“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “pain

LOVE – The Secret of the Season

Good morning to all of you out there. I’m sipping the morning java and I’m looking forward to sharing some thoughts on the past week, the season and the future. First, I have to say my focus is a bit more relaxed due to some big things coming off my TO DO list. The #1 thing off my list was the release of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA to home video. The DVD and streaming has been extremely strong and I think as the word gets out even more folks will enjoy a watch. With this newly freed up focus I found some of the ugly aspects of the world come more into view. My heart hurts watching all the war footage. All of this because wise people cannot make good words with one another and learn to live together. Killing over land and territory that we are all only borrowing. Mother Nature can take it back at anytime by earth, air, fire or water. Also killing others because of different beliefs is baffling to me. Even here in the USA we have strife between political parties. Immigrant issues, political corruption and again hate divided along ethnic, religious or political lines. And we are a great country doing the best we can but we can do better.

(Thoughts of a childhood friend Alan Drake gone to soon)

My opinion is that social media has hurt as much as it has helped. Every sad story is like a constant light snow of negativity slowly building – growing heavy on our hearts. At this time of year we also remember the loss of loved ones no longer in the rat race of life. I drove by a beautiful cemetery last week traveling to the dental cleaning. To so many this phase of existing is over yet we still remember the good times we shared. Yesterday was the funeral anniversary of someone dear to our family. And I think of past relatives aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends whose passing dates I cannot even remember. Maybe I choose to not remember those dates as those memories cause too much pain of loss. But I think each and every one of those people who loved us so would plead with us to not burden ourselves with so much sorrow. To not live in regret of past missteps or with anxiety of the future. To work hard to be good to one another. Friends, family, laughter and fellowship with our fellow life travelers is the most fulfilling. So much negativity poison out there that we drink willingly. But we can be healers for ourselves and one another. LOVE. It is the key. UNDERSTANDING is the path. UNITY can be the result. Start by loving yourself with all your flaws and missteps. Understanding others who do or say things out of pain or to hide pain. When we stop being hurt by every misstep of others and can see their pain we can achieve unity.

My meditations on 2024 have brought me many insights. I’m already making adjustments to my self that I feel will make me a better person. I think I’ve always done that which has brought me to where I am now. I don’t regret any of my past as again it led me to where I am. It is my journey. But clinging onto old fears, insecurities or patterns can hinder or slow growth. I know we all fight these battles in the mind from time to time. But I think we can put peace in our heart and mind by our actions, thoughts and deeds. Like I’ve stated before I’ve studied martial arts for a good part of my life learning to be a warrior. But as I travel this back half of life I want to focus on being a healer. I don’t want to hurt people as they hurt themselves enough. I do believe that as a storyteller I do allow myself to be a healer. In my screenwriting I feel like I can write a story parable that can promote healing and a positive change in perspective for people. It is why I don’t find as much fulfillment in stories of just pure escape. A powerful story can help improve, enrich and encourage people with hope. I have the fan mail to prove it the power of a story and it is humbling and fills one with appreciation. Appreciation that you can help others heal via a story.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – IF you have seen this powerful film working its way into the world marketplace and it has moved you please do share it. As noted if you rent/buy from a streaming site or buy a DVD say from Amazon– leave a little note like the one above. http://www.imdb.com is another great centralized database you can vote and leave a review on. Just search our film and you can add your words and thoughts. I can tell you for the artists it means the world. It makes their sacrifice of being away from home for weeks all worth it. The months of post work overcoming technical issues – worth it. This film has such beautiful themes in it that addresses many past issues in the hope we can avoid repeating mistakes. But once again Jewish hate is on the rise. Muslim hate. The stigma of a group of people being defined by the actions of a few once again unfolds. I do encourage people to take a watch on this true event story. Love. Understanding. Unity.

Harsens Island Revenge – Based on the book of the same title- this cautionary tale once again taken from past history will illustrate many important life lessons applicable to the now. The film is being edited together and in the new year we’ll capture our last few pieces and start music and sound design. Above is a gift from our friends at Pepsi who joined us on this adventure and will continue to travel with our storytelling tribe. So many good people brought together for a positive reason. Lifelong friendships formed with each telling of a story.

KNIGHT CHILLS – Above is Jackson Kennedy who when we filmed all those years ago was maybe 3-4 and is now 29 years old, married and a professor. I had such a wonderful visit with him the day before Thanksgiving. This was also the start of Collective Development Inc. that was started by his father Jeff Kennedy and I. Jeff is now enjoying retirement but I will always be eternally grateful to he and Nita Kennedy who believed in my dream. Thanks to them I am living my dream every day. The film was released on Blu-ray on Oct 31st and is now widely available for purchase. It has lots of great extras that would be extremely entertaining to fans and educational to young filmmakers. We’ve had some exciting meetings over continuing this story with a sequel and we’ll see how that develops.

Speaking on development

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS – I had a good meeting over this at the end of the week. I would love to see the ongoing story of the Murphy family told. HOT ROD LOVE is being prepped for presentation soon. We have our first committed investor and sponsor. That sponsor will be our friends from Pepsi joining us again for this comedic female empowerment story of drag racing in the 1970’s. Several meetings in 2023 over a new Iowa film SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, we’ll keep moving that film development along. There is also another new opportunity for CDI production work. I’ll be heading to AZ for a few days at the start of the new year to take a meeting over this opportunity. I’ve also been doing a little bit of screenwriting here and there as time allows.


(My book editor Callie Smith Grant passed this year and I will miss our wonderful collaborations)

I’m going to wrap this up and maybe go do a touch of final shopping and a little wrapping like a Christmas elf. I know this time of year can be stressful and even lonely for some. Try not to give into the stress of trying to make things perfect. Just enjoy the end of the year – reflect and toast on those no longer with us save in our hearts. Let those still with us know they are loved. Nobody to spend time with maybe volunteer or adopt some elderly. There are homes full of folks who would enjoy your company. I know this from years ago as a Cub Scout. We use to go sing Christmas carols and spend time with those in assisted living. My father took us to deliver Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to the elderly. The Special Olympics, Animal shelters…I’m going to try and commit to more charitable help in 2024. I even had a meeting a few weeks ago with a dear friend about helping us at CDI get more involved in causes. The sad lies in that you cannot help/fix everyone and everything but you can make a difference with a little kindness and a little time. I recall when we shot AN ORDINARY KILLER in Owosso, Michigan, we participated in a food give away. That was very fulfilling to all involved. I know this is the season that most people reflect more upon helping others but it should be something we practice year round. My next blog will be on Christmas Eve. And after that New Years Eve. Ponder and write down some of the changes you want to see in yourself. And be part of positive change for others. What can defeat all the negative in the world with no exception? LOVE.

Be good to one another!


Love vs Fear – And Film Updates:)


Good morning. The sun is shining and the buds are blooming on the apple and mulberry trees. The first sprouts of rhubarb are poking their way up also. I hope all my fellow artists and friends are getting by during this challenge. I still think it some ways that the alien UFO attack still might have been better than this virus. We had a short time where politics disappeared and people just focused on solutions versus blame. It is a unifying event by the threat but it has kept many of us separate from loved ones. This has caused some emotional and some financial pains – understandable. What disappointed me this week was the rise in division again. Here is the thing…


I went to Northwestern Elementary School, Otto Middle School and Sexton High School. It is in Lansing’s public school system and before any right to choose. I believe given a choice many out of fear will choose to remain apart. Divided by race, creed, financial status or any number of things. I think going to public schools was one of the best things ever for me. The real world has divisions but many more sectors that cross over. Why? Because at the heart of it we all have hopes, dreams, fears and we all are born and will die. I’ve always enjoyed the diversity of my friendships. If someone was really in life threatening danger I would work to save them. It would not matter the color of their skin, how they were dressed, who they vote for, how they worship or where they call home. You could be wearing a BERNIE tee shirt or a MAGA hat, it doesn’t matter. I would try to save you. Those that think they are different when understand on their last few breaths that they are not. We are all the same. How we appreciate the life we have and those we share it with varies I’m sure.


We are seeing the best of who we are in some of those working front lines to contain this virus. Where it came from? Misuse of nature or manipulation of the nature order of things, doesn’t matter. Blaming? Why? The mild differences between the way we feel on certain topics is made worse by these extreme situations. We are seeing love and hate – but know hate comes from fear. To love takes courage because of the fear of losing it and feeling pain beyond our control. A dear friend lost EVERYTHING in a house fire but gained a perspective and newfound appreciation for life that could only come by walking through that pain.


We are walking through that pain. My sincere hope is that we gain that new insight to respect and appreciation. This is all someone else’s issue until you suffer a loss or the fear of that loss. In my business I have to make decisions all the time and some that are not always met with full agreement. But the ones held accountable are trying to do their best they can. When people see my name listed above theirs it doesn’t make me more powerful just more accountable. And in politics we have opposing sides who no longer play by gentlemen rules. (gentleladies too) If you misstep and we all do, they will use that against you. That is why many would rather be over-protective vs under protective but with the economical issues that will be politically weaponized it is unfortunately a lose-lose situation.   Know that deep down nobody wants death nor financial ruin and how to navigate that path is not a perfect science. Sometimes you need to get outside the emotional storm. Fear vs Fear is what we’re seeing.


If you have a horrific car crash and are trapped in a burning vehicle you would not deny help if the person has different color skin, wears turban or Trump hat, is gay or prays on a mat facing East…you would accept the help. All I’m saying is, don’t be a bitch to fear. Now I’m a person who listens to people in the medical field not the political. I mean we all listen because they spend so much to try and grab our attention. They are just numbers until it is personal. How many would willingly accept a business set back if it meant saving the life of someone they loved, a mother, father, sibling, child? If someone close to you gets sick you will likely suffer that financial set back in some way anyhow. So let those accountable do their job and no matter how they do it I know people will face criticism. As a boss or employee, parent or child and definitely as artists we all face that. Because some people hold up their identity by going against the grain. Trolls on the internet. Gossipers in social circles. Art critics. We will get past all this and I hope your loved ones come out safe. Some unfortunately will not. But how many friendships will be damaged by the negativity once we get to the other side? I love all my friends and their priorities on various topics don’t change that. I am often disappointed by actions I see but I too have disappointed people.  Hence forgiveness. I hope many of you forgive one another after all this. That you know that all the irrational words, actions and deeds were done out of fear.

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I knew I was going to speak on some of the current topics above but was so happy to get an email this morning.


THE QUEST TRILOGY is now playing on one of the largest TV networks in Mexico. It might have further reach into Latin America I’m not sure. What I’m sure of is that millions of people are watching our stories. FORTY NIGHTS






On behalf of the entire CDI family of artists we hope the millions of new viewers take something positive from these stories and make they part of their traditional watchings.

I also want to thank all the fans of WILD FAITH and MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND the fan mail is appreciated. I’m just so happy that we can bring some entertainment and thought to our audiences.


We’re moving strong and I’m excited to see the soundtrack put to picture. This movie will be just the dose of happy that many need. I have more talks this coming week about the roll out of the film.


We announced some of our talented cast and crew last week.

Christine Mare

The ship stocked up even more this past week and we’ll be ready to roll when the storm passes. You can look us up on Facebook to follow the films or Collective Development Inc.  as a company. Our website http://www.cdiproductions.com is undergoing some updates. Including a subscription mailing list on the CDI site. We’ll be using that for future casting and crew calls and more. So take yourself over there and sign up to stay current.


Even this blog here is going to undergo some revamping in the next couple weeks.


I’ve had all kinds of great conversations- some personal and some business in the past weeks. Calls that maybe you were too tired to make after a long day of work. I don’t, can’t and won’t judge people as I don’t walk in their shoes. I would say do channel your energy into something positive. I’ve seen people type arguments longer than some college papers. These people could have written books, scripts, blogs but instead just throw names and negativity back and forth. I’ve actually gotten a lot of writing done and will complete much more. Some of these writings will become future stories and some will be sold. What is the return on your writings? Loss of friendships? High blood pressure? Lack of sleep?  Undeserved venting at those closest to you? Again I never claimed to be the greatest artist or any of that cocky nonsense. But I do outwork a majority of people. Not just in quantity of the work for the quality. How productive? Which projects did you put energy behind? Just evaluate and see if you can increase your peace of mind. I probably spent 15-18 hours a week in personal meetings before all this. I’ve been using all that extra time to be better prepared. And amazing opportunities continue to develop behind steady development work. There is no short cut.


A beautiful pick by artist Jeff Butler

I’m going to go work in the yard and do some grilling today. Keep your chin up and stay busy with positive things that make you feel accomplished at the end of your day. Know that accomplished tasks which could be just reconnecting with a few people from your circle, can do wonders for yourself. Until next week be good to one another. Coffee cheers!





Exciting Updates. New Joy. A Few Nuggets of Wisdom

So I’m balancing my laptop as I sip my coffee and try to type. Lulu our cat has taken an interest in our new little furry boy Finn. Daphne our other dog is taking her time to warm up. It took her 3-4 days with Luke before he was totally accepted and it was a lifelong love affair from there. Little Finn has all the same courageous and brave attributes. He was his puppy pack leader. He’s slept great for two nights now and has had zero accidents. He had the outside potty down from his two visits. Play, sleep, explore and eat. Repeat as needed. It was an emotional tear to put this bundle of joy over the pain of losing Luke too soon. I joked that Luke’s ‘force ghost’ is coming to Finn and teaching him all the fun stuff as we sleep. He is his own little man but he will definitely be the new cuddle king and will grow into the protector. Even last night on the back porch Daphne was barking at the top of the stairs at whatever critter was wandering the yard to collect food. Finn ran up beside her to give his support. They shared a sniff as if to say, “I got this” and Finn bounced down the stairs first. No lack of bravery. After a hard month of loss in October the month of November is shaping up to be a thankful one.


This past couple weeks has been extremely busy with the movie business. I remember being in the midst of the storm, working five projects with different artists. Finishing sound design, listening to musical score, VO and title credits approvals, new trailer, new posters, finalizing deals, development but before frustration could ever sit in, I felt blessed.


I get to work with all these fellow artists creating beautiful stories. I get to watch such talented actor friends become these roles. I know the hard work that our crews gave each day so that we could assemble the pieces.  I was moved by the music that just injected the scenes with hair-raising emotion. What are these developments? A few early spoilers before the PR releases.

A plot forms

  1. The Wild Faith phase one deal is done. An actual purchase of the property will take place before a TV series moves forward. But that has to wait because as the kick off film in a new partnership/division WILD FAITH will be going into theaters in March 2019. This will be a wider release vs our limited showcase that did very well. We’ve added a new narrator that will start and end our story. He will be well-known to almost everyone and our own Melissa Anschutz got to be in-studio with him in Nashville. There is your hint:) We started delivering elements to the distributor and we’ll deliver the film later next week. The theatrical screens could be tens, hundreds or even a thousand plus as that is what is in their network. They LOVE the film and we know that this film is very timely so I hope many get to see it on the big screen. But any number of screens over our 10 or so we did on our own will be viewed as a success.DJ Perry as Jesus in THE CHRIST SLAYER
  2.  THE CHRIST SLAYER is looking and sounding so powerful. It had a great response at mipcom and AFM markets. The new poster art is beautiful. We’ll be announcing that with our release dates that will include 2/4/19 broadcast/digital, 3/4/19 DVD and national “special event” Easter theatrical showings in April. This is all being done through BMG with their theatrical partnership. I’m so EXCITED to see this film on the big screen. Model building, digital matte paintings and more make this one of the largest scale movies we’ve produced.BMG Master
  3.  We have a batch of new teasers inviting families to watch FORTY NIGHTS and already CHASING THE STAR is being add to many Christmas line ups. I encourage you to take a watch or purchase for your collection. If you enjoyed the experience leave your thoughts on IMDB.com or Amazon. Both are on Amazon Prime along with many other great platforms and networks. Screen Shot 2018-11-18 at 9.47.14 AM
  4. MBF also made an early appearance at the film markets. We’ve had major interest including in the theatrical. A rough trailer made an appearance at AFM and we’ve polished it up and will announce Tuesday when and where audiences can see it. Also the first official poster will be released. Here is the bottom half of it above. MBF was one of my, if not my most vulnerable roles emotionally. After seeing the trailer and about 30 minutes of the rough cut I think I’ve succeeded in honoring the most important people, our vets. Dog lovers will also enjoy this story because it rings of truth. So much that ANIMAL PLANET is making it one of their featured shows on “Amanda to the Rescue” on Sunday nights. I’m told it’s one of the later shows. Teaserpostcard2
  5. Development. LOST HEART. Often when I write I sometimes have someone in mind. I know literally thousands of actors and that gives good imaginative fuel  to me as a writer. That doesn’t mean that the casting always falls that way, sometimes my imagination gives the better read. But often it works out and that leaves only a few castings to find. We’ve started to get in a few requested reads. The response to the script has been very good. I had good talks about it with our distributor. I’m excited about the upcoming slate of movies that CDI will produce. The theatrical aspect will be incorporated into this new production deal. Yes. PR will be coming out on this as we enter into the new year. 2019 will be exciting. IMG_3164

My last point that can be applied to your own situations. First, vet people, companies and projects. Valuable time can be wasted from your personal or business time on unrealistic or unattainable goals. I’m an optimist for sure but no matter how high I train to jump the peak of Everest will still remain out of my reach. But a path. Many, many steps. Good prep and planning and the goal of reaching the top is possible. Others profit from your time or efforts if you make it or not. These are dangerous people and performance is key. Actions vs words. I see many more projects getting launched and finished. At my various meetings I still hear the horror stories and they often include the same names over and over. So do yourself a favor and be careful  where you put your trust and energy. This weekend while concluding some business with an executive I received this added note which I have to say made my day.

BTW – thank you for the business partnership and friendship. It’s relationships like ours that I can point to as the reason why I love what I do.

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Generations of Collective Development Inc. directors

People have often looked for an agenda in me because of my kindness. It’s real. I can be tough when required and the trick is not to be tough on a new contact because of scars from old business wounds. I am proud of what I’ve done with others in this lifetime. I hope I have many more stories to tell before someone adds a RIP next to my name. The truth is we don’t really know. So how I get to my goals is more important to me versus just getting them at all cost.  My goals will not be obtained by stepping on people or screwing people over. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not perfect. I’ve made unpopular decisions. I’ve miscommunicated before. I’ve unintentionally hurt feelings. But my actions on this path tell people I’m sincere. This is my path. Like me. Dislike me. Nobody can question my dedication to the hard path.

Furthermore, If several projects that your associated with keep having issues, is it bad luck that you keep stepping into? Or are you part of the issue as a common denominator? Passing blame is weak and poor leadership. Accountability is power, take it. We’ve had various small bumps while working on all these projects associated with several films. Any bad communication is always my bad. I spend a good amount of effort trying to keep the communication lines strong and proper. Some days it can be difficult managing but once a good flow is established things really do flourish.

Enjoy the harvest of November. Be grateful for what came to be. Reflect and take accountability for what did not. How can you make a positive change and increase the harvest next year? Do the kind of business you wish to receive.

Have a great week ahead. Watch for those PR releases.


Hearts Torn Both in Life and Film

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So it is Sunday at 10pm or so and I almost forgot to blog out to everyone. It has been a whirlwind past few days so I’ll try to explain. We’ve entered a stage I call on-set pre-production where our advanced team comes in and prepares the ship (film) for departure. As some of you know my furry boy Luke has battled illness that last couple years. He’s been bouncing back from two bouts of an immune disease and either of them could have been the end of the road. He’s a goofy fun boy who loves life, people, treats…did I say treats? Anyway he’s been doing great with his muscle tone coming back and glimpses of his younger healthier self. Recently he had been having what we thought was more skin issues with sensitivity. It actually turned out to be a mass in his sinus cavity in his forehead. Not good. He had two biopsy procedures done and that caused great discomfort in his tummy. That big head is healing nice with his Frankenstein stitches and all.


Our team has been here working to get ready for the rest of the main crew. For two days my stomach was trying to eat itself with stress waiting on results. My father’s dog had a different situation but also resulted in biopsy and possible cancer. My head was filled with joy one day as my father’s dog got a clean bill of health on the biopsy. My big knucklehead did not get the good news. I felt like I had been kicked in the throat and punched in the jimmy. All these battles and my boy can’t catch a break. My stress lowered slightly not being in limbo but sadness loomed whenever it became quiet.


We’ll be hearing out the doctor and looking at options and such but the situation does not look good. I don’t know if it is harder and easier being away – I’m guessing harder. The irony of the situation is the film we’re about to make MBF is about military vets and shelter dogs. How much time does my boy have? We he still have some healthy times when I finish shooting in 2 weeks and change? This film like all the films have a chance to better the lives of military vets and dogs. It is some of my favorite writing in a simple yet powerful story. My emotional stakes in the film raised with this crisis. I will surely dedicate this film to my boy who was the inspiration at my feet while writing. I don’t know how the future will unfold but we all deal with pain. I’ve surely felt pain the last few days. I’ve felt pain with each sick day. Pain is part of life but it really seems unfair right now. But I will just keep one foot stepping in front of the other.


I’ve been working with old friends and making new ones. I’m looking forward to watching and working with such talented artists. I’ll be announcing the addition of several actors joining our cast. I’m excited about Lauren LaStrada again joining us and Mr. Don Most who many will remember from HAPPY DAYS. I’m so excited by our entire group on both sides of the camera. Storytellers telling stories. And as for me, I’ve found my character. I know him very well as we’ve been hanging out together for several months. I think audiences will enjoy getting to know Paul Landings. Very soon.


WILD FAITH is rolling and we just had a few more Goodrich Theater showings. We have more invites that we’re looking at and we’ll keep showing. I’m happy to say our home video deal is coming together and it might include another expanded theatrical push. Once released it will be up to audiences to vote on the film with their viewership. If you all deem it worthy the distributor is willing to finance a sequel and/or TV series. I met a fan of the films tonight who cried a bit talking about the story. That is what makes me happy. It’s not about awards to me it is about touching the hearts and minds of audiences. Thank you to all those who made the effort to go see the film in the theaters and for also letting me know how it affected you. I appreciate it.


I want to release the trailer for THE CHRIST SLAYER soon. We’re waiting on color correction from our director of photography. The film will also start major music and sound at the end of the month. I’m excited for audiences to see this film. You can wet your whistle by watching parts 1 & 2 on Amazon Prime. (FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR)

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I’ve got a slew of crew contracts to review so I’m going to cut this short but I do appreciate you all stopping by. I’ll touch base again next Sunday when cameras are rolling. You can go to https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7403772/reference OR https://www.facebook.com/MBFthemovie/ to see what we’re filming next. Thank you all for your support.



Enter December – Updates

Today is a fine Michigan morning sipping coffee and chatting with all of you. This is the first week in December and what change a week can bring. We’re expecting our first real snow that sticks today. That was one of the favorite days for our eldest dog Joplin that has passed on. We went out and got a beautiful tree yesterday and the other animals love it. I think that bringing of nature into people’s lives and living  rooms is a good thing. Thankfully, my tooth issue has passed with a bill of health from the dentist. Hard to believe that little seed stumbled me up so bad. Like a thorn in the paw – I was humbled by it. Without that pain – I was able to finish lots of winterizing. Also got my ride ready for the winter and so let it snow, let it snow – let it snow.


This week saw lots of business moving forward in post, development and distribution work. I was happy to see “Christmas Miracle at Sage Creek” playing Netflix. “Figure in the Forest” played UpLift this past week. On iTunes we saw listings for “40 Nights” and “Bestseller” both film and soundtracks. Tis the season for family’s and friends to gather round and be entertained. Let’s look at a few of the updates this week.


The Quest Trilogy

“40 Nights” is prepping for a NEW 2017 release including foreign sales. We’ve had more attention brought to this film from reviewers and word-of-mouth. Paperwork is close to being signed so I can share some new updates. Patience:)

40 Nights Trailer

“Chasing the Star” trailer has been well received and the film is moving towards being finished. We’ve started working credit sequences and we’ll be looking at theatrical and event showings to follow our premiere. We need to reach out again but I think we’ll do another AZ premiere with Champion Church.


The last chapter of the trilogy “The Christ Slayer” will start to make some announcements in the next couple weeks. We’re very excited to conclude this powerful series of stories.


Now 100% in the can (or on the harddrives) and editing is underway. We’ve been rolling behind-the-scenes photos both on social media and our website.

“Wild Faith” website



I have been working a bit on the outline for the series. I think it would be a great opportunity to tell an ongoing story of the challenges of the Murphy family and the community of 1870’s Hastings, MI.

I’ve been looking about at literary agents to assist in selling some of the script properties that I don’t plan to produce. I’ve also been back to doing some writing in my quiet time. I do enjoy the process and I’ve been thrilled watching “40 Nights,” “Chasing the Star,” and “Wild Faith” go from imagination to the page to the screen. I LOVE watching the words, scene and world come to life.

I’m going to cut things here, fill the coffee cup and prepare to decorate the tree while watching our LIONS go to battle again on the football field. I hope you all have a wonderful end to your weekend and a great week ahead.


That’s a WRAP! ReCap!

Welcome to the start of the week my friends. I’m sipping the java in hopes of rising above this exhaustion. I had six days of tooth/jaw ache that I thought might be a cavity  causing intense pain, lack of sleep, focus – if you’ve had a tooth issue you know. My dentist went out of the state for the weekend and so I tried to manage the pain only semi-successful. Also, the day before Thanksgiving we peacefully put our eldest dog to rest. It had been coming and was sad but also the right thing as it was time. Our pack of family love got a little smaller but I like to think that our past furry children are just scouting up ahead for us all. The night before our last “Wild Faith” shoot I dislodged a pokey seed from behind my wisdom tooth and the sharp zapping pain immediately left. Now the nerves seem to be falling back in line but I have not experienced that much pain that I can recall. Not in martial arts or soccer smashes and clashes and all cause by a little seed. We laughed that it was like the thorn in the lions paw. Okay, let’s talk film.

Wild Faith

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Shane Hagedorn and Martez Moore on set #wildfaith

Yesterday was our final day of shooting on our family western ‘Wild Faith’ and boy did we go out with a BANG, or many of them. It was our Civil War flashbacks with our lead Shane Hagedorn and Detroit-based actor Martez Moore who played opposite him. We had a couple of great re-enactor groups with us providing wonderful backdrop. The 12th South Carolina and the 4th Michigan brought their A-game. We had a great cannon team out with “Goldie” that shook the ground. I also enjoyed the visit with the property owner Irene Hosking, almost 99 years old. She was a nurse in WWII stationed in Australia and the surrounding area. She was born in 1918 and her first transportation was horse and buggy. Imagine all that she has seen in her many years and our troops gave her a wonderful welcome at lunch. Minus a few stuck vehicles in mud we had a smooth shoot. It was wonderful to see some of the crew back. With Jesse Aragon not able to return for our one day pick up it was wonderful to work with Craig Harmer again from the ‘Bestseller’ movie. The film is now officially in post-production. We will be releasing more behind-the-scenes photos followed by stills. And before Christmas audiences just might get a sneak peek.


‘Goldie’ was quite impressive and put out a blast you could FEEL in your bones.


Final negotiations on the new 2017 push with ’40 Nights,’ the first in the trilogy. Also audiences were treated to their first look at the second film ‘Chasing the Star’ – so if you missed it – enjoy.

40 Nights trailer

And the second film…

Chasing the Star trailer

And now the business of development on the third film is starting.

So post-sound work will be finishing on ‘Chasing the Star’ as editing moves forward on ‘Wild Faith’ and I’m so very proud of all the artists on both sides of the camera.

I also want to thank Tom Quintana who sent me one of his quality hand-shaped hats. I will be doing a photo shoot for him and I’ll be sure to put a few of those pictures here. It was a wild weekend of emotional and physical pain. It was a weekend of family, friends and filming. The one thing I will say is don’t be afraid to fail. Get out there and make it happen. I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to stop here each week.

Have a great week ahead!


Soccer Ahead – Saturday Updates…

So tomorrow is our first soccer match and I’m ready to get kicking. There is something powerful about pushing yourself to the limits in combat with another team whose goals are opposite your own. In those moments you focus on getting the ball in their net and keep it from yours. I like that lingering pain that continues on into the week. That is growth through pain. So today I got to work on my touch with my brother and another buddy. I’m in good shape in regards to strength, core and body weight but could be a bit more prepared to run, run and run some more. But that returns quite fast. The truth is I dislike running just to run. But, I’m looking forward to that weekly battle once again.

I think some of that combat prepares us for the battles in other areas. I wish sometimes I could give a teeth jarring shoulder hit to correct issues in the film world but it doesn’t work like that. But I’m very happy to say that many battles won have led us to finishing more films. WASTELAND. The TERRORIST. Now BESTSELLER is VERY close to being complete. We did a listen/watch through in studio on Friday and with a few minor tweaks we will be sealing that film up. We are doing a cast/crew and media showing on the 9th of May. The 1st public showing will be on the 23rd of May. I’ve also been happy as the marketing materials are all pulling together. We have new poster art and trailer coming on BESTSELLER.

40 NIGHTS also have some great new promotional art coming forth. I’m excited about this project and our distributor is extremely happy with the direction. We are finalizing a new LOGO that we be used in most all the branding.

ASHES OF EDEN is about to be presented to buyers by our distributor. I’m excited about getting this film out to audiences. I’m even more excited to see what the next steps will be working with Shane Hagedorn.

I’ve been working on some screenplay work and I did inquire about one film project that caught my interest acting wise. I’m honestly not in a rush to get back in front of the camera with all this post work, soccer and putting in a garden. BUT if the right thing comes along – it could happen.

A good transition week and I don’t really have any amazing insights. I’ve just been focused on finishing up BESTSELLER and dealing with distribution and promotion. I think that is why soccer is such a welcome change. So work hard and give yourself time for your hard work to pay off. I like to say, work as a PULSE versus a RAY. The latter will drain you quickly. I’ve been taxed on these projects for sure but the batteries are slowly getting their charge back. That happens when you give everything all you have.

With that…a nap. Soccer practice was tiring and I have a soccer buddy stopping over later. Might be time for some guacamole and chill time.

Have a great Saturday!


First Steps Into 2014

So before I get into my weekly chat I will note how nice it is to have temps climbing back into the “above zero” range. One of our furry babies has some knee issues and the cold has been really hard on his joints. Many of us can likely relate to all that. I spent last night down on the couch with my buddy who is having the issue. The vet had said he might need surgery at some point. I’m just afraid it might be sooner versus later. We’ve been through all that with one of our other dogs and it is a real process. I’m happy to say our dog who did have the procedure is doing just great. So my buddy’s knee(s) was hurting him bad last few days and the stairs were not going to work last night for him. He cried being left alone downstairs and so I came to him to bring the snuggles. They are going to up his meds some to help control some of the pain for now but that is just a band-aid. Something more will need to be done here soon. So with that said, back to work in 2014! Surgery is not cheap for people or animals.

I had some good enjoyable meetings this week. I had a sit down with legal over sushi, late night production meetings over a home-brew  and many phone meetings. I’m working to house clean CDI biz and simplify things within the company. I need to stay on top of things as our CDI sales team gets into more direct business. We’re now in talks with buyers in a few more territories around the globe.  So we should see more of the CDI films rolling out to international audiences. I submitted several to them and now we wait as they evaluate.

One small setback with “The Beast” which is on hold until GPI can fully move here to the USA.  Our first collaboration with GPI was “Darkest Night” and is supposed to be opening on Hulu soon. I haven’t seen it up on Hulu yet but I also have not checked in on Hulu for a while. Post work on “Ashes of Eden” draws to a close and next week editing is to start on “Bestseller” – so that is exciting news on both fronts.

There is a slew of small moves about the board with other projects. I guess my mind is drifting to that place of advice giving. I had a situation recently whereas I had a different view on career moves with my West Coast agent. I’m not one to allow myself to be molded into the norm, the status quo. I’ve had good success by standing on my unique qualities and attributes. Also I’m not desperate for work as I turn down my fair share for one reason or another. But it is just hard to get others to represent you properly the way you represent yourself.  It is hard to get people to sell you a certain way. I would love to move some of that negotiation work over to an agent for their +10% but I still land the best work directly. I will see how the year unfolds as we go agent-wise but I do have several new options opening. Next week many of the industry people will be back in full swing so I look forward to moving some business along. As you work with representation remember it is about working WITH them not FOR them.

Peace be with you on your travels down the path of 2014.