“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “gardens

Father’s Day and Cusp of a Birthday – Updates!


Good morning my friends. Welcome new readers from Serbia, Israel and coffee cheers to you all. I want to also take this moment to thank all of you Father’s out there. Thanks to all the men who take on father roles and give guidance. I’m so grateful to have my father who was kind, strict, generous and taught us much by his actions. I still am amazed by everything he ‘balanced’ while dealing with marriage at a young age and raising two boys. His dream and his goal was to have a family. My goals have included the building of a film family. I also have been so lucky to have the family life I’ve had. I’ve loved my furry family as much as I would have any human child. I value all life and nurture where I can. I’m also on the cusp of a milestone birthday. This week I’ll add another mark on the number of times I’ve gone around the sun. So I have much to be thankful for. I’ve also watched my brother follow in my dad’s footsteps and become a wonderful dad. So to all of you out there – Happy Father’s Day.

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Let me see – we had a producers ‘meeting of the minds’ this past week over our next CDI film BEST YEARS GONE.  So much great pre-production has been underway including the announcement of Erika Hoveland who will be playing opposite me in the film. Our tribe of talent gets a little wider with each film. Our restrictions due to the virus are getting slightly better as small productions start to creep out for commercial day shoots and such. Any of these shoots where you see them just ‘going for it’ with no precautions is a good example of again hobby shooting. If you have no accountability to investors, cast/crew safety, state/union/insurance guidelines we are not playing the same game. It’s a lot to balance but we have a great game plan forming up by great people.

Having filmed for so many years where many of our families deal with our strange storytelling habit I have always made a point to try and be wrapped for the year by Thanksgiving. I don’t like to be filming between Thanksgiving and New Year save a few exceptions. That said, we’ve chosen the furthest shoot window possible. So our onset pre-production week will be end of Oct into early November. And the shoot will be 15 days in November wrapping out a handful of days before Thanksgiving. We’ll make the few needed story adjustments and the hope is we will be further down the road from these virus restrictions. We’ll also start some B-roll, beauty and VFX shots in advance. I’m so very excited to get shooting but you want to be smart when you do it.


LOST HEART is being mixed together. The musical score, sound design and dialog. We have started as a group to discuss how we will premiere the movie. We might have an outside big screen premiere much akin to a premiere we did for DEADLY RENOVATIONS in AZ. A band, food and the ability to have people spread out some. Following that a run in theaters and drive in’s would be the ideal situation. This funny and heart warming movie will be just the needed thing for many out there.

Asking Forgiveness

MAN’S BEST FRIEND might play a few more festivals this year but the audience keeps building. Thank you to all the fans of the movie who have reached out. I can say the same for WILD FAITH and the development work on the TV series continues. I also had some people reach out to express their joy in finding The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) I think it is helping that people are realizing that there is three films that have interconnecting pieces. I had People ask if CDI will be doing more biblical adventures. I would like to when the timing is right.

Renovation Movie Clips

I’m excited to announce that a new deal has been made with ITN Distribution to get three of the CDI associated films back out into the marketplace. The previously mentioned Deadly Renovations, Donors and Darkest Night. More as that develops and they have new art and new release destinations.

I’ve been two weeks without my Movie Magic software because of my computer update to Catalina but it has now been fixed. So I can continue my weekly writing and I’m very happy about that. The yard has never looked better and we just added flowers and got more plants for the garden. I seeded a few lawn spots due to tree-cutting and behold it is filling in. Daily entertainment from all the birds and critters which we’ve been feeding has kept smiles upon our faces. I hope you all have a productive week and I look forward to speaking with you all next week. Keep your chin up if you’re facing hardship and just keep moving forward.

Be good to one another.





YUMA -Week ONE Pre-Prod Down!


Today will be another day in the 90’s here in sunny Yuma, AZ as we prep to film. Back at home I hear of chilly cold and keeping the fire burning. The only fire here is the big ball of heat in the sky. The sun has been good for me for sure as most in Michigan likely have low Vitamin D. We’re here to film part 3 of The Quest Trilogy entitled “The Christ Slayer”. I think we’ve been able to take everything that we’ve learned on the previous two films and take it up a notch. Our first week of pre-production is over and tomorrow cameras roll. For me I have our production meeting followed by a rehearsal with some of our cast that arrived. Carl Weyant and the Perry brothers Ponce and Scott flew in last night and I’m excited to create with them. Our secondary team started to come in last night. We all went to a nice Mexican place in town and got to know one another. It is a magical thing when storytellers from all over the world come together to create. This adventure has a boat in it, gardens, farms and of course desert. I’m beyond excited to do tell this tale.

Other exciting film news…

Staying in the Quest Trilogy vein our Forty Nights art for the April 4th DVD launch with Bridgestone Multimedia Group is almost done. A final proof on Monday but I can say it is beautiful. The art on the Wal-Mart release got rushed due to a release date and I was not happy with it. It was not our elements and was just okay. Additionally the International Christian Film Festival has nominated the film for 4 awards.

Forty Nights

That will show in May in Florida.

CHASING THE STAR our second film will be done this week and a test screening is set for Champion Church next Sunday. I’m excited to see the audience reaction to our powerful follow-up film. Much more will be announcing on this film as we move into the theatrical phase and head towards the national release Sept. 5th.

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Many of you know we just recently dropped the first look at the Wild Faith teaser trailer. It has been doing really well in receiving reactions. The simple fact is the trailer is strong but the film is MUCH stronger. Everyone just really brought their A game.


I got word that THE ACTOR the film that I did a time back in NYC with Carl Weyant is releasing digitally on the 29th of this month! A film worth checking out for sure.


Things move around on the board when in pre-production from changing locations, crew, cast and other details of production. When you look back on the finished film you often can’t imagine things being any different. I know in one case we had a change because of illness and another because of dragging negotiations. We had a location change that seemed like an issue at first when we lost a location but by days end we had found a location that was much better suited. Things happen for a reason.

I miss my family, friends and comforts of home but like all of us I must work. I have to say that I truly do love my work. Don’t get me wrong I have days where I wonder “why am I doing this?” usually when bogged down in logistical or legalese, but all for the greater good.


I’m sure I’m missing some updates but perhaps I’ll do a mid-week update with so much developing OR I’ll be speaking to you next Sunday after our screening of “Chasing the Star” at Champion Church.

Time to go do our production meeting, cast meeting and lastly hair and make up so they can make this caveman look more Jesus-like:)

Be good to one another.