“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “screenings

Premieres, Post-Production Updates and More…

Good afternoon my friends. I’m back from a few errands this morning and sitting down to some reheated coffee from earlier. It has been an extremely busy time here at CDI and even my Friday had me on several hours of online meetings. But all extremely productive. Let’s start with this poster art above for our ‘FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH‘ release. It will start will a two show (6pm and 8pm) at the Owosso, NCG theater on Oct. 1st, 2022. The home video release with be on 10/4/2022 – here is more info from IMDB. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12741924/releaseinfo?ref_=tttr_ql_dt_2

So if you practiced any martial art or enjoyed the MMA/Pro-Wrasslin’ this will be an informative and enjoyable watch. I know Amazon Prime will be releasing and we’ll let you all know as we know the other available platforms. I will be attending our premiere as many of the CDI tribe to support our own Curran Jacobs who directed. If you’re in Michigan you might want to attend – an afterglow will take place most likely at ROMAS next door but that’s not locked in yet.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – My last meeting of the week was with our Algona friends helping to pull together the Algona, Iowa premiere. We’ll also do one in Michigan before the theatrical run starts 1-2 weeks after the (Dec 10th targeted date) Iowa premiere. Our goals is to have it play chains across the midwest where all these camps were located.

A few days earlier we met at the studio in the pines and reviewed the first half of the film’s dialog clean up and talked design and music. It really sounds great and my favorite part of the process ‘music’ is on deck. We’ll return this week to review the second half and start looking at the sound design aspects. Meanwhile in Canada the VFX and model work is being finished. I cannot wait to see those scenes once the work is done.

This film also represents a new level in product partnerships with brands like Hersheys, Hormel, Smithfield and Lerma Transportation involved. Our goal is to have them also assist in the theatrical marketing. For home video release I would love to see some ‘limited time’ vintage packaging released to the public. How about 5 cents Hersheys like in 1944? The new trailer is being worked on and it will be done in a few weeks.

BEST YEARS GONE – So yesterday kind of last moment I was offered some MSU football tickets and an invite to stop in as a guest at a get together for one of our investors. It is close by and so after the MSU game seemed well in hand, I stopped out. My history with these folks goes back to 1998 when we became famous at CDI for blowing up a car on their road in KNIGHT CHILLS. It was a barn party, but this was no ordinary barn, but a way tricked out venue for performance and drinks.

The entertainment was first class with guest musician Laith Al-Saadi from American Idol being featured. Also met a Red Wings legend Darren McCarty, very polite gent. I had some good talks that could manifest as sponsors or investors in the future, but overall just had a great time.

I had a few Moscow Mules followed by some coffee before I had to make the drive home which reminded me of ‘Icabod Crane’ in the Sleepy Hollow tale. In the dark woods on a full moon, trees bent tight across the road – twists and turns – hauntingly beautiful. Thank you John and Rhonda for a great time and yes, we’ll be discussing some special event screenings.

So the best part of the night was when I found myself sharing a stand up table with a fella Richard who was there from Detroit networking. I got explaining to Richard how I knew the party hosts and about our film endeavors. He asked about a few titles and I rattled off the two films that just went to TUBI, BESTSELLER and BEST YEARS GONE. He replied that he had seen BEST YEARS GONE and really liked it. I said, “no way” – but he insisted. Yup. Twins. Racecars. He said, google up the poster and I’ll tell you. So I pulled up our poster from IMDB. He said, “Yup, and that guys the lead,” pointing at Gil. YOU DON’T SAY:) I proceeded to say something to him as Gil, about light beer. He was surprised to find he was drinking with Gil Gilles. I don’t always get to meet my fans so this was a treat. So if you haven’t seen BESTSELLER or BEST YEARS GONE take a watch on TUBI and drop us a review on http://www.imdb.com

I’m enjoying taking the extra time this season to prep and attend a few more film events. We have several premieres ahead and are in ACTIVE development on HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE. We’ll be planning a few scouting trips in the weeks ahead. We are going to start sitting down with possible keys later in the year. I want to get a teaser poster underway as a pre-production battle flag. This is a great story from history and I had a chance to pitch it around to a very attentive audience last night. More meetings this week to lie the foundation down and discuss future creative directions with this story. We’re starting to look at vehicles that fit the pre-1927 timeframe. I’m extremely excited about this film that will shoot next year.

But it keeps getting better…


I’ll be doing PR soon on the new script writing project. Yes. The ink is dry. Green light – Phase 1 of the next collaboration out of Iowa, is set. The story will be an 1800’s tale that showcases a major event in Iowa history. I’ve been researching for months now and I’m ready to start weaving another powerful story.


I had another paragraph WRAP UP and I accidentally deleted it. Lets see if I can recall in no particular order. The hops harvested and squash is right behind it. I trimmed the apple trees and next up is the mulberry trees. I have a possible movie interview on Monday out of Nashville, TN. Tuesday is set to be the FADE IN…day where I start writing on the new script. Weds is our development and premiere meeting. Thursday out to review and tweak more audio on the second half of the film. Friday might be the start of the new bath install with a little help from a much more handy friend. Thank you for all the support and communications out there. It really means a lot to our artists.

Coffee Cheers, be productive this week.


Welcome JUNE 2019 – Updates

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June has just started and it has been unnaturally chilly and very wet with several storms passing through the last month. The yard is bursting to life with growth and soon berry season will be upon us. I’ve been harvesting rhubarb for wine-making and I think it is time to bottle the HOPPY GRAPE APE wine I made last season. I look forward to sharing some wine in the months ahead. I’ve been enjoying our soccer season and although most of the games have been wet and rainy I’m having great fun. I’ll keep working on the yard that is again the target for a returning woodchuck I named ‘Dig Dug’ 🙂 He caused me to redo the entire front porch of the office/fort with a ground wall, cement, rocks and logs. It looks nice but wasn’t planning on that being the priority. Today if it dries out it will be grass mowing and grilling.


On the personal development front it looks like the new representation for my screenwriting and acting is underway. Paperwork will be exchanging soon and I might’ve had a first writing assignment on a TV show had LOST HEART been on deck. As a first assignment I did not want to try and do too much with all the pre-production at hand. Let’s talk on that…

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LOST HEART – We’ll have a locked schedule tomorrow and I’ve already been in first contact with several actors and agents. I hinted last week at the return of Don Most to CDI’s LOST HEART and after my Friday conversation with his agent, another trip to Michigan is happening. He will be starring opposite Melissa Anschutz (Seen above as Mother Mary) who is playing our lead. If my final conversation start of the week goes as good, we’ll be announcing Don with another great co-star.

We’ll be having another production meeting this week with our director Jesse Low and our team. Some crew talks have started and so we’ll be reaching out. All I can say right now is that the location on this project will be beautiful. The lodging and such may be one of our coziest yet. I’ve said it before but aside from getting great footage at the end of the days I want our cast and crew to have a memorable shoot that they can laugh, smile and recall for the rest of their life.

We are interviewing some office staff UPM’s and Prod Coordinator’s so if you think you qualify please do reach out. You will not regret it:) More on this fine project will be announced throughout the month. I look forward to seeing some old faces and meeting a few new ones on this shoot.


I’ve made a lot of updates on WILD FAITH and The Quest Trilogy so today I’m going to pass along a list of some of the foreign territories releasing the films.

FORTY NIGHTS – Brazil, Benelux, S. Korea, Mexico, Romania

CHASING THE STAR – Mexico, Africa, UK, Greece, Netherlands

THE CHRIST SLAYER – Mexico, Brazil, S. Africa

WILD FAITH – Latin America, Benelux

  • Digital rental is June 24th for WILD FAITH

These lists will keep growing with each film market. I believe they just returned from the Canne Film Market so we’ll have more territories we will release into. I want to thank our hard working distribution folks.  If you are a buyer and your reading this – do reach out to Bridgestone Multimedia Group.

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MBF: Man’s Best Friend – So I was in studio doing some final narration last week and I also got to hear one of the final pieces of music for MBF’s powerful ending. We’re in discussions with our distributor as we prepare to cut the final theatrical trailer. It is a beautiful thought-provoking story and I think audiences will take to it. We deliver the film June 30th so soon after theatrical audiences will get to watch the film.

We have some other exciting development underway on several fronts. I look forward to the continued release of the trilogy and Wild Faith that might include a few special screenings. I know it will be playing HAPPY TRAILS VA STYLE this Oct. I believe. I will give better date and time once the screening time is set. We will know soon if we will play at the WILD BUNCH film fest. They have wanted the film since we started it. Also some great developments that could push the TV series even further. My new agency-to-be also really likes the film and there might be a few possibilities there to assist as well. I really enjoyed watching the DEADWOOD Movie. What a great world they created. Congrats to all the artists involved with that film.


Don Most looking to return on CDI’s next film “Lost Heart”

I’m going to wrap this up. It was nice yesterday at a family graduation party to see Doug Emerson who follows this blog. Also met another nice lady who had seen THE CHRIST SLAYER in Texas. I had attended a memorial for another old friend prior to that and it was nice to meet some great people. Several of them expressed how much they enjoyed the films. Aside from here in this blog or doing an interview I don’t carry on too much about the films. It is nice to meet some of the people “in person” – and to hear what they enjoyed about our films. Our films have been seen by millions of people over the years but I seldom get to speak directly to them. Know that we do truly appreciate you all taking the time to listen to our stories.

OK. I’m going to go mow the lawn (Movie Star activities:) and fire up the grill.

Have a great Sunday and week ahead.



YUMA -Week ONE Pre-Prod Down!


Today will be another day in the 90’s here in sunny Yuma, AZ as we prep to film. Back at home I hear of chilly cold and keeping the fire burning. The only fire here is the big ball of heat in the sky. The sun has been good for me for sure as most in Michigan likely have low Vitamin D. We’re here to film part 3 of The Quest Trilogy entitled “The Christ Slayer”. I think we’ve been able to take everything that we’ve learned on the previous two films and take it up a notch. Our first week of pre-production is over and tomorrow cameras roll. For me I have our production meeting followed by a rehearsal with some of our cast that arrived. Carl Weyant and the Perry brothers Ponce and Scott flew in last night and I’m excited to create with them. Our secondary team started to come in last night. We all went to a nice Mexican place in town and got to know one another. It is a magical thing when storytellers from all over the world come together to create. This adventure has a boat in it, gardens, farms and of course desert. I’m beyond excited to do tell this tale.

Other exciting film news…

Staying in the Quest Trilogy vein our Forty Nights art for the April 4th DVD launch with Bridgestone Multimedia Group is almost done. A final proof on Monday but I can say it is beautiful. The art on the Wal-Mart release got rushed due to a release date and I was not happy with it. It was not our elements and was just okay. Additionally the International Christian Film Festival has nominated the film for 4 awards.

Forty Nights

That will show in May in Florida.

CHASING THE STAR our second film will be done this week and a test screening is set for Champion Church next Sunday. I’m excited to see the audience reaction to our powerful follow-up film. Much more will be announcing on this film as we move into the theatrical phase and head towards the national release Sept. 5th.

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Many of you know we just recently dropped the first look at the Wild Faith teaser trailer. It has been doing really well in receiving reactions. The simple fact is the trailer is strong but the film is MUCH stronger. Everyone just really brought their A game.


I got word that THE ACTOR the film that I did a time back in NYC with Carl Weyant is releasing digitally on the 29th of this month! A film worth checking out for sure.


Things move around on the board when in pre-production from changing locations, crew, cast and other details of production. When you look back on the finished film you often can’t imagine things being any different. I know in one case we had a change because of illness and another because of dragging negotiations. We had a location change that seemed like an issue at first when we lost a location but by days end we had found a location that was much better suited. Things happen for a reason.

I miss my family, friends and comforts of home but like all of us I must work. I have to say that I truly do love my work. Don’t get me wrong I have days where I wonder “why am I doing this?” usually when bogged down in logistical or legalese, but all for the greater good.


I’m sure I’m missing some updates but perhaps I’ll do a mid-week update with so much developing OR I’ll be speaking to you next Sunday after our screening of “Chasing the Star” at Champion Church.

Time to go do our production meeting, cast meeting and lastly hair and make up so they can make this caveman look more Jesus-like:)

Be good to one another.





Forge Your Destiny, Manifest Your Mythology

40 Nights Location photo

One of the locations for the upcoming CDI feature “40 Nights”

Hazelnut coffee is a flowing and soon it will be snowing and…welcome to 2016! I got up nice and early and had some communications with our post supervisor. We have a final “40 Night” audio file (music, sound design, mixed) and visual file (color corrected with intro/outro and VFX) and overnight they were “baking” the two together into one final film. That will be uploaded to the gent who has mastered the DVD for mass reproduction. Monday morning he gets the Closed Caption file to insert and move on to the manufacturer. From there the creation of DVD’s and shipping to the warehouses. So we are close to having a COMPLETED movie.

"Don't Hate - Create" - DJ Perry

Last night I was working on my answers to a Yuma Sun interview. We’ve also got a few more story requests from magazines coming in. I’m starting to move these to the distributor so the PR department can organize. We will also start looking at event showings of the film leading up to the national March release. Once we have our screening link they will start their oversea sales.

Jesus in the wilderness

DJ Perry as Jesus in the biblical drama “40 Nights”

This coming week we’ll start pulling things together on “Chasing the Star” the second film in this QUEST TRILOGY. We had a big production meeting yesterday and it looks like a few days of our schedule will be shot in Michigan. The bear share will be in Yuma, AZ  but a few sets make sense to shoot here on our home turf.

The faith to follow

I’m happy to announce that our final script in the series has a first draft. We will be announcing that project once we announce “40 Nights” done and “Chasing the Star” prepping to film. I think we’ve found 2 of our 3 magi leads. We’ve been centering in on many other roles and I’m excited to see this project come together. It is a beautiful story and will be an excellent film that I can only hope will become a Christmas classic.

Celebration Cinema BESTSELLER

Boards at the Celebration Cinema giving local showtimes

It is funny I had a conversation with another distributor this week on a different project. They were VERY aware of “40 Nights” and expressed how deeply they wished they had that film. We would do X, Y and Z = coulda, woulda, shoulda. I had to paint a very clear picture for him. They stated before that advances and guarantees were not their thing because they did not need to. Why? Because they have new filmmakers who need a way into the marketplace. I know the filmmakers behind one of their upcoming titles. The director is a good guy. He has unfortunately attracted a local parasite… Anyway, the distributor has that product versus our “40 Nights” because he didn’t put his money where his mouth is when he could have. I had to politely, but directly, shut down his debate. One organization came with action (A 3 film deal) and one has just big talk – after the risk of production was over. “40 Nights” and all three films have a deal in place. This was done BEFORE we started filming the first one.


If you want quality product like what I’m offering you have to speak with action (A deal). I’m about done chasing deals after the fact – except maybe in associated projects. So TALK IS CHEAP. I’m not looking for short cuts or pie-in-the-sky promises. I just want solid business partners to grow with. I’ve also discovered that our production outfit is rare. We do ambitious material with a proven market audience. We stay on schedule and budget. (Ask the E.P.’s on “Ashes of Eden,” “Bestseller,” “40 Nights”) And our turn around on finishing “40 Nights” is ten months. FYI: All three of those above films will release during the 1st half of 2016.

Ashes of Eden - Poster

These success stories have led to more projects being brought to our table to consider producing. Even with $ attached and acting offers, you must look at the material, the people attached and pay close attention to strings attached. 95% of the issues we’ve ever had come from people we did not choose but had put upon us as part of a deal. I’ve said NO to a lot recently because a paycheck is not worth just my time. I have a purpose. I am a storyteller and we want to create good product.

Funny that same conversation with the distributor – he stated, I left some money on the table. Did I? Their business model is only around money-grabbing one off’s, which is fine I guess. They want, action spy flicks or family films with dogs and horses. I told him while we’re creating product to be profitable I would much rather have a solid film with long term success and credibility versus a “flash in the pan” sale that dies once they realize beyond the poster and opening credits the film is…subpar. I stated, if money was all I was chasing I would not be in our business. There is much easier ways to make money but I don’t want to look back at my career at 80 years old and see I just made mindless reality shows (Some I do watch) or bad exploit films.  “A HORSE FOR EASTER” or “ST. PADDY PUPPY” – now I know people who do these films just like knock off slates that follow the studio mega hits. I just want more from my career when I look back. I’ve been creating for 20 years now and I can dream of making a few classics. Several films such as “Figure in the Forest” are still playing TV after several years. That longevity to me is success and so I will stay upon my path and try to create original product.


I guess it all goes back to creating your own mythology. You are defined by what you act in, produce, write and ultimately do – so keep that in mind. Also don’t be distracted by haters or what anyone thinks. They all have their own issues. I loved the article that someone wrote in response to a Huffington Post reviewer commenting on the new Star Wars film. Too many people willing to just stir the pot and create noise to get attention. All those people involved with the new Star Wars still made a movie whose merits will be debated for a lifetime. The goof who just tried to rip apart the film flaws is just an angry little-minded person. Somewhere along the line he got knocked down and never got up.


On set of the thriller “Bestseller”

That was one of my 2016 changes I made. As always, several fools in our field doing bad business. I pointed out to one of my producers ranting on a valid point, THAT person has to wake up and be THAT person. If you’ve wronged people, you’ve likely slept poorly. You’re likely living in partial hiding from people looking for you because of unkept promises or criminal activity. Their bridges are burning all around them and they have not an ounce of the one thing they so badly yearn for – RESPECT! It is nowhere to be found. WHY? Because you have to earn it. You can’t demand it. So while I don’t have any enemies there exists enemies to our business. I’ve risen above most all of that. I focus on our own. I likely won’t be paying attention when these people implode. I do feel a bit sorry for the person they could have been. But you reap what you sow.


Off for more coffee and maybe some breakfast. Have a great weekend and productive week ahead. As always, thank you for your time.







HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Balance, Bestseller and Being Busy

Momma and me

Happy Halloween! This day reminds me of early days plodding around in our neighborhood usually in the damp drizzle bravely approaching dimly lit houses. We transformed with our costumes, one that my mom or grandma (If major sewing was required) helped construct. Mom made sure we had our share of classroom Halloween treats and Halloween parties at the house. Later years brought howling at the moon and we were drawn more to the attractive outfits of the ladies versus the haul of candy. Yes. Priorities had shifted. I love Oct. 31st because it’s the portal into those longer, darker, self-introspective days of winter. The harvest has mostly been collected (we still have beets in the ground) and our dwelling and self are both being prepped for the much colder days ahead. Often in my later years the movie sets have taken me away at this time. The beautiful change of season is highly sought after by filmmakers. I’ve been in the Smoky Mountains, India, and various locations on this day  This year our timeline is full with multiple screenings and the final month of post-production on our film “40 Nights”. These films we’re doing have distributors and retailers waiting and so this timeline is VERY important. I had a good couple of weeks of the actor-self feeling like a beast in a cage. Add in the time off from soccer (my body thanks me) whereas I’m not getting my weekly BATTLE lust and well…it left me seeking my balance. This day is one of great re-balancing. It prepares one for the months ahead. We have much to do!

DJ Perry as Jesus in the biblical drama

DJ Perry as Jesus in the biblical drama “40 Nights”

One thing we’ve been seriously doing in preparation of our next feature, “Chasing the Star” is seeking the right director. This is an important task just like casting and crewing. Every artist is an important part of the whole. This is also an interesting process because this is #2 of a trilogy. The right person has to align with the script and also be producer friendly. Business does trump in the non-hobby filmmaking world and so you need someone who understands that. In no way does that mean that business is a hindering factor – just is a factor. Often it never even becomes an issue. Just when it does you want a director who is on board PRE-filming. Each director is looked at for their experience and connection to story. Lastly, they must possess qualities that are of a respectful, grateful and appreciative nature. One film can change everyone’s life path.

Many first time filmmakers never make that second one because it is truly a task not for the weak. Those that continue to grow are the ones that learn collaboration and compromise within a business structure. I’m happy to say we’ve found our director on “Chasing the Star” and will be announcing in the days ahead. Congrats! The CDI tribe welcomes you.

From the motion picture

From the motion picture “BESTSELLER”

“Bestseller” is having a Nov. 1st showing in Owosso, MI and I will be attending. It is at the Wrought Iron Grill and shows at 6:00 pm – I hope to see some of you there!

The detectives and their snitch confront some dealers in the park about the death.

The detectives and their snitch confront some dealers in the park about the death.

Our next CDI art mixer at Sanctuary Spirits with Red, White and Blue Project is Nov. 19th in Grand Ledge, MI. The film will be “An Ordinary Killer” filmed entirely in Michigan.

This concludes a great week of meetings that included book and comic book deals, soundtrack/VOD talks, touring discussions and several other interesting developments happening with our CDI library.

I’m waiting on a new “C.U.J.O.” draft along with an action script that the studio wants me to look at. I had a great talk with a producer who is doing westerns and we’re looking at collaborating. Also had a surprise phone call from a NYC area director who is sending me his book/script for a film they are prepping to shoot in 2016. So not sure which and when yet but I will be back in front of the camera at some point here soon. So with that I’m enjoying being home in the fall.

I’m sure I missed a few updates but I’m updated out:)

Be safe on whatever path you’re on tonight.