“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “posters

Birthdays, Reunions, Releases and More…

(Happy Birthday Tony!)

Hazelnut cheers my friends! Welcome to our readers worldwide including new readers from Argentina, Kenya, Ireland and India. I love that our circle is wide. We may be from different places where the lines on a map are drawn differently and various languages may be spoke BUT we all have those same artistic calls. I’ve had a very artistic filled week with a good dash of business. Michigan got another cold snap but unseasonably warm weather is coming next week. I want to also give a BIG shout out to two of my generals in getting things done. Our own Tony Hornus and Shane Hagedorn, both masterful talent on both sides of the camera both were born on this day. So a HUGE happy birthday to them both. Shane is getting a well earned few days of rest in the sunshine state of Florida including a visit with GW Burns, our new CDI production designer. Some good talks over our next film endeavor will no doubt be happening. Dennis Therrian is excited to watch the cut of Harsens Island Revenge and start bouncing music bed ideas off our director Carl Weyant. Carl should have gotten back from Brazil on Friday and I’m looking forward to connecting with him this week. Where to start on my update or maybe this just random format fits the energy.

(BIG 50 Happy Bday to Shane Hagedorn)

Lots happening-

(Me, Stuart MacDonald, Lynn Drzick and Jim Greulich)

OLD SCHOOL – I’ve spoke several times about my humble beginnings in the film world. I struggled for many years to the point of many saying I should let go of my pipe dream. Persistence is a key in this business and without you will likely fail. Patience is another key and is hard for many to grasp. It is a lesson in discipline. My first feature film was a creature feature called IN THE WOODS. I starred as rookie firefighter Alex Kerwood. It is the manifestation of some young hungry artists forcing their way into the industry. We wanted to just get into the game and that we did. The film was not without flaws as inexperience and budgetary restraints were met with passion and enthusiasm. The film was released heavily into the US market and into many countries around the world. It put us on the map so to speak. The film had critics but also fans. I recall the Adrian MI the film playing in conjunction with The Haunting a once major Halloween attraction. The town was plastered with IN THE WOODS on fliers at McDonalds, billboards, news, radio and more. I remember when the line to get signed autographs was 400 strong. That showed the power of the medium. Hard-core horror fans had some issues because the film flew against the formula of the time. Annoying victims, cool villain and when and how would they die. This was a bit more of a soap opera with firefighter drama and ADD in monsters. The two factors that played heavily maybe not seen at that time was- women like scary films too but they like character development. Women also like firefighters. So the positive fans of the film tilted heavily with the lady-folk. While men wanted their “boobs and blood” women seemed to like the blood too but could use a dose of men in uniform. The fans were there then and now 25 years later we’re giving them a new polished up version plus a new director’s cut with added footage and more streamline editing. I traveled to Kalamazoo where we filmed on Friday and we saw the new cut and did commentary for the blu-ray that will feature both films. A new release campaign is rolling out this year with BluRay, DVD, VHS (Yes), streaming, new book releases (which I will list) and even soundtrack and toys. A great reunion with director/writer Lynn Drzick, Stuart MacDonald (Al Fargo), Jim Greulich (Wayne Higley) and me (Alex Kerwood). After the fresh watch and commentary we had several hours by the fire discussing plot points for the planned sequel. Yes. IN THE WOODS 2 is in active development. We all agreed to go back into the woods again to have round 2 against the creatures who will also be getting upgrades. The plot points and story threads are pretty exciting. It will be fun to bring these characters back to the screen. It was fun even doing a bit of Alex Kerwood audio work for the new release. We did try to launch a sequel a few years after the first film but it was too soon. We even did a teaser trailer years ago that I’ll share but this new film will be one for the books. The chemistry was there when we sat around the fire playing out some scenes in character – the magic was back.

So lets see how you can get ready for the new release and new sequel.

The Making of IN THE WOODS– a great guide and inspiration for young filmmakers- https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=EIFE0&content-id=amzn1.sym.d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c%3Aamzn1.symc.50e00d6c-ec8b-42ef-bb15-298531ab4497&pf_rd_p=d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c&pf_rd_r=F4JNGGVESM0FJA761F4V&pd_rd_wg=tBSKE&pd_rd_r=ed96e755-a343-4af2-9fe4-85ea6b0837e7&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m

The reissue of the IN THE WOODS Novelization by Nancy Gideon giving lots of back ground info- https://www.amazon.com/Woods-Nancy-Gideon-ebook/dp/B00SEKIHYE/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3HFATMYW8WKF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QiukYlBgrJ9AF41sf-Su3_63yJLoZiXgXSz_dB5yDKc.Z0HnzSRNumwrvQu5MidJPiDYLfTiRyaJ-UcoU9VNQeE&dib_tag=se&keywords=In+the+Woods+novelization+by+Nancy+Gideon&qid=1708267999&sprefix=in+the+woods+novelization+by+nancy+gideon%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-1

My big-budget sword and sorcery movie script prequel that tells the Origins of the Beasts titled PanDEMONium! – https://www.amazon.com/panDEMONium-Woods-Origin-DJ-Perry/dp/B0CV8F73D6/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=EIFE0&content-id=amzn1.sym.d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c%3Aamzn1.symc.50e00d6c-ec8b-42ef-bb15-298531ab4497&pf_rd_p=d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c&pf_rd_r=F4JNGGVESM0FJA761F4V&pd_rd_wg=tBSKE&pd_rd_r=ed96e755-a343-4af2-9fe4-85ea6b0837e7&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m

This will get you up to speed before the major release on the 25th Anniversary Blu Ray!

HERE is the old sequel trailer for many years ago- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVDnyNGY6mE&feature=youtu.be

CDI’s KNIGHT CHILLS is getting the Remastered treatment with the Blu-Ray for sale now HEREhttps://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14483042912564000939&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=08fc0b8d3ebc3af99b43436fce7530fa&gad_source=1

The BluRay is full of great extras and we’re working to set up the HD streaming on some select horror film streaming sites. Also the book and script will get the literary release treatment very soon. It’s in the works! A sequel has been talked about for years and we have various scripts and have interviewed many filmmaker teams. We’re still working to get that just right but in the meantime we’ll introduce a new generation to Sir Kallio, Dark Knight of the Red Rose.

(Terence Knox, Terry Jernigan and Dan Haggerty in ‘An Ordinary Killer’)


CDI’s Second film FROM VENUS has some Tom Miller (Knight Chills) artwork underway and we’re discussing the Blu Ray deal. FIGURE IN THE FOREST & HEAVEN’S NEIGHBORS will eventually get the HD treatment and we’ll look to make those available. We have a DVD double feature which we’ll work to make more available. The genre films are a touch easier to set up right now.

AN ORDINARY KILLER and GHOST TOWN – Our true story crime drama and Smoky Mt western are also getting a planned new release campaign. These two films will start with a planned theatrical release. Both will be getting a new remastered theatrical DCP film and a Blu Ray release. The collector’s edition DVD from the Ghost Town in the Sky theme park will also become available perhaps at the theaters concession that plays the film. Lotta ground work to do but technical-wise it’s all underway including a new theatrical trailer for Ghost Town. These two films will likely do a theatrical release around where they were filmed to start with. But CDI’s theatrical division is getting stronger in the wake of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA just played another theater in Cherokee, Iowa and we’ll keep processing requests of folks wanting to watch on the big screen. Meanwhile I’m happy to announce that people who subscribe to Up Family & Faith will be able to watch our WW2 drama starting July 1st and it will run there for a year. It’s still available to rent on many platforms at will. Thank you to those who are watching and referring it to friends and family. The DVD’s are selling well also and so again thank you. Some of the proceeds from sales are directly helping the two participating museums in Algona.

As Easter approaches THE QUEST TRILOGY is seeing a good draw. This trilogy of stories interconnects and leaves one to ponder and be inspired. No heavy handed stuff here just the distilled down beauty of the parables. So watch FORTY NIGHTS followed by CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. Make them part of your yearly watch or anytime you need a good dose of positivity. All free with ads on Encourage TV (Youtube, Roku)

LOST HEART, WILD FAITH, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, BEST YEARS GONE – all of the CDI films have some great lessons or awareness woven into the storytelling. Treat yourself and tell others about your favorite story.


Harsens Island Revenge was talked about earlier and those anxiously awaiting will be treated at the end of the month to the ‘behind the scenes’ video showing the hard work and fun of making a CDI film. Next month my plan is to release the first teaser trailer and soon after the theatrical poster.

HOT ROD LOVE – We have more funders interested in getting behind this movie. We are awaiting to see to what degree and we’re in talks with many other parties old and new. This 1970’s story will be a blast to film. Our director Shane Hagedorn will be meeting with our production designer in FL to discuss some elements of the film. We’ll be doing a location scout soon at the race track location. Too early to sound the battle horns but we’re getting there. Also we’re getting some sponsors on board joining Pepsi and so if you have interest of getting your company involved please do reach out to me. It is a unique marketing opportunity for sure.


Monday I have another development meeting and we’re close to signing and announcing on it. Also I’m bringing on a local Iowa artists to assist us in the funding of SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE. Additionally, I’m 1/3 of the way through a new/old script that might be filmed next winter. It is a cool stylized piece and will make a great feature film. I’m looking to have some talks next week that might put some fire under the WILD FAITH: HASTINGS TV series. Steps. Steps. Steps. I’m ready for some eggs so I’m going to bring this to a close. Keep your roots planted and remember where you come from and where you started. CDI is multi-generational and I’m proud of that. I’m off and we’ll chat next week same place and time. Be good to one another and have a productive week!


Quiet Sunday Reflections – Enjoying the Journey

Hazelnut coffee is flowing on this chilly November morning. I want to welcome our new readers from Italy and Canada among others. It has been a very busy time for myself and CDI. CDI http://www.cdiproductions.com is our production company. I’ve gotten lots of winterizing down this week including closing the fountain down and storing some of the yard decorations. CDI totes are also packed away awaiting the next big adventure.

For those that know that I make beer and wine – the newly bottled ROCKING RHUBARB was tried by myself and Transportation Capt. Dane DeFord and it got the thumbs up. Crisp and cider like with a tart bite followed by sweetness. Nature provided and it will be enjoyed over the winter months. I’ve had a steady stream of meetings by the fireside wood stove. Many project plans start around that wood table and around that dancing fire. Many have manifested into full flown completed projects.

Let’s look at the two projects front and center right now.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for some reason continues to be work getting it to market. It was a very technical films with two languages being used and many VFX including a child’s multiple dream sequences. We’ve made hundred of adjustments and our hope is that everything locks into place and stays. We just had a new round of QC questions. But we started to drift from technical to subjective. We did not use some cold computer translations we used translators. We tried to translate as they would have in the 20’s versus modern. We condensed and summarized some translations so they fit properly on the screen without distractions and yet give time to read them. A few singing places we did not translate because artistically it worked better.

Like all things creative it’s trying to mind your boundaries. If an occasional “Easter egg” intentional or unintentional (EXAMPLES – In Raiders of the Lost Ark – R2D2 and C3PO can be seen drawn on the walls in the Well of Souls. In Star Wars – You can freeze frame a scene and see actor Kenny bake inside the R2D2. Not QC’s place to call these things out. Mind your boundaries. I enforce that with our team working with marketing. They know their marketing job better just as content creators know more about the production. So this week we’ll do a last look at the file that has been assembled and it will be heading out to streaming platforms to prep for Dec 1st. DVD’s will also start to be created and ship to warehouses. It has been a long journey and it is almost over. Once in the marketplace it will be there for many years to come. I want to thank everyone involved. So CLOSE!

We also are going to talk with all our Algona business friends. A DVD would be a great holiday gift for employees, members of organizations, gifts for volunteers and such. Also we want to help get the DVD’s for sale into the museums, Fridley concession sales of the DVD? Grocery stores and more in the state of Iowa could carry the DVD. I think this film could be a new Christmas classic. You can help make it one!

PRE-ORDER here: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=JXJ0SGCXBS0W&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1699798050&sprefix=Silent+Night+in+%2Caps%2C229&sr=8-1

I’m loving the bi-weekly marketing meetings and so appreciate the BMG Global team for all they’re doing to make this film live up to its potential.

Actual Old Club as it appeared in the 1920’s

Harsens Island Revenge – The updates for the week include an awesome report on editing. Several scenes are cut and our director is thrilled. We’ll do a watch once the 1st half hour or so is edited. The Harsens Island footage is being reviewed and we got some good pieces for one of our action sequences and some good establishing shots. Many modern things had to be shot around or disqualified a place for use in the film. I discussed in my past blog why we did not use more of the island. But those who didn’t understand just don’t understand filmmaking and that is okay. I don’t fully understand many other vocations. We are looking to shoot our 2nd VFX piece and I’ll be talking more on that. It includes a few of our model boats. I’m also lining things up for our one WW1 pick up scene.

We have been having fun releasing official pics of several of our actors. We will also be picking our some TOP photos to offer for sale. It can be printed to canvas or on mugs or whatever one wishes. That will look to go live this month. We might start work on the BTS with our own Adam Towner. Advance discussions on a teaser trailer that will be cut by our director. The theatrical poster using our new elements might also be put into motion. 2024 will be an exciting year for this film.

(Should CDI make another biblical trilogy?)

DEVELOPMENT – I’ve spent a good amount of time in study, thought and in talks about developing properties. This can take years and even once a green light (GO) prep, shooting and post can take two years. Six months to prep for release and release – it is a journey. So we’re looking at projects that are already underway and some are just beginning at the script stage. I’ve discussed some of these projects in past blogs. While CDI makes it seem easier to fund and launch, they are all difficult. Funding is always the hardiest part for most projects. But that said, we have several avenues we’re working on.

(Brainstorming at the CDI Fort/Think tank)

WRAP UP: The season of holiday watching has started. I’ve already fielding several new fan emails about BIGFOOT, UFO’s and JESUS, WILD FAITH, FORTY NIGHTS. BEST YEARS GONE – Can you believe a Gil Gilles fan club has been started. Look for it on FB it is there. This is a great time to watch or re-watch your CDI favorites!

(Have you met Gil in BEST YEARS GONE?)

I’ve got some busy work this week as our distributor is moving from checks to direct deposit. I am not a tech fan and sometimes begrudge change but I’m trying to roll with it. A small effort and this will save me deposit work later. Tax season is around the corner and so we’ll be prepping for that.

I’m going to wrap it up here and do a little advanced work for next week. I just had some of our eggs and a nice breakfast scramble. Might have to refill ye ole coffee cup. I want everyone out there to know that every week of your life will bring TO DO’s. There will be TO DO’s in your box when your time is up. Enjoy that journey again. I truly do enjoy all the good artistic folks we have on these amazing endeavors. I also sincerely appreciate all of you out there. Thank you for supporting what we do here. Until next week – be good to one another and keep chasing that dream.

Coffee Cheers!


Movie Meetings, Music Videos and Memories-

Good morning to everyone out there! I’m sipping my hazelnut coffee out of a beautiful mug gifted by our upcoming ‘Hospitality & Health’ crew member Mollie Davis. I’m super excited about the #cditribe we’re bringing together for this next storytelling adventure. I want to thank all the artistic folks from around the world who stopped in for a coffee break and read. I’ve had an extremely busy week full of positive developments. Some are pertaining to past projects and others to future endeavors. And of course we have the adventures that are right in front of us now. Staying with crew- I met two of the new crew folks we’ll be working with yesterday and a music video shoot. Having done two small film projects at the Turner Dodge house it inspired me to pitch a ‘Scooby Doo’ type story video to the director and in turn the band. They loved it and so yesterday we once again did some shooting at this beautiful historic house. Everyone did a great job and we made our day. I look forward to working with these humble and hardworking gents on our next feature. It’s a multi-layered rock song with an amazing singer, slashing guitar rifts and driving drums delivered by famed drummer Chris Adler (Lamb of God). He and his wife are in from Richmond, VA where we once produced films like WICKED SPRING. (You can watch on Amazon) We knew lots of the same folks from that community and even shared experiences in travel. In between shots we all shared many great conversations about the difficulty of maintaining creative groups and trying to keep that synergy together. We compared hardships of being away on tour and on a film set. I just really enjoyed the artistic talks shared by all. I will be excited to share the music video in a few weeks.

Harsens Island Revenge – We are growing closer to our on-set pre-production and film shoot on the next CDI film. This past week was proofing all the agreements before dispersement. The schedule is finally all set and we had one of our producers up North securing even more pieces of the shoot. I got my 1920’s haircut and that has helped me seriously get into the mindset. I’ve been pulling together elements of my wardrobe and having fun creating. We are working hard to fill the few cast and crew positions available. The schedule caused a few changes but that is to be expected. We’ve been having different department talks also, weapons, vehicles, catering and more. We’ve added the Michigan Community College Association on board as a sponsor. Several more will be aligning their brands with our film. A Michigan story and it’s getting some great support from Michigan companies.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – We are all very excited to see this movie release to the mass audience around the world. I had a great talk with our distributor. They are working on key art for the DVD and streaming release. We’re being told mid October for a release but that is not official yet. We are still working on our few technical tweaks. The theatrical release is closing with only one unpaid theatre so we’ll likely do our theatrical dispersement this coming week. I talked with some from our collaborating Foundation about the recent special theatrical encore in Algona. Again they expressed how happy they were with the final film and the reaction by the community. That is a big congrats to our entire cast and crew.

DEVELOPMENT – I had a great talk with our distributor over several points including the status of our current projects. We also talked about which projects are still moving with strong momentum and the few that could be made stronger with a bit of re-branding. In our biblical trilogy the 3rd film’s sales are lagging behind the first two. It is not the film itself and you could argue that after the experience of the first two, the 3rd may be the strongest production value. But the name itself which is completely on point (pun intended) is turning some away from a watch. THE CHRIST SLAYER has many themes to it and the title plays into one of the themes brilliantly. The distributor brass loves the title as we do but it could be losing some eyes due to the title. We are considering a title change on some platforms to see if it helps. We have another project that we want to change the key art on. We did that with MAN’S BEST FRIEND which was doing well but did even better after a new poster was created. The first was more artistic and the second more straight forward. Actually on the distributors streaming platform ENCOURAGE TV we are growing close to crossing our 2 million mark. Stop over and watch free with ads and you can be one of those helping to cross this mark.

I also had a great pitch meeting as we talked future collaborations. The WILD FAITH: HASTINGS tv series is still gaining momentum as sales are staying strong and growing. I had some talks also over SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE looking to be our second film in Iowa. I have some talks over that project this week and we’ll see if we can move that forward on the development board. There was also some good development talks on a few genre projects and even a possible romantic comedy. Development can take anywhere from a year to years plural so you always have to be working it. I think that is one of the mistakes young filmmakers make is far underestimating the time it takes for certain tasks or processes. Patience isn’t a strong suit for many folks and so it makes it even more torturous.


This week we played a soccer match in some brutal heat and we lacked subs. The other team had a full squad show with a good supply of subs. At half we had held it all to a tie but second half they started to take advantage of cracks and lack of gas. That game left me so exhausted by soccer gear bag felt like 200 lbs. I was EXHAUSTED at the end of it but there are good things to be said about pushing yourself to those limits. I woke up the next day and felt pretty darn good. Day two a bit sore but by body is really adjusting to the grueling games. I love the competition and it really resets the mind and body.

The yard is in full grow with a daily picking of herbs, tomatoes and more. The chickens are kicking out the fresh eggs. The hops are all turning to cones and will be ready for picking in a few weeks. On that note- people have been really enjoying the Mexican-Style Chili beer. I’ll likely go to bottle with the ‘Rocking Rhubarb Wine’ in a few weeks also. People do really enjoy the handcrafted goods.

I also finished reading the book THE BOYS written by Ron and Clint Howard. It was all about their life growing up and how their parents helped navigate Hollywood after coming from small town farm community. For me it was spending a few moments with my old friend, co-star and mentor Rance Howard before bed each night. I think I’m going to write Ron and Clint a nice letter after finishing it. It was enlightening, inspiring and also made me very appreciative of my own journey. To bring it full circle, that is what my onset conversations did for me. I would not have had many of the adventures I did if not for my career path. Here’s to several more!

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday morning. I’ll be ready to hit it hard tomorrow which includes an art department meeting. Weds is a directors meeting and Friday the producers meeting. Thursday will see our team back on the soccer pitch. On that note I see that Sweden beat the USA women’s team in a shoot out. That is how it sometimes goes. Congrats to Sweden! Thank you all for stopping by and I’ll look forward to chatting with you next week.

Coffee Cheers!



Good morning and welcome our new readers from S. Korea, Bolivia and Norway! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee on a chilly Michigan morning. Our weather has been bouncing between warm (including record highs) and cold. But I’ve gotten some good clean up down in the yard and my clover planted is starting to come up. The new hops are already growing and many flowers have come up adding some color. I’ve got a few things that I would love to do including privacy fencing, tree trimming and lastly a new deck. I think we have an idea of what kind of patio deck design I just need to do a blueprint.

The birds and squirrels have been busy at work and I love to watch them. Our chickens are producing eggs steadily and so that means wonderful breakfast meals. I love watching the interactions between all the birds and watching them has become a fun pastime. As a matter of fact I’ve used ‘birdwatching’ as part of the back story of my character in our next film. Our dogs have been enjoying the Spring allowing them to explore and enjoy the outdoors.

Before the heavy heat of summer I will be working on splitting and stacking wood to prepare for the winter ahead. I also need to rebuild our compost bin which is made of pallets and has seen better days. I’ve also got some plant seedlings germinating but need this cold to pass before planting.

On the personal – I’ve been working steadily while occasionally dealing with a tooth pain. I’m a person who stays up on all that even doing dental cleaning three times a year vs two. I had a few bad days and was happy when the dentist found the crack. It was on the backside of a back tooth. You think you’re tough until you get tooth pain. It can be very humbling but I’m happy to report the fix has happened and all seems well. Just in time for soccer season! Soccer and martial arts have put me on the receiving end of a few blows that could have caused damage. Or less thrilling it could have been a seed or nut. But my service warning to young folk out there is this- do not neglect your teeth.


Before I get into talking about our films I want to mention something as a proud uncle. I’m actually very proud of both my niece and nephew who are just so fun to watch grow and gain new interests. They are both playing soccer together and are into Star Wars, Superheroes and Dungeons and Dragons. They are both into playing and make believe too. At a bowling party recently my nephew was thrilled with a stormtrooper outfit we brought him and he had to wear it immediately. Bowling with a Star War’s stormtrooper. My niece age 9, recently (last night) participated in a short proof of concept film for a filmmaking buddy. It was filmed at a great turn of the century mansion where we shot SMOKE & MIRRORS. She was playing a ghost girl. I went up to visit towards the back half of the shoot not wanting to be a distraction. When I first arrived, I sat away from set and listened to her work for a while. She is confident and fearless. She was asking about backstory and character motivations. She was enjoying working with these adults. My favorite thing I heard her ask the director was, “How many other actresses did you interrogate?” I think she was looking for audition or interview but either way I got a good laugh. At that age we had build our own spaceship cockpit with pillows and such but this was not just free imagination but directed work. I wonder if all that could infringe upon the passion of make believe and just being a kid. Her mom is an amazing actress in her own right so she has it in her blood for sure. But as I’ve stated the artist road is a hard yet rewarding road. I don’t want to encourage or discourage and so this was a nice test run. I saw where she was tired towards the end and losing some focus. But she listened and did what she was suppose to. She has a part where she sings a child’s song and it was downright creepy. We took a great picture together but she was in her ghostly get up so I’m not going to post it unless I get permission from production. NOTE TO TALENT. Anyway, I was a very proud uncle. I also got to see a few old filmmaker friends. Zoie Dye (Best Years Gone) also played a part and Gals and Ghoul’s Dayna Green was doing the awesome make up work. I’ll be curious to see how it all comes together and the hope is that they can turn it into a feature. But either way it was a great experience for my niece and it put a big smile on my face.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The film continues to play in theaters and even more are requesting it. I think it will keep playing until we are close to the home video release. We’re about to master the new home video version of the film that has greatly improved VFX. It is being being proofed carefully before we marry it to the improved sound design and mix. New credits and subtitles are also being inserted. Just things that we saw on the big screen that we could improve upon and we had the time to do it. This is the difference between CDI and some companies and artists. Good enough is not a term our folks like. We want our best efforts represented on the screen. So if you enjoyed the theatrical showing know the home video version will be even better.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is the next CDI film. We are preparing for our second big scout next week to start locking in our locations and finding the final few. We will have our AD team there to start gathering the info for basecamps and a schedule. Our director, DP and Art Director there to start looking over sets. We are starting to put together lodging and will explore catering but I will say this- the cast and crew will get to work in a beautiful place at a beautiful time of year.

We were going to go Sat and network at a Model T club gathering but had a rain out. We’ll have some cool boats, cars and maybe even a plane in this next film. Props are being gathered and soon with our cast getting closer to being set, wardrobe. We added John Demarco aka Johnny D to the cast as a styling club owner Bob Jansen. We have reads coming in from the various agencies in our state. I would think our cast will be set by the end of May. Crew is also getting closer but we have a few places we are still working. Positive attitudes and a willingness to give BEST EFFORTS is what we look for. Storyboards, teaser poster and more are all being worked on. I’m enjoying working on character development a little bit each day. I truly love that process and will bring a new unique personality to the story and screen.


Speaking of posters, we have one being designed for the upcoming FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2 poster. We have some meetings coming up for WILD FAITH: Hastings TV show and I’ll be checking in on the supernatural themed associated film SHJ looking to film in the spring. Next month is also a meeting over the SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE which could move slow or quick pending the meeting’s outcome.

We are working to restore and re-release some of the classic CDI films. WICKED SPRING, a Civil War film we shot in 2000 has had that treatment and is available on Amazon Prime. If you enjoyed WILD FAITH, it might be a good one to check out. It is a lot of time to pull these together when my time is split between the present and future films, but I keep plugging along. I really do love the 1800’s in my storytelling.


This week will be reaching out to some potential sponsors and looking at some incoming reads and reels from actors for HIR (Harsens Island Revenge). I want to acknowledge the loss of a talented photographer from MI film scene who passed away, Dan Irving. I only know him from as the still photographer from the 7 STONES film that you can watch that on Amazon. Way too young. RIP.

I’m going to close this blog up and get a few things done. Maybe a few eggs. We have a birthday late lunch or early dinner today and that will be fun. I’m still trying to set up and get to know my new iPhone but that is all set and good for the next three years. I hear the camera on the phone is amazing so I’ll have fun playing around with that.

We talked about young people exploring their passion for the first time and others having their journey ended too soon. We’ve talked about the work behind projects working their way out to the world and others just coming together. Life is short in the overall scheme of things so don’t wait until tomorrow to start working on yours. Even small steps of progress will have you feeling good. You are heading in the right direction.

In addition to the film development work, I’m going to be seeking someone who can do book layouts in the Lansing, MI area. We might also start explore soundtracks (LP’s) and even audio books along with more movie merchandise. Always something to do. And now that my tooth is feeling better maybe I can return to some creative script writing. I am again thinking of literary representation and maybe talent. I’ve considered a few acting gigs but they have to make sense business and time-wise and most of all-I have to connect with a role. I do appreciate those who have reached out and continue to do so.

The coffee is about gone so I’m going to go get some breakfast going. Until next week-

Coffee Cheers!


‘SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA’ Director’s Screening plus ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ pre-PR Updates and more…

Good morning to you all. I was up past my bedtime a touch yesterday, so the hazelnut coffee is much appreciated. We did a special directors screening kick off showing of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, our true event WW2 film. We had two screenings yesterday and we all went to an afterglow at Romas, next to the NCG in Owosso. This is back in our home state and while the film had a Michigan premiere at the Celebration Cinema, I was at a funeral. My family finally got to see all our hard work. We had a strong first showing at 4pm and I’ve heard from and seen posts from many friends who went to see the film. I like all filmmakers want a good showing, technically and being outside my area, that raises my temp. We had a super chilly last few days in Michigan, record breaking. I dressed well for outside travel but was too hot for crowds, pictures and such. I even wore a lighter jacket. I should have traded by beanie hat for something less hot. But, enough of the heat talk. It was HOT with enthusiasm, even walking up to the theatre ran into a fellow actor/filmmaker from the Detroit area who had just watched the 4:00 showing. He was sincere in his compliments and that set the tone. Iowa LOVES this story because it is their story. But the greater story makes it ALL OUR STORY. Our history. On the edge of Owosso, MI there is a race track once a PW camp like Algona. Many towns have this kind of history but many are unaware.

This month we’re pulling together the film for home video in the fall. We’re entering the deal phase and we’ll get the enhanced version to the distributor. When we saw it on the big screen, you always can notice things that if you can, you would change. A tweak of color correct here and there. Some enhancements in a few CGI plates. Subtitle tweaks. But these are artistic nuisances that many never see nor notice. Some errors may exist in period – we work hard to achieve this but it is all smoke and mirrors. Many enjoy trying to find these spots. In Star Wars you can see Kenny Baker inside R2D2 in a scene. In GLORY you can see the squib (fake bullet hits) lines running up the legs of some actors. MOVIE MAGIC. We try to transport you to another place and the audience is asked to relax and bring your imagination.

Last night I think people were taken to that time period. People will get to enjoy the film until Thursday and I hope we our powerful attendance last night they will move us into other cites with NCG. I am going to try and bring it back to N. Lansing at the Eastwood NCG. I will let you know. Again people are calling their theatre managers and asking them to book the film. They want your business so call and their bookers will reach out. They are reaching out every week. Also http://www.imdb.com is a place that is used in part to help the expansion of the film. We’ve had hundreds of beautiful comments and the attendance and growth speaks for itself, but many of a certain age do not use the computer much. Or as little as possible and so sometimes the best comments and reviews don’t make it to the official data bases. If you saw it go ahead and go to http://www.imdb.com you can vote (10 best) and leave a review or message about the film, and what it meant to you. I love reading all the stories of grandparents and their interaction and connections to the German PW’s.

We are going to keep the film traveling and hope to play a few festivals. Many of the big ones want a first ever premiere and this film is traveling so that isn’t a fit. But we are looking to play in Hollywood so we can highlight our amazing German cast. I’m damn proud and having a good dose of German in my heritage it’s another thing I’m proud of. This movie is spreading some love, understanding and compassion. I heard many times last night that people loved the story and we need more films like this. I agree. That takes me into-

Above – DJ Perry, Karl Manke, Carl Weyant


Harsens Island Revenge – Last night was both a celebration of the present expanding release of our WW2 German PW film but also a toast to the future. We are in official pre-production which means our business paperwork is all in order and we’ll be opening the bank account this month. We will start official pre-production meetings with our director Mr. Carl Weyant. Carl has worked independently and with the CDI Tribe on both sides of the camera. Many will know him from starring as Longinus in part 3 of The Quest Trilogy, entitled The Christ Slayer. I met him in Otty, India in 2008 where we co-starred together in a film there. He has been working several years as a director and director of photography on various projects from music videos to feature film. After months of discussions with the CDI producer team, his stylistic vision and kinetic style will lead the direction and vision of this action-packed film. I, as the writer worked several weeks with Carl, to get a final polished shooting script. This process happens with all our directors. We’ll be discussing many wonderful aspects of this film and casting will take place likely end of the month. We plan to run duel cameras on this project and that will allow us to capture more of the action, more efficiently. Carl and previous director of photography Travis Hayward (Best Years Gone) have been working in tandem on several projects both feature and music video. They were first brought together on the CDI produced music video for ‘Revolution‘ by DEEP FALL. You can watch that here-

Travis Hayward will serve as the Gaffer (cool lighting) and run second camera. I knew they would be a good pairing and I was correct. Our goal, as always, is to have a lot of fun telling yet another great story. Lessons. Always lessons to be illustrated via story, but it a very exciting way. WW1 veterans. Purple Gang. Bootlegging. The CDI Tribe is going into the Roaring 20’s, again taking on a wonderful book written by, Karl Manke. I adapted the book into a screenplay and I’ve very happy with the end product. We have had a positive reaction from a few guest stars who want to participate in this story. It will be a wonderful blueprint for all our artists. We’ll do some official PR in the next two weeks on the project. But, you all get the first drop of developing info just for tuning in and stopping by for a read. We’ve also had several more subscribe join here – so welcome! You can subscribe to our CDI Youtube and http://www.cdiproductions.com is going to be updated so follow us there also.


The first doc FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH is now set up in the market place and just starting what will be a nice long run of being introduced to new audiences. Even those not wishing to rent or buy it can watch it via TUBI and other ad based video on demand. Meaning-you watch for free but you watch with ads and we get paid by advertisers. It is a major rev stream these days. Ground work and talks with potential donors has begun. The Red, White & Blue Project Inc. is the non-profit we are working with. This next project will expand upon part of the original doc. It leans even heavier into the military history and Catch Can’s influence in all of that. Curran Jacobs is directing once again.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – We’re close to moving into the next development phase of this project. I’ve had some good talks about the history of the story and I think we’re on target. Some of the folks involved are not always prepared to read scripts which require imagination and practice. Very unique medium that I liken to poetry and trying to say as much as possible with as few of words as possible. To invoke imagery and to carry the readers (soon to be viewer) through the story. A journey to be sure. I am working to try and keep this on schedule for a 2024 filming. One brick at a time.

BEST YEARS GONE – Now that Covid lock down and virtual festivals have returned to in person – we’re going to enter BEST YEARS GONE into some comedy festivals. We did not want to attend virtual (I spend enough time on a computer) but now it could be a better experience. MAN’S BEST FRIEND, LOST HEART, WILD FAITH, THE QUEST TRILOGY exciting marketing as the films keep growing in audiences. New posters. New trailers. Interviews. Promotional videos. Merchandise. Oh, yeah. It’s all coming.


Man! I’m still coming down from last night. Again, it was a treat to hug and shake so many hands. We don’t get to meet our vast audiences like live performance. We have 3-5k in social associates and from that maybe 300 that we are in direct contact with. But a film is being viewed by millions to tens of millions that we never meet. We were just talking about the joy we get when someone is surprised and they get to meet someone from a movie that moved them.

We are occasionally accused of being ambitious with our storytelling and we truly are. I’m proud of this last SNIA journey because it was our hardest yet. Harder than most even know. On SNIA, we had our directors mother hit with Covid days before shooting and just days after his best friend died of Covid. Pappy, who passed, was a long-time member of this tribe working several times with CDI on both sides of the camera. A shameful loss. One of our main producers came to set with her own oxygen tanks after her own bout in the hospital with Covid. Simply put, CDI HAS WARRIORS.

I hear of businesses that can’t get employees to show up or stay employed and CDI has folks, so dedicated that it would take – well, a damn lot to keep them away. We are accused of working hard and we do. To make something that might be seen as great by some, you have to work hard. VERY HARD. If hard work and trying to create greatness isn’t for you, CDI isn’t for you. I’ve told folks that something ‘short form’ and not as hard, might better suit some for their talents. Being away for weeks is hard and it’s a sacrifice all our artists have made to help tell that story. We know how special these stories are too many out there, because you’ve reached out to let us know. You are why we sacrifice and do this.

Hey DJ, it ain’t all love:) Listen, the sprinkling of hate and bashing doesn’t provoke hurt in me but actually more sadness. Every negative comment that is tinged with dark emotion cries of dreams unrealized and often never even attempted. They’re afraid to try because they know someone like themselves is waiting, who might throw a stone at their passion or dream. A good example- I don’t love stage musicals as a whole, but I don’t go out of my way to trash them. That is someone’s jam, singing Annie Get Your Gun or something, just not my jam. And that’s fine. I’m just always amazed how little people value their own TIME. IF I enjoyed something I might go out of my way, spend my time, to make my opinion known, because I’m sharing some positive energy. IF I don’t like something – that LAST thing you will get from me is my TIME. I can just scroll on. I can choose something else. I have turn content off but I never ran to a keyboard to trash something. Why? Not worth my watch time not worth my type time. But how others spend their time is their business. But many negative barbs are sadly from fellow artists struggling to the point of collapse and wondering, why not me? My script? Where is my funding? When you put your mind in the wrong place you widen the gap. For when they are manufacturing hate, we create. Which fuels the negative feelings and the cycle continues. One path makes you sicker with the poison you spread and digest. And the other path, it inspires – you think you can do better? Get some of your most loyal, trusted, creative friends and DO IT! Like film itself, SHOW don’t TELL. You will have fun and learn about yourself. Give 100% of your TIME, on your path and see what happens.


I’m amused only slightly in those situations where people lacking the true experience try to speak loudly into something they know nothing about. They become ‘know it alls’ quickly and are unable to take on any new knowledge and experience- their growth stunted. Some opportunities given can inspire maturity, accountability and responsibility and spur personal growth. In others they can be become drunk and delusional with newly gifted power. We’ve had examples of both. I’m always cheering for SPUR versus STUNT but ultimately they control that outcome.

Every project moving forward is living evolution through experience. I work hard to develop people and give opportunities for self growth but sometimes people reach their limit on learning. You always have risk empowering people and when they grow in the right direction – wonderful. Wrong direction- just like the apple tree, it needs to be pruned. Giveth and Taketh Away

POSITIVE. RESPECT. APPRECIATION. SINCERITY. LOYALTY. – these attributes have to already exist within someone and can be nurtured. I often say, I will always work with a slightly less experienced person with the right long term attitude, versus the opposite. We can provide experience and adventure with some of the best artists I’ve encountered on my path. We say at CDI meetings, that a door closing brings us to a new door opening. CDI has grown into a multi generation of artists and we’ve got grand plans to keep moving up the mountain. As I’ve said before, it is not how high you climbed on the mountain it is who you traveled with, that will matter in the end.

I’m a tad tired from being up somewhat late and might need a short cold winter nap. The sunshine is out and that feels good, so maybe time to play cat. Thank you to each and every person who came out last night and to all the shows. It had been a few since I had seen our film play. A touch of distance is nice and gives you a fresh perspective upon viewing again. Having our family and friends there made it special, especially my parents. Both, had funny comments of having created me. They were not so quick to take that same credit after the numerous knuckle headed things I did growing up. I’m already excited for the coming holiday season when SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will be out on DVD and streaming. We will have just finished filming Harsens Island Revenge and into editing. And so the storytelling cycle continues. Thank you to Karl Manke for trusting us with his story. His book HOPE FROM HEAVEN became BEST YEARS GONE. Read the book. Watch the film. Giddy up as Gil Gilles would say!

I’ll talk to you all next week. I hope you all take giant steps towards your endeavors.

Coffee Cheers!


Premieres, Post-Production Updates and More…

Good afternoon my friends. I’m back from a few errands this morning and sitting down to some reheated coffee from earlier. It has been an extremely busy time here at CDI and even my Friday had me on several hours of online meetings. But all extremely productive. Let’s start with this poster art above for our ‘FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH‘ release. It will start will a two show (6pm and 8pm) at the Owosso, NCG theater on Oct. 1st, 2022. The home video release with be on 10/4/2022 – here is more info from IMDB. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12741924/releaseinfo?ref_=tttr_ql_dt_2

So if you practiced any martial art or enjoyed the MMA/Pro-Wrasslin’ this will be an informative and enjoyable watch. I know Amazon Prime will be releasing and we’ll let you all know as we know the other available platforms. I will be attending our premiere as many of the CDI tribe to support our own Curran Jacobs who directed. If you’re in Michigan you might want to attend – an afterglow will take place most likely at ROMAS next door but that’s not locked in yet.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – My last meeting of the week was with our Algona friends helping to pull together the Algona, Iowa premiere. We’ll also do one in Michigan before the theatrical run starts 1-2 weeks after the (Dec 10th targeted date) Iowa premiere. Our goals is to have it play chains across the midwest where all these camps were located.

A few days earlier we met at the studio in the pines and reviewed the first half of the film’s dialog clean up and talked design and music. It really sounds great and my favorite part of the process ‘music’ is on deck. We’ll return this week to review the second half and start looking at the sound design aspects. Meanwhile in Canada the VFX and model work is being finished. I cannot wait to see those scenes once the work is done.

This film also represents a new level in product partnerships with brands like Hersheys, Hormel, Smithfield and Lerma Transportation involved. Our goal is to have them also assist in the theatrical marketing. For home video release I would love to see some ‘limited time’ vintage packaging released to the public. How about 5 cents Hersheys like in 1944? The new trailer is being worked on and it will be done in a few weeks.

BEST YEARS GONE – So yesterday kind of last moment I was offered some MSU football tickets and an invite to stop in as a guest at a get together for one of our investors. It is close by and so after the MSU game seemed well in hand, I stopped out. My history with these folks goes back to 1998 when we became famous at CDI for blowing up a car on their road in KNIGHT CHILLS. It was a barn party, but this was no ordinary barn, but a way tricked out venue for performance and drinks.

The entertainment was first class with guest musician Laith Al-Saadi from American Idol being featured. Also met a Red Wings legend Darren McCarty, very polite gent. I had some good talks that could manifest as sponsors or investors in the future, but overall just had a great time.

I had a few Moscow Mules followed by some coffee before I had to make the drive home which reminded me of ‘Icabod Crane’ in the Sleepy Hollow tale. In the dark woods on a full moon, trees bent tight across the road – twists and turns – hauntingly beautiful. Thank you John and Rhonda for a great time and yes, we’ll be discussing some special event screenings.

So the best part of the night was when I found myself sharing a stand up table with a fella Richard who was there from Detroit networking. I got explaining to Richard how I knew the party hosts and about our film endeavors. He asked about a few titles and I rattled off the two films that just went to TUBI, BESTSELLER and BEST YEARS GONE. He replied that he had seen BEST YEARS GONE and really liked it. I said, “no way” – but he insisted. Yup. Twins. Racecars. He said, google up the poster and I’ll tell you. So I pulled up our poster from IMDB. He said, “Yup, and that guys the lead,” pointing at Gil. YOU DON’T SAY:) I proceeded to say something to him as Gil, about light beer. He was surprised to find he was drinking with Gil Gilles. I don’t always get to meet my fans so this was a treat. So if you haven’t seen BESTSELLER or BEST YEARS GONE take a watch on TUBI and drop us a review on http://www.imdb.com

I’m enjoying taking the extra time this season to prep and attend a few more film events. We have several premieres ahead and are in ACTIVE development on HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE. We’ll be planning a few scouting trips in the weeks ahead. We are going to start sitting down with possible keys later in the year. I want to get a teaser poster underway as a pre-production battle flag. This is a great story from history and I had a chance to pitch it around to a very attentive audience last night. More meetings this week to lie the foundation down and discuss future creative directions with this story. We’re starting to look at vehicles that fit the pre-1927 timeframe. I’m extremely excited about this film that will shoot next year.

But it keeps getting better…


I’ll be doing PR soon on the new script writing project. Yes. The ink is dry. Green light – Phase 1 of the next collaboration out of Iowa, is set. The story will be an 1800’s tale that showcases a major event in Iowa history. I’ve been researching for months now and I’m ready to start weaving another powerful story.


I had another paragraph WRAP UP and I accidentally deleted it. Lets see if I can recall in no particular order. The hops harvested and squash is right behind it. I trimmed the apple trees and next up is the mulberry trees. I have a possible movie interview on Monday out of Nashville, TN. Tuesday is set to be the FADE IN…day where I start writing on the new script. Weds is our development and premiere meeting. Thursday out to review and tweak more audio on the second half of the film. Friday might be the start of the new bath install with a little help from a much more handy friend. Thank you for all the support and communications out there. It really means a lot to our artists.

Coffee Cheers, be productive this week.


Third of Five CDI Releases Rolls Out – NEW Festival & Film Updates!

Good morning readers! Welcome to our new readers from Bangladesh, Bosnia and more. I love seeing the worldwide circle of readers. I’ve had another extremely busy week and I’ll try to update you on some of those endeavors. While much of the country has been baking under extreme heat, Michigan has been darn near perfect. Low humid, warm and slight breeze. So Monday morning my brother had texted that a friend of ours had passed away in a freak accident. Saturday when we had storms this friend was celebrating his birthday bar hopping. At one place they had a storage container turned into a patio bar. That wind hit sending umbrellas flying and while one friend braved the rain and tried to secure an umbrella, the others watched likely amused. But the wind caught one of the big steel doors and crushed our friend between the door and bar. He never woke back up I’m told. This story was on the news even made national – but just so sad. He had been a beloved teacher and just a bright light of a person. It really cast a light on appreciating your circle.

To my knowledge I’ve not ever had Covid but we had some family catch it and thankfully everyone seems to be on the mend. It is always scary because we have a few family and friends who were not so lucky. So this all played in the background last week. We had a fun soccer match this week and a few CDI meetings were done over the throwing of bean bags playing corn hole. I got to visit this week with a few friends I haven’t seen in a while, grilling and chilling. Venison steaks, pork chops and baked potatoes were on the menu. I’m making myself hungry just thinking about it. We got our 4H pig and so the freezer is restocked. I’ve told many folks before that the secret to venison is to marinate and/or rub herbs in advance of grilling.

How about we move on to some movie updates. Let’s see –

  1. SMOKE & MIRRORS – Yesterday afternoon at the Motor City Nightmare convention in Novi, Michigan, our film played to fans of the genre. I was unable to attend and have yet to receive word on how it was received. It is a cool, slick short film that gives a great look at what the feature film would be like. Thank you so much to the convention festival for inviting us to play and I hope your audience enjoyed it. We are waiting to see if it is accepted into the Hell 1/2 Mile festival which I would plan to attend.
  2. Staying on the subject of festivals – BEST YEARS GONE that is now released will be playing in Ohio at The 27th Indie Gathering International Film Festival. I think our director Shane Hagedorn will be attending and I might try to, we’ll see.
  3. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH still hopes to have a festival premiere in Toronto but either way we’re looking at an Oct 1st premiere in Owosso, MI where our director Curran Jacobs is from. On 10/4 the DVD and streaming options will be in full effect. This is one that I’ll be happy to have on my shelf. Our distributor DESKPOP ENTERTAINMENT, has been working on a new poster art design. This will be our 4th release this year and it’s very rewarded to have this films finish and come to market.
  4. The last release of the year will be the theatrical premiere of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA in Algona, Iowa. We hope to kick off multiple theater chain runs from there for several weeks. We will likely do a theatrical premiere again in Owosso, MI – the home of director Anthony Hornus. Owosso sure has some talented people in that area, maybe it’s in the water. We released the theatrical poster last week and many have responded positively to it and even asking for posters to purchase. We will get to that but right now it is that the last tweaks in editing before onto music and sound design. That will also include cutting a theatrical trailer for the film which will also start next week.
  5. BESTSELLER, our tense thriller will be getting a few new reviews as we continue to move this film out to world audiences. Have you seen it? If you scare easy you might not want to watch it alone.
  6. Another great Summer watch is BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS also known as LOST HEART. I had a friend say that they started watching the film opening again and got sucked in – it is a great blend of humor and heart. Another to watch as part of your own family watch night.
  7. WILD FAITH: HASTINGS, the TV series spin off, has had more pieces fall into place. It’s been hard work but I know it will all be worth it in the end. Have you watched the pilot feature film? Millions have so pop some popcorn and watch with your family.
  8. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE, the next collaboration with Curwood Publishing is moving forward. The writer of the book was very happy with my adaptation from book to script. The plan is to film in the back half of 2023. Always development…I’m very excited about this film.
  9. Sticking with the writing – I’m on the cusp of finalizing my next screenwriting project. It’s an exciting true history story that will be an awesome undertaking. It might be our biggest project yet and will likely film in 2024 once I have the script and development done. I will wait to announce anything until the ink is dry but we are getting closer.
  10. HOT ROD LOVE – Just to illustrate that we might make developing and finance look easy, it is not. Funding is the hardest part for many filmmakers. Our 70’s drag racing comedy has a handful of weeks to try to put the final financial pieces in order or it will have to be a push. My fear is that 2023 is already shaping up to be a busy year. But like all stories, if the time is now, it will happen. If not we will have just completed one of the busiest release seasons we’ve ever had. But we’ve got many pieced in play so we will just have to see.

We started this week’s blog talking about a tragedy. The greater tragedy in life can be not going after your dreams. You won’t always succeed, but you will grow from trying. Not trying at all can leave you with a hole in your soul. So if you really want to try and do something don’t let fear hold you back.

I’m about to go cook a few eggs to go with a left over pork chop. A few tasks around the yard and tonight I’m looking forward to spending time with my brother and a few amigos. I have a few biz calls and might get a jump on some start of the week’s business. I love to use my Sundays and this blog to recap and help put together my TO DO for the forthcoming week. I hope to hear a few responses from folks who attended the Motor City Nightmares and watched SMOKE & MIRRORS.

We also might get some word this week on a few festivals we thought would be a nice fit on a couple of films. I hope you all have a great end to your weekend and an amazing start to your week. Thank you again to all of you for stopping through and sharing a few moments of your day. If you haven’t watched all the CDI films please do. We make them for audiences to enjoy. Until next week be good to one another and keep climbing!

Coffee Cheers!


UPDATES from Algona, Premiere Tickets and More…

Good morning from Algona, Iowa! I’m sitting looking over a small private lake with an abundance of wildlife. This state on the other side of the big lake is not so different from Michigan save being more flatland and corn. Our director and main producer team from our upcoming SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA film has been here on a scout. Our trip in was hampered by delays and a few mishaps that are almost worthy of a comedy film. But once we arrived our stay has been incredible with so much support from the community. Tonight we are having a special BBQ by an award winning chef with the mayor and area dignitaries. We have been also getting incredible support from the area businesses all excited to have us here. Smithfield Foods is one of our international sponsors and our host on this trip. I’ve learned a few new pork grilling techniques that I’m excited to try when I get back home.

We were curious as to the availability of props in the area and we were happily surprised that almost all the props required- right down to WW2 wheelchairs and more will be available to us.

Even the period vehicles are all falling into place. I’m going to keep this short as we are about to go scout more locations today.

BEST YEARS GONE is racing around the track and heading for the checkered flag and finish line. Here is your advanced notice that if you go to NCG Owosso website and your buy a ticket for one of the two shows. Tickets are just standard pricing. The afterglow party will be free for every ticket holder. We’ll be doing PR on all this when we return this coming week but I wanted to give you all the first announcement. We’ll be doing a producer watch soon and after will be the final mix.

As noted we’ve been all over this area of Iowa and meeting so many people that either have seen our films or after meeting us are excited to watch our films.

WICKED SPRING – the HD campaign is about to roll out. I saw an early draft of the thumbnail poster art and had some comments on it including incorrect rifles and clothes that appeared a touch modern. Some alternations were made but they rolled with the wrong rifles and such and I told them the re-enactor/living historian crowd would hammer that poster and they are. To the casual Civil War enthusiasts it might fly but to my friends that live and breath the era – not. So my apologies for the inaccurate guns but that distributor marketing is not all under my control. But I do hope that you watch and enjoy the HD enhanced film. It is still a favorite of mine to this day.

Next week I should also be seeing a first cut of our documentary ‘FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH‘ and our short concept film ‘SMOKE & MIRRORS‘ and I’m excited to see these both drive towards a finished film.

I might be missing a few updates but I’m going to wrap it up. I need to eat something quickly before hitting the road. But this is an exciting time and we’re very happy with the progress we’ve made every day preparing to give our artists the support needed to tell this amazing WW2 story.

Have a great week and we’ll chat next week.


Power of ‘Purpose’ PLUS the TOP TEN CDI Updates

Hazelnut cheers! A beautiful snowy morning here in Michigan. I want to welcome all the new readers from Germany, Sweden, Germany and China. I appreciate you stopping by to take a read and apply what you can – where you can in your own personal journey. I’m not going to spend a lot of time on the unity topic we’ve had for a few weeks. My fireside meditations led me to the analogy of a spending train. We’ve got so much developing here at CDI we’re thundering down the track. The occasional hater throwing rocks out of boredom or a need for attention. If a few people threw rocks at a speeding train what would happen? They would bounce off the steel hull and be gone down the tracks. The train had places to go, people to see and things to do. They would never stop the train to debate or waste time – they would stoke the fire and full speed ahead.

In this time of Covid it’s a great time to stoke the fires of passion within. Build up your reserves of energy and get yourself in your best shape. Do all those things that often get neglected because you have others things to do. How many hours saved by not spending two hours in a car commuting back and forth to work places. More time to read. More time to update. More time to plan. From March 2020 I have been putting this into practice. While I could list so many things missed in 2020 I could also make a list of the things I got done using the extra time. Again as I write on such topics of motivation and such I say again that I am not better than anyone. You have the ability to make changes in your situation and it starts with a thought. Thought powered by the imagination, focused by the will, held strong by faith in yourself and your life purpose.

This week was very productive against a backdrop of ice and snow. Let’s see if we can do a TOP 10 updates from the week. Refill your coffee and let’s take a look.

  1. Additional “end of year” tax materials supplied for the fun part of filmmaking. We’re streamlining this process all the time to try and better the overall process.
  2. Our WW2 Christmas drama Silent Night In Algona is now formed as a corporation. We’ll open the account soon and start bringing on the funds. We still have a few units to assign but within 60 days of entering into pre-production. Casting has been full speed ahead with a national casting for our young lead. We’ve also been doing a lot of casting within the tribe of talent we’ve used before. The audition reads have been great to see the words ALIVE! I’m excited that we’ve almost got our lead family cast. We’ll announce that in a few weeks likely dripping them out or in pairs. This project will be a great story of love and unity set in small-town USA in 1944.
  3. I had a wonderful call from Darby Hinton, an actor best known for playing the young lead on the Daniel Boone TV show but has reoccurred or guest starred on many of the great shows of Hollywood. He was our ‘Gerald’ the shopkeep in WILD FAITH. He was one of the folks I offered a read on season 1 of ‘Hastings‘ the Wild Faith TV series. He called to tell me he wasn’t blowing smoke – he has read and been part of shows with great writing and THIS (tv series) is great writing. He said he reads at night (like myself) and to his wife’s regret he had to keep reading. He asked if I had writers meetings, other writers…to which my response was just me and the voices in my head:) I would ponder and spill notes out onto paper. From those legal pad notes I just dive in and start writing. I’m going to get the 8 shows edited up and ready for outside presentation. If you haven’t seen the pilot feature do yourself a favor. A fun film with a powerful message.
  4. Best Years Gone – So this week we prepped the new audio studio and I’m beyond thrilled that it is amongst the pines and forested fields that we’ll breath the audio and music into these stories. We will be rolling some new still photos out this week. I just might have a Valentine’s Day gift for our cast, crew and fans and I think we’ll give it to you on Sat. the 13th on the BYG Facebook page. Are you already part of that? If not come on over. We have some exciting things still in store including merchandise that is coming and the BOTB. (Battle of the Bands) I’m working to get that launched. We are also soon to have the next draft of the film edit now that Shane (our director) has given his new round of notes and adjustments. This film is heartfelt and will be funny for sure.
  5. The CDI website http://www.cdiproductions.com is undergoing updates. First you can now subscribe to the tribe which will become a center of updates. I even thought of my blog existing as a weekly send out. But the film pages are updated. Streaming is now connected to our distributor’s ENCOURAGE TV. Merchandise is slowly coming together with a few new items. This will explode by year’s end. We will also be doing artist spot lights and have some of their work on consignment. If you have any ideas feel free to drop a comment. From those subscribed we might start looking at pre-orders and that could allow some larger piece orders. Lunch box? Bobble heads? Posters?
  6. LOST HEART & MBF are the most recent releases. Both are growing their audience nicely and I so appreciate all the fan mail from folks. We’re not big festival folk at CDI but like to select a few. In my experience and opinion the festivals best serve if someone from your team can attend. But with everything going virtual you are essentially paying to have them do a free streaming of your work. But new circles of exposure and if people are truly impressed you can have lifelong fans. I’m a person who in the last handful of years I’ve not attended industry mixers and such. But with the absence of even my few – I’m looking forward to talking film and the arts not by phone or zoom. Again get up to speed with the CDI stories with a watch on these two films. Do you have a favorite CDI film? Comment and let me know.
  7. THE QUEST TRILOGY – The CDI Tribe earned their desert stripes with this trilogy of biblical adventure stories. I’m excited that PUREFLIX (Sony) is going to do a big push as a series to their viewers. Now with ad based Video on demand everyone can take a watch and experience the CDI films. These films have the trademark style and quality that you’ve come to expect from our storytellers at CDI. The bible is full of stories many untouched because of the R or X rated material suggested within. We haven’t tackle those stories but did find “unexplored territory” to address with our speculative storytelling. I think this is more interesting versus retelling the same handful of stories. I do have my next trilogy of stories to tell back in the sands but that is a way down the path.
  8. This year we will have SMOKE & MIRRORS finishing. This has no deadline so it got moved down the release line. But this decision allowed us to make some more aggressive choices on VFX work. I LOVE this short and I’m excited to see it develop into a full feature. I am retooling the feature based on the short film. Knowing locations really helps in planning the story. David Gries and Melissa Anschutz are MUST SEE in this film. But those that know their work will not be surprised in the least.
  9. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH‘ – the CDI associated with Red, White & Blue Project doc will start shooting again this month. I think we’ll have some sort of promo video for this documentary in the coming weeks.
  10. We also have something special coming from one of our crew/associate producer Nate Robertson. Nate was our foreman on the last film that set sail through the storm of Covid. Nate took a job that already had pressure and had it magnified by Covid procedural pressures. As a show of how our system at CDI is strengthening. The producers create a bubble of harmony for the set to exist within. Inside the set, the flow is controlled by the AD. The flow was there, time was managed and Nate was able to express some of his artistic self via a BTS video of sorts. I know we’re excited to see it. I think we’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

If I forgot anything it will have to wait until next chat. I’m going to make some good food and watch the football contest and the commercial creativity. I have a few emails/calls I might make to get a jump on my week. That is another good secret – work with people you truly enjoy. I never roll my eyes or stress over phone calls. They are always good touching of bases between fellow adventurers in life. We discuss our separate ventures, our shared ventures, and those yet to be made. I don’t have a close relationship with everyone as time won’t permit. But those who do know me truly, I think would speak well of my intent. My intent is to see dreamers win. I want you to break poor patterns and do better by yourself. If the artistic path is a true calling that calling grants faith in yourself and a purpose. The latter is priceless and exactly what is missing from many people. People who check many ‘success boxes’ yet still are unhappy. To me it’s like the moment when Obi-Wan puts the helmet on Luke to further test him against the remote droid. Reach out. In those moments of sensory deprivation if the calling is heard – have faith. If you don’t know ‘Star Wars’ you are now assuming I have had a stroke.

If storytelling is a great road winding up a mountain – many people are at various places some higher and some lower. What I’ve always prided myself on is being in good company at wherever place I’m at on the road. Climbing higher only changes the view but it’s still about the laughter and fellowship that accompanies the climb. And when my time comes to leave this world where I’m at is where I’m at. Always a work in progress. So the secret is enjoying the early struggles of beginning filmmakers or the challenges of the mid-road struggles – have friends on the journey of storytelling. Have friends outside the journey of storytelling. Have these things and your journey while unsure at times will not eat at you with stress. Living by ‘Best Efforts’ will allow one to laugh off the failures (with friend), toast the wisdom learned (with friends) and forever be the better person. Getting along with a little help from my friends.

Be good to one another.


Delayed Update – Cast & Crew ‘Lost Heart’ Premiere and more…

As I sit down by the fire with hazelnut coffee in hand I want to thank our new readers from Iceland, Austria and all around the world. This is one of those few times that I had to push a blog release to Monday. I do have a series of Sunday shoot days so I might have to post a few Monday’s but I will try to keep it as consistent as possible. I was just so tired after our weekend up in New Era with our cast and crew premiere for ‘Lost Heart’ the movie.

First I’m excited about the edited event show that will play around the Nov 7th and 21st Encourage TV showings. I will get a time for the event this week but I’m guessing a 7 pm start with event and film coming in at 3 hours. The film is roughly 2 hours and we had a great time with Nathaniel Nose (The Christ Slayer) directing and shooting the event. Many of the CDI tribe had extensive interviews. This week we’ll have our few call in interviews sent in for editing. It was all very exciting.

We producers were on the ground trying to gauge the weather. we went with a smaller screen than the outside drive-in inflatable giant because we would have had a Macy Day balloon which could have been cool but-no. We had music performed from Roanoke and Greg Hillebrand on sax, interviews, food and drink. The dance hall had giant barn doors and allowed us to keep air moving through there without being in the wind gusts.

The actual showing was great. Even speaking with director Jesse Low after the film we were surprised at the amount of crying, laughing and clapping during the climax of the film. Now we’re all extremely excited to bring this film into your homes for you to share. We have many more interviews and national media for this story. I think the film is really connecting with people with themes on family, love, small-town with big dreams and more. It was great to see so many of the other artists and I was even gifted an owl coffee mug from Josh Perry. Thank you my friend. And thank you to the CDI team that worked hard to put this event in play.

On a quick note before I move on to other updates but the 1st AD Sebastian Nanya on a project I did in NYC called THE ACTOR (Amazon Prime) unexpectedly died over the weekend from a heart attack I heard. He spent many years trying to get a film called BUDZ made and wanted me to play this character named ‘Cowboy’ 🙂 My point is that you need to keep at your dreams. He was in his 40’s and much too young to leave. It is all a lesson not to put off your passions until tomorrow. Engage your passion now.

Back to the films. I had a chance to meet with some fans of MBF: Man’s Best Friend and Wild Faith. One former vet was so appreciative of the film for bringing light to the plight of the wounded soldiers. THAT is why I love doing these films. Not the awards and accolades which are nice but the way these stories touch and help people. That is such an award in itself. Many audience members love the impact of MBF but several wish for a different outcome at the end. To know what I’m talking about tune in and see what I’m talking about. Encourage TV, Tubi, Amazon, Google, Pluto TV and more…

WILD FAITH TV spin-off HASTINGS talks are in high gear. I have a call tomorrow and I have info to send off to interested parties this week – what this all means I hope is that ‘Hastings’ could go early next year into production. It would mean putting the buckskins back on and giddy up.

SMOKE & MIRRORS is the short that we did with Nathaniel Nose and WOW! What a cool world and this short version is a great proof of concept. We watched with all the color correction, music and sound design and it is quirky and wonderful. Some CGI work is being done. I will finish the feature script this winter as we develop the full feature. This will be another great story for CDI to tell.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – This doc needs a string of interviews still but it is moving along. We have a new poster design and we’ll continue our hunt to find enthusiast of the grappling arts.

THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) – This powerful three part story is getting a big marketing push this holiday season including a quest trilogy trailer. As a life-long fan of the original Star Wars films we used them as a template for look – so if something seems akin in the look of the films, now you know where that comes from.

I’m sure I might have missed a few things. I need to get back on prep work for our next film BEST YEARS GONE filming soon. We gotta prep the future stories to share with the world. I hope you all tune in on Nov 7 and/or 21st for LOST HEART. I think you will truly enjoy it. Have a great week and be good to one another!


Experience Education, Spirit Excellence Awards…Looking to 2020!


Welcome back my friends. I hope each and everyone of you had a good Christmas time with family and friends. I’ve had a wonderful week of just eating, drinking, laughing with our family. We had several celebrations and I’ve had a nice time touching base with people. I’ll be spending time with some family and friends this eve which has me missing a really cool event. On Christmas Eve I received notice that I was selected to be recognized for ‘Producer of the Year‘ for the 2nd Annual SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE Media Mingle. Also ‘MBF: Man’s Best Friend‘ is being recognized for Feature Film of the Year. I’m beyond grateful for the recognition and I wish I could have attended. I did take the time to film two acceptance speeches and sent those over. I wish I could have been there in person but I need more than a week notice especially during this busy holiday season. But I am humbled and ever so appreciative to SOE and Skeeter Murray for this honor. Speaking of MBF…

MBF: Man’s Best Friend will also be playing Bedias, Texas Feb 9 at the Christian Film Festival. A film that plays awesome on the big screen.

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One of my 2020 goals is to be a bit more out-going on attending events/film functions. I am going to be in-person Jan 11 at 1:00-3:00 in Grand Rapids at Baker Book House event. I will give address next week but I’ll be reading one of the two stories I have in the book THE HORSE OF MY DREAMS. Come out and buy a book and I’ll sign it. I’ve had others ask and yes, bring any other ‘DJ Perry’ swag DVD, poster and I will be happy to sign that also.


So again I want to thank Skeeter Murray who does a great job highlighting mid-west talent. Congrats to all the recognized artists and I’m truly sorry to miss the ‘media strut‘ – gotta love it! When I saw the awesome awards poster I had to laugh because they chose a pic from our “Wild Bunch” film fest adventure in AZ. Of course I’m the only one on the poster with sunglasses on. It’s my Snoopy “Joe Cool” tribute. (See pic at the TOP)

But seriously, being from the middle of the state I don’t keep up with the social film scenes in Detroit or the Grand Rapids area. This being a Detroit area event means even more to me. We are all Michigan. We’ve pulled a lot of great talent from the Detroit and Grand Rapids areas, so I know the talent here.  Happily, I’ve watched the artistic communities grow in Michigan, from the UP of Michigan to the small remote towns around the state, all due to technologic advances. To be given recognition with a Lansing zip code is a great honor. Making it happen in the LA (Lansing Area) was our joke back in the day.


I had an unpopular opinion of the film incentives only from a filmmaker stance. Those giant studio films can drive up rental expectations to the smaller outfits. More Michigan artists opportunities needed to be present vs the import of casts and crews. A film grant fund would be my choice. Qualified companies who have a track record of existing in the state for several years, eliminating the rush of new companies wanting to bite on the fund. Plus make the filmmakers come pitch their projects to a committee vs all this social begging. Help them learn to exist in real business environments vs seeking the short cut or easy path. As we know, those who use short cuts or take the easier path usually rob themselves of their experience education. Don’t shy away from the hard work you will need that grit later in your career. I HAVE SPOKEN. Guess who got Disney Plus for Christmas?


Did anyone watch all 6 of these films this holiday season? I had a steady stream of beautiful fan mail from many of you over the holidays. I had many contact me over the biblical adventure trilogy to thank us and tell how their family really enjoyed the stories. I had Ben Lily fans reach out and number one question was about the TV series. And of course ‘Paul’ from MBF has a growing fan club out there. I enjoyed hearing from so many veterans and their families. The pleasure and honor is all ours.

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I had one rather amusing communication that a fan of one of my actor/producers was supporting them. She had watched several of the CDI films and she saw I was also into film. She recommended a few films I should watch made in OUR state. One was WILD FAITH and the other MBF, both feature great actors she said. I decided to have some fun and asked her about her favorite scenes. She replied that she loved all the rich characters in ‘Wild Faith’. In MBF she loved ‘Paul,’ especially the “bar scene” and thought the female prosecuting attorney was a real b@%$!. Yes, Melissa Anschutz, did bring it as the prosecutor.


Overall it was fun to have someone recommend our films and give a few of her favorite scenes. I don’t always get such open and honest feedback. She tickled me when she replied she’ll stop telling her favorite scenes so she did not ruin these two great movies for me:) If I come across that communication again, I will have to let her off the hook. But she did make me smile. So during these winter months, please do take the time to watch our films and share your thoughts with me. I hope we make some of you smile.


Talking about smiling – LOST HEART – We’re closing in on what will likely be our locked picture cut. We had a good meeting over the work flow to post sound just before the holidays hit. It will be really exciting to see music and sound sweetening begin. I’m extremely happy with the progress of this film. The story is dramatic with humor set within being told by a great group of quirky characters.


Onward to 2020! 

I talked about development quite a bit last week. Things haven’t changed much on that front. We’re going to have fun evaluating some new projects. My screen writing assignment will continue as I close in on the first 1/3 of the script. So much great work to be done in 2020. I’ve been organizing everything here and prepping for the next wave of stories to be told. This is when you make those goals. Write them down. Look at what you achieved and what fell short. Look again at how you spend your time. Whom you spend your time with. Keep those toxic elements afar. Don’t be distracted by shiny objects. You would be surprised what even one day full of focused work, not scrolling FB, can create. Remember it is the journey not just the destination my friends. Be brave. One foot ahead of the other. As you encounter one another – Be good to one another. I’ll see you all next year!



Exciting Updates. New Joy. A Few Nuggets of Wisdom

So I’m balancing my laptop as I sip my coffee and try to type. Lulu our cat has taken an interest in our new little furry boy Finn. Daphne our other dog is taking her time to warm up. It took her 3-4 days with Luke before he was totally accepted and it was a lifelong love affair from there. Little Finn has all the same courageous and brave attributes. He was his puppy pack leader. He’s slept great for two nights now and has had zero accidents. He had the outside potty down from his two visits. Play, sleep, explore and eat. Repeat as needed. It was an emotional tear to put this bundle of joy over the pain of losing Luke too soon. I joked that Luke’s ‘force ghost’ is coming to Finn and teaching him all the fun stuff as we sleep. He is his own little man but he will definitely be the new cuddle king and will grow into the protector. Even last night on the back porch Daphne was barking at the top of the stairs at whatever critter was wandering the yard to collect food. Finn ran up beside her to give his support. They shared a sniff as if to say, “I got this” and Finn bounced down the stairs first. No lack of bravery. After a hard month of loss in October the month of November is shaping up to be a thankful one.


This past couple weeks has been extremely busy with the movie business. I remember being in the midst of the storm, working five projects with different artists. Finishing sound design, listening to musical score, VO and title credits approvals, new trailer, new posters, finalizing deals, development but before frustration could ever sit in, I felt blessed.


I get to work with all these fellow artists creating beautiful stories. I get to watch such talented actor friends become these roles. I know the hard work that our crews gave each day so that we could assemble the pieces.  I was moved by the music that just injected the scenes with hair-raising emotion. What are these developments? A few early spoilers before the PR releases.

A plot forms

  1. The Wild Faith phase one deal is done. An actual purchase of the property will take place before a TV series moves forward. But that has to wait because as the kick off film in a new partnership/division WILD FAITH will be going into theaters in March 2019. This will be a wider release vs our limited showcase that did very well. We’ve added a new narrator that will start and end our story. He will be well-known to almost everyone and our own Melissa Anschutz got to be in-studio with him in Nashville. There is your hint:) We started delivering elements to the distributor and we’ll deliver the film later next week. The theatrical screens could be tens, hundreds or even a thousand plus as that is what is in their network. They LOVE the film and we know that this film is very timely so I hope many get to see it on the big screen. But any number of screens over our 10 or so we did on our own will be viewed as a success.DJ Perry as Jesus in THE CHRIST SLAYER
  2.  THE CHRIST SLAYER is looking and sounding so powerful. It had a great response at mipcom and AFM markets. The new poster art is beautiful. We’ll be announcing that with our release dates that will include 2/4/19 broadcast/digital, 3/4/19 DVD and national “special event” Easter theatrical showings in April. This is all being done through BMG with their theatrical partnership. I’m so EXCITED to see this film on the big screen. Model building, digital matte paintings and more make this one of the largest scale movies we’ve produced.BMG Master
  3.  We have a batch of new teasers inviting families to watch FORTY NIGHTS and already CHASING THE STAR is being add to many Christmas line ups. I encourage you to take a watch or purchase for your collection. If you enjoyed the experience leave your thoughts on IMDB.com or Amazon. Both are on Amazon Prime along with many other great platforms and networks. Screen Shot 2018-11-18 at 9.47.14 AM
  4. MBF also made an early appearance at the film markets. We’ve had major interest including in the theatrical. A rough trailer made an appearance at AFM and we’ve polished it up and will announce Tuesday when and where audiences can see it. Also the first official poster will be released. Here is the bottom half of it above. MBF was one of my, if not my most vulnerable roles emotionally. After seeing the trailer and about 30 minutes of the rough cut I think I’ve succeeded in honoring the most important people, our vets. Dog lovers will also enjoy this story because it rings of truth. So much that ANIMAL PLANET is making it one of their featured shows on “Amanda to the Rescue” on Sunday nights. I’m told it’s one of the later shows. Teaserpostcard2
  5. Development. LOST HEART. Often when I write I sometimes have someone in mind. I know literally thousands of actors and that gives good imaginative fuel  to me as a writer. That doesn’t mean that the casting always falls that way, sometimes my imagination gives the better read. But often it works out and that leaves only a few castings to find. We’ve started to get in a few requested reads. The response to the script has been very good. I had good talks about it with our distributor. I’m excited about the upcoming slate of movies that CDI will produce. The theatrical aspect will be incorporated into this new production deal. Yes. PR will be coming out on this as we enter into the new year. 2019 will be exciting. IMG_3164

My last point that can be applied to your own situations. First, vet people, companies and projects. Valuable time can be wasted from your personal or business time on unrealistic or unattainable goals. I’m an optimist for sure but no matter how high I train to jump the peak of Everest will still remain out of my reach. But a path. Many, many steps. Good prep and planning and the goal of reaching the top is possible. Others profit from your time or efforts if you make it or not. These are dangerous people and performance is key. Actions vs words. I see many more projects getting launched and finished. At my various meetings I still hear the horror stories and they often include the same names over and over. So do yourself a favor and be careful  where you put your trust and energy. This weekend while concluding some business with an executive I received this added note which I have to say made my day.

BTW – thank you for the business partnership and friendship. It’s relationships like ours that I can point to as the reason why I love what I do.

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Generations of Collective Development Inc. directors

People have often looked for an agenda in me because of my kindness. It’s real. I can be tough when required and the trick is not to be tough on a new contact because of scars from old business wounds. I am proud of what I’ve done with others in this lifetime. I hope I have many more stories to tell before someone adds a RIP next to my name. The truth is we don’t really know. So how I get to my goals is more important to me versus just getting them at all cost.  My goals will not be obtained by stepping on people or screwing people over. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not perfect. I’ve made unpopular decisions. I’ve miscommunicated before. I’ve unintentionally hurt feelings. But my actions on this path tell people I’m sincere. This is my path. Like me. Dislike me. Nobody can question my dedication to the hard path.

Furthermore, If several projects that your associated with keep having issues, is it bad luck that you keep stepping into? Or are you part of the issue as a common denominator? Passing blame is weak and poor leadership. Accountability is power, take it. We’ve had various small bumps while working on all these projects associated with several films. Any bad communication is always my bad. I spend a good amount of effort trying to keep the communication lines strong and proper. Some days it can be difficult managing but once a good flow is established things really do flourish.

Enjoy the harvest of November. Be grateful for what came to be. Reflect and take accountability for what did not. How can you make a positive change and increase the harvest next year? Do the kind of business you wish to receive.

Have a great week ahead. Watch for those PR releases.


Home is Michigan

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Again Michigan is covered in a blanket of white snow. I know that many of you are from various parts of the world. Welcome readers from S. Korea and Burma. How wonderful that all these artistic people have found our little corner of the internet. My hazelnut coffee is going down easy and I’ve got a list of updates on several of the projects. This morning I did take a stroll through the Facebook which has kind of replaced the newspaper sadly. I usually find science articles to read and enjoy certain animal posts that highlight how intelligent and soulful animals truly are. Where to begin?

I commented on a fellow filmmaker’s vent this morning. In short – a disdain for people who have more resources or who falsely claim experience. It’s a problem but one that usually works itself out. We use to lovingly refer to it as The Oregon Trail. For us older people it was a TSR-80 game. But in real history it was a rugged journey that resulted in many dying and being buried along the Oregon Trail. We use that saying to describe the many in our business who perished along the trail.

Many people have long-wondered what the “trick” is at CDI to producing their content. First, there is no trick. It is a logical checklist of work that must be done in a particular order. You can refine that over time but this takes an effort. Good management of people is something that you cannot buy for yourself. There is no piece of equipment you can purchase that will motivate good work flow. Some of the secrets, if you wanna call it that  are…

  1. Hire artists firsts not friends – you can become friends (True definition not Facebook’s) through shared art, dependability, accountability and positive collaboration. But to assign/hire someone unqualified for a crew or cast role out of friendship hurts the collective endeavor and often the friendship. Don’t set people up to fail. Don’t let preventable failure lower the quality of your projects or worse yet – kill it. I think for young filmmakers that is where these 48 hour film challenge things help. With a youthful generation of highly creative, technology-adept youths INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION is a learned skill. It is easy to be disrespectful, behind a computer. But these comments in the real world to a real person, can get you kung fu’d, fired or create a poison in an otherwise productive creative atmosphere.
  2. Chiefs. I’m talking to company owners. I’m talking to producers, director and keys. You all set the tone for the environment. Define the roles ahead of time. Don’t figure it out as you go. Producers have months or years of development work before any camera roll – use it. Creative MUST respect the Business machine and the business must respect the artistic contributions that will elevate it above being a mere formula genre film. Only strong leadership can walk this balance between the two and enforce this kind of collaboration. NEED vs WANT…KNOW the DIFFERENCE.
  3. Follow Through – this means the same in micro as in macro – for anyone in the chain of execution. You NEED people with follow through or they’re simply a negative – excuses not withstanding. It does not matter what the creative potential of an individual is if they’re not able to follow through.  This should always disqualify/limit a person from leadership. Now you can put creative slackers under a disciplined key so they can be exposed and maybe learn from leadership. Ego will sometimes make them reject the chain of command if they feel they are a superior artist. The best artist in our world has follow through and a “best effort” positive attitude.  Again, the best artist is not always JUST the best artist but the best artist with follow through. If a creative caterer made half a crew lunch = fail. Someone at go time had collected only half the props = fail. Wrong instructions as to where to park support vehicles = fail. Hundreds of things a day can cause strife on a film set if your team is not properly prepared. Be prepared.
  4. Help is not weakness – many people have not learned the many important lessons from managing projects of various sizes and budgets. People need to know when to say NO or to seek out and hire the proper experience. But either greed or fear of loss of power, causes many to sell themselves onto projects that they are truly unqualified for. F- YOU DJ! YOU GOTTA START SOMEWHERE! Okay. Settle down, I hear you:) Now in the beginning, I might have been one of those people. But, I did qualify as a doer of many other things.  Some of these things small and some large in other areas of my life. I have always been someone who has a natural drive to GET IT DONE if I’m behind something. Investors saw that eye of the tiger in me. Investor interest seldom comes from a fancy fluff package or a regurgitation of business buzz words – more often that investor see’s or feels something in you that was/is akin to his own inner fire.

OK. I need to save a little wisdom:) But I try to keep a pulse on this Michigan film community.  I see positives and negatives. Michigan has always fought the ‘backwoods’ mentality given to us by Hollywood. Funny thing is much of the Hollywood elite is midwestern. But I will say that I see improvements. Tax incentives gone – my opinion – it never should have been about drawing work to Michigan but development of work from within Michigan. But it did help legitimize filmmaking as an acceptable title here in Michigan. Ask old-timers and MI filmmakers from the 80’s and 90’s, about being called a filmmaker. It was like telling your family you want to be an astronaut. It was usually met with a sideways stare and a loss of words.

Now people don’t sideways stare at me they simply want to know when the next film releases. They tell me they have young children interested in filmmaking. It’s great to see the parent support of these young dreamers. I burned out on festivals a decade ago but I respect all the great festivals our state has to showcase, network and nurture our creatives. I watch the yearly migration to the west coast where people learn that the increase in opportunities is usually matched by the increase in applicants. But many have to experience it. I will be out there for a week on some business this month. I’m looking forward to seeing some friends and associates. Oh, and the sun. But after a few I must return home.  Home is Michigan.

Emmett in woods

Shane Hagedorn’s big shoulders to carry his first feature


We master the film off this week and I’ve got some meetings coming up over home video/foreign. The TV series is something that I’ve been aggressively chasing. I think it would be great for Michigan. I know a few other TV series working to get traction. How great would it be to have a string of TV shows happening. We’ve also been hard at work on securing theaters. We’ll be announcing soon as several deals are almost done. I do truly love the genre and I think it would be great to see weekly as a show. Once you watch the movie let me know.


If you cannot wait and need a fix of 1800’s action/drama our Civil War film “Wicked Spring” is getting a re-release 16 years later. 18 years from when cameras first rolled. We shot the pre-war and war stuff in two separate shoots and areas. I’m waiting for the streaming link to go live on amazon. 2/5/18 is supposed to be digital release date. DVD’s on 3/5/18. Here is the new cover that the distributor settled on. It has one of my favorite pics from the shoot and it is of Anthony Hornus, who played the Union commander. Also that’s Michigan’s Brad Egan front and center marching forth.

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Look for this cover that has the remastered film. Also the DVD includes a 45 min Making of that is a wonderful look back at producing 18 years ago. Please do take a watch.

Cool look at the TOP Civil War Films


We’ll be posting places you can buy/rent as they go live on

Wicked Spring Facebook 


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Are you ready for another look at Part 3 of…


Forty Nights and Chasing the Star are working into more platforms and networks. The push will start for Easter sales. I’m excited that the poster and movie trailer for The Christ Slayer part 3 is almost done. As if the excitement of “Wild Faith” wasn’t enough this first full trailer will allow BMG to start promotions. It is amazing the scope of it all and it brings the greater story of the trilogy together and answers many questions.

SIDE NOTE: Forty Nights is part one and if you don’t know I play Jesus. I’m over due on a few character reels but this one was hard. When you’re in about 70 min of a 88 min film or so and you are looking for 2-3 min sizzle it can prove to be…difficult. My actor/filmmaker buddy Shane Hagedorn knew I’ve been very busy the last few years working on the whole. He surprised me with a character reel of Jesus. I will be sharing that with you all in the coming days. I always ask that one good role just gets me one more. This will come in handy as I’ve got a few things in the works hence the LA trip.

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Many have asked me what’s next for me on-screen. As we’re always working on delay – this year you can watch me as mountain man Ben Lily in “Wild Faith” and reprising my role as Jesus in “The Christ Slayer” film. I’ve got some good film role options that I’m not at liberty to discuss. It might be the year that several development collaborations pop. I can say that the main focus for me is MBF. (Man’s Best Friend) We’ve accepted  collaboration with a military non-profit http://www.theredwhiteandblueproject.org/ that has done some great things in the past for our soldiers. They want to off-set some of our military cast/crew costs and create an educational aspect. That aside we’re trying to complete financing on this project and we’re getting close. I am excited about this project and I think so will you once you find out more about it. Here is our social media site.

MBF: facebook 


I could go on and one but I have some snow to shovel and I’m prepping to do personal tax prep tomorrow.  Coffee cup is low.

Be good to one another!





Week’s Top Eight Updates

IMG_3164Good morning to all of you out there. I’m happy to see all the readers from our Canadian neighbors, Germany, China, Australia and more… if you think someone might benefit from a read please do share our blog site. I’ve been sipping the coffee this morning as I ponder what I should discuss. The holidays are now truly behind us. The beautiful Christmas tree is now seasoning by the woodpile to give fire starting material as the last years tree does now. We had a touch of warm yesterday that melted some of the snow and had all the animals out enjoying the day and gathering food. I’ve been sharing some old peanut butter holiday cookies with the squirrels each day. Now they look in my windows as if to say – hey now.

So this week has been full of steady work and so I think I will random a few of these updates out there.

  1. End-of-the-year tax work on the movies. It’s not the most fun you’ll have in film but it comes with the territory. If you aren’t doing that work you’re likely a hobbyist and aren’t accountable for anyone’s money. Hobbyist is fine but when you do start working in film professionally do your required work. I see people who want to just play and I understand that but paying people (which requires tax work), union, insurance, state filings… the biz of showbiz. I want to thank my hardworking team. I’ve said it before, it is not easy to do things right and even with best efforts we make mistakes. But when people don’t even try…
  2. We’re banking more capital on CDI’s next movie MBF (Man’s Best Friend) and still in talks to assign the final units. We’ve got several projected plans pending what happens in the next few weeks. People think raising money is easy and it is not. Even when you stay on budget, schedule, assured distribution to the marketplace, talented artists – it can still be difficult. I think with the tax change it had many pausing until the new year. But we’ll lock it up soon.
  3. So “Chasing the Star” has been submitted to ICFF and the Crown Awards by our distributor. It was a strong Christmas season and we’ll start to feel that in the next few months. The biblical adventure is a worthy watch at any time of the year. As Easter approaches BMG will keep pushing both “Forty Nights” and “Chasing the Star” we also are expanding into more foreign territories. I think Germany was most recent. Also what a great fan responses over the holidays. Thank you for all the communications.

BREAKING – So a good case point/example. I was sipping coffee and typing to all of you when I got a communication from one of my producers asking for additional info for our tax reporting. Forty minutes later – I’m back. But it’s why I don’t run the streets hard like I did as a younger man. Business pops up and you have to try to be prepared to keep the train a rolling. More coffee vs whiskey and more tea versus wine but I do still enjoy the sip with company. Being well rested is another key. Many people openly brag about how run ragged they are and how little sleep and such. It’s worn proudly like a badge of honor. But I don’t see a badge nor honor. I see a person admit that their time management is not good and likely most of their endeavors are wrought with mistakes and oversights due to being “tired”… put a spin on tired if you want but it still just plays as tired. Look how hard I work! Maybe look how smart I work is better. It’s the angst of the living artist. Look at me I’m suffering. Yes, when dreams are just outside your reach there is suffering. Usually self-induced suffering because we look at what we want and don’t have versus what we have and use that as steps to a new place. So in 2018 if you’re one of those who takes on too much – do less and do it well versus more and tired. I think you will like the changes it makes around you.

4. The Christ Slayer is locking up VFX and will move into studio for sound and music. The trailer will get a mix before releasing in a couple of weeks. The first poster is also looking to release next month. I’m excited to bring the last chapter of the trilogy to audiences and let them enjoy them individually or together.

5) Wild Faith. Yes. Quite the buzz building over this powerful 1800’s story. That time period is a favorite of many of us at CDI. We watched the most recent pass of the color correction with the theatrical 5.1 surround mix. WOW! Meetings this week about the premiere opportunities and theatrical roll out. I’ve had a few more talks on the TV series and I’m feeling good. Good about the fact that once people are brought into the town of Hastings, Michigan in 1875. Once they meet and grow close to the lovable characters in Wild Faith, that a TV series will happen. I am going to talk to broadcast sponsors also. I would love a MI based series as it would allow us to work with many artists in our state. If this is the first time hearing about this film look up the trailers, Facebook page or website.

6. WEBSITE – Collective Development Inc. is revamping its website to take us into the new years ahead. http://www.cdiproductions.com is still under construction but it will be a place for a) better casting info for people b) A streaming community with interviews, film advice, BTS and a movie watching club. c) Merchandise. I’ve been asked over the years about merchandise. I LOVED it as a kid, okay and as an adult. We will be seeking to enhance this area. Lunch box? Action figure? Posters?

7. The animated division is going to get more attention. Why? As a kid I loved cartoons and so why not. “The Patchwork Girl of Oz” is on Vimeo On Demand and will be releasing to Amazon. We’re also in talks on another collaboration that will be animated. More soon.

8. I’m reading a few scripts and I have several to get back to that I started before Christmas. Most are from past collaborators bringing new projects forth to see if I/CDI would be interested in involvement. Yes. I do enjoy going to work on other’s projects – it really is about the role and compensation is also a factor. I’m also trying to do my daily script writing but actually it’s been only a few times a week. Organize that time. I try to take my own advice.


This is me returning a handful of hours later. That business work can take over that fast. I’m sure I might have missed a few updates but some of the deals are highlighted here.  I hope you all have a productive week.

Be good to one another.





Films, Books, Posters and Other CDI Updates!


Good morning! Yesterday we awoke to a beautiful dusting of snow upon the ground in Michigan. The word is that the south is getting much more now and poor CA is just getting torched by wild fires. We had the first of our family Christmas gatherings yesterday and it was a true joy. Last week all our meetings were touched with the holiday spirit. My main push has been trying to communicate with all our potential investors and lock up the last units on MBF (Man’s Best Friend). The money aspect is never easy. I do see more people out there working to give confidence to investors and stand accountable vs asking for handouts. We’ve been through all that so I’m not going to beat that dead horse. What an awful saying, wonder what that originated from? Anyway…


Let me make a go at trying to share some of the great happenings this week –

A great promotional campaign by Christian Cinema features the entire trilogy. Forty Nights, Chasing the Star are both part of their 12 days of Christmas. The Christ Slayer even gets a plug all with the first trailer of Joaquin Phoenix‘s new biblical adventure. He is one of my favorite actors and also plays Jesus. It would be fun to have a beer with him and talk about our experiences in doing so.

Our distributor BMG also has a campaign with Amazon and they cut a trailer to promote CHASING THE STAR. As of today it has been seen by 213,000 folks. ANYTHING can be picked apart and because of some people’s “need to be right” or need to “appear in the knowing” – many often miss the greater lessons. All three films have great messages placed within them. Just like denominations you can debate the fine details but many spend so much time doing this that again they miss the greater message. Empty your cup and just enjoy the journey.

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Here is an example – we ran a PR release on one of our co-stars in next year’s The Christ Slayer.


A beautiful casting choice that should inspire people to open their minds of acceptance as Jesus likely would have. This was posted all over social media and yet one person, a loudly proclaiming member of the organized religion of Christianity, made me shake my head. I did note they do some filming of sorts, but rather than see the beauty of the story, they chose to voice negativity in a passive aggressive way. Because they claim that at the time of Christ,  down syndrome may or may not have existed. Surely being with a handicap or dealing with disabilities DID exist and that IS what is being represented. I feel DEEP pity for the shallow nature and deep pits of despair that some people chose to exist in. As I stated, all features are fiction even if they represent non-fiction events or happenings. I myself have noted blatant things in films that are not likely true to history, but I always know I’m watching a story.  I try to think before I speak so even when I too fall victim to a negative thought or reaction, I’m not ruled by it. I overcome it. I will not be a person living in a glass house throwing stones at others. To those rock throwers- I’m also ready to watch your filmed story so I can be shown how it’s really done. Most of those asked to present their art would stand alone in their negativity surrounded by the shattered glass of their own actions and deeds. Don’t be one of those people. But also if you ask for feedback you do have to accept feedback although, many could learn to communicate their ideas much better. So in actuality I just feel pity for these folks. I have no room in my life for these people and they surely don’t deserve counter-hate. Hate is a powerful emotion on par with love – so instead in 2018 these people will get my pity, no more. 2018 is the year of “Mister T” philosophy. In ROCKY III – When asked if he hated Rocky, he replied, “I don’t hate Balboa, I pity the fool.” – Lesson: Don’t be a fool.

BMG Master

Chasing the Star is now in the UK and Netherlands and I hope to bring more updates soon.

UK Celebrates the Release of ‘Chasing the Star



Also happy to announce that our children’s animated feature “The Patchwork Girl of Oz” will get a 2018 release. Follow the social media site here for news and updates.



You know I like to give my blog family the first news – as many of you know WILD FAITH our western is almost done. We were watching and making notes on the new theatrical trailer and WOW! This film originated in concept in another script I wrote many years ago entitled WILD MICHIGAN. It was wrought with hardships from the writer’s strike, dishonest Hollywood companies and even an investor who was killed. To see a beautiful story at the heart of so much pain and discouragement it was shelved. I was ready to leave it there. But fast forward many years and a new streamlined version of the script was created. It was shot for about 1/10 the original budget. It was shot because of passion for the story and themes which remained true to the original. That previous script/film never got made. In truth, it was one of the few real ‘failures’ in my career. So when the opportunity came to release the book written by author Dee Freeman off my original first draft script – I decided to honor that film. To do this we did not change the book to match the new script/film. It stands on its own as a tribute to a different attempt at a film. A different story whereas even several of the characters have different names. But some themes remain and if you want to read this earlier version here is the sales link. I will be doing some PR in the coming weeks. I hope you will take a read on the film that almost was. Following that, in a few short months you can watch the film that IS. Either way, this amazing film had important messages and themes and wasn’t meant to die on a shelf. I’m thankful for that.

Other books will follow…CDI Publishing is born:)




Other Updates

The PR on the new 2018 release of “Wicked Spring” will be forthcoming.

The NEW Collective Development Inc. website will launch Jan. 15th, 2018.

The Official first poster and second trailer for THE CHRIST SLAYER is getting close. They will be released early in 2018!  Makes sure to watch Part 1 & 2.

Several development projects in the works and I even agreed to participate in a non-profit project shooting one day this month. It will be nice getting back in front of my old friend – the camera.

I hope you all enjoy the season and make that extra effort to be kind to strangers and family alike. Put down the stones and your hate and see how that feels. Note that the energy flows both ways.


Speaking of energy I’ve been using Maple Holistic‘s Eucalyptus essential oil for my sinus flow. I again would recommend the brand for those who use oils. Thank you Maple Holistic’s for allowing me to share with my circle. For a free sample –  ( https://www.mapleholistics.com/free-sample/ )-

Be good to one another!




TEN Exciting Updates on this Fine November Day.


I’m listening to the icy rain outside – thankfully I got most all the yard winterized. I had a GIANT branch larger than most trees, trimmed. (Ruby’s Tree Service in Lansing) It had grown over the house and path to the office. It was big enough that the roof and house might slow it down if it fell. That said, it is now down and while part of the yard is littered with logs I will have lots of firewood for the coming seasons. I had a Viking Thursday that started early with stowing all the yard stuff under the deck and ended with a little whiskey sipping around the wood stove with a few ole friends. Let’s look at a few updates from a week of business.


  1. AFM (American Film Market) is over and we had both FORTY NIGHTS and CHASING THE STAR being pushed. We have deals underway with several foreign companies/networks for release. Asia, UK, Netherlands and more…stay tuned for news as they close. I have to say it is nice to have good reports coming in vs the sad song many past distributors would cry about how bad the market was…blah…blah… It’s all about the people and the integrity of doing business.
  2. Amazon likes Chasing the Star as a possible featured film in December. Here is their directions to assist us – Ask as many people as you can (who have Amazon Prime) to watch CHASING THE STAR on Prime’s streaming service (here’s the web address: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Star-Yancy-Butler/dp/B074PWRYWF/ref=tmm_aiv_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= ) … if they’ve already watched it elsewhere, they can just play it all the way through while they do something else (no fast forwarding), then write a positive review and rate it highly. They don’t need to get carried away with their comments – just be truthful and positive. Those end to end views of the film, followed by positive reviews, help drive the Title to locations on Prime’s homepage which make it easier for others to run across it and (hopefully) watch. 
  3. Forty Nights is playing on the BIG screen TONIGHT in Bedias, Texas TONIGHT Nov. 12th see INFO here – https://www.facebook.com/events/177914439433028/
  4. The NEW Collective Development Inc. website will be launching Jan. 1st and we’ve got lots of great things developing with that endeavor.
  5. Development talks at one of my favorite studio/networks has begun. We will see,  I don’t want to jinx anything but initial pitch had some initial interest.
  6. Discussions on development with CDI and certain Indian/Bollywood entities continues. Both to release CDI product and create new film product.
  7. Wild Faith VFX work is in full swing and the first low res drafts were VERY good. I’m happy to report that in the next week or two that the visual will be locked up including VFX. End credit work has also started.
  8. The Christ Slayer VFX work (much more) is moving right along and I got to see some of the newly altered scenes. It looks like major studio work and I’m excited to see if finished.
  9. Staying on The Christ Slayer film- the first official poster is almost done. I’ve seen all the previous versions and so I’m excited to see our final.
  10. MBF (Man’s Best Friend) solidified another investor unit this week and we announced three of our actors. One being a tried and true we’ve worked with many times (Dean Teaster) and two young actors that will be working with us for the first time. Shooting is still targeting March 2018. A shout out to all those who served in our armed forces.


Aside from that, it was a week of disappointment in my alumni school Michigan State University. In football we’ve been doing good but Ohio hit us like Mr. T’s Clubber Lang in Rocky 3. We will see if the Lions do better today. The house Halloween stuff got put away and the Thanksgiving stuff is out. Soon the Christmas tree and I for one can’t wait. I love having a tree in the house. I find it inspiring. So those of you in the reach of the cold, stay warm. I hope you have a productive week and spend some good time with friends and family.


Be good to one another.


Pushing Christmas Sales and Prepping to Attack 2018!

I’m sipping coffee on this peaceful Sunday. Beside me is a new 5 gal of Green Goblin 3.0 wine started on Halloween and by 11/4 on the full moon it was bubbling like a possessed spirit had invaded it. See what I did there? The spirit, okay back to the blog. New readers/followers from The Netherlands, welcome. Readers from Israel has been following us and again, thank you. I love this space – open for artists to stop by and listen to a story or two. To get a few updates and let you know that these battles we fight to create our art are natural. Part of the process of healing people with the power of a story. A medium that weaves so many emotions through so many of the human senses.



It’s been a strong week of organization and prepping to move into 2018. New announcements on MBF, our next CDI film. We added David Gries and Shane Hagedorn two other fine artists. I’ve worked with both of them and these roles are in caring hands. March will be a nice mix of old and new talent working together.   This coming week I plan to open the bank account. Small steps on the path to production.

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American Film Market is underway and BMG has Forty Nights and Chasing the Star there right now. We made some announcements that the films were making their way to the UK. I also see evidence that Asia might be getting the films next. I was notified of a Singapore government ratings for Forty Nights. I will seek to confirm but I really do hope that our fans to the East can enjoy these beautiful films.

babtism of one

Domestically our recent goal now that we’re past Halloween, has been making people aware of the first two films in the marketplace for Christmas. Amazon Prime now has both FORTY NIGHTS and CHASING THE STAR. Watch them back to back and if you enjoyed them give them a little word of mouth or post a review. I think those films are just starting to travel a long journey of being exposed to artists worldwide.


THE CHRIST SLAYER is the 3rd film in the trilogy and it’s moving right along. We released a still of it being worked on in post VFX. (Here)


This third film will bring things together nicely. The poster is on the 3rd draft and getting stronger with each one. This film is preparing to enter music and sound design in Jan 2018.


For that to go in WILD FAITH needs to come out. The music first draft is DONE save tweaks and end credit roll. We’ll start putting that together now. I have high hopes that once the film is done the full merit of a series will be seen. We’re soon to sit and watch the film with the music in. Right now mixing and balancing is underway. The 10 sec of remaining VFX footage is what we’re dealing with still. But the plan is in motion and I’m confident we’ll complete that shortly.


Knight Chills 20th Anniversary

We’ve also been delivering materials to our distributor for WICKED SPRING. It is an interesting feeling bringing that film to the forefront again. I did that role 17 years ago. Crazy. KNIGHT CHILLS had a new release with the book this year and that is a great little Christmas story. I’m smiling – but I will admit for people who have not been exposed to my work having KNIGHT CHILLS, FROM VENUS or IN THE WOODS be your intro is…scary. Zac, Frank and Alex are all great roles just not current representations. These films like others have gathered fans to which again I’m appreciative. My debate as of late was to accept invitations to participate in Comic Cons on occasion to celebrate these old works. I guess as I pondered it I got a touch of insight into Jeff Daniels who wants to be known for his dramatic excellence but people often just remember DUMB & DUMBER. How many sick, lonely, troubled and just bored people did that film make laugh? Giving relief by way of 90 mins of humor. Who are we to judge what people will enjoy? Hence art is subjective. Also some of these early films had so many rocks thrown at them. Some justified but many just the rise of the troll in this new medium of inter-webs:) I still hear the AOL dial-up. But if people can embrace these films more power to them. At the 15th anniversary to sit in the Alamo theater (Kazoo) and watch people shout, laugh and play the drinking game associated with IN THE WOODS was a joy. As we move through the present towards the future we must always make peace with our past. I’m getting there. I’m looking into the “Appearance circuit” although I’ve always wanted people to see the characters before the actor. I have met thousands of fans over the years and I’m appreciative. Although I don’t appear at many of these events it’s because of new work. I had a distributor friend ask if I was going to be at AFM. (Film Market) Actually I’ve had many ask. I told this person I was in MI overseeing post on two films while we prep for our new one. I would like to attend an AFM in the near future.


In addition to MBF prep we’ve been reviewing and looking at several other CDI & CDI associated projects. I think we’re preparing for another strong slate on films. As always I really do appreciate you stopping by. I hope the season is productive and wish you all a strong week ahead.


Week Wrap Up – Trailers, Festivals and Future Films


The hazelnut coffee is flowing and I’m ready to sit down with all of you for a few fine moments. On our way back last night from visiting our furry brown buddy at the MSU Animal Hospital, a LUGNUT baseball game was happening. The downtown was filled with people of all colors and nationalities. I remember noting how proud of the diversity of Lansing, Michigan. We’ve got our issues like everyone else with crime stemming from poverty and bad choices. But those differences are again what makes our lives so interesting. Just like various foods, clothes and customs – all add to the spectrum of our daily lives. From Northwestern Elementary school to Otto Middle to Sexton High to LCC and MSU – diversity. Embrace it.


One of the weekly highlights was the release of the 1st teaser trailer for “The Christ Slayer,” the third film in THE QUEST TRILOGY.  Read about it here and included within is the new trailer.


Chasing the Star just played Lanett City Film Festival and I hope the people there enjoyed the showing. We’ve got a few more big screen showings in the works. More on that once we get the deals done. The film releases to DVD on September 5th with Bridgestone Multimedia Group.

PRE-ORDER DVD – https://www.christianbook.com/chasing-the-star/9781945788239/pd/889043

Forty Nights continues to give audiences a look at the first film in the trilogy. I cannot wait until all three of the films can be watched together.

On the development note I have been working on the next three films in THE CONQUEST TRILOGY.

WILD FAITH – Our post Civil War western has lots of themes that I think need to be examined. The film is having VFX work done and music. We’ll likely finish the film at the end of the year and perhaps play for cast and crew before a 2018 theatrical followed by home video. I hope to release a behind the scenes sizzle and a poster soon. Here is the trailer in case you have missed it.

If you’ve an old school fan of CDI you really need to get the book written by David Hayes on CDI’s first film “Knight Chills” which is a cautionary tale on bullying.


BUY IT HERE – and feel free to leave a review.



Our meetings on M.B.F. are very productive. We have been reviewing actors for certain roles while working other logistics. We’re working to gather our business partners to travel with us on this powerful story that centers on our military vets and shelter dogs. I’ve been enjoying the layers of exploration as I discover the new role to be played. After taking on the roles of Jesus and bearded Mountain Man Ben Lily, this clean-shaven look is taking a moment to get use to.


I’m going to top off the coffee cup and do a few things around here. I did a major mow and trim on the yard which needed it. The garden is kicking out major tomatoes and beans but with Luke sick again the yard animals chewed into my one pumpkin. The HOPS are starting to come on and today I will cut the last of the rhubarb that will become wine with the mulberries. I also have another soccer battle today and we have everything crossed that our furry boy can come home from the hospital. We were on vacation the week before and to not have him home this week has been hard. We want the pack to be whole again.

Be good to one another. Until next week.




The Forty Seventh Trip – the final week UPDATES


The last week of the 47th trip around the SUN:)

A whirlwind week leading up to the bday weekend. Forty seven trips around this star we call the sun. We had a busy week leading up to the weekend whereas we had a small gathering of folks for my bday and the CDI gathering. I had a busy week because of the dropped elm tree causing a lot of chaos to the yard. All the small stuff got burnt up and the logs stacked and/or organized. The garden is getting a lot more sun with the dead tree down. We smoked a pair of pork shoulders and a large turkey to have sandwiches at the gathering. So the latter part of the week I got to conduct business to the wonderful smells coming from the smoker. The house, office and yard all got a good grooming which is always nice. The spring cleaning is over and time to enjoy summer. My brother made me a wrought iron arch that you install logs onto and also the upper siding will be put on the office this week. (Happy Bday to myself) – After several years I now have a new grill – so grill N chill can power on.


The garden is growing like crazy and I’ve been getting bowls of mulberries everyday for my wine endeavors. Last night at our little gathering we had some of the “Top of the Day” Irish Stout and I think it passed the test. We had some great punch with a punch thanks to my friend Mr. Glarner and Sanctuary Spirits. The RUM was flowing like a pirate fest. Many activities every weekend in the Summer for people so I’m just always appreciative to whomever makes the stop by. I think a good time was had by all and it was a good day to reflect on all the good that has happened in the last year. Lots of excitement and talk about the next 12 months ahead. I will do a short recap of things but I believe I might need a nap before tonight’s soccer match. The temps should be much better as long as we don’t get rained out.

Claw story

Okay. A few movie updates.

WILD FAITH – ADR work has been underway in the studio as well as spicing up the sound design on the battle scenes. VFX foundation work underway and I’ll be meeting with director Jesse Low to discuss more on this project. I will say some nice BTS, a new trailer and poster are just some of the cool new promo pieces coming soon.


The Quest Trilogy

The website for the trilogy will house the sites for all three films in the future and so we’ve been developing that. Also a new CDI website will be going up this Summer. Forty Nights is expanding into the General market as Sony keeps pushing the digital. We had a few nice reviews coming out on “Forty Nights” and so we’ll be encouraging people to watch the 1st film in the trilogy. We’re still exploring more theatrical on “Chasing the Star” but the film is delivered and will soon be mastered by BMG. “The Christ Slayer” is polishing the edit and VFX work has started. We shared a short model video on the FB site for “The Christ Slayer” and more will follow.

The Friday of my Bday I completed Version 1 of a new screenplay. That put a smile on my face. Scripts are the blueprints that a team works from. I’m happy to be in development mode. The back half of the year will be interesting. We’ll have films releasing as we start the creation of new content. Thank you to everyone who sent their well wishes. I had a few people I know pass away this year that won’t be going on this new journey around the sun. So that said, I’m appreciative that I can keep clawing my way to the middle:)


Premiere Report and Fundraising Advice for Filmmakers

A beautiful and slightly chilly Sunday here in Michigan but I have the hot java to warm things up. Grandpa Jones playing the Bluegrass tune Mountain Dew on STING RAY music. It reminds me of some of the wonderful mornings at Robert’s Roost with my dear friends Robert and Ralphene in N. Carolina. Today I’m going to give the yard its first mow and rototiller the garden. Grilling is on-deck along with a little chilling later today.

Chasing the Star 

UICA showing

So as a young actor I use to dread the trek into Detroit traffic and bustle for any meetings or auditions but I always found the “town” of Grand Rapids to be a much easier destination. Well, that has changed as Grand Rapids proper is a CITY no doubt. Our director of “Chasing the Star” Bret Miller, calls GR home and so last night we had a premiere kick off of the film at the UICA last night. It was a beautiful showing that showed the incredible camera work and art on-screen and I’ve never seen Dennis Therrian, our post sound and music supervisor so happy. The 5.1 surround sound mix was amazing and put you front and center of the action. We did a little Q&A after the film before heading to a local haunt which was a small joint with several pinball machines. I am not a fan of crowds and small places and so it was a celebratory king can of PBR and headed back home. I was up later than I usually stay up save being on night shoots on set. We had all three directors of the trilogy at the showing which was a special thing.

IMG_3109 2Jesse Low, Nathaniel Nose, producer Anthony “Tony” Hornus, Bret Miller 

A lot of creative talent between these individuals. (Tony included:) CDI seeks out the wildly original and imaginative artists who also work within a no-nonsense business structure. I also got to share some advice with other upcoming filmmakers, which is always rewarding.

My advice when asked –

First, don’t say YES to that which you cannot do. Unfortunately, many say yes figuring we’ll just figure it out as we go.  NOT WISE. Also, make the best of every opportunity. The question was narrowed to “how to finance your film?”


It’s hard, REALLY HARD to initially get business people behind you. You earn it by strong preparation, solid execution and staying on a timeline that other business entities (distributors) can rely on.  Also don’t BS just be honest in these pitch meetings. Many of these people have been there, done that and gotten that Tee Shirt so don’t be a used car salesman. Also my advice was work out all agreements amongst production in advance of seeking or spending any investment money.


Once money does come in people change. People all have other ideas on how to spend budgets. They recall deal discussions differently. Deals cannot exist by hand shakes alone. Maybe at first but paperwork spells it out clearly. How much pay, when you pay and what you expect for that pay. Like bands many good creative teams break up because of misunderstandings. Eliminate that possibility by TCB (Elvis “Taking Care of Business”) before seeking out money. Also be reasonable about what amount you’re seeking and ask yourself if you can you really manage a project of that size. If no seek experienced help. By help I mean – Not “find me money” but “I now have this money can you help me manage my project” help.

Realize Truth

Also don’t make heroes out of incompetent business folk in your circle. I was asked – Why is it so hard for us to raise $? I said, because you all have peers walking about that have poisoned the wells with their screw ups. Yet they are hailed as heroes of their own PR spin. That is not tolerated in many industries but they are allowed to survive and sometimes thrive in our industry. They leave a ruined path of projects and poisoned wells for those that come after. When the area is too poisoned they move on seeking new areas to exploit where their screw ups are not as widely known if at all. The issue is that it’s a small industry overall.

What I enjoyed about last night is once again, the important word is AGAIN, we showed that Collective Development Inc. pulls from a clear well where business artists can invest knowing their investment is getting an A+ effort.

Back to Chasing the Star… 

The film is now heading for Lansing, MI followed by Royal Oak, MI and it was announced last night that the film will return for a run in Grand Rapids, MI at Celebration Cinema.

Celebration C-Lansing


We’ll announce the GR dates soon! The national release is Sept 5th but if you get a chance to experience this on the big screen treat yourself.


3D BMG art

Released by BMG April 4th to home video and will keep expanding its distribution to other countries. Take a watch if you have not and get ready for the third film releasing next Spring.


A050_C008_0318MHIt has officially moved into editing with our director Nathaniel Nose and we should have theatrical poster and teaser trailer coming soon.



BTS photo (Hagedorn, Perry, Anschutz)

This amazing film was a main topic at a recent meeting with one of our distributors and the interest in the TV series is there. We just have to pull all the right elements together. The feature film now has a picture lock and has moved to music and sound design. Stay tuned for many great updates including the first official teaser poster now in the works.


We’re in discussion on several CDI past films re-releasing out into the market. I’ve been prepping development work on new projects and doing some script writing. But right now I have to get to some yard work. Time to refill the coffee cup.

Have a great Sunday and rest of your week. Perhaps I will see some of you at Celebration Cinema on Monday and/or Tuesday for the 7:30 shows in Lansing, MI.

Be good to one another.


NEW Deal For IN THE WOODS and More Movie Updates

Signing for fans at the 15th anniversary showing of IN THE WOODS

Signing for fans at the 15th anniversary showing of IN THE WOODS

I’m back in my chair relaxing by the fire. I’m recovering from a whirlwind couple days in the Kalamazoo, Michigan where we got together to celebrate the 15th anniversary of IN THE WOODS. This creature feature was released in a dozen countries and has grown into a true “cult classic”. I got a chance to see some of my old co-stars and our director, his wife and family. The night before we looked through all the concept art, posters and promo stuff. We looked at all the past business it has done and toasted a NEW distribution deal. The deal is for Blu-Ray release and VOD into the UK and other Europe nations to begin with. Friday was a radio show followed by a TV show and of course the nights screening. It was great to just enjoy what the film is and the life it has grown into. What it has grown into is a film that has audiences cheering, toasting and enjoying every bit of cheesy dialogue and clumsy monster. I’m very happy that the film hasn’t just disappeared but has grown in popularity.

Next up  Oct 23 “Locked in a Room” will be playing at the Canton library in Michigan.


We are also gearing up for 17th East Lansing Film Festival with ASHES OF EDEN.

We are going to be making an announcement about this films distribution at the festival.

BESTSELLER and THE TERRORIST are continuing in their post production work.

Some exciting stuff is starting to develop also on the new film front. I announced recently my involvement in WASTELAND, Tales of the Desert. We announced our main cast of Nick X. Parson who will join David Gries and I in Nevada this December. There will be some cool developments on this project we will be releasing soon including some 1st teaser art and social media sites.

We look like we might be closing in on a deal with DONORS, another thriller. I’m going to keep this update short as I didn’t get much sleep the last two days. Also MSU is getting ready to play in just a few and so I’m going to take a mental break for a few hours here. I think some good food is in order. I want to once again thank all my fans out there. It was a pleasure to meet some of you last night and sign some posters.

Thank you.


When Work Reflects Your Efforts – Updates

What a week, what a day… where to begin? We had a blitz of media leading up to the Lansing, MI release of “ASHES of EDEN” that kicked off last night. It will keep playing in theaters for another week and starts the Grand Rapids, MI run on Monday. We’ve received new national distribution offers this week to consider and will keep hitting the theatrical cicles. I think Detroit area is next for this film. We also have a nice support of directors DVD, posters and T-Shirts. Our first night was a great kick off and we had a handful of the stars show to do some signings.

I was with my CDI associate/close friend Dean Teaster who tied the knot last night. It was a great dinner and social and I had one of the best steaks I’ve had in a long time. I tried a bevy of drinks last night and was reminded of my age with a small ache this morning. I was able to meet up with our “Ashes of Eden” keys and enjoy the exciting stories from the nights first showings. So if you have not had a chance to see the film please do. (Look at the CELEBRATION CINEMA websites)

On deck is our final pick up shots for the dark thriller “Bestseller” and we have all those details just about worked out. It will be fun to return and capture these last few pieces. It will included a little bit of in-water work but at least I won’t be bumping my head on ice:)

An exciting drop that I will give you here first is that “Supermodel Showdown, Costa Rican Adventure” will look to launch on Indieflix’s AFTERDARK programming this forthcoming Friday. It is funny with a little sexy mixed into it all. The 1st three shows will be available on there and I think audiences will enjoy this adventure.

We are also about to start shopping “DONORS” which is another thriller starring Niki Saletta best known for “7th Heaven” and also co-stars in our upcoming “The Terrorist”. She does a wonderful job in both films and we are happy to have her artistry.

My parents both had birthdays this past week and we are have a party for my dad today and likely hosting a dinner with my mom first of the week. We’ve been using the smoker and grilling a lot and soon fresh garden veggies will be in abundance. Besides yard work that I need to get done this weekend we are going to put a cleaning on a new purchase. It is an old late 1800’s hutch that Doc Holiday would have been right at home with. It needs a little work but will be a great piece in the office.

My only advice this week for filmmakers or anyone working in art as business – don’t allow yourself to be dragged into peoples drama. Don’t associate with people that will tarnish your good name and work. Let those people isolate themselves and they will burn themselves out. It is funny how when I hear of projects that are disorganized cluster%##@@’s – I’m never surprised to discover that one of those handful of known screw ups is somehow involved. VET people out! If you are going to invest (I didn’t say donate like these social hand out sites) invest – talk to people. I would be happy if anyone were to talk with our past E.P’s because you would hear that we stayed on schedule, budget and handled ourselves professionally. Now, I’m not the only one that runs a tight ship in this area but there are only a few. There are many BS’ers out there trying to tell you what they think you want to hear and others still that will laugh and tell you how disorganized they are as if that is truly funny. No. Funny is when your work reflects your effort.

I need another coffee before going to see how we are going to clean up this old timey hutch.

Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll talk with you all next week. If you go see “Ashes of Eden” feel free to send me your comments here.

Be safe.




Post 4th Preview of the Week to Come

A morning of fresh coffee and the surrounding love that comes with peaceful Saturdays. Yesterday was a nice relaxing day whereas we smoked ribs for 7 hours and had a nice dinner. I did some mild puttering around the yard, workshop and office but nothing too taxing. Our neighborhood was relatively peaceful with just a few random BOOMS. The dogs all stayed pretty calm and it has been fun to watch Luke (Our dog that had surgery) enjoy the yard, the bed and other places he had previously been restricted from. Today I’m going to try and put in a screen door on the double french doors to my office. May the TOOL TIME spirits smile upon me. Today burgers and more relaxing seem to be the call of order. I had several business things that had built up on me at the week’s end so this morning I knocked those out. It included another distributor who wanted to see ASHES OF EDEN, acting reels sent around and some additional PR work. Now that is done and I can focus on all of you. Let’s jump into some film updates starting with the exciting theatrical info on ASHES OF EDEN.

ASHES OF EDEN Theatrical Updates

Please do check out our facebook page! http://www.facebook.com/ashesofedenmovie
If you haven’t heard we will be screening our film at Celebration! Cinema in both S. Lansing and Grand Rapids Woodland mall locations.

The Lansing screenings are July 11-20. The times are various with some days up to 3 shows a day. In Grand Rapids, we have been selected as one of just a few independant movies to screen as part of an Indie film series. Those screenings run July 14-Aug 28. Tickets can be purchased HERE.


It is very important to get as many tickets sold to these screenings to give a strong impression to potential distributors whom are waiting to see if our film has the legs to run. Please email, text, or bring a friend. We encourage you to spreed the message to your friends and family and thank you in advance.

We will have mechandise at the Lansing screenings for sale. DVD’s, T shirts and Posters. Look for these items to be for sale at the Lansing screenings and online soon.

For Detroit area, we are currently in the beginnings of talks with Emagine Theatres to screen our film there. If you have a theater chain in your area that would be open to a screening run please do pass their info along.

On “BESTSELLER” we now have our dates for our pick up and a few crew members will get an invite this week. I wish we could bring everyone back but we only need a few for this final shoot. At the end of this month the dates are set with us being up north the 28-31 with some prep, our shoot, wrap out and meetings as we prepare to lock a first cut of the film. We will do a test audience screening of the work in progress and if all good – off to music and sound.

In other good news – we released the PR on “Supermodel Showdown” TV series and the run of the 1st three shows. See here – http://www.prlog.org/12344397-supermodel-showdown-costa-rican-adventure-arrives-at-indieflix.html

More to come on this exciting news.

I also got word that the music work on “The Terrorist” is moving right along and also CDI Sales Group will start doing some submissions on the thriller “Donors” that has just rolled out of post.

I’ve had a few people ask me about upcoming acting roles. I went back and forth over a couple of local films but a deal just could not be made. It has to meet certain qualifications in quality, story and yes, pay. Right now I’m just excited about doing my final return on “Bestseller” and beyond that is anyones guess. I’ve got many people interested in me as they move their projects along but until ink is dry it is still open season. I do know how much work a film well received can bring but I always just look for the one for one. If one film performance brings one new film you will always keep working. I’ve got 6 films and a TV series rolling out this year to audiences and I’m happy with them all. I’m just not one to let the artists “itch” overcome me and cause me to jump on a project just to do it. I will save that enthusiasm up and as anyone who has worked with me knows, I’m serious about my work and I will bring 200% to a film role. So for now I’m just focused on Mark Franklin (Bestseller) and I will refocus after that on what is new/next. I’m also thrilled that family, friends and fans will be able to go see ASHES OF EDEN in the theaters. I’m proud of this film and so I’m asking you to check it out.

Well, I’m going to get another cup of coffee and go look over the garden and pond. I hope you all have a great weekend and be safe.