“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “boats

An ‘Official Wrap’ on Harsens Island Revenge and More Updates!

Good morning new readers from Portugal, India, Philippines, Denmark and the UK. Maybe my Indian friends can help me – what is the S. Indian coffee secret? I had that brought to my room every morning in India when filming KARMA. I want to seek it out here and see if I can find some. Yes. It rivals my hazelnut coffee I’m so fond of. So this morning I am well rested but yesterday eve I was pretty exhausted. Why?

For several weeks I’ve been prepping for what would be about 3 min on the screen but it was worth it. After watch the first cut of the film we knew we needed the close up shoots of our pilot and lead attacking some ‘Purple Gang’ property. The 1927 plane was far from Alpena where we filmed and so we needed close ups to match with our other footage of the flight. Movie magic in full effect starting at noon on Friday had us capturing our sequence and establishing shot of the plane that will be seen outside the hanger scene we shot at the Alpena Air Force base. Our crew had to travel in a snow storm but all arrived safe and we had such generous hosts that helped us get what we needed in a 2.5 hour period.

After the plane shoot it was traveling downstate to some beautiful property belonging to our transport captain Dane DeFord. This was the sit for our opening scene to the entire movie. It takes place in WW1 whereas a group of German soldiers are awaiting mechanics to come fix their tank. When I wrote the scene I always envisioned a cold miserable day where the poor soldiers are trying to stay warm. Our film’s hero is sent to deal with these Germans in hopes of capturing a tank. Let’s just say that after several temps of 60’s+ degrees that threatened to give us a very different day we ended up getting exactly what we wanted! Beautiful falling snow that just made the scene so cinematic.

These snowy conditions look great on camera but are hard on cast and crews. But with our scaled down team we got the perfect scene. And we had such a great time all together filming it. Great re-enactors to bring our German’s to life with Mark E. Holmes (Silent Night in Algona) playing our lead German. Mark Balko and his Pepsi team really came through with catering and craft services. Thank you Mangos from Alpena! We had campfires going in the woods and we were storytelling again. The magic of it all and after weeks of hard work it was all worth it.

I want to thank everyone involved. GW Burns our production designer was in from Florida and got a wake up call on Michigan snow. After nine hours trucking through heavy snow I was beat at midnight when I finally started my trek home. I had 4 deer run in front of me, 1 beside my car racing me and 1 huge buck who almost came in front of me but decided against it. I see why Dane who likes to hunt lives there, deer city. I had a restless night because my body felt beat up like after a soccer game and I drank too much coffee later at night. My furry son Finn had been under the weather with upset stomach and was restless and so that night gave me little sleep.

Up and more coffee before off to the sound studio with David Reardon our young lead. With Dennis Therrian and our director Carl we got all our narration. I even laid down a line of two for Axel on the phone in the film. A stop to drop off our rented US “doughboy” uniform and I was home. My Finn was doing better and last night was a peaceful sleep. Again none of this is easy and at CDI we work hard. There is no half ass here as my dad would say. So we need to enact a refund on one hotel in Jackson that did not live up to its pictures and a few expenses to report but the film is now an official WRAP. All the pieces of the puzzle are complete. We’ll have a few weeks to tweak and add these shots into the film but soon it will be locked and music and sound design will start. Adam Towner should be finishing up the Behind the Scenes and we are now working on a theatrical poster and first trailer to likely release end of April.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– Curran Jacobs is going to be doing a meet-n-greet in Algona and the film is an official selection at the upcoming ICFF. We have our own Cassie Dean, Shane Hagedorn and Dennis Therrian up for honors. The film will start playing on UP FAMILY & FAITH this Summer which is exciting. The DVD’s are still selling and streaming is giving many a peek at the film.

THE QUEST TRILOGY – With Easter right around the corner I’m asking our fans to enjoy a watch of our biblical three films. It is a good time to stop and reflect on family and life. TRAILER HERE: https://youtu.be/HOiLSFiL9es?si=LfwGuUoncew5UktH

HOT ROD LOVE – I just did a fresh read on our Summer film HOT ROD LOVE. We picked up another investment piece this week bringing us to about 35% financed and climbing. With this pick up shoot in the rearview mirror I can devote even more energy to the next film. So starting Monday more sponsor and investor talks. We want to get the business behind us so we can focus on the creative.

Additional Development-

We also have funding talks starting up on SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE and GOTCH. I’m looking forward to a read on the updated Gotch script end of next week. I’m also happy to say that the Victorian/Steampunk script I was working on is finished and I’m extremely happy with the final story. I’ll send that around to a few of the producers this week to take a read. We’ve also been doing some organizing and updating of the quality of some of the older CDI films by converting them to HD. I’m going to be doing some checking on those this week and it will be fun to watch in the new vivid form.

I’m not going to go much further with updates as I like to get things complete before reporting on them. But I know people are anxious and want to know what is next so I try to keep you all updated. When GW Burns was in town I had him snap a few new headshots for the new agent so I’ll be looking into those. I’m going to try and recharge a bit before hitting it hard again starting on Monday! I hope each and every one of you have a great week. I know the Capital City Film Festival mixer will be coming up. We as a company usually try to participate and support the kick off. Until we speak again next week, be good to one another!


Producing is NEVER Easy, Acting UPDATES and COMMUNICATION as a KEY

(Just some of the CDI Tribe working on Harsens Island Revenge)

Good morning my friends. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and getting a later start due to ‘springing forward’ here in the USA. I’m not sure if they do that everywhere but some like it and others do not. I’m pretty indifferent to it all. I was pretty exhausted at the end of my week from grinding the mental gears. I think the added cold front coming in gave my sinuses a bit of a run but hot tea kept all that at a minimum. Many times you get only the highlights in my blog that show the final outcome. Meaning we did this or that but you don’t always get the in-between or the struggle to get that particular thing done. I’ve been grinding my gears trying to align many things for what we be an added 10-20 seconds in one scene that includes close ups in a period bi-plane with a beautiful wood cockpit that may or may not play on camera. As our Harsens Island Revenge script is written there is a WW1 opening to show Frankie’s (Our lead character) role in WW1 and how it shaped him. A 2-3 min sequence that also makes a statement about war and that war in particular.

(Again just some of CDI Tribe working towards the ‘Silent Night in Algona’ release)

To have the luxury to kill from afar keeps ones morality at a distance but having to kill up close is a different matter. Much like the dark ages where men killed each other up close with arrow, sword, axes and spears the dreaded WW1 was one that still used horses being fazed out by tanks slowly. Also many battles ended in sewage-filled trenches fighting with bayonets and trench knives. That is the horror that sticks with many of those soldiers. To be that close and see the immediate results of ones actions whereas you see the enemies lights go out. I think as they die a piece of the killer dies. A connection of sorts. I’ve been working for weeks to try and first get the location set up and the particulars around it. Add the players which have been hard to get. Not the leads but the ever-important extras who need to be equipped properly. WW1 has been the hardest to find on a budget, all the time periods to date. The best thing which we’ve done in the past is to hire passionate folks who reenact and put together their own kit. Our luck on that and the communication with those connected has been difficult. Add that we are up against a ticking clock to use the military base we had chosen. Why? Ten days prior all members have to be cleared and we are down to days to submit info on folks we have yet to find. Finding the folks alone isn’t hard but having them period dressed and equipped is and so this week we’ll decide if 1) We keep our shoot at the Alpena base 2) We reset the shoot elsewhere likely closer to mid MI giving us an extra week to find the gear and extras. 3) Kill the opening or strip it down to our just lead in WW1 having a slew of fast memories that brings us to the present 1920’s.

(On Set- Harsens Island Revenge)

It can truly be insanity at times and even with the best planning things fall apart or change. And this is all being done on a very tight remaining budget that is precious money that could be used to help launch the theatrical run after the film is complete. Now the film as it starts now is great and kicks off with some action so maybe we are good. Our composer at the first watch loves how it opens. AND we are trying to trim runtime but our proposed efforts is adding runtime. I think you are all getting the gist from my little peek into everything that goes into producing up this films. This is 3+minutes and we produced up 2hrs+ already. So when you see a bullet point of mine on here every week please do not assume any of it was easy. It is not. It gets done because of the talented people involved. People who care about the story. I don’t like to lose and I had to realize that we are in a WIN/WIN situation because the film is already great. We are trying to add sprinkles onto the top. The cake is going to taste great sprinkles or no sprinkles. And the audience will never know that sprinkles were an option.

(Boats that are 100 years old now)

After 2 hours+ of grinding my gears yesterday on something that wasn’t going to reveal itself, I had to just let go awhile. Maybe it is what makes me good at what I do? But yesterday I had to go and just organize in the office for a couple hours. I’ve got many things in motion for the CDI company and the more organized I am the more gets accomplished. Some music. Some organizing. Some chill tea and I regained my balance. Today I have a few conversations and by Weds of this week we’ll know if we are Alpena bound or if we are taking another direction.

(100 year old+ Planes)

Every direction has pros and cons usually ties to money. But in life just like filmmaking people can get frustrated when things you thought were taken care of, tied up, crossed off – start to unravel or come back at you. When you have to readdress something again in the present it takes from your future. Planning and development stop when you have to fix a crack in the foundation. So this 2-3 minutes has been very trying. It can be made harder but lack of communication. I swear we live in an age with more communication and we have become worse at communicating. People put boundaries on their times they work but that is not what we as successful filmmakers do. Now granted not everything is always as time sensitive as I sometimes feel it is but just knowing that it is on someones radar is satisfying. Message received. 10-4. On my list. I don’t like when people don’t acknowledge receipt of a communication. Even if busy. Let someone know because we live in a world of messages going into SPAM etc… COMMUNICATION. I just finished a great series THE BEAR about running a restaurant and it is all communication. “Yes chef” “Behind you Chef” “Corner” – and in soccer the team that communicates is the team that wins. A team with less talented players who communicate better can beat a team with more talented players if they win the communication game. “You have support” “Square” “Give and go” “Keeper’s ball“….My rant is just because I felt the endeavor unraveling despite hard work. In a project even asking “What can I do?” “What still needs to be done?” these things lead to success. And you have to always keep striving to improve.

(On set Harsens Island Revenge)


So above really is about producing up a film or in the case above just a few pick-up pieces. Actors who only act don’t often concern themselves with all that goes on behind the scenes. I can recall working years ago on one of our westerns in NC and while battling with catering and SAG I’m getting calls about an actor friend not liking their boots. Actors tend to just be concerned with their little focus but producing introduces you to the wide world of what it takes to put on a show. Even crew members only see the presentation and as I’ve said before, it is near impossible to pitch a perfect day. You hope the 95% right buys you grace for the 5% that goes wrong. Thousands of things that go right in a day due to the hard work of a few but cries of anguish if catering does a subpar job on vegan side meal or someones magnetic key deactivates on their hotel room. We take accountability but third party and a tech malfuntion should be covered by earned grace. Those incapable of grace are removed on future projects for their own good. Film shoots are more closely related to war versus vacation even when the places we shoot are beautiful.

(Old Men soccer champions)

So on the actor front my new agent sent me an audition for a pilot TV series. I’m use to reading a full script to absorb the character and roll but this is a few sides. I had this talk out in LA with friends who work often out there. I asked it they request or direct their agent towards shows they like? They said they pretty much read everything so their agent doesn’t drop them. I questioned what if you don’t like the show? The story? The Script? Doesn’t matter apparently to many. I wanted to do this read since it was the first thing my new agent sent over. Also I was going to be forced to do an upload and use the actor’s access portal. A good test. I did my read and damn, pretty good. I guess it should be after all these years. I was successful in my upload. I did get a few good notes on how I could subjectively improve the eye line and questioned would a tripod be better. See how the hee-haw that actors go through is the stressful time consuming parts. Second guessing and stressing and I don’t participate in that. I politely declined and said that what I presented I was comfortable with and if the production quality was not up to par I was find with it not being sent forward. The read was actual well liked and sent forward but after I felt a strange feeling likely opposite other actors. SHIT what if I actually get the role. Will I like the script? What if it does get picked up? I have a film lining up this summer that I know the script is good and the role is great. I have soccer season ahead and I’m looking forward to that. I would have to move a dental cleaning off the pilot shoot. WHOA partner:)

(Acting is still my top passion)

I wanted to start looking at some outside projects but I’ve avoided series in the past. WILD FAITH TV series would be different but maybe even after a season I might not enjoy that. I like finishing something. WRAP always makes me feel accomplished. Well, I just figure I will play the hand. Realistically I might not get the role as they’re many great actors and what folks like is subjective. If I do the pilot it still has to be picked up. This is just a few funny thoughts in my head. I enjoyed the practice of the read and technical upload but not knowing the full script/scope/creative team behind it is another place for me. I do believe just like all my outside projects that I will do what projects I’m meant to do. KARMA in India is where I met Carl Weyant, who just directed Harsens Island Revenge. Eric Colley and Hallie Shepherd and Paul Proios on G.P.S. (Watch on TUBI). So I’m going to just stay open to what is meant to be. I’m just staying good and busy but when away as an actor it is much easier and I’m still able to do producer/writer work.


Speaking of writing I saw that Benedict Fitzgerald writer of The Passion of the Christ passed away. I almost had an opportunity to work with him thanks to a friend Isabella Hirt but I was busy with BEST YEARS GONE. Which I’m happy to report can now be seen free with ads on Youtube’s FREE4ALL which is Twin Engine Global‘s new streaming service for non-family and faith films which is Encourage TV. Staying with the topic of writing I’ve been enjoying doing the polish on a script looking to film next winter. I think the funding is there and it is very unique but will be a lotta fun. It is a period piece and will be a lot of fun for all the actors. My second pass is working the descriptions and dialogs for pacing, flow and proper language. I had some talks this past week again about literary representation having had many produced screenplays now doing quite well in the marketplace. We will see said the wise man.

(A published un-produced script of mine on Amazon)

The literary side is developing nicely with several of the CDI projects publishing script and making of books and novels where it applies. I’ve been discussing the deal and discovering extra pieces and pictures to make these releases special. With the backup RAID now functioning we will be able to move into more theatrical and perhaps soundtracks. I will be looking for the right person to run the CDI merchandise site on commission.

(The actual 1920’s not an easy thing to recreate)

To tie into the above and circle back to Harsens Island Revenge – the making of by Adam Towner is looking great. We got a peek when watching the first cut of Harsens Island Revenge which was just amazing. Boats, planes, cars and buildings all helped to create the 1920’s. The world was brought to life by our artists on both sides of the camera. The performances all around are so strong with our young leads David Reardon and Cassie Dean doing such a wonderful job. It reminded me of some of the epic films of days past but with a modern capture bringing the world out of black and white and into full color.

(Silent Night in Algona – watch it if you have not)

This has all been good for me to just let some of this flow out and put order to my pick up shoot options. I have a few phone calls to make to discuss these options. It will all work out as we have some of the best artists within our creative tribe. I will go boldly into the new week and just deal with the cards we are dealt. I want to end by sending the CDI thoughts out to Anthony Hornus and family who lost his mom this past week after a long illness. For many of us our parents are a strong support system. Last time I spoke with her was at the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA Owosso, MI premiere and she was very proud of her son. We are all proud of Tony too and I’m deeply sorry for his loss. He will always have his TribeCDI with him. I hope everyone has a productive week. Until next time- coffee cheers!


Quiet Sunday Reflections – Enjoying the Journey

Hazelnut coffee is flowing on this chilly November morning. I want to welcome our new readers from Italy and Canada among others. It has been a very busy time for myself and CDI. CDI http://www.cdiproductions.com is our production company. I’ve gotten lots of winterizing down this week including closing the fountain down and storing some of the yard decorations. CDI totes are also packed away awaiting the next big adventure.

For those that know that I make beer and wine – the newly bottled ROCKING RHUBARB was tried by myself and Transportation Capt. Dane DeFord and it got the thumbs up. Crisp and cider like with a tart bite followed by sweetness. Nature provided and it will be enjoyed over the winter months. I’ve had a steady stream of meetings by the fireside wood stove. Many project plans start around that wood table and around that dancing fire. Many have manifested into full flown completed projects.

Let’s look at the two projects front and center right now.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for some reason continues to be work getting it to market. It was a very technical films with two languages being used and many VFX including a child’s multiple dream sequences. We’ve made hundred of adjustments and our hope is that everything locks into place and stays. We just had a new round of QC questions. But we started to drift from technical to subjective. We did not use some cold computer translations we used translators. We tried to translate as they would have in the 20’s versus modern. We condensed and summarized some translations so they fit properly on the screen without distractions and yet give time to read them. A few singing places we did not translate because artistically it worked better.

Like all things creative it’s trying to mind your boundaries. If an occasional “Easter egg” intentional or unintentional (EXAMPLES – In Raiders of the Lost Ark – R2D2 and C3PO can be seen drawn on the walls in the Well of Souls. In Star Wars – You can freeze frame a scene and see actor Kenny bake inside the R2D2. Not QC’s place to call these things out. Mind your boundaries. I enforce that with our team working with marketing. They know their marketing job better just as content creators know more about the production. So this week we’ll do a last look at the file that has been assembled and it will be heading out to streaming platforms to prep for Dec 1st. DVD’s will also start to be created and ship to warehouses. It has been a long journey and it is almost over. Once in the marketplace it will be there for many years to come. I want to thank everyone involved. So CLOSE!

We also are going to talk with all our Algona business friends. A DVD would be a great holiday gift for employees, members of organizations, gifts for volunteers and such. Also we want to help get the DVD’s for sale into the museums, Fridley concession sales of the DVD? Grocery stores and more in the state of Iowa could carry the DVD. I think this film could be a new Christmas classic. You can help make it one!

PRE-ORDER here: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=JXJ0SGCXBS0W&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1699798050&sprefix=Silent+Night+in+%2Caps%2C229&sr=8-1

I’m loving the bi-weekly marketing meetings and so appreciate the BMG Global team for all they’re doing to make this film live up to its potential.

Actual Old Club as it appeared in the 1920’s

Harsens Island Revenge – The updates for the week include an awesome report on editing. Several scenes are cut and our director is thrilled. We’ll do a watch once the 1st half hour or so is edited. The Harsens Island footage is being reviewed and we got some good pieces for one of our action sequences and some good establishing shots. Many modern things had to be shot around or disqualified a place for use in the film. I discussed in my past blog why we did not use more of the island. But those who didn’t understand just don’t understand filmmaking and that is okay. I don’t fully understand many other vocations. We are looking to shoot our 2nd VFX piece and I’ll be talking more on that. It includes a few of our model boats. I’m also lining things up for our one WW1 pick up scene.

We have been having fun releasing official pics of several of our actors. We will also be picking our some TOP photos to offer for sale. It can be printed to canvas or on mugs or whatever one wishes. That will look to go live this month. We might start work on the BTS with our own Adam Towner. Advance discussions on a teaser trailer that will be cut by our director. The theatrical poster using our new elements might also be put into motion. 2024 will be an exciting year for this film.

(Should CDI make another biblical trilogy?)

DEVELOPMENT – I’ve spent a good amount of time in study, thought and in talks about developing properties. This can take years and even once a green light (GO) prep, shooting and post can take two years. Six months to prep for release and release – it is a journey. So we’re looking at projects that are already underway and some are just beginning at the script stage. I’ve discussed some of these projects in past blogs. While CDI makes it seem easier to fund and launch, they are all difficult. Funding is always the hardiest part for most projects. But that said, we have several avenues we’re working on.

(Brainstorming at the CDI Fort/Think tank)

WRAP UP: The season of holiday watching has started. I’ve already fielding several new fan emails about BIGFOOT, UFO’s and JESUS, WILD FAITH, FORTY NIGHTS. BEST YEARS GONE – Can you believe a Gil Gilles fan club has been started. Look for it on FB it is there. This is a great time to watch or re-watch your CDI favorites!

(Have you met Gil in BEST YEARS GONE?)

I’ve got some busy work this week as our distributor is moving from checks to direct deposit. I am not a tech fan and sometimes begrudge change but I’m trying to roll with it. A small effort and this will save me deposit work later. Tax season is around the corner and so we’ll be prepping for that.

I’m going to wrap it up here and do a little advanced work for next week. I just had some of our eggs and a nice breakfast scramble. Might have to refill ye ole coffee cup. I want everyone out there to know that every week of your life will bring TO DO’s. There will be TO DO’s in your box when your time is up. Enjoy that journey again. I truly do enjoy all the good artistic folks we have on these amazing endeavors. I also sincerely appreciate all of you out there. Thank you for supporting what we do here. Until next week – be good to one another and keep chasing that dream.

Coffee Cheers!


Deceleration Into Home Life- Basking in the Afterglow of Filming

Greetings to everyone out there. I’m really feeling good. I’ve come home to a true fall festival. The final harvests are underway. Rainy and cold I’ve already had several fires in the wood stove. I’ve had several wonderful conversations with cast, crew, sponsors, location owners and random folks associated with our last film Harsens Island Revenge around that fire. I feel like a bunch of returning vikings that sailed off across the sea on a wonderful adventure. Some are in the desert, some the jungle, the mountain and the rugged shores of Thunder Bay. I do miss the sound of the crashing waves and seabirds. The community was amazing like many have had the pleasure to call home for a while when filming. Yuma, Algona, White Hall, Hastings…we energize and bring communities to life via storytelling. I’ve seen the artistic fires ignite and burn bright with people we’ve met. The #CDItribe keeps growing!

Tony Hornus with our new sound team Travis and Cody!

Our set problems encountered were few due to great prep work by the team leaders and the reward was great with each day’s footage being the gold. I saw so many crew members inspired by the performances and the actors were inspired by the world created by the hard working crew. Debriefing is and has always been fun. We as producers debrief daily on set, sharing issues or victories of the day, prepping for upcoming needs and wants. Daily issues are discussed and via order of business tasks are handled. Port-a-johns, pontoon boat, military base clearance and the ‘to do’ list goes on. Hundreds of things happening behind the scenes and the goal always is to TCB (Like Elvis) in a non-distracting way. Aside from trouble shooting there is just the flow -Prepping payroll, paying payroll and accounting payroll: show+biz = motion picture production

Don Most takes his third journey with CDI. Quality talent continues to be drawn to our stories and I love the range and diversity that talent can showcase. I can promise you that this man in the middle brings a powerful performance to the film. It reminds me of when Rance Howard was excited about playing the Devil in the three biblical films. He was often cast as the good this or the good that so to play ‘the bad guy’ was a great thrill. Also it was great fun for the Howard clan who had not seen Rance with a beard in many years. I’m proud of all the performances and I think every actor will be proud to have participated in this movie. Follow our movie Facebook page as we are rolling cool pics out daily. Kind of inspired by trading cards of old we’ll be rolling them out. BTS, Officials, black and whites, intro to the militia and Purple Gang. Fun stuff! Check us out. Also we’ll be end of year updating the http://www.cdiproductions.com website. There is lots of cool stuff on our site about our creative group and our endeavors.

I have worked to settle back in until we take the next CDI adventure. That means props and craft service stuff goes back into storage. I think we are close to being at a stage or acquiring an enclosed trailer to store all the CDI stuff like tables, chairs, coffee makers, tents. Now with a growing transportation department I think we might be able to grow that. I’m very excited about this last production because we ran about 95% efficiency. It is hard to control that final 5% variable you can just react to it. But even next to Algona it was an easier shoot. But Algona was much winder and colder. That alone drains a cast and crew and putting up lights and flags in heavy winds becomes problematic. But the weather really was perfect with the cold front hitting on the last night showing us what we had missed. We’re just so excited about what we captured in Alpena. We will continue that tradition of great stories.

Today Marv Chickering who runs the Nativity Scene Museum in Algona, was gifted the beautiful RED LETTER AWARDS that the film received for best screenplay and best film. They will hang the pair of awards in the museum. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA was made to showcase that towns beautiful story from 1944. That story can be seen by everyone on Dec 1st 2023 on Amazon Prime, Encourage TV and many other streaming platforms. Once I get a list I’ll announce that. Again follow our Facebook site for a lot of great updates on this beautiful film. I look forward to hearing the feedback which if matches the theatrical it will be well received.

I see that several thousand of you have watched THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ – thank you!

KNIGHT CHILLS– While organizing in the office I got to truly enjoy the HD version of the film. I could see the cracks of a 10k production budget and 10k post production budget in the 90’s. I enjoyed the documentary about the films place in the history of horror films. I love the editing they did around the interviews. Overall just a real joy. I’ll be reaching out to the distributor next week. We’re talking some expansion merchandise. I want to again say how much I love the Tom Miller fan art.

Knight Chills Blu Ray can be bought on many major outlets starting Oct 30th, 2023. If role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons is your jam, check it out. CDI first feature released 22 years ago and filmed 25 years ago. Lots going on with this franchise.

DEVELOPMENT – Lots of development thoughts and talks underway. We discussed this last week and I’m not going to go deep on this topic yet. We have several projects in development and we’ll see what synergy is created. I love the fall/winter as a time to birth ideas and new stories from my imagination.

(Axel, wardrobe test)

END OF WEEK THOUGHTS– My mind has already plotted out all the additional steps we need to take in post and once our clean up is completed we’ll be single focused on the post process. Many are feeling that deceleration sickness of riding on that artistic high for weeks traveling with so many and suddenly being solo and returning back to the quiet. I’m looking forward to my many meetings next week. Past, present and future all mixed into the journey. Proud of where I’ve been and what I’ve done and of now I’m doing. And always looking forward to what we will do in the years ahead. Plans have to be made ahead of time as these movies don’t always move fast. But we have many awaiting to see what the new stories and adventures will be. So am I. So I’ll keep on moving forward and we’ll see what happens. It has been nice to put Harsens Island Revenge’s Axel out to the island. I lived with him for quite some time and I love how he came out. I’m a happier person than Axel and so I’m happy to be back to 100% me. It is funny that I really don’t feel the urge to dress up and become on Halloween anymore. I get my fill of that with my acting roles. I don’t know what is next and that too is kind of exciting. Until next week!

Coffee Cheers!


‘Knight Chills’ Blu-Ray, Sequels, Sept 5th Releases, ‘Silent Night In Algona’ at Red Letter Awards and ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ Gearing Up to Film!

(Wardrobe test as ‘Axel’ in the upcoming Harsens Island Revenge)

Good morn to you all! I’m here sipping my hazelnut coffee and taking a few moments to try and report on the many past week events. Starting next week I’m going to go to Sat updates during the Harsens Island Revenge shoot. Next Saturday I’ll be moving in up North, and so with that being our day off it will be easier to blog on Saturdays. I might even go to the vlog updates to give you all a more exciting experience while we are filming. Once up there on the 9th, we have a week of on-location pre-production before three weeks of filming. Once home I’ll return to my Sunday blogs. We are doing Saturdays off because more things are open should our cast and crew need to do things on their day off. Above is a pic from my wardrobe tests. I have variations of three outfits, the above being one of them. More on that later. On the home front it has been getting things ready for me to be gone for a month. I’ve finished harvesting the hops and rhubarb. I’ll have to put another mow down on the lawn but soon that should slow down. My soccer season ended with us coming out on top of the lower division. Last year we won the upper division but we had injuries and several of our players coaching. The nice part is I had a good season and no injuries. Let’s jump into some movie talk.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE – We are all excited to tell this story. The departments are all kicking strong. I transferred many of the props to our art director. Great meetings with wardrobe and hospitality departments. We are down to our final cast and crew hires and some are being interviewed by department heads. We had a fun read through on zoom with some of the cast participating. I will comment on one funny comment we had to a news story. It was a snide comment on us not shooting on Harsens Island. That is false. We will do some filming on the island but we need 1920’s. Also filming or staging a small army on a island with zero big stores, hospital and dependent on a ferry is not good producing. How many films on the Alamo have been made but they did not film at the Alamo? When we get to shooting SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE do you think that the lake appears as it did in 1850’s? A more primitive lake will surely need to be used for many shots/scenes. We will do some shooting on Harsens Island to get some of the exterior beauty shots but we needed a place more friendly to filming with an army. So this individual obviously has no experience in filming and was just chiming off. People do that quite often these days but I saw it as a chance to educate.

We have many sponsors that have been coming on board and this past week we added Red Cedar Spirits and SE Growth Corp. They join a host of great businesses aligning themselves with our film. Some of that sponsorship will be used to help transport some of the great cars to the area for use in the film. It is exciting to be able to showcase so many cool vehicles from the time period. These amazing cars, boats and even a plane will be able to add this movie to their long history. Two other sponsors Nash Nurseries and Ace Pyro will play a part after the main shoot working with the FX unit for a spectacular moment in the film. We still have a few more coming on board that we’ll announce very soon.




SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – Our fixes should all be done this week and we’ll be able to announce the hard release dates for DVD and streaming. I’m getting asked daily about this and I will answer as soon as I can. We are all super excited to bring this story to the world. Our own Donna Kitzinger, our Algona coordinator will be traveling to TN to attend and represent us at the Red Letter Awards where the film is up for many awards. But honestly, we already feel like we won after all the beautiful responses from our theatrical run.

THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ – This was the first animated feature collaboration for CDI and the film has been remastered to HD and will start streaming on Encourage TV on Sept 5th! This is a great watch for the approaching holidays for the entire family.

Show your support and we just might have to kick off a new film from one of the other amazing books. Speaking of Encourage TV – one of our most popular films MAN’S BEST FRIEND just celebrated crossing the 2 million viewer threshold on the streaming platform. You can watch it free with ads and help us get to 3 million!

WATCH HERE free with adshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afDYPOiL5pY

KNIGHT CHILLS was CDI’s first feature film. Jeff & Juanita Kennedy and I had been shopping scripts around Hollywood with a few close calls. Finally, we decided to produce our own. This micro-budget feature shot released 25 years ago has become a classic. The good folks at Saturn Core approached us about doing a 25th anniversary Blu-Ray. This required a new digital transfer and audio remastering. We also had some wonderful Tom Miller fan artwork and dug into the archives to bring you some true gems. We were able to get a few new retrospective interviews and even a great film historian talking about the special place this film holds in horror history. Vinegar Syndrome just released a pre-order link for the special edition 1000 unit run whereas they moved about 600 units in the first 6 hours. This is the special slip cover version and will be a true collectors edition.

(Special parody slip art of the new Knight Chills Blu-Ray)

Claim one of these unique collectors edition now! Click on the link below-

(IN THE WOODS– Yes that is Jim Greulich in the background)

We are in hopes to give CDI’s 2nd feature film FROM VENUS the same Blu Ray treatment. Did you know Sir Kallio from Knight Chills makes a cameo? In other remastering news, I had a great talk with Lynn Drzick the director of IN THE WOODS, my first feature film. An ambitious creature feature that now has a director’s cut. The entire film retransferred and re-edited with added scenes. I imagine a blu-ray with the original version and the director’s version. Lynn is going to start talking to various distributors and following a limited theatrical of the new cut, a BluRay and streaming release. What is even more interesting is the sequel that is in the planning stage. I’ve agreed to once again play reluctant monster hunter Alex Kerwood. Also I’ve agreed to co-star in another supernatural thriller that Mr. Drzick will be directing. It is fun to return to the genre that gave me my start. I also recently had to pass on starring in another horror feature due to an overlap in schedule with Harsens Island Revenge, but I was deeply appreciative of the offer.

(Above is Tom Miller’s cool fan art part of the new Knight Chills Blu-Ray release)

WRAP UP: I smell eggs and bacon and so that is my cue to wrap this up. It is gonna be a few more hot days in Michigan before fall truly settles in. MSU my alumni college started slow but pulled out a win. I hope our Lions are off to a good season. I think I’m going to grill ribs today and get a few things done around the homestead. As always, I so appreciate you all. I hope you have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day. I’ll speak to you again next Saturday after settling in to my home away from home for a month.

Be good to one another.


Surviving the Storms and 10 Movie Updates

Hazelnut cheers on a chilly morning in Michigan. Slept with the window open and woke up to a cold foot. I’m going to try and do a better job this week with my typing and posting. Last week I lost an hour plus of work on this blog. But you got to watch three video updates from me instead. You got to see my new 1920’s haircut for the upcoming movie Harsens Island Revenge that shoots in less than three weeks. We will arrive on location in less than two weeks. So many cool things happening and I’m excited to pull this group of artists together.

In Michigan we had a big storm roll through including seven tornados across the state. So many branches and trees down and we had a big tree on our property line break in half at the trunk. It fell right where our buddy Finn’s daily race track is. Finn is our furry son (He just turned 5 last week) who races daily with his friend Jake on the other side. The huge tree is still hanging by bark and fiber and is a death trap for any below it. I cleaned up our side in about four hours with a chainsaw. The city will need to drop that big boy and I hope do some clean up on the city easement side. I got to experience most of the storm from inside a car. We had our play-off soccer match in the brutal humid heat. Lightning and thunder started ending the game with ten minutes or so to go. We won 3-2 which was cool but I stayed in my buddies car to cool down and he ran to the clubhouse to have a quick beer toast with a few of the guys. The storm hit and they were stuck in the clubhouse. I was in the car counting a 100 lightning strikes, sleets of sideways rain and hail. He finally made the run out and we made the adventurous drive home avoiding flooding and downed trees across the roads. Sadly one woman and her dog died when a tree fell through her roof while they were in bed. You have to respect nature.

Let’s do a top 10 updates just off the top of my head.

  1. This article hit The Alpena News as we get close to filming our next story – https://www.thealpenanews.com/news/local-news/2023/08/feature-film-to-be-shot-in-northeast-michigan-locations/
  2. We announced several new Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) sponsors such as Reinert Pottery, Nash Nurseries and Red Cedar Spirits. We’ll have even more to announce as we get closer.
  3. A Model German tank, wood model boats, actual boats, cars, trucks and even airplanes are all being assembled to help tell this 1920’s story. Our hard to find props list is getting smaller. Still looking for a still:) A moonshine still that is. It is fun to bring all this history back to life.
  4. Wardrobe fittings and discussions have been full ahead. My pants should arrive tomorrow which are reproductions by one of our sponsors Warreplica! I’m still trying to find that perfect coat and a second pair of outdoorsmen boots.
  5. One of our sponsors UAI is not only supporting the film but will be entering a development deal on a video game based on the film. Would you be a WW1 veteran or a Purple Gang mobster? Pick your side!
  6. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA) artwork for the home release is almost complete. Also the technical fixes are almost complete. I will give dates on DVD, broadcast and streaming as soon as I get them on our FB page so go join that also to stay up on updates.
  7. SNIA also has The Red Letter Awards happening outside Nashville, TN about the time we start shooting on HIR. We are up for several awards and I believe Donna Kitzinger our Algona coordinator will be going to represent us.
  8. I met last week with Steve Young over the upcoming streaming release of THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ on Sept 5th! We also discussed another Oz book to turn into another animated movie.
  9. On older films getting new life – I mentioned in prior blog entries about my first starring role in the creature feature IN THE WOODS that is getting the HD treatment. A new director’s cut is done and I’m told it looks fantastic. I think some sort of showing is planned for late October. I’m anxious to see it and of course this is all laying the foundations for a sequel. Maybe a re-release into theaters?
  10. On another CDI film getting this same sort of HD treatment – I’m still under a hush order for another week or two. I think they will start making announcements on Sept 1st. So forgive the mystery of it all just need to be respectful of the business. Thank you to those parties working hard on this new release!


To all of you out there – I want to again express our appreciation for your support. I’m going to be doing some organizing of props for pick up this week. Prepping some more of my character wardrobe now that I’ve done a breakdown. I might still have to chainsaw up a few logs from the storm damage and might put a mow on the lawn. I’ve been harvesting hops and rhubarb still and the herbs are still growing well. The chickens are all safe and happy and so the egg factory is all good.

Until next week, be good to one another.


Hints of Fall – August Updates

I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and appreciative of my time here with all of you. I want to welcome our new readers from Canada, Ireland and Singapore. It has been a wild week in the world and one of the top events is the awful fires in Maui. I got an opportunity to be there in the very district that was destroyed by fire. The poor people, animals and property lost is heartbreaking. I hope they are able to rebuild but life on that island will not be the same for quite some time. Fire also played a part in our own endeavors as one of our locations to be used in the next film had a fire. Water damage is the main issues thanks to the quick efforts of the local fire departments. I think they will be okay in a month when we film otherwise we will have to make some adjustments.

This past week I put a major grooming on the yard which was growing wild with all the rain. The plants are loving it and growing strong. Tomatoes, herbs, hops and rhubarb are all growing well. I will keep harvesting and nurturing the plants. The hints of fall are all around. Our Detroit Lions football team won their first pre-season game. I had another soccer match that we lost. I saved a goal towards the end but took the kick to my upper thigh. It has been sore but should be good by this next Thursday. We went to a Mint festival in a nearby town and that was enjoyable. We have a flea market in a bit and I’ll be on the look out for more props. That will take us into talks on our films-

Harsens Island Revenge– We had a great meeting with our director this week. We’ve made a few more casting choices and one is a special cameo by multi-national wrestling champion Gabe Dean who will play a bodyguard and enforcer for our lead gangster. We will continue this week with locking down our final cast, crew, locations and props. We had a great change to one of our scenes that will give us more bang for our buck. Some of our prop weapons arrived yesterday and we’ll be excited to bring out the Tommy guns this week. It is truly a fun scavenger hunt for props. We’ve been locking in our agreements and flights will likely start end of the week or the week after. We have some new sponsors that have added this past week. WarReplica out of India and the Michigan Community College Association. We have more meetings and talks this week with more brands wanting to align with us. I look forward to every week working with our team to take us closer to a launch. The cars, boats and even a plane is in the planning. We are about a month out from moving into our on-location prep and shoot.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – We’re about to officially close our theatrical and do a first dispersement to our backers. The final tech prep on the home video version of the film is progressing. It will be exciting that everyone who wants to see the film will be able to. The story which is real has such a moving and uplifting message. It will be the perfect holiday film and we hope will become a classic for families everywhere. I’m also excited to see the new artwork that is being worked on.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE is a truly moving story again taken from history. We will really start working to put the financial pieces in place in mid October once we get past our Harsens Island Revenge shoot. I had a wonderful talk with a historian in the Iowa area about the event and our take on the story. It will be another great piece of history that will be saved. It also has the ability to give the local Spirit Lake museum some great attention.


We have several other pieces of news that will unfold here towards the end of the year. The music video we just shot went great and could also lead to another. I’m excited to see the first cut of this one. I believe I have another one of the Revel books I contribute to having a release this holiday season. The audio book series I narrate FOR GENERATIONS TO COME keeps rolling. I’ve been listening to some of those I’ve narrated and I’m very happy with it all. I have a few interviews that I’m lining up for the end of the year promoting some of the projects. CDI’s first feature film (Do you know it?) will be getting a special blu-ray release and that will start promoting next month. In the same vein, I’m excited to see the new director’s cut of IN THE WOODS, which was my 1st starring role in a feature film. We might do a theatrical run with the new cut. The director and I have been discussing the sequel ideas as we have an interested party in funding that and another supernatural thriller. It will be fun to return to my genre roots in a few select projects.

WRAP UP: This week it will be business as usual. Each week we just knock things off the list. We’ve been addressing questions on the next film pertaining to extras, vehicles and props. Each week the list of TO DO’s gets shorter. I had a great end of week meeting discussing a new film back up system we’re about to put into play. We all had a beer that just so happens to be my Mexican-Style chili beer and it seems to be a favorite. I just obtained the material needed to make a milk stout style beer. Something I haven’t tried but should be a good winter beer. The ‘Rocking Rhubarb’ wine will be going to bottle pretty soon. Springtime captured in a bottle.

I’m going to get after a few eggs before hitting another flea market today and see if I can find any good props. I hope you all have a productive week. Be kind to one another and be kind to yourself. I’m looking forward to spending time with more of our team as we prep on ‘Harsens’ and get closer to being on-set. I’m ready for the rain and humidity to pass. Fall is truly my favorite season and we’re not there yet but it is around the corner. I’m going to go fill the coffee cup and get on with my day. Again I appreciate all of you stopping by as I try to share some of my insights and updates. Until next week.

Coffee Cheers!


LOST HEART updates and NEW Films


Good morning my friends from around the world, coffee cheers. I want to welcome our new readers and followers. This blog started as a way for me to discuss film updates so that at family and friend get-togethers, I didn’t have to sit around and re-tell stories. People could read something and ask questions if they really wanted to know something. I do feel extremely blessed to be able to do what I love, which is writing, producing and performing in motion picture. I also use this blog to help other artists remain inspired and to give insights into my journey, that you can apply to your own journey.

This past week has been extremely busy. Let’s look at a few of the exciting things from the week. OR, let’s start with the not so exciting:) BIZ tax season – I’ve worked hard this past week to get expense reports and such around on the films for our accountants. The 1099’s are being generated and K1’s will be put together for investors. I want to thank a “Unicorn” for all the help in pulling this together. I have a few more things to submit this week but a big chunk was accomplished.



BEST YEARS GONE, is the current name of the new CDI film. This past week I finished the first draft and now I’m on my deep polish. Again, I always stress this and so I will yet again. SCRIPT is the blue print for all the artists to work off of. As artists we can all easily go off on our own tangents. A script/blue print keeps everyone in step – art teams, locations, camera set ups, lighting schemes, just everything.


I cringe at the stories of no script on a project. I’ve had a few outside CDI projects/directors try to sell me on the fact we don’t need one. It was a polite pass from me. I believe in improve and being open to inspired added dialog but you need a story line to touch back to. I’m beyond excited by this next script which will be the #1 film up for CDI, likely shooting in May. We will be having meetings on this in the coming weeks. Location scouting and some prep work will begin in the coming weeks also. We’ll start to put all the paperwork together and get things moving in February towards production. Now, I want to draw attention to the DEVELOPMENT time that is spent by the producer team before we hit on-set pre-production. If people wonder how our CDI projects achieve these bumps in production value and process it is by the hard work of the producers. We have an incredible team that grows as we take in new apprentices that share the same mind set of art within business.


About the story – it’s a drama, off-beat love story that is more relatable than the RomComs.  This is the blue-collar, everyman’s story, and much like other CDI films it has some great messages woven into the fabric of the story. Our CDI stories are general market stories for everyone. Now you can still tell a clean story that children may enjoy, within the show we can see consequences and actions in motion. This in turn teaches by illustration of actions and outcome. I try to write realistic scenero with people from all walks of life. I’m happy that the “faith-film” market has accepted us into their audience but our films play great to everyone. Maybe a majority of the faith-films are cautionary tales or reinforcement of some aspect of belief. On a whole, early faith films were not good quality and were likely merely a fun medium to explore with your youth group. I agree with this and better yet, an audience united in a positive belief system rallied to support these endeavors.


Now, I have heard the knocks against taking an award at a faith film but let me present something I’ve observed. Many young artists fought hard often, not always against restrictive parents who maybe did not get their love of these outside films that illustrated action, sex and violence. Yes. That sounds like the Bible too. But they left their small towns for mighty cities of high art. To do their film but it’s not that easy. Any aspiring filmmaker will tell you funds is the key. Now the faith-film market started a small boom like the 80’s horror market. All these filmmakers struggling in the pits of the mainstream started looking to re-tool old scripts or create new ones. So the production circles of these faith-films have seen a surge of the prodigal sons and daughters returning to their organized church beginnings. I’m not judging anything that pointing out that the faith market is growing stronger as many “come home” to tell a story.


My writing always had that old 70’s/80’s style of writing. Things like “The Waltons” influenced my writing. JAWS. THE APPLE DUMPLING GANG. E.T. and in the 90’s my writing was liked but called too old fashion. Now I’ve continued to evolve as a writer, I believe I’ve taken on a COEN BROTHERS humor vibe adding that to the other nostalgic influences. Either way, I feel blessed to be using my gifts. When I first saw cut one of LOST HEART, it left me teary-eyed hearing lines I’ve written performed so powerful. And set in a world that our artists worked many hours to create. It was beautiful.


LOST HEART – Let’s talk about this film since I already started. I watched the proposed lock cut yesterday. I saw 2-3 places to just check an edit but it was so good. I dislike when people over-hype stuff. Don’t call something fire when maybe it’s just coals or smoke. Hey, it’s a game of getting eyes but you want the eyes you do get to feel satisfied. We all know that feeling after watching a good movie. Now I will say that there exists people that can’t turn off their critical IQ brain and enjoy a story. They have limited imaginations because they don’t work that “muscle” yet they crave it. We all do, hence why we have an audience. We supply imaginative get-away for others doing other jobs. But after that rant, the film is really strong and if it gets the right eyes, it could be the break through film for many to that next level.


INSERT: I see many people think that one film is going to put them over and in a few cases it has. But to think of that as the plan is not wise, in my opinion. You don’t know which one will be your defining one. Now ask an actor defined by a role, one role. Maybe not what you want. It’s why Jeff Daniels has had conflict over DUMB & DUMBER. But I will say, with that movie, he accomplished with Jim, what every comedic actor wants. Home run and after home run – so many  funny scenes that made people laugh and feel good. I get it. There are PROS and CONS to both.  I don’t think I’ve ever had that one film that everyone knows but several pockets of people worldwide know me for this project or that project. One of my goals in the next ten years is to unify my fanbase. Not sure how that is done exactly save maybe getting one big hit. But I’m sincerely happy to stay the course. I think I’m creating some of the best work of my career. I know with writing I surely am. As an actor, I’m pretty fearless. As a producer I seek to be fair, keep people safe and make something we will all be proud of. I also always want someone to leave a CDI set a better person than when they arrived. I’ve only failed there on a few occasions. I believe in the no bad student, bad teachers. Some of these crew people learned how to set up this or that but need teachers in process, protocol and respect. I value those leaders greatly and so should you.

So LOST HEART will be traveling to the sound studio this week. Music and sound design will start in full. We also have some recording going on in Nashville for the film. I’m excited to have audiences enjoy this film at the end of the year. We deliver in June to our distributor and the film should roll out soon after. Follow us on Facebook or http://www.cdiproductions.com COMING SOON – Poster art and we’ll start working on the trailer.


WILD FAITH has been growing an audience especially since it started playing free for those with Amazon Prime. Also, we’ve had a good quarter with DVD sales, thank you Walmart. I hope we continue to expand into more retailers and platforms and to our foreign friends.

The most exciting news is that we are making a real go at launching ‘Hastings’ the “Wild Faith” TV series. We’re exploring a few possibly interested funding prospects. That would put an 1800’s TV series right here in Michigan. Tribe CDI could welcome weekly “guest stars” and I would look forward to working with more of our Michigan talent. What do I always say, GET THOSE REELS READY.


I’ve been doing that myself. My MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND reel is together and I hope it inspires more people to find and watch the feature film. Thank you to all those that have reached out. I will consider more action roles, nothing like starting that at almost 50:) Funny I feel like I’m maybe 25 and my maturity might run lower at times due to my Peter Pan syndrome:)  2020 will have more showings and events starting with one in Feb. in Bedias, Texas. Seek out the MBF facebook site and follow along. If you have not watched this movie, take a chance.

Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 12.41.49 PM


EASTER will be upon us in no time so maybe you can do me a favor and take a watch on the three biblical adventures. Bible not your thing? Cool. Just watch it has a fantasy tale. The beauty is that everyone can and will get something different from the films. It is like what you bring in is what you get out. There is a lot of depth and a true attempt to entertain the possibility of divine ‘probe’ self-weakened and sent to experience the human condition of weakness. By LOGIC, can all-powerful be all knowing? Like a great riddle, what is the one thing that could elude all powerful? Weakness. This trilogy looks at small moments overlooked in the greater story. But I also think the three films capture the spirit of truth.  I claim to be an expect of nothing. I don’t harshly judge any save those who judge others. Exploring the great mysteries of the universe is a wonderful thing. It should bring daily joy in the exploration.  People organize together out of fear and this is true with religion also.  The truth is that you can share your stories and beliefs with others but your relationship is always one on one, intimate, no intermediate organizations required. That said, fellowship and community can be good for some but isn’t best for all. Follow your heart. Be still and listen.

And enjoy a thoughtful watch of our trilogy. A FB page exists for THE QUEST TRILOGY and each of the films. FORTY NIGHTS. CHASING THE STAR. THE CHRIST SLAYER. I’m just happy that Tribe CDI is part of the rich tradition of holiday films. I love that we’ve done these Chuck Heston inspired films vs Hallmark status quo. I talked to Chuck Heston, years ago (Thank you Myke Michaels) and I had always wanted to work with him. He unfortunately, had a hip replaced and moved more into voice over work in his later years.  I hope he is smiling looking down upon our CDI work. Also Rance Howard, friend, mentor, co-star who passed before seeing the final part 3 of THE Christ Slayer. He loved the boat scene in TCS with the Devil and Jesus, sitting and talking. This has happened after he has returned and he has the Ferrari mentality. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, if you drive a BMW it’s a good car not a great car, so you go around racing everyone to prove how fast you are. Once you drive a Ferrari, you don’t race anymore. You know you’re a great car and you have nothing to prove. It is just one of those special scenes that will stay with me forever. Take a watch and tell me/us what you think. You can comment on here and I will give the approve:)


I’m sure I might have missed a few things but I have to get cleaned up. I am playing one of my favorite roles today. UNCLE:) We’re having a family get-together to eat and catch up. Enjoy the journey by working hard when required and making the time to relax and talk- face to face. We have several informal meetings that are different from pre-prod meetings. Ideas and thoughts are proposed and formed when we’re together, but the real work is when we’re apart. In your alone time, you must learn to be motivated. Do this and great things will happen. Do not, and frustration and everything that comes with that will follow. This last process can be applied in any endeavor. Your own business.

Have a productive week.




YUMA -Week ONE Pre-Prod Down!


Today will be another day in the 90’s here in sunny Yuma, AZ as we prep to film. Back at home I hear of chilly cold and keeping the fire burning. The only fire here is the big ball of heat in the sky. The sun has been good for me for sure as most in Michigan likely have low Vitamin D. We’re here to film part 3 of The Quest Trilogy entitled “The Christ Slayer”. I think we’ve been able to take everything that we’ve learned on the previous two films and take it up a notch. Our first week of pre-production is over and tomorrow cameras roll. For me I have our production meeting followed by a rehearsal with some of our cast that arrived. Carl Weyant and the Perry brothers Ponce and Scott flew in last night and I’m excited to create with them. Our secondary team started to come in last night. We all went to a nice Mexican place in town and got to know one another. It is a magical thing when storytellers from all over the world come together to create. This adventure has a boat in it, gardens, farms and of course desert. I’m beyond excited to do tell this tale.

Other exciting film news…

Staying in the Quest Trilogy vein our Forty Nights art for the April 4th DVD launch with Bridgestone Multimedia Group is almost done. A final proof on Monday but I can say it is beautiful. The art on the Wal-Mart release got rushed due to a release date and I was not happy with it. It was not our elements and was just okay. Additionally the International Christian Film Festival has nominated the film for 4 awards.

Forty Nights

That will show in May in Florida.

CHASING THE STAR our second film will be done this week and a test screening is set for Champion Church next Sunday. I’m excited to see the audience reaction to our powerful follow-up film. Much more will be announcing on this film as we move into the theatrical phase and head towards the national release Sept. 5th.

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 7.35.30 AM

Many of you know we just recently dropped the first look at the Wild Faith teaser trailer. It has been doing really well in receiving reactions. The simple fact is the trailer is strong but the film is MUCH stronger. Everyone just really brought their A game.


I got word that THE ACTOR the film that I did a time back in NYC with Carl Weyant is releasing digitally on the 29th of this month! A film worth checking out for sure.


Things move around on the board when in pre-production from changing locations, crew, cast and other details of production. When you look back on the finished film you often can’t imagine things being any different. I know in one case we had a change because of illness and another because of dragging negotiations. We had a location change that seemed like an issue at first when we lost a location but by days end we had found a location that was much better suited. Things happen for a reason.

I miss my family, friends and comforts of home but like all of us I must work. I have to say that I truly do love my work. Don’t get me wrong I have days where I wonder “why am I doing this?” usually when bogged down in logistical or legalese, but all for the greater good.


I’m sure I’m missing some updates but perhaps I’ll do a mid-week update with so much developing OR I’ll be speaking to you next Sunday after our screening of “Chasing the Star” at Champion Church.

Time to go do our production meeting, cast meeting and lastly hair and make up so they can make this caveman look more Jesus-like:)

Be good to one another.





“Bestseller,” “Best Efforts” and “Being Responsible”

It is a wonderful Saturday and the dogs are watching some Scooby Doo as I’m doing some morning film work over coffee. This was a week full of announcements, many business calls and exciting updates. We will look at some of those updates and discuss a few situations surrounding them.

I think last week we talked a bit about the temptation for struggling artists to take on parts that aren’t right or tasks that they are not suited to do. It was announced this week that CDI http://www.cdiproductions.com will be the new management/production company on the Michigan-based feature “Bestseller”. Due to my association with the lead Melissa Anschutz I was in the knowing on the journey she was undertaking. I was privy to all the bumps, blunders and lack of organization. I was aware of who was solving problems and who was creating them.  I let most of it roll off with a shake of the head because it was not my issue. Even so, it disappointed me greatly.  Any hardworking filmmaker will tell you how hard it is to finance a film. That’s because of the large number of potential investors who have been burned or who associate with those investors who have been burned.  By burned I also mean – unfinished films or films that have had such bad business done that they are not able to be taken to market. If someone truly puts their BEST EFFORT (That legal term from last week) into a project and it still fails that might be a different story. But when someone doesn’t put a best effort forward and they fail – where is the accountability? Many want to take accountability when things are looking good. When the PR releases are spewing hype or one is  prancing about set playing “Hollywood” looking busy BUT when things go wrong they are the first of the finger-pointers.  You MUST “own” both the good and the bad if you are in charge. If you are a chaotic mess that is the ripples that you will send forth from you.  If you radiate  a calm center that too spreads throughout a production.


Screaming is NOT communication and shows weakness and frustration by the party doing so. I know personally an associate in the insurance realm who had to also deal with this chaotic force. I heard the stories from multiple people about this communication. You tie that with the lack of pre-production work and the picture is perfectly clear.  Now on a personal level –  I’m offended by people paid to guide who use inexperience against others to try to disguise their own shortcomings. A film set is full of challenges but the only ones you should be facing are those things you could not control with good pre-production work. I’ve halted shoots and pushed start dates when I saw a ship was not yet ready. If I see a place where leadership is lacking in a department – be it in the director, AD staff, office, anyone –  I will rearrange or replace someone. You don’t just watch a boat fill with water and do nothing.  If you are a lead producer or that staff – It’s your JOB to fix things that are broken. It’s your JOB to anticipate what could/or may break down and try to prevent a breakdown. It’s your JOB to fix something quickly, quietly with the least amount of attention or distraction. That means that this is not a dramatic “LOOK AT ME FIX SOMETHING” moment. The best producer work is often never seen or heard. It is known by the experience the cast and crew had and the final product they captured.

Now this situation on “Bestseller” is not isolated and this issue of poor management seems to be a pattern. Sometimes one  doesn’t  hire enough artists to properly execute a job or make sure that money truly finds its way onto the screen. You also don’t start playing “Hollywood” George Jefferson because you are connected to a large bank account. You treat those funds like your own funds and stick to the budget. Overruns are poor planning.  A producer team is responsible for the hard work of all those artists. You represent how people will look at our state’s artists. Are we seen  as capable leaders or forever doomed to feed on the scraps of others coming into our state. Now I did not have anything to do with this situation. As a matter of fact I turned down earlier invites on acting and producing. That rejection was based upon the fact that fires were already burning in PRE-PRODUCTION crisis mode.  I also knew that much misinformation was flying everywhere either implying deceit or disorganization – both bad. Bottom line – I don’t like fixing other’s messes. The problem seems to be that while I’m hard at work finishing projects (2 features (Donors, Ashes of Eden) and 1 TV series (Supermodel Showdown) – someone else is at the local film festival mixers smoozing up any starry-eyed potential investor or novice filmmaker with a budget – selling a skill set they do not possess.

Now potential investors – YOU have a responsibility to vet people out and not get stung by the BUYER BEWARE. This “Bestseller” ship was professionally parked and the responsible parties removed.  After that my company was recommended again to come manage. With a clean slate I listened and the deal was made. The ship is now being refitted and we will make one heck of a movie I can promise you that. I can  promise this crew and cast will have an enjoyable experience filled with hard work but will be rewarded with respect. Those that know me can vouch that I take my film jobs very serious.  I turn down lots of work because it must feel right. In this matter I wanted the truth out there. The fact that I don’t wander in many social circles I thought this direct statement best. I will say this to anyone out there unqualified to produce or unwilling to make the Best Effort –  Stick with what you are good at and don’t muddy the waters. The sooner that the proper artists align in Michigan and the BS artists are benched – great things will come from our State.  As we have more stories of success vs screw ups investors will start to take our artists more serious. So I ask you all to please clean up your act. For those who don’t – I would gladly testify at any arbitration or legal proceedings on how a film set should be ran. Enough of people giving half (if that) efforts and poisoning the money wells here in Michigan. I’ve been personally part of 2 projects that went south because of false promises from people. It hurt our momentum as a company but luckily our productivity outshines those few dark moments.  One bad deal can kill others momentum and ruin dreams all together.  And just how truly sad is that? I’ve made many friends in this industry around the world because of respect that grew from doing what was expected. I’m not in this industry to make friends first – I’m here to tell stories with other hardworking, passionate artists. Friendship and respect is earned. Period.

Okay, I’m off my soap box now. Other updates –

– It looks like I finally got my German invoicing all complete. It has been a good learning experience doing these foreign sales.

– “Ashes of Eden” new trailer is a week or so out from release. The trailer looks great. The film is having the dialogue polished and is almost done. Music and sound design is on deck.

– “Supermodel Showdown” I was in search of a few B roll tapes that we feared missing but I think those have now been recovered. The show is coming together and is looking great. Not as fast as I would like but there is no script. This is truly a reality show.

– I have agreed to play a role in “Bestseller” now that we are officially “in association” because with myself starring in 3 thrillers in the last 10 months it really boosts distribution. With CDI’s involvement I can say to all the artists that the film will get a release in several countries.

There is a possibility of another film shooting prior to “Bestseller” going into production but next week will tell. We have a window because of schedules and so will the chips fall right? That is the question:)

I hope you all have a great weekend and keep Clawing your Way to the Middle:)