“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “berries

Secrets to Success – Starts With Attitude

(Color test on ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ footage)

Coffee cheers to all of you out there. I want to once again thank all the readers who stopped through last week. We had some readers from different countries joining us including Ukraine. My sincere hope is for peace and for issues and misunderstandings to be settled by words not war. We had a slight reprieve from the arctic chill but it is back this weekend. I had an eventful week both business and personal. On the personal it included helping a buddy out on a couple afternoons and engaging my love of herbal concoctions by making my first batch of ‘Fire Cider’. I already take a shot of apple cider vinegar everyday. This mixture is comprised of maybe 20 ingredients infused over several weeks in apple cider vinegar. Ingredients like garlic, ginger root, turmeric, orange, lemon, thyme, cinnamon bark, honey and more. I’ve also been enjoying my ongoing study of the individual ingredients also including many teas. I’ve been into wild crafting for a long time but I’m just being more disciplined in my approach. I’ve got a journey that I’ve been using to record and review my studies. A great external salve something that medieval medics have used for centuries to treat battle wounds is ‘garlic honey’ or honey infused with raw garlic cloves. For years I’ve studied the natural pharmacy on our property. The sap of the white pine is also great for wounds. The needles make a great tea with lots of vitamin C. Many of the herbs, fungus, roots, barks and berries hold great beneficial properties. Knowing what is edible and what isn’t is a good knowledge to have. For those that don’t know I use to be a camp counselor at a nature center and I love that connection with nature. So if this filmmaking doesn’t work out you’ll find me running DJ’s Potions & Lotions. But seriously, many minor health issues or the strengthening and reinforcing of ones constitution can be done with natural properties. This was part of my New Years resolution to take my casual interest and study and make it a daily routine. I’ve spent many years of my life to the study of the warrior and this phase of life has me becoming the healer. I touched on that last week talking about haters. Where a decade or two ago such remarks would bring out the warrior I now see the negative mental anguish of someone and I feel sorry for them. The healer in me wishes that find a filter of happiness to start looking at life through. When you have those dark negative filters in place everything positive in others sparks those negative traits. Sadly that negativity only draws more negativity to them. Use bad reviews that are not just stating something is not their cup of tea but digs deeper – click on their profile and most all their reviews ring negative. For them even sunshine is too bright. Stars twinkle too much. Roses smell too sweet. Some only create a profile only to spread negativity. That is giving a lot. I follow my mother’s advice if I don’t have something nice to say…you know the saying. Wise words. I just go on to something else. I watch programs all the time whereas some don’t do it for me. But I don’t spend any energy discouraging someone else. I will on occasion when something leaves a very positive effect recommend it. A film, a restaurant, a band or song or a place to visit. Because I want others to possible have the same positive intake of energy that I did. It is a way of living. Mental illness can stem from living in that negativity. Be careful what you say about or to yourself. A few weeks ago we talked about broadcasting unbalance. To put into filmmaker terms – a person lamenting about their unbalance and bemoaning a lack of funding is like a babysitter broadcasting their lack of attention and/or responsibility and bemoaning nobody wanting to hire them to watch their kids. Hence no money and the negativity circle continues. You must be first seen as capable and earn that reputation by following through. No big secret just common sense. I really do hope that these simple words help a few folks out there.

(‘The Actor’ was a NYC film I did with director Jon Osman – seen here with actor James Russo)

Another simple lesson that I use and has resulted in many positive outcomes. When you aren’t sure what to do next or what your next destination is – organize and prepare. When a ship doesn’t have an immediate destination the captain will order the barnacles to be removed. The hull to be tarred. The sails to be mended and for rations to be restocked. Prepare to play. An athlete doesn’t wait to be put in the game to prepare to play. They’ve spent countless hours running or strength training or coordination drills. Whatever they need to be when the time comes they’ve prepared for. Slow times for your acting career- polish your resume, get new promo materials and get yourself feeling and looking your best. I have been quite satisfied by my acting work and even turned down a few opportunities due to timing. I aways have ‘working on a few outside acting projects’ as a yearly goal because it’s fun to just create a role without all the added production responsibility. In my past I’ve been with several small agents in various markets and I’ve been with one of the big three agencies also. The shingle of the agency can get some respect from some but it is really about the integrity and character of the agent and agency itself. I’ve had a few deals in the past wrecked by agents playing hardball or just leading with their ego. So for many years I’ve just handled my own business with my legal team. Over the past several years we’ve brought in many talent from a certain agency and agent and they’ve always been a joy to deal with. I’ve seldom said that about previous agents we’ve had to deal with. But that has been different with Treasure Coast Talent Agency. And so I’ve decided to align myself with them. I’m picky about my projects but I’ve built a relationship with them over the years and realized I like the way they present, conduct and handle their business. So I’ve been updating my Actors Access page which I’ve not touched in years. I’m going to cut a new reel for 2024. Maybe some new pics although I do have many great ones but mostly in character. I’ll be doing some PR likely next week announcing this new partnership.

But, don’t think that is going to replace production work. We are only picking up steam on that front. Let me run down some bullet point film updates.


  1. CDI has done a variety of “in association” films whereas they were funded by others so they are the managers of the property. One of these was a “found footage” horror film shot in the Philippines entitled DARKEST NIGHT. For being a dark horror film it was such a joy to film. It was the first film by author/producer Russ Williams and it recently just celebrated over 300,000 views! Congrats and if being scared is your thing, take a watch HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PZtiDrLfRM
  2. Staying on the subject of scary films KNIGHT CHILLS, CDI’s first film from 25 years ago enjoyed a BluRay release in Oct of last year is looking to expand its new release campaign with streaming and a book release of the novel and the screenplay together with fun BTS pics. The Blu Ray can be purchased HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10064638097126313670&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6&gad_source=1
  3. IF you want to see what kind of book we’re talking about see the link for my first feature film I starred in IN THE WOODS, as Alex Curwood monster hunter. It is now in hardcover! BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2OOFTD9VKNH5U&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CxQQRxhTMPJogT4O2O30vsyJcCJ3gFeJ-fI7WGXy4ho2tAPbZc4IS5HYIpTwheQuUqatHw6OBsjqeoAEi9J67L5vFCUCK35bd8ghehGN5rysnRWhjxiW1FDmn-PFjcv3B9dIQKqtp1dlZAbu39VB3LrXCUkVmr4tRlraeuuj0onZ9dJITDj_ldwUwu2tj5l6edYa0Q1hXXembWYic6ujeO7GVGQ8l899XbAGFljpGJg.eFyhsOAOm9yBoXDimPiE3Qq6D-4Ho0z-gvBFVZjYoRw&dib_tag=se&keywords=IN+THE+WOODS+screenplay&qid=1705849771&s=books&sprefix=in+the+woods+screenplay%2Cstripbooks%2C94&sr=1-7
  4. Furthermore with IN THE WOODS, the film has been digitally remastered plus we also have a new director’s cut that is much more enriched. I’m waiting until the theatrical premiere to see it. But we shopped the film and have had a few good distribution offers. I think we know which one we want to go with for BluRay and merchandise. The novelization by Nancy Gideon is also going to get a re-release and perhaps even the origins script I penned many years ago. It is fun to see these classic films get remastered and enjoyed and appreciated by a new generation.
  5. Following KNIGHT CHILLS, CDI’s second film was a nod to comic books and the pulp SciFi entitled FROM VENUS, directed by Jeff Kennedy. New art work is being assembled/painted by Tom Miller the fan artists who did the amazing paintings for the Knight Chills Blu Ray. Once I have this packaged we’ll shop it to a few of the companies that focus on these films. It is an honor to have these films appreciated as classics. I want to preserve them and allow them to be seen by upcoming filmmakers. We are started somewhere.
  6. Jumping 20+ year ahead let’s talk about the films front and center. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is really doing well on home video. We’re still getting theaters asking to have the film play on the big screen. We are able to do that so we might start having some select big screen showings. But the DVD and STREAMING has been strong and I hope to have more specifics on how strong very soon. This WW2 home front war drama is a must see if that time period interests you at all. DVD and STREAMING can both be bought or rented HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=asc_df_B0CL7DFYSK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7946069189314477119&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260853923386&psc=1&mcid=a5b5ef0d428739e98e194c62143ee272&gad_source=1
  7. Harsens Island Revenge editing is still going strong and our director Carl will be home in a week and change. The film is really coming together and beyond the intensity of the characters and story the footage is just beautiful. Carl was also working on a few settings for the color correction and it made the beautiful footage even more amazing. I cannot wait for us to sit down with Dennis Therrian our composer and sound designer. He’s been sketching sound and score samples to discuss with Carl. Also we’ll be bringing the producers together for our one opening scene shoot to kick off the film. It’s WW1 and will be quite exciting to film. If we shoot in Feb or March will depend on the snow, the military base and how quickly we can pull it all together.
  8. HOT ROD LOVE – This is the next feature film looking to shoot this Summer. It will be directed by Shane Hagedorn and is a drama-comedy set in the 1970’s with drag racing being the back drop. I think we’ve found our track partners but need to do a formal scout. We’ve got some of the first commits to funding and will keep on those. Following Pepsi we have some other sponsors landing and this will be a fun one for advertisers. The race track, cars and racing suits and such will allow us to really capture some great brands. If you or your company want to know about involvement feel free to reach out to me.
  9. Additional Development – I had a few nice calls this past week about CDI coming back into Iowa to film again. I had a good meeting with Curran Jacobs, who we’re looking to work with again and we think we’ve got the right project. Some development paperwork will be put into play and once done we’ll talk more about that project. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE was discussed this week and we have some forthcoming talks that might move that piece on the chessboard. WILD FAITH: HASTINGS has some interest but patience is in practice as we await a few developments.
  10. If you’ve not watched the CDI library many of them can be found on Encourage TV on a Playlist so please do enjoy these film. WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0LCdlq-BK0&list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E

I’m going to wrap up this blog update so I can get some breakfast, shower up and be ready to cheer on our Detroit Lions football team. I had a Lions helmet as a child and I’ve been a lifelong fan along with many family members now deceased who would have loved to see this game. Win or lose we will all be proud of this team but we’re all looking for a win. I know we’ll get their very best. GO LIONS! I’ll look forward to sharing with you all again next week. Stay warm for those in the arctic zone and be good to one another.


Persistence Against Resistance – Happy July!

Hazelnut cheers! I want to welcome our new readers this week with several from the US but also from Denmark and also a first, from an unknown country. I’m not quite sure what that means but maybe aliens? My blog has gone interplanetary:) I want to start by saying I’m so happy the air quality has gotten back to a good place. It was really bad for a few days and you could see it and feel it if you remained outside too long. I was happy actually that they rescheduled our soccer match on Thursday. I took a spoonful of honey and did salt nasal spray daily to help keep away any of the various symptoms I heard from many people. We also got some much needed rain which I hope helps Canada and their wild fires. The rain here really helped our lawn and all our plants. As noted last week our berries have been in full effect and the chickens LOVE all the fallen mulberries. The raspberries and rhubarb have been also popping and some will get the freeze for future wine runs. The ROCKING RHUBARB has been bubbling away and I might have one other secret add before going to bottles. My Mexican-style Chili Beer has been getting rave reviews and I have to admit it came out really good. Maybe a few more people will get a try over the next few days.

Before getting into talking about our films I’ll talk about someone else’s film. I remember my first screening of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. My buddy John from 1st grade on had been one of my main movie buddies. We had seen Star Wars so many times, fibbing to our parents about going to see a different film but going to see Star Wars again. John’s mom was dropping us off at the theater as John and I wondered if the film was about Noah’s ark or this other ark also from the Bible. Well, we knew it had our beloved ‘Han Solo’ playing the lead. To this day the original ‘Raiders’ is one of my favorite films in my lifetime. Yesterday I got to watch the end cap to that spring of movie stories. I know my buddy John has tickets to go see it today. We will enjoy a good post-film talk after just like we did in our youth. I’m glad in a world where so many of our music and movie heroes have passed, Harrison Ford is still with us. I’m going to just say that I really enjoyed the film and leave it at that for now. I also hope I can still be making movies at his age. He can still carry a film as a leading man.


  1. I had a good meeting with a high school buddy who has done well for himself with a distillery. We discussed a CDI Collection of bottled booze. A special label and type picked out for each film. Also from each one we might assign a % to a cause. A great way to celebrate CDI’s long history and help some various causes.
  2. We are starting to land some product partners and sponsors for our next film Harsens Island Revenge. We are in the process of inking these deals but we’ll have some great ones riding with us on this next story. If you have a product or service or just want to support the film, please do reach out. Also I’ve had several cast and crew asking for our schedule. Our draft 4 is under review this weekend and we hope to lock it start of the week. It is lagging a bit from my timeline but we want it to be as tight as we can get it. Aside from that I’ve been enjoying working on my upcoming role and hope to bring you a cool character.
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is going back into the Algona State 5 Fridley theatre for their Founders celebration July 6-9. Times can be gotten directly from their website. Our post production folks are working with BMG on the last few adjustments for our home video roll out. I hope to get that resolved soon so I can bring you exact dates for DVD, streaming, broadcast and more.
  4. Thanks to my CDI team – I’ve been prepping the information to report to our backers and cut them checks. It’s a major process with many checks written but I also enjoy the process. It beats the old days of chasing around dishonest distributors. So I will be doing some of that in the forthcoming week.
  5. We’ve been getting ready to launch a new CDI back up system that will house the CDI library in a way that can be easily accessed by our editors. This will aid in promotional work and in providing footage to talent. We should have this up and running by September.
  6. I’m excited that many of the films are finding wider and wider audiences. Man’s Best Friend is on the way to 2 million with Encourage TV. Take a watch or watch it again and help us get to that new goal.
  7. I’m really excited about a deal coming together that will put a few CDI properties into motion as a video game and/or animated endeavor. Many merchandise and spin off properties being worked on and I’m excited to see them come develop.
  8. Development on TV/film projects continues and the next couple of weeks should help move pieces on the board forward.

WRAP UP: I could be missing a few updates but I will take a moment to state again that these projects are not easy to launch. I’ve had numerous people compliment on the steady flow of creative endeavors but they all happen brick by brick. Meeting by meeting. Deal points to agreements followed by action. I too deal with patience issues at times. I often apologize for my pushing upon people to keep moving things forward. Often we advance more rapidly or consistently because while others rest or play we are working it. Succeeding where so many fail makes me feel good. Not for their failure but for our persistence against resistance.

Keep at your dreams and do something daily and brick by brick you can build it. And to die in pursuit of your dreams is better than the regret of never even trying. I want to thank those who have sent messages or left their reviews on our stories. To be credited as an inspiration to keep after your creative endeavors is priceless. I smell bacon cooking which reminds me that later this month we have our 4H fair we attend. Also the chickens have been kicking out the eggs while feasting on those mulberries I mentioned earlier. So I’m going to say good day and get after some amazing smelling breakfast. I hope you all have a relaxing and SAFE holiday. Our fur babies are not fans of the fireworks so we usually lie in with some loud movie playing. My days of exploding hoot-n-nanny is over and I have the memories and luckily all my fingers and both eyes. So let’s all make this month of JULY a great one!

Coffee Cheers!


A Look Back at Past Birthdays and Movie Updates!

(DJ Year one)

Good morning! I’m officially another year older and I have to say it was a nice transition. June 23rd is my actual birthday and I often get to pondering at this time. I remember most of my childhood and college bday celebrations. One of my best friends from the neighborhood had a June 18th bday so we often had parties together. I could write an entire book on the adventures of our upbringing and just might one day. We had a wooded area that provided all kinds of fun activities from tree fort building to BB gun wars and capture the flag. We had a large enough group to play some great backyard sports. Dungeons and Dragons was a favorite from about 3rd grade onward. It is fun to see some of these things making such a come back into todays culture.

(Bday in the 70’s)

I did have a soccer match on Thursday that was likely my best of the season. I really wanted to win going into my Friday bday. It was hard fought and we did emerge victorious. You are always a little more sore when you lose. I’m appreciative that I’m still able to run and compete in the game I love. Friday was a good day starting with my brother and nephew visiting. I got a cool Conan the Barbarian tee-shirt and the chickens got some good attention from my nephew who also just had a bday. We ended with a dinner with the moms where I got one of my favorites, an olive burger. I also got to see one of my high school buddies in town and enjoyed a visit over one of my new beers. I’m happy to say from all my testers that it came out great. My high school buddy’s quote was “I normally don’t like beer but this is really good.” This is the Diego Jose’s Mexican Style Chili Beer and I’m happy to report the Rockin’ Rhubarb Wine is bubbling and fermenting like crazy. In a few months it will be ready and so when Fall comes we can enjoy Springtime in a bottle.

(More 70’s Bday)

Saturday was beautiful and I was enjoying the day both in the yard and running around seeking a few Estate Sale treasures. After we had a nice dinner with my dad and his wife where I got prime rib. It was such a big cut and I’m use to more modest portions so now we have leftovers for some steak and eggs. Speaking of eggs the chickens have been going crazy eating up all the mulberries on the ground. Yes, the berries are in full force and I probably eat about 20 or so a day right off the trees. The raspberries and rhubarb are ripening and I will pick and freeze some for the next batch of wine. We had the heat and humidity finally arrive yesterday and so now the air conditioner is kicking. I don’t mind heat as much as I really dislike humidity. Arizona or Las Vegas type heat suits me better versus Florida or Atlanta heat. The most humid place I’ve been was likely Costa Rica rain forest where you learn to live damp.

(More 70’s Birthdays)

I got a new magnetic iPhone car holder and charger since June 30th they have a law in Michigan of no hands on the phone. I use to hold it with the pop top while Siri helped GPS me drive to my destinations. Overall I think it is a law that will save many lives. I see daily distracted drivers and worry especially for motorcycle drivers. A few other little love gifts completed the bday weekend. I even got a nice bottle of rye whiskey from my high school buddy. Gifts to share are always good ones. I will see a few other friends and my brother later tonight and tomorrow I’m ready to attack my TO DO’s a year older.

(Rocking the ‘Star Wars’ Tee -shirt so likely 1977/78)

Let’s take a look at some of the things ahead-

  1. We have to review the new schedule draft for Harsens Island Revenge and look to lock it this week. We had a great meeting Weds with our director and 1st AD with the producers sounding in. Once we lock the script we can move to securing several other aspects of production.
  2. As we finalize some final fixes on SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA home video delivery, we hope to get final release dates soon. I know they are starting to work on home video poster/DVD art. Many are awaiting the streaming and DVD home video release and it will be exciting to meet that need. We will be bringing this story to millions.
  3. I’m going to start organizing things this week for dispersement to our backers of the various films. It is a task with so many films and a lot of check writing but I do enjoy it. Many of the films are really picking up and being viewed by millions worldwide.
  4. We have been working to restore and upgrade CDI classics and also working on some tie-in’s like Making of books. It is important to remember where you came from and it is fun to see how humbly we started. We have lots of fun extras from over the years and if I can get that all pulled into a few coffee table books that will be a great keepsake.
  5. Video game spin offs are also part of what we’re pulling together and once the ink is dry I will have more to discuss on this new emerging market. This is all part of the merchandise push I want to see continue. Only so many hours in a day.
  6. DEVELOPMENT is always underway and we’re making some strong headway in laying the foundation on many new endeavors. We are already working hard to see what will follow Harsens Island Revenge. We have several possibles but it is still too early to predict what will be the follow up film or TV series.
  7. Speaking on development – a meeting last week might have us doing the next music video. I really do like the medium and so I’m excited about the possibilities. More as this becomes more solid but I’ve heard the demo track and it ROCKS.
  8. Sponsorship and Product Partners – we’ve had many great brands associated with our films over the years. We have some great ones lining up for our next film. If you have a company and want your service or products highlighted via sponsorship please do reach out. I’m trying to feature some Michigan based companies and even better if they were around in the 1920’s.

(Shogan Warrior Bday gift)

WRAP UP: I’m going to wrap this up here soon and get on with my Sunday tinkering and getting ready for a productive week ahead. For me that is printing out certain documents to reviews and organize my TO DO’s. I want to once again thank each and every person who reached out to wish me a happy birthday. I appreciate you all and the journeys we’ve taken either in life or as fellow artists in our wonderful storytelling endeavors or as fans who invited us into their homes and let us entertain you. Thank you. Thank you. How far I’ve come off just a dream is amazing to me. I hope health and longevity will allow tribeCDI and I to keep bringing you stories for many years. Because one day we will all ride off into the sunset and the stories will be all that remains. Even now much of the music and movies I enjoy feature folks no longer with us. No longer dealing with life’s hardships. My hope for this next trip around the sun is more love, understanding, unity and acceptance. When you live with hate you ruin your own happiness. You deserve happiness and you will receive what you put out into the world. I hope you all enjoy the balance of your Sunday and start the week productive. I look forward to us meeting here again next week. Until –

Coffee Cheers!


Happy Father’s Day, Film Updates and Remembering a Fan Turned Friend

Coffee Cheers to you all. I want to welcome all our new readers from Brazil, UK and Poland. I will get into a few film updates but I wanted to take a moment to remember someone who I just found out passed away. JD Mayo was a fan of Civil War films and our “Wicked Spring” was a favorite behind “Gods & Generals” and I enjoyed the enthusiasm JD had for our film. Over the years despite health issues he also got into filmmaking inspired by our works. He became a filmmaking peer and we stayed in touch over the years. To find out he passed away in his sleep filled me with sadness. I’m so happy that one of our stories had such an impact on him and even helped direct his life towards storytelling. He always spoke of getting to a level where he could have me act in one of his Civil War stories. I’ve done several westerns but only that one “Wicked Spring” Civil War film. If you haven’t seen it maybe take a watch and think of JD. It is such an odd feeling of here today and gone tomorrow. I will miss the few exchanges that we shared each year. I know many much closer are missing him because he was an example of living and dealing with issues and keeping a positive outlook. RIP JD.

Today is Father’s Day and I’m lucky to still have mine with me. I will be doing lunch with him and we’re going to one of our favorite places. I’m also just a few short days away from another birthday. Age is just a number and it is truly about the quality of the years. I’m happy to say I’ve been free of the tooth pain that hindered me for a few. My overall health has been good and with soccer season upon us I’m getting in some strong running. We lost again this past week but it wasn’t for being outmatched it was more about communication or miscommunication. I’m going to go walk the flea market for a few and do lunch with Pa Perry and family after that. I know many of the kids out there have the Summer off and that was always an exciting time for us as kids. I’m not sure about our parents but we enjoyed it.

All our plants are in the ground and most are doing great. The berries are starting to ripen with the mulberries being first and the raspberries are likely the next to pop. My rhubarb wine is being slow to start fermenting as I made a misstep in my process. I will wait to see if it kicks in stronger or if it will need help. My Mexican-style chili beer is almost ready to drink. (June 18th) I wanted to give my dad a bottle of it but I have not had a chance to try it yet. Most of the beer batches do really well but this style is one I haven’t tried. Plus adding the pepper was an additional thing that could be very successful or not. We will see.

Now onto some film updates-

  1. A first draft schedule of Harsens Island Revenge landed Friday and our team is reviewing and we’ll meet next week to give any final adjustments and I hope to have a locked schedule by next Friday if all goes smooth.
  2. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – is being quality controlled for TV and streaming and we are close to moving to the approved stage which will give us some solid release dates. I know we’ve been approved to put the film back into the Algona theaters for one week to celebrate FOUNDERS WEEK.
  3. The developing Iowa film follow up made a few good steps this week and we are circling a few opportunities. This is the SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE project and so far things are really looking good. Part of this developing deal could also benefit SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA when it comes to TV broadcast. We will see how all that pans out.
  4. WILD FAITH: HASTINGS has many elements coming together but we’re not there yet. We all would love to see that TV series move into production in the near future. If it is meant to be it will.
  5. Merchandise and movie tie-ins is something we’re working on. One is ‘Making of’ books that will highlight a film or a trilogy of films (hint) either with the script or novelization as well as many production extras. I would love that for all the films but we’re starting with a couple as they are a lot of work.
  6. Another deal we’ve been working on is video games. We have plans for a few of the CDI films (http://www.cdiproductions.com) to also spin off into the video game realm. It is an exciting off-shoot and while I’m not a big video game player I know many people are. So that is something exciting to work towards. We’ve identified the first properties and we’ll announce that soon once the ink is dry.


So I know we opened this talking about death. I also attended a wedding yesterday and that was nice to attend. It had so much food at the potluck reception that I could not even sample everything even though I tried. It made an average Thanksgiving spread look small. I also wanted to again thank all the fathers out there. My daddy has always been a great provider, protector and giver of advice. And now we share a wonderful friendship. I know I’m blessed to have both my parents still with me as many of my friends have lost a parent or they are flying solo. I don’t take this gift lightly. I’m gonna get a refill on the coffee cup and set off to the flea market and hope to find a few 1920’s props. After we’ll do lunch, which after yesterdays feast I’m not sure what will sound good. I wish you all a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you again next week. I’ll have a birthday this week so I’ll be able to report back on that. If you want to gift me something please take the time to watch your favorite CDI film maybe even leave a review of why that film is your favorite. Until next week- be good to one another and have a productive week.


Enjoying and Embracing the Struggle

Coffee Cheers! I want to welcome our new readers from Brazil, France, Romania and more. I’m proud of our international circle of artists. This morning has had a chill as a slight rain is moving into our area. The entire area has been so dry with fire warnings and smoke from the Canadian wild fires even getting our soccer match rescheduled due to air quality. It was a full week with many challenges but I’m thankful to be able to meet these challenges with zest.

We’ve been delivering the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA film for home video. The film has been enjoying a nice long theatrical run with talks of it returning to Algona Fridley theatre for their FOUNDERS week- long celebration. Our home video version has even more enhanced picture and sound. We’ve been in the process of working to fix some small technical errors that quality control flagged. I love when an issue arises how many good folks rally around to address the issue. These technical issues are far above my own expertise but thankfully we have some great minds working with us. These few corrections are sometimes things not even noticed by the naked eye but not to a computer scan. So this week our team will work on the “patches” for these few places. This film had more extensive VFX and color correction to give us our desired look. More layers provides more opportunity for things to go astray. We’ll get it all fixed because that is what we do. That is what life is.


Accountability is a strength. I’ve noted before that team building is a skill and something that we work hard at. We don’t always get it 100% right but we do quite well. Recently, I was reminded how far we’ve come while scanning through some old VHS tapes and watching trailers from our 1st and 2nd features at CDI. The CDI Classic Collection is what I like to call them. The first four film were like film school and gave us the foundation that we build upon even today. We continue to learn and grow with every project. We get ambitious and try to push our limits and grow. I accept that and it’s that effort that lead to growth. We encourage people to grow as individuals which in turn is growth for the tribe. I stand accountable in part for all the individuals working on our projects. Just as a director does on his/her casting choices. Just remember that taking accountability is a strength while those that use excuses are revealing their weakness. Start living in strength. Live in accountability and watch your growth soar.

At the end of the week we were working on fixing some of these small technical issues. The SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA film has been enjoyed by thousands of viewers across the midwest but is being prepped to be seen by millions. I can remember even with the early films always addressing something and we always did. Battles fought and won and the growth was our reward. I try to embrace all the trials and tribulations. I so happy to be working passionately at what I truly love – making stories with my friends. This week also came with news that remind me how special that is. I had one friend who’s dealing with his mother’s passing and another actor friend fighting throat cancer. I got word yesterday of a classmate from elementary school onward who passed away unexpected. Old, young- you never know when your time is up. The struggle. The growth. All these material things will disappear when it is your time. So I’m learning to mostly smile and embrace the day to day challenges. These situations helped ground me and motivate me for this coming week. As I’m fighting to honor old projects with new avenues to be seen and prepping current projects for for new release and working to fund new endeavors, I’m going to enjoy it. Just like I enjoy a good soccer match. I love my opponents on the other team for pushing me and challenging me to my physical limits. So does these projects challenge me in ways, pushing my creative and business limits. I’m always sailing into new adventures in uncharted waters, but I do it with my creative friends and I love that. I’m ready to attack the new week!

Harsens Island Revenge is moving right along. This week we received our reformatted official WHITE script and we answered a few questions which should allow us to get our schedule for review. Once reviewed we will lock it and use that to start locking in talent dates in addition to location and vehicle dates. We’ve started to lock in some of the crew AirB&B’s which are really nice. They will give more of the comforts of home and give a good experience.


The experience is something special that remains with our crew for a lifetime. Speaking on remembering the experience we’re working on a few “Making of” books that will capture the journey. I’m in the process of starting to put together one for KNIGHT CHILLS and also I’m outlining a book for THE QUEST TRILOGY, our three biblical films. We have amazing pictures and we’ll have different written interviews from people who helped bring these three films to the screen.


I’m not going to go into a lot of detail on the individual projects this week. I’m actually going to travel to a flea market and see if any good props are to be found. I’m meeting with our Harsens Island Revenge Art Director tomorrow and that will be enjoyable. We have 4 challenging scenes in this new film project and we’ll work those out. That is part of the fun of stretching and trying to do something new. The lesson from the opening of this blog was don’t be afraid to reach, to try and achieve something new.

I’m also going to be adding the yeast to my Rhubarb Wine must and get that fermenting and in a few months we will have a few cases of a fine wine. The chili beer I talked about last week will be ready to drink later this month. I have a bday in a few weeks and I’m ready to celebrate another run around the sun. The property is just beautiful and full of color with veggies, herbs and flowers. The apple trees are full and the berries are soon to pop! Again nature is a great way to help keep your perspective and keep your balance. Until we meet again next week-

Coffee Cheers!


Past, Present and Future – The Cycle of Creating and Living

(Getting a 2024 re-release – Ghost Town)

I’m sitting here now after having taken a trip down the road to the first Mega Mall flea market. I love going to look for future props either for a character or the film as a whole. I came home empty handed but that is sometimes how it goes. Yesterday we celebrated my niece’s bday with some morning bowling which was fun. I did pretty good for not bowling in several years. I now have soccer on the TV and I’m excited to start playing with our first game the first week of May. I’ve also enjoyed the spurt of warm weather whereas I re-planted some clover seeds and started doing clean up on the yard. The old hop vines cut down which the birds LOVE for nest building. It is nice to see the bees getting busy to work and the birds active with their activities. We are prepping to grow some veggies and such and even the apple trees are looking really good this year. It won’t be long before the yard is full of berries and rhubarb. I do have the materials to make a Mexican-style light beer and some berries from last season to maybe do another multi-berry wine. We drank up most of the other during the long winter. We had a record temp day in Lansing, MI of 85 degrees but now we have a cold front passing that could put snowflakes in part of the state. Only in Michigan.

Last week I had a great meeting with fellow CDI founder Jeff Kennedy. He has been sidelined for several years dealing with some health issues but also has been enjoying retirement. Retirement doesn’t mean not creating art. They have wonderful artwork everywhere inside and outside their home. We shared a beer in his backyard garden and discussed the classic CDI films and their forthcoming re-releases in HD. We were making plans for CDI to march on for another 25 years. Yes. It’s a long ways off but still you have to plan for such things. The new films are doing quite well and we’re very happy about how many people we’ve reached with our stories. We are always looking ahead and we’ve got a lot of great projects developing. CDI is a multigenerational company and we’re proud of all the growth.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA continues to be played in theaters across the Midwest. It will also be playing as part of the Iowa Motion Picture Awards next month where it has been nominated for BEST FEATURE FILM. We are awaiting to see if we’ll be invited to play at a few other events. The new improved home video version of the film is also being pulled together as we start delivering our master and materials to Bridgestone Multimedia Group. The film will be delivered in May and we should have our hard release dates for home video announcement in June. My guess is an Oct/Nov release.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is full speed ahead and we’re still reading talent and interviewing a few remaining crew spots. We’ll be traveling up North to do some location scouting with our team. With directors approval we can start locking in locations and seeking the final few that we need. Lodging and catering are being explored and we should have all the info we need after the trip to get our schedule completed. That allows us to move forward with cast agreements, vehicle and extra breakdowns and more. Excited by all the cool locations, vehicles and props we’ve found so far. It will be a great shoot and so looking forward to seeing some of my artist friends that I only see when filming.


WILD FAITH: HASTINGS, SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE and FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2 are among some of the projects in development. We will be having more discussions on these new projects and start to put more pieces in play. After we wrap Harsens Island Revenge in October we’ll be looking to see what project is next up in the Spring 2024. We have a few possible “in association” projects also developing and so we’ll have to see what happens in the coming months.

We also have several projects being prepped for re-release in 2024 with KNIGHT CHILLS being the one we’re focused on right now. The Blu Ray is in the works and we’re all excited about that.

WRITING – I have several scripts that I’ve been working on and I’m going to try and settle into some daily writing. Even working a little each day all adds up. Once we get SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA delivered that will help free up some time.

ACTING – I have been aware of a few projects casting in the area and even saw a breakdown that had a character or two I found interesting. But for me to be invested I like to read the entire script. I considered a few projects but for now have chosen to focus on the next role of AXEL, Ex WW1 officer and now an outdoorsmen just trying to live the peaceful life. I LOVE to create a role layer by layer. I love to watch and read about the time period and to try and adjust my perspective of that time. I do have to say that following BEST YEARS GONE, I am looking forward to more comedy.

THE SELF – Partially for the next role and partially for the upcoming soccer season, I’ve been working to get myself in even better shape. Tai Chi, heavy bag work, meditation and even some weapons (stick, staff and sword) practice. I’m just taking it all up a notch and I’m really enjoying it. Laughter and music also play into my plan of keeping the self healthy. I additionally had some great conversations with some old friends this past week. It is always a pure joy to catch up with people and share stories.

WRAP UP – This coming week we’ll be finalizing plans for the forthcoming scout trip. I’ll be focusing on sponsorship talks this week since we have some great opportunities for cross marketing. I’ll probably put some more clover seeds down this week. I want to explore a few tree trims and still want to explore the building of a new deck. The tree trimming helps refill the wood box for next winter. Cycles. It was just a great week of embracing and celebrating the past while also motivating oneself for the future-thus charging our present endeavors.

I’m going to sign off here and get after a few tasks. We have a cold front coming in and so I’ll likely prep the wood stove for a few final wood stove fires. I’m excited for the seasons and tasks ahead. I’m so appreciative for the path I’m on and work each day to achieve balance and momentum moving into the next endeavor. Until we speak again next week please make an effort to be good to one another. Many good folks out there are dealing with their own issues seeking balance.

Coffee Cheers!


Casting and Crewing Updates- Improving Communication, Time Filters, and Iron Sharpening Iron

I’m sipping on the hazelnut on a sunny but still chilly morning. We had a snow storm hit and start to melt the next day. Spring and Winter are in a wrestling match with one another. It won’t be long before CDI meetings will also include some outdoor hanging. I want to welcome all our new readers from Spain, UK and more. It has been a nose-to-the-grindstone week and I’m happy to report it was very productive. On the broad view – I got all the CDI film taxes done and thank you to our amazing team. My own taxes are submitted just need to review and send when completed.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– The film is still opening new screens based on fans calling in and requesting the film is booked. We even have some new April bookings forthcoming so stay tuned and keep calling your theatre. We’re also starting to put our home video deal together for later in the year. We’ll be delivering the final film for home video on May 1st. I’m excited because it will open the film up to millions.

Harsens Island Revenge – This is the next #tribeCDI film and it is in full pre-production mode. We had some great meetings last week that included our director and DP. We discussed crew on the next film focusing on camera and G&E. (Grip & Electric) We already have a few of those people falling in place. #1 GOAL is to have fun and really appreciate the rare opportunity that we get to engage in with our storytelling. We have a new department leader for Production Design and we’ll likely be announcing an Art Director next week after a few final talks. CAST – We’re awaiting a dozen reads from folks CDI has worked with on different projects. We review these each week and will be making some hard choices on casting soon.

After many reads we think we’ve identified our film leads. This is such an important part of the process. You want people that are truly dedicated to the story, the process and appreciate the opportunity. These two have been developed inside the CDI Tribe. This film requires actors to not only appear natural in their moments (scenes) but in 1926. This is a world where Civil War vets were still alive. Cars were replacing horses for transportation. So many “time filters” to put into ones performance. We know that you can’t get it perfect out the gate but it is something you work into. My role in this next one is not camera ready yet. I will work on his look, attitude and his time filters. I’ve done a lot of digging into the period as the screenwriter. But, you put these filters into play to create a complex and rich performance. In the past we’ve done PR on individual or pairs of actors with promo cards but I think we might do something different. Like what? Like a group mug shot or…

I want our proposed lead talent to hear first from our director. If I hear back while doing this blog I will make a BREAKING NEWS update:) But we are looking forward to seeing many new reads this week. I see a few have direct messaged on the CDI FB page and we’ll be reviewing those. Every week we’ll be pulling for cast and crew onto the film. I’m looking forward to watching more reads this week and solidifying more of the cast.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The script is now a first draft lock allowing me to start to rough budget and make a production plan. 2024 was the shoot plan but it will all depend on how fast it all comes together. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA only took 14 years so I think we can beat that in less development time. I’ve had the film out to several Native American friends and associates to get their perspective. I also want to thank Lynn Kueck for his historic input. More as this develops.


  1. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2 is being outlined and groundwork is being laid. We’re talking to interested parties to once again help us tell this more in-depth follow up doc.

2) THE MAKING OF ‘IN THE WOODS‘ – I’m awaiting this book that is suppose to arrive today. It was delayed by the storm but it details the journey of my first starring role. This ambitious film by two young and rather in-experienced filmmakers will entertain you. The film got strong penetration into the domestic and foreign markets being a favorite at Blockbusters, Hollywood Video and more. Released on VHS and it made its way into many foreign territories. It is a fun romp and this book is the start of a new campaign that will be coming together. This film made me a B-Movie star in the late 90’s and while some critics tried to kill it – the film has a loyal audience. Drinking games have been formed around the movie and soon we might have a new 4k enhanced movie with lots of merchandise extras. I could even see a Con appearance or two to celebrate the 25th anniversary. Click and buy it below.

3) KNIGHT CHILLS – The first CDI film is also getting a new enhanced version. I am going to be collecting some interviews from people to include on the new release. I need to get extras around by June so I’m guessing an end of year Blu Ray release. In 2024 we’ll go to DVD and streaming plus start licensing foreign. If you are a fan of fantasy role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, this might be for you. We were back to the original source without any film-look filters that were all the rage. I’m excited to be re-releasing some of these classics in new format that will allow them to survive moving forward.

4) GHOST TOWN, FIGURE IN THE FOREST and AN ORDINARY KILLER will be getting the updated treatment but it takes time. It has been really interesting to walk back and work on these projects.

5) I’ve been working on a few new stories for those national books on animals, that I have contributed too for the last several years.So far, so good. We will see if the editor likes them once she takes a read. One of the books I contributed to his above. I believe that one has a story about my boy Luke Brown. I really do love doing these side stories and I might get more involved at some point but for now film script, producing and acting keeps me busy enough. Look up “Callie Smith Grant” and any of the books from the last few years will likely have stories contributed by me.

6) This week I’ll be starting work on another chapter of an audio book series I narrate. The book author Ronnie Lee has several works for sale in this book series. The audio version is coming right along and will be available soon – https://www.amazon.com/Generations-come-Book-Classroom-Copy/dp/B09RM7LBWV/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2H09KBLP4QV3V&keywords=Ronnie+Lee&qid=1678029492&s=books&sprefix=ronnie+lee%2Cstripbooks%2C161&sr=1-4

7) While waiting for Spring, it is a great time to re-watch your favorites. BEST YEARS GONE, WILD FAITH, LOST HEART, MBF, ASHES OF EDEN, and as Easter is upon us – take a watch on The Quest Trilogy. Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer all deserve a good watch even if the faith isn’t your path. The films can speak direct to your faith or as a parable tale with messages to ponder. I’ve said before, that the trilogy, was shot with a Star Wars heroes-myth style at the heart of it. The translation between the two works quite well. It really is noticeable in the photography and the music. PLEASE DO take a watch. I promise you it is a fresh take on what can often be confusing stories.


My personal goals going into these new projects is to try and make the communication even more efficient. We have some really large opportunities looming on the horizon in the not to distant future. I’m trying to develop our team so they will be ready. Positive Problem Solving attitudes. Clear Communication. Respectful Communication. Gratitude. I want to develop our team for that next level. I want to work with good folks that I truly enjoy. That is the journey.

I’m looking forward to soccer season. I’m looking forward that that weekly competition you get doing battle on the pitch. I have really learned to appreciate our opponents because iron sharpens iron.

Once this snow goes away for good it will be time to get the yard cleaned up. Tree trimming and planting clover again this year. Soon the yard will be full of hops, berries, veggies and herbs.

The chickens are back laying eggs steady so we are now rich. Rich with eggs:) The birds are returning. The squirrels and rabbits are about. I love all the wildlife about.

CDI will probably look to support the Capital City Film Fest by attending the mixer kick off. Several years ago ASHES OF EDEN was the closing film to 600 people. That was a great night. We would have played SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA there but they wanted only MI premieres and the film has its theatrical run underway. I love that our home town has two festivals. The ELFF is still running after many years also.

That is all I have for this morning. I’m going to drink my last cup of coffee and get on with my day. Until we gather again next Sunday – have a productive week. I think I will watch Manchester United play while getting a few things done.

Coffee Cheers!


2023! Goals, Gifts and Growth!

Good morning 2023! I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and happy to report no hangovers or such this morning. I had a few drinks yesterday afternoon in a meeting with a few of our artists, picking materials up. We toasted the victories and those lost, no longer traveling. The beverage sipped was some of the Frankenberry Wine, made from all the berries on the property. But in the eve it was just ginger ale and a peaceful welcome into 2023. I can recall many days of my youth of celebrating too much and paying for it the next morning/day. I get up early and have my productive routines that I follow. I don’t regret most of those party days but I don’t miss the aftermath.

I carved out a day this past week and did film disbursements to our backers. I’m so thankful for all the supportive people who love the Tribe CDI stories. I had a sit down with one of them this week and really enjoyed all the positive feedback. We also talked about future endeavors, of which we have many. I’ve been working to get organized and prepped for a highly productive new year. Being organized is one of the secrets to success. I’ve got a series of end of year tax prep stuff for the films but I have a great team and this year should be quite smooth.

It was a year of hard fought victories and some sad losses. My furbaby Daphne, my second mother- baby sitter Marie DeFord, my friend/family and building mentor Dan Chapin, all powerful losses. Also a slew of artists passed on, which leaves us artists to pick up the torch. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, was the most complex film we’ve produced to date. Two languages, 1940’s clothes, props and vehicles. Windy, cold days and nights. Extensive VFX and just a few bumps bringing all the elements together on an advanced release schedule. But, we did it. The Algona, Iowa premiere was so full of good energy and the ongoing energy has had the film hold over four times now and expanded into multiple cities with more emailing about booking every week.

We will be having a producers pow wow this week over the ongoing roll out. A special screening in Owosso, MI is in planning. We will be exploring a few choice film festivals and we really want a few German screenings. We have a few VIP’s awaiting to view the film which could really assist the home video release. We’ve had many people talk about merchandise and swag and we will be addressing that and hope to have that available with the home video release later this year. We’ve already received so many nice emails about the emotions stirred by watching this story based on true events. Some reflected the deep pain and hate that some carried from their own war (Vietnam) experiences and that this film gave them a new perspective that allowed them to let go of that hate. That is powerful. A story made them let go of poison and replace it with understanding. We’ve had many of these notes sent to us. The community is alive with history. They are all talking the stories once told and almost forgotten. The museums in town being part of family trips into Algona, to watch the film. We had a beautiful letter from the museum boards about the quality job CDI did. And the interest has brought a new awareness that will help these places not just survive but thrive. I’m beyond proud.

We will have an amazing 2023 journey with this film and I cannot wait for each and every one of you to experience this story.


Once I get past the state filings, K-1 send outs and any 1099’s for the films- we’ll be forming the new company to produce Harsens Island Revenge. If you liked CDI tackling WW2 and the 1940’s, wait until CDI gets after the roaring 20’s! I plan to get with our director and finish our writer/director draft. We’ll be putting the casting breakdowns together soon and that will be an enjoyable process. We were lucky to do some location scouting and found many great places to use in the telling of our story. Stay tuned to many new updates on this film.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – In 2023 we’ll be doing some passive development which might include the building of a few period cabins. This is a spring 2024, Iowa shoot if everything stays in the right direction.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH (Battlefield) – Working title- Following the success of the documentary film FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, directed by Curran Jacobs, edited by Adam Towner, produced by CDI and The Red, White, and Blue Project Inc.. The film will now have the first sequel documentary going into production this Spring/Summer. While the original was a much needed summary timeline of the history of professional grappling, these follow up films will go more in depth with various aspects of the history. It’s very exciting to continue this journey.

Furthermore, CDI is considering the first “in association” in a while, with an exciting supernatural thriller. An animated feature is heating up and more…

I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself but I too, feel that rush of the fresh energy. Every year I write out my goals. Personal goals, business goals, home improvement- It is good to get those out in front of you. You won’t always make all your goals but you’ll be surprised at what you did achieve.

I JUST took a pause for my first 2023 eats. Eggs from our girls, 4H bacon and protein waffles with MI made syrup. If I had the right trees I would be boiling sap. Okay. Goals….bacon…back to goals.

A few of my goals as an example-

  1. Design and have new deck built – it is getting close to that point of need vs want
  2. Produce two feature length film endeavors
  3. Act in one outside CDI project- that said, I MUST connect with the material and role
  4. Better plant and garden bed growth and harvest
  5. Looking to increase strength and flexibility training for a good soccer season ahead
  6. Finish two feature scripts
  7. …you get the picture.

Even this blog is very helpful in me deeply thinking through my TO DO’s for the week. Communication continues to be a key to success and I find it can always be improved upon. I see or read about several people being overwhelmed by the waves of life’s hardships. Here is to the hope that 2023 becomes an island to get your footage, regain your balance and readjust your sights. I will keep trying to communicate better to serve as an example of respectful collaboration. Preserving history and stories, lessons to be remembered and to grow from.

Cheers to growth in 2023!


NEW ‘Silent Night in Algona,’ trailer, ‘For the Love of Catch’ DVD and more…

Good morning. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and enjoying the last few days of October, one of my favorite months. I’m a bit slow getting going as I stayed up a bit later last night watching my alumni school MSU play U of M. Not there year, but it started pretty exciting. Cleaning. Organizing, Winterizing. The leaves are almost all done and I’ve been staying on top of those. I’m still cutting wood in prep for the winter ahead. I actually finally bottled my Frankenwine, finishing with either a raspberry or blueberry in the bottom. I like using a berry of fruit versus just adding a sweetener. The Frankenwine was made with raspberry, black raspberry, mulberry and a touch of hops. I tried it and while it’s strong, it is very drinkable.

I had to get some antifreeze and a new battery for the “Black Mamba,” my ride. I can saw that I’ve never really been a car guy. I like cool designs and such but really I just need reliable A to B transportation. My old Saturn Due is customized to my liking and has very low miles but now it’s ready for winter. Some folks are really into their cars. I could just not imagine driving some of these house on wheels, cars. I’m also going to wait a good decade before considering an electric car. I have friends that work in fire safety and new guidebooks are being done to deal with auto crashes containing lithium batteries. So I think I’ll just wait a few before going in that direction.

Let’s get to some film updates.

(Above – DJ, Tony, Dennis, Carl at a post session for ‘Silent Night in Algona’ )

  1. Our recent release FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH will release on DVD, November 1st. many are enjoying this film streaming but soon it can become part of your library. Order here-https://www.amazon.com/Love-Catch-DVD-Curran-Jacobs/dp/B0BH96VCDX/ref=sr_1_1?crid=31IFQIHVO2APF&keywords=for+the+love+of+catch+dvd&qid=1667135347&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjAwIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&s=movies-tv&sprefix=%2Cmovies-tv%2C138&sr=1-1
  2. Conversations have happened about another doc in the For The Love Of Catch series. We’ll be looking at gathering the needed resources this winter for Spring 2023 shooting. A promotion event was also discussed but more on that later.
  3. November 1st also begins the holiday window which is perfect for watching THE QUEST TRILOGY. Three films, Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer. We’ll start promoting them and one of them has hit a new benchmark at Encourage TV. (Passing TWO MILLION VIEWS) Again, that is only one platform. When you add up all the platforms, DVD’s and broadcast we’re at tens of millions. We thank you all and hope your family will watch these classics together.
  4. We’ll have some big announcements coming concerning, Harsens Island Revenge. Some establishing shots will be filmed on the island and maybe a scene or two but having to rely on a ferry for schedules and/or getting last minute needed supplies, isn’t good for production. Right now, we have a town that we’re seriously looking at to double for parts of our island. Having interiors that haven’t changed too much from 1926 is also key. I’m about to start next week on my final script polish with our soon-to-be announced director. Once it is locked, my hands are off as a writer. We’re looking at a few key roles in the script now but will be opening up to looking at reels and doing reads this winter. We will be shooting in Oct/Nov 2023 and we’re all very excited about this roaring 1920’s story.
  5. Staying with writing, I am over half way through on my first draft of SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE. This will be the follow up project to film in Iowa. We don’t have any dates set as of right now just getting a powerful script is the goal.
  6. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, is the front and center. The music and sound design is getting closer to done. Our composer Dennis Therrian, is scoring a beautiful soundtrack. Color correction is about done and the VFX are being finalized. Our editor/VFX supervisor will be coming in to help marry everything together mid November. I see some grilling in our fall future out at the ole Pine Studio.
  7. Additionally, a new two and half minute SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA theatrical trailer is almost done. We had some major director/producer meetings this week over adjusting a few shots in the trailer. We’re all so close to it all but I sincerely think folks will love it. It will be shown at AFM market to a few networks and foreign territories. Home video will be on the lead up to the holidays next year in 2023.
  8. But starting in December many will be able to see SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, in theaters. We’re working with the town of Algona in setting up a premiere showing and afterglow on December 9th. Following our premiere, public showings will start at the Fridley Theaters, starting with Algona. The plan is to start with 2 weeks of showing and some companies are planning to buy blocks of tickets for their employees to go watch together. That’s a great idea. I know other theatre chains in the Iowa, Michigan and the midwest are being talked to. I’m just so happy with the final product. It is a beautiful story of unity, healing and hope that many people could use about now. Soon, my friends. Please do feel free to call Fridley theaters and encourage them to get movie times for the public shows listed.
  9. This week, I have to send out one of the Knight Chills masters to see if we can get a better initial transfer. This is for the special Blu-Ray being put together for 2023.
  10. Ghost Town, is also getting the digital enhancement treatment and a new 2023 release trailer is being cut. I’m excited to revisit that film with it being digitally enhanced. The Smoky Mountain western will ride again!

I might be missing an update or two but there is a good ten point snap shot of our most current updates. To all the ghosts and goblins, be safe tomorrow night while collecting candy. I remember those days fondly. In elementary school, we had parades and classroom parties. I feel bad that the children don’t get to do that anymore. The world has its challenges and I try to help doing what I do best, tell stories. Thank you again to everyone that has reached out. I love hearing about your favorite films, moments and such. Keep watching and we’ll keep creating.

Happy Sunday!


Sails UP, FULL Ahead- Picture Locks, Post Updates and NEW Releases

The hazelnut coffee is flowing and we’re getting the morning rolling. Welcome to the new readers from Colombia, Ireland, France and more. It’s a small world after all over here at our ‘clawing our way to the middle’ blog. This past week was nice weather mostly and the little rain we had was well received by the plants. Our soccer game was a good one adding another win but its really about the awesome workout. The berries are still kicking in full fashion. I eat handfuls each day and the animals have also been enjoying them. The hops are starting to form and the garden plants are starting to have blooms and a few even fruit.


  1. BEST YEARS GONE had a great first week trending and giving us a great kick off. You can watch it at any of the places above and more each week. Leave us a review also and let us know if you had any favorite parts. We’re going to keep releasing a few actor videos every few days talking about their characters and the experience of filming with CDI. Here is the most recent a pair of talented young ladies – https://www.facebook.com/Bestyearsgonemovie/videos/1516086865477412
  2. BESTSELLER – the lake and the haunting sounds of loons. A crackling fire and…this great adult fiction by Christopher Knight aka to the children as Jonathan Rand, is available to rent or own. Shot in beautiful Michigan it is R rated for language and intensity. A great watch, not alone. Many of the same platforms as listed for BEST YEARS GONE above.
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – A wonderful community who opened their hearts and trusted us in telling the story of their town. We will be showcasing some beautiful new poster art here soon. And next week the first edit of the film will be watched for any final suggestions. Once any last changes are done it will be a locked picture. Music and sound design have been prepping for weeks. Playing with compositions and building the sound library. VFX continues and we will have more videos showing this amazing process. A new theatrical trailer will start to be cut after our showing next week. They have been outlining ideas for a while and so we have lots of exciting things ahead for this movie. We are targeting a first theatrical premiere Dec 10th, in Algona, Iowa. We hope to expand the theatrical across the midwest where most of these camps were for several weeks. We’ll look at a few festivals maybe even one in Germany, Italy and a few other countries. Too early to announce anything but it looks like CDI will be making more travels to Iowa to bring more stories to the screen.
  4. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – We are still waiting to see if we get into Toronto Film Festival. There is a great wrestling tradition throughout Canada and so it would be awesome to premiere there. But it will be coming to living rooms and phones this fall. I don’t want to announce yet until these dates are locked. But let’s just say that the ‘Great Pumpkin’ might also be making an appearance in this same month. The awesome releases for CDI keep coming and this one is still forthcoming. The wait will be worth it and I’m proud to have been a part in filling in this history.
  5. July 30th, be in your seat at 5:00 pm to be ready for the festival/convention premiere of SMOKE & MIRRORS at the Motor City Nightmares in Novi, MI. I’ve been to Comic Cons (Thank you Nathan Quinn) but never a horror festival. I have gotten a kick out of the collector’s talk of looking for ‘Dead Alive’ VHS titles like IN THE WOODS and KNIGHT CHILLS.
  6. Speaking of KNIGHT CHILLS. I just got the full rights from author David Hayes (Thank you David) and we might look into a small form reprint and an audio book. You all know a video game is in development. The BluRay deal is signed and will be coming. We are doing some cool things for the packaging. The sequel (funny I’ve written three) is still in development. I’ve had multiple creative groups (fans usually) of the movie present various ideas to incorporate. I’m keeping myself open- Knight Chills itself was us trying to make a movie (our 1st) and was a loving nod to all the cool stuff that Jeff & Juanita Kennedy and I were inspired by. I think for the sequel you could go too polished and perhaps miss what made the first one so special. It needs to be a nod, but stand on its own two feet. It is all fun. That is the secret to Knight Chills, fun. And could a Knight Chills TV series be as cool as Stranger Things? More storytelling potential versus a feature film.
  7. HOT ROD LOVE working hard to get the last of the funding in place so this can film in our favorite fall/end of the year spot. It works for the story and I like the temps versus humid. Had some great communication with some of the targeted talent. Mister Terence Knox, will have a great role in this film that really showcases his humor. He is playing my father, the track owner. Oh, hell. The clothes, the music and the groove, CDI is gonna go to the 70’s. Seek out our FB site and post some of your favorite 70’s photos. We have some classic images there.
  8. WILD FAITH: HASTINGS – We just might have our first backer interested. Still a bit to work out concerning details, but we’ve done previous business, so that helps. That just might allow us to start the engines and start planning the first few shows of the eight part season one.
  9. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE – The first draft of the script is done. I will collect some feedback and do a second draft. After that we’ll start with active development. Broad location scouting as already begun. This will be a fun film to make fall of next year.
  10. Thank you to all the CDI FANS. I really want to thank everyone, especially those who have taken the time to express via a post, emails…(a million other ways) how our films spoke to you. Often beyond a few sit-in theatrical showings, we don’t get to hear the giggles or see the tears. With several CDI films with views in the 10’s of millions, I often tell our people, we’re not making these films to appease the 3-5k social circle associations, but for the millions globally that we will never meet. They don’t all know us but they sure know our characters, our stories. We are storytellers. We tell the stories to be seen, heard, and experienced. We do them for YOU. So thank you. Two of my favorites.

I just thought I would take that moment to really thank you all fans. I get caught up in my own little world of trying to hatch the next story. Maybe because I know you are out there waiting? Some of you have been with me since the early days when I was still trying to get my footing. Because of you, I get to do what I love. To do what I feel that I’m good at. My performance is subjective but I’ve always had an undeniable ability to pull people together and direct their effort all while getting the best out of them. Often a best that they did not see until challenged to bring it forth. The effort becomes a gift to us. A gift to themselves. A gift to you all, the story watchers.

I’m going to go “beat a few eggs” like my buddy Dean would say. A flea market down the road might reveal a treasure or two or just an hour of people watching. I might put a mow on the lawn and get a few outdoor things done. A recharge before I jump into the new week ahead. I hope all of you take the time to get a recharge, even if that is only in mindset. Be positive and go at your dreams knowing each step, small or large is taking you closer, giving you valuable experience.

COFFEE CHEERS! Until next week.


Happy 4th of JULY, 2022- Weekend: BEST YEARS GONE Home Video Premiere and More…

Good morning, hazelnut cheers and thank you to all the new international readers from S. Korea, Ireland, China, UK, Brazil and more. Here is the USA we’re about to celebrate our independence day (July 4th) from the good ole UK. I’ve been super busy on many fronts but I’ve been able to balance it with some wonderful nature. For my recent bday I got some large wind chimes that go nicely with the sounds of the water fountain. (A 50th Bday gift) The plants have all been watered and the dogs tended to. The chickens are enjoying the morning clucking about. The hops, berries (mulberry, raspberry and blueberries) have been exploding. The apple trees are doing pretty good. One of them struggled a bit with the past heat and seems to be doing better now. Let’s go ahead and get into the news.

BEST YEARS GONE – This movie was made during the hardest time of the pandemic and brought our cast and crew much joy. We saw the film bring much laughter and a few tears in the limited theatrical run. The theaters were still trying to get back on their feet during that time. But now, on JULY 5th in two short days you will be able to buy the DVD or stream it. Amazon, Best Buy, Vudu and so on. Just google us up or follow the Facebook site for updates. One of the first major reviews was by Film Threat, link below.

You never know how the mass market will take any film, but they seemed to really like it and we think you will too. I also want to acknowledge the praise they gave me but say that if I did not have the awesome cast around me, the film doesn’t work. I love the music (Dennis Therrian) with added songs by various great bands including our BATTLE OF THE BANDS winner Vertical Bridge!

Watch the music video here


IF you decide to take a watch visit our page at http://www.imdb.com and you can VOTE for your self and leave your own review.

LOOKING FOR A DOUBLE FEATURE or something to watch tonight/tomorrow on the run up to our release?

BESTSELLER, a spooky thriller just released on May 31st. Melissa Anschutz leads a great cast with myself, Ralph Lister, Terence Knox, Lana Wood and more…

Read about it here

Watch it here!

These two films releasing is very exciting and represents a lotta hard work by our artists but we’ve got so much more happening.

  1. The first festival that invited SMOKE & MIRRORS was Michigan’s own MOTOR CITY NIGHTMARES. It is a weekend of convention fun, celebrity signings (I was asked but, no I’m not doing any official signings, but if you track me down with a pen I will and the cost – ZERO:) You cannot ala carte the screenings so the cost might be too costly if planning to just go see the 16-17 min film. We play at like 5:20 in a block and I plan to try and arrive at 5pm. I’m solo with the dogs so I’ll be just doing a 6-7 hour trip with drive time of 45 min or so to Novi. I think they have a party but it’s later in the eve so the post party will likely be back at home:) But this short film is so much fun. We filmed this concept film taken from one of my feature scripts in one day as part of a commercial project. It will likely play a few more venues this year so join the Facebook page and make sure to catch it where you can. David Gries and Melissa Anschutz and brilliant in the film and it has some fun supporting characters. I just might play one of them but if turn of the century/steampunk is your jam, this might be for you. July 30th! NOVI! MOTOR CITY NIGHTMARES.
  2. I will also note being from Lansing, MI that another fine artist/filmmaker, Michael McCallum/Rebel Pictures, has two short films playing right after SMOKE & MIRRORS. One is CHOICES and one is PHOTALGIA. So if you are watching our film you can stay a few and watch a couple other films. I’m sure the entire day has some great films to watch.
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, the rough cut is done and our director has been feeding notes back to our editor. We’ll review the rough cut with our director changes soon and by months end will have a locked picture. Here is a great video showing some of the VFX/model work being done. WATCH THE VIDEO here – https://fb.watch/e1nJ7CbDvg/
  4. We also have a new SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA poster being worked on and the new theatrical trailer work will be starting soon. We are looking to have the first showing in Algona on Dec 10th if everything stays according to plan.
  5. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH has made the final fixes and tweaks working with Deskpop Entertainment on quality control. We should have our home video release dates soon and by next month (Aug 3rd) we should know about the TORONTO FILM FESTIVAL.
  6. I’ve finished the first draft of HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE, slated to shoot in 2023. I have my producers taking a read and if all comes back good without any problem areas to clarify it will go to the publisher. WW1 Veterans vs The Purple Gang during the prohibition. But this is what I call passive pre-production. It has committed funds but doesn’t shoot until later next year because of the script/story.
  7. HOT ROD LOVE, is in active development – and reunites director Shane Hagedorn and Director of Photography, Travis Hayward from BEST YEARS GONE. We are in talks on an amazing attachment that true fans of drag racing will love. Also a few amazing sponsors are being courted so with a little bit of hard work and some final commits we will look to film in October 2022, in a few short months.
  8. HASTINGS, the developing Wild Faith TV series spin off had more productive discussions this week. WILD FAITH, which just released with MAN’S BEST FRIEND to PeacockTV which could assist in the ordering up of the first season. We’ll see. We have several parties in talks and something will give. It is nearing 6 million viewers on just our distributor’s platform ENCOURAGE TV. Many of the CDI films can be seen here free with ads.
  9. I’ve noted that our Civil War film WICKED SPRING, now presented in HD is getting love on Amazon and the platforms it plays on. This film is 22 years old and still getting new audiences yearly. I know many classrooms that have used the film as a teaching aide. If you want to watch something about America’s history this might be for you.
  10. We’re working hard to plan and fund the next several years of CDI films. We are having some good traction in that department but I will wait as always to the ink is dry. I don’t do the mysterious teases on social media for hype. Okay, maybe once in a great while but I like keeping the cards close until we show our hand. Four Aces:)

I’ve just finished some eggs and toast and I’m going to do a few tasks around the yard. A short trip to the store to take back empties from our meetings. And I plan to fire up the grill today and tomorrow. Maybe even bottle up the HOPPY GRAPE APE wine. I have a beer mix up next which I will put into motion for this fall. As I’ve said before, I might even do another go on the hard cider. Next week we’ll be attending the 4H where we assist young people in their college studies by purchasing their livestock. That and the venison make up most of the meat eating around here.

After a loss, our soccer team was back in form last week in a hard fought victory. My body has adapted to the hardships of the weekly battles, and now only experiences some mild stiffness versus the first quarter of the season where I felt like I was hit by a truck weekly. Whatever your outdoor activity is, get out there and do it. I’m going to end this here and go get a few things down in the yard. Have a safe 4th of July weekend. I hope you hit the ground running next week and get things done. Coffee Cheers until next week.


NEW CDI Development Projects, New Platforms and Premieres

I’m bringing the bday week to a close and I have to say I was so appreciative of all the family, friends and fans who reached out to wish me a happy Bday. Thank you to all the new readers from around the globe joining us here. I’ve got my mug full of hazelnut coffee and I’ve just enjoyed a few eggs from our hens. It has been a good week of progress being made on several of the film projects. Let’s take a look at a few exciting updates.

1) WILD FAITH has made its way to NBC’s Peacock streaminghttps://www.peacocktv.com/watch-online/movies/wild-faith/be7fcef2-f423-3114-b26c-c66588e2d7ed – We’re happy to have our story available to the 33 million plus subscribers.

2) MANS BEST FRIEND has followed right behind at NBC’s Peacock streaminghttps://www.peacocktv.com/watch-online/movies/mans-best-friend/a0e02318-16e4-3b33-9550-f2a633ad2333 – Excited to make these two films available to a much larger audience.

3) SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is closing in on the first edit and in July will be polishing it up towards a picture lock. This week we’ll start some discussions on the theatrical trailer. We’ve been gathering theatrical interest from a few chains. Another round of poster art is being worked on for the theatrical release most likely. A BTS of the model and VFX work is being edited together to share with all of you very soon.

4) BESTSELLER has been released to Amazon Prime and several platforms and on DVD. Thank you to those fans who reached out directly to share your thoughts. I told you it was intense:) A little mood, murder and mystery sound about right – travel to beautiful Northern Michigan with the birch and the pines. Buy/Rent here and let me know your thoughts at our http://www.imdb.com page –

Buy & Rent here BESTSELLERhttps://www.amazon.com/Bestseller-Melissa-Anschutz/dp/B09YH7X3RY/ref=sr_1_3?crid=UV4JFVKKJBZQ&keywords=bestseller&qid=1656251166&s=movies-tv&sprefix=bestseller%2Cmovies-tv%2C81&sr=1-3

5) SMOKE & MIRRORS – I just got loose word that we’re in the MOTOR CITY NIGHTMARES festival. I’m hearing Sat July 30th late afternoon (5:00 pm wish) as part of a block. We don’t usually do shorts but a commercial opportunity allowed for us to shoot a proof of concept for the full feature. I’m going to try and attend with a few of the CDI team. It will be fun to return the horror scene. I went to a Frankenfest with the family yesterday and had a great time. All the cool art and merchandise spun off from the films. That is what I want to do with some of the older films that have gained some cult classic status.

6) BEST YEARS GONE is coming JULY 5th and we’ll see how the world reacts to this wild ride. We did get a great response from our theatrical crowds and I think folks will really dig it. We have some fun PR coming up this week. We’ll be starting the engines and waiting for that flag to drop. I’m very excited about how this film turned out and I hope you take something away with you that you enjoy after watching.

TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StL5oUdnOlc

MUSIC VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=393380005705951

BTS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgt-xeK1LCw

7) FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – the documentary went through quality control and our team addressed a few small issues and now they should all be adjusted. We’re awaiting our home video release dates and also our submission to the Toronto Film Festival. Step by step it moves closer. Soon the world will know a lot more about Catch-Can and its importance to the history of grappling.

8) HOT ROD LOVE – is projecting a Sept/Oct shoot and this week we made some good strides in our package. We’ll be announcing more exciting updates as pen finds paper. This 1970’s comedy about drag racing will surely be a fun one. This film is getting traction and I for one could not be happier. Do you have any 1975 or before rides you would love to feature in the film? If so let me know but we are shooting in Michigan.

9) HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE, the first draft is completed. Shooting is planned for fall next year 2023. I will be circulating this draft to a few in the circle as we’ll start having background development talks. I LOVE how the film script came together and it will make a wonderful film.

10) DEVELOPMENT – Hastings TV series as well as several feature films are in active development. It was my desire to double the CDI output of content this year but Covid and various variables have slowed things. We managed to keep creating in the hardest of times. We will keep moving forward thanks to all of you! We appreciate you all.


Aside from all this movie work I’ve had the pleasure of conducting business in our zen yard. The mulberries are in ABUNDANCE but I’m leaving them to the chickens, squirrels and birds save the handful a day I eat. We’ve been eating raspberries and soon blueberries from the yard also. The apples and hops will be coming in strong and maybe I’ll make some hard cider this year. The clover has been quite beautiful and also requires less mowing as the height stays low. I’m growing four leaf clovers. A Memory- Our 1st AD Carol on JUDGES could spot a four leaf clover in moments. She pulled like four from a patch in under a minute. She surprised me with a framed and matted group of four leaf clovers which I’ve kept to this day.

I had a few days where I forgot Lulu (Our last cat) had passed on. I was concerned if the upstairs was too hot or not wanting a door to close her in. I took one short nap before an event and she would always crawl up for a nap with me. No Lulu. But the Finn and Luna Mae (Our dogs) have kept us busy and entertained. Attack the water hose stream is one of the favorite games.

I had a week of business meetings that also involved birthday toasts and additionally several family dinners. All this around my birthday of the 23rd but the actual day was quiet by design. I still play soccer in a men’s league with my brother and several old school friends. No gym/dojo workout has every matched the raw competition. No value of name tags or titles just warriors, old warriors giving their all to show themselves they still got it. I’ve learned to love my opponents as they challenge me and my steel is sharpened. Sometimes in victory and sometimes in defeat. We’ve got a good team this year and during the first part of the season we lost once. And on my bday we lost to that team again. We were ahead until the last 15 min of the game where a call evened the game. We had one healthy sub and we had battled the heat. The other team had six subs and a strong will not to lose. I had a fast striker attacking that took everything I had to nullify his attack. We battled to the end and on my birthday I had been gifted health and humility. To play as hard as I do at my age is a blessing. Win or lose I won because I got to play. I felt a lesson in there that came out in another later conversation.

In that conversation we reflected on life as many of my talks do. I was asked, if I ever wished I had more in the film world. I want and work towards more frequent and better compensated films. But, I will tell a story that needs to be told for a modest pay day versus not having the story told. I also would not change being known for our art (stories) versus anyone else’s art. I think the best is yet to come and what I carry is patience and experience. I don’t chase dangling carrots and I’m not seeking short cuts. I’m not making the stories to impress or gain any glory just to offer a perspective that could affect people in a positive way. I don’t worship at the alter of value symbols pressed into metal or parchment. I say no more than yes but when I say yes, things happen. Okay, gonna slow on the coffee and head outside to mow and put up a windmill. Yes, I said a windmill. I just put up a wonderful set of wind chimes that were a gift and those are very peaceful. Tend to your zen and space and watch how things flow.

Have a great day and week ahead. Coffee cheers!


Rolling Into JUNE! CDI’s TOP 10 Updates from Last Week!

Morning has recently left us for afternoon and now after some reheated grilled chicken and salad I’m ready to blog with you all before I go give the yard a mow. When soccer season started about a month ago I overused my tendons outside me knees. It is the back and forth motion without having them conditioned for that strain. With weekly games it has been hard to get a full recovery but they are getting stronger. That Covid time off did not do me any favors.

We have had a few days of heat but luckily some storms have blown cooler air in on several days sparing us humidity. The raised garden beds now have the veggies and herbs planted. The chickens have been kicking out the eggs allowing almost daily egg breakfasts. I’ve had a great week of productive moves on the board. Maybe we should do a TOP 10 Updates on this fine Sunday.

  1. Our sponsorship program for SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is being looked at by several major brands for alignment. If your brand feels like exploring marketing with our Christmas Homefront WW2 drama please reach out.
  2. Last week we had a great SNIA meeting with art department and looked at all the challenges that lie ahead. This week will be calls with Jesse Aragon our director of photography. We will look to start locking in our camera, grip and electric team in the coming weeks. Our first schedule is being looked at and soon we’ll pow wow over that and start to make moves. It is so interesting how it all starts to gel and come together.
  3. This week I’ll be seeing the polished draft of the teaser trailer on our doc FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH. It will release on July 4th and give audiences a glimpse at the amazing grapplers we have assembled to discuss their passion.
  4. Speaking of trailers, the official trailer for BEST YEARS GONE is in sound and music with Dennis Therrian and it will release soon. Rumor has it might be on the run up to June 23 someones bday;)
  5. The BEST YEARS GONE film itself is in serious music and sound design. We’ve started assembling the end credits. Color correction should be almost complete. We’re already looking at two premiere events in Sept. One a race and showing at the Springport Speedway Sept 11th and the Owosso, MI premiere date TBD.
  6. The General Market ‘Lost Heart’ release (BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS) is underway appearing on amazon and several other platforms. I love the new poster, trailer and movie as a whole. Released to the faith market ‘Lost Heart’ is up for ‘Best Film’ at the Crown Awards this month.
  7. Also one of the 5 ‘Best Films at the Crown Awards is MANS BEST FRIEND. A uniquely powerful film which feels like pineapple to a beet when you put the two films next to one another. Vastly different tone but proud to have both recognized.
  8. I want to give a congrats to VERTICAL BRIDGE who won the ‘Best Years Gone: Battle of the Bands’ and will have their song OFF TO THE RACES in the film. Additionally CDI will be shooting a commercial with the band with Travis Hayward directing, shooting the video. I’m excited for all the artists involved.
  9. We have some interested people looking at the WILD FAITH/HASTINGS TV series pitch this month. That would make a great bday present. If we get the green light we will be shooting next year.
  10. I’m starting to work into some creative script writing. I had a great call about the possibility of writing a screenplay for hire. We will see how that turns out. I have lotta possibilities and the things that are meant to be will come to be.

I’m going to wrap this up without a lot of chit chat because I have quite a bit of yard work to attend to before I have people arriving this eve. The berries and hops are getting closer to fruit. The catnip, rhubarb and several other things are already giving. We’ve been enjoying getting into the wines granted to us from previous harvests. I hope you all enjoy some time with family and friends. We had another out of town family get-together seeing some family we have not seen in over a year. Tomorrow I’ve got a big list of things to get through and I’m excited to get after it. I hope you all have a good weekend followed by a productive week.

Be good to one another.


The Virus of Hate and CDI Updates

In thought

Welcome to July! I’m sitting here sipping my hazelnut coffee and just finished watering the garden and yard. I’ve harvested some additional rhubarb and the berries are starting to pop. I’m going to make some ‘ROTHGA WINE’ short for “Return of the Hoppy Grape Ape” which was very popular. I’m also going to do a run of dark beer which I’ve never done. We’ve had several days of grilling and today we’re having a bday gathering at my father’s for several missed and upcoming bdays including his own. This week we’ll also celebrate my momma’s bday with a cook out. The outdoor goal for the week will be to put down some cedar mulch.


I’m a true optimist so I’m sincerely wishing we start a truck back to being a healthy state? nation? world? I’m a tad concerned because so many want to just ignore the situation and I get that. But for every person I talk with who thinks things are overblown I hear about another death due to the virus effecting some family. No they are not all elderly but even so how does that make it any better? But what makes it worse is the virus of hate. I’ve seen so much nasty attitude being thrown about which seems to be a combination of  highly stressed people needing to vent off and tribal anger. The political system has weaponized nearly every platform of life. People plugged into 24/7 news are living in a “Breaking News” state of panic. People in SOP (State of Panic) are offended easily and over-reaction has become the norm. With the virus where people could be accountable for lives over-cautious can be a good thing. But over-reaction to partial, incomplete or the pushed message has created something greater than the virus it has created hate. When you start hearing people wishing people of another stance of thought dead, something is wrong. As I said before and I’ll say it again – in the process of condemning hate don’t join the ranks as one who also hates.


Again after getting a dose of the news (this includes social media) I would recommend putting some music on or escape into a nice movie. Put on the Steve Miller Band and write that book or script. Speaking of…

Screen Shot 2020-06-19 at 9.17.04 AM

BEST YEARS GONE – Recently we announced more cast for our next CDI film. We have moved primary filming into that last window before Thanksgiving. We will be doing some VFX, B-Roll and beauty exteriors prior. We met recently with our DP Travis Hayward and I’m excited about some of the ideas we have. We have engaged in talks with various companies about sponsorship and have some great partners lining up. We’ll be making a few more cast/crew announcements as we get closer to rolling cameras.


LOST HEART – This film is just about complete. A few of the color corrected shots need a quick tweak and we’re wrapping up the last few things biz-wise. The credits have been gone over and gone over and it’s agonizing because with all the effort still some mistakes are made. When I see a studio film and all those names I cringe as that is a huge task. This will be a big week and as badly as I want to share some exciting news I’m going to wait until the ink is dry. Please do follow us on Facebook and of course the CDI website at http://www.cdiproductions.com

Jesus inthought

THE QUEST TRILOGY: FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER – In the often confusing world of biblical storytelling apparent by the multitude of denominations that all claim some sort of pedigree over the others – we distilled the parables to the heart of a teaching. We tried to fill in the gaps to have it make sense to those who require logical connection. A good story can enlighten us to new lessons, ideas and actions within our lives. These films don’t participate in the “our denomination is better than yours” mentality. These are stories that anyone can take something away from if they have never stepped foot in a church or cracked a bible. I listed to a bit of a mainstream podcast that for the most part made fun of the films. But he kept encouraging the other reviewer to watch it so they could make fun of it together. They watched them out of order and went into the watch with their cup full. That is a term we used in martial arts and refers to the zen idea of emptying your cup so you are open to learn and listen. Not to what the other person tells you is true but what you “discover” and “feel” to be true for you. Anyway I get the “rip it apart” mentality trying to be funny (I was 20 before) but these films have a good dose of “CIRCLE OF IRON” to them. That was a film of a spiritual journey written by the late, great Bruce Lee. If you are picking apart small things you are missing the story. Bruce said something about focusing on the finger instead of where it’s pointing to the moon. What is missed is all that heavenly glory. Something to that effect. If you like films that make you think you might enjoy these historic fiction films.

hester bts 3

WILD FAITH – This week brings me back to the develop of the ‘Hastings’ TV series. Of our distributor’s films WILD FAITH was again the top viewed on several platforms. I’m speaking with possible TV networks to commit and have several more to explore. If you have not seen this film please do and see what everyone is talking about. The TV series will have many of your favorite TV stars from past years. This type of family programming is in demand and we hope to help fill that void.


MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – This film continues to engage and create discussion with audiences. I’m so proud of this film and I hope we get to showcase it in LA this fall. I want to thank all our men and woman who proudly serve.

Silent Night

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – A handful of years ago I worked with Rance Howard (Ron’s father) as my consultant on a powerful story about WW2 German POW’s in one of the many small mid-west prison camps. The project had many up’s and down’s that can happen when too many cooks are in the kitchen. I left the project and it stalled out but now several years later with our script, plans are being made to shoot this in 2021. MBF’s Anthony Hornus will direct. We have over half the budget officially committed as of last week and we’re putting together our presentational packages. I’m excited to see CDI tackle the WW2 era. We’ll be doing some upcoming PR on this but like always you get it first here.


THE HISTORY OF CATCH-CAN WRESTLING – As a lifelong student of the martial artists I’m fascinated by all the warrior arts. From ancient times to present day the art of wrestling has continued. Now CDI in association with The Red, White & Blue Project is helping to produce and distribute a documentary film with current world champion Curran Jacobs as the host. Some will remember him from MBF as the young defense attorney for Paul Landings. If you have any interest and want you or your company to support this doc-film please do reach out. I’m excited for this collaboration!

I’ve gotta refill the ole coffee cup and get something to eat. Keep working on your art, your dreams and be kind to your fellow humans. I hope July is a kind month to us all and I’ll look forward to speaking with you all next week.


Father’s, Fun and Future Endeavors


First I want to start out by raising a cup of coffee and toasting to all the father’s out there. I know my father was and continues to be a strong influence in my life. I laugh at my younger self who boldly told my father “I just want to be an artist, not a businessman like you!” – Well, that turned out different. This morning I was trying to organize my business TO DO for the week ahead. It’s always one foot in front of the other – steady as she goes.

My furry children get a lot of parental type love from me and I can only guess how complex it can get when you add in daycare, school, relationships, work…the worry of it all. I think my father can at least relax in the knowing that I’m doing something I truly love. When he can go to the cinema or turn on the TV and watch one of our films I think it gives him comfort. I still have strong memories of him at the kitchen table with his checkbook and all the bills laid out on the table. I do enjoy staying on top of my business. That gives me a good peace of mind. I look forward to a visit with dad later today. I get almost a weekly visit with him and that’s enjoyable. I can still get little nuggets of wisdom.

MBF_PR-Image_Finalfinal jpeg

As many of you know we just wrapped MBF and I’m almost all caught up on that paperwork. We’re about to assemble a small skeleton crew for a one day pick up of flashback war footage. It is a different ‘Paul’ I’ll be playing. My wounded Paul was a great challenge as I’ve discussed prior. This is before all that – I recall actual wounded vet Bobby Henline telling me of the day he was injured only remembering having coffee that morning. Imagine waking up months later to gruesome injuries, unbearable pain and a lifetime of living vastly different. We all have those sudden changes in life we’re never quite ready for. One of our crew members lost her brother unexpectedly after our shoot. You cannot imagine such drastic changes in life. It is why you need to appreciate each and every day.


My furry child Luke has his last two radiation treatments this week. I do have to say it has made a big difference. We’ve also been using CBD dog treats from CA and alkaline water thanks to my buddy Nate. He has been enjoying life and aside from a few extra hours sleeping and some spotty times dealing with his med “high” he’s doing good. You hate to see anyone dealing with these kind of life issues but we all have them. Keep that in mind as you interact with people throughout your day. That caller on the frustrating phone tree could be also dealing with a dying parent or loss of a child. A touch more compassion never hurt anyone.

Back to films-  I’ve had many of our new friends and associates ask about our other films. Please watch and leave a review if you feel entitled to.

Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 12.40.51 PM

  1. THE ACTOR – https://www.amazon.com/Actor-James-Russo/dp/B07D6Z6BCB/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1529241258&sr=8-4&keywords=The+actor  – A struggle of LOVE by director Jon Osman – shot in NYC and starts our upcoming lead in THE CHRIST SLAYER. You will see me in there supporting as a funny FBI agent.
  2. ASHES OF EDEN – https://www.amazon.com/Ashes-Eden-Steven-Sutherland/dp/B07BLLJ6FN/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1529241414&sr=1-1&keywords=ashes+of+eden – Directed by our own Shane Hagedorn it stars Melissa Anschutz and Steven Sutherland and yours truly plays an ex-military drug dealer.
  3. WICKED SPRING – https://www.amazon.com/Wicked-Spring-Brian-Merrick/dp/B079HN718V/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1529241553&sr=1-1&keywords=Wicked+Spring – This classic film helped define my early career. I star with Brian Merrick in this Civil War tale that has been growing an audience since early 2000’s on TV and home video.
  4. FORTY NIGHTS – https://www.amazon.com/Forty-Nights-DJ-Perry/dp/B07555FR6R/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1529241671&sr=1-1&keywords=Forty+Nights  – I would say one of my biggest challenges playing a figure so shrouded in mystery. I give my everything in playing Jesus during this little understood time of his life. I co-star with my mentor and friend Rance Howard. It was also one of his favorites where he got to play THE bad guy.
  5. CHASING THE STAR – https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Star-Yancy-Butler/dp/B074PWBBYP/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1529241791&sr=1-1&keywords=Chasing+the+Star  – I’m not acting in this second installment of THE QUEST TRILOGY but it sprang from my imagination and research. We’ve seen the statues of the wisemen every Christmas for many years but what is their story?

I thought these five films would give a nice start to people wanting to get to know Collective Development Inc.’s work.

Ben finds claw

WILD FAITH has a few more theatrical runs in it before it preps for home video. There are a few exciting things being worked on with this film but I will save that for another day.

Teaser Capture

THE CHRIST SLAYER – Part 3 in THE QUEST TRILOGY is in music and sound design. I got to watch the final cut with temp sound/music and I was blown away. Now that Dennis Therrian is adding yet another powerful score the film will truly soar. I am waiting on the final color corrected trailer to come over this weekend from our DP Jesse Aragon. Once that is ready we’ll prepare the PR and release the theatrical trailer. We plan to have it play select theaters in Oct-Jan and home video on the Easter 2019 lead up. This film will bring all three together and audiences can truly enjoy the weaving of the tale throughout three films. I’m excited for people to see the beautiful dynamic between Carl Weyant and Josh Ponceman Perry. Soon:)

I have started to look at development for the next CDI film in association with BMG.  But for now… I’m going to get some breakfast and we’re going to go walk the flea market down the road. This afternoon will be some time spent with my dad followed by a soccer game in this heat. Daphne (our girl) got a new pool and so more swimming lies ahead for her. We also had a day of working on the office/fort and added some additional beams to help stabilize the second floor. I have quite a bit of stuff up there so it was a good call. I have ‘Dan the Druid’ to thank for that fine wood work along with his “Druid Jr.” helper. My brother Adam also came over and restructured the wood arch in the yard. The yard is back to its zen self with beans growing and berries ripening. I think more wine making lies ahead. With the amount of apples even a batch of hard cider could happen.

Toast life.


You Have to Dream It First – Updates!

BMG Master

I want to welcome the 1st time readers from S. Korea and Jordan. The lead singer of a band (Shinedown) was talking about the unifying power of music. I think that is true for most art as a whole. I’m proud that this little coffee-powered blog is read by so many around the world. It has been an exciting Summer so far and I’m finally feeling ready for the next journey. By journey I mean a group of films. I’ve been doing this a while now and sometimes I need that break. More from the business versus the art creation but that too can be exhausting. I’m excited because beyond the small pockets of audiences – the nation and beyond will get to see “Chasing the Star” in September (5th) with our distributor releasing to Amazon, iTunes and a few Faith sites focusing first on DVD sales. They are allowing a premium window before moving to streaming services in 2018 after Christmas. This will be a cool Christmas because you will be able to watch Part 1 “Forty Nights” and Part 2 “Chasing the Star” of The Quest Trilogy. There are many small crossover moments in all three films which will be fun to connect for people. Part 3 “The Christ Slayer” is moving along. We were putting paperwork under our VFX team and a PR release will be forthcoming this week. I also have a meeting with the director Nathaniel Nose to discuss the 1st teaser trailer and poster. I’m really proud of all three of these films and I will look forward to the day all three are in a box set or playing TV together. You have to dream it first.


A few of the team – (L top R) Hagedorn, Perry, Bradley, Mason, Therrian, Hornus)

“Wild Faith” – I LOVE this film. I think many of you – fans of “Wicked Spring,” “Ghost Town” and such will really be taken with this movie. A great cast united in telling a very timely story despite the 1800’s setting. Follow this film on FB or the website and get ready for a ride.

Wild Faith FB


Wild Faith website


We’ve been going back and forth over movie posters the last few weeks. We’ve had something really good first drafts but not that one great poster that brings all the elements together. Now this is only the theatrical poster not the distributors poster but it is the one we will run with for a while. A new trailer is also in the works that will be our theatrical trailer. We saw a first cut of the Behind the Scenes video and that will be refined before release. You can just see how much fun everyone had making this film.

Okay, I think some of you are good with updates on films in post and want to discuss new endeavors. Well, I’ve had a story in my head for a few years now that involves a few very important themes. Those themes are military vets and dogs. It took some time to  ponder what role to tackle after my last go playing Jesus. My conclusion was what fires up your passion? Does it have a strong business backing? The conclusion was to focus and finish this script lingering in me. The script is the most important thing I have found over the years. It is the blue print that all the departments work off of. It is what encapsulates the world and unites all these performances into a story. That first official draft was completed and I had my two CDI co-producers take a read and give feedback. I also sent the first draft to a few outside people to get another viewpoint. The response was strong and so we’re taking the next steps. This week will include a polish thus creating version 2. I’ve reached out to distribution on the subject matter and I’m doing some breakdowns. It will be filmed in Michigan and at the year’s end late Oct and early Nov is the goal. Early informal casting talks have begun – I’ve said this before, if you’ve worked with us before and fit a breakdown and you weren’t an issue, you’re being looked at. We might request a few reads at some point from some of you out there. We do have a handful of teen roles which we don’t have as many options. Those damn kids keep growing up:) So if you’re 12-19 years old male and female we will want to see your game footage. By that we mean you demo reel. We may go to cold reads if we haven’t found what we want but we like to use reels. So get those ready to go because in a week or two official calls will go out. I look forward to storytelling with you.

I’m going to leave all this right here as I’ve got a string of things to get done today ending in a soccer match. We got the upper siding done on the office/fort and the shake front and back (very top) are next on the list. The garden is giving us our first harvests. The berries have been in full boom and my brother, an artist himself – created this as a birthday present for me. It is a wrought-iron arch with our former elm tree adding the beauty.


Have a great Sunday!



Planting Seeds = New Endeavors

It is a beautiful Sunday with the birds chirping and now a hot cup of coffee in my hand. The past week like previous ones was very busy but good progress was made in moving ahead. It was nice to spend time at home working on the yard/office and taking some great meetings. Today is exciting because we’re putting the garden in today. I’m also excited that one of our new apple trees that gave us two (2) apples last year is now LOADED. So that could mean hard cider. The raspberries and mulberries are also  developing so more jellies and wines could be on deck. The hops have been moved and will now grow nicely up our lattice. I’ve been planting seed both literally and with new relationships and projects. Let’s look at a few.


“40 Nights” screening! Thank you to our friends at Reign. Our E.P. Rebecca Lawlor and actor Logan Kishi presented our film to a group of pastors. We ask, if you liked the film’s message and want to support this kind of content – please add “40 Nights” to your collection and post a review at movie sites (www.imdb.com) or retail sites (www.amazon.com). I’m told that five new screenings have opened up from this above showing and we have a growing list of church’s from our website we’ll be contacting. It’s a great movie to EXPERIENCE on the big screen.


Soundtrack for “40 Nights”

The soundtrack for “40 Nights” is now available to purchase on iTunes. I truly LOVE this soundtrack. It’s beautiful back ground music for any occasion.

BestSeller copy

The next soundtrack will be the dark thriller “Bestseller” which we’re targeting June 7th release with the film also releasing to iTUNES. It can be purchased online – check out http://www.bestsellerthemovie.com also foreign negotiations will start in the coming weeks.

BUY “Bestseller” now


NEW PR about C.U.J.O. for those interested…


Water to Wine

BTS of “40 Nights” – the camp of John the Baptist

Jesse Low, our director from “40 Nights” has entered into developmental work on the next CDI feature he will direct this year. We will start putting the business together on it this June. We’re all excited to work with Jesse again and we’ll be announcing the project formerly soon.

We’ve also been in talks on a project with BlackJacket Films. They were the production team on the Tony Hornus film “Standing Post” film. I’m excited about the new opportunity here to take another great story to the screen. PreViz and concept art is being developed and the business deal is being worked out.


“Chasing the Star” – We got to spend some time in the edit suite reviewing nearly 50 minutes of the film. I also enjoyed watching the professional manner in which they conducted themselves. This film will be a wonderful follow-up to “40 Nights” and development on the third film “The Christ Slayer” is now underway.

Lot’s more happening but some are deals that are not yet done. I need to shift my focus here to working the dirt and doing some planting. So spend time with family and remember those who gave for your freedom.