“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “Israel

Father’s Day and Cusp of a Birthday – Updates!


Good morning my friends. Welcome new readers from Serbia, Israel and coffee cheers to you all. I want to also take this moment to thank all of you Father’s out there. Thanks to all the men who take on father roles and give guidance. I’m so grateful to have my father who was kind, strict, generous and taught us much by his actions. I still am amazed by everything he ‘balanced’ while dealing with marriage at a young age and raising two boys. His dream and his goal was to have a family. My goals have included the building of a film family. I also have been so lucky to have the family life I’ve had. I’ve loved my furry family as much as I would have any human child. I value all life and nurture where I can. I’m also on the cusp of a milestone birthday. This week I’ll add another mark on the number of times I’ve gone around the sun. So I have much to be thankful for. I’ve also watched my brother follow in my dad’s footsteps and become a wonderful dad. So to all of you out there – Happy Father’s Day.

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Let me see – we had a producers ‘meeting of the minds’ this past week over our next CDI film BEST YEARS GONE.  So much great pre-production has been underway including the announcement of Erika Hoveland who will be playing opposite me in the film. Our tribe of talent gets a little wider with each film. Our restrictions due to the virus are getting slightly better as small productions start to creep out for commercial day shoots and such. Any of these shoots where you see them just ‘going for it’ with no precautions is a good example of again hobby shooting. If you have no accountability to investors, cast/crew safety, state/union/insurance guidelines we are not playing the same game. It’s a lot to balance but we have a great game plan forming up by great people.

Having filmed for so many years where many of our families deal with our strange storytelling habit I have always made a point to try and be wrapped for the year by Thanksgiving. I don’t like to be filming between Thanksgiving and New Year save a few exceptions. That said, we’ve chosen the furthest shoot window possible. So our onset pre-production week will be end of Oct into early November. And the shoot will be 15 days in November wrapping out a handful of days before Thanksgiving. We’ll make the few needed story adjustments and the hope is we will be further down the road from these virus restrictions. We’ll also start some B-roll, beauty and VFX shots in advance. I’m so very excited to get shooting but you want to be smart when you do it.


LOST HEART is being mixed together. The musical score, sound design and dialog. We have started as a group to discuss how we will premiere the movie. We might have an outside big screen premiere much akin to a premiere we did for DEADLY RENOVATIONS in AZ. A band, food and the ability to have people spread out some. Following that a run in theaters and drive in’s would be the ideal situation. This funny and heart warming movie will be just the needed thing for many out there.

Asking Forgiveness

MAN’S BEST FRIEND might play a few more festivals this year but the audience keeps building. Thank you to all the fans of the movie who have reached out. I can say the same for WILD FAITH and the development work on the TV series continues. I also had some people reach out to express their joy in finding The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) I think it is helping that people are realizing that there is three films that have interconnecting pieces. I had People ask if CDI will be doing more biblical adventures. I would like to when the timing is right.

Renovation Movie Clips

I’m excited to announce that a new deal has been made with ITN Distribution to get three of the CDI associated films back out into the marketplace. The previously mentioned Deadly Renovations, Donors and Darkest Night. More as that develops and they have new art and new release destinations.

I’ve been two weeks without my Movie Magic software because of my computer update to Catalina but it has now been fixed. So I can continue my weekly writing and I’m very happy about that. The yard has never looked better and we just added flowers and got more plants for the garden. I seeded a few lawn spots due to tree-cutting and behold it is filling in. Daily entertainment from all the birds and critters which we’ve been feeding has kept smiles upon our faces. I hope you all have a productive week and I look forward to speaking with you all next week. Keep your chin up if you’re facing hardship and just keep moving forward.

Be good to one another.





MBF Screening TONIGHT in Texas, Festival Dates, Development and More…

Welcome new readers from Vietnam, Canada, Israel and the UK and USA. We’re so very happy to have you joining us. With the spring forward in time we awoke to sunshine which is nice. Yesterday the winter stuff left and the spring stuff came out in the house. Snowmen decorations were replaced with rabbits and Easter items. We also did a full clean on the house and I’ve been working with the basement. I’ve been doing some repairs and cleaning after we got rid of our basement stove which we used at holidays but now we have two ovens with the new stove. So that older one moved along to a couple in need. Now I’m looking at getting a stand up freezer to replace our deep freezer. Organization of the homestead is an on-going thing. I’ve already started some of the yard clean up and I’ve enjoyed getting outside. Let’s look back on the week-


MBF: Man’s Best Friend which released at the end of 2020 is building momentum after its first WIN at the Equus Film Festival in Kentucky. This week we’ll be announcing a few of the new festivals and those in Bedias Texas can watch the film TONIGHT! See the ad above and so we’re excited that so many will get to see the film tonight.

We’ll also be announcing our participation in –

Capital City laurels

This is a large and growing festival in our backyard of Lansing, Michigan. We’re proud to be showcasing at this festival. The last time was the 600+ sell out of ASHES OF EDEN a few years ago. More details soon. Additionally we are officially in the ICFF (International Christian Film Festival) in Orlando, FL where once again we’re up more ‘Most Inspirational’ feature film which is my favorite. Why? Because it represents ALL the artists and we did what we setting out to do. Under the ‘People’s Choice’ I was nominated for ‘Best Script,’ ‘Lead Actor’ (Paul Landings) and ‘Best Filmmaker’ now that last one is my least favorite because they named me personally when we all know it is a team. So I take that last one for the entire producers team that works so hard. Either way we are so very appreciative and proud of the story.


This beautiful film released the 1st trailer last week. If you missed it here it is again. Watch and share to your friends, family and groups. Melissa Anschutz stars with Don Most and Victoria Jackson and a slew of amazing talent. Music and sound design is underway as is VFX and color correction. We’ll be announcing DVD poster art in the coming days and working on our release. Enjoy and share!


WILD FAITH continues to be a top viewed film on Tubi, Valorous TV and Amazon Prime. Please do enter our world of Michigan 1875 and meet our cast of characters in this powerful drama. We’re putting the proposed deal together now for the TV series more once the ink is dry. This TV series will be a great thing for the state of Michigan. It will allow an opportunity for us to work with many artists in our state.  Please do take a watch and let me know your thoughts. I look forward to playing Ben Lily again.

BEN screenshot

THE QUEST TRILOGY start your journey with FORTY NIGHTS follow it with CHASING THE STAR and bring it home with THE CHRIST SLAYER. This Easter watch the trilogy with your family and start a new tradition. These films are not ‘preachy’ and just present an interesting, powerful perspective to these stories. We also stole a page from ‘Star Wars’ and present these films in a cinematic fashion similar to the original three SW films. I think the merge of styles worked really well and I’m proud of this endeavor. It is what has given confidence to the WILD FAITH tv series mentioned above.


Rance Howard appeared in all three of the films. He told me playing the Devil was a career highlight after a career of ‘good guys’ he got to play the ultimate ‘bad guy’ – yes you did my friend.


BEST YEARS GONE is our next CDI venture. We announced Shane Hagedorn as our director. If you want to see his previous feature take a watch on ASHES OF EDEN on Amazon. We’re starting to roll out our cast members as we’ll enter official pre-production this coming week. We’ve been looking at DP reels from across the country and having talks. If you have a DP reel and want to be considered for the May shoot you can send it to me or to our director Shane.


We announced the first addition to the cast this past week. Some will recognize Jim from Man’s Best Friend as the Sheriff. I first co-starred with Jim in a monster creature feature IN THE WOODS, years ago. It was my first starring role. It will be a joy to once again share the screen with my old friend. Congrats to Jim! How about another cast announcement? I want to welcome another actor friend whom I’ve known almost as long as Jim. Mr. Greg Mason. Greg has been with Tribe CDI since our maiden film KNIGHT CHILLS those many years ago. Congrats to Mr. Greg Mason!

Greg Mason

We’ll be announcing more amazing talent as we go. We’ll also be locking more crew end of this week also. It is going to be another great shoot and I look forward to working with everyone. Follow our FB and IMDB page for this and all the CDI films. We’ll also be starting to talk to sponsors and product placement partners.


I submitted and had accepted my new story for the upcoming book on dogs at Christmas. I have two stories in the book release on horses and this fall 9/15 I believe…the book on Cats is released. I have one story in that book about our dear Lulu:)


I’m also returning to work on a few other screenplays. Development, development, development…and maybe a few TV shows:)

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I’m off to get some breakfast and do a few things around here. Tomorrow I’m back on the attack with all our projects. Thank you all for your support. We appreciate it so very much.


Getting Rolling in 2019!


Good morning. It is 2019 and we’ve started a new turning of the wheel. The holiday season was enjoyable spending time with family and friends. I want to welcome our new readers from Israel and France, we’re so happy to having you join us. Like everyone else I’ve been planning ahead to the new year and also working hard to finish our two films THE CHRIST SLAYER and WILD FAITH for their theatrical 2019 release with our new partners. Once these get off the desk so to speak we’ll focus on getting our locked cut of MBF and increase development work.


I hope to get theatrical locations and dates here soon but know that people are just getting back to work. The remastered WILD FAITH is having distributor poster art done and promotional trailers for social media. Same with THE CHRIST SLAYER with the promotional pieces and the poster art is already completed. This is an exciting time of what and see – but I can say, as we do final review on THE CHRIST SLAYER for credits, what an awesome job by all our CDI artists. Nathaniel Nose and Dennis Therrian really pulled it all together. I’m so very proud of our artists on all three films. As the last one readies to roll out, I only hope audiences are able to take something away from it. It is a beautiful story and everyone should be proud to have this one on their resume for a lifetime.


Outside of film direct, I spent a good part of three days prepping for the moving of a storage shed onto our property. As a company we’ve started to gather items that make production a lot easier. I’m going to use it for storage of items from 5 gal water containers to 100 cup coffee makers. A CDI trailer will likely be the next step to be used during productions. Maybe a craft service food truck, whoa…settle down there DJ:)


I’ve been working to help prep a friend for their first feature film directorial and of course LOST HEART development will start to pick up speed. Several discussions have taken place with this film and we have some good attachments.  “Strong drama, good humor with a dash of suspense and action – just like a good trip up North in Michigan!” We’ll start making some PR announcements in a few weeks concerning this movie.

I’m going to finish this up and get on with a few things today. I’ve got a busy week ahead and hope the same for all of you.

Be good to one another in 2019!


Wisdom & Wishes for Christmas


It’s Christmas Eve! I want to welcome all the new readers from Indonesia, Turkey, and Israel. I also want to thank all of you for stopping by for a sip of coffee and some ramblings from ole DJ Perry. Artists all over the world have been responsible for reminding us what is best in us. With the new year fast approaching CHANGE is upon us. Now I’m a person who understands change is always in motion but I prefer a slow evolving change versus radical sudden change. It’s funny that I’ve read and studied many ancient and insightful writings. I like to read a little and meditate on the ideas presented. Lately I’ve been reading a few pages each night from ‘The Tao of Pooh‘ which takes deep meaningful thoughts and presents them in comical easy-to-digest bits. All of us will face, are facing change as of this moment. The holidays here have many of us taking that time out to ponder, praise what we did right and project an image of what we would like different moving ahead to 2018. Let’s look at a few sayings from Pooh that unique bear.

“When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don’t belong.”

“Where I belong” – to me is a known path not a final destination. I belong as a storyteller for ALL people. Religion, gender, race and political affiliation not withstanding. I want to help all people find themselves, their best selves. I don’t belong in the cut-throat game of what has become hateful game of red-rover. Just because you’re spewing hate for a good cause does not absolve you – you’re plugged into that cycle. All hate has feedback in the loop. Feel that feedback and know when to unplug and remove yourself. Feedback like fear is not a bad thing if you listen to it. Maybe discovering where you belong is to discover where you don’t belong.

“Things just happen in the right way, at the right time. At least when you let them, when you work with circumstances instead of saying, ‘This isn’t supposed to be happening this way,’ and trying harder to make it happen some other way.”

Fate has one floating down a river, sometimes sleepily and sometimes amongst rough waters – but you’re flowing to where you need to be. To worry about what has not happened. To worry how we’ll react to something that hasn’t happened. I have faith that I’ll know what course of action when I get there. Leadership even of the self is taking in all the feedback and deciding on a course of action. Sometimes if the circumstances say the river is jammed and impassable – you have to get out of the river and carry your canoe a short while. Up ahead is clear waters to navigate. You put your boat back in the water and continue your journey. Had you been in refusal to work with your circumstance as in “I’m not getting out of the river” – “I don’t want to walk a ways” – you might still be sitting stagnate looking helpless at the log jam. Faith is not always understanding but moving forward. Have some faith in yourself. Know that detours are just that – detours not roadblocks. Often they are the only answer to navigating around those things blocking our path.

“The surest way to become Tense, Awkward, and Confused is to develop a mind that tries too hard – one that thinks too much.”

Think less and feel more. Knowledge can be accumulated and wisdom is the application of it and learning from its results good or bad. Sometimes you have to not stare directly at the issue. Too much intense focus can give you blind spots. Keeping the RAY on full power obsessively trying to see a reason, pattern, purpose or direction before the time of actual action can just create confusion and feedback that will make a person’s inner balance seem out-of-phase and disrupted. Learn to control this 90% of the time and a great peace and power will be yours.




This has been a wonderful holiday season to look back on what a productive year it has been. Our distributor has heavily pushed FORTY NIGHTS and CHASING THE STAR. The latter reached #2 on Amazon’s list for Faith and Family. Parables TV has been playing both films twice a day. I know we’ll see the day where once the third film, THE CHRIST SLAYER releases – all three will be playing together.  Expansion into the UK, Netherlands (Family 7) and many other foreign territories continues into the new year. Part 3 goes into post music and sound in Jan 2018 and will be done around Easter 2018. We’ll also be releasing the first poster and theatrical trailer. soon into the new year.



But BEFORE that we’ll have the spot light on WILD FAITH. The end credits are about locked and the last tweaks of color correction will be applied next week. But aside from that and our ongoing mixing of sound levels – WILD FAITH is done. I will call it complete once those final changes are done. But we’ll be meeting to discuss the premiere showings and the theatricals here soon. The new exciting trailer for WILD FAITH will also be dropping soon. Perhaps between Christmas and New Year Eve or perhaps on New Year’s Day itself. I need to see exactly where we’re at.

Hester concerned

Development – More development than you can shake a stick at. MBF (Man’s Best Friend) is the next one up. We collected and deposited more funds on this upcoming film. We still have a short ways to go but the holidays created a pause. I’m sure as we hit the new year many will be ready to move on new endeavors. This powerful film MBF will push many people’s dramatic ranges including myself. I’m up for the challenge as each of you should be. I’m excited for some of the new directions we’ll be taking as a company. Also we’ll work hard to keep doing more of what perhaps some of you are already enjoying from us at CDI. About the 15th of Jan. we should have the basic web platform up for the new Collective Development Inc. site.

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Last story by King Christmas:)


So in year’s past I was never the right pick for commercial work. I was always ‘becoming’ someone and so my headshot never were up-to-date. The words were always too superficial. Maybe my voice had an adult tone that didn’t fit my youthful face? I don’t know the reasoning but commercials were never my thing. But friends of mine that had worked for a great non-profit heard that the company was having casting issues looking for the right actor for a company promotional video. They had not found that ‘right person’ and while I was a touch younger vs their breakdown –  I was approached about a read. So the next morning I threw down a quick take and sent it off. I call it sketching – quick truth shoot with no over-thinking. If you hit part of the role and spark their interest, they will usually contact back. I don’t have time for 14 page auditions – except JJ send the new SW script and I’ll throw some reads down:)   Okay.  I know you have cooking and presents to wrap, I’ll hurry up. I will credit good writing for the piece where usually the depth is just not there. I felt the read. I gave the read. I was the read, I got the part. So I was a professor in the piece and they dressed me to suit the part. Some pants/cords fit me like they had made them for me. Add a blue shirt to bounce the baby-blues and a blazer and were all good. We nailed the shoot with a great little crew. I thanked everyone and went home. I was about to eat some sweet potato soup when I spread my napkin out across those cords. Oh my! “I stole these from a non-profit!” I originally wore my dockers to the shoot but after giving the shirt and blazer back, I felt like I was wearing my clothes and I was ready to roll. How many people watched me walking around saying, “DJ Perry is going to steal those pants.” I sent a message to the Production Manager. They were part of the directors stash of clothes. He said they looked great on me and Merry Christmas. Ha! But I really did enjoy myself. Who knows maybe 2018 will bring a few more surprises like that. I’m talking about the commercial not the pirated corduroy pants.

I want to wish Peace on Earth and a Very Merry Christmas to all of you.

Be good to one another.





Pushing Christmas Sales and Prepping to Attack 2018!

I’m sipping coffee on this peaceful Sunday. Beside me is a new 5 gal of Green Goblin 3.0 wine started on Halloween and by 11/4 on the full moon it was bubbling like a possessed spirit had invaded it. See what I did there? The spirit, okay back to the blog. New readers/followers from The Netherlands, welcome. Readers from Israel has been following us and again, thank you. I love this space – open for artists to stop by and listen to a story or two. To get a few updates and let you know that these battles we fight to create our art are natural. Part of the process of healing people with the power of a story. A medium that weaves so many emotions through so many of the human senses.



It’s been a strong week of organization and prepping to move into 2018. New announcements on MBF, our next CDI film. We added David Gries and Shane Hagedorn two other fine artists. I’ve worked with both of them and these roles are in caring hands. March will be a nice mix of old and new talent working together.   This coming week I plan to open the bank account. Small steps on the path to production.

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American Film Market is underway and BMG has Forty Nights and Chasing the Star there right now. We made some announcements that the films were making their way to the UK. I also see evidence that Asia might be getting the films next. I was notified of a Singapore government ratings for Forty Nights. I will seek to confirm but I really do hope that our fans to the East can enjoy these beautiful films.

babtism of one

Domestically our recent goal now that we’re past Halloween, has been making people aware of the first two films in the marketplace for Christmas. Amazon Prime now has both FORTY NIGHTS and CHASING THE STAR. Watch them back to back and if you enjoyed them give them a little word of mouth or post a review. I think those films are just starting to travel a long journey of being exposed to artists worldwide.


THE CHRIST SLAYER is the 3rd film in the trilogy and it’s moving right along. We released a still of it being worked on in post VFX. (Here)


This third film will bring things together nicely. The poster is on the 3rd draft and getting stronger with each one. This film is preparing to enter music and sound design in Jan 2018.


For that to go in WILD FAITH needs to come out. The music first draft is DONE save tweaks and end credit roll. We’ll start putting that together now. I have high hopes that once the film is done the full merit of a series will be seen. We’re soon to sit and watch the film with the music in. Right now mixing and balancing is underway. The 10 sec of remaining VFX footage is what we’re dealing with still. But the plan is in motion and I’m confident we’ll complete that shortly.


Knight Chills 20th Anniversary

We’ve also been delivering materials to our distributor for WICKED SPRING. It is an interesting feeling bringing that film to the forefront again. I did that role 17 years ago. Crazy. KNIGHT CHILLS had a new release with the book this year and that is a great little Christmas story. I’m smiling – but I will admit for people who have not been exposed to my work having KNIGHT CHILLS, FROM VENUS or IN THE WOODS be your intro is…scary. Zac, Frank and Alex are all great roles just not current representations. These films like others have gathered fans to which again I’m appreciative. My debate as of late was to accept invitations to participate in Comic Cons on occasion to celebrate these old works. I guess as I pondered it I got a touch of insight into Jeff Daniels who wants to be known for his dramatic excellence but people often just remember DUMB & DUMBER. How many sick, lonely, troubled and just bored people did that film make laugh? Giving relief by way of 90 mins of humor. Who are we to judge what people will enjoy? Hence art is subjective. Also some of these early films had so many rocks thrown at them. Some justified but many just the rise of the troll in this new medium of inter-webs:) I still hear the AOL dial-up. But if people can embrace these films more power to them. At the 15th anniversary to sit in the Alamo theater (Kazoo) and watch people shout, laugh and play the drinking game associated with IN THE WOODS was a joy. As we move through the present towards the future we must always make peace with our past. I’m getting there. I’m looking into the “Appearance circuit” although I’ve always wanted people to see the characters before the actor. I have met thousands of fans over the years and I’m appreciative. Although I don’t appear at many of these events it’s because of new work. I had a distributor friend ask if I was going to be at AFM. (Film Market) Actually I’ve had many ask. I told this person I was in MI overseeing post on two films while we prep for our new one. I would like to attend an AFM in the near future.


In addition to MBF prep we’ve been reviewing and looking at several other CDI & CDI associated projects. I think we’re preparing for another strong slate on films. As always I really do appreciate you stopping by. I hope the season is productive and wish you all a strong week ahead.


End of October 2017 Updates!

IMG952984Good morning fellow artists. A chilly morning made warmer by the hazelnut coffee by my side. 2018 I will get a personal coffee sponsor or I may just start a new business. Collective Coffee – a coffee for all of us:) I did get approached by a tea tree shampoo that wanted my endorsement. More on that soon. I want to welcome all our followers and readers including new readers from Israel. Our readership from Germany and China have increased and we’ll start with that.


CHASING THE STAR – the 1st film in our biblical adventure series THE QUEST TRILOGY will be releasing to the UK. Actually I’m seeking proof that it may release Oct 30th! I might have found it.


We’ve got new screenings coming up in Texas, Iowa and…in December.

Here is a good PR link if you are unaware of the film.


It is on amazon and many others sites. Enjoy! Also we were invited to submit again to the International Christian Film Festival. Forty Nights won ‘Most Inspirational’ amongst some great nominations. We will see if this follow-up will also impact audiences.



Hello TEXAS! This film will be playing at the Miller Theater in Bedias, Texas in November. It is very cool to see this film on the big screen. I think all the trilogy films will be enjoyed for years to come around the holidays. I’ve enjoyed the wonderful notes from fans on how this film has inspired them. Inspired to just be better human beings no matter where your faith takes you.



I loved filming the other two films. But I have to say I’m REALLY excited for this third film. We have some top-notch VFX work trying to creatively reproduce God’s hand. By that a few events that we could not just easily capture. Our VFX creators have worked on Black Sails, Rogue One and several high quality films and TV series. The STORY is how this was achieved. This film is a sleeping giant. The season now should be about CHASING THE STAR that released Sept 5th. But starting in 2018 PR for the third film will start growing. I’m excited because once again between sacred writings the plausible WHAT IF’s are explored to help us relate, understand and experience something new yet feels so right like an old pair of slippers. I can see the quotes now, DJ Perry said “A good relationship with God is like an old pair of slippers” – OK. I said it. These films are NOT about Christianity per say. They are about simplistic teachings devoid of modern agenda that people can apply to their own path. Denominations of Christianity fight, argue and debate to monopolize the “correct interpretation” of a teaching. I see that the “devil is in the details” because no mortal knows the universal truth. To exalt oneself and pretend you do is…you fill in the blank. This third film directed by Nathaniel Nose is everything I wanted from the film and more. I think as we gather fans of the storytelling style – great minds will chew on it and share in meaningful conversation. That’s a lot in this day and age of rock throwing. It really hasn’t changed in all these years. In biblical times they would stone someone to death and now they stone people with negative social media responses meant to stand out from the masses or attack non-conformers. Set down the stones and just watch to enjoy. We as storytelling artists ask no more. Lastly on this film I’m very excited on the post art developing. I’ve seen three drafts now and it is getting – COOL:)


Oh, you want to talk cool? Let’s talk WILD FAITH. We’ve been back and forth between a CGI element added into the footage or adding existing footage into our footage. We explored the heck out of the first option and we just could not make the timeline or numbers work. I had a few people gives quotes just too high but wanted to not be disqualified down the line on others films. While not disqualified a sub-contractor will often lose their place in the pack if they step aside. Because if someone does something discounted as a favor those favors are usually appreciated to the point of the next opportunity. Now sometimes a key crew hire is based upon the director. Sometimes their skill set better matches a certain themed film. And I understand having to PASS on some projects for financial, creative or both. Long/short is that we had a few plans to tackle the final few seconds of VFX affected footage. We gave our best at Plan A and now as music is finishing on the film Plan B is going into effect. This Plan B will be in effect while producers start putting end credits together and Jesse Low and Dennis Therrian start their stereo and 5.1 or is it 7.1 now mix of the final film. Color correction will also be on deck while mixing is happening. The bottom line is that the film is almost done. The film was really, really, good without a lick of music and now with that amping up the action on the screen…watch out!

The TV series – lots of interest but everyone needs to see the world, the story and the characters. I think once they do a series will be underway. Now with WILD FAITH looking at a 2018 theatrical followed by a general market release – reasonably the series would not film until 2019. Now we could get a green light before based on early distributor/network screenings which could put us into production earlier. Time will tell.


Fans of this time period will enjoy the forthcoming announcement that WICKED SPRING will be getting a new national release in 2018. I chose to produce this Civil War era drama from a list of film ideas Kevin Hershberger (Known now for his Legends & Lies and other TV docs) had. It truly was an independent epic with us taking over Ft. Pickett military base. Lodging in the officers  quarters. Our soldiers in the WW2 barracks. We ate in mess halls and relaxed in the officer’s club. A wonderful experience shot in 35mm and 1st released on VHS. It is due a new release to find a new generation of audiences.

Follow along with us here


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Several projects are being looked at but next on deck is MBF, our film that highlights the plight of military vets and shelter dogs. We announced even more cast this week highlighting some additional military vets working on the film. Read about all the updates here at https://www.facebook.com/MBFthemovie/

I’m excited to be working with all these individuals – old friends and new. More announcements next week!

This week we bottled up Ida’s Wine (Rhubarb & mulberry) and early samples were GOOOOOOD. The final harvest has given me what I need for the GREEN GOBLIN 3.0. It is a popular fall wine and I look forward to another run. I cooked up and tried puffball mushrooms, which not my favorite of the shrooms but good. This past week was check writing to investors on one project and prepping assets for distribution delivery on another. I do have issues working with the every changing world of tech. Thankfully I keep wonderful people around me whose skill sets are strong in these areas. Okay, I might have missed an update or two but the bacon is about done. I’m going to go eat and get a few things done.

Have a great day and week ahead! Stay safe and watch out for those little trick or treaters.