“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “Native American

NEW Nominations, Updates and Announcements

(Above some of the CDI Tribe supporting the Capital City Film Festival Mixer- almost time again)

Hazelnut coffee toasts to you all on this sunny yet chilly Michigan morning. It has been a very busy few weeks and last week was no different. The best news was the completing all the film taxes and that was submitted. I’m awaiting my personal taxes to finish being prepared. It is important to stay up on all the BIZ with reporting cash movement every year. This year was quite smooth and we had a few bad weather days that are perfect for chaining yourself to the desk to ‘get R done’ and I did. We got an ice storm in Michigan but we were lucky and kept power the whole time. No big tree breakage which is good. We were teased with Spring and we are said to have a few more icy blasts coming but the birds are moving back in and the early signs of Spring are starting to slowly appear. Let’s take a look at some of the updates from the week.

  1. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, we’re still in our theatrical phase with several screens playing the film. We are looking at festivals and events. I don’t like these events where you pay to enter every category. I like one fee and look at everything and if it is nominated so be it. One event the Red Letter Awards which recognizes films with faith themes and certain recognitions to individuals. Here is what we were nominated for – BEST FILM -(Everyone!) BEST DIRECTORAnthony Hornus, BEST SCREENPLAYDJ Perry, BEST ACTRESSCassie Dean, BEST ACTORCurran Jacobs and Bodhi Rader, BEST SUPPORTING ACTORSamuel Peterson and Shane Hagedorn. Congrats to all the nominated. It was cool to see the other films/people nominated. Many of the films are from studio and with budgets much higher but our own story rings through with the power of the story, performance and production. Jim Caviezel and Kelsey Grammar are among the other nominated talents. This is the first of a handful of festivals and events we will show at. We’re still filling theatrical play requests from bookers after you the people reach out to your theatre managers and request the film. Home Video talks will continue this week as well as exploring any other major theatrical expansion.
  2. Harsens Island Revenge, is starting to heat up. We’re getting in some requested acting reads. I did say that actors could post their reels to our CDI Facebook page but none arrived. That is okay. We like to look first within our inner circles of actors who we’ve worked with and had no issues with and were impressed with their performances. One of the actors we attached was Don Most (MBF, Lost Heart) and we’ll be announcing via formal PR in the coming weeks. I will announce today a few more from the tribe. Shane Hagedorn and Dean Teaster will be playing a great onscreen duo. I’m excited to see these roles come to life. On the crew side we’re in multiple talks but I’m happy to report that things have come full circle for us to add an amazing artists to our ranks. Several years ago I worked in Costa Rica on a TV show with the talented GW Burns. Very well known in photography circles not only for his powerful photos but creating amazing sets to capture. He is our new Production Designer, and we give him a major welcome to the CDI Tribe. We’ll continue having talks with proposed cast and crew. I look forward to watching several more reads this week during our production meetings. We are all excited to film this amazing story this Fall.
  3. SHJ– Supernatural Thriller associated film is developing nicely. We hope to put something more formal together in the coming weeks. A teaser poster is being developed and once this is all locked we’ll be casting and crewing for this. CDI would be the production company.
  4. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH and II- The first one is out there and expanding its audience. The next film is being pulled together and is looking to film Spring/Summer. More on this soon and also look for our teaser poster in the coming weeks. We’ll be putting the foundation into this project and prepping for another great doc film in our series.
  5. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The first production draft of this script is done. Now we will start to do production breakdowns to see what it will take to film this. And lastly, we’ll move to the funding stage. Everything is a process of development and we’re excited to move this one to that important next step. The script is in the hands of some Native American associates to read over. Our Iowa historian did not see any mention-worthy, coloring out of the lines historically. This project is larger and will require some additional development, but will make an amazing story told on film. This film will be shot in Iowa.

(Easter ahead- Cool photo from Part 3 of The Quest Trilogy entitled “The Christ Slayer” – The Tomb)

I could go on about DEVELOPMENT of many new projects as the development process starts years in advance. I’m beyond excited to be once again building a team to tell this story. We’re prepping some of the older films in the CDI library to make a new entrance into the marketplace. I’m looking forward to a strong week of meetings and putting more blocks in place.

I’m excited to enter into discussions from various companies looking to align their brands with our upcoming projects. If you are interested in aligning your company as a product partner or sponsor please do reach out. We’ve had some amazing ones over the years and I’m looking forward to many more.

I’m going to work on getting a few things done around here and get ready for the new week, new month and new projects. I’m also very excited that soccer season is right around the corner. Our ‘old man’ team will be defending their last season championship win. I’m looking forward to the running and competition. Our league is very tough and I sincerely appreciate the work out I get win or lose. I’m coming into the season healthier, having worked out issues with a tweaked back. I’ve been training to be ready for battle on the pitch.

Until next week my friends. Thank you to all who stopped by last week and subscribed.

Coffee Cheers!


The Secret of ‘Fire’ ‘Music’ and ‘Know Thyself’ – plus a few film updates…

Good morning my friends. I’m sitting by our new electric fireplace near my chair. Our old one died during the holidays so a new one has replaced it. I’ve got my steaming cup of hazelnut coffee with me as I ponder the past week. I want to thank all the new readers from around the world for stopping by to take a read. I hope there is a few nuggets of wisdom you can pull upon. I had so many good calls this week and 2023 business is underway. I have new goals and already I’m knocking some of them down. I’m sure this year will come with wins and losses as that is the way of life. I’ve reminded a few people, to stop. Turn around. Look at how far you’ve come. Be happy with what you have done, not just fixate on what you have not done.

This week I’ll be gathering up end of year tax stuff to generate any 1099’s for the films. We also do K1’s for all the investors. I was able to get all the check dispersement written and sent out. I only had to resend two as addresses had changed. I’ll also get things around for our company and myself. These are the needed but unsexy parts of the film business. It is so much more than playing with the camera. There is a massive amount of work that goes into each and every film. This is the biz side of show biz.

I’ve been told recently, and not the first time – that I work people hard. I ask artists to dig deep and to put their very best forward. I’ve dedicated my entire life to telling stories, and while we have much fun, we also work very hard. But when the artists finally see the final product, 9 of 10 times, that creative endeavor is one of the best, if not the best, endeavor that artist was involved with that year. They take family and friends to watch the stories and they’re proud to have been part of the stories telling. I’ve got family who have not yet seen our recent film. Our holidays were disrupted by a loss in the family. In my hometown they played the film for several weeks but I still did not get out to see it. But many did! We’re working to set up a special SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, screening in Owosso, MI with NCG. For our Detroit area friends, we’re working to set up screenings there also. Our new theatrical division at CDI Distribution has been launched!

Let’s looks at some of the updates from last week-

  1. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA– We had several new theaters open. We had a projection bump at a new theatre screening in Iowa, after they moved the film from the test theatre. Much like home systems, many theatrical houses have different set ups, some older and some newer. They rarely update everything at once likely due to cost. But, I know at the one location it was worked out and the film is playing. People are requesting to managers who contact bookers-who contact us. The film is in 20 theaters and we have another 13 going up. And many more still approaching us from different states. Keep it up, you people are making the film travel. I expect the film to travel theatrically into March or April. We are also exploring a few select film festivals and we want to screen in Germany. Many good plans in action. We are working on a few special marketing deals while moving towards the home video window.
  2. MERCHANDISE– We’ve done some test marketing of some merchandise but we’re starting to really look at a stronger launch of this division at CDI. I can also say that a MUSIC DIVISION, is developing. That will allow audiences access to the amazing soundtrack scores created by Dennis Therrian. These two areas are on CDI’s 2023 developmental goal list. Do you all have a favorite music score? I would love to actually do some runs of LP records. Any participating record pressing companies? Please reach out. RECORD LABEL? Not there yet:)
  3. MOVING FORWARD- Harsens Island Revenge – This film exits development and will enter pre-production next month. What does that mean- that means that the film foundation (legal paperwork) will all be executed and the project funded. At that time we’ll be announcing our director and some of the attached cast. The script having undergone several sessions of writer/director polishing, it’s ready to be broken down. I love this stage because you go over every line of action, description, dialog and discuss. In this case I got to perform several scenes with our director, to get the flow ands feel. Most of the tweaks were minor but took strong scenes and made them even more powerful. It is a very cool story and what a time period to play in. Primary casting and crewing discussions will start in the coming weeks. Our producers already did a location scout trip and another one will be planned. We just created 1944 and now we’ll enter the 1920’s, artists are you ready? Next week, we’ll look to set hard shoot dates after Labor Day 2023. Get ready for some new teaser art as well!
  4. Pen has not yet found ink, but I’m deep into talks on a CDI associated film to be shot late 2023 and early 2024. To recap what a CDI associated film is- it’s a film whereas someone else is bringing the capital $ to the table but want the experience of CDI behind it. As a producer, I remove the ‘supervising’ role and become more or less, a consultant. CDI will bring other assets to help but the main responsibility is on other shoulders. I’ve been asked to co-star in the supernatural action-thriller, and I’m feeling it. I hope to be able to call the film by name and run some PR about the new arrangement, in the near future. It is always best to work out all these details in advance so there is no issues later. This is a KEY to success. Have the hard conversations now and get everything in writing some it’s there. I still have 4-5 films out there in the film post abyss, they might finish one day. I sincerely hope they do. NUGGET: If possible, you actors, pick production teams with a track record of finishing.
  5. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – This week the script will go out to some historians and some friends in the Native American community. I think, I have written a powerful and balanced script, with lessons about loss, revenge, understanding, love and unity. It is not sugarcoated in any way and contains a few scenes that left me shaken after writing them. I had to go immerse myself in some nature and beauty, away from the truth of our shared history. I will be putting the script forth after this round of notes, and we’ll be putting together the Phase 2 plan. Phase 2 will be the development work in Iowa to prep for a 2024 shoot. I’ll also be having some teaser art put together. This will be a great return to the 1800’s storytelling for CDI.
  6. I want to thank and encourage all of you to keep exploring and watching the CDI library. I’ve had fans reach out and thank us for The Quest Trilogy, MBF, Best Years Gone, Lost Heart, Wild Faith – you can even watch many free on TUBI or Encourage TV. I actually enjoyed The Quest Trilogy, playing while I was doing work. Again, even when not watching I love the music. But the amazing scenery (Yuma, AZ) and the story often gets me distracted for a few moments. More so, when I see friends on screen who are no longer with us. TRIVIA: Who was the voice of ‘God’ in FORTY NIGHTS? You can leave your answer in the comments.
  7. Speaking of the CDI library, we will be looking to set up several of the old films, in HD at BMG. I had to look up dates for GHOST TOWN, which will be one of the new set up preps. Also AN ORDINARY KILLER, FIGURE IN THE FOREST and KNIGHT CHILLS are all being worked on.
  8. Animated Division of CDI is in the works. CDI did an “in association” feature THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ, which is being re-rendered and conformed for a release through BMG. But, we’ve got a few shorts and features in development. I’ve always loved cartoons and such, so getting involved in that direction feels natural.
  9. We’ve got some good interest in creating video games off some of our films. You might know KNIGHT CHILLS, Dice Don’t Lie, video game has been in development. Once the final render is done of Sir Kallio, we might start some 3D printing.
  10. This week I also plan to meet over the next FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, doc. I’ve already started to talk with a few folks and if all goes well the team will shoot it this Spring/Summer. I think we’ve got a great overall summary of the history in the first film but now we can go into segments and define parts of it even further. Wrestling, grappling fan or not, this film will entertain you and educate you in the rich history.

The holidays were unconventional with the death in the family but the spirit of the season kept on. Aside from the loss, the beautiful snowstorm and the slowing of our day to day for a few days of family and reflection, really helped to recharge my batteries. The finishing of projects and the beginning of new. Again the seasons of our lives as creative artists. And while, sometimes the stories pull me away from my comforts for a time, the stories we tell are timeless.

It is also a time where we artists re-unite. CDI has been a home for some and a stepping stone for others. I like to think we instilled some good qualities into the folks who’ve moved away and into their own respective fields, sometimes in the arts and sometimes not. I tell people, CDI is like any other endeavor, you will get out of it what you put into it. For many, it means being a part of something great that nobody can take away from you. To do that takes hard work. Very hard work. And I only like to work with people who care about what they put their name on. Craftsmanship. Whiskey. Cars. Films. Life is too short to not care about what you work on. The Quakers (Look them up) made amazing furniture and wood crafts because they believe they’re honoring God by their own hands with their craft. I think that is a good mind set and the results are something infused with- love.

FIRE– I’m going to get after a few things today including getting some firewood around for the office stove. I do want to try some lump coal like my buddy uses in his stove. Longer burning and more heat. I’m also on a mission to organize even better this year. I will be putting everything to digital for back ups. I keep being asked about a podcast ‘Around the Fire’ at the fort. I am thinking about it. But I like the fort being a place of low tech and around personal synergy. Knights of the Round Table. Vikings in the Lodge. Monks in the temple. Development at CDI is not just projects, it is people. But people have to want positive change. Self defeating, self associated talk will draw all the negative to you and lower your own personal power. Birds of a feather, flock together. Misery enjoys company. Also believe to achieve. Positive perspective. Creative visualization. The mind is a powerful thing that can assist or hinder. That is why the KNOW THYSELF, rings so powerful. In the new year if you are struggling, fight to take control of the self. Start with your words. What are they? Sounds. Vowels. Symbols. But powerfully attached to our innermost self. MUSIC is a wonderful tool that can lead the mind in the places you want to go. I said, GO – not where you are. If depressed, there are many songs that will not help. But, certain songs help lead our mind. To use a modern term, learn your own triggers and trigger yourself in a positive direction. And DON’T trigger yourself by playing music or putting yourself in a situation, you know, you won’t react well too. Depressed. Don’t play depressing music. Steel drums and island music often puts a big ole smile on my face. Just something that I like to use as a tool. Music puts the mind in a different state and allows you to tune oneself. I use guitar playing the same way. If I’m feeling ‘out of tune’ a few strums can put me not just back in tune but vibrant. I’ve had many great business calls right on the heels of a guitar/energy tune up. FIRE. KNOW THYSELF. MUSIC. Three very primitive and useful tools one can use. I’m not sure if any of this will help anyone, but if it helps one person.

Until next week, coffee cheers!


SNEAK PEEK B4 PR RELEASE- Official Pre-Production, Updates (Silent Night in Algona) and more…

Spain, Ireland, Iraq are where some of our readers hail from. Hazelnut coffee cheers from chilly Michigan. Fall is in full effect and I’ve been working to get the property ready for winter. I’ve been using the wood stove for meetings already so chopping and cutting wood has been a priority. I’ve been trimming the mulberry trees which grew out of control. Last night I used the smoker and cooked venison steak and acorn squash. The steaks were awesome and there is much left over which will be used for steak and eggs and/or venison steak chili. The egg production has slowed but not stopped as the weather has gotten colder. I had the pleasure of watching my niece and nephew play another soccer match together. They are getting the basics of the game down and it is fun to watch them. I will likely do one final mow of the yard once the leaves all fall. They are still hanging on and many changing into beautiful colors. I truly do love this time of year. My alumni MSU is having a hard go of it this year in football. Let’s see how the Detroit Lions do this week. Okay, onto some film updates.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – We had a most excellent premiere showing in the NCG theatre in Owosso, MI. After was a great fall afterglow at Romas. Excellent pizza and hard cider were on deck. Some pictures were taken and everyone really seems to have loved the film. It played awesome on the big screen. 10/4/22 is the date when home video could start releasing. The DVD pre-sale site for 11/1/22 is up on Amazon but we are waiting for the streaming rent/buy link to go live. Several DVD pre-sale sites are popping up at many other record/DVD shops, just search “For the Love of Catch” and “DVD” and BAM! If you had a chance to watch the film at the premiere feel free to post a review on the http://www.imdb.com (For the Love of Catch). Hoopla which is the national library system for streaming films is carrying the documentary. We have been waiting, not-so-patiently for the Amazon release.

Another great update is that we met the other day about what will be next for the FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, and I think we have a great idea for the next documentary film. I’ll be gathering a few choice sponsors over the winter and we’ll plan to shoot in the Spring. Who knows, documentary might not be the only thing we are planning. Stay tune and definitely check out the film when time allows. You will not be disappointed. Educational and entertaining to be sure.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – One more film to release this year. Our WW2 Christmas film is now in music and sound design. The color grading is complete and the VFX are still be worked on. We’ll see a hint of that VFX work in the new theatrical trailer, being edited. We’ve been working on setting up the premiere in Algona, Iowa, the 2nd weekend in December. We plan to have a special premiere screening in Owosso, MI again at the NCG Owosso. Likely another afterglow although not on a patio, a tad cold by that time. The Iowa showing will have the theatrical run starting there immediately after the premiere. We plan to meet and greet folks at the VFW and share in their excitement.

I plan to start looking at a few event showings for the film. A few select festivals, but some might not like that we’ve played, or we are playing in theaters. I really want to see it play in Germany. We’ve been having the German dialog translated for the subtitles. I got some of the best news possible by the older German folks helping with this task. The thing is that for many Germans, that time period is not something they enjoy watching. Over and over they’ve been painted as all being Nazi’s which is not true. This film doesn’t sugarcoat anything but it also gives a fresh and new perspective. But the film brought tears to our translator and that speaks volumes about the story we have.

We’ve been in the studio enjoying the new sound design and music which just takes everything to another level. It is truly amazing that we took history and we truly bring it to life. In mid November our editor/VFX supervisor will be coming into Michigan to work with our team in assembling the final film. We will book into as many film theaters that will have us and once we ride that into 2023, as we said prior, we’ve play a few festivals. After that, it’s the big run up to the home video 2023 release. A truly powerful film that will likely become a classic.

WILD FAITH – Speaking of classics in the making. We’ll be announcing a new benchmark with our family classic Wild Faith. In 2020 we tried to work with the distributor to add up/estimate the number of views (minus broadcast TV which is in full swing). They estimated 20 million views, with the distributors Encourage TV having about 4 million views itself. Well that number now is 6 million views! So just that one platform has been getting about 1 million views a year. If all these platforms increased we could be looking at 40 million plus. We will continue to try and put the pieces in play for the WILD FAITH: Hastings TV series, but we’ve got several projects lining up in front of us.

THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) – Speaking of classics in the making. Starting Nov 1st we’ll be pushing this amazing series of films. The three films have been growing year by year increasing their audience. They are not preachy and just try to give a unique perspective to events often described in a few short sentences. They are inspirational and uplifting and provoke us to deep thought and contemplation. For many the watching of the three films has become a tradition. Make it one of yours.

This is also down syndrome month and I’m so proud of my brother from another mother Josh Perry. You can see him in THE CHRIST SLAYER where he is absolutely a gem. And as if he couldn’t get any better, BAM! LOST HEART also known as BIGFOOT, UFOS AND JESUS really showcases the comedic talents of Josh Perry. If you have a child with Down syndrome I would advise watching these films. I’ve seen the look in the eyes of a young child with DS admiring Josh and his work. You can see the mental limitations melt away and that is a beautiful thing.

Thank you to the fans of MBF: Man’s Best Friend who have made their love of this film known. To answer a common question I get- Will there be a sequel to MBF? First, I’ll say with how we left Paul, he’s just doing his time and it is not on the books. I’ve only played one character twice and that was JESUS in Forty Nights and The Christ Slayer. But, I will say that a rough treatment for a sequel does exist. Currently, I have my hands full with writing endeavors and CDI is about to officially announce the pre-production of our next feature film.

Here is the advance promo teaser for CDI’s next feature film. Adapted by your’s truly from another truly special book by Karl Manke. We will be releasing this pic and PR about the new project. Our team is location scouting this next coming weekend. I just might have some great pics to share next Sunday. I won’t write too much here and just leave it as a tease since we have PR releasing this week.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – This is the powerful story I’ve been researching and putting into script form. I’m well into the first act of this story and I’m very happy with how it’s flowing. A few scenes so powerful, I had to walk away for a bit after writing it. I’ll be looking to have a teaser poster created for this project so I have a battle flag of sorts. It is just such an honor to be able to save this event in history and ultimately bring it back to life on the screen. I’ll be done with a first draft in a few weeks. I’m just really enjoying the journey.

WRAP UP – I hope you all continue to enjoy the fall season. We’ve had several folks respond to the CDI treat, not a trick- of the full short SMOKE & MIRRORS, being gifted to all of you. Take a watch and let us know your thoughts. It will be a great feature film in the future.

I’m going to go do a few things around the yard. We are planning to attend a flea market. Watch the Lions battle. Maybe some more writing on Spirit Lake Massacre and a locations list for Harsens Island Revenge. It’s the full moon so watch out:) I’ll chat with you all next week. Until, be good to one another.

Coffee Cheers!


Premieres, Casting, Birthdays and More…

Good afternoon! I’m sitting here about to watch our Lions play football while filling all of you fine people in on the new develops. Last night we watched my alumni school Michigan State University fall short against Washington. Man, they had a hot quarterback who had his career best game. I hope todays outcome with the Lions is better.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH is having its premiere at the NCG Theaters in Owosso, MI on October 1st at 6pm ands 8:15pm with an afterglow that will likely be at Romas next door. This awesome project started with discussions around the table about the fighting arts and our director Curran Jacobs competitive runs both in MMA and twice capturing Catch-Can World Championships. What is Catch Can you say? That is why you need to watch and find out the common ancestry of many of the arts. You’ll learn about legends by legends of the grappling arts themselves. I’ll be attending with several of the CDI tribe to support the launch. If you want top see this on the big screen and meet the filmmakers, please do join us. Tickets will go on sale soon at the NCG Owosso. If you are unable to attend, the film will stream on Amazon Prime and likely Google Play, iTunes and more. CHECK IT OUT! Let us know your thoughts on our http://www.imdb.com page – See you there.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – Following the 4th release this year (For the Love of Catch) our WW2 Christmas film will premiere. The film is coming along great. We watched the second half of the film with the cleaned up dialog and the start of sound design. Music is going to start this week and that is one of my favorite parts of the process. The new theatrical trailer will start this week also. The premiere set up in Algona is coming together. They are limited in the area for places to show several hundred people at once. The one place that does seat a sizable number is lacking the right projection and audio equipment. The theatrical run will happen very soon after the Iowa premiere. We’ll be having a Michigan premiere also – we’ll focus on that once we get the Algona one finalized. It is all very exciting!


  1. A PR release will be going out about the slate of historic films CDI is involved with. Silent Night in Algona isn’t our first period film by any means but it will start a string of productions taking place at different times in our history. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is up next for CDI in 2023 taking audiences to the roaring 20’s smack dab in the middle of the prohibition. We’ve already started breaking in down and we’re starting select talks in advance of meeting with our keys. We’ll be posting casting notices later this year. It is a very cool time period to bring to the screen. I enjoyed adapting this script from the book of the same name.
  2. I’ve started writing on SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, which tells of the true events surrounding on-going conflict between the Iowa pioneers and the local Native Americans. I love writing in the 1800’s and I’m approaching this project with great reverence like all my stories. Between now and Christmas I’ll be writing this powerful drama. I LOVE this time period and couldn’t think of a better fall/winter project.
  3. SMOKE & MIRRORS, is our short concept film derived from the feature script. I think our plan is to put this up on CDI’s Youtube site for free as a thank you to all our fans. We’re looking at the autumn equinox Sept 22nd as a possible release date. It is so much fun and it shows how fun the feature can/will be. SPOOKY FUN
  4. BESTSELLER and BEST YEARS GONE going to Roku and Tubi has already increased the fan response. DOUBLE FEATURE! Enjoy! And thank you for all the great comments.
  5. I did a great interview with Bay Ragni last week talking all the films – please do take a watch/listen – https://youtu.be/GS7kg9Nf6fo
  6. The season of THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer) lie just ahead. We’re soon to be celebrating one of the platforms Encourage TV racking up 2 million views.
  7. We are starting to put things in order for a special release of Ghost Town next year with Desktop Entertainment. The film is being digitally enhanced and we’ve got some fun things planned for the new release. Filmed at the world famous Ghost Town in the Sky.
  8. I need to circle back and see how progress is coming on the digital enhancement of KNIGHT CHILLS which will have a special Blu Ray and first streaming release in 2023. The video game is moving slowly but it’s moving. With all the 3D printers I need to see if I can do a 3D print of Sir Kallio from the video game.
  9. I’m happy to report that on the home front I was able to harvest all the hops. We also just brought in all the squash although a few got taken by the squirrels. I trimmed up the apple trees and have started in on the mulberry trees. I also got after some logs with the axe and my hammer/blade set up. What’s that, you say? It’s a large iron ring that surrounds a wide blade. You but a log down inside the ring on the blade and hammer it down like THOR! Let’s just say, I got one hell of a workout. My hammer and axe skills are better because of it.
  10. Last week we had a pair of birthdays we celebrated, Dennis Therrian and Melissa Anschutz who share a birthday. Fun note: Shane Hagedorn and Anthony Hornus share a birthday also. I had a few close childhood friends (Q, Big J) get a bit older. We are busy and that’s how we persist to push forward but we do take the time to enjoy the journey. Laughter is healing and health is wealth!

I’m going to work in the yard some more once the Lions finish their game, which so far they’re ahead 15-0. Go LIONS! I’m going to re-organize, re-charge and re-focus so we can have another great week ahead. We have some great meetings this week and I’m looking forward to a few scouting trips. I also know a few folks out there going through some hard times. We all take turns dealing with the hardships of life. So try to have more patience in dealing with people in your day to day. If you’re not dealing with anything heavy at this time be grateful. Pay attention to driving NOT your phone. I’ve seen way too many people way distracted. It totaled a neighbors vehicle but luckily did not badly injure or kill him. Leave earlier or arrive late but no need to push it. It can have bad repercussions. Okay. Enough warnings and sounding old- get off my lawn! Talk with you all next week.


The Loss of a Lansing, MI Artist plus Updates on “Silent Night in Algona” and all the CDI Projects.

This morning as I awoke and looked out the window I half expected to see a witch flying on her bike or a flying cow. Okay those are old references to the Wizard of Oz and Twister. I heard Iowa got a few bad tornadoes. The world watches on the Ukraine invasion by Russia. Battle on the soccer grid, at the Olympics or even the boardrooms of business, but why an invasion? This feels like more of Putin’s war versus a Russian war. But I do think that Putin did unite most of the world against him. It is nice to see our government born from a similar desire to have and maintain freedom, be reminded. You want to think our leader(s) would be in the trenches fighting any US invaders but would they? Or would they jet to one of the isolated US territories? I sincerely wish this conflict to be resolved quickly but I don’t know. But if a friendly country asked for help in protecting their airspace after a country has already declared themselves at war due to the sanctions, sounds reasonable. As for the rattling of sabres over nuclear weapons, not reasonable. Radioactivity goes into air, water, food and few creatures can survive in that toxic environment. I’m going to hope that the internal government in Russia finally has enough of Putin trying to capture some last glory and ends it. Let’s all hope peace comes soon.



Our WW2 Christmas drama is in post-production with a first cut of the film due this month. From there our director and editor will work to chisel out the best performances and scenes. In Canada model building is underway and soon we’ll have our story. But instead of just giving you an update I’m going to give it to you right from the – editor’s mouth. Nathaniel Nose had this to say about the footage being cut together.

The raw footage always tells the story of not just the script, but also what happened on set. This set had a group of passionate people. Both the performers and the crew clearly cared a great deal about the film they were making. The most enjoyable projects to edit are the ones where passion, decency and goodness went into the production. It is evident in the footage that the people who made this film embraced those virtues.” – N. Nose

Many of you watched the BTS video and now we’re starting work on the first official teaser trailer. Still photos continue to roll out and showcasing the beautiful work but our camera, grip and electric team.

BEST YEARS GONE – Our next to market film is being presented this month to licensing platforms around the world. We’re awaiting word on a few festivals selected to possible showcase our fun film. I’m excited to see the film start appearing in advance marketing. June is when the DVD and digital purchase happens. Sept 1 will be digital streaming and broadcast TV. I hope that folks really enjoy this film we labored to make during the Covid crisis between the two Michigan lockdowns.

Melissa Anschutz and DJ Perry on set BESTSELLER

BESTSELLER – Some may recall that CDI stepped in to reboot/reshoot the thriller based on the book of the same name by Michigan author Christopher Knight. I’m happy that now the film is getting a full worldwide release with Deskpop Entertainment. This film will also do a digital release Sept 1st along with Best Years Gone.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, our feature length doc on the history of grappling is completing distribution paperwork and we’ll start delivery of it this week to Deskpop Entertainment, releasing it worldwide. We’re also exploring a Las Vegas World Premiere likely in July/August timeframe.

Staying with the topic of Deskpop Entertainment we’re looking at deals to release AN ORDINARY KILLER, a former Vietnam vet turned detective works to solver a small town murder. This film is based on the true story which was one of the longest cold case files solved by DNA. This film’s management is being transferred to the Red, White & Blue Project Inc. so that more veteran needs can be met. This amazing non-profit previously documented the plight of the Afghanistan children in OUTSIDE THE WIRE: The Forgotten Children of Afghanistan. We plan to remaster the doc and re-release it. Also it looks like KNIGHT CHILLS, FIGURE IN THE FOREST and GHOST TOWN will get converted to HD for re-release. We’ll take the steps one at a time. All of this takes work and it is very satisfying to see these titles get a second or in some cases third life.

For the Easter season I would ask all the fans to watch our three biblical adventures, Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer. Help make these three films part of your traditional family watch. I received word one of our fine actors passed away.

Also new promotion on WILD FAITH as we make a push to launch the 8 show season one of WILD FAITH: Hastings. LOST HEART and MAN’S BEST FRIEND are building their worldwide audiences and I am thankful for all the nice notes from fans.


I want to thank everyone for all the kind words on the passing of Daphne, our 14 year old doggie. Finn our little boy has always had his sister. He also has dealt with anxiety and fear issues (big trucks, fireworks) but has gotten steadily better. He was not doing great alone and was taking a few steps back. Well, we have a new loving member to our family pack Luna Mae. This beautiful girl had a few bad hands dealt in her life but now is settling in nicely. She had to learn some of Finn’s quirks but is helping to balance him out. She is very easy going and loves her new house and yard. She also loves hanging at the office with her new daddy.

We spent all yesterday putting outdoor Christmas stuff away and cleaning up the yard. We have a good ways to go with all that but we got a nice start on it. Last week we had some great meetings with several of the CDI Tribe. Much discussion in on our newly announced film HOT ROD LOVE. We’ve started investor and sponsor talks and are excited to pull this all together. This film will be 70’s summertime fun and already we’re getting some great attachments to the project. Reach out if you want to be involved on the business front. We’ve started to reach out to a few agencies on our Native American casting needs. A great piece of Michigan history plays into our story.

I also want to take a moment to recognize a very special father and son filmmaker team (Michael & William “Pops” McCallum, from my home town of Lansing, Michigan. Sadly, Michael lost his father. I’m not close with Michael, but I do admire his drive, tenacity and his past relationship with his dad. In our one sit-down years ago I stated that the films he made with his father will always be special. I think many of us artists who have locked horns with our parents admire/envy this relationship they had. So to my fellow Lansing artist Michael – my thoughts are with you. RIP to your Pops. And Michael, keep on being you with all your fire and passion. Your dad is surely very proud of you. From reading your story, your Pops had a heavenly reunion or two in the making with some very special people. He left you with all the tools you need to be the best you. With that I’m going to go make some eggs, bacon and refill the ye ole’ coffee cup. Have a great week ahead and be good to one another.


‘MBF’ Updates, ‘Wild Faith’ NEW Cities and more…

I have a full day so I’m up and typing before the coffee is even done brewing. What an exciting past week. This week looks to hold even more excitement. I want to welcome some of our new blog readers. Look at the diversity in where people live but a commonality in their passion for the arts and life entwined with art.

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Let’s get right into it. Here is a great PR release that focuses on the ‘Warrior Spirit’ and gives praise to our Native American talent. I know that Abby Mason who wasn’t mentioned in the article and played our school teacher also is from Cherokee descent. Actually many of us probably do carry those blood lines and I’m proud of the relationships I’ve had with the tribes over the years. Most of that comes from just respect of the people, culture and what they’ve been through. Take a read about a few of the actors in ‘Wild Faith’ our mid-western now in theaters.


Cherokee Robert Bradley with a find close to his home in Maggie Valley, NC


Last week ‘Wild Faith’ played Goodrich Quality Theaters in Hastings, MI and due to the large attendance it has added a family friendly show time of 1:40 today. Take the family down to the show and experience Michigan in 1875.

This coming week ‘Wild Faith’ will play Monday & Wed in Jackson, Battle Creek and Kalamazoo. If you enjoy the time period this tale is something you might truly enjoy. There is a reason some have watched 3, 4 and 5 times on the big screen. I think as a society being swallowed up by technology audiences find it relaxing to see how life was a handful of year’s ago.

I also want to thank Dee Freeman for having me on her show to talk about the writing of ‘Wild Faith’ which was a rewrite on an early script called ‘Wild Michigan’ – Dee was the author of the book adaptation. See what changes and what stayed the same. I need a few reviews online with Amazon so if reading is your thing –



The push on THE QUEST TRILOGY continues and I had some wonderful fan email this week about how these films were seen at just the right time in their lives. These films both played in theaters and so will the third installment ‘The Christ Slayer’ around Christmas time. If you enjoy our storytelling style these films are well worth the watch. If they go back into the theaters as a holiday event picture do yourself and favor and see it on the big screen. But they can be seen right now on Amazon Prime. Look for the new trailer to release this summer once Jesse Aragon (Our DP) gets done with the color correction.

MBF (Man’s Best Friend) is in heavy pre-production. I’m proud to announce we’ve locked in our director of photography Mr. Pat Dowdle. Pat’s been with us on a few films now and his positive attitude and developing style makes him a perfect fit for this next story. We’re interviewing a few people for the unit production manager position to work our office under the producer staff. I will also be looking at editors this week. But the script and schedule is locked and soon our cast and crew will be full. The ship is fueled up and ready to travel. I’m excited about seeing so many friends again and telling this powerful story.

This week I also have a quick turn around trip to AZ to discuss the Collective Development Inc. production deal with our distributor. We’ll be discussing the future of ‘Wild Faith’ and the production slate of films. I’ve been doing a lot of writing as of late and I think we’ll be just fine. A TV series and a few films a year would be just fine with me.


NEW Lights put up around the office.

This weekend I put up some new lights at the office. I have a commercial voice over this week and today is our first outdoor soccer match. We’ve had a handful of people report in that they’ll be missing the first game. It’s about making the best hand with what you have. I think despite us playing a strong team we could take it. I’m coming to play in good shape and I’m ready to throw down. It will be a battle.

Keep fighting for your dreams.