“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “battle

Birthdays, Reunions, Releases and More…

(Happy Birthday Tony!)

Hazelnut cheers my friends! Welcome to our readers worldwide including new readers from Argentina, Kenya, Ireland and India. I love that our circle is wide. We may be from different places where the lines on a map are drawn differently and various languages may be spoke BUT we all have those same artistic calls. I’ve had a very artistic filled week with a good dash of business. Michigan got another cold snap but unseasonably warm weather is coming next week. I want to also give a BIG shout out to two of my generals in getting things done. Our own Tony Hornus and Shane Hagedorn, both masterful talent on both sides of the camera both were born on this day. So a HUGE happy birthday to them both. Shane is getting a well earned few days of rest in the sunshine state of Florida including a visit with GW Burns, our new CDI production designer. Some good talks over our next film endeavor will no doubt be happening. Dennis Therrian is excited to watch the cut of Harsens Island Revenge and start bouncing music bed ideas off our director Carl Weyant. Carl should have gotten back from Brazil on Friday and I’m looking forward to connecting with him this week. Where to start on my update or maybe this just random format fits the energy.

(BIG 50 Happy Bday to Shane Hagedorn)

Lots happening-

(Me, Stuart MacDonald, Lynn Drzick and Jim Greulich)

OLD SCHOOL – I’ve spoke several times about my humble beginnings in the film world. I struggled for many years to the point of many saying I should let go of my pipe dream. Persistence is a key in this business and without you will likely fail. Patience is another key and is hard for many to grasp. It is a lesson in discipline. My first feature film was a creature feature called IN THE WOODS. I starred as rookie firefighter Alex Kerwood. It is the manifestation of some young hungry artists forcing their way into the industry. We wanted to just get into the game and that we did. The film was not without flaws as inexperience and budgetary restraints were met with passion and enthusiasm. The film was released heavily into the US market and into many countries around the world. It put us on the map so to speak. The film had critics but also fans. I recall the Adrian MI the film playing in conjunction with The Haunting a once major Halloween attraction. The town was plastered with IN THE WOODS on fliers at McDonalds, billboards, news, radio and more. I remember when the line to get signed autographs was 400 strong. That showed the power of the medium. Hard-core horror fans had some issues because the film flew against the formula of the time. Annoying victims, cool villain and when and how would they die. This was a bit more of a soap opera with firefighter drama and ADD in monsters. The two factors that played heavily maybe not seen at that time was- women like scary films too but they like character development. Women also like firefighters. So the positive fans of the film tilted heavily with the lady-folk. While men wanted their “boobs and blood” women seemed to like the blood too but could use a dose of men in uniform. The fans were there then and now 25 years later we’re giving them a new polished up version plus a new director’s cut with added footage and more streamline editing. I traveled to Kalamazoo where we filmed on Friday and we saw the new cut and did commentary for the blu-ray that will feature both films. A new release campaign is rolling out this year with BluRay, DVD, VHS (Yes), streaming, new book releases (which I will list) and even soundtrack and toys. A great reunion with director/writer Lynn Drzick, Stuart MacDonald (Al Fargo), Jim Greulich (Wayne Higley) and me (Alex Kerwood). After the fresh watch and commentary we had several hours by the fire discussing plot points for the planned sequel. Yes. IN THE WOODS 2 is in active development. We all agreed to go back into the woods again to have round 2 against the creatures who will also be getting upgrades. The plot points and story threads are pretty exciting. It will be fun to bring these characters back to the screen. It was fun even doing a bit of Alex Kerwood audio work for the new release. We did try to launch a sequel a few years after the first film but it was too soon. We even did a teaser trailer years ago that I’ll share but this new film will be one for the books. The chemistry was there when we sat around the fire playing out some scenes in character – the magic was back.

So lets see how you can get ready for the new release and new sequel.

The Making of IN THE WOODS– a great guide and inspiration for young filmmakers- https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=EIFE0&content-id=amzn1.sym.d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c%3Aamzn1.symc.50e00d6c-ec8b-42ef-bb15-298531ab4497&pf_rd_p=d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c&pf_rd_r=F4JNGGVESM0FJA761F4V&pd_rd_wg=tBSKE&pd_rd_r=ed96e755-a343-4af2-9fe4-85ea6b0837e7&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m

The reissue of the IN THE WOODS Novelization by Nancy Gideon giving lots of back ground info- https://www.amazon.com/Woods-Nancy-Gideon-ebook/dp/B00SEKIHYE/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3HFATMYW8WKF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QiukYlBgrJ9AF41sf-Su3_63yJLoZiXgXSz_dB5yDKc.Z0HnzSRNumwrvQu5MidJPiDYLfTiRyaJ-UcoU9VNQeE&dib_tag=se&keywords=In+the+Woods+novelization+by+Nancy+Gideon&qid=1708267999&sprefix=in+the+woods+novelization+by+nancy+gideon%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-1

My big-budget sword and sorcery movie script prequel that tells the Origins of the Beasts titled PanDEMONium! – https://www.amazon.com/panDEMONium-Woods-Origin-DJ-Perry/dp/B0CV8F73D6/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=EIFE0&content-id=amzn1.sym.d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c%3Aamzn1.symc.50e00d6c-ec8b-42ef-bb15-298531ab4497&pf_rd_p=d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c&pf_rd_r=F4JNGGVESM0FJA761F4V&pd_rd_wg=tBSKE&pd_rd_r=ed96e755-a343-4af2-9fe4-85ea6b0837e7&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m

This will get you up to speed before the major release on the 25th Anniversary Blu Ray!

HERE is the old sequel trailer for many years ago- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVDnyNGY6mE&feature=youtu.be

CDI’s KNIGHT CHILLS is getting the Remastered treatment with the Blu-Ray for sale now HEREhttps://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14483042912564000939&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=08fc0b8d3ebc3af99b43436fce7530fa&gad_source=1

The BluRay is full of great extras and we’re working to set up the HD streaming on some select horror film streaming sites. Also the book and script will get the literary release treatment very soon. It’s in the works! A sequel has been talked about for years and we have various scripts and have interviewed many filmmaker teams. We’re still working to get that just right but in the meantime we’ll introduce a new generation to Sir Kallio, Dark Knight of the Red Rose.

(Terence Knox, Terry Jernigan and Dan Haggerty in ‘An Ordinary Killer’)


CDI’s Second film FROM VENUS has some Tom Miller (Knight Chills) artwork underway and we’re discussing the Blu Ray deal. FIGURE IN THE FOREST & HEAVEN’S NEIGHBORS will eventually get the HD treatment and we’ll look to make those available. We have a DVD double feature which we’ll work to make more available. The genre films are a touch easier to set up right now.

AN ORDINARY KILLER and GHOST TOWN – Our true story crime drama and Smoky Mt western are also getting a planned new release campaign. These two films will start with a planned theatrical release. Both will be getting a new remastered theatrical DCP film and a Blu Ray release. The collector’s edition DVD from the Ghost Town in the Sky theme park will also become available perhaps at the theaters concession that plays the film. Lotta ground work to do but technical-wise it’s all underway including a new theatrical trailer for Ghost Town. These two films will likely do a theatrical release around where they were filmed to start with. But CDI’s theatrical division is getting stronger in the wake of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA just played another theater in Cherokee, Iowa and we’ll keep processing requests of folks wanting to watch on the big screen. Meanwhile I’m happy to announce that people who subscribe to Up Family & Faith will be able to watch our WW2 drama starting July 1st and it will run there for a year. It’s still available to rent on many platforms at will. Thank you to those who are watching and referring it to friends and family. The DVD’s are selling well also and so again thank you. Some of the proceeds from sales are directly helping the two participating museums in Algona.

As Easter approaches THE QUEST TRILOGY is seeing a good draw. This trilogy of stories interconnects and leaves one to ponder and be inspired. No heavy handed stuff here just the distilled down beauty of the parables. So watch FORTY NIGHTS followed by CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. Make them part of your yearly watch or anytime you need a good dose of positivity. All free with ads on Encourage TV (Youtube, Roku)

LOST HEART, WILD FAITH, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, BEST YEARS GONE – all of the CDI films have some great lessons or awareness woven into the storytelling. Treat yourself and tell others about your favorite story.


Harsens Island Revenge was talked about earlier and those anxiously awaiting will be treated at the end of the month to the ‘behind the scenes’ video showing the hard work and fun of making a CDI film. Next month my plan is to release the first teaser trailer and soon after the theatrical poster.

HOT ROD LOVE – We have more funders interested in getting behind this movie. We are awaiting to see to what degree and we’re in talks with many other parties old and new. This 1970’s story will be a blast to film. Our director Shane Hagedorn will be meeting with our production designer in FL to discuss some elements of the film. We’ll be doing a location scout soon at the race track location. Too early to sound the battle horns but we’re getting there. Also we’re getting some sponsors on board joining Pepsi and so if you have interest of getting your company involved please do reach out to me. It is a unique marketing opportunity for sure.


Monday I have another development meeting and we’re close to signing and announcing on it. Also I’m bringing on a local Iowa artists to assist us in the funding of SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE. Additionally, I’m 1/3 of the way through a new/old script that might be filmed next winter. It is a cool stylized piece and will make a great feature film. I’m looking to have some talks next week that might put some fire under the WILD FAITH: HASTINGS TV series. Steps. Steps. Steps. I’m ready for some eggs so I’m going to bring this to a close. Keep your roots planted and remember where you come from and where you started. CDI is multi-generational and I’m proud of that. I’m off and we’ll chat next week same place and time. Be good to one another and have a productive week!


Eggs, Advice and Updates from a Snowy Michigan

I’m sitting by the fire and sipping the hazelnut coffee. We had to get a new grinder as the last one started failing in its duty. We had a few days of snow falling and the temps have been bitter. I’ve been so happy reading about all the smiles we’ve put on faces with the showing of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, that is reaching towards a hundred cities. Now most of our fans of this film are slightly older with an appreciation of history. As the rave reviews, festival invites, booking agents and more reaching out to align with this film, I knew the attention seeking haters were looming. Often it is someone who was passed up on a role, position or what-not. A company, filmmaker, screenwriter who has not earned their opportunity and so they are angry. Sometimes it is one person having a grievance with a person on the cast or crew, but they lash out at an entire groups work. This film when at the prime of its run will be seen by tens of millions. So far we’ve presented to thousands of people in theaters. We’re opening into many new cities/screens this week and more in the weeks to come. I’m excited that next Sat Feb 4th we’ll be premiering at the NCG theatre in Owosso, Michigan the hometown of our director, DP (Camera) and young lead Curran Jacobs. It will be the first showing for many of my own family. They will have a 4:00 show and a 7:00 with an afterglow after the late show.

To get back at the negative feedback, from negative folks. They are trapped in a cloud, a filter, that effects everything they do, watch, see. I normally care very little about the stones thrown but do wish all the beautiful comments we’ve received through various social media, communication platforms, could be seen by all. The stories forgotten and recalled of grandparents struggling at an earlier time. So if you want your review known – please go to http://www.imdb.com and search ‘Silent Night in Algona’ – on that page you can VOTE with 10 being the best and lastly + ADD A REVIEW- where you’ll be able to express all the wonderful feelings this film invoked. This will help in some avenues of distribution – we are also seeking any of you professional reviewers also. Please do reach out if you’ve done or wish to do an official review for your site, blog or vlog.

Enough with all that- I’m extremely proud of all the amazing feedback and that is causing the film to grow, grow, grow- in the marketplace. IF YOU WANT THE FILM IN YOUR AREA– a handful of calls to the local theatre manager asking them to have their booker reach out. They can reach out to our FB page and that is how it has expanded so well, because of you all! We are starting to look at a few select festivals in America, UK, Germany. The home video deal will likely finalize next month and we have some great plans in motion for that. So if you get a chance to see it on the big screen – do it. It will roll out to DVD and streaming on the run up to the holidays this year.

Harsens Island Revenge – On Friday, I was working on casting breakdowns. We’ve landed on our production dates which are after Labor Day. We are about to do some PR on our director announcing the project and possible with a teaser poster. The paperwork for the project is being drafted and in about two weeks we’ll move into official pre-production. This film will be shot in Michigan and we’ve got some great things lining up. WW1 vets versus the Purple Gang mafia – it’s gonna be exciting. Already a few departments are prepping. We will start sitting down with others from our past crews to see if they want to go on this adventure. I’m excited to do another scout trip soon.

SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE – The script for this powerful story is under review for historical adjustments. There are always conflicting recollection of events. We are making historic fiction not doing a biopic, but guidance is always helpful. I have a meeting this coming week to take this to the next phase of development. If this all goes well, I’ll have a lot more to discuss. We are targeting a 2024 shoot if we stay on our timeline.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2: Battlefields – This next step in our martial arts series that focuses on grappling and the art of Catch-Can. The project will again be produced by the Red, White & Blue Project Inc. non-profit and Collective Development Inc. Once again Curran Jacobs will direct and host the second installment. Adam Towner is onboard to again do post edit work. They will soon start talking to previous donors to see if they want to travel deeper into the study and history of this art used in life and death combat situations. Many new and exciting guests are planned for this new installment looking to roll camera in the Summer.

PROJECT-SHJ – My meeting over the supernatural thriller went extremely well. The biggest issue to discuss was schedule. Now that we have the Harsens Island Revenge dates solid we can look to lock something here. We talked budgets and production duties in our associated collaboration. I was happy with these discussions and we even discussed a slate of films. One is a script we collaborated on many years ago. Another would be a sequel to our maiden endeavor, which would be written by me. I’ve had a good idea for a sequel for many years and so I pitched it. Another story to eventually be put to paper. Yes, I use Movie Magic but once done. I like paper to read and memorize.

HOW DO YOU DO THIS STUFF? A common question

A lot of dreamers have the idea and passion but it must be tempered and focused. Many are great dreamers and talkers and poor at execution. Outside the sight of others they get lazy or disorganized doing what they want to do versus what needs to be done. Truth nuggets here. If you can KNOW THYSELF enough, if you have WILLPOWER – you can dictate. Before you go (Random fun place) you are going to get that proposal written. For many who struggle with willpower I always say, do what you need to do but don’t want to do first, when you have the most energy. Do not wait until you are nearly depleted to tackle the task you dread most. Often it is not as bad as your mind has built up. Once completed and feeling productive the lesser items seem even easier to tackle.

Everything is steps. Order of business. But brainstorming and dreaming is the start. I have many of those sessions weekly with the CDI Tribe. Ideas are tossed about until one shines brighter. No egos. The mutual conversations birthed options and ideas. Ideas are put to order. Execution of each step of order, like a battle mission. Knights around the table reporting, recapping, refining their plans. Have fun. I cannot stress this enough. Have FUN when you work on and through these things. As a camp counselor we use to have team challenges. In martial arts – fighting with a partner at your back. The beer that flows after a soccer match in victory or loss, because you’re living and playing the game. Life is a game of time. Many spend huge amounts of time chasing symbols of currancy and recognition of doings by way of fame. I want my work done to be appreciated but be known for what I’m doing in the present.

I’m an artist in the present. I work with wonderfully, talented people. I laugh and enjoy the mutual victories, obtained by artists who care. We humbly present our work, to which many have and will continue to praise the story. But there will be those who are enraged by others doing what they dreamt of but did not apply themselves in the right way. In the right direction. With the right people. It is hard people. Most famous bands make their best music in 10 years and break up. We are moving towards three decades as a company of storytellers and now we have multiple generations of CDI artists. To me that is success. EVERY FILM is handcrafted like my beers, wine or- you get the point. No formula Hollywood here. I go to the Detroit art museum and I don’t LOVE everything I see. I actually see a few things taking up space but that is subjective. I don’t get it but someone else is weeping because of the brilliance of it all. I don’t get all music these days. Beastie Boys were and still are often my jam. To someone else- Lame. I get it. I think if people spent as much time acting off their positive good filters versus time spent acting off their negative filters, they would find an improvement in their own lives. Negativity is a poison. When said, written or even thought- you ingest it. Start replacement that with KINDNESS, LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING – and please do not draw lines. No exceptions. You want a sweeter life, feed, give, share the honey of life and not the bitter arsenic of negativity.

I’m out to refill the coffee cup and eat some bacon and eggs. People laughed at chicken land at first but whose laughing now? Just kidding. Actually, it has been a good experience. Until next week my friends.

Coffee Cheers,


Five 2022 CDI Releases and New Development Updates!

Hazelnut coffee adding a bit of warmth to a cool morning after we had some solid storms pass through yesterday. Our property is in full bloom with the new hops reaching the upper deck. We had flowers including our lovely smelling lilacs adding color everywhere. Some of the mushrooms are growing in their damp places. I was doing some fence work yesterday stepping inside just moments before the downpour. This past week was a nice mix of development, post-work and promotion. Also a meeting with our distributor to discuss the upcoming endeavors.

On the development – We’ll be traveling to speak with track owners again this week on HOT ROD LOVE, trying to find the perfect partners. We are working to assign all the units of investment and also court sponsors. This 1975 film will be the perfect summer film to shoot. The music, the clothes and the CARS! I’m working hard on this project because it will be fun for cast and crew and ultimately for audiences. The hope is to have all the funding blocks in soon so we can move ahead in confidence.

Also on the development tip has been writing on another upcoming CDI film that does have the committed funds. It is an end of the year film which will likely shoot end of 2023 but you never know. What is most exciting is that CDI will be tackling the ROARING 20’s! I’m 1/4 of the way through the script and I’m just so pleased at how it’s come together thus far. I do have to credit the book author for once again creating some great characters. I’ve been working on the PR release for this project and we’ll be releasing it soon giving many more details.

Just to showcase how you have to try and juggle schedules – the project still be written (script) is funded but real development work cannot begin until the script is done. The one that has the solid script with lots of development completed is still working to reach funding. So those are the kind of funny situations that we sometimes face.

The 2022 Releases-

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH now has its filmfreeway page set up which is what you use to enter festivals. We’ve about delivered all the elements just need a few small things still and they will be assigning us release dates. This is an amazing documentary film and we’re excited to present it to the world.

BESTSELLER – this Chris Knight thriller is FINALLY getting its home video release on May 31st this MONTH! I’m keeping an eye out DVD pre-sales and I hope to know what platforms this movie will go to soon. Once I do we will pass along. Follow us on the film’s FB site too.

BEST YEARS GONE will also have DVD pre-sale sites and digital streaming coming July 5th! So after you have your big 4th of July blow out you can chilly chill and water the antics of Gil Gilles. Comedy, Drama and a touch of romance is what you can expect. And to that add a good dose of the unexpected.

Here is a good interview from our friends at Indie Film Cafe-whereas they try not to give any spoilers away –

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The teaser has generated some great interest for us including some theatrical talk. We are going to be working on some new promo materials as we move towards a 2nd edit of the film. We are aiming to lock picture and move it over to music and sound in July/August and finish the film in November to have a premiere in Algona, Iowa in December. After we might look at expanding the theatrical throughout Iowa but all of you in Iowa can help by contacting your local theaters and requesting it. We are still a ways off but it will be here before you know it. After a winter theatrical run we’re planning to start working foreign sales and setting up for the Holiday 2023 season which is when home video (DVD and streaming) will take place. This is a typical roll out but many good folks aren’t aware of how that works. Also some thought the film would be done a few weeks after filming. Please let me borrow your magic wand. No. It takes months to put the puzzle together.

SMOKE & MIRRORS (Short) – This steampunk, Victorian mystery short is taken from one of my full feature scripts. It is a great proof of concept that was tired to a commercial endeavor we had at CDI. We entered a few fun festivals close by that we’ll try to attend. It has been a while since I’ve done any thrillers or horror films, so this project was great fun.

Other projects continue to develop such as the projects surrounding KNIGHT CHILLS. Prepping a few more to be released with Deskpop Entertainment and BMG. The Quest Trilogy is finishing its strongest season, the holidays. The trilogy led by part 1 Forty Nights is pushing 2 million viewers on Encourage TV. All three can be watched on there including part 2 Chasing the Star and part 3 The Christ Slayer. Man’s Best Friend just passed 1.5 million on Encourage TV and with new platforms emerging our audience will keep growing. LOST HEART/Bigfoot UFO’s and Jesus is solidly past 700k and heading towards its first million. This is only the distributors streaming but if gives a good temperature. WILD FAITH is chugging steadily towards 6 million on Encourage TV and it also is expending into several new platforms. All this can really help our efforts to get the season 1 eight shows filmed in the near future. Thank you to all of you out there supporting the films.

In the past, I know for a fact that certain films have been trolled (negative actions). If you have an issue with someone on the cast or crew don’t throw rocks at a collective work by many artists trying to get to one person. Seems kind of reckless. What I propose is use your (insert emotion here) to help yourself in a positive manner. I’ll use myself as an example. If you don’t like me- chances are you don’t know me. I’m just kidding.

I speak my truth, so I’m sure I’ve rubbed someone wrong at some point. But don’t throw shade at an entire project because of one artist. I say, if you don’t like me or my work USE IT to inspire you. If that @#!@! DJ Perry can do it, I can do it, and better! Use it. Actions speak. I want to be surrounded by good businesses engaging with good artists to tell good stories. Become that. Become greater than-

I had a few questions as of late that I thought were good ones-

Do you still act outside CDI? I never stopped. But I will say that there are a small handful of projects I worked very hard in front of camera only to have them not get done (to date to be fair). At CDI we will always get it done. But I’m open to read anything that is funded as my time is limited. If your cart is in front of your horse, I just politely ask you to wait until you’re prepared. Now there are LOI’s and pay to plays and such when a producer uses your attachment to get funding and those are a different story. Yes. I’ve been paid well on a project that never shot. Because you mark that time off. I LOVE living in Michigan and it is always my home. But coming up, my circle wasn’t all Michigan it was production groups around the country working at the same or higher levels of the business. I’ve always associated myself with doers versus talkers and it doesn’t matter what state or country they are from. Storytellers have no such boundaries and sometimes the best stories are out there.

Will you consider work-for-hire screenplay writing-

Yes. I will consider anything. I think as an actor – I was disappointed in a lot of the scripts and so I started trying to create what I would enjoy as an actor. And I infuse that high level of attention and love into all the characters not just the main few. I’ve written in several genres and adapted several books to screenplays. Adapting books is a different animal from just pulling wildly from the imagination. I enjoy both just two different processes.

Would you consult or produce yourself?

CDI has done “in association” projects whereas we bring certain things to the table but THEY have the $ so THEY are accountable so WE are consultants. I’ve had projects I’ve helped out with and they awarded me a credit and compensation but no, I would not produce myself. The reason is simple if you want something to run like a CDI film you need the whole machine not just a part of it. I cannot deliver what the entire team brings and neither can they. I also know some want to associate with our history for seeking funds. The issue lies if they think they are getting a CDI project and they are not, because final decisions are being made elsewhere. I’ve had several sit downs where the other party states they want to create product/films like CDI. Next they want to bring this, this and this variable. In some cases these variables are what was holding back these people on their previous projects. But I also believe you put in the work and you get the funds you earned an opportunity to showcase however. But I don’t have to take that ride. I often relate these films to children and I don’t take the commitment lightly. So I better see a responsible doer with a solid battle plan, resources and desire to attempt something amazing to consider a collaboration. Meanwhile at CDI, we will keep refining our battle plans, increasing our resources and always attempting to collectively create something amazing.


I’m going to wrap this up so I can go assemble a windmill and no I’m not kidding. Also planting some clover and such in the yard. It is so great that we finally have some sunshine. I came up zero at the flea market but last week gave me treasures including my HOT ROD LOVE (Woody Jr.) hat! We won our soccer match in good fashion last week and I’m enjoying the outside grass play versus indoors. I cannot wait until we do battle again on Thursday! I hope everyone is having a great day and has a great week ahead.

Coffee Cheers!


CDI Top Ten Updates and Coffee Talk on World Events.

I’m sitting and sipping the hazelnut coffee with “Luna” beside me. She is the rescue that we’ve been working into our family mix. Right now she and Finn our co-existing nicely together yer still apart. Finn has had a few small issues but Luna is so laid back she just ignores him. She wants to go full into play and such with the handsome Finn but we’re taking it slow. We’ve been taking them on some good walks together which is helping them bond.

In other news, this entire deal with Russia and Urkraine is very disheartening to see. I don’t think the Russian people and soldiers are all about this conflict. But the Russian people are limited in how much they can protest. I think we as Americans are being reminded of what patriotism, bravery and unity looks like. Having just emerged from studying and immersing myself in WW2 it’s interesting the differences. Up to the moment broadcast media, social media and the closer communication of the world is showing a major difference. Now social media shaming isn’t going to stop a die-hard dictator bent on conquering. The Ukraine isn’t going to lie down and so winning a few battles versus holding captured ground is gonna be near impossible. I hope this resolves quickly and doesn’t spread. I’m not sure Putin planned to stop with taking Ukraine. The world isn’t going to stand by while this happens. Let’s hope world peace is restored soon.

While things are playing out on the world stage in our film family circles some are still fighting the last lingering Covid. Our own Greg Mason, who has been with CDI since film one “Knight Chills” has been fighting Covid in the hospital. He was in a serious bad way in ICU where they almost put him on a vent. But he improved and if it continues he might be downgraded to a room today. Also one of our hometown (Lansing, MI) artistic duos Michael and William McCallum need your well wishes as William is in the hospital. There is a tragedy torch that is passed around from person to person losing loved ones. We’ve all had our turns and we’ll all have several more. So be kind to people and challenge yourself daily to be grateful. I’m wishing the best for any that are facing such hardships. UPDATE: just got word Greg Mason has been moved to the step down unit and is sleeping and improving!

Let’s do a ‘TOP TEN updates’ from last week-

  • The BTS promo for ‘SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA‘ was released this week. It was edited by Adam Towner who worked with our crew. It shows the hardworking CDI cast and crew working to tell our WW2 Holiday story based on true events. Watch here: https://youtu.be/KdcpzV9Ex5Y
  • We have a new expended distribution deal offer on ‘Darkest Night,’ a found footage in association horror film that was produced in the Philippines. I will keep you all up to date on new releases. It is my only found footage film and I play the male lead in the film. It was such a great project to film and promote and I made lifelong friends on that set.
  • HOT ROD LOVE has assigned the first investor units and we are in discussions with several others. Also we’re starting talks with sponsors that will align their brands with this upcoming film.
  • With the business developments on HOT ROD LOVE, we’re moving along nicely and so we’ve started our initial development meetings with our director Shane Hagedorn on cast and crew. Part of this is evaluation of past performance. In this situation most all our crew are up to task and very talented in their roles. What we’ve looking for is overall positive attitude and those that “play well with others,” respectfully and with some gratitude of how hard our job is. CDI is not some faceless corporation but a multi-generational company of artists who have built everything with blood, sweat and tears.
  • I can say that one of the upcoming castings for this film will be for Native American actors. We have two co-stars we’ll be seeking. We’ve already been looking at several Native American comedians also. Do we have any Michigan based Native American actors and comedians? We are going to find out.
  • FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH is about to sign our worldwide distribution deal. This wonderful and educational documentary is being hailed as the best of its kind. Once signed this week we’ll be directing our attention at the official premiere. For our enthusiastic director Curran Jacobs this has been a slow process but things take time. And the wait will be worth it and I think this will be the go to watch for all wrestlers and enthusiasts for many years to come. Better yet, the non-profit that produced this with CDI’s guidance will be helping many veteran programs and wrestling programs all across the country for many years to come.
  • Here is another great article on our friend Don Most and the movie LOST HEART. Read here – https://bestlifeonline.com/ralph-malph-happy-days-don-most-now-news/ If you have not seen this film please do on Amazon Prime, Encourage TV and more!
  • CDI’s performance video for the rock band DEEPFALL came out great and the band loved it. It was shot by Carl Weyant and Travis Hayward and Carl served also as director/editor. I think this is the first in a series of videos. As soon as the video is released we will share the link.
  • CDI Commercial Division is also ramping up. In the past I’ve let several commercial opportunities go by as we wanted to focus on feature film. We have several production units and can use our expertise to pick the right creative team for your commercial endeavor.
  • I hear rumor that the new BESTSELLER artwork is forthcoming. Our distributor DESKPOP ENTERTAINMENT will start presenting to licensors in March. I think now that the film is getting a full home video release that it will find a great international audience.

I’m going to wrap this up and prepare to take the dogs on a walk as we work to get them use to one another. Again I hope all of you have a great week at whatever you are working upon. Think of those having some hardships and be kind to one another. I might have one more coffee before heading out into the cold. But spring is coming you can feel it!


Deceleration Into Life From Set Life –

Some of the amazing extras who helped tell our story “Silent Night in Algona”

I’m sitting in MY chair with a hot cup of hazelnut coffee. Outside is my first Michigan snow. For me if it’s going to be cloudy and overcast, give me snow. It’s pretty and brightens everything a tad. Now I know I have friends here from VERY warm places that don’t get snow. Now snow is quite magical and that first one always brings thoughts of those days as a kid and will various pets that made that so special. Catching snowflakes, snowball fights, snow angel and sledding. I have a few stories of drunken skiing with my cousin Jerry including one epic fence-destroying trip to one of the small ski mountains. The key to snow is being prepared. This means layers and layers and mind the gaps. -By that I mean where pant legs and boots meet. Where coat sleeves and gloves meet. Where neck might be exposed and of course a solid winter hat. We learn that as a young child from bus stop stays. This continued to elementary school recess that was always an outdoor adventure of ‘king of the mountain,’ snowball wars and snowy football games. In our secluded ‘Lord of the Flies’ neighborhood even more snow games were abound. Sledding was legendary that included a few ramps/jumps that would make Evel Knievel smiles with pride. The afterglow of our cold adventure was a round of hot chocolate, marshmallows optional. At night the even more fun and dangerous snow mobile pull of the sled around the plowed fields nearby. Kind of like being pulled on a tube behind a boat but the bumps and trees made for quite the challenge. I recall at least one time staying too long in the frigid and having to run my hands under warm water, the ache returning with feeling. I hope for my friends living in the no-snow zones I painted a little picture of living with frozen water.

One of the wonderful farms we filmed on – note the sky.

In Algona while filming “Silent Night in Algona” #SNIAthemovie we saw our actual first snowfall. Iowa and Michigan are alike in many ways but have their differences. We seem to have more variation in our landscapes where Iowa has lots of corn. To their credit I did see some hilly places and the sky there was just amazing. Maybe it is the less pollution or any number of factors but our location photos and our film itself captured these many awesome skies.

This project was ambitious as most of the #tribecdi projects are. I believe you have to reach to grow and so we often pick projects with various elements not easily obtained in independent films. Or with independent budgets might be a better term. Any project that takes us from our home state is more expensive. We found basic logistics to be a challenge and in hindsight a better battle plan can always be seen. The script could have been a touch shorter and we did tighten in a few places. The script was the final version that I had consulted heavily with my friend/co-star and mentor Rance Howard. He was a stickler on the farming techniques and perspective of 1940’s citizens. We went in with a battle plan and a tribe of artists. We spent months casting the “right” actors from around the country. This is a big part of directing and our producers work hard with our director and it showed in this production. But we had a large cast and with flying and lodging this is a major cost also. But the actors that signed on were there for the story. As a screenwriter I’ve never been more proud of all the feedback on the script. It was from 14 years earlier and is not perfect (is any?) and even in my own scene study I found a few ‘subtextual’ issues that I corrected. But we had the pleasure of knowing what was coming from the auditions. Now put those same amazing actors in proper wardrobe, locations and – MAGIC! MOVIE MAGIC!~

The actors were all on point and we captured some incredible cinematic magic. By capturing I mean our amazing crew. At CDI we work hard. Movies are hard. Bad movies are hard to make which is why I always give points for even bad films. Finishing deserves credit. Finishing with quality that passes worldwide QC (quality control) is worthy of kudos. But creating something handcrafted that has the story power to last decades is – a reward that you receive only after audiences have celebrated a story for many years. I think this film will be one of those. We at CDI are shooting for nothing short of a holiday classic. We made our go at that with THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) three biblical stories told together from a unique perspective. These films have been growing an audience for many years and are on their way to becoming a classic. You can watch the three films streaming on many platforms and in many countries.

One of our films that we produced with our former sister company Lionheart was WICKED SPRING. That film now managed by CDI is 20+ years old and is still entertaining audiences. It’s also getting a new release on HD/streaming and is a good example of a film that is a true classic. Unique in its perspective with roses and rocks thrown at it but a story that has kept audiences coming back from the earliest days on VHS and network TV. (I still have a VHS copy from TV with commercials)

WILD FAITH is another film on the way to classic status. We can cement that with the production of the WILD FAITH: Hastings tv series. We are adding the film to the title to help assure our tens of millions in fans can find the upcoming series. I’m looking at back half of the year to produce the 8 shows that make up season one. I will be getting on that business asap once I can get caught up on my SNIA (Silent Night in Algona) business. A few discussions were had but again the #1 thing is that the story is told proper. This project has suffered from bad studio/network notes in the past and has moved past those to become a film loved by many. So we will stay true to our story and find the right partners. If it isn’t broke don’t let others try and fix it. We will get this made and audiences will see some of their favorite 1800’s characters back in action. Giddy up!

LOST HEART versus BIGFOOT, UFO’S & JESUS – this film under both titles is doing really well with audiences. The film is such a charm that it has so many levels and layers of story that really should appeal to most audiences. It was kind of an experiment but so far I think it has been good one. It is another great holiday season watch. It also has some great music in the film from Roanoke and The Cash Collective (John Carter, Ann and their family). Worthy of a watch if you are trying to catch up with some of the CDI films. Melissa Anschutz shines as the lead and Josh Perry shows his dramatic and comedic mastery.


Melissa Anschutz and Josh Perry are both back in SNIA. They both bring such fascinating characters that will once again inspire. Josh Perry left people in tears with his performance which isn’t a surprise at all. Josh doesn’t wave a “Down syndrome” flag ever but I’m just so damn proud of him. On two occasions I’ve observed individuals with Down syndrome observe Josh and you could see boundaries in their minds fall. Josh ‘The Ponceman’ Perry is a movie star make no mistake about that and these young people saw what they could achieve. Josh is an inspiration by his actions not his activism. Maybe there is a lesson in that.

I had a chance to meet more fans of MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND and I’m so pleased that the film sits so well with veterans. I hope that all of you will take a chance to watch this CDI story told by ‘SNIA‘ director Anthony Hornus. One of the hard drives is being sent to our editor Nathaniel Nose who is also supervising the VFX. Our director is upgrading his computer to allow better footage review. Our DP Dan Chipman is doing some rough assembly to seek out and identify some of the pieces of the story caught on the fly. Also the first batch of photo stills is being drawn out and color corrected to help become a color template for the films final look. We have been rolling out BTS stills captured by many of our cast and crew but the real GOLD is coming.

Also this week I’ll be taking a hard look at the feature projects in development. We plan to shoot a CDI feature this Spring before we roll into pre-production on the WILD FAITH TV series. I started to have some first talks about the next CDI feature which could become plural, features pending a few discussions. I have a few development meetings that will nudge things one way or another. But with both SNIA moving into post as BEST YEARS GONE continues its theatrical (last day today in Lansing at Celebration Cinema) before prepping for home video. Also FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH is in final post mixing before we start a release schedule on this documentary. We will have a meeting over this property this coming week. We should be doing a final watch through in a few weeks. From there a premiere will also be discussed. But…not until it is done. And we just might be doing another documentary in 2022. As this year closes a new one lies right over the horizon. This week will be tying up more loose ends on SNIA, planning 2022 schedule, end of year dispersement and tax prep and writing. I love to write when it is cold and snowy and I know I have some days ahead of me. I have several properties/scripts I’ve been working on and a few possible work-for-hires so we’ll see with all of that. We have the Christmas tree up after I donned winter warrior Michigan gear and saw. Today we might add lights and another night the bells and whistles. I might go light a fire in the stove at the fort to finish settling back in. I have totes everywhere as I prepare to stow the gear until our next film adventure. Stay warm and be good to one another!


Winter Gives Way to Spring – NEW Updates!

Coffee cheers and welcome to all our new readers and followers from Peru, Ireland, Austria and more! The week actually flow by and we went from unusually warm to cold and rainy and now sunshine is called for later in the week. As of Monday it will mark my week 2 after my second Covid shot. We just visited with a neighbor last night who had a memorial for their 52 year old nephew lost to Covid complications. So for many it is still a very real thing. I’m actually looking forward to getting back at in-person meetings, biz mixers and such. I’m very happy with all the weekly progress on our CDI projects.

(DJ Perry & Erika Hoveland in ‘Best Years Gone’)

BEST YEARS GONE (In Post) has many things happening at once. The film is undergoing color correction, dialog edit with music and sound design up next. I bet we listen to all the cleaned up dialog soon. The Battle of the Bands is giving us a good listen at some of the artists. Merchandise for this film is going to increase which is exciting. But the premiere planning is really cool. We are looking at having “The 1st Annual Gilles Cup” a regional “Best Up&Comer” amongst the “spectator drag” racing participants. This will be followed by the winning music video and the film itself playing on a huge blow up screen inside the in-field of the track.

For the Love of Catch (In Post) This amazing documentary has been filming for a month plus now and will be moving into the post-production phase. We will start to assemble these legends who speak about their exploration into the art of grappling and ultimately the love they have for the sport.

SMOKE & MIRRORS (In Post) – This passion project is a short film adapted from a feature script of mine of the same name. We had a commercial opportunity that needed “demo footage” and so we filmed a condensed short story. I’ve been reworking the feature script for a future production with Nathaniel Nose directing. I’m thinking of playing the short in front of BEST YEARS GONE to start its run. We also want to do a benefit screening for the Turner-Dodge House where we filmed. It is a spooky, fun short with amazing performances from David Gries and Melissa Anschutz.


MAN’S BEST FRIEND enjoyed a new General Market push which started out with a bang as a Latin American license was immediately made. The film is really starting to get out there and I’m so appreciative of all the reaching out by those that love this film. I keep hearing people ask about a sequel and I’m just not quite sure. I like how the film ends. It is not all tied up in a bow. An action/martial arts film? Maybe. I do have a pretty good idea for one. Thank you for all the compliments and it was nice to showcase some of my skills.

LOST HEART continues its march and the general market release will take it even further. Thank you to ICVM for the nominations. I’m proud to have two films in the top 5. This film is up for many nominations this May and I know that Melissa Anschutz and Victoria Jackson will attend. Don Most might attend as well as one of our nominated actors. They will have a great time!

THE QUEST TRILOGY prime season window of Thanksgiving to Easter is now over. We’ll see how we did and we’ll be sending revenue to our supporters.

WILD FAITH/HASTINGS – The movie continues to grow in popularity and the TV series is developing. I had good talks with our distributor and we have a few new opportunities to help launch this into a 2022 series shoot.

With our co-productions – BESTSELLER might get a new release in full in 2022 as well as several of the CDI General Market titles. AMERICAN LIAR and THE ACTOR are both available to watch on Amazon Prime.


Silent Night in Algona we announced the new cast of Shane Hagedorn and Christine Marie. Both are amazing actors who have brought some great characters to the screen. They will do this once again. Our next two announcements will be a great semi-regular talent working with the tribeCDI and one from our “Ghost Town” past. This matching will be incredible and I can already see the magic scenes they will create. MAY will be when we start to officially approach sponsors. If you have interest in aligning your service or product with our WW2 film please do reach out.


The ‘Chicken Land’ is fully operational and the girls love the greens. They have also started giving eggs so that is a great addition to the mornings. I am going to wrap this up and go do some sunny side up with rye toast and 4H bacon. I also purchased a pair of long elevated grow beds so that we can still do some of the garden favorites. Rhubarb and catnip are ready to harvest and I’m about to put the first lawn mow down. Also May 6th starts up soccer season! I’m excited to get back out there. I do strength and stretching daily along with my martial arts practice but running…not a fan unless I’m doing something. So the first few games might be rough not to mention just your ankles and knees getting their first stop/start work outs. Blueberry bushes will arrive soon. The apple trees look like they are going to be full this year. I will also start working to fill the wood boxes again for next winter.

I’m also going to get back to my script writing since I don’t currently have an assignment. I’ve been bouncing between my SciFi script and the feature Smoke & Mirrors rework. I’ve enjoyed the pondering, research and scribbles as I pull these stories together. Carry on with your own endeavors and watch as those daily small steps all add up and take you closer to your goals and dreams.

Happy Sunday!


New Nominations, Post-Updates and Prepping for a WW2 Story

Hazelnut coffee cheers! I see new readers/followers from Jamaica, Ireland and Ecuador, welcome. It is a beautiful day that started with having my niece and nephew over to visit ‘chicken land’ before we all went down to the local flea market. I did not find any treasures but that is how is goes, sometimes yes, sometimes no. But this weekend has been mainly yard work clean up. The lawn garden bags are by the curb for pick up and I also shored up the raspberries. The rhubarb is growing strong and the apple blossoms are full which might mean hard cider this fall. I’ve shared the brown ale with the few meetings we’ve had. To me it taste like NEWCASTLE. Just amazing what fruit, veggies and/or grains can become with a little fermentation magic.

This week went by quite fast with the main tasks being making moves on BEST YEARS GONE post work. SMOKE & MIRRORS post work is also finishing up. (Almost complete) And we’re entering post with the documentary ‘For the Love of Catch‘ which is exciting. Additionally, we’ve been busy with the pre-production tasks associated with our WW2 drama SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. We’ll keep announcing new cast and crew over the next several weeks. Everyone is excited about storytelling in this time period. many of us have been immersing ourselves it the 1944 culture. I’ve enjoyed digging more into my grandfather’s WW2 service.

This week we’ll have talks with our art department over the script. They will break down props and we’ll address more major challenges. Period films are a great endeavor that requires artists to be at their best and research is a key. I’m going to do a new photoshoot soon showcasing the new look I’m moving towards. I have a great WW2 coat that was a find last year. Preparing for a role can be a bit like preparing for Halloween at least by way of look. More on this fine film as it develops.

Proud to announce that two of our films both qualified as one of the five finalist in the prestigious ICVM awards given on June 23rd (My bday) in Texas. MBF got much of its theatrical and festival run squashed by the Covid outbreak but it has been gathering momentum. The two films are both very different in tone but I feel like we won just by having two of the five films. Congrats to all the CDI artists involved and thank you to the audiences accepting these stories. We are all very appreciative and thank you to ICVM.

Final 5 Random Updates

  1. BEST YEARS GONE – battle of the Bands still ongoing on our FB page. We added the bio for Celebrity Judge Joe Pullin and we might have more to announce. We are loving all the submissions – thank you!
  2. BEST YEARS GONE auto stickers are available and soon we will have more. I think shirts and hats are next up!
  3. BEST YEARS GONE trailer is being worked on by Nathaniel Nose. We should have something in a few short weeks.
  4. https://www.tudosobreseufilme.com.br/2021/04/melissa-anschutz-7.html?m=1 a great interview with Melissa Anschutz on her career and ‘Lost Heart’ (You can look it up in English)
  5. FORTY NIGHTS which plays with CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER on Encourage TV is also creeping towards its first million views. If you did not watch these three films, which should be watched in order, enjoy.

A great pic of Erika Hoveland and I filming on BEST YEARS GONE. Seen here in Dane Deford’s boat. As the cold gives way to warmth and Michigan is defrosting, I’m looking forward to gathering again. I’m happy to say I’ve had both doses of my super serum and feeling just dandy. I look forward to some cookouts and such in the near future. Enjoy the rest of your day and the week ahead. Every day has been full of emails, calls and meetings but all worth it as the projects keep moving down the line. We have some very exciting things developing at CDI and I know that steady ahead can get you there.

Keep channeling your energy into steady ahead and soon you’ll find things happening.

Be good to one another. Coffee Cheers!


Reflections on Time & Film Updates


Photo by Graham Turner

I’m sitting here sipping my hazelnut coffee. I have lots on my mind. Artist or those who follow the dream of being an artist as a career start young. Many fail because the endeavor is hard. Not that many other things aren’t difficult but many just don’t fully “get” the artist mindset. As a young person it can be you against the world with little to lose and everything to gain. That is why many make their run at it by often moving away or by making personal sacrifice in hopes of gaining a foothold.

As you get older that dream may still persist but also life may lead you in other directions. People fall in love, become parents and sometimes they cannot keep up the battle financially. The significant others brought into this circle often battle to understand and be supportive. I’ve said before, when I get an opportunity to do what I love it creates a hardship of sorts for my significant other. Domestic tasks usually handled by two now fall upon the shoulders of one. But living with a frustrated artist can also be a detrimental state.

That is why you always see so many ‘special thanks’ in the end credits of a film. The “others” help a film get made usually by holding down the fort. Everyone has an artistic side to their nature but it’s those of us who are truly driven by it like a compulsion, an addiction to create who take a special someone. Many artists live in isolation of being truly understood. But there exists those who recognize and respect and love these traits in an artist and support them despite the hardships. These people are special and deserve to be recognized.

One of our close producer/actors at CDI just lost their special other. An intelligent and practical man whose art manifested through his cooking. Some cook and some make it an art and this gentlemen made it art. He actually did some craft service duties for us last fall on an upcoming short film. The director loved how positive and helpful he was and I think he finally was really getting it. It can be hard for the significant others to not be in that bubble. To see but not share in that enthusiasm that radiates from artists doing what their heart calls them to do. But on this occasion he was part of it. He felt it. The TRIBE. He enjoyed the experience so much that further talks followed whereas this might become more of a norm but alas it was not meant to be.

Saturday night just before the big lightning and thunder storm he went home, a tragic victim of an aggressive cancer. His last words were “you always think you have more time.” How profound and true these words are and they should be a wake up call to some and a reinforcement to others. These words inspired and haunted me but ultimately encouraged me to cherish the time we have here. To appreciate the people we share our time and lives with. So quit that miserable job and run that charter fishing business if that is what you always wanted to do. Don’t put off writing that book that has been in your head since college. Embrace the now and know time is fleeting. I think I have always tried to follow my passions and use my time wisely. Because one day our own sands of time will trickle down the hourglass and the journey will be done.



Let’s talk my favorite passion – storytelling and my favorite medium film.

BEST YEARS GONE – This story has been in heavy development with casting, costuming and consulting. We are looking at going old school by breaking the shoot up into a few shorter blocks grouping together scenes that require less and more. This is more like filming in the earliest days but will allow us to better control the size of the crew on certain days and damage control should we have any virus issues. I’ve just about got a handle on my character and others have been doing the same. It is now almost time to start getting those puzzle pieces/scenes. I think audiences will love this film again a powerful mixture of serious issues wrapped in humor. Life can be tragic but it can also be funny and sometimes both. This film captures that and we will once again be proud to bring that to audiences worldwide.

Low Res Wrap

WILD FAITH – Worldwide this film has been expanding and is being viewed by millions of people. I think this is a great film again serious and humorous and is proving to be enlightening. I’ve read just some amazing fan mail about this movie. I’m so proud to say that all this attention and appreciation is building our audience to the TV series. We will be working hard over the winter to put the pieces in play. A spring 2021 shoot schedule would be ideal and I think it might all fall together. While it might not be everyones cup of tea (as if anything is) it is loved by many. Thank you to all the fans worldwide.

Asking Forgiveness

MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – I had several people reach out having finally got around to seeing this film. I’m guessing maybe it had something to do with National Dog day. This film is a bit more intense than some of the other CDI fare that has a good dose of humor but the subject matter required it. If you love animals and want to see a powerful drama please do take a watch.


THE QUEST TRILOGY – We’re prepping this trilogy for the holiday window fast approaching but you can watch at anytime. Part 1 FORTY NIGHTS, Part 2 CHASING THE STAR and Part 3 THE CHRIST SLAYER – enjoy!


LOST HEART – Our distributor has approved the EPK kit and so PR will start rolling soon. We have several of our stars doing national spots and the planning for our cast and crew screening is full on. Our goal is to have millions tune in for a one-night only event via ENCOURAGE TV. This will be an event with pre-show interviews and well wishes. Following that event the film will move to an exclusive window with one of the many interested networks and finally home video streaming and DVD. I was speaking with Josh “The Ponceman” Perry who is one of our stars yesterday. He absolutely owns the screen but I could say that about so many of the cast. I’m excited to show our artists and after that – the world!

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – Our in association documentary film about the origins of wrestling is underway. If you have an interest in wrestling and want to see how you could get involved feel free to reach out. We are gathering interviews and will make a great entertaining and informative film.


WRAP UP – The film work keeps moving forward. This weekend has been busy as we know have a coop with our “golden girls” getting adjusted. We fired up the new stand up freezer and stocked it with the pig and transferred over the venison. I also bottled the dark “Autumn Ale” and will likely rack the wine in the next week or so. The garden is growing with the fall veggies and even the hops are getting close. So I’ve felt a bit like a farmer as of late but I find it all very relaxing. I will leave us again with that powerful truth that we always think we have more time. So if you have things you want/need to do don’t keep pushing it off. DO IT.

Be good to one another and I’ll see you all in September:)




Wrapping up the 2018 Year – Looking Ahead to 2019


New readers from Samoa and China joined us last week. I know that the filmmaking experience (resources, distribution, audiences) changes slightly from culture to culture. But at the heart of it we are passionate beings who love engaging in the storytelling experience either as listener/watcher or teller. I love being a creator and being an audience member. So yesterday basically two years to the day we finished the final elements to THE CHRIST SLAYER. Our director Nathaniel Nose came in and we polished the final mix/design with our incredible Dennis Therrian. His musical score is absolutely one of his best. The complexities and grandiose arrangements take you back to the classic days of Hollywood. We worked with Mr. Sundberg on our color correction, conforming and final composition. Last night at the office we shared a few beers and looked at the wide-screen, color corrected final master. A few of the final VFX shots have to be rendered into the timeline but I was blown away. Jesse Aragon, our DP did a wonderful job. This was the final film in The Quest Trilogy and is likely the largest scale production to date. CHASING THE STAR had more animals but the VFX in THE CHRIST SLAYER makes it the largest scope to date. Both the director and I liked the epic inspiration of Lawrence of Arabia and that soundtrack was with me in Yuma, AZ when we filmed.


The previous day we tweaked a few Mother Mary lines. This film has some powerful female characters in it. Especially the roles played by Melissa Anschutz and Christine Marie, who appear as they’ll be co-starring in a CDI film this spring. Brittney Risner and Carl Weyant give a classic Hollywood love relationship. And Josh Perry, will simply steal hearts. Amazing supporting performances across the board by Dean Teaster, David Gries, Bob Shepherd and more.  Taymour Ghazi, Shane Hagedorn and my departed mentor Rance Howard brought the power one last time. Rance’s performance might be his last feature film role he ever performed. The final scene we share together in the film was our swan song to working together. I’m very proud of it. We talked for hours about that final scene. He made notes and adjustments – just two costars working out our motivations. I recall being so proud of Rance and feeling how special it was, never guessing it would be our last story together. Now all the elements will start to be pulled together for an upcoming delivery to our distributor. We’ll soon get to see how audiences enjoy this film as it travels to theaters and to home video. Stay tuned for CDI’s most epic adventure yet this Easter season.


I’m excited for everyone to get back to the office in 2019. I will be ready for a slight rest from the intensity of final post. You work end credits so hard knowing that by Murphy’s Law some misspelling or missed ‘thank you’ or name will take place. If your ever on the receiving end of that – know the filmmakers likely did not intend that. I had one situation that was suspect only because the misspelling came after working on a project whereas one producer on that project was NOT brought back on a film CDI was hired to reshoot. Either way, it showed a disregard for my brand ability to draw my audience to that film. No business reason why, so perhaps it was a true mistake or maybe it was personal. I don’t hold a grudge, but it makes me less likely to work with that company again. I passed the second time I was invited but it was partially timing, pay rate and the role also.

NYC Time Square

Integrity matters.

When in post this week, I was sent a news story that a Detroit-based – I struggle for the right word. I will use filmmaker, because he has made films. But in a promotional news story for FOX he claimed to be a producer on our CDI Ghost Town movie, our 2006 Lionsgate film. SMALL ISSUE  – he wasn’t. He did not exist in pre, prod, or post production and was caught trying to do some head shaking actions in conjunction with this film. I didn’t really like, nor trust this person from day 1 and tolerated him out of respect for one of my producers until that head-shaking point. After that, I was done with him. Easy enough. These people burn themselves out as their true nature is revealed. But I would never go on a TV interview and openly lie and use it to promote myself. I was questioned if I should have legal bring it down. I might. But the justice in all this is I get calls on people about their character, integrity and true place in the film community as I see it. Yes. My opinions and sometimes my direct knowledge of someone’s actions. I’m always honest. I warn or endorse people simply by saying if I would work with this person or not. I’ve been contacted often. It’s a small film community and I do know many people who trust me to shoot them the straight skinny. And I have.


I recently had a great discussion about what another peer filmmaker is developing. All of it was heavily tainted in my mind all because one of his close partners. I’ve had first hand experience with that person and actually let them go. Not a bad person at all. I just would not risk any further capital on his efforts. Would you re-enter a situation with negative elements/variables? This fellow filmmaker lamented the often true statement of how every set he’s worked on has had the cancer of negativity. I’ve had a few “negative” situations like this over the years but those elements were isolated and corrected or dismissed.

Bottom line. This is not some vanity game for me but a noble tradition of storytelling. I’ve been blessed to have several great crews working with us but that all starts at the top. That means conducting good business, constantly streamlining your communication and having a solid battle plan. I believe in our artists and I’ve grown as an artist with many of them. We don’t participate in these popular film challenges, although they teach new crews excellent finishing skills. One friend, had his possible award-winning short disqualified because run time ran over by seconds. He could have either A) Organized a social media gripe that his team was treated unfairly for petty seconds of overrun or B) Accept responsibility that as team leader it was a costly mistake made by their team or him. In football they say it’s a game of inches. So start taking accountability as a new year’s resolution and watch the new growth happen.

I’m in hopes to discover a few good projects, properly funded to come act on this year. I also have to connect with the script/role as you always should. Aside from that, I plan to produce 2-3 features with CDI this year. I’ve had many new folks reach out about financial involvement and we’ll entertain those interested parties once I’ve addressed my current backers with opportunities. Beware of any investors that also bring too many strings attached. Sometimes those strings can be the downfall of a project. I’ve seen it happen.

Other Films-

We’re around the 1.3 hour mark on MBF and should have first cut in a few weeks. I would love to lock a cut by the end of Jan. we will see where we sit very soon. I think many of you enjoyed the behind the scenes MBF short we released on Christmas Eve.

WILD FAITH new art, theatrical dates and more should be announced soon. It’s heading back to big screens in March across the country. Home Video dates follow close behind. Those dates can be found on the FB, official Wild Faith or IMDB sites.

I’ve been in the trenches hard-working on these new films to bring them out of post. Once I get a few days rest here while our tech guru’s assemble and deliver – development will continue full ahead. I also plan to set my goals in writing for the new year and see how close I came to last year’s goals. Have a great wrap up to your year. Be safe and plan your 2019 approach. If you would be so kind you can take a watch on our past and forthcoming films. Handcrafted from our family to yours.

Have a great Sunday!


Losing Luke Brown and Seeking New Balance


This Sunday has been a change for me. Balance is such a key to happiness and we all seem to strive for that balance daily. In filmmaking – my main artistic medium, it’s about giving your all to a story and after recharging. There is more time spent in development, pre-production and post-production after filming. How you spend that time can do much to influence your productivity. My family, friends and my furry pack have always helped give me peace and recharge

We proudly had the ‘Brady Bunch’ pack consisting of three cats and three dogs. Almost two years ago we lost our elder dog Joplin. She lived a long 15.5 years, longevity for a Rottweiler. Two months ago, we lost Jameson, our eldest cat who grew from a shy, scared cat to a chill-relaxed adventurer. He passed after a long life and was joined by his brother Dmitri, whom I affectionately call the gray rat.  Last Monday what we thought was a tooth infection turned out to be much worse. So Monday at the day’s end, he was laid to rest next to his brother.


My life was/is changing. Some who know me well, know that our silly, funny, happy boy Luke (Our youngest dog) has fought various life threatening illnesses for the last three years. We gladly sacrificed many social outings and gatherings so we could tend to and enjoy our borrowed time with our buddy. Monday night Luke’s journey started to get harder with the onset of some more serious neurological issues from his tumor on his head. As we treated him over the last 5 months his quality of life was very good. His attitude was always happy and adventuresome. He loved his walks in the woods and his couch cuddles. He never feared the hospital and remarkably brought joy to everyone there.


He was strong, brave and loyal, and I took lessons from him everyday. He had beat the odds so many times and after the second illness I prayed that his body would know health again, and for a while he did. But when in pre-production on MBF: Man’s Best Friend we discovered he had a cancerous tumor in his sinus. Here I was producing a story inspired by my ‘Mr. Brown,’ that showed the positive effects dogs can have on all of us, especially our wounded service men and my boy has what? I did love watching the incredible cast and crew work hard to capture our story, but my heart was breaking. It worked for my role of Paul, but with so much work to launch a film, it was an ironic shame that I could not fully enjoy it.


Soccer season this year also brought my 1st ever bone injury to my right wrist. That slowed my roll with typing and all activities requiring my right hand. So at the homestead we’ve got the one-arm gimp and tumor-head, taking care of each other and getting by. The new script LOST HEART was going slow, but I worked it with my buddy beside me. I often read aloud to him and while his feedback was limited, it always helped me. I know that a Fall shoot means a last paycheck for all our cast and crew before the holidays. But while Luke’s decline in health was slowed by treatment, I could see the direction of it. We knew the battle was for time, not a total win. There was no way I could leave my loyal buddy to go off and film. I know it was selfish when I looked at the whole but it’s what I had to do. I hope others will understand. If you don’t understand, I feel bad for you, because you’re missing something.


Luke had a wonderful past couple weeks that included walks at his favorite nature park, which was a Sat. morning ritual. A Sunday cookout with his grandma’s, which he loved so much.  Last Monday is when we lost our Dmitri, and that is also when Luke had his emerging issues intensify. The location of the tumor and the meds used to help were also likely hindering him. Vision and coordination loss started to develop, with episodes lasting longer, more often.  By Weds, the fight was real. So many times he had bounced back. His body was still so strong, so maybe – HOPE. His will was there to fight a bit longer but it was not meant to be. A great dinner of venison and rice followed by an unexpected walk to the park. (His idea) He had not wanted to go to the park, or perhaps could not, for weeks, but that night he did. He wanted to lay out in the warm breeze, listening and smelling the birds, squirrels, the wind in the pines, the softball game cheers and kids laughing. It was really nice.

What followed was a rough night and thankfully the next morning was the most beautiful Fall day. He was done fighting and was resting peacefully. We had a doctor come to the house and with cool breeze blowing in the windows, wrapped in his favorite blanket, head on his most beloved stuffed animal, he opened his good eye looking at his momma holding his head, daddy holding his paw – he put his head back down with full love and trust and left his broken body behind. He also left a huge hole in our hearts and daily life. Everyday was a smile, a tail wag and something silly that always reminded you not to take your setbacks to serious. He was an inspiration on how to live each day.


I’m happy that his frustration over a body that no longer wanted to respond was very brief. At the end he had peace with his two remaining sisters and his momma and daddy with him. I will miss all of our furry pack that we’ve lost but Luke taught me so many lessons that I will hold onto.  My final polish on the ‘LOST HEART’ script as I read him each line, was almost done. I had stopped to devote my full time and attention to him. I slept with him on the floor for the last few nights because his vanishing sight made our brave boy nervous. I’m sad but filled with new motivation moving ahead. We never took any of his good days for granted. I will carry that into my future day-to-day where I do cherish each interaction, be it business, friendship or both.

I KNOW how bad many of you WANT it. What is IT to you? Expression of your art, words, craft? Fame, money and appreciation? I’m here to tell you, don’t sacrifice everything. I recall being tethered to a pager back in the day. It always came first. I see that behavior in the upstarts of today with cell phones. It’s like a self-imposed tether – like what people wore after legal trouble. It’s like people have forgotten that the phone is a tool that works for you, not the other way around. Gather a ‘TO DO’ list and do all your phone and/or computer work all at one time. Aspiring actors/filmmakers can get requests from all time zones often bringing the Hollywood pressure of dangling opportunities.  Whereas someone “needs something like yesterday” only to have something sit on a desk for weeks. What was sacrificed to get that summary to that desk to sit for weeks? A sports game of a sibling or child? Storytelling around a kitchen table with family? Hanging with lifelong friends?


Since I was a young boy I loved telling stories. Upon discovering that a lucky few could actually create make-believe as a job, cemented by direction, gave me my dream. But I could never sacrifice everything else for that dream. I did not move to Hollywood, NYC or any of the other places that people always said I had to go to in order to MAKE IT. Why? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what I do as an artist but I did not love it more than the people in my life. So, a battle to compromise and do both was and IS a battle worth fighting for. I want to create memorable stories and characters in timeless movies but I don’t need to climb onto any A lists to feel accomplished. Many climb very high only to find themselves alone. Think on all this.

We’re adjusting to life whereas our past stories, memories and lessons are what we have left of Luke. Next week LOST HEART will get the final polish. The wrist is almost healed and getting stronger. I look back and feel like I did right by my buddy as he would have for us. I feel full of grace, compassion and appreciate for life and those we share it with. It’s again why you should examine your circle and remove negative, toxic elements and be the change you want to see. Lot of drama in life amplified by social media and 24/7 ‘Breaking News’ environment. Unplug. Listen. Communicate. Laugh. Be loyal like a DOG to those around you. Trust, is a learned behavior and if you’re a tribal leader of artists – take this role serious. Don’t let the lure of shortcuts hurt or kill what could be lifelong friendships. Ask anyone who has joined a team of CDI artists in telling a story and you’ll know what I’m talking about. Beyond making our days, I want to make lifelong memories for cast and crew. Laughter and Love.


Next week I will have more updates on the films. THE CHRIST SLAYER, WILD FAITH, MBF all have amazing things happening. We’re focused on finishing these stories and bringing them to audiences. We’ll be moving into official development on ‘LOST HEART’ for Spring 2019 this month. I want to continue to try and move people’s human-emotional compass in a positive direction.  I’ll be making some great announcements moving forward but today I want to just sit on these words. I’m sorry if you’re here more for the film updates versus listening to my ramblings. Those updates will return next week. Thank you everyone for joining me here to share a coffee and listening.


Be good to one another. Love one another.



April Updates – Springing into Action

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The hazelnut coffee is flowing and the sun shines- but the chill remains outside. We chopped up some more wood to feed to wood stove in the office this week. I’m pretty good with the ole axe which is not only a great work out but helps develop your focus. I have several items we can chat about. This week I’ve had good meetings, location scouts and several business insights. Let’s start with…


“Wild Faith” – after our string of sold out shows in Lansing and strong sales at Grand Rapids (which was just picking up speed) -we’ve now started our run at Emagine Theaters in Novi, MI and will play until the 12th. We might extend our week run if our weekend sales are strong enough. We did also just complete a ‘closed caption’ file which our distributor usually handles but having this pre-home video file will now allow our hearing impaired to also enjoy it in theaters. It will be added to our showings.

It will be playing in Florida at the ICFF next month and we’re working with several of you individually to try to get the film showing in your area. Hastings, MI where we filmed – please know we’re trying to set up at the theater. We might have to do weekday runs vs weekend as the main theater is under construction and they have studio obligations. So if you’re in the Detroit/Ann Arbor area and want to see this film get over to Novi where it will play until the 12th of April. Four shows daily should provide several opportunities. If you want it to play around you we need contact info for the theater/manager/owner and for all of you to reach out and ask for the film. Thank you for all of you who have come out to enjoy this film.


While we’ve been pushing this film out we’ve been working post-production on part 3 of The Quest Trilogy – The Christ Slayer. We’ve had a surge of “Forty Nights” watchers because of the Easter season. And if watching that on Amazon Prime you might as well watch part 2 “Chasing the Star” – enjoy. Part 3 trailer is being color corrected and music composed. It will release in the coming weeks to start building hype for the pre-Christmas theatrical release and the wide home video release Easter 2019.

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Joining these biblical adventure films on Amazon Prime is our Civil War classic “Wicked Spring” and now “Ashes of Eden” joins it. The latter was directed by Shane Hagedorn and is a cool cautionary tale. I play an ex-military guy who tried to walk the straight and narrow but life did not quite allow that. It has many of the CDI tribe playing great dramatic characters. Check it out!

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“Ashes of Eden”

MBF (Man’s Best Friend) is now in pre-production with dates to start filming in late May into June. We’ve been targeting our crew for the next film and locking locations. We had a tech scout last week. I ended up getting more emotionally affected by both the prisoners at the jail and even more so at the animal shelter. After touring the shelter and having my heart poked by several of the stares begging to be taken and given a loving home – I fought to keep composed. The idea is to use shelter dogs and we plan to do an adoption event for our picture dogs. Once the film is ready to play theaters I also want to do adoption events in every city we play to. When I was pitching our plan to the shelter workers I almost lost it. I was there as a producer but my emotions surged. I was embarrassed that I had to fight to keep it all together. I had initial worries about getting to the right emotional places with my character. Now I worry about too much emotion and audiences not being able to understand me. I really did a doozy to myself writing something that is so wide open with vulnerable emotion and plays to my weakness. But it all felt truthful and honest and so I know that will only help the performance. All this is before even factoring in fully the heartache of the military vets. But I saw lines drawn between vets, prisoners, adoption dogs – broken souls wanting to be whole. The film also has a cautionary tale woven within. I think most of my scripts do. I’m very excited to tell another story with our wonderful CDI artists. I just found myself missing the carefree, humorous nature of ole Ben Lily in our past “Wild Faith” tale.

Travis in Action

Aside from all this I’ve been writing daily and getting some of the future content in line. I’ve been researching for the next biblical trilogy and working on some other exciting scripts. The new CDI website at http://www.cdiproductions.com is almost complete with phase one. Next phases include merchandise and streaming which is on deck. Please check out the website. This is where many of our castings and updates will be posted. The battle plans for the next couple years are underway.

I’m going to bring this to an end. I’ve enjoyed you all stopping by – next Saturday (April 14th) will also be the release of the music video I participated in. Trey Connor is the artist and the song is called “My Ghosts” – soon.

Be good to one another. Get out to Novi Imagine and travel back to 1875 with “Wild Faith” on the big screen. If you want to see more of our storytelling get onto Amazon Prime and take a watch.




Distribution, Doorways and Development

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The mornings have gotten a slight chill and the days have been warm and mild and thankfully devoid of the damp humidity. We have new readers from China so welcome! It has been an extremely busy week and much of the week I fought against excited energy that bordered on nervous a few times. I meditated on while those feelings tapped away and it was because I felt fear. See when you’re fighting and pushing hard to open doors you’re reacting, feeling and not just thinking. What happens when a door opens? Or when a couple of doors open? Do you have everything you need to step through? Which door do you step through first? Patience is also always a battle. I had a couple of days this week whereas good developments happened that were a result of previous actions. The “watched pot never boils” sort of lesson. Let’s look at some random updates in no particular order.



Chasing the Star has been selected to play in the Lanett City Film Festival in Lanett, Alabama. We have more screenings, reviews and such as we build towards the Sept 5th national release. The first responses to the film buyers have been strong. Our distributor is crediting the quality of the film, cover art and the true gap in the mythology of the wisemen for our strong response/interest. The distributor has also engaged with Movie Guide for a promotional package that will target 100k+ contact list. 150k social media hits, special site take over and online radio promotion.

Here are a few of the PRE-sale sites




Fans of the 1st film in The Quest Trilogy Forty Nights keeps pushing out into the marketplace.


Updates on Part 3 “The Christ Slayer” – the VFX work and fine tuning the edit is underway. Audiences will get a first peek at the teaser on Aug 7th and I’m very excited for everyone to get a watch.


WILD FAITH is close to releasing a new BTS sizzle and the poster has been slow but is coming. I met with post supervisor Dennis Therrian on Friday and everything is flowing great. I know we’ll have an enjoyable film. I’m also looking at multiple pitch’s on the series which the working title is ‘Hastings’ after the town.

A lot of development work on M.B.F. short for ‘Man’s Best Friend’ which now has its letter of intent to distribute from BMG. Our business paperwork is being assembled and key crew and cast are being brought on. We’ll be doing some casting especially in the teen department. We’ll be approaching previous investors first and see where we’re at. Location scouting, scheduling and such is moving forward.

Aside from all that I’ve had strong movement forward on our new CDI website, agent talks and I actually did two reads this week for projects. One is a small dramatic piece locally for a non-profit and the other a film that would shoot in Europe next year. So I threw down a quick read and we’ll see what happens. Many of those reads consist of just a good reading and digestion of the story. After I usually do just 1 take of a few lines so they can hear their words and see my face. Once I hit send I don’t put too much thought into them. That is a good thing to refocus your energy. Again be the PULSE not the RAY. Fixation will not make anything happen any faster or at all. Focus on what you can control.

I’m going to wrap it up. The garden has been doing great and giving fresh veggies. We’ve tied two soccer matches back-to-back this second half of the season so we’ll see what today brings. I’ve almost got enough of the mulberries and rhubarb for the next wine endeavor. I’ll make that once I return from my U.P. walk-about next week. For those not from this area – the UP is the upper part of Michigan – rugged and beautiful. I’ll enjoy getting out in some major wilderness and recharging the mind and spirit.

Be good to one another and thank you for sharing part of your day with me.


The Forty Seventh Trip – the final week UPDATES


The last week of the 47th trip around the SUN:)

A whirlwind week leading up to the bday weekend. Forty seven trips around this star we call the sun. We had a busy week leading up to the weekend whereas we had a small gathering of folks for my bday and the CDI gathering. I had a busy week because of the dropped elm tree causing a lot of chaos to the yard. All the small stuff got burnt up and the logs stacked and/or organized. The garden is getting a lot more sun with the dead tree down. We smoked a pair of pork shoulders and a large turkey to have sandwiches at the gathering. So the latter part of the week I got to conduct business to the wonderful smells coming from the smoker. The house, office and yard all got a good grooming which is always nice. The spring cleaning is over and time to enjoy summer. My brother made me a wrought iron arch that you install logs onto and also the upper siding will be put on the office this week. (Happy Bday to myself) – After several years I now have a new grill – so grill N chill can power on.


The garden is growing like crazy and I’ve been getting bowls of mulberries everyday for my wine endeavors. Last night at our little gathering we had some of the “Top of the Day” Irish Stout and I think it passed the test. We had some great punch with a punch thanks to my friend Mr. Glarner and Sanctuary Spirits. The RUM was flowing like a pirate fest. Many activities every weekend in the Summer for people so I’m just always appreciative to whomever makes the stop by. I think a good time was had by all and it was a good day to reflect on all the good that has happened in the last year. Lots of excitement and talk about the next 12 months ahead. I will do a short recap of things but I believe I might need a nap before tonight’s soccer match. The temps should be much better as long as we don’t get rained out.

Claw story

Okay. A few movie updates.

WILD FAITH – ADR work has been underway in the studio as well as spicing up the sound design on the battle scenes. VFX foundation work underway and I’ll be meeting with director Jesse Low to discuss more on this project. I will say some nice BTS, a new trailer and poster are just some of the cool new promo pieces coming soon.


The Quest Trilogy

The website for the trilogy will house the sites for all three films in the future and so we’ve been developing that. Also a new CDI website will be going up this Summer. Forty Nights is expanding into the General market as Sony keeps pushing the digital. We had a few nice reviews coming out on “Forty Nights” and so we’ll be encouraging people to watch the 1st film in the trilogy. We’re still exploring more theatrical on “Chasing the Star” but the film is delivered and will soon be mastered by BMG. “The Christ Slayer” is polishing the edit and VFX work has started. We shared a short model video on the FB site for “The Christ Slayer” and more will follow.

The Friday of my Bday I completed Version 1 of a new screenplay. That put a smile on my face. Scripts are the blueprints that a team works from. I’m happy to be in development mode. The back half of the year will be interesting. We’ll have films releasing as we start the creation of new content. Thank you to everyone who sent their well wishes. I had a few people I know pass away this year that won’t be going on this new journey around the sun. So that said, I’m appreciative that I can keep clawing my way to the middle:)


An Artist’s Hope and Other Updates

We had a nice day of sunshine yesterday and that allowed us to get outside and do a little bit of yard clean up. Today the weather is back to wet and overcast but tis the way in Michigan. In a few short weeks we’ll be back in Yuma, AZ to film our third installment in THE QUEST TRILOGY. Let’s examine those films and the journey that these projects take.


The Christ Slayer

The bank account is open and the finalizing of people’s paperwork and getting their investment into the bank is always a task. People are busy but we work on tight timelines. We only have a few units to assign before we’re a fully functional battle station. Paperwork between crew started this week and next week some paperwork on talent will begin. Right now rooms, flights for the pre-prod team are the priority of the production office.

On cast we’re waiting for our schedule this week so we’ll know how many days talent will be required. Casting has been mostly a joy but you always get to those few hard choices. This past week we came to a few casting decisions after some healthy back and forth. We finalized casting on one of our last co-stars, a supporting role and a few featured roles from the AZ area. Each artist brings their unique talents to the screen. I’m so excited about the casting choices that were made.

I’m also happy that because of distribution being in place we don’t need to drop any ‘lure castings’ as I call them. That’s less than ideal casting but it’s done  with the possibility that it may help grab the attention of a distributor. I understand why this is done but it can have a backlash. Distributors we’ve spoken with will tell you that certain names are known but they’ve become known for less than inspired product. They spoke of the flood of films that basically takes (Insert animal) and (Insert Holiday) add (Insert lure casting) and repeat. Now, I respect the fact that it’s a business model but I need more to invest myself in. I need a story that means something to me deeply.

On schedule, on budget and our projects bring high artistic value.” That’s how we’re described by distributors and why we’ve been developing our ongoing business. I’ve said it before, you need to streamline your operation so that you can work with marketing teams whose job is to put the film into the marketplace. No excuses.


T Rex and DJ Perry (Moses & Jesus) “innocent role” 

As I’ve done before I’ll give you a hint to the upcoming casting along with a story. First one of the roles WAS hard to find because it possesses a quality you can’t easily manufacture. In this case it was the “innocent role” which in “Forty Nights” was our T-Rex/Moses and in the upcoming “Chasing the Star” was filled by the amazing actor Logan Kishi. Thinking outside the box led me to looking at a certain spectrum of talent. From there I saw an actor who shared by last name. I looked at his materials along with dozens of others actors but kept coming back to the one with the famous last name:) His humor was right on point with the writing and he had that IT factor people talk about. In moving down the road in the casting process we discovered this talent had a sibling who also is an established actor. Another read for another role and BAM it has become a family affair. I’m excited that these two siblings will get to share in this journey together. People may assume I’m casting from family but I’ve never met these two brothers with the cool last name:) If we are related it’s buried up in the in the limbs of the ole family tree.

Two local actors who’ve participated with us before in Yuma, AZ have landed featured extra parts that while small are very important. (As all roles are) I’m sure they’re excited to be participating and we’re excited to have them.

In summary – We’re moving forward strong. I’ve been spending time with the story and it’s a joy to be able to imagine the talent in the roles on the page I’m reading. I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. I am also looking forward to a little sunshine and Mexican food!

cocoa and momma

A few of the co-stars of the upcoming “Chasing the Star”

Chasing the Star

I’ve been assembling information for our end credits. This week we’ll also start moving over photo elements to the distributor. We should get our street date set in the coming weeks. I’m excited for audiences to get their first peek at the film. I’m trying to make it possible for our friends at Champion Church to see the film before we roll cameras on “The Christ Slayer”. They’ve helped us in so many ways as part of our Yuma team and I like to give them a special treat as a thank you.

40 Nights

DJ Perry as Jesus in “Forty Nights” 4/4/2017

Forty Nights

The Easter stuff is slowly making its way out and that brings us closer to the 4/4/17 release date. The nice part about this release is that we’ll create a nice flow between the releases of the three films.

Once “The Christ Slayer” releases around Easter 2018 my hope is to see the three films play together or over three nights on television. I’m anxiously awaiting the new artwork which I hope to see this week. Fingers crossed.


Lisa Lauren Smith drives the drama as Haddie in #WildFaith

Wild Faith

We’ve had many people reaching out about this film. I sincerely think we’ve got some gold with this film. The energy while making it was just powerful and cast and crew alike brought their A game. This week we’ll be seeing the first full cut of the story. I would say I’m excited but that would be an understatement. Keep following us and I’ll keep you updated after the first watch.

I’m not going to wax on about development at this time. Truth is I have much to turn my attention to and so I will cut this short. All of us artists appreciate your time and attention and in a few short weeks and months ahead we hope to entertain, educate and inspire you with your stories. That is an artist’s hope.

Be good to one another.




‘Wild Faith’ Feedback & More…


I’m sitting in my big leather chair by my electric fire – The Candleberry Candle and sipping the hazelnut coffee. I’ve got sleeping dogs around me happy to have me back into the fold of the pack.


Shane Hagedorn rolling with the Collective Development OG’s:)

I’ve just returned from running with another pack of artists filmmakers creating an 1800’s action drama. I can honestly say it was some of the best fun I’ve had in many years. It reunited me with many friends and artists some that worked together last in this genre a decade ago.


Production Designer Jen Raine & Art Director Austin Two Feathers

It introduced me to a slew of new artists who I think appreciate the Collective Development Inc. approach and take to filmmaking. We use to do this as children for free – the make-believe. And now to pay people to create that same fun but with bigger toys and doing it day after day until we get our puzzle pieces. I got to observe seasoned film warriors work side by side with what will be the next generation of film warriors. I saw people realize that within a powerful problem solving group strong art can be born. I saw people forget past dealings with others and give us a chance to be a positive experience. I’m developing key crews and key to me starts with a 100% positive attitude. You can make several mistakes giving your best effort and from me you will get mentoring and compassion. That positive attitude is hard for many to keep in this industry – you don’t have to dig far to hear the horror stories. I’m a person who dislikes having my time wasted, who does? I’ve got several ways I can waste my own time and still enjoy it – I don’t need waste imposed upon me. I do shun people who purposely waste my time with unreasonable. Do I have any examples to help illustrate? Perhaps…


A mix of acting talent on set #wildfaith


One acting role in our recent film underwent several discussions before falling to a very talented, 200% positive (through the roof) ready for success gent. The first major look came by association – one of our producers had worked with this person. A read that was strong and a direction was set – but full disclosure of a change in residence lost this person the role.

Another option – a young hopeful gives a good read but ultimately has no vehicle. I’m not judging, but as an actor I can say that a phone and car are the two things you need to thrive in our smaller regional market.

Opportunity knocks again – As a talent when you get a call from a company that based on your previous work wants to hire you again – slam dunk? Not quite – instead of an easy transaction of business someone suggests a string of silly actions – not anything a production in pre-production can or will handle. It also speaks poorly of this persons maturity, character and true dedication to do what you need to do until your craft is accepted.


This casting string really created a well needed lightness to the pre-production talks. CDI is ran primarily by actor/producers and individually we’ve all had and some continue to have the struggles that come with acting. To see three actors shoot themselves in the foot was offset by the enthusiasm of the one who got to call BINGO!

Be prepared actors. (Take 2) Be prepared actors. Not just in your craft but in your professionalism. Not fixing that car because it is a pain in the butt. Not getting a job with flexibility of schedule. Don’t help yourself fail in an industry that is already difficult. By taking care of your business you can be ready for when opportunity knocks. Organized. Prepared. Ready to succeed.



We had a key position whereas because of a change in our shoot locations we had to make a change. One person visiting Michigan on another endeavor got a call and within two hours was onboard. They started the next day. Opportunity knocked and it will likely result in another hiring in the spring.


I’ve seen people I’ve hired before return with new battle hardness that made me smile. I saw the few situations we had handled with calm professionalism. Now some may have experienced their first feature run and decide short format is more their pace. Feature shooting is harder, longer and requires a different mental and physical endurance. With our larger budgets we often had additional on location pre production and additional shoot weeks. So to all my crew that traveled with us – I’m tipping my hat. To the ones there all the way through – be proud that is a true benchmark.


One additional planned day of battle footage and a few powerful moments with our films lead Shane Hagedorn. It was a really cool experience to see Shane ride this story out. He made it his and brought such a cool edge to the role. Our Lisa Smith who plays opposite him was such a find. Many of the actresses had a great take on the lead role. This actresses brought it out in Shane, it showed. The children, the outlaws, townsfolk, circus folks all cast with care and it shows.


My humblest respect to my fellow producing team – 1st AD Nate Robertson who TCB (Takes care of Business) on set and the staff who handles everything behind the scenes from accounting to PR and everything in between, we are  ONE TRIBE. Jesse squared (Jesse Low & Jesse “Smooth” Aragon) what an honor to story tell with you both again.

Jesse 2.jpeg

Jesse squared (Jesse Low & Jesse “Smooth” Aragon)

Check us out on Facebook


“Wild Faith” coming 2017


I had a chance to see the first rough trailer for “Chasing the Star” and it exceeded my expectations greatly. I think because we’re dealing with a topic that people have such a limited insight to – how do we present that? And I think it was done in a beautiful fashion. Music is complete and dialog clean up is underway with sound design. VFX work is also underway. Bret Miller and CDI have a great follow-up with part 2 of THE QUEST TRILOGY.

Which brings me to part 3 – This week I will be starting to put the business together on “The Christ Slayer” to shoot in the spring. More intense talks on this film in the coming weeks.

“40 Nights” is flowing in the positive direction and this week we’ll be discussing marketing efforts with Lightworx about “40 Nights” and the trilogy moving forward.


I’m going to go finish unpacking my vehicle that was packed up “Beverly Hillbilly’s” style – just needed a rocking chair on top:) Have a great fall morning and keep moving forward. Dare to dream. Create don’t hate.


MSU Lessons, Upcoming Showings and Looking For Talent


I’m sitting in a nice silence after returning from a family birthday event that featured MSU TV. Now my father and I both graduated from MSU and so I like the tradition. I’ve always liked that MSU could beat anyone on a given day but most of the time were underdogs. In the recent years they have become the team to beat. I do like how they keep their humble class and whip ass. I’m proud of how they represent. I was sitting outside on the porch of the office watching the night sky. I see some comparisons to filmmaking. I’ve always wanted to wear pride behind our company name. I try to run a fair ship and make dependable, creative content. I know that many that have worked with Collective Development Inc. have felt the teamwork and professional respect we try to extend. Many haphazard production entities can whirlwind a location or town and create an unwelcome environment for future productions.

The other part of my MSU comparison was just the tenacity that the teams are known for. I feel like that attribute, which existed before MSU, but was further honed by a university that exemplifies these traits. I think MSU has been playing up and down to their opposition. U of M has looked good but the Spartan mentality is not like others. Also with those few seconds I noted those who did not go to MSU start to waiver tonight when the chips were down. But those that went to MSU knew not to mourn until the battle is over. To the last second you fight to move forward. Breaking into the film industry is a battle and one that many lose. But for those who stand at the last twilight of a battle and go that last round – sometimes a foe falls. An obstacle is removed. A challenge is overcome. As I sat looking at the night sky I took several deep breaths and embraced that spirit. Along time ago I drew my sword and started my march forward. Other like-minded people asked if they could walk with me. Respect one another. None of that drama that follows so many of these powerfully, creative egos were allowed to walk with us. If you feed on that strife your path is elsewhere. Films are hard enough and should never be made worse by those variables. So a good team of people who don’t QUIT and you never know.

ADVICE:  don’t quit.

It’s a really big read into the character of a person. Before trusting any budget upon an artist you have to know you aren’t dealing with a quitter. I know some talented artists that I just can’t hire. They quit on a task – large or small it doesn’t matter. Only the risk changes. If you give up easy – you’ll be working in some field outside filmmaking – just a matter of time. Filmmaking is not for quitters. They are a breed to themselves. They all have some internal, creative calling. Some will engage creativity where they can and try to keep the storytelling beast in a cage. Others will go full tilt. Here is where you must have a good plan of action or you’ll moth to the flame. For some this is just an illustration for a lifetime of frustration and for others it is literal. See you on the other side Smiling Joe.

In summary – good job MSU!


“Dean Teaster’s Ghost Town” kicked off our screening arts mixer every 3rd Thursday at Sanctuary Spirits in Grand Ledge, MI. It was a good look back at our first western with CDI. It was released with Lionsgate and was the #1 western rental for 7 weeks. Top 10 for 17 weeks. More than all that it featured some great talent on both sides of the camera and was one of the most beautiful places I have ever shot a movie. Maggie Valley/Cherokee N.C. – We will announce the November movie on Monday. If you have any requests send me a shout out:)

DJ Perry & Shane Hagedorn on set

DJ Perry & Shane Hagedorn on set “Ashes of Eden”

“Ashes of Eden” is preparing to announce some news about TV broadcast but you can still catch it in select theaters. It played today and will play again tomorrow at the Sun Theater in Grand Ledge, Michigan. If you have not checked out “Ashes of Eden” on the big screen this is a great theater to watch it in. Classic!

DJ Perry as Jesus in

DJ Perry as Jesus in “40 Nights”

“40 Nights” – I’m waiting to hear this week about VFX updates. Also the film INTRO is soon to be underway. More sound design and dialogue clean up has been done. I’m excited for the musical score to begin. I’m ready to share this film with the world audiences.

The storm cometh

The storm cometh

“Chasing the Star” – the script is in the hands of several actors. The feedback has been wonderful. We’re looking into locations and preparing to film in Feb 2016. We will start hiring in December once the film is up and running. Our “40 Nights” director Jesse Low is attached to director our western in 2016. This has us looking at several possible directors. The second script in our deal with Lightworx is essentially about the quest of three magi.

Melissa Anschutz and DJ Perry in BESTSELLER

Melissa Anschutz and DJ Perry in BESTSELLER

“Bestseller” is gearing up for an event Nov 1st in Owosso, MI. I enjoyed this week at a dental cleaning – my dentist was all smiles when he told me he saw one of my films. I asked which. He said that he and his wife saw “Bestseller” at Celebration Cinemas. He said, “you were really intense – we loved it.” I thanked him for taking the time to go see it and promised him not to trash his office Franklin style. He was happy.

I’ve been closing in on finishing two scripts. One being the 3rd in the biblical film series. The other is Knight Chills 2. Two VERY different film scripts to be sure. I enjoy the writing and look forward to finishing those two up. Additionally just doing some budgeting work and we’re finishing up some other sales work. But I’ve also been enjoying the fall. It is getting frosty and I saw my first snow flakes today. Winter is Coming (CUE Game of Thrones music)

I’m sure I missed maybe an update or two but I need to kick my feet up. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Soccer Ahead – Saturday Updates…

So tomorrow is our first soccer match and I’m ready to get kicking. There is something powerful about pushing yourself to the limits in combat with another team whose goals are opposite your own. In those moments you focus on getting the ball in their net and keep it from yours. I like that lingering pain that continues on into the week. That is growth through pain. So today I got to work on my touch with my brother and another buddy. I’m in good shape in regards to strength, core and body weight but could be a bit more prepared to run, run and run some more. But that returns quite fast. The truth is I dislike running just to run. But, I’m looking forward to that weekly battle once again.

I think some of that combat prepares us for the battles in other areas. I wish sometimes I could give a teeth jarring shoulder hit to correct issues in the film world but it doesn’t work like that. But I’m very happy to say that many battles won have led us to finishing more films. WASTELAND. The TERRORIST. Now BESTSELLER is VERY close to being complete. We did a listen/watch through in studio on Friday and with a few minor tweaks we will be sealing that film up. We are doing a cast/crew and media showing on the 9th of May. The 1st public showing will be on the 23rd of May. I’ve also been happy as the marketing materials are all pulling together. We have new poster art and trailer coming on BESTSELLER.

40 NIGHTS also have some great new promotional art coming forth. I’m excited about this project and our distributor is extremely happy with the direction. We are finalizing a new LOGO that we be used in most all the branding.

ASHES OF EDEN is about to be presented to buyers by our distributor. I’m excited about getting this film out to audiences. I’m even more excited to see what the next steps will be working with Shane Hagedorn.

I’ve been working on some screenplay work and I did inquire about one film project that caught my interest acting wise. I’m honestly not in a rush to get back in front of the camera with all this post work, soccer and putting in a garden. BUT if the right thing comes along – it could happen.

A good transition week and I don’t really have any amazing insights. I’ve just been focused on finishing up BESTSELLER and dealing with distribution and promotion. I think that is why soccer is such a welcome change. So work hard and give yourself time for your hard work to pay off. I like to say, work as a PULSE versus a RAY. The latter will drain you quickly. I’ve been taxed on these projects for sure but the batteries are slowly getting their charge back. That happens when you give everything all you have.

With that…a nap. Soccer practice was tiring and I have a soccer buddy stopping over later. Might be time for some guacamole and chill time.

Have a great Saturday!