“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “history

Christmas 2023 – Good Tidings and Joy

I’m sitting here after another near non-stop day of prep for a holiday trifecta of family get togethers with another on the 30th. I know this is a time for many to reflect upon past holidays and days gone by. I know this time of the year can be hard for those who’ve had loss. We all have empty spots around the table missing grandparents, parents, siblings and dear friends. I had a close friend lose his father today and those losses hurt us all. We are the ones giving the comforting hug or receiving it when it is our time. I had another friend’s memorial a week earlier and that makes these times painted with bittersweet. One of my cousins today was sending me pics of past days and that sparked emotion. I felt like Clark Griswold watching old films in the attic. But it is good to remember even when it hurts a little. Usually a smile will come as we recall funny stories from those past days. Even past pets bring those happy and sad feelings. But we have a new pack of love here with our two dogs and our new kitty Sybil. All are adopted and bring joy into our lives. That is the turning wheel of life. So love on your loved ones and if you are alone consider an adopted pet. They can truly bring joy back into your life.

(Luna Mae)

We also had a furnace issue resulting in a lack of heat. We just had a new one installed a year ago but the problem is that the old one we knew. Yes. It looked like something from Freddy Krueger’s boiler room but we knew it. This new one is very efficient but looks like something that could be found on a spaceship. We looked about and tried a reset but dealing with electricity and gas is unnerving. No dice. So we went to sleep praying we did not have a gas leak. The slowly declining heat was not too bad thanks to the warm weather we are having. The next morning we got ahold of our installer also a friend. The reset button I was trying to find on my own was so small five of them might fit on a penny and between two wires. Ultimately it was a dirty sensor that had to be removed, wiped down and presto. HEAT! But man, you need to know where everything is. Being Christmas and a friend we got off very reasonable but I can see where some would be paying up for a simple service. BUT, they have meters and equipment that are costly and I know that even moving a diesel service truck is costly. I’m thankful and I now know how to clean a sensor. Okay that sensor.

While doing some work this week I did my yearly Christmas watch on The Quest Trilogy. This unique exploration of three interwoven biblical stories always invokes deep thought and positive feelings. Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer. Watch them in that order and I think you will take something positive away. They can be watched many places but on Encourage TV you can watch free with ads. Truly a challenging role for me and a massive undertaking filming all three of those in the desert. Filmmakers earn their desert stripes by filming in a desert. If you know, you know.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has been sweeping across the country. I was sent a link this morning where it was talked about on a National talk show (Clay Travis & Buck Sexton) to an audience of 10 million + folks. Our national PR doesn’t really kick in until the first of the year but people are renting and buying it. They’re traveling back to 1944 and experiencing a true story that is a bright spot in human history even though it happened during the very dark time of WW2. It is important that we don’t lose those stories and I want to thank our investors and sponsors for making this project happen. I want to thank our cast and crew and my producer team led by director Anthony Hornus. He was the director of Man’s Best Friend which is one of the most talked about films with fans I meet. This film is an amazing follow up and really shows the heart ‘Tony’ puts in his storytelling. But that heart and passion can be found in most all our CDI tribe. I love what I do and much of that is because I love the people I work with and I love the fans who reach out to tell us how they’ve been touched. It was a VERY hard film to make but it was all worth it. I’m glad it is complete and now being seen by the world.

I had some great conversations about upcoming and developing projects. I believe that projects will find a way if they are meant to be manifested. That doesn’t mean sitting and just waiting- it takes packaging and aligning. Countless calls, meetings and the hard work of a strong core of producers. Audiences can already rest assured that another CDI story is coming at you in 2024. Harsens Island Revenge is coming together currently being edited in Brazil. We were closing on the first hour of our story in my last director update. I always like to take the path of modesty but everyone associated with that project knows we have something very special coming. Early in 2024 audiences should be getting their first look with a teaser trailer with the first music by the one and only Dennis Therrian. With the amazing photos by GW Burns a new advanced theatrical poster will be coming.

KNIGHT CHILLS has been fun to revisit. It was CDI’s 1st film and is now on BluRay and selling well. The extras are a great source of learning and inspiration for new or upcoming filmmakers. Thank you to all the fans of this little film. Big things might still be coming from this franchise. You can buy the Blu Ray on Amazon and many retail stores like Walmart, Barnes and Noble and Best Buy.

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS is getting some momentum. HOT ROD LOVE will soon be officially announced on the development slate. We have Pepsi officially onboard and our first investor. We’ll be giving our past investors first opportunity in the new year before opening it to those who’ve given interest in getting involved. Like I said in a meeting this week- we’re building pyramids. These stories will last for generations and they should. I really do like making films that matter. I enjoy films that are just escapism for fun but the older I get I really like the depth. I believe that both can be achieved and much of that starts with the script. I’ve been doing a little bit of screenwriting also but we’ll save that for a different day. We have a few projects developing with young filmmakers and opportunities to grow that next ring of branches at CDI. I have a few potentially big meetings first of the year including one requiring me to jump on a plane across the country. I’m just happy I’m not flying during this time of the year. But in 2024 I’ll jump on a jet and try to kickstart a few new films.

Speaking of 2024- I’m really spending some time recharging and refocusing. I usually make a set of proposed goals and I already have a few in mind. I’m pretty disciplined but that is going to become even more-so in the new year. At 53 I feel like I’m still moving towards my peak. What’s really helping me is the wisdom I’ve accumulated over the years. I know myself very well. I know what I like and what I don’t. What I will tolerate and what I won’t. Mistakes of my past have become vital experience used to achieve success. I’m very excited about 2024 and I hope you are as well. ‘Be the change you want to see’ is a good statement I’ve heard recently used. What I want for Christmas is comfort for those dealing with loss. Peace on earth and goodwill amongst men (and women). Love, unity and understanding- even for a day. If it can start with a day it can grow into more but it takes a step. 2024 doesn’t have to be division filled if we learn to respect one another including learning to respectfully disagree. Anyone preaching or proclaiming hate should not be a leader. And they are only empowered by followers so trust your heart and follow only that. Skip the slights and insults and instead just communicate. Thank you for almost a year of us meeting once a week to think and ponder together. My last blog of the year will be New Year’s Eve. I look forward to joining with all of you again next week and the year beyond.

Be good to one another and Merry Christmas.


Thankful For the Journey Thus Far – Embrace the Past That Created YOU. Oh, and Film Updates!

(Done with the clean shaven for a while, snow is about to fly in the Michigan)

I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and sitting down with you all on this fine Sunday morning. I want to welcome all our new readers from Norway, Germany, Saudi Arabia and more. We are expecting snow here in Michigan today and the bitter chill is a precursor. Only a few more things in the yard to stow away until the springtime. This past week was a busy one with Thanksgiving falling on a Thursday. We went up North and spent time with family. Friday and Saturday were getting things ready for Christmas. I was happy to spend a little time with Dean Teaster who came to pick up a few of his props. He had several period phones that we used in Harsens Island Revenge. Saturday we got supplies for the chickens and also went and cut our Christmas tree. It is up and awaiting decoration which will happen over the next few days. I’m feeling thankful at this time of the season. I’m trying to slow my roll from the active year and recharge. I’ve had several great meetings last week both by phone and in-person. The fire at the office is a great place to sit around and throw ideas. Let’s look at some of the meetings and developments from the week.

  1. The top news is the special screening of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA for one day FREE w/ ads at Encourage TV. It is free to subscribe and plays on Youtube, Roku and various platforms. Read all about it here: https://www.prlog.org/12995184-silent-night-in-algona-one-day-free-screening-on-encourage-tv-before-release-to-home-video.html and watch the interview here – https://www.facebook.com/share/v/MgHsnnVRqwsR6SVF/?mibextid=hubsqH
  2. On December 1st the film SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA will start its DVD and Video on Demand run. A great family watch or a holiday gift for lovers of history. It can be found on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WMZK4FVE00Y7&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1701008715&sprefix=silent+night+in+%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-1
  3. Got word that SAVAGE, a Bigfoot story that I wrote and developed with director Lynn Drzick (In the Woods) was sold and script was produced. It is now making its way to digital home video on Jan. 1st. Read about it here! https://www.horrorsociety.com/2023/11/20/savage-the-bigfoot-legendlives-on-digital-platforms-jan-1st/
  4. This is AWESOMEEncourage TV has given CDI its own Playlist so you can watch all the family films playing on Encourage TV. You can now do a marathon of CDI films at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E
  5. Harsens Island Revenge is full speed ahead on editing. We are looking this week at a possible model boat explosion. I need to speak today or tomorrow with our director Carl on that front. Our Production Designer Greg Burns (GW) has created a group of Christmas cards using our locations and vehicles. If you are interested in these you can reach out to GW at gwburnsphotography@gmail.com (See the Harsens Island Revenge FB page to see pics)
  6. Knight Chills is performing well with its new Blu Ray release. I will be looking to get our materials back and set up the film in 2024 for streaming. Here is where you can buy the Blu Ray- https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=VH32AUSX4DRN&keywords=Knight+Chills&qid=1701010903&sprefix=knight+chill%2Caps%2C267&sr=8-2
  7. WILD FAITH is about to cross another mark on Encourage TV, EIGHT MILLION VIEWS! This will happen in just days and that number is increasing at all the platforms. We will be working hard to position the TV series HASTINGS for production. The demand is there we just need to get the right partners lined up. Creative control has been the biggest thing to deal with but we are making progress.
  8. DEVELOPMENT – This is a great time of year where we are planning the next several years of projects at CDI. I’ve got some good script writing on deck and we’ve been making moves on positioning other films to launch. We mentioned Hastings above and we’re actively looking at a primarily location for HOT ROD LOVE. We’ll be updating some of the materials soon which will also include the addition of Pepsi to our package as a sponsor. We will be approaching other sponsors and funders in the new year with the hope of rolling cameras in the summer 2024.

In wrapping up this blog, I reflect the sentiment of the recent holiday, appreciation. I’ve been enjoying meeting with so many of you as we prepare to celebrate a NEW release as our holiday WW2 film hits the market Nov 30th. We will be enjoying behind the scenes, posters and trailers for Harsens Island Revenge as we enter 2024. Our back up system for the CDI films is being build now and we’ll soon have easier access to footage. I am planning to release a 2024 CDI highlight reel on New Years Eve we will see. I was reminded by a friend that I need to enjoy the victories and not just jump to whatever is lagging or under performing. In time, but again I’ll take the moments to celebrate those wins. And I will say that this blog and all of you are part of that win. I appreciate those artists who’ve reached out and expressed how the blog has helped them. Sometimes it the stimulating of an idea that can be implemented into your own endeavors. Sometimes it is just the comfort of knowing that struggling is just part of living. If you picked the arts you’ve chosen the harder path. But I have been rewarded by the places I’ve been, the people I’ve collaborated with and the creation of stories into the world that would not have been there otherwise.

(Always the dreamer – I’ve done some biographical writing over the years and one day it might make a good book)

Off some recent conversations – For those just starting out. There is no shame in doing other work as you build a foundation. Writers pull on those early jobs. Remember write about what you know. I use to go home from my first job at PONDEROSA steakhouse with a pocket full of napkins full of my scrawling for script and movie ideas. When I managed a fitness club it also became my office. This was at a time of using calling cards for long distance so having phones set up for free long distance was a plus. I had a mail system which made send outs easy. But I also lived in Kinkos for several years – I remember having to go up there to get my Scream 2 sides faxed. That audition is what took me to Hollywood for the first time. Everything leads to something else. Embrace your journey. Patience is a hard thing to master and you might spend a lifetime trying to tame it. Faith that everything led you to where you are is also nurturing. Any variance or change could have affected many outcomes. Be mindful of the past and note the future but really do focus on the present. I’m spending this winter reflecting, recharging and refocusing – when the new year comes I hope to bring some hard fought and earned wisdom to the next leg of the adventure.

Coffee Cheers! Maybe 2024 will be the year of the full time coffee sponsor!

Be good to one another, DJ.

Welcome November – Fall Round Up At CDI

(What film is that from above?)

The hazelnut coffee is flowing so nicely this morning. It has been a fall fest around here as we moved past Halloween and into the holiday months. I enjoyed the lead up to the spooky holiday. Pumpkin carving and hanging with my brother’s family and seeing my niece and nephews costumes on Halloween were the best. He was an elf and she was a dragon. That love of fantasy sword and sorcery continues. On Nov 1st the ‘Rocking Rhubarb’ was bottled. We tried it in one of our meetings on Friday and it was met with good marks. It will get even smoother in the bottles. The apples are all picked by us or the local squirrels in the area. The chickens are molting and egg production is slowing. On Friday I was swinging an axe cutting logs into smaller pieces of kindling for the wood stove.

I also had the pleasure of meeting with two upcoming filmmakers this past week. One makes films with his brother and a best friend while also running a commercial video production company. It was nice to just spend some time and allow him to ask any questions he might have. I’m looking at seeing where perhaps we can assist them. The other meeting was with a fine local gent who has produced his first feature. It has played the theaters and is now working to get into the home video market. The hoops can be great as I can attest to. Many filmmakers likely could not pass quality control. Also many have worked on their craft/art but the business end is what they lack. It has taken me almost three decades to obtain the experience I have. For many filmmakers the funding is still the hardest part. And the real challenge lies when someone says yes, and you have to execute. CDI (Our prod co) is again about creating the best art inside business parameters.

What does that mean? It means managing cast and crew and enforcing creative lines. Many production companies struggle because if the problem is at the top it is hard to correct. If you have an owner always ‘line stepping” on his creative that will breed a host of issues. It is only stepping in to manage a situation on a business front and allowing your appointments to creative do their craft. I’ve spoke before about how as a screenwriter, once the director/writer meetings are over the writer steps out. If you are careful to pick the right creatives there is no need to micromanage. So take the time to pick the right variables/ingredients/cast/crew and your job will be much easier. Also have a very strong script before you move to execute it. Let’s look at a few projects that followed these principals.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – This project was a hard one due to several factors. Shooting out of state is always a challenge. The COLD WINDS of Iowa really showed us what bone-chilling cold was. After a strong theatrical run we finally prepped for our home video release. We started our marketing meetings with the distributor. SNIA was one of the flagship projects that our distributor pushed at AFM. I will get a full rundown of how things went this week. We know that it broke into the pre-sale Amazon DVD rankings at top 100 and quickly moved into the top 50. Our main PR won’t even start until December 1st which is our official release date for streaming and DVD. I was informed that pre-sales were stronger than a few properties heavily PR’d. The campaign push is GIVE THE GIFT OF HISTORY. I’m looking forward to seeing what foreign territories and broadcast partners are coming on board.

I think in this time of strife in our history, a film like SNIA will be well received. It is about another really dark time in world history WW2. And it showcases a camp that was empowered to watch over German PW’s. A beautiful and inspirational act/event happened that is really encouraging. It shows that we too can find unity, love, compassion and understanding even in our own dark times. SNIA is the best run for a Christmas classic save maybe The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer). We are all excited to be part of millions of people’s holiday season. The film can/could stand up just as a military drama but has a wonderful holiday theme. Thanksgiving and Christmas are seen from various perspectives. The Townsfolk, guards, and German PW’s perspectives are all examined. I’m so proud for the town of Algona. A small community with a big story. Many people and even companies are giving the gift of the DVD. Many companies do holiday gifts for their employees and what better gift? I hope that batches of DVD’s are bought and given out to folks at retirement centers and teachers use it to stimulate discussions. We are excited for the German people to see a film that isn’t just about a scolding of their past politics but celebrating something else. HOPE. Hope for a better world. The film has a voice and lessons that can apply to now. The comparisons of Camp Algona during WW2 and say Guantanamo Bay are very different. We can only hope as storytellers to remind and challenge people to do better. Once you do get a chance to watch the film please do go to our IMDB.com page and leave your feedback. It’s not a perfect film as I’m not sure one exists- maybe Raiders of the Lost Ark:) If you haven’t been hit by a slew of our PR here is the pre-order link. Buy one for yourself and anyone who might enjoy this story. ORDER HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=TN24S4D0WPUY&keywords=silent+night+in+algona&qid=1699193228&sprefix=%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-1

Harsens Island Revenge – Aside from a pick up scene in Feb. 2024 and (2) VFX shots the film is done capturing footage. We had our director and McGraw Multimedia out with a first person drone capturing beauty and landmark establishing shots of the actual Harsens Island. We’ve had a few people inquire as to why more wasn’t filmed at the island and that is fine as most don’t understand the process of filmmaking. A full cast and crew plus extras came to about 200 people. Getting enough extras for scenes to participate on an island would be difficult. Lodging. Hospitals, Walmart, Gordons Food, Home Depot, and access to Camera/Grip and electric needs. All these are logistic reasons because of a ferry running at certain times being the main issue. Now add in how modern has crept into the island with each sign and renovation. The point is we did some PR to explain this but some were still not satisfied. But again, they’re not accountable for a budget or have the experience in filming a juggernaut like this film. But I respect the questioning- READ ABOUT IT HERE: https://www.prlog.org/12991986-harsens-island-revenge-moves-into-post-production.html

KNIGHT CHILLS – While Harsens Island Revenge represents our most recent CDI (www.cdiproductions.com) film, KNIGHT CHILLS was CDI’s first film. It shows the immense growth of our company. I still find it hard to believe it is such a classic to some but it is a living lesson to doing it yourself. Nobody can stop you from being a storyteller on film, a filmmaker – just do it. Learning how to produce the show is part of the equation and doing to proper BIZ is the other. Many get lost on the latter because it is far less sexy than the SHOW part. But the show will not flourish without the biz.

Watch our 1st release – https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2O7QHUZYG7QNY&keywords=knight+chills&qid=1699194757&sprefix=knight+chills%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-2


Much like Knight Chills above from the CDI library is being brought back to market, we’re going to keep at it. We will look to update and move one to two films into the market. We get Ghost Town back in Feb 2024 and we might look at setting up a big 2024 Fall release. That film had issues with our middle man/company (You can look it up) and Lionsgate. We are going to be setting up a special edition to release with Desktop Entertainment. These talks have happened but the deal is not official. I cannot assign it until the other agreement expires in Feb. But we’ve been working on a new trailer and prepping elements. The other might be FROM VENUS, if director Jeff Kennedy is up to helping provide some extra content. This would be with our partners at Saturn Core who did Knight Chills. Did you know Sir. Kallio from Knight Chills makes an appearance in FROM VENUS? FIGURE IN THE FOREST and AN ORDINARY KILLER are in talks to be brought back to market.

But looking ahead at new content-

HOT ROD LOVE is entering talks with track owners again. We had issues with our main location and had to shift gears. Pun intended. This 70’s comedy has some great lessons embedded into an ensemble of fun. We’ll have some talks in the next few weeks with creative keys and potential backers. I know that many of the sponsors and product partners love the idea of advertisement in the 70’s, groovy. We had some traction before but without the right place to film started to lose time. Certain stories need to be filmed at certain times. But things are looking really good for this film which if I have my way, summer 24 cabers roll.

(From earlier in the year now almost 8 million on Encourage TV)

HASTINGS TV Series – This beautiful season one, 8 show endeavor has many pieces lined up. We even have places being offered to build sets on. The town of Hastings would still remain our main location but the series would allow some travel. This spin off from WILD FAITH would be our love letter to those early Disney-like movies and tv shows that had lessons woven within. If you haven’t watched Wild Faith and met Emmett, Thelma, Ben, Hester and more – take a Watch-HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0LCdlq-BK0

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – Another powerful story from the state of Iowa. The amazing story was brought to me by the Donald Tietz Charitable Foundation to develop. The script is some of my best work and is again about perspectives. We’re going to spend several months talking to various organization and individuals about getting partners behind this story of actual events. These happenings are told in a brutal honest way with inspirational and thought provoking history captured keeping it from being lost to time. PRESERVING HISTORY is a worthy endeavor.

Associated CDI projects– possible. These occur when someone has their own funding and they control that aspect but lack and want experience that comes with CDI. But, we as a company have to consider their experience. In many cases it’s easier to just raise our own funds and execute production successfully as we do. Too many variables that we can’t control and the quality can fall drastically.

(WATCH NOW! Free w/ Ads – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLaw6zOAsw0 )

Script Writing is an on-going process. I bounce between pet projects and those slated for production sooner versus later. SMOKE & MIRRORS was a feature film and after our short concept film, I’ve been doing a page one re-write. The Halloween season gave me a nice backdrop for writing. I’ve also being reviewing books to once again choose one to adapt to a script. I think I’ve landed on the one that ‘feels’ right. If talks go proper and a deal is made I might start working on that project in Jan. 2024. I will work on writing daily on Smoke & Mirrors and my pet project scripts until the end of the year.

WATCH SMOKE & MIRRORS HERE FREE: https://youtu.be/4qcobe1eng0?si=sot3uuJYO2T_UofF

‘Axel’ in Harsens Island Revenge

Outside projects– Yes. I’m open to acting offers and have thought of bringing an agent once again to field those occasional offers. I had an offer just before filming Harsens Island Revenge but ‘Axel’ was already firm in play. But for the most part I’m good at representing myself on these outside projects. I’ve had some wonderful adventures in storytelling with some amazing artists so I do love the occasional outside project. But to leave means not just my personal but my business doings also have to be attended to. So it just depends on the team and the story, and compensation to a certain degree.


I’m smelling bacon and eggs and the coffee is getting low. We had to fall back with our clocks so that has the routine slightly wonky. The Detroit Lions are taking a rest this week. MSU actually won a game yesterday. WINS all over. Estate Sale stop by and I got a dozen or so Conan the Barbarian books for $4. WIN! I’m going to do some yard clean up and winterizing before seeing my brother and a few amigos later. Next week/tomorrow – I’m right back at the movie work refreshed and recharged. Make sure you get a dose of nature and laughter to recharge your batteries. I love the holidays and we have much to feel grateful and appreciative for. As the air becomes cold I look forward to calls and meetings around the fire to discuss new grand adventures!

Coffee Cheers!


A Character Returns, Embracing Change and Seven Weekly Updates!

Hazelnut coffee cheers! I welcome all our new readers from Ireland, Germany, Philippines and more. I slept very sound last night and needed the rest. We had a physical soccer match this week that we were victorious in but I was a tad sore for a couple of days. We got heavy last week talking about the state of things especially in our industry. It is really about CHANGE. That can be hard for many people, myself included. I’ve got several updates and so I’ll try to bullet point some of those. They apply to projects past, present and future. Let’s look at a few of the updates.

  1. So my first starring role was a creature feature called IN THE WOODS. It turns 25 next year and our director has had the film re-transferred and also done a director’s edit including new scenes and shots. I was asked to do some wild sounds for the new cut which included a few “wild lines” or unscripted lines. The sounds were of falling down, out of breath, busting through a door and other such sounds. I talked with our director the other day and he said he loved listening to the takes. After almost 25 years, there’s Alex Kerwood again. It was a throwback to recreate the role that started it for me. A private showing of the new director’s cut is planned for late October perhaps including a new theatrical run. The Blu Ray release is planned for next year, our 25th anniversary. We also talked about IN THE WOODS 2 which is planned after we shoot another supernatural thriller I’ve written about here. A team will be doing some scouting late this year.
  2. KNIGHT CHILLS is also getting the up-rez treatment and I’ll have more to discuss on this come September. The distributor wants it under wrap until that time but I think it will be something special. If I can get the new file here soon we’ll look to cut a new trailer. We’ve talked here about the developing video game and we’ve had many sequel talks. I actually think there exists about 4 different sequel scripts. This is a great world to play in and I’m excited about where it can go.
  3. I’ve been helping to produce another rock music video which is always a fun experience. I cannot talk too much about it until we do some PR on the project. But if you want to see some of the others we’ve done recently you can watch OFF TO THE RACES by Vertical Bridge and REVOLUTION by DeepFall.
  4. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is undergoing a few visual tweaks this weekend for home video. The film just enjoyed a four day encore run in Algona theaters. That might be the end of it after playing continuously since Dec 9th, 2022! It could enter into some kind of special theatrical in Dec if it doesn’t play against the home video release. I went to a family get together and was pleased to hear so many compliments on the film from people that had gone to the theater. Even better was several younger children (9ish) who really loved the story and the history. I was told it led to a lengthy discussion about WW2, Nazi’s and Jews. History being passed down through our visual storytelling. I’m excited for millions to watch the film in the coming year!
  5. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has been nominated at the Red Letter Awards in various categories so if you wish you can vote for our film. We are nominated in good company with some amazing actors, writers, directors and teams. It is time to VOTE! https://www.surveyhero.com/c/kuvga3dn
  6. Harsens Island Revenge is full steam ahead. This past week we released our final schedule to cast and crew. We also lined up our catering and insurance. We have only a few cast and crew to bring onto the project. We have some great company sponsors coming on board. Lerma Transportation Inc. has been helping with our craft service since maybe 2016. We appreciate them partnering with us once again. We have several more sponsors we’ll be announcing in the coming weeks. We are still looking for pre1926 WHEELCHAIR, DIVING SUIT and .30 or .50 cal machine gun. Prop hunting is always a fun endeavor. If you have a lead on one of these in the state of Michigan please do let me know. I’ve also been enjoying pulling together wardrobe and props my new character in this story. I play the role of WW1 veteran Axel, the reluctant mentor sort dragged into yet another conflict. This time with the infamous Purple Gang. The roaring 1920’s here we come!
  7. Development work continues and once SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is fully off our plate more energy can be directed at the new properties. We’ve got a few great projects in discussion for production in 2024/2025. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE and WILD FAITH: HASTINGS are two of the leading projects in development. Several people and organizations are showing great interest in developing these film projects.

WRAP UP: Today we’re going to pick up the 4H pork we get every year. Come October it will be time for another venison re-stock. I just grilled some back straps after three days of marinating and it came out great. Left overs today likely on a salad. The herbs and veggies are growing great in the wake of the rains. The hops are starting to turn into cones. The rhubarb is still producing and my wine will go to bottle in a few weeks. The Mexican style beer has been a hit with people and I’ve enjoyed it. Our chickens are still producing eggs and so our “lil farm’ has been producing well. The apple trees are also full and I might make cider or might just leave them for the squirrels.

I’m furthermore excited that tomorrow I will get to go to the premiere of a friend and associate. A short concept horror film made even more special because it features my niece in the movie. How cool is that? This week will be more meetings as we lock in even more pieces to our production puzzle. I look forward to seeing friend and fellow actor Taylor Nichols tomorrow also. Another soccer match on Thursday. We have a prop pick up on Tuesday which will be fun. A CDI producers meeting on Friday. So a full week ahead but time spent with some great friends and artists. I’m going to top off my coffee and get after some breakfast. I hope you all have a great week and we’ll chat again next Sunday.

Be good to one another!


The Equation of Success – CDI Updates!

(July 7th and 8th – my parents have back to back Birthdays) * Little Me

Bangladesh, Finland, and France are just a few of the places where we have artists stopping by from and I welcome you all. I’m sipping some hazelnut coffee and pondering the long week. It was a week of setbacks and success. We have been working hard to get the schedule at a place to send out. So many variables that are factored into this ‘battle plan’ and we think we have it about there. I often say that communication is the key and say like in soccer, the difference between two talented teams often comes down to communication. This allows an organized defense or a coordinated attack and these same principles can be applied to filmmaking. We sent around an intro with W9 (for end of year taxes) and these docs but the wrong series of docs was sent. So moments after we provided a battle plan including cast days of work, we had to nix it. A correct one will be sent very soon. That email created a waterfall of communication that just created ‘noise’ when we are trying to fix the send out. It happens. It happened early. We caught it and we’ll be flowing like water again soon. I like CDI to work at a high level of professionalism and we really do put the work in but even so, sometimes we error also.

(I give team sports credit for many of the successes shared by our film crews – do you see blame?)

This weekend dispersement on the various films went out and that was two days of check writing and prepping for mail out. But it is a sign of a healthy flow and it is what keeps us moving from one project to the next. I also had two very special birthdays to celebrate this past week that being my momma and daddy. A few great meals to celebrate them and a few little love gifts. I also had a nephew hurt his wrists in a playground fall off a slide. As someone whose only cracked bone was a wrist from soccer, I know the uncomfortable situation it can be. But it could have been much worse. A child who just plays video games might not face the same injury (although I’m sure video game wrist injuries are real) but it is important to challenge oneself with outside play. We had woods near our house and so we spent countless days running, climbing and playing in the wild terrain.

Let’s look at a few of the artistic updates-

  1. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has been back in the Algona, Iowa theater for four days and today is the last of this FOUNDERS celebration. We’re finishing some minor corrections and adjustments for the home video release. We hope to have those dates to you all very soon.
  2. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE as noted above – has lots going on. We’ve been gathering props and I’ll be heading to another flea market in a few to seek out more. A Sunday stop at the local PX might have found one of our few hard props to find. We’re having some good luck with sponsors and product partners and we’ll be announcing more of those soon. I’m looking forward to more meetings this week and once the schedule released we have many more tasks that can follow behind that. I’ve also been carving time out to just work on my role in the film. That has been fun to work the creative side by side with the business.
  3. Development – SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE and HASTINGS. These two 1800’s pieces in development are very different. One is a film and one is a TV series and the tones are very different. One is a brutally honest look at the true history and the other has a lighter family feel found in shows like LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE. These projects will continue to be pitched as pieces are put into place.
  4. I plan to return to some of my on-going scriptwriting although the winter months tend to be better unless it’s a paid writing job. I have a few other meetings over developing projects that will require a script. I do truly love to write and it is what keeps things moving. A project without a script is usually 2 year from filming at best. A script can take a good part of a year to get into form. So when I hear people wanting to jump into production without a solid script is fantasy. In all these years I’ve learned an order of business exists. Many like to do “fun” cart before the horse things but without a solid foundation this is just wasted energy. You cannot just work HARD you must work SMART.
  5. I was doing a little producer work on a music video I’ll be helping to produce. As I’ve stated before- I really enjoy this medium for storytelling being of the MTV generation. More on this in the coming weeks but I like that CDI is getting involved in this medium.

(A few of the CDI Tribe)


I had a meeting at the end of the week where I was basically imparting the fact that although we can make it look easy funding and producing these stories they are all very difficult. Many artists want more without having any idea of the true costs and efforts involved. CDI is not a large faceless company but a small company of artists who enjoy having more control through hard work versus whims of others. We are working hard to get us to that next level whereas I can put our producers around the table more frequently. When we are together we have less communication issues and we can work out or around any obstacles. I know we have it better than many and not as good as others. But even those others have more at stake and so the pressures are even greater.

As we are now about two months out from gathering to tell our next story (Harsens Island Revenge) people are getting excited. For many of us it is when we truly get to see each other and spend some quality time as artists. This month we’ll fill the final cast and crew spots and start putting paperwork under folks. I feel bad for some who want to ride with the tribe for a project but just cannot make a schedule work. It is a real problem for some and as we’ve talked about before- every shoot is a sacrifice. Being away from home for a month is hard but it does allow us to be part of something truly great. I like one of the nuggets of wisdom one of our producers gave at the weeks end. Stumble gracefully:) We make mistakes weekly but learn from it. We also work hard to try and make everything go right but on occasion something goes wrong. It is important that the team absorbs these wins and losses as a TEAM. The only person ever at fault is ME. Finger pointing or blame game should not even apply if everyone is giving their BEST EFFORTS. Why? Because it is all under the CDI umbrella and I am the supervisor. Do I get everything right? No. Do I make errors? Yes. I think taking ACCOUNTABILITY and not being afraid to FALL or FAIL is a great strength. And a fail is not a forever fail it is just part of deductive process. “Okay that didn’t work how I wanted it to so we now know that was not a good path to go down.” Wisdom to apply in the future. Those who cannot take accountability or fail to rise when knocked down are the only ones to truly fail.

Lastly, tying into a law of attraction and the power of words on our psyche – don’t belittle yourself. Don’t put yourself down or bathe yourself in negativity. I see that often on social media that kind of talk that does paint the person as a victim of circumstance(s). If the same negative things keep happening you must change the equation. You have earned the great gift of learning what not to do. People’s sympathy will not fix most situations only you can. It might start with only one thing a day that you do, organize or put into motion but it all adds up. You will feel better as the load gets lighter not heavier. A good example I used before was that during Covid while many stalled and just watched numbers and engaged in negative banter I organized my life and organization. I created new pitch materials, scripts and put us in position to benefit as soon as the storm passed. The storm did pass and we were already in motion and I was more organized than I had been in years because I had the time and used it. Organize a drawer, a desk, a file cabinet – make plans to succeed. While others spend huge amounts of time pleading their misfortune or arguing against someones point of view on social media – I create. I create the tools and plans to move to the next step. This is not a random accident. This is a battle plan. With no plan you cannot have any victory.

Be victorious by friends!

Until next week-


Eggs, Advice and Updates from a Snowy Michigan

I’m sitting by the fire and sipping the hazelnut coffee. We had to get a new grinder as the last one started failing in its duty. We had a few days of snow falling and the temps have been bitter. I’ve been so happy reading about all the smiles we’ve put on faces with the showing of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, that is reaching towards a hundred cities. Now most of our fans of this film are slightly older with an appreciation of history. As the rave reviews, festival invites, booking agents and more reaching out to align with this film, I knew the attention seeking haters were looming. Often it is someone who was passed up on a role, position or what-not. A company, filmmaker, screenwriter who has not earned their opportunity and so they are angry. Sometimes it is one person having a grievance with a person on the cast or crew, but they lash out at an entire groups work. This film when at the prime of its run will be seen by tens of millions. So far we’ve presented to thousands of people in theaters. We’re opening into many new cities/screens this week and more in the weeks to come. I’m excited that next Sat Feb 4th we’ll be premiering at the NCG theatre in Owosso, Michigan the hometown of our director, DP (Camera) and young lead Curran Jacobs. It will be the first showing for many of my own family. They will have a 4:00 show and a 7:00 with an afterglow after the late show.

To get back at the negative feedback, from negative folks. They are trapped in a cloud, a filter, that effects everything they do, watch, see. I normally care very little about the stones thrown but do wish all the beautiful comments we’ve received through various social media, communication platforms, could be seen by all. The stories forgotten and recalled of grandparents struggling at an earlier time. So if you want your review known – please go to http://www.imdb.com and search ‘Silent Night in Algona’ – on that page you can VOTE with 10 being the best and lastly + ADD A REVIEW- where you’ll be able to express all the wonderful feelings this film invoked. This will help in some avenues of distribution – we are also seeking any of you professional reviewers also. Please do reach out if you’ve done or wish to do an official review for your site, blog or vlog.

Enough with all that- I’m extremely proud of all the amazing feedback and that is causing the film to grow, grow, grow- in the marketplace. IF YOU WANT THE FILM IN YOUR AREA– a handful of calls to the local theatre manager asking them to have their booker reach out. They can reach out to our FB page and that is how it has expanded so well, because of you all! We are starting to look at a few select festivals in America, UK, Germany. The home video deal will likely finalize next month and we have some great plans in motion for that. So if you get a chance to see it on the big screen – do it. It will roll out to DVD and streaming on the run up to the holidays this year.

Harsens Island Revenge – On Friday, I was working on casting breakdowns. We’ve landed on our production dates which are after Labor Day. We are about to do some PR on our director announcing the project and possible with a teaser poster. The paperwork for the project is being drafted and in about two weeks we’ll move into official pre-production. This film will be shot in Michigan and we’ve got some great things lining up. WW1 vets versus the Purple Gang mafia – it’s gonna be exciting. Already a few departments are prepping. We will start sitting down with others from our past crews to see if they want to go on this adventure. I’m excited to do another scout trip soon.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The script for this powerful story is under review for historical adjustments. There are always conflicting recollection of events. We are making historic fiction not doing a biopic, but guidance is always helpful. I have a meeting this coming week to take this to the next phase of development. If this all goes well, I’ll have a lot more to discuss. We are targeting a 2024 shoot if we stay on our timeline.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2: Battlefields – This next step in our martial arts series that focuses on grappling and the art of Catch-Can. The project will again be produced by the Red, White & Blue Project Inc. non-profit and Collective Development Inc. Once again Curran Jacobs will direct and host the second installment. Adam Towner is onboard to again do post edit work. They will soon start talking to previous donors to see if they want to travel deeper into the study and history of this art used in life and death combat situations. Many new and exciting guests are planned for this new installment looking to roll camera in the Summer.

PROJECT-SHJ – My meeting over the supernatural thriller went extremely well. The biggest issue to discuss was schedule. Now that we have the Harsens Island Revenge dates solid we can look to lock something here. We talked budgets and production duties in our associated collaboration. I was happy with these discussions and we even discussed a slate of films. One is a script we collaborated on many years ago. Another would be a sequel to our maiden endeavor, which would be written by me. I’ve had a good idea for a sequel for many years and so I pitched it. Another story to eventually be put to paper. Yes, I use Movie Magic but once done. I like paper to read and memorize.

HOW DO YOU DO THIS STUFF? A common question

A lot of dreamers have the idea and passion but it must be tempered and focused. Many are great dreamers and talkers and poor at execution. Outside the sight of others they get lazy or disorganized doing what they want to do versus what needs to be done. Truth nuggets here. If you can KNOW THYSELF enough, if you have WILLPOWER – you can dictate. Before you go (Random fun place) you are going to get that proposal written. For many who struggle with willpower I always say, do what you need to do but don’t want to do first, when you have the most energy. Do not wait until you are nearly depleted to tackle the task you dread most. Often it is not as bad as your mind has built up. Once completed and feeling productive the lesser items seem even easier to tackle.

Everything is steps. Order of business. But brainstorming and dreaming is the start. I have many of those sessions weekly with the CDI Tribe. Ideas are tossed about until one shines brighter. No egos. The mutual conversations birthed options and ideas. Ideas are put to order. Execution of each step of order, like a battle mission. Knights around the table reporting, recapping, refining their plans. Have fun. I cannot stress this enough. Have FUN when you work on and through these things. As a camp counselor we use to have team challenges. In martial arts – fighting with a partner at your back. The beer that flows after a soccer match in victory or loss, because you’re living and playing the game. Life is a game of time. Many spend huge amounts of time chasing symbols of currancy and recognition of doings by way of fame. I want my work done to be appreciated but be known for what I’m doing in the present.

I’m an artist in the present. I work with wonderfully, talented people. I laugh and enjoy the mutual victories, obtained by artists who care. We humbly present our work, to which many have and will continue to praise the story. But there will be those who are enraged by others doing what they dreamt of but did not apply themselves in the right way. In the right direction. With the right people. It is hard people. Most famous bands make their best music in 10 years and break up. We are moving towards three decades as a company of storytellers and now we have multiple generations of CDI artists. To me that is success. EVERY FILM is handcrafted like my beers, wine or- you get the point. No formula Hollywood here. I go to the Detroit art museum and I don’t LOVE everything I see. I actually see a few things taking up space but that is subjective. I don’t get it but someone else is weeping because of the brilliance of it all. I don’t get all music these days. Beastie Boys were and still are often my jam. To someone else- Lame. I get it. I think if people spent as much time acting off their positive good filters versus time spent acting off their negative filters, they would find an improvement in their own lives. Negativity is a poison. When said, written or even thought- you ingest it. Start replacement that with KINDNESS, LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING – and please do not draw lines. No exceptions. You want a sweeter life, feed, give, share the honey of life and not the bitter arsenic of negativity.

I’m out to refill the coffee cup and eat some bacon and eggs. People laughed at chicken land at first but whose laughing now? Just kidding. Actually, it has been a good experience. Until next week my friends.

Coffee Cheers,


2023! Goals, Gifts and Growth!

Good morning 2023! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and happy to report no hangovers or such this morning. I had a few drinks yesterday afternoon in a meeting with a few of our artists, picking materials up. We toasted the victories and those lost, no longer traveling. The beverage sipped was some of the Frankenberry Wine, made from all the berries on the property. But in the eve it was just ginger ale and a peaceful welcome into 2023. I can recall many days of my youth of celebrating too much and paying for it the next morning/day. I get up early and have my productive routines that I follow. I don’t regret most of those party days but I don’t miss the aftermath.

I carved out a day this past week and did film disbursements to our backers. I’m so thankful for all the supportive people who love the Tribe CDI stories. I had a sit down with one of them this week and really enjoyed all the positive feedback. We also talked about future endeavors, of which we have many. I’ve been working to get organized and prepped for a highly productive new year. Being organized is one of the secrets to success. I’ve got a series of end of year tax prep stuff for the films but I have a great team and this year should be quite smooth.

It was a year of hard fought victories and some sad losses. My furbaby Daphne, my second mother- baby sitter Marie DeFord, my friend/family and building mentor Dan Chapin, all powerful losses. Also a slew of artists passed on, which leaves us artists to pick up the torch. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, was the most complex film we’ve produced to date. Two languages, 1940’s clothes, props and vehicles. Windy, cold days and nights. Extensive VFX and just a few bumps bringing all the elements together on an advanced release schedule. But, we did it. The Algona, Iowa premiere was so full of good energy and the ongoing energy has had the film hold over four times now and expanded into multiple cities with more emailing about booking every week.

We will be having a producers pow wow this week over the ongoing roll out. A special screening in Owosso, MI is in planning. We will be exploring a few choice film festivals and we really want a few German screenings. We have a few VIP’s awaiting to view the film which could really assist the home video release. We’ve had many people talk about merchandise and swag and we will be addressing that and hope to have that available with the home video release later this year. We’ve already received so many nice emails about the emotions stirred by watching this story based on true events. Some reflected the deep pain and hate that some carried from their own war (Vietnam) experiences and that this film gave them a new perspective that allowed them to let go of that hate. That is powerful. A story made them let go of poison and replace it with understanding. We’ve had many of these notes sent to us. The community is alive with history. They are all talking the stories once told and almost forgotten. The museums in town being part of family trips into Algona, to watch the film. We had a beautiful letter from the museum boards about the quality job CDI did. And the interest has brought a new awareness that will help these places not just survive but thrive. I’m beyond proud.

We will have an amazing 2023 journey with this film and I cannot wait for each and every one of you to experience this story.


Once I get past the state filings, K-1 send outs and any 1099’s for the films- we’ll be forming the new company to produce Harsens Island Revenge. If you liked CDI tackling WW2 and the 1940’s, wait until CDI gets after the roaring 20’s! I plan to get with our director and finish our writer/director draft. We’ll be putting the casting breakdowns together soon and that will be an enjoyable process. We were lucky to do some location scouting and found many great places to use in the telling of our story. Stay tuned to many new updates on this film.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – In 2023 we’ll be doing some passive development which might include the building of a few period cabins. This is a spring 2024, Iowa shoot if everything stays in the right direction.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH (Battlefield) – Working title- Following the success of the documentary film FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, directed by Curran Jacobs, edited by Adam Towner, produced by CDI and The Red, White, and Blue Project Inc.. The film will now have the first sequel documentary going into production this Spring/Summer. While the original was a much needed summary timeline of the history of professional grappling, these follow up films will go more in depth with various aspects of the history. It’s very exciting to continue this journey.

Furthermore, CDI is considering the first “in association” in a while, with an exciting supernatural thriller. An animated feature is heating up and more…

I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself but I too, feel that rush of the fresh energy. Every year I write out my goals. Personal goals, business goals, home improvement- It is good to get those out in front of you. You won’t always make all your goals but you’ll be surprised at what you did achieve.

I JUST took a pause for my first 2023 eats. Eggs from our girls, 4H bacon and protein waffles with MI made syrup. If I had the right trees I would be boiling sap. Okay. Goals….bacon…back to goals.

A few of my goals as an example-

  1. Design and have new deck built – it is getting close to that point of need vs want
  2. Produce two feature length film endeavors
  3. Act in one outside CDI project- that said, I MUST connect with the material and role
  4. Better plant and garden bed growth and harvest
  5. Looking to increase strength and flexibility training for a good soccer season ahead
  6. Finish two feature scripts
  7. …you get the picture.

Even this blog is very helpful in me deeply thinking through my TO DO’s for the week. Communication continues to be a key to success and I find it can always be improved upon. I see or read about several people being overwhelmed by the waves of life’s hardships. Here is to the hope that 2023 becomes an island to get your footage, regain your balance and readjust your sights. I will keep trying to communicate better to serve as an example of respectful collaboration. Preserving history and stories, lessons to be remembered and to grow from.

Cheers to growth in 2023!


Welcome May! Getting things done every day! UPDATES!

A hearty sip of the hazelnut coffee as a morning toast to all of you. It is a rainy May 1st but plant life is budding everywhere and bees and birds are on the move. It has been a very active week but I’ll start it with a few little personal updates. I found out that a classmate from elementary school whom I saw here and there over the years, passed away. She was a year older and passed in her sleep, it just reminds us to embrace life and those we share it with.

This week many hours working in the yard doing some clean up and repairs. Our Luna Mae pup got a cut on her paw chasing a squirrel and had to get a few stitches. I did some wood cutting and trimming but will have a professional tree cutter come in for a few branches. This week will be setting up the new fire pit and that will be nice to enjoy. I’m looking forward to some grilling and chilling in the months ahead.

It has been a very busy time for CDI business also. Let’s look at some of those updates.

DEEPFALL‘s ‘Revolution’ music video – The Michigan-based rock band kicked off their tour with 7 Dust this weekend in Grand Rapids and Detroit. We are excited to start a second music video with them as soon as they complete this tour. Here again is the music video: https://youtu.be/xtlc7GQvr70 and we wish them an awesome tour.

Sticking with the theme of music videos here is the music video for VERTICAL BRIDGE and their winning song OFF TO THE RACES that appears in our upcoming release of BEST YEARS GONE. Here is the music video featuring clips from the film – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka43XfLnsEA

BEST YEARS GONE releases July 5th, 2022 and we will likely find out today if we won the BareBones International Film and Music Festival for ‘Best Comedy‘ feature. Now we did not attend because of the long drive and they seem to still be trying to get up to speed for Covid lock down. We might start doing some more fun marketing spots as we draw closer.

I was informed by our distributor that two of our films WILD FAITH and MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND will be releasing with NBC/Peacock which is an audience of 33 million so we’re all excited for the films to reach new viewers. That will help our efforts on the Wild Faith TV series for sure. Once we have dates we’ll be doing a full PR release. We hope that many more of the CDI films will follow. A TV series?

To prepare for the worldwide release on FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH we started to deliver assets. That should finish up this week. We are also exploring a large festival as a possible premiere venue. Also the first assets for the upcoming KNIGHT CHILLS Blu Ray were delivered. I’m having fun gathering assets to provide a new unique look at this little ambitious film from all those years ago. The streaming deal will be set up with 3 other title and the video game development is looking great.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA released its first official teaser last week to much fanfare.

Here is the link – https://youtu.be/abGtdP-93mE

We had a pick up VFX shoot yesterday for SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA and I’m hoping to have a VFX featurette video to share with all of you soon. We will likely start work on some other assets like a theatrical poster. We’ll wait for the new tighter cut of the film itself before we start pulling scenes for the official trailer to release on the run up to our December Iowa premiere. I’ll be circling around with our sponsors and potential sponsors about this upcoming event. We will keep dripping photos out in the weeks to come.

BESTSELLER releases worldwide this month! This cool Melissa Anschutz led thriller will release to DVD and digital purchase May 31st. This Chris Wright book was turned into this intense film and now the world will be able to watch. It has some great talent involved and we’re all excited to share it with you. Pics and promo will keep dripping out from the Facebook page so be sure to follow us there too.

I also spent some serious time trying to clean and organize my emails but that is an on-going never ending endeavor. We had a recent merchandise promotion meeting and we’re looking at bringing a few things to market. I LOVE the poster art for BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS and might explore shirts. LOST HEART might get new poster art. More of you are discovering the WICKED SPRING HD streaming links and so if you’re just discovering this film or its a favorite from years past- enjoy. Try this link below but just google up ‘Wicked Spring’ and ‘HD’ and go back to the Civil War!

Wicked Spring

I’m going to try and wrap some of this up. I can also report ahead of the PR release that I’ve inked a new deal to adapt a book to a screenplay and produce it with our CDI Tribe. I usually start to immerse myself in the art, music, fashion and history of the time. This particular story will have CDI storytelling in the roaring 20’s. But as I focus on the script we have one script ready to roll – HOT ROD LOVE. We’ve been in pre-talks with locations, car owners, companies, talent and potential sponsors and investors. We have some folks committed and will be asking for support again here soon when we disperse more funds back to our base. These are hard and dark times for some out there. I pride myself on the fact that even with all these challenges we’ve continued to keep telling our stories of hope and inspiration and laughter. So yes, we’ll be asking once again for some of you good folks to travel with us again. We will have to access our target dates because a few things have moved just a tad slower. But May will let us now much more as we work hard to launch this next endeavor. It has some female empowerment elements embedded in the 1975 world of drag racing. Just you wait and see.

I hope you all have a great week and make good progress on whatever endeavors you are working on. As you travel be good to your fellow life adventurers as they all have challenges of their own. I got my old hop vines cleared and I see new sprouts climbing already. I will plan to set up the water fountain and fire pit this week. I might quote those tree trimmers. I hope we get some sun so we can do a few meetings outside and I can continue my screenwriting out amongst nature. Lastly, my outdoor soccer season starts this Thursday. Our indoor league did the job of getting my legs and lungs back up to task. You have to keep your kung fu strong:) Thank you all. I appreciate you so much and appreciate you stopping by and the support. Have a great Sunday!

Coffee Cheers!


10 Awesome #TRIBECDI Updates to Kick Off Autumn!

Good morning to all of you and I hope your foray into Fall has been great thus far. I want to welcome the new readers from Russia, Ireland, UK, China and the Philippines. Coffee (or tea) cheers to you all and thank you for stopping by. I LOVE this time of year and I’ve been beyond thrilled to work on the films as the leaves turn and fall. I’m feeling like just shotgunning out some of the updates.

  1. The NCG Owosso premiere showing of ‘BEST YEARS GONE‘ is over and word has it that it is coming next for a Lansing NCG premiere on Oct 16th with two shows – a 6pm and 8:15pm I believe. You heard it here first. This week an event page and some PR will begin so some of the home town folks can enjoy the film. It has been remixed from the first premiere for delivery to our distributor and for our future premieres. I got a peek at some of the DVD/release artwork our distributor is working on. I think they are planning on a Feb 2022 home video release. Until that release we’ll keep at the theatrical premieres. If you’ve seen the film feel free to visit our IMDB.com page (also has a premiere video there) and leave a few words about your favorite scenes.
  2. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – pre-production is on the final run up. With a home office I get that great privilege of a short daily commute – about 30 or so stone steps. We’ve been doing more in-depth meetings with departments making sure they have questions answered. I was happy that one of my estate sale finds – a $5 military trench coat was the correct period and matched the photo I had. The office has been reaching out and getting crew agreements in line and this week cast will follow our set “day-of-days” coming from the AD department. We’ve had a few changes in cast and crew that happens when life happens. But I’m excited to see many of the Tribe and tell one last great story before we call it a year.
  3. WICKED SPRINGS HD release should start rolling out this month. That was an epic shoot back when we were rather young. I’m excited to see this rolling out to streaming platforms so folks can enjoy the story in HD.
  4. LOST HEART/BIGFOOT, UFO’s & JESUS – is starting to really pick up steam as the alternate title works into the marketplace. I had the chance to talk with many who have really enjoyed this film. The laughter and heartfelt messages play well with audiences and that is why we do it. This is true for MAN’S BEST FRIEND which again brought questions of a sequel which I’m not ruling out but it’s not on deck at this time. I was made aware of it playing on various TV stations like Charge TV. WILD FAITH just broke the 5-million views mark on Encourage TV and I’ll be taking more meetings on season 1 of the TV spin off. THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) is about ready to start its run once the ghosts and ghouls have their Halloween.
  5. As we follow the tradition of setting up new campaign runs for older films in the CDI library like BESTSELLER and THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ will be getting 2022 release dates soon. We just got everything submitted for one and the other is in the works. We are working to get several more prepped to release. Our distributor now has a general market label which is opening many doors of opportunity.
  6. SMOKE & MIRRORS our concept short is done. I was exploring how to help the location house with our film. We will look at some festivals also just for fun. The feature script is being retooled and will be great as an extended story.
  7. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – the first in a series of CDI in association with The Red, White & Blue Project Inc. documentary films. The locked cut is about done and so we’re going to master record the narration and do a once over mix/check at the studio with Dennis Therrian to prep the film for delivery. This brand we’ve created has a lot of growth possibilities. We also might look at a December premiere release likely at the NCG Owosso. Why? Curran Jacobs our director/host is from Owosso, MI. A lot of creative individuals from that area.
  8. I’ve had my second business opportunity in the past two months approach me over screenwriting. When I write to assign to one of our productions I work discounted knowing that the film employs many of our artists. I also produce and often act so there is much more involvement. On these “work-for-hire” projects I’m raising rates and even doing something like a writer/option whereas the script is written for X amount w/ a 50% copyright hold until the script is financed and the balance paid in return for the remaining 50% copyright. So they end up with complete ownership and have to go less deep financially to be able to shop. I still try to work under the minimums suggested by the WGA which I’m not part of by choice, and my cost of living can handle this. That again is what I love about Michigan. You could have a small crap box in LA or a country kingdom in Michigan for the same price. Part of the secret of productivity is being somewhere you like and that gives you peace between your often hectic dealings. I will pick up where we left off on negotiations this week and what is meant to be will be. But I do enjoy all the new writing opportunities. I am still looking at possible representation for the writing and still might try something out for the foreign market.
  9. As we discuss writing, one of my loves, I must mention a new book coming out. A few years back when WILD FAITH was moving and grooving in the theaters across several states, an author/book running that writes under Callie Smith Grant saw our film. She enjoyed the story/script and that led to an offer to submit stories. That has led to my participation in several of these books. This is the most recent one. Pre-order/order here – https://www.amazon.com/Dog-Who-Came-Christmas-Stories/dp/0800741250 a great Christmas gift!
  10. Producing, writing and preparing daily to play a new character on screen. I’m playing Lt. Col Lodell a fictional character based loosely on the actual camp commander in one major way. The ‘Golden Rule’ is the basis/foundation used during the operation of the PW camp. This character fit so perfect when I cracked the script back open to look at it. It feels close to where I’m at in my life with setting an example is the easiest way to inspire. Words can be wasted be the speaker or the listener if no action follows it. I just like to keep plugging away each and every day. I don’t feel in competition with anyone or anything. I feel like I’m just flowing like water (Thanks Bruce) doing my best each day. I’m doing the projects I’m suppose to do. So many stories to tell – I’m just very grateful to be able to. I don’t take that for granted. I try not to take any of it for granted. I’m just happy that I evolved to where I am. A place of good balance of mind, body and spirit. Learn to laugh at yourself. Forgive yourself. And wisdom that comes with ‘know thyself’…

(Above ‘Tricky T’ has been working with CDI since film #1 ‘Knight Chills’)

I’m going to wrap this up and maybe go make another cup of coffee. I’m looking forward to the week ahead. Also the old suitcase is going to have to come out. I like to slow pack over a couple weeks. I also have CDI stuff to gather also. This week we touch base with our Algona team. I’m going to go enjoy another soccer game with my niece and nephew playing. An art department meeting that I’m looking forward to. So many good developments on that front. As you study the time period some things seem very old although I’m convinced the black and white photos and footage makes it seem older. Other pictures could have been shot today. How we captured history has a lot to do with how we see it now. Just like old Civil War pictures. Once colorized – man! They really come to life. I love history and the stories that have carried down collectively to all of us. I will continue to try and put some of these wonderful stories to the medium of motion picture. Have a great week and be good to one another!


Screenings, Schedules and Staying Focused!

Welcome to all our new readers from Germany, Uganda, China and several others from around the globe – coffee cheers! Watching the storm approach New Orleans and hoping for the best for whomever stayed behind. We all know of the tragedy unfolding in Afghanistan and Covid is continuing to be an issue in some areas of the country. This humidity has been brutal yet I got the lawn mowed up one day and even had our last soccer match for the season in this heat. I’m ready for wood stove, chili, Lions/MSU football and everything that comes with that. It has been a very active time here at CDI and with me personally but that means good things are happening. Lets look at a few of the top updates-

  1. BEST YEARS GONE – the film is being polished up with some color correction tweaks and a few music beds to be worked in. The tickets are open for anyone to buy for Sept 18th at the NCG Owosso theatre with shows at 6:00 pm and 8:15pm with an afterglow at ROMAS patio starting after the first show and will continue after the second showing. Get your tickets now as they are going fast! No charge for the afterglow/cash bar and we’ll be doing pictures and such so come on down and meet many of the cast and crew.
  2. Also a just finished shooting the music video for ‘Off to the Races‘ the song by Vertical Bridge that will appear in the film as winners of the ‘Battle of the Band’ – we plan to show the music video either before or after the film. It depends on what film footage is used/shown in the video but we’re excited to see this premiere also.
  3. SMOKE & MIRRORS our short concept film is almost done. We had a slight delay in the VFX but I hope to get the finished film so we can look at maybe a small premiere as a fund raiser for the Dodge Turner House we shot at. I’m excited to finish the retooled feature script that we plan to shoot in the near future with Nathaniel Nose directing.
  4. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH our documentary film about the history of wrestling has a first full cut which we’ll review this week. Once BEST YEARS GONE has moved out of post we’ll move this film in once picture is locked to have an audio mix done on the project.
  5. WILD FAITH/HASTINGS – as the feature film keeps climbing in views via the numerous streaming sites that means good things for the TV spin off series. This coming week I have more meetings over this project. I’m excited about what this could mean for so many cast and crew in the Michigan area. CDI has been building a strong team for a while now and this project could mean some consistent work. Giddy up!
  6. New release campaigns will be underway for a newly up-rez’d THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ, which was CDI’s first animated feature collaboration but I will say it won’t be our last. Also Christopher Knight’s BEST SELLER based on the book of the same name has been delivered and will be rolling out in the near future. This R-rated (language and intense situations) feature is the closest to a Hitchcock like thriller that we’ve produced. I’ll be in talks this week on a few other projects from the CDI library.
  7. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has most of the cast and crew in place minus a few still being discussed. We will be getting ready to go to paperwork this Sept for cast, crew and vendors. Most of our crew is driving in so we can take more equipment and gear. Some flights for west coast folks will be needed so those will be arranged. Wardrobe is starting to gather sizes (don’t lie actors:) * A famous story with my dear departed actor costar Dan “Grizzly Adams” Haggerty who might have fibbed on his waist size. This led to a frantic last minute adjustment on set. We’ll be having some round table discussions with art including guns with our armorer Mr. Robert Bradley. The town of Algona is so appreciative they don’t want CDI to be just coming to work in Algona they want the crew to be their guests. Once you meet the kind people of Iowa you realize why a story like ours actually happened. I’m excited and ready to tell what we hope will become a holiday staple along with your other favorite classics.
  8. We are having some great success with our product partners on our upcoming WW2 Christmas film mentioned above. We have another great brand joining us in our endeavor and their history/story plays into the script in a few places. Stay tune for some announcements and if you have a brand and want to align it with our story please do reach out. Smithfield Foods is our newest joining Lerma Transportation and The Candleberry Co. We are appreciative of all our product partners.
  9. I had a call last week about a film I was approached about a few years back and it seems they have momentum and wanted to resend the script and see if I was still interested in the role. I LOVE that they offered to send a paper script to me. Things always get read faster by me when they come to me in paper form.
  10. KNIGHT CHILLS – I’m just going to set this right here. This was CDI’s first film. It was both a test of ‘could we’ tell a story. We were too ambitious, under experienced, under funded but had a boatload of passion and enthusiasm. This story has stayed with audiences for many of the nostalgic reasons we love it. There is a world at play here and with the surge in fantasy role playing including new D&D movies, it might be the time for SIR KALLIO to arise. If you go and watch Part 3 of THE QUEST TRILOGY, The Christ Slayer…well watch all 3, imagine that world building applied to Knight Chills. The story exists in two places – the fictional here and now and the fictional inside fictional world of the imagination. This 2nd film is a transitional piece to get us into the world we always wanted to do but were unable to. This second film will be an EVIL DEAD 2 to Evil Dead 1 with the 3rd being the Knight Chills (Army of Darkness) – No. I’m not saying Knight Chills is on par with Evil Dead, I’m just pointing out the story arc. The second brings back some nods to the past and sets up for its future. We’ve had so many people interested in the story and this RESTART not REBOOT will draw some artists into our story on subject matter alone. Just something developing in the dark of the night as the cold wind starts to blow…

I’ve given a good run down of some of the happenings over here at CDI. I’ve been watching my hops which are close to harvest. The rhubarb needs another cut. The chickens are kicking the eggs out. Veggies are ripening weekly and we’ve been storing some tomatoes. The plants are doing well with water but the humid just has it feeling like Jurassic Park around here. And the mosquitos are the true beasts around here. Although the bats are trying to keep them in check there are just so many. I think the mosquito should become the new Michigan bird:) Okay. I hope everyone has a great week ahead. Keep focused on what you can control and don’t let static and noise steal your attention and time. In many endeavors you must believe first. Click on Owosso links BELOW to go to BEST YEARS GONE premiere ticket site or just google it up. See you there.

Coffee Cheers.


Happy Father’s Day and Sunday Updates on CDI Film Projects

I’m sipping the coffee but in the early eve of the 19th. I have another busy day tomorrow with some family activities and such but I wanted to give you a few thoughts. I just read something about Chadwick the Black Panther actor not getting the part of Drax in a Guardians of the Galaxy film but it exposed him and opened the ‘Marvel’ doors for the future casting. We are getting down to the last few castings in SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. This is hard because you are trying to build the right chemistry. We’ve had some requested reads that just didn’t make the grade. Sometimes it is nerves. Sometimes it is too much confidence, perhaps they don’t fully commit or make interesting, unique choices. I recall when we were casting WILD FAITH we were reading many actresses as Hester the half Native American tracker. Some good attempts but the mark kept being missed. Melissa Anschutz who is an amazing actress, could have played any of the roles because of her commitment level. She is the only one who found the bullseye. But convincing her to take a role where she says a dozen or so phrases was…interesting:) But the pay off was most excellent. You can get tired when casting but the focused work will show in the end product.

WILD FAITH (Free with Ads)

Almost 5 million viewers on Encourage TV. We are in a few conversations about the HASTINGS TV series. So if you have not watched the film please do. If you’ve enjoyed it before show your support for this film. If you would love a TV show based on this film let your voices be heard.

WICKED SPRING – We got some great practice at reproducing the Civil War era with our 2000 film. This was done when CDI has a sister company Lionheart Filmworks. The feature is now managed by CDI and Lionheart went to the films director Kevin Hershberger. I’ve been proud of all the TV work he has done. He LOVES history and it shows. Anyway, for streaming we now have an HD version of the film. The distributor did a high res version and from what I’ve seen it looks really good. It is just amazing what new technology is allowing us to do. This success could give new life to some of the pre-HD films.

Speaking of pre-HD much like last year when we released the CDI Classic Collection Double Feature #1 Heaven’s Neighbors and Figure in the Forest. This year my goal is to do Knight Chills and From Venus. Also I might explore a full HD campaign with Knight Chills. We have had two great companies approach about a special BluRay release and so I will be circling back to those discussions.

BESTSELLER is not from as far back as the classic collection but a few moons ago. It will be rolling out with a full campaign this fall.

NEXT week we have two of the films, MANS BEST FRIEND and LOST HEART, of 5 finalists in the Crown Awards in Dallas, Texas next week. They announce on my Bday (June 23rd) the Gold, Silver and Bronze winners. I love both films like children. I just hope whatever attention the films garnish pushes more audiences at these two powerful and heartfelt stories. This month also saw the beginning of the ‘Lost Heart’ roll out under the name ‘Bigfoot, UFOs and Jesus’ for the General Audience. I love the enthusiastic response that I received from so many of you. So it doesn’t matter what title you watch the film as – just enjoy it. Both of these films can be watched. Which is your favorite?

BEST YEARS GONE team has been putting the final touches on the first official trailer. The plan is to drop the trailer on Tuesday or perhaps Weds, perhaps. We are going to start having Travis Hayward start planning the music video once the trailer color correction is done. We are in the process of setting up a couple of premiere events for September. The films sound and music is roughly half done. I will be meeting with Dennis Therrian this week and get a better update.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – This awesome doc film will be releasing its official teaser July 4th and I’m proud of all the hard work that has been going on with this project.


I’ve been doing some script work on a few projects that I’ve been meaning to get back to. Even just a little creative writing a day can be really refreshing. We discussed HASTINGS previously and there is some development happening with the post work on SMOKE & MIRRORS. I’ve been doing a lot of scene work on this feature script. We have several great things developing but they are not ready to be spoken about. Somethings are left best for when the deal is done.


Tomorrow is Father’s Day and I’m so thankful to still have both my parents here to love and guide me. I know my father worked very hard and that is where I must get some of that tenacity. I got to see my dad yesterday and I hope to see him tomorrow. If I don’t it is because he has a funeral for a classmate. Unfortunately, even at our age we are starting to see the occasional alumni obituary. This can only get harder as you travel down the path and lose more friends. It pains me to even think of that so I’m just appreciate them all. Even now I still owe a few calls. I do try to stay up and check on people. I look forward to a few nice sit downs and catch ups this week around my bday. For those asking I will likely pick a patio on Tuesday for a few hours in the afternoon/early eve and on Weds celebrate more chill with family.

Aside from this the chickens are producing eggs although we’ve had two Finn escapes whereas he chased the chickens. He seems to have shown restraint having caught two but not bit them. I’ve been harvesting some herbs and rhubarb and the berries also are ripening. So I need to bottle up the aging ‘berry’ wine into bottles and prepare to put another 5 gal in motion.

HAPPY Mother’s Day! Also CDI’S TOP 10 UPDATES (There are some good ones)

My first sips of hazelnut coffee on this Sunday morning. I’ve been recovering the last two days from my first of the season soccer matches. My legs are in good shape but not ready for the constant run and directional changes. Yesterday my legs were stiff and tad heavy giving me the ‘mummy’ walk – “COIN!” (Old Scooby Doo reference)

I had a very productive week on many fronts and I’m just so pleased with how everything is moving along. But before we get into all the film updates let take this moment to celebrate mommas. EVERYTHING I’ve done in this life I’ve done because I was brought into this world. Every story that started as a spark in my imagination and brought to screen is because of her. (Dad also had something to do with it:) But I’m just so appreciative that I was given this opportunity. We will have the moms over this afternoon for an early dinner. A few love gifts and a good meal. I LOVE you momma:) Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. That counts if you mother child or animal, so again – thank you to all the mothers for what you’ve done, are doing and will do because that is what mother’s do. LOVE.

Maybe let’s try a TOP TEN Updates

  1. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH documentary is now in editing. We had a post meeting last week and we’ll even having a teaser trailer coming soon. This is about the history of the grappling arts and the evolution of “Catch” as told by those who love it the most. Hosted and directed by two time world champion Curran Jacobs. We have some great interviews. Big Kudos to Dan Chipman our mobile production and Adam Towner, B camera and post. This just might be the first of many documentary collaborations between #Tribecdi with The Red, White and Blue Project Inc. You can follow us on IMDB and Facebook as we have pages for both now.
  2. BESTSELLER – This “Hitchcock” like thriller adapted from the book by Christopher Knight has been signed for a new release campaign. This film stars Melissa Anschutz, DJ Perry, Ralph Lister, Taylor Nichols and Lana Wood. It has really only had a limited DVD release and so this new push will be much greater. It is R-rated (language and implied violence) but is done without being overly graphic. This film captures Michigan in the fall in all it’s haunting glory. I will have more info as we go but I believe the idea is a late summer/fall release!
  3. BEST YEARS GONE – the first pass on dialog clean up is complete. Last week our director and composer discussed music cues and even sound design ideas. Color Correction is happening as we speak along with the edit of our first official trailer. As if that wasn’t enough- we’re planning the premiere, manufacturing merchandise and more official stills are being prepped for delivery to our distributor (BMG) so they can begin poster art. Lotta fun ahead with this movie and I think audiences will really enjoy it. I need to add that the Battle of the Bands judging is underway by our team and celeb judges. We will be announcing a winner this month!
  4. LOST HEART is really a film that has a lot going for it. But to try and convey that via shelf art alone is hard. The film is a story is about music star Hannah Sweet going back to her home town for a funeral but the B story is the town of ‘Lost Heart’ itself. It started with fan mail before Christmas from men who had lost the remote and via wife/girlfriend and was made to watch ‘Lost Heart’ and really loved it. I recall one gent saying that he would have never watched that film except by his wife’s choosing. But he loved the Bigfoot, UFO (UFA?:) and humorous mystery in our story. In a meeting with our distributor I recall telling these stories after discussing the demographic audience that is being drawn to our story. A joke was mention that if the title was “Bigfoot, UFO’s and Jesus” the film would find its partially missing male demographic. Guys hanging out amongst themselves are unfortunately not going to randomly watch a film named ‘Lost Heart,’ which is a name I truly love. It was pointed out to me that a title like “Bigfoot, UFO’s and Jesus” would also attract more women who were equally into the mystery aspects, like my own cousin Angie. So I stand corrected. This GM release should add to our overall audience by revealing the wonderful B story of our film. It was a nice hidden gem inside our story but I think we need to be more direct. So a ‘General Market/GM’ campaign release is underway with a new title, poster art and trailer. I will share this new artwork at the end of this update. But I’m very excited because this film/story deserves to be seen by many, many, many more people from around the world. And so it will.
  5. WILD FAITH/HASTINGS – I want to do a polish up on the “Hastings” scripts for simple grammar mistakes but I had a few more connections start to open up on the WILD FAITH TV spin off. I’m excited to put that into play to shoot next year. I know the feature is growing an audience around the world and so the series would have a nice welcome audience.
  6. MBF/MAN’S BEST FRIEND – This film has been working its way into the marketplace. I was told a new deal was just executed taking the film into Latin America. I know it is making its way into territories around the world. The top two questions I get with this film 1) Will you do more martial arts filming? I do have a great concept that will eventually make it to script. 2) What was Paul’s sentence, will there be a sequel? Right now I like keeping Paul’s fate in limbo with audiences. Will there be a Part 2? Never say never. If you have not watched this film – watch it. If you have and enjoyed it, pass it along. Thank you to the many fans of this film out there.
  7. The Quest Trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) – A special message is spread across these three stories. Actually several lessons are presented and the way the story is told – everybody can take something positive away. The film series just ran through the holidays at Sony/Pureflix and again I so appreciate all the fan mail letting me know how much you enjoyed our stories. It is humbling and powerful what can be done with a story.
  8. SMOKE & MIRRORS – This early 1900 short tale is getting the final touches. Maybe we’ll cut some teaser in the coming weeks. It’s spooky. It’s kookie. Wait a minute! It’s a really fun little film that was derived from one of my feature script. This will make a great feature film. All in good time.
  9. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – We’re making great strides on all fronts. Last week we announced Garry Nation and David Reardon coming on board. Our German casting is almost complete. Discussions with the art departments has started in earnest as we prepare to create the world of 1944 Algona. This week we should start in on our sponsorship endeavors. We have a lot of excitement in these circles and we’re excited to align with these brands. To do what we do at these modest levels requires the assistance of the community and our sponsors. Thank you to all of those supporters past and present. And here is an additional cheers to our future ones! This week we should roll out two more of the great talent associated with this film. I’m beyond excited to tell this story. If your company or business wants to support this based on true events WW2 home front drama please reach out.
  10. TRIBE CDI – The biz of the biz, I had a VERY productive week working with Bank of America to streamline our fleet of films. All this is to help streamline our inner workings. This all can make a days work only a few hours. Also had a good meeting with another one of the team (Tiger) who oversees dispersement amongst a other things. We will be prepping some of those to go out in the coming weeks. Thank you. As you all support the films, we get to keep making the films. I’m excited to see in the next decade what stories are brought to life on screen! Thank you also to Dean Teaster (COO) and Gary Davison and his team. David Gries & Carl Weyant who maintain the website. #Tribecdi is not a catching hashtag it really does represent a tribe of artists and the business that supports it.

I just enjoyed a wonderful breakfast bagel with our own eggs and 4H bacon – so good. The yard is really looking good and the warmth is creeping into Michigan. I look forward to having many enjoyable meetings both business and social in the coming weeks. I’m going to end this here with some great new poster art for Lost Heart’s new general release. Be good to one another. Be safe and keep following your dreams.

Coffee Cheers!


PS: The new trailer is almost done and I really do love it. I could not stop smiling.

Farming Plus Some Advanced Premiere Information

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Hazelnut coffee cheers. I actually slept in a few this morning and so I’m starting a tad later. So many things are unfolding and I’m excited for it all. It was a long week and I needed the mental rest. I think because of the virus environment it has been a rethinking of everything. My thoughts are with my brother and all the people in the education system. For some their computer skills might enhance and some families seem to be getting updated tech in their home whereas previously they did not have such things. I know kids off to college unable to play sports and basically the campus being ran like min security prison. That might be a bit harsh but I bet it will feel like that to some. I’m seeing most people out and about, some begrudgingly, wearing masks. Some youth are seen doing what the youth do – “Party on Wayne” -but that could come with consequences. Still a lot of anger in many folks but what I see is the cost of life is being valued. Have some areas overreacted? Maybe but the old axiom of “better safe than sorry” is a good path to follow but also I see so many businesses are hurting. I hear and understand the arguments from all sides. Bottom line is until your circle is affected you don’t have the same emotional investment. If your business is hurt, you are affected and have an emotional investment. Just know that all this will eventually be a footnote in history.

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Our business has had the same challenges. I see some smaller productions have pushed forward and how many precautions are they taking? Unknown. I know we have a good plan to move forward. We are looking to make the main shoot “lighter” by scene count by shooting some smaller scenes mid-Sept. The main shoot is still planned for November and at that time past tourist season it will be mainly our cast and crew.

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As per usual if you tune in here you get the advance notice. Working with our distributor we are doing something new and unique with our premiere. We are going to do a one night only event via our distributor’s ENCOURAGE TV on Oct 24th. We will start promoting it like gangbusters in the coming weeks. BMG is doing an entire media campaign and we already have some national interviews coming up. ENCOURAGE TV is a free app and allows you watch FREE (one night) from a selection of sources.

At the same time our distributor is in talks with various TV networks for licensing and also home video release leading up to Christmas. We are also planning an earlier cast and crew showing where interviews and audience reactions will be part of the “program” that will include the free one night premiere showing again on Oct. 24th. So get that Encourage TV app loaded which is no money just an email and stating you are not a robot I believe.

There will be much more to come on this film and I’m excited for audiences to watch it. A BTS video will be releasing soon and watch our FB page for new updates. I had some PR photos taken (Thank you G$) which came out pretty good other than I am looking like my next character Gil Gilles in BEST YEARS GONE.

LOST HEART coming soon!

I will not wax on about the other films right now. Obviously I would love for you to check them all out. They are all gathering a worldwide audience and I am grateful and appreciative. Thank you for all your kind words.

SMOKE & MIRRORS might get some PR this week. It is the David Gries starring short that we plan to turn into a full feature. Nathaniel Nose (The Christ Slayer) is the director/editor and Dennis Therrian will be doing the music. So we’ll likely be releasing the poster art and a story about the project.


FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – This doc film tells the history of catch-can wrestling. Our friend Curran Jacobs is the current unified world champion and he defends his title next Sat I believe. We have been pulling all this together but this title defense has sped up a few things. This is a pet project that CDI and the non-profit The Red, White and Blue Project (Outside the Wire) are putting together. We have camera operators planning to go interview the opponent and the match itself in FL on Sat I believe. It is a free streaming so check it out and if you want to get involved in the doc film reach out to me.


I would go on about these films but I have a few things to do today. First I did start my 5 gal of wine and beer. The beer will go to bottle next week. Also we are setting up a coop. Yes, coop as in chicken. We are getting Dorthy, Rose and Blanche and will be having a go at raising chickens. Also we have to pick up a new freezer today because we have a full pig coming in. We usually do the 4H but this year they did the auction on-line and they sold out. Also we get a deer every fall. So pigs and chickens, garden, wine making – we might be becoming farmers:) PS: The hops are almost ready! No grapes this year.

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I hope the week is kind to everyone and do your part by being kind to others. Until next week.





BEST YEARS GONE and Other Film Updates!

Coffee cheers my friends. My last week has been extremely productive and we’ll get into all of that. I also took advantage of the nice weather and did various tasks in the yard including trimming hedges and trees. Cleaning up a few of the beds and planting various edibles from beans to peas. I was a touch out of “garden shape” as I woke this morning a bit sore. I also had my first “abstract” dream during this pandemic. I’ve had them after long flights to other countries as my jet lag hit. Also a few times out at sea on ships. But  I’m awake and back at it now. I think we have storms again so today will be a good day to get inside stuff done and rest my garden-weary bones.


The world pendulum is swinging emotionally as people deal with the stir-crazy of being home bound and others managing stress from facing higher risk due to their jobs. I see tempers flaring and anger stemming from opposing view points. Blame and blatant disobedience. There is no game plan for this crisis and so many are doing the best they can. Several are being severely cautious while others are just ignoring as if it doesn’t pertain to them. I’ve found that until it effects/affects someone they don’t have the same serious attitude. But for those connected to the sickness or loss they take it much more serious. Isolation sickness and the mental challenges that come with isolation are real and many are reaching their perceived limits to cope. No judgement just observations.

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I see people who don’t understand virus transmission and the gluttony of information has led to most being confused or questioning. With our over-population and the invasion on nature something like this was bound to happen. The fact that it has such a far reaching grip has made it a world issue. That is a change in thinking and perspective for many isolated from such challenges. The elderly already deal with many of these isolation issues. Many may fear the grim reaper walking about as much as some virus. This event has changed peoples thinking and overall that might turn out to be a good thing. Only time will tell.


I’ve used the time to organize and catch up on life as many of you have. I had one friend sorting through 10,000 emails which beat my 600 I had to sort through. I’ve been having great personal and business calls lining things up. Deep clean and organize on my office and the yard might be the most groomed ever this year. So many birds, squirrels and rabbits everywhere as spring fights to emerge in Michigan. We had an odd snow day in Michigan one day but I think we’re past that now. I’m planning on making batches of beer and wine so I’ll be ready for in-person meetings again once we open back up.


Today our cast and crew on BEST YEARS GONE will get communications from our director. The project is funded and we’re working on what we can which is character, shots and sponsorship partners. We’ve been planning on how we’re going to run things on set. The nice part is for our cast and crew to know that a paycheck and endeavor lies at the end of all this. We’re pushing our projected time line by a month to earliest August but that will all depend on the state of things. It looks like we’ll be up at the Double JJ Resort again and they’re excited to have us. We announced additional cast and crew this week and more will follow in the weeks ahead.


LOST HEART is thundering towards the finish line. I’ll be writing out more post checks this week as we finish up VFX, color correction and more. Not sure how we will premiere the film but we’ll see. I’m so excited for audiences to enjoy this next CDI release. If you want more updates FOLLOW our Facebook page and ‘Subscribe to the Tribe’ at http://www.cdiproductions.com

Low Res Wrap

WILD FAITH – Fans of this film are growing and I’ve been having lots of discussions over the TV series ‘Hastings’ – momentum is growing! If you haven’t seen the film check it out. If you have – watch it again:) We’re in talks with distributors and networks and I feel confident we’ll find all our partners.


THE QUEST TRILOGY – foreign sales and wider domestic distribution is underway. I’ve been working to clean up the FB sites for FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. Also I will say that we will have a full line of merchandise for the films the trilogy included.

group brown boy best 2

MAN’S BEST FRIEND – Armed Forces Day was yesterday and several times last week I awoke to fan mail. Such beautiful messages of gratitude but the appreciation is all from our end. Thank you so much for spreading the word on this film and sharing it with others. We’ll be marketing this film all year long and will also have some merchandise coming out for this film. If you haven’t seen the film take a watch.


Several of the CDI associated films are being reset with new streaming platforms. Next month we should have some exciting updates on many of the films.

I’m starting talks with national sponsors/product placement on the films that are getting millions of impressions/eyes upon them. If you’re interested in showcasing your product or services to our audiences do drop me a line.

We’ll be announcing some advanced casting notices on the http://www.cdiproductions.com site in the coming weeks for upcoming projects.



I hope everyone uses this time to reevaluate and align their goals with a steady plan. I’m not in a place to tell folks what to do but emotional defiance of elected authority figure’s orders tasked with trying to keep people safe could have repercussions. Rep president, democratic governor – this is not a political crisis but many have made it political.  I would urge people not to but people will do what they will. You might remain unaffected by the illness and that is a blessing. The people who have know it is not some contrived hoax. I’m going to focus on what I can control. This is a unique time that we’ll look back upon many years from now. What will history say? We will see said the wise man:)

Be good to one another and stay safe.








The Horse of My Dreams out now!

Good morning! I’ve got my hazelnut coffee here beside me as I sit down to update everyone on our artistic endeavors and to chat about the state of things. Every day I’ve been spending the time organizing and catching up on personal and business calls. Many of the personal calls also reflect upcoming business. I’ve been using every one of these days to get organized. I had totes full of old paperwork some were 20 year old receipts that had faded into unreadable. Some were projects that had died or scripts that were submitted for acting roles and never launched. Either way I’ve kept the office wood stove burning. I’ve also found little bits of CDI history. A forgotten set picture or a lost story treatment – gems. What I did notice is that in the early days the efforts were more spread out and now they are more focused. Also so much paper – which I still remain a fan of in some ways. That said, every cash move was reported on Cash Distribution Forms sent to the office to be recorded to our software. That aspect has gone digital as many things have. I had 6 boxes of 35mm film for one of the movies and so I’ve been rearranging.


Out in Sept 2020 – more contributed writing

Also I’ve been just enjoying all the great music I’m exploring and re-exploring. I watch news 2 maybe 3 times a day. Morning, maybe lunch and dinner and every night I end with a book. I’m always reading about a dozen titles at once but get that phone away and out of your hands. The phone is YOUR tool. It works for YOU. You do not work for IT. Work with it on YOUR time. I’ve helped a few people break this mindset and I think they are living healthier.

This time in our history has the obvious viral and economical set backs but I’ve seen many positive results also. I’ve seen fathers take time to dance with their daughters. I’ve seen family take time to craft up birthday signs for a drive way wishing. I’ve seen people revalue, reprioritize, reexamine their wants, needs, time management, appreciate relationships or lack of, their beliefs, their habits, their forgotten goals and dreams. Many are taking a deep breath and feeling thankful if they can still pull in unhindered air. They are looking behind them and seeing where they’ve been and what they’ve been through. What were the rewards? What were the sacrifice? Wisdom is in the pondering of the past reflection and applying that to decisions and direction moving forward.

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Honestly I’ve never been so proud to be a storyteller. In the best of times our stories are just one of many distractions. Occasionally seen and embraced and acknowledged for the experience given. I always have said that if we make a bad scenes or have a moment of disconnect nobody dies on a table. But the power of a story is mighty. Whoever wrote the pen is mightier then the sword was right. Storytelling at its best offers you a near religious experience. People were losing their ability to listen. To really listen to a story – not mental armchair how you could one up some filmmaker. I had a major breakthrough in my thinking a while ago. I always felt this and acted on this but I really understood it once I spoke it.

Should I be more advanced in a medium like motion picture – it doesn’t make me anymore an artist than anyone else. We could love a medium we are not particularly skilled at. By experience that skill can and will improve. But I never see anything less than an artist. We both will have mediums we currently excel at and other mediums we’re passionately working hard to hone. I will judge, as we all do by display of character, actions especially when done quietly and… can’t give all my secrets:)

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I look forward to meeting and working with more artists. In the past I’ve observed a lot of ‘flim flam’ artists building paper walls of ego, craving attention more than art. The same ego that drives many to lose their financial integrity versus perceiving the investment to be seen as a war chest used to get this story to the world. I know many projects started and never finished. Sad. But true.

But like the emerging butterfly you can come out of artistic hibernation as a more organized, more self aware, goal defined you. No email boxes should be littered with junk. Folders on the computer. Streamline. Many fail because they truly are not ready when opportunity presents itself. Some love to work tirelessly, looking for that opportunity but once they actually find it they are afraid. We all get scared inside with new situations and I always go back to John Wayne, Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway. Something like that, but I think it’s accurate.


This is a time where life has slowed and children are at home. We’ve been excited because many family, friends and fans of past work have been meaning to watch this or that CDI film. The great part is that people have been taking the time. Hundreds of thousands of new viewers and growing on ad sites like TUBI and PLUTO TV that pay us via advertisers so that you may watch for free. Other like Amazon Prime are showing the films. So if you are at home take the time to watch the collection. The Quest Trilogy might be getting some Easter promo with a new trailer and some cool promo gifs. FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER – I’ve had some great fan mail from these films. Thank you. It’s a fresh not overly sanitized look at these little known biblical moments and told in a cinematic heroic style epic involving angels and mankind. We’re talking about setting WATCH PARTIES and having our actors and crew do Q&A after. We’re looking into that and we hope to announce a few sessions.

Here is one of the CDI collaborations with Thunder Toad Animation. If you love the OZ stories this is for you. Beloved characters animated from original sketches and voiced by some talented actor folks including yours truly as…can you listen and guess? From children to grandmothers who doesn’t love OZ. This is the first animated venture by CDI but I will state here now that CDI is exploring the animated division now.                       THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ also has an incredible music score. One of my favorites – please take a watch and enjoy…


LOST HEART – So everyone is working in their solitary and communications continue. I had talks with our distributor and so we’ll be announcing new updates as we get closer. We deliver the film in June so music, sound, VFX and color correction is all underway. Tally HO!


BEST YEARS GONE – I’m excited to announce that our WASTELAND DP Travis Hayward will be serving as director of photography. Travis has worked several times inside the CDI Tribe and has been developing his reputation for capturing amazing images worldwide. This is an exciting thing for me as an actor having enjoyed my previous working experience with him. He has a good feel for kinetic action and that will play nicely into this story. The ship is continuing to pull everything together. I cannot say when we will sail but we plan to be one of the first sailing once the storm has passed.


I have to say that with all the downtime at home for people I’ve been having productive and enjoyable conversations on all kinds of business. Become the change my friends.


Leaks, Tweaks and Updates…


Welcome readers this week from China and S. Korea. So while many think artists are always living the “star life” it’s often just like yours. My day started with a leaky shower head that decided to start leaking despite being quite new. It’s those moments when you sincerely wish you couldn’t just act or pretend to be a plumber or handyman but actually were one. So that led to a few trips to get hardware and ended up with a temp fix. We will be contacting the manufacturer due to the lifetime warranty. So my Sunday morning was not the peaceful one I had first imagined. So is life.


The week just flew by and I had so many things going. First development on MBF (Man’s Best Friend) continues with the announcement of Garry Nation and Melissa Anschutz joining the cast. We have many of our $ commits but are not quite far enough to move into pre-production.  Also several new opportunities for cross-promotion (J-Roc) have developed. So while DJ the actor is disappointed a tad that instead of running the race it’s back to the barn for a few weeks. I might ACTUALLY be HOME for Halloween. That is nice. I enjoy doing that last film of the season just before Thanksgiving and enjoying the holidays with family and friends. I have adjusted and we’ll meet to target the after holiday window. We’ll be looking at Feb pre-production and March shoot. I’ve again had to remind myself of that spiritual storytelling reality that a project will birth when it is time. Don’t fight the flow and watch things unfold. Unfold they have…



I’ve had back and forth with our director Jesse and several others trying to finalize some specialized VFX within 10 sec of our footage. We’re close to zeroing in but have not as of yet. It is still all happening within the timeline of the music scoring which is in the final stretch. Very soon we’ll be doing a watch through with full music. The film was powerful when it was just sound effects so this next level will be awesome to watch/listen to. Stay tuned for new artwork and other extras as we get closer to bringing this to audiences.


Garry Nation in “Chasing the Star”


I had some great marketing meetings this week and I’m excited. The films were praised for being epic and original. Many of the epic films being produced are remakes of great films like Ben Hur. It was brought up that if anything in a few decades filmmakers would be remaking these films. That was a unique way to look at it. I do have movies a few decades old still playing and finding new audiences. We’ll talk about one here shortly. So they (distributor/marketing) see the influence of Star Wars on the look and presentation of these films. And the unique/untold aspect to these films are also what excites them. The line in CHASING THE STAR that says something to the effect “They may not remember you but they’ll remember your deeds” – which is true. Many save certain scholars know of the existing patchwork history. When you talk the three wise men, faces don’t come to mind save plastic, wood or stone faces. I do hope that we will blaze new story ground in the mind’s of people when the think of Jesus in the desert, the magi’s plight and…well, you’ll have to watch THE CHRIST SLAYER next year.  The first two films (FORTY NIGHTS & CHASING THE STAR) were sent to Texas for theatrical play this month and next. And, we’re at the end of finalizing the first foreign territory for CHASING THE STAR.


THE CHRIST SLAYER is progressing nicely on the visual and will be moving into music and sound in Jan. I will say that I’ve been watching the development of the poster for the film. COOL. That is my thoughts so far. It is just a great story again original in the presentation. Some beautiful characters creating beautiful moments.  Lots planned for this title but no need to over promote when audiences should be watching Part 1 and Part 2.


WICKED SPRING – I’m happy to announce ahead of time to all of you that Bridgestone Multimedia Group will be releasing into the market place this wonderful Civil War story. I produced it with our team in 2000 and it rolled out in 2002 timeframe. We also just had the 150th anniversary so I wanted to re-release the film to celebrate that benchmark. The project will release in early 2018 and it is the first real digital release for it. Shot on 35 mm it was first released on VHS. I think the first audience was Civil War reenactors and history lovers. Now more of the mainstream will discover the film. And having used these fine people in our new film WILD FAITH I have something I wanted to say. These people/groups trying to attach some hate agenda to this living historian interest/profession is just wrong. Not sure of the facts but some of these events to raise money to preserve these historic sites had threats. People of all races and religions participate in these events. They have groups of black Americans who love history and are right they’re portraying the Colored Companies while some even portray Confederates. I’ve seen Asian and Indian people participating. These people united over a love of history. They dress and camp in the style of the period and talk, share and bond over history. These events promote understanding and healthy discussion. That has been my experience working with these people and if these threats are true that’s just too bad.


KNIGHT CHILLS – I’m going to look at the offer to have me attend a few of these comic cons. After listening to some of the fans out there I can see where it would be fun.

This week was great for meetings that looked at development of future CDI projects. Everything from financing to new distribution. Marketing to merchandising. I will just keep walking the path and crossing off the TO DO’s.

I’m gonna sign off and I’m sure I missed a few updates. Enjoy the season and we’ll talk next week. Thank you for stopping by.





Advanced Updates and Accolades

I’m sitting here letting the coffee lull me awake. It has been a full week and I had many developments both personal and business-wise. I’ve been in our home state of Michigan and Winter has released its grip but the chill remains. We had a lot of rain last week which led to morel growth in our area. Yesterday while doing some yard work I found my second group of the tasty mushrooms. The one I found yesterday is the largest I’ve discovered to date.

IMG_3165 The garden till is next this week so we can get seeds and plants into the ground soon. The hops are already growing like crazy with the black raspberries right behind them. This week I’ll be doing some work on the office which has been a phase by phase endeavor. I enjoyed a little meeting on Cinco de mayo with a few film friends enjoying RYE of HORUS provided by one of our sponsors at Sanctuary Spirits. (Pause) Okay, just had to take a time out as my brown furry boy was chasing a wild rabbit living near by out of the yard. That plays positive for keeping the garden safe. Today I’m excited because we’re kicking off our first soccer match today. I took the winter off to heal the aging body but I might have to work the subs more often. It’s an age 30 and over league meaning you can turn 30 during the season. That means doing battle with 29 year olds and such. In my weekly doings nothing challenges me like a power match whereas two teams are working to dominate a game. Individual battles whereas two people fight for the space, the possession of the ball and to score. No thoughts of business and such just a meditation of motion, action and teamwork. It comes in handy when confronted with film issues and you need that added push. I know how to fight towards a goal. To earn something not to be given something – where you have to take the ball away. The other team will never give you the ball. Life will not usually give you things you must earn them. All good lessons to learn. Okay, let’s talk film.

Film Updates


Wild Faith 

This cool western tale is now in music and sound design. About 40 minutes of dialog clean up and sound FX have been put into the film. Our designer and composer Dennis Therrian is loving the process. He loves the story, the acting and is feeling inspired. Development on the TV series is also moving forward. I would love to start shooting shows in 2018. A little hard work and that just might happen.


The Quest Trilogy

These three films rolling out with BMG are just starting their journey and I hope we’ll be watching them for many years to come.

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The Christ Slayer (Third in the series)

We’re about an hour into the first edit and our director Mr. Nose is extremely happy. I want to get the first trailer in motion in the coming weeks. I’ve almost wrapped up all the final production business leaving only post work.

GR announcement

Chasing the Star (Second in the series)

The second film that follows the adventure of the magi just finished a week run in Royal Oak, MI and now is in Grand Rapids, MI at the Celebration Cinema for a week. This movie uses many artists from Michigan including Grand Rapids own CHOP & HUE who did our wonderful VFX space sequence. Our director Bret Miller calls GR home as well. So if you missed Lansing or Royal Oak enjoy an evening in GR and watch “Chasing the Star” this week.

one with god

Forty Nights (First in the series)

The first in our series released April 4th to DVD with remastered sound and visual. I will also drop it here ahead of the PR this week. At the International Christian Film Festival in Orlando, FL “Forty Nights” won MOST INSPIRATIONAL film. We were nominated for 4 awards but this nomination was the one I wanted to see us win. Why? Because our goal always is to inspire people with our storytelling but it also represents all the artists. Working together they created a film that was noted as being the most inspirational. Proud once again of our team. Next year they want Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer after that. The Trilogy is doing what we had hoped. One of our EP’s was there to accept and attend the festival on our behalf.

Wrap Up

This week also consisted of development and work to prep some of the CDI library for new distribution. I was happy to wake up this past week to communications that a History class in Indiana (I believe) was watching “Wicked Spring” in class to show the humanity of soldiers during that horrific war. Some 17 years later and the film is still inspiring and teaching. This film is one of the films slated for a Special Edition release. We almost did this before but decided to wait and put it through our new deal. I will keep everyone informed. Once again I appreciate you spending a few moments with us on your Sunday to reflect back on the week.

Be good to one another!


Merry Christmas Review


I’m relaxing after a long couple days of Christmas festivities with family and friends. In a few short hours we’ll watch the good ole Detroit Lions (wearing my new shirt) and see if they can change their long history of losing the big games. The best gift of the season has been our youngest furry son (DOG) is doing good with an illness that has been present for a good part of the year. He still has a way to go in his recovery but he’s doing great and I could not be happier. We had a white Christmas despite the warmth today that has stolen most of our snow. I was trying  to ease into holiday fun while also staying focused on the last of the 2016 business endeavors. It has been wonderful to recount all our blessings of 2016 and I hope 2017 will create more happy memories. I feel blessed to have gotten to enjoy the year and this holiday season with my loved ones. I hope you all took that opportunity also.

Film Updates –

The Quest Trilogy


As Jesus in ’40 Nights’ 

The PR will roll out soon, we’ve finalized our new deal on “40 Nights” which will get a new release push around Easter 2017. I’m beyond thrilled to be entering this new phase with this impactful film.


We started working the new deal on the second film, “Chasing the Star” and we should should have that film complete in Jan/Feb of 2017. That will be followed by premieres and theatrical showings before a Sept. of 2017 national release to DVD/Digital.


“The Christ Slayer” – As we prepare the business behind the third film in The Quest Trilogy, I’m happy to say that we just might have found our creative leader. Once our intent to do business is complete we’ll be announcing this amazing individual. With the holiday season at hand I’ve enjoyed getting into the head space for returning to the upcoming role of Jesus.



The editing is coming along great with 50+ scenes rough cut together.  New poster and trailer development will become a priority in the new year. We’ll start sharing STILL PHOTOS vs just behind the scenes. I’m excited about this film and things are looking promising for an ongoing series.

I did get a nice update on C.U.J.O. from the studio and once I can share more on this film I will. Beyond the March shoot of “The Christ Slayer” I’m keeping myself open to the right roles. I have a few projects I’m interested in developing. I’ve been getting back into a nice writing schedule also which is a great outlet. Enjoy the week ahead and prepare yourself for 2017.

Be good to one another and see you next year!





International Audiences, Updates, Advice

Welcome December! I’ve got the hazelnut coffee brewed and I’m ready to have a little chat with the “Clawing My Way to the Middle” readers. First I want to say it is an honor to have each and every one of you take the time to read my journey. I try to present lessons that can help others on their own journey. I wanted to let you all know where many of our readers are from. Of course the USA, Brazil, Mozambique, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Norway, Thailand, Australia and Netherlands. How great is it that we all reside within our boarders of our country but we are all on this planetary journey together. Storytelling as been helping to shape society and artistic expressions while various all share common traits. I’ve always been drawn to culture that is different. I think that is what is uniquely special in all of us. That is why I could never get the concept of unifying. No one art is better – it is uniquely different. My mind even goes to food and drink when I look at that list of countries. I know all the unique traditions that surround great meals prepared in all those lands. USA is the hodgepodge for sure and that is our thing. But I’m deeply appreciate of food, song, culture, religion (as an expression) and storytelling. I’ve been honored to have worked with a handful of international filmmakers and I plan to work with more. I think my interest in ancient history, martial arts and even the culture of futbol/soccer has driven me to explore and enjoy the diversity we have on this planet. I want to thank all of you readers for your precious moments. I also will make it a goal to get more and more of our films into your territories. Some of them already are but with distribution growing as they say at Disney world “It’s a small world after all.” True words:)

I’ve had a great week both personal and professional. The Thanksgiving family time is past us and now the Christmas tree is up. While not yet decorated it has been a welcome sight each day. The tree will become the fuel of the transformation fire (Fire pit) that will help burn up the winter clutter once spring arrives. I’ve been gathering gifts for family since I will be gone the week before Christmas week. I’ll be in Nevada playing space cowboy in the Valley of Fire. I was informed that as a young child I went there and even saw a few old photos yesterday. I look forward to gathering with these artists and performing with a few actors I admire and have not yet worked directly with. I’m ready save my packing so soon it will be time to shoot in the WASTELAND.

2015 Distribution Updates

CDI projects

ASHES OF EDEN – Feel free to read a great review of the film. More of these will be releasing leading up to the 2015 national release. I have a goof vocabulary but I had to look up the word they associated with my name. I thought it might mean “Loud and Opinionated” Ha! But I was happy to see that it meant “marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind or spirit.” So please do take a read on the review and we will be getting the film on the market and out to you very soon.



DONORS – Also will be releasing nationally in 2015 – more on this in the weeks to come

WICKED SPRING – produced under Lionheart Filmworks when that was our southern sister company. The companies split ways a handful of years ago and now “Wicked Spring” is under the CDI banner and is getting a 2015 spring special edition release. Also on BluRay!

We will see a 2015 re-release of KNIGHT CHILLS with a novelization release. Likely fall 2015. Also work on a sequel script has begun.

HEAVEN’S NEIGHBORS and FIGURE IN THE FOREST rights are back at home here at CDI and a domestic release set up will also happen. “Figure in the Forest” can be seen on TBN and Parables TV.

BESTSELLER – Early look at FX work is very exciting! I know music work is in full swing. We are looking at a 1st test showing of this film early in 2015. We are getting some early interest from distributors. It is going to be another film that proudly showcases Michigan filmmaking at its finest.



I have a few co-starring/supporting roles in THE TERRORIST & DEAD QUIET and make appearances in DIVISION 19  and SMALL TOWN SANTA (Released now).

Several VERY exciting projects are in development some with partial funding. We’re hard at work with some script work and prep that will lead to more production in 2015!

My last advice pulled from recent events. ALWAYS, ALWAYS give more by way of effort than what you are paid for. NEVER be one of the people who does just the absolute minimum. Maybe at some boring desk job but in an industry that moves on passion you never want to be seen as just a functional piece. Your passion is what makes you an artistic contributor. It is what will get you re-hired. A great example  taken from BESTSELLER film shoot. I like to ninja about and just observe people at work. I came up to the grip truck one day to find our key grip Paul Burt busy organizing. Most people were just trying to stay warm and get the shots as this was a wet, cold day on a remote dirt road. I watched him move and arrange. Wipe down and clean C stands and such. When I revealed myself to his surprise – I was met with a smile and asked if I needed anything. My response – “I need an entire crew with an attitude like yours.”  I said, hot coffee was ready and he explained that he would go up in a few minutes. This was HIS responsibility. HIS grip truck for this shoot and HE wanted to make sure it was clean and orderly because it was a reflection on him. WOW! I want people like that on our team. That is a reflection of us as a company. That is a reflection of us as an industry. Character is what you are when you think nobody is looking. Pride starts with yourself and extends outward like a pebble thrown in water.   Paul Burt’s phone will ring again. Will yours? With only so many people making narrative features and with the way producers get referrals on performance. How many times can someone give just the bare minimum before one of your peers with passion takes that hire away from you? Let me answer that for you – not many. This goes for actors. This goes for vendors. I’ve had companies mad because I continued to get my gear over the years from LOWING LIGHT & GRIP. I even had a trash talking vendor from Detroit once ask how she could steal my business. Her choice of words alone made me say, NEVER. David (Lowing) was there when I first stepped up to fight monsters in IN THE WOODS. He has always been there for me. Like I said about cast/crew, he always gave more goods or service than the dollar amount on the check. That intangible is where loyalty lives. The actor who gives every ounce of themselves – I immediately think of Melissa Anschultz freezing in a warehouse under rain machines while filming “7 Stones”. I already spoke about Paul Bert and David Lowing as examples of crew and vendors. If you desire loyalty from people you better give them a reason. I know people out there get mad (of course at someone else) if they get passed over.  We know sometimes it’s just a casting thing or a key crew position that was already in play – but look at yourselves. Are you respectful to those above and below you?  Do you give your best effort, always?  Do you spread positive energy in your wake? Would you be an example for others to follow? If you can’t answer YES to all of these your time could be limited or your advancement may stall. Stand accountable and watch your career and life experience amazing growth.

Happy Full Moon!



Losing Training Wheels, Donors 1st Showing, Making a Classic

It is truly the journey not the destination in the grand adventure of life. A friend of mine who I called to catch up with had news that set me back. His father had unexpectedly passed away. This was the year of starting a retirement and of course he thought he had many more years of enjoying and learning from his father. That was not to be. As I like to say, losing parents seems like losing training wheels. Prior to this I was having my daily issues usually with patience at some timeline that was off or a communication I was waiting upon. I tell people that many folks could not lead the artist’s life whereas you don’t always know where that next paycheck is coming from. Now it is exciting when you get a nice lump sum or you hob nob with some other famous folks but there is a balance to it all. The following day my father and I were to have lunch and he insisted on picking me up. He rolled up on his Harley and we went on a couple hour ride in the country looking at all the places he grew up. Truthfully, it was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. As a young child I use to wait for him to come home from work so we could go for a ride on his motorcycle. It was one of those full circle moments and also a deep appreciation for what I still had in a mentor and a sorrow for what my friend was now missing. So I guess my point is for all you driven artists inflicted with that ego driven urge to create art that will be seen and possibly appreciated – don’t forget what is in front of you. I know my father would likely be happier if I had a normal JOB but he also is proud of the character of his son who can thrive in my environment. I deeply cherish my friends and family and most of them haven’t seen half my films. I’m alright with that because I have my support for that in my fans. I appreciate the personal support that comes in laughter, insight on life and remembering the past. This fills my cup.

TODAY is the premiere of “DONORS” the thriller that I play a shadowy role in:) IF you are in Yuma, AZ area and want to see a cool indie thriller – please do. All info is right here https://www.facebook.com/events/649394905132609/

I want to give a BIG congrats to Niki Saletta who carries that film almost single-handedly.

We are getting close to announcing active development on a new associated film. It will shoot somewhere down South and has some development to finish but script work is coming along. I want to speak to some distributors in the coming weeks about it and also BESTSELLER that fits the demographic.

BESTSELLER is gearing up for planning on our pick up day. We will gather our clips and get this film moving onto the next phase. I’m waiting on the shot list from our director and editor. I’m excited about this because I’ve seen the footage and know what we have and seeing beautiful Northern Michigan even for a day or so will be great.

I had a wonderful email sent to me from an 8th grade history teacher Wade who uses “Wicked Spring” as a teaching aid in his 8th grade students. I think that is one of the best compliments as a filmmaker. That film has played network TV, played in the UK and sold hundreds of thousands of dvd’s and that was made over a decade ago. Now with the 150th anniversary of the Civil War I’m happy that we have made a “classic”. I’ve had a handful of emails from around the country about the performances and the picture of life in that time that we painted. Kevin Hershberger, Curtis Hall, Anthony Hornus – the entire cast and crew can be proud of the storytelling job. It was my grandmother’s favorite film and in a career lifetime you hope to have a handful of these. I recently also had that happen with “Dean Teaster’s Ghost Town” which could be on its way to a similar status. Strive for this and it may happen – only the audiences can make it so. I know that “Heaven’s Neighbors” has been used in classroom settings to illustrate mental illness. It is a grand ability to entertain and educate. So for crews working hard when the going is rough – if you are working on a project with heart, the right dose of business – you might be part of cinema history. Cast – there is no throw away roles – you should live, love and be the role you take on. This fan mail that included how many young minds were being taught via our storytelling was one of my weeks high points.

My script review continues on a few projects presenting acting offers. All of them are period pieces which is pretty cool in my book. Development continues on a few projects including gathering investors and setting up locations. Our sales team is in talks to bring the CDI library to many new foreign territories. “Ashes of Eden” distribution talks continue. All in all a very productive Spring whereas I’ve been holding court on the patio in the sunshine. I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable long weekend. I think I’m going to smoke or grill my first full duck (Thank you Shane Hagedorn). The garden got tilled (Thank you Stacy Hagedorn for the Mantis use) and I worked on the pond which we will fill today and add some water plants. Spend some time with your love ones and we’ll get back at it next week!

Keep clawing your way to the middle:)