“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “market

Welcome November – Fall Round Up At CDI

(What film is that from above?)

The hazelnut coffee is flowing so nicely this morning. It has been a fall fest around here as we moved past Halloween and into the holiday months. I enjoyed the lead up to the spooky holiday. Pumpkin carving and hanging with my brother’s family and seeing my niece and nephews costumes on Halloween were the best. He was an elf and she was a dragon. That love of fantasy sword and sorcery continues. On Nov 1st the ‘Rocking Rhubarb’ was bottled. We tried it in one of our meetings on Friday and it was met with good marks. It will get even smoother in the bottles. The apples are all picked by us or the local squirrels in the area. The chickens are molting and egg production is slowing. On Friday I was swinging an axe cutting logs into smaller pieces of kindling for the wood stove.

I also had the pleasure of meeting with two upcoming filmmakers this past week. One makes films with his brother and a best friend while also running a commercial video production company. It was nice to just spend some time and allow him to ask any questions he might have. I’m looking at seeing where perhaps we can assist them. The other meeting was with a fine local gent who has produced his first feature. It has played the theaters and is now working to get into the home video market. The hoops can be great as I can attest to. Many filmmakers likely could not pass quality control. Also many have worked on their craft/art but the business end is what they lack. It has taken me almost three decades to obtain the experience I have. For many filmmakers the funding is still the hardest part. And the real challenge lies when someone says yes, and you have to execute. CDI (Our prod co) is again about creating the best art inside business parameters.

What does that mean? It means managing cast and crew and enforcing creative lines. Many production companies struggle because if the problem is at the top it is hard to correct. If you have an owner always ‘line stepping” on his creative that will breed a host of issues. It is only stepping in to manage a situation on a business front and allowing your appointments to creative do their craft. I’ve spoke before about how as a screenwriter, once the director/writer meetings are over the writer steps out. If you are careful to pick the right creatives there is no need to micromanage. So take the time to pick the right variables/ingredients/cast/crew and your job will be much easier. Also have a very strong script before you move to execute it. Let’s look at a few projects that followed these principals.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – This project was a hard one due to several factors. Shooting out of state is always a challenge. The COLD WINDS of Iowa really showed us what bone-chilling cold was. After a strong theatrical run we finally prepped for our home video release. We started our marketing meetings with the distributor. SNIA was one of the flagship projects that our distributor pushed at AFM. I will get a full rundown of how things went this week. We know that it broke into the pre-sale Amazon DVD rankings at top 100 and quickly moved into the top 50. Our main PR won’t even start until December 1st which is our official release date for streaming and DVD. I was informed that pre-sales were stronger than a few properties heavily PR’d. The campaign push is GIVE THE GIFT OF HISTORY. I’m looking forward to seeing what foreign territories and broadcast partners are coming on board.

I think in this time of strife in our history, a film like SNIA will be well received. It is about another really dark time in world history WW2. And it showcases a camp that was empowered to watch over German PW’s. A beautiful and inspirational act/event happened that is really encouraging. It shows that we too can find unity, love, compassion and understanding even in our own dark times. SNIA is the best run for a Christmas classic save maybe The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer). We are all excited to be part of millions of people’s holiday season. The film can/could stand up just as a military drama but has a wonderful holiday theme. Thanksgiving and Christmas are seen from various perspectives. The Townsfolk, guards, and German PW’s perspectives are all examined. I’m so proud for the town of Algona. A small community with a big story. Many people and even companies are giving the gift of the DVD. Many companies do holiday gifts for their employees and what better gift? I hope that batches of DVD’s are bought and given out to folks at retirement centers and teachers use it to stimulate discussions. We are excited for the German people to see a film that isn’t just about a scolding of their past politics but celebrating something else. HOPE. Hope for a better world. The film has a voice and lessons that can apply to now. The comparisons of Camp Algona during WW2 and say Guantanamo Bay are very different. We can only hope as storytellers to remind and challenge people to do better. Once you do get a chance to watch the film please do go to our IMDB.com page and leave your feedback. It’s not a perfect film as I’m not sure one exists- maybe Raiders of the Lost Ark:) If you haven’t been hit by a slew of our PR here is the pre-order link. Buy one for yourself and anyone who might enjoy this story. ORDER HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=TN24S4D0WPUY&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1699193228&sprefix=%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-1

Harsens Island Revenge – Aside from a pick up scene in Feb. 2024 and (2) VFX shots the film is done capturing footage. We had our director and McGraw Multimedia out with a first person drone capturing beauty and landmark establishing shots of the actual Harsens Island. We’ve had a few people inquire as to why more wasn’t filmed at the island and that is fine as most don’t understand the process of filmmaking. A full cast and crew plus extras came to about 200 people. Getting enough extras for scenes to participate on an island would be difficult. Lodging. Hospitals, Walmart, Gordons Food, Home Depot, and access to Camera/Grip and electric needs. All these are logistic reasons because of a ferry running at certain times being the main issue. Now add in how modern has crept into the island with each sign and renovation. The point is we did some PR to explain this but some were still not satisfied. But again, they’re not accountable for a budget or have the experience in filming a juggernaut like this film. But I respect the questioning- READ ABOUT IT HERE: https://www.prlog.org/12991986-harsens-island-revenge-moves-into-post-production.html

KNIGHT CHILLS – While Harsens Island Revenge represents our most recent CDI (www.cdiproductions.com) film, KNIGHT CHILLS was CDI’s first film. It shows the immense growth of our company. I still find it hard to believe it is such a classic to some but it is a living lesson to doing it yourself. Nobody can stop you from being a storyteller on film, a filmmaker – just do it. Learning how to produce the show is part of the equation and doing to proper BIZ is the other. Many get lost on the latter because it is far less sexy than the SHOW part. But the show will not flourish without the biz.

Watch our 1st release – https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2O7QHUZYG7QNY&keywords=knight+chills&qid=1699194757&sprefix=knight+chills%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-2


Much like Knight Chills above from the CDI library is being brought back to market, we’re going to keep at it. We will look to update and move one to two films into the market. We get Ghost Town back in Feb 2024 and we might look at setting up a big 2024 Fall release. That film had issues with our middle man/company (You can look it up) and Lionsgate. We are going to be setting up a special edition to release with Desktop Entertainment. These talks have happened but the deal is not official. I cannot assign it until the other agreement expires in Feb. But we’ve been working on a new trailer and prepping elements. The other might be FROM VENUS, if director Jeff Kennedy is up to helping provide some extra content. This would be with our partners at Saturn Core who did Knight Chills. Did you know Sir. Kallio from Knight Chills makes an appearance in FROM VENUS? FIGURE IN THE FOREST and AN ORDINARY KILLER are in talks to be brought back to market.

But looking ahead at new content-

HOT ROD LOVE is entering talks with track owners again. We had issues with our main location and had to shift gears. Pun intended. This 70’s comedy has some great lessons embedded into an ensemble of fun. We’ll have some talks in the next few weeks with creative keys and potential backers. I know that many of the sponsors and product partners love the idea of advertisement in the 70’s, groovy. We had some traction before but without the right place to film started to lose time. Certain stories need to be filmed at certain times. But things are looking really good for this film which if I have my way, summer 24 cabers roll.

(From earlier in the year now almost 8 million on Encourage TV)

HASTINGS TV Series – This beautiful season one, 8 show endeavor has many pieces lined up. We even have places being offered to build sets on. The town of Hastings would still remain our main location but the series would allow some travel. This spin off from WILD FAITH would be our love letter to those early Disney-like movies and tv shows that had lessons woven within. If you haven’t watched Wild Faith and met Emmett, Thelma, Ben, Hester and more – take a Watch-HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0LCdlq-BK0

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – Another powerful story from the state of Iowa. The amazing story was brought to me by the Donald Tietz Charitable Foundation to develop. The script is some of my best work and is again about perspectives. We’re going to spend several months talking to various organization and individuals about getting partners behind this story of actual events. These happenings are told in a brutal honest way with inspirational and thought provoking history captured keeping it from being lost to time. PRESERVING HISTORY is a worthy endeavor.

Associated CDI projects– possible. These occur when someone has their own funding and they control that aspect but lack and want experience that comes with CDI. But, we as a company have to consider their experience. In many cases it’s easier to just raise our own funds and execute production successfully as we do. Too many variables that we can’t control and the quality can fall drastically.

(WATCH NOW! Free w/ Ads – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLaw6zOAsw0 )

Script Writing is an on-going process. I bounce between pet projects and those slated for production sooner versus later. SMOKE & MIRRORS was a feature film and after our short concept film, I’ve been doing a page one re-write. The Halloween season gave me a nice backdrop for writing. I’ve also being reviewing books to once again choose one to adapt to a script. I think I’ve landed on the one that ‘feels’ right. If talks go proper and a deal is made I might start working on that project in Jan. 2024. I will work on writing daily on Smoke & Mirrors and my pet project scripts until the end of the year.

WATCH SMOKE & MIRRORS HERE FREE: https://youtu.be/4qcobe1eng0?si=sot3uuJYO2T_UofF

‘Axel’ in Harsens Island Revenge

Outside projects– Yes. I’m open to acting offers and have thought of bringing an agent once again to field those occasional offers. I had an offer just before filming Harsens Island Revenge but ‘Axel’ was already firm in play. But for the most part I’m good at representing myself on these outside projects. I’ve had some wonderful adventures in storytelling with some amazing artists so I do love the occasional outside project. But to leave means not just my personal but my business doings also have to be attended to. So it just depends on the team and the story, and compensation to a certain degree.


I’m smelling bacon and eggs and the coffee is getting low. We had to fall back with our clocks so that has the routine slightly wonky. The Detroit Lions are taking a rest this week. MSU actually won a game yesterday. WINS all over. Estate Sale stop by and I got a dozen or so Conan the Barbarian books for $4. WIN! I’m going to do some yard clean up and winterizing before seeing my brother and a few amigos later. Next week/tomorrow – I’m right back at the movie work refreshed and recharged. Make sure you get a dose of nature and laughter to recharge your batteries. I love the holidays and we have much to feel grateful and appreciative for. As the air becomes cold I look forward to calls and meetings around the fire to discuss new grand adventures!

Coffee Cheers!


Happy 4th of JULY, 2022- Weekend: BEST YEARS GONE Home Video Premiere and More…

Good morning, hazelnut cheers and thank you to all the new international readers from S. Korea, Ireland, China, UK, Brazil and more. Here is the USA we’re about to celebrate our independence day (July 4th) from the good ole UK. I’ve been super busy on many fronts but I’ve been able to balance it with some wonderful nature. For my recent bday I got some large wind chimes that go nicely with the sounds of the water fountain. (A 50th Bday gift) The plants have all been watered and the dogs tended to. The chickens are enjoying the morning clucking about. The hops, berries (mulberry, raspberry and blueberries) have been exploding. The apple trees are doing pretty good. One of them struggled a bit with the past heat and seems to be doing better now. Let’s go ahead and get into the news.

BEST YEARS GONE – This movie was made during the hardest time of the pandemic and brought our cast and crew much joy. We saw the film bring much laughter and a few tears in the limited theatrical run. The theaters were still trying to get back on their feet during that time. But now, on JULY 5th in two short days you will be able to buy the DVD or stream it. Amazon, Best Buy, Vudu and so on. Just google us up or follow the Facebook site for updates. One of the first major reviews was by Film Threat, link below.

You never know how the mass market will take any film, but they seemed to really like it and we think you will too. I also want to acknowledge the praise they gave me but say that if I did not have the awesome cast around me, the film doesn’t work. I love the music (Dennis Therrian) with added songs by various great bands including our BATTLE OF THE BANDS winner Vertical Bridge!

Watch the music video here


IF you decide to take a watch visit our page at http://www.imdb.com and you can VOTE for your self and leave your own review.

LOOKING FOR A DOUBLE FEATURE or something to watch tonight/tomorrow on the run up to our release?

BESTSELLER, a spooky thriller just released on May 31st. Melissa Anschutz leads a great cast with myself, Ralph Lister, Terence Knox, Lana Wood and more…

Read about it here

Watch it here!

These two films releasing is very exciting and represents a lotta hard work by our artists but we’ve got so much more happening.

  1. The first festival that invited SMOKE & MIRRORS was Michigan’s own MOTOR CITY NIGHTMARES. It is a weekend of convention fun, celebrity signings (I was asked but, no I’m not doing any official signings, but if you track me down with a pen I will and the cost – ZERO:) You cannot ala carte the screenings so the cost might be too costly if planning to just go see the 16-17 min film. We play at like 5:20 in a block and I plan to try and arrive at 5pm. I’m solo with the dogs so I’ll be just doing a 6-7 hour trip with drive time of 45 min or so to Novi. I think they have a party but it’s later in the eve so the post party will likely be back at home:) But this short film is so much fun. We filmed this concept film taken from one of my feature scripts in one day as part of a commercial project. It will likely play a few more venues this year so join the Facebook page and make sure to catch it where you can. David Gries and Melissa Anschutz and brilliant in the film and it has some fun supporting characters. I just might play one of them but if turn of the century/steampunk is your jam, this might be for you. July 30th! NOVI! MOTOR CITY NIGHTMARES.
  2. I will also note being from Lansing, MI that another fine artist/filmmaker, Michael McCallum/Rebel Pictures, has two short films playing right after SMOKE & MIRRORS. One is CHOICES and one is PHOTALGIA. So if you are watching our film you can stay a few and watch a couple other films. I’m sure the entire day has some great films to watch.
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, the rough cut is done and our director has been feeding notes back to our editor. We’ll review the rough cut with our director changes soon and by months end will have a locked picture. Here is a great video showing some of the VFX/model work being done. WATCH THE VIDEO here – https://fb.watch/e1nJ7CbDvg/
  4. We also have a new SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA poster being worked on and the new theatrical trailer work will be starting soon. We are looking to have the first showing in Algona on Dec 10th if everything stays according to plan.
  5. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH has made the final fixes and tweaks working with Deskpop Entertainment on quality control. We should have our home video release dates soon and by next month (Aug 3rd) we should know about the TORONTO FILM FESTIVAL.
  6. I’ve finished the first draft of HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE, slated to shoot in 2023. I have my producers taking a read and if all comes back good without any problem areas to clarify it will go to the publisher. WW1 Veterans vs The Purple Gang during the prohibition. But this is what I call passive pre-production. It has committed funds but doesn’t shoot until later next year because of the script/story.
  7. HOT ROD LOVE, is in active development – and reunites director Shane Hagedorn and Director of Photography, Travis Hayward from BEST YEARS GONE. We are in talks on an amazing attachment that true fans of drag racing will love. Also a few amazing sponsors are being courted so with a little bit of hard work and some final commits we will look to film in October 2022, in a few short months.
  8. HASTINGS, the developing Wild Faith TV series spin off had more productive discussions this week. WILD FAITH, which just released with MAN’S BEST FRIEND to PeacockTV which could assist in the ordering up of the first season. We’ll see. We have several parties in talks and something will give. It is nearing 6 million viewers on just our distributor’s platform ENCOURAGE TV. Many of the CDI films can be seen here free with ads.
  9. I’ve noted that our Civil War film WICKED SPRING, now presented in HD is getting love on Amazon and the platforms it plays on. This film is 22 years old and still getting new audiences yearly. I know many classrooms that have used the film as a teaching aide. If you want to watch something about America’s history this might be for you.
  10. We’re working hard to plan and fund the next several years of CDI films. We are having some good traction in that department but I will wait as always to the ink is dry. I don’t do the mysterious teases on social media for hype. Okay, maybe once in a great while but I like keeping the cards close until we show our hand. Four Aces:)

I’ve just finished some eggs and toast and I’m going to do a few tasks around the yard. A short trip to the store to take back empties from our meetings. And I plan to fire up the grill today and tomorrow. Maybe even bottle up the HOPPY GRAPE APE wine. I have a beer mix up next which I will put into motion for this fall. As I’ve said before, I might even do another go on the hard cider. Next week we’ll be attending the 4H where we assist young people in their college studies by purchasing their livestock. That and the venison make up most of the meat eating around here.

After a loss, our soccer team was back in form last week in a hard fought victory. My body has adapted to the hardships of the weekly battles, and now only experiences some mild stiffness versus the first quarter of the season where I felt like I was hit by a truck weekly. Whatever your outdoor activity is, get out there and do it. I’m going to end this here and go get a few things down in the yard. Have a safe 4th of July weekend. I hope you hit the ground running next week and get things done. Coffee Cheers until next week.


NEW Trailers, Castings and More…

I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee while waiting for it to dry out a tad so we can go hit the flea market down the road. I love looking for props and character pieces. It has been warming here in the Michigan and I think we are finally past the morning frost. The newly planted blueberry bushes had to be protected but the apple trees seem to have done just fine. Our ‘Chicken Land’ has been producing a steady 4 eggs a day resulting in some wonderful breakfast sandwiches. I need to get stuff around for the second mow of the season.

The Covid lockdown did not control my mind. I did not fret, complain and concern myself to a point mental hinderance. I acknowledged and redirected to what I could control. Attacking things I had not had time to deal with. This last week we’ve had some good social interactions reminding us of what we’ve missed. I had a good visit with Pa Perry, several in-person meetings and even a social gathering. I do hope the mask mandate for our soccer league disappears. As I work to get the legs back in game shape the wearing of the mask has been cumbersome. This week I was less sore than week one and I hope next week will leave me better yet. Soccer is a game of stamina and endurance and the whole body moves in all different directions. But it feels good to be waging war again on the field.

So many updates so maybe we should get into them:) Several of our team will be present in FL this coming week to attend the ICFF which is a family/faith festival that recognizes artists. It is like the ‘Inspirational Oscars’ I’m told but its all subjective. But LOST HEART is up for several nominations from Best Film, Best Screenplay (I know that guy), Best Director, Best Supporting Actor/Actress and both Actor and Actress of the Year. But walking the red carpet will be several of our artists including Melissa Anschutz, Don Most, Sherryl Despres-maybe Victoria Jackson.

Also this wonderful film will be getting its general market release very soon. The film has two interwoven stories and the A story is LOST HEART and leads out front. The B story runs in the back ground and is greatly entertaining. Much of it follows the antics of Chip (Josh “Ponceman” Perry) and his hunt of the legendary Bigfoot. In addition to Dennis Therrian’s incredible score the general release is also highlighting the musical talents of The Cash Collective and Roanoke. Either way the same great film that everyone can enjoy. As a HUGE fan I feel this film is the most Spielberg of the CDI films. I could be delusional about that but it feels that way to me.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has been making great strides. Some of the updates were presented by our director in this newspaper release in Iowa. Read here-


Our casting of the Germans is about complete. We’ve been slowly working crewing with many adventurers yet to recruit. Tomorrow we’ll be announcing two more actors. One is yours truly and I’ll be playing the PW camp Commander. It is a really nice fit at this point in my career. Had I been charged with running a PW camp during WW2 I think my approach would have been the same as the character. More of the character study is truly getting into the mind set of that era. What did they read daily in the newspaper? What was spoken about at the coffee shop? What fears did people have? Radio shows. Music. I am enjoying the re-educating myself on my grandfather’s era. I do wish Rance Howard was alive to be in the cast. He was really excited to be in this story. We’ll do him proud as well. The other talent is an amazingly unique actor named Michael Wayne Walton. He was in CDI’s first feature which was ________? 🙂 (Trivia) …and he also appeared in a few other CDI films (Can you name them?) He has been making his unique path in this hard industry and I’m extremely grateful to have Michael coming on board to play a great MP guard who creates ‘bridges’ with the German men he is assigned to detain.

The PR release will go out tomorrow but you got the early scoop here. More casting and crewing and now with the more relaxed Covid rules we can get back to our weekly in-person meetings.

BEST YEARS GONE is in full out post-production push with July/Aug being our finish date. We made good steps on setting up our premiere. We will likely have a meeting this week to look at dates and make sure the location works. I have it on good source that the 1st official trailer is not far away. At the same time – color, music and sound design are all underway.

WILD FAITH/HASTINGS – The feature keeps growing its fan base with 4.5 mil at Encourage TV alone. I reached out on a few new fronts working to build our licensing so we can shoot the 8 show TV series next year.

CDI Associated film BESTSELLER has been signed to BMG’s new General Market label. They will build a wonderful campaign for that film and my guess would be a fall pre-Halloween release. WICKED SPRING is the test run in our up-rezing of older SD films to HD. As of Friday it sounds like they might have been successful. I will know this week for sure. If all is good FIGURE IN THE FOREST might be up next. I also got to see the first edit of FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH and boy is it good. So proud of our little team. We’ll final mix for delivery with Dennis Therrian but we have a few months of post I’m guessing.

Funny how the fan mail from MAN’S BEST FRIEND have been asking recently about me participating in other action roles. I think I made note of “sure if the right story came along” and…I did have a script submitted to me. It’s written by a screenwriter who has lots of film and TV series credits of note. The director is also got a wonderful resume of TV and film work. Well, I read the script and gave my interest in a couple of characters. From there it seems we might have landed on one. The film is more action orientated with mafia/western vibe. It would have me playing a pretty kick ass role. Not sure on dates. It will be fine unless it steps on the upcoming WW2 film but I will cross that bridge when and if I need to. I gave my interest and I want to thank them for offering me to come on board. It is good to see so many projects start to move.

I’m going to cut it short here and take a nice walk around the flea market. I hope you all have a great week in your own personal endeavors. Until next week.

Coffee Cheers!



Screen Shot 2020-07-26 at 11.27.03 AM

Me, T Hornus, John Saxon, T Turner and David Borowicz in Lone Pine.

Good morning and welcome to all our new readers from Denmark, Spain, China and more…coffee salute. I’m a bit later this morning getting to my blog because I was enjoying a larger breakfast. I also was putting some paperwork together for delivery this week to our distributor. First before jumping into film let me ponder to see if any events this week trigger any discussions. I want to offer up a RIP to John Saxon who was a great actor in movies like ENTER THE DRAGON. I was lucky enough to meet John in a honey stand in Lone Pine, CA at a festival market. He was a nice man and we chatted for a few and took a few pictures. I wish I had gotten to act with him but meeting him was a joy. So RIP to this fine actor for a lifetime of storytelling. Also Regis from the morning TV scene passed on. The circle of life keeps turning and it makes me feel blessed to be doing what I love. I had many conversations this week both business, personal and in-between. Maybe we’ll do a TOP TEN updates.

LH - Lauren LaStrada copy

  1. LOST HEART will arrive Monday at the distributor and as previously mentioned we’ll be delivering some paperwork behind it. It is very exciting and we’re having a producers watch and theatrical/premiere planning meeting this week. We are looking for venues so if there is one near you that wants to play the film let us know. Home Video release is looking like Oct but I will know more end of the week.
  2. The short SMOKE & MIRRORS is in editing and we’ll have that rolling out this fall just in time for Halloween I do think. It was a short film taken from my feature script. The footage was used in a demo for a well known sound design company izotope. We’ll be finishing it up and use the short to launch a feature in the near future. Nathaniel Nose director/editor on THE CHRIST SLAYER was the director and is also editing. It was a fun period piece and I think it will lead to the full feature.
  3. We’ll also be announcing that CDI has entered into an association with The Red, White & Blue Project Inc. to produce a feature length doc entitled ‘For the Love of Catch‘ with our own Catch-Can World Champion Curran Jacob. We have some exciting people getting involved in the film.
  4. With LOST HEART done we will also be looking more at the 2021 line up. In active development is the WILD FAITH TV series ‘Hastings‘. I had numerous productive conversations on this project and I think it is WHEN not IF. If you have not watched WILD FAITH please do so. It will film in Michigan and could include the creation of a mini-studio.
  5. We are about to make some presentations on the WW2 Christmas project CDI will produce next year entitled SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We have over half the budget being covered by a foundation and we’ll be bringing on investors for the balance. Some great talks with the distributor also over this powerful story. It will be directed by Anthony Hornus as his follow up to MAN’S BEST BEST. If you have not seen this film please do.
  6. Three CDI Associated films will be getting a new release with ITN Distribution. Deadly Renovations, Darkest Night and Donors. These are films that CDI helped with and I co-star in all three. They are for those who like things that go bump in the night.
  7. BEST YEARS GONE is the next film up for CDI with a planned shoot window in November finishing before Thanksgiving. We had another great meeting and the film will have lots of exciting firsts for CDI. Shane Hagedorn is directing and those who enjoyed ASHES OF EDEN will be excited to see him directing again.  We are planning to start shooting beauty shots and B roll soon as well as a few VFX sequences. Stay tuned! We’ll also be announcing a few more cast and crew soon!
  8. I need to turn some attention back at CDI Merchandise, CDI Animated and CDI Music Division developing. Having Lost Heart finished will give me some added time to work on these emerging divisions of CDI.
  9. I’ve got a batch of beer and wine ready to go. I just need to kick the process off.
  10. I’ll keep pushing ahead with my writing. In a few short weeks the new book that I was a contributing author on will by Callie Smith Grant. It be releasing nationwide with Revell Publishing. You can pre-order here – https://www.amazon.com/Second-Chance-Cats-True-Stories-Rescue-ebook/dp/B087RTPCT4/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=Second-Chance+Cats&qid=1595775817&sr=8-9  – I’ve also got a story in the book after that about DOGS and features a story with my ‘Luke Mr. Brown’ in it. I so appreciate being involved in these books and I’m actively seeking more book writing work.

SecondChanceCats copy

PRE-ORDER NOW!!! My story involved ‘Lulu’ our little princess:)

As you can see it has been busy, busy with another dose of busy. If anything we are going to come out of this virus crisis with projects lined up to be filmed. I can work with that. Thank you as always for all your notes and fan mail I do read it and appreciate it. Control what you can control and keep moving forward!

Be good to one another!




NEW Releases and 2018 Updates

2018 is underway and I’ve been spending my energy on several projects. The end-of-the-year taxes for our business ventures is a yearly endeavor. We’ve got a good start and will look to have everything submitted to our firm next week.

Also working to launch the new Collective Development Inc. website. Merchandise and streaming services will be some of the new phase 2 and phase 3 additions.


Wild Faith’s Ben Lily says, Soon we gonna tickle the snake and rattle the wagon

Wild Faith 

This week we have a final watch through in studio with our color correction and audio mix. I’m excited to have a few more conversations on the TV series. But we’ll be meeting this week about the premiere and theatrical roll out. Here is the new theatrical trailer for the film. I’m really excited about the film and think audiences will enjoy it.

NEW “2018 Wild Faith Trailer”

Staying in the period – the re-release of WICKED SPRING is underway. I have been working with the distributors team. They have chosen one of my favorite pics for the cover. The new transfer looks strong and they’ve been mixing and cleaning using some of the newest tools. I’m excited to get this film back to market and available to the streaming digital crowd. I’m in hopes that they will be cutting a new trailer. We will see in the coming weeks.


Another film just released is a CDI associated animated project “The Patchwork Girl of OZ” which is a children’s tale based on the original book and illustrations. It is now on Vimeo On Demand and will be coming to Amazon and other platforms.


MBF (Man’s Best Friend) 

We’re still fighting to get all our investor paperwork signed and funds in the bank. We’ve still got a few units to have spoken for so ongoing discussions with investors will continue this month.

Meanwhile we have announced more of our cast. These are first-time film talents that will be working with us. Read about it below…





The Quest Trilogy 

As Easter approaches our distributor will start to push “Forty Nights” part 1 of the trilogy. The three films together tell their own story. Part 2 “Chasing the Star” had a great holiday run and it is still a wonderful adventure tale to watch at any time of the year.

DOVE Review of “Forty Nights” 


DOVE Review of “Chasing the Star” 


At the end of the month we will be releasing the poster and theatrical trailer for the third film in the trilogy “The Christ Slayer” so that is being worked on. Music and sound design plotting has begun and it will be awesome to see the audio come to life behind the visuals.


I’m not going to ramble on too much here. Lot’s of development and post work ahead. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful start to your 2018.


Welcome to December full of updates!


Always building…

It has been a week of just beautiful days in Michigan. I was able to enclose my wood shed in with logs from the recently fallen tree. I also took the axe to the older logs and so the stockpile for the office wood stove is growing. I want to welcome our new readers from Ireland and Japan. That is what I love about this blog. Artists, perhaps filmmakers but united here by passion. Invite someone you know to share with us.


Now last week was an unexpected loss of a mentor (Rance Howard) and to all those who reached out – thank you. I’m at a loss of exact words but we met over storytelling on Miracle at Sage Creek and that relationship took us through many stories. I will miss sitting on the patio in Yuma, AZ having a nice Mexican food lunch and just talking.


On set “Forty Nights” with Judy & Rance Howard and T (Tony Hornus)

With my experience I find myself being a mentor more often and losing my own mentors. What a man Rance was working right up until his passing. Bill McKinney (Deliverance) was the same way having filmed 2 weeks before he passed away. I don’t think you retire from being an artist. I am sad that I won’t be able to get Rance’s feedback on The Christ Slayer film. He was so excited about the final chapter of our trilogy. It was a major accomplishment and he loved playing the Devil. He also loved that we took an honest look at the ‘being’ and relationship he shared with others, Jesus in particular. But he will be looking down and I hope he is proud.


The Howard boys several years ago –

I do look forward to working with Clint one day and perhaps Ron and sharing some of the great conversations I had over the years with Rance about his family. I will be sending a nice note to both of them with the trilogy once Part 3 is done and released.


The Christ Slayer is locking up the VFX and edit and preparing to move into post music and sound design with the amazing Dennis Therrian who will once again compose the heart and soul into the story. The first official director’s poster is about to be completed. Also once we hit the new year the PR on TCS will pick up. Right now it’s all Forty Nights and Chasing the Star. They have been doing great over at Amazon and our other fine rental/retailers. Family 7 TV network in the Netherlands will be showing Chasing the Star and soon after I expect Forty Nights. Also I saw some promotional give aways for Chasing the Star to celebrate the release into the United Kingdom. Forty Nights should also be joining our friends in the UK. This time next year all three will be released! Also Chasing the Star will be playing on the big screen in Bedias, Texas at Miller’s Theatre I believe on Dec 7th. I’m very happy about all the developments on these films.


These two knuckleheads from ‘Wild Faith’

Wild Faith – the end credits are almost done. The VFX work is all in and the audio is being tweaked around it while color correction takes place. We did paperwork on all this at week’s end and so if a short time we’ll have all that complete. We will have a finished film VERY SOON. Before the end of the year – Merry Christmas to all of us.

This month we also did some work on other properties to boost them back into the marketplace. ASHES OF EDEN has a few options/offers to rejoin the market. We’ll be making a decision on that this week. A child’s animated feature THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ will be releasing back into the marketplace and FIGURE IN THE FOREST is making a few moves. Our bridge into India is also underway and soon I should have news to report there. In 2018 we will have that bridge open. Many more deals will be put into play.


Where ideas are born…

This week will be several meetings as we bring 2017 to an end. I’m going to cut this short as we’re taking the mom’s to a beautiful turn of the century house for a Christmas event this afternoon. I hope you all get to spend some quality time with your loved ones. Our development work on MBF continues and we plan to move into full preproduction at the end of January 2018.

Be good to one another!









Countdown 2016 & 2017 Preview

Sipping some dark coffee with that hazelnut goodness added as the outside looks like giant snow globe. Yesterday was spent on several shopping trips, a nice meal out and stocking up on food items. Today will be a belated bday gathering for my step bro so at least one trip out. I’m gonna fire up the wood stove at the office and do some organizing. Most of my time lately has been prepping for end-of-the-year and new year business. Let’s look at some updates.

The Quest Trilogy –

A Journey Begins

One of the teaser posters for CDI’s “40 Nights”

“40 Nights” new deal is complete on our end, signed and awaiting countersigned paperwork. What this will mean is a new push into the market in 2017. A possible return to theaters plus we’ll target a new 2nd quarter Easter 2017 national rollout. A possible festival or two as the film was invited to showcase.


“Chasing the Star” deal is being done as we speak. We’ll be doing premieres including a Yuma, AZ showing when we’re there to film the 3rd movie. A theatrical run plus event showing will follow the premiere(s). The talk is the national release will be in September 2017 on the run up to Christmas 2017.

When “Chasing the Star” is releasing nationally the third film will be finishing post. I think the idea is for 1st of the year 2018 theatrical and event showings on “The Christ Slayer” with a national release targeting either Easter or Christmas 2018.


On “The Christ Slayer” – I’ve been in talks with a handful of directors and I might be close to a decision. Also get those dramatic reels updated especially if you are on the west coast as that is where we will be filming. We announced some of the returning cast and more exciting announcements lie ahead!

This has been an exciting run on this trilogy of films. I hope audiences can enjoy these films for many years to come.



Wild Faith – The feature is in post and will likely be done next Summer (2017) and we’ll plan a fall release. The film is designed to be the pilot feature for a TV series so we’ll see how that plays out. I am doing some prep work on this endeavor which would be quite the undertaking. I’m thinking we might show the 1st teaser trailer on NEW YEARS DAY. This 1800’s tale is going to be powerful and I’m proud to have it counted amongst our product.

I’ve continued to get updates on projects like Sunn Classics “C.U.J.O.” and have a few films I acted in that still have not released “Dead Quiet,” and “Division 19” but that is often the way.

I’m going to cut it here as I have a string of things to get done before the Lions play and we have our family gathering. We might have to hook the dogs up to a sleigh. Have a great day and be safe on those roads.