“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “MBF: Man’s Best Friend

The ‘Artistic Perception’ and Several Updates!

(On set ‘Lost Heart’ Premiere – getting ready for ‘Best Years Gone’ as Gil Gilles) * LOVE my coat!

Good morning my friends! I’m sipping on the coffee and looking forward to again sharing a few thoughts, updates and insights. This blog has been getting even more followers as friends share the blog with others. The artistic spirit can feel like a curse when you are unable to live it fully. But know it is a spirit that can manifest in all that you do. How you write a memo. How you lay our a display. Art can manifest at any job you do and often inspire outside of work art, if you do not get to do art full time (yet). I had a great meeting with our friend Mark at Pepsi and let me tell you the man possesses an artist’s spirit. It has taken him a bit to see that but every gardener is an artist and more. Every leader who uses creative endeavors and programs to nurture the best from his employees and co-workers is an artist. Leadership is an art to be sure. Art is to feel and ultimately to care, because you have something to say. That art can cause or stimulate the artistic receptors in others like when looking at a painting or a sculpture. Thinking of you Greg Zivic. Back to Mark who we met because of good people networking starting with Graham Turner, a health and fitness trainer friend. He started sitting in on meetings and was my martial arts partner when working out the action sequences for Man’s Best Friend with John Lennox. He brought his expertise in one area to CDI’s health and hospitality. This is our expanded version of craft service. Now he’s worked up into the office as a production coordinator. He’s an artist. True artists attract other artists who can sense sincerity and intent.

(Creative meetings at the office/fort are powered by Pepsi)

Full circle to Mark Balko at Pepsi who is more than just a contact he is a tribe member. He found a group who understood his artistic urges and did not feel odd or outcast but accepted. ART is the secret to doing great things. Anyone can follow instructions and bake but those who take it to another level is art. Grilling – we can all but flame to meat but for a true grill master it becomes an art. You should look for the art in all you do and some are already fully aware of it. ART is EVERYWHERE because it is a PERCEPTION! It can make your smaller market distributor a top in the country, GO Alpena Bears! It can make melt-in-your mouth pork and cakes that are almost a shame to cut into. Sometimes you don’t have to seek out a different circle of artists sometimes it is just being the one who stimulates that in others. Thus the art of leadership. All interconnected. I hope this helps a few of you to look at things differently. But I want to thank Mark at Pepsi for their sponsorship of CDI and our films. They were a sponsor on Harsens Island Revenge and we have some fun ideas for the Alpena, MI premiere end of the year. Even more exciting is their involvement in HOT ROD LOVE that we are working hard to shoot this year. Let’s move to that film to discuss for a few.

(Thank you to Pepsi, save the Coor’s Light which is thanks to Adam Towner)

HOT ROD LOVE 2024 – We’re pushing into new talks with potential investors and sponsors on our 1970’s dramedy with drag racing at the heart of it. We had more commitments this week and have additional meetings next week. We are taking steady steps forward to get the business foundation in place. It is a 90% business and 10% creative until we get all our financial ducks in a row. That is what the producers at CDI do is work to get those things in place. This film will be a blast to produce and I cannot wait to go location scout. With nicer weather we might do that sooner vs later but again I don’t like to get to deep on all that until we are a full go. We call that a GREEN LIGHT. Ironic isn’t it with a racing movie. The official start of pre-production. I’ll keep you informed as we move forward. Right now we are focused on those two things funders and sponsors. Thank you to those who have already committed and we look forward to telling another great story.

Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) UPDATES! I had an almost two hour talk with our director Carl Weyant while he is still in Brazil. He returns Feb 14th and we’ll get together soon after. He was working on the final 20 minutes of the film edit. With end credits and the opening scene we still have to shoot we are guessing 1:45 min runtime. Once Carl has landed back here we’ll plan our final scene shoot and also do a watch on the cut before tweaks and a picture lock. The Behind-the-scenes is being worked on and I’ll get a better ETA on that but my goal is end of the month. Once our director is back we’ll be working the theatrical poster and trailer. The trailer will help us now if a 3rd party theatrical will be getting involved in booking or if our theatrical division at CDI will handle. We had a good run with our previous release and I think we can do even better second time around. So either way, it will be a successful run. More on HIR next week but exciting things ahead.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The film just went back into Cherokee, Iowa’s American 3 theaters for a run last week in January. I know we’ve had some additional requests and I met with Shane Hagedorn end of week to pass along some returned DCP files for theatrical play. The home video release is still going strong and I’m just so happy that this story is growing each week. I’ll know second quarter how strong the film is doing since it released 4th quarter of 2023. It is all a process and the wheel turns. We still have broadcast TV and ad-based video on demand later in the year. Plus foreign sales should start appearing as the film travels to the film markets and gets picked up. The two museums in the town of Algona are already benefitting from the film just off our theatrical thanks to The Donald Tietz Foundation. Preserving history and helping the community! We should all strive to do such things.

(A beautiful scene from part 3 of THE QUEST TRILOGY – The Christ Slayer)

THE QUEST TRILOGY – As the sun and light starts its return and will slowly bring us out of winter we’ll soon be approaching the spring season of Easter. These three films have become a gems of the season and we’re so appreciative of all the fans who’ve made them a tradition. If you want to take some time for deep contemplation and to feel inner happiness take a watch. I watch them at least once a year and they always make my day better. Part 1 is FORTY NIGHTS, Part 2 CHASING THE STAR and Part 3 THE CHRIST SLAYER. Don’t let the title of part 3 throw you as it is a lesson unto itself that will make since once you watch the film. For you fans of Harsens Island Revenge, it stars our director Carl Weyant and he does a great job. If any of you on here watch them please do leave your comments here but also on http://www.imdb.com on the individual pages or Amazon‘s page if you rent/watch from there. They can be watched FREE with ADs on ENCOURAGE TV on YOUTUBE.

MISC: I could write a nice bit about each and every film but I will not take your time with that. But I want to thank all the fans of LOST HEART, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, BEST YEARS GONE and WILD FAITH who’ve reached out. I also want to thank all the people who reached out about my new agency for acting. I put my everything into the #tribeCDI and often neglect myself because I’m very fulfilled. I’ve been on the posters, the physical media art and so on. I really do enjoy seeing my fellow artists spotlighted.

I’m feeling good about by decision with Treasure Coast Agency because I like how they treat people. I got to experience that as the producer approaching them and dealing with them so I know first hand. So again thank you and soon I’ll be listed on their site. I’m looking into some new pics of ME not any of my numerous characters. That is hard because I’m always creating. Even now ‘Woody Jr.’ from HOT ROD LOVE is starting to form:)

In addition to my actor materials I’m trying to polish up my social media. I love the instagram mainly because of them allowing little musical snippets with your postings. So if you want to follow me there my new handle is officialdjperry so join me there. I do have two Facebook pages because the home page Richard Perry (DJ Perry) is limited two 5k and I’ve got about 2k in folks waiting so I started a DJ Perry run over page. It is also helpful when I have lots of PR that I don’t want to collide. So I’m trying to get my social media stuff up to par but I know it is lacking somewhat. I’m excited to meet this week over my FIRESIDE CHAT WITH DJ PERRY podcast that Adam Towner will be producing. We will be filming the first one this month and we’ll see how that goes. Many of you enjoyed the little video snippets I’ve done when my WordPress here was giving me trouble.

Speaking of podcasts my good buddy Dean Teaster is now working with “Two Average Joe’s” a cold case team, investigating the death of Dawn Louise Basom from Ypsilanti, MI in 1969 The link can be found here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srOWdtME-y8&feature=youtu.be

Aside from all this film and marketing work I’ve been preparing for spring. I love the nature around me and I’ve been in deeper study of my herbs and fungi and the beneficial properties. I’m looking forward to the herb gardens and we’re going to plant more clover around the yard. The chickens are slowly starting their egg laying again which for that we’re happy. This year we’ll be making several upgrades to the yard. I’m going to rebuild our compost bin and maybe add a few rain barrels. This week will probably have me do some more log splitting with the new set of axes. Last go around with Adam Towner and Graham Turner we killed two of the axes. But this warm spell will let me do a final round of splitting to be ready for the last blast of winter. Also soccer season is right around the corner and I could not be more excited.

I’m going to call it good here because I have to go eat and do some reorganizing to the office/fort after getting the new fridge in there. I’m looking forward to spending time with my brother and a few friends later in the day. Might do a run to a farm supply store to get a new snow shovel. My U shaped handle wide shovel is the best one I’ve ever had. Eliminates back pain and gives a strong arm and chest workout. It got a bit of a crunch with my cousin Bart Ketner stopped over. I should have had it in a better place. But on the positive he helped me string new lights up in the office/fort including a customized one he built. Plus he’s gonna get my yard chipper working. He’s a ‘Handy Andy’ as I like to say. I appreciate having him when my skills reach an end. But each year I get a bit better at my tinkering thanks to my handy friends. I am a work-in-progress:)

PS: RIP to Carl Weathers a great on-screen talent. I never met him but his loss felt personal having grown up loving his work.

Until next week. Be good to one another. Keep that artistic perception.

Coffee Cheers!



(Christmas time is here!)

Hello December! I want to welcome all our new readers from Singapore, Denmark, Canada, Australia and more. It is always a joy for me to see the interest and participation from all you artists. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee on a day that looks as if you might see Frodo and Samwise looking to throw a ring into Mt. Doom. I actually enjoy snow versus just cold rain. We know have a Christmas tree blessing our living room. The dogs have really enjoyed having it inside. It has been just an amazing week and the main reason is my mind just got back a large amount of red estate. In regards to SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, our new CDI release – I’ve FINALLY got some peace of mind. This film was a beast because of the amount of VFX, color correction and the two languages in the film. Several scenes have the German PW’s speaking German amongst themselves.

(DVD’s now available as a keepsake or stocking stuffer/gift – a good company gift for employees)

The post process was plagued by small tech issues throughout the final mastering for home video. Stuff the human eye could not see but computers scanning can. This resulted in many fixes that were a cost in time and money but we got it done. Nov. 30th was our special ENCOURAGE TV one day free with ads event showing. Some 4600 people tuned in to watch the film for the one day event. I received and continue to receive beautiful emails from folks I know and don’t know. December 1st was our national release to DVD and various platforms. Amazon Prime, Google Play, Vudu, iTunes and more…just google our film title. So in the early hours of Nov 30th I watched the full story unfold. I was able to step outside the process and just enjoy the story.

(One of the hundreds of well wishes for the film. Thank you and please do leave reviews!)

This story was almost never told because of various bad folks introduced to the process which only put it on a shelf for 14 years. There is a heaviness of responsibility that I assume from the first moment we are funded. Nov 30th and Dec 1st brought me the first peace of mind in a few years with the release. No emails saying they found another glitch that needs fixing. No film is perfect but it does have the raw emotional impact. Millions can now watch the film and I’m so thankful for everything sharing the film and purchasing DVD collectors gifts for family and friends. So my last few days have been joyous and now I’m just reaping the kind words of those who experienced our story.

(I played the stoic officer LtCol. Lodell, in charge of the camp- it was a great role and challenge)

This project like them all was exhausting. Extended focus and dedication to bring the story to the world. Now is a great time to reflect, recharge and realign our energies. I’ve been trying to let people be over the holidays. It is a great time to spend with family and friends who often have to deal with our work. It is more than work it is a calling to be a storyteller. I had a conversation the other day with one of our tribe and they want to enjoy the bliss of no big responsibilities. I too, love that feeling but I don’t have the luxury of a total break. The biggest question all upcoming filmmakers ask me is how we keep momentum and get funding. I’ve said that while we make it look easy it is not. We are persistent and have a reputation for on-time, on-schedule and unique handcrafted stories with lots of heart. I’ve worked hard with the CDI tribe to build that reputation. And I don’t need to fluff anything, the proof is in the pudding as they say. I get a dozen inquires a week about if we are looking for scripts. We are not unless you have it funded and are looking for experience in managing your project. We will consider but even funding will not assure a collaboration. Looking to get involved in this endeavors from a business perspective feel free to inquire.

(Students in Iowa decorated this classroom door to celebrate the film’s release)

If you haven’t watched SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA please do. If you enjoyed it and it invoked some good thoughts and feedback you can go to our http://www.imdb.com page and VOTE (10 is best) and leave your words. Also exciting is that Encourage TV now has a playlist of all the CDI films. Some great trailers, BTS and extra interviews can be found. To have your own CDI marathon watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0LCdlq-BK0&list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E

A big kudos to our entire cast and crew, especially our director Anthony (Tony) Hornus. If you enjoyed his last film MAN’S BEST FRIEND you’ll really enjoy this one. Thank you to all the fans of this story!

(Audiences will meet ‘Axel’ next year!)

Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) – This film is in full swing with the edit. We are still rolling production photos out on our Facebook site. Harsens Island Revenge Christmas Cards are being offered by GW Burns. We are working to bring more graphic merchandise to everyone. Not just from HIR but from all the films. Favorite posters? So many exciting things at play with this film but right now I’m just letting the focus be on our new release. We will be seeing Behind the Scenes doc and new posters, trailers and more in the new year. Our composer Dennis Therrian, has been studying the time and the music. We will be moving into music and sound design shortly into the new year. Speaking about the new year, we’ll be casting five Michigan-based German re-enactors who have all their gear for the film’s opening pick up scene. A piece of powerful WW1 action that will be shot in the Alpena area. This film is such an explosive and exciting piece of storytelling. Something to look forward to in 2024!

KNIGHT CHILLS– Ironically our newest film and our first film are out there in the marketplace. The PG-horror/thriller that deals with bullying has been re-released to BluRay. Hey, we were ahead of our time with the bullying theme. But the film is truly also a Christmas theme. The film climax is to come at the Solstice of Yule. Give the gift! BUY IT HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=D4OO7ITMHNCY&keywords=knight+chills&qid=1701615739&sprefix=knight+chills%2Caps%2C200&sr=8-2

If you like horror films with a Christmas theme check out DARKEST NIGHT I filmed in the Philippines. Just google it up but don’t watch it alone.

WRAP UP – This week I’ll be working on some end of the year film disbursements. This will be followed by end of year tax prep and new state filing fees. The business of show business. I’m looking forward to several weeks of meetings and toasting the 2023 year. Also to plan and prepare for the year ahead. Again I’m not going to go on and on about the development process but three projects are at the front of that. A) HOT ROD LOVE, a comedy is having the foundation pieces but into place. A female empowerment story set in the 1970’s that takes place around a drag race track. B) HASTINGS, the Wild Faith TV series. Which is celebrating the passing of 8 million views on Encourage TV bringing the worldwide viewing to 20+ million. C) SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE which will be CDI’s second Iowa-based film has a solid script and is starting to talk with funders.

I just has a few apples and a breakfast sandwich with our 4H bacon. Hmmmm…bacon. Just refilled the coffee cup and I plan to finish up here and get a few more things done today. I might have to go split a few logs for tonights fire. I’ve been enjoying all the Christmas magic about and hope we did our part to add to that holiday goodness with our WW2 film. I know the snow will be returning soon which I prefer to just damp, cold rain. Spend some time with good family and friends. Cheers to a wonderful, challenging and productive 2023 and here’s to an even better 2024.

Be good to one another!


Persistence Against Resistance – Happy July!

Hazelnut cheers! I want to welcome our new readers this week with several from the US but also from Denmark and also a first, from an unknown country. I’m not quite sure what that means but maybe aliens? My blog has gone interplanetary:) I want to start by saying I’m so happy the air quality has gotten back to a good place. It was really bad for a few days and you could see it and feel it if you remained outside too long. I was happy actually that they rescheduled our soccer match on Thursday. I took a spoonful of honey and did salt nasal spray daily to help keep away any of the various symptoms I heard from many people. We also got some much needed rain which I hope helps Canada and their wild fires. The rain here really helped our lawn and all our plants. As noted last week our berries have been in full effect and the chickens LOVE all the fallen mulberries. The raspberries and rhubarb have been also popping and some will get the freeze for future wine runs. The ROCKING RHUBARB has been bubbling away and I might have one other secret add before going to bottles. My Mexican-style Chili Beer has been getting rave reviews and I have to admit it came out really good. Maybe a few more people will get a try over the next few days.

Before getting into talking about our films I’ll talk about someone else’s film. I remember my first screening of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. My buddy John from 1st grade on had been one of my main movie buddies. We had seen Star Wars so many times, fibbing to our parents about going to see a different film but going to see Star Wars again. John’s mom was dropping us off at the theater as John and I wondered if the film was about Noah’s ark or this other ark also from the Bible. Well, we knew it had our beloved ‘Han Solo’ playing the lead. To this day the original ‘Raiders’ is one of my favorite films in my lifetime. Yesterday I got to watch the end cap to that spring of movie stories. I know my buddy John has tickets to go see it today. We will enjoy a good post-film talk after just like we did in our youth. I’m glad in a world where so many of our music and movie heroes have passed, Harrison Ford is still with us. I’m going to just say that I really enjoyed the film and leave it at that for now. I also hope I can still be making movies at his age. He can still carry a film as a leading man.


  1. I had a good meeting with a high school buddy who has done well for himself with a distillery. We discussed a CDI Collection of bottled booze. A special label and type picked out for each film. Also from each one we might assign a % to a cause. A great way to celebrate CDI’s long history and help some various causes.
  2. We are starting to land some product partners and sponsors for our next film Harsens Island Revenge. We are in the process of inking these deals but we’ll have some great ones riding with us on this next story. If you have a product or service or just want to support the film, please do reach out. Also I’ve had several cast and crew asking for our schedule. Our draft 4 is under review this weekend and we hope to lock it start of the week. It is lagging a bit from my timeline but we want it to be as tight as we can get it. Aside from that I’ve been enjoying working on my upcoming role and hope to bring you a cool character.
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is going back into the Algona State 5 Fridley theatre for their Founders celebration July 6-9. Times can be gotten directly from their website. Our post production folks are working with BMG on the last few adjustments for our home video roll out. I hope to get that resolved soon so I can bring you exact dates for DVD, streaming, broadcast and more.
  4. Thanks to my CDI team – I’ve been prepping the information to report to our backers and cut them checks. It’s a major process with many checks written but I also enjoy the process. It beats the old days of chasing around dishonest distributors. So I will be doing some of that in the forthcoming week.
  5. We’ve been getting ready to launch a new CDI back up system that will house the CDI library in a way that can be easily accessed by our editors. This will aid in promotional work and in providing footage to talent. We should have this up and running by September.
  6. I’m excited that many of the films are finding wider and wider audiences. Man’s Best Friend is on the way to 2 million with Encourage TV. Take a watch or watch it again and help us get to that new goal.
  7. I’m really excited about a deal coming together that will put a few CDI properties into motion as a video game and/or animated endeavor. Many merchandise and spin off properties being worked on and I’m excited to see them come develop.
  8. Development on TV/film projects continues and the next couple of weeks should help move pieces on the board forward.

WRAP UP: I could be missing a few updates but I will take a moment to state again that these projects are not easy to launch. I’ve had numerous people compliment on the steady flow of creative endeavors but they all happen brick by brick. Meeting by meeting. Deal points to agreements followed by action. I too deal with patience issues at times. I often apologize for my pushing upon people to keep moving things forward. Often we advance more rapidly or consistently because while others rest or play we are working it. Succeeding where so many fail makes me feel good. Not for their failure but for our persistence against resistance.

Keep at your dreams and do something daily and brick by brick you can build it. And to die in pursuit of your dreams is better than the regret of never even trying. I want to thank those who have sent messages or left their reviews on our stories. To be credited as an inspiration to keep after your creative endeavors is priceless. I smell bacon cooking which reminds me that later this month we have our 4H fair we attend. Also the chickens have been kicking out the eggs while feasting on those mulberries I mentioned earlier. So I’m going to say good day and get after some amazing smelling breakfast. I hope you all have a relaxing and SAFE holiday. Our fur babies are not fans of the fireworks so we usually lie in with some loud movie playing. My days of exploding hoot-n-nanny is over and I have the memories and luckily all my fingers and both eyes. So let’s all make this month of JULY a great one!

Coffee Cheers!


Memorial Weekend – CDI Military Themed Films

Hazelnut coffee cheers-

Welcome this morning to our new readers from Italy, Finland and Pakistan! I want to start by wishing a Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all our veterans out there. At CDI we’ve examined the veteran experience in several of our films. My hope is that you would watch these films. I think I’ll write a little on each of them.

  1. WICKED SPRING is a Civil War era film that without any political overtones examines the lives of the common soldiers on both sides. This film was a massive undertaking and I’m very proud of the work we put into this story. I’m considering doing a making of book filled with extras celebrating this film. I found a link that had a lot of great information some of which I had even forgotten. You can watch it for free with adds on Encourage TV (Youtube) and several other platforms. It is a deep character study that will move your heart to think about what war does to family’s on both sides. Read more here- https://alchetron.com/Wicked-Spring
  2. FROM VENUS and AN ORDINARY KILLER are two films from the CDI library that need a full reboot. The first is a comedic romp about two ex-military buddies trying to rescue a young man pulled into a SciFi cult. On the other far end of the spectrum is a based on a true story of a serial killer caught 27 years after the crime. The lead detective is an ex-Vietnam veteran trying to keep his temper in check as his persistence and patience are tested. DVD’s are about from the original release but both of these will eventually undergo an HD upgrade and new release. COMING SOON
  3. Dean Teaster’s Ghost Town – This Smoky Mountain Western takes place after the Civil War and features many themes and topics concerning veterans. Some of my favorite interactions is between a ex-Union Captain and an ex-Southern General. We get full rights back on this film in 2024 and will be preparing a new release.
  4. The 3rd film in THE QUEST TRILOGYTHE CHRIST SLAYER – CDI’s biblical adventure series focuses on Roman soldier Longinus who put the spear to the side of Jesus on the cross. Many great themes present themselves even though this examines soldiers from several thousand years ago. It is still best to watch the three films in order. I had someone this week reach out about how much they loved FORTY NIGHTS (Part 1) and part 2 is CHASING THE STAR giving a unique take on the three wise men.
  5. WILD FAITH is one of CDI’s most popular and focuses on the life of an ex-Civil War soldier with his own nightmares. He has made a promise to a black soldier who saved his life but that promise would challenge the norms of the time. It can be seen on many platforms like NBC’s Peacock TV and Encourage TV where it has recently passed 7 million views. With tens of millions of views this movie has a planned spin off TV show in the works. It is called HASTINGS and will follow the further adventures of the Murphy family.
  6. MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – Also on the same platforms as Wild Faith above is a more current film whose story focuses on a wounded Marine veteran just trying to get by in life while working at an animal shelter. This story about the plight of veterans and dogs is highlighted in this powerful film that will pull on your heart strings. As an actor, I get many people reaching out asking about the future of the lead character ‘Paul’ and if a sequel will ever be seen. Maybe one day is my response. This is a much watch film but bring your tissue.
  7. ASHES OF EDEN – While the focus is not directly military themed I do play an ex-military soldier who unable to find suitable work has fallen into being a drug dealer. I really loved this role and character because of how complex he is. This film is a good watch that has a wonderful lesson attached.
  8. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – This film is strongly military themed as it is based on true events. These events unfold at one of the many German PW camps spread across the midwest during WW2. It is just finishing up a theatrical run that started on Dec 9th. It will be coming out on home video this holiday season my best guess is Oct/Nov but I will let everyone know once I get word. It is a truly inspiring story that people can lean into as an example of humanity at its best. A much needed film in this day and age.
  9. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – A beautiful documentary film about the art of Catch-Can grappling presented by the leading historians and teachers of the art. The interviews are led by Army veteran Randy Couture. It showcases some interesting history that includes ole Abe Lincoln and West Point. This was produced in association with the Red, White and Blue Project Inc. a nonprofit for military awareness and assistance.
  10. Another great documentary done by the non-profit above is OUTSIDE THE WIRE: The Forgotten Children of Afghanistan. This follows donations from churches in mid America to the orphanages and schools high in the mountains of Afghanistan. This is achieved only with the help of the military in a great untold humanitarian mission by US led Coalition forces.

It is good to highlight these stories which give glimpses into the lives of military individuals and families. Even our next CDI film Harsens Island Revenge shooting this year will have a strong military presence. Thank a veteran for their service and watch a few of the stories above. I’m going to wrap things up here and eat a good breakfast before doing some more clean up around the property. For those fans of Austin TwoFeathers, best known perhaps as ‘Buddy’ in MBF – he’ll be joining us on the next CDI film. Only a few most castings to go and we’ll be getting a schedule to approve soon from the AD department. That will allow us to start giving exact dates to our cast so please have patience as that is coming very soon. Have a great relaxing weekend and I’ll talk with you again next week.

Coffee Cheers!


NEW (HIR) Teaser Poster and Several Film Updates

(The NEW teaser poster for CDI’s next film ‘Harsens Island Revenge’)

Coffee Cheers on this fine Sunday morning. It is still chilly on these Michigan mornings and the hazelnut coffee is really tasting fine. We will be approaching a few places about sponsorship with coffee during the next CDI shoot. Often when a small army is exposed to a new product they become of fan and a regular user. Some sponsorships help the production directly and some indirectly like when we did jar candles for many years. When you have to stay away from home for several weeks it really does bring comfort. Last week was an extremely productive week on so many fronts. Let’s take a look at some of those developments.

  1. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has been delivered to our distributor (BMG) and this week we’ll deliver the last few pieces. The overall film copyright and a few final marketing pieces will be sent over tomorrow and I hope to have release dates by the end of the week. I’m excited for the distributor art to start being worked on we are all so very excited about the 4th quarter of the year release to home video. We still are waiting to see if we are invited out to the Burbank Film Festival. But this movie has been an amazing journey like they all are. If you have not seen the film yet know we are excited to bring it to you. If you did get to see it in the theaters we’re excited to bring you this enhanced version.
  2. This past week was also the deadline to get all the extra materials in for an upcoming Knight Chills re-release. For those that don’t know this film was the first feature for CDI. It is a tale about bullying but told using role playing games as the setting. With all the renewed excitement over Dungeons and Dragons and such, this film should be well received. It is not a great film by any means but it is true to itself and the subject matter. It is also a good example of doing it yourself – filmmaking. We learned so much and the film is turning 25 years old soon. It got strong distribution during its initial release but also had us as young filmmakers navigating the hardships of low level distribution. Integrity. But the fans have come full circle appreciating the film. My fear with the older films was always – what if this is the first film of mine they see? Everyone starts somewhere and I/we started at ground zero so that really makes the journey more impressive. I’m secure where I am in my life with everything acting/filmmaking and so I’m enjoying the process of getting this films prepped for a new release to new audiences. They want me to be zero PR releases until they present to licensors in a few months so this will be likely the last update on this for a short while. But thank you to those who were willing and/or able to participate in the Behind the Scenes extras. I can say that we have plans with this company to focus on FROM VENUS (CDI’s 2nd film) and IN THE WOODS (My 1st starring role). We learn and build from our past endeavors.
  3. I mentioned IN THE WOODS above and I am due for an update meeting next week on this re-mastering. I also have some great new information to share. This film is getting a new edit with added scenes and lots of extras. I’ve seen some of the prototypes of the toy line and it is looking good. I need to get my face scan for the Alex Kerwood action figure. This week at one of our meetings I discovered how I might be able to get this scan done faster and sent to the mold makers. In this CDI association, we have a slate of films moving down the line. I emanated prior SHJ, a supernatural thriller and the buzz on IN THE WOODS 2. I also will be excited to talk about new technology that could really help an older project called PALEFIRE. At least I think that is the title. I need another blast of coffee:)
  4. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – This powerful and amazing story is being prepped for presentation and funding to interested parties. This film would shoot in Iowa as a follow up to our SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. It is undergoing a final polish with another set of eyes and the presentation package is being finalized.
  5. WILD FAITH: Hastings is the 8 show spin off from the WILD FAITH motion picture. It continues to gain momentum on many platforms and just surpassed 7 million views on our distributor’s streaming platform. This is a new endeavor and so we’re trying to set it up just right. The most important thing to me is creative control to keep the integrity of the show that was inspired directly from shows like THE WALTONS and LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE. By that I mean that every show has a life lesson attached to it.
  6. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE is CDI’s next film and we’ve been steady at work each and every day. Last week we met with McGraw Multimedia that will likely be supervisions our visual VFX for the film. This was a great reunion of sorts as John McGraw was an editor for CDI in the early days and his brother Eldon, I’ve known even longer. He has been a producer for many years. We’ve got a handful of ambitious scenes in the film that we’ll be tackling. We also got a great preview of all the capabilities of motion capture which might come into play on another film project. We only have a few cast and crew to still place and most of our efforts are on lodging and catering right now. We’ll start locking down locations once we know exactly how many and what days we’ll need a location for. As noted above- we’re starting to lock in some sponsors to assist the film directly or indirectly. Personally, I’ve been having fun slowly building the character for this new role. I like to learn about all the influences in the time period that affects how they see and exist within the world at that time. I cannot lie, I’m itching to get back in front of the cameras and bring AXEL to life. We’re in a holding pattern on some fronts awaiting the schedule from the AD department. We’ll do a close examination and lock the schedule allowing us to go to agreements on cast, locations and vehicles. So many cool things happening and you can follow along on our Facebook page of the same name.
  7. We have a handful of other projects in development and several possible associated films. I’ve recently read a script by some peer filmmakers and that might lead to a collaboration. And I have talks this week on development of – let’s say it could have us returning to the deserts of Yuma, AZ. We have many film family and friends in that area.

(Some of the CDI Tribe meeting with McGraw Multimedia over ‘Harsen’s Island Revenge’)


This week I enjoyed battling on the soccer grid once again. We lost our match but it was a good battle and the season is just getting started. I’m getting my conditioning back and feel pretty good. My flat feet are getting use to the running again. I’ve had many good people reach out this week and had a few really special notes sent on MBF: Man’s Best Friend which is a film that if you haven’t seen of ours you really should. I want to give a shout out to my high school classmates who got together for a 35th class reunion, damn. It just seems like yesterday that I was driving the ole Maverick and playing HAIL TO THE CHIEF with the musical car horn. I just had timing issues with this weekends events but I hope all my Sexton Big Red 88′ alumni had a good time catching up. I’m working to tame this yard which is already a seas of green and various colors. I’ve harvested my first rhubarb for wine making and I’m about to make a batch of summer beer done in the Mexican-style. I might add a pepper to each bottle. If you’ve never tried that you should. I’m ready to start making good ole Sun Tea also. I’m going to finish up here and have a few eggs from our girls before heading to the flea market in search of film props.

Keep following your dreams and I’ll chat with you next week.


NEW ‘Harsens’ CAST Announced Plus March Film Updates

After a few mild days where Spring was pushing with little sprouts of green and birds returning. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and I want to welcome all our readers including our new readers from France, Ireland, UK, Russia and Saudi Arabia. WELCOME! Also thank you for the wonderful comments. It is the season to watch THE QUEST TRILOGY and I’m humbled by the comment that I was someone’s favorite performance of Jesus. That is a compliment as many great performances of the man has been done. If you have not watched them all together, you should. They trilogy is shown below in order and also a few other good watches for a cold snowy day (In Michigan) like today.

Author Nancy Gideon, ordered up the MAKING OF ‘In the Woods’ that we talked about last week. A great recalling of the massive effort that went into making a movie on film with limited experience and funds. This was my first starring role and Co-producing effort almost 25 years ago. The film is getting a new campaign and the book was just a start. A new transfer is underway going all the way back to the original film stock. So a blu-ray and new streaming in HD release could be coming later in the year. Add in some badass merchandise and you got a fun new push. So you wanna see baby DJ fighting monsters, this might be your movie. Buy the book and enter the crazy world of IN THE WOODS. Will the world see Alex Kerwood, monster hunter again? Never say never:)

This film has continued its trek across the midwest theatre to theatre traveling to where the people have called their theatre and requested it. Thank you so much to all those who actually reached out and brought the film to their town. We are booked into April and we’re exploring either expanding with a 3rd party theatrical distributor based off our current efforts. We also might look at a big final event showing just before the home video kick off this Fall. We have a few possible paths to consider. We are already getting theatrical booking requests for December 2023. Crazy. But not really. I think this film will become a Christmas classic. It is a truly unique story based on actual events which is different from most Christmas fluff.

This weekend the film opened in a few new cities. We had a beautiful note last weekend sent to our director, it noted that at one of these showings that audience gave a standing ovation. That’s at a normal showing not a premiere or event. It was very touching and we love that people are connecting with the story. We were nominated for several awards at our first festival/award submission.

We are still looking to showcase overseas and our distribution will license to foreign territories as we get further down the road. Congrats to all the nominated artists and films. This theatrical is just the tip of the spear and wait until we get to the home video making the film available to millions of viewers.


This film is next up for #tribeCDI and things are really falling into place. Thank you to those who sent their reels DM on the CDI Facebook page. Also thank you to those who got right on their reads. We are closing down roles quickly now This week we welcomed Michael Walton, Martez Moore, Adam Towner and today we’ll be announcing David Gries. We also have been crewing up and this week we welcomed several folks onto the next project. We are moving from department to department and having deep discussions about each. We only have so many crew slots and so I know some will not be able to travel with us. Some folks have other scheduled endeavors and so they will not be joining. We are very excited about this new story. Many departments are getting up and running and we’ll be doing another scouting trip the end of next month.

I actually chopped down the Winter beard and I’ll be looking to get my hair trimmed closer to the period. Plus I have soccer season and getting my hair out of my eyes might be helpful. Our director will start doing reads with some online and we’ll likely do a read through in Michigan, which will be fun. The cars, the clothes and the overall vibe of the era is quite amazing. Also the impact of the war on the soldiers is something to note. Look below at this picture of the soldier before and after the war.

The effects of war on these vets is striking and shows you the damage. Those that did survive WW1 wanted to live peacefully. These were not the men the Purple’s wanted to push. We’ll be reviewing more incoming reels and locking in more roles this week. Thank you to all of you have have put yourself forth for consideration.


SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, will be undergoing budgeting work. The response to the script has been strong. We will see how fast it all comes together. This endeavor is larger and requires more production elements with horses and possible builds.

SHJ – This developing project is looking to be moving in a positive direction. Once we get the intent to fund we’ll put the in-association deal in play. CDI will be producing and we have many exciting things lining up for this supernatural thriller.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2 – The operational agreement will be in place end of this week. Talks have already started to put the funds in place for this follow up doc film. We hope to have this funded and cameras rolling this Summer.

KNIGHT CHILLS– I’ll be reaching out to co-writers Jeff & Juanita Kennedy about doing an updated interview maybe from the Kennedy ‘Dungeon’ showcased in the film. I also sent out emails and texts to our cast about recording a video interview. It will be cool to have them recall a few memories and let people know what they are doing now. The extras have to be turned in by June. I’m told the new transfer and up Rez is looking great. I want to do a Making of book like what Lynn Drzick did with IN THE WOODS. Maybe a script and a bunch of extras. Thoughts?

WRITING– I’m working on two stories for an upcoming book. I want to finish up a few of the scripts I have in progress. One a comedy ands one a SciFi film. Currently I’m doing a clean up on the Harsens script.

(Dennis Therrian aka Tricky T, will be again doing music and sound design on Harsens Island Revenge)


I’m happy to report the chickens are back to full production on eggs. That might be what is next on my list. Today I think I’ll get at some desk work today to get a jump on the week. Next week is St. Patricks Day and so who knows, green beer could be in order. I’m also starting to reach out to sponsors on the new projects. We have some cool, fun tie in’s that will work really well for our next 1920’s story. If you have a service, product or just want to align yourself with these films and reach millions, reach out.

I hope you all have had a relaxing and recharging weekend. Here is a big coffee cheers to us all having a good week ahead. Make your TO DO lists for the week and get after it. Everything is built brick by brick. I’m sure I missed a few updates but I hit upon many of the major ones. Be good to one another. Have a wonderful Sunday.


NEW Nominations, Updates and Announcements

(Above some of the CDI Tribe supporting the Capital City Film Festival Mixer- almost time again)

Hazelnut coffee toasts to you all on this sunny yet chilly Michigan morning. It has been a very busy few weeks and last week was no different. The best news was the completing all the film taxes and that was submitted. I’m awaiting my personal taxes to finish being prepared. It is important to stay up on all the BIZ with reporting cash movement every year. This year was quite smooth and we had a few bad weather days that are perfect for chaining yourself to the desk to ‘get R done’ and I did. We got an ice storm in Michigan but we were lucky and kept power the whole time. No big tree breakage which is good. We were teased with Spring and we are said to have a few more icy blasts coming but the birds are moving back in and the early signs of Spring are starting to slowly appear. Let’s take a look at some of the updates from the week.

  1. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, we’re still in our theatrical phase with several screens playing the film. We are looking at festivals and events. I don’t like these events where you pay to enter every category. I like one fee and look at everything and if it is nominated so be it. One event the Red Letter Awards which recognizes films with faith themes and certain recognitions to individuals. Here is what we were nominated for – BEST FILM -(Everyone!) BEST DIRECTORAnthony Hornus, BEST SCREENPLAYDJ Perry, BEST ACTRESSCassie Dean, BEST ACTORCurran Jacobs and Bodhi Rader, BEST SUPPORTING ACTORSamuel Peterson and Shane Hagedorn. Congrats to all the nominated. It was cool to see the other films/people nominated. Many of the films are from studio and with budgets much higher but our own story rings through with the power of the story, performance and production. Jim Caviezel and Kelsey Grammar are among the other nominated talents. This is the first of a handful of festivals and events we will show at. We’re still filling theatrical play requests from bookers after you the people reach out to your theatre managers and request the film. Home Video talks will continue this week as well as exploring any other major theatrical expansion.
  2. Harsens Island Revenge, is starting to heat up. We’re getting in some requested acting reads. I did say that actors could post their reels to our CDI Facebook page but none arrived. That is okay. We like to look first within our inner circles of actors who we’ve worked with and had no issues with and were impressed with their performances. One of the actors we attached was Don Most (MBF, Lost Heart) and we’ll be announcing via formal PR in the coming weeks. I will announce today a few more from the tribe. Shane Hagedorn and Dean Teaster will be playing a great onscreen duo. I’m excited to see these roles come to life. On the crew side we’re in multiple talks but I’m happy to report that things have come full circle for us to add an amazing artists to our ranks. Several years ago I worked in Costa Rica on a TV show with the talented GW Burns. Very well known in photography circles not only for his powerful photos but creating amazing sets to capture. He is our new Production Designer, and we give him a major welcome to the CDI Tribe. We’ll continue having talks with proposed cast and crew. I look forward to watching several more reads this week during our production meetings. We are all excited to film this amazing story this Fall.
  3. SHJ– Supernatural Thriller associated film is developing nicely. We hope to put something more formal together in the coming weeks. A teaser poster is being developed and once this is all locked we’ll be casting and crewing for this. CDI would be the production company.
  4. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH and II- The first one is out there and expanding its audience. The next film is being pulled together and is looking to film Spring/Summer. More on this soon and also look for our teaser poster in the coming weeks. We’ll be putting the foundation into this project and prepping for another great doc film in our series.
  5. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The first production draft of this script is done. Now we will start to do production breakdowns to see what it will take to film this. And lastly, we’ll move to the funding stage. Everything is a process of development and we’re excited to move this one to that important next step. The script is in the hands of some Native American associates to read over. Our Iowa historian did not see any mention-worthy, coloring out of the lines historically. This project is larger and will require some additional development, but will make an amazing story told on film. This film will be shot in Iowa.

(Easter ahead- Cool photo from Part 3 of The Quest Trilogy entitled “The Christ Slayer” – The Tomb)

I could go on about DEVELOPMENT of many new projects as the development process starts years in advance. I’m beyond excited to be once again building a team to tell this story. We’re prepping some of the older films in the CDI library to make a new entrance into the marketplace. I’m looking forward to a strong week of meetings and putting more blocks in place.

I’m excited to enter into discussions from various companies looking to align their brands with our upcoming projects. If you are interested in aligning your company as a product partner or sponsor please do reach out. We’ve had some amazing ones over the years and I’m looking forward to many more.

I’m going to work on getting a few things done around here and get ready for the new week, new month and new projects. I’m also very excited that soccer season is right around the corner. Our ‘old man’ team will be defending their last season championship win. I’m looking forward to the running and competition. Our league is very tough and I sincerely appreciate the work out I get win or lose. I’m coming into the season healthier, having worked out issues with a tweaked back. I’ve been training to be ready for battle on the pitch.

Until next week my friends. Thank you to all who stopped by last week and subscribed.

Coffee Cheers!


Refuel, Relax, Rest – Much to Be Thankful For – FILM UPDATES!

The hazelnut coffee, is tasting great on this snowy Sunday. I see where many folks elsewhere got 5+ feet of snow! Parts of Michigan, saw a large snowfall and even here in Lansing (Center of the State) we got a good amount. It is pretty to watch fall and it makes everything bright, which has been nice. But, it has been bitter cold for sure. The several days of arctic freeze gave me the time I needed to start catching up on all my biz paperwork.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – We have been working on getting the end credits around and from the list we’ll be double checking against our Algona, premiere list. This week, we’ll get a chance to review the film, with most all the elements inserted. The film will release first in Algona, Iowa on Dec 9th and the Fridley Theaters. Our hope is that they will open the film in all the cities they’re in. We are looking to see when the show times will go live, so folks can start getting public tickets. The trailer will soon be playing in front of other films. We plan to show the film into 1st quarter of 2023 in the theatre chains. We hope to have it expend across Iowa, and the midwest. An LA/Hollywood and German showing via theaters or festival is also being planned.

We also have some exciting things coming together for the 2023 home video release. I really do think that this film could create a “Field of Dreams” effect – whereas once a year the film returns to Algona, theaters and people travel to the town of Algona, to see the museums. We will also be working on the Michigan premiere, that might happen first of the year, due to all the crazy Christmas hustle and bustle. Many will have to have patience, if you miss the select theatrical showings. But come, the run up to Christmas 2023, the film will be getting a major push. Between the theatrical and the home video, we hope to show it in Germany/Austria. Thank you to everyone for your support.

We’re also going to be working with our sponsors and product partners, moving forward. Note, the period wraps on the Spam, Hershey’s bars and more. We are honored to have such wonderful partners in storytelling. We have had many great companies join us over the years. I look forward to many more, as we move ahead in our storytelling adventures.


Silent Night in Algona, will be the 5th release this year. Who has seen all five films? Who can name all five films? OK. It’s early and the coffee is still kicking in for folks. 1) BESTSELLER 2) BEST YEARS GONE 3) SMOKE & MIRRORS 4) FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 5) SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – if you end up watching all 5, you are truly a CDI fan. I’ve had someone talking to me about a CDI fan club. You can SUBSCRIBE TO THE TRIBE at http://www.cdiproductions.com and we’ll be doing some updates there soon. I use to have a wonderful fan club ran by a fine lady named, Pepper. I think she is still with us, loving her dogs and spreading joy. She and several friends, use to travel to different CDI premieres. She did interviews and highlighted co-stars and leading ladies. She reviewed films and really did many great and wonderful things. Her health, hasn’t allowed her to keep up with the webpage and it went down several years ago. I will check in on Pepper, over the holidays. I hope she has been doing well.

Once SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, is finished, we will be all caught up on production. We have been slowly prepping 4 films in the CDI library, for re-release with BMG. In 2023, we hope to bring KNIGHT CHILLS, FIGURE IN THE FOREST, AN ORDINARY KILLER and GHOST TOWN to the marketplace. Two are in the wrong aspect ratio and were shot in standard def so they’re all being digitally enhanced to HD. I will readdress all this once I get this current film locked.

But, I will say- I’ve seen the first draft of the new uprezed trailer for Ghost Town, and it looks beautiful. I need to watch and provide some notes. We are also working to get distributor back ups of all the films. KNIGHT CHILLS, we are trying to get the best source version. But this will get done. We are also working on a few cool extras, maybe even an interview from our director Katie Hicks. I might do a sit down, with Jeff Kennedy, to talk about those days. The sequel and video game became even more exciting, when I got to check out some of the new software and LED walls. Not only, will CDI keep working to enhance of VFX sequences in our films, we will be doing some films that are completely animated films. I have a few people in Michigan, I’ve been watching, about some possible collaborations. Ideas-forming.

Harsens Island Revenge – Get those acting reels together. Yes. CDI is an acting troupe of actor/producers, but we have several friends of the tribe, that we often collaborate with. Like, many projects, we have many more friends of the tribe, vs roles open in a film. But, we have some time, so we’re going to really use the time to cast, and look at talent for future endeavors. I use to travel to more film gatherings, events, networking. Oh, I feel a ramble coming on…

The truth is, with how busy my film work is, my daily hours are pretty full. I unwind, mediate, visualize, the week ahead. Refuel, relax and get good rest (Three R’s) to attack it all again the next day. Staying out late partying, isn’t really on my planner. Now, let me say for the record, I’ve certainly been there, done that and got that tee-shirt, but I’m at a different place on the path. I have a domestic life, that brings me peace and balance. It allows me to better focus my energies, achieving dreams. But, just like at one time, I knew every bar in my town, now, I do not. I was a work-a-holic, binge drinker, in my youth. The binge drinking (Viking drinking) was taught to me, from those glorious nights out, after games in Hornbaek, Denmark, playing soccer as a teen. What a great time that was for three summers. I love those good folks to this day.

Okay, back at it. So, I had unrealistic dreams (Acting) but, once I set my sights, there was no plan B. I worked, and lived in studios, we made our hours, working for days on end. Sometimes forced to using TV stations in the middle of the night to finish films. Often jumping on a jet planes, with my amigos, to go pitch ideas and finished films, around Hollywood for a couple weeks. Days full of 405 driving to meetings, parties in the hills. Hard partying, after, hard work, to try and turn our obsession off. But, the tequila would often just spur even more exciting dreams and ideas. I LOVE those days. The CDI crew was like pirates, we rolled hard, building. But, the journey will burn some out. I’ve seen so very many break, and fall. If I could have made myself fall into regular steady employment, I would have long ago. But, my simple mantra of putting everything into the film I’m working on, so it results in one more opportunity to tell a story, remains. So far, that has worked. I think because, there are so many stories, in every town, in danger of fading away, gone. But, a group of artists like CDI, can bring a story to life, for generations. That is what we do. That is what we are doing.

And back to development- this week saw a few really great steps. The script for Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) is going through that writer/director phase. Each character, action and line, discussed. I can say, every scene improved through long conversations. Motivations. Moments. I love this process with directors. All directors who have directed a script I wrote, have been through this process. It is fun, playful and enjoyable. We got through another 25 pages in a session and have likely 1-2 more sessions to get all the way through. Once the script is locked, the writer part of me steps back. All work from there will be between actors and director. But once you leave the director at the end of the process, they should have a deep understanding. It is an exploring, something even more important with period pieces.

HIR, will start looking at cast and crew, with our director, over the winter. We have a good idea of the look, tone, work flow and our scout trip has us all very excited. So, wrap up your year by getting your highlight reels together. CDI is mostly all actors, so pick and lead with your strongest material. If something is subpar consider leaving it off. Less can be more. At the same time, if someone is interested, they will watch a lot of your work. Especially if they are thinking of working with you.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – After nearly two full days of polishing, I ended my week, with my first draft of the new Spirit Lake Massacre. I’m very proud of the final piece. I’m going to do even more research to add a sprinkling more of the historical gems, to this already powerful piece. In December, I’ll be able to have some more discussions on the locations for this 2024 project. Next year, might consist of some construction, and some prep work.

CDI HOLIDAY WATCHING – With snow and cold, forcing many inside- it’s a good time to watch some of the CDI classics with your family and loved ones. WILD FAITH, MANS BEST FRIEND, LOST HEART, THE QUEST TRILOGY! Encourage TV, Tubi, Amazon Prime, Google Play– check your platforms. I’m going to go do some holiday shopping both online and at the store. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving week. I’m always happy when I get to see family and friends. We are all thankful at CDI, to all of you fans.

Coffee Cheers!



Hazelnut coffee cheers. Welcome new readers from Spain, Portugal, Philippines and more. We are into November and we had a run of warm above average days. But now, the cold winds have started to blow. We are due to see snow today so I’ll be getting the wood stove in the fort going. I spent some time chopping some wood this past week getting ready for these cold days ahead. We’re also entering the Christmas season, so I’ve been looking at a few love gifts here and there. Thanksgiving is not far away, but with our family stretched, it can be a task aligning schedules. Also with the Algona, Silent Night in Algona, premiere, lots of time being taken the planning. I want to again say, thank you, to all our veterans. CDI has a good reputation for tackling stories with soldiers at the heart of it. Take a watch on them, and let us know your thoughts.


  1. This week started off with a ZOOM meeting with our partners in Iowa, helping to set up the premiere and theatrical showing in Algona and beyond for SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We are working hard on credits but some of those will be spelled wrong if your handwriting is poor. There is no changes once it is all locked up. But between us all, we should get our premiere night list pretty close. If we do miss anyone or you don’t qualify, they will have public showings starting that night Dec 9th at Fridley. I thought we were running two weeks and I also heard someone was told one week. The truth is that as long as a demand is there the supply will keep flowing. So don’t wait, really hit that first week playing at the theatre. I heard companies planning to buy blocks of tickets for employees. We had schools do that for WILD FAITH, taking middle school history classes. That would be a good idea here also. The film is not yet rated but would be PG. 2 hour and 20 min runtime. While not one of these Marvel four hour marathons, it is a full story that moves right along with the pacing. The new trailer was released and my home video meetings for next year went very well. The release plan is to play in several cities on the big screen after Algona, Iowa. If you want it to play in your neck of the woods, contact your theatre and request it. After that we’re working to set up the Michigan and midwest showings that will run into 2023. Discussions for a German showing is also underway. The final run will be the home video build towards Christmas 2023 for DVD and streaming. This week we’ll be watching a mostly complete film with several VFX scenes dropped in. EXCITING!
  2. Harsens Island Revenge, is in pre-production with our first step being the polishing of the script by the writer (me) and the director. Our director has asked to not PR anything yet as he is working to finish up a previous pair of features and we’re trying to stay focused on locking the script. We are 1/4 of the way through and should be close to finishing this week after another fun day of working the script. A few super sleuths have been digging, but we will not do things out of order, so early inquiry’s become just a distraction. Every move, is discussed in our development meetings. Once we have a locked script, and announce our director, many more people will get to see the script. Casting will be over the winter and crew talks will begin first of the year. We will film in Oct/Nov 2023, but this is another period piece that requires much advance planning. Our scouting trip was extremely helpful and this will be another great story featuring a piece of Michigan history.
  3. Speaking on development, I was engaged to research and write another epic historical that takes place in the 1800’s, SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE. At the end of the week, I finished my first draft. I now need to get in there and smooth and expand certain scenes. I plan to have a few meetings at the end of the year on this powerful story again taken from true events.
  4. The previous releases this year BESTSELLER, BEST YEARS GONE, SMOKE & MIRRORS and FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, have been finding their audiences. We have a few more reviews coming on these films. I love all the good folks who have reached out about enjoying the films. If you’ve watched any of them, please go to their IMDB or Amazon pages and leave your thoughts.
  5. I’ve been slowly, pulling elements together for some of the films in the CDI library, being prepped to release back into the marketplace. GHOST TOWN, KNIGHT CHILLS, AN ORDINARY KILLER and FIGURE IN THE FOREST, we’ll see how many we can get out next year. Also, THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ, CDI’s first feature length animated effort, is being rendered to HD for an upcoming release. I would love to do more animated projects and we have several things in development.
  6. We’re prepping to do an end-of-the-year dispersement on the films before I start 2022 business taxes with our team. Associate Producer, John Mashni, who helps oversee this process, also will play a large part in areas of CDI moving forward. One area is soundtracks. I would love to have a few LP’s manufactured and of course streaming. What soundtracks would you want? I’m thinking an LP with the best of The Quest Trilogy. Have you seen the trilogy of biblical adventures? FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER, are all available to watch on various platforms but Encourage TV is free with ads. The 1st film just passed 2 million views on Encourage TV, so thank you!
  7. LOST HEART, also released as BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS, is gaining strength. The film is approaching its first million views on Encourage TV. I think after the holiday season, we’ll exceed that milestone. On a personal level, I will look to cut an actors reel from my ‘Niles Cass’ footage. I loved working with everyone on that film, but especially loved Ponceman, Josh Perry. He is pure magic in the film.

The end of the year will be full as you can see. I sill look forward to some celebratory family time. The next couple years is being planned. Discussions on a few projects to add to the slate are underway. We will only consider funded projects at this time, but the tribe gets it done. If my polish on the scripts goes well, I’ll focus on a few other screenplays I’ve been working in my down time.

Acting has been part of conversations as of late. I had such a busy year, business-wise, I turned down two roles this year. I do enjoy the no stress of going and acting on someone else’s story. I don’t take a role just to take it, it must ring true. I will say the one role I have lined up for 2023, in Harsens Island Revenge is a good role. It is not the starring role but it is solid, a good role for me to play while producing. I’ve thought of looking at representation again, but getting someone up to speed is always a task. We’ll see, things are moving forward and I’m just gonna roll with it.

I guess I’ll wrap it up here. The LIONS play again soon and let’s hope they have a good game. My alumni MSU has been playing better so maybe a bowl game awaits. I’m looking forward to the World Cup starting this month. I’ve been healing up well from my soccer season and soon might start some indoor training. I hope all of you have a great Sunday! I’ll talk at you next week and we’ll share some new updates.

Coffee Cheers!


An 1800’s Lesson, Film Updates, Development

France, Ireland, India and more- coffee cheers. I will note as much as I LOVE my hazelnut coffee I so enjoyed my daily pot of South Indian Coffee in Otty, India. Also, I thought I had some basic tea skills but in India they take that task very serious. I recall on the set of KARMA, they had a TEA DEPARTMENT. Best coffee and tea service on a film set – hands down.

Speaking of places that still live very rural in places, last night during high winds we lost power. All around our state they had trouble but in Lansing, Michigan- it was in pockets. We could see lights on in other places but our street was dark. Worse was that it was not a total lack of power just a trickle that can cause issue when the power surges back. So all things that use consistent power like the fridge and freezer were pulled. Thankfully, we did not lose any of the frozen food. I might be a bit more motivated to look at generators. In winter you can move food in coolers outside to chill. Heat can be replaced with fire. Last night we had almost every candle in the house lit and it was still light a horror film. We even played the game ‘scrabble’ by candlelight which was a first. It really makes you think how good we have it. I’ve been writing a true event story SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, from the 1850’s and it gave me even more insight. Insight to the hardships that came with keeping light and heat in the house. I’m 2/3 through the first draft and I will finish the first draft this month. It has been a powerful experience researching and writing into these story. Did I say, I love scriptwriting. This story will be very powerful.


SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, has a target date of Nov 14th to start pulling all the elements of the film together. We’re still working the German subtitles, music and final VFX. It will be exciting to see them all come together. The new trailer released and folks are really enjoying the peek. NOTE: The IMDB page is not fully complete. I do the data entry along with my hundreds of other tasks. But you can see many of the great artists behind this project and the two trailer previews.

IMDB Link: (Trailers included)


It is beyond hard work to pull all this together. We’re not perfect, we’re still looking for a few items misplaced post shoot, including a uniform dropped off at Wild Haven and a camp banner. If anyone reading this from our team knows anything please do let me know. Otherwise, we’ll have to spend some time searching about once we arrive for the premiere. Our director/producers team will be represented along with a few of the cast and crew making the journey in December. Many from Michigan will wait until we do a premiere here after Algona.

THE QUEST TRILOGY – Welcome to the holidays! We just announced last week how WILD FAITH, surpassed six million views on our distributors ENCOURAGE TV. We’re proud to say the first film in the trilogy just passed 2 million views on ENCOURAGE TV, so we thank you. We hope that you take the time to continue a growing tradition and watch or rewatch the trilogy with your family.

With Veterans Day approaching, we’re putting some promotion together. Several #TribeCDI films have our fine military at the heart of the story.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, MANS BEST FRIEND, WILD FAITH as well as WICKED SPRING, recently released on HD streaming at Encourage TV. AN ORDINARY KILLER, like Wicked Spring needs to be re-conformed and also put to HD for a 2023 release. This process is much needed to allow films to stay out there in the marketplace. Take a watch on these films when time allows. Technology moves on-

This process on prepping for re-release is time consuming and difficult when you have some many present properties to deal with. But you just keep chipping away and get the work done. I’ve been chipping away, getting GHOST TOWN, ready for a new release.


We’re also trying to organize all the past masters. Again technology moves on and you can easily fall behind. This new gathering of easy access masters will allow new trailers and promos to be cut. I’ll be prepping for an end of year dispersement on films and getting ready for end-of-year taxes. We have some new promo for CDI also underway. We’ll also be updating the CDI website http://www.cdiproductions.com


I’m looking forward to doing a script meeting this week to comb through and make some final corrections and adjustments. Once this is complete, we will more into more active casting. We will also start sitting down with proposed keys in the first of the new year. I’m excited to start more pre-production work in the coming year. We’ll have a new PR release coming soon on this project.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH brand might have a new documentary coming together for 2023. We’ve also got several spin off ideas beyond the new documentary. I hope to have a sit down this week over some of that. DVD’s are now available and so coaches get your copy. The response to the doc was awesome but not unexpected. It was missing – history, the ties that bind. And it was presented in a very moving and entertaining way. I had several people tell me that teared up and/or cries while watching. Why? Watch and you will see. Passion. Everyone speaking on the doc offers passion and knowledge. This rises above the differences and relishes in the uniting love of Catch or history, as it is. I’m proud of it. Proud of our small team. Proud of the sponsors who stepped up and made it happen.

WRAP UP – I did bottle up the Frankenberry R and Frankenberry B for raspberry or blueberry wine, used in the final conditioning in the bottles. The harvest has been good to many this year and our chickens are keeping pace with eggs even with diminished daylight. I’m going to go gather up a few branches, right the windmill which blew over, and clean up the yard. I’m looking forward to seeing some family and friends later. I’ll get the wood stove roaring. I might chop some more wood. Everything, even writing here with you, helps me to summarize and visualize what I have to do this forthcoming week. I’ll be curious to see how AFM treated a few of our properties. We will have more massive strides in our SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, post work. Developmental script work! It is a time of celebration and hard work. This week illustrated that when busy and challenged, the present is the best focus of your energy. Past and Future have their time in reflection but can slow down ‘in the moment’ reaction time. Often resulting in a missed opportunity.

My last note- this is from DJ the actor. He has been at rest while DJ the businessman, producer and writer, drive the ship. I, like many of my ‘acting inflicted’ friends have that call to- ‘become’ and embody a character, weaving a lesson and story from the performance. I do miss this on camera sharing, but I can say that the energy continues to manifest, filmed or not. I’ve been back and forth over a proposed talk show, BY THE FIRE. IF, and that is a big IF because I like to keep my private aspects and not have them add nor take away from characters. But, I was inspired by podcasts? like Mike Tyson Hotboxing. Between Two Ferns, is pretty damn funny too. But good conversations. At the fort, many great talks happen, but that is sacred space, freedom, creative ideas. I would never put that under a microscope. Technology can be friend or foe. It is while they have artists retreats because people get away from nature. Connecting. I’ve helped many break an addiction of sorts with technology. You do not obey the phone the phone obeys you. It is a tool. Gather what you need to do and do it in a condensed time. After that put it down. Disconnect. It is powerful and freeing and it has helped many to be more productive and interactive people. That effects all your relationships business and personal. We will see, said the wise man. I’m going to check out of this technology. Refill the hazelnut coffee and go outside. Have a great day and week ahead.

Coffee Cheers!


TEN Updates – Silent Night in Algona (trailer), Development Updates, Tips, Advance Notices-

Sipping the hazelnut coffee on this fine October morning. We have had a last spurt of warm and midweek it is suppose to go chilly again. Yesterday, I got my final mow on the yard. We harvested the last of the plants including a few more decorative gourds. I’ve been cutting and splitting wood for the winter ahead. Yesterday afternoon we got to have a nice outside fall gathering with my brother and his family. Pumpkin carving, apple crisp, cider and soccer plus add in a bit of leaf fun. I love this season!

Our development of the film projects continues on. Let’s look at a few of the updates from last week.

  1. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – is a wonderful feature length doc that fills in the missing history of this grappling art. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. It was presented by the leading authorities in such an entertaining way. The DVD is open to pre-order now for a Nov 1st release and/or you can rent/buy it now. https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/amzn1.dv.gti.3bc38d35-d79e-49e9-82a6-e87ff63b4040?autoplay=0&ref_=atv_cf_strg_wb
  2. BEST YEARS GONE is another release from this year. An award winning dramedy that will make you laugh, cry and ponder. You can buy/rent from here – https://www.amazon.com/Best-Years-Gone-Lana-Wood/dp/B09R4KDXGJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2JUJIK4KVPU9K&keywords=best+years+gone&qid=1666530725&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjIzIiwicXNhIjoiMC45OSIsInFzcCI6IjEuMjUifQ%3D%3D&s=instant-video&sprefix=best+years+gone%2Cinstant-video%2C118&sr=1-1 – And…if you want to read an in-depth review, you can do so here – https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fronnielee.rocks%2Fbest-years-gone-movie-review-by-ronnie-lee%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1AL4lf8DCIxzPwRgU-0p4je7kNIFHj1KfKNw0avyDR25NjxRbbRkvawvM&h=AT0-ucPZlOsNalVICvt7_1cyBe5Gh38thIaNrYSscZu5PfJ70KPxjGT2vokU2piIUPgdERcaa3G2t1PFyH1CpyLmJpbn6c-l00Dv0qMxMNVs3vxrnDIUbiH4CmtNVUP-wVieTKcYrnFuQcaf1SQufAg&tn=H-R&c[0]=AT3LjCNz1EGR425orlMSHaN9h6RT070C39M9yk8LNKiwmb8xkHJ-aw1wuBh55Vu6UebSWPuIOzGWKGvAs1kKXmjL3gsizF9MOoNfAChhLVI9r8o5LkYvVlMzXhTf-aEQ_wsBEqsiKqbs1ySEMZXHpocAEHuNgyPWmrpbF0Xlme0Q-rNUmz6gfir3gikxLQqgJW3Llr1VjV90qkC9YRZs6moJ – We look forward to your reviews too!
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – This is the last project for us to finish and release this year. We’ve sent an email to our cast and crew asking any of the team planning to attend the Dec 9th Fridley Theatre premiere in Algona, Iowa to RSVP by Nov 1st. We’ve got a list going and every ticket will be gone. Once we get RSVP’s on cast and crew we will start looking at extras. For those not part of the Iowa premiere – it will play to the public that night and for two plus weeks pending demand. We will also be setting up a Michigan premiere in the hometown of our director Anthony Hornus. This will be at the NCG theatre in Owosso. We might play the week after the Iowa or jump to after Christmas if we get too close. I know Celebration Cinema will be bringing it to Lansing and Grand Rapids. We will be looking to play the Detroit area and would love to have a Hollywood run. The film is looking and sounding amazing thanks to the hard work of Dennis Therrian. The VFX and color grading is getting close to done. Mid November we’ll be pulling all the elements together into a final film. Some exciting news, I saw the rough cut of the new trailer on Friday. I am so proud of all are artists and cannot wait for people to see.
  4. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE – I’m so very excited that the #TribeCDI will be moving from one epic period piece to another. We have been preparing documents to assist in bringing onboard our product partners and sponsors. Our scouting trip was very successful last week. While a few days may be shot on the actual island we need interiors and such that we can control. We also need to not be dependent on a ferry or the few stores on a small island. So movie magic will be happening but it will all be shot in Michigan. We had some great meetings this last week and we’ll be making some exciting announcements soon. One of those exciting announcements just might be our director. I will be starting the writer/director script polish this week. Once I sign off it is up to the director and talent. We will be shooting in October of 2023! We are already hard at work.
  5. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE is in script development. I am happy to say that I’m about 1/3 of the way through the first draft. There is a lot of research with this project and that is something I’ve immensely enjoyed. It has been an intense journey and the drama of it all is brutal and enlightening. I’ve had several times that after writing for a few hours I had to go work my hands in the dirt for a while. I will have my first draft by Jan 1st and from there we will start to look at production development.
  6. WILD FAITH just passed the 6 million mark on Encourage TV. This will can be found on countless platforms to enjoy. We have many fall themed films from SMOKE & MIRRORS, BESTSELLER, LOST HEART, BEST YEARS GONE and MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND. Enjoy them all with your family! Thank you for all the fan mail about these titles! Amazon Prime has most all of them.
  7. I had a great call out of the blue about another film project. This call took me back almost to the very beginning. A project that was in development many moons ago has interest and a proposed budget. This film is in the horror-genre with a large dose of mystery/investigation at the heart. Discussions were on how things have changed in the 25-30 years production-wise. I gave my interest in moving these talks forward. It takes time to develop things so the earlier you can start the better. More on this project if it becomes active. By active, I mean funded:)
  8. That is not the only project that was discussed in development this week. Following the release of FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, our team is discussing both another doc feature and a feature film. In the wake of projects I always get a rush of pitches on scripts and projects. I tell my tribal folks to be ready for this rush. It can be a time killer 95% of the time. People are wanting badly in this industry and it can be truly maddening. Every outsider is a variable that can rock the boat. It is why we are so careful with how we build our projects and with whom. Life is too short to be wasting time. If you have a funded project we might look at it but we are at no lack of stories, scripts or endeavors. I can say with confidence that we’ll be doing more docs in the FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH series. Thank you to everyone who has supported the first one. It is really powerful and informative and I’m proud of it. Take a watch!
  9. This week I’m going to be sending KNIGHT CHILLS materials off to the Blu-Ray folks and check on the up-rez and progress on the new Ghost Town trailer. Both should be available next year as HD and streaming. After those get underway we will be working on FIGURE IN THE FOREST and AN ORDINARY KILLER. Classics:)
  10. PONDERING/TIPS/OPINION – This week was interesting due to various conversations. As we start the process of looking towards future projects, sometimes as far ahead as two or three projects, we examine ENERGY. Positive energy manifests in how people are in their day-to-day. There are people who are just always a joy to be around. They make a journey enjoyable. They are CAN DO people not CANNOT do people. They look at the glass half FULL versus half EMPTY. They work hard and EARN the opportunities, by giving their BEST EFFORT. I laugh to myself when I hear some people think they’ve paid enough dues and they are deserving of….it would be like a martial artist telling the sensei when they feel ready to test for a belt. These positive people don’t seek short cuts or to get ahead by stepping on others. That is a VERY common thing is the outside world for sure. While common there, it doesn’t thrive here at CDI. Some people are just not cut out for long form media like movies. They do better with smaller, simple short format endeavors. Or they cannot positively interact with people for that many weeks. I heard someone else make a statement that they will deal with whatever for the sake of using some artists, even if they are negative and a pain. They can have them! I will take a positive, good person with talent and develop that versus drag some negative person along. It is about the journey and not just the art. Ideally you want both but the journey will be long remembered. So work with good people you like. Develop the people who respect and have gratitude for the opportunity. We have big things ahead and so we want to develop our team even stronger. Lots of things happening behind the scenes. Just be that person that producers want to have on board.

I want thank everyone again for stopping by. Subscribe here and perhaps our website http://www.cdiproductions.com and our CDI Youtube channel. I love that you all come from various places around the globe. I’m going to finish up here and do a few more things around the yard and get ready for a busy week ahead. I hope you take all these updates as an inspiration of what a group of artists can achieve when they work together in a positive manner. Have a great week and be good to one another!

Coffee Cheers!


Milestones, New Releases and Forthcoming Films

Good Monday morning! Coffee cheers. I’m sitting here by the fire taking this moment to catch you all up on the events of last week. This is coming a day late because we were traveling this past weekend location scouting on HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE. Read all about it here-


It is always about finding the right locations and also being able to house a small army. We found many cool locations that will work really well. Now, it is about trying to make the logistics work. We’ve also been looking at various people to creatively lead this endeavor. I think we might be close to a decision on that front. So many various factors, but luckily we have a good amount of prep time to really make this project the best it can be.

Let’s look at some of the other great updates from last week.

  1. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH is now out on Amazon Prime streaming and pre-orders for the DVD. I will note here that it will likely only be available in the US/Canada until foreign licensing deals are completed. Here is the STREAMING link: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Catch-Curran-Jacobs/dp/B0B66675TF/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2AEIBFJZ378AE&keywords=for+the+love+of+catch&qid=1666013447&s=movies-tv&sprefix=%2Cdvd%2C257&sr=1-1
  2. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH dvd pre-order (releases 11/01/2022) order here: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Catch-DVD-Curran-Jacobs/dp/B0BH96VCDX/ref=sr_1_1?crid=27FM530ET1NRL&keywords=for+the+love+of+catch+DVD&qid=1666013557&s=movies-tv&sprefix=for+the+love+of+catch+dvd%2Cmovies-tv%2C81&sr=1-1

3) SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – We have one last big release this year. This week we’ll be working on setting up the MI premiere showing (targeting Dec 17th timeframe) likely at the NCG Theatre in our director Anthony Hornus home town. But before that we’re looking at the Iowa premiere. We’ll be sending out a communication to see if any of the out of state cast or crew plan to travel in to Iowa. Most will likely wait for the MI premiere. But for the Iowa folks we are soon to announce the initial Iowa premiere with a theatrical run that will follow. The first draft of the German translation came in. The credit lists are being put together. There is always that person with bad handwriting or a sincere mistake whereas a name is forgotten or misspelled. We try to NOT have this happen but usually we have a couple every film because of so many people. The new theatrical trailer is also being worked upon. I’ll be checking on that progress along with music and sound. I’m so excited to show the world this film. It will play theaters into 2023 and it will roll out to home video later in 2023.

4) WILD FAITH: Hastings still might find the right partners for season one. The film WILD FAITH reached a milestone on Encourage TV passing 6 million views. With 20 million plus overall views in 2020, I’m curious what our overall is. We’ve also added NBC/Peacock to our distribution partners. I’ve got reports of it playing on TV in several places. Thank you to all the fans who have made this film a favorite. WATCH IT HERE: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B07QBJ6VPX/ref=atv_dp_cnc_1_1

5) My writing on SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, has been going great. I’m about a third of the way through my first draft. I’m really loving how its all coming together. It is going to be a powerful story to bring to the screen for sure. I’m looking forward to getting many more scenes written this week.

6) Even more nice notes on SMOKE & MIRRORS, a short concept film we released for free to our fans at CDI. Take a watch, perfect for the season. WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qcobe1eng0&feature=emb_logo

7) Speaking of great films for the fall season here is another, BESTSELLER (Rated R for language ands intensity) WATCH HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Bestseller-Melissa-Anschutz/dp/B09YH7X3RY/ref=sr_1_7?crid=37AI5S5XFR8XI&keywords=Bestseller&qid=1666015806&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjAzIiwicXNhIjoiMC44MyIsInFzcCI6IjEuNjUifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=bestselle%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-7

8) If scary isn’t your bag but you still love the fall films we have several more. BEST YEARS GONE was shot this time of year. I had some great fan mail on this movie over the weekend. Take a watch and see if you agree that it is one fun ride! WATCH HERE: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B09R4KDXGJ/ref=atv_dp_cnc_2_1

9) LOST HEART is a fall favorite with fans of the CDI films. It can also be found on some platforms as BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS. You can WATCH IT HERE: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B08LNX9N2L/ref=atv_dp_cnc_0_0

10) MANS BEST FRIEND – This film with a focus on out veterans and dogs, continues to grow an amazing audience. I got to meet more fans recently of this powerful film. As it gets cold and you’re forced inside, check this film out. WATCH HERE: https://www.amazon.com/MBF-Mans-Friend-DJ-Perry/dp/B07XFZRYYS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2S3KB5EYUF2I1&keywords=mbf+mans+best+friend&qid=1666016440&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjQ3IiwicXNhIjoiMC45MiIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&s=instant-video&sprefix=MBF+%2Cinstant-video%2C99&sr=1-1


I’m excited to get at the week of work. I’ve almost unpacked from the scouting weekend. I’ve got a series of calls and emails and after I hope to get some good screenwriting in. The morning coffee is now done and I’m going to get on with the week. If you watch or have watched any of the TribeCDI films please do leave a review on http://www.imdb.com and/or the Amazon reviews. I just fueled up on venison steak and our eggs and now I’m ready. I hope you all have an amazing week and I’ll chat with you all again on Sunday.

Coffee Cheers!


SNEAK PEEK B4 PR RELEASE- Official Pre-Production, Updates (Silent Night in Algona) and more…

Spain, Ireland, Iraq are where some of our readers hail from. Hazelnut coffee cheers from chilly Michigan. Fall is in full effect and I’ve been working to get the property ready for winter. I’ve been using the wood stove for meetings already so chopping and cutting wood has been a priority. I’ve been trimming the mulberry trees which grew out of control. Last night I used the smoker and cooked venison steak and acorn squash. The steaks were awesome and there is much left over which will be used for steak and eggs and/or venison steak chili. The egg production has slowed but not stopped as the weather has gotten colder. I had the pleasure of watching my niece and nephew play another soccer match together. They are getting the basics of the game down and it is fun to watch them. I will likely do one final mow of the yard once the leaves all fall. They are still hanging on and many changing into beautiful colors. I truly do love this time of year. My alumni MSU is having a hard go of it this year in football. Let’s see how the Detroit Lions do this week. Okay, onto some film updates.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – We had a most excellent premiere showing in the NCG theatre in Owosso, MI. After was a great fall afterglow at Romas. Excellent pizza and hard cider were on deck. Some pictures were taken and everyone really seems to have loved the film. It played awesome on the big screen. 10/4/22 is the date when home video could start releasing. The DVD pre-sale site for 11/1/22 is up on Amazon but we are waiting for the streaming rent/buy link to go live. Several DVD pre-sale sites are popping up at many other record/DVD shops, just search “For the Love of Catch” and “DVD” and BAM! If you had a chance to watch the film at the premiere feel free to post a review on the http://www.imdb.com (For the Love of Catch). Hoopla which is the national library system for streaming films is carrying the documentary. We have been waiting, not-so-patiently for the Amazon release.

Another great update is that we met the other day about what will be next for the FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, and I think we have a great idea for the next documentary film. I’ll be gathering a few choice sponsors over the winter and we’ll plan to shoot in the Spring. Who knows, documentary might not be the only thing we are planning. Stay tune and definitely check out the film when time allows. You will not be disappointed. Educational and entertaining to be sure.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – One more film to release this year. Our WW2 Christmas film is now in music and sound design. The color grading is complete and the VFX are still be worked on. We’ll see a hint of that VFX work in the new theatrical trailer, being edited. We’ve been working on setting up the premiere in Algona, Iowa, the 2nd weekend in December. We plan to have a special premiere screening in Owosso, MI again at the NCG Owosso. Likely another afterglow although not on a patio, a tad cold by that time. The Iowa showing will have the theatrical run starting there immediately after the premiere. We plan to meet and greet folks at the VFW and share in their excitement.

I plan to start looking at a few event showings for the film. A few select festivals, but some might not like that we’ve played, or we are playing in theaters. I really want to see it play in Germany. We’ve been having the German dialog translated for the subtitles. I got some of the best news possible by the older German folks helping with this task. The thing is that for many Germans, that time period is not something they enjoy watching. Over and over they’ve been painted as all being Nazi’s which is not true. This film doesn’t sugarcoat anything but it also gives a fresh and new perspective. But the film brought tears to our translator and that speaks volumes about the story we have.

We’ve been in the studio enjoying the new sound design and music which just takes everything to another level. It is truly amazing that we took history and we truly bring it to life. In mid November our editor/VFX supervisor will be coming into Michigan to work with our team in assembling the final film. We will book into as many film theaters that will have us and once we ride that into 2023, as we said prior, we’ve play a few festivals. After that, it’s the big run up to the home video 2023 release. A truly powerful film that will likely become a classic.

WILD FAITH – Speaking of classics in the making. We’ll be announcing a new benchmark with our family classic Wild Faith. In 2020 we tried to work with the distributor to add up/estimate the number of views (minus broadcast TV which is in full swing). They estimated 20 million views, with the distributors Encourage TV having about 4 million views itself. Well that number now is 6 million views! So just that one platform has been getting about 1 million views a year. If all these platforms increased we could be looking at 40 million plus. We will continue to try and put the pieces in play for the WILD FAITH: Hastings TV series, but we’ve got several projects lining up in front of us.

THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) – Speaking of classics in the making. Starting Nov 1st we’ll be pushing this amazing series of films. The three films have been growing year by year increasing their audience. They are not preachy and just try to give a unique perspective to events often described in a few short sentences. They are inspirational and uplifting and provoke us to deep thought and contemplation. For many the watching of the three films has become a tradition. Make it one of yours.

This is also down syndrome month and I’m so proud of my brother from another mother Josh Perry. You can see him in THE CHRIST SLAYER where he is absolutely a gem. And as if he couldn’t get any better, BAM! LOST HEART also known as BIGFOOT, UFOS AND JESUS really showcases the comedic talents of Josh Perry. If you have a child with Down syndrome I would advise watching these films. I’ve seen the look in the eyes of a young child with DS admiring Josh and his work. You can see the mental limitations melt away and that is a beautiful thing.

Thank you to the fans of MBF: Man’s Best Friend who have made their love of this film known. To answer a common question I get- Will there be a sequel to MBF? First, I’ll say with how we left Paul, he’s just doing his time and it is not on the books. I’ve only played one character twice and that was JESUS in Forty Nights and The Christ Slayer. But, I will say that a rough treatment for a sequel does exist. Currently, I have my hands full with writing endeavors and CDI is about to officially announce the pre-production of our next feature film.

Here is the advance promo teaser for CDI’s next feature film. Adapted by your’s truly from another truly special book by Karl Manke. We will be releasing this pic and PR about the new project. Our team is location scouting this next coming weekend. I just might have some great pics to share next Sunday. I won’t write too much here and just leave it as a tease since we have PR releasing this week.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – This is the powerful story I’ve been researching and putting into script form. I’m well into the first act of this story and I’m very happy with how it’s flowing. A few scenes so powerful, I had to walk away for a bit after writing it. I’ll be looking to have a teaser poster created for this project so I have a battle flag of sorts. It is just such an honor to be able to save this event in history and ultimately bring it back to life on the screen. I’ll be done with a first draft in a few weeks. I’m just really enjoying the journey.

WRAP UP – I hope you all continue to enjoy the fall season. We’ve had several folks respond to the CDI treat, not a trick- of the full short SMOKE & MIRRORS, being gifted to all of you. Take a watch and let us know your thoughts. It will be a great feature film in the future.

I’m going to go do a few things around the yard. We are planning to attend a flea market. Watch the Lions battle. Maybe some more writing on Spirit Lake Massacre and a locations list for Harsens Island Revenge. It’s the full moon so watch out:) I’ll chat with you all next week. Until, be good to one another.

Coffee Cheers!


Fall Welcome! Gifts, Premieres, Development Updates – the Art of Visualization

I’m sipping on the hazelnut coffee on this chilly Michigan morning. Thank you to all our international friends stopping by to join us. The journey of an artist is not always easy but it is fulfilling for the heart. I had many great meetings this past week. Things have been so busy I’ve been purposely trying to stagger some of the PR announcements.

SMOKE & MIRRORS – As a gift to our #TribeCDI loyal we’ve released our short film to kick off the fall season. If you like old creepy houses, seances and ghosts – this might be of interest. It is a free watch and will also allow you to subscribe and also watch some of the other CDI behind the scenes, teasers, trailers, interviews and other fun stuff. Read about it and watch free here – https://www.prlog.org/12933702-collective-development-inc-gifts-smoke-mirrors-to-open-the-fallhalloween-season.html?fbclid=IwAR1lkaiYFTtMYzztYdZcrSABPo7QSgy9OILLH3h1w5ihU1iDn2ctPJaGFCs

You can go to the http://www.imdb.com page for this film and leave us your thoughts. We will turn it into a feature one of these winters.


CDI’s 4th release of the year is upon us with our feature length documentary film, FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH. It is playing two shows one night only at the Owosso, NCG theatre at 6pm and 8:15pm with an afterglow at Romas restaurant next door, following the 6pm show. It will release to home video via Deskpop Entertainment on 10/4/2022 on Amazon Prime and several other streaming platforms.


This is in director/host Curran Jacobs home town of Owosso, MI and we’ll be there to meet and greet. After I would advise adding this DVD to your collection. Also feel free to go to the http://www.imdb.com page and leave your thoughts.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – We’ve been working hard to set up the premiere and following theatrical runs starting in December. We are going to have the first showing in Algona and have been working to land the right place. The local theaters would be the best showing and we’re working on that avenue after the largest seating venue was shown to be lacking in the proper equipment to screen it. We want to have a nice night for those involved and after the general public will start getting their first look.

Music and sound design is fully engaged and this week will be checking on the German subtext and VFX progress. A theatrical trailer is being worked on and should be complete mid October in time to start playing some theaters and to screen at AFM in November. So many things to pull together and luckily we have great help and support from our friends in Iowa. COMING SOON!

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE – This is the film that I delayed PR on but you’ll get your fill soon enough. We’re meeting weekly on this next film shooting in Fall 2023. We’re planning some scouting trips and we’ll be sitting down with various keys in the coming months. It is nice to have this extra time to plan and we’ll be using it. The roaring 20’s in Michigan is about to get the CDI treatment.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – Included in the forthcoming PR is the announcement of my new script assignment. This story again focuses on a real event in 1800’s Iowa history. FADE IN – the script is underway and I’ll be completed by the years end. I’ll have a first draft before that but I like to really polish a story up. This is looking to film likely in 2023/2024 timeframe after the filming of Harsens mentioned above.

As the cold settles in, more film watching will happen. As the holiday season looms more CDI films will expand into new networks. The Quest Trilogy, MBF, Lost Heart, Wild Faith and now Bestseller, Best Years Gone…how many have you seen? A favorite? How many times have you watched it? Thank you for all the fan mail. Keep it coming. We love to hear from you, the audiences.

I can say with CDI taking a break from production to get all these films released proper – I am missing in front of the camera. Doing a few days or a week here or there might be fun but the role has to connect. I turned down a few roles this year. It is important that I connect with the character and I want the quality of the project to be there. So, my energy will be focused on finishing, pre-production, development and screenwriting. But it does have me thinking on agents and managers. I’ve had several over the years from the top agencies to the smaller boutique agency. Results and understanding you as an artists makes all the difference. We’ll see said the wise man.

I did have a good talk last week that could have me helping to produce a few new music videos. We had a few that we did this year (Vertical Bridge – Off to the Races & Deepfall – Revolution) check them out on Youtube! I still want to explore releasing LP albums on some of the soundtracks. I just bought another one yesterday at a sale – CASINO ROYALE (James Bond).

Visualization – I meditate and practice visualization of goals or guidance. One of the fun things I collect is HAI KARATE aftershave and such from the 70’s. It is what Gil Gilles splashes on his face before trying to get his Sylvia back in BEST YEARS GONE. Anyway, I’m at an estate sale where I like to seek props. I came up from a basement that was like a time capsule. I ‘felt’ something and was drawn to the back of the house. There in a bath was a brand new Hai Karate 3 piece gift pack! I need to visualize on something greater perhaps but what JOY I had. I love to visualize with fire, be it a candle or a fire in the stove. Tonight. There will be fire!

Another HUGE update was dear friend Dane who took a day and helped install a new bath floor, toilet and vanity with new sink and fixtures. We were about to do all this when Covid hit and we started to try our luck but…electricity and water are two things I don’t like to mess with. One day with a Shepherds Pie lunch and that bath got done. A foresee a little something extra special for Dane this year at Christmastime. Here is my public thanks to Dane. We all have skills and handyman is not my strongest.

I’ve got some business underway in Yuma, AZ area as the first of the CDI library is being prepped for 2023 release. Ghost Town, is being digitally enhanced and we’re prepping for a very special release with Deskpop Entertainment in the near future. But we also had several conversations about some collaborative projects to shoot once again in AZ.

Knight Chills is the other film about to be digitally enhanced for a special Blu-ray release and a streaming release again with Desktop Entertainment. FIGURE IN THE FOREST and AN ORDINARY KILLER will be on the list to enhance and re-release to new audiences.

There you have it. Some of the weeks best updates. I’m excited by the week ahead. My alumni MSU made a poor showing yesterday in football. My hope is the LIONS can pull another win today. Some more great meetings this week including friend/co-star Taylor Nichols. Come Sat of next week I’ll be watching FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH on the big screen followed by a tall Killian’s Red. But for now, coffee cheers! I’m going to get a refill and get some things done on this wonderful Sunday.

Until next week, be good to one another.


Home Video Release Dates, Festival Premieres and More…

Hello my friends. I’m writing a bulk of this the night prior due to an out of town family breakfast. The picture up top is from SMOKE & MIRRORS. It is a fun steampunk, Houdini-inspired short film taken from a feature script. It reunited director Nathaniel Nose and Director of Photography Jesse Aragon from ‘The Christ Slayer, ‘ shot in Yuma, AZ. This upcoming weekend Sat 30th, it will play as part of a block of shorts (Will start 5pm or shortly after) at the MotorCity Nightmares convention in Novi. It is a cool film and gives a wonderful preview of what the feature film will be like.

SPEEDING into lap 3 (week 3) and BEST YEARS GONE seems to be picking up speed. Today was yet another great character interview featuring the one and only Melissa Anschutz. She is talking ‘Mandy,’ and her experience in filming. If you liked her sass in “Lost Heart” you will definitely enjoy Mandy’s um… toughness.

Join us on Facebook and watch all the interviews – here’s Melissa


Alright – more updates…it has been a busy week.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – we are still hoping for the Toronto Film Festival premiere. But while we wait I can tell you that a hometown showing in Owosso, MI is in discussion after the Toronto dates. But for those who won’t be able to attend our handful of event showings we have good news. Deskpop Entertainment has confirmed that the Transactional VOD (buy/rent digital) date is Oct 4th, 2022 on Amazon Prime and many major platforms that we’ll announce in the coming weeks. Ad-based VOD starts Jan, 02, 2023 which is like Tubi and other watch free with ads. I need to circle back about DVD’s and see what the plan is there. But, very soon the world will see an entertaining and highly informative documentary featuring true pioneers, diverse, but united in their love of the art of PUT UP or SHUT up. The fragmented history of grappling is pieced back together and will be used to preserve the tradition and history for generations to come. I am very proud of this project. Poster art for the release is also starting to be discussed.

BESTSELLER – Join us at the Facebook site – this film holds a special place for anyone who has written and worked the steep slope of mainstream submissions and literary agents. That is the only hint I will give but it blurs the lines between protagonist and antagonist. This is a watch a night film, enjoy. Amazon Prime easiest place to watch but several are out there.


If you watched the film leave a review at http://www.imdb.com page or the platform (Example: Amazon)

MAN’S BEST FRIEND and WILD FAITH have been adding new platforms such as PeacockTV. I’ve had questions on sequels to both films. Speaking of MBF I think I will be seeing the one and only Austin Two Feathers. He played my cell mate Buddy. He’s a brilliant actor and a great friend. WILD FAITH will likely experience a sequel as a TV series, WILD FAITH: Hastings. We’ve had some initial interest and are in talks on how all the pieces would work.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The film is looking so incredible. I’ve been working to digest everything after watching the director/editor cut of the film. After very few notes, we’re soon to head into a final polish before we have a picture lock. What this means is that the timeline of edited scenes is locked so that music and sound design can begin. Color correction can begin but we might wait until the VFX scenes are complete. My exact words were, “I’m impressed, but not surprised” -upon watching the film cut. The dedication that went into every performance and crew best effort could be seen on screen. I felt on the edge of emotion in several places (Bohdi) and laughed often, but beyond that, I saw real history being passed down, recorded within a story.

As the screenwriter it was one experience – the pride of capturing this town’s wonderful event. Also enlightening Americans and Germans alike to the history of the PW’s in the heartlands. As a producer, you work with your team tirelessly. Most times, cast and crew busy capturing the onset magic don’t know of the problems solved, nor should they. Distractions equal time wasted and when fighting for daylight- giddy up. Listen, our CDI crews from what I see, are proud of our stories. They’re proud to have participated in that particular adventure in storytelling. Our artists work hard, mentally too because we’re often creating other time periods. You have to be part historian not just an artist. As an actor, I saw my dad, in my role. My hair is now longer and my face shaggy, so the clean-cut, example-setter for the PW camp, Col Lodell, was quite shocking to me onscreen. But EVERYONE really brought their characters to life on-screen. I love watching actors soar. They need a strong script, good set environment and they need equally dedicated and passionate artists to live the scenes with.

The crafting of the scenes is where Nathaniel Nose and Tony Hornus get all kinds of credit. The story is moving, powerful in its exploring of emotions from the perspective of the town, the guards, the PW’s and the Tietz family. I WISH Rance Howard could have been here to see this film done. Heck. He never saw the final THE CHRIST SLAYER. But what I always felt was a powerful story, a strong script – well executed under harsh conditions by an incredible crew. Daniel Chipman, gave us some amazing images, capturing those powerful performances. I will say that when I watched it, I was again proud that we’re going to release another CDI film with a lot of heart, truth and beautiful style befitting the times presented. We are looking at a December 10th theatrical premiere in Algona, Iowa. We’re working to extend the run at that chain and others across Iowa for the weeks that follow. We’ll likely do a theatrical run in Michigan also and beyond that we’ll have to see. It will play theatrical and festival for a few months into 2023 and we’ll start to prep it for a Christmas 2023 home video run up. Which usually means Nov 1st as soon as those ghosts and goblins kick off. I’m so tempted to share the official theatrical poster now but that will come this week with a press release. I’m going to call it good perhaps having missed an update or two. Today following last nights storm and no morning power put me behind. But have have a great week and we’ll have more to talk about next week.

Coffee Cheers!


Sails UP, FULL Ahead- Picture Locks, Post Updates and NEW Releases

The hazelnut coffee is flowing and we’re getting the morning rolling. Welcome to the new readers from Colombia, Ireland, France and more. It’s a small world after all over here at our ‘clawing our way to the middle’ blog. This past week was nice weather mostly and the little rain we had was well received by the plants. Our soccer game was a good one adding another win but its really about the awesome workout. The berries are still kicking in full fashion. I eat handfuls each day and the animals have also been enjoying them. The hops are starting to form and the garden plants are starting to have blooms and a few even fruit.


  1. BEST YEARS GONE had a great first week trending and giving us a great kick off. You can watch it at any of the places above and more each week. Leave us a review also and let us know if you had any favorite parts. We’re going to keep releasing a few actor videos every few days talking about their characters and the experience of filming with CDI. Here is the most recent a pair of talented young ladies – https://www.facebook.com/Bestyearsgonemovie/videos/1516086865477412
  2. BESTSELLER – the lake and the haunting sounds of loons. A crackling fire and…this great adult fiction by Christopher Knight aka to the children as Jonathan Rand, is available to rent or own. Shot in beautiful Michigan it is R rated for language and intensity. A great watch, not alone. Many of the same platforms as listed for BEST YEARS GONE above.
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – A wonderful community who opened their hearts and trusted us in telling the story of their town. We will be showcasing some beautiful new poster art here soon. And next week the first edit of the film will be watched for any final suggestions. Once any last changes are done it will be a locked picture. Music and sound design have been prepping for weeks. Playing with compositions and building the sound library. VFX continues and we will have more videos showing this amazing process. A new theatrical trailer will start to be cut after our showing next week. They have been outlining ideas for a while and so we have lots of exciting things ahead for this movie. We are targeting a first theatrical premiere Dec 10th, in Algona, Iowa. We hope to expand the theatrical across the midwest where most of these camps were for several weeks. We’ll look at a few festivals maybe even one in Germany, Italy and a few other countries. Too early to announce anything but it looks like CDI will be making more travels to Iowa to bring more stories to the screen.
  4. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – We are still waiting to see if we get into Toronto Film Festival. There is a great wrestling tradition throughout Canada and so it would be awesome to premiere there. But it will be coming to living rooms and phones this fall. I don’t want to announce yet until these dates are locked. But let’s just say that the ‘Great Pumpkin’ might also be making an appearance in this same month. The awesome releases for CDI keep coming and this one is still forthcoming. The wait will be worth it and I’m proud to have been a part in filling in this history.
  5. July 30th, be in your seat at 5:00 pm to be ready for the festival/convention premiere of SMOKE & MIRRORS at the Motor City Nightmares in Novi, MI. I’ve been to Comic Cons (Thank you Nathan Quinn) but never a horror festival. I have gotten a kick out of the collector’s talk of looking for ‘Dead Alive’ VHS titles like IN THE WOODS and KNIGHT CHILLS.
  6. Speaking of KNIGHT CHILLS. I just got the full rights from author David Hayes (Thank you David) and we might look into a small form reprint and an audio book. You all know a video game is in development. The BluRay deal is signed and will be coming. We are doing some cool things for the packaging. The sequel (funny I’ve written three) is still in development. I’ve had multiple creative groups (fans usually) of the movie present various ideas to incorporate. I’m keeping myself open- Knight Chills itself was us trying to make a movie (our 1st) and was a loving nod to all the cool stuff that Jeff & Juanita Kennedy and I were inspired by. I think for the sequel you could go too polished and perhaps miss what made the first one so special. It needs to be a nod, but stand on its own two feet. It is all fun. That is the secret to Knight Chills, fun. And could a Knight Chills TV series be as cool as Stranger Things? More storytelling potential versus a feature film.
  7. HOT ROD LOVE working hard to get the last of the funding in place so this can film in our favorite fall/end of the year spot. It works for the story and I like the temps versus humid. Had some great communication with some of the targeted talent. Mister Terence Knox, will have a great role in this film that really showcases his humor. He is playing my father, the track owner. Oh, hell. The clothes, the music and the groove, CDI is gonna go to the 70’s. Seek out our FB site and post some of your favorite 70’s photos. We have some classic images there.
  8. WILD FAITH: HASTINGS – We just might have our first backer interested. Still a bit to work out concerning details, but we’ve done previous business, so that helps. That just might allow us to start the engines and start planning the first few shows of the eight part season one.
  9. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE – The first draft of the script is done. I will collect some feedback and do a second draft. After that we’ll start with active development. Broad location scouting as already begun. This will be a fun film to make fall of next year.
  10. Thank you to all the CDI FANS. I really want to thank everyone, especially those who have taken the time to express via a post, emails…(a million other ways) how our films spoke to you. Often beyond a few sit-in theatrical showings, we don’t get to hear the giggles or see the tears. With several CDI films with views in the 10’s of millions, I often tell our people, we’re not making these films to appease the 3-5k social circle associations, but for the millions globally that we will never meet. They don’t all know us but they sure know our characters, our stories. We are storytellers. We tell the stories to be seen, heard, and experienced. We do them for YOU. So thank you. Two of my favorites.

I just thought I would take that moment to really thank you all fans. I get caught up in my own little world of trying to hatch the next story. Maybe because I know you are out there waiting? Some of you have been with me since the early days when I was still trying to get my footing. Because of you, I get to do what I love. To do what I feel that I’m good at. My performance is subjective but I’ve always had an undeniable ability to pull people together and direct their effort all while getting the best out of them. Often a best that they did not see until challenged to bring it forth. The effort becomes a gift to us. A gift to themselves. A gift to you all, the story watchers.

I’m going to go “beat a few eggs” like my buddy Dean would say. A flea market down the road might reveal a treasure or two or just an hour of people watching. I might put a mow on the lawn and get a few outdoor things done. A recharge before I jump into the new week ahead. I hope all of you take the time to get a recharge, even if that is only in mindset. Be positive and go at your dreams knowing each step, small or large is taking you closer, giving you valuable experience.

COFFEE CHEERS! Until next week.


Whirlwind of Activity- Ride the Synergy

Hello friends,

It’s the beautiful eve of July 9th and it has been a busy yet enjoyable week. We launched right off July 4th, into the July 5th home video launch of BEST YEARS GONE. It is making its way into living rooms across the country. I’ve had people send pics of their DVD either purchased online or I’m told certain Walmarts. Like the cool ones:) I really enjoyed hearing the laughter in the showings of the theatrical run. It is why we charted a course with another comedy HOT ROD LOVE, gunning to film this fall. If you take a watch and have yourself a few good laughs, leave us an amazon or imdb.com review. I enjoyed some many aspects of this film and I truly did a few firsts in this film. You will have to watch to find out.

Via some little promo videos we’ve gotten to know some of the cast and their characters. So far we’ve gotten to watch Dean Teaster and Erika Hoveland.

(Dean Teaster)


(Erika Hoveland)


This week I think we’ll be seeing the twins and others talking about their experience. So to all those taking their watch this first weekend, thank you.

I’m trying to make arrangements to break away Saturday for a few hours to come tour the convention and watch the festival premiere of SMOKE & MIRRORS. (Sat. July 30th) I’ve never been to the festival, this will be my first. I’ve heard good things about it over the years. I’m actually going to return to my revamp of the feature script after we shot the short concept film. I love how it came out and really painted a stronger visual in my head for the new version of the script.

I’m happy to say that my previous writing project is complete. I’m so excited about CDI telling that story next year. It’s called HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE, and it will have CDI storytelling in the roaring 20’s. We have some advance location scouting underway but this will just be some early development work. I have had the pleasure of living in my imagination in the post WW1 world for several weeks. Again, a great time period for the CDI artists to story tell within.

Currently, our WW2 Christmas story SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, is marching towards a locked picture. We’re close to a director/editor cut review. Any suggestions will be made and a final edit pass will be made before we lock it up. From there it will be to Dennis Therrian and post production work. He’s already playing with arrangements and building his sound FX library. A new poster version is almost complete and discussions on the theatrical trailer have begun. We released a cool video last week of the model building. We’ll be showing more of the VFX work in the weeks to come.

BESTSELLER, our mystery thriller, released May 31st – I’ve had some fans of the film comment on the “masterful mood” that it invokes and the “unexpected intensity” on display. I don’t want to give anything away on this one but if you like the hair-tingling, heart-thumping, edge-of-your-seat movie rides, this might be for you.

I’ve had a noticeable amount of fan mail increase on MAN’S BEST FRIEND and WILD FAITH, telling me the NBC Peacock Streaming crowd have joined the viewing audience. It’s an honor and we do hope their audiences will get to watch more TribeCDI films. To answer a few questions I received-

“Yes. I was a martial artist before I was a professional actor. That scene in MBF was a thrill, to finally showcase some fighting arts. The actors I worked opposite off did a great job. I’m proud of that scene. ” (Man’s Best Friend)

No I’m not a method actor to the point that ‘Ben Lily’ actually manitou’d in his buckskins. Note: In the film, Ben, is an idiot, and isn’t using the word ‘manitou’ properly. (Wild Faith)

THE QUEST TRILOGY – I’m excited to be working on a new way to present the trilogy during the holidays. Having someone intro each of the films and talk a little about each one. I also had a good development talk with one of our past backers and they want to reengage on some additional biblical stories. I have a few great one’s on deck- another trilogy perhaps?:)

LOST HEART – One of our co-stars in this movie got complimented strongly by their peers while at a signing convention. By peers I mean, other legends. It was nice to hear that they really enjoyed it. That’s how our circle usually gets larger because friends of friends, become fans the stories and want to explore participation if a certain story calls for it. We are working on some new marketing angles for this film and its alter ego, BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS.


I made some progress in pulling deliverables for a slate of films from the CDI vaults that will be making its way out via Deskpop Entertainment and BMG. I also have been exploring some additional business in audio books having enjoyed the process on the series of audio books by author/musician Ronnie Lee.

For the Love of Catch – we’re still waiting to hear from the targeted festival, Toronto. We are also awaiting home video release dates from Deskpop Entertainment. I’m waiting word on several endeavors and we’re all excited but trying to have patience. It can be hard, but just like the long anticipated releases, the day will come.

We had the week off from soccer for the holiday week. We’ve been having berry explosion here in the yard. That means fresh berries on everything and I eat 60-100 mulberries a day off the trees. We have wild squash and pumpkins from the garden days growing strong. My hops are growing mighty – just a great year for all the plants! The chickens have been roaming again now that the bird flu subsided. They LOVE the mulberries. But so does the wild birds, squirrels and everything else. Blueberries are new this year as it takes a few years for them to start kicking fruit.

I’ve been putting this together tonight because tomorrow is a full day with a morning flea market and my dad’s bday dinner later in the day. (It was on the 8th) But, I’ve enjoyed the vibe of this cool summer night catching up with all of you. I hope you have a productive week. I have several meetings as per normal, but will also be attending the 4H auction where we get our pork for the year. I hope you’re all having a good balance in your day to day of fun and productive. Life is about the journey, not just the destination. Thank you to everyone who has been reaching out. I appreciate you all. Have a great night. A peaceful Sunday and a week of achieving goals.

Coffee Cheers, (In the morning)


Happy Father’s Day! Losses and Wins for the Week!

I’m awake early on this chilly Michigan Sunday sipping the hazelnut coffee and giving the dogs outside time. Poor Finn, my furry boy is adjusting to the loss of our 18 year old kitty Lulu Belle. Face kisses and snuggles was part of his daily nightly rituals with her. We were all there with her when she passed including Finn. I think it is important that they get to say goodbye versus they just disappear. But he has been visiting all their spots and I can tell he is missing her. We will all miss the queen.

Onto happier news, Happy Father’s Day! I’m so grateful to still have my father with us and that he is healthy. He did provide and gave us everything we needed to survive and thrive as adults. I will see him laster today with a few little love gifts. We’ll also be hitting the flea market down the road in a while. And tomorrow we celebrate my nephew’s Bday with family that will be fun.

I’ve been bouncing between film work and yard work all week. I’ve been working with a pair of 40V electric chainsaws and they work really well. My mower is also now battery powered and it is like vacuuming my lawn with no cords, easy. If I had a huge lawn I would need to get one of those trick 360 turn mowers but mine works fine. The trimming is also prepping the wood boxes for winter.

Let’s move forward onto the film updates-

  1. I completed the first draft of ‘Harsens Island Revenge‘ and now I’m polishing it up and reexamining dialog. The film will shoot in the second half of 2023 in Michigan.
  2. BESTSELLER which released May 31st has been selling out on DVD and streaming is expanding. It is a great look at the haunting beauty of Michigan. If you had a chance to watch it please take the time to go to our page on http://www.imdb.com and vote plus leave us any comments you might have. I hope it gives/gave you some edge of your chair thrills and chills.
  3. We met over promo on the upcoming July 5th release of BEST YEARS GONE. This occasionally heartfelt and often humorous film might play a few more festivals but soon audiences can stream or add the DVD to their collection.
  4. SMOKE & MIRRORS – We have a few regional festivals we’ve submitted to and even had a few reach out to us. So we’ll be showing/premiering this really cool and stylish short in the coming weeks.
  5. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – We’ll know in early August if this documentary will be playing Toronto Film Festival or not. We’re also awaiting release dates for home video which should be soon.
  6. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is closing in on our picture lock. It has been coming to our director in large chucks so that tweaks and evaluations can be made at the same time. Dennis Therrian has started building our sound FX library for this project and started playing with musical themes. Theaters in Iowa are being contacted to speak with them about runs after the premiere which as of now we are targeting for Dec 10th. Next week we’ll start talking the theatrical trailer and also we have a VFX behind the scenes and some new poster art underway.
  7. Waiting to hear on the Peacock releases dates for MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND and WILD FAITH. As soon as we know we’ll pass that info along.
  8. Development on HOT ROD LOVE continues with us targeting a Sept/Oct film shoot. We’re soon to start a script breakdown for scheduling. We approached several new possible partners last week and we’ll follow up on those. I’m excited to story tell in the 70’s, soon!
  9. HASTINGS (Wild Faith TV series) development continues to move forward. Patience is required and I will do my best to line all the pieces up properly.
  10. A new “highlight” video for Collective Development Inc. is underway. It is primarily for the website for when folks visit they can see all the wonderful stories that have been told at CDI.

Many updates to celebrate and I’m sure I overlooking a few. I have a Bday coming up this week as well as the first soccer match of the second part of the season. We lost only our first match which was our first as a team. We also were missing some forwards and were a tad out of shape compared to now. Touching back at the forthcoming Bday on the 23rd, it makes me think of our friend and CDI amigo David “Pappy” Pappenfuss, who passed when we were in pre-production in Algona, Iowa from Covid. My Bday get-together on a patio over drinks was my last time I saw him. He always brought me a musical card and sometimes a bottle of booze. I’ve missed his humor and I will surely be toasting this friend loss.

I saw many people commenting on the Texas holiday of Juneteenth that has grown into a more Nationally recognized day. I was disheartened to see so much negativity from some about this day that Hallmark and marketers fully embraced. If it isn’t for you, keep moving. But I saw some straight up hateful remarks and that’s sad to see. I had a thought as I pondered some of that hate I saw posted. Much of that hate comes from lonely, frustrated, and unhappy people. The cruel joke to these individuals might be that the perfect soulmate -the perfect partner to bring that warmth, love and peace to one of these individuals just might be wearing a skin coat of a different color. How sad to live a life and hate, blame and unbalance all because of hate blindness. Try love, compassion and understanding and you too will reap the rewards.

Be good to one another!


CDI Updates Going Into JUNE 2022!

Hazelnut coffee cheers to all of you upon this fine Sunday. In America we are in the midst of a Memorial Day weekend. I hope all of you are having a safe and memorable holiday. Last week was full of moving chess pieces on the board. The work flow is always the same with development, filming, posting, delivering and development again. We’ve grown to a wonderful place whereas things are always in motion. Motion and momentum in the direction of the work flow.

HOT ROD LOVE – Summer fun all wrapped in a nostalgic-style that brings many of us back to a less tense time. Chill and be groovy to one another mi amigo. The script is being sent to a few artists to get their creativity flowing. It is always a balance of not wanting to get too much ahead and focus on what needs to be done now. My goal in June (My bday month) is to get all the ducks in line so we can make some schedule decisions. I’m already in talks with sponsors and hope to bring some new ones aboard.

BESTSELLER – On May 31st this intense mystery thriller is getting its home video release. A CDI collaboration it showcases some of the most intense action on screen. I think once this is widely available it will grow a nice audience. Melissa Anschutz does a great job leading this cast. Ralph Lister, Lana Wood, Terence Knox, Anthony Hornus and many fine Michigan artists bring this story to life. It truly showcases some of Michigan’s incredible natural beauty. Take a watch starting with Amazon Prime and we’ll let you know where it will stream.

BEST YEARS GONE – Start your engines. This unique and quirky romp stems from the book HOPE FROM HEAVEN by Michigan author Karl Manke. The film has Coen Brothers and several influences in a unique mix up directed by Shane Hagedorn (Ashes of Eden). It will release on DVD and digital purchase on July 5th. All the artists who worked on this film during the Covid lock down are elected to see this film speed out to audiences.

GOOD Memorial Day FILMS

WICKED SPRING – a Civil War era film that has something to say about war from the common mans point of view not famous generals. The film is free with ads on Encourage TV and can be found on Amazon and several platforms.

MANS BEST FRIEND – Illustrates the plight of many wounded vets physically and mentally. The power and hope of dogs personal and in service is also part of this thought provoking story.

BIGFOOT, UFOS and JESUS – Good family fun with a little something for everyone in this fictional tale that takes place in small town Michigan.

WILD FAITH – Another wholesome 1875 film for the whole family. It also is about a former Civil War soldier trying to readjust to life and find his inner peace.

THE QUEST TRILOGY – For some the events of the day have spirits low so maybe a watch on the trilogy (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer) might bring some comfort. While these films are strongly viewed from Nov-April they are a good watch anytime of the year. I appreciate the folks who left messages of the comfort these film’s stories have given.


I took a watch on a few popular shows and they are faced with huge scrutiny so I don’t try to be harsh when judging. I see things I would do differently as a fan of this or that but the bottom line isn’t I haven’t earned that right nor been given the opportunity. I see protests to try and change art. That is silly to me. I can dislike an artist personally and like their work. I can like an artist and dislike their work. If you took a personally disdained artists in the moment and cast him as a bad guy versus cancelling them is that better? Do you want to see a hero overcome someone …see this is professional wrestling logic. The Paul brothers in boxing have turned their aura of the bad guy into leverage. Maybe I’m pondering the bad guy as I have played the antagonist and that can be something special. Acting-wise this year audiences will see quite the range from Bestseller to Best Years Gone to Smoke & Mirrors and lastly to Silent Night in Algona.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – We are in hopes that we’ll premiere at the Toronto Film Festival. We’ll see in the coming weeks. We should also be getting our home video dates very soon.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – A beautiful thing was watching a few of the rough scenes assembled. The Thanksgiving scene was in the first group of scenes shot in Forest City at a great historic park. I got to witness all these fine actor artists telling this story and bringing to life a period of time. Berdy, Elrick, Shelley and all our artists that created what we saw in front of the camera. Dan Chipman for bringing his camera eye and Anthony Hornus for again seeing the hearts of the human story.

There is new work on a possible theatrical poster and the official theatrical trailer will start to be organized. We will be releasing some more photos and we hope a peek behind the scenes at the VFX work coming out of Canada, eh. We’re still working hard to make a Dec. premiere in Algona, Iowa and we’ve had first talks about doing a full state premiere throughout the five theatrical chains in Iowa. We will continue to explore these options as we get closer.

WRITING – I have been engaged to turn another book into a screenplay and finally a film. The script is almost half done and I love my time in that world. The characters are so rich and the time period is so alike yet different. Transportation. Communication. So many things are different. I was approached about another possible writing adaptation but I don’t want to enter another world in my imagination, until I finish this current script.

ACTING – I’m so close to a breakthrough on a few endeavors that will result in great roles. I recently had two offers to act in films in June and July and politely passed. I’ve been moving my look towards my HOT ROD LOVE 70’s character and don’t want to deviate too much. I’m so grateful for the invitations and expressed that to these directors. It did allow me to explore the work by these artists. Actors don’t be afraid to interview the filmmakers. Time is valuable and you want to make sure the effort has a reward for your audiences and yourself. I’ve got some goals that are close at hand and staying focused was best for me at this time. But every project is judged individually but I am feeling the need to participate in some storytelling.


I think I spoke on patience last week. Everything has its season and if you are always tending your garden of creativity things will bloom. I’ve had a wonderful balance of working to get the property in zen form while moving things forward. The hops are high and the apples and mulberry trees are looking to be loaded. The chickens have been keeping a steady flow of eggs and the wood piles are being restocked for winter. We’re about top put veggie and herb plants in the stand up planters but nature has some left over veggies already going. Everything is just so green! For those that have followed for a few years know that our animals are family. Finn our furry boy loves to race the fence every morning with his buddy Jake Leroy. These have worn a track into the ground. Last year brought Finn several busted nails and a few stitches from rocks, roots and such. Well, yesterday we dug and leveled the track out and put weed cloth down with cedar mulch and rubber paving stones. A real race track and today was his first run. He enjoyed it but a few modifications needed on the launch and land pads. My boy has torque in his running. I’m off to eat some breakfast and mow. Tomorrow we are having the moms over for a lunch and to relax. I hope you all have a good weekend and a productive week ahead. Remember those who gave all on this Memorial Day.


SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA Teaser Trailer Releases and MUCH more…

I want to welcome our gathering of new readers joining us from around the world. I give you all a big hazelnut coffee cheers. Thank you all for taking the time to join us.

Yesterday was the first absolutely beautiful day in Michigan. With temps reaching almost 80 degrees with flowers blooming, birds building nests and much-needed sunshine warming everything. I spent a good part of the morning with Luna, our new dog, unpacking our patio set. The deck now has the table, umbrella and chairs all set up. It is one of my favorite places to work on scripts and do business. But yesterday it was working in the yard all morning until getting cleaned up for a family bday dinner at a local Italian restaurant. After that it was back to all hang on the patio. Luna has been fascinated? obsessed? with you guessed it, squirrels. Yesterday as we all visited Luna decided to use a broken tree to try and escape the fenced in yard. She struggled with all her might and got her heavy load over the fence. She was quickly re-captured but I had to bust out the sledge hammer, axe and chainsaw – ending with securing the area with a higher heavy fence around the tree. She was a tired camper and while she was proud of her climb we hope it was a one time thing. I’m sure it was a first for her.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – Let’s get right into the news of the hour. I’ll actually let you read it all right here.

Teaser Trailer PR Link: https://www.prlog.org/12914549-collective-development-inc-gives-audiences-silent-night-in-algona-first-look-teaser-trailer.html

Other Updates-

Even before the PR hits next week I’ll fill you in on a few new updates

  1. The deal for the BluRay of KNIGHT CHILLS is done. For those not in the knowing, Knight Chills was CDI’s first movie shot on Beta back in the 90’s. It was a huge learning curve and the PG-13 thriller had Dungeons and Dragons like role playing at the heart of the story. Plans are for a streaming release and actively we have a video game in development. I’ve seen some of the test work and it is pretty amazing.
  2. I mentioned above that I’m excited to be sitting on the patio doing some writing. I’ve signed a deal to write my next adaptation of a book to screenplay and produce the film. Right now I’m ONLY concerned with writing a great script. It will likely film 2023 but pending it could be late 2022. I’m going to hold off on any details until the PR release but it is exciting to have a new writing project.
  3. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH documentary is prepping deliverables and we’re still exploring where we want to premiere it. We are also looking at large premiere festivals so we’ll see. We are also discussing the next documentary film in our FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH series!
  4. In the next month of MAY 31st, we’ll be promoting the release of the CDI associated thriller BESTSELLER, which previously only had a DVD release. Deskpop Entertainment is releasing it worldwide and we are excited to see it launching.
  5. BEST YEARS GONE will be firing up its marketing campaign in the coming weeks with the film releasing JULY 5th! This film brought lots of laughter in the theatrical play and we’re excited to bring this fun romp to all of you.
  6. I hope you all had a chance this holiday season to watch THE QUEST TRILOGY, our unique take on these stories have been enjoyed by an ever-growing world audience. I met with Carl Weyant (The Christ Slayer) over a few new projects. We just finished a DEEPFALL music video that CDI produced and that he directed, shot (with Travis Hayward) and edited. Here is the music video link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtlc7GQvr70 – Carl and CDI have several projects in development including other music videos. Interested in a music video and have a budget, reach out to me.
  7. WILD FAITH and MAN’S BEST FRIEND look as though they might be heading to Peacock streaming. We’ve had major efforts underway to turn our highly popular Wild Faith into a TV series. When speaking about on-going stories I’ve had many people ask about the fate of ‘Paul Landings’ from MBF. Currently ‘Paul’ is serving time and will there be a second story, never say never, although there is no active development on that front.
  8. We’re about to make our push on HOT ROD LOVE, a female empowerment story in the world of drag racing in 1975. We’ve been preparing to approach our backers and sponsors. Prepare to start your engines!
  9. This past week we’ve been awaiting follow up materials from a few discussions on film collaborations. Many folks talk but don’t follow up properly mainly because they engaged in talks prematurely. But if things are delayed you should reach out to communicate that. One project was pitched and I was suppose to see materials last week, but they did not arrive. It reminds me of past film mixers of having your time dominated by someone who talks a good game but next presents any follow up materials. So they wasted my time talking about something not ready to roll. Casual conversation is fine but I’ve had an hour plus wasted in the past. So don’t go into things prematurely or unprepared.
  10. I do believe this coming week we’ll know the outcome of the BareBones International Film and Music Festival results. BEST YEARS GONE is up for ‘Best Comedy’ and there might be an opportunity for folks to watch a one time virtual showing. I will have to explore that more with our director Shane Hagedorn.

I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead. I’m excited to see how folks react to the first peek at SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We have another indoor soccer match this week after a close win last week. All of this is in preparation for our outdoor league. I plan to get more trees trimmed and other prep work that will give us a garden zen in a few short months. Cheers to more dreams, endeavors and doings. We had a few great wrap ups this week as we all worked very hard. We make it look easy at CDI but it’s really hard work. It looks easy because we’ve gotten more and more efficient with but it’s still hard work by lots of artists. We ask for people’s best and they give it. Thank you.

Be kind to one another! Coffee Cheers!


Flow Like Water – The ‘TOP TEN’ Collective Development Inc. Updates!

A chilly Sunday in Michigan with a dusting of snow. I’m so ready to get on with spring and start to get things cleaned up from winter. But the arctic air is still flowing down and so it will be wood stove at the office again this week. I want to welcome our new readers from Mexico, China, Ireland and more. I am sipping the hazelnut coffee that is chasing some of the chill away. I’m looking forward to more gatherings around the fire pit or chilling on the office porch or patio. The grill is ready to get a good work out this year. I was working on cutting down some of the old hops vines to prepare for the new sprouts that will grow along the deck soon. I want to have a new deck built and so I’ve been looking at different styles. I also want to put in a new privacy fence but all takes planning, time and money. I’ve been enjoying indoor soccer on Tuesdays which is getting the rust off my touch and getting my running endurance back into shape. I’m exciting about some of the new training I’ve been doing and I’m enjoying the challenge. Just a slew of activities to participate in this new year while working on our film projects. Let’s look at some of the CDI film updates shall we?


  1. No fooling! The ‘DEEPFALL‘ music video “Revolution” is completed and will release April 1st and I encourage you to take a watch/listen. Here is the link where it will launch. https://youtu.be/xtlc7GQvr70 Produced by Collective Development Inc. it was posted by Weyant Alliance with Carl Weyant directing and editing. We will be looking to produce more music videos moving forward. If you have a band and a budget please do reach out and let us help take your exposure to the next level.
  2. BEST YEARS GONE – There is talk of moving the DVD/streaming purchase date to July 5th the day after the 4th of July celebrations versus June 5th. A miscommunication over a surround sound mix issue caused a slight hold up and now marketing might play better capturing the fireworks of the week. The film also announced that it has been nominated for ‘Best Comedy‘ at the BareBones International Music and Film Festival. Between this and the London-based Maverick Film Fest which we won, it tells me UK and Oklahoma both have great taste in humor. (Just kidding) We hope people all over the world enjoy this fun thought-provoking and yes, funny story. I am a tad disappointed in the push but only because I’m excited for people around the globe to laugh along. But if you need your dose of CDI sooner we have a few other releases.
  3. The thriller BESTSELLER, is an adaptation of the book by Chris Knight. CDI was brought in to access and reboot a failed start by another producer group. Again, when you get an investor to say YES, a slight toast to the hard work to that point is fine, but the real hard work lies ahead. The execution and completion of the film is no easy task and therein lies the fact despite what I may think creatively of a film I watch by my peers – you are in a new club of doers just by finishing. For the rough start that this film had, the reboot was really a good experience. We re-shot everything and kept maybe 5% of the original cast and crew moving forward. I did not what to get the reputation of being “the fixer” as that is still reactionary versus a properly prepped endeavor. So we re-shot the entire film and I really love the vibe that we absorbed into this footage. BESTSELLER is our closet nod to date to a ‘Hitchcock’ film. Melissa Anschutz (CDI producer/actress) gives intensity acting lessons, taking viewers all over the emotional spectrum showcasing once again her leading lady status. This film is a contender for INTENSITY for myself, in good company with films like DEADLY RENOVATION, THE 8th PLAGUE, MBF or WICKED SPRING. What do you think? Have you seen all these films? Let me know and prepare to enjoy BESTSELLER releasing in May!
  4. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH has signed its distribution deal with DESKPOP ENTERTAINMENT and will start the delivery of assets so we can get home video release dates assigned. We are also in talks with several parties about setting up the premiere in Las Vegas. More on that soon!
  5. Our efforts on the tv series spin-off of WILD FAITH, Wild Faith: Hastings continues on with a few new submissions and discussions. This project has tens of millions that have enjoyed the feature and we’re working hard to give audiences the on-going adventures. We have eight scripts locked and loaded and folks are really enjoying them. Your favorite characters will continue to tell their stories with plenty of new characters to enjoy as well. Follow along as we push to get these added stories told at https://www.facebook.com/WildFaithHastingstvseries
  6. Help us keep creating a holiday tradition by starting a yearly watch of THE QUEST TRILOGY. Our three interlinking stories (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer) explore some deep seated questions with a unique perspective that also takes into account the angelic community. Please do consider taking a watch with your loved ones. With the inspiration behind the “look” of the trilogy being the original three Star Wars films, it is a unique take to be experienced. Between the three films also lies some of our composer Dennis Therrian’s best work. Let me know your thoughts on these films.
  7. KNIGHT CHILLS – CDI’s maiden picture about a dungeons and dragons like game gone wrong has stayed in the pop culture since the 90’s. The film will be getting a streaming release and a new BluRay deal is in the works. Also I’ve seen the first version of “Sir Kallio” being developed for the Knight Chills video game. The sequel has been in serious talks for several year. Part of it is finding the right team for what was CDI’s first. This new team has to have the same passion we all did on the first one. Good things lie ahead including merchandise for this oldie but goodie.
  8. I’ve been getting some kind notes from folks having watched MAN’S BEST FRIEND and LOST HEART, thank you. These two films are both real thought provokers. MBF is a bit heavier in tone where Lost Heart has moments of straight up comedy woven throughout it. Have you seen either of them? Which is your cup of tea? Let me know.
  9. SMOKE & MIRRORS – Love this short that we held over for a year during Covid. We’re looking for a few horror events to showcase our turn of the century (steam punk) proof of concept culled from my feature script. David Gries and Melissa Anschutz are awesome as the film’s leads. I had a blast acting in this one and I do see the full feature getting made in good time.
  10. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – This film was many years in the making. But I’ve found that stories almost have a life of their own. They sometimes happen when they are needed to happen. We had no way of knowing the coming of this new war but our story is so relevant. It has some themes and topics that will really ring true with people. We are working hard to get a locked picture allowing music and sound design to begin. Aside from the main work flow (currently editing) we are editing a teaser trailer. This will be a first look at the story we all worked hard to tell. A chance to see some of the characters come to life for the first time on screen. To say I’m excited would be an understatement. But I also see so many of you excited as well. Follow us along at https://www.facebook.com/SNIAmovie for all the latest updates!

We ended the week with a recap and toast. We faced a Covid crisis and now we face all the fall out from unrest in the world. But we at CDI are committed to keeping something constant – the storytelling. I’m so appreciative to all our backers who choose to assist in creating versus hating or getting swallowed by the daily negativity. I believe our stories speak right to the hearts, minds and souls of audiences. In a world where effective communication is at an all time low – we need the stories. CDI is a tribe of amazing doers and we will keep doing our thing. We will keep building the new HOT ROD LOVE and our other developmental properties, while toasting and pushing our successes now coming to market. CDI is still not operating at its most efficient as a production company since we could be producing every quarter of the year but right now funding slows things. I had to check myself recently because I’m normally very good at keeping 10-100 steps back from an endeavor allowing me to keep the proper perspective. It allows me to see what others cannot, gaining patience by faith. The faith that all the prioritized “day to day” tasks completed will add up to greater overall things. I got close to another big deal that’s still evolving and developing alongside a few equally exciting opportunities, but I started to allow my desired timeline to conflict with the flow of the river. Wade out into a river and try to stop the flow. Your frustration will arise and your patience can easily erode but…step out onto the river’s band. You can see the flow. Drop in a few rocks and you can change the flow. Flow like water – ah Bruce Lee. Patience is restored – flow and get there when you get there. If you are working hard it will happen in its time. Okay. I’m going to get a few Sunday things done here and I want to thank you all for stopping by and taking a read. Subscribe and feel free to drop me any feedback. Have a great week and be good to one another.


‘HOT ROD LOVE’ Fresh From the Imagination, ‘Best Years Gone’ Release Dates and more…

Welcome my friends to a beautifully snowy day here in Michigan. The soft flurries covering everything while the squirrels and birds enjoy the feeders this morning. I see new readers from Uganda, India, Ireland and more and I want to welcome you all here. 2022 is part of the turning wheel and this week we lost comic Louie Anderson and one of a kind musician Meatloaf. I looked into Meatloaf for acting on a few occasions. I again am reminded that we artists are part of that tradition of passing the torch. I willingly have taken it up and will try to keep creating memorable content with our tribe.

This past week was very productive on the creative and business, which is the ideal blend. I started the week finishing the first polished draft of HOT ROD LOVE. It very well might be the next project we attack in the Spring. A lighthearted comic ensemble that like all CDI projects has something to say. I’ve got the first draft out to a few of the tribe to review for flow as well as technical aspects. On the writing – I think I’ve got my next two script writes becoming clearer. One will likely be a book adaptation and the other project is still in discussions as to which story. But today I celebrate the birth of the new script/story.


We released the distributor (Deskpop Entertainment) DVD poster art but they start their official licensing announcement on 3/8 with dvd on 6/7 and streaming SVOD/AVOD and Broadcast 9/1. We will be showcasing at a few festivals and maybe a few additional theatrical chains. But everything has been to our distributor and now we get to just wait and promote.


This film is finally getting an official home video release with Deskpop Entertainment. The DVD’s have been for sale from the author’s store and a few retailers up North but now the world will see this film. It will announce to licensors next month and 5/31/22 is digital transaction and 9/1/22 is TV/Cable and streaming SVOD and AVOD. I’m excited to see what cover art and trailer they choose. I just love the locations and this is one of the most intense films I’ve been in. Artistically I love the camera work which lends itself towards a Hitchcock-vibe. 9/1 will be a good day with two of the films streaming out!


This chilly weather is perfect for our artists to be working at assembling the story puzzle we captured last Oct/Nov in Iowa. This week we’ll put the end of year info over to the accountants. Also the paperwork on the BTS will be executed so that can begin in earnest. I’m also excited to see the first official trailer to come together. I sat down with Dennis Therrian, our sound designer and composer and we talked about several projects but he was excited to visit the 1940’s! We have continued to roll out photos and above is yet another featuring Michael Wayne Walton who has acted on and off with the tribe since KNIGHT CHILLS. Keep following along for many exciting updates. I was asked about the recent releases and here is a list. Many are found on Amazon or several play Encourage TV on Youtube, free with ads.

How many have you seen? Have you left us your thoughts? http://www.imdb.com every film has a page where you can leave your review. Everyone seems to have a favorite and so which are your favorites?







(Associated films)






FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – This amazing doc is being evaluated by a few sales parties. I will have a few more send outs but I think in Feb we will choose a direction for this entertaining, education and inspiring documentary film. Dennis Therrian will be creating a DCP film and theatrical mix for a TBD premiere.

SMOKE & MIRRORS – We’ve just finished getting this up on film freeway so that it can be submitted to a few fun festivals. I love this world and I’m excited to finish the new draft on the feature script. If you get a chance to see this film I believe you will really enjoy it. It makes you want to see the feature version which is surely more complex.

We have a lot of development underway- projects also seem to develop at their own pace. But we are also working to fill our schedule. I’m happy to say one project is moving and I’ll have more to say on that soon. But as I like to say, not until the ink is dry. Handshakes are respectful and can be used in many places but a written deal also says, I value you and don’t want a difference in perspective to damage or destroy a relationship.

Until we can sit and enjoy a beverage again- stay warm and be good to one another!


Tis the Season: surviving, striving, thriving and creating

Welcome new readers from Bulgaria, Netherlands and more. Our viewership has been growing in great numbers. Thank you to all the new people stopping in to visit. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and reflecting on a busy week. Maybe 2022 will be the year of the coffee sponsor. Maybe I’ll start a coffee review section? My thoughts are with all those dealing with the terrible tornado damage in the South. We had high winds in Michigan but it seems once again the surrounding Great Lakes helped us to avoid any major storms. I’m under a week before our first Christmas gathering and a week after that is Christmas Eve/day. I’ve loved having the Christmas tree and the festival vibe about as I tried to play catch up from our SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA (SNIA) film shoot. Let’s talk about that-


I’ve almost got everything caught up on this project. Final catering, port-a-johns and more – the budget dwindles but as we move towards zero the film will get closer to being complete. The drive has arrived to our editor and the supply check for the model building was also sent off. Our VFX team from THE CHRIST SLAYER (part 3 of The Quest Trilogy) will bring some exciting work to our feature. Once we get past the clean up phase from principal photography we’ll move into promotion. Our DP Dan Chipman is color correcting the first batch of photos. I’ve only released one still previously featuring one of our amazing period vehicles at one of our amazing locations. It was the car driving down the “tunnel of trees” so here is that same picture now color corrected. We also have a logo that will adorn the upcoming stills. Here is an example of a color corrected still from the actual film.

As we move down the road of post production we plan to start releasing stills and also will work on both a BTS (beyond the scenes) video and a teaser trailer. This year we’ll continue to have some great announcements for all of you.

In the meantime enjoy the Christmas season. Recently Melissa Anschutz and I did a promo for our distributor’s EncourageTV that allows people to watch our films for free whereas we get paid by ads. So if you don’t mind the ads take a watch for free. Click below to see the ad and please do help make The Quest Trilogy a holiday tradition. All three tell a greater story and I hope your families enjoy the experience watching FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. If you watch/subscribe to ENCOURAGETV please do travel over to the film pages on http://www.imdb.com vote and leave us your thoughts on the trilogy.


Once you watch the trilogy feel free to watch the other CDI films including our recent LOST HEART or BIGFOOT, UFO’S and JESUS which is really doing well for us.

BEST YEARS GONE and BESTSELLER will both be getting a home video launch in the near year. Shane Hagedorn our BYG director has been selecting a few comedy festivals to submit us. The thriller BESTSELLER had a theatrical premiere run but now will see a new campaign push from our distributors general audience label DESKPOP ENTERTAINMENT. I should have those dates soon plus we’ll be releasing the new DVD/Poster art for BYG. More on these dates very soon and we might have word on a few other CDI films getting a new push. Some have never really enjoyed a streaming release. So in our last meeting with our distributor we discussed several of these titles. What ones would you love to see come back strong to the marketplace?


So I’ve spent some good time contemplating, meditating and focusing on the future CDI endeavors. We are planning a Spring feature to shoot in the March/April timeframe. I’m not yet ready to talk about the project but this one would be a Michigan shoot. I’ve also been working on the rewrite of the OF SMOKE & MIRRORS the feature length version of SMOKE & MIRRORS. This cool turn of the century short assembled from a commercial project will get some festival release in 2022. I would like to shoot the feature at the end of 2022 or early 2023 pending our schedule. In that back half of the year we’re working hard to launch the WILD FAITH: Hastings TV series. It would bring 8 more ongoing stories of some of the endearing characters audiences met in the feature. Tens of millions of fans can’t be wrong. I just need to make the best deal for the project. Saying yes to something that ultimately could hurt the story is not what we want to do. How many Michigan, 1800’s expert executives are there in Hollywood? Exactly my point. Script notes should come from a sincere place not just someone trying to contribute. Sometimes the best thing you can do is NOT contribute. Anyway, we have some great meetings ahead on this TV series.

We’ll be watching the surround sound mixed version of FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH very soon. It has been getting the clean up and mix treatment from our post audio master Tricky T also known as Dennis Therrian. We are looking at doing another documentary film in 2022 as well as a CDI animated feature film. Overall 2022 will be a busy year as is every year. This year has been a year of wins and losses. Several of the losses come from friends and loved ones no longer with us, no longer to struggle in the world. Our time here is beautiful, wonderful and it moves at a good clip. It all makes me more determined and appreciative of my path. I love being an artist and storyteller. I feel as I will continue to do so until I become the sad news, no longer surviving, striving, thriving and creating. Keep doing you and never give up your dreams. With hardworking, patience and persistence you will make your mark.

Coffee Cheers!


10 Awesome #TRIBECDI Updates to Kick Off Autumn!

Good morning to all of you and I hope your foray into Fall has been great thus far. I want to welcome the new readers from Russia, Ireland, UK, China and the Philippines. Coffee (or tea) cheers to you all and thank you for stopping by. I LOVE this time of year and I’ve been beyond thrilled to work on the films as the leaves turn and fall. I’m feeling like just shotgunning out some of the updates.

  1. The NCG Owosso premiere showing of ‘BEST YEARS GONE‘ is over and word has it that it is coming next for a Lansing NCG premiere on Oct 16th with two shows – a 6pm and 8:15pm I believe. You heard it here first. This week an event page and some PR will begin so some of the home town folks can enjoy the film. It has been remixed from the first premiere for delivery to our distributor and for our future premieres. I got a peek at some of the DVD/release artwork our distributor is working on. I think they are planning on a Feb 2022 home video release. Until that release we’ll keep at the theatrical premieres. If you’ve seen the film feel free to visit our IMDB.com page (also has a premiere video there) and leave a few words about your favorite scenes.
  2. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – pre-production is on the final run up. With a home office I get that great privilege of a short daily commute – about 30 or so stone steps. We’ve been doing more in-depth meetings with departments making sure they have questions answered. I was happy that one of my estate sale finds – a $5 military trench coat was the correct period and matched the photo I had. The office has been reaching out and getting crew agreements in line and this week cast will follow our set “day-of-days” coming from the AD department. We’ve had a few changes in cast and crew that happens when life happens. But I’m excited to see many of the Tribe and tell one last great story before we call it a year.
  3. WICKED SPRINGS HD release should start rolling out this month. That was an epic shoot back when we were rather young. I’m excited to see this rolling out to streaming platforms so folks can enjoy the story in HD.
  4. LOST HEART/BIGFOOT, UFO’s & JESUS – is starting to really pick up steam as the alternate title works into the marketplace. I had the chance to talk with many who have really enjoyed this film. The laughter and heartfelt messages play well with audiences and that is why we do it. This is true for MAN’S BEST FRIEND which again brought questions of a sequel which I’m not ruling out but it’s not on deck at this time. I was made aware of it playing on various TV stations like Charge TV. WILD FAITH just broke the 5-million views mark on Encourage TV and I’ll be taking more meetings on season 1 of the TV spin off. THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) is about ready to start its run once the ghosts and ghouls have their Halloween.
  5. As we follow the tradition of setting up new campaign runs for older films in the CDI library like BESTSELLER and THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ will be getting 2022 release dates soon. We just got everything submitted for one and the other is in the works. We are working to get several more prepped to release. Our distributor now has a general market label which is opening many doors of opportunity.
  6. SMOKE & MIRRORS our concept short is done. I was exploring how to help the location house with our film. We will look at some festivals also just for fun. The feature script is being retooled and will be great as an extended story.
  7. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – the first in a series of CDI in association with The Red, White & Blue Project Inc. documentary films. The locked cut is about done and so we’re going to master record the narration and do a once over mix/check at the studio with Dennis Therrian to prep the film for delivery. This brand we’ve created has a lot of growth possibilities. We also might look at a December premiere release likely at the NCG Owosso. Why? Curran Jacobs our director/host is from Owosso, MI. A lot of creative individuals from that area.
  8. I’ve had my second business opportunity in the past two months approach me over screenwriting. When I write to assign to one of our productions I work discounted knowing that the film employs many of our artists. I also produce and often act so there is much more involvement. On these “work-for-hire” projects I’m raising rates and even doing something like a writer/option whereas the script is written for X amount w/ a 50% copyright hold until the script is financed and the balance paid in return for the remaining 50% copyright. So they end up with complete ownership and have to go less deep financially to be able to shop. I still try to work under the minimums suggested by the WGA which I’m not part of by choice, and my cost of living can handle this. That again is what I love about Michigan. You could have a small crap box in LA or a country kingdom in Michigan for the same price. Part of the secret of productivity is being somewhere you like and that gives you peace between your often hectic dealings. I will pick up where we left off on negotiations this week and what is meant to be will be. But I do enjoy all the new writing opportunities. I am still looking at possible representation for the writing and still might try something out for the foreign market.
  9. As we discuss writing, one of my loves, I must mention a new book coming out. A few years back when WILD FAITH was moving and grooving in the theaters across several states, an author/book running that writes under Callie Smith Grant saw our film. She enjoyed the story/script and that led to an offer to submit stories. That has led to my participation in several of these books. This is the most recent one. Pre-order/order here – https://www.amazon.com/Dog-Who-Came-Christmas-Stories/dp/0800741250 a great Christmas gift!
  10. Producing, writing and preparing daily to play a new character on screen. I’m playing Lt. Col Lodell a fictional character based loosely on the actual camp commander in one major way. The ‘Golden Rule’ is the basis/foundation used during the operation of the PW camp. This character fit so perfect when I cracked the script back open to look at it. It feels close to where I’m at in my life with setting an example is the easiest way to inspire. Words can be wasted be the speaker or the listener if no action follows it. I just like to keep plugging away each and every day. I don’t feel in competition with anyone or anything. I feel like I’m just flowing like water (Thanks Bruce) doing my best each day. I’m doing the projects I’m suppose to do. So many stories to tell – I’m just very grateful to be able to. I don’t take that for granted. I try not to take any of it for granted. I’m just happy that I evolved to where I am. A place of good balance of mind, body and spirit. Learn to laugh at yourself. Forgive yourself. And wisdom that comes with ‘know thyself’…

(Above ‘Tricky T’ has been working with CDI since film #1 ‘Knight Chills’)

I’m going to wrap this up and maybe go make another cup of coffee. I’m looking forward to the week ahead. Also the old suitcase is going to have to come out. I like to slow pack over a couple weeks. I also have CDI stuff to gather also. This week we touch base with our Algona team. I’m going to go enjoy another soccer game with my niece and nephew playing. An art department meeting that I’m looking forward to. So many good developments on that front. As you study the time period some things seem very old although I’m convinced the black and white photos and footage makes it seem older. Other pictures could have been shot today. How we captured history has a lot to do with how we see it now. Just like old Civil War pictures. Once colorized – man! They really come to life. I love history and the stories that have carried down collectively to all of us. I will continue to try and put some of these wonderful stories to the medium of motion picture. Have a great week and be good to one another!