“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “peace

Secrets to Success – Starts With Attitude

(Color test on ‘Harsens Island Revenge’ footage)

Coffee cheers to all of you out there. I want to once again thank all the readers who stopped through last week. We had some readers from different countries joining us including Ukraine. My sincere hope is for peace and for issues and misunderstandings to be settled by words not war. We had a slight reprieve from the arctic chill but it is back this weekend. I had an eventful week both business and personal. On the personal it included helping a buddy out on a couple afternoons and engaging my love of herbal concoctions by making my first batch of ‘Fire Cider’. I already take a shot of apple cider vinegar everyday. This mixture is comprised of maybe 20 ingredients infused over several weeks in apple cider vinegar. Ingredients like garlic, ginger root, turmeric, orange, lemon, thyme, cinnamon bark, honey and more. I’ve also been enjoying my ongoing study of the individual ingredients also including many teas. I’ve been into wild crafting for a long time but I’m just being more disciplined in my approach. I’ve got a journey that I’ve been using to record and review my studies. A great external salve something that medieval medics have used for centuries to treat battle wounds is ‘garlic honey’ or honey infused with raw garlic cloves. For years I’ve studied the natural pharmacy on our property. The sap of the white pine is also great for wounds. The needles make a great tea with lots of vitamin C. Many of the herbs, fungus, roots, barks and berries hold great beneficial properties. Knowing what is edible and what isn’t is a good knowledge to have. For those that don’t know I use to be a camp counselor at a nature center and I love that connection with nature. So if this filmmaking doesn’t work out you’ll find me running DJ’s Potions & Lotions. But seriously, many minor health issues or the strengthening and reinforcing of ones constitution can be done with natural properties. This was part of my New Years resolution to take my casual interest and study and make it a daily routine. I’ve spent many years of my life to the study of the warrior and this phase of life has me becoming the healer. I touched on that last week talking about haters. Where a decade or two ago such remarks would bring out the warrior I now see the negative mental anguish of someone and I feel sorry for them. The healer in me wishes that find a filter of happiness to start looking at life through. When you have those dark negative filters in place everything positive in others sparks those negative traits. Sadly that negativity only draws more negativity to them. Use bad reviews that are not just stating something is not their cup of tea but digs deeper – click on their profile and most all their reviews ring negative. For them even sunshine is too bright. Stars twinkle too much. Roses smell too sweet. Some only create a profile only to spread negativity. That is giving a lot. I follow my mother’s advice if I don’t have something nice to say…you know the saying. Wise words. I just go on to something else. I watch programs all the time whereas some don’t do it for me. But I don’t spend any energy discouraging someone else. I will on occasion when something leaves a very positive effect recommend it. A film, a restaurant, a band or song or a place to visit. Because I want others to possible have the same positive intake of energy that I did. It is a way of living. Mental illness can stem from living in that negativity. Be careful what you say about or to yourself. A few weeks ago we talked about broadcasting unbalance. To put into filmmaker terms – a person lamenting about their unbalance and bemoaning a lack of funding is like a babysitter broadcasting their lack of attention and/or responsibility and bemoaning nobody wanting to hire them to watch their kids. Hence no money and the negativity circle continues. You must be first seen as capable and earn that reputation by following through. No big secret just common sense. I really do hope that these simple words help a few folks out there.

(‘The Actor’ was a NYC film I did with director Jon Osman – seen here with actor James Russo)

Another simple lesson that I use and has resulted in many positive outcomes. When you aren’t sure what to do next or what your next destination is – organize and prepare. When a ship doesn’t have an immediate destination the captain will order the barnacles to be removed. The hull to be tarred. The sails to be mended and for rations to be restocked. Prepare to play. An athlete doesn’t wait to be put in the game to prepare to play. They’ve spent countless hours running or strength training or coordination drills. Whatever they need to be when the time comes they’ve prepared for. Slow times for your acting career- polish your resume, get new promo materials and get yourself feeling and looking your best. I have been quite satisfied by my acting work and even turned down a few opportunities due to timing. I aways have ‘working on a few outside acting projects’ as a yearly goal because it’s fun to just create a role without all the added production responsibility. In my past I’ve been with several small agents in various markets and I’ve been with one of the big three agencies also. The shingle of the agency can get some respect from some but it is really about the integrity and character of the agent and agency itself. I’ve had a few deals in the past wrecked by agents playing hardball or just leading with their ego. So for many years I’ve just handled my own business with my legal team. Over the past several years we’ve brought in many talent from a certain agency and agent and they’ve always been a joy to deal with. I’ve seldom said that about previous agents we’ve had to deal with. But that has been different with Treasure Coast Talent Agency. And so I’ve decided to align myself with them. I’m picky about my projects but I’ve built a relationship with them over the years and realized I like the way they present, conduct and handle their business. So I’ve been updating my Actors Access page which I’ve not touched in years. I’m going to cut a new reel for 2024. Maybe some new pics although I do have many great ones but mostly in character. I’ll be doing some PR likely next week announcing this new partnership.

But, don’t think that is going to replace production work. We are only picking up steam on that front. Let me run down some bullet point film updates.


  1. CDI has done a variety of “in association” films whereas they were funded by others so they are the managers of the property. One of these was a “found footage” horror film shot in the Philippines entitled DARKEST NIGHT. For being a dark horror film it was such a joy to film. It was the first film by author/producer Russ Williams and it recently just celebrated over 300,000 views! Congrats and if being scared is your thing, take a watch HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PZtiDrLfRM
  2. Staying on the subject of scary films KNIGHT CHILLS, CDI’s first film from 25 years ago enjoyed a BluRay release in Oct of last year is looking to expand its new release campaign with streaming and a book release of the novel and the screenplay together with fun BTS pics. The Blu Ray can be purchased HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10064638097126313670&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=399dd8121370380c8b97cdbf876e05c6&gad_source=1
  3. IF you want to see what kind of book we’re talking about see the link for my first feature film I starred in IN THE WOODS, as Alex Curwood monster hunter. It is now in hardcover! BUY HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2OOFTD9VKNH5U&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CxQQRxhTMPJogT4O2O30vsyJcCJ3gFeJ-fI7WGXy4ho2tAPbZc4IS5HYIpTwheQuUqatHw6OBsjqeoAEi9J67L5vFCUCK35bd8ghehGN5rysnRWhjxiW1FDmn-PFjcv3B9dIQKqtp1dlZAbu39VB3LrXCUkVmr4tRlraeuuj0onZ9dJITDj_ldwUwu2tj5l6edYa0Q1hXXembWYic6ujeO7GVGQ8l899XbAGFljpGJg.eFyhsOAOm9yBoXDimPiE3Qq6D-4Ho0z-gvBFVZjYoRw&dib_tag=se&keywords=IN+THE+WOODS+screenplay&qid=1705849771&s=books&sprefix=in+the+woods+screenplay%2Cstripbooks%2C94&sr=1-7
  4. Furthermore with IN THE WOODS, the film has been digitally remastered plus we also have a new director’s cut that is much more enriched. I’m waiting until the theatrical premiere to see it. But we shopped the film and have had a few good distribution offers. I think we know which one we want to go with for BluRay and merchandise. The novelization by Nancy Gideon is also going to get a re-release and perhaps even the origins script I penned many years ago. It is fun to see these classic films get remastered and enjoyed and appreciated by a new generation.
  5. Following KNIGHT CHILLS, CDI’s second film was a nod to comic books and the pulp SciFi entitled FROM VENUS, directed by Jeff Kennedy. New art work is being assembled/painted by Tom Miller the fan artists who did the amazing paintings for the Knight Chills Blu Ray. Once I have this packaged we’ll shop it to a few of the companies that focus on these films. It is an honor to have these films appreciated as classics. I want to preserve them and allow them to be seen by upcoming filmmakers. We are started somewhere.
  6. Jumping 20+ year ahead let’s talk about the films front and center. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is really doing well on home video. We’re still getting theaters asking to have the film play on the big screen. We are able to do that so we might start having some select big screen showings. But the DVD and STREAMING has been strong and I hope to have more specifics on how strong very soon. This WW2 home front war drama is a must see if that time period interests you at all. DVD and STREAMING can both be bought or rented HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Night-Algona-Anthony-Hornus/dp/B0CL7DFYSK/ref=asc_df_B0CL7DFYSK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7946069189314477119&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260853923386&psc=1&mcid=a5b5ef0d428739e98e194c62143ee272&gad_source=1
  7. Harsens Island Revenge editing is still going strong and our director Carl will be home in a week and change. The film is really coming together and beyond the intensity of the characters and story the footage is just beautiful. Carl was also working on a few settings for the color correction and it made the beautiful footage even more amazing. I cannot wait for us to sit down with Dennis Therrian our composer and sound designer. He’s been sketching sound and score samples to discuss with Carl. Also we’ll be bringing the producers together for our one opening scene shoot to kick off the film. It’s WW1 and will be quite exciting to film. If we shoot in Feb or March will depend on the snow, the military base and how quickly we can pull it all together.
  8. HOT ROD LOVE – This is the next feature film looking to shoot this Summer. It will be directed by Shane Hagedorn and is a drama-comedy set in the 1970’s with drag racing being the back drop. I think we’ve found our track partners but need to do a formal scout. We’ve got some of the first commits to funding and will keep on those. Following Pepsi we have some other sponsors landing and this will be a fun one for advertisers. The race track, cars and racing suits and such will allow us to really capture some great brands. If you or your company want to know about involvement feel free to reach out to me.
  9. Additional Development – I had a few nice calls this past week about CDI coming back into Iowa to film again. I had a good meeting with Curran Jacobs, who we’re looking to work with again and we think we’ve got the right project. Some development paperwork will be put into play and once done we’ll talk more about that project. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE was discussed this week and we have some forthcoming talks that might move that piece on the chessboard. WILD FAITH: HASTINGS has some interest but patience is in practice as we await a few developments.
  10. If you’ve not watched the CDI library many of them can be found on Encourage TV on a Playlist so please do enjoy these film. WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0LCdlq-BK0&list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E

I’m going to wrap up this blog update so I can get some breakfast, shower up and be ready to cheer on our Detroit Lions football team. I had a Lions helmet as a child and I’ve been a lifelong fan along with many family members now deceased who would have loved to see this game. Win or lose we will all be proud of this team but we’re all looking for a win. I know we’ll get their very best. GO LIONS! I’ll look forward to sharing with you all again next week. Stay warm for those in the arctic zone and be good to one another.


Christmas 2023 – Good Tidings and Joy

I’m sitting here after another near non-stop day of prep for a holiday trifecta of family get togethers with another on the 30th. I know this is a time for many to reflect upon past holidays and days gone by. I know this time of the year can be hard for those who’ve had loss. We all have empty spots around the table missing grandparents, parents, siblings and dear friends. I had a close friend lose his father today and those losses hurt us all. We are the ones giving the comforting hug or receiving it when it is our time. I had another friend’s memorial a week earlier and that makes these times painted with bittersweet. One of my cousins today was sending me pics of past days and that sparked emotion. I felt like Clark Griswold watching old films in the attic. But it is good to remember even when it hurts a little. Usually a smile will come as we recall funny stories from those past days. Even past pets bring those happy and sad feelings. But we have a new pack of love here with our two dogs and our new kitty Sybil. All are adopted and bring joy into our lives. That is the turning wheel of life. So love on your loved ones and if you are alone consider an adopted pet. They can truly bring joy back into your life.

(Luna Mae)

We also had a furnace issue resulting in a lack of heat. We just had a new one installed a year ago but the problem is that the old one we knew. Yes. It looked like something from Freddy Krueger’s boiler room but we knew it. This new one is very efficient but looks like something that could be found on a spaceship. We looked about and tried a reset but dealing with electricity and gas is unnerving. No dice. So we went to sleep praying we did not have a gas leak. The slowly declining heat was not too bad thanks to the warm weather we are having. The next morning we got ahold of our installer also a friend. The reset button I was trying to find on my own was so small five of them might fit on a penny and between two wires. Ultimately it was a dirty sensor that had to be removed, wiped down and presto. HEAT! But man, you need to know where everything is. Being Christmas and a friend we got off very reasonable but I can see where some would be paying up for a simple service. BUT, they have meters and equipment that are costly and I know that even moving a diesel service truck is costly. I’m thankful and I now know how to clean a sensor. Okay that sensor.

While doing some work this week I did my yearly Christmas watch on The Quest Trilogy. This unique exploration of three interwoven biblical stories always invokes deep thought and positive feelings. Forty Nights, Chasing the Star and The Christ Slayer. Watch them in that order and I think you will take something positive away. They can be watched many places but on Encourage TV you can watch free with ads. Truly a challenging role for me and a massive undertaking filming all three of those in the desert. Filmmakers earn their desert stripes by filming in a desert. If you know, you know.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has been sweeping across the country. I was sent a link this morning where it was talked about on a National talk show (Clay Travis & Buck Sexton) to an audience of 10 million + folks. Our national PR doesn’t really kick in until the first of the year but people are renting and buying it. They’re traveling back to 1944 and experiencing a true story that is a bright spot in human history even though it happened during the very dark time of WW2. It is important that we don’t lose those stories and I want to thank our investors and sponsors for making this project happen. I want to thank our cast and crew and my producer team led by director Anthony Hornus. He was the director of Man’s Best Friend which is one of the most talked about films with fans I meet. This film is an amazing follow up and really shows the heart ‘Tony’ puts in his storytelling. But that heart and passion can be found in most all our CDI tribe. I love what I do and much of that is because I love the people I work with and I love the fans who reach out to tell us how they’ve been touched. It was a VERY hard film to make but it was all worth it. I’m glad it is complete and now being seen by the world.

I had some great conversations about upcoming and developing projects. I believe that projects will find a way if they are meant to be manifested. That doesn’t mean sitting and just waiting- it takes packaging and aligning. Countless calls, meetings and the hard work of a strong core of producers. Audiences can already rest assured that another CDI story is coming at you in 2024. Harsens Island Revenge is coming together currently being edited in Brazil. We were closing on the first hour of our story in my last director update. I always like to take the path of modesty but everyone associated with that project knows we have something very special coming. Early in 2024 audiences should be getting their first look with a teaser trailer with the first music by the one and only Dennis Therrian. With the amazing photos by GW Burns a new advanced theatrical poster will be coming.

KNIGHT CHILLS has been fun to revisit. It was CDI’s 1st film and is now on BluRay and selling well. The extras are a great source of learning and inspiration for new or upcoming filmmakers. Thank you to all the fans of this little film. Big things might still be coming from this franchise. You can buy the Blu Ray on Amazon and many retail stores like Walmart, Barnes and Noble and Best Buy.

WILD FAITH: HASTINGS is getting some momentum. HOT ROD LOVE will soon be officially announced on the development slate. We have Pepsi officially onboard and our first investor. We’ll be giving our past investors first opportunity in the new year before opening it to those who’ve given interest in getting involved. Like I said in a meeting this week- we’re building pyramids. These stories will last for generations and they should. I really do like making films that matter. I enjoy films that are just escapism for fun but the older I get I really like the depth. I believe that both can be achieved and much of that starts with the script. I’ve been doing a little bit of screenwriting also but we’ll save that for a different day. We have a few projects developing with young filmmakers and opportunities to grow that next ring of branches at CDI. I have a few potentially big meetings first of the year including one requiring me to jump on a plane across the country. I’m just happy I’m not flying during this time of the year. But in 2024 I’ll jump on a jet and try to kickstart a few new films.

Speaking of 2024- I’m really spending some time recharging and refocusing. I usually make a set of proposed goals and I already have a few in mind. I’m pretty disciplined but that is going to become even more-so in the new year. At 53 I feel like I’m still moving towards my peak. What’s really helping me is the wisdom I’ve accumulated over the years. I know myself very well. I know what I like and what I don’t. What I will tolerate and what I won’t. Mistakes of my past have become vital experience used to achieve success. I’m very excited about 2024 and I hope you are as well. ‘Be the change you want to see’ is a good statement I’ve heard recently used. What I want for Christmas is comfort for those dealing with loss. Peace on earth and goodwill amongst men (and women). Love, unity and understanding- even for a day. If it can start with a day it can grow into more but it takes a step. 2024 doesn’t have to be division filled if we learn to respect one another including learning to respectfully disagree. Anyone preaching or proclaiming hate should not be a leader. And they are only empowered by followers so trust your heart and follow only that. Skip the slights and insults and instead just communicate. Thank you for almost a year of us meeting once a week to think and ponder together. My last blog of the year will be New Year’s Eve. I look forward to joining with all of you again next week and the year beyond.

Be good to one another and Merry Christmas.


10 Awesome #TRIBECDI Updates to Kick Off Autumn!

Good morning to all of you and I hope your foray into Fall has been great thus far. I want to welcome the new readers from Russia, Ireland, UK, China and the Philippines. Coffee (or tea) cheers to you all and thank you for stopping by. I LOVE this time of year and I’ve been beyond thrilled to work on the films as the leaves turn and fall. I’m feeling like just shotgunning out some of the updates.

  1. The NCG Owosso premiere showing of ‘BEST YEARS GONE‘ is over and word has it that it is coming next for a Lansing NCG premiere on Oct 16th with two shows – a 6pm and 8:15pm I believe. You heard it here first. This week an event page and some PR will begin so some of the home town folks can enjoy the film. It has been remixed from the first premiere for delivery to our distributor and for our future premieres. I got a peek at some of the DVD/release artwork our distributor is working on. I think they are planning on a Feb 2022 home video release. Until that release we’ll keep at the theatrical premieres. If you’ve seen the film feel free to visit our IMDB.com page (also has a premiere video there) and leave a few words about your favorite scenes.
  2. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – pre-production is on the final run up. With a home office I get that great privilege of a short daily commute – about 30 or so stone steps. We’ve been doing more in-depth meetings with departments making sure they have questions answered. I was happy that one of my estate sale finds – a $5 military trench coat was the correct period and matched the photo I had. The office has been reaching out and getting crew agreements in line and this week cast will follow our set “day-of-days” coming from the AD department. We’ve had a few changes in cast and crew that happens when life happens. But I’m excited to see many of the Tribe and tell one last great story before we call it a year.
  3. WICKED SPRINGS HD release should start rolling out this month. That was an epic shoot back when we were rather young. I’m excited to see this rolling out to streaming platforms so folks can enjoy the story in HD.
  4. LOST HEART/BIGFOOT, UFO’s & JESUS – is starting to really pick up steam as the alternate title works into the marketplace. I had the chance to talk with many who have really enjoyed this film. The laughter and heartfelt messages play well with audiences and that is why we do it. This is true for MAN’S BEST FRIEND which again brought questions of a sequel which I’m not ruling out but it’s not on deck at this time. I was made aware of it playing on various TV stations like Charge TV. WILD FAITH just broke the 5-million views mark on Encourage TV and I’ll be taking more meetings on season 1 of the TV spin off. THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) is about ready to start its run once the ghosts and ghouls have their Halloween.
  5. As we follow the tradition of setting up new campaign runs for older films in the CDI library like BESTSELLER and THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ will be getting 2022 release dates soon. We just got everything submitted for one and the other is in the works. We are working to get several more prepped to release. Our distributor now has a general market label which is opening many doors of opportunity.
  6. SMOKE & MIRRORS our concept short is done. I was exploring how to help the location house with our film. We will look at some festivals also just for fun. The feature script is being retooled and will be great as an extended story.
  7. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – the first in a series of CDI in association with The Red, White & Blue Project Inc. documentary films. The locked cut is about done and so we’re going to master record the narration and do a once over mix/check at the studio with Dennis Therrian to prep the film for delivery. This brand we’ve created has a lot of growth possibilities. We also might look at a December premiere release likely at the NCG Owosso. Why? Curran Jacobs our director/host is from Owosso, MI. A lot of creative individuals from that area.
  8. I’ve had my second business opportunity in the past two months approach me over screenwriting. When I write to assign to one of our productions I work discounted knowing that the film employs many of our artists. I also produce and often act so there is much more involvement. On these “work-for-hire” projects I’m raising rates and even doing something like a writer/option whereas the script is written for X amount w/ a 50% copyright hold until the script is financed and the balance paid in return for the remaining 50% copyright. So they end up with complete ownership and have to go less deep financially to be able to shop. I still try to work under the minimums suggested by the WGA which I’m not part of by choice, and my cost of living can handle this. That again is what I love about Michigan. You could have a small crap box in LA or a country kingdom in Michigan for the same price. Part of the secret of productivity is being somewhere you like and that gives you peace between your often hectic dealings. I will pick up where we left off on negotiations this week and what is meant to be will be. But I do enjoy all the new writing opportunities. I am still looking at possible representation for the writing and still might try something out for the foreign market.
  9. As we discuss writing, one of my loves, I must mention a new book coming out. A few years back when WILD FAITH was moving and grooving in the theaters across several states, an author/book running that writes under Callie Smith Grant saw our film. She enjoyed the story/script and that led to an offer to submit stories. That has led to my participation in several of these books. This is the most recent one. Pre-order/order here – https://www.amazon.com/Dog-Who-Came-Christmas-Stories/dp/0800741250 a great Christmas gift!
  10. Producing, writing and preparing daily to play a new character on screen. I’m playing Lt. Col Lodell a fictional character based loosely on the actual camp commander in one major way. The ‘Golden Rule’ is the basis/foundation used during the operation of the PW camp. This character fit so perfect when I cracked the script back open to look at it. It feels close to where I’m at in my life with setting an example is the easiest way to inspire. Words can be wasted be the speaker or the listener if no action follows it. I just like to keep plugging away each and every day. I don’t feel in competition with anyone or anything. I feel like I’m just flowing like water (Thanks Bruce) doing my best each day. I’m doing the projects I’m suppose to do. So many stories to tell – I’m just very grateful to be able to. I don’t take that for granted. I try not to take any of it for granted. I’m just happy that I evolved to where I am. A place of good balance of mind, body and spirit. Learn to laugh at yourself. Forgive yourself. And wisdom that comes with ‘know thyself’…

(Above ‘Tricky T’ has been working with CDI since film #1 ‘Knight Chills’)

I’m going to wrap this up and maybe go make another cup of coffee. I’m looking forward to the week ahead. Also the old suitcase is going to have to come out. I like to slow pack over a couple weeks. I also have CDI stuff to gather also. This week we touch base with our Algona team. I’m going to go enjoy another soccer game with my niece and nephew playing. An art department meeting that I’m looking forward to. So many good developments on that front. As you study the time period some things seem very old although I’m convinced the black and white photos and footage makes it seem older. Other pictures could have been shot today. How we captured history has a lot to do with how we see it now. Just like old Civil War pictures. Once colorized – man! They really come to life. I love history and the stories that have carried down collectively to all of us. I will continue to try and put some of these wonderful stories to the medium of motion picture. Have a great week and be good to one another!


Love vs Fear – And Film Updates:)


Good morning. The sun is shining and the buds are blooming on the apple and mulberry trees. The first sprouts of rhubarb are poking their way up also. I hope all my fellow artists and friends are getting by during this challenge. I still think it some ways that the alien UFO attack still might have been better than this virus. We had a short time where politics disappeared and people just focused on solutions versus blame. It is a unifying event by the threat but it has kept many of us separate from loved ones. This has caused some emotional and some financial pains – understandable. What disappointed me this week was the rise in division again. Here is the thing…


I went to Northwestern Elementary School, Otto Middle School and Sexton High School. It is in Lansing’s public school system and before any right to choose. I believe given a choice many out of fear will choose to remain apart. Divided by race, creed, financial status or any number of things. I think going to public schools was one of the best things ever for me. The real world has divisions but many more sectors that cross over. Why? Because at the heart of it we all have hopes, dreams, fears and we all are born and will die. I’ve always enjoyed the diversity of my friendships. If someone was really in life threatening danger I would work to save them. It would not matter the color of their skin, how they were dressed, who they vote for, how they worship or where they call home. You could be wearing a BERNIE tee shirt or a MAGA hat, it doesn’t matter. I would try to save you. Those that think they are different when understand on their last few breaths that they are not. We are all the same. How we appreciate the life we have and those we share it with varies I’m sure.


We are seeing the best of who we are in some of those working front lines to contain this virus. Where it came from? Misuse of nature or manipulation of the nature order of things, doesn’t matter. Blaming? Why? The mild differences between the way we feel on certain topics is made worse by these extreme situations. We are seeing love and hate – but know hate comes from fear. To love takes courage because of the fear of losing it and feeling pain beyond our control. A dear friend lost EVERYTHING in a house fire but gained a perspective and newfound appreciation for life that could only come by walking through that pain.


We are walking through that pain. My sincere hope is that we gain that new insight to respect and appreciation. This is all someone else’s issue until you suffer a loss or the fear of that loss. In my business I have to make decisions all the time and some that are not always met with full agreement. But the ones held accountable are trying to do their best they can. When people see my name listed above theirs it doesn’t make me more powerful just more accountable. And in politics we have opposing sides who no longer play by gentlemen rules. (gentleladies too) If you misstep and we all do, they will use that against you. That is why many would rather be over-protective vs under protective but with the economical issues that will be politically weaponized it is unfortunately a lose-lose situation.   Know that deep down nobody wants death nor financial ruin and how to navigate that path is not a perfect science. Sometimes you need to get outside the emotional storm. Fear vs Fear is what we’re seeing.


If you have a horrific car crash and are trapped in a burning vehicle you would not deny help if the person has different color skin, wears turban or Trump hat, is gay or prays on a mat facing East…you would accept the help. All I’m saying is, don’t be a bitch to fear. Now I’m a person who listens to people in the medical field not the political. I mean we all listen because they spend so much to try and grab our attention. They are just numbers until it is personal. How many would willingly accept a business set back if it meant saving the life of someone they loved, a mother, father, sibling, child? If someone close to you gets sick you will likely suffer that financial set back in some way anyhow. So let those accountable do their job and no matter how they do it I know people will face criticism. As a boss or employee, parent or child and definitely as artists we all face that. Because some people hold up their identity by going against the grain. Trolls on the internet. Gossipers in social circles. Art critics. We will get past all this and I hope your loved ones come out safe. Some unfortunately will not. But how many friendships will be damaged by the negativity once we get to the other side? I love all my friends and their priorities on various topics don’t change that. I am often disappointed by actions I see but I too have disappointed people.  Hence forgiveness. I hope many of you forgive one another after all this. That you know that all the irrational words, actions and deeds were done out of fear.

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I knew I was going to speak on some of the current topics above but was so happy to get an email this morning.


THE QUEST TRILOGY is now playing on one of the largest TV networks in Mexico. It might have further reach into Latin America I’m not sure. What I’m sure of is that millions of people are watching our stories. FORTY NIGHTS






On behalf of the entire CDI family of artists we hope the millions of new viewers take something positive from these stories and make they part of their traditional watchings.

I also want to thank all the fans of WILD FAITH and MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND the fan mail is appreciated. I’m just so happy that we can bring some entertainment and thought to our audiences.


We’re moving strong and I’m excited to see the soundtrack put to picture. This movie will be just the dose of happy that many need. I have more talks this coming week about the roll out of the film.


We announced some of our talented cast and crew last week.

Christine Mare

The ship stocked up even more this past week and we’ll be ready to roll when the storm passes. You can look us up on Facebook to follow the films or Collective Development Inc.  as a company. Our website http://www.cdiproductions.com is undergoing some updates. Including a subscription mailing list on the CDI site. We’ll be using that for future casting and crew calls and more. So take yourself over there and sign up to stay current.


Even this blog here is going to undergo some revamping in the next couple weeks.


I’ve had all kinds of great conversations- some personal and some business in the past weeks. Calls that maybe you were too tired to make after a long day of work. I don’t, can’t and won’t judge people as I don’t walk in their shoes. I would say do channel your energy into something positive. I’ve seen people type arguments longer than some college papers. These people could have written books, scripts, blogs but instead just throw names and negativity back and forth. I’ve actually gotten a lot of writing done and will complete much more. Some of these writings will become future stories and some will be sold. What is the return on your writings? Loss of friendships? High blood pressure? Lack of sleep?  Undeserved venting at those closest to you? Again I never claimed to be the greatest artist or any of that cocky nonsense. But I do outwork a majority of people. Not just in quantity of the work for the quality. How productive? Which projects did you put energy behind? Just evaluate and see if you can increase your peace of mind. I probably spent 15-18 hours a week in personal meetings before all this. I’ve been using all that extra time to be better prepared. And amazing opportunities continue to develop behind steady development work. There is no short cut.


A beautiful pick by artist Jeff Butler

I’m going to go work in the yard and do some grilling today. Keep your chin up and stay busy with positive things that make you feel accomplished at the end of your day. Know that accomplished tasks which could be just reconnecting with a few people from your circle, can do wonders for yourself. Until next week be good to one another. Coffee cheers!





RECAP and Looking Ahead with Projects


The hazelnut coffee is flowing and I’m finally landed back in the Michigan and catching up. We had a wonderful whirlwind trip to AZ whereas we were met at the airport by ‘Doc’ our AZ transportation Captain in a new RV. We went to Wilcox and had a few days of great friends old and new including Darby Hinton * who beat me for ‘Best Supporting Actor’ in the very entertaining film ‘Bill Tillman and the OutLaws’ who also had my dear friend Lana Wood in a great cigar chomping role that reminded me of the mother in “Goonies” – just great.


I also had just bought a $2 Johnny Cash album at the flea market ‘Live from Folsom Prison’ and lo and behold we spent time visiting with John Carter Cash, his wife Ann and son Joe who had a short film “Dragon Song” at the festival and promoting a new documentary “The Gift” about Johnny. Just wonderful people and abound and so thank you to Rock and Brenda who put the Wild Bunch Film Festival on. We took home 7 awards of the 13 nominations.

Us with John and Ana Cash

BEST DIRECTOR, BEST ACTOR and ACTRESS, BEST CHILD ACTORS, BEST FAITH FILM and I’m forgetting one. Come on coffee! It will come to me.


That same weekend we had Lauren LaStrada win ‘Best Actress’ again in Wild Faith at the Hollywoodivine International Film Festival in PA. The film took Honorable Mention for ‘Best Faith Film’ and won ‘Best Film’ overall. Josh Perry was there representing THE CHRIST SLAYER and WON for his role of Albus. We were all so proud of him.

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The weekend prior we were honored to have WON the Justice Award at Content 19 for WILD FAITH that was also recognized for SET DESIGN. Next week at the Green Mountain Christian Film Festival I’ve been nominated again for ‘Best Supporting Actor’ as Ben Lily. I’m proud of all the attention the films are getting.


So if you have not stayed current these are some of the CDI films you can watch on TV or get the DVD.


FORTY NIGHTS – The Quest Trilogy Part 1

CHASING THE STAR – The Quest Trilogy Part 2

THE CHRIST SLAYER – The Quest Trilogy Part 3


MBF: Man’s Best Friend

Jesus inthought

  • Also if you want to see some old school – my 1st starring film with monsters in it is called IN THE WOODS and can be found on Amazon.
  • Also WICKED SPRING now released by CDI but an older Civil War drama.
  • R Rated – Halloween fare could include DARKEST NIGHT, DEADLY RENOVATIONS and THE 8th PLAGUE if you dare:)

The Deal

DJ Perry as Donnie in ASHES OF EDEN

The office has the wood burning stove going. This week I will harvest the apples for a crisp. We have been enjoying the HOPPY GRAPE APE wine at our meetings. We missed a family wedding yesterday to attend a memorial for my Uncle on the other side of the family. A unique, funny storyteller who will be greatly missed. He would have enjoyed LOST HEART.


LOST HEART is past the 30 min mark in the edit and I’m looking to move it to sound design and music towards the end ofd the year. The distribution is set and this will be another enjoyable CDI film.

This week we’re prepping for a short narrative film that is actually a demo for a software company. It is a Victorian age film short taken from a feature film script of mine entitled SMOKE & MIRRORS. It will be a fun project for sure.

We also will be pushing hard with the new momentum for the WILD FAITH TV series. Plus we have a few features we are developing foe 2020 and 2021. With that I’m going to close this blog up and enjoy the morning.

Peace to you all!






Merry Christmas – Holiday Updates

Today is the 23rd of December – the final days of 2018 are coming to a close. I’ve been bouncing between the sound studio where the final touches are being done to THE CHRIST SLAYER. Our director will be coming in to work the final mix after Christmas. Speaking of – we’ve had one of three family Christmas gatherings. Yesterday we enjoyed a good meal and opened presents with my brother’s young ones. We had a good time and from there I went to a yearly holiday dinner at The English Inn, a cool turn of the century manor house turned into a restaurant. Prime rib was my choice as I only eat red meat a handful of times a year. I felt a little sluggish this morning likely due to the Guinness beer added on top, but it was a nice holiday treat with old friends.


Today will be spent getting things around for the other two Christmas gatherings. I will be stoking on the fire in the office stove, trying out my new boiling vessel to make mulled spice wine. I do love that we got a powder of snow which makes it all so much more pretty.


Some journeys will be finishing up, such as The Christ Slayer and new journeys lie ahead. I’ll start talking to our investors about our new film projects. LOST HEART which has distribution lined up will be setting up for a spring shoot. We’ve been looking at cast and directors.

Also some moves are being made on the much-anticipated sequel to CDI’s 1st film KNIGHT CHILLS. We’ve been reading new possible leads and discussing the script. Lots to set up before we would shoot this one but good development taking place. More on this soon.


Also this year I want to package the original 4 CDI films into a DVD collection (Knight Chills, From Venus, Heaven’s Neighbors, Figure in the Forest) – the early years. Put BTS and interview material on there. Maybe do a few educational retrospectives. Because they were filmed in standard def many of these are having a hard time finding new distribution. We’ll see.

Merchandise is another 2019 goal – I want to see more of this. We might be pulling together the backers for this endeavor.

Representation – I have had several regional agents in the beginning. I’ve had CA/LA agents both large and small. In the recent years I’ve just rolled with legal and handled my own business. I cannot help but think that more could be done with the right representation. I will explore this more in the new year. I’m excited to get back in front of the cameras. This year wide audiences will get to enjoy Jesus (again) in THE CHRIST SLAYER, Ben Lily in WILD FAITH and Paul Landings in MBF.


Speaking on MBF – we’re looking to release a BTS piece created by David Gries, directed by Mel Anschutz and shot my Graham Turner during our shoot. We’ll release either Christmas Eve or Day, maybe sooner:) The film’s first edit should be close to being complete. We’ll do a fine edit in the new year.

I’ve said it before but in advance on part 3 of The Quest Trilogy (The Christ Slayer) releasing, I would ask you all to watch Forty Nights and Chasing the Star. They are an excellent watch for the holiday season.

I’m going to fire up the creative engines and get to making new art. I do hope to be approached for participation in new creative acting endeavors. This might be the year RACHEL, RIFLE, FAMINE and a few other films launch. I also plan to produce 2-3 films this year with CDI.  What I’m meant to do, I will. Work hard and have faith in your path.

I’m going to get back to finishing up things here. My new furry boy Finn helped me rack the new GRAPE APE wine this past week. We had a little early sampling on our Viking Day this week. It’s our day of friendship and wood chopping. SKOL. I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful Christmas. Let the spirit fill you and be good to one another. Keep some of this holiday cheer and carry it through the year with you. Allow others to have their opinions. Listen as much as you speak. Look for unity with your fellow citizens.

Peace to you all.


Losing Luke Brown and Seeking New Balance


This Sunday has been a change for me. Balance is such a key to happiness and we all seem to strive for that balance daily. In filmmaking – my main artistic medium, it’s about giving your all to a story and after recharging. There is more time spent in development, pre-production and post-production after filming. How you spend that time can do much to influence your productivity. My family, friends and my furry pack have always helped give me peace and recharge

We proudly had the ‘Brady Bunch’ pack consisting of three cats and three dogs. Almost two years ago we lost our elder dog Joplin. She lived a long 15.5 years, longevity for a Rottweiler. Two months ago, we lost Jameson, our eldest cat who grew from a shy, scared cat to a chill-relaxed adventurer. He passed after a long life and was joined by his brother Dmitri, whom I affectionately call the gray rat.  Last Monday what we thought was a tooth infection turned out to be much worse. So Monday at the day’s end, he was laid to rest next to his brother.


My life was/is changing. Some who know me well, know that our silly, funny, happy boy Luke (Our youngest dog) has fought various life threatening illnesses for the last three years. We gladly sacrificed many social outings and gatherings so we could tend to and enjoy our borrowed time with our buddy. Monday night Luke’s journey started to get harder with the onset of some more serious neurological issues from his tumor on his head. As we treated him over the last 5 months his quality of life was very good. His attitude was always happy and adventuresome. He loved his walks in the woods and his couch cuddles. He never feared the hospital and remarkably brought joy to everyone there.


He was strong, brave and loyal, and I took lessons from him everyday. He had beat the odds so many times and after the second illness I prayed that his body would know health again, and for a while he did. But when in pre-production on MBF: Man’s Best Friend we discovered he had a cancerous tumor in his sinus. Here I was producing a story inspired by my ‘Mr. Brown,’ that showed the positive effects dogs can have on all of us, especially our wounded service men and my boy has what? I did love watching the incredible cast and crew work hard to capture our story, but my heart was breaking. It worked for my role of Paul, but with so much work to launch a film, it was an ironic shame that I could not fully enjoy it.


Soccer season this year also brought my 1st ever bone injury to my right wrist. That slowed my roll with typing and all activities requiring my right hand. So at the homestead we’ve got the one-arm gimp and tumor-head, taking care of each other and getting by. The new script LOST HEART was going slow, but I worked it with my buddy beside me. I often read aloud to him and while his feedback was limited, it always helped me. I know that a Fall shoot means a last paycheck for all our cast and crew before the holidays. But while Luke’s decline in health was slowed by treatment, I could see the direction of it. We knew the battle was for time, not a total win. There was no way I could leave my loyal buddy to go off and film. I know it was selfish when I looked at the whole but it’s what I had to do. I hope others will understand. If you don’t understand, I feel bad for you, because you’re missing something.


Luke had a wonderful past couple weeks that included walks at his favorite nature park, which was a Sat. morning ritual. A Sunday cookout with his grandma’s, which he loved so much.  Last Monday is when we lost our Dmitri, and that is also when Luke had his emerging issues intensify. The location of the tumor and the meds used to help were also likely hindering him. Vision and coordination loss started to develop, with episodes lasting longer, more often.  By Weds, the fight was real. So many times he had bounced back. His body was still so strong, so maybe – HOPE. His will was there to fight a bit longer but it was not meant to be. A great dinner of venison and rice followed by an unexpected walk to the park. (His idea) He had not wanted to go to the park, or perhaps could not, for weeks, but that night he did. He wanted to lay out in the warm breeze, listening and smelling the birds, squirrels, the wind in the pines, the softball game cheers and kids laughing. It was really nice.

What followed was a rough night and thankfully the next morning was the most beautiful Fall day. He was done fighting and was resting peacefully. We had a doctor come to the house and with cool breeze blowing in the windows, wrapped in his favorite blanket, head on his most beloved stuffed animal, he opened his good eye looking at his momma holding his head, daddy holding his paw – he put his head back down with full love and trust and left his broken body behind. He also left a huge hole in our hearts and daily life. Everyday was a smile, a tail wag and something silly that always reminded you not to take your setbacks to serious. He was an inspiration on how to live each day.


I’m happy that his frustration over a body that no longer wanted to respond was very brief. At the end he had peace with his two remaining sisters and his momma and daddy with him. I will miss all of our furry pack that we’ve lost but Luke taught me so many lessons that I will hold onto.  My final polish on the ‘LOST HEART’ script as I read him each line, was almost done. I had stopped to devote my full time and attention to him. I slept with him on the floor for the last few nights because his vanishing sight made our brave boy nervous. I’m sad but filled with new motivation moving ahead. We never took any of his good days for granted. I will carry that into my future day-to-day where I do cherish each interaction, be it business, friendship or both.

I KNOW how bad many of you WANT it. What is IT to you? Expression of your art, words, craft? Fame, money and appreciation? I’m here to tell you, don’t sacrifice everything. I recall being tethered to a pager back in the day. It always came first. I see that behavior in the upstarts of today with cell phones. It’s like a self-imposed tether – like what people wore after legal trouble. It’s like people have forgotten that the phone is a tool that works for you, not the other way around. Gather a ‘TO DO’ list and do all your phone and/or computer work all at one time. Aspiring actors/filmmakers can get requests from all time zones often bringing the Hollywood pressure of dangling opportunities.  Whereas someone “needs something like yesterday” only to have something sit on a desk for weeks. What was sacrificed to get that summary to that desk to sit for weeks? A sports game of a sibling or child? Storytelling around a kitchen table with family? Hanging with lifelong friends?


Since I was a young boy I loved telling stories. Upon discovering that a lucky few could actually create make-believe as a job, cemented by direction, gave me my dream. But I could never sacrifice everything else for that dream. I did not move to Hollywood, NYC or any of the other places that people always said I had to go to in order to MAKE IT. Why? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what I do as an artist but I did not love it more than the people in my life. So, a battle to compromise and do both was and IS a battle worth fighting for. I want to create memorable stories and characters in timeless movies but I don’t need to climb onto any A lists to feel accomplished. Many climb very high only to find themselves alone. Think on all this.

We’re adjusting to life whereas our past stories, memories and lessons are what we have left of Luke. Next week LOST HEART will get the final polish. The wrist is almost healed and getting stronger. I look back and feel like I did right by my buddy as he would have for us. I feel full of grace, compassion and appreciate for life and those we share it with. It’s again why you should examine your circle and remove negative, toxic elements and be the change you want to see. Lot of drama in life amplified by social media and 24/7 ‘Breaking News’ environment. Unplug. Listen. Communicate. Laugh. Be loyal like a DOG to those around you. Trust, is a learned behavior and if you’re a tribal leader of artists – take this role serious. Don’t let the lure of shortcuts hurt or kill what could be lifelong friendships. Ask anyone who has joined a team of CDI artists in telling a story and you’ll know what I’m talking about. Beyond making our days, I want to make lifelong memories for cast and crew. Laughter and Love.


Next week I will have more updates on the films. THE CHRIST SLAYER, WILD FAITH, MBF all have amazing things happening. We’re focused on finishing these stories and bringing them to audiences. We’ll be moving into official development on ‘LOST HEART’ for Spring 2019 this month. I want to continue to try and move people’s human-emotional compass in a positive direction.  I’ll be making some great announcements moving forward but today I want to just sit on these words. I’m sorry if you’re here more for the film updates versus listening to my ramblings. Those updates will return next week. Thank you everyone for joining me here to share a coffee and listening.


Be good to one another. Love one another.



Creating Sanctuary in the Chaos


(A sip of coffee) What a week. I have to say weather-wise it was very cold but quite mild compared to other states. Lots of great developments including getting all the business taxes submitted to our movie accountants. Only my personal taxes are left to tackle. I’m really staying focused on the films because I think unity is something we all really need right now. I’ve almost eliminated any social media viewing for pleasure save STAR WARS updates. There is so much hate, anger and fear – and Yoda taught us those things lead to the dark side:) But seriously, we all have different priorities pending our lot in life, but I’m saddened by the chaotic state of our nation. I think the health of our planet and the future we leave the children of tomorrow should be the priority.

I mostly enjoy people and that is never based on the clothes they wear, the car they drive or the house they live in. It’s based on their attitude, humor, compassion and how they treat their fellow human beings. I think we’re back to a dark place in America like pre-9-11. As tragic as all that was at least we saw the best in people rise from the ashes of those towers. The intangible tower of UNITY. Now if anyone values or dares looks at things differently, they’re considered STUPID right-wing, IDIOT liberals, ignorant ASS HATS. There is no real communication just shouting and babble.


Beautiful – by artist Jeff Butler

I’ve seen the left think Bush was the root of everything wrong. After that it was Obama who became the target. What people fail to understand is that all that negativity is poison spewed is also poison to the self. The crazed look of hate and non-rational ranting heard from both sides has damaged people badly. We’re a country of change complete with checks and balances. Trust in that and don’t be swept up in the chaos of it all. Seek clarity. The best actions are made when they come from a place of clarity.

Sanctuary of Storytelling

I want to be part of sanctuary that grants clarity. When people are no longer are able to cope with wild emotions that have pulled them so far from their normal orbit – they will crave peace. Once the TV NEWS gets turned off and they immerse themselves in a darkroom -the lights dim as the wind, music and beautiful visuals appear- messages of hope. FILM truly can be a sanctuary. We’ll be here tending that sanctuary ready to give peace of mind to all who enter. Maybe we can send calmer, cooler heads back out into the world. In America we must seek compromise – same side of the table negotiations versus hate and gridlock. It cannot be an all or nothing mentality where certain policy is only good for some. We’ll face many more challenges in the future and we’ll all need those moments of sanctuary. Allow yourself to go there. Let the venom be purged and your mind become calm.

Now to the films…



We’re excited that “Forty Nights” is getting an expanded 2017 release. The change in name from “40 Nights” to “Forty Nights” will allow people who ASK for the film to find it easier. Many first run retailers who were asked in person likely typed “FORTY” and – Nope. Nothing in our system. So this expanded release will correct that issue. It will also have (in my opinion) stronger art work. The previous cover was a rush job by Wal-Mart. The cover was not our Jesus, and it was…poor quality in my opinion. The film is now being digitally re-mastered and may include a few extras goodies. I hope to reveal some new artwork in the coming weeks.

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We met last week over the second film which is now in final VFX and color correction. This week we start to work on the end credits and we’re going to be setting up theatrical play dates soon after “Forty Nights” 4/4/17 home video release date. On Friday I had the first draft of our home video deal with BMG. We’ve got a bit of back and forth but should have an exact release date soon. This film lives up to what we started with “Forty Nights” and I’m so excited to see audiences take this second journey –  Chasing the star!


The Christ Slayer

Once again, I’m in a race against the harsh desert of AZ trying to get all our investors and business in line. It has not been an IF but WHEN on these films and often these folks don’t realize what we face time-wise. We’re often the small investment and the urgency is not always understood until they feel the desert heat. That said, we’re moving strongly forward with the worst case situation being us having to shoot on the other side of the AZ summer. (124 degrees is too hot) With all the pieces falling into place I would rather shoot in March, so I’m going to push hard. Last week we announced our director Nathaniel Nose. Before that we announced our returning cast. Soon here we’ll be announcing our new leads in the film. We’ve found two of the four and we’re also casting a few new antagonists. I’ve had a few reels start to come in to me after requesting Middle East or Italian actors send their materials. Thank you. The crew is also shaping up nicely and we’ll be once again bringing some Michigan keys out to work with our AZ team. I really would enjoy storytelling in AZ when Michigan is buried under snow.



The first STILL photos are starting to roll out and soon I hope to have a teaser poster and trailer. I’ve seen some amazing footage from the film and I think audiences will really enjoy what we have.


We’re looking at future projects and where we want to go with our film slate. We have many options to consider. Keep putting one foot in front of the next one and before long you’ll surprise yourself on how far you’ve traveled.

Until next week…



Peace, Purpose and Progress!

Getting Along

It is a peaceful Saturday and I’ve finally gotten a chance to sit down and spend a few moments with all of you. This last week was extremely full of meetings, handing off of materials, in-studio work and many other matters of business. But let’s take a moment to discuss the topic everyone is speaking on.

I think that most of the headlines are currently focused on the terrible happenings in France. We can watch the misery and yet it still feels distant until it hits home. I remember how I felt when one of my best friends from the neighborhood growing up – got caught in that Boston bombing. He suffered some wounds but nothing too severe. I would guess the thoughts of that day would be the worst. But I imagine my pain had he died or lost limbs like so many. We watch on TV these masses of people fleeing savage behavior in their homeland, but imagine it was yours. I wonder where or when we all failed? Where tribes of people with differing beliefs exalted themselves above one another using their religion as justification. I believe if people truly anticipated a final judgement of sorts that was based upon how they lived their lives and treated people –  the world could be a better place. So much violence being inflicted over something as simple as differing opinions on paths of faith.

Alien Hunters

As the possibility of life on other planets becomes more real versus just science fiction – perhaps that will change things. Now some scientists realistically fear attracting higher life forms, like alien hunters. Maybe if another life form started seeing all mankind as something to be harvested, removed or eliminated – maybe our little differences between us would lessen. Religion should be about tradition and something intimate between a person and who/what gives them their peace and purpose. I don’t like to talk judgmental politics or religion – my place is as a storyteller. But violence against innocent people is once again just a horrible example of the worst that mankind has to offer. It’s been happening for a long time to many tribes all over the world. This recent tragedy is just a current reminder of how horrible we can be to one another. If a religion pits people versus people it was likely created by people to serve people – not divinity. If your organized religion endorses this  lack of tolerance – question the source.

Enough of that topic. Let’s look at some of the movie updates from the week.


“Ashes of Eden” – Some wonderful PR rolling out this week. That is the extent I’m allowed to talk about it for now.

DJ Perry as author Mark Franklin

DJ Perry as author Mark Franklin

“Bestseller” – Artwork with the distributor has started and I believe our national street date will be March 2016. Meanwhile we’re traveling to Grayling, MI next. That might be followed by Kalamazoo and the Detroit area.

“Donors” is releasing Feb. 2nd, 2016. EXCITING!

Jesus is the upcoming

Jesus (DJ Perry) in the upcoming “40 Nights”

“40 Nights” the distributor and marketing teams have started work on marketing materials. I do believe Wal-Mart is assisting with the marketing art so we know they’re one of the participating retailers. Tomorrow we’ll release the 1st of a series of short teasers. Meanwhile we have music and sound design still full speed ahead. VFX work is finishing up so we can lay it all in and color correct. The next couple weeks we PUSH hard!

The “Chasing the Star” script was the center of meetings this week. We also have been doing a good amount of west coast casting since we’re shooting in AZ. We’ve been excited by some of the reads we’ve seen and we’ll be announcing some new casting choices this week. The business paperwork will be signed this month and we’ll start putting paper under people next month. In time for a Merry Christmas with this Christmas themed film.

I’ve got final paperwork for the distribution of the “Knight Chills” book and film. A comic book/graphic novel could also go into play. The sequel script is being worked on and may get some attention once I finish this. “From Venus” might also get this treatment.


“An Ordinary Killer” is getting remastered to prepare for a re-release. It will be the film showing Nov. 19th at our Sanctuary Spirits mixer. That is in Grand Ledge, MI and there is an event page on Facebook.


If you want to come meet some other actors, filmmakers and enjoy great distilled spirits come join us.

Lastly, I’ve got an NDA to sign and return. I’ve got a company sending me a book and script for an upcoming 2016 project. We will see:) I’m excited about the 2016 CDI western we’re doing with “40 Nights” director Jesse Low. Overall,  I’m trying to have a productive end to 2015 and get ready for a great 2016!

Have a great weekend and be good to one another.