“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “Mexico

Now Streaming! DVD’s HOT GIFTS! – Updates

Good morning my friends, I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee on this wonderful Sunday. I want to welcome all our new readers from Mexico, Netherlands, India, Canada and more. I’m up good and early as I have a day that keeps moving right until bedtime. I had a very good week of organizing and getting things done. A few meetings and some additional winterizing. That is what we have to do here to prepare for the ice and snow. I fixed the fence gate and split wood by axe attacking a stack of logs this past week. I paid the price the next day of overworking. Stiff neck and lower back but I got those worked out. I had one day where I was moving half speed at best. But I will need to get those muscles working to get through the winter. The wood stove will need to keep the logs burning.

(Fellowship of filmmaking – Tony Hornus center with Travis (Left) and Cody (Rt) on set. )

The Christmas tree is up and this past week a few outside decorations went up. I do love the colored bulbs. I don’t enjoy traffic and crowded stores and try to go at off times. We have three family Christmas gatherings in a row and so I’ve been also being a little elf wrapping away. I have a few good meetings this week that will also be part celebration and planning for 2024.

(Coming together to tell stories – myself, Don Most (center) and Carl Weyant (Rt) director)

Yesterday, I want to recognize that a friend, family and mentor passed away a year ago yesterday. I’ll always remember because I was in Algona, Iowa for the premiere of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We had done a radio show on a very snowy morning. This friend was going to have a medical test done and his heart stopped. I got up from resting my eyes knowing we had a pre-party followed by the premiere and lastly an afterglow at the VFW. I awoke from my short nap to find out this horrible news. It was this town’s beautiful day and story. It almost felt like WHOville at Christmastime, so I kept this news mostly quiet. He was really interested in seeing this WW2 era story. Now, Dec 1st this year was our home video release and I once again recalled again how badly he wanted to see this new film. Dec 9th marked one year without him. He is greatly missed – Dan the Druid.

(Just some of the CDI Tribe – multigenerational – back right John McGraw has been with the tribe the longest of the folks in this pic save me)

* NOTE: I had just put my phone in my vest pocket – I’m not packing heat:)

Let’s look at some of the exciting updates this week.


  1. With the December 1st home video release of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA), years of work before shooting and a few since of premiere release came to an end. From the point financial backers entrust you there is a somber seriousness that goes along with that responsibility. I’ve noted before that due to several variables this film was one of the hardest ones to finish in many years. But, with the national release I can exhale.
  2. The SNIA pre-sales ranking for DVD’s on Amazon has stayed strong and we just got our November totals and it is our distributors top performing film. We had just shy of 3,000 people purchase the DVD as a keepsake or as a gift. Businesses purchasing for employees. Gifting DVD’s to nursing homes so that residents can enjoy the sights and sounds of an early day with a smile. Hospitals? Prisons? This true event film can truly lift the spirits. I am so appreciative of all the good folks who have watched and shared how special the film is. Especially those who have reviewed it on Amazon or http://www.imdb.com – we love to read about your experience watching this story and it encourages others to take a watch. Many of the film’s cast and crew have reached out to express their joy at being part of this film. Our kudos to all of you. Filmmaking is very hard work and many people don’t seem to grasp that. A huge effort of coordinating so many artists and variables. It just means so much to all of us to have everyone accept the film as they have. We make these stories for all of you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  3. A fan favorite is WILD FAITH, a family western, ah- mid-western. It just celebrated flying over the 8 million views mark at Encourage TV. (Free w/ ads search it out) They are just one of many platforms showcasing this and many of the CDI films. CDI even has their own playlist on Encourage TV. But with each passing year our fans for Wild Faith increase. We are still very interested in the TV series. We just have to align with the right partners. In 2024 we just must get all those pieces to line up. Persistence is one of my strengths.
  4. KNIGHT CHILLS, is the very first film by CDI. We started shooting in 1998 I believe bringing us to 25 years since camera rolled. I think our first major distribution was in 2001. The film is proudly back on the market as a Blu-Ray. If you or someone you know is into the ole fantasy role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons they would likely enjoy this film. BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17209379555681048587&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6
  5. 2024 should bring some new life to the KNIGHT CHILLS franchise. A sequel has been talked about for years with various interested filmmakers. A sequel? The video game? Book reissue? Merchandise? I have a good meeting on Monday where part of the discussions will be on Knight Chills.
  6. Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) updates- I had a great update with our director Carl Weyant, as he was heading to the airport to be with family. The film at the time of our discussion was just shy of 50 minutes edited and he said it was pretty damn tight. He was just so excited by the performances and the way the story all pulls together. Good script eh? 🙂 A teaser trailer and the film edit will be worked on and when Carl returns in January of 2024, we should have a rough edit to watch. Good talks with our composer have started but will become even more involved in 2024.
  7. Additional HIR– I’ll be working with Tony Hornus on looking to cast our (5) WW1 German reenacts to film our opening. We’ll also bringing back in David Reardon and Bejo Dohmen for our final shooting of our opening scene in Feb. if everything goes according to plan.

WRAP UP: I’m enjoying the Christmas season and thankful for the time with family and friends. I’ve been organizing and reflecting. I’ve been calling up old friends and associates to check in with them and share a laugh. I’ve been trying to recharge. Having something like ‘Silent Night in Algona’ get to market thus fulfilling my main responsibility. “Create the best art possible within the business perimeters and getting it to market.” From there, how it is received depends on the audience and the distributors.

Let’s talk on that a beat-

Many distributors are puppy mills for films. Horrible deals that will rob filmmakers versus develop and grow with them. Work smarter vs harder, I say. Distribute less content but ones worth more revenue via quality. Every major company that embraced its brand worked hard in customer service to build customer loyalty. They care about what people think of their company. CDI is like that. Many we do business with share that idea. I know our new Pepsi contact and team takes great pride in their brand(s).

Some exploitation distributors just wreck and rape, harsh word I know but a very good illustration when you look at how artists love their “child” films. Once the exploitive distributor ship has taken on too many legal hits they scuttle the company. So reputation of the distributor matters and I can attest that it can make a lot of difference between living in the past or future. A good partnership like what we just shared on the launch of ‘Silent Night in Algona’ is golden. To have a chance at creating something great it takes more effort versus just going through the motions. Having everyone aligned towards a common goal with content that is truly uplifting woven within a true story of goodness. In a world where we are reminded daily of senseless shootings and never ending wars, a film that gives HOPE is like gold.

To bring it full circle, the saying “you are wealthy by what you can give away, not what you have” is a powerful saying to ponder. When you’re giving to others you’re also living in a season of being blessed. Apply this to distribution – Once a distribution company has good content flowing in from fair development practices you will see great growth in the distribution branch. To grow yourself you must have healthy story providers. A company quickly gets known for the quality of their content. They can become greater than the sum of the parts/films if they choice wisely. CDI (www.cdiproductions.com) is also greater than the sum of the parts/films. A creative incubator – knights of the creative round table – tribeCDI THUNDERDOME! Okay. I need to back that down. But each film is a handcrafted piece of art made by many artists who care sincerely about storytelling. About legacy. I’m going to wrap it up now. I’m going to a memorial later and after spending time with my brother and a few friends. All our journeys will one day end here. Spend time with family and friends and keep expanding that circle of sincere. People don’t easily trust kindness. But people also feel/know sincere. That is a word I think I relate too. SINCERE. Now you can sincerely be a pain in the ass too. But I think I’m quite sincere in most all I do. Is a sincere effort same as best effort? I think if you give your best you are sincere in the effort. I will have to ponder and we’ll talk more about that on a different day.

Be sincere and good to one another. Until next week.

Coffee Cheers- DJ

Flow Like Water – The ‘TOP TEN’ Collective Development Inc. Updates!

A chilly Sunday in Michigan with a dusting of snow. I’m so ready to get on with spring and start to get things cleaned up from winter. But the arctic air is still flowing down and so it will be wood stove at the office again this week. I want to welcome our new readers from Mexico, China, Ireland and more. I am sipping the hazelnut coffee that is chasing some of the chill away. I’m looking forward to more gatherings around the fire pit or chilling on the office porch or patio. The grill is ready to get a good work out this year. I was working on cutting down some of the old hops vines to prepare for the new sprouts that will grow along the deck soon. I want to have a new deck built and so I’ve been looking at different styles. I also want to put in a new privacy fence but all takes planning, time and money. I’ve been enjoying indoor soccer on Tuesdays which is getting the rust off my touch and getting my running endurance back into shape. I’m exciting about some of the new training I’ve been doing and I’m enjoying the challenge. Just a slew of activities to participate in this new year while working on our film projects. Let’s look at some of the CDI film updates shall we?


  1. No fooling! The ‘DEEPFALL‘ music video “Revolution” is completed and will release April 1st and I encourage you to take a watch/listen. Here is the link where it will launch. https://youtu.be/xtlc7GQvr70 Produced by Collective Development Inc. it was posted by Weyant Alliance with Carl Weyant directing and editing. We will be looking to produce more music videos moving forward. If you have a band and a budget please do reach out and let us help take your exposure to the next level.
  2. BEST YEARS GONE – There is talk of moving the DVD/streaming purchase date to July 5th the day after the 4th of July celebrations versus June 5th. A miscommunication over a surround sound mix issue caused a slight hold up and now marketing might play better capturing the fireworks of the week. The film also announced that it has been nominated for ‘Best Comedy‘ at the BareBones International Music and Film Festival. Between this and the London-based Maverick Film Fest which we won, it tells me UK and Oklahoma both have great taste in humor. (Just kidding) We hope people all over the world enjoy this fun thought-provoking and yes, funny story. I am a tad disappointed in the push but only because I’m excited for people around the globe to laugh along. But if you need your dose of CDI sooner we have a few other releases.
  3. The thriller BESTSELLER, is an adaptation of the book by Chris Knight. CDI was brought in to access and reboot a failed start by another producer group. Again, when you get an investor to say YES, a slight toast to the hard work to that point is fine, but the real hard work lies ahead. The execution and completion of the film is no easy task and therein lies the fact despite what I may think creatively of a film I watch by my peers – you are in a new club of doers just by finishing. For the rough start that this film had, the reboot was really a good experience. We re-shot everything and kept maybe 5% of the original cast and crew moving forward. I did not what to get the reputation of being “the fixer” as that is still reactionary versus a properly prepped endeavor. So we re-shot the entire film and I really love the vibe that we absorbed into this footage. BESTSELLER is our closet nod to date to a ‘Hitchcock’ film. Melissa Anschutz (CDI producer/actress) gives intensity acting lessons, taking viewers all over the emotional spectrum showcasing once again her leading lady status. This film is a contender for INTENSITY for myself, in good company with films like DEADLY RENOVATION, THE 8th PLAGUE, MBF or WICKED SPRING. What do you think? Have you seen all these films? Let me know and prepare to enjoy BESTSELLER releasing in May!
  4. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH has signed its distribution deal with DESKPOP ENTERTAINMENT and will start the delivery of assets so we can get home video release dates assigned. We are also in talks with several parties about setting up the premiere in Las Vegas. More on that soon!
  5. Our efforts on the tv series spin-off of WILD FAITH, Wild Faith: Hastings continues on with a few new submissions and discussions. This project has tens of millions that have enjoyed the feature and we’re working hard to give audiences the on-going adventures. We have eight scripts locked and loaded and folks are really enjoying them. Your favorite characters will continue to tell their stories with plenty of new characters to enjoy as well. Follow along as we push to get these added stories told at https://www.facebook.com/WildFaithHastingstvseries
  6. Help us keep creating a holiday tradition by starting a yearly watch of THE QUEST TRILOGY. Our three interlinking stories (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer) explore some deep seated questions with a unique perspective that also takes into account the angelic community. Please do consider taking a watch with your loved ones. With the inspiration behind the “look” of the trilogy being the original three Star Wars films, it is a unique take to be experienced. Between the three films also lies some of our composer Dennis Therrian’s best work. Let me know your thoughts on these films.
  7. KNIGHT CHILLS – CDI’s maiden picture about a dungeons and dragons like game gone wrong has stayed in the pop culture since the 90’s. The film will be getting a streaming release and a new BluRay deal is in the works. Also I’ve seen the first version of “Sir Kallio” being developed for the Knight Chills video game. The sequel has been in serious talks for several year. Part of it is finding the right team for what was CDI’s first. This new team has to have the same passion we all did on the first one. Good things lie ahead including merchandise for this oldie but goodie.
  8. I’ve been getting some kind notes from folks having watched MAN’S BEST FRIEND and LOST HEART, thank you. These two films are both real thought provokers. MBF is a bit heavier in tone where Lost Heart has moments of straight up comedy woven throughout it. Have you seen either of them? Which is your cup of tea? Let me know.
  9. SMOKE & MIRRORS – Love this short that we held over for a year during Covid. We’re looking for a few horror events to showcase our turn of the century (steam punk) proof of concept culled from my feature script. David Gries and Melissa Anschutz are awesome as the film’s leads. I had a blast acting in this one and I do see the full feature getting made in good time.
  10. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – This film was many years in the making. But I’ve found that stories almost have a life of their own. They sometimes happen when they are needed to happen. We had no way of knowing the coming of this new war but our story is so relevant. It has some themes and topics that will really ring true with people. We are working hard to get a locked picture allowing music and sound design to begin. Aside from the main work flow (currently editing) we are editing a teaser trailer. This will be a first look at the story we all worked hard to tell. A chance to see some of the characters come to life for the first time on screen. To say I’m excited would be an understatement. But I also see so many of you excited as well. Follow us along at https://www.facebook.com/SNIAmovie for all the latest updates!

We ended the week with a recap and toast. We faced a Covid crisis and now we face all the fall out from unrest in the world. But we at CDI are committed to keeping something constant – the storytelling. I’m so appreciative to all our backers who choose to assist in creating versus hating or getting swallowed by the daily negativity. I believe our stories speak right to the hearts, minds and souls of audiences. In a world where effective communication is at an all time low – we need the stories. CDI is a tribe of amazing doers and we will keep doing our thing. We will keep building the new HOT ROD LOVE and our other developmental properties, while toasting and pushing our successes now coming to market. CDI is still not operating at its most efficient as a production company since we could be producing every quarter of the year but right now funding slows things. I had to check myself recently because I’m normally very good at keeping 10-100 steps back from an endeavor allowing me to keep the proper perspective. It allows me to see what others cannot, gaining patience by faith. The faith that all the prioritized “day to day” tasks completed will add up to greater overall things. I got close to another big deal that’s still evolving and developing alongside a few equally exciting opportunities, but I started to allow my desired timeline to conflict with the flow of the river. Wade out into a river and try to stop the flow. Your frustration will arise and your patience can easily erode but…step out onto the river’s band. You can see the flow. Drop in a few rocks and you can change the flow. Flow like water – ah Bruce Lee. Patience is restored – flow and get there when you get there. If you are working hard it will happen in its time. Okay. I’m going to get a few Sunday things done here and I want to thank you all for stopping by and taking a read. Subscribe and feel free to drop me any feedback. Have a great week and be good to one another.


Early Scoop on Spring CDI Endeavors – 2021

(Last week my CoStar Erika Hoveland had a bday! Such a joy to work with her. I look forward to working with more Michigan talent)

Spring is in the air as the milder winds have found their way to Michigan. But the warm hazelnut coffee still hits the spot. We had a lot of readers stop by from all over the world last week. Mexico, Canada, UK, France…actually about a dozen countries were represented. Last week we talked about actors helping actors but the real take away is to be ready. Is there still things you can do? Better pis, updated resume, cover letter, fix broken links, updated reels and the list goes on. Many people like to look at what is outside their control versus what is inside their control.

Part of my week was getting end of year tax stuff organized so all that can be paid. Many people do their own taxes but I’ve always used a tax expert. With all the 1099’s, K1’s and more it is best to have that expert hand in matters. But that is all almost done and it will be onto the new business of 2021. We are always working to improve the flow and so that process continues. We’ve been updating the http://www.cdiproductions.com website. You can now go to Encourage TV streaming and merchandise is appearing weekly with Graham Turner overseeing that aspect. I know that a new BEST YEARS GONE auto sticker collection is now for sale. What will be next? Check it out.


BEST YEARS GONE – the next cut of the film is being worked by our director and editor. I know that we’ve started looking at some VFX and stock footage required. The Battle of the Bands endeavor is almost ready to reveal. It will be a worldwide look at original music but artists willing to showcase their music in the film. In return they will also get a music video shot using footage from the movie. I’m excited for an official trailer after the great response from the BTS footage. We might get a few new pics to roll out to audiences also. So many great things happening with this movie. Click below to read the story again about shooting and to see the behind the scenes video.

LOST HEART – the film is closing on 230k views on Encourage TV and I’m told is going strong at TUBI and other platforms. More interviews keep rolling out and I see some festival play ahead for the film. BIGFOOT, UFO’s and JESUS would be a great tagline. I would love to see some art work that plays to these other fun and exciting aspects of this film. If you have not seen this film treat yourself. I would love to hear your thoughts via IMDB.com or our Amazon.com page.

MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – Another fine story that centers on wounded warriors and service dogs. On Encourage TV we are closing in on our 1st million views. Same as above, if you haven’t seen this film do yourself a favor and do so.

WILD FAITH/HASTINGS – Our pilot feature topped 4 million views on Encourage TV and has been pulling the views from platforms all over. The TV series is being looked at by a few networks and we are working to move this forward. We have 8 shows in the first season and I’m excited to see us re-visit Michigan in the 1870’s! What am I going to say? If you haven’t seen Wild Faith, please do, and see what you’ve been missing. A teaser poster for ‘Hastings’ is on my list.

THE QUEST TRILOGY is playing in full force with Easter right around the corner. So make the trilogy part of your tradition. Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer – enjoy! If you want an intelligent, insightful look into these stories without it being cliche’ please do take a watch. Pureflix is doing a push with them but I’m sure they can be seen on many platforms.

We do have some development underway with our distributor that could mean some exciting things for a few of the titles. Some of this is SD films converting to HD and some being conformed to letterbox for modern viewing. We might have a few special Blu Ray deals coming together. Our Catch-Can documentary is filming as I type. Our director Curran Jacobs just captured the Mid Weight World Champion title last night also, congrats! I see a teaser being cut for this doc and I can have some distribution talks after that happens. Curran is also one of our newly announced leads on “Silent Night in Algona” shooting later this year.

An old 16mm film we shot back in the day THE FLOCK got a new poster for IMDB thanks to the director John Regan.

This week we’ll be moving forward on many of these endeavors. We’ll be announcing our moving forward with “Silent Night in Algona” with the announcement of a few more cast members. Location breakdowns will allow us to begin grouping scenes before turning to Nate Robertson to schedule. The Battle of the Band contest will roll out around March 1st as will close upon our locked picture. Aside from that I’m preparing for Spring clean up around the yard once this snow fully retreats. I think this year we will be leaning even more into the chicken endeavor. We’ll still grow some veggies but the fenced in garden area will have double purpose. I’m also looking at an outside gazebo so some back yard breezy-time can happen. Fencing, deck update and more are on my list. Let’s see how that all goes. I’m going to get at a few things including watching MSU play this afternoon. I hope you all have a productive week ahead!

Be good to one another.


Seven Updates and Some Past Week Pondering

(Last day on ‘Lost Heart,’ I was wrapped and spent the night working with craft service)

Ahhhhhhhh….chilly Michigan morning coffee sip. I’m enjoying the hazelnut coffee as I prepare to make some sort of attempt to describe this past week. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Last week I wrote on UNITY and that was a big hit. I’m a storyteller who loves to enrich audience’s life by entertainment and sometimes enlightenment. I have found that the story is one of the most effective ways to communicate. When people have conversation following a good piece of art it invokes meaningful dialog. People from all walks of life can come together and discuss the final show of The Mandalorian and debate themes, topics and differences. But they’re all united in their common love of Star Wars. In politics they should all be united in their love of our American system.

My belief is that both parties for decades now have drifted further from highlighting, promoting and pushing their party platforms and closer to no-holds barred character assassination. This includes trying to control how things are framed, presented and digested by the public. The reporters of days gone became known because they did not try nor want to be the stars, the story. But some due to their humble-approach, did become stars. Now we live in a time when people want to be “influencers” – what? We influence daily with our actions, words and deeds. I’ve seen the thirst for fame in these people and so the stories drift towards their opinions hammering the narrative to meet their goals. And where is the faith in the respected platforms? Faith that the masses will see the good in the endeavors and chose to back this person, party, platform. But some don’t have confidence in their platform and so they try to pitch, readjust, reframe a platform attempting to catch as much support as possible.

Example: Why is John Deere tractor better than Brand B

Just highlight the positives of what you are selling. No need to hammer brand B’s product customers will see this difference if it truly exists in terms of quality and performance.

Why should politics operate any differently? If you create the better product, better price point, better performance – you will never need to engage in cutting someone else’s rope short.

When I set out to make a movie, I don’t waste energy trashing anyone’s film – I just work towards making a successful story of quality. If I was running for an office I would not waste time tearing down an political opponent, I would just draw people to my platform.

Brand B tractor is a fine tractor but we at John Deere feel that we offer the better product and here is our list of why… but the cheap shots I’ve seen from both parties firing back and forth over the years, shows weakness in their stance. This weakening is what allowed a businessman with no real political experience to land in office. Running a corporation is very different because the power aligns with accountability. Our government is a system of checks and balances. It requires respectful communication and cooperation between the parties. This lack of – created a vacuum for someone from the outside to step in. Things happen much different in the two worlds and we saw many attempts at actions over four years that were deemed not legal in their process. Courts knocked it down and PR blame games took over. I joked we needed a good UFO attack to unify the world. We got a virus instead. This put the old HEALTH VS PROFIT question front and center. They need to flow together as one and not be positioned in confrontation. Healthy, long-living people can spend longer creating more on-going profit. But the medical system in the west has been reactionary vs preventative for a good long time. It is slowly changing and the unified collaboration of data and research is what allowed a quick ramp up on a vaccine. It was done quickly because PROFIT was set aside although the companies will profit. But best was the shared data to help deal with a health crisis facing us all. Can the world please tackle cancer next and be done with that horrible disease? If the cancer numbers had been highlighted and the spirit of collaboration embraced maybe it too would be a thing of the past.

Let’s focus on collaboration. What I see with social media and wall-debates is everyone feels a need to win vs lose and to gloat on that win. Lobbying to try and gather unanimous support vs same side of the table negotiations, talks, understandings.. Harsh ridicule used to drown out or squash any outside opinions but with no discussions. Unwilling to listen is the greatest form of disrespect. This also sounds like many organizations in their unwillingness. In science they have a process to drive towards truth but many outsiders have also been silenced by academic arrogance. Religion? Too many times to count. When I speak on religion I don’t cast any stones at divinity but at man-made institutions. Man-Made – If women want to jump on that bandwagon of also corrupting their institutions, please have at it. BALANCE should be the goal. We all have shared needs and concerns and we have different needs and concerns. I always think that the concerns of a person living on the Southern boarder of Mexico in Yuma, AZ will be very different from someone in Michigan. To find those common things that provide a mutual foundation and to take turns addressing concerns. I have seen HATE, not just dislike but HATE from people. Every time I see hate even pointing out something meaningful, I feel sorrow because that person is sick. Hate is a sickness. It starts with self-hate and preys on all the fears within us. If you hatefully denounce hate, you are still poisoning yourself. I see sickness all around which is why the positive fan mail from our stories have been rays of light. Our stories combat hate with love and leave some temporarily healthy, free of poison. This is only until the next projection of hate from that person and it builds. Unless habits are changed…HOPE.

For the record, I think protests often breed poison if the leadership is weak. They start with words crying of unjust but often turn to poison in one’s own mouth. Watching a group of extremists who wanted to win their position at all costs, clearly demonstrated their uncaring position about balance. I’m still greatly saddened to see the way sacred halls were turned into a scene like ‘Cedar Fest’ after MSU lost a big game. These turned into mobs of people burning things and being unruly. Again, someone lost the big game. And by their actions we all lost, because our character was tarnished. But our character on the world stage was being tarnished by those we elected with their on-going actions. We all have much in common and if the elected people cannot find those bridges and take turns making each other’s priorities something to discuss and enhance, maybe the wrong people were elected. But people can change…

I saw the political bodies House and Congress united in fear and renewed purpose finish their work. Even the most ambitious-party minded politicians had to ask themself what was/is their real “purpose” in service. Now I was looking for that UFO invasion but what we got was an invasion on our process of democracy. I watched some of the most sincere words come from the mouths of people where I had only heard negativity and blame previously. I saw a unity that did not exist 24 hours earlier. Now this unity was not the intent I’m sure but it will likely be the result. It has caused all Americans to sit back and re-examine much like the Covid virus. I think that many never slow down enough to truly ponder and Covid did that. Now we can ponder the past week’s actions. I hope that I never witness such poisoned individuals rabid with hate but I know that is unlikely. It will only get better when we all get tired of the taste of poison hate and seek the sweetest of love and listening.

All this writing and I have not yet got into any film updates. I know that many don’t want any views from their entertainers and I’m often one of those people. As a screenwriter and artists I like to observe, seeking to experience the event from all sides. To question why things happen. I cannot say what tomorrow will bring. But I can control my thoughts, action and deeds and keep the poison from my mouth. I feel bad for the sick wrought with hate. Start a change with what you can control – YOU.

  1. BEST YEARS GONE – The 1st edit is done and it’s being polished so we can take a watch end of this coming week. The reports from editing has been very encouraging with the story, acting and execution of the story being hailed. This all done in a small break during the Covid lock downs.
  2. We are going to launch a ‘Best Years Gone’ Battle of the Bands to give one artist(s) a chance to have their song in the soundtrack plus be involved in a music video.
  3. Merchandise for CDI films has been in development and will be making a big jump in 2021. Stay tune to http://www.cdiproductions.com for updates – SUBSCRIBE TO THE TRIBE!
  4. As LOST HEART continues to expand in viewership here is an other PR article that I’m proud of because it really highlights the script. That is the issue with so many projects is they lack a powerful script that says something. http://m.digitaljournal.com/entertainment/entertainment/happy-days-star-don-most-opens-up-about-lost-heart-film/article/583626
  5. I love the time and process put into doing the final WRITER and DIRECTOR polish on the ‘SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA‘ script. Tony Hornus (MBF) and I spent 4-5 hours each day last week to go through every line of the script. To discuss each and every scene and motivation. We get to have advance discussions about what will be needed in production. We likely have one more day of work on it – maybe two.
  6. HASTINGS Tv show which is a spin off from WILD FAITH is being read show by show by some of the actors and proposed directors. Those reading the shows are expressing their joy in them. Shane Hagedorn star and one of the series directors said, “The shows are about being good to one another.” Sounds like something we could use. I’m in talks with several parties and I think this series is a matter of when not if.
  7. As we start the drive towards Easter season I hope people will take the time to watch THE QUEST TRILOGY. These are not preachy and propose an interesting perspective for seekers who might not align with the mainstream organized religious bodies. That is not to say that the various organizations haven’t enjoyed them as they all were nominated as ‘Most Inspirational’ winning twice but they were not created in a bubble. They relate very well to the world and I think the films have as many fans coming from a non-religious place. I’ve said it many times that you could be from a totally different faith from Christianity and still enjoy the films. Take a watch and see for yourself (Part 1 Forty Nights, Part 2 Chasing the Star, Part 3 The Christ Slayer)

Okay I could go on about a few more updates but it is noon and I have things to do. Several of the films can be seen free on Amazon Prime, Encourage TV: Youtube and more so enjoy a few of the stories and please do let me know what you think.

Be good to one another.


UPDATES: Pre-Production, Post Production and Everything In-Between


The hazelnut coffee is here beside me on another beautiful day in Michigan. Let me again start by thanking all the readers we have in our artists circle. Here are just a few from last week –

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This past week I had some of my first in-person meetings over CDI merchandise which will be “COLLECTIVE COLLECTABLES” and over a new documentary film CDI is assisting in producing. Also this week I did some major yard upgrades which included power washing and staining the deck. I love to work out there on nice days and today we’re having the mothers over for a first cookout. The yard is all trimmed up and cut and I will be adding some privacy screening this coming week. Also we’ve entered my Bday month – the countdown to the 23rd. It will be a good month as many wonderful updates are unfolding. Let’s take a look.


LOST HEART – The music and sound design is almost done and we’ll be starting to mix. VFX and color correction should also be almost done. We’ve been slowed a touch by weeks of not being in the same room/studio. The film is just the right amount of funny comedy and inspirational drama. I think they want an early fall release which means we might do a theatrical or I hope…a drive in run! How fun would that be and it was a goal prior to all this virus stuff. Along with Roanoke’s music we’ll have some music contributions from a very famous musical family. More on that soon. Plus we might have a great uncredited cameo:) Just so much fun with this film.


BEST YEARS GONE – So much fun we are about to do it all again. We announced last week the addition of Victoria Jackson to the project making this the second time she has joined the CDI family. The film also has a layer of small town race car culture in it. Director Shane Hagedorn and I have been tweaking some dialog to reflect that. We once again have some really cool cars that will play into the film. I’ve started dealing with sponsors for the film and we’ll start announcing those also. We’re aiming to roll cameras in August and right now we are looking at clearing those dates. We’ll still be making some major forthcoming announcements on cast. This film will be a fun one for sure! Find our Facebook page and follow us along.


THE QUEST TRILOGY – The films are marching forward into new territories. South Korea looks to be next following Mexico, Brazil and Latin America.  So audiences will continue to adventure with FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. These films can be enjoyed by anyone and are surely to create discussion and dialog.


MAN’S BEST FRIEND – This beautiful film was recognized with nominations by the International Christian Film Festival for screenplay, filmmaking, most inspirational and I was nominated for an actor award for playing Paul. I did not watch the online awards so not sure if we won anything or not but it was an honor to be recognized. I hope we can attend at least one festival this year but we will have to see what opens up. Again if you have not seen this film please do. It has some powerful themes in it and will surely move you.

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WILD FAITH – In a time of much strife I’ve been pleased to get so much positive response to this film with racial harmony at the heart of it. I’ve gotten some great fan mail from people around the country who are drinking in this film and the truth it lies out. Nothing is forced but it effectively illustrates that knowing and understanding go hand in hand. We are working to bring this world to audiences as a TV show. Just working on the financial part which is always the hardest. Take a watch and let me know if you see a TV show in there.


This past week also included investor dispersement on certain films. Also putting a new batch of actor residuals in motion which most will see just in time for Christmas when the union sends them forward. We’re putting materials together on our 2021 WW2 drama and excited about that. I have a few new proposals to help produce other projects that will come with their own money. But even those need to be weighed out because they all take time.

I hope everyone out there stays safe as we re-open and start to interact once again. As you move out into the world do so with a new found appreciation of one another. Allow people to have different opinion and ideas. Try to communicate better and also learn to listen. A common middle ground is what most will need to find as the world moves forward. The attitude of all or nothing is not exactly reasonable as the world is not black and white but a great spectrum of colors that flows between. The GOLDEN RULE of do unto others as you would have them do unto you, would work well as a guiding principal.

Be good to one another.




Coffee Cheers – Wine Making, Lost Heart, Best Years Gone…and more


Welcome new readers from France, China and South India – welcome to our circle of artists. I’ve got my hazelnut coffee here beside me and I’m ready to discuss some activities from the week. For starts I’ve been exploring an upgrade to my account so that I can have some control over the ads. If they are going to be here they might as well be things that pertain to what we all do. I’m also looking at reviewing a few items here and there and such. But let’s look at some of the highlights of the week.


NATURE – This is something that most artists already know but a healthy connect to nature is a secret. The property is a natural garden of sorts. We are prepping to start the garden up with strawberries and rhubarb already showing. Apple blossoms and mulberry buds starting. I planted a hill of beans and some onions. I see the first of the ink tip mushrooms but no morels as of yet. Last night I did my first cooking of dandelions. If you read up they are all edible and full of nutrition. I cold washed and in a pan cooked them down in red cooking wine and garlic. I stirred in a few almond slices also and…bitter. I ate a few good bites and you could get use to it and I think longer cooking could reduce bitterness. Also different spices may help.


I harvested the roots that I like for tea but I will need to work on my cooking of the greens. I’m reading on the wine process. I’ve drank dandelion wine but never made it. I might try dandelion, rhubarb and black raspberry wine. Add a little home grown hops which is already going gangbusters. The last wine the GRAPE APE was well received so I’m planning the next wine. Same with beer as I’ve got a new Irish Porter I think to try and make. The beer always goes fast (vikings:) but the wine does also pending the company. So my days find balance with some yard work. Try it and you will find that your days will be much more balanced.



OFFICE ZEN – I’ve been using this time to deep clean and organize the office fort. It’s been great fun to walk down the lane remembering all the trials and tribulations of the artistic journey. I’ve noted that our endeavors have paid out millions to artists on both sides of the camera and the support industries. I’ve found great pictures and promotion from films past.

I think in light of everything in the world virus-like – I will be adding an outdoor pergola and seating/meeting area to the office. I’ve been looking for a while. A few more tree trims and maybe an improved property fence.  For my fellow producers I will likely be installing a boost, extender…to enhance office internet. I like it low tech as that is where minds meet before going off into our tech-ridden world. I’ve been having lots of phone meetings and much has been getting done. We have some exciting projects in development and others about to be completed. Let’s talk movies.

90014352_10157767726050306_8951653001047572480_n The fan mail keeps coming and the films continue to sell deeper and deeper into the world market. Mexico, Brazil and much of Latin America has gone on a ‘quest’ watching THE QUEST TRILOGY.

Audiences young and old are traveling to 1870’s Michigan with Emmett, Haddie, Grace, Henry and Uncle McKinney in WILD FAITH.

Viewers have cried and cheered with Paul Landings in MAN’S BEST FRIEND. And the cautionary tale of ASHES OF EDEN pushes out an important message.

During these times our artists are proud to give you inspiration, hope, distraction and direction. Thank you so very much!


LOST HEART  – VFX, Color Correction, Credits and sound design are underway. The music is nearly done and marketing with the distributor is being conducted. Long time collaborator Dennis Therrian is again composing a wonderful soundtrack. We might have a few guests joining the band Roanoke.  DVD artwork is almost complete and we’re all very excited to share this story with you.


I will discuss one thing I’ve seen a ‘trend’ with and that is minimizing front credits. I’ve had multiple directors push to get to the story unhindered by credits. I don’t agree. While directors have gotten more powerful in Hollywood and can push for such things we play in the indie world where I stand by the fact that I’ve never paid an artist what they are truly worth. I can’t because some of them, most of them are beyond a price tag. What we can do is honor some of the main artists contributing and complete that journey with end credits. I don’t like on TV when they speed those end credits up but networks are dealing with time slots only. I see the opening of the film as a slow slip into our created world. The kudos of credits that slide across the screen give added appreciation. So my taste in music, my style of dress and my general interests may never be ‘trending’ or trendy but I am okay with that. I’m a touch old school and I admit it. I love the slower pacing of classic films. I enjoy black and white classic Hollywood films that played at my grandma’s pretty much 24/7 save when Law and Order was on:)  Maybe one day those like me holding onto a non-trendy, through-back storytelling will be GONE WITH THE WIND (My other grandma’s favorite) but until that point – stay classy.


BEST YEARS GONE – I’ve had some interesting talks with our next project. This week we chatted with actress Cindy Williams who did a small bit for LOST HEART. We were looking to bring her in a bit more to the CDI family and will if scheduling permits. Once the storm lifts and productions can move ahead it might be like the wagons in the gold rush. Or some endeavors may have suffered from the economic hardships. Luckily, our ship sits in the harbor stocked up and ready to sail. STORM: 45 is what we’ve been calling this operation. Someone suggested it was a good name for a WW2 film. Simply it means that 45 days from the storm of regulation passing we’ll move forward with a safe game plan. Like many we’ve already been focusing on all this as well as doing prep work. Scheduling, shot lists and soon zoom actor reads will be enacted.



This week we’ll be announcing a few more of our actors. We’ve got a pair of twins co-starring in the story. For those roles we’ve looked at reads from across the country. I’m happy to say that we found our twins and they are going to be wonderful collaborators in our film. You can see them up above. To find out who they are join our BEST YEARS GONE Facebook page tomorrow.


and remember to ‘Subscribe to the Tribe’

at http://www.cdiproductions.com

It is funny that someone mentioned WW2 film in reference to STORM 45. The big 2021 film is going to be a WW2 film directed by Anthony Hornus. It will be his follow up to MAN’S BEST FRIEND. We’re about to launch a national casting for the young lead in the film. We’ve been putting the business together behind the project and it looks like the first half of the financing is about to fall into place. I’m looking forward to storytelling in this time period. Maybe our secret code word will be Storm 45. Ok. That’s already taken so for now ‘Untitled Anthony Hornus WW2 film‘ will just have to work. We are also looking for German actors and actors capable of speaking German. Be honest with those resumes and special skills;)

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This TV series is gaining momentum. We had talks with our distributor and a few 3rd parties either about finance or licensing. Every month our fans of the Murphy family and the zany characters of ‘Hastings’ grows. Some of the larger licensors of WILD FAITH will be approached on pre-licensing commits but I think it will only be a matter of time. In a perfect world this would land after BEST YEARS GONE and before the WW2 film. This is not a perfect world but we have a lot of creative folks and will adapt as needed. The first season will be 8 shows. I think audiences will really love to learn more about these deeply evolving characters in a changing world.

In thought

We have development on animated features, documentary films and several features in development. I personally am also excited that I’ve gotten to do some writing on my SciFi script. We’ve got a few great ‘space/technology’ consultants and some concept art is being working upon. Merchandise of various sorts and expanding services will be developing as more artist join the CDI Tribe. I’ve been using this time to plan the next 10 years for CDI. We have a clear path and I’m excited to see what is produced under the flag. I’m going to wrap this up and get to some outdoor tasks.

Be good to one another! Coffee Cheers.


SPRING Updates – Looking Ahead!


I’m sitting here sipping my hazelnut coffee in my Oswald’s Bear Ranch cup. We were planning another UP Michigan trip when all this virus stuff erupted. Now we spent a good amount of time discussing that last week and so I’m not going to hammer that this week. In Michigan we have had our stay extended for two weeks. I’ll just call it confinement for all the things in my youth I got away with. Again it was a wonderful week of organizing, personal and biz calls and getting things done. Let’s start with our next film up – BEST YEARS GONE.


This week we’ll load in the last financial piece and we’ll be all ready to sail once the storm passes. We’ve got a new schedule to review and I’m putting some fine tuning to the budget now that our day-of-days is more defined. We’re announcing more of our crew and cast and preparing to do a few ZOOM script reads. Shot lists are being prepared and I for one will be ready to get out and tell another story.


I had some productive talks with our distributor and we’re already looking at marketing for the immediate and the year ahead. The Quest Trilogy has been playing strong during the holiday window which runs after Halloween on the run up to Thanksgiving through Easter. Many new countries like Mexico, Brazil and more have enjoyed our three biblical adventures. We spoke of them cutting a great TRILOGY trailer for the next ‘holiday’ season.

Faithful Always

NOTE: I also had the pleasure of watching Douglas James Vail’s new film 40: The Temptation of Christ – that also imagines the 40 days of Jesus in the desert. I enjoyed their beautiful locations, camera work and the unique way they handled the temptations. Take a watch if you enjoy these stories.


LOST HEART is just finishing up music and will be turning to sound design this last month before we mix, master and deliver. There is going to be a big need for new content so I think we’ll get a good push with this story. We might have a few other surprises when it comes to this film. This week ahead the distributor is working to lock up DVD wrap art. I would guess we’ll see pre-sales start after a while but we’ll see if we do any exclusive TV runs first. I’m excited to put this fun, heartfelt movie out into the marketplace. – Soon.

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The film is gathering fans as the distribution keeps getting deeper. Meanwhile we continue to have promising discussions on the TV series. If you have not seen the film please do and let me know your thoughts on a TV series. Like all the films, I had some fan mail on this film talking about the power of the themes and how nice it was to spend time in a world more simple.


MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND is also making the rounds thanks to all you fans out there. The reviews and word of mouth keeps growing our audience. I’m so excited that this film is making people ponder and discuss the topics. So watch with your family including the furry ones. As with any of the films just google the film in quotes and it will show where you can buy the DVD or watch the film. Again a big salute to all our service men and women who serve.


At this time my thoughts are with all our family and friends and we all look forward to sharing a few in-person laughs. Soccer season is approaching and I’m in hopes that we can still enjoy that. The blossoms are starting to bloom on the newly trimmed apple and mulberry trees. The hops and rhubarb are also starting to get some size and that is fun to watch. I’m going to use this nice day to get some more outdoor tasks completed. I hope you all have a wonderful week and be safe!






Love vs Fear – And Film Updates:)


Good morning. The sun is shining and the buds are blooming on the apple and mulberry trees. The first sprouts of rhubarb are poking their way up also. I hope all my fellow artists and friends are getting by during this challenge. I still think it some ways that the alien UFO attack still might have been better than this virus. We had a short time where politics disappeared and people just focused on solutions versus blame. It is a unifying event by the threat but it has kept many of us separate from loved ones. This has caused some emotional and some financial pains – understandable. What disappointed me this week was the rise in division again. Here is the thing…


I went to Northwestern Elementary School, Otto Middle School and Sexton High School. It is in Lansing’s public school system and before any right to choose. I believe given a choice many out of fear will choose to remain apart. Divided by race, creed, financial status or any number of things. I think going to public schools was one of the best things ever for me. The real world has divisions but many more sectors that cross over. Why? Because at the heart of it we all have hopes, dreams, fears and we all are born and will die. I’ve always enjoyed the diversity of my friendships. If someone was really in life threatening danger I would work to save them. It would not matter the color of their skin, how they were dressed, who they vote for, how they worship or where they call home. You could be wearing a BERNIE tee shirt or a MAGA hat, it doesn’t matter. I would try to save you. Those that think they are different when understand on their last few breaths that they are not. We are all the same. How we appreciate the life we have and those we share it with varies I’m sure.


We are seeing the best of who we are in some of those working front lines to contain this virus. Where it came from? Misuse of nature or manipulation of the nature order of things, doesn’t matter. Blaming? Why? The mild differences between the way we feel on certain topics is made worse by these extreme situations. We are seeing love and hate – but know hate comes from fear. To love takes courage because of the fear of losing it and feeling pain beyond our control. A dear friend lost EVERYTHING in a house fire but gained a perspective and newfound appreciation for life that could only come by walking through that pain.


We are walking through that pain. My sincere hope is that we gain that new insight to respect and appreciation. This is all someone else’s issue until you suffer a loss or the fear of that loss. In my business I have to make decisions all the time and some that are not always met with full agreement. But the ones held accountable are trying to do their best they can. When people see my name listed above theirs it doesn’t make me more powerful just more accountable. And in politics we have opposing sides who no longer play by gentlemen rules. (gentleladies too) If you misstep and we all do, they will use that against you. That is why many would rather be over-protective vs under protective but with the economical issues that will be politically weaponized it is unfortunately a lose-lose situation.   Know that deep down nobody wants death nor financial ruin and how to navigate that path is not a perfect science. Sometimes you need to get outside the emotional storm. Fear vs Fear is what we’re seeing.


If you have a horrific car crash and are trapped in a burning vehicle you would not deny help if the person has different color skin, wears turban or Trump hat, is gay or prays on a mat facing East…you would accept the help. All I’m saying is, don’t be a bitch to fear. Now I’m a person who listens to people in the medical field not the political. I mean we all listen because they spend so much to try and grab our attention. They are just numbers until it is personal. How many would willingly accept a business set back if it meant saving the life of someone they loved, a mother, father, sibling, child? If someone close to you gets sick you will likely suffer that financial set back in some way anyhow. So let those accountable do their job and no matter how they do it I know people will face criticism. As a boss or employee, parent or child and definitely as artists we all face that. Because some people hold up their identity by going against the grain. Trolls on the internet. Gossipers in social circles. Art critics. We will get past all this and I hope your loved ones come out safe. Some unfortunately will not. But how many friendships will be damaged by the negativity once we get to the other side? I love all my friends and their priorities on various topics don’t change that. I am often disappointed by actions I see but I too have disappointed people.  Hence forgiveness. I hope many of you forgive one another after all this. That you know that all the irrational words, actions and deeds were done out of fear.

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I knew I was going to speak on some of the current topics above but was so happy to get an email this morning.


THE QUEST TRILOGY is now playing on one of the largest TV networks in Mexico. It might have further reach into Latin America I’m not sure. What I’m sure of is that millions of people are watching our stories. FORTY NIGHTS






On behalf of the entire CDI family of artists we hope the millions of new viewers take something positive from these stories and make they part of their traditional watchings.

I also want to thank all the fans of WILD FAITH and MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND the fan mail is appreciated. I’m just so happy that we can bring some entertainment and thought to our audiences.


We’re moving strong and I’m excited to see the soundtrack put to picture. This movie will be just the dose of happy that many need. I have more talks this coming week about the roll out of the film.


We announced some of our talented cast and crew last week.

Christine Mare

The ship stocked up even more this past week and we’ll be ready to roll when the storm passes. You can look us up on Facebook to follow the films or Collective Development Inc.  as a company. Our website http://www.cdiproductions.com is undergoing some updates. Including a subscription mailing list on the CDI site. We’ll be using that for future casting and crew calls and more. So take yourself over there and sign up to stay current.


Even this blog here is going to undergo some revamping in the next couple weeks.


I’ve had all kinds of great conversations- some personal and some business in the past weeks. Calls that maybe you were too tired to make after a long day of work. I don’t, can’t and won’t judge people as I don’t walk in their shoes. I would say do channel your energy into something positive. I’ve seen people type arguments longer than some college papers. These people could have written books, scripts, blogs but instead just throw names and negativity back and forth. I’ve actually gotten a lot of writing done and will complete much more. Some of these writings will become future stories and some will be sold. What is the return on your writings? Loss of friendships? High blood pressure? Lack of sleep?  Undeserved venting at those closest to you? Again I never claimed to be the greatest artist or any of that cocky nonsense. But I do outwork a majority of people. Not just in quantity of the work for the quality. How productive? Which projects did you put energy behind? Just evaluate and see if you can increase your peace of mind. I probably spent 15-18 hours a week in personal meetings before all this. I’ve been using all that extra time to be better prepared. And amazing opportunities continue to develop behind steady development work. There is no short cut.


A beautiful pick by artist Jeff Butler

I’m going to go work in the yard and do some grilling today. Keep your chin up and stay busy with positive things that make you feel accomplished at the end of your day. Know that accomplished tasks which could be just reconnecting with a few people from your circle, can do wonders for yourself. Until next week be good to one another. Coffee cheers!





Welcome JUNE 2019 – Updates

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June has just started and it has been unnaturally chilly and very wet with several storms passing through the last month. The yard is bursting to life with growth and soon berry season will be upon us. I’ve been harvesting rhubarb for wine-making and I think it is time to bottle the HOPPY GRAPE APE wine I made last season. I look forward to sharing some wine in the months ahead. I’ve been enjoying our soccer season and although most of the games have been wet and rainy I’m having great fun. I’ll keep working on the yard that is again the target for a returning woodchuck I named ‘Dig Dug’ 🙂 He caused me to redo the entire front porch of the office/fort with a ground wall, cement, rocks and logs. It looks nice but wasn’t planning on that being the priority. Today if it dries out it will be grass mowing and grilling.


On the personal development front it looks like the new representation for my screenwriting and acting is underway. Paperwork will be exchanging soon and I might’ve had a first writing assignment on a TV show had LOST HEART been on deck. As a first assignment I did not want to try and do too much with all the pre-production at hand. Let’s talk on that…

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LOST HEART – We’ll have a locked schedule tomorrow and I’ve already been in first contact with several actors and agents. I hinted last week at the return of Don Most to CDI’s LOST HEART and after my Friday conversation with his agent, another trip to Michigan is happening. He will be starring opposite Melissa Anschutz (Seen above as Mother Mary) who is playing our lead. If my final conversation start of the week goes as good, we’ll be announcing Don with another great co-star.

We’ll be having another production meeting this week with our director Jesse Low and our team. Some crew talks have started and so we’ll be reaching out. All I can say right now is that the location on this project will be beautiful. The lodging and such may be one of our coziest yet. I’ve said it before but aside from getting great footage at the end of the days I want our cast and crew to have a memorable shoot that they can laugh, smile and recall for the rest of their life.

We are interviewing some office staff UPM’s and Prod Coordinator’s so if you think you qualify please do reach out. You will not regret it:) More on this fine project will be announced throughout the month. I look forward to seeing some old faces and meeting a few new ones on this shoot.


I’ve made a lot of updates on WILD FAITH and The Quest Trilogy so today I’m going to pass along a list of some of the foreign territories releasing the films.

FORTY NIGHTS – Brazil, Benelux, S. Korea, Mexico, Romania

CHASING THE STAR – Mexico, Africa, UK, Greece, Netherlands

THE CHRIST SLAYER – Mexico, Brazil, S. Africa

WILD FAITH – Latin America, Benelux

  • Digital rental is June 24th for WILD FAITH

These lists will keep growing with each film market. I believe they just returned from the Canne Film Market so we’ll have more territories we will release into. I want to thank our hard working distribution folks.  If you are a buyer and your reading this – do reach out to Bridgestone Multimedia Group.

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MBF: Man’s Best Friend – So I was in studio doing some final narration last week and I also got to hear one of the final pieces of music for MBF’s powerful ending. We’re in discussions with our distributor as we prepare to cut the final theatrical trailer. It is a beautiful thought-provoking story and I think audiences will take to it. We deliver the film June 30th so soon after theatrical audiences will get to watch the film.

We have some other exciting development underway on several fronts. I look forward to the continued release of the trilogy and Wild Faith that might include a few special screenings. I know it will be playing HAPPY TRAILS VA STYLE this Oct. I believe. I will give better date and time once the screening time is set. We will know soon if we will play at the WILD BUNCH film fest. They have wanted the film since we started it. Also some great developments that could push the TV series even further. My new agency-to-be also really likes the film and there might be a few possibilities there to assist as well. I really enjoyed watching the DEADWOOD Movie. What a great world they created. Congrats to all the artists involved with that film.


Don Most looking to return on CDI’s next film “Lost Heart”

I’m going to wrap this up. It was nice yesterday at a family graduation party to see Doug Emerson who follows this blog. Also met another nice lady who had seen THE CHRIST SLAYER in Texas. I had attended a memorial for another old friend prior to that and it was nice to meet some great people. Several of them expressed how much they enjoyed the films. Aside from here in this blog or doing an interview I don’t carry on too much about the films. It is nice to meet some of the people “in person” – and to hear what they enjoyed about our films. Our films have been seen by millions of people over the years but I seldom get to speak directly to them. Know that we do truly appreciate you all taking the time to listen to our stories.

OK. I’m going to go mow the lawn (Movie Star activities:) and fire up the grill.

Have a great Sunday and week ahead.



Welcome to the Holiday Season! 2018 Updates


Good morning my friends. I want to welcome the new readers from Mexico, China and Canada. We are now well into the holiday season. Thanksgiving was enjoyable and I kept the eating to modest. Having missed the last few soccer games due to my wrist injury has brought my calorie burning down. But this winter I’m getting back into more intense training with my goal being an even better outdoor soccer season.


Since a week ago Friday our household has had a good dose of joy with the addition of Finn. He’s our new puppy that we took in from his foster home and he has just fit right in. We did have a few pre-set play dates to see how he did with his two sisters Daphne and Lulu. Both are warming up to him nicely and he has brought some much needed happiness after the passing of our boy Luke.

We also put up some Christmas lights and cut a Christmas tree for the house. It’s a beautiful addition to the house visually and the smell. At the end of the season the tree is dried and it becomes the fire starter much like the tree from the year prior. We’re keeping it simple because of little Finn’s fascination with trees, sticks and anything new.

Onto some film updates:

MBF: Much of the past week’s excitement surrounded the PR release that announced the arrival of the first official trailer. Read the PR here and watch the trailer. If you like it share it with others that might enjoy this upcoming CDI film.


With the PR we also released the first official poster art.


WILD FAITH – The film now has been remixed with our celebrity narrator whom I still cannot announce until I get the final paperwork. What I will say is that the film is now the debut film in a new partnership BMG has with a theatrical company. It will be going into a wider network of theatrical screenings in March. Home video release dates TBD.


THE CHRIST SLAYER – We’ve been in studio a lot with this film as everything is coming together for final delivery end of December. Last night we had our director Nathaniel Nose in studio to evaluate sound and music. Both are still being worked on but it’s really looking and sounding great. I cannot wait to see the new color correction with final VFX.


LOST HEART – We’ve been pulling elements of this film together and once we get a few of these other films delivered we can devote even more attention at the next film. We saw a few great reads in the past couple weeks for certain roles. More on this film as we move down the line.

I’m going to wrap this up because Finn has been wanting to sit on my lap this morning making typing…difficult. He is currently outside with his momma and so I’m using this time to type quickly. I hope each and every one of you had some special family and friend time. I hope your week ahead with be productive with a good dose of fun. Be safe out there and be good to one another. I hear barking outside. Someone is meeting Gordy the squirrel.


Sunday Make Up Update- Burbank, CA RECAP

WOW! What a trip. I’ve been going out to LA since the 90’s when I was first invited by Wes Craven to come read for SCREAM 2. From those humble beginnings to standing on the stage before a mighty gathering of industry folk at the Burbank International Film Festival accepting a best film award with our tribe representing the mitten state.

I’m speaking of Wild Faith, our mid-western. It was nominated for BEST actor, actress and film. We did not take the other two awards but without Shane & Lauren’s chemistry we would not have won that award. That said, my ears were not filled with Hollywood smoke-blowing it was all sincere comments from people who laugh, cried and came into our 1875 Michigan world. The film is FUN with a message to ponder throughout it. The film gives a message like THE WALTON’S did or LITTLE HOUSE, I heard so many happy with the wholesome programming. Don’t get me wrong, I like my BLACK SAILS, GAME OF THRONES and such BUT when I do want something more tame it is often hard to find. I think WILD FAITH is a good response to that demand. This week I will be working on the home video deal. We still might have a few more theatrical/event showings. It plays so good at the theater. Great comments on the sound design, lighting, camera work and music as well as the performances.


I got to see old friends and make new friends. I got to really get to know people like Darby Hinton, his beautiful wife Shan and son Ryder who hosted our BBQ afterglow at their home. Often when I see people on set I’ve got a character looming right behind my eyes waiting to hear ACTION. I have accounting and checks payable on my mind. And lastly I stay focused and not distracting to the difficult task at hand. If I goof off that’s a green light to others to goof off. That wasted time adds up and production pays. Sun down and missed last set up. After 12 hrs people start losing their peak performance. I guess I’m saying it’s fun to mingle without the burden of production. I had one meeting with an esteemed peer I’ve known for 19 years. He was so surprised at my humor and laid-back nature. He thought I was ultra stern and conservative. I can be but that’s not my natural state of being. A close actor buddy whose been on several adventures with me – Amsterdam, Mexico…list goes on. He got a pass from the wife and kid to come hang a couple of days. After watching WILD FAITH he said he really enjoyed it and was happy that I was sharing more of ME via Ben Lily. He claimed that ole’ Ben is the closest to DJ Perry in personal mode. Ha! Anyway. See WILD FAITH and despite what you might hear about me, not knowing me. Ole Ben Lily is pretty close to an 1875 DJ Perry. We have different speaking voices because I had the better edgy-macation.

The Hard Truth.JPG

MBF – I will be releasing another screen still. I have to catch up with director Tony Hornus and check on editing. He stayed in MI to work after his overseas family vacation.

The Christ Slayer – I’m going to check with our distributor to see if any artwork is underway for the DVD. That release will be 3/4/18 with digital a few weeks earlier and we’ll do a limited theatrical release before that.


This holiday I’m going to push for folks to watch part 1 FORTY NIGHTS & 2 CHASING THE STAR of THE QUEST TRILOGY to catch up for the part 3 THE CHRIST SLAYER release. If you haven’t watched them please do. You can leave review comments on amazon or IMDB – or not.

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To circle back to the CA trip I want to thank so many friends for attending the screening or any of our gatherings. How cool is THE PIG N WHISTLE? Go there, it is awesome! Shepherds Pie and pints:) I loved seeing circle of friends melding, mixing, laughing and bonding. I love seeing that on film sets. It’s a secondary goal to finishing on time and budget. The ugg part was how long I’ve known many of you. 15, 18, 20+ years! Crazy! I say to you, make good friends and value those relationships. I’m just so grateful to have friends in an industry who allows this artist to feel part of the greater game despite my adherence to my MI zip code. My family, friends and roots in Michigan are my recharge and nourishment. But I will return again soon on business to visit the sunny, smoggy:) California!

PS: I will be posting more CA pics this Sunday.

Have a great week and be good to one another.



‘MBF’ Updates, ‘Wild Faith’ NEW Cities and more…

I have a full day so I’m up and typing before the coffee is even done brewing. What an exciting past week. This week looks to hold even more excitement. I want to welcome some of our new blog readers. Look at the diversity in where people live but a commonality in their passion for the arts and life entwined with art.

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Let’s get right into it. Here is a great PR release that focuses on the ‘Warrior Spirit’ and gives praise to our Native American talent. I know that Abby Mason who wasn’t mentioned in the article and played our school teacher also is from Cherokee descent. Actually many of us probably do carry those blood lines and I’m proud of the relationships I’ve had with the tribes over the years. Most of that comes from just respect of the people, culture and what they’ve been through. Take a read about a few of the actors in ‘Wild Faith’ our mid-western now in theaters.


Cherokee Robert Bradley with a find close to his home in Maggie Valley, NC


Last week ‘Wild Faith’ played Goodrich Quality Theaters in Hastings, MI and due to the large attendance it has added a family friendly show time of 1:40 today. Take the family down to the show and experience Michigan in 1875.

This coming week ‘Wild Faith’ will play Monday & Wed in Jackson, Battle Creek and Kalamazoo. If you enjoy the time period this tale is something you might truly enjoy. There is a reason some have watched 3, 4 and 5 times on the big screen. I think as a society being swallowed up by technology audiences find it relaxing to see how life was a handful of year’s ago.

I also want to thank Dee Freeman for having me on her show to talk about the writing of ‘Wild Faith’ which was a rewrite on an early script called ‘Wild Michigan’ – Dee was the author of the book adaptation. See what changes and what stayed the same. I need a few reviews online with Amazon so if reading is your thing –



The push on THE QUEST TRILOGY continues and I had some wonderful fan email this week about how these films were seen at just the right time in their lives. These films both played in theaters and so will the third installment ‘The Christ Slayer’ around Christmas time. If you enjoy our storytelling style these films are well worth the watch. If they go back into the theaters as a holiday event picture do yourself and favor and see it on the big screen. But they can be seen right now on Amazon Prime. Look for the new trailer to release this summer once Jesse Aragon (Our DP) gets done with the color correction.

MBF (Man’s Best Friend) is in heavy pre-production. I’m proud to announce we’ve locked in our director of photography Mr. Pat Dowdle. Pat’s been with us on a few films now and his positive attitude and developing style makes him a perfect fit for this next story. We’re interviewing a few people for the unit production manager position to work our office under the producer staff. I will also be looking at editors this week. But the script and schedule is locked and soon our cast and crew will be full. The ship is fueled up and ready to travel. I’m excited about seeing so many friends again and telling this powerful story.

This week I also have a quick turn around trip to AZ to discuss the Collective Development Inc. production deal with our distributor. We’ll be discussing the future of ‘Wild Faith’ and the production slate of films. I’ve been doing a lot of writing as of late and I think we’ll be just fine. A TV series and a few films a year would be just fine with me.


NEW Lights put up around the office.

This weekend I put up some new lights at the office. I have a commercial voice over this week and today is our first outdoor soccer match. We’ve had a handful of people report in that they’ll be missing the first game. It’s about making the best hand with what you have. I think despite us playing a strong team we could take it. I’m coming to play in good shape and I’m ready to throw down. It will be a battle.

Keep fighting for your dreams.




Trilogy, Fort, MBF, Wild Faith Updates


Welcome friends from Malta and Mexico. I’m sitting down with my coffee and thinking back on what a productive week was had here at CDI. Last week those who read our blog got the early notice on Part 2 (Chasing the Star/CTS) of The Quest Trilogy releasing digitally before the Sept 5th date. Amazon and Christian Cinema both have the film now for those that cannot wait. After Sept 5th the DVD’s will start rolling out from retailers. We also are in the process of accepting the invite to show “CTS” at the 2018 festival. “Forty Nights” won ‘Most Inspirational’ so we’ll see how Part 2 does. So far the reviews have been strong and we know how audiences react. As I prepare for a few BIG pitch meetings I’m happy to show you all the TRILOGY trailers back-to-back. ENJOY



An actual TRILOGY trailer is being worked on. “The Christ Slayer” VFX is doing great. I got to see some of the work involved in the VFX work. The scene they are working on is the crucifixion scene. We’ll be rolling more out on this once we get “Chasing the Star” launched into the marketplace. We’re also putting the deal together for a church theatrical program in Novasota, Texas. In Nov and Dec they will license Part 1 & Part 2 to show. I can see the days ahead whereas the trilogy will play back-to-back during the holiday season.

Ben finds claw


Music work by the incredible Dennis Therrian continues. This month we’re going to push hard to finish the music and VFX. We had a good meeting with director Jesse Low to evaluate our final actions. Also the first poster is very close. I’m very excited about the potential of this film and beyond.




Potential deals loom for “Ashes of Eden” and a classic “Wicked Spring” – the latter is the Civil War film we produced 17 years ago when I had a sister company to CDI called Lionheart Filmworks. It was created in VA with director Kevin Hershberger and was directed at historic content. I split several years ago and we took all rights to “Wicked Spring” in exchange for our holding in Lionheart Filmworks. I’ve been happy to see the success Kevin has had with his TV series Legends & Lies and such. It is a great story that will speak to this generation.

The NEW Collective Development Inc. company website is weeks away from launching. The new CDI Youtube site phase one is up. It will be a great hub to find/buy/rent CDI content and merchandise. The TRIBE is on the move.

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This project now has the business foundation in place. We’re going to push hard to see if we can hit our target window to shoot. Our casting process has been on-going and we’ve seen some great talent from around the country. We’ll be making the announcement on our director Anthony Hornus this week. Also we’ll start rolling out some of the attached cast and crew. I’m beyond excited by some of the wonderful talent. Bridgestone Multimedia Group will distribute worldwide.


So in summary, re-watch “Forty Nights” and watch “Chasing the Star” – please do leave online reviews and spread the word if you liked what you saw. I’m also happy to announce that the shake upper siding, (back and front) on the office are now installed. Just the cedar flash and rafters to go and the outside will be about done. We also had the first wood stove fire of the season yesterday. I’m ready to hit the ground running on Tuesday. I want to film this fall and that just may be in the cards. Be good to one another.



Fun, Sun and Getting Work Done!


(This is how my boy Luke helps with the tree clean up * Sorry no thumbs)

Welcome readers from Costa Rica and Hungary! Another week down and we had a few beautiful days last week with a mild breeze. Even today which is heating up to be a scorcher has a nice breeze. It will be low 90’s during the peak of the day at 4:00 pm about when the whistle will blow on our soccer match. So I’m taking in water and catching up with all of you. This past week our dead elm started dropping more branches and it is right over the path to the office/fort. So when getting a bid this week they offered to return within the hour. Ruby’s Tree Service did a great job and they chipped up 80% of the branches at no added cost. Everyone else wanted a major bump to chip up the branches. After they left I worked for three hours moving some 300lb+ pieces about. I had to leave a few until I recruit an additional lifter, but I got lots organized Friday afternoon and Saturday. I did feel a bit beat up on Saturday from my lumberjack efforts. I eased up until Monday since I have this game today. But I am happy that I have no fear of falling limbs and the garden is getting a major additional in the sunshine department. This tree adventure replaced my bottling of the Irish Stout so that will happen this week. Okay. Let’s look at a few film updates in no particular order.

BMG Master

Accounting Paperwork went our to Forj Digital and putting together the agreement for the ‘Chasing the Star’ soundtrack. NOTE: ‘Bestseller’ and ‘Forty Nights” soundtracks are available on iTunes and other music outlets.

This week PR on the DVD artwork for ‘Chasing the Star’ was released and so Sept 5th will be the national roll out. Some pre-order sites will start to appear in the coming weeks. Also artwork for the above mentioned soundtrack is also underway.

PR from this week


40 Nights

DJ Perry as Jesus in “Forty Nights”

“Forty Nights” keeps rolling with more disbursements to our backers. I was also sent this review of the film this week. I don’t agree with all of it but that is why it’s a review:)  Thank you Dr. Jeff Krupinski for your watch.



Third in the trilogy “The Christ Slayer” will be reviewed this week. We have a first cut and to say I’m excited to watch it is a true understatement. We’ve got big things in motion on the VFX and we’ll be doing some PR on that in the coming weeks. We had a heck of a time trying to get a piece of equipment from New Zealand but that should finalize this week.


(Lana Wood & Darby Hinton in “Wild Faith”)

“Wild Faith” watch through was exciting and as the film moves towards completion we keep pushing on the business end. The film is exciting to watch and I’m happy to once again be working in this genre. I do LOVE westerns!

I was able to get quite a lot of writing done and I’m closing in on a first draft of a new screenplay. I’m also working a few deals that could have me selling or doing work-for-hire writing. I really do enjoy the writing experience and enjoy seeing how the story gets translated from page to the screen. If you’re looking to hire a writer feel free to reach out and discuss.

I’ve been keeping my eye out for that next character/story that captures my attention. Rolling out in the near future will be Jesus (The Christ Slayer) and Ben Lily (Wild Faith) so I’m seeking. If I don’t find a role that I connect with well, that script is almost complete.

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(Old release poster “Knight Chills”)

This week we did another pass on the temp website for CDI and discussed more on the roll out. Also a few of the books I want to release are getting closer. One exciting book project is the novelization by David Hayes of the “Knight Chills” script. I’ve seen the cool cover art and they’ve been typesetting. It will be a hardcopy in stores and on the Comic Con tour with Source Point as well as an Ebook. I’m excited by the possibilities here including talk of a graphic novel and the sequel script which is complete. Sir Kallio rides again. Pretty cool:)


Well USA is about to challenge both Norway (Women) and Mexico (Men) and at 4:00 we take the field. I love the game. The garden is doing great for those who asked – actually eating lettuce on our sandwiches as I finish this. I hope you all have had a good week/end and that you have a great week ahead. I know a few people dealing with hardships and losses so appreciate each day and keep chasing your dreams.

Be good to one another!


Screenplays, Soundtracks and NEW Sales


Hello friends! I’m happy to welcome new readers from China, Mexico and South America. Artists and especially storytellers share a common thread despite where they hang their hat. It was a fast week because of the holiday Monday. Today we got a nice morning rain that will nurture all the new seeds and plants in the garden and yard. The strong winds brought down a big branch from a Cottonwood tree and luckily nobody was beneath it.

This week I did see a project that caught my interest. I pointed it out to my manager who had a connection to it. We’ll see.


The symbol of the KNIGHT CHILLS franchise.

Some new development progress on “Knight Chills 2” and I’m excited about some of the ideas surrounding  that project.

Truck 2

This week (Tuesday, June 7th) “40 Nights” and “Bestseller” will be rolling out on the iTUNES platform. The “Bestseller” soundtrack will be joining the “40 Nights” and so I’m happy that we’re getting those out there available to audiences.



Another “On Demand” deal has been made for “Ashes of Eden” and “40 Nights” and we’ll be announcing that in the days ahead.

Foreign sales talks are underway on a few new projects and I’m excited that some new countries will be getting an opportunity to watch certain films.


“Chasing the Star”

“Chasing the Star” is in the push for a rough cut. Some music discussions will begin this week with Dennis Therrian who will score and do sound design.


With the office we’re getting close to putting the actual siding on. I’m excited by each new phase and I know that folks enjoy meeting there.

I’ve also started looking at literary agents. Following the success I’m having as a screenwriter, I’ve decided to look into liquidating some of the scripts I don’t plan on producing. If you’re looking to pay to have a screenplay written, adapted from a book or purchase a completed script, feel free to reach out. I’ve had some great success in this field and I’m going to keep developing that business. I might be closing a deal on another script very soon.

I’m about to go gear up for our soccer match this afternoon. It is a touch cooler so that’s a blessing. School is almost complete so I hope all you students and teachers have a fun summer.

Be safe!


Blessings of the Path

I want to start this blog by welcoming the new readers from Japan and Singapore! I’m very excited by how many international artists are following this blog. I tell many around me locally that my group I identify with are the sincere artist-doers from around the globe. The one’s who create within a framework of business that allows international exposure. I truly do celebrate the differences between us as people. When I see one group of people trying to put another people “in-line” I feel like we are not evolving properly. I LOVE the pride people take in their customs and traditions. From Philippine Balut to Canadian Poutine. Quail eggs in Mexico and delicious South Indian Coffee. My career has brought me so much more beyond just telling a story on the screen. I’ve met people, seen places, tried foods and heard stories unique in their being. This is part of the blessing/gift bestowed upon me by choosing this path.

Now I’m writing this blog in advance since I’m going down south to visit with some family. Sweet tea & Southern cooking is usually what lies in store. I’ve got a few topics to meditate upon as I relax from the normal hustle and bustle. Take some time to UNPLUG. I saw an associate on FB was talking about how at a family meal EVERYONE was PLUGGED into their phones. I told her that she and her family should put the phones in a basket if it is that bad. It will probably feel like withdrawals from some techno crack BUT it will be good for you. I easily can roll back the years, remembering the days of pagers and of no personal phones.

Now technology has made certain aspects of our industry easier. We’re in post production with http://www.bestsellerthemovie.com and I think we are VERY close to a locked picture. From there is will be the audio and graphics work including the final color correction. I have a smile as I type because I think again the artists on this project have created something wonderful. Only time will tell if others feel the same.

ASHES OF EDEN is in final negotiations on the National release that will happen 1st quarter 2015. And leading up to that release we will be doing more theatrical releases. Today was the last showing in Grand Rapids, MI and starting Sept 19th ASHES OF EDEN will play in Novi and Canton Michigan. I can’t wait for friends and fans on that side of the state to see the film.

I could go on for quite a while about other projects now in post production.  Some are newly completed and soon to release. Others  are still in development struggling to be made. I’ve been also trying to catch up on some script reading. I’ve been enjoying my read on a WW2 script recently presented. I’m also excited about a few of my new acting submissions via my management. I appreciate the sincere way that I’m being represented to casting directors and executive teams. The last two projects I’ve been submitted for …Wow! I’m just happy to have my work put before these people. If something clicks I’m ready to go do what I do.

I’m going to cut this short because I have to renew this blog site. Again I want to thank all of you out there. I hope you have a great weekend and week ahead.




Spring Updates, Spartans & Showcases

Usually I’m posting my blog first thing in the morning but I had a full morning of other activities and so now here we are together. I apologize for my tardiness:) I will give a few updates before my alumni school Michigan State University starts their tourney basketball game in a short while. My thoughts have been on spring and so many things are happening that I feel very optimistic about. I will pick a topic that ties into a few events of our own.


I love that film lovers can be exposed to product that is not direct mainstream and is often a showing ground for developing filmmakers. What I’ve learned in almost two decades of filmmaking is that they are great networking opportunities. Many ongoing relationships between writers, directors, producers, DP’s, actors and so on – start at festival events. I met fellow filmmakers at a NYC festival years ago and we ended up making a film in Mexico together. So when creative minds meet good endeavors can come about. Now on the other end – overspending on many, many, many festivals in the name of marketing versus going directly to distribution/licensing to start capital investment recoupment can be a mistake. IF a distributor does not like a product it does not matter how many small festivals you won – it won’t help you. There are only a handful of festivals that attracts buyers and even inclusion into those festivals does not assure anyone distribution. As a matter of fact only a very small % at those major festivals get a deal. Now I’m not saying don’t do any festivals because playing to a home crowd who often assisted in the making of the film is good. Targeting a few horror festivals for your horror film is not a bad thing. BUT a grand tour of festival partying that might see tens of thousands of dollars being spent vs returning on the investment is…well you do the math. We’ve seen a surge in festivals in the past few years and so the wreaths or laurels or whatever they call the “award logo” has lost a lot of value to distributors and even to audiences. SUNDANCE and a few others such as TORONTO has kept their value. Others will perhaps grow to become major festivals – I’ve watched that evolution first hand in my own home town with a pair of festivals. I’m proud that our ASHES OF EDEN movie will play first to the local Lansing audience. We used cast and crew from around the state of Michigan but it’s especially  nice that 3 Lansing area companies created this moving film. Often a lot of talk is centered on Detroit or the West side of the state but I think people will start to realize that right here in the heart of Michigan (LANSING) – talented artists exist. With ASHES OF EDEN, we’ve been given the great honor of closing the festival. You can follow here http://capitalcityfilmfest.com/info for updates. I know that we are working a deal for cast and crew and our sponsors to be given tickets but many family, friends and fans will want to know how/where they can buy tickets. That info will be coming to that festival site soon I would guess.

On the same day (April 13th) REALIZISM will play in the afternoon.


REALIZISM, a cool short will a big message!  I truly LOVE my role in this film. It has me playing a touch comedic which is something I really enjoy. Mitch Nyberg directed the film and it is truly worth a watch if you are in Grand Rapids. If you want the double dose you can get in your car and drive to Lansing!

The interest in licensing films from the CDI library and our new arrivals is in full swing. I’ve had great talks last week with a few major TV networks. I can see the doors opening and that is good news for several of our products. You all will be getting many new announcements about our films playing in different territories, TV networks on various platforms. We just got word that the Afghanistan doc “Outside the Wire” is fully delivered for VOD and I will be announcing  where you can watch this powerful piece once I know.

Here is a current example from PR Newswire


BOOK OF RUTH, JOURNEY OF FAITH our hit biblical film is part of a BEST OF two-week showing of faith films with this Atlanta-based network. We might have some other exciting news forthcoming on the biblical film front. Look for some PR from us around Easter.

Also 180 degrees from this news – our Philippine based horror film “Darkest Night” releasing into Germany, Austria and Switzerland on March 28th, next week!

Our sales team is also working on some theatrical showcases that we will be announcing soon. This will basically be a once a week theatrical showcase that will go on for several months. We also have new reps in India and possibly the UK to help facilitate dealmaking in those territories.

“BESTSELLER” is about to start PHASE 2 of editing. This will be an intense polish with our director. I’m looking forward to getting you all a 1st look at a teaser here soon. I’ve got distributors begging for a 1st look on this film as well. I’m extremely happy with the 1st cut and so it is only going to get stronger.

“DONORS” the feature thriller starring Niki Saletta, Russ Clark and myself will have a premiere in May in Yuma, AZ. I will have more details on this in the coming weeks.

Aside from that – I’ve been putting the new desk to work on script writing. I just completed a film I was hired to write and what a joy that was. Another property of mine that’s been optioned by a studio – just paid their next tier option. (This is when a company pays increasing amounts of money for the exclusive rights to a property) They also reported pre-production is close at hand. You know this to be true when the option checks keep coming. Once in pre-production, a full purchase deal is executed, the film is assigned over and they move into production.

Following some of this success, I’m actually looking over the 20 or so scripts I’ve held back. I’m looking to see what films I can sell off. Basically, If I don’t see the script as an acting vehicle  I might as well sell it off to someone. So far this revisiting of script properties is turning into another good business venture. I’m in talks to pen another script as we speak. I’ll keep developing this avenue because I really do love writing.  My coffee, my imagination and I’m good to go. So if you are looking for a certain type of script or need something written or adapted – bring your check book and let’s talk.

OK. It’s about time for me to relax with a RED EYE (Look it up) and get ready to watch MSU! WE ARE SPARTANS! This is the part where I scream and kick someone in the face right into the pit of DOOM!

Have a great end to your weekend!