“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ― Sun Tzu

Posts tagged “horror

Happy Early Easter! Embracing the Battles!

Good afternoon! My hazelnut coffee is at an end but it occurred to me looking at my tomorrow that it will be hard to get my writing in with family, friends and Easter. I want to welcome all our new readers including some from North Macedonia which I need to explore as I know little of this place North or South, East or West. I just read up on it and looking at pictures. What a beautiful place. Welcome! I have to say that I’ve been waking up daily with good energy and optimism as I attack my TO DO’s each week. I’ve been reminded how special each day is again with the loss of one of our supporters and investors which I’ll post more on next week. But these stories will and do live past us carrying the stories to new generations. CDI is now multigenerational with several folks retired from the business or all business. I do have close schoolmate friends soon to retire. I had lunch a week ago or so with one preparing for retirement by building his woodworking shop. I’m on the Rance Howard & Bill McKinney plan which is to work right up to when they throw dirt on me. I might slow down one day and become more selective but I love to create. Another close member of the early CDI films Bill Bishop is facing some health issues in his late years. He is the man responsible for many of the exciting explosions in our films working as pyrotechnics and often armorer. Wicked Spring, The Nest, Judges, From Venus and more in a time when digital explosions was rare. Strapping a small explosive squib on your body was commonplace. Some scenes were made easier requiring one to muster less acting because you were REACTING. Watch the final scene of THE NEST and those chain of explosions were real and I was really running for my life. Well, it felt that way. FX HOT! Man that got your blood really pumping when you heard those words and saw ole Uncle Bill with a dynamite plunger and knowing you had wires running up your pant leg to a small explosive. Watch Matthew Broderick in GLORY‘s end scene, he knows what I mean. Bill has COPD bad and if anyone who worked with Bill wants to send him a card and well wishes his address is on the CDI Facebook site.

(Acting pre-war in WICKED SPRING)

Sunday is Easter and that day always makes me think of THE QUEST TRILOGY, the 3 biblical films we shot in the Yuma desert. The first film in the trilogy FORTY NIGHTS will be 10 years since we filmed in 2025. Hard to believe. I’ve been collecting stories from our three directors and plan to release a book in 2025 full of beautiful pictures and stories. Maybe the scripts we will see. If you have not watched these films please do. They are not heavy handed but were inspired by the old biblical dramas done by Chuck Heston. I think people will appreciate the fresh perspective.


I’ve been balancing my time between past, present and future. We are trying to streamline our business flow this year especially with the older “classic” CDI films. Many are being converted into HD files and many will be returning back into the market this year. Presently we have Harsens Island Revenge making of, trailer and main feature all in the works. And future-wise we’ve been in funding mode on a few different projects. I had a great meeting Friday on both a new CDI film and one project that will be in association with CDI. All very exciting as we look ahead and this next month will be really pushing hard to finish getting financial commits for our Summer/Fall CDI film HOT ROD LOVE. We took more steps towards our goal and we have to just stay focused. Some of the other projects are prepping for filming next year. And one for next winter which is almost ready to present to our funding source I’m just working up a cool poster to present with it. All very exciting and I’m reminded as I look back at how far we’ve come as a company.

I leave you with a few stills from our recent pick up shoot for Harsens Island Revenge. I want to wish you all a great welcome into the month of April. I sincerely hope that the year continues to lead you to your goals and you find happiness. Recently reminded of the Samurai wisdom pertaining to the battles we all face. Embrace them because battles are the challenges of life. Quiet and peaceful graveyards are full of those who no longer battle. We will all eventually lay there to so until that time of rest embrace the battles. Laugh at the missteps and smile at the experience and wisdom gained by taking the wrong path. I’m working on not reacting emotionally to certain situations which can be made hard when you care about the outcome so badly and want success for all. Again I live by BEST EFFORTS and that is all we can truly do. A life of strawberries is enough phase I heard this week that stuck with me. To enjoy each day, passing week and the endeavors we undertake.

(Young dreamer DJ in The Valley of Fire, outside Las Vegas)

I want to thank some of the fans who reached out this week. No I have not played a western villain but perhaps one day. Yes. I do love comedy and our next film will give audiences a good dose of that from myself and many others. Will I do another horror film? I would say that is very likely. Thank you to all of you out there who watch and enjoy the stories.

(The beauty of nature)

Until we all gather to sip a beverage and reflect, I hope your weekend is relaxing and enjoyable. I’ve been using the day to organize my workshop and basement to get ready for the springtime activities. From Christmas we have a few outdoor things to assemble in the coming weeks. I look forward to growing and gathering in the coming months. We grow some of our own teas and we’re going to once again be getting veggies from MSU’s agricultural program. I look forward to more grilling the few nice days we had were a good tease. I love when our CDI meetings can take place over darts or some other outdoor game. Soccer season and flea markets are right around the corner.

Be good to one another!


Producing is NEVER Easy, Acting UPDATES and COMMUNICATION as a KEY

(Just some of the CDI Tribe working on Harsens Island Revenge)

Good morning my friends. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee and getting a later start due to ‘springing forward’ here in the USA. I’m not sure if they do that everywhere but some like it and others do not. I’m pretty indifferent to it all. I was pretty exhausted at the end of my week from grinding the mental gears. I think the added cold front coming in gave my sinuses a bit of a run but hot tea kept all that at a minimum. Many times you get only the highlights in my blog that show the final outcome. Meaning we did this or that but you don’t always get the in-between or the struggle to get that particular thing done. I’ve been grinding my gears trying to align many things for what we be an added 10-20 seconds in one scene that includes close ups in a period bi-plane with a beautiful wood cockpit that may or may not play on camera. As our Harsens Island Revenge script is written there is a WW1 opening to show Frankie’s (Our lead character) role in WW1 and how it shaped him. A 2-3 min sequence that also makes a statement about war and that war in particular.

(Again just some of CDI Tribe working towards the ‘Silent Night in Algona’ release)

To have the luxury to kill from afar keeps ones morality at a distance but having to kill up close is a different matter. Much like the dark ages where men killed each other up close with arrow, sword, axes and spears the dreaded WW1 was one that still used horses being fazed out by tanks slowly. Also many battles ended in sewage-filled trenches fighting with bayonets and trench knives. That is the horror that sticks with many of those soldiers. To be that close and see the immediate results of ones actions whereas you see the enemies lights go out. I think as they die a piece of the killer dies. A connection of sorts. I’ve been working for weeks to try and first get the location set up and the particulars around it. Add the players which have been hard to get. Not the leads but the ever-important extras who need to be equipped properly. WW1 has been the hardest to find on a budget, all the time periods to date. The best thing which we’ve done in the past is to hire passionate folks who reenact and put together their own kit. Our luck on that and the communication with those connected has been difficult. Add that we are up against a ticking clock to use the military base we had chosen. Why? Ten days prior all members have to be cleared and we are down to days to submit info on folks we have yet to find. Finding the folks alone isn’t hard but having them period dressed and equipped is and so this week we’ll decide if 1) We keep our shoot at the Alpena base 2) We reset the shoot elsewhere likely closer to mid MI giving us an extra week to find the gear and extras. 3) Kill the opening or strip it down to our just lead in WW1 having a slew of fast memories that brings us to the present 1920’s.

(On Set- Harsens Island Revenge)

It can truly be insanity at times and even with the best planning things fall apart or change. And this is all being done on a very tight remaining budget that is precious money that could be used to help launch the theatrical run after the film is complete. Now the film as it starts now is great and kicks off with some action so maybe we are good. Our composer at the first watch loves how it opens. AND we are trying to trim runtime but our proposed efforts is adding runtime. I think you are all getting the gist from my little peek into everything that goes into producing up this films. This is 3+minutes and we produced up 2hrs+ already. So when you see a bullet point of mine on here every week please do not assume any of it was easy. It is not. It gets done because of the talented people involved. People who care about the story. I don’t like to lose and I had to realize that we are in a WIN/WIN situation because the film is already great. We are trying to add sprinkles onto the top. The cake is going to taste great sprinkles or no sprinkles. And the audience will never know that sprinkles were an option.

(Boats that are 100 years old now)

After 2 hours+ of grinding my gears yesterday on something that wasn’t going to reveal itself, I had to just let go awhile. Maybe it is what makes me good at what I do? But yesterday I had to go and just organize in the office for a couple hours. I’ve got many things in motion for the CDI company and the more organized I am the more gets accomplished. Some music. Some organizing. Some chill tea and I regained my balance. Today I have a few conversations and by Weds of this week we’ll know if we are Alpena bound or if we are taking another direction.

(100 year old+ Planes)

Every direction has pros and cons usually ties to money. But in life just like filmmaking people can get frustrated when things you thought were taken care of, tied up, crossed off – start to unravel or come back at you. When you have to readdress something again in the present it takes from your future. Planning and development stop when you have to fix a crack in the foundation. So this 2-3 minutes has been very trying. It can be made harder but lack of communication. I swear we live in an age with more communication and we have become worse at communicating. People put boundaries on their times they work but that is not what we as successful filmmakers do. Now granted not everything is always as time sensitive as I sometimes feel it is but just knowing that it is on someones radar is satisfying. Message received. 10-4. On my list. I don’t like when people don’t acknowledge receipt of a communication. Even if busy. Let someone know because we live in a world of messages going into SPAM etc… COMMUNICATION. I just finished a great series THE BEAR about running a restaurant and it is all communication. “Yes chef” “Behind you Chef” “Corner” – and in soccer the team that communicates is the team that wins. A team with less talented players who communicate better can beat a team with more talented players if they win the communication game. “You have support” “Square” “Give and go” “Keeper’s ball“….My rant is just because I felt the endeavor unraveling despite hard work. In a project even asking “What can I do?” “What still needs to be done?” these things lead to success. And you have to always keep striving to improve.

(On set Harsens Island Revenge)


So above really is about producing up a film or in the case above just a few pick-up pieces. Actors who only act don’t often concern themselves with all that goes on behind the scenes. I can recall working years ago on one of our westerns in NC and while battling with catering and SAG I’m getting calls about an actor friend not liking their boots. Actors tend to just be concerned with their little focus but producing introduces you to the wide world of what it takes to put on a show. Even crew members only see the presentation and as I’ve said before, it is near impossible to pitch a perfect day. You hope the 95% right buys you grace for the 5% that goes wrong. Thousands of things that go right in a day due to the hard work of a few but cries of anguish if catering does a subpar job on vegan side meal or someones magnetic key deactivates on their hotel room. We take accountability but third party and a tech malfuntion should be covered by earned grace. Those incapable of grace are removed on future projects for their own good. Film shoots are more closely related to war versus vacation even when the places we shoot are beautiful.

(Old Men soccer champions)

So on the actor front my new agent sent me an audition for a pilot TV series. I’m use to reading a full script to absorb the character and roll but this is a few sides. I had this talk out in LA with friends who work often out there. I asked it they request or direct their agent towards shows they like? They said they pretty much read everything so their agent doesn’t drop them. I questioned what if you don’t like the show? The story? The Script? Doesn’t matter apparently to many. I wanted to do this read since it was the first thing my new agent sent over. Also I was going to be forced to do an upload and use the actor’s access portal. A good test. I did my read and damn, pretty good. I guess it should be after all these years. I was successful in my upload. I did get a few good notes on how I could subjectively improve the eye line and questioned would a tripod be better. See how the hee-haw that actors go through is the stressful time consuming parts. Second guessing and stressing and I don’t participate in that. I politely declined and said that what I presented I was comfortable with and if the production quality was not up to par I was find with it not being sent forward. The read was actual well liked and sent forward but after I felt a strange feeling likely opposite other actors. SHIT what if I actually get the role. Will I like the script? What if it does get picked up? I have a film lining up this summer that I know the script is good and the role is great. I have soccer season ahead and I’m looking forward to that. I would have to move a dental cleaning off the pilot shoot. WHOA partner:)

(Acting is still my top passion)

I wanted to start looking at some outside projects but I’ve avoided series in the past. WILD FAITH TV series would be different but maybe even after a season I might not enjoy that. I like finishing something. WRAP always makes me feel accomplished. Well, I just figure I will play the hand. Realistically I might not get the role as they’re many great actors and what folks like is subjective. If I do the pilot it still has to be picked up. This is just a few funny thoughts in my head. I enjoyed the practice of the read and technical upload but not knowing the full script/scope/creative team behind it is another place for me. I do believe just like all my outside projects that I will do what projects I’m meant to do. KARMA in India is where I met Carl Weyant, who just directed Harsens Island Revenge. Eric Colley and Hallie Shepherd and Paul Proios on G.P.S. (Watch on TUBI). So I’m going to just stay open to what is meant to be. I’m just staying good and busy but when away as an actor it is much easier and I’m still able to do producer/writer work.


Speaking of writing I saw that Benedict Fitzgerald writer of The Passion of the Christ passed away. I almost had an opportunity to work with him thanks to a friend Isabella Hirt but I was busy with BEST YEARS GONE. Which I’m happy to report can now be seen free with ads on Youtube’s FREE4ALL which is Twin Engine Global‘s new streaming service for non-family and faith films which is Encourage TV. Staying with the topic of writing I’ve been enjoying doing the polish on a script looking to film next winter. I think the funding is there and it is very unique but will be a lotta fun. It is a period piece and will be a lot of fun for all the actors. My second pass is working the descriptions and dialogs for pacing, flow and proper language. I had some talks this past week again about literary representation having had many produced screenplays now doing quite well in the marketplace. We will see said the wise man.

(A published un-produced script of mine on Amazon)

The literary side is developing nicely with several of the CDI projects publishing script and making of books and novels where it applies. I’ve been discussing the deal and discovering extra pieces and pictures to make these releases special. With the backup RAID now functioning we will be able to move into more theatrical and perhaps soundtracks. I will be looking for the right person to run the CDI merchandise site on commission.

(The actual 1920’s not an easy thing to recreate)

To tie into the above and circle back to Harsens Island Revenge – the making of by Adam Towner is looking great. We got a peek when watching the first cut of Harsens Island Revenge which was just amazing. Boats, planes, cars and buildings all helped to create the 1920’s. The world was brought to life by our artists on both sides of the camera. The performances all around are so strong with our young leads David Reardon and Cassie Dean doing such a wonderful job. It reminded me of some of the epic films of days past but with a modern capture bringing the world out of black and white and into full color.

(Silent Night in Algona – watch it if you have not)

This has all been good for me to just let some of this flow out and put order to my pick up shoot options. I have a few phone calls to make to discuss these options. It will all work out as we have some of the best artists within our creative tribe. I will go boldly into the new week and just deal with the cards we are dealt. I want to end by sending the CDI thoughts out to Anthony Hornus and family who lost his mom this past week after a long illness. For many of us our parents are a strong support system. Last time I spoke with her was at the SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA Owosso, MI premiere and she was very proud of her son. We are all proud of Tony too and I’m deeply sorry for his loss. He will always have his TribeCDI with him. I hope everyone has a productive week. Until next time- coffee cheers!


Birthdays, Reunions, Releases and More…

(Happy Birthday Tony!)

Hazelnut cheers my friends! Welcome to our readers worldwide including new readers from Argentina, Kenya, Ireland and India. I love that our circle is wide. We may be from different places where the lines on a map are drawn differently and various languages may be spoke BUT we all have those same artistic calls. I’ve had a very artistic filled week with a good dash of business. Michigan got another cold snap but unseasonably warm weather is coming next week. I want to also give a BIG shout out to two of my generals in getting things done. Our own Tony Hornus and Shane Hagedorn, both masterful talent on both sides of the camera both were born on this day. So a HUGE happy birthday to them both. Shane is getting a well earned few days of rest in the sunshine state of Florida including a visit with GW Burns, our new CDI production designer. Some good talks over our next film endeavor will no doubt be happening. Dennis Therrian is excited to watch the cut of Harsens Island Revenge and start bouncing music bed ideas off our director Carl Weyant. Carl should have gotten back from Brazil on Friday and I’m looking forward to connecting with him this week. Where to start on my update or maybe this just random format fits the energy.

(BIG 50 Happy Bday to Shane Hagedorn)

Lots happening-

(Me, Stuart MacDonald, Lynn Drzick and Jim Greulich)

OLD SCHOOL – I’ve spoke several times about my humble beginnings in the film world. I struggled for many years to the point of many saying I should let go of my pipe dream. Persistence is a key in this business and without you will likely fail. Patience is another key and is hard for many to grasp. It is a lesson in discipline. My first feature film was a creature feature called IN THE WOODS. I starred as rookie firefighter Alex Kerwood. It is the manifestation of some young hungry artists forcing their way into the industry. We wanted to just get into the game and that we did. The film was not without flaws as inexperience and budgetary restraints were met with passion and enthusiasm. The film was released heavily into the US market and into many countries around the world. It put us on the map so to speak. The film had critics but also fans. I recall the Adrian MI the film playing in conjunction with The Haunting a once major Halloween attraction. The town was plastered with IN THE WOODS on fliers at McDonalds, billboards, news, radio and more. I remember when the line to get signed autographs was 400 strong. That showed the power of the medium. Hard-core horror fans had some issues because the film flew against the formula of the time. Annoying victims, cool villain and when and how would they die. This was a bit more of a soap opera with firefighter drama and ADD in monsters. The two factors that played heavily maybe not seen at that time was- women like scary films too but they like character development. Women also like firefighters. So the positive fans of the film tilted heavily with the lady-folk. While men wanted their “boobs and blood” women seemed to like the blood too but could use a dose of men in uniform. The fans were there then and now 25 years later we’re giving them a new polished up version plus a new director’s cut with added footage and more streamline editing. I traveled to Kalamazoo where we filmed on Friday and we saw the new cut and did commentary for the blu-ray that will feature both films. A new release campaign is rolling out this year with BluRay, DVD, VHS (Yes), streaming, new book releases (which I will list) and even soundtrack and toys. A great reunion with director/writer Lynn Drzick, Stuart MacDonald (Al Fargo), Jim Greulich (Wayne Higley) and me (Alex Kerwood). After the fresh watch and commentary we had several hours by the fire discussing plot points for the planned sequel. Yes. IN THE WOODS 2 is in active development. We all agreed to go back into the woods again to have round 2 against the creatures who will also be getting upgrades. The plot points and story threads are pretty exciting. It will be fun to bring these characters back to the screen. It was fun even doing a bit of Alex Kerwood audio work for the new release. We did try to launch a sequel a few years after the first film but it was too soon. We even did a teaser trailer years ago that I’ll share but this new film will be one for the books. The chemistry was there when we sat around the fire playing out some scenes in character – the magic was back.

So lets see how you can get ready for the new release and new sequel.

The Making of IN THE WOODS– a great guide and inspiration for young filmmakers- https://www.amazon.com/Making-Woods-Lynn-Drzick/dp/B0BXMTJS9C/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=EIFE0&content-id=amzn1.sym.d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c%3Aamzn1.symc.50e00d6c-ec8b-42ef-bb15-298531ab4497&pf_rd_p=d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c&pf_rd_r=F4JNGGVESM0FJA761F4V&pd_rd_wg=tBSKE&pd_rd_r=ed96e755-a343-4af2-9fe4-85ea6b0837e7&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m

The reissue of the IN THE WOODS Novelization by Nancy Gideon giving lots of back ground info- https://www.amazon.com/Woods-Nancy-Gideon-ebook/dp/B00SEKIHYE/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3HFATMYW8WKF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QiukYlBgrJ9AF41sf-Su3_63yJLoZiXgXSz_dB5yDKc.Z0HnzSRNumwrvQu5MidJPiDYLfTiRyaJ-UcoU9VNQeE&dib_tag=se&keywords=In+the+Woods+novelization+by+Nancy+Gideon&qid=1708267999&sprefix=in+the+woods+novelization+by+nancy+gideon%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-1

My big-budget sword and sorcery movie script prequel that tells the Origins of the Beasts titled PanDEMONium! – https://www.amazon.com/panDEMONium-Woods-Origin-DJ-Perry/dp/B0CV8F73D6/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=EIFE0&content-id=amzn1.sym.d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c%3Aamzn1.symc.50e00d6c-ec8b-42ef-bb15-298531ab4497&pf_rd_p=d0ebfbb2-6761-494f-8e2f-95743b37c35c&pf_rd_r=F4JNGGVESM0FJA761F4V&pd_rd_wg=tBSKE&pd_rd_r=ed96e755-a343-4af2-9fe4-85ea6b0837e7&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m

This will get you up to speed before the major release on the 25th Anniversary Blu Ray!

HERE is the old sequel trailer for many years ago- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVDnyNGY6mE&feature=youtu.be

CDI’s KNIGHT CHILLS is getting the Remastered treatment with the Blu-Ray for sale now HEREhttps://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=asc_df_B0CJ5WBSZR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680424942453&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14483042912564000939&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017262&hvtargid=pla-2260223998064&psc=1&mcid=08fc0b8d3ebc3af99b43436fce7530fa&gad_source=1

The BluRay is full of great extras and we’re working to set up the HD streaming on some select horror film streaming sites. Also the book and script will get the literary release treatment very soon. It’s in the works! A sequel has been talked about for years and we have various scripts and have interviewed many filmmaker teams. We’re still working to get that just right but in the meantime we’ll introduce a new generation to Sir Kallio, Dark Knight of the Red Rose.

(Terence Knox, Terry Jernigan and Dan Haggerty in ‘An Ordinary Killer’)


CDI’s Second film FROM VENUS has some Tom Miller (Knight Chills) artwork underway and we’re discussing the Blu Ray deal. FIGURE IN THE FOREST & HEAVEN’S NEIGHBORS will eventually get the HD treatment and we’ll look to make those available. We have a DVD double feature which we’ll work to make more available. The genre films are a touch easier to set up right now.

AN ORDINARY KILLER and GHOST TOWN – Our true story crime drama and Smoky Mt western are also getting a planned new release campaign. These two films will start with a planned theatrical release. Both will be getting a new remastered theatrical DCP film and a Blu Ray release. The collector’s edition DVD from the Ghost Town in the Sky theme park will also become available perhaps at the theaters concession that plays the film. Lotta ground work to do but technical-wise it’s all underway including a new theatrical trailer for Ghost Town. These two films will likely do a theatrical release around where they were filmed to start with. But CDI’s theatrical division is getting stronger in the wake of SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA.

SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA just played another theater in Cherokee, Iowa and we’ll keep processing requests of folks wanting to watch on the big screen. Meanwhile I’m happy to announce that people who subscribe to Up Family & Faith will be able to watch our WW2 drama starting July 1st and it will run there for a year. It’s still available to rent on many platforms at will. Thank you to those who are watching and referring it to friends and family. The DVD’s are selling well also and so again thank you. Some of the proceeds from sales are directly helping the two participating museums in Algona.

As Easter approaches THE QUEST TRILOGY is seeing a good draw. This trilogy of stories interconnects and leaves one to ponder and be inspired. No heavy handed stuff here just the distilled down beauty of the parables. So watch FORTY NIGHTS followed by CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. Make them part of your yearly watch or anytime you need a good dose of positivity. All free with ads on Encourage TV (Youtube, Roku)

LOST HEART, WILD FAITH, MAN’S BEST FRIEND, BEST YEARS GONE – all of the CDI films have some great lessons or awareness woven into the storytelling. Treat yourself and tell others about your favorite story.


Harsens Island Revenge was talked about earlier and those anxiously awaiting will be treated at the end of the month to the ‘behind the scenes’ video showing the hard work and fun of making a CDI film. Next month my plan is to release the first teaser trailer and soon after the theatrical poster.

HOT ROD LOVE – We have more funders interested in getting behind this movie. We are awaiting to see to what degree and we’re in talks with many other parties old and new. This 1970’s story will be a blast to film. Our director Shane Hagedorn will be meeting with our production designer in FL to discuss some elements of the film. We’ll be doing a location scout soon at the race track location. Too early to sound the battle horns but we’re getting there. Also we’re getting some sponsors on board joining Pepsi and so if you have interest of getting your company involved please do reach out to me. It is a unique marketing opportunity for sure.


Monday I have another development meeting and we’re close to signing and announcing on it. Also I’m bringing on a local Iowa artists to assist us in the funding of SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE. Additionally, I’m 1/3 of the way through a new/old script that might be filmed next winter. It is a cool stylized piece and will make a great feature film. I’m looking to have some talks next week that might put some fire under the WILD FAITH: HASTINGS TV series. Steps. Steps. Steps. I’m ready for some eggs so I’m going to bring this to a close. Keep your roots planted and remember where you come from and where you started. CDI is multi-generational and I’m proud of that. I’m off and we’ll chat next week same place and time. Be good to one another and have a productive week!



(Christmas time is here!)

Hello December! I want to welcome all our new readers from Singapore, Denmark, Canada, Australia and more. It is always a joy for me to see the interest and participation from all you artists. I’m sipping the hazelnut coffee on a day that looks as if you might see Frodo and Samwise looking to throw a ring into Mt. Doom. I actually enjoy snow versus just cold rain. We know have a Christmas tree blessing our living room. The dogs have really enjoyed having it inside. It has been just an amazing week and the main reason is my mind just got back a large amount of red estate. In regards to SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, our new CDI release – I’ve FINALLY got some peace of mind. This film was a beast because of the amount of VFX, color correction and the two languages in the film. Several scenes have the German PW’s speaking German amongst themselves.

(DVD’s now available as a keepsake or stocking stuffer/gift – a good company gift for employees)

The post process was plagued by small tech issues throughout the final mastering for home video. Stuff the human eye could not see but computers scanning can. This resulted in many fixes that were a cost in time and money but we got it done. Nov. 30th was our special ENCOURAGE TV one day free with ads event showing. Some 4600 people tuned in to watch the film for the one day event. I received and continue to receive beautiful emails from folks I know and don’t know. December 1st was our national release to DVD and various platforms. Amazon Prime, Google Play, Vudu, iTunes and more…just google our film title. So in the early hours of Nov 30th I watched the full story unfold. I was able to step outside the process and just enjoy the story.

(One of the hundreds of well wishes for the film. Thank you and please do leave reviews!)

This story was almost never told because of various bad folks introduced to the process which only put it on a shelf for 14 years. There is a heaviness of responsibility that I assume from the first moment we are funded. Nov 30th and Dec 1st brought me the first peace of mind in a few years with the release. No emails saying they found another glitch that needs fixing. No film is perfect but it does have the raw emotional impact. Millions can now watch the film and I’m so thankful for everything sharing the film and purchasing DVD collectors gifts for family and friends. So my last few days have been joyous and now I’m just reaping the kind words of those who experienced our story.

(I played the stoic officer LtCol. Lodell, in charge of the camp- it was a great role and challenge)

This project like them all was exhausting. Extended focus and dedication to bring the story to the world. Now is a great time to reflect, recharge and realign our energies. I’ve been trying to let people be over the holidays. It is a great time to spend with family and friends who often have to deal with our work. It is more than work it is a calling to be a storyteller. I had a conversation the other day with one of our tribe and they want to enjoy the bliss of no big responsibilities. I too, love that feeling but I don’t have the luxury of a total break. The biggest question all upcoming filmmakers ask me is how we keep momentum and get funding. I’ve said that while we make it look easy it is not. We are persistent and have a reputation for on-time, on-schedule and unique handcrafted stories with lots of heart. I’ve worked hard with the CDI tribe to build that reputation. And I don’t need to fluff anything, the proof is in the pudding as they say. I get a dozen inquires a week about if we are looking for scripts. We are not unless you have it funded and are looking for experience in managing your project. We will consider but even funding will not assure a collaboration. Looking to get involved in this endeavors from a business perspective feel free to inquire.

(Students in Iowa decorated this classroom door to celebrate the film’s release)

If you haven’t watched SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA please do. If you enjoyed it and it invoked some good thoughts and feedback you can go to our http://www.imdb.com page and VOTE (10 is best) and leave your words. Also exciting is that Encourage TV now has a playlist of all the CDI films. Some great trailers, BTS and extra interviews can be found. To have your own CDI marathon watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0LCdlq-BK0&list=PL2Tn2MhKrkFOCsmKZaxoZCT1R5GEOEL3E

A big kudos to our entire cast and crew, especially our director Anthony (Tony) Hornus. If you enjoyed his last film MAN’S BEST FRIEND you’ll really enjoy this one. Thank you to all the fans of this story!

(Audiences will meet ‘Axel’ next year!)

Harsens Island Revenge (HIR) – This film is in full swing with the edit. We are still rolling production photos out on our Facebook site. Harsens Island Revenge Christmas Cards are being offered by GW Burns. We are working to bring more graphic merchandise to everyone. Not just from HIR but from all the films. Favorite posters? So many exciting things at play with this film but right now I’m just letting the focus be on our new release. We will be seeing Behind the Scenes doc and new posters, trailers and more in the new year. Our composer Dennis Therrian, has been studying the time and the music. We will be moving into music and sound design shortly into the new year. Speaking about the new year, we’ll be casting five Michigan-based German re-enactors who have all their gear for the film’s opening pick up scene. A piece of powerful WW1 action that will be shot in the Alpena area. This film is such an explosive and exciting piece of storytelling. Something to look forward to in 2024!

KNIGHT CHILLS– Ironically our newest film and our first film are out there in the marketplace. The PG-horror/thriller that deals with bullying has been re-released to BluRay. Hey, we were ahead of our time with the bullying theme. But the film is truly also a Christmas theme. The film climax is to come at the Solstice of Yule. Give the gift! BUY IT HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Chills-Tim-Jeffrey/dp/B0CJ5WBSZR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=D4OO7ITMHNCY&keywords=knight+chills&qid=1701615739&sprefix=knight+chills%2Caps%2C200&sr=8-2

If you like horror films with a Christmas theme check out DARKEST NIGHT I filmed in the Philippines. Just google it up but don’t watch it alone.

WRAP UP – This week I’ll be working on some end of the year film disbursements. This will be followed by end of year tax prep and new state filing fees. The business of show business. I’m looking forward to several weeks of meetings and toasting the 2023 year. Also to plan and prepare for the year ahead. Again I’m not going to go on and on about the development process but three projects are at the front of that. A) HOT ROD LOVE, a comedy is having the foundation pieces but into place. A female empowerment story set in the 1970’s that takes place around a drag race track. B) HASTINGS, the Wild Faith TV series. Which is celebrating the passing of 8 million views on Encourage TV bringing the worldwide viewing to 20+ million. C) SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE which will be CDI’s second Iowa-based film has a solid script and is starting to talk with funders.

I just has a few apples and a breakfast sandwich with our 4H bacon. Hmmmm…bacon. Just refilled the coffee cup and I plan to finish up here and get a few more things done today. I might have to go split a few logs for tonights fire. I’ve been enjoying all the Christmas magic about and hope we did our part to add to that holiday goodness with our WW2 film. I know the snow will be returning soon which I prefer to just damp, cold rain. Spend some time with good family and friends. Cheers to a wonderful, challenging and productive 2023 and here’s to an even better 2024.

Be good to one another!


A Character Returns, Embracing Change and Seven Weekly Updates!

Hazelnut coffee cheers! I welcome all our new readers from Ireland, Germany, Philippines and more. I slept very sound last night and needed the rest. We had a physical soccer match this week that we were victorious in but I was a tad sore for a couple of days. We got heavy last week talking about the state of things especially in our industry. It is really about CHANGE. That can be hard for many people, myself included. I’ve got several updates and so I’ll try to bullet point some of those. They apply to projects past, present and future. Let’s look at a few of the updates.

  1. So my first starring role was a creature feature called IN THE WOODS. It turns 25 next year and our director has had the film re-transferred and also done a director’s edit including new scenes and shots. I was asked to do some wild sounds for the new cut which included a few “wild lines” or unscripted lines. The sounds were of falling down, out of breath, busting through a door and other such sounds. I talked with our director the other day and he said he loved listening to the takes. After almost 25 years, there’s Alex Kerwood again. It was a throwback to recreate the role that started it for me. A private showing of the new director’s cut is planned for late October perhaps including a new theatrical run. The Blu Ray release is planned for next year, our 25th anniversary. We also talked about IN THE WOODS 2 which is planned after we shoot another supernatural thriller I’ve written about here. A team will be doing some scouting late this year.
  2. KNIGHT CHILLS is also getting the up-rez treatment and I’ll have more to discuss on this come September. The distributor wants it under wrap until that time but I think it will be something special. If I can get the new file here soon we’ll look to cut a new trailer. We’ve talked here about the developing video game and we’ve had many sequel talks. I actually think there exists about 4 different sequel scripts. This is a great world to play in and I’m excited about where it can go.
  3. I’ve been helping to produce another rock music video which is always a fun experience. I cannot talk too much about it until we do some PR on the project. But if you want to see some of the others we’ve done recently you can watch OFF TO THE RACES by Vertical Bridge and REVOLUTION by DeepFall.
  4. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is undergoing a few visual tweaks this weekend for home video. The film just enjoyed a four day encore run in Algona theaters. That might be the end of it after playing continuously since Dec 9th, 2022! It could enter into some kind of special theatrical in Dec if it doesn’t play against the home video release. I went to a family get together and was pleased to hear so many compliments on the film from people that had gone to the theater. Even better was several younger children (9ish) who really loved the story and the history. I was told it led to a lengthy discussion about WW2, Nazi’s and Jews. History being passed down through our visual storytelling. I’m excited for millions to watch the film in the coming year!
  5. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA has been nominated at the Red Letter Awards in various categories so if you wish you can vote for our film. We are nominated in good company with some amazing actors, writers, directors and teams. It is time to VOTE! https://www.surveyhero.com/c/kuvga3dn
  6. Harsens Island Revenge is full steam ahead. This past week we released our final schedule to cast and crew. We also lined up our catering and insurance. We have only a few cast and crew to bring onto the project. We have some great company sponsors coming on board. Lerma Transportation Inc. has been helping with our craft service since maybe 2016. We appreciate them partnering with us once again. We have several more sponsors we’ll be announcing in the coming weeks. We are still looking for pre1926 WHEELCHAIR, DIVING SUIT and .30 or .50 cal machine gun. Prop hunting is always a fun endeavor. If you have a lead on one of these in the state of Michigan please do let me know. I’ve also been enjoying pulling together wardrobe and props my new character in this story. I play the role of WW1 veteran Axel, the reluctant mentor sort dragged into yet another conflict. This time with the infamous Purple Gang. The roaring 1920’s here we come!
  7. Development work continues and once SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is fully off our plate more energy can be directed at the new properties. We’ve got a few great projects in discussion for production in 2024/2025. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE and WILD FAITH: HASTINGS are two of the leading projects in development. Several people and organizations are showing great interest in developing these film projects.

WRAP UP: Today we’re going to pick up the 4H pork we get every year. Come October it will be time for another venison re-stock. I just grilled some back straps after three days of marinating and it came out great. Left overs today likely on a salad. The herbs and veggies are growing great in the wake of the rains. The hops are starting to turn into cones. The rhubarb is still producing and my wine will go to bottle in a few weeks. The Mexican style beer has been a hit with people and I’ve enjoyed it. Our chickens are still producing eggs and so our “lil farm’ has been producing well. The apple trees are also full and I might make cider or might just leave them for the squirrels.

I’m furthermore excited that tomorrow I will get to go to the premiere of a friend and associate. A short concept horror film made even more special because it features my niece in the movie. How cool is that? This week will be more meetings as we lock in even more pieces to our production puzzle. I look forward to seeing friend and fellow actor Taylor Nichols tomorrow also. Another soccer match on Thursday. We have a prop pick up on Tuesday which will be fun. A CDI producers meeting on Friday. So a full week ahead but time spent with some great friends and artists. I’m going to top off my coffee and get after some breakfast. I hope you all have a great week and we’ll chat again next Sunday.

Be good to one another!


An 1800’s Lesson, Film Updates, Development

France, Ireland, India and more- coffee cheers. I will note as much as I LOVE my hazelnut coffee I so enjoyed my daily pot of South Indian Coffee in Otty, India. Also, I thought I had some basic tea skills but in India they take that task very serious. I recall on the set of KARMA, they had a TEA DEPARTMENT. Best coffee and tea service on a film set – hands down.

Speaking of places that still live very rural in places, last night during high winds we lost power. All around our state they had trouble but in Lansing, Michigan- it was in pockets. We could see lights on in other places but our street was dark. Worse was that it was not a total lack of power just a trickle that can cause issue when the power surges back. So all things that use consistent power like the fridge and freezer were pulled. Thankfully, we did not lose any of the frozen food. I might be a bit more motivated to look at generators. In winter you can move food in coolers outside to chill. Heat can be replaced with fire. Last night we had almost every candle in the house lit and it was still light a horror film. We even played the game ‘scrabble’ by candlelight which was a first. It really makes you think how good we have it. I’ve been writing a true event story SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE, from the 1850’s and it gave me even more insight. Insight to the hardships that came with keeping light and heat in the house. I’m 2/3 through the first draft and I will finish the first draft this month. It has been a powerful experience researching and writing into these story. Did I say, I love scriptwriting. This story will be very powerful.


SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, has a target date of Nov 14th to start pulling all the elements of the film together. We’re still working the German subtitles, music and final VFX. It will be exciting to see them all come together. The new trailer released and folks are really enjoying the peek. NOTE: The IMDB page is not fully complete. I do the data entry along with my hundreds of other tasks. But you can see many of the great artists behind this project and the two trailer previews.

IMDB Link: (Trailers included)


It is beyond hard work to pull all this together. We’re not perfect, we’re still looking for a few items misplaced post shoot, including a uniform dropped off at Wild Haven and a camp banner. If anyone reading this from our team knows anything please do let me know. Otherwise, we’ll have to spend some time searching about once we arrive for the premiere. Our director/producers team will be represented along with a few of the cast and crew making the journey in December. Many from Michigan will wait until we do a premiere here after Algona.

THE QUEST TRILOGY – Welcome to the holidays! We just announced last week how WILD FAITH, surpassed six million views on our distributors ENCOURAGE TV. We’re proud to say the first film in the trilogy just passed 2 million views on ENCOURAGE TV, so we thank you. We hope that you take the time to continue a growing tradition and watch or rewatch the trilogy with your family.

With Veterans Day approaching, we’re putting some promotion together. Several #TribeCDI films have our fine military at the heart of the story.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, MANS BEST FRIEND, WILD FAITH as well as WICKED SPRING, recently released on HD streaming at Encourage TV. AN ORDINARY KILLER, like Wicked Spring needs to be re-conformed and also put to HD for a 2023 release. This process is much needed to allow films to stay out there in the marketplace. Take a watch on these films when time allows. Technology moves on-

This process on prepping for re-release is time consuming and difficult when you have some many present properties to deal with. But you just keep chipping away and get the work done. I’ve been chipping away, getting GHOST TOWN, ready for a new release.


We’re also trying to organize all the past masters. Again technology moves on and you can easily fall behind. This new gathering of easy access masters will allow new trailers and promos to be cut. I’ll be prepping for an end of year dispersement on films and getting ready for end-of-year taxes. We have some new promo for CDI also underway. We’ll also be updating the CDI website http://www.cdiproductions.com


I’m looking forward to doing a script meeting this week to comb through and make some final corrections and adjustments. Once this is complete, we will more into more active casting. We will also start sitting down with proposed keys in the first of the new year. I’m excited to start more pre-production work in the coming year. We’ll have a new PR release coming soon on this project.

FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH brand might have a new documentary coming together for 2023. We’ve also got several spin off ideas beyond the new documentary. I hope to have a sit down this week over some of that. DVD’s are now available and so coaches get your copy. The response to the doc was awesome but not unexpected. It was missing – history, the ties that bind. And it was presented in a very moving and entertaining way. I had several people tell me that teared up and/or cries while watching. Why? Watch and you will see. Passion. Everyone speaking on the doc offers passion and knowledge. This rises above the differences and relishes in the uniting love of Catch or history, as it is. I’m proud of it. Proud of our small team. Proud of the sponsors who stepped up and made it happen.

WRAP UP – I did bottle up the Frankenberry R and Frankenberry B for raspberry or blueberry wine, used in the final conditioning in the bottles. The harvest has been good to many this year and our chickens are keeping pace with eggs even with diminished daylight. I’m going to go gather up a few branches, right the windmill which blew over, and clean up the yard. I’m looking forward to seeing some family and friends later. I’ll get the wood stove roaring. I might chop some more wood. Everything, even writing here with you, helps me to summarize and visualize what I have to do this forthcoming week. I’ll be curious to see how AFM treated a few of our properties. We will have more massive strides in our SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA, post work. Developmental script work! It is a time of celebration and hard work. This week illustrated that when busy and challenged, the present is the best focus of your energy. Past and Future have their time in reflection but can slow down ‘in the moment’ reaction time. Often resulting in a missed opportunity.

My last note- this is from DJ the actor. He has been at rest while DJ the businessman, producer and writer, drive the ship. I, like many of my ‘acting inflicted’ friends have that call to- ‘become’ and embody a character, weaving a lesson and story from the performance. I do miss this on camera sharing, but I can say that the energy continues to manifest, filmed or not. I’ve been back and forth over a proposed talk show, BY THE FIRE. IF, and that is a big IF because I like to keep my private aspects and not have them add nor take away from characters. But, I was inspired by podcasts? like Mike Tyson Hotboxing. Between Two Ferns, is pretty damn funny too. But good conversations. At the fort, many great talks happen, but that is sacred space, freedom, creative ideas. I would never put that under a microscope. Technology can be friend or foe. It is while they have artists retreats because people get away from nature. Connecting. I’ve helped many break an addiction of sorts with technology. You do not obey the phone the phone obeys you. It is a tool. Gather what you need to do and do it in a condensed time. After that put it down. Disconnect. It is powerful and freeing and it has helped many to be more productive and interactive people. That effects all your relationships business and personal. We will see, said the wise man. I’m going to check out of this technology. Refill the hazelnut coffee and go outside. Have a great day and week ahead.

Coffee Cheers!


TEN Updates – Silent Night in Algona (trailer), Development Updates, Tips, Advance Notices-

Sipping the hazelnut coffee on this fine October morning. We have had a last spurt of warm and midweek it is suppose to go chilly again. Yesterday, I got my final mow on the yard. We harvested the last of the plants including a few more decorative gourds. I’ve been cutting and splitting wood for the winter ahead. Yesterday afternoon we got to have a nice outside fall gathering with my brother and his family. Pumpkin carving, apple crisp, cider and soccer plus add in a bit of leaf fun. I love this season!

Our development of the film projects continues on. Let’s look at a few of the updates from last week.

  1. FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH – is a wonderful feature length doc that fills in the missing history of this grappling art. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. It was presented by the leading authorities in such an entertaining way. The DVD is open to pre-order now for a Nov 1st release and/or you can rent/buy it now. https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/amzn1.dv.gti.3bc38d35-d79e-49e9-82a6-e87ff63b4040?autoplay=0&ref_=atv_cf_strg_wb
  2. BEST YEARS GONE is another release from this year. An award winning dramedy that will make you laugh, cry and ponder. You can buy/rent from here – https://www.amazon.com/Best-Years-Gone-Lana-Wood/dp/B09R4KDXGJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2JUJIK4KVPU9K&keywords=best+years+gone&qid=1666530725&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjIzIiwicXNhIjoiMC45OSIsInFzcCI6IjEuMjUifQ%3D%3D&s=instant-video&sprefix=best+years+gone%2Cinstant-video%2C118&sr=1-1 – And…if you want to read an in-depth review, you can do so here – https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fronnielee.rocks%2Fbest-years-gone-movie-review-by-ronnie-lee%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1AL4lf8DCIxzPwRgU-0p4je7kNIFHj1KfKNw0avyDR25NjxRbbRkvawvM&h=AT0-ucPZlOsNalVICvt7_1cyBe5Gh38thIaNrYSscZu5PfJ70KPxjGT2vokU2piIUPgdERcaa3G2t1PFyH1CpyLmJpbn6c-l00Dv0qMxMNVs3vxrnDIUbiH4CmtNVUP-wVieTKcYrnFuQcaf1SQufAg&tn=H-R&c[0]=AT3LjCNz1EGR425orlMSHaN9h6RT070C39M9yk8LNKiwmb8xkHJ-aw1wuBh55Vu6UebSWPuIOzGWKGvAs1kKXmjL3gsizF9MOoNfAChhLVI9r8o5LkYvVlMzXhTf-aEQ_wsBEqsiKqbs1ySEMZXHpocAEHuNgyPWmrpbF0Xlme0Q-rNUmz6gfir3gikxLQqgJW3Llr1VjV90qkC9YRZs6moJ – We look forward to your reviews too!
  3. SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA – This is the last project for us to finish and release this year. We’ve sent an email to our cast and crew asking any of the team planning to attend the Dec 9th Fridley Theatre premiere in Algona, Iowa to RSVP by Nov 1st. We’ve got a list going and every ticket will be gone. Once we get RSVP’s on cast and crew we will start looking at extras. For those not part of the Iowa premiere – it will play to the public that night and for two plus weeks pending demand. We will also be setting up a Michigan premiere in the hometown of our director Anthony Hornus. This will be at the NCG theatre in Owosso. We might play the week after the Iowa or jump to after Christmas if we get too close. I know Celebration Cinema will be bringing it to Lansing and Grand Rapids. We will be looking to play the Detroit area and would love to have a Hollywood run. The film is looking and sounding amazing thanks to the hard work of Dennis Therrian. The VFX and color grading is getting close to done. Mid November we’ll be pulling all the elements together into a final film. Some exciting news, I saw the rough cut of the new trailer on Friday. I am so proud of all are artists and cannot wait for people to see.
  4. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE – I’m so very excited that the #TribeCDI will be moving from one epic period piece to another. We have been preparing documents to assist in bringing onboard our product partners and sponsors. Our scouting trip was very successful last week. While a few days may be shot on the actual island we need interiors and such that we can control. We also need to not be dependent on a ferry or the few stores on a small island. So movie magic will be happening but it will all be shot in Michigan. We had some great meetings this last week and we’ll be making some exciting announcements soon. One of those exciting announcements just might be our director. I will be starting the writer/director script polish this week. Once I sign off it is up to the director and talent. We will be shooting in October of 2023! We are already hard at work.
  5. SPIRIT LAKE MASSACRE is in script development. I am happy to say that I’m about 1/3 of the way through the first draft. There is a lot of research with this project and that is something I’ve immensely enjoyed. It has been an intense journey and the drama of it all is brutal and enlightening. I’ve had several times that after writing for a few hours I had to go work my hands in the dirt for a while. I will have my first draft by Jan 1st and from there we will start to look at production development.
  6. WILD FAITH just passed the 6 million mark on Encourage TV. This will can be found on countless platforms to enjoy. We have many fall themed films from SMOKE & MIRRORS, BESTSELLER, LOST HEART, BEST YEARS GONE and MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND. Enjoy them all with your family! Thank you for all the fan mail about these titles! Amazon Prime has most all of them.
  7. I had a great call out of the blue about another film project. This call took me back almost to the very beginning. A project that was in development many moons ago has interest and a proposed budget. This film is in the horror-genre with a large dose of mystery/investigation at the heart. Discussions were on how things have changed in the 25-30 years production-wise. I gave my interest in moving these talks forward. It takes time to develop things so the earlier you can start the better. More on this project if it becomes active. By active, I mean funded:)
  8. That is not the only project that was discussed in development this week. Following the release of FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, our team is discussing both another doc feature and a feature film. In the wake of projects I always get a rush of pitches on scripts and projects. I tell my tribal folks to be ready for this rush. It can be a time killer 95% of the time. People are wanting badly in this industry and it can be truly maddening. Every outsider is a variable that can rock the boat. It is why we are so careful with how we build our projects and with whom. Life is too short to be wasting time. If you have a funded project we might look at it but we are at no lack of stories, scripts or endeavors. I can say with confidence that we’ll be doing more docs in the FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH series. Thank you to everyone who has supported the first one. It is really powerful and informative and I’m proud of it. Take a watch!
  9. This week I’m going to be sending KNIGHT CHILLS materials off to the Blu-Ray folks and check on the up-rez and progress on the new Ghost Town trailer. Both should be available next year as HD and streaming. After those get underway we will be working on FIGURE IN THE FOREST and AN ORDINARY KILLER. Classics:)
  10. PONDERING/TIPS/OPINION – This week was interesting due to various conversations. As we start the process of looking towards future projects, sometimes as far ahead as two or three projects, we examine ENERGY. Positive energy manifests in how people are in their day-to-day. There are people who are just always a joy to be around. They make a journey enjoyable. They are CAN DO people not CANNOT do people. They look at the glass half FULL versus half EMPTY. They work hard and EARN the opportunities, by giving their BEST EFFORT. I laugh to myself when I hear some people think they’ve paid enough dues and they are deserving of….it would be like a martial artist telling the sensei when they feel ready to test for a belt. These positive people don’t seek short cuts or to get ahead by stepping on others. That is a VERY common thing is the outside world for sure. While common there, it doesn’t thrive here at CDI. Some people are just not cut out for long form media like movies. They do better with smaller, simple short format endeavors. Or they cannot positively interact with people for that many weeks. I heard someone else make a statement that they will deal with whatever for the sake of using some artists, even if they are negative and a pain. They can have them! I will take a positive, good person with talent and develop that versus drag some negative person along. It is about the journey and not just the art. Ideally you want both but the journey will be long remembered. So work with good people you like. Develop the people who respect and have gratitude for the opportunity. We have big things ahead and so we want to develop our team even stronger. Lots of things happening behind the scenes. Just be that person that producers want to have on board.

I want thank everyone again for stopping by. Subscribe here and perhaps our website http://www.cdiproductions.com and our CDI Youtube channel. I love that you all come from various places around the globe. I’m going to finish up here and do a few more things around the yard and get ready for a busy week ahead. I hope you take all these updates as an inspiration of what a group of artists can achieve when they work together in a positive manner. Have a great week and be good to one another!

Coffee Cheers!


HELLO CLEVELAND! Updates From Indie-Gathering and More…

I’m back in my comfy chair sipping on some hazelnut coffee having just returned from a dentist cleaning. I’m writing on this fine Michigan Monday after returning late last night from Cleveland, Ohio. Some of our BEST YEARS GONE team traveled for the 27th Indie Gathering International Film Festival. It was nice to be around storytellers and talk our craft. It was extra special because we were joined by Detroit filmmaker Harley Wallen representing ASH & BONE, a cool horror film that is a true tip of the hat to some classics. I have to say that actress Erika Hoveland gave a funny, disturbing performance in ASH & BONE and does an incredible job in BEST YEARS GONES, as Sylvia. It was cool to have Michigan filmmaking represented and Erika co-starred in both films. Shane Hagedorn, directed and co-starred in BEST YEARS GONE and also had a supporting role in ASH & BONE. Amazing to watch these films almost back-to-back and to see the range of Erika and Shane’s performances. I only appeared in BEST YEARS GONE but I’m humbled to say I received the festivals ‘Best Actor‘ award, for my Gil Gilles performance. Gil, Gil, Gil…he is truly a character and if you have not seen either of these films you can watch BEST YEARS GONE now on Amazon Prime, iTunes, Google and more. ASH & BONE releases in October. Congrats to Harley and his team. Congrats to all the folks at the Indie Gathering. We had some great Mexican eating also. Thank you Melissa Anschutz and Deskpop Entertainment.

Soon I will unpack and likely take a nap. The above film event in Cleveland kept me up past my bedtime. I’ve got a good sleep pattern down and closing down a bar mixer was already over my sleepy time but we had to pass on the 2am to dawn tailgate with grilling and games. If I was 24 I would have been there but…and I’m still tired. We talk about that often. Sleep. Many like to impress folks with how much midnight oil they burn. How hard their grinding. But I can say, that experience and life has shown me that good rest results in better quality use of time. You can say, I worked eight hours straight but how productive were you. Some can do the same work in three focused hours with good rest behind them. Even those meditations, sleep shut down for even 15-30 min can reboot you. Sometimes when flustered people will say, I don’t have the time to take a rest. What results is often mistake-ridden, half-ass work versus taking a few moments and getting better results.

I’ll get my rest on soon enough but I wanted to get some updates out to all of you. BEST YEARS GONE, might have 1-2 more special events planned but it’s now spreading out to different areas of the world on home video.


  1. Going to PR the release dates and info on the premiere for FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH, once locked in.
  2. VFX, Color Correction, Music and Sound Design on SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA is in full swing. Interested theatre chains are starting to give their interest. We have to lock down details on the Algona premiere this month. A new theatrical trailer will also be coming in advance of the premiere.
  3. HARSENS ISLAND REVENGE development work will continue in full. We’ll be looking to lock our dates for next year. Some scouting will happen this year also – so exciting to be able to tell this story. This is another epic period action/drama and it will be one fun ride.
  4. I am debating a few moves on SMOKE & MIRRORS, our short concept film. We might just post it for everyone to watch. It’s a really cool, stylized piece and I think folks will really enjoy it. We will get around to this feature script in the near future.
  5. BESTSELLER, the thriller from the mind of Chris Knight is playing to home video audiences. We have a few reviews and interviews coming up. This film really keeps you on the edge of your seat once things start rolling. If you enjoy these kind of spin-chill films, take a watch.

I’m not going to carry on and on today as I need to unpack and catch up on a few things, rest being one of them. I’m glad that I’m making the effort to slow down and enjoy some of the wins. God knows we’ve had our losses. But I’m really starting to realize that these things happen in their own time. I’m trying to be better at being happy for the personal wins. I’ve found in the past that personal recognition often came with resentment and some form of negativity from others. I found it interesting that after winning that ‘Best Actor’ award which was a nice metal medallion on some olympic-like neck strap. Without thinking about it, I just slipped it into a pocket and carried on. I did not wear it around. It wasn’t a decision with myself – should I wear it? Yes? No? I never thought that. I believe I was thinking about the second half of my burrito that the lunch waiter accidentally threw away instead of wrapping up. My acting might be good but my hand communicating isn’t. “Wrap it up in foil please,” came out as “toss it out” please. Okay, I’ve wandered. My point is, that if my getting recognized gets more eyes to watch our collective art or help projects get made, I’m happy. Does my ‘self’ need the personal recognition? It doesn’t appear that way but maybe deep down, I’m sure it does. The writer in me is really proud of all these stories. I’ve had a few nominations on my writing and I do recall that feeling good. Honestly, I did not expect to win. I mean, come on, it’s Gil Gilles. BUT, folks do seem to like ole, Gil. So from Gil and I, I want to give one more whole-hearted thank you. I’m going to go unpack and try to get my flow back in order. I’ll be back with you all on Sunday, our normal day. Until- Coffee Cheers!


Event Links, Interviews, Film Updates and Seasonal Thoughts…

Good morning. I’m sitting here sipping the coffee and writing to all of you. I want to thank all our readers from around the world stopping by to touch base. I appreciate all the artists out there taking the time to stop by and share a few moments of their Sunday. I’ve been still doing lots of film work on the developing, post flow and and release and PR aspects. I have a few podcast interviews I’ve agreed to do. Here is a recent one. Isaac has been a long time friend and his “mission” is positive content.

What I try to explain is that at CDI we are not tailoring any film to FIT any particular audience save the age rating that we keep in mind. You don’t want to F-BOMB all over your PG film. I’m a lover of colorful language at times and I enjoy R -Rated entertainment. Sometimes it helps the story and sometimes it is just too much for my taste. Despite my start in horror films which I still love, I’ve always been more about atmosphere and mood vs slash and gore. I have several friends who that is their passion. I’ve reached a place where I enjoy the consistent flow of fan mail that says how this film or that film has helped them. As a writer I’ve really grown to enjoy those moments that ultimately teach us something good, bad or ugly. So bottom line we’re beyond grateful for the acceptance by the “faith film genre” but our films about faith – “those strong in faith, those lacking faith, finding faith, seeking faith, losing faith and holding on to what they have.”

Our films are for everyone to invoke tears, laughter and offer a different perspective through filters we all share. Moments of entertainment and escape from our own lives and to have a few message gems hidden within. The 50 year old me also loves not being up all night in a dirty location, covered in corn syrup (blood) which bugs LOVE by the way. Showing up on a western town set with a cup of coffee wearing a low hanging gun rig is a lot cooler to my body clock. I truly enjoy that after years of bringing other peoples stories to screen I’m finally getting my own stories told. And they are touching people and giving them hope and new understanding. I told someone in a meeting yesterday I’ve never been more proud to be a storyteller. I use to say that if we made a bad scene nobody dies on an operating table but we do have the ability to help many, many people. We’re still trying to pull the numbers in from our 2 day showing of LOST HEART on Encourage TV. We know it exceeded 30k views maybe as high as 100k and the beautiful notes followed.

I’m not so much into “shocking” people these days. If there is any shock I want to give fans/audiences is that person who watches Paul Landings in MBF: Man’s Best Friend and says “Is that DJ Perry?” that feels good. That film on Encourage TV (This is a paid by ads site where audiences can watch free w/ ads) but MBF is climbing to 700k watches and this is one stream. Our distributor monetizes dozens of streams and foreign territories. I’m excited to see all these films travel. The holidays are exciting because that is when families and friends watch films. And in these times of few recreational choices these stories are being watched more and more. I guess I just want to say thank you. To all the fans that have been with me since I was running bloody IN THE WOODS (Me as Rookie firefighter with Jim Grulich – fighting monsters) * Amazon Prime – to my newfound fans from playing Jesus in The Quest Trilogy, Ben Lily, Niles Cass, Paul and most recently the character study known as ‘Gil Gilles’ in BEST YEARS GONE now in post-production.

I’m going to ask you all to explore our films. Each one is truly hand crafted. You can tell the artists care about the stories. That has been true since the early days. You can see so much heart in Jeff Kennedy’s HEAVEN’S NEIGHBORS – a beautiful PG-13 film that we placed too heavy of swearing into for our audience. I told you I like colorful language at times. A live and learn in many ways. Followed by FIGURE IN THE FOREST also directed by Jeff Kennedy which was a beautiful story led by Dean Teaster who many know from our recent films. These have been pressed into a 2 DVD “Classic CDI Collection” and I’m exploring talks of uprezing as these were made in the SD (standard def) days. For next year we do plan on releasing KNIGHT CHILLS and FROM VENUS the first two films from CDI that was our playing with the horror and comedy genres. It is nice to have existing copies of these films. Thank you to those that have purchased.



But lets give a run down on a few of the current films-

ASHES OF EDEN – If you’re excited about BEST YEARS GONE recently filmed – directed by Shane Hagedorn – check out his first collaboration w/ CDI. It stars Melissa Anschutz and you’ll see many of the #TribeCDI – I play a lovable drug dealer named Donnie:) It is a great story that premiered to a 600 person crowd at the CCFF to a standing ovation. Shane is great at weaving emotional scenes and it shows in this earlier effort. Check it out free on Amazon Prime, Encourage TV likely Tubi and Pluto TV. Here is the teaser!

I LOVE the new campaign underway for THE QUEST TRILOGY – they are told in this 3 fold story that starts in the present, falls back to the past and leaps to the future. The thread in the three films is the Devil and the Angels which makes this a unique story. It explores the possible effect of all these events from the perspective of the angels serving and fallen. Please do take a watch on FORTY NIGHTS, CHASING THE STAR and THE CHRIST SLAYER. Happy Holidays! Leave your comments on the IMDB, Amazon pages and/or to me here.

WILD FAITH – We are aggressively in talks with a few parties about bringing back the Murphy family and friends from WILD FAITH in a TV series currently titled HASTINGS. I have written the first season consisting of eight forty-four minute shows. I’m looking at a few ways to put this together business-wise. I had a few “first right of refusal” situations not legally but by using good business fairness. I had a very productive talk this weekend that might give us the results we are looking for. The pilot feature WILD FAITH shows what a powerful world was created and these ongoing stories strengthen and carry forth the evolution of these beloved characters. The bad news is that I’ve been enjoying the lack of facial hair and soon I might have to start that walk back towards Ben Lily. I guess I could do that.

MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND – To answer a few fan questions – there is no immediate plan to do a sequel to MBF but never say never. Someone else asked if I had my eye on any action films. I still like films that are heavy on character drama and include action vs an action genre film. But do I have a Bruce Willis DIE HARD like movie in me? Giddy Up!

PS: There is a chance that MBF might play at the Capital City Film Festival Drive In Event since it was scheduled to play before the shut down and was nominated.

LOST HEART – A beacon of light and laughter that has been expanding across the USA and the world. I think the UK is getting to travel to Lost Heart. Our beautiful state of Michigan is giving a wonderful peek to the world. I haven’t gotten any real ‘Niles Cass’ fan mail, shadowed by that Josh Perry, love you buddy:) …but I’ve received many messages from viewers expressing their love of the story and characters. It brought them some comfort in these different and for many difficult times.

A few asked about the EVENT on ENCOURAGE TV. They are also playing the Cast & Crew Event – Enjoy!



The thing is I feel blessed by all the good things abound. I’ve always worked diligent and consistent as I find that gets bests results. Starting, Finishing and everything in between. I’m starting to develop a need for some breakfast although lunch is creeping up too.


We’ll be back in action finishing the filming on FOR THE LOVE OF CATCH doc film first of the year. We have some exciting merchandise conversations happening. We’ll be pulling the paperwork together on the WW2 film SILENT NIGHT IN ALGONA early in 2021. Just take this time of holiday reflection to plan the upcoming year. What did you do that you want to repeat? What did you do that you want to remove? We’re all a work-in-progress and we can change our course with a handful of decisions. Be the change you want to see. Don’t worry about changing others just allow yourself to be a living example. Show people you are not lip service by leading by actions. Less talk and more self action. This holiday season be mindful to people and animals less fortunate and in need.

Enjoy the season.


LOST HEART updates and NEW Films


Good morning my friends from around the world, coffee cheers. I want to welcome our new readers and followers. This blog started as a way for me to discuss film updates so that at family and friend get-togethers, I didn’t have to sit around and re-tell stories. People could read something and ask questions if they really wanted to know something. I do feel extremely blessed to be able to do what I love, which is writing, producing and performing in motion picture. I also use this blog to help other artists remain inspired and to give insights into my journey, that you can apply to your own journey.

This past week has been extremely busy. Let’s look at a few of the exciting things from the week. OR, let’s start with the not so exciting:) BIZ tax season – I’ve worked hard this past week to get expense reports and such around on the films for our accountants. The 1099’s are being generated and K1’s will be put together for investors. I want to thank a “Unicorn” for all the help in pulling this together. I have a few more things to submit this week but a big chunk was accomplished.



BEST YEARS GONE, is the current name of the new CDI film. This past week I finished the first draft and now I’m on my deep polish. Again, I always stress this and so I will yet again. SCRIPT is the blue print for all the artists to work off of. As artists we can all easily go off on our own tangents. A script/blue print keeps everyone in step – art teams, locations, camera set ups, lighting schemes, just everything.


I cringe at the stories of no script on a project. I’ve had a few outside CDI projects/directors try to sell me on the fact we don’t need one. It was a polite pass from me. I believe in improve and being open to inspired added dialog but you need a story line to touch back to. I’m beyond excited by this next script which will be the #1 film up for CDI, likely shooting in May. We will be having meetings on this in the coming weeks. Location scouting and some prep work will begin in the coming weeks also. We’ll start to put all the paperwork together and get things moving in February towards production. Now, I want to draw attention to the DEVELOPMENT time that is spent by the producer team before we hit on-set pre-production. If people wonder how our CDI projects achieve these bumps in production value and process it is by the hard work of the producers. We have an incredible team that grows as we take in new apprentices that share the same mind set of art within business.


About the story – it’s a drama, off-beat love story that is more relatable than the RomComs.  This is the blue-collar, everyman’s story, and much like other CDI films it has some great messages woven into the fabric of the story. Our CDI stories are general market stories for everyone. Now you can still tell a clean story that children may enjoy, within the show we can see consequences and actions in motion. This in turn teaches by illustration of actions and outcome. I try to write realistic scenero with people from all walks of life. I’m happy that the “faith-film” market has accepted us into their audience but our films play great to everyone. Maybe a majority of the faith-films are cautionary tales or reinforcement of some aspect of belief. On a whole, early faith films were not good quality and were likely merely a fun medium to explore with your youth group. I agree with this and better yet, an audience united in a positive belief system rallied to support these endeavors.


Now, I have heard the knocks against taking an award at a faith film but let me present something I’ve observed. Many young artists fought hard often, not always against restrictive parents who maybe did not get their love of these outside films that illustrated action, sex and violence. Yes. That sounds like the Bible too. But they left their small towns for mighty cities of high art. To do their film but it’s not that easy. Any aspiring filmmaker will tell you funds is the key. Now the faith-film market started a small boom like the 80’s horror market. All these filmmakers struggling in the pits of the mainstream started looking to re-tool old scripts or create new ones. So the production circles of these faith-films have seen a surge of the prodigal sons and daughters returning to their organized church beginnings. I’m not judging anything that pointing out that the faith market is growing stronger as many “come home” to tell a story.


My writing always had that old 70’s/80’s style of writing. Things like “The Waltons” influenced my writing. JAWS. THE APPLE DUMPLING GANG. E.T. and in the 90’s my writing was liked but called too old fashion. Now I’ve continued to evolve as a writer, I believe I’ve taken on a COEN BROTHERS humor vibe adding that to the other nostalgic influences. Either way, I feel blessed to be using my gifts. When I first saw cut one of LOST HEART, it left me teary-eyed hearing lines I’ve written performed so powerful. And set in a world that our artists worked many hours to create. It was beautiful.


LOST HEART – Let’s talk about this film since I already started. I watched the proposed lock cut yesterday. I saw 2-3 places to just check an edit but it was so good. I dislike when people over-hype stuff. Don’t call something fire when maybe it’s just coals or smoke. Hey, it’s a game of getting eyes but you want the eyes you do get to feel satisfied. We all know that feeling after watching a good movie. Now I will say that there exists people that can’t turn off their critical IQ brain and enjoy a story. They have limited imaginations because they don’t work that “muscle” yet they crave it. We all do, hence why we have an audience. We supply imaginative get-away for others doing other jobs. But after that rant, the film is really strong and if it gets the right eyes, it could be the break through film for many to that next level.


INSERT: I see many people think that one film is going to put them over and in a few cases it has. But to think of that as the plan is not wise, in my opinion. You don’t know which one will be your defining one. Now ask an actor defined by a role, one role. Maybe not what you want. It’s why Jeff Daniels has had conflict over DUMB & DUMBER. But I will say, with that movie, he accomplished with Jim, what every comedic actor wants. Home run and after home run – so many  funny scenes that made people laugh and feel good. I get it. There are PROS and CONS to both.  I don’t think I’ve ever had that one film that everyone knows but several pockets of people worldwide know me for this project or that project. One of my goals in the next ten years is to unify my fanbase. Not sure how that is done exactly save maybe getting one big hit. But I’m sincerely happy to stay the course. I think I’m creating some of the best work of my career. I know with writing I surely am. As an actor, I’m pretty fearless. As a producer I seek to be fair, keep people safe and make something we will all be proud of. I also always want someone to leave a CDI set a better person than when they arrived. I’ve only failed there on a few occasions. I believe in the no bad student, bad teachers. Some of these crew people learned how to set up this or that but need teachers in process, protocol and respect. I value those leaders greatly and so should you.

So LOST HEART will be traveling to the sound studio this week. Music and sound design will start in full. We also have some recording going on in Nashville for the film. I’m excited to have audiences enjoy this film at the end of the year. We deliver in June to our distributor and the film should roll out soon after. Follow us on Facebook or http://www.cdiproductions.com COMING SOON – Poster art and we’ll start working on the trailer.


WILD FAITH has been growing an audience especially since it started playing free for those with Amazon Prime. Also, we’ve had a good quarter with DVD sales, thank you Walmart. I hope we continue to expand into more retailers and platforms and to our foreign friends.

The most exciting news is that we are making a real go at launching ‘Hastings’ the “Wild Faith” TV series. We’re exploring a few possibly interested funding prospects. That would put an 1800’s TV series right here in Michigan. Tribe CDI could welcome weekly “guest stars” and I would look forward to working with more of our Michigan talent. What do I always say, GET THOSE REELS READY.


I’ve been doing that myself. My MBF: MAN’S BEST FRIEND reel is together and I hope it inspires more people to find and watch the feature film. Thank you to all those that have reached out. I will consider more action roles, nothing like starting that at almost 50:) Funny I feel like I’m maybe 25 and my maturity might run lower at times due to my Peter Pan syndrome:)  2020 will have more showings and events starting with one in Feb. in Bedias, Texas. Seek out the MBF facebook site and follow along. If you have not watched this movie, take a chance.

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EASTER will be upon us in no time so maybe you can do me a favor and take a watch on the three biblical adventures. Bible not your thing? Cool. Just watch it has a fantasy tale. The beauty is that everyone can and will get something different from the films. It is like what you bring in is what you get out. There is a lot of depth and a true attempt to entertain the possibility of divine ‘probe’ self-weakened and sent to experience the human condition of weakness. By LOGIC, can all-powerful be all knowing? Like a great riddle, what is the one thing that could elude all powerful? Weakness. This trilogy looks at small moments overlooked in the greater story. But I also think the three films capture the spirit of truth.  I claim to be an expect of nothing. I don’t harshly judge any save those who judge others. Exploring the great mysteries of the universe is a wonderful thing. It should bring daily joy in the exploration.  People organize together out of fear and this is true with religion also.  The truth is that you can share your stories and beliefs with others but your relationship is always one on one, intimate, no intermediate organizations required. That said, fellowship and community can be good for some but isn’t best for all. Follow your heart. Be still and listen.

And enjoy a thoughtful watch of our trilogy. A FB page exists for THE QUEST TRILOGY and each of the films. FORTY NIGHTS. CHASING THE STAR. THE CHRIST SLAYER. I’m just happy that Tribe CDI is part of the rich tradition of holiday films. I love that we’ve done these Chuck Heston inspired films vs Hallmark status quo. I talked to Chuck Heston, years ago (Thank you Myke Michaels) and I had always wanted to work with him. He unfortunately, had a hip replaced and moved more into voice over work in his later years.  I hope he is smiling looking down upon our CDI work. Also Rance Howard, friend, mentor, co-star who passed before seeing the final part 3 of THE Christ Slayer. He loved the boat scene in TCS with the Devil and Jesus, sitting and talking. This has happened after he has returned and he has the Ferrari mentality. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, if you drive a BMW it’s a good car not a great car, so you go around racing everyone to prove how fast you are. Once you drive a Ferrari, you don’t race anymore. You know you’re a great car and you have nothing to prove. It is just one of those special scenes that will stay with me forever. Take a watch and tell me/us what you think. You can comment on here and I will give the approve:)


I’m sure I might have missed a few things but I have to get cleaned up. I am playing one of my favorite roles today. UNCLE:) We’re having a family get-together to eat and catch up. Enjoy the journey by working hard when required and making the time to relax and talk- face to face. We have several informal meetings that are different from pre-prod meetings. Ideas and thoughts are proposed and formed when we’re together, but the real work is when we’re apart. In your alone time, you must learn to be motivated. Do this and great things will happen. Do not, and frustration and everything that comes with that will follow. This last process can be applied in any endeavor. Your own business.

Have a productive week.




The DEVELOPMENT path becomes more clear – journey on my friends…updates


I’m sitting here with my cup of hazelnut coffee as the wind blows wildly outside. The rain started yesterday and carried throughout the night. We watched a few atmospheric spooky films last night including, “I am the Pretty Thing that Lives in the House,” directed by Oz Perkins, which was a well shot mind-twister. Also yesterday a few of the talent from the “Smoke & Mirrors” short were in studio to record ADR since it is content for an audio demo. I might get back to finishing that feature script once I have a few free moments.

Speaking of writing I’m about to begin work on a script that we will film next year. I was approached by an author who wanted me to turn his new book into a film script and shoot it next year. (Fall most likely) So this week ahead will be getting the business paperwork together on that.

Chasing the Star

The storm cometh

Also I had a great project that I had put together with Rance Howard as my consultant. It is a WW2 era project that really has a wonderful message. I was approached at Norby Walter’s ‘Night of 100 Stars‘ Oscar party about writing and producing the project. To make a long story short I wrote many drafts of the script and things were moving slowly forward. I say slowly because new people kept being added into the mix that slowed it all down. A case of too many cooks in the kitchen and many of the cooks had their own agenda about what they wanted to shoot. Many of them tried to knock down and replace the story with their own pet project. These individuals were a bit older and hailed from Hollywood so that had to be the experts right? Not. So one last broken promise and I stepped back and made a string of films over the last several years. All that happened over there when I left was lawsuits against the Hollywood parties to recover “develop” money. We went on to make a string of movies, because we did not get mired in nonsense.

Us with John and Ana Cash

Fast forward several years later- Wilcox, AZ. As I stood on that stage accepting our 7th award for Wild Faith I thought about the long hard path of that film. Had Shane Hagedorn not wanted to push for that story, it never would have gotten done. I had put it on the shelf to die after failing to get the support I needed and after dealing with a handful of shameful scam artists out of Hollywood. My mind has continued to return to this beautiful story that Rance Howard and I spent hours talking about. This story had also been shelved. My mentor, friend and co-star Rance who was to play the Grandfather role has now passed. I found the courage to pull the story off the shelf and restart a few initial communications. So far it has been met with a positive reaction. It looks like I will do a new draft to trim and reduce budget slightly. This film would go out Fall/Winter 2021 since we would have some unique aspects of this story to put in place. But it looks like CDI will be doing its first WW2 film if things all come together.

hester bts 3

WILD FAITH TV SERIES – The movie is still building momentum and I need to have some key conversations about where the series would live. We have a few great avenues to explore and I’m pretty sure we will make it happen. We need a few strong supporters and we’ll launch this Michigan-based TV series. I’m excited by the amount of talent on both sides of the camera we could use.

Hornus Mans Best Friend Final

MBF: Man’s Best Friend – I’m hearing the first theater announcing that they will be playing this powerful drama in our Veteran’s Day march to theaters, will be our friends at Celebration Cinema in Woodland. That will allow our friends and fans in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


DONORS on Amazon Prime

Know many of you know I’ve participated in many scary films but some great filmmakers. During this last week of the season look at IN THE WOODS, The 8th Plague, Darkest Night, Locked in a Room, Deadly Renovation, Donors, Bestseller, GPS the Movie even the early CDI films KNIGHT CHILLS and FROM VENUS. I’m sure I missed a few of these films but they run the gauntlet of spooky to those that are more gory. Check the rating and get your security blanket;) The short we just did with Nathaniel Nose might be developed from my larger feature script. I like the old black and white and Hammer films more than the boobs and blood. Now the 15 year old me really enjoyed them but at my age I’ve seen a lot of red-dyed corn syrup in the dead of night in some dirty house, hotel, forest cabin, prison or locked room. I might fit the keeper of the lighthouse better than these days warning those kids to STAY AWAY! He who warns:) I would act in the right horror film again but it has to be be a good script with a capable team. This last Victorian age short got me thinking about a few of the Vampire talks I’ve had over the years. I was always a werewolf fan but again not eager to go through that make up process.  Fangs might be easier:) So the question that has been put to me was – Will you do another horror film? The answer is yes if the story, team and business all add up. By business I mean paid and not just for me. Paid brings better cast and crew on the whole. I will not talk in absolutes because that is a fools talk. There are some exceptions to the rule but few, very few.


LOST HEART – As far on the other side of horror is our in post feature. This comedy drama is at the hour mark in the rough edit. My the start of Nov we plan to have a 1st cut and I want to lock it up by Jan 1, 2020. Now this film does have some mystery associated with it by way of UFO’s and Bigfoot. This film is going to be touching and humorous and I look forward to bringing it to audiences worldwide.

MISC NOTES: (As I recall them)

  • Equus Film & Arts Fest has a ‘Going to the Dogs’ section and has invited MBF to play there in December in Kentucky. It could include a theatrical tour and another TV license tied in with their military outreach.
  • I’m looking at my schedule about participating in a book reading in Jan. for my stories included in “The Horse of My Dreams” in stores and online now.
  •  In our meetings the HOPPY GRAPE APE wine is getting good response. Made from fruit and hops all gathered on our property.
  • November I’m looking forward to a private screening of NECROLAND by one of my filmmaking peers Mr. Nathan Quinn.
  • A collaboration or two might be in the works – one of these just might be a western.

I’m missing a few things for sure but I smell breakfast and in a few short hours we are going to spend time with the Niece and Nephew and carve pumpkins. I wish my old buddy John Luginsland was with us. The smell plus the stringy insides usually left to a chorus of laughter as he vomited like Linda Blair in The Exorcist, good times.

Have a safe Halloween everyone. Be good to one another.








‘ROCKY’ Could Have Been A Faith Film and Other Coffee Ramblings…by DJ Perry


The chilly fall has settled into Michigan making sipping coffee or hot cider even more enjoyable. Now is when I have to start thinking of the winter ahead. The stuff that will have to be put away and stored. The firewood for the coming snow. Even the change of clothes to heavier layers, is a normal process in Michigan. I think last week we discussed something which was the delay in shooting our next feature by a quarter. The funds are there and so many would want to rush to production, the fun part. But, we’re putting the icing on the cake for a wonderful distribution deal on WILD FAITH. It has been a touch slower since I’ve had the joy of working with the Hollywood agent system. But, in the end it will be worth it and will directly have an effect on the TV series. Upcoming 2019 will see the major organizing of the release and push on the series. We are planning to shoot in Michigan. Likely a series of shows shot in a tight production block. It’s new waters for me so I’m learning something new every day.

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Tomorrow we’ll announce via PR our recent Crown Award and the Burbank International Film Fest win for ‘Best Faith Film’ and while I would have loved to have it gone against all the films – they work by genres. But WILD FAITH is just an accurate look at 1870’s life. As the screenwriter I did not add any overdue FAITH. People we’re just more living in tune with their faith during that time period. Life was more wooly and I think people had more life and death encounters be it disease, drought, famine, bear attacks – you get the point. I love the faith and inspirational themes. ROCKY being one of my favorite illustrations of that. On his way to the fight – the father priest throws down and few blessings. Yes. ROCKY could be a faith film and it would have surely won ‘Best Inspirational’ as I’ve seen it inspire masses and I’ve been inspired by that film. My point is, I’ve never set out to make a ‘Faith Film’ and I’ve never set out to not make a ‘Faith Film” – I’ve told a story. Characters in almost all stories are confronted by a situation that tests their faith thus the relatable conflict.

Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ must find her faith. Indiana Jones fights to keep his faith versus his scientific reasoning, Men vs shark in JAWS, puts faith out there to be chewed upon as a topic. I think every film made about mankind has faith woven into it. So, is it that the content must have X amount ‘faith’ in it? Judges in chairs that spin around and hit a button if your film has the required ‘faith’? I appreciate it mostly, the acceptance to our films. But because the story, characters, situations, lessons were all something that were touched upon. That shed a bit of light on our faults projected onto a screen, so we can better understand ourselves. Deep. I know. Occasionally, I feel quite grand with my profession, pride like a good woodworker,  or any other artist. Mostly, I still feel like that kid, make believing with my neighborhood friends living out our own  STRANGER THINGS life.

Wicked Spring WRAP

I’ve changed some in my screenwriting, I’ve noted. My earlier self was darker, heavier and nihilistic. My mom often questioning, why I kept dying in my films. Now, I’ve always had a funny, lighter side to my personality, ask anyone who really knows me. But, most of my writing came in my moments of solitary. Also writers in Michigan benefit from our long winters but the end result is often PSYCHO or THE SHINING writing in nature. Those previously mentioned films are two of my favorite for the season. Another side note: I do want to do another horror film but it has to be good. By good I mean story. Creating horror films in the handful of story formulas is like a rite of passage. The lovers of that genre cannibalize the artists with dastardly reviews. But meet them in person and they’ve always been very nice. Maybe because they saw you on camera foaming at the mouth and swinging an axe. Anyway, I was saying that I enjoy the laughter and smiles. I recall many showings of WICKED SPRING whereas people wept in the theater. We did that with our story. But I see so much negativity and anxiety with people not coping to our new world. A world where we’re more communication-connected than ever before BUT we’re not. FRIENDS have a new definition thanks to FACEBOOK but my definition stays the same. I want to be part of making people think, smile, laugh and still occasionally cry, if that comes with an enlightenment.


The ‘Faith Film’ anti-goodhousekeeping seal of quality is being shattered as more storytellers (without labels) are returning to tell stories that their grandmother, mothers and fathers would enjoy. Ben Hur (The Original) and Ten Commandments (The Classics) were always on TV when we had our family Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter gatherings.  There are great organizations that are rising to recognize and award this kind of content. I always worry about censorship, we can choose to watch what we want. But if a demand is there, look at the rise in METV, Heroes & Icons, and the rise of the faith market. People are casting their votes with their rentals and purchases. I feel most honored by the online communications from viewers having powerful emotions invoked from our stories. It is a dream to have holidays where the films play and families bond over a watch. My goal is to make a few classics. All of them might not make it but we’ll give our ‘best effort’ every time.


I was reminded yesterday when inquiring about a director whom a close associate had worked with – their last film isn’t done. It hasn’t been completed in a matter of several years. As an actor, I’ve got two films shot in recent years, one a co-starring role, not finished. I’ve got a call, meeting, catch up with a director friend who’s trying to finish one of two projects we did together in the very distant past. It bothers me occasionally talking someone’s new project(s) when those people have loose strings to tie up. There are many films about that don’t interest me as a viewer, but I always tip my hat to finishing. Finishing is a skill needed in this industry, without it, suffering. But it sounds like my old friend is trying to finish, so that’s a good thing.


This week I finished my first solid draft on our next script with BMG entitled LOST HEART. In meetings with our distributor, they really liked a concept made easier that I had written something in the same vein. But I wanted to apply some of the growth I had made mentioned above. Same log line but different script. I had a wonderful time creating this story and it became so alive with characters and a world, other’s will long to visit. Jeff Kennedy and I, my partner in CDI, semi-retired – always had that as a goal. To create a world and invite people inside it. The CDI first five – really helped hone this craft. You have to BELIEVE in the world. Another 2019 goal is to get Jeff Kennedy back into a director’s chair. I have a few good ideas but they will require a good pow wow or two.

MBF has been in editing. They shot a few pick up establishing shots and transitions this week. Always good to do this once you get into the edit and really see what could be added. This film I’m so proud of. It showcases and pleads for better treatment of our war vets and dogs, that can heal us. We continue to release official stills from this film. For now the spotlight is given to…


Find our social media site on Facebook – lots of updates.


Part 3 has a bold name. But the title has a meaning that audiences will discover, maybe not what they thought. I’m excited to say that Part 3 of The Quest Trilogy is coming all together. I watched a recent 5k work flow version with 98% VFX. Color Correction and conforming still lie ahead. ADR, music and sound design are steadily under construction. I’ve been working with the distributor and their marketing team as we prepare for release in early 2019. I was really happy with the story, smiling throughout. I love watching artists friends give moving performances. That’s what we want deep down. To captivate and transfer that emotion via story. This will be an exciting watch and so again, catch up – parts 1 (FORTY NIGHTS) & 2 (CHASING THE STAR) on Pureflix, Amazon Prime, Google Play, Christian Cinema, Parables TV….and so on. To our cast and crew, it will be worth the wait.

Okay, time for a pumpkin spice english muffin and another coffee.

Have a great Sunday!




Top Ten Updates from Last Week

Still01Good morning out there everyone. I’ve got the hazelnut coffee fueling me this morning. What a week on all fronts. I went to a memorial yesterday for a high school buddy’s dad. I call it losing training wheels (losing a parent) and it’s happening a little more often now.  It was a great reflection on life and again a reminder to us all to enjoy your relationships and to work hard to achieve what’s important to you. The family were surprised and so happy to see myself and another old-school friend.

Just like the many times we all shared laughing and partying around the campfire this gathering also included many toasts. That’s why the hazelnut coffee is my friend this morning. I’ve not had a hangover since New Year’s Day (Thank you Garrett) and this was a mild one, but thankfully it has now passed. I think since the old processor brain is moving slow I’ll just do a random list of updates.


  1. We had another digital trading card release last week and a new one will be releasing again this week. I think five from each film. I also know that “Character Cards” and a poster will be coming for the 3rd film in the trilogy “The Christ Slayer” – stay tuned.
  2. WILD FAITH music score will likely be finishing up this week. Our composer had 8 minutes to go when we spoke last week. We’ll be sitting down with our director Jesse Low this week to discuss the finishing of the film. I can’t wait to do a new watch with the music beds set in.
  3. Forty Nights” will be playing Texas in Nov. followed by “Chasing the Star” in Dec.  – Iowa will also be showing “Chasing the Star” as part of a Christmas program in December. We’ve just been approached by another church wanting to license. I’m happy that these church’s are going through the proper channels for licensing and not just going pirate on showing the films publicly.
  4. Upcoming film MBF (Man’s Best Friend) brought on more financial commits and we’ve got sponsorships developing nicely. This week we’ll be announcing more cast members. We met last week and we’ve got our target dates set with cameras to roll in March.
  5. The book deal on WILD MICHIGAN is close to being done. It was based on the original screenplay before it was restructured for budget as Wild Faith. It will allow readers to experience the original story. It was adapted to book format by author Dee Freeman. It will be available for Christmas!
  6. The KNIGHT CHILLS book is for sale now on Amazon and will be releasing to retailers nationally. David Hayes was the author who adapted the screenplay/film to a book.
  7. The “Chasing the Star” investors will be getting another ROI check this week. I truly do LOVE writing checks. It keeps the machine moving.
  8. Development work continues on several other collaborations. A western, a biopic, a few horror films and a biblical drama. I do love working with other artists and bringing projects from the page to the screen.
  9. The announcement that one of the library films would be getting new distribution with BMG was made last week. The ink is dry and I’m happy to report “Wicked Spring” our Civil War drama will be releasing early in 2018. The film has never had a digital release due to the initial release was on VHS. This beautifully shot 35mm film will find a new audience. A great “making of” will be included on the DVD. We are also looking at a special Blu Ray release also. PR on this will be forthcoming.
  10. I enjoyed several meetings this week at the office with a fire burning in the wood stove. I’m going to be doing many more sit downs in the coming weeks. I have sat down with many filmmakers in a meet-n-greet style and will be looking to do many more. Even if we don’t have immediate business I do like to get to know the minds behind some of these other projects.

In addition to the on-going film work I’ve been harvesting and storing everything from tomatoes to kale (A Melissa Anschutz fav at meetings) to mushrooms. My small patch of ink tip shrooms are nothing compared to the giant puff balls I got Friday at my friend’s place. We will be cooking some of those up tonight. I’m sure that I’ve missed a few updates but please do seek out and find your favorite film page on Facebook and follow the updates there.

Have a great week ahead and enjoy your Sunday.


Coffee talk on Effective Communication, CUJO and Films COMING SOON!


The soccer season has ended, the garden harvest is slowing and the leaves are starting to fall. But this heat wave seems hot as any of our true summer days. On a positive note I’ve been trying to master this new grill and get my temps under control and such. Last night I had a very successful go at pork chops. I had my old grill down to a science and so it’s like re-learning and developing a process with the new grill. I’m going to refill the coffee and we can chat on some of the developments last week. I think I’m going to just throw them out there – updates.


CHASING THE STAR – A new marketing campaign is starting Oct 10th via our distributor, driving traffic to the AMAZON. We’ve also been invited to again submit to International Christian Film Festival for 2018. It’s been submitted and now we wait. I think we’ll know more in March.

FORTY NIGHTS – We’re just finishing new theatrical licensing deals for this film in Nov. in Texas and CHASING THE STAR in December. I do think this is in Gary Nation backyard. So unless it clashes with possible shoot dates (Is that a dropped hint?) he could attend.

Both these films are being pushed for the holiday season and I think audiences will enjoy them.


Here is a good lesson from the last couple weeks. There is a program that shows faith-content who approached us about possible licensing. Now after some communication , we requested some clarification. What followed was a poorly communicated email that after being quite offending they apologized and blamed some personal issues. OK. STOP. If I’m sending an email communication to HBO (Which I did) I would NEVER respond in the way this person did if I was trying to build a bridge to business. IF I had some personal issue that was going to paint my communications – STEP AWAY FROM THE EMAIL! DO NOT COMMUNICATE until you get your head straight. I was just surprised that once again this is someone claiming a mission/path that’s inline with Christianity yet they communicate like that. JUDGMENTAL. CONDESCENDING. RUDE.  Not good business practice. It could have just been a bad week but if that’s the case – don’t communicate. I doubt this avenue will work out but I’m good with that.


Let’s talk positive. I went to a biz event in Grand Rapids with my attorney/producing amigo John Mashni at CHOP & HUE. They have done color correction and some great VFX credit work for a few of our films. It was great to partake in their event and success. I saw a few familiar faces and met a few new ones. I really enjoyed myself. I don’t break away from the work too often but I’m glad I did. I will try to attend a few more events but I always have so much to do and when I take a break it is usually in solitude.

Teaser Capture.PNG

The Christ Slayer – the VFX work on this picture is moving along in strength. We started working on our first official poster ideas this week. We should have a locked picture with VFX by the end of the year.

Claw story

That fits nicely with WILD FAITH that will be finishing up at year’s end. The response to the poster, trailer and BTS has been strong. I’m still looking to launch the TV series but I think it will take studios/networks watching the final film. The characters and world are so endearing it makes you want to see more. I did get some creative writing on show #2 this past week. We will see how it all plays out.

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MBF (Man’s Best Friend) is our next CDI film. We had an announcement that Anthony Hornus will be directing with Jesse Aragon serving as director of photography. Our biz commits are flowing in and this week we’ll start announcing cast. We have two possible shoot windows – one that is before the holidays (Nov) and one that is after (Jan/Feb). It all depends on the speed of the financial commits. We’ve got two more weeks to push and see what will work best for production. That is a key question that aspiring producers should get use to asking. WHAT IS BEST FOR PRODUCTION? Many inexperienced producers make decisions that put production second. That is often where trouble starts. I’m so excited about the cast and crew lining up and I know once again we’ll put something strong onscreen.

Autumn is Upon Us

This week was also spend prepping some other endeavors. One being a certain Civil War film that will be making its way back into the market in 2018. Also the original script I wrote for Wild Faith was turned into a book. I will be releasing the book to Amazon under the original title. The script was adapted into a new script for budget before heading into production. Instead of having the author Dee Freeman redo the book to match the new movie, I decided to leave the book story AS IS. I think it gives an interesting look at the movie that never was but allows a look at what inspired – WHAT IS.

Speaking of books I know the KNIGHT CHILLS book is now for sale at Comic Cons and I hope a new generation of readers/viewers experience the story.




As we welcome in the fall season I’ve been circling back and watching a few of the old horror films. This week I took a watch on Darkest Nights. It was fun to return to that mango estate in the Philippines and try to survive the darkest night. I miss all my cast and crew mates. It was a one-of-a-kind experience and I’m thankful to have had it.


I get asked quite often if I will return to horror genre and the answer is of course, when I find the right story. I’ve had a few filmmakers upset at me because I passed on their film. SCRIPT. SCRIPT. SCRIPT. Execution is an issue for all filmmakers. It’s hard to take the words and make it all come to life but when the script is not strong it makes the process harder. And many directors are also the writer so they can take any feedback very personal. I understand this  ‘protectiveness’ and if the company is happy with the script and you’re not, a polite pass is the best option. But sometimes even the polite pass can bring out someones anger. I’m hoping for a strong script every time one is submitted to me for acting. We as actors all want that. So to get back on track, I’ve been asked about my return to horror genre and the answer is when the right deal comes across the desk.

I had some fans ask about the C.U.J.O. reboot. I know that King’s team is working to reel back in some of his ‘rights’ to his classic films CUJO included. I know that talks are continuing with the Sunn Classic Pictures team. How will the chips fall is unknown. I would love to be part of a King project someday in the future. Will it be a C.U.J.O. reboot? That is not up to me but I will let you all know what I find out.

Outside of all this work I’ve been in exploratory talks over obtaining a literary agent. I’m about to go into production on my 5th script and I’ve got several scripts I would be willing to sell off. It will all come together. I know I have more calls to catch up on this coming week. For those that I did not get back to – rest assured I will.

Enjoy your Sunday and Go LIONS!





Strong Week of Developments


Cool photo that I found inspiration in this week.

Hello my friends. I find the blog worldwide breakdowns very interesting. These are the countries my leading readers are hailing from. 1) The USA. I would hope so but you never know. 2) Australia. Hey Mates. I’ve never been down under but would love to one day. Mad Max/Kings Road/Miller…I’m looking at you.  3) Denmark. I LOVE this country. Always will. 4) Germany. I’ve had a lot of releases here. Wonder what their favorite is? 5) India. Namaste. Thank you. 6) Philippines. Like family. Great hospitality. 7) Ireland. Never been but will one day. Irish/Scot blood runs through me.

Okay. I was just enjoying where everyone is tuning into from. It has been a good week. Okay. That is modest, the week felt ultra productive. I think once you set a destination it becomes easier. A target to focus upon. In our business it starts with a solid blueprint (script) interested key talent and crew to make your proposal package. I think many chase money and when someone does say YES, at that point they start looking at details. I look at the details first knowing if they say yes, I can do this. I have the team that can make this happen. Again I see too many people saying yes, to endeavors they are not qualified to handle. And if they mess up it just becomes one more poisoned well. I personally would love 3-4 Michigan film entities making films and a few TV series rolling. That might lead to some good roles and guest star moments. So I really do wish all those around me the best. I’ve just seen over 20+ years so many good contacts ruined by bad business. I’ve actually reached a point in my career where the bad business makes us look better. But some drop out of the film game all together and everyone loses. So DO THE WORK. GIVE YOUR BEST.

Let me see where to begin.

The new CDI website is under construction. I will be uniting all the films and product to a central place where audiences can find what they are seeking. This new platform will eventually help other filmmakers out there. It will explain itself in time – stay tuned as THE TRIBE is on the move.

Here is the interesting side note… I was just having an unplanned chat with one of our vet members going back to the late 90’s. I was trying to explain where I was with everything. There is potential all over the board and I’m looking five years down the path and trying to chart the best course. But it actually feels fun. The final product is actually making it fun again. Make the wrong alliances, associations, partnerships or agreements and you lose time. Time is LIFE. The saying Time is Money is smaller in value to the other. Time is LIFE. I work as concise as I can and encourage the team to do so because another story is always in the womb. I have no less than two films I’ve given myself as a role in a world created by artists. The management in both cases – WAIT. Accountability – I’ve also WASTED time in my journey so refrain from a defensive stance. I’m saying IF you’re truly doing it for the art don’t hinder the endeavor with people who are not serious. How serious you say? Serious to me is when actions speak and words are not even needed. So be more careful with your foundations. Work out all the details before you accept investment. I know artists whose years have become consumed with production entanglements and endless legal loose-ends. That will rob you of your time, your LIFE. That space & time dance where you can create art for audiences if you choose. Just make good choices. Allow it to be fun.


Knight Chills

OK. So when CDI was a tribe consisting of three crazy artists – myself, Jeff and Juanita Kennedy – we hatched many great ideas. Much inspired by our mutual love of classics especially in the fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, Pulp genres. See STRANGER THINGS was my childhood. The love of the vibe that is that Golden-Age of Nerds whereas by playing Dungeons and Dragons you could also be a Rebel. Because much like young Rock and Roll, they (mainstream) did not understand it and feared it. “Knight Chills” is a classic tale, an urban myth almost of the bullied nerd. Retold in a world that now people are trying to recreate. STRANGER THINGS does that and my amigo Myke Michaels is up for an Emmy for his work on that show. But the film was shown in many circles over the years including Special Edition releases and box sets. It was released legally and not in several foreign territories. The film was common talk on Comic Con circuits. Hey, I didn’t believe “In the Woods” truly had a drinking game until I saw a theater full of people doing it Rocky Horror Picture style. So my vet of the Comic Con circuit David Hayes was a fan of the film. We joked about him doing a book until finally we made it happen. I wrote three other scripts that all took place after the first. Each one a small budget likely as we tried to harness and contain our imaginations. BUT graphic novel and comics…

Some of our early content is a perfect fit. KNIGHT CHILLS is the first and it will be for order in stores and also E-Book I believe. I know they are going to be selling on the Comic-Con circuits and we’ll be doing some cool promo. PR will go out next week but for all of you. Here is our new front cover.


I also think this could be a jumpstart for the original film for new licensing and the sequel script is written and director talks have taken place.


Forty Nights continues the roll forward as Chasing the Star enters the home video orbit. DVD’s were being mastered to prep for the warehouses and Sept. 5th release. Now this Friday following a development meeting we were all treated to the first teaser to The Christ Slayer with temp sound/music. What the…! Holy…! Speechless… Play that again please. And another time. It pummels you with emotional power. What moments given by the cast and what power captured by the crew. I’ve been feasting on the Summer Movie Trailers so my taste are high. (Production Value)

I’m proud to once again have our collective names put on a story invoking much emotion. Right now its being used just for a few business things but audiences, cast, crew will get a first strong showing of the Official Teaser. But the few who’ve seen it can attest – it makes all the hard work worth it. It almost makes it fun again.

Wild Faith sits in a good place right now. Strong interest as business talks keep moving ahead. The talks are centered on the first season of the TV show. The interest is there on a few fronts and once we have the additional trailers and final film to show I feel that the tv deal is a real possibility.


Looking forward to working with this guy as an actor again on M.B.F. –  The last time was ‘An Ordinary Killer” a few years ago. Mr. Anthony (Tony) Hornus is our director.

Man’s Best Friend is Officially going to go by M.B.F. – we’ve had a surge in business since announcing this project. The foundation of the house is almost in. Another great meeting this week is showing us a clear path. The response to the script has been on-point, luckily:) Some people are being reached out to about availability. Casting Calls will be going up. I’m excited about telling this story. I think it will strike a chord with many people.

Okay, I’m off to eat some lunch and I have to get ready for a soccer match in this balmy heat. The garden has been kicking and I’ve enjoyed the results. I had fresh BLT’s yesterday. I didn’t grow the bacon:) The masses have enjoyed the Irish Stout and I’m soon to make my batch of mulberry/rhubarb wine.

Have a great Sunday and rest of the week.


Father’s Day – Sunday Chat


The coffee is fresh and hot and I’m sitting here in the lazy boy with all of you on this fine Sunday morning. I want to welcome new readers from the Czech Republic to the blog. I love that as the movies expand our circle of artists expands. The garden got some much-needed rain and is growing fast. We’re already enjoying lettuce for salads and on sandwiches. Also the large dead elm tree we had dropped is finally cleaned up. I spent a few meetings going outside  and slowly feeding the outside chiminea and organizing the logs. Wood does not get wasted with the wood stove in the office and in the winter you need it. Also the siding is purchased and has been picked up to do the upper part of the office. I have a small bday/CDI gathering coming up so I did not want to try to do that this week. It will be a nice bday present to myself. I got to watch two good films this week that we’re not my own. One was “Wonder Woman” and I really enjoyed the film. It featured great action, locations and the production design for WW1. I also finally watched “In the Heart of the Sea” directed by my good friend’s son Mister Ron Howard. A great peek at life during that time period and how some thrived and fought to survive by the sea. It was said to be the inspiration behind MOBY DICK. I might have to try and tackle that book again. I fell asleep many times with that film on my chest trying to read it. Two very different films but both had great glimpses into other periods of time.

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Let’s talk development first. I’ve been working hard to put everything in order here at CDI as all these great films roll out. Even other older titles are finding new life as people discover our films and potential $ still locked into some of them. The new slate of films I’m working on with the studio is coming nicely but I require another 12 month slate of smaller films until that deal can get going fully. So I might use this time to produce a few films that distributors have been asking for.


The symbol of the KNIGHT CHILLS franchise.

Knight Chills the film that kicked off CDI in the late 90’s has grown into a bit of a cult classic. It has been turned into a book that will release on paper and digital this Summer. It will be sold at Comic Cons as well with Source Point Press. I’ve written three sequel scripts now but the first two were too high of budget for what that small little film did. I did discover that it sold with Spectrum Films much better than we thought. The company liquidated and went under and we never recouped all our profits. The film sold again with another minor horror distributor and released to several countries. The bottom line is that a friend of mine in the Comic Con circuit via films, comics, books and graphic novels was a big fan of the film. He asked to write a book off the screenplay and we set up distribution with his Source Point Press. I’ve always thought the entire ‘idea’ could be a great franchise. I think this winter we’ll shoot the sequel. It’s a fun romp in the vein of TUCKER & DALE VS EVIL. They want to do a book on the sequel and expand into graphic novels. Not bad for a little film thought up by the Kennedy’s and I all those years ago.


I’ve also finished a first draft of a new script we’ll produce either this Fall or next in Michigan. The working title is “Man’s Best Friend” and I feel it’s a powerful piece that will find a broad audience. We’ll soon start doing some advance casting trying to find a few of the required roles. I’ve been identifying the 3 new films in THE CONQUEST TRILOGY the BMG follow-up to THE QUEST TRILOGY (Forty Nights, Chasing the Star, The Christ Slayer) that will film once again in AZ. I’m also setting up talks with a few entities about the Wild Faith TV series. A few discussions also over literary representation after writing/producing the last 4 films. I’ve done several work-for-hire writing jobs in the past including adapting books to script. Soon I’ll be throwing my hat into the ring with some large production companies. I love to write and so I might get the right team behind me.

Let’s look at a few new updates on the CDI film front.


Forty Nights – I’ve had several buyers, promoters and PR companies contact me over this film and our trilogy and I’ve directed them over to our distributor. I think we’re just at the tip of the iceberg with these films.


The Christ Slayer – This past week we got to see the 1st cut of the film. It was moving to see the 3rd film in this trilogy there on the screen. The film with no color correction, minus VFX and with minimal sound clean up was still beautiful. I also got to see the difference between Jesus in “Forty Nights” and now “The Christ Slayer” to fully see the evolution of the character. That can be said about several of the characters. They have started building some of the VFX modeling since we brought on our VFX folks. We had to get a special piece of equipment from New Zealand and that finally got worked out. Two scenes are still being worked but it will be a worthy add to the trilogy.

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Chasing the Star – the film is delivered to our distributor and it is already creating positive dialog. See – http://lenovotips.net/news/The-Star-of-Bethlehem/

I’m excited to see this film pushed during the Christmas holiday season. It’s truly a biblical adventure that I think will help make that story seem more based in reality. I’ve said in many interviews that I wanted to take people behind the figurines of 3 wood or plastic nativity scene wise men and make them breath. I think we’ve done just that and while the film is darker in tone it paints the picture of why a celestial Messiah was sought after. Pre-Order this title when you can and prepare for an adventure.


Wild Faith – VFX work and sound design has been underway. Once music is applied this film is truly going to be something special. I love the film also because of all the special people involved in the making. We stayed in little lake side cabins and created this beautiful story. I do sincerely think that this film is a beginning of something more.

Well, I have a full day. A short flea market stop followed by a visit with my dad. Later if the fields hold we have a soccer match to play. I want to wish a Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and father-like figures out there who mentor and guide.

Have a great day and be good to one another.



Holiday Weekend Updates


Well last week we had a nice jump in readers and I’m not sure exactly why that was – maybe people like the more random format? I just came in from the second full day of working in the yard. I gave a good mow with trimming and we put in the garden. Also built a new garden entrance and basically just got the summer stuff into full swing. As noted before the HOPS are growing like mad and we’re about to have raspberry explosion. The mulberries are also prepping to ripen soon. This year we did more tomatoes, beans, squash, peppers and more. It makes for some really nice salads and sandwiches. This year we’re also trying some various lettuces. I’m also going to plant some gourds and will try pumpkins again. The pack has enjoyed the outside time. I hope to also be putting the last of the upper siding on the office in the coming months. I’ve been doing a lot of organization and rearranging. I’m just trying to get ready for the projects that lie ahead. Let’s try the random updates again.

Knight Chills

Sir Kallio stalks in “Knight Chills”

The book for “Knight Chills” is on target to release this year and I was given the book art that was commissioned by the distribution company and it is COOL! I will look at giving a sneak peek in the weeks ahead.

A deal for the other CDI books might also be in the works so some of the other scripts that had been novelized might be heading to you. Ghost Town, Wild Faith – might be a few to get things rolling.


I also saw a first mock-up draft of the new CDI website. I’m excited about all the interactive attributes that will allow for a much better experience.

I’m beginning talks with a few other distributors for R-rated content within CDI. The thrillers and horror films past, present and future need to have the same flow as our family/faith distribution. So those talks will be happening this Summer.

3D BMG art

“Forty Nights” continues to bring some great and inspiring fan mail. The film just went up on Amazon Prime and will continue to expand.

Amazon Prime 



On set “Chasing the Star” with Logan Kishi

“Chasing the Star” was delivered to our distributor BMG this past week to prep it for the Sept. 5th national launch. Exploring some new theatrical runs as the Michigan run came to a close.


“The Christ Slayer” has a first edit! We’ll be reviewing that this coming week. We got to watch a select scene from the film as a teaser and I was very happy with what I saw. Trailer and poster will be up next.


“Wild Faith” we’ll be reviewing the sound design this coming week as music is preparing to go full speed ahead. This trailer and film is generating a lot of hype. The film is deserving as you’ll all see once it’s released. We’re exploring all the possibilities for the ongoing series.

I’ve been working hard on making writing time and I’m closing in on a feature script that I feel strongly about both creatively and business-wise. I’m also in talks on a few possible paid work-for-hire gigs. I am looking forward to getting back in front of the camera just looking for the right role. After coming off “The Christ Slayer” I’m looking for a really strong script/role to sink my teeth into.

I hope you spend some time with family and friends. I have a few more gatherings with just that tonight and tomorrow. I think I might need to shut down for 15 minutes. Just a quick checking of the eye lids for holes.

Be good to one another.


Post & Pre-Production Updates – Fall Filming


Ahhhhhh…sips of hot hazelnut coffee and a nice cool morning in the Michigan = peace. I want to welcome all our new readers from Poland and China!  The soul of the artists is not divided up by territorial lines of nations or tribes. One world. This week we’ve been reaping the first harvests from the garden which is one of our best yet. We’ve already had beans, squash, zucchini and tomatoes. I’ve been prepping for the coming Fall and Winter by gathering some wood for the office stove.

This week the office got some good use as creative minds have been coming together to prepare for new journeys ahead. Aside from meetings I’ve had lots going on within the realm of distribution. As you know we’re always looking to extend our reach and share our stories. Let’s look at some updates in no particular order.

BESTSELLER – We’ve started talks with a foreign sales rep and might have a few more this coming week. The film is expanding in the marketplace and we’re entering that great time of year for creepy films. Here is a nice review from our friends at Cinema Head Cheese.


Get cozy late and night and take a trip to Northern Michigan:)

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Pureflix On-Demand

40 NIGHTS (1st in the Quest Trilogy)

Many positive things happening here. I’ve noted that “40 Nights” is released now on Pureflix On-Demand. If you use their service please do take an opportunity to watch the film. Also we’re about to enter into some discussions with Brazil and other territories.




Look for “Ashes of Eden” on Pureflix On-Demand also in the coming weeks. We’re also expanding this fine story into foreign territories in the coming months.

Screen Shot 2016-08-07 at 9.01.03 AM

“Chasing the Star”

CHASING THE STAR (2nd film in the Quest Trilogy)

This past week we watched the 2nd edit and it is almost there. It was much stronger in many places due to small adjustments. My notes were more commenting on how scenes and performances had enhanced. Only a few areas to look at for tweaks but I was so proud of our team. The actors are going to be very happy with their moments. Music beds have started to be constructed and will be tailored once we lock picture.


THE CHRIST SLAYER (3rd in the Quest Trilogy)

Our talks with returning cast has almost concluded and their response to the story has all been extremely positive. We’re also talking to various directors to find that right fit for our part 3. I’m anxious to share further developments as they unfold.


Knight Chills 20th Anniversary


Last week we announced the 2017 release of the 20th Anniversary version of “Knight Chills” that was our first film all those years ago.

Join us here for updates and to see the anniversary trailer here –


That film was so much fun to film back in the day due to our love and interest in fantasy sword and sorcery. It also was announced that a sequel is in active development. We’ll soon be announcing some of the team behind this next adventure.

Water to Wine

BTS of “40 Nights” – the camp of John the Baptist

Jesse Low, our director from “40 Nights” is set to direct with CDI again. We’ve chosen to develop a western property inspired by one we tried to launch several years ago. I’ve enjoyed going line-by-line and scene-by-scene discussing each and working to make it the best we can. I’m exciting to be prepping to go in front of the camera again. This rugged look has not been the easiest with the heat but I’ve survived. We will be making some major announcements here very soon. Maybe as early as next week. Casting talks have started and this week will intensify. I want to take another good solid look at some of the Michigan talent. This film could be the pilot feature for an on-going TV series so casting regionally could be helpful long-term.


Chilling at the Office

I’m reading a script I was sent to consider acting in and what I like was I had NO IDEA what it was about. I thought it was one thing when all of a sudden BAM! I will say that it fits into the horror genre but it is a sub-genre I have not done. It is hard for me to find a genre I have not done. I liked the character but I want to do another read and have a few discussions. Another benefit is I may just be able to sleep in my own bed. NICE:)

I’m going to wrap this up. It is a beautiful day and I’ve got a mid-afternoon soccer match. Our team is having one of its best seasons. I just appreciate the challenge and strengthening of body and will that comes from it all. Challenge yourself, don’t be afraid to fail, give it your best effort.

Keep Clawing your way to the middle!





Casting, Candleberry and Create VS Hate


The first snow of mention kissed the ground last night. It’s beautiful and welcome at least for a while. The harvest was finished yesterday with the pulling of the beets. A final mulch and mow and stowing the last of the yard items until spring. This morning has been all coffee (BREAKING update) I may have a new coffee sponsor – stay tuned. Speaking of sponsors, this morning has been wonderful with coffee and The Candleberry Candle Company! They have been a personal sponsor for a few years helping me find my mindspace to work on scripts. My zen to keep patience when dealing with accounting and BS technology issues. OK. Let’s be honest on that front. 98% of my technology issues are with my technological issues. From my earliest days of friends playing with the video camera – my buddy Darrel was always the camera guy. He could get the camera to roll back to the right VHS frame. We didn’t have editing back in the day. We shot one take in order. Boom box on set was our music. Those days were fun and free. Of course being young without the daily adult issues was more free. I cherish those days beyond words. I’ve worked hard to establish a worth in our business and I can’t just play. It reduces value and being part of something “bad” (maybe still fun) can make you go backwards. I’ve got management pushing me up into the larger films. I’ve got a few studios that have taken an interest in developing my branding. I still have fun when playing on set now – it just has to make sense business-wise.

"Don't Hate - Create" - DJ Perry

I had a funny message a few weeks ago but I was too busy to really even address it. It was from a filmmaker whom I had heard all good things about. Previously they had expressed to a mutual associate that they wanted to get a script in my hands. It was in the thriller/horror genre as I recall. With good recommendations behind them I even thought a future collaboration might be possible. I have a few horror scripts with interested distribution and foreign sales waiting. It has to be the right director and the project just is not front and center right now in development. They were working on a script and we inquired about bringing to the table scripts that made business-sense because business was there. I recall the idea being just lukewarm. Lot’s of people have their own scripts to do but if distributors/retailers don’t want it why shoot it? So fast forward and coming from Yuma shooting “40 Nights” I recall getting a script and reading it at the airport. It wasn’t bad as I recall just not anything I was into doing. Maybe I needed time away from playing Jesus before heading into the dark side again? But whatever reason – it was a pass. Now under some odd screen name I got contacted and scolded for talking SHI$% about their script and making a Jesus film. OK. They wanted to twist a dagger with a “So and so also just made the same Jesus film…” 🙂 First, you have not seen our film. Second, that is like saying, “someone else made a film about a haunted house” – okay. I’ve had rocks thrown at me for years and I’m okay with that. It is a badge of honor and respect – some of my celebrity friends have all confirmed – when hate starts you’re getting success. Now, when I got around to reading this message I wasn’t mad. To me, I saw a frustrated artist who took my rejection of a role as a rejection of his art.  Not true. I almost reached out because if he is a good artist this kind of negativity leads to career death. I can say that because I’ve seen it. That was the funny thing about our screening of “An Ordinary Killer” last week. A perfect movie? No. Art is subjective. It did sell out 12 of 13 theatricals, USA/Australia distribution and played on ABC. We made that film 13 years ago. WOW! And that was our 5th CDI feature and the library is much larger now. The point is I want people to succeed but by good business and hard work. No shortcuts and half-ass business. People who know me will say that I give you an honest opinion. I’ve had lots of experiences in our business and while I learn something new daily – I’ve gathered a good amount of knowledge.

Terry Jernigan and DJ Perry in "An Ordinary Killer"

Terry Jernigan and DJ Perry in “An Ordinary Killer”

RESPECT. I’ve given it and had several good advisors and mentors.

IF YOU GIVE IT – you too can learn, grow and thrive.

That one communication was just a good example of how not to build bridges. You get feedback and you get defensive – that shuts down any respectful communication. Do I practice what I preach?

1st official teaser poster from the 2nd film in the QUEST Trilogy

1st official teaser poster from the 2nd film in the QUEST Trilogy

CHASING THE STAR – On Friday Bret Miller, our director and I, concluded a three-hour plus script meeting.  I’m happy to say we have draft 2 with the directors input. We moved a few scenes for pacing and flow and he had a few ideas that we put in there. Our distributors had purchased a suit and we were giving it a tailor. It is exciting and so that will start to go out next week.

On casting we’ve been looking at several reels – most on the west coast because we’re limited on flights. We also fly in several of our keys because that is just as important. They are stars on the other side of the camera. Funny. In Michigan I hear complaints when films come in and bring their keys. I will once again get back at them by bringing some of our Michigan keys. I can’t bring everyone and that is a hard balance. But once again some of us will depart Michigan in Feb for Arizona. Maybe that is why I can enjoy the snow.

"40 Nights" - the 1st film in the QUEST trilogy.

“40 Nights” – the 1st film in the QUEST trilogy.

40 Nights – This week my goal is to pull in the intro sequence and VFX. Sound design is closing up and our director loved the direction. The music score is also coming together. We released a teaser that used a snippet of music.

The symbol of the KNIGHT CHILLS franchise.

The symbol of the KNIGHT CHILLS franchise.

We’ve been re-mastered the CDI library in prep of some new VOD, foreign, TV deals and a possible CDI Online store. The book/DVD deal on “Knight Chills” is signed and some PR will release on that.

DJ Perry & Shane Hagedorn on set "Ashes of Eden"

DJ Perry & Shane Hagedorn on set “Ashes of Eden”

I thought some PR from our distributor was coming out on the “Ashes of Eden” TV deal. Something for next week! Closed caption deal on “Donors” releasing Feb 02. “Bestseller” is playing Grayling, MI Dec. 10th look for a new event page and updates. The national release date on “Bestseller” might be March 02 but we’re trying to confirm. I will confirm that artwork is being done and I’m looking forward to that.

Script, script, scripts… – I signed an NDA and had a book sent to me that will be followed by the script. A studio I’m working with sent me a script that they want me to star in. Also another couple of projects to consider/talk about  – one is a TV show reboot and the other a major film on par with C.U.J.O.. That project is moving forward and looks to shoot in 2016. I will say more when I can.

My alumni school

My alumni school

Let’s wrap this up. I’m going to watch MSU and maybe read a script.

Enjoy your weekend!




Be-My-Valentine Brew & Movies – What’s New!

It’s been a sunny yet chilly day in Michigan but the coffee and good company keeps it all warm. The past week was extremely busy for me but from all the work comes great results.

Let’s take a look –

This past week we had a great meeting over marketing of the thriller “Bestseller” with our E.P./author Chris Knight. We discussed how we would roll the film out via the various distribution channels. I can say unofficially here that we are looking to premiere the film in May. First to the media and after to the locals of Northern Michigan. From there it will start playing theaters in lower Michigan and perhaps other states. We will continue to roll out the film in various formats ending likely with Pay-Per-View and video-on-demand this fall. The sound design and FX work is done and next up is the color correction and music. We visited the studio to have Mr. Knight see the film with the sound placed in. It’s a movie that really grabs your attention and the music score by Dennis Therrian is only going to enhance that experience.

Mystery Film X

Our CDI film that is about to enter official Pre-production has taken up a good amount of time in development. We were finalizing the script with our director the last two weeks. Look for some big announcements soon as this project fires up all thrusters.

NEW Distribution

Artwork on ASHES OF EDEN, WICKED SPRING and DONORS is almost complete and prep work for the spring/summer distribution roll out has begun. DONORS will announce its release date this coming week with Winters Film Group.

Our SciFi film “WASTELAND” has a 1st teaser that is almost done. Editing on the film itself is moving along with first talks on one of the space ships underway.

THE TERRORIST feature is almost complete. I thought I might have to replace a line on this thriller but lucky for me the line was found and I did not need to replace it. I’m excited for people to see this thriller that will be having a few NYC showings before heading out to the world audience.


The “Knight Chills II” script is moving along and soon we’ll announce some new updates concerning crew. Also the book for the original is being written and a new mastering of the original film will be forthcoming. It might possibly get a BluRay release also, we will see.


Additional TV and foreign distribution talks are happening on several films. We had some really good feedback this past week that I believe will lead to licenses being made. Theatrical talks on some of the CDI films has also advanced and a CDI showcase is coming. I think the films heading to the local big screen first will be “Wicked Spring,” before its new national release. Our Smoky Mountain western “Ghost Town,” Our faith film “Figure in the Forest” and the very popular based on a true story crime drama- “An Ordinary Killer”. Stay tuned for more big screen news.

I’m guessing we will hear something soon on the upcoming horror film “Dead Quiet” which I played a fun part in. I’m thinking a trailer might release sometime soon.

So you can see that between prepping new projects, pushing out the current films and selling films from the library – I’ve been busy like a bee. I’ve also managed to keep at a few of my hobbies. The BLOOD MOON CIDER was jarred up a few weeks ago and is tasting good. A touch tart but the berry taste really adds to it. Today I’m bottling a Blonde Ale that I’m calling “Be My Valentine Blonde Brew” since the ideal day to start drinking it will be next Saturday. I might have to try an early one tonight:)

I hope you all are having a great weekend!



New Fall Releases & New Upcoming Projects

I’m sitting here relaxing and thinking back on the busy week. It was truly a busy, busy week but I’m happy with all the new developments. I’m happy to report that almost all these business actions were all done against the backdrop of our emerging fall. Let’s look at some of the things that happened this week and let’s hope that I don’t forget any.

ASHES OF EDEN – We just concluded our theatrical run in Canton & Novi in Michigan. No sooner had we concluded and we have more good news concerning this film. I know that PR is about locked and loaded to share some of this good news with all of you. I enjoyed the nice comments from all the people who came out to see the film. This film has been a strong showcase for Lansing, for Michigan and for some of the best emerging talent in the region. There may be some new opportunities to see this film – stay tuned.

LOCKED IN A ROOM is getting a new Halloween season release from Echo Bridge Entertainment packaging us with some classics.


BOOK OF RUTH, Journey of Faith is now selling in a 2 pack at major retailers.


“GPS The Movie” that played CHILLER TV is getting a new release in November and heading to the foreign market.


BESTSELLER has started sound work and CGI/Graphic work. We are all excited to have this moving down the post production line.

THE TERRORIST is another film that is in post sound and we hope to have done at the year’s end.

I also was informed that my 1st feature I starred in called IN THE WOODS is having a theatrical screening to celebrate 15 years since the video release. That is the film that put me on the map first. While it does have a good cheese factor it has become a favorite of many fans out there. For all of you – some special news will be forthcoming! Stay tuned.

I think one of the biggest questions I get is WHAT’S NEXT? My management has been in talks with several casting agents as we try to find the right projects to showcase my acting craft. I’ve been introduced to some amazing production groups working on some amazing films. But I did have one extremely exciting project come to me. In the period of a week this film just seemed to just come together. The ink is dry, flight and hotel booked and I’m excited to announce this week my involvement in a SciFi/Western. I’m playing one of the leads and will be assisting in distribution via a CDI association. The official press release will be coming this week. It will be shooting out west in a famous State park and I’m beyond excited. The 7-year-old in me who wanted to be Han Solo is excited:)


I’m sure I missed a few updates – mostly development talks. We’re close to launching a few other films. Upcoming 2015 will be a BUSY year I can tell already.  This weekend will be some fall clean up, football and archery. I’ve bottled up the TROPIC THUNDER wine and I think next week some hard cider might be in order. I’m also almost through my STAN REED SUMMER BREW and so time to get another batch of that going. Michigan folk know how to stay warm.

Have a great weekend!

DJSciFi Western



Fall Updates & Rumors on Forthcoming Projects

I awoke to a light rain and I got the coffee flowing while making chili for todays MSU game. As I prepare to get into the movie updates for the week I want to thank our new Czech Republic readers for tuning in.  I LOVE fall and it is really setting in here in the Michigan. It was a good week whereas many projects moved on down the line. I’m trying to get my brain moving enough to recall some of the stories that might impart some lesson. I’ll just jump into updates and we will see what flows.

BESTSELLER is now in our post sound studio and our editor got to know Dennis Therrian, my post-supervisor. Again finding artists who are not only talented but take great pride in their work is the key. I’m excited to see the layers of music added to our final picture. CGI work and sound design will also be taking place as well as color correction. Be ready for many more updates in the coming months.


ASHES OF EDEN – yesterday we kicked off 42 showings of the film in the Detroit area. (Canton & Novi) and the first audiences went to the theaters last night. If you are in the area and you want to see a powerful, professional story told mainly by Michigan artists please do take a look. It is at the Emagine theater chain so go on-line and pick the best time for you. We look to be close to signing with another big theater chain and will be announcing more on our national distribution deal in the coming weeks.


This week saw me getting to review THE TERRORIST with a finished music score. Also DEAD QUIET released an advanced poster for the horror film slated to release in 2015. I had a small role in a SMALL TOWN SANTA, Christmas film for a producer associate of mine. It is now out on streaming and will start selling DVD’s in Oct so as you get closer to the holidays it could provide a nice watch. I look forward to seeing how it unfolds. I do a small role in DIVISION 19 and I’ll be keeping my ears open for updates on that project.

SUPERMODEL SHOWDOWN shows 1-3 are now on Indieflix.com so check it out if reality TV and travel is your thing.

That really covers most of the projects in post or releasing. The big question I’ve been getting is – what next?  We’ve got a handful of projects in development but I may be close to signing onto a new project. It is best described as a Sci Fi/Western and I had good Skype talks with the director. He extended an offer and we are talking terms. It would have me shooting a handful of days in December outside of Las Vegas. I will keep you in the loop on this project and my potential involvement.

This week had me catching up with several of my friends living elsewhere like Terry Jernigan and David Borowicz. I always enjoy reconnecting and sharing laughs with these friends of mine. Okay I’m off to stir the chili and get a few things around this morning. I hope you enjoy the remaining weekend ahead.


On set of "The Terrorist"

On set of “The Terrorist”

Spring Updates, Spartans & Showcases

Usually I’m posting my blog first thing in the morning but I had a full morning of other activities and so now here we are together. I apologize for my tardiness:) I will give a few updates before my alumni school Michigan State University starts their tourney basketball game in a short while. My thoughts have been on spring and so many things are happening that I feel very optimistic about. I will pick a topic that ties into a few events of our own.


I love that film lovers can be exposed to product that is not direct mainstream and is often a showing ground for developing filmmakers. What I’ve learned in almost two decades of filmmaking is that they are great networking opportunities. Many ongoing relationships between writers, directors, producers, DP’s, actors and so on – start at festival events. I met fellow filmmakers at a NYC festival years ago and we ended up making a film in Mexico together. So when creative minds meet good endeavors can come about. Now on the other end – overspending on many, many, many festivals in the name of marketing versus going directly to distribution/licensing to start capital investment recoupment can be a mistake. IF a distributor does not like a product it does not matter how many small festivals you won – it won’t help you. There are only a handful of festivals that attracts buyers and even inclusion into those festivals does not assure anyone distribution. As a matter of fact only a very small % at those major festivals get a deal. Now I’m not saying don’t do any festivals because playing to a home crowd who often assisted in the making of the film is good. Targeting a few horror festivals for your horror film is not a bad thing. BUT a grand tour of festival partying that might see tens of thousands of dollars being spent vs returning on the investment is…well you do the math. We’ve seen a surge in festivals in the past few years and so the wreaths or laurels or whatever they call the “award logo” has lost a lot of value to distributors and even to audiences. SUNDANCE and a few others such as TORONTO has kept their value. Others will perhaps grow to become major festivals – I’ve watched that evolution first hand in my own home town with a pair of festivals. I’m proud that our ASHES OF EDEN movie will play first to the local Lansing audience. We used cast and crew from around the state of Michigan but it’s especially  nice that 3 Lansing area companies created this moving film. Often a lot of talk is centered on Detroit or the West side of the state but I think people will start to realize that right here in the heart of Michigan (LANSING) – talented artists exist. With ASHES OF EDEN, we’ve been given the great honor of closing the festival. You can follow here http://capitalcityfilmfest.com/info for updates. I know that we are working a deal for cast and crew and our sponsors to be given tickets but many family, friends and fans will want to know how/where they can buy tickets. That info will be coming to that festival site soon I would guess.

On the same day (April 13th) REALIZISM will play in the afternoon.


REALIZISM, a cool short will a big message!  I truly LOVE my role in this film. It has me playing a touch comedic which is something I really enjoy. Mitch Nyberg directed the film and it is truly worth a watch if you are in Grand Rapids. If you want the double dose you can get in your car and drive to Lansing!

The interest in licensing films from the CDI library and our new arrivals is in full swing. I’ve had great talks last week with a few major TV networks. I can see the doors opening and that is good news for several of our products. You all will be getting many new announcements about our films playing in different territories, TV networks on various platforms. We just got word that the Afghanistan doc “Outside the Wire” is fully delivered for VOD and I will be announcing  where you can watch this powerful piece once I know.

Here is a current example from PR Newswire


BOOK OF RUTH, JOURNEY OF FAITH our hit biblical film is part of a BEST OF two-week showing of faith films with this Atlanta-based network. We might have some other exciting news forthcoming on the biblical film front. Look for some PR from us around Easter.

Also 180 degrees from this news – our Philippine based horror film “Darkest Night” releasing into Germany, Austria and Switzerland on March 28th, next week!

Our sales team is also working on some theatrical showcases that we will be announcing soon. This will basically be a once a week theatrical showcase that will go on for several months. We also have new reps in India and possibly the UK to help facilitate dealmaking in those territories.

“BESTSELLER” is about to start PHASE 2 of editing. This will be an intense polish with our director. I’m looking forward to getting you all a 1st look at a teaser here soon. I’ve got distributors begging for a 1st look on this film as well. I’m extremely happy with the 1st cut and so it is only going to get stronger.

“DONORS” the feature thriller starring Niki Saletta, Russ Clark and myself will have a premiere in May in Yuma, AZ. I will have more details on this in the coming weeks.

Aside from that – I’ve been putting the new desk to work on script writing. I just completed a film I was hired to write and what a joy that was. Another property of mine that’s been optioned by a studio – just paid their next tier option. (This is when a company pays increasing amounts of money for the exclusive rights to a property) They also reported pre-production is close at hand. You know this to be true when the option checks keep coming. Once in pre-production, a full purchase deal is executed, the film is assigned over and they move into production.

Following some of this success, I’m actually looking over the 20 or so scripts I’ve held back. I’m looking to see what films I can sell off. Basically, If I don’t see the script as an acting vehicle  I might as well sell it off to someone. So far this revisiting of script properties is turning into another good business venture. I’m in talks to pen another script as we speak. I’ll keep developing this avenue because I really do love writing.  My coffee, my imagination and I’m good to go. So if you are looking for a certain type of script or need something written or adapted – bring your check book and let’s talk.

OK. It’s about time for me to relax with a RED EYE (Look it up) and get ready to watch MSU! WE ARE SPARTANS! This is the part where I scream and kick someone in the face right into the pit of DOOM!

Have a great end to your weekend!


“Ashes” Test Audience, German Acquisitions and Self Accountability

Last week I did some writing about overcoming chaos in your personal life or career. If you have a well build ship of “self” and a calm center you can brave the storm and get back to your calm waters. But you have to ask yourself “Did I sail into that storm”? “Did I think the PROS outweighed the CONS and change my course?” I guess part of the lesson is that if your own actions bring you into chaos you can’t go without blame. I’m happy to say that the waters here are calming and we are back to some smooth sailing. Are you saying enough with the damn boat analogies? Okay let’s look at this in a filmmakers view whereas it can apply in many other situations.

You should just like a navigator look at each proposed journey. Damn I’m doing it again:) Okay… you should look at every opportunity presented and VET it out. Many actors/crew are so excited about the idea of a creative outlet and a paycheck that they fail to ask the questions that really matter. I think some don’t want to know the truth but when things go to hell in a handbag they are the 1st to be most vocal. OK. You trusted a liar and they lied. WOW! That is like trying to tap a cobra on the head and acting surprised when you get bitten. Also you have to look at the talent behind the camera – the director, DP, Art Director – the quality of equipment and the other actors involved. I’ve heard of starting filmmakers getting mad or defensive if talent asks to see THEIR reel. It is a collaboration and the door swings both ways. Just because someone can crowd fund raise a small budget doesn’t put them above vetting out. If they are experienced they will proudly point to a few examples of their work. If those people were riding on false ego – anger and defensive attitudes are usually what you get. I don’t really deal with that too much these days because I can usually smell inexperience and a chaos storm coming. You need to check your excitement and make sure you want to work with them. I will never do a project without reading a full script. Bad format and such in a script is a huge flag as that is the blueprint to an entire film. In the studio world a badly formated script heads right for the trash can. Maybe you should adopt a similar detection process. Why give blood, sweat and tears for something poorly captured that will take years if ever to finish and will likely only be seen by friends, family and a few local film festival goers if you are lucky. IF you are doing this as a fun hobby this doesn’t really apply to you. In summary be your own agent/management and keep that person apart from the artist. Make sure the boat you get on won’t sink once out to sea. Sorry I must have nautical theme on the brain.

This week had many small moves on the chess board but I did lock a “Soul Eater” pre-distribution deal with Germany that includes a nice cash advance once the film is delivered. I think since most of the film is interiors I will shoot in the winter and the outside scenes will have that FARGO like feel.  I’m also working the licensing on 3 feature films also going to Germany for release. We have enough business under us now that we are also talking development on other projects including a WW2 film. Note that one film “7 Stones” fell out of this line up after they realized it was a short. They loved it but the run time killed it. It is a 47 min TV length and all the other deals are feature-length. Shorts are good director/writer business cards but not a good investment. They can help train a crew to get them ready for long format and showcase actors but will not bring the higher returns of a feature. Just a good lesson which I had pointed out even on this film but consultation is just that – advice to be taken or rejected. Sometimes it doesn’t feel good to be right. It is a strong film and it will find its own outlets.

“Darkest Night” is on the runway for launch in July on VOD, DVD, TV. I’m excited to showcase the hard work of the cast and crew to the USA/Canadian audiences. Germany is also one of the buyers of this film so be ready German fans. We will get the film around the world as horror fans everywhere have been taking a great interest in this film. If you like intelligent horror (not just masked killer stalks kids) and like “Found Footage” format I think this could win a place in your heart. I like traditional filmmaking but I enjoy watching some of these “Found Footage” sub-genre films and was happy to make one. I will take audiences to the Philippine countryside and that in itself adds a great element. So PRE-ORDER now and let’s show these Philippine artists that we appreciate their work.

“Supermodel Showdown” TV series is moving steady along and I think by next week we will have show 2 edited and be into show 3. It is FUN. I know a handful of distributors already waiting to pounce on this so eventually you will see a small crew struggling in the jungle to film a show about beautiful girls learning about themselves on TV.

I might be producing and acting in another drama here soon in August. They are on a fast track to hit a window with one of the stars that needs to work within their current TV schedule. Another associated CDI deal is in talks and may come to light. That would film almost right after the drama ends in Sept. Also once “Ashes of Eden” is off to sound/music the next CDI/New House Ent/Aphtic film will move into more serious development. I’m very excited about that project!

I will end this blog how I ended my week – “Ashes of Eden” had a test audience screening on Friday with studio style survey. I will say that I always remain cautiously optimistic these days having had good films under-perform but I’m sincerely excited about this film. We did a major adjustment to the ending to enhance pacing and what I watched was one powerful scene after another that flowed to a powerful conclusion. I watched people in the audience weep. I’m not talking about watery eyes I’m talking about weeping. The surveys reflected ALL high marks and rated the performances and newly adjusted ending as the most powerful elements. I know this film will get a strong distribution push. I know it will connect with audiences. I will be curious to see this time next year what this film has actually done. I can make some powerful predictions but I would rather let actions speak over words. I’m proud of Shane Hagedorn our writer/director who also produced with our team. The journey has been ORDER throughout the process devoid of chaos. The respectful communication has resulted in a film that makes us all proud. I’m excited for fans to see this movie. It is easily some of my personal best work on both sides of the camera. This film will create new stars and make others shine that much brighter. I also think it will be a proud mark for Michigan and even our little town of Lansing. Soon my friends. Time to mow the yard before screening MAN OF STEEL and getting some good eats.  Have a great weekend!