“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “merchandise

Producing is NEVER Easy, Acting UPDATES and COMMUNICATION as a KEY

(Just some of the CDI Tribe working on Harsens Island Revenge)

Good morning my friends. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and getting a later start due to ‘springing forward’ here in the USA. I’m not sure if they do that everywhere but some like it and others do not. I’m pretty indifferent to it all. I was pretty exhausted at the end of my week from grinding the mental gears. I think the added cold front coming in gave my sinuses a bit of a run but hot tea kept all that at a minimum. Many times you get only the highlights in my blog that show the final outcome. Meaning we did this or that but you don’t always get the in-between or the struggle to get that particular thing done. I’ve been grinding my gears trying to align many things for what we be an added 10-20 seconds in one scene that includes close ups in a period bi-plane with a beautiful wood cockpit that may or may not play on camera. As our Harsens Island Revenge script is written there is a WW1 opening to show Frankie’s (Our lead character) role in WW1 and how it shaped him. A 2-3 min sequence that also makes a statement about war and that war in particular.

(Again just some of CDI Tribe working towards the ‘Silent Night in Algona’ release)

To have the luxury to kill from afar keeps ones morality at a distance but having to kill up close is a different matter. Much like the dark ages where men killed each other up close with arrow, sword, axes and spears the dreaded WW1 was one that still used horses being fazed out by tanks slowly. Also many battles ended in sewage-filled trenches fighting with bayonets and trench knives. That is the horror that sticks with many of those soldiers. To be that close and see the immediate results of ones actions whereas you see the enemies lights go out. I think as they die a piece of the killer dies. A connection of sorts. I’ve been working for weeks to try and first get the location set up and the particulars around it. Add the players which have been hard to get. Not the leads but the ever-important extras who need to be equipped properly. WW1 has been the hardest to find on a budget, all the time periods to date. The best thing which we’ve done in the past is to hire passionate folks who reenact and put together their own kit. Our luck on that and the communication with those connected has been difficult. Add that we are up against a ticking clock to use the military base we had chosen. Why? Ten days prior all members have to be cleared and we are down to days to submit info on folks we have yet to find. Finding the folks alone isn’t hard but having them period dressed and equipped is and so this week we’ll decide if 1) We keep our shoot at the Alpena base 2) We reset the shoot elsewhere likely closer to mid MI giving us an extra week to find the gear and extras. 3) Kill the opening or strip it down to our just lead in WW1 having a slew of fast memories that brings us to the present 1920’s.

(On Set- Harsens Island Revenge)

It can truly be insanity at times and even with the best planning things fall apart or change. And this is all being done on a very tight remaining budget that is precious money that could be used to help launch the theatrical run after the film is complete. Now the film as it starts now is great and kicks off with some action so maybe we are good. Our composer at the first watch loves how it opens. AND we are trying to trim runtime but our proposed efforts is adding runtime. I think you are all getting the gist from my little peek into everything that goes into producing up this films. This is 3+minutes and we produced up 2hrs+ already. So when you see a bullet point of mine on here every week please do not assume any of it was easy. It is not. It gets done because of the talented people involved. People who care about the story. I don’t like to lose and I had to realize that we are in a WIN/WIN situation because the film is already great. We are trying to add sprinkles onto the top. The cake is going to taste great sprinkles or no sprinkles. And the audience will never know that sprinkles were an option.

(Boats that are 100 years old now)

After 2 hours+ of grinding my gears yesterday on something that wasn’t going to reveal itself, I had to just let go awhile. Maybe it is what makes me good at what I do? But yesterday I had to go and just organize in the office for a couple hours. I’ve got many things in motion for the CDI company and the more organized I am the more gets accomplished. Some music. Some organizing. Some chill tea and I regained my balance. Today I have a few conversations and by Weds of this week we’ll know if we are Alpena bound or if we are taking another direction.

(100 year old+ Planes)

Every direction has pros and cons usually ties to money. But in life just like filmmaking people can get frustrated when things you thought were taken care of, tied up, crossed off – start to unravel or come back at you. When you have to readdress something again in the present it takes from your future. Planning and development stop when you have to fix a crack in the foundation. So this 2-3 minutes has been very trying. It can be made harder but lack of communication. I swear we live in an age with more communication and we have become worse at communicating. People put boundaries on their times they work but that is not what we as successful filmmakers do. Now granted not everything is always as time sensitive as I sometimes feel it is but just knowing that it is on someones radar is satisfying. Message received. 10-4. On my list. I don’t like when people don’t acknowledge receipt of a communication. Even if busy. Let someone know because we live in a world of messages going into SPAM etc… COMMUNICATION. I just finished a great series THE BEAR about running a restaurant and it is all communication. “Yes chef” “Behind you Chef” “Corner” – and in soccer the team that communicates is the team that wins. A team with less talented players who communicate better can beat a team with more talented players if they win the communication game. “You have support” “Square” “Give and go” “Keeper’s ball“….My rant is just because I felt the endeavor unraveling despite hard work. In a project even asking “What can I do?” “What still needs to be done?” these things lead to success. And you have to always keep striving to improve.

(On set Harsens Island Revenge)


So above really is about producing up a film or in the case above just a few pick-up pieces. Actors who only act don’t often concern themselves with all that goes on behind the scenes. I can recall working years ago on one of our westerns in NC and while battling with catering and SAG I’m getting calls about an actor friend not liking their boots. Actors tend to just be concerned with their little focus but producing introduces you to the wide world of what it takes to put on a show. Even crew members only see the presentation and as I’ve said before, it is near impossible to pitch a perfect day. You hope the 95% right buys you grace for the 5% that goes wrong. Thousands of things that go right in a day due to the hard work of a few but cries of anguish if catering does a subpar job on vegan side meal or someones magnetic key deactivates on their hotel room. We take accountability but third party and a tech malfuntion should be covered by earned grace. Those incapable of grace are removed on future projects for their own good. Film shoots are more closely related to war versus vacation even when the places we shoot are beautiful.

(Old Men soccer champions)

So on the actor front my new agent sent me an audition for a pilot TV series. I’m use to reading a full script to absorb the character and roll but this is a few sides. I had this talk out in LA with friends who work often out there. I asked it they request or direct their agent towards shows they like? They said they pretty much read everything so their agent doesn’t drop them. I questioned what if you don’t like the show? The story? The Script? Doesn’t matter apparently to many. I wanted to do this read since it was the first thing my new agent sent over. Also I was going to be forced to do an upload and use the actor’s access portal. A good test. I did my read and damn, pretty good. I guess it should be after all these years. I was successful in my upload. I did get a few good notes on how I could subjectively improve the eye line and questioned would a tripod be better. See how the hee-haw that actors go through is the stressful time consuming parts. Second guessing and stressing and I don’t participate in that. I politely declined and said that what I presented I was comfortable with and if the production quality was not up to par I was find with it not being sent forward. The read was actual well liked and sent forward but after I felt a strange feeling likely opposite other actors. SHIT what if I actually get the role. Will I like the script? What if it does get picked up? I have a film lining up this summer that I know the script is good and the role is great. I have soccer season ahead and I’m looking forward to that. I would have to move a dental cleaning off the pilot shoot. WHOA partner:)

(Acting is still my top passion)

I wanted to start looking at some outside projects but I’ve avoided series in the past. WILD FAITH TV series would be different but maybe even after a season I might not enjoy that. I like finishing something. WRAP always makes me feel accomplished. Well, I just figure I will play the hand. Realistically I might not get the role as they’re many great actors and what folks like is subjective. If I do the pilot it still has to be picked up. This is just a few funny thoughts in my head. I enjoyed the practice of the read and technical upload but not knowing the full script/scope/creative team behind it is another place for me. I do believe just like all my outside projects that I will do what projects I’m meant to do. KARMA in India is where I met Carl Weyant, who just directed Harsens Island Revenge. Eric Colley and Hallie Shepherd and Paul Proios on G.P.S. (Watch on TUBI). So I’m going to just stay open to what is meant to be. I’m just staying good and busy but when away as an actor it is much easier and I’m still able to do producer/writer work.


Speaking of writing I saw that Benedict Fitzgerald writer of The Passion of the Christ passed away. I almost had an opportunity to work with him thanks to a friend Isabella Hirt but I was busy with BEST YEARS GONE. Which I’m happy to report can now be seen free with ads on Youtube’s FREE4ALL which is Twin Engine Global‘s new streaming service for non-family and faith films which is Encourage TV. Staying with the topic of writing I’ve been enjoying doing the polish on a script looking to film next winter. I think the funding is there and it is very unique but will be a lotta fun. It is a period piece and will be a lot of fun for all the actors. My second pass is working the descriptions and dialogs for pacing, flow and proper language. I had some talks this past week again about literary representation having had many produced screenplays now doing quite well in the marketplace. We will see said the wise man.

(A published un-produced script of mine on Amazon)

The literary side is developing nicely with several of the CDI projects publishing script and making of books and novels where it applies. I’ve been discussing the deal and discovering extra pieces and pictures to make these releases special. With the backup RAID now functioning we will be able to move into more theatrical and perhaps soundtracks. I will be looking for the right person to run the CDI merchandise site on commission.

(The actual 1920’s not an easy thing to recreate)

To tie into the above and circle back to Harsens Island Revenge – the making of by Adam Towner is looking great. We got a peek when watching the first cut of Harsens Island Revenge which was just amazing. Boats, planes, cars and buildings all helped to create the 1920’s. The world was brought to life by our artists on both sides of the camera. The performances all around are so strong with our young leads David Reardon and Cassie Dean doing such a wonderful job. It reminded me of some of the epic films of days past but with a modern capture bringing the world out of black and white and into full color.

(Silent Night in Algona – watch it if you have not)

This has all been good for me to just let some of this flow out and put order to my pick up shoot options. I have a few phone calls to make to discuss these options. It will all work out as we have some of the best artists within our creative tribe. I will go boldly into the new week and just deal with the cards we are dealt. I want to end by sending the CDI thoughts out to Anthony Hornus and family who lost his mom this past week after a long illness. For many of us our parents are a strong support system. Last time I spoke with her was at the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA Owosso, MI premiere and she was very proud of her son. We are all proud of Tony too and I’m deeply sorry for his loss. He will always have his TribeCDI with him. I hope everyone has a productive week. Until next time- coffee cheers!


Ten Project Updates – Remembering Friends

(Filming Ghost Town w/ Herbert Cowboy Coward in the middle)

Good morning out there to my friends across the globe who stop in with their morning beverage to read and ponder. This has been a productive week in business but I’ll start by talking about a subject often on our minds as mortal folk. Death. This week I was stunned one eve as I received tragic word that one of my costars and friends Herbert Cowboy Coward had passed away. For those that don’t immediately recognize that name I’ll give you some background. This man worked and entertained at a NC theme park called GHOST TOWN IN THE SKY. A western town high atop of a mountain often shrouded with clouds. At its peak the live gunfighter shows thrilled 10,000 visitors a day from Spring-Fall. Friends like Robert Bradley were amongst the famed gunfighters as was CDI’s Dean Teaster’s dad Doyle Teaster. And Herbert better known just as Cowboy. The movie and TV studios would send stars up there to participate for a few months when the shows were on hiatus to gather fans and the actor and shows. Stars like Tony Dow (Leave it to Beaver), Dan Blocker (Bonanza) and Burt Reynolds (Too many to count) spent time up there. When Burt’s career took off and they were casting DELIVERANCE and needed a second mountain man to “harass” our vacationing men, Burt knew a perfect one. The legendary casting story was that Cowboy who had lost his front teeth due to a non-trained stand in gunfighter at Ghost Town, was called in. Burt said give him a good scare. So the producer who was there to interview Cowboy was thrown against the wall and subjected to mutterings of this man about to…to…to… (Cowboy stuttered) cutting him up. Cowboy got the part on the spot and a smile replaced the grimace and history would be made with Bill McKinney (Outlaw Jose Wales) as his co-star. They were voted by Maxim Magazine the top screen villains of all time. Watch the film DELIVERANCE and you might agree. When we did our Ghost Town in 2006 movie * (I’ll get more to this film soon) we reunited Cowboy and McKinney on screen going head to head. Bill made a living playing bad guys and to this day is one of the most intense actors I’ve ever worked with. Cowboy was tough but got to show his tender side. After Deliverance Cowboy could be found at the local flea market chatting up fans and introducing them to his pet squirrels. He was like a wildlife rehab where they often lived out their days with Cowboy. Bobcats, squirrels…you name it. The other other person I’ve met with those kind of Dr. DoLittle skills was Dan “Grizzly Adams” Haggerty. He was a gentle soul and just a kind simple man. To get that call that he, his wife, pet dog and squirrel all died in a car accident hit me hard. From what I’ve heard he turned in front of a young man, new driver in a big truck. I pray and believe that it was an instant death. I felt worse thinking of his loved ones that also perished and I felt bad for a young teenager who will be forever scarred. Those that know those twisty turning mountain roads can see how it could happen. Add snow and ice and it only gets worse. Gone in a flash. Now both Bill McKinney and Dan Haggerty died from cancer. F$#$%#@ cancer! We’ve often debated amongst friends if quick and instant with no farewell or longer illness with suffering but time to say final goodbyes and get affairs in order is better. Pros and Cons top each but lessons once again about appreciating each day we have and our loved ones. In all three of these cases I believe they were 75+ and so while many live longer they surely lived some full lives. I also learned this week that our ASHES OF EDEN costar Josh Carrizales (Ponch) died in May of 2020. I don’t know the details but I do know that he was too young. So ends my talk on death but I lost a friend and discovered that another one of our fellow actors has left the stage. I’m sorry if I went on a bit about this less than happy topic but it was important that you knew who this simple man was.

(Josh in ‘Ashes of Eden’ RIP)


  1. Ghost Town – We get the film rights back this year from Lionsgate and we’ve got a new campaign in the works. A Blu-Ray is planned as part of the ‘Special Edition’ reboot of the film. Also some special new releases of some of the merchandise that sold up at the now closed theme park and some new items also. One such might be a re-issue of the novel packaged with the screenplay. This film marked the end of the classic CDI period.
  2. Speaking of the classic CDI period another one of the films might be gifted to a non-profit in honor of the now deceased backer. The film AN ORDINARY KILLER is a fictional retelling of the actual famous cold case film. The film revenue will be used to provide financial support to military personal and wounded warriors. The non-profit has helped the children of Afghanistan and several other veteran causes via past projects. The lead detective played by yours truly is a Vietnam Vet and has his own complications from his times served. I also see a screenplay and book combo for this film. This is the film where I met long time friend and collaboration Terry Knox, best known for his work on St. Elsewhere and Tour of Duty. It seems like a fitting place for this film to land and that is better than it just being dead. It’s highlight was playing on ABC across the country. For lovers of true detective
  3. Speaking into the subject matter above – true crime, our own Dean Teaster has been participating in a podcast with retired detectives still working cold cases – subscribe by following along   HERE: https://www.youtube.com/@TwoAvgJoes
  4. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA which just released 4th Q onto home video is also back into theaters by request. Cherokee, Iowa American 3 is playing it until Jan 31st. We’ve also just gotten another request so I think it will be rolling into more theaters once again as people want to see it on the big screen. We’re told that the film is doing very well on DVD and Streaming but won’t really know until we get 1st Q reports from 2024 as it is a process of reporting and collecting. But please do buy a DVD for your collection and/or stream it will family and friends. This war drama is really being received well.
  5. We are starting to talk about theatrical roll out for Harsens Island Revenge because you have to start that far out. We are planning the theatrical premiere in Alpena and one likely in Lansing plus a hosted DVD/streaming release party in Lansing. We have Red Cedar Spirits as a sponsor in Lansing as well as the director Mr. Elliott of SW Growth Corp another sponsor just happens to run the Ellison Brewing Co. So 4Q of this year will be full of parties to celebrate the film. Our director returns from Brazil in a week and we’ll be doing a producer watch on the cut of the film. We also will put into motion the filming of the one opening scene of the film that is WW1. The BTS video is being worked on now so any cast or crew reading this that wants their video considered please contact Mr. Adam Towner. We’ll be planning the new theatrical poster using GW Burns amazing photo elements and the first teaser trailer! All very exciting news. Join our FB pages on any of these films that interest you to stay up to date.
  6. Let’s just from my most recent film that I acted in to my first feature IN THE WOODS. Fans of the creature features are in for a treat as we prepare a fun PR release. The cult classic of monster hunters Alex Kerwood (Me) and Wayne Higley (Only if not meal time) played by my first feature film co-star Jim Greulich just might have a new distribution deal. It might include a Blu Ray of the digitally remastered classic movie with a new director’s cut. It might even be getting a VHS and streaming release. Furthermore rumor has it that we might possibly see a soundtrack released on classic mediums. But wait could there be even more rumors? Maybe even merchandise including clothing, toys, toothbrushes, frisbees, fishing poles, rifles and…okay maybe some of this is just rumor. You will have to wait and find out the TRUTH. Coming soon! I can confirm that there will be a theatrical premiere of the new director’s cut sometime this year in the Kalamazoo MI area. More theaters after that? You never know:)
  7. Speaking on my acting which is still my driving force- I think I’ve mentioned last week that I’ve joined a new agency Treasure Coast Agency. I finally feel good that if someone reaches out wanting to hire the actor behind roles like Paul Landings, Ben Lily, Col Lodell or Jesus, that they will be treated with kindness and respect. That has sadly not always been the case and it has made deals fall apart. You can still reach out direct but I’ve got help it sorting affairs and it won’t cost you any more. I’m not listed on there yet but will be soon. You can find many great talent at this site but also will be treated well. HERE: https://www.treasurecoasttalent.com
  8. HOT ROD LOVE is in active development to shoot this year. We’ve been having meetings with sponsors and funders and are happy to have made even more steps this past week. This 1970’s racing comedy will be a lot of fun to film. Each week we’re taking steps and once we’re there financially we’ll start the engine! Thank you to everyone already working hard to make this happen. We’ll see Shane Hagedorn once again directing and telling this groovy story!
  9. We’ve got development happening on a few other fronts that could put Carl Weyant and Curran Jacobs back in action in the near future. I’m looking forward to finishing the month strong with more development talks and meetings. Every project is the result of thousands of little steps. We’re going to keep on stepping!
  10. I’ve been enjoying writing on a few scripts in between the business work. We’re finishing our end of year work with our accounting firm and legal. I want to thank these parties for their hard work. This is not as exciting as new artwork, trailers and such but it is the work that makes it all go. The creative of picking up a camera and making cool lighting is fine and dandy but without the foundation it is just play. So make sure you balance what you like to do with what needs to be done. That balance will make things happen much faster. BALANCE!

WRAP UP: Our chickens have their new feathers and with the growing light we’ve had our first eggs. And thanks to them we just had a great breakfast of bacon and eggs. I’m going to bring this to a close so we can do some grocery shopping and get ready for the Lions NFL football game. If they win tonight it is off to the Super Bowl! As I’ve said before we’ve had family member fans go to the grave waiting for a Detroit Lions team like this. We never know how many days we have so live richly and appreciate the journey. I thank you all for being part of my journey.

Be good to one another!


Secrets to Success – Starts With Attitude

(Color test on ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ footage)

Coffee cheers to all of you out there. I want to once again thank all the readers who stopped through last week. We had some readers from different countries joining us including Ukraine. My sincere hope is for peace and for issues and misunderstandings to be settled by words not war. We had a slight reprieve from the arctic chill but it is back this weekend. I had an eventful week both business and personal. On the personal it included helping a buddy out on a couple afternoons and engaging my love of herbal concoctions by making my first batch of ‘Fire Cider’. I already take a shot of apple cider vinegar everyday. This mixture is comprised of maybe 20 ingredients infused over several weeks in apple cider vinegar. Ingredients like garlic, ginger root, turmeric, orange, lemon, thyme, cinnamon bark, honey and more. I’ve also been enjoying my ongoing study of the individual ingredients also including many teas. I’ve been into wild crafting for a long time but I’m just being more disciplined in my approach. I’ve got a journey that I’ve been using to record and review my studies. A great external salve something that medieval medics have used for centuries to treat battle wounds is ‘garlic honey’ or honey infused with raw garlic cloves. For years I’ve studied the natural pharmacy on our property. The sap of the white pine is also great for wounds. The needles make a great tea with lots of vitamin C. Many of the herbs, fungus, roots, barks and berries hold great beneficial properties. Knowing what is edible and what isn’t is a good knowledge to have. For those that don’t know I use to be a camp counselor at a nature center and I love that connection with nature. So if this filmmaking doesn’t work out you’ll find me running DJ’s Potions & Lotions. But seriously, many minor health issues or the strengthening and reinforcing of ones constitution can be done with natural properties. This was part of my New Years resolution to take my casual interest and study and make it a daily routine. I’ve spent many years of my life to the study of the warrior and this phase of life has me becoming the healer. I touched on that last week talking about haters. Where a decade or two ago such remarks would bring out the warrior I now see the negative mental anguish of someone and I feel sorry for them. The healer in me wishes that find a filter of happiness to start looking at life through. When you have those dark negative filters in place everything positive in others sparks those negative traits. Sadly that negativity only draws more negativity to them. Use bad reviews that are not just stating something is not their cup of tea but digs deeper – click on their profile and most all their reviews ring negative. For them even sunshine is too bright. Stars twinkle too much. Roses smell too sweet. Some only create a profile only to spread negativity. That is giving a lot. I follow my mother’s advice if I don’t have something nice to say…you know the saying. Wise words. I just go on to something else. I watch programs all the time whereas some don’t do it for me. But I don’t spend any energy discouraging someone else. I will on occasion when something leaves a very positive effect recommend it. A film, a restaurant, a band or song or a place to visit. Because I want others to possible have the same positive intake of energy that I did. It is a way of living. Mental illness can stem from living in that negativity. Be careful what you say about or to yourself. A few weeks ago we talked about broadcasting unbalance. To put into filmmaker terms – a person lamenting about their unbalance and bemoaning a lack of funding is like a babysitter broadcasting their lack of attention and/or responsibility and bemoaning nobody wanting to hire them to watch their kids. Hence no money and the negativity circle continues. You must be first seen as capable and earn that reputation by following through. No big secret just common sense. I really do hope that these simple words help a few folks out there.

(‘The Actor’ was a NYC film I did with director Jon Osman – seen here with actor James Russo)

Another simple lesson that I use and has resulted in many positive outcomes. When you aren’t sure what to do next or what your next destination is – organize and prepare. When a ship doesn’t have an immediate destination the captain will order the barnacles to be removed. The hull to be tarred. The sails to be mended and for rations to be restocked. Prepare to play. An athlete doesn’t wait to be put in the game to prepare to play. They’ve spent countless hours running or strength training or coordination drills. Whatever they need to be when the time comes they’ve prepared for. Slow times for your acting career- polish your resume, get new promo materials and get yourself feeling and looking your best. I have been quite satisfied by my acting work and even turned down a few opportunities due to timing. I aways have ‘working on a few outside acting projects’ as a yearly goal because it’s fun to just create a role without all the added production responsibility. In my past I’ve been with several small agents in various markets and I’ve been with one of the big three agencies also. The shingle of the agency can get some respect from some but it is really about the integrity and character of the agent and agency itself. I’ve had a few deals in the past wrecked by agents playing hardball or just leading with their ego. So for many years I’ve just handled my own business with my legal team. Over the past several years we’ve brought in many talent from a certain agency and agent and they’ve always been a joy to deal with. I’ve seldom said that about previous agents we’ve had to deal with. But that has been different with Treasure Coast Talent Agency. And so I’ve decided to align myself with them. I’m picky about my projects but I’ve built a relationship with them over the years and realized I like the way they present, conduct and handle their business. So I’ve been updating my Actors Access page which I’ve not touched in years. I’m going to cut a new reel for 2024. Maybe some new pics although I do have many great ones but mostly in character. I’ll be doing some PR likely next week announcing this new partnership.

But, don’t think that is going to replace production work. We are only picking up steam on that front. Let me run down some bullet point film updates.


  1. CDI has done a variety of “in association” films whereas they were funded by others so they are the managers of the property. One of these was a “found footage” horror film shot in the Philippines entitled DARKEST NIGHT. For being a dark horror film it was such a joy to film. It was the first film by author/producer Russ Williams and it recently just celebrated over 300,000 views! Congrats and if being scared is your thing, take a watch HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PZtiDrLfRM
  2. Staying on the subject of scary films KNIGHT CHILLS, CDI’s first film from 25 years ago enjoyed a BluRay release in Oct of last year is looking to expand its new release campaign with streaming and a book release of the novel and the screenplay together with fun BTS pics. The Blu Ray can be purchased HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10064638097126313670&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6&gad_source=1
  3. IF you want to see what kind of book we’re talking about see the link for my first feature film I starred in IN THE WOODS, as Alex Curwood monster hunter. It is now in hardcover! BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2OOFTD9VKNH5U&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CxQQRxhTMPJogT4O2O30vsyJcCJ3gFeJ-fI7WGXy4ho2tAPbZc4IS5HYIpTwheQuUqatHw6OBsjqeoAEi9J67L5vFCUCK35bd8ghehGN5rysnRWhjxiW1FDmn-PFjcv3B9dIQKqtp1dlZAbu39VB3LrXCUkVmr4tRlraeuuj0onZ9dJITDj_ldwUwu2tj5l6edYa0Q1hXXembWYic6ujeO7GVGQ8l899XbAGFljpGJg.eFyhsOAOm9yBoXDimPiE3Qq6D-4Ho0z-gvBFVZjYoRw&dib_tag=se&keywords=IN+THE+WOODS+screenplay&qid=1705849771&s=books&sprefix=in+the+woods+screenplay%2Cstripbooks%2C94&sr=1-7
  4. Furthermore with IN THE WOODS, the film has been digitally remastered plus we also have a new director’s cut that is much more enriched. I’m waiting until the theatrical premiere to see it. But we shopped the film and have had a few good distribution offers. I think we know which one we want to go with for BluRay and merchandise. The novelization by Nancy Gideon is also going to get a re-release and perhaps even the origins script I penned many years ago. It is fun to see these classic films get remastered and enjoyed and appreciated by a new generation.
  5. Following KNIGHT CHILLS, CDI’s second film was a nod to comic books and the pulp SciFi entitled FROM VENUS, directed by Jeff Kennedy. New art work is being assembled/painted by Tom Miller the fan artists who did the amazing paintings for the Knight Chills Blu Ray. Once I have this packaged we’ll shop it to a few of the companies that focus on these films. It is an honor to have these films appreciated as classics. I want to preserve them and allow them to be seen by upcoming filmmakers. We are started somewhere.
  6. Jumping 20+ year ahead let’s talk about the films front and center. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is really doing well on home video. We’re still getting theaters asking to have the film play on the big screen. We are able to do that so we might start having some select big screen showings. But the DVD and STREAMING has been strong and I hope to have more specifics on how strong very soon. This WW2 home front war drama is a must see if that time period interests you at all. DVD and STREAMING can both be bought or rented HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=asc_df_B0CL7DFYSK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7946069189314477119&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260853923386&psc=1&mcid=a5b5ef0d428739e98e194c62143ee272&gad_source=1
  7. Harsens Island Revenge editing is still going strong and our director Carl will be home in a week and change. The film is really coming together and beyond the intensity of the characters and story the footage is just beautiful. Carl was also working on a few settings for the color correction and it made the beautiful footage even more amazing. I cannot wait for us to sit down with Dennis Therrian our composer and sound designer. He’s been sketching sound and score samples to discuss with Carl. Also we’ll be bringing the producers together for our one opening scene shoot to kick off the film. It’s WW1 and will be quite exciting to film. If we shoot in Feb or March will depend on the snow, the military base and how quickly we can pull it all together.
  8. HOT ROD LOVE – This is the next feature film looking to shoot this Summer. It will be directed by Shane Hagedorn and is a drama-comedy set in the 1970’s with drag racing being the back drop. I think we’ve found our track partners but need to do a formal scout. We’ve got some of the first commits to funding and will keep on those. Following Pepsi we have some other sponsors landing and this will be a fun one for advertisers. The race track, cars and racing suits and such will allow us to really capture some great brands. If you or your company want to know about involvement feel free to reach out to me.
  9. Additional Development – I had a few nice calls this past week about CDI coming back into Iowa to film again. I had a good meeting with Curran Jacobs, who we’re looking to work with again and we think we’ve got the right project. Some development paperwork will be put into play and once done we’ll talk more about that project. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE was discussed this week and we have some forthcoming talks that might move that piece on the chessboard. WILD FAITH: HASTINGS has some interest but patience is in practice as we await a few developments.
  10. If you’ve not watched the CDI library many of them can be found on Encourage TV on a Playlist so please do enjoy these film. WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0LCdlq-BK0&list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E

I’m going to wrap up this blog update so I can get some breakfast, shower up and be ready to cheer on our Detroit Lions football team. I had a Lions helmet as a child and I’ve been a lifelong fan along with many family members now deceased who would have loved to see this game. Win or lose we will all be proud of this team but we’re all looking for a win. I know we’ll get their very best. GO LIONS! I’ll look forward to sharing with you all again next week. Stay warm for those in the arctic zone and be good to one another.



Good morning! I’m getting a later start today having stayed up past my bedtime to watch our Detroit Lions play last night at Dallas. Man the calls were really against them and that final “situation” was disappointing. I’ll let those wiser in football knowledge debate and discuss that final call. I think it will all fire the team up for their next encounter. My alumni school Michigan State University also had a hard year in football but their basketball team is looking like their getting back on track. I’m really looking forward to our outdoor soccer season. I’m looking to have an even better season but overall it is just fun and healthy to compete like that each week.

Health is wealth is still the mantra I’m sticking by. I like the idea of never saying you are sick but you’re always healing. My ailments this year have thankfully all been minor and I’m putting more energy and effort towards that in the coming year. I’ve got a few action films or films with action still in me. I’ve been moving from just daily maintain workouts to building. Usually just flexibility and tone are my goals but I’ve moved into more building. Each of you should either start or perhaps try to build upon your own routines. I’m thankful for the martial arts that I’ve practiced since I began in 7th grade. The only film I’ve displayed any of my martial arts was MAN’S BEST FRIEND playing Paul Landings. I’ve used my training to allow and assist me in doing many of my own stunts. I’m really proud of the knock down drag out fight scene in WICKED SPRING with actor buddy Terry Jernigan. We’ll see what the future holds.


As I look over my goals list that I make each year I’m reasonably happy with the results. It is good to put it down in writing and it is okay if you fall short. You almost always will. I had plans to have a deck built and finish these rafter coverings on the fort/office but that did not get done. But it will go on my 2024 list. Producing a feature film and music video both were achieved. Harsens Island Revenge was filmed and is now being edited together. A great rock music video was shot a follow up to our DEEPFALL Revolution” video. It will be releasing soon but it came out great. Best part was exchanging stories with the drummer Chris Adler (Megadeath, Lamb of God) about all our mutual associates in Virginia where he lives. That goal was met and I plan to match or exceed that in 2024. I had a goal of acting in an outside CDI film which is always fun because I don’t carry the responsibilities of producing. I graciously did have an offer to star in an outside CDI film but it was too close to our Harsens Island Revenge shoot and I was already in the look and mindset of ‘Axel’ and could not switch gears. But I’ll give myself partial credit for I could have but I like to focus on one at a time and give my full attention and effort. My gardening efforts were successful and I enjoy my ongoing study of herbs and fungus. Such healing power in nature and it is fun to unlock the secrets. I will continue that into the new year. I set a safe soccer season as a goal and that was met. Again I hope to play with the same strong intensity and stay safe and healthy. Finish two new scripts was a goal and while I did not finish two new ones I made new progress on four or so pet project scripts. Pet project scripts are ones not on a fast track and I’m not being paid to write. While I did not get SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE financed progress was made and perhaps 2024 will see that follow through. I had a goal of assembling the CDI film back up RAID that will store and allow easy access to the footage. I’m happy to report that all the equipment is in and next week it will be active and ready to start loading up with CDI films. I wanted a CDI highlight reel cut but that was dependent upon the RAID build so while I don’t get to unveil that today it will be coming soon. I asked for a smooth tax season which it was thanks to my great team of people. I ask for that again this year. The development of a theatrical division was a goal and I’m happy to say with had our best run in 2023 with SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA going into 70+ theatres and playing 9 months in the midwest theatres. I have zero doubt that Harsens Island Revenge will build upon that and go even higher. My last set of goals was the development of a full on merchandise and music division. Steps were taken but not fully realized and those goals will carry over to 2024! As you can see I too did not achieve all my goals but some of them and took good steps towards the others. So write down your own goals and that will help you work towards them.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA released nationally on December 1st and has been an extreme joy during the season. So many people are now getting to watch this beautiful story at home with family and friends. Such a great story of hope. Hope that even during dark times we can reach down and find the good parts of ourselves. It is available on DVD and streaming so please do enjoy a watch. If you liked it please leave a review on it’s http://www.imdb.com or Amazon page or wherever you can.

Harsens Island Revenge – I just actually received an update from our director Carl Weyant who is editing. We have a solid hour edited and he’s been fine tuning it. The last quarter of the edit starts with the new year. I’m excited to get working on a ‘behind the scenes’ and a teaser trailer not to forget the director’s theatrical poster built from GW Burns powerful elements. I cannot wait to start having Dennis Therrian put a score to this powerful film.

HOT ROD LOVE was on the development track last year when Harsens Island Revenge came in fully funded. The 70’s comedy/drama set against the backdrop of drag racing was put on a shelf but is now moving back into active development. We are proud to say we’ve got our friends at PEPSI onboard and even the first committed funds. We’ll be giving our past backers the first opportunity to get involved and that process will start first of the new year. We’ve made several new friends who’ve given interest in getting involved with these stories and so rest assured opportunities will be presented.

WILD FAITH celebrated passing the 8 million views mark at Encourage TV meaning 20-30 million worldwide not counting broadcast. The Wild Faith: HASTINGS TV series that continues the story from the feature is being looked at by several parties. The key has always been creative control. The series might have been produced already if deep compromises had been made. I was unwilling to do so. If and when it is brought back it will be done properly.

2023 saw the rebirth of KNIGHT CHILLS on Blu-Ray. The film which has built a following over the years was released in Oct. having been digitally remastered. The 1st special cover run sold out in 6 days. A director’s rewrite of a sequel is going to be submitted and 2024 might see the sequel ride into production. Also the original will be heading to streaming we are just looking at the best course for it.

The possibility of several of the CDI Classic Collection being remastered and re-released is moving forward. It takes time but it is worth it to see these films brought back into the marketplace. My coffee is getting low and I’m feeling a need for some eggs. I’m going to try and wrap this up and enjoy my day. I had the last of my Christmas family gatherings yesterday and get to see some family I haven’t seen since pre-Covid. At the gathering we got word of a family members passing. We took a moment of silence right in the middle of a game full of laughter. A reminder that each year is precious and that loved ones will pass on. I know of several friends who lost loved ones. So again bringing it full circle, I ask for health and happiness for you all in the coming year. Work on your goals but be kind to yourself when you fall a little short. Try to be more kind. More understanding. More compassionate. More giving where you can. Sometimes that giving is just time. Time. A way we measure our journey. I wish you all a beautiful 2024 journey. I’ll be here to share mine with you. I’m also really considering the podcast FIRESIDE WITH DJ PERRY, suggested to me so often the last few year. If it happens or not I’ll still look forward to those fireside chats at the fort/office with all my dear friends and associates. To you all I wish you a Happy NEW YEAR!

Coffee Cheers!


Now Streaming! DVD’s HOT GIFTS! – Updates

Good morning my friends, I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee on this wonderful Sunday. I want to welcome all our new readers from Mexico, Netherlands, India, Canada and more. I’m up good and early as I have a day that keeps moving right until bedtime. I had a very good week of organizing and getting things done. A few meetings and some additional winterizing. That is what we have to do here to prepare for the ice and snow. I fixed the fence gate and split wood by axe attacking a stack of logs this past week. I paid the price the next day of overworking. Stiff neck and lower back but I got those worked out. I had one day where I was moving half speed at best. But I will need to get those muscles working to get through the winter. The wood stove will need to keep the logs burning.

(Fellowship of filmmaking – Tony Hornus center with Travis (Left) and Cody (Rt) on set. )

The Christmas tree is up and this past week a few outside decorations went up. I do love the colored bulbs. I don’t enjoy traffic and crowded stores and try to go at off times. We have three family Christmas gatherings in a row and so I’ve been also being a little elf wrapping away. I have a few good meetings this week that will also be part celebration and planning for 2024.

(Coming together to tell stories – myself, Don Most (center) and Carl Weyant (Rt) director)

Yesterday, I want to recognize that a friend, family and mentor passed away a year ago yesterday. I’ll always remember because I was in Algona, Iowa for the premiere of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We had done a radio show on a very snowy morning. This friend was going to have a medical test done and his heart stopped. I got up from resting my eyes knowing we had a pre-party followed by the premiere and lastly an afterglow at the VFW. I awoke from my short nap to find out this horrible news. It was this town’s beautiful day and story. It almost felt like WHOville at Christmastime, so I kept this news mostly quiet. He was really interested in seeing this WW2 era story. Now, Dec 1st this year was our home video release and I once again recalled again how badly he wanted to see this new film. Dec 9th marked one year without him. He is greatly missed – Dan the Druid.

(Just some of the CDI Tribe – multigenerational – back right John McGraw has been with the tribe the longest of the folks in this pic save me)

* NOTE: I had just put my phone in my vest pocket – I’m not packing heat:)

Let’s look at some of the exciting updates this week.


  1. With the December 1st home video release of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA), years of work before shooting and a few since of premiere release came to an end. From the point financial backers entrust you there is a somber seriousness that goes along with that responsibility. I’ve noted before that due to several variables this film was one of the hardest ones to finish in many years. But, with the national release I can exhale.
  2. The SNIA pre-sales ranking for DVD’s on Amazon has stayed strong and we just got our November totals and it is our distributors top performing film. We had just shy of 3,000 people purchase the DVD as a keepsake or as a gift. Businesses purchasing for employees. Gifting DVD’s to nursing homes so that residents can enjoy the sights and sounds of an early day with a smile. Hospitals? Prisons? This true event film can truly lift the spirits. I am so appreciative of all the good folks who have watched and shared how special the film is. Especially those who have reviewed it on Amazon or http://www.imdb.com – we love to read about your experience watching this story and it encourages others to take a watch. Many of the film’s cast and crew have reached out to express their joy at being part of this film. Our kudos to all of you. Filmmaking is very hard work and many people don’t seem to grasp that. A huge effort of coordinating so many artists and variables. It just means so much to all of us to have everyone accept the film as they have. We make these stories for all of you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  3. A fan favorite is WILD FAITH, a family western, ah- mid-western. It just celebrated flying over the 8 million views mark at Encourage TV. (Free w/ ads search it out) They are just one of many platforms showcasing this and many of the CDI films. CDI even has their own playlist on Encourage TV. But with each passing year our fans for Wild Faith increase. We are still very interested in the TV series. We just have to align with the right partners. In 2024 we just must get all those pieces to line up. Persistence is one of my strengths.
  4. KNIGHT CHILLS, is the very first film by CDI. We started shooting in 1998 I believe bringing us to 25 years since camera rolled. I think our first major distribution was in 2001. The film is proudly back on the market as a Blu-Ray. If you or someone you know is into the ole fantasy role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons they would likely enjoy this film. BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17209379555681048587&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6
  5. 2024 should bring some new life to the KNIGHT CHILLS franchise. A sequel has been talked about for years with various interested filmmakers. A sequel? The video game? Book reissue? Merchandise? I have a good meeting on Monday where part of the discussions will be on Knight Chills.
  6. Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) updates- I had a great update with our director Carl Weyant, as he was heading to the airport to be with family. The film at the time of our discussion was just shy of 50 minutes edited and he said it was pretty damn tight. He was just so excited by the performances and the way the story all pulls together. Good script eh? 🙂 A teaser trailer and the film edit will be worked on and when Carl returns in January of 2024, we should have a rough edit to watch. Good talks with our composer have started but will become even more involved in 2024.
  7. Additional HIR– I’ll be working with Tony Hornus on looking to cast our (5) WW1 German reenacts to film our opening. We’ll also bringing back in David Reardon and Bejo Dohmen for our final shooting of our opening scene in Feb. if everything goes according to plan.

WRAP UP: I’m enjoying the Christmas season and thankful for the time with family and friends. I’ve been organizing and reflecting. I’ve been calling up old friends and associates to check in with them and share a laugh. I’ve been trying to recharge. Having something like ‘Silent Night in Algona’ get to market thus fulfilling my main responsibility. “Create the best art possible within the business perimeters and getting it to market.” From there, how it is received depends on the audience and the distributors.

Let’s talk on that a beat-

Many distributors are puppy mills for films. Horrible deals that will rob filmmakers versus develop and grow with them. Work smarter vs harder, I say. Distribute less content but ones worth more revenue via quality. Every major company that embraced its brand worked hard in customer service to build customer loyalty. They care about what people think of their company. CDI is like that. Many we do business with share that idea. I know our new Pepsi contact and team takes great pride in their brand(s).

Some exploitation distributors just wreck and rape, harsh word I know but a very good illustration when you look at how artists love their “child” films. Once the exploitive distributor ship has taken on too many legal hits they scuttle the company. So reputation of the distributor matters and I can attest that it can make a lot of difference between living in the past or future. A good partnership like what we just shared on the launch of ‘Silent Night in Algona’ is golden. To have a chance at creating something great it takes more effort versus just going through the motions. Having everyone aligned towards a common goal with content that is truly uplifting woven within a true story of goodness. In a world where we are reminded daily of senseless shootings and never ending wars, a film that gives HOPE is like gold.

To bring it full circle, the saying “you are wealthy by what you can give away, not what you have” is a powerful saying to ponder. When you’re giving to others you’re also living in a season of being blessed. Apply this to distribution – Once a distribution company has good content flowing in from fair development practices you will see great growth in the distribution branch. To grow yourself you must have healthy story providers. A company quickly gets known for the quality of their content. They can become greater than the sum of the parts/films if they choice wisely. CDI (www.cdiproductions.com) is also greater than the sum of the parts/films. A creative incubator – knights of the creative round table – tribeCDI THUNDERDOME! Okay. I need to back that down. But each film is a handcrafted piece of art made by many artists who care sincerely about storytelling. About legacy. I’m going to wrap it up now. I’m going to a memorial later and after spending time with my brother and a few friends. All our journeys will one day end here. Spend time with family and friends and keep expanding that circle of sincere. People don’t easily trust kindness. But people also feel/know sincere. That is a word I think I relate too. SINCERE. Now you can sincerely be a pain in the ass too. But I think I’m quite sincere in most all I do. Is a sincere effort same as best effort? I think if you give your best you are sincere in the effort. I will have to ponder and we’ll talk more about that on a different day.

Be sincere and good to one another. Until next week.

Coffee Cheers- DJ

NEW ‘CDI’ FILM UPDATES! – November 19th, 2023

This is a truly chilly Michigan morning. Thankfully I was able to get a hot pot of hazelnut coffee flowing. I want to welcome my new readers from India, Philippines, Bangladesh and Canada. I’ve been busy getting things rolling in promotion with SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA and we’re also chugging along on HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE post-production. I’ve had several meetings over the course of the week. MSU, my alumni actually won a close football game yesterday and we’ll see in the Detroit Lions can keep their momentum.

This week I kept up with the winterizing of the yard. We’re going up North on Thanksgiving so we’re having a holiday gathering at my dad’s today. We enjoyed watching the SILVER BELLS holiday tree lighting fest here in Lansing. From our house we could watch the drone show and the fireworks show put on by one of our “Harsens Island Revenge” sponsors, ACE Pyro Inc. It was a great display.

  1. Met with our BMG Global team on the roll out of PR leading up to the December 1st DVD and streaming release of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. I know Amazon Prime and Vudu are a couple of the streaming sites that will carry the film. Many more streaming platforms will be releasing it I just need to track those links down. It will make a great gift and shared watch with family. PRE-ORDER the DVD here- https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2OKCPJN0M4XQ&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1700399845&sprefix=silent+night+in+algona+%2Caps%2C94&sr=8-1
  2. I met this week with an old friend discussion charity work with CDI. It is something we’ll move into more of as we continue to develop and grow the company.
  3. I also had a meeting with Adam Towner this week over our CDI back up RAID that is being assembled. Once that is active we’ll have easier access to our footage for promotional work. One of the the things I want done is a Behind the Scenes video for Harsens Island Revenge to release in December and a CDI highlight reel to drop on Jan 1st, 2024.
  4. I also took a meeting over a possible CDI associated TV show. It was more consulting at this point but it could turn into something more solid leading into 2024.
  5. Met with our production designer GW Burns over CDI merchandise. One of the cool first run items is a collection of Christmas cards featuring locations and vehicles used in Harsens Island Revenge. You can view the cards and order from GW directly at https://www.facebook.com/GregWBurns
  6. I also met with our John “Tiger” Mashni, our fellow producer to prep for end of the year tax work and also film dispersement to our backers either in Dec or Jan. This also includes state filing fees and other business to-do’s.
  7. A beautiful thing is that BMG Global/Encourage TV has created a PLAY LIST for those wanting to watch one CDI film after another. We will be adding The Patchwork Girl from Oz to the list also. Here it is! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E&si=KgpKfZOfJOAc91Ne
  8. And while a tad different, the animated CDI associated film THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ is a wonderful watch for the entire family. It features many of your favorite characters. WATCH NOW!https://youtu.be/qLaw6zOAsw0?si=ThELZd33DsDJqXJv
  9. Climbing in the ranks of films is CDI’s maiden voyage film KNIGHT CHILLS. It actually has a YULE time plot line which I will not give away. The film has been brought into high def and the audio has been remastered. Also many great extra features old and new. Give the gift and maybe a red rose;) BUY NOW! https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=BFQA5294BLA6&keywords=Knight+Chills&qid=1700401692&sprefix=knight+chills%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-2
  10. HERE is the final SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA home video release trailer from BMG Global – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_D35qZCUlc

WRAP UP: So as you can see from above it was a busy week. While all this is underway we’re taking a hard look at development. It is nice to just have a clear head without any character building currently happening. I do love that process. But right now after months of keeping myself more or less clean shaved, I’m enjoying the wild beard. Plus it is helping with the cold for sure. I’ve been getting after log splitting and tonight I’ll have the wood stove kicking.

The fort’s fireside provides a great place to brainstorm and to move business along. I’m looking forward to many more over the winter as we find the spark for new upcoming projects. We have several properties in development. We’ll seek to capture that momentum from our upcoming releases and exciting post production updates. Who is excited to see a Harsens Island Revenge behind the scenes video or teaser trailer? They will be coming. In the meantime you watch follow us on Facebook and watch all the great photos rolling out.

As it gets cold it is a great time to revisit your CDI favorite films like The Quest Trilogy, Lost Heart, Wild Faith…If you want to watch director Anthony Hornus’ last film before SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA releases watch MAN’S BEST FRIEND. I’m going to finish off the coffee and look at getting into some bacon and eggs. I hope you all are having a great harvest season. We are reaping the rewards of past efforts and it feels great. I want to once again thank all our backers, cast, crew and sponsors and most of all, our fans. Have a great week and we’ll chat next week. We might actually get some snow mid week so get out those warm clothes.

Coffee Cheers!


Deceleration Into Home Life- Basking in the Afterglow of Filming

Greetings to everyone out there. I’m really feeling good. I’ve come home to a true fall festival. The final harvests are underway. Rainy and cold I’ve already had several fires in the wood stove. I’ve had several wonderful conversations with cast, crew, sponsors, location owners and random folks associated with our last film Harsens Island Revenge around that fire. I feel like a bunch of returning vikings that sailed off across the sea on a wonderful adventure. Some are in the desert, some the jungle, the mountain and the rugged shores of Thunder Bay. I do miss the sound of the crashing waves and seabirds. The community was amazing like many have had the pleasure to call home for a while when filming. Yuma, Algona, White Hall, Hastings…we energize and bring communities to life via storytelling. I’ve seen the artistic fires ignite and burn bright with people we’ve met. The #CDItribe keeps growing!

Tony Hornus with our new sound team Travis and Cody!

Our set problems encountered were few due to great prep work by the team leaders and the reward was great with each day’s footage being the gold. I saw so many crew members inspired by the performances and the actors were inspired by the world created by the hard working crew. Debriefing is and has always been fun. We as producers debrief daily on set, sharing issues or victories of the day, prepping for upcoming needs and wants. Daily issues are discussed and via order of business tasks are handled. Port-a-johns, pontoon boat, military base clearance and the ‘to do’ list goes on. Hundreds of things happening behind the scenes and the goal always is to TCB (Like Elvis) in a non-distracting way. Aside from trouble shooting there is just the flow -Prepping payroll, paying payroll and accounting payroll: show+biz = motion picture production

Don Most takes his third journey with CDI. Quality talent continues to be drawn to our stories and I love the range and diversity that talent can showcase. I can promise you that this man in the middle brings a powerful performance to the film. It reminds me of when Rance Howard was excited about playing the Devil in the three biblical films. He was often cast as the good this or the good that so to play ‘the bad guy’ was a great thrill. Also it was great fun for the Howard clan who had not seen Rance with a beard in many years. I’m proud of all the performances and I think every actor will be proud to have participated in this movie. Follow our movie Facebook page as we are rolling cool pics out daily. Kind of inspired by trading cards of old we’ll be rolling them out. BTS, Officials, black and whites, intro to the militia and Purple Gang. Fun stuff! Check us out. Also we’ll be end of year updating the http://www.cdiproductions.com website. There is lots of cool stuff on our site about our creative group and our endeavors.

I have worked to settle back in until we take the next CDI adventure. That means props and craft service stuff goes back into storage. I think we are close to being at a stage or acquiring an enclosed trailer to store all the CDI stuff like tables, chairs, coffee makers, tents. Now with a growing transportation department I think we might be able to grow that. I’m very excited about this last production because we ran about 95% efficiency. It is hard to control that final 5% variable you can just react to it. But even next to Algona it was an easier shoot. But Algona was much winder and colder. That alone drains a cast and crew and putting up lights and flags in heavy winds becomes problematic. But the weather really was perfect with the cold front hitting on the last night showing us what we had missed. We’re just so excited about what we captured in Alpena. We will continue that tradition of great stories.

Today Marv Chickering who runs the Nativity Scene Museum in Algona, was gifted the beautiful RED LETTER AWARDS that the film received for best screenplay and best film. They will hang the pair of awards in the museum. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA was made to showcase that towns beautiful story from 1944. That story can be seen by everyone on Dec 1st 2023 on Amazon Prime, Encourage TV and many other streaming platforms. Once I get a list I’ll announce that. Again follow our Facebook site for a lot of great updates on this beautiful film. I look forward to hearing the feedback which if matches the theatrical it will be well received.

I see that several thousand of you have watched THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ – thank you!

KNIGHT CHILLS– While organizing in the office I got to truly enjoy the HD version of the film. I could see the cracks of a 10k production budget and 10k post production budget in the 90’s. I enjoyed the documentary about the films place in the history of horror films. I love the editing they did around the interviews. Overall just a real joy. I’ll be reaching out to the distributor next week. We’re talking some expansion merchandise. I want to again say how much I love the Tom Miller fan art.

Knight Chills Blu Ray can be bought on many major outlets starting Oct 30th, 2023. If role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons is your jam, check it out. CDI first feature released 22 years ago and filmed 25 years ago. Lots going on with this franchise.

DEVELOPMENT – Lots of development thoughts and talks underway. We discussed this last week and I’m not going to go deep on this topic yet. We have several projects in development and we’ll see what synergy is created. I love the fall/winter as a time to birth ideas and new stories from my imagination.

(Axel, wardrobe test)

END OF WEEK THOUGHTS– My mind has already plotted out all the additional steps we need to take in post and once our clean up is completed we’ll be single focused on the post process. Many are feeling that deceleration sickness of riding on that artistic high for weeks traveling with so many and suddenly being solo and returning back to the quiet. I’m looking forward to my many meetings next week. Past, present and future all mixed into the journey. Proud of where I’ve been and what I’ve done and of now I’m doing. And always looking forward to what we will do in the years ahead. Plans have to be made ahead of time as these movies don’t always move fast. But we have many awaiting to see what the new stories and adventures will be. So am I. So I’ll keep on moving forward and we’ll see what happens. It has been nice to put Harsens Island Revenge’s Axel out to the island. I lived with him for quite some time and I love how he came out. I’m a happier person than Axel and so I’m happy to be back to 100% me. It is funny that I really don’t feel the urge to dress up and become on Halloween anymore. I get my fill of that with my acting roles. I don’t know what is next and that too is kind of exciting. Until next week!

Coffee Cheers!


‘Harsens Island Revenge’ One Week In the Can! And Other CDI Updates!

Good afternoon from beautiful Alpena, MI where we are shooting our newest motion picture HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE. We had a strong start to our week finishing early every day but it is not a sprint but a marathon. We have some new department members that are getting their first taste of set life. You need to keep your mind clear and your body healthy. We’ve had a swing of temps from chilly to warm and back to nighttime chilly. My sinus have felt it on some days but that is part of the game. We’ve had wonderful views every day and each new and exciting locations. It is always exciting to see new actors arrive or new vehicles make their appearance. It gives a look into the revolutionizing of the world as we moved from horse and buggies to horseless carriages. From speakeasy’s to lighthouses we have been capturing just amazing footage. And we are making some new friends which is always a joy.

Co-Producer Tony with our sound team Travis and Cody

Tomorrow we are back at it filming at some rustic cottages from the 20’s. That is the amazing thing about the town is that many of the buildings are from that time period and new owners are just to restore them to their former glory or just preserve them as they were. We hear stories here from everyone about the Purple Gangs involvement. This is the same coast as Harsens and has the same rugged look and channels. We’ve heard of hitman living the low life here amongst the townspeople. This area was mainly lumber trade. And the performances have been just on point. That is something that our crew has been really happy with. The organization and the performances adding in all the locations and props.

DP Travis Hayward with Shane Hagedorn on screen

This doesn’t happen by accident. It is the hard work of our producing team and keys. Today is our day off but we were working up until 4:00 and Tony Hornus is still in the office lining up extras. He takes such care in the faces he brings to the screen and works hard to bring them into the story. It’s not policy but when I can I like to write paychecks out on the off day. I was really quite exhausted last night after filming but got up early to write cast and crew payroll. Today we also gave away a pottery piece from Reinert Pottery, one of our sponsors with the checks.

Me with Don Most and director Carl Weyant

We have two more weeks to go but we are getting into a groove. Folks have to get some sleep and take their vitamins today and let’s get after it.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– I cannot recall if we talked about winning Best Screenplay and Best Film at the Red Letter Awards. We know have our home video release date of Dec 1st and I was told we’ll be one of four films highlighted at AFM in a few weeks. We are so excited to share this film with folks from around the world.

KNIGHT CHILLS which was CDI’s 1st feature film has been released on Blu-Ray and the special 1000 piece slip cover version sold out in a week. The classic edition can be still purchased at Vinegar Syndromes website. On Oct 30th several online retailers will start carrying it. We are in talks about some merchandise. Also discussions are underway to give FROM VENUS the same treatment.


My alumni MSU is not having a good game today I hear. I hope the Lions can kick it into high gear. I’m looking forward to capturing all the pieces of this film. And we’ll release SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for the holidays. I’m going to lie low for a while and go to bed early for a 7am call time. I saw Randy Spence (My daddy in BEST YEARS GONE) a while ago and we have Garry Nation and Terence Knox in Alpena for the week ahead. It is nice to see these amazing artists. Melissa Anschutz is also on camera tomorrow bringing scenes to life. I will be excited to watch them work. Until next Sat! Coffee Cheers- yes coffee can be had at all hours on a movie set.


Persistence Against Resistance – Happy July!

Hazelnut cheers! I want to welcome our new readers this week with several from the US but also from Denmark and also a first, from an unknown country. I’m not quite sure what that means but maybe aliens? My blog has gone interplanetary:) I want to start by saying I’m so happy the air quality has gotten back to a good place. It was really bad for a few days and you could see it and feel it if you remained outside too long. I was happy actually that they rescheduled our soccer match on Thursday. I took a spoonful of honey and did salt nasal spray daily to help keep away any of the various symptoms I heard from many people. We also got some much needed rain which I hope helps Canada and their wild fires. The rain here really helped our lawn and all our plants. As noted last week our berries have been in full effect and the chickens LOVE all the fallen mulberries. The raspberries and rhubarb have been also popping and some will get the freeze for future wine runs. The ROCKING RHUBARB has been bubbling away and I might have one other secret add before going to bottles. My Mexican-style Chili Beer has been getting rave reviews and I have to admit it came out really good. Maybe a few more people will get a try over the next few days.

Before getting into talking about our films I’ll talk about someone else’s film. I remember my first screening of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. My buddy John from 1st grade on had been one of my main movie buddies. We had seen Star Wars so many times, fibbing to our parents about going to see a different film but going to see Star Wars again. John’s mom was dropping us off at the theater as John and I wondered if the film was about Noah’s ark or this other ark also from the Bible. Well, we knew it had our beloved ‘Han Solo’ playing the lead. To this day the original ‘Raiders’ is one of my favorite films in my lifetime. Yesterday I got to watch the end cap to that spring of movie stories. I know my buddy John has tickets to go see it today. We will enjoy a good post-film talk after just like we did in our youth. I’m glad in a world where so many of our music and movie heroes have passed, Harrison Ford is still with us. I’m going to just say that I really enjoyed the film and leave it at that for now. I also hope I can still be making movies at his age. He can still carry a film as a leading man.


  1. I had a good meeting with a high school buddy who has done well for himself with a distillery. We discussed a CDI Collection of bottled booze. A special label and type picked out for each film. Also from each one we might assign a % to a cause. A great way to celebrate CDI’s long history and help some various causes.
  2. We are starting to land some product partners and sponsors for our next film Harsens Island Revenge. We are in the process of inking these deals but we’ll have some great ones riding with us on this next story. If you have a product or service or just want to support the film, please do reach out. Also I’ve had several cast and crew asking for our schedule. Our draft 4 is under review this weekend and we hope to lock it start of the week. It is lagging a bit from my timeline but we want it to be as tight as we can get it. Aside from that I’ve been enjoying working on my upcoming role and hope to bring you a cool character.
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is going back into the Algona State 5 Fridley theatre for their Founders celebration July 6-9. Times can be gotten directly from their website. Our post production folks are working with BMG on the last few adjustments for our home video roll out. I hope to get that resolved soon so I can bring you exact dates for DVD, streaming, broadcast and more.
  4. Thanks to my CDI team – I’ve been prepping the information to report to our backers and cut them checks. It’s a major process with many checks written but I also enjoy the process. It beats the old days of chasing around dishonest distributors. So I will be doing some of that in the forthcoming week.
  5. We’ve been getting ready to launch a new CDI back up system that will house the CDI library in a way that can be easily accessed by our editors. This will aid in promotional work and in providing footage to talent. We should have this up and running by September.
  6. I’m excited that many of the films are finding wider and wider audiences. Man’s Best Friend is on the way to 2 million with Encourage TV. Take a watch or watch it again and help us get to that new goal.
  7. I’m really excited about a deal coming together that will put a few CDI properties into motion as a video game and/or animated endeavor. Many merchandise and spin off properties being worked on and I’m excited to see them come develop.
  8. Development on TV/film projects continues and the next couple of weeks should help move pieces on the board forward.

WRAP UP: I could be missing a few updates but I will take a moment to state again that these projects are not easy to launch. I’ve had numerous people compliment on the steady flow of creative endeavors but they all happen brick by brick. Meeting by meeting. Deal points to agreements followed by action. I too deal with patience issues at times. I often apologize for my pushing upon people to keep moving things forward. Often we advance more rapidly or consistently because while others rest or play we are working it. Succeeding where so many fail makes me feel good. Not for their failure but for our persistence against resistance.

Keep at your dreams and do something daily and brick by brick you can build it. And to die in pursuit of your dreams is better than the regret of never even trying. I want to thank those who have sent messages or left their reviews on our stories. To be credited as an inspiration to keep after your creative endeavors is priceless. I smell bacon cooking which reminds me that later this month we have our 4H fair we attend. Also the chickens have been kicking out the eggs while feasting on those mulberries I mentioned earlier. So I’m going to say good day and get after some amazing smelling breakfast. I hope you all have a relaxing and SAFE holiday. Our fur babies are not fans of the fireworks so we usually lie in with some loud movie playing. My days of exploding hoot-n-nanny is over and I have the memories and luckily all my fingers and both eyes. So let’s all make this month of JULY a great one!

Coffee Cheers!


A Look Back at Past Birthdays and Movie Updates!

(DJ Year one)

Good morning! I’m officially another year older and I have to say it was a nice transition. June 23rd is my actual birthday and I often get to pondering at this time. I remember most of my childhood and college bday celebrations. One of my best friends from the neighborhood had a June 18th bday so we often had parties together. I could write an entire book on the adventures of our upbringing and just might one day. We had a wooded area that provided all kinds of fun activities from tree fort building to BB gun wars and capture the flag. We had a large enough group to play some great backyard sports. Dungeons and Dragons was a favorite from about 3rd grade onward. It is fun to see some of these things making such a come back into todays culture.

(Bday in the 70’s)

I did have a soccer match on Thursday that was likely my best of the season. I really wanted to win going into my Friday bday. It was hard fought and we did emerge victorious. You are always a little more sore when you lose. I’m appreciative that I’m still able to run and compete in the game I love. Friday was a good day starting with my brother and nephew visiting. I got a cool Conan the Barbarian tee-shirt and the chickens got some good attention from my nephew who also just had a bday. We ended with a dinner with the moms where I got one of my favorites, an olive burger. I also got to see one of my high school buddies in town and enjoyed a visit over one of my new beers. I’m happy to say from all my testers that it came out great. My high school buddy’s quote was “I normally don’t like beer but this is really good.” This is the Diego Jose’s Mexican Style Chili Beer and I’m happy to report the Rockin’ Rhubarb Wine is bubbling and fermenting like crazy. In a few months it will be ready and so when Fall comes we can enjoy Springtime in a bottle.

(More 70’s Bday)

Saturday was beautiful and I was enjoying the day both in the yard and running around seeking a few Estate Sale treasures. After we had a nice dinner with my dad and his wife where I got prime rib. It was such a big cut and I’m use to more modest portions so now we have leftovers for some steak and eggs. Speaking of eggs the chickens have been going crazy eating up all the mulberries on the ground. Yes, the berries are in full force and I probably eat about 20 or so a day right off the trees. The raspberries and rhubarb are ripening and I will pick and freeze some for the next batch of wine. We had the heat and humidity finally arrive yesterday and so now the air conditioner is kicking. I don’t mind heat as much as I really dislike humidity. Arizona or Las Vegas type heat suits me better versus Florida or Atlanta heat. The most humid place I’ve been was likely Costa Rica rain forest where you learn to live damp.

(More 70’s Birthdays)

I got a new magnetic iPhone car holder and charger since June 30th they have a law in Michigan of no hands on the phone. I use to hold it with the pop top while Siri helped GPS me drive to my destinations. Overall I think it is a law that will save many lives. I see daily distracted drivers and worry especially for motorcycle drivers. A few other little love gifts completed the bday weekend. I even got a nice bottle of rye whiskey from my high school buddy. Gifts to share are always good ones. I will see a few other friends and my brother later tonight and tomorrow I’m ready to attack my TO DO’s a year older.

(Rocking the ‘Star Wars’ Tee -shirt so likely 1977/78)

Let’s take a look at some of the things ahead-

  1. We have to review the new schedule draft for Harsens Island Revenge and look to lock it this week. We had a great meeting Weds with our director and 1st AD with the producers sounding in. Once we lock the script we can move to securing several other aspects of production.
  2. As we finalize some final fixes on SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA home video delivery, we hope to get final release dates soon. I know they are starting to work on home video poster/DVD art. Many are awaiting the streaming and DVD home video release and it will be exciting to meet that need. We will be bringing this story to millions.
  3. I’m going to start organizing things this week for dispersement to our backers of the various films. It is a task with so many films and a lot of check writing but I do enjoy it. Many of the films are really picking up and being viewed by millions worldwide.
  4. We have been working to restore and upgrade CDI classics and also working on some tie-in’s like Making of books. It is important to remember where you came from and it is fun to see how humbly we started. We have lots of fun extras from over the years and if I can get that all pulled into a few coffee table books that will be a great keepsake.
  5. Video game spin offs are also part of what we’re pulling together and once the ink is dry I will have more to discuss on this new emerging market. This is all part of the merchandise push I want to see continue. Only so many hours in a day.
  6. DEVELOPMENT is always underway and we’re making some strong headway in laying the foundation on many new endeavors. We are already working hard to see what will follow Harsens Island Revenge. We have several possibles but it is still too early to predict what will be the follow up film or TV series.
  7. Speaking on development – a meeting last week might have us doing the next music video. I really do like the medium and so I’m excited about the possibilities. More as this becomes more solid but I’ve heard the demo track and it ROCKS.
  8. Sponsorship and Product Partners – we’ve had many great brands associated with our films over the years. We have some great ones lining up for our next film. If you have a company and want your service or products highlighted via sponsorship please do reach out. I’m trying to feature some Michigan based companies and even better if they were around in the 1920’s.

(Shogan Warrior Bday gift)

WRAP UP: I’m going to wrap this up here soon and get on with my Sunday tinkering and getting ready for a productive week ahead. For me that is printing out certain documents to reviews and organize my TO DO’s. I want to once again thank each and every person who reached out to wish me a happy birthday. I appreciate you all and the journeys we’ve taken either in life or as fellow artists in our wonderful storytelling endeavors or as fans who invited us into their homes and let us entertain you. Thank you. Thank you. How far I’ve come off just a dream is amazing to me. I hope health and longevity will allow tribeCDI and I to keep bringing you stories for many years. Because one day we will all ride off into the sunset and the stories will be all that remains. Even now much of the music and movies I enjoy feature folks no longer with us. No longer dealing with life’s hardships. My hope for this next trip around the sun is more love, understanding, unity and acceptance. When you live with hate you ruin your own happiness. You deserve happiness and you will receive what you put out into the world. I hope you all enjoy the balance of your Sunday and start the week productive. I look forward to us meeting here again next week. Until –

Coffee Cheers!


‘Silent Night In Algona’ Release Talks and More…

Good morning. I’m sipping my hazelnut coffee and enjoying this brisk morning. A welcome change from the 90 degree days we’ve had lately. My soccer game on Thursday resulted in a loss but the battle was good in the scorching heat. I’m worried that I might not have drank enough water. It was 92 degrees and I have to say I play much better in the cool Fall from my school days. My whole system felt off for two days after the game. Add day two soreness to the equation and poor sleep one night and I had a rough go Friday night. Usually I sleep very soundly and I’m a person who must get at least 5 hours to perform properly but usually get about 8 solid hours. Saturday was as close to a sick day I’ve had in a long time. But most of it was the sleep deprived from the night before. So I’m going to ramp up my water intake for sure. I slept good last night and things seem almost back to normal. But rest and hydration is a much needed element to being productive on the highest level. I use to be a night owl but now I’m a 11-7 sleeper and I enjoy the early rise. We have roosters in our neighborhood that helps with this early wake.

The property has gone full blown with everything growing and blossoming. I’ve started a batch of Mexican-style beer which I’ll be bottling this week. I’ve been harvesting rhubarb and almost have enough to do a batch of wine. I’ve been doing a run of beer and wine each year and it makes for a fun sip at meetings. The hops are growing like crazy and we’ve got several plants gifting us herbs and soon veggies will follow. I love tending to all this while still carrying on my creative duties. I’ve been cutting freshly cut logs to dry and splitting older logs to fill the bins for the coming Fall/Winter. The wood stove is getting a rest from its duties of heating the office. All of this is a good connection to nature and trust me that throwing the axe and hammer around is a hell of a work out.

June is now upon us and that is my birthday month (June 23rd) and I’m not sure if I will do anything special. I am often fine with just a nice meal and the company of family. I can’t believe how the years have gone by. But I feel very blessed to be able to do what I so love- storytelling. Shall we look at a few film updates? Okay we shall.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA- The film and elements have been delivered and are being checked by our distributor. We are still in that process so we don’t have solid home video release dates yet but the talks are going on now. It was proposed to release the DVD and transaction digital around Labor Day (Sept) with subscription video on demand and ad based video on demand around Thanksgiving. We are approved to return to the Fridley theatre in Algona for a FOUNDERS DAY run. So if you did not see it in the theatre, here will be your opportunity or if you want to see it again. The home video version has added sound design and visual effects and so that will also be a great new way to enjoy the film. We’ve had many people want to purchase a keepsake DVD and share this film with family across the country for the Christmas season. People will surely have that opportunity. I’m thinking that the museums in Algona might start carrying the DVD’s also. The current theatrical is just ending but with another showing run in July I guess it is not done. In theaters from Dec 9th to July is a pretty good run.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is heating up with the official production script now formatted and we’re awaiting the schedule for producer approval. This will also give us the day-of-days which tells us what actors, boats, cars and such are needed on what day. This will allow us to move to the agreement phase with talent. I’m going to be putting our VFX deal together this week with McGraw Multimedia. I’m looking forward to working with old friends Eldon and John McGraw on bringing a handful of VFX scenes to life on screen. This will include a cool WW1 scene, two boat scenes and a plane sequence. I’m excited to bring this story to life. We’ve been working on the hard parts of the production which is lodging and catering. I’ve also been in talks with several companies about sponsorship aligning their brand with this film. In Sept/Oct we’ll capture this story and have the Fall/Winter to put it all together.


As noted in previous blog entries I’m working to bring some of the older films into the new age. This will include HD enhancement on some. Others will have extras such as ‘Making of’ books and merchandise. And in a few situations it could include a sequel or reboot. We’ve also got some serious development underway on a new Iowa-based film and the WILD FAITH tv series HASTINGS. It is a balance of past, present and future endeavors. I don’t feel like going too far in depth right now on development but we do have many fun projects underway.

ACTING – In part because of the new acting role in ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ and part because of soccer season and the heat, I gave myself a haircut. About 8 cuts of the shears and I’m now sitting much cooler with shorter hair. It was about to the middle of my back. It grows like a weed. This next role in a hardened and experienced ex-officer from WW1. I was watching a doc show of actual life at the front lines in the trenches during WW1 and it was an eye opener.

I found myself thinking about an opportunity to work with an agent again and I’m conflicted. When I was actively seeking roles I had a high booking rate. But taking outside roles does take away from my development of CDI projects. But it is nice to sometimes just go an act versus running a circus. I’m not against considering roles but it has to be something special. At this point in my career I’ve played a lot of roles. I demand a lot from a story/script. Many regional castings are poorly presented and if unpaid have to be a pass. I’m not against those doing unpaid films as it will allow some new talent a chance to showcase on passion alone. I’m just at a place where I cannot sacrifice my routine of doing for free. Also I need to read an entire script. I turned down one project this year because free and fun are just not enough as I mentioned above. Another turned down my inquiry because they were eyeing another name talent. But I do have a great role ahead of me and I’m excited to become this man. I believe in the overall rule that I will do the projects I was meant to do. I know that I still love it though. I could not just produce without the acting. I could write without either of them for someone else but I would still miss acting and producing. Again, I will do what I’m meant to do. The thing about working for others just acting is when the character becomes lost because a story is never finished. I have 5 films I’ve acted in that never finished and four of them were features. I was paid for my time and it took me to places like Miami and Las Vegas but the hard work has never been seen. This always makes me think hard when taking on an outside project. All actors have these stories.


My growling stomach is telling me it is time to feed. I see eggs and bacon in my future. Today might include getting some veggie plants and flowers. I’m going to stay better hydrated and get ready for a great week ahead. I hope you all have a great week also. Brick by brick – build towards your goals.

Coffee Cheers!



Good morning and welcome our new readers from S. Korea, Bolivia and Norway! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee on a chilly Michigan morning. Our weather has been bouncing between warm (including record highs) and cold. But I’ve gotten some good clean up down in the yard and my clover planted is starting to come up. The new hops are already growing and many flowers have come up adding some color. I’ve got a few things that I would love to do including privacy fencing, tree trimming and lastly a new deck. I think we have an idea of what kind of patio deck design I just need to do a blueprint.

The birds and squirrels have been busy at work and I love to watch them. Our chickens are producing eggs steadily and so that means wonderful breakfast meals. I love watching the interactions between all the birds and watching them has become a fun pastime. As a matter of fact I’ve used ‘birdwatching’ as part of the back story of my character in our next film. Our dogs have been enjoying the Spring allowing them to explore and enjoy the outdoors.

Before the heavy heat of summer I will be working on splitting and stacking wood to prepare for the winter ahead. I also need to rebuild our compost bin which is made of pallets and has seen better days. I’ve also got some plant seedlings germinating but need this cold to pass before planting.

On the personal – I’ve been working steadily while occasionally dealing with a tooth pain. I’m a person who stays up on all that even doing dental cleaning three times a year vs two. I had a few bad days and was happy when the dentist found the crack. It was on the backside of a back tooth. You think you’re tough until you get tooth pain. It can be very humbling but I’m happy to report the fix has happened and all seems well. Just in time for soccer season! Soccer and martial arts have put me on the receiving end of a few blows that could have caused damage. Or less thrilling it could have been a seed or nut. But my service warning to young folk out there is this- do not neglect your teeth.


Before I get into talking about our films I want to mention something as a proud uncle. I’m actually very proud of both my niece and nephew who are just so fun to watch grow and gain new interests. They are both playing soccer together and are into Star Wars, Superheroes and Dungeons and Dragons. They are both into playing and make believe too. At a bowling party recently my nephew was thrilled with a stormtrooper outfit we brought him and he had to wear it immediately. Bowling with a Star War’s stormtrooper. My niece age 9, recently (last night) participated in a short proof of concept film for a filmmaking buddy. It was filmed at a great turn of the century mansion where we shot SMOKE & MIRRORS. She was playing a ghost girl. I went up to visit towards the back half of the shoot not wanting to be a distraction. When I first arrived, I sat away from set and listened to her work for a while. She is confident and fearless. She was asking about backstory and character motivations. She was enjoying working with these adults. My favorite thing I heard her ask the director was, “How many other actresses did you interrogate?” I think she was looking for audition or interview but either way I got a good laugh. At that age we had build our own spaceship cockpit with pillows and such but this was not just free imagination but directed work. I wonder if all that could infringe upon the passion of make believe and just being a kid. Her mom is an amazing actress in her own right so she has it in her blood for sure. But as I’ve stated the artist road is a hard yet rewarding road. I don’t want to encourage or discourage and so this was a nice test run. I saw where she was tired towards the end and losing some focus. But she listened and did what she was suppose to. She has a part where she sings a child’s song and it was downright creepy. We took a great picture together but she was in her ghostly get up so I’m not going to post it unless I get permission from production. NOTE TO TALENT. Anyway, I was a very proud uncle. I also got to see a few old filmmaker friends. Zoie Dye (Best Years Gone) also played a part and Gals and Ghoul’s Dayna Green was doing the awesome make up work. I’ll be curious to see how it all comes together and the hope is that they can turn it into a feature. But either way it was a great experience for my niece and it put a big smile on my face.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The film continues to play in theaters and even more are requesting it. I think it will keep playing until we are close to the home video release. We’re about to master the new home video version of the film that has greatly improved VFX. It is being being proofed carefully before we marry it to the improved sound design and mix. New credits and subtitles are also being inserted. Just things that we saw on the big screen that we could improve upon and we had the time to do it. This is the difference between CDI and some companies and artists. Good enough is not a term our folks like. We want our best efforts represented on the screen. So if you enjoyed the theatrical showing know the home video version will be even better.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is the next CDI film. We are preparing for our second big scout next week to start locking in our locations and finding the final few. We will have our AD team there to start gathering the info for basecamps and a schedule. Our director, DP and Art Director there to start looking over sets. We are starting to put together lodging and will explore catering but I will say this- the cast and crew will get to work in a beautiful place at a beautiful time of year.

We were going to go Sat and network at a Model T club gathering but had a rain out. We’ll have some cool boats, cars and maybe even a plane in this next film. Props are being gathered and soon with our cast getting closer to being set, wardrobe. We added John Demarco aka Johnny D to the cast as a styling club owner Bob Jansen. We have reads coming in from the various agencies in our state. I would think our cast will be set by the end of May. Crew is also getting closer but we have a few places we are still working. Positive attitudes and a willingness to give BEST EFFORTS is what we look for. Storyboards, teaser poster and more are all being worked on. I’m enjoying working on character development a little bit each day. I truly love that process and will bring a new unique personality to the story and screen.


Speaking of posters, we have one being designed for the upcoming FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2 poster. We have some meetings coming up for WILD FAITH: Hastings TV show and I’ll be checking in on the supernatural themed associated film SHJ looking to film in the spring. Next month is also a meeting over the SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE which could move slow or quick pending the meeting’s outcome.

We are working to restore and re-release some of the classic CDI films. WICKED SPRING, a Civil War film we shot in 2000 has had that treatment and is available on Amazon Prime. If you enjoyed WILD FAITH, it might be a good one to check out. It is a lot of time to pull these together when my time is split between the present and future films, but I keep plugging along. I really do love the 1800’s in my storytelling.


This week will be reaching out to some potential sponsors and looking at some incoming reads and reels from actors for HIR (Harsens Island Revenge). I want to acknowledge the loss of a talented photographer from MI film scene who passed away, Dan Irving. I only know him from as the still photographer from the 7 STONES film that you can watch that on Amazon. Way too young. RIP.

I’m going to close this blog up and get a few things done. Maybe a few eggs. We have a birthday late lunch or early dinner today and that will be fun. I’m still trying to set up and get to know my new iPhone but that is all set and good for the next three years. I hear the camera on the phone is amazing so I’ll have fun playing around with that.

We talked about young people exploring their passion for the first time and others having their journey ended too soon. We’ve talked about the work behind projects working their way out to the world and others just coming together. Life is short in the overall scheme of things so don’t wait until tomorrow to start working on yours. Even small steps of progress will have you feeling good. You are heading in the right direction.

In addition to the film development work, I’m going to be seeking someone who can do book layouts in the Lansing, MI area. We might also start explore soundtracks (LP’s) and even audio books along with more movie merchandise. Always something to do. And now that my tooth is feeling better maybe I can return to some creative script writing. I am again thinking of literary representation and maybe talent. I’ve considered a few acting gigs but they have to make sense business and time-wise and most of all-I have to connect with a role. I do appreciate those who have reached out and continue to do so.

The coffee is about gone so I’m going to go get some breakfast going. Until next week-

Coffee Cheers!


Working Smart- Order of Business and CDI Updates

Tomorrow we welcome Spring, and it cannot come quick enough. The sun is shining here and that helps but it’s still bitter in Michigan. We had a few blowing snow storms pass through yesterday. I want to welcome all the new readers from the Philippines, Kenya and Poland. I’m very proud that our circle of readers is from around the world. So many things happening both in the CDI film world and in life. St. Patty’s Day came and went without the fanfare of past years. I had meetings and such which superseded any drunken ballyhoo. I did get to enjoy some corn beef and cabbage but no cheap food dyed beer for me.

Soccer season is right around the corner so I hope the weather gets warmer soon. I’ve limited most of my outdoor work to just keeping the wood going for the stove in the office. There is nothing like sitting my those flaming logs and glowing coals. We’ve had some great Harsens Island Revenge, pre-production meetings around the table. It is around that table and on those calls that amazing plans all start to come together. We’ll discuss some of those here first let’s look at how some of the other films are doing.


  1. The Easter season is upon us and because of that I’ve had several pieces of fan mail expressing their enjoyment watching the trilogy. These films can be enjoyed no matter what your path is in life. FORTY NIGHTS is part 1, CHASING THE STAR part 2 and THE CHRIST SLAYER is part 3. Have you watched them all? Have you watched them in the proper order? Amazon, Tubi, Dove and more all carry these titles. Thank you to those who have made the films a yearly watch with their families. But if you need something thought provoking and uplifting these three films might be for you.
  2. On the writing front, I’m proud to announce that I had one of my stories on “birds” was accepted for an upcoming national release of a collection of stories. I’ve contributed to books on cats, dogs and horses and now birds. It will be released via Baker Books. Thank you Lonnie:)
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has more home video meetings this week. The film roll out is still opening in more theatres now expanding into Minnesota and Nebraska. Again, it is because people are calling and requesting the film be booked. We are still exploring a 3rd party expanding the film into many more states. If you’ve seen the film and it moved you, please do go to our page on http://www.imdb.com and put a review. The home video will reach millions but right now the theatrical is still going with some theatres asking about Dec 2023 bookings. We have been playing theatres since our premiere Dec 9th.
  4. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE– I’ve been getting some great feedback on this script and I’m doing advanced development breakdowns. If this proceed correctly this could be our next project we film in Iowa. This is an extremely powerful piece of history and we plan to bring it to the big screen.
  5. SHJ – I’m likely to have a call today or tomorrow to discuss progress on this upcoming supernatural thriller. Until ink and paper meet I will be a bit vague on this project but it is creeping closer to a possible green light.
  6. Our own Curran Jacob was in Iowa promoting our documentary film FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH. He was selling and signing DVD’s with our historian Mike Chapman. All this is the foundation for our second film in the series ‘Battlefields‘ that will explore our branches of the military using Catch techniques. It will be housed again by The Red White & Blue project, a non profit that focuses its efforts on military needs and awareness. CDI will once again be the production company. If you have an interest in donating to the non-profit to make the second film go, please reach out.
  7. Harsens Island Revenge – pre production is full steam ahead. This past week we announced several cast and crew (IMDB) including the additional of Terence Knox and Jim Greulich to our cast. We have requested reads start coming in and even more folks are starting to send their reels and pics for consideration. I can say we’ve seen some good prospects. Our crew is starting to fill up as we have talks with certain departments. The art/transportation departments are already hard at work doing breakdowns of props, guns, boats, cars, planes- I’m doing a new polish on the script to bring the opening scene more in line with our meetings. We start the film in WW1 and advance a handful of years with our story. We like some folks and are awaiting updates to their schedule. NUGGET OF WISDOM– Lower budget films MUST schedule around locations NOT actors. If you cannot commit, we have to consider casting someone else. We do have some castings we will be putting out to our Michigan agencies – EXAMPLE: A young girl (Italian look best) 7-10 who plays younger. So a casting call to agencies will be happening but right now we are awaiting several reads to examine this week. We will be working to fill the few remaining crew members. EXAMPLE: We are looking for an experienced wardrobe person to work under our supervisor. Next month we will have a second location scout trip to have hotel discussions and showcase the locations for schedule building. We have brought our AD team back (Nate, Michael and Ian) on board, and now we’re working on the office. These two departments work closely with our producer team.

Is that Cocaine Bear in BEST YEARS GONE after ole Gil?


I could go on about more minor updates such as our sponsor hunt. We are looking at companies and brands that fit the 1920’s film we are making. I’ve reached out to a few brands close to production to give them the first chance to get involved. First right of refusal we call it. Being that it is a prohibition film we are exploring beer and liquor brands. Merchandise is being explored for several of the projects, which is always fun.

I just took a break to devour some of our eggs and 4H bacon. When I finish up here I’m going to do some work organizing and getting ready for a productive week ahead. I am looking forward to seeing my brother and few friends later today. Many have been watching the March Madness basketball but I have not. But I hear my alumni MSU had a good game and they play again today. I enjoy football over basketball but it can be fun to watch. Watching soccer is getting me excited for our season.

I hope you all have a great week ahead of you. Remember, if you are in a place you don’t like, you need to change. Change your words you speak to others and yourself. Change your mindset and your efforts. We talked about that this past week. Hard work that isn’t smart work will just drain you and not get you closer to that goal. You have to work smart. And work…that word, work. If you are having issues are you working as hard and as smart as you can? Some focus on the fun parts of a task but often that is placing a cart before the horse.

In film, I’m glad to see that fewer people are leaning into social media funding endeavors, and putting actual business plans together and presenting. Funding is hard, always. Casting is fun. Crewing up can be fun. But, I occasionally see casting and crew calls and at the end you see they’re launching some crowd funding endeavor of which 97% fail. People like to jump to starts 8, 9 and 10 before doing 1-7. Brick by brick. Layer by layer. Film projects are built by order of business. The hard part is usually the steps 1-7 while 8-10 are more fun. But if the foundation steps are not done, it’s just doing the fun stuff first and hoping the other will fall in place. Don’t waste your time or others and follow the proper order of business. Your results will be much better.

Okay, I’m back at it for a few. Be good to one another and work smart.


NEW ‘Harsens’ CAST Announced Plus March Film Updates

After a few mild days where Spring was pushing with little sprouts of green and birds returning. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and I want to welcome all our readers including our new readers from France, Ireland, UK, Russia and Saudi Arabia. WELCOME! Also thank you for the wonderful comments. It is the season to watch THE QUEST TRILOGY and I’m humbled by the comment that I was someone’s favorite performance of Jesus. That is a compliment as many great performances of the man has been done. If you have not watched them all together, you should. They trilogy is shown below in order and also a few other good watches for a cold snowy day (In Michigan) like today.

Author Nancy Gideon, ordered up the MAKING OF ‘In the Woods’ that we talked about last week. A great recalling of the massive effort that went into making a movie on film with limited experience and funds. This was my first starring role and Co-producing effort almost 25 years ago. The film is getting a new campaign and the book was just a start. A new transfer is underway going all the way back to the original film stock. So a blu-ray and new streaming in HD release could be coming later in the year. Add in some badass merchandise and you got a fun new push. So you wanna see baby DJ fighting monsters, this might be your movie. Buy the book and enter the crazy world of IN THE WOODS. Will the world see Alex Kerwood, monster hunter again? Never say never:)

This film has continued its trek across the midwest theatre to theatre traveling to where the people have called their theatre and requested it. Thank you so much to all those who actually reached out and brought the film to their town. We are booked into April and we’re exploring either expanding with a 3rd party theatrical distributor based off our current efforts. We also might look at a big final event showing just before the home video kick off this Fall. We have a few possible paths to consider. We are already getting theatrical booking requests for December 2023. Crazy. But not really. I think this film will become a Christmas classic. It is a truly unique story based on actual events which is different from most Christmas fluff.

This weekend the film opened in a few new cities. We had a beautiful note last weekend sent to our director, it noted that at one of these showings that audience gave a standing ovation. That’s at a normal showing not a premiere or event. It was very touching and we love that people are connecting with the story. We were nominated for several awards at our first festival/award submission.

We are still looking to showcase overseas and our distribution will license to foreign territories as we get further down the road. Congrats to all the nominated artists and films. This theatrical is just the tip of the spear and wait until we get to the home video making the film available to millions of viewers.


This film is next up for #tribeCDI and things are really falling into place. Thank you to those who sent their reels DM on the CDI Facebook page. Also thank you to those who got right on their reads. We are closing down roles quickly now This week we welcomed Michael Walton, Martez Moore, Adam Towner and today we’ll be announcing David Gries. We also have been crewing up and this week we welcomed several folks onto the next project. We are moving from department to department and having deep discussions about each. We only have so many crew slots and so I know some will not be able to travel with us. Some folks have other scheduled endeavors and so they will not be joining. We are very excited about this new story. Many departments are getting up and running and we’ll be doing another scouting trip the end of next month.

I actually chopped down the Winter beard and I’ll be looking to get my hair trimmed closer to the period. Plus I have soccer season and getting my hair out of my eyes might be helpful. Our director will start doing reads with some online and we’ll likely do a read through in Michigan, which will be fun. The cars, the clothes and the overall vibe of the era is quite amazing. Also the impact of the war on the soldiers is something to note. Look below at this picture of the soldier before and after the war.

The effects of war on these vets is striking and shows you the damage. Those that did survive WW1 wanted to live peacefully. These were not the men the Purple’s wanted to push. We’ll be reviewing more incoming reels and locking in more roles this week. Thank you to all of you have have put yourself forth for consideration.


SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, will be undergoing budgeting work. The response to the script has been strong. We will see how fast it all comes together. This endeavor is larger and requires more production elements with horses and possible builds.

SHJ – This developing project is looking to be moving in a positive direction. Once we get the intent to fund we’ll put the in-association deal in play. CDI will be producing and we have many exciting things lining up for this supernatural thriller.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2 – The operational agreement will be in place end of this week. Talks have already started to put the funds in place for this follow up doc film. We hope to have this funded and cameras rolling this Summer.

KNIGHT CHILLS– I’ll be reaching out to co-writers Jeff & Juanita Kennedy about doing an updated interview maybe from the Kennedy ‘Dungeon’ showcased in the film. I also sent out emails and texts to our cast about recording a video interview. It will be cool to have them recall a few memories and let people know what they are doing now. The extras have to be turned in by June. I’m told the new transfer and up Rez is looking great. I want to do a Making of book like what Lynn Drzick did with IN THE WOODS. Maybe a script and a bunch of extras. Thoughts?

WRITING– I’m working on two stories for an upcoming book. I want to finish up a few of the scripts I have in progress. One a comedy ands one a SciFi film. Currently I’m doing a clean up on the Harsens script.

(Dennis Therrian aka Tricky T, will be again doing music and sound design on Harsens Island Revenge)


I’m happy to report the chickens are back to full production on eggs. That might be what is next on my list. Today I think I’ll get at some desk work today to get a jump on the week. Next week is St. Patricks Day and so who knows, green beer could be in order. I’m also starting to reach out to sponsors on the new projects. We have some cool, fun tie in’s that will work really well for our next 1920’s story. If you have a service, product or just want to align yourself with these films and reach millions, reach out.

I hope you all have had a relaxing and recharging weekend. Here is a big coffee cheers to us all having a good week ahead. Make your TO DO lists for the week and get after it. Everything is built brick by brick. I’m sure I missed a few updates but I hit upon many of the major ones. Be good to one another. Have a wonderful Sunday.


‘SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA’ Director’s Screening plus ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ pre-PR Updates and more…

Good morning to you all. I was up past my bedtime a touch yesterday, so the hazelnut coffee is much appreciated. We did a special directors screening kick off showing of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, our true event WW2 film. We had two screenings yesterday and we all went to an afterglow at Romas, next to the NCG in Owosso. This is back in our home state and while the film had a Michigan premiere at the Celebration Cinema, I was at a funeral. My family finally got to see all our hard work. We had a strong first showing at 4pm and I’ve heard from and seen posts from many friends who went to see the film. I like all filmmakers want a good showing, technically and being outside my area, that raises my temp. We had a super chilly last few days in Michigan, record breaking. I dressed well for outside travel but was too hot for crowds, pictures and such. I even wore a lighter jacket. I should have traded by beanie hat for something less hot. But, enough of the heat talk. It was HOT with enthusiasm, even walking up to the theatre ran into a fellow actor/filmmaker from the Detroit area who had just watched the 4:00 showing. He was sincere in his compliments and that set the tone. Iowa LOVES this story because it is their story. But the greater story makes it ALL OUR STORY. Our history. On the edge of Owosso, MI there is a race track once a PW camp like Algona. Many towns have this kind of history but many are unaware.

This month we’re pulling together the film for home video in the fall. We’re entering the deal phase and we’ll get the enhanced version to the distributor. When we saw it on the big screen, you always can notice things that if you can, you would change. A tweak of color correct here and there. Some enhancements in a few CGI plates. Subtitle tweaks. But these are artistic nuisances that many never see nor notice. Some errors may exist in period – we work hard to achieve this but it is all smoke and mirrors. Many enjoy trying to find these spots. In Star Wars you can see Kenny Baker inside R2D2 in a scene. In GLORY you can see the squib (fake bullet hits) lines running up the legs of some actors. MOVIE MAGIC. We try to transport you to another place and the audience is asked to relax and bring your imagination.

Last night I think people were taken to that time period. People will get to enjoy the film until Thursday and I hope we our powerful attendance last night they will move us into other cites with NCG. I am going to try and bring it back to N. Lansing at the Eastwood NCG. I will let you know. Again people are calling their theatre managers and asking them to book the film. They want your business so call and their bookers will reach out. They are reaching out every week. Also http://www.imdb.com is a place that is used in part to help the expansion of the film. We’ve had hundreds of beautiful comments and the attendance and growth speaks for itself, but many of a certain age do not use the computer much. Or as little as possible and so sometimes the best comments and reviews don’t make it to the official data bases. If you saw it go ahead and go to http://www.imdb.com you can vote (10 best) and leave a review or message about the film, and what it meant to you. I love reading all the stories of grandparents and their interaction and connections to the German PW’s.

We are going to keep the film traveling and hope to play a few festivals. Many of the big ones want a first ever premiere and this film is traveling so that isn’t a fit. But we are looking to play in Hollywood so we can highlight our amazing German cast. I’m damn proud and having a good dose of German in my heritage it’s another thing I’m proud of. This movie is spreading some love, understanding and compassion. I heard many times last night that people loved the story and we need more films like this. I agree. That takes me into-

Above – DJ Perry, Karl Manke, Carl Weyant


Harsens Island Revenge – Last night was both a celebration of the present expanding release of our WW2 German PW film but also a toast to the future. We are in official pre-production which means our business paperwork is all in order and we’ll be opening the bank account this month. We will start official pre-production meetings with our director Mr. Carl Weyant. Carl has worked independently and with the CDI Tribe on both sides of the camera. Many will know him from starring as Longinus in part 3 of The Quest Trilogy, entitled The Christ Slayer. I met him in Otty, India in 2008 where we co-starred together in a film there. He has been working several years as a director and director of photography on various projects from music videos to feature film. After months of discussions with the CDI producer team, his stylistic vision and kinetic style will lead the direction and vision of this action-packed film. I, as the writer worked several weeks with Carl, to get a final polished shooting script. This process happens with all our directors. We’ll be discussing many wonderful aspects of this film and casting will take place likely end of the month. We plan to run duel cameras on this project and that will allow us to capture more of the action, more efficiently. Carl and previous director of photography Travis Hayward (Best Years Gone) have been working in tandem on several projects both feature and music video. They were first brought together on the CDI produced music video for ‘Revolution‘ by DEEP FALL. You can watch that here-

Travis Hayward will serve as the Gaffer (cool lighting) and run second camera. I knew they would be a good pairing and I was correct. Our goal, as always, is to have a lot of fun telling yet another great story. Lessons. Always lessons to be illustrated via story, but it a very exciting way. WW1 veterans. Purple Gang. Bootlegging. The CDI Tribe is going into the Roaring 20’s, again taking on a wonderful book written by, Karl Manke. I adapted the book into a screenplay and I’ve very happy with the end product. We have had a positive reaction from a few guest stars who want to participate in this story. It will be a wonderful blueprint for all our artists. We’ll do some official PR in the next two weeks on the project. But, you all get the first drop of developing info just for tuning in and stopping by for a read. We’ve also had several more subscribe join here – so welcome! You can subscribe to our CDI Youtube and http://www.cdiproductions.com is going to be updated so follow us there also.


The first doc FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH is now set up in the market place and just starting what will be a nice long run of being introduced to new audiences. Even those not wishing to rent or buy it can watch it via TUBI and other ad based video on demand. Meaning-you watch for free but you watch with ads and we get paid by advertisers. It is a major rev stream these days. Ground work and talks with potential donors has begun. The Red, White & Blue Project Inc. is the non-profit we are working with. This next project will expand upon part of the original doc. It leans even heavier into the military history and Catch Can’s influence in all of that. Curran Jacobs is directing once again.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – We’re close to moving into the next development phase of this project. I’ve had some good talks about the history of the story and I think we’re on target. Some of the folks involved are not always prepared to read scripts which require imagination and practice. Very unique medium that I liken to poetry and trying to say as much as possible with as few of words as possible. To invoke imagery and to carry the readers (soon to be viewer) through the story. A journey to be sure. I am working to try and keep this on schedule for a 2024 filming. One brick at a time.

BEST YEARS GONE – Now that Covid lock down and virtual festivals have returned to in person – we’re going to enter BEST YEARS GONE into some comedy festivals. We did not want to attend virtual (I spend enough time on a computer) but now it could be a better experience. MAN’S BEST FRIEND, LOST HEART, WILD FAITH, THE QUEST TRILOGY exciting marketing as the films keep growing in audiences. New posters. New trailers. Interviews. Promotional videos. Merchandise. Oh, yeah. It’s all coming.


Man! I’m still coming down from last night. Again, it was a treat to hug and shake so many hands. We don’t get to meet our vast audiences like live performance. We have 3-5k in social associates and from that maybe 300 that we are in direct contact with. But a film is being viewed by millions to tens of millions that we never meet. We were just talking about the joy we get when someone is surprised and they get to meet someone from a movie that moved them.

We are occasionally accused of being ambitious with our storytelling and we truly are. I’m proud of this last SNIA journey because it was our hardest yet. Harder than most even know. On SNIA, we had our directors mother hit with Covid days before shooting and just days after his best friend died of Covid. Pappy, who passed, was a long-time member of this tribe working several times with CDI on both sides of the camera. A shameful loss. One of our main producers came to set with her own oxygen tanks after her own bout in the hospital with Covid. Simply put, CDI HAS WARRIORS.

I hear of businesses that can’t get employees to show up or stay employed and CDI has folks, so dedicated that it would take – well, a damn lot to keep them away. We are accused of working hard and we do. To make something that might be seen as great by some, you have to work hard. VERY HARD. If hard work and trying to create greatness isn’t for you, CDI isn’t for you. I’ve told folks that something ‘short form’ and not as hard, might better suit some for their talents. Being away for weeks is hard and it’s a sacrifice all our artists have made to help tell that story. We know how special these stories are too many out there, because you’ve reached out to let us know. You are why we sacrifice and do this.

Hey DJ, it ain’t all love:) Listen, the sprinkling of hate and bashing doesn’t provoke hurt in me but actually more sadness. Every negative comment that is tinged with dark emotion cries of dreams unrealized and often never even attempted. They’re afraid to try because they know someone like themselves is waiting, who might throw a stone at their passion or dream. A good example- I don’t love stage musicals as a whole, but I don’t go out of my way to trash them. That is someone’s jam, singing Annie Get Your Gun or something, just not my jam. And that’s fine. I’m just always amazed how little people value their own TIME. IF I enjoyed something I might go out of my way, spend my time, to make my opinion known, because I’m sharing some positive energy. IF I don’t like something – that LAST thing you will get from me is my TIME. I can just scroll on. I can choose something else. I have turn content off but I never ran to a keyboard to trash something. Why? Not worth my watch time not worth my type time. But how others spend their time is their business. But many negative barbs are sadly from fellow artists struggling to the point of collapse and wondering, why not me? My script? Where is my funding? When you put your mind in the wrong place you widen the gap. For when they are manufacturing hate, we create. Which fuels the negative feelings and the cycle continues. One path makes you sicker with the poison you spread and digest. And the other path, it inspires – you think you can do better? Get some of your most loyal, trusted, creative friends and DO IT! Like film itself, SHOW don’t TELL. You will have fun and learn about yourself. Give 100% of your TIME, on your path and see what happens.


I’m amused only slightly in those situations where people lacking the true experience try to speak loudly into something they know nothing about. They become ‘know it alls’ quickly and are unable to take on any new knowledge and experience- their growth stunted. Some opportunities given can inspire maturity, accountability and responsibility and spur personal growth. In others they can be become drunk and delusional with newly gifted power. We’ve had examples of both. I’m always cheering for SPUR versus STUNT but ultimately they control that outcome.

Every project moving forward is living evolution through experience. I work hard to develop people and give opportunities for self growth but sometimes people reach their limit on learning. You always have risk empowering people and when they grow in the right direction – wonderful. Wrong direction- just like the apple tree, it needs to be pruned. Giveth and Taketh Away

POSITIVE. RESPECT. APPRECIATION. SINCERITY. LOYALTY. – these attributes have to already exist within someone and can be nurtured. I often say, I will always work with a slightly less experienced person with the right long term attitude, versus the opposite. We can provide experience and adventure with some of the best artists I’ve encountered on my path. We say at CDI meetings, that a door closing brings us to a new door opening. CDI has grown into a multi generation of artists and we’ve got grand plans to keep moving up the mountain. As I’ve said before, it is not how high you climbed on the mountain it is who you traveled with, that will matter in the end.

I’m a tad tired from being up somewhat late and might need a short cold winter nap. The sunshine is out and that feels good, so maybe time to play cat. Thank you to each and every person who came out last night and to all the shows. It had been a few since I had seen our film play. A touch of distance is nice and gives you a fresh perspective upon viewing again. Having our family and friends there made it special, especially my parents. Both, had funny comments of having created me. They were not so quick to take that same credit after the numerous knuckle headed things I did growing up. I’m already excited for the coming holiday season when SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will be out on DVD and streaming. We will have just finished filming Harsens Island Revenge and into editing. And so the storytelling cycle continues. Thank you to Karl Manke for trusting us with his story. His book HOPE FROM HEAVEN became BEST YEARS GONE. Read the book. Watch the film. Giddy up as Gil Gilles would say!

I’ll talk to you all next week. I hope you all take giant steps towards your endeavors.

Coffee Cheers!


NEW Theaters, Director’s Screening, NEW Development 2023

A beautiful light snow is falling in Michigan. I’m sipping on my hazelnut coffee and reflecting upon the past week. Again, a kind lady, a friends mother that I’ve known since I was 5, passed away. She was 94 and did many great things in her time with her family being her pride. Her son who was one of my oldest friends, passed away unexpectedly when I was out filming THE CHRIST SLAYER. It was nice to see so many people I’ve not seen in many years. It is sad that is often takes a tragedy or loss to bring some folks together. I was happy to hear all these beautiful comments about the films we’ve done. The lady who passed really loved Man’s Best Friend. Several talked about The Quest Trilogy (Our three part biblical adventure). Many wanted to know what the latest and greatest was- that is SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. Some saw it in our home town but the film was extended for two weeks and we were not told. We could have promoted the added two weeks more had we known. But the film did quite well, hence the extended screening.

My own family has not seen the WW2 drama which is marching all across the midwest as people request the film and bookers are reaching out. We’re heading into Nebraska and soon Minnesota – also in the director’s hometown of Owosso, Michigan we’ve secured a run with the NCG theatre. We are pushing to get it into N. Lansing at the NCG in February. Dates TBD. We’ll be starting the Owosso, NCG run on Feb 4th (Sat) with screenings at 4:00 and 7:00 and the film will play until Feb 9th playing at 4:00 and we’re trying to get a second show during the week for those who work. The photo banner will be up on the 4th and our director Anthony Hornus will be welcoming folks to both shows. After the 7pm show we’re going to go to Romas next door to meet and greet with guests. I’m giving the advanced notice here and on Monday we’ll start releasing PR about the showing.

It doesn’t matter what state you are in – contact the managers and request their bookers bring it in. We’re having classrooms of kids, retirement home trips and church groups, all going to the film. Many are seeing the film more than once and we’re getting lots of requests for DVD and streaming which will be 4th quarter of the year after we’ve marched around the country doing screenings. We are trying to get it to a major military base theatre in Germany and are looking at select festivals to play.

BEST YEARS GONE – This is our previous comedy drama and we’re looking at some comedy fest and also a few cool marketing ideas. I still want to look at sponsoring a race – The Gilles Cup:) If you haven’t had a chance to watch this film, please do. I think you will laugh and find some sweet moments in the film.


Harsens Island Revenge – is in full on development and will go into pre-production next month for a post Labor Day shoot. Cast and Crew discussions will begin soon. Location scouting has already begun and another scout trip will be in order soon.

For the Love of Catch: Battlefields is the second collaboration in a series of doc films focused on the grappling arts. We’re in the budgeting stage and talking to potential donations as the project is produced through the Red, White & Blue Non-Profit with CDI supervising the production. If you or your company have interest in supporting this project via donations please reach out.

SHJ – The meeting for the in association film went really well. The biggest issue is schedule which needs to land after Harsens Island Revenge. This film is an action mystery thriller with a supernatural twist to it. I’ll have follow up meeting this week to iron out more details but things are looking very promising.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The first draft of the script is done and I had a select group looking it over for historical tweaks. It is not a biopic but historical fiction. If the script gets approved, I’ll fine tune the budget and we’ll look at the builds we need done this year before 2024 proposed shoot. The key is not too many cooks in the kitchen. CDI is excited to tell another Iowa-based story. I will be looking to see how many 1800’s cabins exist still in the Algona, Iowa area. Stay tune for more updates.


This week I will continue to feed our accountants the information they need to do end of year taxes. I have started working on personal taxes and will have that material pulled together very soon. I know that the CDI website is about to get a few updates to it. If you haven’t visited our website – http://www.cdiproductions.com

We are going to be discussing merchandise for the lead up to Christmas 2023 but SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, posters could become available for sale in Feb if things go right. They might be for sale at the Owosso, MI afterglow. What CDI merchandise would you like to see?

Lastly, we’re moving towards a SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, final film to deliver to the home video distributor. It’s now like a 4 piece puzzle that needs to be put together. On the big screen we were able to see a few polishes needed either to the color, VFX and subtitles, in a few places.

In addition to all this – I do have a few writing projects I’ll be returning to. One is a comedy and one a Sci-Fi piece, I do love writing. I’ve got many sponsors to touch base with to discuss the home video release of SNIA and also discuss them coming on board Harsens Island Revenge. I’m going to have some company later so I’ll be getting the wood stove roaring. I hope you all have a recharging weekend and prepare for a productive week ahead.

Coffee Cheers,


The Secret of ‘Fire’ ‘Music’ and ‘Know Thyself’ – plus a few film updates…

Good morning my friends. I’m sitting by our new electric fireplace near my chair. Our old one died during the holidays so a new one has replaced it. I’ve got my steaming cup of hazelnut coffee with me as I ponder the past week. I want to thank all the new readers from around the world for stopping by to take a read. I hope there is a few nuggets of wisdom you can pull upon. I had so many good calls this week and 2023 business is underway. I have new goals and already I’m knocking some of them down. I’m sure this year will come with wins and losses as that is the way of life. I’ve reminded a few people, to stop. Turn around. Look at how far you’ve come. Be happy with what you have done, not just fixate on what you have not done.

This week I’ll be gathering up end of year tax stuff to generate any 1099’s for the films. We also do K1’s for all the investors. I was able to get all the check dispersement written and sent out. I only had to resend two as addresses had changed. I’ll also get things around for our company and myself. These are the needed but unsexy parts of the film business. It is so much more than playing with the camera. There is a massive amount of work that goes into each and every film. This is the biz side of show biz.

I’ve been told recently, and not the first time – that I work people hard. I ask artists to dig deep and to put their very best forward. I’ve dedicated my entire life to telling stories, and while we have much fun, we also work very hard. But when the artists finally see the final product, 9 of 10 times, that creative endeavor is one of the best, if not the best, endeavor that artist was involved with that year. They take family and friends to watch the stories and they’re proud to have been part of the stories telling. I’ve got family who have not yet seen our recent film. Our holidays were disrupted by a loss in the family. In my hometown they played the film for several weeks but I still did not get out to see it. But many did! We’re working to set up a special SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, screening in Owosso, MI with NCG. For our Detroit area friends, we’re working to set up screenings there also. Our new theatrical division at CDI Distribution has been launched!

Let’s looks at some of the updates from last week-

  1. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– We had several new theaters open. We had a projection bump at a new theatre screening in Iowa, after they moved the film from the test theatre. Much like home systems, many theatrical houses have different set ups, some older and some newer. They rarely update everything at once likely due to cost. But, I know at the one location it was worked out and the film is playing. People are requesting to managers who contact bookers-who contact us. The film is in 20 theaters and we have another 13 going up. And many more still approaching us from different states. Keep it up, you people are making the film travel. I expect the film to travel theatrically into March or April. We are also exploring a few select film festivals and we want to screen in Germany. Many good plans in action. We are working on a few special marketing deals while moving towards the home video window.
  2. MERCHANDISE– We’ve done some test marketing of some merchandise but we’re starting to really look at a stronger launch of this division at CDI. I can also say that a MUSIC DIVISION, is developing. That will allow audiences access to the amazing soundtrack scores created by Dennis Therrian. These two areas are on CDI’s 2023 developmental goal list. Do you all have a favorite music score? I would love to actually do some runs of LP records. Any participating record pressing companies? Please reach out. RECORD LABEL? Not there yet:)
  3. MOVING FORWARD- Harsens Island Revenge – This film exits development and will enter pre-production next month. What does that mean- that means that the film foundation (legal paperwork) will all be executed and the project funded. At that time we’ll be announcing our director and some of the attached cast. The script having undergone several sessions of writer/director polishing, it’s ready to be broken down. I love this stage because you go over every line of action, description, dialog and discuss. In this case I got to perform several scenes with our director, to get the flow ands feel. Most of the tweaks were minor but took strong scenes and made them even more powerful. It is a very cool story and what a time period to play in. Primary casting and crewing discussions will start in the coming weeks. Our producers already did a location scout trip and another one will be planned. We just created 1944 and now we’ll enter the 1920’s, artists are you ready? Next week, we’ll look to set hard shoot dates after Labor Day 2023. Get ready for some new teaser art as well!
  4. Pen has not yet found ink, but I’m deep into talks on a CDI associated film to be shot late 2023 and early 2024. To recap what a CDI associated film is- it’s a film whereas someone else is bringing the capital $ to the table but want the experience of CDI behind it. As a producer, I remove the ‘supervising’ role and become more or less, a consultant. CDI will bring other assets to help but the main responsibility is on other shoulders. I’ve been asked to co-star in the supernatural action-thriller, and I’m feeling it. I hope to be able to call the film by name and run some PR about the new arrangement, in the near future. It is always best to work out all these details in advance so there is no issues later. This is a KEY to success. Have the hard conversations now and get everything in writing some it’s there. I still have 4-5 films out there in the film post abyss, they might finish one day. I sincerely hope they do. NUGGET: If possible, you actors, pick production teams with a track record of finishing.
  5. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – This week the script will go out to some historians and some friends in the Native American community. I think, I have written a powerful and balanced script, with lessons about loss, revenge, understanding, love and unity. It is not sugarcoated in any way and contains a few scenes that left me shaken after writing them. I had to go immerse myself in some nature and beauty, away from the truth of our shared history. I will be putting the script forth after this round of notes, and we’ll be putting together the Phase 2 plan. Phase 2 will be the development work in Iowa to prep for a 2024 shoot. I’ll also be having some teaser art put together. This will be a great return to the 1800’s storytelling for CDI.
  6. I want to thank and encourage all of you to keep exploring and watching the CDI library. I’ve had fans reach out and thank us for The Quest Trilogy, MBF, Best Years Gone, Lost Heart, Wild Faith – you can even watch many free on TUBI or Encourage TV. I actually enjoyed The Quest Trilogy, playing while I was doing work. Again, even when not watching I love the music. But the amazing scenery (Yuma, AZ) and the story often gets me distracted for a few moments. More so, when I see friends on screen who are no longer with us. TRIVIA: Who was the voice of ‘God’ in FORTY NIGHTS? You can leave your answer in the comments.
  7. Speaking of the CDI library, we will be looking to set up several of the old films, in HD at BMG. I had to look up dates for GHOST TOWN, which will be one of the new set up preps. Also AN ORDINARY KILLER, FIGURE IN THE FOREST and KNIGHT CHILLS are all being worked on.
  8. Animated Division of CDI is in the works. CDI did an “in association” feature THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ, which is being re-rendered and conformed for a release through BMG. But, we’ve got a few shorts and features in development. I’ve always loved cartoons and such, so getting involved in that direction feels natural.
  9. We’ve got some good interest in creating video games off some of our films. You might know KNIGHT CHILLS, Dice Don’t Lie, video game has been in development. Once the final render is done of Sir Kallio, we might start some 3D printing.
  10. This week I also plan to meet over the next FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, doc. I’ve already started to talk with a few folks and if all goes well the team will shoot it this Spring/Summer. I think we’ve got a great overall summary of the history in the first film but now we can go into segments and define parts of it even further. Wrestling, grappling fan or not, this film will entertain you and educate you in the rich history.

The holidays were unconventional with the death in the family but the spirit of the season kept on. Aside from the loss, the beautiful snowstorm and the slowing of our day to day for a few days of family and reflection, really helped to recharge my batteries. The finishing of projects and the beginning of new. Again the seasons of our lives as creative artists. And while, sometimes the stories pull me away from my comforts for a time, the stories we tell are timeless.

It is also a time where we artists re-unite. CDI has been a home for some and a stepping stone for others. I like to think we instilled some good qualities into the folks who’ve moved away and into their own respective fields, sometimes in the arts and sometimes not. I tell people, CDI is like any other endeavor, you will get out of it what you put into it. For many, it means being a part of something great that nobody can take away from you. To do that takes hard work. Very hard work. And I only like to work with people who care about what they put their name on. Craftsmanship. Whiskey. Cars. Films. Life is too short to not care about what you work on. The Quakers (Look them up) made amazing furniture and wood crafts because they believe they’re honoring God by their own hands with their craft. I think that is a good mind set and the results are something infused with- love.

FIRE– I’m going to get after a few things today including getting some firewood around for the office stove. I do want to try some lump coal like my buddy uses in his stove. Longer burning and more heat. I’m also on a mission to organize even better this year. I will be putting everything to digital for back ups. I keep being asked about a podcast ‘Around the Fire’ at the fort. I am thinking about it. But I like the fort being a place of low tech and around personal synergy. Knights of the Round Table. Vikings in the Lodge. Monks in the temple. Development at CDI is not just projects, it is people. But people have to want positive change. Self defeating, self associated talk will draw all the negative to you and lower your own personal power. Birds of a feather, flock together. Misery enjoys company. Also believe to achieve. Positive perspective. Creative visualization. The mind is a powerful thing that can assist or hinder. That is why the KNOW THYSELF, rings so powerful. In the new year if you are struggling, fight to take control of the self. Start with your words. What are they? Sounds. Vowels. Symbols. But powerfully attached to our innermost self. MUSIC is a wonderful tool that can lead the mind in the places you want to go. I said, GO – not where you are. If depressed, there are many songs that will not help. But, certain songs help lead our mind. To use a modern term, learn your own triggers and trigger yourself in a positive direction. And DON’T trigger yourself by playing music or putting yourself in a situation, you know, you won’t react well too. Depressed. Don’t play depressing music. Steel drums and island music often puts a big ole smile on my face. Just something that I like to use as a tool. Music puts the mind in a different state and allows you to tune oneself. I use guitar playing the same way. If I’m feeling ‘out of tune’ a few strums can put me not just back in tune but vibrant. I’ve had many great business calls right on the heels of a guitar/energy tune up. FIRE. KNOW THYSELF. MUSIC. Three very primitive and useful tools one can use. I’m not sure if any of this will help anyone, but if it helps one person.

Until next week, coffee cheers!


Keep following your dreams. Die creating, reaching, growing and giving! SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA Premieres!

This entry into the old blog outlining the journey is unusual in that I’m typing it first a day late. To be fair if you also follow me on social media’s Facebook, you knew I was traveling back from Iowa on Sunday. But I’m here at 9:30 pm drinking some hot tea and eating trail mix, recollecting on my last few days. A whirlwind to be sure. Members of our production team traveled to Algona, Iowa almost 80 years after a group of German PW’s gifted something special to the small town. German PW’s, you say? Yes. For many in the USA and elsewhere abroad, they were unaware of the large amount of German PW’s kept in camps across the midwest. Most ran by WW1 officers pulled from civilian life and the injured American soldiers taken off the front lines and sent to homeland MP duties. At this one camp in Algona, Iowa something special happened. A unifying endeavor of captives gifting captors, while the world is at war.

This story, SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– was meant to be told now. Based on true events, this film was created by our hardworking CDI tribe. A group of artists that I hope will be recalled for their contributions to preserving history and storytelling – entertaining and occasionally educating. Education by offering perspectives, often unseen, causing rifts in people. By looking at multiple perspectives, a more full picture can be established. A better understanding could be achieved.

This first set of premiere screenings were the most important because it was accomplished with the help of these folks and it was their history. The laughter and the crying followed by more laughter, I loved that. Someone described it as a rollercoaster of emotions as you bounce between perspectives. I’m just very proud of it. We had a killer opening with added theaters and expanded screens. There are good folks watching the film as we type this. I love that feeling. Out storytelling is happening with communities of people. This is the added joy of a theatrical watch. We have many new updates on screening opportunities. We have theaters reaching out and that is because of all of you. Thank you.

The Bitter of life– Someone very close to me, a mentor for sure in several areas, has been eagerly awaiting this film’s release. A lover of history and WW2, he always wanted updates on the film. Somewhat unexpected, he started having complications when we were in studio mixing SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, and had a stay in the hospital for tests. A BEAUTIFUL Iowa snowstorm the night before our premiere, made Algona into a winter wonderland. Radio, TV and newspaper interviews in the morning followed by a great hearty brunch. An afternoon to prepare and rest a few beats before the activities start. Two hours before we unveil this inspirational and joyful film to the town where it all happened, a call. Unbelievable news. He’s gone.

Perspective. I greeted many beaming faces that night and sincerely enjoyed the glow of pride emanating from these wonderful people. The loss I was reeling from was also an artist in percussion and woodworking. He would often share stories of ZZ Top, Chicago and more, often ending in- the show must go on. It did go on. I was bathed in the good energy of all these people, inspired by the actions of their own past citizens and relatives. The SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA project and I had suffered an emotional hit a few years earlier with Rance Howard’s passing. He was passionate about 1940’s farming. Hours talking about farming- and many other life things, from that era. He loved the story, but sadly passed before we went into production.

The film will travel to Michigan next week- a premiere showing in Lansing and GR, with a TBD afterglow for folks to mingle and talk. I will not be at the premiere next week. I am going to be with family putting someone special to rest. But I’m very proud that we’ll be showing our cast and crew and our home state in this wonderful story. It will start playing next Friday –

One of my favorite questions to some of our oldest in attendance, was asking if we captured the time period. Their overwhelming squeal of delight, the confirmation I care about. Not perfect, motion picture is an illusion, best when the audience lends its imaginations and opens their minds. After watching it a few times on the big screen, we found even more to polish before home video (DVD, streaming and broadcast TV) later in 2023. That is how the artists at CDI roll. I’m just proud of the artists and the stories being preserving and assuring it is not lost. This movie is the next Iowa ‘Field of Dreams’ as special things do seem to happen in Iowa. But many states have their own stories that deserve to be remembered.

It has been a long few days and still much to do this week. IF you have recently watched our SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA in the theatre please go to http://www.imdb.com search our film and leave your feedback. We’ve had so many people reaching out who had heard fragments of stories from a grand parent or great grandparent, about German PW’s. I’m excited for Germans to see this film and we will be targeting to show somewhere special in Germany in 2023. We will do a Hollywood showing next year as most of German actors are out there. It will be fun sharing this film around the world and in time for Christmas 2023 you can own it.

If you watched Silent Night in Algona and enjoyed it, you can watch others by our troupe/tribe like BEST YEARS GONE, WILD FAITH, LOST HEART, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, WICKED SPRING, ASHES OF EDEN, FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH (Iowa) and The Quest Trilogy (FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER) – You can explore http://www.cdiproductions.com and we’ll be updating even more for the first of the year. MERCHANDISE?

And while you enjoy, we also will be preparing more stories to tell – casting and crewing up in 2023

Also strong development meetings in Iowa on the new script SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, looking to shoot in 2024. Just blessed to be able to do what I love to do, affecting millions, with the power of a story. I have another talk this week on another film that would have me reuniting with a filmmaker from my past. Truly, a special weekend in Iowa and I’m just sad, one special person did not get to see it, or-

Keep following your dreams. Die creating, reaching, growing and giving. I’ve been inspired by both the comedy and tragedy of life. Don’t take people, time and kindness for granted. Until next Sunday-


Welcome May! Getting things done every day! UPDATES!

A hearty sip of the hazelnut coffee as a morning toast to all of you. It is a rainy May 1st but plant life is budding everywhere and bees and birds are on the move. It has been a very active week but I’ll start it with a few little personal updates. I found out that a classmate from elementary school whom I saw here and there over the years, passed away. She was a year older and passed in her sleep, it just reminds us to embrace life and those we share it with.

This week many hours working in the yard doing some clean up and repairs. Our Luna Mae pup got a cut on her paw chasing a squirrel and had to get a few stitches. I did some wood cutting and trimming but will have a professional tree cutter come in for a few branches. This week will be setting up the new fire pit and that will be nice to enjoy. I’m looking forward to some grilling and chilling in the months ahead.

It has been a very busy time for CDI business also. Let’s look at some of those updates.

DEEPFALL‘s ‘Revolution’ music video – The Michigan-based rock band kicked off their tour with 7 Dust this weekend in Grand Rapids and Detroit. We are excited to start a second music video with them as soon as they complete this tour. Here again is the music video: https://youtu.be/xtlc7GQvr70 and we wish them an awesome tour.

Sticking with the theme of music videos here is the music video for VERTICAL BRIDGE and their winning song OFF TO THE RACES that appears in our upcoming release of BEST YEARS GONE. Here is the music video featuring clips from the film – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka43XfLnsEA

BEST YEARS GONE releases July 5th, 2022 and we will likely find out today if we won the BareBones International Film and Music Festival for ‘Best Comedy‘ feature. Now we did not attend because of the long drive and they seem to still be trying to get up to speed for Covid lock down. We might start doing some more fun marketing spots as we draw closer.

I was informed by our distributor that two of our films WILD FAITH and MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND will be releasing with NBC/Peacock which is an audience of 33 million so we’re all excited for the films to reach new viewers. That will help our efforts on the Wild Faith TV series for sure. Once we have dates we’ll be doing a full PR release. We hope that many more of the CDI films will follow. A TV series?

To prepare for the worldwide release on FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH we started to deliver assets. That should finish up this week. We are also exploring a large festival as a possible premiere venue. Also the first assets for the upcoming KNIGHT CHILLS Blu Ray were delivered. I’m having fun gathering assets to provide a new unique look at this little ambitious film from all those years ago. The streaming deal will be set up with 3 other title and the video game development is looking great.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA released its first official teaser last week to much fanfare.

Here is the link – https://youtu.be/abGtdP-93mE

We had a pick up VFX shoot yesterday for SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA and I’m hoping to have a VFX featurette video to share with all of you soon. We will likely start work on some other assets like a theatrical poster. We’ll wait for the new tighter cut of the film itself before we start pulling scenes for the official trailer to release on the run up to our December Iowa premiere. I’ll be circling around with our sponsors and potential sponsors about this upcoming event. We will keep dripping photos out in the weeks to come.

BESTSELLER releases worldwide this month! This cool Melissa Anschutz led thriller will release to DVD and digital purchase May 31st. This Chris Wright book was turned into this intense film and now the world will be able to watch. It has some great talent involved and we’re all excited to share it with you. Pics and promo will keep dripping out from the Facebook page so be sure to follow us there too.

I also spent some serious time trying to clean and organize my emails but that is an on-going never ending endeavor. We had a recent merchandise promotion meeting and we’re looking at bringing a few things to market. I LOVE the poster art for BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS and might explore shirts. LOST HEART might get new poster art. More of you are discovering the WICKED SPRING HD streaming links and so if you’re just discovering this film or its a favorite from years past- enjoy. Try this link below but just google up ‘Wicked Spring’ and ‘HD’ and go back to the Civil War!

Wicked Spring

I’m going to try and wrap some of this up. I can also report ahead of the PR release that I’ve inked a new deal to adapt a book to a screenplay and produce it with our CDI Tribe. I usually start to immerse myself in the art, music, fashion and history of the time. This particular story will have CDI storytelling in the roaring 20’s. But as I focus on the script we have one script ready to roll – HOT ROD LOVE. We’ve been in pre-talks with locations, car owners, companies, talent and potential sponsors and investors. We have some folks committed and will be asking for support again here soon when we disperse more funds back to our base. These are hard and dark times for some out there. I pride myself on the fact that even with all these challenges we’ve continued to keep telling our stories of hope and inspiration and laughter. So yes, we’ll be asking once again for some of you good folks to travel with us again. We will have to access our target dates because a few things have moved just a tad slower. But May will let us now much more as we work hard to launch this next endeavor. It has some female empowerment elements embedded in the 1975 world of drag racing. Just you wait and see.

I hope you all have a great week and make good progress on whatever endeavors you are working on. As you travel be good to your fellow life adventurers as they all have challenges of their own. I got my old hop vines cleared and I see new sprouts climbing already. I will plan to set up the water fountain and fire pit this week. I might quote those tree trimmers. I hope we get some sun so we can do a few meetings outside and I can continue my screenwriting out amongst nature. Lastly, my outdoor soccer season starts this Thursday. Our indoor league did the job of getting my legs and lungs back up to task. You have to keep your kung fu strong:) Thank you all. I appreciate you so much and appreciate you stopping by and the support. Have a great Sunday!

Coffee Cheers!


‘BEST YEARS GONE’ Races Into Their First Festival with a Checkered Flag! Plus 10 CDI Updates

Happy Sunday! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and happy that we did not get hit by that huge east coast storm. It went under us meaning we got the cold and a few snow flakes but not 20+ inches of snow. This past week flew by with me attacking the gathering of info for our accounting firm. This coming week the 1099’s will go out and I’ve been prepping things for end of year taxes also. We had one day this week we chose as “Viking Thursday” to cut firewood. We actually damaged the axes breaking one handle and losing the head on another. That means I’m in Axe fix mode this week but we got the job done using sledge hammers, wedges and a splitting ring. A splitting ring is a device that you place the log inside resting on a blade and hammer it down to split it. That day we worked was bitter but we got enough split for the next week or two.

The next CDI feature film is looking to be HOT ROD LOVE. The script is getting some amazing feedback and this week I’ll be breaking down more of the business aspects. We are looking at trying to hit an April/May shoot in Michigan. We’ll be announcing more on this property as we go. Now wait, didn’t CDI just do a race theme film? Yes. But that was circle track racing and this is drag racing. The CDI Race Trilogy? Haha, not really, maybe. The film is a comedy with some nice life lessons attached but it could be our biggest comedy to date.

BREAKING NEWS! So BEST YEARS GONE is prepping for its home video premiere run in June-Sept and in the meantime we’ll keep playing some theaters and also a few select film events. I will say that I’m not a fan of virtual events but with all these festivals going remote one thing stands out to me. Often the filmmakers that show up at the event and smoke have a better chance of winning because the fest gets a good acceptance speech (sometimes). So to me the one positive is that the films are really being evaluated on the content vs the political ‘schmooze’ factor. Our director Shane Hagedorn submitted us to a few select festivals. We announced that we had our first official acceptance into –

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We found our yesterday that we were nominated for the following categories and actually won a few award. I’m so proud of this film and the cast and crew involved. First the SCREENPLAY was Nominated as one of the best. I appreciate this nomination greatly as I love writing and believe it is the foundation of every great film. Without a good battle plan you don’t have a real chance. I also think that having such strong source material from Karl Manke (book Hope From Heaven) also helped.

I feel our entire cast could have been nominated for the rich roles they brought to the story but this organization nominated three actors for awards. Melissa Anschutz and Randy Spence for BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS and ACTOR. It is only due to all these supporting performances especially by my costar Erika Hoveland that allowed me to be nominated and actually win BEST ACTOR for my work as ‘Gil Gilles’. But that’s not all-

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As we all know the technical people behind the scenes help create and capture the world/story. I again believe that many of the crew were nomination worthy but Mr. Travis Hayward was nominated and WON for BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY. And finally, my favorite nomination and WIN…

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This award represents the TRIBE! We all made this picture what it is and again I’m just so proud of our cast and crew and excited for the world audience to see this film. Here is a great statement from our director Shane Hagedorn. But first a quote from a legend.

What we do come up with has no special right to call itself better. It’s just different. No, if there’s any excuse for us at all, it’s that we’re simply following the old American tradition of the maverick”.

-Orson Welles

And from our director-
“I am thrilled for our cast and crew on these major wins and nominations from Maverick Movie Awards. Although we filmed through the height of the pandemic of 2020, our tribe of artists and crafts folk banded together to create something unique and special–all the while overcoming many obstacles while doing so. Thanks to the team at Maverick for recognizing our art and best efforts”.

-Shane Hagedorn 

Our release dates can be found on our IMDB.com page and updates are flowing out to our FB page also. I also want to take a moment to give congrats to my fellow local filmmaker/actor Michael McCallum, who was also nominated in the shorts division for ‘Best Actor’ and I believe had a few other nominations between two (?) shorts they had represented. I’m not 100% sure on all the nominations but I wanted to tip my hat. Two filmmaker groups from Lansing, Michigan getting noticed in London, England, nice.

Let me see if I can do a bullet point of some of the weeks activities-

  1. More “Silent Night in Algona” stills are being released on FB and soon (Feb) we’ll release a BTS video. Editing is underway with a first cut expected by mid-March.
  2. SMOKE & MIRRORS” the short proof of concept short cut from the feature script is uploaded to film freeway and a few choice festivals will be chosen for this steampunk, spooky short starring David Gries and Melissa Anschutz.
  3. We are moving closer to a deal on FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, our doc on the history of grappling/wrestling directed by our own Curran Jacobs.
  4. A verbal agreement has been made on moving forward with an app video game based on CDI’s first feature film from the 90’s KNIGHT CHILLS. The film is a cautionary tale about bullying woven into the awesome realm of role playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. Paperwork will follow this week.
  5. Look on Facebook ENCOURAGE TV for my buddy Josh “Ponceman” Perry promoting BIGFOOT, UFO’S & JESUS. If you haven’t seen the film you should. It is a fun romp and ‘Chip’ Josh Perry is a show stealer. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4724060584352381&id=124174114296086&ref=sharing&_rdr
  6. In the wake of THE QUEST TRILOGY push that will continue through Easter has brought up discussions on a couple other possible films set in the time of sand and sandals. These films come from a unique perspective different from most biblical adventures. So even if organized religion is not your thing, you might enjoy these three films which purposely shoot in a ‘Star Wars‘ original trilogy style.
  7. WILD FAITH and the developing WILD FAITH: Hastings TV series are growing stronger. As millions view the feature each year, enjoy the storytelling, the eight show series is getting closer. Now as people are getting back to work I hope to move some major pieces on the chessboard with this TV series.
  8. BESTSELLER is finally getting the home video release it deserves. I cannot wait to see the new artwork and such. It goes to digital rental I believe same day as BEST YEARS GONE (Sept 1st, 2022) This script is adapted from the book of the same name written by Michigan’s own Christopher Wright.
  9. I hope to do a follow up meeting soon to see what the evaluation of some of the old CDI library films yields at BMG. Some would need to be uprezed and conformed but that would be cool to see! Are you hoping for any one film in particular to come to the market in HD?
  10. WICKED SPRING is being introduced to new audiences and old audiences are getting to stream the film in HD. I want to try and do some collectors merchandise on this film in 2022. I’m thinking about a collectors poster. If you enjoy merchandise we have several items up from various films at the http://www.cdiproductions.com site.

I’m going to wrap this up and get on some bacon and eggs. Our chickens are doing well even with the frigid cold they are still kicking out eggs. I might look into my axe situation. This week ahead will be productive. I’m doing some more writing and have two other potential script writing projects. I do enjoy that writing time especially when it is freezing outdoors. If I missed anything – forgive me. This week I wish you all well and remember to have patience and be good to one another.


Actor Advice and New 2022 CDI Endeavors!

This morning was in the negative degrees outside but the sun is out and that is nice. I’m sipping on the hazelnut coffee and I’m thinking over last week. I have to admit with the cold outside my energy gas tank was running low on Thursday. I had a big meeting on Friday but it was rescheduled due to illness on their end. This new strain of Covid has been really making the rounds and I know various parties and people dealing with it. The vaccinated folks I know have had a mild go of it but I have at least one relative who is in the hospital after foregoing any vaccination. I’ve also followed a few folks who have been really having a struggle with ventilators and such. I’m not going to grandstand either way but I do wish you all a healthy week ahead. Do your part, whatever that is so that we can get past all this. It has been a point of concern now for the 3rd year as we plan our new artistic endeavors.

ACTOR ADVICE- I know at least a couple individuals who work in our circle that also state they have a passion for performance/acting. The issue comes when perhaps they are great workers behind the camera but in front of the camera is not as strong. Acting for film can also consist of how you break down and learn the script. Taking tidbits from the script and use that to add layers upon layers of character complexity. To play larger roles you need to really know, KNOW the character inside and out. Dreams, hopes, fears and more all play into a character arc that can have many changes throughout a story. If you are an extrovert and like the socializing, an acting/improv class might help you get comfortable with a crew. If you are more “keep to your self” you could do your own scene study. You could keep recording and working a monologue until you can make someone watching it laugh out loud or opening cry – all good signs in your performance. So if your peers have never seen you push a moment, a scene to that level – you need to show them. You also will get stronger as you show yourself you can mine out these feelings and put them to camera. Some people are good without the camera but add that amazing device and some freeze like it is a pointed gun. So to the few out there who want to evolve from extras or featured extras into larger roles, follow that advice. Put those reads down and work it (keep doing it) until it truly moves people watching it. To want something is great but if you are not there you NEED to put in the work.

BEST YEARS GONE – The final delivery pieces have been uploaded to our distributor which means I should have home video dates soon. In the meantime we will explore a few more theatrical runs and festivals. Our director is picking a few select festivals that would be fun or align with the festival’s audience. One of the first to respond is a 19 year old London festival and so the UK will be getting an early look at ‘Gil Gilles’ and gang. I have not released the distributors poster yet as I was waiting on those home video dates. But we have some fun and special things lined up for the home video release. How many out there have a “Gil Gilles Survival Kit”? See http://www.cdiproductions.com where G$ is handling our growing merchandise section. 2022 Lunch boxes? Action Figures? Coloring books? Who knows but man are we having fun with it all.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – First I want to say how sorry we are that DP Dan Chipman just lost his father to this Covid. Our hearts go out to Dan and his family. Speaking on a happier note we’ve been rolling out still photos of the film chosen by and color corrected by Daniel G. Chipman (his professional name) and man are they beautiful. I also will announce that Adam Towner will be reaching out to cast and crew to collect captured memories from on set and put together a behind the scenes. As he is doing this our director will be crafting ideas for the first teaser trailer. It was a wonderful experience and it will be nice to have something for cast and crew to remember fondly that CDI adventure. So the future months will bring us some great updates.

I had someone reach out last night saying their family watched WICKED SPRING for the first time and loved the camera work and the themes presented. CDI once had a sister company Lionheart that I part owned and we produced VA area projects under. When we separated we took Wicked Spring as part of our deal. Since we’ve kept is active and I’m so happy that they’ve brought the resolution up to HD for new and old audiences. Decades later and fans are still being moved by this simple story of men at war. Take a watch and leave a review and let us know your thoughts. Too many enthusiasts it is a top film for them. Others who don’t appreciate as much pacing and character development find the start slow but I love it. I’m proud of our director Kevin Hershberger who has carved out his own niche with TV docu-series and working costume and B unit are larger films. He is a good example of how far passion can take you and he loves that 1800’s time period too.

Looking Ahead-

Several other older films in the CDI library are being evaluated for new release campaigns. What one would you love to see streaming in HD? Heaven’s Neighbors? Knight Chills? An Ordinary Killer?

Talks were had this week with a TV show runner of sorts about WILD FAITH: Hastings and it was met with strong enthusiasm. This was another great perspective on how strong a property we have with a feature film proof of concept and tens of millions of views. I think we’ll be back to the 1800’s with the Murphy family it is a matter of when. I’ve started a FB page where we’ll track the development of the series. @WildFaithHastingstvseries  

Also looking at a Spring shoot, I’m in the final stretch on scriptwriting a new story that I’ve had in my head for a while. My best pitch of it is “A 1975 American Graffiti” with a few great influences film-wise. What influences? Cannonball Run, Caddy Shack and a few others. It is an ensemble comedy with a few great themes written throughout it. The 1970’s will be fun for our artists to tackle. I’m already growing out my hair for that 70’s feathered look:) And wardrobe will be fun to find and we all likely have some already. HRL is the initials to the script, can you figure it out? I will be done with the script this week with a good polish to it also. From there the producers will get a read and we’ll discuss the next steps of bringing on our funding and start casting. See: ADVICE TO ACTORS UP ABOVE

I have two other possible scripts to write and I’m evaluating which project to take on in February. Both are work-for-hires and CDI would likely produce both as films. I do have two other personal scripts underway which I’ll return to and plan to finish in 2022. I love to write especially on these cold days.

I’ve been playing phone tag in trying to connect with a few new contacts. Some are casual contact to get to know one another and share war stories. From that foundation sometimes endeavors are born. I’m really excited about one opportunity that just recently came about. This opportunity comes on the heels of a conversation I had last week, about how much I enjoyed working on the music video “Off to the Race” – so there is your hint. I LOVED growing up in the MTV music video golden age. It was a great collaboration platform between musicians and filmmakers as both are storytellers. Above is a pic of the MSU party bus the band “Vertical Bridge” came in to the premiere of “Best Years Gone” in Owosso, MI.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – the documentary of the history of grappling is having the EPK put together and a screening link for the few business folks to review. We’ll plan a premiere for the near future and will look to put a deal together in Feb for home video/worldwide. It takes several months to a year to put a full home video campaign together. But we might do a series of event screenings leading up to home video. All in steps. Follow us @fortheloveofcatchdoc

SMOKE & MIRRORS – is being loaded to film freeway to submit to a few fun festivals. This is one of the two personal scripts I’m working on. I love the time period and it also has a tinge of steampunk to it all. The short will become a great feature film and audiences will enjoy this fun and spooky romp. Follow our progress on @Smokeandmirrorsmovie 

As I’m typing I received messages praising The Quest Trilogy and Lost Heart aka Bigfoot, UFO’s and Jesus. Last week I had a nice note on MAN’S BEST FRIEND. These films are really helping people and that is truly priceless. If the films aren’t your cup of tea I understand, although there are many different flavors to choose from. But try something outside your norm and give it a chance. I’ve found so many gems and seldom are they the most advertised films.

I’m going to wrap this up and I might even work on some script writing for a few. I want you all to stay safe, warm (especially those being hit by the big storm) and keeping working to make 2022’s kick off great! I’m going to go get a fire kicking in the office and prepare for a productive week ahead. Maybe another coffee fill up although it is close to noon. I switch to water or tea usually in the afternoon.

Be good to one another!


Winter Gives Way to Spring – NEW Updates!

Coffee cheers and welcome to all our new readers and followers from Peru, Ireland, Austria and more! The week actually flow by and we went from unusually warm to cold and rainy and now sunshine is called for later in the week. As of Monday it will mark my week 2 after my second Covid shot. We just visited with a neighbor last night who had a memorial for their 52 year old nephew lost to Covid complications. So for many it is still a very real thing. I’m actually looking forward to getting back at in-person meetings, biz mixers and such. I’m very happy with all the weekly progress on our CDI projects.

(DJ Perry & Erika Hoveland in ‘Best Years Gone’)

BEST YEARS GONE (In Post) has many things happening at once. The film is undergoing color correction, dialog edit with music and sound design up next. I bet we listen to all the cleaned up dialog soon. The Battle of the Bands is giving us a good listen at some of the artists. Merchandise for this film is going to increase which is exciting. But the premiere planning is really cool. We are looking at having “The 1st Annual Gilles Cup” a regional “Best Up&Comer” amongst the “spectator drag” racing participants. This will be followed by the winning music video and the film itself playing on a huge blow up screen inside the in-field of the track.

For the Love of Catch (In Post) This amazing documentary has been filming for a month plus now and will be moving into the post-production phase. We will start to assemble these legends who speak about their exploration into the art of grappling and ultimately the love they have for the sport.

SMOKE & MIRRORS (In Post) – This passion project is a short film adapted from a feature script of mine of the same name. We had a commercial opportunity that needed “demo footage” and so we filmed a condensed short story. I’ve been reworking the feature script for a future production with Nathaniel Nose directing. I’m thinking of playing the short in front of BEST YEARS GONE to start its run. We also want to do a benefit screening for the Turner-Dodge House where we filmed. It is a spooky, fun short with amazing performances from David Gries and Melissa Anschutz.


MAN’S BEST FRIEND enjoyed a new General Market push which started out with a bang as a Latin American license was immediately made. The film is really starting to get out there and I’m so appreciative of all the reaching out by those that love this film. I keep hearing people ask about a sequel and I’m just not quite sure. I like how the film ends. It is not all tied up in a bow. An action/martial arts film? Maybe. I do have a pretty good idea for one. Thank you for all the compliments and it was nice to showcase some of my skills.

LOST HEART continues its march and the general market release will take it even further. Thank you to ICVM for the nominations. I’m proud to have two films in the top 5. This film is up for many nominations this May and I know that Melissa Anschutz and Victoria Jackson will attend. Don Most might attend as well as one of our nominated actors. They will have a great time!

THE QUEST TRILOGY prime season window of Thanksgiving to Easter is now over. We’ll see how we did and we’ll be sending revenue to our supporters.

WILD FAITH/HASTINGS – The movie continues to grow in popularity and the TV series is developing. I had good talks with our distributor and we have a few new opportunities to help launch this into a 2022 series shoot.

With our co-productions – BESTSELLER might get a new release in full in 2022 as well as several of the CDI General Market titles. AMERICAN LIAR and THE ACTOR are both available to watch on Amazon Prime.


Silent Night in Algona we announced the new cast of Shane Hagedorn and Christine Marie. Both are amazing actors who have brought some great characters to the screen. They will do this once again. Our next two announcements will be a great semi-regular talent working with the tribeCDI and one from our “Ghost Town” past. This matching will be incredible and I can already see the magic scenes they will create. MAY will be when we start to officially approach sponsors. If you have interest in aligning your service or product with our WW2 film please do reach out.


The ‘Chicken Land’ is fully operational and the girls love the greens. They have also started giving eggs so that is a great addition to the mornings. I am going to wrap this up and go do some sunny side up with rye toast and 4H bacon. I also purchased a pair of long elevated grow beds so that we can still do some of the garden favorites. Rhubarb and catnip are ready to harvest and I’m about to put the first lawn mow down. Also May 6th starts up soccer season! I’m excited to get back out there. I do strength and stretching daily along with my martial arts practice but running…not a fan unless I’m doing something. So the first few games might be rough not to mention just your ankles and knees getting their first stop/start work outs. Blueberry bushes will arrive soon. The apple trees look like they are going to be full this year. I will also start working to fill the wood boxes again for next winter.

I’m also going to get back to my script writing since I don’t currently have an assignment. I’ve been bouncing between my SciFi script and the feature Smoke & Mirrors rework. I’ve enjoyed the pondering, research and scribbles as I pull these stories together. Carry on with your own endeavors and watch as those daily small steps all add up and take you closer to your goals and dreams.

Happy Sunday!


New Nominations, Post-Updates and Prepping for a WW2 Story

Hazelnut coffee cheers! I see new readers/followers from Jamaica, Ireland and Ecuador, welcome. It is a beautiful day that started with having my niece and nephew over to visit ‘chicken land’ before we all went down to the local flea market. I did not find any treasures but that is how is goes, sometimes yes, sometimes no. But this weekend has been mainly yard work clean up. The lawn garden bags are by the curb for pick up and I also shored up the raspberries. The rhubarb is growing strong and the apple blossoms are full which might mean hard cider this fall. I’ve shared the brown ale with the few meetings we’ve had. To me it taste like NEWCASTLE. Just amazing what fruit, veggies and/or grains can become with a little fermentation magic.

This week went by quite fast with the main tasks being making moves on BEST YEARS GONE post work. SMOKE & MIRRORS post work is also finishing up. (Almost complete) And we’re entering post with the documentary ‘For the Love of Catch‘ which is exciting. Additionally, we’ve been busy with the pre-production tasks associated with our WW2 drama SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We’ll keep announcing new cast and crew over the next several weeks. Everyone is excited about storytelling in this time period. many of us have been immersing ourselves it the 1944 culture. I’ve enjoyed digging more into my grandfather’s WW2 service.

This week we’ll have talks with our art department over the script. They will break down props and we’ll address more major challenges. Period films are a great endeavor that requires artists to be at their best and research is a key. I’m going to do a new photoshoot soon showcasing the new look I’m moving towards. I have a great WW2 coat that was a find last year. Preparing for a role can be a bit like preparing for Halloween at least by way of look. More on this fine film as it develops.

Proud to announce that two of our films both qualified as one of the five finalist in the prestigious ICVM awards given on June 23rd (My bday) in Texas. MBF got much of its theatrical and festival run squashed by the Covid outbreak but it has been gathering momentum. The two films are both very different in tone but I feel like we won just by having two of the five films. Congrats to all the CDI artists involved and thank you to the audiences accepting these stories. We are all very appreciative and thank you to ICVM.

Final 5 Random Updates

  1. BEST YEARS GONE – battle of the Bands still ongoing on our FB page. We added the bio for Celebrity Judge Joe Pullin and we might have more to announce. We are loving all the submissions – thank you!
  2. BEST YEARS GONE auto stickers are available and soon we will have more. I think shirts and hats are next up!
  3. BEST YEARS GONE trailer is being worked on by Nathaniel Nose. We should have something in a few short weeks.
  4. https://www.tudosobreseufilme.com.br/2021/04/melissa-anschutz-7.html?m=1 a great interview with Melissa Anschutz on her career and ‘Lost Heart’ (You can look it up in English)
  5. FORTY NIGHTS which plays with CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER on Encourage TV is also creeping towards its first million views. If you did not watch these three films, which should be watched in order, enjoy.

A great pic of Erika Hoveland and I filming on BEST YEARS GONE. Seen here in Dane Deford’s boat. As the cold gives way to warmth and Michigan is defrosting, I’m looking forward to gathering again. I’m happy to say I’ve had both doses of my super serum and feeling just dandy. I look forward to some cookouts and such in the near future. Enjoy the rest of your day and the week ahead. Every day has been full of emails, calls and meetings but all worth it as the projects keep moving down the line. We have some very exciting things developing at CDI and I know that steady ahead can get you there.

Keep channeling your energy into steady ahead and soon you’ll find things happening.

Be good to one another. Coffee Cheers!


National Nominations, New Updates and ‘trying to be a Calm in the Storm’

(Chilling at the new post studio – in the pines)

I’m sipping the coffee on this beautiful Sunday. The last couple days have been partially used to start the yard clean up. Some more wood logs got chopped up ready for the next cold day. The garden is going to become the new ‘chicken land’ along with some raised bed veggies and new blueberry plants to join the others we have. Every year different new yard endeavors are put into play. The zip line has not yet been installed.

In the office I started moving pictures and paintings around after I acquired a new painting of an ancient soldier. Once I started moving things around it became an afternoon of trying to get it just right. The nice part is all this can happen while taking business calls. I had one day where I was on the phone 10:30 to 2:30 straight – but lots of good business was done. This is also festival and awards season for us. We’re very selective about our festival selections. You can spend a lot of time and money pushing out to all these tests. Let’s start with the fest updates-

International Christian Film & Music Festival – Lost Heart is up for overall BEST PICTURE, BEST DIRECTOR (Jesse Low), BEST SCREENPLAY (DJ Perry), BEST LEAD ACTRESS (Melissa Anschutz), BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR (Don Most), BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS (Victoria Jackson) and the PEOPLE’s CHOICE nomination for ACTRESS OF THE YEAR (Melissa Anschutz) and ACTOR OF THE YEAR (DJ Perry)

I’m so happy for the film and the growing response to the film’s story as it makes it way out into the world. A big kudos to Melissa Anschutz who took lead on this film with a career defining performance.

ICVM Crown Awards this year happening at NRB in Dallas Texas in June both “MBF: Man’s Best Friend” and “Lost Heart” have been nominated as one of the 5 finalist in BEST FILM UNDER 250k plus they might result in some personal nominations in the 18 categories.

Again we’re appreciative of the recognition. Many of these festival submissions are done by our distributor but we sometimes do a few select submissions. All the monthly and small online festivals are just revenue gathering models. I’m not against these just not something we chase. If more people become aware and watch the film I guess that is the goal.


BEST YEARS GONE the last set of notes is being sent over this week and those will be implemented and the film will travel to our post studio. The last inserts of footage and such will happen there before music and sound begins. I’m going to try and make the studio hang once a week to review and enjoy this process. The BATTLE OF THE BANDS has been getting some great submissions on the FB page contest. We are announcing another celebrity judge in Mr. Joe Pullin who has worked on all levels of the music industry. His full bio will be posted this week! Merchandise is starting to creep out with a cool auto sticker set and soon iron on Tee shirt logos! Go to http://www.cdiproductions.com and go to the merchandise section. We plan to also start an artist showcase and sell other artists goods for a commission. That is in thew works also!

(Mr. Joe Pullin – our next celebrity JUDGE)

THE QUEST TRILOGY – Tis the Easter season and so we’ll ask that you put your sandals on and travel with us to the desert. Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer can all be watched on various platforms Amazon Prime, Encourage TV, Tubi, Pureflix just to name a few.

WILD FAITH/HASTINGS is doing great and now that funding on another project is complete we can pour more effort in the direction of the TV series. We have planned to put the series in the Spring 2022 slot as we’re still getting past Covid and I’m needing more time to put this TV deal together. With eight 44 min shows this is a larger endeavor but one that I think will be coming soon. I have several follow up communications.


A CDI co-production “Locked in a Room” has gotten a new re-issue as AMERICAN LIAR now available on Amazon Prime. It is an R rated thriller with greed being at the heart of it. Shot in Detroit by writer/direction Larry Simmons – congrats to all the artists involved! Take a watch but watch out for “Mr. Creepy” 🙂

Discussions are underway for BESTSELLER to finally get out to a wider market. Knight Chills has multiple opportunities for a new release. WICKED SPRING is being worked on to release in HD.

WRAP UP: Many people are trying to navigate the storms of isolation, financial insecurity, stress, parenting and more. My goal is to work hard to create something stable. People feel “behind” as if a year has been stolen from them and in many ways it was. Now I’ve focused and worked very hard to keep my balance and in turn provide balance to the other artists struggling. I stated this week that I push forward with my “best efforts” daily, always. I try and not put any expectations beyond as it just adds stress because it is out of my control. Everyone is feeling the urge to RUN after the world Covid lockdown and that is creating a ME and NOW vibe rippling through society. Again I feel we make the greatest gains working together but everyone needs to pay attention to their own fire from time to time. You are no good to a circle of people if your own personal fire isn’t burning bright. I’ve tried to change as little as possible save what we had to for safety to give people an experience. In 2020 BEST YEARS GONE was that. This year is getting better Covid-wise but it still shadows over endeavors and people’s moods. But we will again do what we do and that is all we can do. Please be kind to yourself. Don’t hold your progress up to the same non-Covid standards. Don’t lean into what you do not do but what you were able to do. And be good to one another. This has been hard on everyone with some having it better and some worse. Help someone out this week in some way, shape or form and you will feel the joy of it. I’m going to carry on and we have lots of exciting announcements coming in the weeks ahead. Starting with more cast and crew will be announced for SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. Also business sponsorships will start this April and that is no joke!

Have a great week ahead.

Coffee Cheers!