“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “story

Producing is NEVER Easy, Acting UPDATES and COMMUNICATION as a KEY

(Just some of the CDI Tribe working on Harsens Island Revenge)

Good morning my friends. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and getting a later start due to ‘springing forward’ here in the USA. I’m not sure if they do that everywhere but some like it and others do not. I’m pretty indifferent to it all. I was pretty exhausted at the end of my week from grinding the mental gears. I think the added cold front coming in gave my sinuses a bit of a run but hot tea kept all that at a minimum. Many times you get only the highlights in my blog that show the final outcome. Meaning we did this or that but you don’t always get the in-between or the struggle to get that particular thing done. I’ve been grinding my gears trying to align many things for what we be an added 10-20 seconds in one scene that includes close ups in a period bi-plane with a beautiful wood cockpit that may or may not play on camera. As our Harsens Island Revenge script is written there is a WW1 opening to show Frankie’s (Our lead character) role in WW1 and how it shaped him. A 2-3 min sequence that also makes a statement about war and that war in particular.

(Again just some of CDI Tribe working towards the ‘Silent Night in Algona’ release)

To have the luxury to kill from afar keeps ones morality at a distance but having to kill up close is a different matter. Much like the dark ages where men killed each other up close with arrow, sword, axes and spears the dreaded WW1 was one that still used horses being fazed out by tanks slowly. Also many battles ended in sewage-filled trenches fighting with bayonets and trench knives. That is the horror that sticks with many of those soldiers. To be that close and see the immediate results of ones actions whereas you see the enemies lights go out. I think as they die a piece of the killer dies. A connection of sorts. I’ve been working for weeks to try and first get the location set up and the particulars around it. Add the players which have been hard to get. Not the leads but the ever-important extras who need to be equipped properly. WW1 has been the hardest to find on a budget, all the time periods to date. The best thing which we’ve done in the past is to hire passionate folks who reenact and put together their own kit. Our luck on that and the communication with those connected has been difficult. Add that we are up against a ticking clock to use the military base we had chosen. Why? Ten days prior all members have to be cleared and we are down to days to submit info on folks we have yet to find. Finding the folks alone isn’t hard but having them period dressed and equipped is and so this week we’ll decide if 1) We keep our shoot at the Alpena base 2) We reset the shoot elsewhere likely closer to mid MI giving us an extra week to find the gear and extras. 3) Kill the opening or strip it down to our just lead in WW1 having a slew of fast memories that brings us to the present 1920’s.

(On Set- Harsens Island Revenge)

It can truly be insanity at times and even with the best planning things fall apart or change. And this is all being done on a very tight remaining budget that is precious money that could be used to help launch the theatrical run after the film is complete. Now the film as it starts now is great and kicks off with some action so maybe we are good. Our composer at the first watch loves how it opens. AND we are trying to trim runtime but our proposed efforts is adding runtime. I think you are all getting the gist from my little peek into everything that goes into producing up this films. This is 3+minutes and we produced up 2hrs+ already. So when you see a bullet point of mine on here every week please do not assume any of it was easy. It is not. It gets done because of the talented people involved. People who care about the story. I don’t like to lose and I had to realize that we are in a WIN/WIN situation because the film is already great. We are trying to add sprinkles onto the top. The cake is going to taste great sprinkles or no sprinkles. And the audience will never know that sprinkles were an option.

(Boats that are 100 years old now)

After 2 hours+ of grinding my gears yesterday on something that wasn’t going to reveal itself, I had to just let go awhile. Maybe it is what makes me good at what I do? But yesterday I had to go and just organize in the office for a couple hours. I’ve got many things in motion for the CDI company and the more organized I am the more gets accomplished. Some music. Some organizing. Some chill tea and I regained my balance. Today I have a few conversations and by Weds of this week we’ll know if we are Alpena bound or if we are taking another direction.

(100 year old+ Planes)

Every direction has pros and cons usually ties to money. But in life just like filmmaking people can get frustrated when things you thought were taken care of, tied up, crossed off – start to unravel or come back at you. When you have to readdress something again in the present it takes from your future. Planning and development stop when you have to fix a crack in the foundation. So this 2-3 minutes has been very trying. It can be made harder but lack of communication. I swear we live in an age with more communication and we have become worse at communicating. People put boundaries on their times they work but that is not what we as successful filmmakers do. Now granted not everything is always as time sensitive as I sometimes feel it is but just knowing that it is on someones radar is satisfying. Message received. 10-4. On my list. I don’t like when people don’t acknowledge receipt of a communication. Even if busy. Let someone know because we live in a world of messages going into SPAM etc… COMMUNICATION. I just finished a great series THE BEAR about running a restaurant and it is all communication. “Yes chef” “Behind you Chef” “Corner” – and in soccer the team that communicates is the team that wins. A team with less talented players who communicate better can beat a team with more talented players if they win the communication game. “You have support” “Square” “Give and go” “Keeper’s ball“….My rant is just because I felt the endeavor unraveling despite hard work. In a project even asking “What can I do?” “What still needs to be done?” these things lead to success. And you have to always keep striving to improve.

(On set Harsens Island Revenge)


So above really is about producing up a film or in the case above just a few pick-up pieces. Actors who only act don’t often concern themselves with all that goes on behind the scenes. I can recall working years ago on one of our westerns in NC and while battling with catering and SAG I’m getting calls about an actor friend not liking their boots. Actors tend to just be concerned with their little focus but producing introduces you to the wide world of what it takes to put on a show. Even crew members only see the presentation and as I’ve said before, it is near impossible to pitch a perfect day. You hope the 95% right buys you grace for the 5% that goes wrong. Thousands of things that go right in a day due to the hard work of a few but cries of anguish if catering does a subpar job on vegan side meal or someones magnetic key deactivates on their hotel room. We take accountability but third party and a tech malfuntion should be covered by earned grace. Those incapable of grace are removed on future projects for their own good. Film shoots are more closely related to war versus vacation even when the places we shoot are beautiful.

(Old Men soccer champions)

So on the actor front my new agent sent me an audition for a pilot TV series. I’m use to reading a full script to absorb the character and roll but this is a few sides. I had this talk out in LA with friends who work often out there. I asked it they request or direct their agent towards shows they like? They said they pretty much read everything so their agent doesn’t drop them. I questioned what if you don’t like the show? The story? The Script? Doesn’t matter apparently to many. I wanted to do this read since it was the first thing my new agent sent over. Also I was going to be forced to do an upload and use the actor’s access portal. A good test. I did my read and damn, pretty good. I guess it should be after all these years. I was successful in my upload. I did get a few good notes on how I could subjectively improve the eye line and questioned would a tripod be better. See how the hee-haw that actors go through is the stressful time consuming parts. Second guessing and stressing and I don’t participate in that. I politely declined and said that what I presented I was comfortable with and if the production quality was not up to par I was find with it not being sent forward. The read was actual well liked and sent forward but after I felt a strange feeling likely opposite other actors. SHIT what if I actually get the role. Will I like the script? What if it does get picked up? I have a film lining up this summer that I know the script is good and the role is great. I have soccer season ahead and I’m looking forward to that. I would have to move a dental cleaning off the pilot shoot. WHOA partner:)

(Acting is still my top passion)

I wanted to start looking at some outside projects but I’ve avoided series in the past. WILD FAITH TV series would be different but maybe even after a season I might not enjoy that. I like finishing something. WRAP always makes me feel accomplished. Well, I just figure I will play the hand. Realistically I might not get the role as they’re many great actors and what folks like is subjective. If I do the pilot it still has to be picked up. This is just a few funny thoughts in my head. I enjoyed the practice of the read and technical upload but not knowing the full script/scope/creative team behind it is another place for me. I do believe just like all my outside projects that I will do what projects I’m meant to do. KARMA in India is where I met Carl Weyant, who just directed Harsens Island Revenge. Eric Colley and Hallie Shepherd and Paul Proios on G.P.S. (Watch on TUBI). So I’m going to just stay open to what is meant to be. I’m just staying good and busy but when away as an actor it is much easier and I’m still able to do producer/writer work.


Speaking of writing I saw that Benedict Fitzgerald writer of The Passion of the Christ passed away. I almost had an opportunity to work with him thanks to a friend Isabella Hirt but I was busy with BEST YEARS GONE. Which I’m happy to report can now be seen free with ads on Youtube’s FREE4ALL which is Twin Engine Global‘s new streaming service for non-family and faith films which is Encourage TV. Staying with the topic of writing I’ve been enjoying doing the polish on a script looking to film next winter. I think the funding is there and it is very unique but will be a lotta fun. It is a period piece and will be a lot of fun for all the actors. My second pass is working the descriptions and dialogs for pacing, flow and proper language. I had some talks this past week again about literary representation having had many produced screenplays now doing quite well in the marketplace. We will see said the wise man.

(A published un-produced script of mine on Amazon)

The literary side is developing nicely with several of the CDI projects publishing script and making of books and novels where it applies. I’ve been discussing the deal and discovering extra pieces and pictures to make these releases special. With the backup RAID now functioning we will be able to move into more theatrical and perhaps soundtracks. I will be looking for the right person to run the CDI merchandise site on commission.

(The actual 1920’s not an easy thing to recreate)

To tie into the above and circle back to Harsens Island Revenge – the making of by Adam Towner is looking great. We got a peek when watching the first cut of Harsens Island Revenge which was just amazing. Boats, planes, cars and buildings all helped to create the 1920’s. The world was brought to life by our artists on both sides of the camera. The performances all around are so strong with our young leads David Reardon and Cassie Dean doing such a wonderful job. It reminded me of some of the epic films of days past but with a modern capture bringing the world out of black and white and into full color.

(Silent Night in Algona – watch it if you have not)

This has all been good for me to just let some of this flow out and put order to my pick up shoot options. I have a few phone calls to make to discuss these options. It will all work out as we have some of the best artists within our creative tribe. I will go boldly into the new week and just deal with the cards we are dealt. I want to end by sending the CDI thoughts out to Anthony Hornus and family who lost his mom this past week after a long illness. For many of us our parents are a strong support system. Last time I spoke with her was at the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA Owosso, MI premiere and she was very proud of her son. We are all proud of Tony too and I’m deeply sorry for his loss. He will always have his TribeCDI with him. I hope everyone has a productive week. Until next time- coffee cheers!


Birthdays, Reunions, Releases and More…

(Happy Birthday Tony!)

Hazelnut cheers my friends! Welcome to our readers worldwide including new readers from Argentina, Kenya, Ireland and India. I love that our circle is wide. We may be from different places where the lines on a map are drawn differently and various languages may be spoke BUT we all have those same artistic calls. I’ve had a very artistic filled week with a good dash of business. Michigan got another cold snap but unseasonably warm weather is coming next week. I want to also give a BIG shout out to two of my generals in getting things done. Our own Tony Hornus and Shane Hagedorn, both masterful talent on both sides of the camera both were born on this day. So a HUGE happy birthday to them both. Shane is getting a well earned few days of rest in the sunshine state of Florida including a visit with GW Burns, our new CDI production designer. Some good talks over our next film endeavor will no doubt be happening. Dennis Therrian is excited to watch the cut of Harsens Island Revenge and start bouncing music bed ideas off our director Carl Weyant. Carl should have gotten back from Brazil on Friday and I’m looking forward to connecting with him this week. Where to start on my update or maybe this just random format fits the energy.

(BIG 50 Happy Bday to Shane Hagedorn)

Lots happening-

(Me, Stuart MacDonald, Lynn Drzick and Jim Greulich)

OLD SCHOOL – I’ve spoke several times about my humble beginnings in the film world. I struggled for many years to the point of many saying I should let go of my pipe dream. Persistence is a key in this business and without you will likely fail. Patience is another key and is hard for many to grasp. It is a lesson in discipline. My first feature film was a creature feature called IN THE WOODS. I starred as rookie firefighter Alex Kerwood. It is the manifestation of some young hungry artists forcing their way into the industry. We wanted to just get into the game and that we did. The film was not without flaws as inexperience and budgetary restraints were met with passion and enthusiasm. The film was released heavily into the US market and into many countries around the world. It put us on the map so to speak. The film had critics but also fans. I recall the Adrian MI the film playing in conjunction with The Haunting a once major Halloween attraction. The town was plastered with IN THE WOODS on fliers at McDonalds, billboards, news, radio and more. I remember when the line to get signed autographs was 400 strong. That showed the power of the medium. Hard-core horror fans had some issues because the film flew against the formula of the time. Annoying victims, cool villain and when and how would they die. This was a bit more of a soap opera with firefighter drama and ADD in monsters. The two factors that played heavily maybe not seen at that time was- women like scary films too but they like character development. Women also like firefighters. So the positive fans of the film tilted heavily with the lady-folk. While men wanted their “boobs and blood” women seemed to like the blood too but could use a dose of men in uniform. The fans were there then and now 25 years later we’re giving them a new polished up version plus a new director’s cut with added footage and more streamline editing. I traveled to Kalamazoo where we filmed on Friday and we saw the new cut and did commentary for the blu-ray that will feature both films. A new release campaign is rolling out this year with BluRay, DVD, VHS (Yes), streaming, new book releases (which I will list) and even soundtrack and toys. A great reunion with director/writer Lynn Drzick, Stuart MacDonald (Al Fargo), Jim Greulich (Wayne Higley) and me (Alex Kerwood). After the fresh watch and commentary we had several hours by the fire discussing plot points for the planned sequel. Yes. IN THE WOODS 2 is in active development. We all agreed to go back into the woods again to have round 2 against the creatures who will also be getting upgrades. The plot points and story threads are pretty exciting. It will be fun to bring these characters back to the screen. It was fun even doing a bit of Alex Kerwood audio work for the new release. We did try to launch a sequel a few years after the first film but it was too soon. We even did a teaser trailer years ago that I’ll share but this new film will be one for the books. The chemistry was there when we sat around the fire playing out some scenes in character – the magic was back.

So lets see how you can get ready for the new release and new sequel.

The Making of IN THE WOODS– a great guide and inspiration for young filmmakers- https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=EIFE0&content-id=amzn1.sym.d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c%3Aamzn1.symc.50e00d6c-ec8b-42ef-bb15-298531ab4497&pf_rd_p=d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c&pf_rd_r=F4JNGGVESM0FJA761F4V&pd_rd_wg=tBSKE&pd_rd_r=ed96e755-a343-4af2-9fe4-85ea6b0837e7&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m

The reissue of the IN THE WOODS Novelization by Nancy Gideon giving lots of back ground info- https://www.amazon.com/Woods-Nancy-Gideon-ebook/dp/B00SEKIHYE/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3HFATMYW8WKF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QiukYlBgrJ9AF41sf-Su3_63yJLoZiXgXSz_dB5yDKc.Z0HnzSRNumwrvQu5MidJPiDYLfTiRyaJ-UcoU9VNQeE&dib_tag=se&keywords=In+the+Woods+novelization+by+Nancy+Gideon&qid=1708267999&sprefix=in+the+woods+novelization+by+nancy+gideon%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-1

My big-budget sword and sorcery movie script prequel that tells the Origins of the Beasts titled PanDEMONium! – https://www.amazon.com/panDEMONium-Woods-Origin-DJ-Perry/dp/B0CV8F73D6/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=EIFE0&content-id=amzn1.sym.d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c%3Aamzn1.symc.50e00d6c-ec8b-42ef-bb15-298531ab4497&pf_rd_p=d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c&pf_rd_r=F4JNGGVESM0FJA761F4V&pd_rd_wg=tBSKE&pd_rd_r=ed96e755-a343-4af2-9fe4-85ea6b0837e7&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m

This will get you up to speed before the major release on the 25th Anniversary Blu Ray!

HERE is the old sequel trailer for many years ago- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVDnyNGY6mE&feature=youtu.be

CDI’s KNIGHT CHILLS is getting the Remastered treatment with the Blu-Ray for sale now HEREhttps://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14483042912564000939&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=08fc0b8d3ebc3af99b43436fce7530fa&gad_source=1

The BluRay is full of great extras and we’re working to set up the HD streaming on some select horror film streaming sites. Also the book and script will get the literary release treatment very soon. It’s in the works! A sequel has been talked about for years and we have various scripts and have interviewed many filmmaker teams. We’re still working to get that just right but in the meantime we’ll introduce a new generation to Sir Kallio, Dark Knight of the Red Rose.

(Terence Knox, Terry Jernigan and Dan Haggerty in ‘An Ordinary Killer’)


CDI’s Second film FROM VENUS has some Tom Miller (Knight Chills) artwork underway and we’re discussing the Blu Ray deal. FIGURE IN THE FOREST & HEAVEN’S NEIGHBORS will eventually get the HD treatment and we’ll look to make those available. We have a DVD double feature which we’ll work to make more available. The genre films are a touch easier to set up right now.

AN ORDINARY KILLER and GHOST TOWN – Our true story crime drama and Smoky Mt western are also getting a planned new release campaign. These two films will start with a planned theatrical release. Both will be getting a new remastered theatrical DCP film and a Blu Ray release. The collector’s edition DVD from the Ghost Town in the Sky theme park will also become available perhaps at the theaters concession that plays the film. Lotta ground work to do but technical-wise it’s all underway including a new theatrical trailer for Ghost Town. These two films will likely do a theatrical release around where they were filmed to start with. But CDI’s theatrical division is getting stronger in the wake of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA just played another theater in Cherokee, Iowa and we’ll keep processing requests of folks wanting to watch on the big screen. Meanwhile I’m happy to announce that people who subscribe to Up Family & Faith will be able to watch our WW2 drama starting July 1st and it will run there for a year. It’s still available to rent on many platforms at will. Thank you to those who are watching and referring it to friends and family. The DVD’s are selling well also and so again thank you. Some of the proceeds from sales are directly helping the two participating museums in Algona.

As Easter approaches THE QUEST TRILOGY is seeing a good draw. This trilogy of stories interconnects and leaves one to ponder and be inspired. No heavy handed stuff here just the distilled down beauty of the parables. So watch FORTY NIGHTS followed by CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. Make them part of your yearly watch or anytime you need a good dose of positivity. All free with ads on Encourage TV (Youtube, Roku)

LOST HEART, WILD FAITH, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, BEST YEARS GONE – all of the CDI films have some great lessons or awareness woven into the storytelling. Treat yourself and tell others about your favorite story.


Harsens Island Revenge was talked about earlier and those anxiously awaiting will be treated at the end of the month to the ‘behind the scenes’ video showing the hard work and fun of making a CDI film. Next month my plan is to release the first teaser trailer and soon after the theatrical poster.

HOT ROD LOVE – We have more funders interested in getting behind this movie. We are awaiting to see to what degree and we’re in talks with many other parties old and new. This 1970’s story will be a blast to film. Our director Shane Hagedorn will be meeting with our production designer in FL to discuss some elements of the film. We’ll be doing a location scout soon at the race track location. Too early to sound the battle horns but we’re getting there. Also we’re getting some sponsors on board joining Pepsi and so if you have interest of getting your company involved please do reach out to me. It is a unique marketing opportunity for sure.


Monday I have another development meeting and we’re close to signing and announcing on it. Also I’m bringing on a local Iowa artists to assist us in the funding of SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE. Additionally, I’m 1/3 of the way through a new/old script that might be filmed next winter. It is a cool stylized piece and will make a great feature film. I’m looking to have some talks next week that might put some fire under the WILD FAITH: HASTINGS TV series. Steps. Steps. Steps. I’m ready for some eggs so I’m going to bring this to a close. Keep your roots planted and remember where you come from and where you started. CDI is multi-generational and I’m proud of that. I’m off and we’ll chat next week same place and time. Be good to one another and have a productive week!


The ‘Artistic Perception’ and Several Updates!

(On set ‘Lost Heart’ Premiere – getting ready for ‘Best Years Gone’ as Gil Gilles) * LOVE my coat!

Good morning my friends! I’m sipping on the coffee and looking forward to again sharing a few thoughts, updates and insights. This blog has been getting even more followers as friends share the blog with others. The artistic spirit can feel like a curse when you are unable to live it fully. But know it is a spirit that can manifest in all that you do. How you write a memo. How you lay our a display. Art can manifest at any job you do and often inspire outside of work art, if you do not get to do art full time (yet). I had a great meeting with our friend Mark at Pepsi and let me tell you the man possesses an artist’s spirit. It has taken him a bit to see that but every gardener is an artist and more. Every leader who uses creative endeavors and programs to nurture the best from his employees and co-workers is an artist. Leadership is an art to be sure. Art is to feel and ultimately to care, because you have something to say. That art can cause or stimulate the artistic receptors in others like when looking at a painting or a sculpture. Thinking of you Greg Zivic. Back to Mark who we met because of good people networking starting with Graham Turner, a health and fitness trainer friend. He started sitting in on meetings and was my martial arts partner when working out the action sequences for Man’s Best Friend with John Lennox. He brought his expertise in one area to CDI’s health and hospitality. This is our expanded version of craft service. Now he’s worked up into the office as a production coordinator. He’s an artist. True artists attract other artists who can sense sincerity and intent.

(Creative meetings at the office/fort are powered by Pepsi)

Full circle to Mark Balko at Pepsi who is more than just a contact he is a tribe member. He found a group who understood his artistic urges and did not feel odd or outcast but accepted. ART is the secret to doing great things. Anyone can follow instructions and bake but those who take it to another level is art. Grilling – we can all but flame to meat but for a true grill master it becomes an art. You should look for the art in all you do and some are already fully aware of it. ART is EVERYWHERE because it is a PERCEPTION! It can make your smaller market distributor a top in the country, GO Alpena Bears! It can make melt-in-your mouth pork and cakes that are almost a shame to cut into. Sometimes you don’t have to seek out a different circle of artists sometimes it is just being the one who stimulates that in others. Thus the art of leadership. All interconnected. I hope this helps a few of you to look at things differently. But I want to thank Mark at Pepsi for their sponsorship of CDI and our films. They were a sponsor on Harsens Island Revenge and we have some fun ideas for the Alpena, MI premiere end of the year. Even more exciting is their involvement in HOT ROD LOVE that we are working hard to shoot this year. Let’s move to that film to discuss for a few.

(Thank you to Pepsi, save the Coor’s Light which is thanks to Adam Towner)

HOT ROD LOVE 2024 – We’re pushing into new talks with potential investors and sponsors on our 1970’s dramedy with drag racing at the heart of it. We had more commitments this week and have additional meetings next week. We are taking steady steps forward to get the business foundation in place. It is a 90% business and 10% creative until we get all our financial ducks in a row. That is what the producers at CDI do is work to get those things in place. This film will be a blast to produce and I cannot wait to go location scout. With nicer weather we might do that sooner vs later but again I don’t like to get to deep on all that until we are a full go. We call that a GREEN LIGHT. Ironic isn’t it with a racing movie. The official start of pre-production. I’ll keep you informed as we move forward. Right now we are focused on those two things funders and sponsors. Thank you to those who have already committed and we look forward to telling another great story.

Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) UPDATES! I had an almost two hour talk with our director Carl Weyant while he is still in Brazil. He returns Feb 14th and we’ll get together soon after. He was working on the final 20 minutes of the film edit. With end credits and the opening scene we still have to shoot we are guessing 1:45 min runtime. Once Carl has landed back here we’ll plan our final scene shoot and also do a watch on the cut before tweaks and a picture lock. The Behind-the-scenes is being worked on and I’ll get a better ETA on that but my goal is end of the month. Once our director is back we’ll be working the theatrical poster and trailer. The trailer will help us now if a 3rd party theatrical will be getting involved in booking or if our theatrical division at CDI will handle. We had a good run with our previous release and I think we can do even better second time around. So either way, it will be a successful run. More on HIR next week but exciting things ahead.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The film just went back into Cherokee, Iowa’s American 3 theaters for a run last week in January. I know we’ve had some additional requests and I met with Shane Hagedorn end of week to pass along some returned DCP files for theatrical play. The home video release is still going strong and I’m just so happy that this story is growing each week. I’ll know second quarter how strong the film is doing since it released 4th quarter of 2023. It is all a process and the wheel turns. We still have broadcast TV and ad-based video on demand later in the year. Plus foreign sales should start appearing as the film travels to the film markets and gets picked up. The two museums in the town of Algona are already benefitting from the film just off our theatrical thanks to The Donald Tietz Foundation. Preserving history and helping the community! We should all strive to do such things.

(A beautiful scene from part 3 of THE QUEST TRILOGY – The Christ Slayer)

THE QUEST TRILOGY – As the sun and light starts its return and will slowly bring us out of winter we’ll soon be approaching the spring season of Easter. These three films have become a gems of the season and we’re so appreciative of all the fans who’ve made them a tradition. If you want to take some time for deep contemplation and to feel inner happiness take a watch. I watch them at least once a year and they always make my day better. Part 1 is FORTY NIGHTS, Part 2 CHASING THE STAR and Part 3 THE CHRIST SLAYER. Don’t let the title of part 3 throw you as it is a lesson unto itself that will make since once you watch the film. For you fans of Harsens Island Revenge, it stars our director Carl Weyant and he does a great job. If any of you on here watch them please do leave your comments here but also on http://www.imdb.com on the individual pages or Amazon‘s page if you rent/watch from there. They can be watched FREE with ADs on ENCOURAGE TV on YOUTUBE.

MISC: I could write a nice bit about each and every film but I will not take your time with that. But I want to thank all the fans of LOST HEART, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, BEST YEARS GONE and WILD FAITH who’ve reached out. I also want to thank all the people who reached out about my new agency for acting. I put my everything into the #tribeCDI and often neglect myself because I’m very fulfilled. I’ve been on the posters, the physical media art and so on. I really do enjoy seeing my fellow artists spotlighted.

I’m feeling good about by decision with Treasure Coast Agency because I like how they treat people. I got to experience that as the producer approaching them and dealing with them so I know first hand. So again thank you and soon I’ll be listed on their site. I’m looking into some new pics of ME not any of my numerous characters. That is hard because I’m always creating. Even now ‘Woody Jr.’ from HOT ROD LOVE is starting to form:)

In addition to my actor materials I’m trying to polish up my social media. I love the instagram mainly because of them allowing little musical snippets with your postings. So if you want to follow me there my new handle is officialdjperry so join me there. I do have two Facebook pages because the home page Richard Perry (DJ Perry) is limited two 5k and I’ve got about 2k in folks waiting so I started a DJ Perry run over page. It is also helpful when I have lots of PR that I don’t want to collide. So I’m trying to get my social media stuff up to par but I know it is lacking somewhat. I’m excited to meet this week over my FIRESIDE CHAT WITH DJ PERRY podcast that Adam Towner will be producing. We will be filming the first one this month and we’ll see how that goes. Many of you enjoyed the little video snippets I’ve done when my WordPress here was giving me trouble.

Speaking of podcasts my good buddy Dean Teaster is now working with “Two Average Joe’s” a cold case team, investigating the death of Dawn Louise Basom from Ypsilanti, MI in 1969 The link can be found here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srOWdtME-y8&feature=youtu.be

Aside from all this film and marketing work I’ve been preparing for spring. I love the nature around me and I’ve been in deeper study of my herbs and fungi and the beneficial properties. I’m looking forward to the herb gardens and we’re going to plant more clover around the yard. The chickens are slowly starting their egg laying again which for that we’re happy. This year we’ll be making several upgrades to the yard. I’m going to rebuild our compost bin and maybe add a few rain barrels. This week will probably have me do some more log splitting with the new set of axes. Last go around with Adam Towner and Graham Turner we killed two of the axes. But this warm spell will let me do a final round of splitting to be ready for the last blast of winter. Also soccer season is right around the corner and I could not be more excited.

I’m going to call it good here because I have to go eat and do some reorganizing to the office/fort after getting the new fridge in there. I’m looking forward to spending time with my brother and a few friends later in the day. Might do a run to a farm supply store to get a new snow shovel. My U shaped handle wide shovel is the best one I’ve ever had. Eliminates back pain and gives a strong arm and chest workout. It got a bit of a crunch with my cousin Bart Ketner stopped over. I should have had it in a better place. But on the positive he helped me string new lights up in the office/fort including a customized one he built. Plus he’s gonna get my yard chipper working. He’s a ‘Handy Andy’ as I like to say. I appreciate having him when my skills reach an end. But each year I get a bit better at my tinkering thanks to my handy friends. I am a work-in-progress:)

PS: RIP to Carl Weathers a great on-screen talent. I never met him but his loss felt personal having grown up loving his work.

Until next week. Be good to one another. Keep that artistic perception.

Coffee Cheers!


Awards, Updates and the Rise of ‘AI’

Coffee cheers on a rainy Sunday morning in Michigan. We awoke to the rumble of thunder as a storm approached. I smiled because I had just put down additional clover seed and all the new plants will enjoy the passing rain. This past week was a wonderful mix of desk work and business calls while doing tasks in the yard. The start of prepping wood for next years winter has begun. I was also happy that I was able to get so much done even after my first soccer match of the season. We played the champs we dethroned last year. They beat us by one goal with us having multiple opportunities to take the lead but it was not meant to be. I LOVE that battle on the soccer field and after I was only mildly sore on day two from the amount of running. I trained for this season with the exception of running. I did cardio but wanted to save my knees for the season. My flat feet puts more pounding on the knees but I was really happy with the first game. As I’ve said before, playing is a great meditation too. For 90 minutes it is just teamwork with a singular goal. I’m just happy that I’m healthy enough to play and be competitive. I’m looking forward to our next game. We have many things underway with our film projects so let’s take a look at a few of the updates.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – Last night the film which has been playing theatres since December 9th won the AWARD of ACHIEVEMENT at the 32nd Iowa Motion Picture Awards. Our Algona coordinator Donna Kitzinger was there to receive the award and I hope she had a grand time. The theatrical run will be coming to a close soon just as the film will be delivered to our distributor for worldwide licensing. The film going to home video (DVD/Streaming) will have enhanced audio and visual improving upon small things we noted in the theatrical version that we could tweak before millions around the world get to watch it over the upcoming holidays. Congrats to our director Anthony Hornus and the entire CDI Tribe of artists for their hard work. We might play a few more event festivals before we release to home video. I will keep everyone informed but we are looking to film in the Los Angeles area. We’ll know more this month.

HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE – Following our wonderful scout trips we’ve got things moving on all fronts with this next CDI film. Lodging and catering is being worked out and locations are starting to be locked down with location agreements. Casting and crewing is going great and we’re working to fill in the remaining parts. That will likely be completed at the end of the month. Our schedule is underway and we’ll be feeding the AD department some additional info to assist that effort. Once we know when our talent will be needed we will start to lock down their agreements. We’ll be rolling cameras in Sept/Oct and all this prep time will make things run very smooth.

(Sponsorships and Product Partners) I want to welcome our first sponsor UAS whose support helps us provide those extra added touches to our production. We’ll be announcing many more as we move forward. We tackle some very ambitious projects and could not do it without the community help and our supporters. If you want to align your brand with us and be seen by millions reach out and let’s see if we can make something work.

We’ll be doing some exciting new things with this film and I’m so excited to see this story materialize. We are working on the teaser poster and should have something shortly. Let’s look at some other updates.

  1. We are starting to have talks over the set up for a future TV series spin off of WILD FAITH. This film has been performing well on several platforms. On our distributors platform (Encourage TV – free with ads) the movie has been leading the pack. We all love this world and will see it return to the screen.
  2. IN ASSOCIATION – We have our third project that has come to the CDI table to be looked at for a possible “in association” project. In these situations the funding is there and they want the experience of the CDI Tribe to assist in making the film as powerful as it can be. I’m looking forward to a script read maybe today or another day this week. What TV network would you like to see WF: Hastings be at?
  3. In the next two weeks I need to pull together the final extra interviews for the KNIGHT CHILLS BluRay being mastered. I’ve had some additional talks on the development of the video game which could expand into a few video games for other CDI films.
  4. I’ve been working on narration for another audio book for which has been fun. I enjoy doing those from time to time and love when they add all the sound design and such to it. I will share when it is all completed.
  5. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH and FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH 2: Battlefield – the documentary is finding its way to more platforms and we now have the foundation laid for the follow up sequel that will go more in-depth on the military’s involvement and the inclusion of Catch-Can into their hand-to-hand combat training. Director Curran Jacobs is working on his outline and we’re gathering support for the new endeavor. Again the Red, White & Blue Project Inc. will be the main company with CDI producing.

I’m sure I could muster a few additional updates but you get the picture. We’re working to bring some of the older films back into the spotlight and developing new content for the future. The wheel keeps turning. I smell bacon and beer pancakes so that means it is almost time to get some breakfast in the belly. The storm has passed and we might be able to get some outdoor work done yet. I’ve also been having fun assisting in the search for props for our next film. Above is a picture of me with one of them. Good find Dane DeFord. We’ve come a long way in phone technology.

One question I’ve been asked as of late is my take on AI or artificial intelligence in filmmaking. I don’t worry about it just like I don’t worry about other filmmakers. We have a unique storytelling ability and all our stories are special in their own presentation. I do think AI can assist on some areas of filmmaking. We welcome all aboard the CDI experience so even AI is cool with me. All good tools that we’ll learn to use in our work flow.

Until next week be good to one another.


TOP TEN Updates on this Beautiful June Sunday!

I’m back from a flea market whereas a VHS of BLACK BELT JONES starring Jim Kelly so that’s a $2 WIN:) I LOVE looking for props both for our worlds and my own characters within them. We are working hard to get the 70’s drag race film fully fueled up. We had a good meeting with Nate Robertson this week to debrief from the previous shoot and talk about the upcoming. We try to get feedback from people especially concerning people in their departments or just the department as a whole. We always work from the inside out starting with story to script to producers to director to cast and crew and the ripples move across the creative pond until we have a finished film. But I can honestly say that materialistically I get more excited by the VHS find or the Bear recurve bow estate sale take versus all these items whereas YOU are paying for that marketing campaign. Luckily I love a cabin as much as a castle, and a driving a vehicle with character versus high value. I recall as smaller flip phones were the vogue, the jokes in Hollywood about my ‘yellow brick’ Nextel construction phone. The whole CDI group was on walkie talkie. I made some good deals on that phone. I’m not against nice things at all I’m just saying simplify your materialistic wants. Many purchases don’t bring the happiness or added skill. A golf pro could still take most golfers with basic sticks whereas the opposition could be playing with clubs worth several thousands. A car that goes faster than you’ll ever drive. More square feet or acres that you won’t put to use. Many use it (coins, property, stamps, paintings, gold) as an investment to hold or increase value versus some conventional savings. Often it can be a good process. But you just don’t want to get caught overreaching to impress or project an image. Only negative things usually follow that kind of advertising. I like to keep things real and you’ll often find all walks of life at our table. This nice weather had some of the meetings taking place outside. The yard is green and in full swing. I’ve been working to get some trees trimmed and prepping new firewood for the coming winter. The clover in the yard we planted as been really starting to take over and it is beautiful. Irish beauty was one deception of it this week. Do take the time to create your ZEN place. If you live in tight quarters maybe try some plants. Nature is great for balancing one so you can better focus on your TO DO’s.


  1. I have some PR that will start going out on BESTSELLER this week. It will essentially be talking about my start in the thriller/horror genre and follow my diversifying into more genres. BESTSELLER is one of my most intense roles and I’ve had several. Plus I love the author and this work really captures the haunting and moody atmosphere that is Michigan. Have you seen it? If so please do go to https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16421224/reference/ VOTE and leave us a review.
  2. BEST YEARS GONE will start rolling out on July 5th both DVD and digital. Providing you still have enough fingers from your drunken 4th bottle rocket / Roman candle war to press play on the DVD or navigate the remote – you need to settle and watch our tale.
  3. Aug 3rd is the date when we should know the Toronto Film Festival’s decision on acceptance of FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH or not. We would love to hold our premiere there and so we’re remaining optimistic. We should also have our home video dates from Deskpop Entertainment very soon.
  4. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – The rough semi-polished first draft is almost done. It will be reviewed and that point by our team and any suggestions will be put forth. We are looking to picture lock in July which will move us to music and sound. Both of those are already in motion as sound FX libraries are being gathered and music beds are being played with. We hope to provide a great behind the scenes of our model and VFX team on board.
  5. SMOKE & MIRRORS has been submitted to a few festivals and we’ll await response. Once we have word it will be a nice eve with the CDI tribe celebrating this fun endeavor that will develop itself into a feature film.
  6. WILD FAITH and HASTINGS – the momentum continues and on a few fronts we are so close but sometimes you have to relax and let things work themselves out. If it does well at Peacock perhaps they will work with us to order up the first season.
  7. LOST HEART aka BIGFOOT, UFOS & JESUS is a great summer film. We are looking at some different marketing campaigns including new poster art for Lost Heart. I still want to do tee-shirts of the BF, UFOS and Jesus artwork. We’re looking into selling iron on sheets so you can put some great artwork on your favorite shirt. That is 70’s and 80’s style right there. I think I had a DARTH VADER LIVES tee shirt that was an iron on.
  8. I’m waiting on word to see how the HD file of KNIGHT CHILLS is coming along for the upcoming Blu-Ray. We have interest in a digital release from Deskpop Entertainment and we’ll still probably do a DVD of the CDI Classic Collection Double Feature of KNIGHT CHILLS and FROM VENUS. And we have the video game which I think I want to call KNIGHT CHILLS: DICE DON’T LIE – what do you think?
  9. This week I’m set up to record another book chapter for the audio book series FOR GENERATIONS TO COME that I’ve been doing. Look it up on Amazon under author Ronnie Lee.
  10. This past Friday, I met in person with several CDI folks mainly over FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH. I could have taken the day and likely ended with my first draft of the new script HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE. Instead I enjoyed the beautiful day and spent some time outlining. One of the rainy days this week I’ll finish the first draft. I’ve had a wonderful time working on this amazing story and looking forward to bringing the script to an exciting end.

I will no doubt start working on another script soon after I finish the one I’m working now. If I don’t have a script for hire on deck which I just might, I have a few scripts that were underway. We made more steps on HOT ROD LOVE and we are about to start scheduling work soon. Chipping away at what needs to be done in order to get this film green lit. It was a great week for soccer again and our team brought another win. Either way it is still about the battle that keeps you mentally and physically strong. I do have another bday in a few weeks (23rd) and I’m not sure what I might do to celebrate another journey around the sun.

I’m going to wish you all well. I hope that you have or have had some clarity this weekend, that will allow each of you to have a very productive week ahead. Be good to one another.

Coffee Cheers!


‘Happy Easter’ Updates and ‘Movie Easter Eggs’

Good – eve – morning! I have a very busy Sunday with flea-markets, family and friends and so I’m doing my update now. I love this picture above from our upcoming SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA because it shows courage in the face of uncertainty. That is the world that we’ve been living in with its challenges and the tolls it has taken. We’ve managed to stand and face these obstacles and still manage to create our stories and hope and enlightenment. To add some humor and escapism to the lives of millions. Tens of millions and when adding all of the audiences of all of them together the totals are humbling. At CDI we are committed to telling our stories highlighting the best aspects of ourselves. I’ve had fans of THE QUEST TRILOGY, MAN’S BEST FRIEND and WILD FAITH reach out over the last week. I’m reminded of what we do for people and I cannot even begin to tell you the appreciation we as artists have for those who support the arts. Our backers, our sponsors and our audiences – the STORY that needs to be told and YOU are why we take time away from our families to film. I just wanted to take this fine Easter Eve to express our appreciation.

HOT ROD LOVE is a CDI film in active development that has a few great themes woven into a great 1975 small town drag racing world. We’ve been preparing to present this project to several of our past supporters. This is coinciding with the BEST YEARS GONE kick off to the home video campaign on July 5th. We’ve been having a great time looking at different tracks around the country.

We are all seriously excited to see how the world responds to BEST YEARS GONE. The theatrical response was very strong and I was happy to see how the German actors also received the humor well. I hope it translates around the world. We’re nominated for ‘Best Comedy’ in an upcoming –

This week is going to be exciting on many fronts. COLLECTIVE DEVELOPMENT INC. expanding into music videos. We are excited to announce that the OFFICIAL VIDEO for DEEPFALLS first single “Revolution” will premiere on April 19th! 🤘🤘

This week will be the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA teaser trailer post production work on color correction, music and sound design. We’ll also start some theatrical poster designs along with a special VFX featurette. The 1st cut of the movie itself is done and now director Anthony Hornus is working with our editor on the second cut of the film. From there it will be honed down to a final picture in a third cut.

BESTSELLER the dark and moody thriller from the twisted mind of Christopher Knight arrives on home video on May 31st. We’ve been dripping PR out at the films Facebook. We worked very hard making this intense film that showcases absolutely beautiful Northern Michigan.

This past week I had four different meetings over possible CDI associations. An association is where a group has their funding and not the experience. When you are entrusted with funds you need to succeed or the well will go dry. Many films never get finished and when that happens it hurts the artistic market. But I also have to look at all the variables and decide if a collaboration will be beneficial. Sometimes it’s easier to just fund it ourselves controlling those variables but we are open to discussion. I’m proud to say that I’ve secured one of the next screenwriting/producing endeavors. I’m not ready to announce it yet but I will say that I’m extremely excited by the opportunity. We have our TV series based off WILD FAITH being evaluated by a few solid companies. With two new platforms requesting WILD FAITH just this week I’m inclined to feel that this TV spin off project will soon go into production. If it is meant to happen it will!

This week will also start the delivery of the elements on FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH documentary to DeskPop Entertainment. We will be meeting this week to further discuss the premiere. We might talk festivals as some of the large ones want to host the premiere. We shall see. We entered SMOKE & MIRRORS into a few fun festivals to go enjoy the spooky season. I got my start as a monster hunter. I will have some exciting announcements on several of the CDI library titles including KNIGHT CHILLS.

I’m going to wrap this up. I’ve been enjoying soccer which has been indoor but outdoor starts next month. But the great news is my running is getting back on point. I’ve done some great clean up in the yard but still have some to go. The chickens have been kicking out the eggs. I’ve had to work with outdoor loving Luna (new doggie) who has a passion for squirrels. I’ve finally got her to stop jumping on the fence. I’m looking forward to warmer breezes so we can do more outdoor meetings. I hope you all have a wonderful day with your loved ones. I am going to recharge and tackle the week ahead with enthusiasm.

Happy Easter! Coffee Cheers!


A Sudden Loss of a Loved One Teaching the Lesson of Living Full

A light snow falling on this Sunday, making the hazelnut coffee taste oh, so good. So we shared a wonderful morning last week and the day was nice with us hunkering down and riding out the snowstorm. Little did I know that later that eve, maybe 10:30 pm , our oldest fur daughter Daphne had a spell of weakness while going potty outside. I had to carry her into the house and she sat for an hour on her daddies lap. She wasn’t in pain just weak and we all gathered and spent time with her on the couch. She later got a touch hot from all the cuddles and blankets and wanted to lay on the floor. She stayed at our feet and rested. We decided to all sleep down with her and before drifting off to sleep I watched her sit up and walk into her create, spinning into her favorite position. We gazed at one another – those old eyes that held the puppy playfulness even at dinner just hours earlier. She was relaxed and peaceful and I drifted off to sleep watching her drift off. She passed in the wee hours maybe around 4:30 am or in her sleep. She has been one of the joys living in the background of my life for the last 14+ years and her loss was deeply felt. But she had gone on her terms as she always has, surrounded by her pack and without any suffering. She is now home, her little wood box joins her brother and sister who had passed before her. Our Finn is doing well to adjusting and we’ve made a point of keeping it upbeat and happy after our day of remembrance and grieving. It is now truly the age of Finn and we plan to give him many loving adventures. That will likely include a new brother or sister to romp and play with. Daphne was 11 when we brought Finn into our home and so he never got that dynamic. Luckily Finn’s neighborhood friends have been here to play and race, giving him some of his normal joys. Anyway, RIP to our baby girl she brought so much joy to us over the years. Things can change just like that so be grateful and never take time with friends and family for granted.


Read about our new film and the announcement of the director and director of photography.


This is HOT off the first wins for BEST YEARS GONE at the Maverick Film Awards.


We are going to start circulating our business proposal on our next CDI film looking to shoot in June with a May prep. We are returning to our home turf of Michigan and the time period will be 1975. That means some far out wardrobe and groovy music. I’m beyond excited to return to a much more simple time and tell this story. If you have a business that might want to align for brand with ‘HOT ROD LOVE,’ feel free to reach out.

I also had some great development talks this week over WILD FAITH: Hastings and more. We are on the cusp of some great business that will have the tribe hard at work for a few years. The amazing feature which serves as a pilot WILD FAITH, is going to get featured for Black History Month and is a great watch. It isn’t heavy handed with agenda just a good story that has natural lessons woven throughout much like LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRARIE.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is pushing ahead strong with editing and FX work. I’m looking to see if our Behind the Scenes video is getting close. I wanted to have a sweetheart treat for everyone but if it doesn’t release tomorrow I’m guessing this week. We’ve been releasing more photos and I should have another batch from DP Daniel Chipman showing even more of the characters. I will be following up on that this week too. I know that director Anthony Hornus (Tony) has been outlining ideas for the first official teaser. That will start once the BTS releases.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – The first draft of paperwork is being put together for a worldwide release with Deskpop Entertainment. We will also be doing a pow wow and coming up with a plan for the theatrical premiere release. Maybe even something with MSU, we will see.

Speaking of Deskpop Entertainment, I’m excited to see the artwork for the thriller BESTSELLER. This film is one of the most intense performances I’ve given. I have a couple of mega-intense films I’ve done, DEADLY RENOVATIONS and THE 8th PLAGUE come to mind. But looking at intensity and production value, I think BESTSELLER is right near the top. We captured Michigan in the fall at the perfect time showcasing the “Tunnel of Trees” and more. Plus it has a great leading lady in it that I’ve seen somewhere before:)

This week will be shifting gears in development. We’ll be talking some advance casting and crewing talks but until the business is locked we cannot make offers. But something tells me we will be revving up engines in a few short months. I’m looking forward to also ‘developing’ the homestead this spring. We have some nice yard improvements being made and I look forward to some outdoor meetings over darts and corn hole.

Even in the time of writing this I saw that a director friend of mine lost their lovely dog this morning. So the torch of tragedy or sadness is something we all hold at one time or another so give graces to those around you. You don’t always know what people are dealing with and we all are dealing with things as that is life. Okay enough typing but I do LOVE catching up with you all. I going to go get on with life and enjoy it. Maybe starting with another hazelnut coffee.

Take care and be good to one another.


‘HOT ROD LOVE’ Fresh From the Imagination, ‘Best Years Gone’ Release Dates and more…

Welcome my friends to a beautifully snowy day here in Michigan. The soft flurries covering everything while the squirrels and birds enjoy the feeders this morning. I see new readers from Uganda, India, Ireland and more and I want to welcome you all here. 2022 is part of the turning wheel and this week we lost comic Louie Anderson and one of a kind musician Meatloaf. I looked into Meatloaf for acting on a few occasions. I again am reminded that we artists are part of that tradition of passing the torch. I willingly have taken it up and will try to keep creating memorable content with our tribe.

This past week was very productive on the creative and business, which is the ideal blend. I started the week finishing the first polished draft of HOT ROD LOVE. It very well might be the next project we attack in the Spring. A lighthearted comic ensemble that like all CDI projects has something to say. I’ve got the first draft out to a few of the tribe to review for flow as well as technical aspects. On the writing – I think I’ve got my next two script writes becoming clearer. One will likely be a book adaptation and the other project is still in discussions as to which story. But today I celebrate the birth of the new script/story.


We released the distributor (Deskpop Entertainment) DVD poster art but they start their official licensing announcement on 3/8 with dvd on 6/7 and streaming SVOD/AVOD and Broadcast 9/1. We will be showcasing at a few festivals and maybe a few additional theatrical chains. But everything has been to our distributor and now we get to just wait and promote.


This film is finally getting an official home video release with Deskpop Entertainment. The DVD’s have been for sale from the author’s store and a few retailers up North but now the world will see this film. It will announce to licensors next month and 5/31/22 is digital transaction and 9/1/22 is TV/Cable and streaming SVOD and AVOD. I’m excited to see what cover art and trailer they choose. I just love the locations and this is one of the most intense films I’ve been in. Artistically I love the camera work which lends itself towards a Hitchcock-vibe. 9/1 will be a good day with two of the films streaming out!


This chilly weather is perfect for our artists to be working at assembling the story puzzle we captured last Oct/Nov in Iowa. This week we’ll put the end of year info over to the accountants. Also the paperwork on the BTS will be executed so that can begin in earnest. I’m also excited to see the first official trailer to come together. I sat down with Dennis Therrian, our sound designer and composer and we talked about several projects but he was excited to visit the 1940’s! We have continued to roll out photos and above is yet another featuring Michael Wayne Walton who has acted on and off with the tribe since KNIGHT CHILLS. Keep following along for many exciting updates. I was asked about the recent releases and here is a list. Many are found on Amazon or several play Encourage TV on Youtube, free with ads.

How many have you seen? Have you left us your thoughts? http://www.imdb.com every film has a page where you can leave your review. Everyone seems to have a favorite and so which are your favorites?







(Associated films)






FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – This amazing doc is being evaluated by a few sales parties. I will have a few more send outs but I think in Feb we will choose a direction for this entertaining, education and inspiring documentary film. Dennis Therrian will be creating a DCP film and theatrical mix for a TBD premiere.

SMOKE & MIRRORS – We’ve just finished getting this up on film freeway so that it can be submitted to a few fun festivals. I love this world and I’m excited to finish the new draft on the feature script. If you get a chance to see this film I believe you will really enjoy it. It makes you want to see the feature version which is surely more complex.

We have a lot of development underway- projects also seem to develop at their own pace. But we are also working to fill our schedule. I’m happy to say one project is moving and I’ll have more to say on that soon. But as I like to say, not until the ink is dry. Handshakes are respectful and can be used in many places but a written deal also says, I value you and don’t want a difference in perspective to damage or destroy a relationship.

Until we can sit and enjoy a beverage again- stay warm and be good to one another!



Well, well, well – we are an official wrap on SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee trying to chase away the cobwebs. It has been several weeks of less than perfect sleep. During production you always have so much on your mind. Always trying to look ahead and anticipate issues and needs. Lines. As an actor you are always keeping those in your head until they become living moments on film. I’m happy to say that Col Lodell is wrapped. The high and tight haircut and sharp uniform can now be relaxed and retired. Last night we finished filming in the woods around WILD HAVEN. It was a great joy to have everyone together and to bring the ship in. Now we’re going to prep the camp to break in the morning. It will take a few weeks to get all the business finished. The puzzle will begin to be rough assembled. The footage will be prepped for the edit. What an adventure. One for the books to be sure.

I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. I’ll have to start to prep for winter and get some of the yard stuff stowed in advance of that snowy white stuff. We are having a little Thanksgiving at our house and I have a lot to be thankful for. I’m thankful that we all safely made it through our shoot. I’m thankful for the great group of artists we worked with on both sides of the camera. I’m thankful that we could capture this story so that it will not disappear, lost in time.

I’m not 100% sure what is next but we have many irons in the fire. I’m looking forward to doing some more writing in the coming weeks. Just me, my coffee and my imagination. I would love to talk more in depth but right now I need to let it all seep in and marinate. I will be back to writing on Sundays again starting next week. I’m sure I will have a lot more to reflect upon at that time. Right now I need to go fill the coffee cup and start to pack up my stuff.

BEST YEARS GONE will be playing on Lansing, MI at the Celebration Cinemas the week around Thanksgiving. If you haven’y yet watched the film and live in the area, please do.

Until we speak again next week – be safe.


Sept 18th ‘Best Years Gone’ Premiere, Pre-Production on ‘Silent Night in Algona’ and more…

I’m sipping my coffee and thinking about what a beautiful week it has been. It has been busy and will continue to be as we move towards the premiere of BEST YEARS GONE (Sept 18th tickets can be bought for that date 6pm and 8:15pm at the Owosso, MI NCG – Come Join the Fun!) and we also keep prepping on SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA. (Shooting in November) We will explore a few theatrical opportunities with the film but we’re looking at Q1 2022 likely Feb for the streaming/DVD home video release. We have all kinds of important work being done as we look to finish end of this new week. As huge amounts of data is being moved about for credits and thank you’s I also worry a touch. Because almost without fail we miss someone or have a name misspelled. It is the worst part of the final process. And changes are not easy and once delivered near impossible to change. Please know that on the rare occasions where this happens it has never been intentional. I know director Shane Hagedorn is excited as is our composer and sound designer Dennis Therrian. The daily updates are growing with excitement and enthusiasm. We want to bring this story to you. If you want to read the book that the film was adapted from you can google up and purchase “Hope from Heaven” by author Karl Manke.

Last night was special because I got to celebrate the wedding reception of Jackson Kennedy. He is the son of my business partner Jeff Kennedy, who directed several of the early CDI films. He was the young boy in KNIGHT CHILLS (CDI’s 1st feature film). Jackson was only like 3 but a bigger kid more the size of a 5 year old. Later it was discovered he was dealing with some hearing loss. Audiences even back in the day could be cruel with their words in reviews. He never asked for any of that so I’m so happy to see how well he has done in school and life by getting his Masters degree and working for a university and now married. Actually he and his wife Abby married a year ago during Covid and this was the anniversary. They had a wonderful reception for family and friends. For people who don’t know, my partner in CDI Jeff Kennedy, has dealt with severe back issues since before even his work on ‘Dean Teaster’s Ghost Town’ which would be his last CDI film he was directly involved with. It was good to see both he and Juanita so proud of their son Jack. I too was so proud of this young man and what he has become. Looking at him as a grown man illustrates again for me that indeed CDI has been storytelling for 25 years this year!


Here is an interview piece from our scout trip to Algona, Iowa.

This week we’ll announce a few more of the German actors and we’ll also be announcing some of the amazing product partners and sponsors joining us in the telling of this powerful story based on true events. We are starting to put paperwork under our cast and crew. We will also start more intense work with various departments in the coming weeks. The 1st steps towards the production insurance is underway as of Friday. We will need it for locations, picture vehicles and more. Aside from all the business I’ve been working my lines and I’m excited to start reading off a few of my fellow actors.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – We had the pleasure of watching the 1st cut of the documentary on the history of wrestling. It was informative, entertaining and really educates anyone interested or curious about the history of the grappling arts. I’m very proud of the entire team and I think it could be the first of many. Director Curran Jacobs is also the lead actor in our upcoming WW2 film. He previously had roles in WILD FAITH and MBF but this will be his biggest challenge.

SMOKE & MIRROR – Our VFX artists had a few delays but this funny and hauntingly moody short film will be done mid month. I’ve also been working on re-tooling the feature film that were looking to have Nathaniel Nose direct. This will give audiences a good peek at the world we intend to create with the full feature.

WILD FAITH is a branding and I’m considering WILD FAITH: Hastings Season 1 as the more official title for the TV series. The interest is there now we just need to pull all the business together and look to a season 1 shoot likely 2022 if all goes smooth. I might get some artwork underway during this 4th Q of the year.

The window for THE QUEST TRILOGY will kick in after we get past Oct 31st – speaking of that spooky month – BESTSELLER the dark thriller by author Christopher Knight and starring Melissa Anschutz as literary agent Anne Harper will be getting a new campaign soon. I think most of the business has been delivered so I will keep you updated. Also an HD version of THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ is suppose to release in a new campaign. It was our first CDI associated animated film but will not be our last! The new special FX division is in the planning stages and I’m excited by where that can take us. LOST HEART aka BIGFOOT, UFO’S AND JESUS is growing a nice audience and WICKED SPRING HD version is about to get a new release. And we’re also looking at what films in the CDI library could also be introduced to a new larger audience.

I smell the bacon and eggs almost done so I’m going to wrap this up and get a fresh coffee. After breakfast I’m going to go put a mow on the lawn. We are having the mom’s over for a late lunch that will have me manning the grill. I’ve been grilling with hickory chunks vs charcoal and that has been a switch. It burns much faster and hotter it seems. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your extended holiday weekend. Our MSU football team started off the season with a great win Friday night. Now if only the Detroit LIONS can do the same.

Be good to one another and have a great week ahead!


Screenings, Schedules and Staying Focused!

Welcome to all our new readers from Germany, Uganda, China and several others from around the globe – coffee cheers! Watching the storm approach New Orleans and hoping for the best for whomever stayed behind. We all know of the tragedy unfolding in Afghanistan and Covid is continuing to be an issue in some areas of the country. This humidity has been brutal yet I got the lawn mowed up one day and even had our last soccer match for the season in this heat. I’m ready for wood stove, chili, Lions/MSU football and everything that comes with that. It has been a very active time here at CDI and with me personally but that means good things are happening. Lets look at a few of the top updates-

  1. BEST YEARS GONE – the film is being polished up with some color correction tweaks and a few music beds to be worked in. The tickets are open for anyone to buy for Sept 18th at the NCG Owosso theatre with shows at 6:00 pm and 8:15pm with an afterglow at ROMAS patio starting after the first show and will continue after the second showing. Get your tickets now as they are going fast! No charge for the afterglow/cash bar and we’ll be doing pictures and such so come on down and meet many of the cast and crew.
  2. Also a just finished shooting the music video for ‘Off to the Races‘ the song by Vertical Bridge that will appear in the film as winners of the ‘Battle of the Band’ – we plan to show the music video either before or after the film. It depends on what film footage is used/shown in the video but we’re excited to see this premiere also.
  3. SMOKE & MIRRORS our short concept film is almost done. We had a slight delay in the VFX but I hope to get the finished film so we can look at maybe a small premiere as a fund raiser for the Dodge Turner House we shot at. I’m excited to finish the retooled feature script that we plan to shoot in the near future with Nathaniel Nose directing.
  4. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH our documentary film about the history of wrestling has a first full cut which we’ll review this week. Once BEST YEARS GONE has moved out of post we’ll move this film in once picture is locked to have an audio mix done on the project.
  5. WILD FAITH/HASTINGS – as the feature film keeps climbing in views via the numerous streaming sites that means good things for the TV spin off series. This coming week I have more meetings over this project. I’m excited about what this could mean for so many cast and crew in the Michigan area. CDI has been building a strong team for a while now and this project could mean some consistent work. Giddy up!
  6. New release campaigns will be underway for a newly up-rez’d THE PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ, which was CDI’s first animated feature collaboration but I will say it won’t be our last. Also Christopher Knight’s BEST SELLER based on the book of the same name has been delivered and will be rolling out in the near future. This R-rated (language and intense situations) feature is the closest to a Hitchcock like thriller that we’ve produced. I’ll be in talks this week on a few other projects from the CDI library.
  7. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has most of the cast and crew in place minus a few still being discussed. We will be getting ready to go to paperwork this Sept for cast, crew and vendors. Most of our crew is driving in so we can take more equipment and gear. Some flights for west coast folks will be needed so those will be arranged. Wardrobe is starting to gather sizes (don’t lie actors:) * A famous story with my dear departed actor costar Dan “Grizzly Adams” Haggerty who might have fibbed on his waist size. This led to a frantic last minute adjustment on set. We’ll be having some round table discussions with art including guns with our armorer Mr. Robert Bradley. The town of Algona is so appreciative they don’t want CDI to be just coming to work in Algona they want the crew to be their guests. Once you meet the kind people of Iowa you realize why a story like ours actually happened. I’m excited and ready to tell what we hope will become a holiday staple along with your other favorite classics.
  8. We are having some great success with our product partners on our upcoming WW2 Christmas film mentioned above. We have another great brand joining us in our endeavor and their history/story plays into the script in a few places. Stay tune for some announcements and if you have a brand and want to align it with our story please do reach out. Smithfield Foods is our newest joining Lerma Transportation and The Candleberry Co. We are appreciative of all our product partners.
  9. I had a call last week about a film I was approached about a few years back and it seems they have momentum and wanted to resend the script and see if I was still interested in the role. I LOVE that they offered to send a paper script to me. Things always get read faster by me when they come to me in paper form.
  10. KNIGHT CHILLS – I’m just going to set this right here. This was CDI’s first film. It was both a test of ‘could we’ tell a story. We were too ambitious, under experienced, under funded but had a boatload of passion and enthusiasm. This story has stayed with audiences for many of the nostalgic reasons we love it. There is a world at play here and with the surge in fantasy role playing including new D&D movies, it might be the time for SIR KALLIO to arise. If you go and watch Part 3 of THE QUEST TRILOGY, The Christ Slayer…well watch all 3, imagine that world building applied to Knight Chills. The story exists in two places – the fictional here and now and the fictional inside fictional world of the imagination. This 2nd film is a transitional piece to get us into the world we always wanted to do but were unable to. This second film will be an EVIL DEAD 2 to Evil Dead 1 with the 3rd being the Knight Chills (Army of Darkness) – No. I’m not saying Knight Chills is on par with Evil Dead, I’m just pointing out the story arc. The second brings back some nods to the past and sets up for its future. We’ve had so many people interested in the story and this RESTART not REBOOT will draw some artists into our story on subject matter alone. Just something developing in the dark of the night as the cold wind starts to blow…

I’ve given a good run down of some of the happenings over here at CDI. I’ve been watching my hops which are close to harvest. The rhubarb needs another cut. The chickens are kicking the eggs out. Veggies are ripening weekly and we’ve been storing some tomatoes. The plants are doing well with water but the humid just has it feeling like Jurassic Park around here. And the mosquitos are the true beasts around here. Although the bats are trying to keep them in check there are just so many. I think the mosquito should become the new Michigan bird:) Okay. I hope everyone has a great week ahead. Keep focused on what you can control and don’t let static and noise steal your attention and time. In many endeavors you must believe first. Click on Owosso links BELOW to go to BEST YEARS GONE premiere ticket site or just google it up. See you there.

Coffee Cheers.


CDI Announces WW2 Drama to Pre-Production and more…

Hazelnut coffee cheers! I want to welcome all our new readers from South Africa, Saudi Arabia and more. I’m surprised every week by the new countries joining us. In Michigan we had a big rain and all the ice and snow left us. A few more days and the mud dried as the ground unfroze and now Spring is upon us. Matter of fact in our state we just jumped ahead an hour. We’ve been cleaning up the yard from falling sticks. I’m prepping some logs to be split into firewood soon. The garden is going to be turned into ‘chicken land’ and we’ll move gardening to raised beds and pots. Blueberries will be added to the berry selection this year but like the rhubarb it will take a season or two for the fruit to come.

So tomorrow I will be getting the first of two vaccine applications. My parents and many of my loved ones have already been vaccinated and now they’re getting to my age group. Also tomorrow will be some banking as we prepare more film disbursements and I plan to open the new film account for our new WW2 drama. Our PR announcement below:


We are getting some amazing actor reads and we’ll be announcing more of the talent joining us. Location scouting will be next along with crew conversations. We did get an affirmative from Jesse Aragon, a great camera artist who brought the great images in The Quest Trilogy, Wild Faith and Lost Heart. We welcome him aboard the next journey. Dennis Therrian will be composing and doing our sound design on this powerful story but first he has BEST YEARS GONE.

BEST YEARS GONE has a new cut that is close to a lock. Our director and editor are working the final nuances. I think we’ll have a producing showing at some point here. From there it is onto music and sound design at the new studio. For those that don’t know our composer lost his house and studio in a fire. The house and studio have been rebuilt and we are about to take the studio on its maiden voyage. Also a trailer will be coming soon!

Additionally we’ve had some great artists submitting songs to the FB page for BEST YEARS GONE in our Battle of the Bands. Please do keep submitting your songs and stop by and take a listen to the ones that have landed.

This week we’ll be announcing another of our celebrity judges. Again the plan is to have the winning band actually perform at the premiere or the music video that will be created for our winner.

LOST HEART and MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND ate both getting a new campaign. Lost Heart is a cool and complex film whereas I had many fans reach out and say that they really enjoyed the film. They had no idea that UFO’s, BigFoot and the Devil’s Crossroads and humor play into the story. We felt that we had to pick a direction with the first campaign and so the drama, music and atonement were our pushed themes. The film is doing great and climbing charts at Tubi and other major outlets but we’re not getting male audiences unless by accident or association. (Watching with a wife or girlfriend) BUT when the men have watched it they have really enjoyed it. So a second campaign will be going after that male demographic that loves mysteries of the unexplained. So that will be an exciting campaign to get the audience that wasn’t going to bite. In the meantime we await to see if the International Christian Film Festival has any nominations for LOST HEART. So many deserving performances and the music…but we will see.

THE QUEST TRILOGY is getting to the end of its holiday run with Easter right around the corner. I truly do love this trilogy as it puts the stories in an easy to follow manner. It also approaches the events from a unique perspective. One such thing is in Forty Nights we examine Jesus when he “vision quests” into the desert where he is working on putting the words of the heart on the tongue. It shows him working some of it out yet people watching cry out, “that is not what he said.” EXACTLY he is shown developing his teaching. CHASING THE STAR some have said, “But the magi aren’t Christian.” BINGO as that did not develop for decades later and people should learn the history of the order of the magi. This films are not regurgitated same old, same old but sheds some light upon these events that connects the dots for many people. Everyone’s experience is different and so watch the three films and let me know your thoughts.

BESTSELLER could be getting a new major release which is an exciting proposal. KNIGHT CHILLS might be getting a special Blu Ray release. Also fans of WICKED SPRING, a new letterbox/HD version is in the works with BMG. We also have some new items making their way to our new merchandise section on the http://www.cdiproductions.com site. You can also watch most of the films w/ ads from Encourage TV also assessable from the CDI site.

Other development is underway including HASTINGS the Wild Faith TV spin off. We might have a few other scripts in development and that will assure the next few years are quite full. I’m going to get on with my day and I’m looking forward to our warmer days including the start soccer season. Last year’s season was cancelled but I hope everything rolls out just fine in 2021. I’m ready to get back out there! Until we chat again next week, be productive and be good to one another.


Seven Updates and Some Past Week Pondering

(Last day on ‘Lost Heart,’ I was wrapped and spent the night working with craft service)

Ahhhhhhhh….chilly Michigan morning coffee sip. I’m enjoying the hazelnut coffee as I prepare to make some sort of attempt to describe this past week. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Last week I wrote on UNITY and that was a big hit. I’m a storyteller who loves to enrich audience’s life by entertainment and sometimes enlightenment. I have found that the story is one of the most effective ways to communicate. When people have conversation following a good piece of art it invokes meaningful dialog. People from all walks of life can come together and discuss the final show of The Mandalorian and debate themes, topics and differences. But they’re all united in their common love of Star Wars. In politics they should all be united in their love of our American system.

My belief is that both parties for decades now have drifted further from highlighting, promoting and pushing their party platforms and closer to no-holds barred character assassination. This includes trying to control how things are framed, presented and digested by the public. The reporters of days gone became known because they did not try nor want to be the stars, the story. But some due to their humble-approach, did become stars. Now we live in a time when people want to be “influencers” – what? We influence daily with our actions, words and deeds. I’ve seen the thirst for fame in these people and so the stories drift towards their opinions hammering the narrative to meet their goals. And where is the faith in the respected platforms? Faith that the masses will see the good in the endeavors and chose to back this person, party, platform. But some don’t have confidence in their platform and so they try to pitch, readjust, reframe a platform attempting to catch as much support as possible.

Example: Why is John Deere tractor better than Brand B

Just highlight the positives of what you are selling. No need to hammer brand B’s product customers will see this difference if it truly exists in terms of quality and performance.

Why should politics operate any differently? If you create the better product, better price point, better performance – you will never need to engage in cutting someone else’s rope short.

When I set out to make a movie, I don’t waste energy trashing anyone’s film – I just work towards making a successful story of quality. If I was running for an office I would not waste time tearing down an political opponent, I would just draw people to my platform.

Brand B tractor is a fine tractor but we at John Deere feel that we offer the better product and here is our list of why… but the cheap shots I’ve seen from both parties firing back and forth over the years, shows weakness in their stance. This weakening is what allowed a businessman with no real political experience to land in office. Running a corporation is very different because the power aligns with accountability. Our government is a system of checks and balances. It requires respectful communication and cooperation between the parties. This lack of – created a vacuum for someone from the outside to step in. Things happen much different in the two worlds and we saw many attempts at actions over four years that were deemed not legal in their process. Courts knocked it down and PR blame games took over. I joked we needed a good UFO attack to unify the world. We got a virus instead. This put the old HEALTH VS PROFIT question front and center. They need to flow together as one and not be positioned in confrontation. Healthy, long-living people can spend longer creating more on-going profit. But the medical system in the west has been reactionary vs preventative for a good long time. It is slowly changing and the unified collaboration of data and research is what allowed a quick ramp up on a vaccine. It was done quickly because PROFIT was set aside although the companies will profit. But best was the shared data to help deal with a health crisis facing us all. Can the world please tackle cancer next and be done with that horrible disease? If the cancer numbers had been highlighted and the spirit of collaboration embraced maybe it too would be a thing of the past.

Let’s focus on collaboration. What I see with social media and wall-debates is everyone feels a need to win vs lose and to gloat on that win. Lobbying to try and gather unanimous support vs same side of the table negotiations, talks, understandings.. Harsh ridicule used to drown out or squash any outside opinions but with no discussions. Unwilling to listen is the greatest form of disrespect. This also sounds like many organizations in their unwillingness. In science they have a process to drive towards truth but many outsiders have also been silenced by academic arrogance. Religion? Too many times to count. When I speak on religion I don’t cast any stones at divinity but at man-made institutions. Man-Made – If women want to jump on that bandwagon of also corrupting their institutions, please have at it. BALANCE should be the goal. We all have shared needs and concerns and we have different needs and concerns. I always think that the concerns of a person living on the Southern boarder of Mexico in Yuma, AZ will be very different from someone in Michigan. To find those common things that provide a mutual foundation and to take turns addressing concerns. I have seen HATE, not just dislike but HATE from people. Every time I see hate even pointing out something meaningful, I feel sorrow because that person is sick. Hate is a sickness. It starts with self-hate and preys on all the fears within us. If you hatefully denounce hate, you are still poisoning yourself. I see sickness all around which is why the positive fan mail from our stories have been rays of light. Our stories combat hate with love and leave some temporarily healthy, free of poison. This is only until the next projection of hate from that person and it builds. Unless habits are changed…HOPE.

For the record, I think protests often breed poison if the leadership is weak. They start with words crying of unjust but often turn to poison in one’s own mouth. Watching a group of extremists who wanted to win their position at all costs, clearly demonstrated their uncaring position about balance. I’m still greatly saddened to see the way sacred halls were turned into a scene like ‘Cedar Fest’ after MSU lost a big game. These turned into mobs of people burning things and being unruly. Again, someone lost the big game. And by their actions we all lost, because our character was tarnished. But our character on the world stage was being tarnished by those we elected with their on-going actions. We all have much in common and if the elected people cannot find those bridges and take turns making each other’s priorities something to discuss and enhance, maybe the wrong people were elected. But people can change…

I saw the political bodies House and Congress united in fear and renewed purpose finish their work. Even the most ambitious-party minded politicians had to ask themself what was/is their real “purpose” in service. Now I was looking for that UFO invasion but what we got was an invasion on our process of democracy. I watched some of the most sincere words come from the mouths of people where I had only heard negativity and blame previously. I saw a unity that did not exist 24 hours earlier. Now this unity was not the intent I’m sure but it will likely be the result. It has caused all Americans to sit back and re-examine much like the Covid virus. I think that many never slow down enough to truly ponder and Covid did that. Now we can ponder the past week’s actions. I hope that I never witness such poisoned individuals rabid with hate but I know that is unlikely. It will only get better when we all get tired of the taste of poison hate and seek the sweetest of love and listening.

All this writing and I have not yet got into any film updates. I know that many don’t want any views from their entertainers and I’m often one of those people. As a screenwriter and artists I like to observe, seeking to experience the event from all sides. To question why things happen. I cannot say what tomorrow will bring. But I can control my thoughts, action and deeds and keep the poison from my mouth. I feel bad for the sick wrought with hate. Start a change with what you can control – YOU.

  1. BEST YEARS GONE – The 1st edit is done and it’s being polished so we can take a watch end of this coming week. The reports from editing has been very encouraging with the story, acting and execution of the story being hailed. This all done in a small break during the Covid lock downs.
  2. We are going to launch a ‘Best Years Gone’ Battle of the Bands to give one artist(s) a chance to have their song in the soundtrack plus be involved in a music video.
  3. Merchandise for CDI films has been in development and will be making a big jump in 2021. Stay tune to http://www.cdiproductions.com for updates – SUBSCRIBE TO THE TRIBE!
  4. As LOST HEART continues to expand in viewership here is an other PR article that I’m proud of because it really highlights the script. That is the issue with so many projects is they lack a powerful script that says something. http://m.digitaljournal.com/entertainment/entertainment/happy-days-star-don-most-opens-up-about-lost-heart-film/article/583626
  5. I love the time and process put into doing the final WRITER and DIRECTOR polish on the ‘SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA‘ script. Tony Hornus (MBF) and I spent 4-5 hours each day last week to go through every line of the script. To discuss each and every scene and motivation. We get to have advance discussions about what will be needed in production. We likely have one more day of work on it – maybe two.
  6. HASTINGS Tv show which is a spin off from WILD FAITH is being read show by show by some of the actors and proposed directors. Those reading the shows are expressing their joy in them. Shane Hagedorn star and one of the series directors said, “The shows are about being good to one another.” Sounds like something we could use. I’m in talks with several parties and I think this series is a matter of when not if.
  7. As we start the drive towards Easter season I hope people will take the time to watch THE QUEST TRILOGY. These are not preachy and propose an interesting perspective for seekers who might not align with the mainstream organized religious bodies. That is not to say that the various organizations haven’t enjoyed them as they all were nominated as ‘Most Inspirational’ winning twice but they were not created in a bubble. They relate very well to the world and I think the films have as many fans coming from a non-religious place. I’ve said it many times that you could be from a totally different faith from Christianity and still enjoy the films. Take a watch and see for yourself (Part 1 Forty Nights, Part 2 Chasing the Star, Part 3 The Christ Slayer)

Okay I could go on about a few more updates but it is noon and I have things to do. Several of the films can be seen free on Amazon Prime, Encourage TV: Youtube and more so enjoy a few of the stories and please do let me know what you think.

Be good to one another.


Delayed Update – Cast & Crew ‘Lost Heart’ Premiere and more…

As I sit down by the fire with hazelnut coffee in hand I want to thank our new readers from Iceland, Austria and all around the world. This is one of those few times that I had to push a blog release to Monday. I do have a series of Sunday shoot days so I might have to post a few Monday’s but I will try to keep it as consistent as possible. I was just so tired after our weekend up in New Era with our cast and crew premiere for ‘Lost Heart’ the movie.

First I’m excited about the edited event show that will play around the Nov 7th and 21st Encourage TV showings. I will get a time for the event this week but I’m guessing a 7 pm start with event and film coming in at 3 hours. The film is roughly 2 hours and we had a great time with Nathaniel Nose (The Christ Slayer) directing and shooting the event. Many of the CDI tribe had extensive interviews. This week we’ll have our few call in interviews sent in for editing. It was all very exciting.

We producers were on the ground trying to gauge the weather. we went with a smaller screen than the outside drive-in inflatable giant because we would have had a Macy Day balloon which could have been cool but-no. We had music performed from Roanoke and Greg Hillebrand on sax, interviews, food and drink. The dance hall had giant barn doors and allowed us to keep air moving through there without being in the wind gusts.

The actual showing was great. Even speaking with director Jesse Low after the film we were surprised at the amount of crying, laughing and clapping during the climax of the film. Now we’re all extremely excited to bring this film into your homes for you to share. We have many more interviews and national media for this story. I think the film is really connecting with people with themes on family, love, small-town with big dreams and more. It was great to see so many of the other artists and I was even gifted an owl coffee mug from Josh Perry. Thank you my friend. And thank you to the CDI team that worked hard to put this event in play.

On a quick note before I move on to other updates but the 1st AD Sebastian Nanya on a project I did in NYC called THE ACTOR (Amazon Prime) unexpectedly died over the weekend from a heart attack I heard. He spent many years trying to get a film called BUDZ made and wanted me to play this character named ‘Cowboy’ 🙂 My point is that you need to keep at your dreams. He was in his 40’s and much too young to leave. It is all a lesson not to put off your passions until tomorrow. Engage your passion now.

Back to the films. I had a chance to meet with some fans of MBF: Man’s Best Friend and Wild Faith. One former vet was so appreciative of the film for bringing light to the plight of the wounded soldiers. THAT is why I love doing these films. Not the awards and accolades which are nice but the way these stories touch and help people. That is such an award in itself. Many audience members love the impact of MBF but several wish for a different outcome at the end. To know what I’m talking about tune in and see what I’m talking about. Encourage TV, Tubi, Amazon, Google, Pluto TV and more…

WILD FAITH TV spin-off HASTINGS talks are in high gear. I have a call tomorrow and I have info to send off to interested parties this week – what this all means I hope is that ‘Hastings’ could go early next year into production. It would mean putting the buckskins back on and giddy up.

SMOKE & MIRRORS is the short that we did with Nathaniel Nose and WOW! What a cool world and this short version is a great proof of concept. We watched with all the color correction, music and sound design and it is quirky and wonderful. Some CGI work is being done. I will finish the feature script this winter as we develop the full feature. This will be another great story for CDI to tell.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – This doc needs a string of interviews still but it is moving along. We have a new poster design and we’ll continue our hunt to find enthusiast of the grappling arts.

THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) – This powerful three part story is getting a big marketing push this holiday season including a quest trilogy trailer. As a life-long fan of the original Star Wars films we used them as a template for look – so if something seems akin in the look of the films, now you know where that comes from.

I’m sure I might have missed a few things. I need to get back on prep work for our next film BEST YEARS GONE filming soon. We gotta prep the future stories to share with the world. I hope you all tune in on Nov 7 and/or 21st for LOST HEART. I think you will truly enjoy it. Have a great week and be good to one another!


‘Best Years Gone’ revs up beginning to Announce Sponsors and stars! Also Lost Heart premiere and more…

In Michigan we are waking up to some chilly mornings and that has me rethinking my wardrobe on this next film BEST YEARS GONE. We were ready to shoot in April but with the virus shut down it has dragged us into fall. So I need to re-look at my clothes and such because Oct/Nov can be COLD in Michigan.

We have our shoot blocks set and we’ve put a few days between blocks to let us adjust, pivot and deal with any issues that could arise. We also pulled the shoot location down to better scout, prep and film this next story. We have some great locations forming up and cars, did I say cars? We will once again have some cool rides showcased.

We’ll be announcing this week the addition of a new guest star to our cast whom we’ve worked with before and is always a joy. Additionally we’ll be announcing the first of our sponsors. We have several jumping on board to get millions of exposure eyes upon their goods or services. The first is our longtime partner The Candleberry Candle Company. They have helped make our away from home trips more special. The other is Lerma Transportation that has been a sponsor since we filmed the biblical adventure trilogy in Yuma.

But before that we have an exciting event coming up. We’re doing a cast and crew screening that will be filmed so that we can bring the event and premiere right into your homes for one night only via ENCOURAGE TV. It is a free app and will allow you to watch several movies of ours including the premiere. It costs nothing and you don’t have to provide credit cards or anything. So download it now and enjoy the product of CDI and other filmmakers. November 7th is the online LOST HEART premiere.

My CAT book that I was a contributing author has been released nationally and I’m curious as to what you all thought of my story in there. If you take a read please do let me know your thoughts! It might make a good Christmas present.

WILD FAITH – We are enjoying a beautiful surge in audiences watching and sharing this film. Here is the Encourage TV link –

The millions of views is giving us solid ground to launch the TV series. I have some important meetings coming up about the series. Our hope is to film those in the Spring 2021 before filming a WW2 drama in the fall. I do love this movie and seeing all the positive reactions made me feel grateful.

Also building an audience with over 400k+ views on just Encourage TV is MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – watch free here!

I’ll wait to push THE QUEST TRILOGY but I’m excited to watch and see the films as they bring us into the holiday season. The three films FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER will reach even more audiences this year!


The chickens in the new coop have been doing great. The garden harvest is going strong with green beans coming in now. I harvested the HOPS and last week we had the first test tastes of the AUTUMN ALE. I need to rack the wine to my secondary and that will be ready in a few weeks. I have some wood cutting to do since I’ve already had the office wood stove kicking on two different days. I also had an unusual situation yesterday. I had a weak and stumbling bumblebee and I had recalled reading about at the end of the season they can overwork. Their sugars drop and they are unable to fly and often die. I took a drop of molasses and put it near. It drank and after a few minutes flew off. I was really happy that I could help. We are going to head off in a few to one of the last flea markets of the season. I love looking for props and wardrobe. I found a great piece for the next film in some tattered mechanic jump suit for only $1.

I hope that during these times you all make the extra effort to show kindness and understanding to your fellow human beings. We have a lot of issues putting pressure on our lives. Make sure not to vent that on loved ones or strangers. They are also likely facing some of the same challenges and maybe some you are unaware of. Be appreciative of the family and friends in your circle. Enjoy the time with one another and keep creating!


The Power of Teachers – CDI Updates


Hello new readers Uganda, Brazil, Singapore and more – I’ve got my hazelnut coffee beside me. I spent the morning watching/reading some random news. I went to bed as LIVE video of Grand Rapids, MI protest/riots/chaos unfolded. Whatever happened in GR was not on the national radar. Only the big cities are covered but every community has been touched.


My history is that I was brought up upper-middle class by a stay-at-home mother, from kindergarten on and a father who was raised a part-time foster child by a kind family who helped raise him on their family farm. He put himself through college at MSU serving in the National Guard and worked hard to build everything he ever had.

We lived in a great secluded neighborhood nestled in the woods outside of Lansing. Our neighborhood had several various nationalities, religious denominations and such. But I do recall one of the fine African American neighbors going around before moving in and talking with all the neighbors. Even at a young age it seemed unusual but this was the early 70’s. Even interracial relationships were seen as rare back at that time. But our neighborhood picnics were great and we all felt like one community. This was a rare and beautiful thing.


My alumni school

I went to the public schools and my elementary school included all the children from the nearby projects. I got to go to school with children of all races. In 5th grade we also had a big influx of Mong children. I cherish those days and many of those classmates are still friends. We learned to appreciate one another and the differences between us. In the days of the afro a distinct advantage was given when playing eraser tag in class. We often were treated to food and music from different places. I have to point out that teachers have the greatest opportunity to plant these seeds. We had some wonderful teachers who loved everyone equally. They worked to make sure barriers were broken down.

Middle School brought all the kids from various surrounding communities. Many of these pre-existing elementary relationships moved forward with us. Some grew apart but individually we all carried those lessons from elementary school onward. Fights and situations occasionally arose but most were over non-racial issues. Jealously as young hormones develop and the war of words that would go too far. But here new friendships were made some that carry on to this day. Off the top of my head – my friend Dwight, bi-racial who now is into politics. Donny now a police officer that I see occasionally at a mutual favorite Chinese restaurant. Community.

High School – “Should have been a Big Red” again saw an evolution as an even more diverse group was brought together. The biggest fights I ever saw was over someone cheating in TONK, a card game. The fight was not over difference in skin color but over cheating. Jealously fueled a few more scuffles as young hormones led people even deeper into new emotions and feelings. I continued to have friends in many circles from my interest in martial arts, soccer and yes, filmmaking. Friends were gathered by common interests and conversation.

I spent time during several summers in Denmark as part of an All-Star soccer exchange program. Living in the homes and participating in daily activities gave a wider view of the world to everyone involved. I went to LCC the community college while on a waiting list for MSU. My growing interest in film was pulling my attention from certain studies to scripts, storyboards, cast and crew organization. Lastly, I attending and graduated from MSU in a cobbled together degree that was attempting to fill in for a lack of a film program.

I’ve been a camp counselor, soccer coach and player here and overseas and a martial arts instructor. I’ve always looked at the PERSON. We are all gifts that are each wrapped a little different. Isolation and lack of exposure to different groups is what leads to or continues to extend the perceived difference. I can say that having friends of all colors and creeds keeps one from purposely speaking harmful words. And it makes it harder to sit by and listen. I have spoken up in kindness on several occasions to offer a different viewpoint to someone speaking ill.

I’ve found that an entire race often gets blamed for the actions of a few. Our impressions grow from our experience.  Good or bad experiences will shape these attitudes one way or another. It is why – me personally, am not a fan of “school of choice” which while you may or may not save your child from some childish harassment you are also taking away the opportunity for that young person to have a science partner or gym class teammate that could instill lifelong perspective moving forward in life. A view that we are all one people. That we are same on the inside with interesting and colorful differences on the outside. Don’t leave a past of segregation only to enter a present day self-segregation. Cross the isle and be surprised at what you can learn and take away. Thank you to the TEACHERS who planted the seeds of harmony.



I enjoyed a great week of fan mail on our past film projects like THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer), WILD FAITH (Very timely) and MAN’S BEST FRIEND (Thank you). If you want to watch thought provoking and positive stories please do take a watch. If you like what you say leave a few reviews and share with others. That is happening and the fan base to this movies keeps growing.


LOST HEART – This amazing film is in the final stretch of sound design and music. We’ve been putting a fine tooth comb over the credits trying not to make any errors of misspelling or missed credits. I had a good discussion with our distributor over this film. We’re all very excited to share this with everyone late summer/early fall.


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BEST YEARS GONE – This week we announced the addition of Victoria Jackson. This will be the second time she has worked with CDI. You can read about it below.


Director Shane Hagedorn and I have been going over the script reworking some dialog to bring the “Racing” elements in the script out stronger. The character I play Gil, had his best days when he was chasing his dream of being a race car driver. This movie will have some great elements of music and such in in. We have a few more actors to announce and next week we’ll be looking at our new proposed shoot dates in August.

  • We’ve also been pulling together the business on the 2021 WW2-era film and made a few more great steps this past week. Only a handful of units to move on this project and we’ll have this one ready to go.
  • Also some great talks over ‘Hastings‘ the proposed WILD FAITH tv series. I had talks with our distributor over pre-sales and a few possible investors. This series is growing stronger by the week.
  • We are still looking at the animation division – evaluating our scripts.
  • Merchandise site is going to be going up – we’ve got some great things to offer our fans. I have a meeting over that this coming week.
  • Soon I should be announcing the new home for some of the CDI associated projects.  We have some agreements to review but things are almost all set up.


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I’m sure I’ve missed a few updates but I’ve got some work to get done today so I’m going to end this. I’m not sure what any of you might take away from all this but take the time to get to know one another. Embrace the differences between us. Know that within our hearts and minds we are the same. Excessive force is real as is the danger that those tasked with enforcing laws. The athlete, soldier and law enforcement can all fall victim to adrenal flow. But someones pre-existing perceptions can breed compassion or excessive force. Protest is a great show of unity but rioting can cause those negative seeds to root even deeper.

As an artists I believe in the power of the story to enact change in people’s thought, actions and deeds. I believe we are all wired to love a story and when engaged we can enlighten someone to a different way to think or feel. The confinement due to the virus and the economic damage to so many has only served to fuel this fire. I would support the peaceful approach to protesting but understand the power of feeling in control when the world seems to leave many feeling powerless. The power of the mob ruling the night is addictive but is wasted frustration that could be better channeled. I am not one to judge but I see more positive paths to change.

Be safe and we’ll chat next week.




Mother’s Day Wishes and Stacking the CDI Slate

Hazelnut coffee cheers and welcome to all our new readers from the France and the European Union. Let’s also start by wishing all the mothers out there Happy Mother’s Day. I sent my momma good wishes this morning and will drop off a gift later and spend a few moments with her. We’re now several weeks into this stay-at-home order and I’ve been extremely productive. My entire neighborhood has been working on their yards building, trimming, raking, grooming and it’s a good use of energy. When I get my fill of computer and calls I go work the yard. I’ve been prepping the garden. A few potted plants are already in and the first rhubarb stalks have been harvested for upcoming wine making. I need one more things before I can make a batch of beer. Funny thing is I haven’t had anything with alcohol since our shut down of state a few months ago. But I will look forward to raising a few glasses once we can socialize again. Let’s see…

Momma and me

Momma tribute – I’m so appreciative to have had the attentive mother I had, unless is was General Hospital time:) She was active in all our school activities and taught us many life lessons. Love and appreciate any of your mother figures in your life.


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BEST YEARS GONE – This ship is fully financed and sitting in the harbor waiting to sail. We’ll make an assessment on Friday and communicate with our cast and crews. I believe our targeted window to shoot will be August but that depends also on the state of things. But our director Shane Hagedorn and DP Travis Hayward can work on their shots. We producers are working on setting everything up including some final casting and crewing. The character prep has been great fun and I’m so looking forward to telling this funny and heartfelt story – soon:) We will be announcing a few more actors and crew in the coming weeks. We’ll be ready to move ahead soon using common sense and safety as our guide.


LOST HEART – This amazing tale filled with humor and heart is nearing the finish line. The music, sound design, VFX are all coming together and very soon we will have a finished film. I love comedy and I’m excited that this film We’re in talks to add some additional drop music to Dennis Therrian’s incredible score. Also have a fun cameo from another star. I will know more about the release roll out very soon.


MAN’S BEST FRIEND keeps expanding and the reaction by the fans has been humbling. If you have not seen this film make the effort. It is a good representation of the challenges many of our military veterans deal with. And dogs:)


THE QUEST TRILOGY – FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER – I did a great in-depth interview for ‘Faith on Film’ due out this month. These films are good watching at anytime but our strongest window is Thanksgiving to Easter. These films are expanding into more foreign territories. If you see them in your country send me a pic of the poster art of DVD covers, trailers. It is great to see them in all different languages.

WILD FAITH – This mid-western just keeps growing an audience. We’re in talks on the TV series with many entities and even in discussions about starting a western studio. The TV show HASTINGS will follow the on-going adventures of the Murphy family and friends. I’m excited about this TV series and I think we’ll have more to report soon.

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We have a 2021 WW2 project that is coming together nicely. I had talks with a foundation that is going to be financing part of the budget. I’ve already had a few people step up and want to be involved as an investor and we haven’t even approached them yet. I will be doing the writer (me) and director (Anthony Hornus) process in the coming weeks. This is another beautiful story and will allow the CDI artists to play in yet another time period.

A documentary film and a few other features are in development. The animation division is being geared up and we are evaluating our scripts and looking at teams of animators. If you have strong animation skills feel free to drop a line. I’m moving forward in my writing on the developing SciFi film and maybe a few other pieces:)

I wanted to also put a shout out to musician/writer Ronnie Lee whose book ‘For Generations to Come’ will be releasing later this year. I gave some feedback while working on the audio book version and endorsed this artist. I’m reading an authors copy and it is such a great read. It make you feel like your are there. It has lots of pictures that helps bring things to life.

Our merchandise part of CDI will be growing this year also. Looking into drop-shipping on eBay and more. I’ve even got a call this week with a puzzle company to talk collaboration with CDI product. I’ve used all this time to get caught up, organized and prep to move ahead. We’ll have a few film projects lined up and ready to go.

I’m going to get on with my day. As always I’ve enjoyed my time with all of you. Again much love to my mother and to all the mothers out there. Stay positive and lean on love vs hate.

Coffee cheers!


SPRING Updates – Looking Ahead!


I’m sitting here sipping my hazelnut coffee in my Oswald’s Bear Ranch cup. We were planning another UP Michigan trip when all this virus stuff erupted. Now we spent a good amount of time discussing that last week and so I’m not going to hammer that this week. In Michigan we have had our stay extended for two weeks. I’ll just call it confinement for all the things in my youth I got away with. Again it was a wonderful week of organizing, personal and biz calls and getting things done. Let’s start with our next film up – BEST YEARS GONE.


This week we’ll load in the last financial piece and we’ll be all ready to sail once the storm passes. We’ve got a new schedule to review and I’m putting some fine tuning to the budget now that our day-of-days is more defined. We’re announcing more of our crew and cast and preparing to do a few ZOOM script reads. Shot lists are being prepared and I for one will be ready to get out and tell another story.


I had some productive talks with our distributor and we’re already looking at marketing for the immediate and the year ahead. The Quest Trilogy has been playing strong during the holiday window which runs after Halloween on the run up to Thanksgiving through Easter. Many new countries like Mexico, Brazil and more have enjoyed our three biblical adventures. We spoke of them cutting a great TRILOGY trailer for the next ‘holiday’ season.

Faithful Always

NOTE: I also had the pleasure of watching Douglas James Vail’s new film 40: The Temptation of Christ – that also imagines the 40 days of Jesus in the desert. I enjoyed their beautiful locations, camera work and the unique way they handled the temptations. Take a watch if you enjoy these stories.


LOST HEART is just finishing up music and will be turning to sound design this last month before we mix, master and deliver. There is going to be a big need for new content so I think we’ll get a good push with this story. We might have a few other surprises when it comes to this film. This week ahead the distributor is working to lock up DVD wrap art. I would guess we’ll see pre-sales start after a while but we’ll see if we do any exclusive TV runs first. I’m excited to put this fun, heartfelt movie out into the marketplace. – Soon.

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The film is gathering fans as the distribution keeps getting deeper. Meanwhile we continue to have promising discussions on the TV series. If you have not seen the film please do and let me know your thoughts on a TV series. Like all the films, I had some fan mail on this film talking about the power of the themes and how nice it was to spend time in a world more simple.


MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND is also making the rounds thanks to all you fans out there. The reviews and word of mouth keeps growing our audience. I’m so excited that this film is making people ponder and discuss the topics. So watch with your family including the furry ones. As with any of the films just google the film in quotes and it will show where you can buy the DVD or watch the film. Again a big salute to all our service men and women who serve.


At this time my thoughts are with all our family and friends and we all look forward to sharing a few in-person laughs. Soccer season is approaching and I’m in hopes that we can still enjoy that. The blossoms are starting to bloom on the newly trimmed apple and mulberry trees. The hops and rhubarb are also starting to get some size and that is fun to watch. I’m going to use this nice day to get some more outdoor tasks completed. I hope you all have a wonderful week and be safe!






LOST HEART updates and NEW Films


Good morning my friends from around the world, coffee cheers. I want to welcome our new readers and followers. This blog started as a way for me to discuss film updates so that at family and friend get-togethers, I didn’t have to sit around and re-tell stories. People could read something and ask questions if they really wanted to know something. I do feel extremely blessed to be able to do what I love, which is writing, producing and performing in motion picture. I also use this blog to help other artists remain inspired and to give insights into my journey, that you can apply to your own journey.

This past week has been extremely busy. Let’s look at a few of the exciting things from the week. OR, let’s start with the not so exciting:) BIZ tax season – I’ve worked hard this past week to get expense reports and such around on the films for our accountants. The 1099’s are being generated and K1’s will be put together for investors. I want to thank a “Unicorn” for all the help in pulling this together. I have a few more things to submit this week but a big chunk was accomplished.



BEST YEARS GONE, is the current name of the new CDI film. This past week I finished the first draft and now I’m on my deep polish. Again, I always stress this and so I will yet again. SCRIPT is the blue print for all the artists to work off of. As artists we can all easily go off on our own tangents. A script/blue print keeps everyone in step – art teams, locations, camera set ups, lighting schemes, just everything.


I cringe at the stories of no script on a project. I’ve had a few outside CDI projects/directors try to sell me on the fact we don’t need one. It was a polite pass from me. I believe in improve and being open to inspired added dialog but you need a story line to touch back to. I’m beyond excited by this next script which will be the #1 film up for CDI, likely shooting in May. We will be having meetings on this in the coming weeks. Location scouting and some prep work will begin in the coming weeks also. We’ll start to put all the paperwork together and get things moving in February towards production. Now, I want to draw attention to the DEVELOPMENT time that is spent by the producer team before we hit on-set pre-production. If people wonder how our CDI projects achieve these bumps in production value and process it is by the hard work of the producers. We have an incredible team that grows as we take in new apprentices that share the same mind set of art within business.


About the story – it’s a drama, off-beat love story that is more relatable than the RomComs.  This is the blue-collar, everyman’s story, and much like other CDI films it has some great messages woven into the fabric of the story. Our CDI stories are general market stories for everyone. Now you can still tell a clean story that children may enjoy, within the show we can see consequences and actions in motion. This in turn teaches by illustration of actions and outcome. I try to write realistic scenero with people from all walks of life. I’m happy that the “faith-film” market has accepted us into their audience but our films play great to everyone. Maybe a majority of the faith-films are cautionary tales or reinforcement of some aspect of belief. On a whole, early faith films were not good quality and were likely merely a fun medium to explore with your youth group. I agree with this and better yet, an audience united in a positive belief system rallied to support these endeavors.


Now, I have heard the knocks against taking an award at a faith film but let me present something I’ve observed. Many young artists fought hard often, not always against restrictive parents who maybe did not get their love of these outside films that illustrated action, sex and violence. Yes. That sounds like the Bible too. But they left their small towns for mighty cities of high art. To do their film but it’s not that easy. Any aspiring filmmaker will tell you funds is the key. Now the faith-film market started a small boom like the 80’s horror market. All these filmmakers struggling in the pits of the mainstream started looking to re-tool old scripts or create new ones. So the production circles of these faith-films have seen a surge of the prodigal sons and daughters returning to their organized church beginnings. I’m not judging anything that pointing out that the faith market is growing stronger as many “come home” to tell a story.


My writing always had that old 70’s/80’s style of writing. Things like “The Waltons” influenced my writing. JAWS. THE APPLE DUMPLING GANG. E.T. and in the 90’s my writing was liked but called too old fashion. Now I’ve continued to evolve as a writer, I believe I’ve taken on a COEN BROTHERS humor vibe adding that to the other nostalgic influences. Either way, I feel blessed to be using my gifts. When I first saw cut one of LOST HEART, it left me teary-eyed hearing lines I’ve written performed so powerful. And set in a world that our artists worked many hours to create. It was beautiful.


LOST HEART – Let’s talk about this film since I already started. I watched the proposed lock cut yesterday. I saw 2-3 places to just check an edit but it was so good. I dislike when people over-hype stuff. Don’t call something fire when maybe it’s just coals or smoke. Hey, it’s a game of getting eyes but you want the eyes you do get to feel satisfied. We all know that feeling after watching a good movie. Now I will say that there exists people that can’t turn off their critical IQ brain and enjoy a story. They have limited imaginations because they don’t work that “muscle” yet they crave it. We all do, hence why we have an audience. We supply imaginative get-away for others doing other jobs. But after that rant, the film is really strong and if it gets the right eyes, it could be the break through film for many to that next level.


INSERT: I see many people think that one film is going to put them over and in a few cases it has. But to think of that as the plan is not wise, in my opinion. You don’t know which one will be your defining one. Now ask an actor defined by a role, one role. Maybe not what you want. It’s why Jeff Daniels has had conflict over DUMB & DUMBER. But I will say, with that movie, he accomplished with Jim, what every comedic actor wants. Home run and after home run – so many  funny scenes that made people laugh and feel good. I get it. There are PROS and CONS to both.  I don’t think I’ve ever had that one film that everyone knows but several pockets of people worldwide know me for this project or that project. One of my goals in the next ten years is to unify my fanbase. Not sure how that is done exactly save maybe getting one big hit. But I’m sincerely happy to stay the course. I think I’m creating some of the best work of my career. I know with writing I surely am. As an actor, I’m pretty fearless. As a producer I seek to be fair, keep people safe and make something we will all be proud of. I also always want someone to leave a CDI set a better person than when they arrived. I’ve only failed there on a few occasions. I believe in the no bad student, bad teachers. Some of these crew people learned how to set up this or that but need teachers in process, protocol and respect. I value those leaders greatly and so should you.

So LOST HEART will be traveling to the sound studio this week. Music and sound design will start in full. We also have some recording going on in Nashville for the film. I’m excited to have audiences enjoy this film at the end of the year. We deliver in June to our distributor and the film should roll out soon after. Follow us on Facebook or http://www.cdiproductions.com COMING SOON – Poster art and we’ll start working on the trailer.


WILD FAITH has been growing an audience especially since it started playing free for those with Amazon Prime. Also, we’ve had a good quarter with DVD sales, thank you Walmart. I hope we continue to expand into more retailers and platforms and to our foreign friends.

The most exciting news is that we are making a real go at launching ‘Hastings’ the “Wild Faith” TV series. We’re exploring a few possibly interested funding prospects. That would put an 1800’s TV series right here in Michigan. Tribe CDI could welcome weekly “guest stars” and I would look forward to working with more of our Michigan talent. What do I always say, GET THOSE REELS READY.


I’ve been doing that myself. My MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND reel is together and I hope it inspires more people to find and watch the feature film. Thank you to all those that have reached out. I will consider more action roles, nothing like starting that at almost 50:) Funny I feel like I’m maybe 25 and my maturity might run lower at times due to my Peter Pan syndrome:)  2020 will have more showings and events starting with one in Feb. in Bedias, Texas. Seek out the MBF facebook site and follow along. If you have not watched this movie, take a chance.

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EASTER will be upon us in no time so maybe you can do me a favor and take a watch on the three biblical adventures. Bible not your thing? Cool. Just watch it has a fantasy tale. The beauty is that everyone can and will get something different from the films. It is like what you bring in is what you get out. There is a lot of depth and a true attempt to entertain the possibility of divine ‘probe’ self-weakened and sent to experience the human condition of weakness. By LOGIC, can all-powerful be all knowing? Like a great riddle, what is the one thing that could elude all powerful? Weakness. This trilogy looks at small moments overlooked in the greater story. But I also think the three films capture the spirit of truth.  I claim to be an expect of nothing. I don’t harshly judge any save those who judge others. Exploring the great mysteries of the universe is a wonderful thing. It should bring daily joy in the exploration.  People organize together out of fear and this is true with religion also.  The truth is that you can share your stories and beliefs with others but your relationship is always one on one, intimate, no intermediate organizations required. That said, fellowship and community can be good for some but isn’t best for all. Follow your heart. Be still and listen.

And enjoy a thoughtful watch of our trilogy. A FB page exists for THE QUEST TRILOGY and each of the films. FORTY NIGHTS. CHASING THE STAR. THE CHRIST SLAYER. I’m just happy that Tribe CDI is part of the rich tradition of holiday films. I love that we’ve done these Chuck Heston inspired films vs Hallmark status quo. I talked to Chuck Heston, years ago (Thank you Myke Michaels) and I had always wanted to work with him. He unfortunately, had a hip replaced and moved more into voice over work in his later years.  I hope he is smiling looking down upon our CDI work. Also Rance Howard, friend, mentor, co-star who passed before seeing the final part 3 of THE Christ Slayer. He loved the boat scene in TCS with the Devil and Jesus, sitting and talking. This has happened after he has returned and he has the Ferrari mentality. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, if you drive a BMW it’s a good car not a great car, so you go around racing everyone to prove how fast you are. Once you drive a Ferrari, you don’t race anymore. You know you’re a great car and you have nothing to prove. It is just one of those special scenes that will stay with me forever. Take a watch and tell me/us what you think. You can comment on here and I will give the approve:)


I’m sure I might have missed a few things but I have to get cleaned up. I am playing one of my favorite roles today. UNCLE:) We’re having a family get-together to eat and catch up. Enjoy the journey by working hard when required and making the time to relax and talk- face to face. We have several informal meetings that are different from pre-prod meetings. Ideas and thoughts are proposed and formed when we’re together, but the real work is when we’re apart. In your alone time, you must learn to be motivated. Do this and great things will happen. Do not, and frustration and everything that comes with that will follow. This last process can be applied in any endeavor. Your own business.

Have a productive week.




LOST HEART Preps Post Audio and More…


I’m sipping on my morning coffee and happy to be sitting down with all of you. Again our reader BASE jumped this past week by a substantial number. Many new countries joined us in our read. Maybe the subject matter hit home with some of you. Either way I want to welcome all our new readers. So grab your favorite relaxing beverage and join us. I hope you all in the path of the storms stayed safe. Michigan got some but our home town of Lansing was not too bad. We’ve had much worse in the past years.

I’m excited to see all the new year projects that are coming together. This is also the start of a new decade and I’m excited to see what our creative tribe will produce.

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I’ve been working away on the new script. The book I’m turning into a screenplay is coming along great. I’m at the half way point and after a read through with one of our development producers, I feel great about it. I found a character I related to and decided to write from that characters point of view. It is a 300+ page book so limiting the POV is helping me to target the 90-100 page mark. I’m currently called it “Best Years Gone” which is more reflective of the script. The book may ride out under a different title which is just fine. Same story but two different approaches – I like to find those unique takes on a story. I will have the script completed this month. This will be a 2020 CDI production. We got some good news about one of the locations we may use to tell this story. It is a piece by piece building of what will be another CDI story.


The Sat reading event of …


…was cancelled due to the severe weather and will be rescheduled for May I’m told. I will pass along any info I get on that new date.

We have 4 other script/projects in various degrees of development. One of them is the new project that MBF director Anthony Hornus will helm. It is another CDI period piece that takes place during WW2. Distribution interest is in place and we’re building the funding pieces as we speak. Once I get done with my current writing I will work on the directors draft with Mr. Hornus. We will be putting a call out to actors of German ancestry who can speak German.


THE QUEST TRILOGY – I’m excited to have all three of these films in the marketplace. I want to try and work on a TRILOGY trailer that pitches all three films at audiences. They are meant to be seen in order and together so I think that TRILOGY aspect has to be reenforced to our audience members.

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WILD FAITH – We’ve almost finished putting some presentation materials together for ‘Hastings’ the WF TV series. I will be working with a new mgt company in trying to find the right home/partners for the series. This TV series would shoot in MICHIGAN! If you have Amazon Prime this film is free to watch. Please do and leave your review and comments on the Amazon/IMDB sites.

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MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – This amazing little film is also now free if you have Amazon Prime. We’re also seeing more DVD retails places since 1/7/2020 so I do recommend adding the DVD to your collection. It will play in Feb in Bedias, Texas and a handful of festivals and events. ICFF will be one of them and perhaps our home town festival CAPITAL CITY FILM FESTIVAL. We are planning on additional showings this year including in Hollywood for our amigos there. The response to this film continues to make me smile. Thank you to all of you that have reached out.


LOST HEART – So this past week we say edit 2 of the film. We have a watch and talk through session at the studio with Dennis Therrian who is prepping to do the music and sound design. The movie is REALLY GOOD. I’m excited for all the artists involved to see the final results. We’re prepping to do a bit of music work in Nashville in the coming weeks. The film will release late Summer or Early Fall is my best guess. We might have some art work to show soon and a trailer is next once we lock picture and move it to post audio.

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I might bring this to a close. We have protein waffles almost done in my Death Star waffle maker which was a gift. I’m been outlining scenes for the script writing to hit hard again on Monday. I’m lining up a few meetings for next week at the fort. This week I plan to outline and assign some of the development tasks to our CDI producers. Updates to the CDI website including some casting announcements. http://www.cdiproductions.com

Aside from that I’m just getting ready for a decade of great new projects. Have a wonderful Sunday and week ahead.







Attacking the New Year – Read if You’re Ready for 2020!


Fellow coffee lover Victoria Jackson (Lost Heart – Coming 2020)


The hazelnut coffee is flowing and so am I on this fine 2020 morning. It was a wonderful holiday season from Thanksgiving to Christmas and now I’m ready to roll. We had a nice and chill New Year’s Eve with another couple, old friends – making fondue and playing cards. I had one fuzzy navel that took me back to high school football games with schnapps. I did not miss waking up dehydrated with a pounding headache. I do social drink with friends after soccer games or during some informal film meetings, but not going for broke these days. Between my soccer, martial arts and film friends, I’ve had my day for sure. I’ve had a few friends over the many years who loved drinking maybe a little too much. I’m not to one to judge because I have drank like a Viking on several occasions, I just cannot pay the piper with hangovers. I have so much opportunity and even working as hard as I do I still miss opportunity here and there. I guess as I round the corner this year to 50, I can say that if it was between coffee and alcohol, coffee would win. My buddy TJ would say pour whiskey in it – Win Win:) So I hope everyone had a great holiday ending with our entering the new year. Now you get to make decisions about how you spend your time. What you do to your body/vehicle. How you go after your goals. Goal #31 – Get coffee sponsor for 2020!


I have had much better luck getting booze sponsors vs coffee


Dreams are the first step. Once you break down the dream into steps you can start to go after your dream(s). You have to have faith in yourself and having a solid plan gives you a plan. Just like a great script is the first step to give yourself a chance at a great story. Trust me those out there winging it and having success is few and even if they have blip of success, trying to repeat or replicate that is difficult. I’ve been doing this now a long time and I love what I do. I don’t look at anyone’s life and say, I wish I had that. I don’t pine for a fancy car, house, clothes or what-not. If you have health, family, friends and are able and allowed to create your art and grow your passion into a career, what more? Enjoy the journey even the hardships because they are forging you. I don’t enjoy seeing whining about setbacks while pursuing the arts. These situations/hardships often posted on social media walls telegraph a person is weak. Now admitting weakness in the right situation can be strength but often what I see is wasted time to get sympathy, or too get the other failed feathers to flock together in agreement or support.


Pick which road you want to travel – excuses, blaming or solutions

In LA on my early trips I would see bars in the actor ghettos filled with people drowning their rejection (I’ve done it a few times) and enjoying the company of other with failure excuses. Now the coffee shops with the person who has a stack of notebooks, lap top and chatting up battle plans- might be the healthier person to collaborate with.



Christine Marie has one of those desired attitudes – positive and talented – Wild Faith, The Christ Slayer, MBF, Lost Heart…

Those minutes writing all those texts could equal that fantasy sword and sorcery novel you always wanted to write. It could be that screenplay to show the world what you can really do ala ROCKY. Now that the newspaper has been mostly replaced by internet news – I scroll a bit first thing in the AM while coffee is brewing and the dogs out doing their business. Read your postings as someone with money or opportunity to provide in the arts. What would you look for? Talent is only one part. Attitude and this is my #1! Good attitude and seeds of talent and we can nurture. When shooting a film, a quick FB scroll during off time can almost predict who is going to report fresh to set and who is going to be dragging in less than 100%. If I see complain, complain, complain – do you think this is someone you want on your set, everyday for weeks? Would you invest money behind someone who is always pointing out flaws versus offering solutions to help, fix, increase.




Wild Faith was full of hard work and FUN

Now both could have moments where they fall short but that is where ATTITUDE again plays in. Admit when you are wrong and that is strength. Apologize if someone saw your worst side versus your best side for a moment. I had a friend and collaborator once try to justify an artistic breakdown. There is no justification that is a failure. Admit that and move on with wisdom. Great artists who cannot communicate need to stick with a solo medium like painting or basket weaving. In high-school I had a saying, “that no girl was hot enough to compensate for a shitty attitude.” That same lesson can be applied to the arts. There is no artist talented enough to compensate for a shitty attitude.  I’ve heard stories of James Cameron (who I don’t know) first hand from cast members about James C’s early day rants. Maybe he has matured in his communication. I mean he is talented beyond belief, maybe one of the best storytellers in our time, but why a shitty attitude? He is living the dream the young artist in him only could imagine many years ago. Now I’ve never had a film run 100 million dollars over, so I don’t know certain levels of pressure. But especially those working on tighter budgets – attitude, gratitude and two way appreciation is the key. Remember who is providing paid work and an opportunity to showcase artistic services. And producers remember who the loyal, hardworking, positive artistic-providing cast and crew are.

Spirit of Excellence

HA! I get producer recognition at one event and I’m trying to tell people how to do things:) No. I’m just giving some insight to what works for us. SPIRIT of Excellence awards founder Skeeter Murray, who also does comedy amongst many things needs an apology. I could not attend last Sunday the awards deal and decided to do 2 videos. Well, previous to my filming the video I had watched Eddie Murphy host on SNL.  So Murray might have become Murphy:) So I’m sorry if I did butcher your name. Speaking of Eddie Murphy, filmmakers would enjoy DOLEMITE, IS MY NAME. It paints a great picture of an artist with lots of passion, who with his loyal just went after it despite lots of rejection. Good film!


Okay, THE HORSE OF MY DREAMS book event that I will be attending will be at Baker Books on July 11th, 2768 E Paris Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI from 1-3 pm. Like I said last week, come out and get a book. Hear me read one of the two stories that has to do with movies:) Bring anything you want me to sign. I will bring a silver sharpie!


I will find that perfect TITLE:) 

My screenplay that I’m working on now is coming along great. The hardest part is the title. The book author wants my help in titling so the book and film could have the same name. It doesn’t have to happen like that but has several pros. ‘HOPE From HEAVEN‘ is the current title but I think we can do better. I want to wait until the screenplay is done this month because as you peel away layers you get to the heart of the story that is often the right title. The script itself is coming along great and will translate to film nicely.


I’ve been updating promo items personally and for projects. One of the decisions right now is should we do a WILD FAITH 2 sequel or push the TV series HASTINGS. We are also developing and evaluating a few projects for the CDI slate.

Asking Forgiveness

I’m looking at this young man again for a couple possible film roles

MBF: Man’s Best Friend will have more theatrical showings, events, festivals, TV play and foreign expansion in 2020. Again thank you so much for all the fan mail on this and all the CDI films.


LOST HEART is close to a locked picture. I will get a new update on that tomorrow but we are close. The film is so good and I’m excited to bring this to audiences Late Summer/Fall 2020.

Jesus Still

THE QUEST TRILOGY – Many people are taking the opportunity to watch these three adventure films set in the biblical times. FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR, THE CHRIST SLAYER. Discover these hidden gems being shown around the world.


Too many to mention right now – lesson here. Don’t rush news out just to have something to talk about. Develop without distractions and trickle out the info until it is the proper time. Just my two cents – others may love the onslaught of communications when folks see possible work that lies ahead. For me, it can be distracting to respectfully answer back to all these people when trying to actually get to the place of moving forward. Again just use of time. Work smarter vs harder in 2020! I wish each and everyone of you a great start to your New Year!

Be good to one another.


Star Wars Talk & CDI Film Updates

My 3rd BDay


I’m sipping my hazelnut coffee from a ornate Star Wars mug with various scenes upon it. Like many in the storytelling business around my age some inspirational credit can go to George Lucas and the original Star Wars film in 1977. In anticipation for the last in the Skywalker story, yes we have tickets, we’ve been watching them all in story order. IF I was 7 years old and Part 1 of the Prequels was the first film I might have still liked the ships, lasers, etc…but ‘A NEW HOPE’ was just gritty and did not dumb things down for kids. We could take it George including Han firing first. When we went from the three prequels to SOLO, such a difference in the world and story telling. The prequels felt like video games with planned segments that really felt like watching your friend play a video game. But SOLO is like taking the best parts of James Bond and Mad Max put into a gritty ‘New Hope’ like world. ROGUE ONE again just better character development in a world that felt more grounded in reality.


I actually can speak into this having done a trilogy of films. It was important to try and keep the world cohesive despite the changes in style from director to director. Also because I have been looking at promo material personally and as a company, I’ve been playing The Quest Trilogy behind my accounting work. It’s very satisfying to have the linking storyline. It was always my goal to see if I could take some “obscure” stories from the Bible and tell them in a ‘Star Wars’ type fashion. The stories actually adapt over quite well and when you add what I call the “Chuck Heston – bible film effect”, you have our style.

Devil Vs Gabriel

I will say that it is a pretty sure bet that we’ll return to this genre again. One script is complete and the other two outlined stories are forming up. I’m not sure when all this may happen but we will see.

I also put my first SciFi script to pause while I finish writing the script for “Hope for Heaven” which is my working title. We are working with a few different titles but I need something when I write. It has many of the great qualities that ‘Lost Heart’ had by way of characters and story. I’m a good many pages into the story and how it starts can sometimes be the hardest. But it’s flowing and when I did do my first test read with one of our development people, it was strong. This film will shoot in late summer/early fall in Michigan. The nice part is via a few agent talks we might have a good lead on a very important casting aspect. I’m looking forward to continuing the writing this week.


LOST HEART rough cut by Scott Magie working with our director Jesse Low is looking good. I talked about the view last week. This week we’re prepping some things for the music and sound design to follow. I know that poster/DVD artwork is starting and that will be exciting to see. Again just proud to have this be part of the Tribe CDI films.


MBF: Man’s Best Friend – Following our premiere we saw a “best film” and “best actor” nods at the Hollywoodivine Film Festival and won ‘Best Film’ at the Equus Film & Art Festival. 2020 will have many more events and showings as the film moves out deeper into the world market. I’ve had several people reach out this week about how this film touched them. I’m so proud that it is becoming a voice for veterans and dogs. Two groups that truly understand loyalty and service. Watch it yourself on Amazon and other platforms and if you enjoy it add it to your DVD library.


THE QUEST TRILOGY – Help us start a family holiday tradition with the telling of FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. (All on Amazon and many platforms)

It has been a true joy to receive an abundance of fan mail on these films from around the world. I saw the breakdowns and the films are making their way to you. Some all our friends in other countries be patient, the CDI films are coming. Many of you already know that because you can watch the films on TV and DVD. If you have watched them feel free to vote and leave your thoughts on http://www.imdb.com and remember these are films.

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WILD FAITH – This film also continues to be enjoyed and shared by new audiences. I had some fans from this movie also communicate this past week. They were Civil War era fans and so I had them seek WICKED SPRING. It was a Civil War film we produced back in 2000. It can be watched also on Amazon.


I’ve been taking meetings and looking at filming the balance of our production slate for the next 2 years. We have many scripts and it just depends on several factors as to which gets moved into active development or pre-production. We’ve had a few wonderful meetings and with the new management involvement in 2020 I’m excited to see where it leads. I’ve been working on a few ‘Character Reels’ and a new 2020 sizzle reel along with what will be a CDI showreel.

Next weekend our first family Christmas starts and so I have a bit more shopping to do and we’ve been enjoying the season. I hope you all have a holly, jolly holiday season with your family and friends.


DEVELOPMENT Engines Firing Up at CDI


Good morning. The hazelnut coffee is flowing and needed this am. I awoke to my furry Daphne daughter throwing up my Minnetonka Moccasin slipper she put a chew on when I left her watching WHEEL OF FORTUNE vs her Cartoons. From there the morning has slowly unfolded as I worked to shake off the Michigan morning chills. WINTER IS COMING.

Now with winter many people moan and groan but I have always loved snow. If it is going to be cold we might as well have the pretty aspect too. Now the other thing I love about winter is the limiting of my yard work so I can focus on my desk work. This season is special because it marks the start of another phase of CDI development.


First, the ink is dry on a deal for me to adapt a book manuscript to a screenplay and for CDI to produce it. Even the title has been left open on the book to see what ‘title’ arises. The reading of the book which is the 11th book for this author I believe. His name? Wait for the press release:) I might have a title by that time. But the characters are very well developed and I can already see the scenes forming in my head. This project will be late Summer/Early Fall shoot in Michigan. I look forward to a week of reading and after that my writing will begin. I’ve been taking lots of notes while moving through the reading.

Additionally we have things firming up on the 2021 WW2 project. It was shelved several years ago but recently that script kept coming to mind. So I followed my instincts and it seems like many variables including financing are firming up. This would shoot 2021 in the fall out of the state of Michigan. We will be doing some exciting announcements with this project maybe around Christmas:)

We’re exploring a collaboration in AZ with a filmmaker friend and we’ll see. It is a western genre script. Speaking of the genre – I had a fan reach out this week on GHOST TOWN. He watched that film after seeing our WILD FAITH movie. He was asking for more CDI westerns so between us seeking finance and distribution partners on the Wild Faith TV series and these possible collaborations, CDI western fans might get your fill.


Holiday blessings manifested last week as the films saw flow from our distributor. We’ll be doing an end of the year dispersement where it applies. AFM (American Film Market) is underway and the films are being represented and sold. I have a sit down in two weeks to discuss what new platforms, territories and networks are playing the films. The business part of it all is the grit and grind that it takes to be professional. Like the accountants and legal that keep things inside the lines. I had a wonderful gift this past week from one of these individuals/companies that help allow us to do what we do. I will not bog this down with details but I really appreciate all the support staff and producers who help keep all the ships sailing. Filmmaking is a team effort and our collective artists are all appreciated.

MBF: Man’s Best Friend – The positive response via email to this film has been wonderful.  We have some of our team that will be attending the Equus Film Festival. We will await to see if any nominations fall upon us before we doing any PR. This is a great Kentucky based festival that will happen this December.


Now our film is DOG themed but they have a section that is ‘Going to the Dogs’ but also due to today being the official release of THE HORSE OF MY DREAMS in Jackson, Michigan. Here is our editor/author talking about the release –  https://jtv.tv/book-event-for-horse-lovers-sunday/

LOST HEART – I had meetings with our post supervisor Dennis Therrian over the transfer of locked picture which is targeted for Jan. 1st. Our first rough cut should be done by Thanksgiving so we are getting close. Audiences will enjoy this film. This week we will start moving element art over to the distributor so they can start conceptual cover art.

With the mass of social media making things very confusing – we’ve had many people see one or two of the films and insist they must see the others. We’re going to be inviting the masses to join us this holiday season.


So enjoy with your own family or GIVE the gift of a good story to someone else. I’m going to leave this here so I can finish up and get back to my reading. I hope you each have a wonderful day and a great week ahead. My thoughts also go out to friend/co-star Austin Two Feathers who recently lost his beloved. The entire CDI Tribe has you in their thoughts.



CDI Prepares For the Next Story-Voyage

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Hello everyone,

I hope the weekend has been good to all of you. I’ve had a busy and productive week both in business and just in getting things done. Where to start? I started the week a touch low because like many families out there I have a sick uncle. He has been more of an inspiration and influence than he knows. His fun wear what he finds comfortable is practically a mantra. His storytelling is simple and engaging and I’ve been thinking of my uncle and cousins at this time. That said, it also reminds us that age not withstanding, that tomorrow is not promised. So boldly we move forward, creating and living.

Master copy

Soccer has been fun and getting me into strong running shape. Running 70-80 minutes of stop and go in all directions will do it. I’ve been doing lots of yard work and prepping for the garden that is now planted. Beans, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, pumpkins and more are in the ground. I’ve also installed a retaining wall around the office porch. I need to put some grass seed down. All the stuff I enjoy doing while making business calls.


I’ve been organizing acting ands literary materials for future work with this new agency. I had a possible opportunity to write for a TV series but we’re in preproduction on LOST HEART and I don’t want to do any less than my best at either endeavor. Lesson here for people not to try and do too much and do poorly at both things. So first on deck is LOST HEART which I was the screenwriter on. It is a funny and emotional character study with the bizarre and wonderful Northern Michigan as the backdrop.

Low Res Wrap

We announced Lauren LaStrada joining our cast last week and we will announce Cassie Dean this week. She will play a younger version of our lead in some key scenes. Also we’ll be announcing the addition of Don Most from Happy Days fame. He played a strong supporting role in MBF: Man’s Best Friend and will step to a co-starring role in LOST HEART. I’m exciting to have him joining us again.

A Father's Prayer

MBF – The music pass is complete and now mixing is underway. I went into the studio last week and did my final narration. We will be working end credits this week and prepare for a final watch through. I’m excited for audiences to watch this film. If you have a soft spot for our military and/or animals, dogs in particular, MBF might be for you.

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The Quest Trilogy – I’m going to be exploring merchandise in the coming year. I would like to see a few products available as we move into the next holiday season. If you take a watch on FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER please leave us your thoughts on IMDB.com or amazon.com


WILD FAITH – This month digital rental becomes available on June 24th the day after my Bday! So do me a birthday solid and watch WILD FAITH with your family. I think all ages will really enjoy the film. Oct 17-19 WILD FAITH will play the Happy Trails VA Style festival. I think the film is playing on a Saturday. I will provide more info soon but I know Darby Hinton will be there to talk about the film and the genre. In July the DVD will release at various retailers. My goal is to see it at Cracker Barrel🙂

We have lots of development work on a handful of projects. I was also approached about a few possible acting roles. I will need to read the scripts and see if the characters speak to me. Exciting days ahead but right now I’m most excited about bringing the story of LOST HEART to life. Again we have more companies aligning with our film. Feel free to reach out on how your product or service can participate.

With that I’m going to go do some mulching around the office.

Have a great week.