“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “Lana Wood

Happy 4th of JULY, 2022- Weekend: BEST YEARS GONE Home Video Premiere and More…

Good morning, hazelnut cheers and thank you to all the new international readers from S. Korea, Ireland, China, UK, Brazil and more. Here is the USA we’re about to celebrate our independence day (July 4th) from the good ole UK. I’ve been super busy on many fronts but I’ve been able to balance it with some wonderful nature. For my recent bday I got some large wind chimes that go nicely with the sounds of the water fountain. (A 50th Bday gift) The plants have all been watered and the dogs tended to. The chickens are enjoying the morning clucking about. The hops, berries (mulberry, raspberry and blueberries) have been exploding. The apple trees are doing pretty good. One of them struggled a bit with the past heat and seems to be doing better now. Let’s go ahead and get into the news.

BEST YEARS GONE – This movie was made during the hardest time of the pandemic and brought our cast and crew much joy. We saw the film bring much laughter and a few tears in the limited theatrical run. The theaters were still trying to get back on their feet during that time. But now, on JULY 5th in two short days you will be able to buy the DVD or stream it. Amazon, Best Buy, Vudu and so on. Just google us up or follow the Facebook site for updates. One of the first major reviews was by Film Threat, link below.

You never know how the mass market will take any film, but they seemed to really like it and we think you will too. I also want to acknowledge the praise they gave me but say that if I did not have the awesome cast around me, the film doesn’t work. I love the music (Dennis Therrian) with added songs by various great bands including our BATTLE OF THE BANDS winner Vertical Bridge!

Watch the music video here


IF you decide to take a watch visit our page at http://www.imdb.com and you can VOTE for your self and leave your own review.

LOOKING FOR A DOUBLE FEATURE or something to watch tonight/tomorrow on the run up to our release?

BESTSELLER, a spooky thriller just released on May 31st. Melissa Anschutz leads a great cast with myself, Ralph Lister, Terence Knox, Lana Wood and more…

Read about it here

Watch it here!

These two films releasing is very exciting and represents a lotta hard work by our artists but we’ve got so much more happening.

  1. The first festival that invited SMOKE & MIRRORS was Michigan’s own MOTOR CITY NIGHTMARES. It is a weekend of convention fun, celebrity signings (I was asked but, no I’m not doing any official signings, but if you track me down with a pen I will and the cost – ZERO:) You cannot ala carte the screenings so the cost might be too costly if planning to just go see the 16-17 min film. We play at like 5:20 in a block and I plan to try and arrive at 5pm. I’m solo with the dogs so I’ll be just doing a 6-7 hour trip with drive time of 45 min or so to Novi. I think they have a party but it’s later in the eve so the post party will likely be back at home:) But this short film is so much fun. We filmed this concept film taken from one of my feature scripts in one day as part of a commercial project. It will likely play a few more venues this year so join the Facebook page and make sure to catch it where you can. David Gries and Melissa Anschutz and brilliant in the film and it has some fun supporting characters. I just might play one of them but if turn of the century/steampunk is your jam, this might be for you. July 30th! NOVI! MOTOR CITY NIGHTMARES.
  2. I will also note being from Lansing, MI that another fine artist/filmmaker, Michael McCallum/Rebel Pictures, has two short films playing right after SMOKE & MIRRORS. One is CHOICES and one is PHOTALGIA. So if you are watching our film you can stay a few and watch a couple other films. I’m sure the entire day has some great films to watch.
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, the rough cut is done and our director has been feeding notes back to our editor. We’ll review the rough cut with our director changes soon and by months end will have a locked picture. Here is a great video showing some of the VFX/model work being done. WATCH THE VIDEO here – https://fb.watch/e1nJ7CbDvg/
  4. We also have a new SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA poster being worked on and the new theatrical trailer work will be starting soon. We are looking to have the first showing in Algona on Dec 10th if everything stays according to plan.
  5. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH has made the final fixes and tweaks working with Deskpop Entertainment on quality control. We should have our home video release dates soon and by next month (Aug 3rd) we should know about the TORONTO FILM FESTIVAL.
  6. I’ve finished the first draft of HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE, slated to shoot in 2023. I have my producers taking a read and if all comes back good without any problem areas to clarify it will go to the publisher. WW1 Veterans vs The Purple Gang during the prohibition. But this is what I call passive pre-production. It has committed funds but doesn’t shoot until later next year because of the script/story.
  7. HOT ROD LOVE, is in active development – and reunites director Shane Hagedorn and Director of Photography, Travis Hayward from BEST YEARS GONE. We are in talks on an amazing attachment that true fans of drag racing will love. Also a few amazing sponsors are being courted so with a little bit of hard work and some final commits we will look to film in October 2022, in a few short months.
  8. HASTINGS, the developing Wild Faith TV series spin off had more productive discussions this week. WILD FAITH, which just released with MAN’S BEST FRIEND to PeacockTV which could assist in the ordering up of the first season. We’ll see. We have several parties in talks and something will give. It is nearing 6 million viewers on just our distributor’s platform ENCOURAGE TV. Many of the CDI films can be seen here free with ads.
  9. I’ve noted that our Civil War film WICKED SPRING, now presented in HD is getting love on Amazon and the platforms it plays on. This film is 22 years old and still getting new audiences yearly. I know many classrooms that have used the film as a teaching aide. If you want to watch something about America’s history this might be for you.
  10. We’re working hard to plan and fund the next several years of CDI films. We are having some good traction in that department but I will wait as always to the ink is dry. I don’t do the mysterious teases on social media for hype. Okay, maybe once in a great while but I like keeping the cards close until we show our hand. Four Aces:)

I’ve just finished some eggs and toast and I’m going to do a few tasks around the yard. A short trip to the store to take back empties from our meetings. And I plan to fire up the grill today and tomorrow. Maybe even bottle up the HOPPY GRAPE APE wine. I have a beer mix up next which I will put into motion for this fall. As I’ve said before, I might even do another go on the hard cider. Next week we’ll be attending the 4H where we assist young people in their college studies by purchasing their livestock. That and the venison make up most of the meat eating around here.

After a loss, our soccer team was back in form last week in a hard fought victory. My body has adapted to the hardships of the weekly battles, and now only experiences some mild stiffness versus the first quarter of the season where I felt like I was hit by a truck weekly. Whatever your outdoor activity is, get out there and do it. I’m going to end this here and go get a few things down in the yard. Have a safe 4th of July weekend. I hope you hit the ground running next week and get things done. Coffee Cheers until next week.


HAPPY Mother’s Day! Also CDI’S TOP 10 UPDATES (There are some good ones)

My first sips of hazelnut coffee on this Sunday morning. I’ve been recovering the last two days from my first of the season soccer matches. My legs are in good shape but not ready for the constant run and directional changes. Yesterday my legs were stiff and tad heavy giving me the ‘mummy’ walk – “COIN!” (Old Scooby Doo reference)

I had a very productive week on many fronts and I’m just so pleased with how everything is moving along. But before we get into all the film updates let take this moment to celebrate mommas. EVERYTHING I’ve done in this life I’ve done because I was brought into this world. Every story that started as a spark in my imagination and brought to screen is because of her. (Dad also had something to do with it:) But I’m just so appreciative that I was given this opportunity. We will have the moms over this afternoon for an early dinner. A few love gifts and a good meal. I LOVE you momma:) Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. That counts if you mother child or animal, so again – thank you to all the mothers for what you’ve done, are doing and will do because that is what mother’s do. LOVE.

Maybe let’s try a TOP TEN Updates

  1. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH documentary is now in editing. We had a post meeting last week and we’ll even having a teaser trailer coming soon. This is about the history of the grappling arts and the evolution of “Catch” as told by those who love it the most. Hosted and directed by two time world champion Curran Jacobs. We have some great interviews. Big Kudos to Dan Chipman our mobile production and Adam Towner, B camera and post. This just might be the first of many documentary collaborations between #Tribecdi with The Red, White and Blue Project Inc. You can follow us on IMDB and Facebook as we have pages for both now.
  2. BESTSELLER – This “Hitchcock” like thriller adapted from the book by Christopher Knight has been signed for a new release campaign. This film stars Melissa Anschutz, DJ Perry, Ralph Lister, Taylor Nichols and Lana Wood. It has really only had a limited DVD release and so this new push will be much greater. It is R-rated (language and implied violence) but is done without being overly graphic. This film captures Michigan in the fall in all it’s haunting glory. I will have more info as we go but I believe the idea is a late summer/fall release!
  3. BEST YEARS GONE – the first pass on dialog clean up is complete. Last week our director and composer discussed music cues and even sound design ideas. Color Correction is happening as we speak along with the edit of our first official trailer. As if that wasn’t enough- we’re planning the premiere, manufacturing merchandise and more official stills are being prepped for delivery to our distributor (BMG) so they can begin poster art. Lotta fun ahead with this movie and I think audiences will really enjoy it. I need to add that the Battle of the Bands judging is underway by our team and celeb judges. We will be announcing a winner this month!
  4. LOST HEART is really a film that has a lot going for it. But to try and convey that via shelf art alone is hard. The film is a story is about music star Hannah Sweet going back to her home town for a funeral but the B story is the town of ‘Lost Heart’ itself. It started with fan mail before Christmas from men who had lost the remote and via wife/girlfriend and was made to watch ‘Lost Heart’ and really loved it. I recall one gent saying that he would have never watched that film except by his wife’s choosing. But he loved the Bigfoot, UFO (UFA?:) and humorous mystery in our story. In a meeting with our distributor I recall telling these stories after discussing the demographic audience that is being drawn to our story. A joke was mention that if the title was “Bigfoot, UFO’s and Jesus” the film would find its partially missing male demographic. Guys hanging out amongst themselves are unfortunately not going to randomly watch a film named ‘Lost Heart,’ which is a name I truly love. It was pointed out to me that a title like “Bigfoot, UFO’s and Jesus” would also attract more women who were equally into the mystery aspects, like my own cousin Angie. So I stand corrected. This GM release should add to our overall audience by revealing the wonderful B story of our film. It was a nice hidden gem inside our story but I think we need to be more direct. So a ‘General Market/GM’ campaign release is underway with a new title, poster art and trailer. I will share this new artwork at the end of this update. But I’m very excited because this film/story deserves to be seen by many, many, many more people from around the world. And so it will.
  5. WILD FAITH/HASTINGS – I want to do a polish up on the “Hastings” scripts for simple grammar mistakes but I had a few more connections start to open up on the WILD FAITH TV spin off. I’m excited to put that into play to shoot next year. I know the feature is growing an audience around the world and so the series would have a nice welcome audience.
  6. MBF/MAN’S BEST FRIEND – This film has been working its way into the marketplace. I was told a new deal was just executed taking the film into Latin America. I know it is making its way into territories around the world. The top two questions I get with this film 1) Will you do more martial arts filming? I do have a great concept that will eventually make it to script. 2) What was Paul’s sentence, will there be a sequel? Right now I like keeping Paul’s fate in limbo with audiences. Will there be a Part 2? Never say never. If you have not watched this film – watch it. If you have and enjoyed it, pass it along. Thank you to the many fans of this film out there.
  7. The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) – A special message is spread across these three stories. Actually several lessons are presented and the way the story is told – everybody can take something positive away. The film series just ran through the holidays at Sony/Pureflix and again I so appreciate all the fan mail letting me know how much you enjoyed our stories. It is humbling and powerful what can be done with a story.
  8. SMOKE & MIRRORS – This early 1900 short tale is getting the final touches. Maybe we’ll cut some teaser in the coming weeks. It’s spooky. It’s kookie. Wait a minute! It’s a really fun little film that was derived from one of my feature script. This will make a great feature film. All in good time.
  9. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – We’re making great strides on all fronts. Last week we announced Garry Nation and David Reardon coming on board. Our German casting is almost complete. Discussions with the art departments has started in earnest as we prepare to create the world of 1944 Algona. This week we should start in on our sponsorship endeavors. We have a lot of excitement in these circles and we’re excited to align with these brands. To do what we do at these modest levels requires the assistance of the community and our sponsors. Thank you to all of those supporters past and present. And here is an additional cheers to our future ones! This week we should roll out two more of the great talent associated with this film. I’m beyond excited to tell this story. If your company or business wants to support this based on true events WW2 home front drama please reach out.
  10. TRIBE CDI – The biz of the biz, I had a VERY productive week working with Bank of America to streamline our fleet of films. All this is to help streamline our inner workings. This all can make a days work only a few hours. Also had a good meeting with another one of the team (Tiger) who oversees dispersement amongst a other things. We will be prepping some of those to go out in the coming weeks. Thank you. As you all support the films, we get to keep making the films. I’m excited to see in the next decade what stories are brought to life on screen! Thank you also to Dean Teaster (COO) and Gary Davison and his team. David Gries & Carl Weyant who maintain the website. #Tribecdi is not a catching hashtag it really does represent a tribe of artists and the business that supports it.

I just enjoyed a wonderful breakfast bagel with our own eggs and 4H bacon – so good. The yard is really looking good and the warmth is creeping into Michigan. I look forward to having many enjoyable meetings both business and social in the coming weeks. I’m going to end this here with some great new poster art for Lost Heart’s new general release. Be good to one another. Be safe and keep following your dreams.

Coffee Cheers!


PS: The new trailer is almost done and I really do love it. I could not stop smiling.

Welcome to May! TRIBE CDI Springing Into Action!

Hazelnut cheers to you all out there. Greetings to our new readers from Germany, China, Thailand, Ireland and more! In Michigan we’ve had another warm up before a small cool off coming this week. It was an exciting week full of new developments. On the home front it was a week of yard work and today will be the first mow of the season. The chickens have been laying eggs and that is exciting. They love their greens especially dandelion greens which are extremely nutritious. I tried some last year and while a bit bitter they could make a good meal. I have not seen any morels yet just inktip mushrooms. I’ve been harvesting catnip and soon rhubarb for wine-making. We are blueberries but they will not fruit this year. But the apple trees look full and the black raspberry and mulberry look like they will be abundant. This week we assembled two large stand up planters that we’ll use for veggies since the old garden became ‘Chicken Land’. I also worked on the steps coming across the wood bridge and the steps leading into the office. I hope we might be able to have a few CDI and family gatherings this year.

Having my two Covid vaccinations out of the way and no I did not have any side effects save maybe a touch more tired for a day. This allowed me to attend one of my first out-of-town business meetings which would have included a boat ride but the weather would not permit. But it’s exciting that the ice is breaking and projects are starting to move ahead in strength. I feel deeply for places like India having a major crisis and I’m happy to see the world stepping up to help where they can. Michigan too has had their issues but my hope is that things will slowly move towards a more normal.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA announced two more cast members in Charles Edwin Powell and The Ponceman. This week we’ll announce two more actors. Both have been leads for us bringing their unique presence to the film. My hint is that both actors were in MBF. (Man’s Best Friend) We’re adding to our crew weekly and one area that we’re looking to add depth to is our AD department. I had talks with a few last week and I want to keep exploring so when we get to projects like a TV series we can have the crew we need. If you are an AD please do reach out. AD is assistant director and work as the foremen of the set working to keep the schedule. We are also launching our sponsorship and product placement this month for those wanting to align their product and services with this WW2 holiday story.

BEST YEARS GONE is progressing as planned. The dialog edit is complete and next is sound design and music. We will also be going through the final Battle of the Band submissions and looking for our winner. The plan is to shoot a music video and play it at the premiere. We have a great plan for a premiere and will be looking to do that in July or August. The trailer for BYG is underway by the talent Nathaniel Nose who edited the feature. It should be done by end of the month! Merchandise beyond the auto stickers and such will be coming soon! Watch the merchandise site on http://www.cdiproductions.com for new items! Our distributor will start working on poster art soon which is also an exciting time.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – is in editing and the teaser should release soon. I’m excited to see all this come together and it might be the first in a series of documentary films.

SMOKE & MIRRORS is also finishing its post process. It had no real deadlines so it has moved slower than if we had investors to make happy. This gothic, steampunk short will be finished this year and the feature script is being worked on by yours truly.

BESTSELLER – This Christopher Knight book turned into a thriller will be released with BMG under its new general market label. This mystery-thriller stars Melissa Anschutz, myself, Ralph Lister, Lana Wood, Terence Knox and Taylor Nichols. I’m looking forward to this film getting a wide release into the marketplace.

LOST HEART is a pleasant surprise for many who think the story is another run of the mill Hallmark film with country music and redemption themes. It has Bigfoot, ufo’s and even the Devil’s Crossroads which appeals to its own market. So the General Market release will have different art and title but will be the same wonderful tale. The film is up for multiple nominations at the ICFF this month in Florida with our own Melissa Anschutz, Victoria Jackson and Don Most scheduled to attend. I will be riding post here in Michigan but I might get away to a fest later in the year. Nashville maybe? We will see.

I want to thank all the fans who have been watching the #tribeCDI films and reaching out with kind words for Man’s Best Friend, Wild Faith, Lost Heart and The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) among the many. Go to the page associated with Amazon and IMDB and leave a message. It helps to expand the viewership and offset the trolls who like to hunt films. Anyway, thank you so much for your support. You all are why we make the stories. To hear how well they’re being accepted and also affecting your attitudes so positively is a wonderful thing for the artists to hear. Most of the films can be seen free with ads on Amazon, Tubi, Pluto TV and Youtube (Encourage TV) so take a watch.

I’ve had some new business people reach out about more film ventures and we’ll see where that leads. I’ve been flowing with things and just working it step by step and things are happening. I’ve been having some great talks and texts with some industry friends – discussing their plans. I am continuing to seek a path literary-wise and slowly pulling my actor materials together. I’m not against outside projects at all even though I have turned several down. It just has to be worth taking my eye off the assortment of projects at CDI. Just like the re-assigning of BESTSELLER to BMG it is an effort to keep looking for opportunities for past stories while finishing the present ones and planning the future endeavors. But I truly love the people I get to work with.

Soccer season starts this week and I haven’t been doing the kind of running soccer requires. My cardio has been heavy bag work at best and so we’ll see how the gas tank is this week. I imagine a good amount of post-game soreness but for some reason that always feels so good to me. I’m going to let you all go so I can get the lawn mowed and might have to fire up the grill. Stay focused on your plans and don’t let small set backs derail you. Those failures are steps towards success if you keep at it. Experience can only be earned so don’t be afraid to do once you’ve evaluated the situation. I look forward to talking to all of you next week. Be good to one another.

Coffee Cheers!



NEW Casting, Premiere and Development Updates

Good morning everyone. WOW! Lots of new international readers from around the globe. Coffee cheers. This month has been a kick into a new gear as we’re preparing for a cast and crew premiere this weekend followed by two virtual premieres via ENCOURAGE TV (Nov 7th and 21st) and the start of filming end of this month on BEST YEARS GONE.

We’re looking at filling the new holes we have in our cast and crew. I know this environment has some people cautious and rightfully so but good communication is still a must. I had situations where I was chasing a few people down to try and get answers on availability. At the same time we had others (and still do) awaiting an opportunity to join the Tribe CDI on this next journey. My reminder is just for all of you to use good communication. I do NOT want artists I have to kick in the butt – CDI is full of aggressively passionate artists and that is what we are looking for. That said, many communicated very timely and I thank you. We are still looking at a few camera support and grip & electric roles. A few castings are still being discussed but the schedule is about done now and will start getting dispersed this weekend and start of the new week.

Along those lines I want to announce the additional of a humble Hollywood legend who is joining BEST YEARS GONE. My dear friend Lana Wood (Diamonds are Forever) will be playing a very funny part in the film. We’re all looking forward to seeing her and creating another wonderful story.

Our sponsors are starting to roll in also and with CDI films getting millions of eyes of exposure. This is becoming a great way for our partners to showcase their brands. I want to thank Lerma Transportation Inc. again for traveling with us again with their generous sponsorship. More to follow!

The LOST HEART project is so exciting as we get ready to show the world our next story. The cast and crew premiere has opened up some restriction-wise which is now allowing a few more to join. Our outside premiere will have a large drive-in like screen which will be a unique viewing. I go up there this Thursday to start the planning. After this event the national PR will continue and the film could play a few theater chains. I know they are hurting and we would love to help them if we could.

WILD FAITH and HASTINGS TV Series is gaining traction as the film keeps bringing 100,000’s of views a week and the 1st season of the TV series is almost planned out. I have a few meetings over the series in the coming weeks. We hope to roll cameras in the spring. Make the time to meet the WILD FAITH characters and enter into the world of 1870’s Michigan.

MBF: Man’s Best Friend – Thank you to all the good people reaching out after watching this film. The best thing I can say is leave a review and recommend it to friends and family. And the on-going question is will I showcase my martial arts in another film? If the right story calls for it is my best answer.

Speaking on that – I do have some new discussions about representation on outside films. My schedule is a bit busy but I do love the joy of just going off to act in a powerful story without the producer responsibilities. We will see this year is about full. Playing Gil Gilles in this next film will take me right to the holiday season.

One of my favorite things about the family and friend holiday season is THE QUEST TRILOGY. We did a unique trilogy of biblical adventures part 1 being FORTY NIGHTS, part 2 CHASING THE STAR and part 3 is THE CHRIST SLAYER. The distributor is doing a new trilogy trailer and I’m excited to see it! I think you will find these films different than many of the other films out there on this subject matter. So take a chance and take a watch this holiday season.

Also if you like the spooky and the haunting stories of the season I’ve done my share in my days. A few of the more frightening might be The 8th Plague, GPS, Deadly Renovation, Darkest Night, Bestseller, Darkest Night and if cheesy monster movies are your thing my first starring film IN THE WOODS might be your cup of tea.

An early CDI film that has a great fall look is FIGURE IN THE FOREST starring Dean Teaster and Mary Jo Cuppone and can be purchased on DVD with HEAVEN’S NEIGHBORS (Aaron Jackson/DJ Perry) in a limited run double feature. This is part of the CDI Classic Collection and will make a great stocking stuffer.


I want to do the same thing with CDI’s 1st and 2nd films KNIGHT CHILLS and FROM VENUS next year. I will start having it authored over the winter and will release it next year. If you haven’t seen the film KNIGHT CHILLS a good read and watch go hand in hand so consider buying the book.

Talking of books and stocking stuffers – the Cat book I participated in can be purchased now.

I’m going to wrap this up. I will say that the AUTUMN ALE has made an appearance at some of the meetings and was met with approval. It has a NEWCASTLE like taste if anyone is aware of the beer. We’re still harvesting from the garden and it’s about time to harvest another round of green beans. Who knows with the tomatoes a new batch of The Green Goblin? Maybe:)

SOON WE WILL SET SAIL! I’m going to update my master TO DO list and get things rolling for this coming week. I hope each and everyone of you enjoys the new season. I’m prepared for some hard work to get this next story in the can as we use to say when shooting film. Stay safe and be kind to one another including folks that have different opinions and perspectives than you. I will keep doing what I do and who sits in the White House will not change that for me.

Until next week. Coffee cheers! Coffee Sponsors?


RECAP and Looking Ahead with Projects


The hazelnut coffee is flowing and I’m finally landed back in the Michigan and catching up. We had a wonderful whirlwind trip to AZ whereas we were met at the airport by ‘Doc’ our AZ transportation Captain in a new RV. We went to Wilcox and had a few days of great friends old and new including Darby Hinton * who beat me for ‘Best Supporting Actor’ in the very entertaining film ‘Bill Tillman and the OutLaws’ who also had my dear friend Lana Wood in a great cigar chomping role that reminded me of the mother in “Goonies” – just great.


I also had just bought a $2 Johnny Cash album at the flea market ‘Live from Folsom Prison’ and lo and behold we spent time visiting with John Carter Cash, his wife Ann and son Joe who had a short film “Dragon Song” at the festival and promoting a new documentary “The Gift” about Johnny. Just wonderful people and abound and so thank you to Rock and Brenda who put the Wild Bunch Film Festival on. We took home 7 awards of the 13 nominations.

Us with John and Ana Cash

BEST DIRECTOR, BEST ACTOR and ACTRESS, BEST CHILD ACTORS, BEST FAITH FILM and I’m forgetting one. Come on coffee! It will come to me.


That same weekend we had Lauren LaStrada win ‘Best Actress’ again in Wild Faith at the Hollywoodivine International Film Festival in PA. The film took Honorable Mention for ‘Best Faith Film’ and won ‘Best Film’ overall. Josh Perry was there representing THE CHRIST SLAYER and WON for his role of Albus. We were all so proud of him.

hester bts 3.JPG

The weekend prior we were honored to have WON the Justice Award at Content 19 for WILD FAITH that was also recognized for SET DESIGN. Next week at the Green Mountain Christian Film Festival I’ve been nominated again for ‘Best Supporting Actor’ as Ben Lily. I’m proud of all the attention the films are getting.


So if you have not stayed current these are some of the CDI films you can watch on TV or get the DVD.


FORTY NIGHTS – The Quest Trilogy Part 1

CHASING THE STAR – The Quest Trilogy Part 2

THE CHRIST SLAYER – The Quest Trilogy Part 3


MBF: Man’s Best Friend

Jesus inthought

  • Also if you want to see some old school – my 1st starring film with monsters in it is called IN THE WOODS and can be found on Amazon.
  • Also WICKED SPRING now released by CDI but an older Civil War drama.
  • R Rated – Halloween fare could include DARKEST NIGHT, DEADLY RENOVATIONS and THE 8th PLAGUE if you dare:)

The Deal

DJ Perry as Donnie in ASHES OF EDEN

The office has the wood burning stove going. This week I will harvest the apples for a crisp. We have been enjoying the HOPPY GRAPE APE wine at our meetings. We missed a family wedding yesterday to attend a memorial for my Uncle on the other side of the family. A unique, funny storyteller who will be greatly missed. He would have enjoyed LOST HEART.


LOST HEART is past the 30 min mark in the edit and I’m looking to move it to sound design and music towards the end ofd the year. The distribution is set and this will be another enjoyable CDI film.

This week we’re prepping for a short narrative film that is actually a demo for a software company. It is a Victorian age film short taken from a feature film script of mine entitled SMOKE & MIRRORS. It will be a fun project for sure.

We also will be pushing hard with the new momentum for the WILD FAITH TV series. Plus we have a few features we are developing foe 2020 and 2021. With that I’m going to close this blog up and enjoy the morning.

Peace to you all!






LOST HEART – Scout Trip and More

Happy Father’s Day! It is a rainy, cold Michigan day. I am lucky that I got to spend some time with my daddy this morning. I enjoyed a little breakfast of cornbeef hash and eggs. Today I feel pretty good having just returned from a whirlwind scout up North with our advanced scout team for LOST HEART. That is our next CDI film that will start filming in July. I’m excited about some of the beautiful locations we discovered and new friends we’ve met. Yesterday I was a touch under the weather due to multiple conditions but I didn’t get my full sleep due to a cabin loft bed that seemed more fun when I was 12 years old. Add in second day of soccer sore, less sleep and perhaps the sip of peach brandy and I was just tired.


A Northern location scout – the team seen here with actress Kim Harsch (2nd from left) who co-stars in MBF. Also from left to right Anthony Hornus, Shane Hagedorn, Melissa Anschutz, Me and director Jesse Low.

As I’ve stated before, getting our daily filmed footage is only one of my goals. The other goal/priority is creating a memorable experience for the cast and crew. I think the latter will help us get the best footage. The cast and crew on Lost Heart should be very happy when they see where they will be housed. Lots to do in their down time also but we’ll be announcing more on that later.


I wanted to announce Mr. Don Most will PR this week but we’re combining that announcement with another exciting one. That is the additional of Josh “Ponceman” Perry to the cast of LOST HEART. If you saw THE CHRIST SLAYER you got to see what an amazing talent he is. I’m looking forward to our time on and off screen. We also announced a young actress Cassie Dean who will be working with us for the first time. We will work to make her feel welcome.


Our cast and crew is lining up and we think this might be one of our best productions yet. The story/script has gotten some great reviews and I look forward to having it brought to life. We always are trying to make the best story with our limited budgets. Many people don’t have any idea how hard it is to raise production funds. I’m sure some of my fellow filmmakers understand that plight. It’s why most all film projects fail to launch. CDI is not some big faceless corporation it’s actually a small Michigan-based production company trying to tell some good stories. I appreciate the artists and it is one of the traits we look at in our hires, appreciation.


This week is going to be working to get the final funds into the account. Getting the commitment and getting the actual money can be a task in itself. Many investors don’t always understand our timelines and that can hurt a production. We will also be announcing a few exciting new sponsors. We’ve been targeting Michigan-based companies and we’re proud to align with them.

The Hard Truth

MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – This film is now being mixed with a few final audio tweaks being done. We will deliver the film on June 30th and they are already gearing up the theatrical marketing. This week is putting the end credits together and soon we will have another completed film.

Low Res Wrap

WILD FAITH – Our western is building its home video release. The digital rental on Amazon and other retailers will be June 24th. July 2nd is the official DVD release but some faith retailers were given a slight advance on the release. If you’ve seen the film please do leave us a review on IMDB.com or Amazon.com

I’ve gotten word the the legendary Lana Wood will be joining Darby Hinton at the HAPPY TRAILS VA STYLE film event in October I believe it is. I will keep updating everyone as I get more information.

A few of the discussions as of late have been about the WILD FAITH TV series. Once the film fully gets out there we’ll see if the characters in the film are a hit with audiences. If so we’ll be looking at bringing you a full season of the WILD FAITH story.


THE QUEST TRILOGY keeps adding audiences worldwide and I have enjoyed a handful of fans recognizing me from those films. Again if you haven’t enjoyed these films check out FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER on Amazon and other fine retailers.

This rain and cold is causing a postponement of my nephew’s Bday party and I too might have to reconsider a get together I was going to have for my birthday. Thunderstorms are not good for outside yard parties. But we did get the garden in and I also worked in some grass seed where needed. The rain is good for that. So this week will be more cast and crew agreements and working to lock locations. And…learn my lines. Yes. Even when you write the script you still need to work your lines although it is a touch easier.

I will let this end here and I’m going to organize my work from the scout trip so I can start Monday off right. Be good to one another and keep chasing your dreams.


Rolling Forward with Films

It has been bitter cold this weekend and I’ve been trying to keep a small cold at bay. At least we’ve had a few days of sun which is a good change from the dark clouds over Michigan. This past week was our first week of official pre-production on “The Christ Slayer” so.. busy, busy – let’s take a look back at our week. (Coffee sip)


Teaser poster for “The Christ Slayer”

The Christ Slayer

We’re moving forward with shooting our third and final installment of The Quest Trilogy – entitled The Christ Slayer. I’ve been ignoring lots of the angry noise flying about around us in the news and just focusing on the load of work before me. That in itself has been quite consuming and refreshing. Friday we opened our new bank account and we’ve started to fuel up the ship. It was a two-hour bank trip dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s but now that’s set. Casting and crewing is about 80% complete since we’ve had the pleasure of team building over several films now. We’ve got many returning faces and a few new ones and in a few weeks we’ll again be in Yuma, AZ filming.


Casting – I’m very excited about several of our new casting choices. Christine Solomon and Carl Weyant will be wonderful to work with. This week we’re announcing a few new supporting actors via PR but I will let you faithful readers know in advance. Ms. Lana Wood and Mr. David Gries will be joining our cast. I’ve worked with both of them and I’m excited to have them onboard. We’ve also been reviewing reels and reads and feel very close to making a few additional casting decisions.

Crewing – we’re still in talks on a few crew positions but those cards are falling quickly into place. I’m excited to have our chef Eddie back on board. Great food goes a long way with people working away from home.

Stay tuned for more updates!


Chasing the Star – we’re getting to the last VFX shots and the mixing of the final film. We’re also about to go over end credits which is painful because almost always you end up with a misspelled name or worse yet, miss someone completely. I’m excited that we’re so close to being done. I am going to try to set up a screening of the film for our Yuma folks prior to filming the third. We’ll also be doing a premiere in Michigan before moving into certain theatre chains. Our deal with Bridgestone Multimedia is complete and we’ll be getting the home video street dates very soon.

Water to Wine

DJ Perry and Jesse Low (Director) on set of “Forty Nights” – the camp of John the Baptist

Forty Nights

We should have some new artwork to review in the coming weeks. The release date for the remastered “Forty Nights: film will be 4/4/17 and we’re also exploring some in-store signings. This film was beautiful before but we had such a tight release schedule last year with Wal-Mart that the film wasn’t as polished as we wanted. That said, people enjoyed the beauty previously but now we’ve got a film that’s a bit closer to our director’s vision. I’m also excited about foreign sales to start rolling on this first film.


Wild Faith 

As of Friday our director/editor was working the last scene of the film. After that we’ll review, polish and lock it up. From there we’ll move it into post sound/music as “Chasing the Star” is moving out. I’m going to start looking at trailer and teaser poster work on the film. We’ve had LOTS of interest in this movie and so I do want to explore the possibility of the tv series.


As mentioned above, the tv series could put our teams to work for several months. We’ve also got a few feature films in development. I also had an update on C.U.J.O. which is moving a bit slower but larger budget studio films tend to follow that pattern. The dog trainer may come visit us while in AZ. Aside from those developments I’m focused on the role at hand. I’ll have a clear head on what I want to pursue once “The Christ Slayer” is behind me.

Have a great weekend.



A Great Experience – Artists Making Michigan Proud!


This morning before the sun came up I was slipping into my buckskins to go travel back in time to one of Michigan’s coolest historic villages in Hastings. I also got to sit atop a fine animal and perform one of our scenes in “Wild Faith” shooting now. Today marks the end of week one and so far we have kept our schedule every day which is a huge compliment to this hard-working crew. We also have had cast in that were ready to rock and roll with their scenes. People today were so excited they were whooping and hollering coming out of wardrobe. I love the excitement of all the artists working on the project. We’ve had some great guests visit such as the local prosecutor and even my father. He has watched all this develop since I was a young lad playing with the camcorder with my neighbor buddy Darrel Folkert. It has been a wonderful week with actors Lana Wood (Diamonds are Forever) and Darby Hinton (Daniel Boone) visiting for a few days to shoot their scenes. They LOVED the town of Hastings. Our large extra days are behind us and the other days should be a bit easier logistic-wise.

In Other Film NEWS

Screen Shot 2016-08-07 at 9.28.25 AM

Pureflix On-Demand

“40 Nights” is now on PUREFLIX On Demand joining “Book of Ruth” and soon “Ashes of Eden” will premiere on that platform.


“Chasing the Star” has the music in place and is now working to finish sound design and VFX. That poster and trailer I promised should be arriving soon!

DJ Perry as Mark Franklin

From the motion picture “BESTSELLER”

This is the ideal season for something scary like “Bestseller” or any of our darker themed films – so turn off the lights late at night and enjoy one of those films.


I’m working to finish the last of cast/crew payroll here and might have to return to set for one last shot today on horseback. So I’ll leave this one short and with a beautiful pic of Lana Wood & Darby Hinton, also feel free to check out the developing site for http://www.wildfaiththemovie.com

Have a great week ahead!




Community of Artistry

Autumn is Upon Us

USA, Australia, Brazil and China are the top four countries where our readers are from. I’ve not been to any of the last three but I’m appreciative to you all. I’ve had films released in all three of those territories – following the USA. What I do love is the community of artistry. We’ve had a lot of rain this week but also signs of the coming fall. MSU football is getting close to kicking off and that is excitement. With my boy Luke on recovery the squirrels have come in force stripping roughly a third of my apples off the tree and making a play for the garden harvest. I cannot blame theme but we’ve got more than enough for them to eat without their garden raids.


This week was full of ups and downs but steady movement forward especially with post work and development work that is about to go full pre-production. I will speak briefly about one encounter. I had a business intro call that was set up to make introductions and set the foundation for future business. This was to be with an executive at a well-known company. Just because you are dealing with a larger corporation does not make them BETTER organized. It had been many years since I had to deal with attitude from someone. But, I always go in with respect and professionalism. That said, when someone line steps you sometimes have to put them into check. But, you must be willing to lose the business. The best business is not when someone tries to discount a property to leverage the best deal. I love when they are honest with what they really like and express a wish to do some same-side of the table negotiation and create a WIN-WIN. That is the difference between true leaders and those who were in a position and gone in 8-18 months. These people also represent the BRAND. I take great pride in our artists on both sides of the camera. I would rather develop the right personality versus working with an ass that may be talented but makes the journey sour. This one individual had a couple of possible reasons for their odd behavior but most stem from low self-esteem. He had another young female executive on the phone call and was trying to be manly by being confrontational. Well, that conversation did not go exactly how he planned it. Remember this people.


Once again.


Many think that a name tag, door plaque or desk moniker will automatically give respect. Initially people will respect the office but if the personality is unfit they become a joke. That only enhances their need to try to feel powerful by treating people poorly. I’ve had many people over the years treat me well only to have me observe them treating others they feel below them, poorly. Don’t be this person. I respect everyone on our projects from DP to he or she who makes the coffee. This person will likely continue to hurt their branding. Don’t hurt YOUR branding.




40 Nights – As we move towards finishing Part 2 “Chasing the Star” more people are introduced to our biblical world in “40 Nights” – Also had the pleasure recently of taking several meetings over our third upcoming film “The Christ Slayer” which despite the attention grabbing title is a beautiful story.


“Chasing the Star” – some amazing new stills will be rolling out. A poster, a trailer – all these great promotional items will start rolling out as we close in on the finish line.

“The Christ Slayer” – The returning cast are very excited by the third installment. I’ve been looking at and developing some of the important foundation elements of this story.  I will enjoy the final trek into this world one more time as Jesus. A swan song to a beautiful role which has brought smiles to many people. I thank all of you audiences for that.



“Wild Faith” – Our team has started to line up our cast and crew for this 1800’s story that takes place in Michigan shortly after the Civil War. I’ve been engaged in discussions with key artists and we’ll have many more announcements soon. This week we announced Melissa Anschutz and Lana Wood joining the cast. I’m excited about the additional announcements. I love Michigan in the fall. I love westerns. I love my fellow artists who will join in telling the story. Each cast and crew is unique. I’m excited to be prepping to play a role in this film and to work with all these fine people telling this story.

I’ve got much more I could ramble on about but instead I’m going to pick from the garden and do a few things around the homestead. Be good to each other. Keep following your dreams. Keep clawing.



Dan Haggerty, Doing Right & 40 Nights (DONE)


So I’m up bright and early on a Saturday and enjoying the quiet. It has been quite the week and 2016 has made a name for itself already. Several artists in the world have been passing and many from cancer. Now I know that we are getting close to breakthroughs on various treatments. I like the idea of this new war on cancer. I believe (anyone with eyes can see) that cures don’t appear to be in the interest of the big med companies. Western medicine has always been reactionary. Get sick and they try to fix. But it is also often a game of take this pill to take care of this but it causes this and that in side effects.

I recall one of my grandmothers on a mass of pills. She became zombie like and they thought the end could be near. A doctor stripped her of all meds and rebuilt what she took and she returned. I do think that the drugs had taken a toll on her body and ultimately that began a slide that lasted another ten years. I attended visitation for a buddy’s mom this week. He and I have been friends since third grade. She beat cancer twice and this was the third round and this time…I have another friend from first grade whose father is fighting it. We have all lost family and friends.

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This year several artists from Alan Rickman to David Bowie have all lost battles to this disease. These were people of vast $ resources and still they lost. My friend and fellow actor Dan Haggerty, better known to millions as Grizzly Adams, passed the day before yesterday. I had gotten some inside information that it had turned bad from his manager. Dan had been cast in two films I had produced previously and he voiced “GOD” in our soon-to-release biblical film “40 Nights” (March 8th). They had estimated a period of time and hospice (bless those people) was being prepared. The next day while at that visitation I find out that Dan had passed and to please keep quiet until the family released the news. I had a good 24 hours of walking around being one of the few knowing what had happened. It gnawed at me – why? Even the greedy should agree – Cure people and they will live longer to spend longer.

Some cultures have little to no cancer or heart disease and such. WATCH what you eat. I’m glad they are making changes to school kids and lunch lines. We all know by the time they get to middle school even if they offer healthy lunch’s kids will still be making a diet of one hostess fruit pie and a handful of cookies. I had a few friends like that in school. Now the lunch ladies all knew me because I was the veggie kid I’m sure. They always heaped it on me because so few kids took any. I credit part parents and part athletics. I was studying martial arts and playing soccer, so I watched my fuel. I was building muscle and interested in health. So despite what is sold and offered it all comes down to supply and demand. Demand good food and the junk supply will dwindle.

Environment is another factor and I can’t tell you how sad I am about the Flint water ordeal. I think a good punishment for all who knew would be a healthy prison sentence but one where you only have that water supply to bath and drink. I don’t usually go off on these topics but it is not political. It is common sense and compassion for one another. Bad school food for kids, bad water and putting others at risk with piss poor extraction and transportation of oil and such. This natural gas in California and the list goes on. How is that whole deal in Japan? Godzilla is going to become a reality, okay maybe not but the ocean is poisoned from it. I’ve been in Manila, Philippines and felt the effects of a bad smog day. My buddy said most Chinese cities are the same. India? There exists a web of life and what we do to one part of the web affects the whole. Evolve or die. We’ve evolved ourselves into a do or die situation. We can control some aspects. Our elected leaders can control others. Companies can choose the RIGHT way perhaps reducing a % of their profit margin but gain longer term consumers. The common cold isn’t going away anytime soon = money to be made still.



Fix these things and watch what happens. So I will try to head back towards the topic of FILM. I am happy that two of my childhood icons from TV shows I loved (David Carradine in “Kung Fu” and Dan Haggerty “Life & Times of Grizzly Adam”) were both people I got to work with and in the latter become good friends with. If you want to see these films seek out “Miracle at Sage Creek” (Thank you Thadd) to see the project I was involved in with David Carradine.  Dan Haggerty can be seen in “An Ordinary Killer” (NEW release this year) or “Book of Ruth, Journey of Faith” (I love his chemistry with Lana Wood in this film) and of course “40 Nights” (March 8th) .



The film is DONE:) I was actually trying to get a link so that Dan Haggerty could watch the film in his final days. It is likely the most beautiful film I’ve produced to date. The film opens with God speaking. That is a huge casting task and when we recently had our final screening everyone commented on how perfect Dan was for the part. The film has been a whirlwind. Our release date was moved up on us and we had to really press at the end. As we speak the DVD’s are being made for the 1st release March 8th. The film is also just arriving for digital encoding for online and TV streaming. We’re in the process of looking at a few premiere showings. Also looking at church and theatrical set ups. My biggest regret after watching this film is not having the P&A (prints and advertise $) to put this film in theaters around the world. But it will be what it is to be. I was very inspired to dive into the second film in this QUEST TRILOGY. That film is “Chasing the Star” and we’re gearing up to shoot in the near future.

Ashes of Eden - Poster

I’ve written about release dates on all the films in the past weeks so I won’t rehash that. The Christian Film Database that focuses on family and faith films announced that our “Ashes of Eden” and “40 Nights” are amongst the most anticipated films in 2016 by poll. That makes me proud. The “Ashes of Eden” film comes first to TV (Parables/Uplift) April 1st, NO JOKE:) and nationally April 7th.

Top 35 Upcoming Christian Movies for 2016

Knight Chills

Sir Kallio stalks in “Knight Chills”

I’ve also recently finished the “KNIGHT CHILLS 2” script and also the 3rd script in the QUEST TRILOGY. I just need to do a polish on these projects before starting some early development talks.

I’m about to embark on a work weekend with budgeting and script polishing to get ready for the week ahead. Thank you for once again listening to my ramble.

Keep clawing!





The Development Storm Cometh

The storm cometh
I love this sandstorm picture. The last few weeks I’ve been working on the follow up film in our biblical series with Lightworx Entertainment. It will be announced in some official development PR soon. The script is called “Chasing the Star” (working title).

Casting has been on-going and I have to say I’ve seen some great talent from around the world. This film is gearing up for an early 2016 shoot.

Staying on the topic of development – it’s an exciting and challenging time. I know what follows the casting, financing, scheduling and development work – PRODUCTION. (Battle Drums) I really take these opportunities serious. A successful project brings continued prosperity for all those involved. It’s a team of people making their artistic mark within set business parameters. If you don’t agree our “tribe” is not for you.

We’ve had exploratory talks (J.M.) that yielded good financial news. This week we’ve had several productive talks with certain keys on some of our upcoming projects. These films have their worldwide distribution deals in place. It’s a new experience working with the distribution studios in advance but I like it. It means no shopping required after the fact which increases production flow. With a good deal that means less financing effort and with worldwide rights pre-assigned – it means moving into development on something new sooner.

Biz Topic…


I’ve had representation of many types from small local agents to Hollywood big 3. I’ve had managers from many different walks – all with their own ideas of how to promote. Many wanted to mold or change you – following some trend. I think most artists fight to be understood and respected in our business. RULE #1 for someone representing – that is they have to believe in what they are selling. You NEED someone who really GETS YOU. Are you a character actor? A lead? Do they understand why you say YES or NO to a gig? Many agencies are shotgunning talent aiming for anything and everything. I recall years ago when starting out, I asked Bruce Campbell at a sit down with director buddy Mike Kallio, “Any advice on finding a GOOD agent?” to which he responded “Good agent? Good luck with that one kid.” I think he meant finding a good agent was like finding Bigfoot. At another dinner I asked actress Lana Wood the same question. “I’m still looking honey” was her response. I’m saying, if you find that person who believes in you treat that like gold. How many actors would be lured by the grass being greener seduced by bigger agents or opportunities? Be loyal if it’s working. Col. Parker, Peter Grant and others played a large part in the overall success. Art and Business.

My Manager
She recently had my work put before a well known director. I was presented exactly as I should be and without any BS spin. I think in our faced-paced world just getting someone to stop long enough to see your talent is half the battle.

Other Updates

I will be working to get the release dates on “Donors,” “Bestseller” and “The Terrorist” . “Ashes of Eden” is gearing up for the 13th of October US release. I think we might have a theatrical ASHES OF EDEN re-run just before the DVD/VOD release. Stay tuned.

“I didn’t hear no bell” – Rocky

40 Nights
“40 Nights” is now undergoing dialog polishing. VFX work is underway and sound design/music on deck.

CDI Films

I’m very proud of the last three CDI associated films cast and crew. The Michigan reputation has gotten better with west coast executives but the truth is we have been seen as backwoods. Hey, I love the outdoor association to backwoods. We have our pines, birches, oaks – Michigan is full of breathtaking nature. I’m told, We’re Southern Canadians in many ways. They believe that in Canada because it helps soften the blow when the Red Wings kick on them.

Back to the backwoods and how that relates to the former incentives – let’s be truthful, our cast and crew got fed mostly scraps. There exists exceptions and if you’re an exception – GREAT! Only love. But for most – the jobs offered were much below their true skill level.
The State of the State Now
I think we’ve got great talent in Michigan. We produce good players but often bad teams. I think the competitive in-state nature doesn’t always allow the best collaborations.

– To bring this full circle

Kudos to the crews from the previous three CDI features. But if I’m going to do that I can go all the way back to CDI film one. We’ve always taken filmmaking serious. I knew what Hollywood thought of us even then. We often get labeled as inferior but I know we’re NOT inferior. But to say that isn’t the best way. To show them now that’s the way. I’m pleased by what I’ve seen in the wake of the film incentive death. Some cried and left and others are finding their grit again. As the eye of TMZ moves away from Michigan, so does the vast amount of people wishing to be celebrities versus those working to have their art revealed.

In Summary…

I’ve been filled with compliments recently by “Hollywood” insiders on not only the final product but our dependability. That is something that is such a secret to success. If you cannot keep a timely/on-budget production or post a film within a timely turn around -you’ll likely NEVER make it in a studio system where production funds are granted. They are investing into dependability that a marketing team can work with in unison.

CDI – The Brand

We’ve built a BRAND (Collective Development) that represents diversity, quality and dependability. And we’ve been able to do that because we hire people who take great pride in their work. Hire people who are truly talented, accept accountability and maintains a professional respect amongst peers. I’m just very proud because all these films are built largely upon the Michigan talent pool.

ONE STATE TO RULE THEM ALL (Sounds Lord of the Rings)
A STATE OF WINNING (Okay this fun exchange just went Charlie Sheen on me – I’m out-E)

Have a great weekend everyone. HOPS are almost ripe. Maybe time for a warm up cup of coffee.


Lana Wood, Knox, Taylor and Taking Pride

The quiet rain outside falls against the colored leaves of fall. My review of budget for the morning puts a cautious smile on my face. The call to set tells me that everyone is working steadily along to capture our last day of week 1 on the thriller “Bestseller”. This is my final action before my pick up to set. Terence Knox came in and was on-screen yesterday and it was good to see an old friend. He has mellowed some in his age and I see moments of tender and sweet – perfect for his compassionate doctor. The gruff soldier and ex-boxer that he was has given way some and I like how he wears it. The previous day was the 1st time I’ve ever had fellow Lansing, MI gone Hollywood actor Taylor Nichols on a CDI project. He was powerful in his work and we had equally strong talent in Ralph Lister, a MI adopted Brit playing opposite him. Today Lana Wood, true Hollywood royalty is once again gracing one of our films. I love her performances and I will be seeing her within the hour. The crew is bonding and I purposely put the hardest part of the schedule up front. Once we are past that it will be settling in for two weeks at a much more operational set with much less breakdown and no true company moves. The emergency vehicles and tighter sets will be shot out and only the large beautiful lakeside sets remain.

I also got to bookend my character this week. My first and last scenes are done and now I truly know my beginnings and end of my arc. So now the story will unfold for me within these fate marks. I’m ready to play and I can freely do so because of the confidence I have in our crew. The hard work was done in pre-production and so it will now pay off in the quality of the work we produce. That brings me to my little soapbox moment of the week. For 17 years I’ve proudly fought the “backwater” stigma that follows Michigan. A reputation of being 2nd rate artists because we aren’t from Hollywood or NYC. It is unfortunate that for every set experience I give to outsiders that leaves them astonished at the professionalism there is a half-dozen clusterF#@% sets that leave people stating “Worst film experience ever” uttered about BRING BACK THE SUMMERTIME a film I almost produced but they refused to listen to reason and I decided to not participate. Sad that it was someone’s 1st Michigan experience and that is the story they will tell. Now I see and hear of other great productions in state. 10 West studios, I don’t know them but I’ve seen their product and it is very good. Rich Brauer, had lunch with him and know his product. These people I see the effort to stand proud as storytellers. On the other hand I see gross neglect and piss poor planning just destroying the film community. Now I work all over and so the state of our local film community really doesn’t affect me completely but I do care. When I see people not only show complete disregard for professional process but brag about it as if it was hip or cool – I feel pity. I feel bad for those so in need of a paycheck or so desperate that they climb on board a doomsday ship. “Welcome to starship screw up – next destination – the sun.” Now I know some of these people or know of them. I see boasts of pushing crews too hard, unreasonable expectations, managing with anger and admission at a full house premiere that they barely had a script and that they were disorganized in their schedule most of the time. This was presented as some kind of joke to be made at the Oscars. I cringed because the product reflected all those things. And to many not in the knowing that is what reflected our State of Michigan and the artists within. To these people – do better. Take some pride in your work and process. Don’t treat our industry like a joke. Because what you don’t realize is that you ARE the joke. You are also giving our State and our artists a bad name. Now in our industry it has a way of weeding out the ASS CLOWNS as I like to call them but not before damage is done. And for some of you out there be careful what circus you join. You are artists to be respected. You are all a vital part of every storytelling endeavor be it in making coffee, pulling focus, last looks, lint brushing to musical scoring. Take pride in your work. Leaders take pride in your product. Art is subjective and not everyone will love it despite the outcome but always give your best efforts.

Have a great weekend. Off to set.