIRRORS, BESTSELLER, LOST HEART, BEST YEARS GONE and MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND. Enjoy them all with your family! Thank you for all the fan mail about these titles! Amazon Prime has most all of them.
  7. I had a great call out of the blue about another film project. This call took me back almost to the very beginning. A project that was in development many moons ago has interest and a proposed budget. This film is in the horror-genre with a large dose of mystery/investigation at the heart. Discussions were on how things have changed in the 25-30 years production-wise. I gave my interest in moving these talks forward. It takes time to develop things so the earlier you can start the better. More on this project if it becomes active. By active, I mean funded:)
  8. That is not the only project that was discussed in development this week. Following the release of FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, our team is discussing both another doc feature and a feature film. In the wake of projects I always get a rush of pitches on scripts and projects. I tell my tribal folks to be ready for this rush. It can be a time killer 95% of the time. People are wanting badly in this industry and it can be truly maddening. Every outsider is a variable that can rock the boat. It is why we are so careful with how we build our projects and with whom. Life is too short to be wasting time. If you have a funded project we might look at it but we are at no lack of stories, scripts or endeavors. I can say with confidence that we’ll be doing more docs in the FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH series. Thank you to everyone who has supported the first one. It is really powerful and informative and I’m proud of it. Take a watch!
  9. This week I’m going to be sending KNIGHT CHILLS materials off to the Blu-Ray folks and check on the up-rez and progress on the new Ghost Town trailer. Both should be available next year as HD and streaming. After those get underway we will be working on FIGURE IN THE FOREST and AN ORDINARY KILLER. Classics:)
  10. PONDERING/TIPS/OPINION – This week was interesting due to various conversations. As we start the process of looking towards future projects, sometimes as far ahead as two or three projects, we examine ENERGY. Positive energy manifests in how people are in their day-to-day. There are people who are just always a joy to be around. They make a journey enjoyable. They are CAN DO people not CANNOT do people. They look at the glass half FULL versus half EMPTY. They work hard and EARN the opportunities, by giving their BEST EFFORT. I laugh to myself when I hear some people think they’ve paid enough dues and they are deserving of….it would be like a martial artist telling the sensei when they feel ready to test for a belt. These positive people don’t seek short cuts or to get ahead by stepping on others. That is a VERY common thing is the outside world for sure. While common there, it doesn’t thrive here at CDI. Some people are just not cut out for long form media like movies. They do better with smaller, simple short format endeavors. Or they cannot positively interact with people for that many weeks. I heard someone else make a statement that they will deal with whatever for the sake of using some artists, even if they are negative and a pain. They can have them! I will take a positive, good person with talent and develop that versus drag some negative person along. It is about the journey and not just the art. Ideally you want both but the journey will be long remembered. So work with good people you like. Develop the people who respect and have gratitude for the opportunity. We have big things ahead and so we want to develop our team even stronger. Lots of things happening behind the scenes. Just be that person that producers want to have on board.

I want thank everyone again for stopping by. Subscribe here and perhaps our website http://www.cdiproductions.com and our CDI Youtube channel. I love that you all come from various places around the globe. I’m going to finish up here and do a few more things around the yard and get ready for a busy week ahead. I hope you take all these updates as an inspiration of what a group of artists can achieve when they work together in a positive manner. Have a great week and be good to one another!

Coffee Cheers!


Fall Welcome! Gifts, Premieres, Development Updates – the Art of Visualization

I’m sipping on the hazelnut coffee on this chilly Michigan morning. Thank you to all our international friends stopping by to join us. The journey of an artist is not always easy but it is fulfilling for the heart. I had many great meetings this past week. Things have been so busy I’ve been purposely trying to stagger some of the PR announcements.

SMOKE & MIRRORS – As a gift to our #TribeCDI loyal we’ve released our short film to kick off the fall season. If you like old creepy houses, seances and ghosts – this might be of interest. It is a free watch and will also allow you to subscribe and also watch some of the other CDI behind the scenes, teasers, trailers, interviews and other fun stuff. Read about it and watch free here – https://www.prlog.org/12933702-collective-development-inc-gifts-smoke-mirrors-to-open-the-fallhalloween-season.html?fbclid=IwAR1lkaiYFTtMYzztYdZcrSABPo7QSgy9OILLH3h1w5ihU1iDn2ctPJaGFCs

You can go to the http://www.imdb.com page for this film and leave us your thoughts. We will turn it into a feature one of these winters.


CDI’s 4th release of the year is upon us with our feature length documentary film, FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH. It is playing two shows one night only at the Owosso, NCG theatre at 6pm and 8:15pm with an afterglow at Romas restaurant next door, following the 6pm show. It will release to home video via Deskpop Entertainment on 10/4/2022 on Amazon Prime and several other streaming platforms.


This is in director/host Curran Jacobs home town of Owosso, MI and we’ll be there to meet and greet. After I would advise adding this DVD to your collection. Also feel free to go to the http://www.imdb.com page and leave your thoughts.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – We’ve been working hard to set up the premiere and following theatrical runs starting in December. We are going to have the first showing in Algona and have been working to land the right place. The local theaters would be the best showing and we’re working on that avenue after the largest seating venue was shown to be lacking in the proper equipment to screen it. We want to have a nice night for those involved and after the general public will start getting their first look.

Music and sound design is fully engaged and this week will be checking on the German subtext and VFX progress. A theatrical trailer is being worked on and should be complete mid October in time to start playing some theaters and to screen at AFM in November. So many things to pull together and luckily we have great help and support from our friends in Iowa. COMING SOON!

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE – This is the film that I delayed PR on but you’ll get your fill soon enough. We’re meeting weekly on this next film shooting in Fall 2023. We’re planning some scouting trips and we’ll be sitting down with various keys in the coming months. It is nice to have this extra time to plan and we’ll be using it. The roaring 20’s in Michigan is about to get the CDI treatment.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – Included in the forthcoming PR is the announcement of my new script assignment. This story again focuses on a real event in 1800’s Iowa history. FADE IN – the script is underway and I’ll be completed by the years end. I’ll have a first draft before that but I like to really polish a story up. This is looking to film likely in 2023/2024 timeframe after the filming of Harsens mentioned above.

As the cold settles in, more film watching will happen. As the holiday season looms more CDI films will expand into new networks. The Quest Trilogy, MBF, Lost Heart, Wild Faith and now Bestseller, Best Years Gone…how many have you seen? A favorite? How many times have you watched it? Thank you for all the fan mail. Keep it coming. We love to hear from you, the audiences.

I can say with CDI taking a break from production to get all these films released proper – I am missing in front of the camera. Doing a few days or a week here or there might be fun but the role has to connect. I turned down a few roles this year. It is important that I connect with the character and I want the quality of the project to be there. So, my energy will be focused on finishing, pre-production, development and screenwriting. But it does have me thinking on agents and managers. I’ve had several over the years from the top agencies to the smaller boutique agency. Results and understanding you as an artists makes all the difference. We’ll see said the wise man.

I did have a good talk last week that could have me helping to produce a few new music videos. We had a few that we did this year (Vertical Bridge – Off to the Races & Deepfall – Revolution) check them out on Youtube! I still want to explore releasing LP albums on some of the soundtracks. I just bought another one yesterday at a sale – CASINO ROYALE (James Bond).

Visualization – I meditate and practice visualization of goals or guidance. One of the fun things I collect is HAI KARATE aftershave and such from the 70’s. It is what Gil Gilles splashes on his face before trying to get his Sylvia back in BEST YEARS GONE. Anyway, I’m at an estate sale where I like to seek props. I came up from a basement that was like a time capsule. I ‘felt’ something and was drawn to the back of the house. There in a bath was a brand new Hai Karate 3 piece gift pack! I need to visualize on something greater perhaps but what JOY I had. I love to visualize with fire, be it a candle or a fire in the stove. Tonight. There will be fire!

Another HUGE update was dear friend Dane who took a day and helped install a new bath floor, toilet and vanity with new sink and fixtures. We were about to do all this when Covid hit and we started to try our luck but…electricity and water are two things I don’t like to mess with. One day with a Shepherds Pie lunch and that bath got done. A foresee a little something extra special for Dane this year at Christmastime. Here is my public thanks to Dane. We all have skills and handyman is not my strongest.

I’ve got some business underway in Yuma, AZ area as the first of the CDI library is being prepped for 2023 release. Ghost Town, is being digitally enhanced and we’re prepping for a very special release with Deskpop Entertainment in the near future. But we also had several conversations about some collaborative projects to shoot once again in AZ.

Knight Chills is the other film about to be digitally enhanced for a special Blu-ray release and a streaming release again with Desktop Entertainment. FIGURE IN THE FOREST and AN ORDINARY KILLER will be on the list to enhance and re-release to new audiences.

There you have it. Some of the weeks best updates. I’m excited by the week ahead. My alumni MSU made a poor showing yesterday in football. My hope is the LIONS can pull another win today. Some more great meetings this week including friend/co-star Taylor Nichols. Come Sat of next week I’ll be watching FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH on the big screen followed by a tall Killian’s Red. But for now, coffee cheers! I’m going to get a refill and get some things done on this wonderful Sunday.

Until next week, be good to one another.


Premieres, Casting, Birthdays and More…

Good afternoon! I’m sitting here about to watch our Lions play football while filling all of you fine people in on the new develops. Last night we watched my alumni school Michigan State University fall short against Washington. Man, they had a hot quarterback who had his career best game. I hope todays outcome with the Lions is better.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH is having its premiere at the NCG Theaters in Owosso, MI on October 1st at 6pm ands 8:15pm with an afterglow that will likely be at Romas next door. This awesome project started with discussions around the table about the fighting arts and our director Curran Jacobs competitive runs both in MMA and twice capturing Catch-Can World Championships. What is Catch Can you say? That is why you need to watch and find out the common ancestry of many of the arts. You’ll learn about legends by legends of the grappling arts themselves. I’ll be attending with several of the CDI tribe to support the launch. If you want top see this on the big screen and meet the filmmakers, please do join us. Tickets will go on sale soon at the NCG Owosso. If you are unable to attend, the film will stream on Amazon Prime and likely Google Play, iTunes and more. CHECK IT OUT! Let us know your thoughts on our http://www.imdb.com page – See you there.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – Following the 4th release this year (For the Love of Catch) our WW2 Christmas film will premiere. The film is coming along great. We watched the second half of the film with the cleaned up dialog and the start of sound design. Music is going to start this week and that is one of my favorite parts of the process. The new theatrical trailer will start this week also. The premiere set up in Algona is coming together. They are limited in the area for places to show several hundred people at once. The one place that does seat a sizable number is lacking the right projection and audio equipment. The theatrical run will happen very soon after the Iowa premiere. We’ll be having a Michigan premiere also – we’ll focus on that once we get the Algona one finalized. It is all very exciting!


  1. A PR release will be going out about the slate of historic films CDI is involved with. Silent Night in Algona isn’t our first period film by any means but it will start a string of productions taking place at different times in our history. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is up next for CDI in 2023 taking audiences to the roaring 20’s smack dab in the middle of the prohibition. We’ve already started breaking in down and we’re starting select talks in advance of meeting with our keys. We’ll be posting casting notices later this year. It is a very cool time period to bring to the screen. I enjoyed adapting this script from the book of the same name.
  2. I’ve started writing on SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, which tells of the true events surrounding on-going conflict between the Iowa pioneers and the local Native Americans. I love writing in the 1800’s and I’m approaching this project with great reverence like all my stories. Between now and Christmas I’ll be writing this powerful drama. I LOVE this time period and couldn’t think of a better fall/winter project.
  3. SMOKE & MIRRORS, is our short concept film derived from the feature script. I think our plan is to put this up on CDI’s Youtube site for free as a thank you to all our fans. We’re looking at the autumn equinox Sept 22nd as a possible release date. It is so much fun and it shows how fun the feature can/will be. SPOOKY FUN
  4. BESTSELLER and BEST YEARS GONE going to Roku and Tubi has already increased the fan response. DOUBLE FEATURE! Enjoy! And thank you for all the great comments.
  5. I did a great interview with Bay Ragni last week talking all the films – please do take a watch/listen – https://youtu.be/GS7kg9Nf6fo
  6. The season of THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer) lie just ahead. We’re soon to be celebrating one of the platforms Encourage TV racking up 2 million views.
  7. We are starting to put things in order for a special release of Ghost Town next year with Desktop Entertainment. The film is being digitally enhanced and we’ve got some fun things planned for the new release. Filmed at the world famous Ghost Town in the Sky.
  8. I need to circle back and see how progress is coming on the digital enhancement of KNIGHT CHILLS which will have a special Blu Ray and first streaming release in 2023. The video game is moving slowly but it’s moving. With all the 3D printers I need to see if I can do a 3D print of Sir Kallio from the video game.
  9. I’m happy to report that on the home front I was able to harvest all the hops. We also just brought in all the squash although a few got taken by the squirrels. I trimmed up the apple trees and have started in on the mulberry trees. I also got after some logs with the axe and my hammer/blade set up. What’s that, you say? It’s a large iron ring that surrounds a wide blade. You but a log down inside the ring on the blade and hammer it down like THOR! Let’s just say, I got one hell of a workout. My hammer and axe skills are better because of it.
  10. Last week we had a pair of birthdays we celebrated, Dennis Therrian and Melissa Anschutz who share a birthday. Fun note: Shane Hagedorn and Anthony Hornus share a birthday also. I had a few close childhood friends (Q, Big J) get a bit older. We are busy and that’s how we persist to push forward but we do take the time to enjoy the journey. Laughter is healing and health is wealth!

I’m going to work in the yard some more once the Lions finish their game, which so far they’re ahead 15-0. Go LIONS! I’m going to re-organize, re-charge and re-focus so we can have another great week ahead. We have some great meetings this week and I’m looking forward to a few scouting trips. I also know a few folks out there going through some hard times. We all take turns dealing with the hardships of life. So try to have more patience in dealing with people in your day to day. If you’re not dealing with anything heavy at this time be grateful. Pay attention to driving NOT your phone. I’ve seen way too many people way distracted. It totaled a neighbors vehicle but luckily did not badly injure or kill him. Leave earlier or arrive late but no need to push it. It can have bad repercussions. Okay. Enough warnings and sounding old- get off my lawn! Talk with you all next week.


Premieres, Post-Production Updates and More…

Good afternoon my friends. I’m back from a few errands this morning and sitting down to some reheated coffee from earlier. It has been an extremely busy time here at CDI and even my Friday had me on several hours of online meetings. But all extremely productive. Let’s start with this poster art above for our ‘FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH‘ release. It will start will a two show (6pm and 8pm) at the Owosso, NCG theater on Oct. 1st, 2022. The home video release with be on 10/4/2022 – here is more info from IMDB. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12741924/releaseinfo?ref_=tttr_ql_dt_2

So if you practiced any martial art or enjoyed the MMA/Pro-Wrasslin’ this will be an informative and enjoyable watch. I know Amazon Prime will be releasing and we’ll let you all know as we know the other available platforms. I will be attending our premiere as many of the CDI tribe to support our own Curran Jacobs who directed. If you’re in Michigan you might want to attend – an afterglow will take place most likely at ROMAS next door but that’s not locked in yet.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – My last meeting of the week was with our Algona friends helping to pull together the Algona, Iowa premiere. We’ll also do one in Michigan before the theatrical run starts 1-2 weeks after the (Dec 10th targeted date) Iowa premiere. Our goals is to have it play chains across the midwest where all these camps were located.

A few days earlier we met at the studio in the pines and reviewed the first half of the film’s dialog clean up and talked design and music. It really sounds great and my favorite part of the process ‘music’ is on deck. We’ll return this week to review the second half and start looking at the sound design aspects. Meanwhile in Canada the VFX and model work is being finished. I cannot wait to see those scenes once the work is done.

This film also represents a new level in product partnerships with brands like Hersheys, Hormel, Smithfield and Lerma Transportation involved. Our goal is to have them also assist in the theatrical marketing. For home video release I would love to see some ‘limited time’ vintage packaging released to the public. How about 5 cents Hersheys like in 1944? The new trailer is being worked on and it will be done in a few weeks.

BEST YEARS GONE – So yesterday kind of last moment I was offered some MSU football tickets and an invite to stop in as a guest at a get together for one of our investors. It is close by and so after the MSU game seemed well in hand, I stopped out. My history with these folks goes back to 1998 when we became famous at CDI for blowing up a car on their road in KNIGHT CHILLS. It was a barn party, but this was no ordinary barn, but a way tricked out venue for performance and drinks.

The entertainment was first class with guest musician Laith Al-Saadi from American Idol being featured. Also met a Red Wings legend Darren McCarty, very polite gent. I had some good talks that could manifest as sponsors or investors in the future, but overall just had a great time.

I had a few Moscow Mules followed by some coffee before I had to make the drive home which reminded me of ‘Icabod Crane’ in the Sleepy Hollow tale. In the dark woods on a full moon, trees bent tight across the road – twists and turns – hauntingly beautiful. Thank you John and Rhonda for a great time and yes, we’ll be discussing some special event screenings.

So the best part of the night was when I found myself sharing a stand up table with a fella Richard who was there from Detroit networking. I got explaining to Richard how I knew the party hosts and about our film endeavors. He asked about a few titles and I rattled off the two films that just went to TUBI, BESTSELLER and BEST YEARS GONE. He replied that he had seen BEST YEARS GONE and really liked it. I said, “no way” – but he insisted. Yup. Twins. Racecars. He said, google up the poster and I’ll tell you. So I pulled up our poster from IMDB. He said, “Yup, and that guys the lead,” pointing at Gil. YOU DON’T SAY:) I proceeded to say something to him as Gil, about light beer. He was surprised to find he was drinking with Gil Gilles. I don’t always get to meet my fans so this was a treat. So if you haven’t seen BESTSELLER or BEST YEARS GONE take a watch on TUBI and drop us a review on http://www.imdb.com

I’m enjoying taking the extra time this season to prep and attend a few more film events. We have several premieres ahead and are in ACTIVE development on HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE. We’ll be planning a few scouting trips in the weeks ahead. We are going to start sitting down with possible keys later in the year. I want to get a teaser poster underway as a pre-production battle flag. This is a great story from history and I had a chance to pitch it around to a very attentive audience last night. More meetings this week to lie the foundation down and discuss future creative directions with this story. We’re starting to look at vehicles that fit the pre-1927 timeframe. I’m extremely excited about this film that will shoot next year.

But it keeps getting better…


I’ll be doing PR soon on the new script writing project. Yes. The ink is dry. Green light – Phase 1 of the next collaboration out of Iowa, is set. The story will be an 1800’s tale that showcases a major event in Iowa history. I’ve been researching for months now and I’m ready to start weaving another powerful story.


I had another paragraph WRAP UP and I accidentally deleted it. Lets see if I can recall in no particular order. The hops harvested and squash is right behind it. I trimmed the apple trees and next up is the mulberry trees. I have a possible movie interview on Monday out of Nashville, TN. Tuesday is set to be the FADE IN…day where I start writing on the new script. Weds is our development and premiere meeting. Thursday out to review and tweak more audio on the second half of the film. Friday might be the start of the new bath install with a little help from a much more handy friend. Thank you for all the support and communications out there. It really means a lot to our artists.

Coffee Cheers, be productive this week.