“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “party

Now Streaming! DVD’s HOT GIFTS! – Updates

Good morning my friends, I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee on this wonderful Sunday. I want to welcome all our new readers from Mexico, Netherlands, India, Canada and more. I’m up good and early as I have a day that keeps moving right until bedtime. I had a very good week of organizing and getting things done. A few meetings and some additional winterizing. That is what we have to do here to prepare for the ice and snow. I fixed the fence gate and split wood by axe attacking a stack of logs this past week. I paid the price the next day of overworking. Stiff neck and lower back but I got those worked out. I had one day where I was moving half speed at best. But I will need to get those muscles working to get through the winter. The wood stove will need to keep the logs burning.

(Fellowship of filmmaking – Tony Hornus center with Travis (Left) and Cody (Rt) on set. )

The Christmas tree is up and this past week a few outside decorations went up. I do love the colored bulbs. I don’t enjoy traffic and crowded stores and try to go at off times. We have three family Christmas gatherings in a row and so I’ve been also being a little elf wrapping away. I have a few good meetings this week that will also be part celebration and planning for 2024.

(Coming together to tell stories – myself, Don Most (center) and Carl Weyant (Rt) director)

Yesterday, I want to recognize that a friend, family and mentor passed away a year ago yesterday. I’ll always remember because I was in Algona, Iowa for the premiere of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We had done a radio show on a very snowy morning. This friend was going to have a medical test done and his heart stopped. I got up from resting my eyes knowing we had a pre-party followed by the premiere and lastly an afterglow at the VFW. I awoke from my short nap to find out this horrible news. It was this town’s beautiful day and story. It almost felt like WHOville at Christmastime, so I kept this news mostly quiet. He was really interested in seeing this WW2 era story. Now, Dec 1st this year was our home video release and I once again recalled again how badly he wanted to see this new film. Dec 9th marked one year without him. He is greatly missed – Dan the Druid.

(Just some of the CDI Tribe – multigenerational – back right John McGraw has been with the tribe the longest of the folks in this pic save me)

* NOTE: I had just put my phone in my vest pocket – I’m not packing heat:)

Let’s look at some of the exciting updates this week.


  1. With the December 1st home video release of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA), years of work before shooting and a few since of premiere release came to an end. From the point financial backers entrust you there is a somber seriousness that goes along with that responsibility. I’ve noted before that due to several variables this film was one of the hardest ones to finish in many years. But, with the national release I can exhale.
  2. The SNIA pre-sales ranking for DVD’s on Amazon has stayed strong and we just got our November totals and it is our distributors top performing film. We had just shy of 3,000 people purchase the DVD as a keepsake or as a gift. Businesses purchasing for employees. Gifting DVD’s to nursing homes so that residents can enjoy the sights and sounds of an early day with a smile. Hospitals? Prisons? This true event film can truly lift the spirits. I am so appreciative of all the good folks who have watched and shared how special the film is. Especially those who have reviewed it on Amazon or http://www.imdb.com – we love to read about your experience watching this story and it encourages others to take a watch. Many of the film’s cast and crew have reached out to express their joy at being part of this film. Our kudos to all of you. Filmmaking is very hard work and many people don’t seem to grasp that. A huge effort of coordinating so many artists and variables. It just means so much to all of us to have everyone accept the film as they have. We make these stories for all of you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  3. A fan favorite is WILD FAITH, a family western, ah- mid-western. It just celebrated flying over the 8 million views mark at Encourage TV. (Free w/ ads search it out) They are just one of many platforms showcasing this and many of the CDI films. CDI even has their own playlist on Encourage TV. But with each passing year our fans for Wild Faith increase. We are still very interested in the TV series. We just have to align with the right partners. In 2024 we just must get all those pieces to line up. Persistence is one of my strengths.
  4. KNIGHT CHILLS, is the very first film by CDI. We started shooting in 1998 I believe bringing us to 25 years since camera rolled. I think our first major distribution was in 2001. The film is proudly back on the market as a Blu-Ray. If you or someone you know is into the ole fantasy role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons they would likely enjoy this film. BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17209379555681048587&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6
  5. 2024 should bring some new life to the KNIGHT CHILLS franchise. A sequel has been talked about for years with various interested filmmakers. A sequel? The video game? Book reissue? Merchandise? I have a good meeting on Monday where part of the discussions will be on Knight Chills.
  6. Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) updates- I had a great update with our director Carl Weyant, as he was heading to the airport to be with family. The film at the time of our discussion was just shy of 50 minutes edited and he said it was pretty damn tight. He was just so excited by the performances and the way the story all pulls together. Good script eh? 🙂 A teaser trailer and the film edit will be worked on and when Carl returns in January of 2024, we should have a rough edit to watch. Good talks with our composer have started but will become even more involved in 2024.
  7. Additional HIR– I’ll be working with Tony Hornus on looking to cast our (5) WW1 German reenacts to film our opening. We’ll also bringing back in David Reardon and Bejo Dohmen for our final shooting of our opening scene in Feb. if everything goes according to plan.

WRAP UP: I’m enjoying the Christmas season and thankful for the time with family and friends. I’ve been organizing and reflecting. I’ve been calling up old friends and associates to check in with them and share a laugh. I’ve been trying to recharge. Having something like ‘Silent Night in Algona’ get to market thus fulfilling my main responsibility. “Create the best art possible within the business perimeters and getting it to market.” From there, how it is received depends on the audience and the distributors.

Let’s talk on that a beat-

Many distributors are puppy mills for films. Horrible deals that will rob filmmakers versus develop and grow with them. Work smarter vs harder, I say. Distribute less content but ones worth more revenue via quality. Every major company that embraced its brand worked hard in customer service to build customer loyalty. They care about what people think of their company. CDI is like that. Many we do business with share that idea. I know our new Pepsi contact and team takes great pride in their brand(s).

Some exploitation distributors just wreck and rape, harsh word I know but a very good illustration when you look at how artists love their “child” films. Once the exploitive distributor ship has taken on too many legal hits they scuttle the company. So reputation of the distributor matters and I can attest that it can make a lot of difference between living in the past or future. A good partnership like what we just shared on the launch of ‘Silent Night in Algona’ is golden. To have a chance at creating something great it takes more effort versus just going through the motions. Having everyone aligned towards a common goal with content that is truly uplifting woven within a true story of goodness. In a world where we are reminded daily of senseless shootings and never ending wars, a film that gives HOPE is like gold.

To bring it full circle, the saying “you are wealthy by what you can give away, not what you have” is a powerful saying to ponder. When you’re giving to others you’re also living in a season of being blessed. Apply this to distribution – Once a distribution company has good content flowing in from fair development practices you will see great growth in the distribution branch. To grow yourself you must have healthy story providers. A company quickly gets known for the quality of their content. They can become greater than the sum of the parts/films if they choice wisely. CDI (www.cdiproductions.com) is also greater than the sum of the parts/films. A creative incubator – knights of the creative round table – tribeCDI THUNDERDOME! Okay. I need to back that down. But each film is a handcrafted piece of art made by many artists who care sincerely about storytelling. About legacy. I’m going to wrap it up now. I’m going to a memorial later and after spending time with my brother and a few friends. All our journeys will one day end here. Spend time with family and friends and keep expanding that circle of sincere. People don’t easily trust kindness. But people also feel/know sincere. That is a word I think I relate too. SINCERE. Now you can sincerely be a pain in the ass too. But I think I’m quite sincere in most all I do. Is a sincere effort same as best effort? I think if you give your best you are sincere in the effort. I will have to ponder and we’ll talk more about that on a different day.

Be sincere and good to one another. Until next week.

Coffee Cheers- DJ

2023! Goals, Gifts and Growth!

Good morning 2023! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and happy to report no hangovers or such this morning. I had a few drinks yesterday afternoon in a meeting with a few of our artists, picking materials up. We toasted the victories and those lost, no longer traveling. The beverage sipped was some of the Frankenberry Wine, made from all the berries on the property. But in the eve it was just ginger ale and a peaceful welcome into 2023. I can recall many days of my youth of celebrating too much and paying for it the next morning/day. I get up early and have my productive routines that I follow. I don’t regret most of those party days but I don’t miss the aftermath.

I carved out a day this past week and did film disbursements to our backers. I’m so thankful for all the supportive people who love the Tribe CDI stories. I had a sit down with one of them this week and really enjoyed all the positive feedback. We also talked about future endeavors, of which we have many. I’ve been working to get organized and prepped for a highly productive new year. Being organized is one of the secrets to success. I’ve got a series of end of year tax prep stuff for the films but I have a great team and this year should be quite smooth.

It was a year of hard fought victories and some sad losses. My furbaby Daphne, my second mother- baby sitter Marie DeFord, my friend/family and building mentor Dan Chapin, all powerful losses. Also a slew of artists passed on, which leaves us artists to pick up the torch. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, was the most complex film we’ve produced to date. Two languages, 1940’s clothes, props and vehicles. Windy, cold days and nights. Extensive VFX and just a few bumps bringing all the elements together on an advanced release schedule. But, we did it. The Algona, Iowa premiere was so full of good energy and the ongoing energy has had the film hold over four times now and expanded into multiple cities with more emailing about booking every week.

We will be having a producers pow wow this week over the ongoing roll out. A special screening in Owosso, MI is in planning. We will be exploring a few choice film festivals and we really want a few German screenings. We have a few VIP’s awaiting to view the film which could really assist the home video release. We’ve had many people talk about merchandise and swag and we will be addressing that and hope to have that available with the home video release later this year. We’ve already received so many nice emails about the emotions stirred by watching this story based on true events. Some reflected the deep pain and hate that some carried from their own war (Vietnam) experiences and that this film gave them a new perspective that allowed them to let go of that hate. That is powerful. A story made them let go of poison and replace it with understanding. We’ve had many of these notes sent to us. The community is alive with history. They are all talking the stories once told and almost forgotten. The museums in town being part of family trips into Algona, to watch the film. We had a beautiful letter from the museum boards about the quality job CDI did. And the interest has brought a new awareness that will help these places not just survive but thrive. I’m beyond proud.

We will have an amazing 2023 journey with this film and I cannot wait for each and every one of you to experience this story.


Once I get past the state filings, K-1 send outs and any 1099’s for the films- we’ll be forming the new company to produce Harsens Island Revenge. If you liked CDI tackling WW2 and the 1940’s, wait until CDI gets after the roaring 20’s! I plan to get with our director and finish our writer/director draft. We’ll be putting the casting breakdowns together soon and that will be an enjoyable process. We were lucky to do some location scouting and found many great places to use in the telling of our story. Stay tuned to many new updates on this film.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – In 2023 we’ll be doing some passive development which might include the building of a few period cabins. This is a spring 2024, Iowa shoot if everything stays in the right direction.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH (Battlefield) – Working title- Following the success of the documentary film FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, directed by Curran Jacobs, edited by Adam Towner, produced by CDI and The Red, White, and Blue Project Inc.. The film will now have the first sequel documentary going into production this Spring/Summer. While the original was a much needed summary timeline of the history of professional grappling, these follow up films will go more in depth with various aspects of the history. It’s very exciting to continue this journey.

Furthermore, CDI is considering the first “in association” in a while, with an exciting supernatural thriller. An animated feature is heating up and more…

I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself but I too, feel that rush of the fresh energy. Every year I write out my goals. Personal goals, business goals, home improvement- It is good to get those out in front of you. You won’t always make all your goals but you’ll be surprised at what you did achieve.

I JUST took a pause for my first 2023 eats. Eggs from our girls, 4H bacon and protein waffles with MI made syrup. If I had the right trees I would be boiling sap. Okay. Goals….bacon…back to goals.

A few of my goals as an example-

  1. Design and have new deck built – it is getting close to that point of need vs want
  2. Produce two feature length film endeavors
  3. Act in one outside CDI project- that said, I MUST connect with the material and role
  4. Better plant and garden bed growth and harvest
  5. Looking to increase strength and flexibility training for a good soccer season ahead
  6. Finish two feature scripts
  7. …you get the picture.

Even this blog is very helpful in me deeply thinking through my TO DO’s for the week. Communication continues to be a key to success and I find it can always be improved upon. I see or read about several people being overwhelmed by the waves of life’s hardships. Here is to the hope that 2023 becomes an island to get your footage, regain your balance and readjust your sights. I will keep trying to communicate better to serve as an example of respectful collaboration. Preserving history and stories, lessons to be remembered and to grow from.

Cheers to growth in 2023!


NEW YEAR 2022 In Focus

I’m sipping my hazelnut coffee and also working with a Santa gift which happen to be reading glasses with blue-blocker to reduce eye strain. I think my eyes get a little worse on me every few years but these glasses seem to really help. I can’t attest to long-term. Since the Christmas week of activities we’ve gotten a nice white snowstorm. Our New Year’s Eve included an Uber-cozy eve with a sip at Midnight but bed shortly after that. I did not enter 2022 with any hangover or dehydration. I’m not into the dance party thing unless you count my listening/air MC at home to Beastie Boys or Public Enemy. I recently was in Iowa with a circus full of people and so I’ve enjoyed the slower, quieter pace of getting things done. 2021 had myself and CDI being very productive and we’re looking to do more of the same in 2022. I have to note turning on the TV and seeing Darby Hinton in a Christmas Hallmark film something with mistletoe in the title. Back to our updates:)

In retrospect and in no order some of the good, bad and ugly of 2021. The first is the sad loss of many good friends and family during the past year. That is something that I hope we don’t heavily repeat. And 2021 went out with the passing of Betty White at 99. I love all the fan flair especially the one claiming she sacrificed herself taking 2021 with her. She reminds me a bit of Rance Howard (RIP friend/costar) who worked right up until he died. Same with Bill McKinney and many more artists I’m sure. Age will continue to give you a unique perspective through your entire journey. But growing old can be a privilege.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – Filming this safely in 2021 was a major highlight. This highly ambitious home front drama was many years in the making. It is in the wonderfully creative hands of our editor and I’m excited to see the scenes come together. I’ve almost got the business all caught up and we’ll be putting some advance promo together. From there we’ll enter into some additional marketing/product talks with some of our sponsors and those coming on board. In Canada we have model building underway. I’m just so happy that we have all these puzzle pieces and can start to assemble. It is going to be amazing since all the artists gave everything they had. We’ve been releasing stills on our Facebook page so follow along.

BEST YEARS GONE (BYG) – This breath of fresh air which we filmed between the 1st and 2nd Covid lockdown of 2020. Shane Hagedorn and I shared a motto to have fun while filming. Everyone had been kept uncertain and in self-isolation and smiles and laughter were much needed. This film might be just what many people need. The humorous abilities of the CDI Tribe can be seen in several CDI films including strong moments in WILD FAITH and LOST HEART but BYG really takes it to another level. Adapted by yours truly from the book HOPE FROM HEAVEN by Karl Manke. http://www.karlmanke.com if you want to explore his works. I think another collaboration is on the horizon but right now we are discussing which book to bring to the screen. Any favorites? Lastly, I’m hearing that the film has been chosen as a participant in a London-based festival. That PR will be forthcoming once I get more info from our director Mr. Hagedorn.

Speaking of films that sprang from books – BESTSELLER is finally getting a home video release this year. The book written by Christopher Knight is a twisted tale of a tormented literary agent played by Melissa Anschutz. CDI was the producing entity and I’m happy that our existing relationship could give this film the deserved send off. In May the film will be ready for home video audiences and will widen the release in September likely to hit the prime October window for thrillers. This film is beautifully shot and showcases Michigan’s beauty. I’m excited to see new poster art and trailer for the home video release. I would love to turn another Chris Knight story into a film. We shall see…rumor is he also writes under another name also…

BEST YEARS GONE and BESTSELLER are not the only films rolling out in 2022. SMOKE & MIRRORS short just had a final tweak and is being prepped for a few fun festivals. The CDI/Red, White and Blue Project documentary film FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH just finished last week. Directed by Curran Jacobs, edited by Adam Towner, mostly shot by DP Dan Chipman – this feature length doc is being hailed as the best of its kind by wrestling historians. I’m proud to have been involved producing on this wonderful piece of history that was in danger of fading, lost to the past. That will not be the case after this film. Thank you to all the interview participates who made this work so special. We cannot wait to show the world this entertaining and informative film. We are looking at doing another documentary film in 2022 stay tune.

BIGFOOT, UFO’S & JESUS – Our inspirational film has found a great main stream audience under the alternate title by which LOST HEART appears on some platforms. Here is the amazing Josh Perry inviting you to watch. If you did not you should. Click below to watch on FB – I hope my linking here works.



2021 had us filming music videos, releasing into theaters, traveling to Algona, Iowa and more. As noted earlier some friends and family like CDI’s Pappy won’t be traveling with us anymore. They are RIP and not dealing with the waves of life. These deaths, like the childhood neighbor remind us of the precious value of time. Spend time in good company and working towards goals that mean something to you. Life is short so commit to making steps towards whatever your creative endeavor is.

If you want to hear about our new year development we discuss that quite a bit in the previous few blogs. I want to film WILD FAITH: HASTINGS and while this endeavor is mighty we’ve been chopping away at it. Giddy up. A new CDI animated feature, a new dramedy, sequels and more in development as we enter this new year. I need to look over the CDI website and see where that needs to be updated. I want to once over the FB pages and see where I can enhance. End-of-year taxes for the projects is at hand but I have the best team ever for all that. I will spend the month also finishing the script I’m working on now. I’m in talks with a few projects to script write in Feb which is when we’ll also pull the business together on the first spring CDI film. I’m here in the 2022 and ready to march so put down the Christmas cookies and party hats it’s time to get after it.

Have a great first week of 2022!


A Morning Reflection on ‘Mr. Brown’ and Updates From the Films – Casting/Crewing

Hazelnut coffee is toasty warm goodness on a chilly Michigan morning. Welcome my new readers from Vietnam, Indonesia, China and more. I suspect some of the new films are releasing to our friends in Asia. I know Poland, S. Korea and more have been licensing. Let’s start by talking about 10-4 two years ago. On a very different day which was warm and windy we said goodbye to Luke Brown (Mister Brown). He was our furry boy that we spent several years fighting his illness until we finally had to let him go. We did it at home and it was sad but beautiful and peaceful and not under any duress and for that I am thankful. Shortly their after we brought the “dog-faced gremlin” Finn McCool into our family and with him came happiness again. Today I awoke thinking about my boy and a glance at the date let me know why. I know many of you have lost those special family members and they always bring out the best in you. If you have been thinking of enhancing your life with a furry family member do so. And I encourage you to adopt and let the joy enter your life. Our old Daphne is still kicking it no longer quite the spitfire starting the play fights. She is enjoying her winter years for sure as is our remaining cat Lulu. You can read about Lulu as my contribution to the book-

My next contributing story is in a dog book and is about Luke Brown and his encounter with a reindeer. I will surely let you know when that is available in the next year. Yes. Lonnie (Book editor) we were at the Jackson hidden raceway.

Raceway? What am I talking about – well, BEST YEARS GONE! Our next CDI film is full speed ahead. We will gather to start filming at the end of the month. We will be looking at resumes and talking with recommendations for a few crew roles but also looking ahead to 2021 where we have a TV series HASTINGS coming together and a WW2 film. If you have strong office experience we will be looking at coordinators. On this film we also have a few crew spots in G&E and camera support. Feel free to reach out direct if you have the experience and/or interest in joining the tribeCDI. We have some incredible cast, crew, sponsors and a funny yet inspiring story to tell.

I mentioned WILD FAITH‘s growing audience giving spark to the TV series. I really want to bring this to Michigan and it looks promising. This winter I will make the push to get this fully greenlit (financed). This will require adding more artists to the CDI team. We might start working with a casting director just to help bring options to the table. We producers are mostly actors and enjoy taking the time and care to make sure the chemistry is proper.

Speaking of chemistry – I think audiences are about to be in for a treat with LOST HEART. This is week #2 of our national campaign and it’s exciting to see the build up. I know that the reaction has been great. Mike Huckabee saw our EPK (Electronic press kit) and watched our trailer and has invited Melissa Anschutz, Don Most and Victoria Jackson onto the show. We are getting ready to have our cast and crew premiere screening at the Double JJ Resort on the 17th of October. We are filming the pre-party and afterglow as part of the event premiere screenings via Encourage TV on Nov 7th and 21st. I will be having family and friends for the Nov 21st showing since I will be back from filming BEST YEARS GONE. We’ve been posting other interviews and PR that our artists have been participating in. Many of these are being posted on our Lost Heart FB page @lostheartmovie

THE QUEST TRILOGY – Anytime is good to take the adventure and watch FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER but the holidays make it even more special. Our distributor is doing a new campaign which includes a trilogy trailer. I’m excited but if you wanna get the jump on watching them – go right on ahead.

Okay I’ve spent the last 10 minutes trying to figure out these insert blocks vs writing – technology. I’ve had several fans reach out over MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND and I want to thank you. This pandemic had interrupted and killed some of the PR/festival/event roll out for this powerful film. That said, people in their own time are finding, watching and being moved by the film. As I noted in the opening Luke Brown was my inspiration and was beside me while I wrote the script. It is a great tribute to my furry buddy and I think it is connecting with many audiences out there. Take a watch free with ads on Tubi or Encourage TV and of course on Amazon and many of the other platforms.

SMOKE & MIRRORS – the music is done and our director Nathaniel Nose LOVED it. We’ll start to put the credits together as the color corrected footage comes to us from DP Jesse Aragon. I’m excited to finish this feature script over the winter for forthcoming production.

We’re currently attaching sponsors onto our Lost Heart premiere, our ‘For the Love of Catch‘ documentary film and onto Best Years Gone so if you have a company, product or service needing millions of eyes please do reach out. This week was also prepping for winter. This week wood was cut but some needs to be split on our Viking Days:) I racked the wine to the secondary this weekend. We brought out all the fall decorations. Our chickens are doing great getting to know their new home. We’ll do some more work around the homestead today and next week (tomorrow) -it’s back to the business! Coffee cheers. (LOOKING FOR A COFFEE SPONSOR!)

I apologize for losing my flow of words trying to figure out all this new block stuff on WordPress. I might have wanted to throw my laptop once this morning. Be kind. Be safe. And keep at your creative endeavors!

Talk with you next week.


Farming Plus Some Advanced Premiere Information

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Hazelnut coffee cheers. I actually slept in a few this morning and so I’m starting a tad later. So many things are unfolding and I’m excited for it all. It was a long week and I needed the mental rest. I think because of the virus environment it has been a rethinking of everything. My thoughts are with my brother and all the people in the education system. For some their computer skills might enhance and some families seem to be getting updated tech in their home whereas previously they did not have such things. I know kids off to college unable to play sports and basically the campus being ran like min security prison. That might be a bit harsh but I bet it will feel like that to some. I’m seeing most people out and about, some begrudgingly, wearing masks. Some youth are seen doing what the youth do – “Party on Wayne” -but that could come with consequences. Still a lot of anger in many folks but what I see is the cost of life is being valued. Have some areas overreacted? Maybe but the old axiom of “better safe than sorry” is a good path to follow but also I see so many businesses are hurting. I hear and understand the arguments from all sides. Bottom line is until your circle is affected you don’t have the same emotional investment. If your business is hurt, you are affected and have an emotional investment. Just know that all this will eventually be a footnote in history.

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Our business has had the same challenges. I see some smaller productions have pushed forward and how many precautions are they taking? Unknown. I know we have a good plan to move forward. We are looking to make the main shoot “lighter” by scene count by shooting some smaller scenes mid-Sept. The main shoot is still planned for November and at that time past tourist season it will be mainly our cast and crew.

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As per usual if you tune in here you get the advance notice. Working with our distributor we are doing something new and unique with our premiere. We are going to do a one night only event via our distributor’s ENCOURAGE TV on Oct 24th. We will start promoting it like gangbusters in the coming weeks. BMG is doing an entire media campaign and we already have some national interviews coming up. ENCOURAGE TV is a free app and allows you watch FREE (one night) from a selection of sources.

At the same time our distributor is in talks with various TV networks for licensing and also home video release leading up to Christmas. We are also planning an earlier cast and crew showing where interviews and audience reactions will be part of the “program” that will include the free one night premiere showing again on Oct. 24th. So get that Encourage TV app loaded which is no money just an email and stating you are not a robot I believe.

There will be much more to come on this film and I’m excited for audiences to watch it. A BTS video will be releasing soon and watch our FB page for new updates. I had some PR photos taken (Thank you G$) which came out pretty good other than I am looking like my next character Gil Gilles in BEST YEARS GONE.

LOST HEART coming soon!

I will not wax on about the other films right now. Obviously I would love for you to check them all out. They are all gathering a worldwide audience and I am grateful and appreciative. Thank you for all your kind words.

SMOKE & MIRRORS might get some PR this week. It is the David Gries starring short that we plan to turn into a full feature. Nathaniel Nose (The Christ Slayer) is the director/editor and Dennis Therrian will be doing the music. So we’ll likely be releasing the poster art and a story about the project.


FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – This doc film tells the history of catch-can wrestling. Our friend Curran Jacobs is the current unified world champion and he defends his title next Sat I believe. We have been pulling all this together but this title defense has sped up a few things. This is a pet project that CDI and the non-profit The Red, White and Blue Project (Outside the Wire) are putting together. We have camera operators planning to go interview the opponent and the match itself in FL on Sat I believe. It is a free streaming so check it out and if you want to get involved in the doc film reach out to me.


I would go on about these films but I have a few things to do today. First I did start my 5 gal of wine and beer. The beer will go to bottle next week. Also we are setting up a coop. Yes, coop as in chicken. We are getting Dorthy, Rose and Blanche and will be having a go at raising chickens. Also we have to pick up a new freezer today because we have a full pig coming in. We usually do the 4H but this year they did the auction on-line and they sold out. Also we get a deer every fall. So pigs and chickens, garden, wine making – we might be becoming farmers:) PS: The hops are almost ready! No grapes this year.

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I hope the week is kind to everyone and do your part by being kind to others. Until next week.







Coffee cheers to you all! So it was a great weekend for getting things done. I’ve been playing all kinds of catch up as we head into the end of the year. I’ve done what might be a final mowing of the yard and getting the firewood around. We had a good bout of wet cold with Halloween being rain, sleet and snow for most of the day/night. Now some argue for a better night or a less crappy night but that was part of the fun. The challenges of stomping around in a costume and accepting candy. I spent the day reaching out to a handful of old-school elementary school mates. I also called my mother early asking if my costume was done being sewn. She was confused until I confessed my tease and we talked about the great costumes she and my grandma Swope use to make us kids. My barbarian outfit pushed Grandma’s old sewing machine to the limit. My best costume was a robot made from a large box with tube arms and multiple dials, switches and such on the outside. I recall falling and all the friends having a good laugh as I could not stand back up. I was like a turtle on his back. I remember a great Halloween party at one friends house with games and such. I had a wonderful childhood and for that I feel grateful because as an adult I realize that is not always the case. So during the season I enjoyed many classics like THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN and several others. Now we are onto the “Holiday season” that runs from Nov. to Easter and so it begins.


I’ve started my Christmas shopping as I love giving gifts. I’m a person who will do that all year around but I like how during the season, we stop to have a drink and share a laugh together.  I had intended to have a Fall CDI party to replace the rained out Summer one but one thing after another kept falling on the schedule. I had weddings and memorials falling on the same day. We had just a busy life fall but that is the way of things. We just got done hashing out Thanksgiving whereas again it is near impossible to be in multiple places. So again I’m smoking a turkey and let me tell you it’s hard to find rolling papers in that size. Just kidding:)

We’re starting to revamp the CDI website for the new year ahead. Here is one of the narrative book commercials we did for Baker Publishing.

We also recently completed another commercial for a software company and that is the cool Victorian age pics people saw. We created content for a software demo and I was able to pull a small one day script from my work-in-progress feature script “Smoke & Mirrors”. So I’ve been wrapping up paperwork on that project and we hope to have the first invoice paid out next week so I can disperse. It is different working in the net 30, 60, 90 day corporate cycle. On the feature films we try to pay out ASAP to cast and crew as I know how freelancers need that. Check out http://www.cdiproductions.com to see some of the updates. We will be posting some casting notices also – so join us.


We’ll be processing and dispersing more revenue to our investors as the films continue to expand and sell. This will be the first season all three of the biblical adventures (FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER) will be all out on the market. Again these are NOT “faith-films” as per the new genre but films with faith at the heart of the stories. The films are not fluff and deal with deep issues that we all question and contemplate. WATCH all three together to get the greater story woven throughout the trilogy. That said I’ve also been slowly developing the next three films in the follow up trilogy.

NOTE: CDI is starting to release merchandise. A 40 Nights lobby card poster is available as are the Tee-Shirts from GHOST TOWN.  Look to the Collective Development Inc. Facebook to see upcoming product.



WILD FAITH has continued to expand and amaze audiences in the power of the story. We are actively working to bring a TV series based on these characters to audiences. We have some good pieces moving on the board. If you have not seen this film yet with your family, please do take a watch.


MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – In December the Equus Film & Art Festival in Kentucky will be showcasing MBF. We also are looking at several other festivals. I see that as the DVD’s are becoming more available people are buying many copies to give as gifts to family and friends who would appreciate this story. I continue to be humbled by all the great communications I have been receiving from people. Yes. Many people are also discovering for the first time that I am not disabled, at least not in a ‘Paul Landings’ sort of way. That is to my credit and I’ll accept that but as I’ve said, my heart goes out to all those vets who cannot turn it off. It is their life. So if you know someone that could benefit from watching this film – recommend it or better yet buy them a copy as a gift. I’m excited to see in three years what has happened with this film. I’m waiting to see what film theaters will run the movie. The fact that it is on home video has made a few chains bow out due to policy. But theaters need to understand that 3 main groups exist. The theater goers. The home video watchers. And the in-between who enjoy both. The theaters can get their share of viewers plus some who enjoy on the small screen want to see it on the big screen when the opportunity presents itself. See the film however you can or want but take a watch.


LOST HEART – So we are closing in on the first rough cut and soon we will do a watch through before fine tuning the edit. Once picture lock it is over to Dennis Therrian for music and sound design. First of the new year you can start looking for PR to start rolling out. tcs_08 2

DEVELOPMENT – We discussed the development of several projects. I’ve just signed onto a project to write a script from a book manuscript and produce the feature film. Next week I’ll be talking with the distributor and get that lined up.

Additionally we have another project that will be slated to shoot in 2021 but will start casting in 2020. We’ll be making an announcement on this film also once I get the distribution in place.

We’re also exploring returning to AZ for some filming in our spring window. We’ll be entering discussions on this project also – you all know CDI LOVES AZ especially when it is 20 below zero in Michigan.

Other seeds are being planted with a few other great talents bringing their project to CDI to produce. When time allows I might also have to finish up the feature length “Smoke & Mirrors” script. We’ll have a great proof of concept short in the coming months.

As you can see we have a great slate of business forming up. I’m excited to once again at being hired to weave a film script and to see it brought to the big screen.  If you have a funded project that you want considered feel free to inquire about how a CDI associated project just might work.

Okay, today the ghosts and goblins will be replaced by turkeys and harvest baskets. We also need to pickle some beets that have been harvested. Tonight a little time with family and friends before diving into the work week. My first biz call is set for 10 am and I’m ready to get after November! Have a great Sunday and a good week ahead. Be good to one another.


LOST HEART – Scout Trip and More

Happy Father’s Day! It is a rainy, cold Michigan day. I am lucky that I got to spend some time with my daddy this morning. I enjoyed a little breakfast of cornbeef hash and eggs. Today I feel pretty good having just returned from a whirlwind scout up North with our advanced scout team for LOST HEART. That is our next CDI film that will start filming in July. I’m excited about some of the beautiful locations we discovered and new friends we’ve met. Yesterday I was a touch under the weather due to multiple conditions but I didn’t get my full sleep due to a cabin loft bed that seemed more fun when I was 12 years old. Add in second day of soccer sore, less sleep and perhaps the sip of peach brandy and I was just tired.


A Northern location scout – the team seen here with actress Kim Harsch (2nd from left) who co-stars in MBF. Also from left to right Anthony Hornus, Shane Hagedorn, Melissa Anschutz, Me and director Jesse Low.

As I’ve stated before, getting our daily filmed footage is only one of my goals. The other goal/priority is creating a memorable experience for the cast and crew. I think the latter will help us get the best footage. The cast and crew on Lost Heart should be very happy when they see where they will be housed. Lots to do in their down time also but we’ll be announcing more on that later.


I wanted to announce Mr. Don Most will PR this week but we’re combining that announcement with another exciting one. That is the additional of Josh “Ponceman” Perry to the cast of LOST HEART. If you saw THE CHRIST SLAYER you got to see what an amazing talent he is. I’m looking forward to our time on and off screen. We also announced a young actress Cassie Dean who will be working with us for the first time. We will work to make her feel welcome.


Our cast and crew is lining up and we think this might be one of our best productions yet. The story/script has gotten some great reviews and I look forward to having it brought to life. We always are trying to make the best story with our limited budgets. Many people don’t have any idea how hard it is to raise production funds. I’m sure some of my fellow filmmakers understand that plight. It’s why most all film projects fail to launch. CDI is not some big faceless corporation it’s actually a small Michigan-based production company trying to tell some good stories. I appreciate the artists and it is one of the traits we look at in our hires, appreciation.


This week is going to be working to get the final funds into the account. Getting the commitment and getting the actual money can be a task in itself. Many investors don’t always understand our timelines and that can hurt a production. We will also be announcing a few exciting new sponsors. We’ve been targeting Michigan-based companies and we’re proud to align with them.

The Hard Truth

MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – This film is now being mixed with a few final audio tweaks being done. We will deliver the film on June 30th and they are already gearing up the theatrical marketing. This week is putting the end credits together and soon we will have another completed film.

Low Res Wrap

WILD FAITH – Our western is building its home video release. The digital rental on Amazon and other retailers will be June 24th. July 2nd is the official DVD release but some faith retailers were given a slight advance on the release. If you’ve seen the film please do leave us a review on IMDB.com or Amazon.com

I’ve gotten word the the legendary Lana Wood will be joining Darby Hinton at the HAPPY TRAILS VA STYLE film event in October I believe it is. I will keep updating everyone as I get more information.

A few of the discussions as of late have been about the WILD FAITH TV series. Once the film fully gets out there we’ll see if the characters in the film are a hit with audiences. If so we’ll be looking at bringing you a full season of the WILD FAITH story.


THE QUEST TRILOGY keeps adding audiences worldwide and I have enjoyed a handful of fans recognizing me from those films. Again if you haven’t enjoyed these films check out FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER on Amazon and other fine retailers.

This rain and cold is causing a postponement of my nephew’s Bday party and I too might have to reconsider a get together I was going to have for my birthday. Thunderstorms are not good for outside yard parties. But we did get the garden in and I also worked in some grass seed where needed. The rain is good for that. So this week will be more cast and crew agreements and working to lock locations. And…learn my lines. Yes. Even when you write the script you still need to work your lines although it is a touch easier.

I will let this end here and I’m going to organize my work from the scout trip so I can start Monday off right. Be good to one another and keep chasing your dreams.


Partnerships, PR & Primates

What a week! It was a bit crazy but now as I sit quietly sipping my hazelnut coffee and listening to the birds outside sing – all is good. The crazy really wasn’t all that bad just some things left up in the air while other people continue some predictable patterns. By that I mean like in any venture you will have partnerships that click and others that just do not. For some people it’s an ignorance issue whereas they don’t know better and they act foolish. Others  know or should know better and yet they still act foolish, that is stupidity. Now foolish is one thing but sneaky and self-serving is another and trust me we have a lot of those folks in our business. I had to deal with both the ignorant and the foolish and while I think the first can be corrected through education and patience – the latter is pretty much a lost cause. I don’t regret either of these ventures (I’m going to remind myself I said that) as both are learning experiences. The bottom line is I’ve worked with some talented people but sometimes they become their own worst setback . Furthermore it affects others and at the end of the day it is not worth it. I’ve gotten where I pass on many project.. I’m beyond the magic of seeing myself or a character on the screen and so it has to be interesting and fun. By fun I mean I’m not afraid of hard work but if you are having fun the work seems less a burden and more a challenge to get to the next step. I’ve been around so long in this business that I can often spot the BS in moments. It is a fine tuned meter and I use it well. I’ve been fooled before but that just helps to fine tune.

Funny last week we talked about people boosting IMDB Star Meter’s, faking where they live, faking what they are doing or who they know – the whole “fake it to you make it” mentality found almongst the sea of wanna be’s. I saw a great documentary film on primates and male alphas. It is a natural way that non-alpha’s try to compete by faking their importance. It is funny how many of these traits I’ve seen in people around me. I think I’ve always walked my own walk. I’ve always been the organizer, the peacemaker and draw my self-importance by being true to myself not by working to get others approval. I guess for a few people they earned a bit more patience out of me while I realized they were really just non-alpha primates trying to gain peer acceptance. It doesn’t help their cause and still puts them in a weak light. But I guess they can somewhat hide behind their own weakness. A slave to genes.

Our CDI Sales Team has started talks with many countries over licensing. We’ve got offers which we have counter offered on. I think once Canne ends around the 26th we will finalize many of these deals. It is work but quite exciting to be in more direct control of the product.

Lot of good PR going for the July release of “Darkest Night”. “Deadly Renovations” and “Locked in a Room” still selling. I’m looking forward to “Benjamin” having a mainstream release later this year. I’ve entertained a few acting offers this week. I’ve read at least one script that I really liked so we will see where that develops.

I’m hearing “Figure in the Forest” and “Wicked Spring” will release on Parables TV in June. That will be nice for the old B-day month.

The week also had us doing some great clean up to the yard. I’ve been working on the garden fencing and today might be some mulching and such. I had invites to a film showing and a party around the Motorcity Comic Con and pending the energy levels after a day of yard work we will see. Both are an hour away in opposite directions. Tomorrow it is back to battle on the soccer field and I’m ready to rumble. I hope you all have a great weekend.


Casting Breakdown and CDI Updates

Once again I awoke to beautiful snow. The chill is here and now but I can see that the frozen life lies still in the ground soon to spring forth. I actually bottled up some remaining Peach wine yesterday. My amigos helped finish off the Australian beer that came out quite good. Maybe tasting like FOSTERS if you like that, I did. So my mind is on the garden this year. The wine and fermented hops and barley the sweet rewards of nature around us. As I’ve said before this is also ties very close to ourselves and what lies within. Our own potential bulbs waiting for the right conditions to spring forward and bloom.

The new year has brought great vision to where we want to go and what needs to be done. One thing I keep realizing is that everything happens in its own time. 2013 will be the time for some new stories to be released and others to be born. Plucked from the imagination, imagined by artists and manifested. Let’s discuss some manifestation.

First I encourage you to check out the http://www.cdiproductions.com which has many new updates including in the WORKING FOR CDI part. We have posted a CASTING NOTICE for a yet to be named project. Check it out:)

Actually most of the updates I would present to you are listed on the front page of the CDI site. So I will ask you to subscribe over there and read on the new CDI updates. There are some really exciting updates so again CHECK IT OUT:)

On a personal level I’ve been breaking down the script for the supporting role I shoot next month. It is a strong drama “Somnium”.  I will be gone shooting for a week. I play a character named ‘Oliver’ and to say that he is complex is an understatement. That is just how I like it. I’ve had a few other projects brought to my attention but I think I’m most excited about the next project that we will be doing with CDI. More later:)

Also CDI is moving into the TV realm on the heels of some licensing of films. I’ve been speaking with individuals who will be participating with this program and we will be announcing more on that in the coming weeks.

Time to refill the coffee cup and get on with the day. We are going up North for a Bday party and so I will unwind for a few hours. Sunday we have another Bday gathering . Other than these festivities I might go do some office organizing today/tomorrow and be ready for another great week ahead.

Happy Saturday to you all.